Date: Friday, 28 April 2023
Time: 3 40 pm
Venue: Council Chamber, SCCCI Building
Chairman: Kho Choon Keng
In Attendance: Lim Hock Yu, Chiam Ling Zi, Toh Wenqi, Tang Soh Kuen
Recorded by: Lim Hock Yu, Toh Wenqi, Tang Soh Kuen
Kho Choon Keng Roland Ng San Tiong Ng Siew Quan
Adrian Peh Nam Chuan Ang Fung Fung Anthony Tan Kang Uei
As the members present were sufficient to form the quorum, the Chairman Kho Choon Keng called the Meeting to order at 3.40 pm.
1. To approve the minutes of the 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 25 February 2022
The minutes of Annual General Meeting of members of the SCCCI Chinese Entrepreneurial Culture Foundation held on 25 February 2022 were tabled at the Meeting. Proposed by Adrian Peh Nam Chuan and seconded by Roland Ng San Tiong, it was unanimously resolved that the aforesaid minutes of Annual General Meeting be approved and signed as a proper record by the Chairman.

2. To approve the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2022
The Report of the Board of Directors and the Audited Financial Statements for the Company for the year ended 31 December 2022 were tabled at the Meeting.
Proposed by Ng Siew Quan and seconded by Ang Fung Fung, it was unanimously resolved that the aforesaid Reports and Audited Financial Statements be and are hereby received and adopted.
3. To appoint the Auditors
Proposed by Ang Fung Fung and seconded by Ng Siew Quan, the Meeting unanimously appointed Ernst & Young LLP as the Auditors to the company for Financial Year 2023.
4. Any other matters
Meeting ended at 3.50 pm.
29th April 2024 Date