04 广纳贤才 承前启后
14 New Leadership to take the SCCCI forward
Chinese enterprise MCI (P) 098/02/2017
第一期 . ISSUE 1/2017
$5.00 (incl. GST)
深化协作 应对变局
意义丰富的工作让日子过得特别充实飞快,转 眼间总商会的第58届董事会也即将任满。令人深感 欣慰的是,本会多年不懈的垦荒播种,已经有了丰硕 的收成。 因应国家经济与社会结构的变化,近年来董事 会以提升本地中小企业能力为会务工作的重中之重, 包括帮助企业提高生产力、创新能力与开拓国际市 场;本会通过提供咨询服务、促进政商沟通、进行商 业课题调查、海外考察等途径,多管齐下地帮助中小 企业升级,努力不懈。在2015年,本地中小企业的海 外营收增长超越了大型企业;这显示中小企业已在 商界中逐渐崭露头角,有望在未来经济格局中进一 步扩大版图,成为社会体制中更活跃和具建设性的 有机力量。 除了对个体中小企业的关注外,总商会也意识 到在竞争激烈的全球化市场中凝聚集体力量、抱团 取暖的必要性。本会敏锐发挥自身的资源优势—— 以160多家商团会员为起步的基础,定期与商团会面 沟通,深入视察与解决各行业的难题,后来更促成了 备具远见的商团中心计划。这项计划切中了传统行
业离心离德的症结,号召各行业强化内部向心力,放 眼国际市场。无独有偶,鉴于全球经济的结构性变 化,未来经济委员会最近发布的报告书即以探讨劳 资政的新合作模式为重点主题之一,力求上情下达、 下情上传,建立更有效的协作关系;在这一新的合作 模式中,羽翼渐趋丰满的商团商会将有机会扮演中 坚角色,让各行业的基层商家得以传达心声,政策制 定者也可深化对商界多元舆情的洞察,达致更平衡 的政策资源分配,避免因利益分化而形成内耗。 总括而言,第58届董事会积极提升中小企业与 凝聚行业力量,这些努力也都取得了一定的成效。不 过,世局今非昔比,国际局势中浮现了许多不明朗因 素,贸易保护主义崛起、油价的持续低靡、地缘政治 环境的变迁等,都可能为经济转型带来更大挑战,我 们要严阵以待。挑战当前,我们更要保持坚韧、顺势 和进取的精神— —在正确方向上持之以恒,在变化 中敏锐地捕捉机遇,在局限中坚信有突破的可能。 面向未来,我诚心祝愿总商会和商界在第59届 董事会的带领下勇往直前,开拓新局!
会长 Thomas Chua, SCCCI President 请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg
Deepening partnerships in response to a changing economy When we are engaged in meaningful work activities, time passes even more quickly. In the veritable blink of an eye, the 58th council has concluded its term. It is gratifying to know that results are now forthcoming from many years of tireless endeavour. In response to changes in the Singapore economy and social structure, in recent years the Chamber’s council had focused its core mission on improving SMEs’ capabilities via a multipronged approach such as improving productivity and innovation capability, and promoting internationalisation. The Chamber has also helped SMEs to upgrade by providing consultancy services, promoting government-business dialogues, conducting surveys on business topics and organising overseas business missions. In 2015, the overseas revenue of local SMEs formed an even greater percentage of total revenue compared to that of large enterprises. This shows that the SME sector is gaining prominence, and beginning to expand its footprint in the future economic landscape to constitute a more vibrant force within the eco-system. Apart from our focus on individual SMEs, SCCCI is also cognisant of the necessity of harnessing collective strength in a fiercely competitive global marketplace. The Chamber makes the best use of its ample resources – starting from our membership network of more than 160 Trade Associations, we regularly held meetings and dialogues with the TAs and entered into deeper understanding of the challenges of each industry, which eventually gave rise to the far-sighted plan of establishing a Trade Association Hub. The TA Hub initiative
addresses the relative weaknesses of traditional industries and called for the strengthening of each industry’s core competencies. In view of the many structural changes in the global economy, the Committee on the Future Economy also refers to tripartite partnership as one of the major strategies in developing the future economy blueprint, aiming to achieve more effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders. In this partnership model, well-equipped trade associations and chambers would be able to play a strategic multiplier role. Businesses from each industry could make their voices heard, and policymakers could gain a deeper awareness of diverse opinions in the business community. Resources could be allocated more efficiently, and moreover avoid causing internal friction due to conflicts of interest. By and large, the 58th council has dedicated its energies to upgrading SMEs and consolidating the strength of industries. These efforts have achieved concrete results. However, the world has changed irrevocably; innumerable uncertainties have emerged in the international arena. Trends including the rise of trade protectionism, protracted downturn in oil prices, changes in geopolitical climate, amongst others, could produce even greater challenges in our economic restructuring. We should position ourselves strategically, and remain steadfast, resilient and proactive – persist in keeping on the right path, be nimble enough to secure opportunities amidst changes, and be confident that breakthroughs could be achieved despite constraints. Looking ahead, my earnest hope is that SCCCI and the business community, under the leadership of the 59th council, would surge forward boldly and conquer new horizons!
会长 Thomas Chua, SCCCI President 请到总商会网站 www.sccci.org.sg 阅读电子版《华商》。 Chinese Enterprise can be viewed online through the Chamber’s corporate website www.sccci.org.sg
编辑顾问 Editorial Advisors Thomas Chua Kee Seng Teo Siong Seng Charles Ho Nai Chuen Lim Geok Khoon
蔡其生 张松声 何乃全 林玉勤
出版统筹 Publications Supervision 谭宝锠 Tham Poh Cheong
主编 Chief Editor
梁廷昭 Leong Teng Chau 英文编辑 English Editor
胡爱兰 Fiona Hu 助理编辑 Assistant Editor
李胜保 Lee Sin Poh
撰稿 Staff WriterS
胡爱兰 Fiona Hu 李胜保 Lee Sin Poh
陈世伟教授 Prof Tan Sze Wee 行销 Marketing
黄兆荣 Leonardo Wong 设计
Design Egg Creatives
出版 Publisher
新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg Website: www.sccci.org.sg
Chinese Enterprise is produced and designed by Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (Registration No. 200504905G) for Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Registration No. S61550014E). Copyright of the materials contained in this publication belongs to SCCCI. Nothing in here shall be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of SCCCI and/or Egg Creatives Pte Ltd. The views expressed in Chinese Enterprise by authors and contributors are not necessarily those of SCCCI and no liabilities shall be attached thereto. All rights reserved. Editorial enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Chinese Enterprise, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365. Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail: research@sccci.org.sg. Unsolicited material will not be returned unless accompanied by a selfaddressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. MCI (P) 098/02/2017. Printed by Hock Cheong Printing Pte Ltd (Registration No. 197600590C).
广纳贤才 承前启后 总商会完成第59届董事会选举,选拔 出新任会长、副会长、委员会正副主 席,并委任名誉会长、前任会长、荣誉 董事和名誉董事。新一届的董事会共 招纳了9位新任董事。就职在即,董事 会也前往澳洲珀斯举办集思营,为总 商会拟定未来发展议程。 鸡鸣报晓 大地回春 总商会于农历大年初一举办新春团 拜,喜迎金鸡。活动主宾贸工部长(工 业)易华仁呼吁各界携手并进,克服 新一年中的挑战。 全球化的机遇 作为经济全球化的受益者,贸易保护 主义的兴起对新加坡而言是个警讯; 总商会候任副会长何乃全认为,新加 坡应继续借势区域动态谋求发展, 尤其积极与中国“一带一路”战略 接轨,开拓商机。 New leadership to take the SCCCI forward With the conclusion of its 59th Council elections, the SCCCI welcomes a new line-up for the positions of President, Vice-Presidents, Chairmen and ViceChairmen of various committees. A total of 9 new council members have also been elected for the 59th Council. The 变脸 phenomenon – innovating in the midst of rising cost The innovative change of scenery from Christmas 2015 to Lunar New Year 2016 is likened to Bian lian (变脸), an ancient Chinese dramatic art and practised in Sichuan opera which features the art of face-changing.
Pioneering the new age of innovation Prof Tan Sze Wee from Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) writes about how businesses can upgrade their capabilities by collaborating with technology partners.
Innovating for a green and sustainable business Natural wood pallets accounted for 90 per cent of LHT’s business in 1999, but with a commitment to excellence and a greener environment, engineered wood pallets today have grown to 70 per cent share of its business.
与部长共谈未来经济 部长对话会其实就是供需对接会,政策 的提供者和政策的受益者是两个不同的 群体,供应者准备了琳琅满目的政策,看 得商家们眼花缭乱;要想受益,必须先从 一堆政策当中把适合自己的挑选出来。
促进政商沟通 探索海外机遇 作为本地商界代表,总商会继续举办与部 长和政府机构对话会,促进政商沟通;接 待海外代表团,探索与海外合作的机遇。
细雨中追忆 总商会举办第50届悼念日本占领时期死 难人民祭礼,追忆亡灵,也提醒国人和平 的可贵。
In the Lead
广纳贤才 承前启后 总商会完成第59届董事会选举,选拔出新任会长、副会长、委员会正副主席、并委任 名誉会长、前任会长、荣誉董事和名誉董事。 第59届总商会董事会领导 黄山忠 会长 达丰控股有限公司董事 经理/集团首席执行官
蔡其生 前任会长 德华控股有限公司主席 兼董事经理
吴学光 副会长 星雅集团执行主席
柯文伟 副会长 MTQ Corporation 集团首席执行官
何乃全 副会长 安昌珠宝私人有限公司董 事经理
“被选为下一届的会 长,我非常感谢董事们 的信任。新一届的董 事会核心团队很强。我 们有三位不同背景的副 会长,吴学光在文化教 育领域倍受尊敬,有智 慧,有魄力;柯文伟从科 技委员会主席升任副会 长,他的专长正好符合 目前商业环境的发展趋 势;何乃全非常熟悉总 商会的各项会务,也是 资深的基层领袖,再加 上十个委员会的正副主 席, 大家共同努力!” ——第59届董事会会长黄山忠
In the Lead
本会于2017年1月11日完成了第59届董事会选举,从55位候任董事中选出了会长、3位副会长和10位委员会正副主 席,并委任前任会长、名誉会长、荣誉董事和名誉董事。第58届董事会副会长黄山忠获得推选,将担任第59届董事会会 长;第58届会长蔡其生将担任前任会长,三个副会长职位则由现任副会长吴学光、科技委员会主席柯文伟先生和研究与 出版委员会主席何乃全先生担任。 第59届董事会也招纳了9位新任董事,包括陈康威先生、陈东海先生、许志恩先生、林亚保先生、王再保先生、许伟 盛先生、李坚辉先生、黄保华先生和张群发先生。
陈康威 新加坡报业控 股有限公司 副总裁
陈东海 星和 首席执行员
许志恩 Koda Ltd 执行董事; 新加坡家具工业理 事会会长
林雅保 新加坡车业公会 会长
王再保 新加坡私人疗 养院协会会长
许伟盛 利华控股集团 总裁
李坚辉 星纶控股有限 公司董事、 新加坡纺织服 饰商会会长
黄保华 丰裕海运供应 董事
张群发 张金泰发展 私人有限公司 董事经理
In the Lead
齐聚珀斯 共议前程 2月17日至19日,总商会于澳洲珀 斯举办三天两夜的集思营活动,策划 第59届董事会会务方针。 共有44位 董事及9位秘书处职员参与。 本次集思营于珀斯大都会皇冠 酒店举行。集思营总结了过去两届董 事会所定下的六大会务方针的执行成 效,包括:针对个别行业的难题,协助 中小企业应对经济重组的挑战;与商 团加强互动,协助行业成员提高生产 力和竞争力;有效整合与发挥董事和 会员的人脉资源,协助企业扩展海外 业务;传承华商文化与精神;通过沟 通和包装,提升总商会形象;重新定 位为双语双文化的华商组织。
集思营会议以小组讨论形式展 开,并深入探讨六项议题:如何充分 发挥会员、董事、秘书处资源,达成 新目标,更好地为商会的对象群体服 务;如何帮助商家转型,以面对颠覆 性经济、数码经济的挑战;如何更好 地与海外商团合作及培养人才,协助 企业提升国际竞争力;如何善用商团 中心,加强商团之间的互动;如何通 过翻新的大厦体现总商会与时并进的 理念,同时传承华商精神;如何吸引 青年企业家的参与,维持商会与企业 的永续发展。
1. 出席集思营的董事会成员于珀斯大都会皇冠酒店合影。 2. 第59届董事会的出版与 企业。 4. 董事会于福盈龙门酒楼享用晚餐,同时邀请西澳中华总商会会长陈群祥(前
In the Lead
与研究委员会主席吴绍均主持集思营会议。 3. 新任董事、星和首席执行员陈东海分享总商会应如何与时并进,以代表更广大的商界群体,例如新兴行业的 前排中);副会长柯雅柏(前排右一)、张诚华(后排左一)和亨利·哈比克斯(前排左一)出席聚餐交流。
In the Lead
鸡鸣报晓 大地回春
总商会于农历大年初一举办新春团拜,贸工部长(工业)易华仁受邀为活动 主宾。鉴于持续的经济逆风和难以预测的国际政治环境,他在致辞中表示,2017 年将是充满挑战的一年,并敦促员工、工联、行业协会、商会与政府同心协力,携 手并进。他也指出,我国在处理当务之急的同时,不能忽略长期挑战;如果要成 为机遇处处的国家,人民必须有精专的技能,企业必须创新和灵活,而经济也要 开放和互通。总商会蔡其生会长则表示希望政府在制定长期经济策略,帮助新加 坡经济转型的同时,也能继续为本地企业提供有效的政策,确保它们能生存和持 续发展。他也宣布本会刚完成第59届董事会复选,并表示相信新届董事会将为总 商会增添活力,继续推动企业的转型与创新。 共有620余名嘉宾出席团拜,喜迎丁酉鸡年,其中包括总商会董事和会员、 外交使节、工商界、文教界和法定机构代表等。
“华人生肖中的公鸡代 表胸有成竹、足智多谋 和稳重可靠,这些特质 有协助新加坡人走过前 方不确定的道路。” ——贸工部长 (工业)易华仁
In the Lead
1. 正午吉时,一众宾客围成大圆圈,相互贺岁,喜迎新春。 2. 易华仁部长(左)与蔡其生会长(右)将吉祥物挂在银柳上。 3. 教育部长王乙康莅临;金狮 起舞,夹道欢迎。 4. 总理公署部长陈振声莅临,署名留念。 5. 中华人民共和国驻新大使陈晓东(左)莅临;总商会副会长黄山忠迎接。 6. 财神到, 送元宝!右为总商会总务委员会主席白毅柏。 7. 以金鸡报喜为主题的舞蹈演出。
In the Lead
全球化的机遇 总商会侯任副会长何乃全认为,新加坡是全球化的受益者,并将继续借势区域动态 谋求发展,尤其积极与中国的“一带一路”政策接轨,开拓无限商机。
全球化逆转受关注 最近,世界两个大国的领袖展现 了截然相反的立场——美国总统特 朗普承诺实行贸易保护政策,上任后 立刻退出了TPP(跨太平洋伙伴关系协 定);另一边厢,中国的习近平主席在 达沃斯年会上则强调,中国要走经济 全球化道路,坚持多边主义,维护多 边体制。这两种不同的声音成为了备 受瞩目的话题。 2月13日,香港中华总商会在香港 四季酒店大礼堂主办的“2017中总论 坛——区域合作与全球经济展望论 坛”中,也展开 “华商论经济”环节, 聚焦讨论全球化议题。这场论坛邀请 了海外华商机构代表参与,分析区域 经贸合作与经济发展新机遇。论坛主 讲嘉宾包括新加坡中华总商会侯任副 会长何乃全、日本中华总商会会长严 浩、韩国中华总商会永久名誉会长袁 国栋博士、香港贸易发展局主席罗康 瑞及马来西亚中华总商会总秘书拿督 卢成全。 针对全球化逆转的趋势,新加坡 中华总商会侯任会长何乃全在会上阐 明,新加坡是一个人口规模较小,缺 乏天然资源的国家,建国总理李光耀 及其团队在建设国家时取得了难得的 成就,希望看到的是国家与世界和平 共处。因此,对新加坡而言,建设强大 的国防力量并与邻国及世界列强建立 外交关系十分重要,这是为了让新加 坡与各国商界接轨通商,达致互惠互 利。新加坡的外交政策也秉持中立客 观的态度,在经济上一贯支持全球化 而不赞同贸易保护主义。
以“五通战略”接轨中国 谈及中国倡议的“一带一路”战 略对新加坡的正面影响,何乃全指出, 新加坡支持“一带一路”战略发展,并 认同以“五通战略”促进新中伙伴关 系,包括政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅 通、资金融通及民间沟通,勾勒出新加 坡企业在新中关系中的优势与商机:
政策沟通:两国在行政上达致共 识,以平实的条规去处理商业往 来的复杂程序,提升执行效率;
设施联通:新加坡地理位置处于 海运、陆路及航运物流的枢纽, 成为“一路” (海上丝路)的重要 节点;此外,第三个新中政府间 合作项目落户“一带” (丝路经 济带)中的西部发展重镇——重 庆,新加坡可借助重庆优势发挥 所长; 贸易畅通:新加坡具备条件成 为中资企业国际化的辐射点;目 前,共有6500家中资企业落户
In the Lead
香港中华总商会配合香港回归20周年举办“2017中总论坛——区域合作与全球经济展望”,参与者为(左起)新加坡中华总商会侯 任副会长何乃全、日本中华总商会会长严浩、香港中华总商会会长蔡冠深、香港贸易发展局主席罗康瑞、韩国中华总商会永远名誉会 长袁国栋博士及马来西亚中华总商会总秘书拿督卢成全。
新加坡,投资额超过50亿美元; 新加坡企业可成为中资企业国 际化的重要伙伴,涉足运输与物 流、城市规划建设、多元用途园 区建设、智慧城市、高效建筑科 技、水资源管理等领域; 四
资金融通:新加坡是首要的人民 币离岸结算中心;共有200多家 国外金融机构为“一带一路”项 目提供超过900亿元的融资机 会; 民心相通:两国的民间互动、人 才交流频密;新加坡樟宜机场 2016年共接待访客超过6000万 人次;新加坡是跨国企业、科研 机构、金融机构的汇聚地,是全 球最具竞争力和创新能力的城 市之一;
何乃全认为,新加坡在制定长期 发展策略上已经与中国“一带一路” 的框架接轨,这也与其支持的全球化 和多边主义立场吻合。
华商认同区域协作可致共赢 香港贸易发展局主席罗康瑞表 示,香港一直是中国内地对外投资的 首选地,加上东盟国家商机处处,香
港可打造成为支持中小企参与“一带 一路”项目的重要平台;另一方面,马 来西亚中华总商会总秘书拿督卢成全 提到,马来西亚作为东盟的中坚份子, 支持推动香港─东盟双边自由贸易协 定,预期相关协议有助促进中国、香 港、东盟贸易投资进一步便利化,达 致多赢。 另外,谈及日本经济,日本中华总 商会会长严浩认为,日本在“安倍经 济学”透过一系列措施如量化宽松、 加大财政支出、推动民间投资等振兴 日本经济,已经看到一些成效,但未来 日本经济将持续缓慢发展,增长见于 质量而非速度;韩国中华总商会永久 名誉会长袁国栋则指出,近年世界掀 起“韩流”热,文化现象带动美容、副 食品等产业,令国家整体得以升级转 型,背后得力于政府投放大量资金进 行研究,把韩国文化推向全球。 香港中华总商会蔡冠深会长主持 华商对谈问答环节,各嘉宾也就金融 政策、贸易与投资往来、区域经济合 作等范畴对华商带来的挑战和机遇分 享意见。 (部分资料由香港中华总商会提供)
“新加坡是经济全球化 的受益者。作为一个城市 国家,新加坡在天然资源 方面有很大的局限,要想 发展经济,不能单靠自己 努力,要积极与其他国家 建立联系,与世界各地的 企业进行合作。” ——总商会侯任副会长何乃全
“区域合作与全球经济展望论坛” 是由香港中华总商会配合香港回归 20周年庆所主办。论坛于2月13日 在香港四季酒店大礼堂举办,邀请 多国华商代表分析区域经贸合作与 经济发展新机遇。
In the Lead
New Leadership
to take the SCCCI forward By: Fiona Hu
“I am thankful for the trust given by the Council to be elected as Chamber’s President. The core team of the 59th Council is very strong. We have three Vice-Presidents from very different backgrounds. Wu Hsioh Kwang is a smart and driven individual, and is well-respected in the realm of culture and education; Kuah Boon Wee rose from being Chairman of the Technology Committee, and his expertise fits in very well with the developments in the current business environment; Charles Ho Nai Chuen is very familiar with the Chamber’s operations and is a very respected grassroots leader. Together with the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the ten committees, we will strive to bring the Chamber to greater heights.”
– Roland Ng San Tiong, President of SCCCI’s 59th Council
Presenting the new leadership of the 59th Council: Roland Ng San Tiong (front row, right), Vice-President of the 58th Council, was elected to take over as President. 58th Council President Thomas Chua (front row, left) will be the Immediate Past President. Wu Hsioh Kwang (back row, middle), Kuah Boon Wee (back row, left) and Charles Ho Nai Chuen (back row, right) were elected as Vice-Presidents.
With the conclusion of the elections for the 59th Council of SCCCI, we have a new line-up consisting of President, Vice-Presidents, Chairmen and ViceChairmen of various committees, and the appointment of Honorary Presidents, Immediate Past President, Senior Honorary Council Members and Honorary Council Members. SCCCI’s 59th Council Elections were concluded on January 11. Amongst the 55 council members, a President, three Vice-Presidents and Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of ten committees were elected. At the same time, the appointments of Immediate Past President, Honorary Presidents,
Anthony Tan Kang Uei Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Press Holdings Limited
Michael Lim Ah Poh President, Singapore Vehicle Traders Association
Mark Lee Kean Phi Director, Sing Lun Holdings Ltd
In the Lead
Senior Honorary Council Members and Honorary Council Members were announced. Roland Ng San Tiong, Vice-President of the 58th Council, was elected to take over as President of the 59th Council. 58th Council President Thomas Chua will be the Immediate Past President. Wu Hsioh Kwang, Kuah Boon Wee and Charles Ho Nai Chuen were elected as Vice-Presidents. Altogether, nine new council members will serve in the 59th Council. They include Anthony Tan Kang Uei (Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Press Holdings Limited), Tan Tong Hai (Chief Executive Officer, StarHub Ltd), Ernie Koh Jyh Eng (President, Singapore
Furniture Industries Council), Michael Lim Ah Poh (President, Singapore Vehicle Traders Association), Ong Chu Poh (President, Private Nursing Home Association (Singapore)), Koh Wee Seng (Chief Executive Officer, Aspial Corporation Limited), Mark Lee Kean Phi (Director, Sing Lun Holdings Ltd), Ng Poh Wah (Director, Fong Yi Marine Supplies Pte Ltd) and Tew Koon Huat (Managing Director, TKT Development Pte Ltd).
Tan Tong Hai
Ernie Koh Jyh Eng
Chief Executive Officer, StarHub Ltd
Executive Director, Koda Ltd; President, Singapore Furniture Industries Council
Ong Chu Poh
Koh Wee Seng
President, Private Nursing Home Association (Singapore)
Chief Executive Officer, Aspial Corporation Limited
Ng Poh Wah
Tew Koon Huat
Director, Fong Yi Marine Supplies Pte Ltd
Managing Director, TKT Development Pte Ltd
In the Lead
The 变脸 phenomenon
Star Vista
Bian lian, or rather, 变脸, is the art of face-changing that is an ancient Chinese dramatic art and practised in Sichuan opera. It is most fascinating to watch as the performers, proficient in the art, change their vivid face masks imperceptibly in the blink of an eye. Applying this art to a retail phenomenon is certainly not usual, but in this context I feel it is particularly apt. After Christmas 2016, the Yuletide trimmings in Singapore malls started
Gardens by the Bay
In the Lead
to make way for different seasonal decorations as the Year of the Rooster beckoned in January 2017. With the first day of the Lunar New Year falling on January 28, there was scarcely any time for retailers to get ready. Some figures are useful for comparison. As I backtracked over the past seven years, since the Year of the Tiger in 2010, only 2012 (Year of the Dragon) had a shorter turnaround time between Christmas and Chinese New Year. Retailers had more of a breather in 2015 (Year of the Ram), since the first day was celebrated
Bugis Junction
on February 19. Even then, for the very first time I realised that the structures used for Christmas then took on a new twist as Chinese New Year decorations, with some clever modifications. Hence what I have boldly named the 变脸 effect. Saving on costs in a sluggish economy? Or working smart and being innovative? Here are some amusing examples found in the Singapore retail and tourism landscape to help you draw your conclusions.
Focus On SMEs
Pioneering the new age of innovation Contributor Prof Tan Sze Wee Executive Director, Science and Engineering Research Council, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
We are living in unprecedented times. Think driverless cars, humanoid service robots, ecommerce, smart health wearables like the Fitbit and Apple Watch, all pervading our everyday lives and work. The exponential growth in connectivity, big data and machine-learning has opened up new possibilities in real-time borderless communication and processing. These disruptive technologies are not only reshaping our world into one of infinitely “smart” and “smarter” machines that enable us to make better decisions and achieve greater productivity, but they also herald the era of an ondemand economy where instantaneous solutions are expected by businesses and consumers. Evidently, some like Grab, Uber and Airbnb have capitalised on the opportunities to carve out disruptive business models, while others are grappling with the need to stay competitive and thrive. Charting Singapore’s way into the future
Against this backdrop of technological disruption, structural shifts displacing jobs and industries, and global economic uncertainty, the Committee on the Future Economy (CFE) unveiled its blueprint to chart the way forward for the next phase of Singapore’s future economic growth. The CFE report
outlined seven strategies that will help Singapore’s economy grow 2 to 3 per cent per year on average and remain relevant to the world. They are to: •
Deepen and diversify our international connections
Acquire and utilise deep skills
Strengthen enterprise capabilities to innovate and scale up
Build strong digital capabilities
Develop a vibrant and connected city of opportunity
Develop and implement Industry Transformation Maps
Partner one another to enable growth and innovation
Embrace change and transform, or perish
As Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has said, “We cannot be sure which industries will perish and which will flourish. What is certain is that Singapore must stay open to trade, people and ideas, and build deep capabilities so that our people and companies can seize opportunities in the world.” To help local companies across 23 industries upgrade their capabilities and drive growth, the $4.5 billion Industry Transformation Programme comprising industry transformation maps (ITM) is
already underway. Six of these ITMs – for Precision Engineering (PE), Logistics, Food Manufacturing, Food Services, Hotels and Retail – have already been launched. The ITMs will identify new growth areas and develop capabilities to lead Singapore’s industries into the future. For example, the PE ITM is projected to grow the industry’s Value Added from S$8.8 billion in 2014 to S$14 billion and create 3,000 PMET jobs by 2020. On-ground efforts by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), other agencies like e2i and SPRING Singapore and the trade associations are also supporting companies to adopt technologies, upgrade capabilities and enhance their productivity. Local dry-cleaning and laundry specialist, Presto Drycleaners, is one such company that has improved its business processes through technology. Presto adopted the Dry Cleaning Retail Management System, a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-based system which automatically tracks garments and improves laundry sorting for delivery through A*STAR’s RFID Innovation Platform. Before adopting the system, the company had to contend with manual tracking and sorting of the large laundry output on a daily basis. After implementation, search time by employees for misplaced garments was reduced by as much as 75 per cent and the improved staff efficiency allowed Presto to provide better quality customer service and work on business expansion plans. This RFID-based garment counting system has also been adapted into a ready-to-go (RTG) package that can be used by hotels, restaurants and fitness clubs. In some instances, companies have also developed differentiated products and services by collaborating with technology partners. By working with A*STAR’s Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), the Singapore School Transport Association (SSTA) was able to provide a value-added service of notifying parents
Focus On SMEs
Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry) S. Iswaran trying out a demo with the iFleetONE by Addvalue Technologies.
when school buses were arriving or when their children have safely arrived at school. Since the first pilot trial last year, the association is now rolling out this School Bus Management System (SBMS) to 1,000 school buses in its fleet. Innovation is the way to go
Growing the right digital capabilities will also enable local companies to take advantage of business opportunities and create new innovative products and solutions as Singapore moves towards a Smart Nation powered by ICT and one that is ready for the future digital economy. iFleetONE is a versatile satellite communications terminal that supports voice and data applications, one of which is GEO-Fencing, which is useful for marine vessels to track their routes to avoid entering restricted maritime boundaries. This satellite comms solution system was created by Addvalue Technologies, formerly in the business of consumer digital and broadband communications. Working with A*STAR through its Technology for Enterprise Capability Upgrading (T-Up) initiative, where A*STAR researchers were seconded to local companies to help build companies’ in-house technology capabilities and support their R&D development, Addvalue transformed its business. Today, it is developing state-of-the-art satellite
communication products for land-based, sea-based and space-based applications. Addvalue will also be launching a joint lab with A*STAR to develop enhanced satellite communication technologies that can link Addvalue’s products to smart devices. These examples go to show that companies in our varied industries, even those offering day-to-day services, can benefit and grow from technology adoption or partnering others to innovate and enhance their business or venture into new areas. The upcoming Trade Association (TA) Hub by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) will also help to further facilitate deeper collaborations within industry sectors. Already, 21 trade associations have signed on and plans are in place to support members in embracing technology and innovation.
Take first steps to adopt new technologies and upgrade existing technological capabilities, review business models or partner industry counterparts to create value and seize opportunities. Contact A*STAR SME Office today to find out how or learn more at SME Day 2017, organised by A*STAR and SPRING Singapore on April 20 2017. Event details and registration www.smeday.com.sg.
Focus On SMEs
Innovating for a Green and Sustainable Business By: Lim Cheng Wei
Natural wood pallets accounted for 90 per cent of LHT’s business in 1999. With a commitment to excellence and a greener environment, engineered wood pallets today have grown to reach 70 per cent share of its business. LHT Holdings Ltd is a member of the Chamber. In the SCCCI-NUS Survey on Innovation Effort of SMEs conducted in 2016, Executive Director May Yap shared the innovation efforts of LHT in adapting to changes in the business environment. What led you to pursue innovation?
In the first 20 years of our business, we specialised in natural wood pallets, boxes and crates. However, given the greater consciousness globally in environmental protection and the awareness to conserve natural resources, we have put in much effort to transform the business into recycled wood products, which are greener and more sustainable.
Another important factor is the release of the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM 15), which requires all wood packaging materials to undergo heat treatment to kill quarantined pests before they can enter markets which supported this regulation. This requirement poses an entry barrier to companies specialising in natural wood packaging products. The heat-treated products are only allowed a one-time entry and need to be treated again to enter another participating country. This goes against global efforts to reduce the carbon footprint. Therefore, since 1999, developments in regulations and growing environmental consciousness have driven us to innovate, and come out with a diverse range of engineered wood pallets. How do you innovate your product/services?
As far back as 1999, we had invested $15 million to import German technology for the production of engineered wood pallets. At that time, this was the first wood waste recycling plant in Singapore. It is not only environmentally friendly, but also cost effective. Compared to natural wood products, engineered wood pallets are chemical and pest-resistant, fireretardant and low in moisture content. It overcomes practically all the shortfalls of natural wood pallets. As our customers use them and see the benefits themselves, they did not switch back to natural wood pallets. Production of natural wood pallets is constrained by the shape of logs. While 50 per cent of a log can be used in the past, the utilisation rate has since dropped to 30
per cent due to dwindling supplies. With the wood recycling technology in place, we are able to completely utilise a log by using the remaining portion to produce engineered wood. We are able to produce pallets that are easily stackable and stored. We also offer DIY pallets which are pre-cut to size and very compact when packed, thereby facilitating storage and transportation. How do you innovate your operating processes?
Leveraging on engineered wood technology and automation is how we improve and innovate our processes. Using machinery and the same number of workers, we are now able to produce 100,000 engineered wood pallets a month compared to 30,000 natural wood pallets previously. The production process has also been significantly simplified from 18 to 5 steps. We worked with SIMTech to develop the IT systems used in our operations. We were an early adopter of RFID technology back in 2005. RFID was introduced to the company to track and trace pallets, improve billing accuracy and reduce reliance on manpower. It has thus been applied to all our pallets on lease to enhance the traceability and optimise the deployment of resources. To improve our processes, we developed a business process management system with SIMTech. This system manages our operational tasks such as quotation, sales orders, job orders, purchase orders, raw material inventory, finished goods inventory and delivery orders. We now have real-time visibility and better control over our processes. Order-to-shipment lead time has reduced, leading to better customer satisfaction. We introduced a Pallet and Crate (PnC) Design System, a first in Asia. It enables non-experts to carry out pallet design in compliance with the relevant industry standards and carbon footprint. This system helps our product development, as it enables rapid response to market requirements. We established an international-standard pallet testing centre in January 2016. This
Focus On SMEs
centre is in full compliance with industry standards, and allows us to conduct load testing, durability testing, lifting and stacking tests. The test reports allow us to determine if there is a need to further strengthen or re-design the pallets before mass production. How do you innovate your business model?
Once we had developed the capabilities to produce engineered wood products in compliance with ISPM 15 regulation, it allowed us to go beyond the domestic Singapore market to venture into bigger overseas markets in 2009. We now have production plants in Malaysia and China. After three years of effort to promote engineered wood products in overseas markets, we have witnessed significant growth in the business. Due to our production capability, we are able to extend our services to include pallet rental services. We are confident that the continued growth in the logistics sector will bode well for our pallet rental business. How did you encourage innovation in your company?
The company has a culture that encourages feedback and ideas. We also encourage our staff to upgrade through training and to continuously innovate onthe-job. We receive ideas and feedback from various sources, including both our customers and staff. For example, our sales staff will bring customer feedback to the production team, who will think of a way to improve our pallet products. In so doing, we get satisfied and loyal customers whose needs are met, and the sales staff will be rewarded. For operational staff, they are also motivated to actively share feedback, as they can see that doing so will improve their work environment and work flow. What are the top challenges you face in innovation? How were they overcome?
When we first introduced engineered wood products, we suffered losses for the first three years. While there was an upturn in the situation in the subsequent three years, market acceptance level to recycled wood remained low. There was a common perception then that recycled
“While running our business, we also wish to create a better world for our future generation. We look forward to a 100 per cent market acceptance rate for our engineered wood products in the near future.” – May Yap, Executive Director LHT Holding Limited
wood is inferior in quality compared to natural wood. The destructive tsunami in 2004 significantly raised global awareness of the challenges to our lives brought on by climate change. Thereafter, more companies began to accept engineered wood products. Due to the nature of our business, most of our operational staff need to be physically fit. However, Singapore is facing an ageing workforce and the younger generation may not want to join our industry. Innovative products, such as engineered wood pallets, and innovative production processes, help to mitigate these challenges by making the work less physically strenuous, more knowledgeintensive, and allow us to reduce reliance on manpower even as we expand. Have you benefited from government support in your innovation efforts?
We have been working with SIMTech to develop and customise the IT systems used in our operations. We have benefited much from the Capability Development Grant from SPRING and the GET-Up programme from A*STAR. In fact, we prefer working with SIMTech compared to a private software developer, mainly due to its flexibility in customising the software that cater to our needs, as no additional costs are incurred if the change is minor. The IP rights for the customised IT systems will belong to SIMTech. However, we find this acceptable as we regard these IT systems more as tools to enhance our operations, rather than as our core pallet products.
Business EYE
与部长共谈 未来经济 部长对话会其实就是供需对接会,政策的提供者和政 策的受益者是两个不同的群体,供应者准备了琳琅满 目的政策,看得商家们眼花缭乱,要想受益,必须先 从一堆政策当中把适合自己的挑选出来。
刚刚发布的《未来经济委员会建 议报告》列出了七大策略,争取我国 经济未来五到十年能够每年取得平均 2%到3%的成长。这是份非常重要的 报告,和商家们息息相关,可以说是包 罗万象,应有尽有,洋洋洒洒109页, 说实话,一般人很难从头到尾把它看 完。 怎样才能让商家们准确了解这份 精心准备的报告书,并根据其中的内 容作出更加详细的行动计划呢?我们 延用了以往经常采用的做法,请部长、 政府部门官员和商家代表一起到总商 会见面详谈,讨论重点就是报告书当 中和行业发展、企业发展有关的部分。 部长对话会的通知发出后,商家们反 应热烈,房地产、物流、印刷、法律服 务、创业投资、建筑、制造、精密加工、 纺织、汽车、药业、医疗保健、水果蔬 菜、家居用品、食品、零售、海运、海事 工程、港口服务、环保等行业公会的领 袖、商家代表坐满了整个会议室,大 家纷纷发言,气氛异常活跃。
未来经济委员会联合主席易华仁 部长、教育部兼贸工部刘燕玲政务次 长和有关部门的官员对报告书的内容 非常熟悉,出席者现场提出的问题, 都能找出相应的措施来解释,不过, 商家们却不一定能听明白应该怎么去 做。例如,报告书的七大策略之一是深 化并扩展国际联系,保持开放,与世界 接轨。新加坡与世界上许多国家签署 了自由贸易协定,亚细安共同体也已 经成立,而在进出口贸易当中如何操 作,如何报关,如何填表等具体流程方 面还存在一些技术问题。同样,报告 书倡导提高数码能力,大家也赞同这 是企业发展必由之路,但是,怎么才能 和现有业务衔接起来?出席对话会的 商家们期待政府部门能下一番功夫, 研究如何有效执行政策,让更多企 业,特别是小商家们从中受惠。 我坐在现场,一边听一边想,部 长对话会其实就是供需对接会,政策 的提供者和政策的受益者是两个不同 的群体,供应者准备了琳琅满目的政
策,看得商家们眼花缭乱,要想受益, 必须先从一堆政策当中把适合自己的 挑选出来。我的公司就有一位同事专 门负责研究政策,但是,那些没有人力 资源做这事的中小企业怎么办?不用 担心,总商会和行业公会就是导购员, 有了专业的导购员,政府和商家之间 的沟通就会省力气,有效率。
自2014年7月31日,总商会蔡其生会长 受邀为联合晚报《晚咖》专栏执笔。本 文首次发表于2017年2月17日《晚咖》 专栏。 《华商》经《联合晚报》的许可 转载。
促进政商沟通 探索海外机遇 FacilitatinG business-government communication Exploring Overseas Opportunities
作为本地商界代表,总商 会多次举办与部长和政府 机构对话会,促进政商沟 通;接待海外代表团,探 索与海外合作的机遇。 The Chamber continues to fulfil its role in representing the local business community by organizing dialogues with government agencies and ministers to achieve better communication and mutual understanding, as well as receiving foreign delegations to build partnership and explore business opportunities.
Courtesy Visit from Confederation of Indian Industry
1月21日,印度工业联合会会长Naushad Forbes博士(前排右 四)率领代表团一行13人礼貌拜会本会,探讨如何加强两国商界之 间的交流合作。 A 13-member delegation from the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) paid a courtesy visit to the Chamber on January 21, looking for ways to promote collaboration and understanding between business communities of India and Singapore. The delegation was led by CII President Dr Naushad Forbes (front row, fourth from right).
Trade Association Committee held its First Meeting 2 月2 日,新成立的商团委员会在总商会召开首 次会议,讨论了商团和行业所面对的挑战。委员会基 于四大工作重点成立个别的工作小组,以进一步研究 相关课题并拟划解决方案。 The newly established TA Committee held its first meeting at the Chamber on February 2. The Committee discussed challenges facing TAs and industries, and set up working teams according to its major agendas, so as to study issues of concern and develop relevant solutions.
On the Future Economy: Dialogue with Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry) S. Iswaran
2月14日,本会应贸工部邀请,举办闭门对话会, 让本会董事、商团委员会成员与未来经济委员会的联 合主席、贸工部长(工业)易华仁交流,聚焦讨论未来 经济。 In response to the invitation from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Chamber held a closed-door dialogue on February 14 for an exchange between co-chair of Committee on the Future Economy and Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry) S. Iswaran and the council members as well as TA Committee members, with a focus on the future economy.
Beijing-Singapore Investment Promotion Seminar 2月15日,北京市投资促进局于燕副局长(前 排右三)率领代表团于总商会举办“北京——新 加坡项目投资洽谈会”,介绍北京投资环境及优 秀投资项目,并解读北京市政府最新投资政策。 On February 15, Vice-Chief of Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau Yu Yan (front row, third from right) led a delegation to the Chamber to hold the “Beijing-Singapore Investment Promotion Seminar”. This seminar introduced the investment climate and quality projects in Beijing, and analysed the new investment policies introduced by its municipal government.
第50届悼念日本占领时期 死难人民祭礼 阴霾蔽日,阵雨纷飞。在拔地而起的死难人民纪念碑下,出席者的心情也如天气一般沉重。 2月15日,总商会在在美芝路的日本占领时期死难人民纪念碑前举行第50届祭礼,悼念在日本占领时期的罹难人民。 共有超过一千人参与祭礼,包括总商会董事、各国驻新外交使节、武装部队退役军人、制服团体、宗教团体、死难者家属 与各院校师生等。祭礼主宾为文化、社区及青年部长傅海燕。祭礼开始时,新加坡民防部队将在现场拉响“警报解除”信 号,象征日侵时期结束,危机已被解除。出席团体随后为亡灵默哀及敬献花圈。 这一天也是新加坡沦陷75周年纪念日。通过举办这一年一度的祭礼,总商会希望呼吁国民以史为鉴,居安思危,并努 力发展国家经济,促进种族和谐,支持国防建设,持续维护社会的和平与稳定。
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