Sg50 Exhibition Catalogue E Book

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47 Hill Street


建国五十周年特展纪念图册 An SCCCI-SG50 Special Exhibition Catalogue

新加坡中华总商会的历史 反映着新加坡的历史 …建国总理李光耀…

The history of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce is a reflection of the history of Singapore Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew

目 录 4




Message from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong


Message from SCCCI President Thomas Chua




10 一、宗风远鬯

Apex Business Organisation with Predominant Influence





A Modest Chamber with a Long History

Benefiting the Chinese Community Through Promoting Trade and Industry

24 二、积基树本

Establishing Foundations





Supporting Businesses, Representing the Community

Building Pillars of the Future, Transmitting Culture

36 三、继往开来

Moving Forward

44 四、群策匡时

Unifying for the Future











Soldiering on with the People during Nation-building

Venturing Abroad, Opening up Business Opportunities

Advising and Helping Various Trades and Industries

Strengthening Defence, Caring for the People

Establishing the Chamber Foundation, Promoting Education

66 五、万商云集

Congregating the Business Community








Spanning the Globe for Economic Prosperity

Global Conventions, Blueprints for Growth

Sharing of Strategies, Supporting Enterprises


Bridge to the Government, Addressing Business Concerns



Setting Up Interest Groups, Fostering Cohesion

104 历史教育、国民意识

History and National Consciousness

110 社会互助、热心公益

Community and Charity Projects

114 培养人才、传扬文化

Grooming Talent, Promoting Culture

126 双语教育、专业培训

Bilingual Education and Professional Training

130 六、放眼四海

Towards Global Connectivity

132 商会精神、生生不息

The Chamber’s Unwavering Spirit

140 七、再创辉煌

Embracing a More Glorious Future

150 大事记


160 鸣谢


献 词

47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号

MESSAGE 李显龙 新加坡共和国总理

贺新加坡中华总商会为庆祝建国五十周年举办的历 史展正式开幕。

中华总商会成立至今已逾一个世纪,是新加坡华商界 的领导机构。作为历史最悠久的商业团体,总商会和属下 的会员也在新加坡建国历程中,扮演了重要角色,贡献良 多。总商会不遗余力,协助本地华商壮大实力,以促进我 国的经济发展,这包括了帮助会员拓展业务能力、寻找新 的商机,以及和全球华商广泛建立联系。此外,总商会也 积极栽培能够游刃于本地和海外的新一代双语商界领袖, 加强新加坡的竞争优势。 在此,我也要特别赞扬总商会,这些年来,不但大力 推广中华语言和文化,也尽全力在这个多元种族社会里, 促进社会和谐。大家不分彼此,团结一致,努力使国家富 强昌盛,这是新加坡和总商会的独特之处。我深信总商会 将继续这方面的工作,并且会不断取得丰硕的成果。我冀 望新加坡中华总商会秉持先辈的献身爱国精神,继续为新 加坡的国家建设做出重大贡献,使总商会这百年来取得的 辉煌成就,更上一层楼。


献 词

献 词 message

MESSAGE Lee Hsien Loong Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore


ongratulations on the launch of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) SG50 Exhibition. SCCCI and its members have played an important part

in the building of Singapore. Founded more than a century ago, SCCCI has established itself as the leader of the Chinese business community. The Chamber supports its members by helping them develop competencies, explore new business opportunities and connect to the wider global Chinese business community. SCCCI is also nurturing a new generation of bilingual business leaders who can operate both in Singapore and abroad. I commend the SCCCI’s efforts to promote Chinese language and culture, and foster social harmony in our multiracial and multi-religious society. This is something unique to Singapore and SCCCI. I am confident that you will continue to do so, and do it well. May the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, which has thrived for more than a century, continue to play a vital role in Singapore’s nation-building.


献 词

47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号

MESSAGE 蔡其生 新加坡中华总商会会长

加坡中华总商会从1906年创办至今,已经有109年 的历史。在历史的长河中,总商会的航船跨越风

浪,自始至终维护华社和商家的利益,与社会福祉息息相 关。在新加坡的建国历程中,总商会是见证者,也是参与 者。早在1966年,建国总理李光耀就曾说过:“新加坡中 华总商会的历史反映着新加坡的历史。”这句话高度概括 了总商会早期所走过的道路,也凸显了总商会与时并进的 使命感。 新加坡建国之前,总商会照顾华族福利,兴教办学, 协助维持地方治安,赈灾筹款,支持中国辛亥革命和抗日 战争,发起筹建日本占领时期死难人民纪念碑,祭奠遇难 的各族同胞。在新加坡争取独立时,锲而不舍,冲破层层 阻力,为华人争取公民权,最终惠及各个种族。建国后, 总商会善用多年累积的商贸网络,全力推动经济发展,招 商引资,促进新加坡与其他国家的经济联系。同时,总商 会也积极支持国防建设和讲华语运动,努力协助本地企业 提高科技应用水平,通过创办世界华商大会,扩展新加坡 的经济网络,把全球华商汇聚在一起。 在庆祝新加坡建国五十周年之际,总商会举办历史 展,不仅能够让社会各界更加全面地了解中华总商会在建 国前后留下的历史脉络,同时也能倡导追求卓越,回馈社 会,造福民众的华商精神,鼓励年轻一代继承前辈为国为 民服务的精神。迈入新的时代,总商会的命运将更密切地 与国家的命运结合在一起,新加坡的未来,就是中华总商 会的未来!


献 词

献 词 message

MESSAGE Thomas Chua President of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


ince its establishment in 1906, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry has accumulated a history of 109 years. Despite weathering numerous storms throughout its long history, the Chamber has always adhered to its mission of upholding the interests of the Chinese business community. During Singapore’s journey of nation-building, the Chamber was not only a key witness but a zealous participant. Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said in 1966: “The history of the Chamber is a reflection of the history of Singapore.” This statement encompasses the path taken by the Chamber in the early years, and highlights the Chamber’s mission of progressing with the times. Before Singapore gained independence, the Chamber looked after the welfare of the ethnic Chinese community, established schools, maintained territorial safety, raised funds for disaster relief, and supported the Chinese Revolution and anti-Japanese war efforts. In particular, the Chamber was the key driving force behind the Civilian War Memorial, a monument dedicated as a proper resting place for all victims who perished during the Japanese Occupation. During Singapore’s pursuit of self-government, the Chamber relentlessly fought to attain citizenship rights for Chinese immigrants in Singapore, and in the process, also attained citizenship rights for all other local immigrants. After Singapore achieved nationhood, the Chamber gradually withdrew from the political arena, and concentrated on promoting trade and investment to expand Singapore’s links with other countries. At the same time, the Chamber supported the building up of our National Defence and the Speak Mandarin Campaign, helped local enterprises to step up on technology adoption, and founded the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention to expand Singapore’s economic network and congregate the global Chinese community. As Singapore celebrates 50 years of independence, the Chamber has organised this history exhibition, not only for the public at large to understand the contributions of the Chamber pre and post-independence, but to impress upon them the Chinese entrepreneurial spirit of pursuing excellence, giving back to society and sharing the fruits of prosperity. As we step into a new era, the Chamber’s destiny will become even more closely linked with that of Singapore, for Singapore’s future is the future of the SCCCI!


47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号


前 言

说新加坡河的发展是新加坡历史的写照,那么,上百年 前创立于新加坡河畔的中华总商会(简称总商会),就是

新加坡历史长河的一面倒影。 1966年,建国总理李光耀曾说:“新加坡中华总商会的 历史,反映着新加坡的历史”。总商会作为华商的最高代表 机构,不仅维护国内华族商家的利益,也积极地协助推动新 加坡经济、社会、教育、文化等各方面的发展,尤其是1965 年独立建国后,总商会更是孜孜不倦地,持续在各领域上服 务全民,五十载与国家风雨同渡。


f the development of the Singapore River is the portrayal of the history of Singapore, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce that was established more than a hundred years ago in the environs of the Singapore River would undoubtedly be the reflection of Singapore’s history. As Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said in 1966, “The history of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce is a reflection of the history of Singapore”. Besides promoting the interests of the Chinese business community as the apex Chinese business organisation in Singapore, the Chamber actively promoted the development of community, education and culture. Especially after Singapore gained independence in 1965, the Chamber continued to provide assistance and services to every citizen, braving turbulent times alongside the nation over these 50 years.


1900年代,新加坡是东南亚首 要贸易中心,也是东西方交通 往来的枢纽。 In the 1900s, Singapore was the main trading centre of Southeast Asia and was favourably positioned at the crossroads of the East-West trade routes.

前 言 Foreword

1900年代,福康宁山下新加坡 河繁忙的贸易活动。 The bustling trading activities at the Singapore River located at the foot of Fort Canning in the 1900s.

1930年,驳船码头的热闹喧 哗,见证新加坡贸易的迅速增 长。 The liveliness of Boat Quay witnessed the rapid growth of Singapore’s trade in 1930.



宗 风 远 鬯

Apex Business Organisation with Predominant Influence


819年,英国人莱佛士开拓新加坡,鼓励各地人士包括 早期定居南洋的土生华人前来经商定居。19世纪末20世

纪初,新加坡已从原来的渔村发展成为国际贸易商港,吸 引了大批华南地区的穷苦民众飘洋过海前来讨生活,而成 立于这个时期的总商会,其主要任务便是协助华商通商, 让华族移民在本地安顿下来。 新加坡中华总商会于1906年初成立,创会初期入会华 商就达600余人,他们皆为当时新加坡的重要商人及华社 各界领袖。英殖民地时期,总商会除维护华商利益外,也 领导华社、关照本地华人,推动社会与经济和文教发展; 当时,殖民政府通过商会争取民心,而商家和人民则借助 总商会向殖民政府反映民意。


n 1819 when Sir Stamford Raffles founded Singapore, he encouraged people from all places, including local Chinese who settled in Nanyang in the early days, to settle down in Singapore. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, Singapore had flourished from a fishing village to an entrepot port attracting poor immigrants from China to seek a living here. Established during this period, the two main missions of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce were to assist businessmen in their trades and to help Chinese immigrants settle down. When the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce was set up in early 1906, it gathered some 600 Chinese businessmen who were important merchants and leaders of the Chinese community. During colonial rule, besides protecting the interests of Chinese businessmen, the Chamber also took on the responsibility of leading and caring for the local Chinese community and the development of culture and education. The colonial government gained the trust of the Chinese community through the Chamber while the Chamber served as a conduit to reflect the views of the local Chinese business community to the colonial government.

古朴商会、源远流长 A Modest Chamber with a Long History

47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号

1906年初,总商会于旧同济医院成立,不久后 租下禧街47号“大夫第”为会所。1911年,总商 会以五万五千元将会所买下,会址沿用至今。

Established in early 1906, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce was initially housed in the Thong Chai Medical Institution before moving to the Wee Ah Hood residence at 47 Hill Street. The Chamber bought over the Hill Street building for $55,000 in 1911 and has operated there ever since.


宗 风 远 鬯 Apex business organisation with predominant influence

总商会旧会所正门全貌。 The main entrance of the Chamber’s original location.


47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号

旧会所一楼大厅,内厅挂着“群策匡时”匾额。 The plaque “Unifying for the future” hanging at the hall of the Chamber’s original location.

旧会所主楼外观。 The exterior of the main building of the Chamber’s original location.




1906年,新加坡中华商务总会创办成员 The Founding Council of the General Chinese Trade Affairs Association in 1906. It was officially renamed the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce in 1917.

由清朝光绪皇帝批准农工商部颁给新加坡 商务总会的官印。 The official seal bestowed to the General Chinese Trade Affairs Association by the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce as permitted by Qing Dynasty Emperor Guangxu.


Apex business organisation with predominant influence

合影。1917年,新加坡中华商务总会正式 易名为新加坡中华总商会。

宗 风 远 鬯

47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号

1923年,新加坡中华总商会董事合影,第13届 会长林义顺(前排左五),是义顺、马西岭及裕 廊等区的开拓先驱。 A group picture of the Chamber’s 13th Council. The Council’s President then was Lim Nee Soon (first row, 5th from left), the pioneer who opened up areas like Nee Soon, Marsiling and Jurong.


宗 风 远 鬯 Apex business organisation with predominant influence

1930年代, 第20届林庆年会长(前排左十)与 总商会董事们,率先在华校推行统一教学语,推 广华语,并建议实行小学会考制度。图为1939 年,新加坡中华总商会第22届职员就职典礼合 影,会长为李光前(前排左十三)。 In the 1930s, the 20th Council led by Lim Keng Lian advocated adopting Mandarin as the standard teaching language in all Chinese schools and recommended implementing the Primary School Examination System.


47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号


Benefiting the Chinese Community Through Promoting Trade and Industry 1930年代,总商会多次在大世界举办商展会, 是当年新加坡的经贸盛事。 The Chamber organised many trade fairs at the Great World Amusement Park in the 1930s. The fairs were major trade events in Singapore during that period of history.

1922年3月,总商会董事在马来亚暨婆罗洲商品 展览会场,欢迎英皇储访问新加坡。 Council members of the Chamber welcoming the British Royal Crown Prince’s arrival to Singapore at the Borneo Trade Fair in Malaya, March 1922.


1935年,总商会国货扩大展览推销大会开幕典 礼摄影留念。 At the opening ceremony of the “Chinese Trade Fair” organised by the Chamber, 1935.


1935年,总商会欢迎南来参加国展会沪港代表 团摄影留念。

禧 街 47 号

The Chamber welcomed delegates from Shanghai and Hong Kong to the trade fair, 1935

47 Hill Street

1936年,总商会第二届国货展览推销大会参加 各号代表合影。 At the “2nd Chinese Trade Fair” organised by the Chamber, 1936


1937年,华社领袖李光前、陈延谦、周献瑞、 李俊承、杨吉兆和李振殿,合资买下晚晴园赠予 总商会留作纪念,他们的远见,协助国家保存下 重要的历史文化遗产。 In 1937, Chinese leaders Lee Kong Chian, Tan Ean Kiam, Chew Hean Swee, Lee Chor Seng, Yeo Kiat Tiow and Lee Chin Tian acquired Wan Qing Yuan and donated it to the Chamber. Their far-sightedness has helped Singapore to preserve an important historical monument.



积 基 树 本

Establishing Foundations

占时期,总商会会务被迫停顿。二战结束后,总商会 急速负起重任,除了协助稳定经济、重建家园外,

也为数十万各族人民争取公民权,并向殖民政府争取参政 权、反对议院语言限制等,以维护华族权益。此外,总商 会也秉承华人先贤兴学办校的崇高精神,大力支持教育

事业。 1959年新加坡实行自治,总商会积极支持政府推行 工业化政策,为新加坡奠定经济基础。1963年至1965年 初,新马局势动荡,总商会也协同友族商会,助政府稳定 社会治安。


uring the Japanese Occupation, activities at the Chamber came to a halt. After the war, the Chamber swiftly took on the responsibility of stabilising the economy, rebuilding our homeland, fighting for citizenship rights for people of all races and protecting the interests of the Chinese by fighting for the right to participate in the legislative assembly elections and opposing the legislature language clause. The Chamber also carried on the tradition and spirit of building schools, giving its fullest support in promoting education. When Singapore attained self-government in 1959, the Chamber gave strong support to the government’s industrialisation policy which set the foundation for Singapore’s economy. From 1963 to 1965, when social unrest was widespread in Singapore and Malaysia, the Chamber worked with the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce to help restore social order.

47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号


Supporting Businesses, Representing the Community 1940年代-1960年代,连瀛洲、李光前、陈六 使、陈锡九、高德根、孙炳炎等历届会长,连续 领导多项社会运动,影响深远。 From 1940–1960, Presidents Lien Ying Chow, Lee Kong Chian, Tan Lark Sye, Tan Siak Kew, Ko Teck Kin and Soon Peng Yam led the Chamber in many influential social and community campaigns.

1964年,总商会第24届职员(董事会)就职典 礼合影,会长为李光前(前排左六)。 The 24th Council led by President Lee Kong Chian (first row, 6th from left), 1946.

1946年,第23届总商会会长连瀛洲和副会长陈 六使致函祝贺刚上任新加坡总督吉森, 并表示华 社将全力支持英政府战后重建及复苏本地经济 的政策。 In 1946, President of the 23rd Council, Lien Ying Chow, and Vice-President Tan Lark Sye presented a congratulatory scroll to Sir Franklin Charles Gimson, the newly appointed Governor of Singapore, to reassure him of the Chamber’s commitment in supporting the British government's post-war efforts to rebuild Singapore and the economy.


积 基 树 本 Establishing Foundations

1950年,新加坡中华总商会第26届职员(董事 会)举行就职典礼摄影,会长为陈六使(前排 右六)。

1952年,新加坡中华总商会第27届职员(董事 会)举行就职典礼摄影,会长为陈锡九(前排 左六)。


The 26th Council led by President Tan Lark Sye (first row, 6th from right), 1950.

The 27th Council led by President Tan Siak Kew (first row, 6th from left), 1952.

47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号

1962年,新加坡中华总商会第32届职员(董事 会)就职典礼,会长为高德根(前排左八)。

1965年,新加坡中华总商会第33届职员(董事 会)就职典礼,会长为孙炳炎(前排左七)。


The 32nd Council led by President Ko Teck Kin (first row, 8th from left), 1962.

The 33rd Council led by President Soon Peng Yam (first row, 7th from left), 1965.

1945至1959年之间,总商会为本 地华族社群争取合法公民权、争取 立法议会里的华文使用权、推广华 文教育建设,并参与1955年议会 大选。

积 基 树 本

Between 1945 and 1959, the Chamber fought for the citizenship rights of the Chinese community, the right to include the use of Mandarin in the legislature, sought to improve Chinese-medium education and participated in the Legislative Assembly election in 1955.

Establishing Foundations

1957年,总商会协助市民办理公民 权登记手续。 In 1957, the Chamber opened its doors to assist locals in the citizenship registration process.

1957年,连瀛洲(右三)与高德根 (中)在位于福康宁山的公民权登 记中心。 Lien Ying Chow (third from right) and Ko Teck Kin (centre) at the citizenship registration centre at Fort Canning, 1957.

1959年,总商会主办“庆祝新加坡 自治博览会”,并出版《庆祝新加 坡自治博览会纪念刊》。 The souvenir publication of the Chamberorganised Constitution Exposition in 1959.


47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号

1963年,高德根会长领导的总商会代表,为沦 陷时期死难人民向日本驻新总领事交涉索偿, 并成立死难人民纪念碑募捐委员会。图为1963 年,总商会领导向日本追讨血债行动大会,有数 百个社团、十多万人出席。当时建国总理李光耀 也在大会上发表演讲。

In 1963, President Ko Teck Kin led the Chamber in seeking reparation from the Japanese Embassy in Singapore to atone for the souls of those who sacrificed their lives during the war. A “Memorial Building Fund Committee” was also set up. In picture: The “Mass Rally Demand for Compensation” led by the Chamber which saw an attendance of more than 10,000 people and hundreds of organisations.


自1967年起,总商会每年2月15日 风雨不改,在死难人民纪念碑前举办 “日本占领时期死难人民祭礼”,邀 请各国驻新使节、宗教团体、各族商 会社团、退役军人、死难者家属和学 校师生等代表出席,悼念先人之余, 也提醒公众,尤其年轻一代居安思危, 珍惜今天的和平, 并了解保家卫国的 重要性。

积 基 树 本 Establishing Foundations

Since 1967, the Chamber has been holding a “War Memorial Service in Commemoration of the Civilian Victims of the Japanese Occupation” on 15 February every year. It also marks Total Defence Day, the day Singapore came under Japanese Occupation and serves as a solemn reminder that peace should not be taken for granted. The service is attended by ambassadors, religious organisations, business and clan associations, uniformed groups and veterans’ league, students and families of the victims, in remembrance of the victims who perished during the Japanese Occupation of Singapore.

1963年3月,中华总商会倡建日本占 领时期死难人民纪念碑。纪念碑于 1967年1月竣工,四大支柱代表我国 的四大文化源流。 In March 1963, the Chamber commenced on the planning and construction of the Civilian War Memorial. Completed in January 1967, the Memorial's four pillars of the monument symbolise the four ethnic groups in Singapore.

总商会发起筹建日本占领时期死难 人民纪念碑,1967年2月15日由建 国总理李光耀主持落成典礼,并代 表新加坡政府与人民向死难英灵献 上花圈。 On 15 February 1967, Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew unveiled the Civilian War Memorial and presented a wreath to war victims on behalf of the Singapore government.


1964年,新加坡发生种族冲突事件,总商会与 印族、马来族商会合作,协助政府安抚各个族 群,迅速恢复社会安宁及商业秩序。 In 1964, racial riots broke out in Singapore. The Chamber worked with the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce to allay anxieties and racial tension amongst the ethnic groups, swiftly restoring social order and trade.



Building Pillars of the Future, Transmitting Culture

1953年,总商会第26届会长陈六使不畏困难, 发动华社创办东南亚唯一的华文大学——南洋 大学,总商会全力支持,随即在新马两地掀起 捐款热潮。

1950年代中,修建中的南大。 Nantah under construction, mid-1950s.

In 1953, undaunted by difficulties, President of the 26th Council Tan Lark Sye proposed the founding of Nanyang University (Nantah), the only Chinesemedium university in Southeast Asia. Backed by the Chamber, the cause garnered strong support from the Chinese communities in Singapore and Malaya and received generous donations from all walks of life.

1950年代中,南大牌坊。 The entrance gate to Nantah, mid-1950s.


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1956年3月15日,由陈六使主持南大开学典礼。 A ceremony to mark the commencement of the academic year, presided over by Tan Lark Sye, 15 March 1956.


积 基 树 本

总商会领袖高德根、李光前及陈六使,致力推动 我国教育事业。 Leaders of the Chamber Ko Teck Kin, Lee Kong Chian and Tan Lark Sye were stalwarts behind the promotion of education in Singapore.

Establishing Foundations

1957年,南大执行委员会会议,出席者有高德 根(右二)与陈六使(中)。 A meeting of the Nantah Executive Committee, with Ko Teck Kin (second from right) and Tan Lark Sye (centre) in attendance, 1957.



继 往 开 来

Moving Forward

战结束一直到国家独立初期,总商会继往开来,经 商兴业之余,也带领华社逐步融入本地社会,参与

更多的民生及文教事业发展。 1960年代初,总商会在会员商家精诚团结,乐捐奉献 下,顺利于1964年将古朴的旧会所重建成典雅、现代化的 大厦。楼高9层的大厦巧妙融合东西方建筑设计元素,大 门前在华族文化中寓意庄严吉祥的石狮及九龙壁,更具尊 贵与权威。新会所反映了华商在身份认同上的转变,从落 叶归根到落地生根,远渡重洋的过番客最终认定新加坡这 片土地为家园。


fter the war to the early days of independence, the Chamber gradually engaged the Chinese community in participating in more social and cultural activities. In the early 1960s, bolstered by the strong support and generous donations from its members, the Chamber redeveloped its original premises into an elegant and modern building. The 9-storey building that blends architectural designs from the East and West was completed in 1964. The two stone lions standing guard majestically outside the main entrance as well as the magnificent Nine Dragon Wall symbolise good luck, dignity and authority. It was also a new building which signified the resolve of the Chinese businessmen to settle here and make Singapore their home.

1961年,总商会拆除旧建筑,并于原址建起新 厦。

1961年,建筑工人小心翼翼地拆除总商会旧会 所的牌匾,以建造新大厦。 The Chamber’s signboard being carefully removed to

In 1961, the Chamber started to construct a new building at its original site.

make way for the rebuilding works.

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1961年,“新加坡中华总商会”牌匾自旧会所 建筑卸下,总商会董事持匾额合影。


Council members posing with Chamber’s signboard after it was removed from the old building in 1961.

继 往 开 来 Moving Forward

1962年,李光前(第22及24届会长)为新大厦 奠下基石。


Lee Kong Chian (President of 22nd Council and 24th Council) laying the foundation stone for the new building in 1962.

1964年,总商会新大厦落成典礼的热闹场面。 Festivities taking place during the opening of the Chamber’s new building in September 1964.

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“这座高楼也象征着一个伟大而骄傲的传统。 它代表安稳,因为它具体地说明了一个种族的 人士,曾经怎样远渡重洋来到这块土地上,克 勤克俭建立基业,而且和本地的原住民,一同 落地生根。”

“The building is a symbol of a great and proud heritage. It speaks of security, for it is concrete proof of the qualities of thrift and industry of a people who had come to the South Seas and made good and settled with the indigenous people here. It is the security of achievement. It is immovable proof that the Chinese had put their lot with the others in this country.

-1964年9月20日,建国总理李光耀在总商会新 大厦落成典礼上的演讲

- Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s speech at the opening of the Chamber’s new building on 20 September 1964

总商会新大厦开幕典礼贵宾,建国总理李光耀与高德根会长(左)。 Guest of Honour, Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, with President of the 32nd Council, Ko Teck Kin (left) at the opening of the Chamber’s new building.


1964年,总商会全体董事于大厦落成典 礼前摄。 Council members taking a photograph in front of the new Chamber building in 1964.


继 往 开 来 Moving Forward


坡东西方文化融合的精髓。大门前的石 狮与九龙壁,是中华文化吉祥的象征。


The Chamber building that was completed in 1964 integrated both Eastern and Western architectural designs. The stone lions and the Nine Dragon Wall at the entrance are regarded as auspicious symbols in Chinese culture.


群 策 匡 时

Unifying for the Future


965年建国前后,总商会不仅为华社请命,更为新加坡 社会各界仗义执言。在社会上,总商会领导各族群向日

本追讨二战牺牲者的赔偿,树立纪念碑悼念。在商务上, 领导海内外商团,打破当时西方船运公会的垄断,解开新 加坡转口贸易的经济束缚。 独立后直至1980年代,随着国际局势的演变,总商会 时刻向政府反映工商动态,并频繁出访各国,协助政府突 破经济困境,繁荣国家商业。在商言商之余,也涉足社会 福利、教育发展及文化传承等领域,协助政府打造和谐蓬 勃的社会,与国家一起在瞬息万变、竞争激烈的世界中同 行,与时并进。


round the time of Singapore’s separation from Malaysia in 1965, the Chamber did not only represent the interests of the Chinese community, but started speaking up for the different communities in Singapore. On the social front, the Chamber led the different racial groupings to seek reparation from the Japanese for the victims sacrificed during the war and erected a Civilian War Memorial in remembrance of the lives lost. In the post-independence years till the 1980s, the Chamber kept pace with the rapid changes in the external economy and gave relevant timely feedback to the government on developments in trade and industry; it also led many overseas trade missions and helped the government to overcome challenges of the economy. Beyond its core preoccupations in trade and industry, the Chamber carried out many activities in support of community welfare, education and cultural development in order to build a cohesive society, allowing the nation to stay competitive and keep up with the times in an ever-changing environment.

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Soldiering on with the People During Nation-Building 1965年8月9日,建国总理向媒体说明新加坡脱离马来亚独立的 情况。 Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew speaking to the press about Singapore’s separation from Malaysia to become an independent nation on 9 August 1965.

1965年,新加坡在裕廊工业 区发展了自身的工业与制造 业核心地区。 In 1965, Singapore began to develop a manufacturing hub at Jurong Industrial Estate.


群 策 匡 时 Unifying for the Future

1960年代末-1980年代,在孙炳炎、黄祖耀、 陈共存、林继民、林荫华等会长领导下,总商会 积极配合国家发展,一同迈向建国之路。

1969年,新加坡中华总商会第35届董事职员就 职典礼摄,会长为黄祖耀(前排左七)。 The 35th Council led by President Wee Cho Yaw (first row, 7th from left), 1969.

From late 1960s to 1980s, under the leadership of successive Presidents Soon Peng Yam, Wee Cho Yaw, Tan Keong Choon, Lim Kee Ming and Linn In Hua, the Chamber supported Singapore’s development and journeyed together with the nation.

1985年,总商会第43届董事职员就职典礼摄, 会长为陈共存(前排左十)。其中林继民(前 排右六,第40及41届会长)、林荫华(前排左 五,第44届会长)亦为该届董事。


The 43rd Council led by President Tan Keong Choon (first row, 10th from left), 1985. Lim Kee Ming (first row, 6th from right, President of the 40th & 41st Council) and Linn In Hua (first row, 5th from left, President of the 44th Council) were also part of the Council.

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Venturing Abroad, Opening Up Business Opportunities 1968年,总商会刊物《经济月报》特别推出新 加坡贸易考察团纪念刊。 In 1968, the Chamber’s publication, Economic Monthly, released a special edition for the Singapore Trade Mission.

1970年,新马中华总商会联合委员会首次会议 全体代表合影。 All members of Singapore-Malaysia Chinese Chamber of Commerce’s Joint Council taking a group photograph after their first meeting in 1970.


1971年,会长黄祖耀、副会长陈共存率领总商 会工商业考察团访问北京,与中国副总理李先 念、对外贸易部副部长李强、对外贸易促进会 首长王文林、委员张光斗、外交部亚洲司司长 刘春合影。

1975年,我国经济考察团赴印尼访问前在巴耶 利 机场合影。


In 1971, President Wee Cho Yaw and Vice-President Tan Keong Choon led a business delegation to Beijing. They met and took a photograph with Vice-Premier Li Xiannian; Li Qiang, Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade; Wang Wenlin, Chairman of the Council for the Promotion of International Trade; Zhang Guangdou, Committee Member; and Liu Chun, Director-general of Department of Asian Affairs. Members from Singapore’s Economic Mission took a picture at Paya Lebar Airport before leaving for Indonesia in 1975.

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1980年代早期,会长林继民率领总商会代表团 访问中国。

President Lim Kee Ming led missions to major cities in China in the early 1980s.


1988年,总商会与新加坡马来商会共组 代表团访问中国宁夏回族自治区,以和 中国回教社会建立商业关系。 The Chamber together with the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce led a mission to China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in 1988 to establish and explore business opportunities with China’s Muslim community.

1989年,会长林荫华率领代表团访问荷 兰鹿特丹和德国布来梅。 President Linn In Hua initiated a trade mission to Rotterdam and Bremen in 1989.



Advising and Helping Various Trades and Industries

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1960年代中期,蓬勃发展的新加坡海港。 The flourishing Port of Singapore in the mid-1960s. Shipping has always been a vital lifeline of the Singapore economy. However, the shipping conferences set up during the colonial era had been monopolising freight rates, with adverse repercussions on trade in Singapore. In 1964, the Chamber led the rubber trade in Singapore and Malaysia on a boycott in protest, forcing the Straits/ New York Conference to call off their intended increment. In 1967, the Chamber again brought up the freight rates issue, wanting to break the monopoly of the freight conferences. By the early 1970s, the bargaining power of Singapore and Malaysia businesses against dominant shipping conferences had increased due to this concerted Chamber-led movement. This demonstrated the Chamber’s collective efforts in negotiation and its ability to deal effectively with the government, industries and international business networks.

开埠以来,船运一直是新加坡的经济命脉。但殖 民时期成立的船运公会却长期垄断船运载费,严 重阻碍我国转口贸易的发展。1964年,总商会 带领新马树胶界进行抗争抵制,迫使海峡及纽约 航运公会取消涨价。1967年,总商会再度提出 船运公会费率课题,要求打破船运公会对运费的 垄断。直至1970年代初,这项商会领导的运动 增加了新马商家对西方航运业讨价还价的资本, 突显出总商会集体交涉的力量,以及与政府、商 界和跨国商业网络之间的互动能力。


群 策 匡 时 Unifying for the Future

1970年代,裕廊港口的效率 已达国际水准。 In the 1970s, the efficiency of the Jurong port had met international standards.

1967年,副会长黄祖耀在就职典礼发表演讲 时,提出强化新加坡船务业者地位的初步行动。


In 1967, at the installation of the 34th Council, the Chamber’s then Vice-President Wee Cho Yaw laid out a bold initiative to strengthen the position of Singaporean shippers.

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1967年5月,《新加坡中华总商会召开全星商团 代表大会研讨船运与载费问题会议记录》(中英 双语)。 Full Report of “The Mass Meeting of Representatives of Singapore Trade Organisations on the Question of Freight Rates” in May 1967.

1967-1972年,总商会联合友族商会组成 “各民族船运载费工委会”,争取合理的运 载费,也促成“新加坡全国配货人理事会”的 成立。 From 1967-1972, the Chamber together with the Indian and Malay Chambers formed the “Shipping Freight Working Committee” to fight for reasonable freight rates, which prompted the formation of the “Singapore National Shippers’ Council”.


群 策 匡 时 Unifying for the Future

1976-77年,全国工商与经济论文比赛纪念 特刊。 “National Commercial Essay Competition Souvenir Magazine”, 1976-77.

1959年,总商会为庆祝新加坡自治,曾举办大 型展销会(博览会)。独立后总商会于1985年、 1989年、1997年等,多次举办工商展览会,以 促进亚太各国的合作,及增进贸易关系。图为 1985年“工商展览会”入门处。

In 1959, the Chamber organised the Constitution Exposition to celebrate Singapore’s attainment of self-government. Following independence, the Chamber organised several Trade & Industry Fairs in 1985, 1989 and 1997 to promote trade among Asia-Pacific countries. In picture: The entrance of the Trade & Industry Fair held at World Trade Centre in 1985.


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1987年,总商会与新加坡马来商会联合工作委 员会成立,属下设经济、教育及文化体育小组, 以促进两会在相关领域的合作,并巩固民族间的 和谐与文化互动。图为1987年,联合工委会主 办“并肩共进”研讨会。

In 1987, the Chamber established a joint working group with the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce. In picture: The jointly organised seminar entitled “Partnership for Progress’ in 1987.

1967年出版的《经济月报》,是总商会促进贸 易的措施之一。

1978年初,总商会出版《经济季刊》,直至 1990年代中叶停刊,改为出版《华商》双月 刊。

The Economic Monthly first published in 1967 was one of the measures adopted by the Chamber to promote trade.

In early 1978, the Chamber published the Economic Quarterly till the mid-1990s, after which it was replaced by the bi-monthly Chinese Enterprise.



Strengthening Defence, Caring for the People

群 策 匡 时 Unifying for the Future

1967年,总商会协助国民服役登记,以期通过 义务兵役制,树立新加坡人的认同感。

In 1967, the Chamber assisted in the registration for National Service which was introduced to build up Singapore’s national defence and instil a sense of belonging among Singaporeans.


筹募国防基金运动 Fund-raising Exercise for the National Defence Foundation

1968年,总商会展开筹募国防基金运动,积极协助 国防。图为1972年黄祖耀会长(右三)率领商会代 表访问兵团。右一为时任国防部长吴庆瑞。 In 1968, the Chamber started a fund-raising exercise to gather funds for the National Defence Foundation.

In Picture: Chamber President Wee Cho Yaw (3rd from right) accompanying then Minister for Defence, Dr Goh Keng Swee on a visit to the army in 1972.


群 策 匡 时 In 1968, the Chamber organised a “Fundraising Meeting of Singapore Registered Trade Associations for National Defence Foundation”.

1969年,为迎接新加坡开埠150周年及庆祝独立4周年,总商会特主 办一项全国性美化市容活动与幸运抽奖。 The Chamber organised the “Beautify Singapore” campaign which included a lucky draw, to mark the 150th anniversary of the founding of Singapore and the nation’s 4th anniversary as an independent nation.


Unifying for the Future


1970年12月,总商会董事们巡视陶纳路火灾灾区,并慰问受影响灾民。 In December 1970, the Chamber’s council members visited the site of the Towner Road fire and expressed their condolences to the victims of the disaster.


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Establishing the Chamber Foundation, Promoting Education

Unifying for the Future

1961年,在全国华社协助下,总商 会筹设“陈嘉庚奖学基金”。1982 年,“陈嘉庚基金”获准注册,开始 颁发陈嘉庚高级学位奖学金、设立陈 嘉庚青少年发明奖、举办陈嘉庚学术 讲座、赞助高校教育基金等。 In 1961, the Chamber established the Tan Kah Kee Scholarship. Thereafter, the Tan Kah Kee Foundation was formally registered in 1982. The main activities of the Foundation include giving out the Tan Kah Kee Scholarships and Young Inventors Awards, organising the Tan Kah Kee Forums and contributing to the University Endowment Fund.

1987 年,诺贝尔物理奖得主杨振宁教授受邀前来我国主 讲“知识的追求—对称性概念的演变”。

Professor Chen-Ning Yang, Nobel Laureate in Physics, was invited to give a public lecture entitled “The Quest for Knowledge – The Evolution of the Concept of Symmetricity” in 1987.

1988年,诺贝尔化学奖得奖人李 远哲教授受邀演讲“科研与现代 社会:一位诺贝尔化学奖得奖人 的看法”。 Professor Yuan T Lee, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, was invited to give a public lecture entitled “Scientific Research and Modern Society: View of a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry” in 1988.

1991年,柏克莱加州大学 校长田长霖教授受邀前来 我国演讲 。 Professor Chang-Lin Tien, the chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley, was invited to give a public lecture in 1991.


1966年,总商会成立的中华总商会基金,以经 援贫穷人士,颁发大专奖学金、捐助各学府及 福利团体。自2008年起,总商会基金每年拨款 颁发奖学金给华侨中学,以支持华中培养双语 双文化人才。

1971年,总商会会长黄祖耀颁发奖学金予南大 马来文系学生。 Back in 1971, Chamber President Wee Cho Yaw presented scholarships to students majoring in Malay at Nanyang University.

In 1966, the Chamber established the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation to provide financial assistance to the needy, schools, institutions and welfare bodies as well as scholarships to deserving students. The Foundation has also pledged scholarships to Hwa Chong Institution since 2008 in a bid to support Hwa Chong’s efforts in nurturing bilingual and bi-cultural talents.

1976年度总商会大专奖学 金得主与总商会会长陈共 存及董事等合影。 Recipients of the 1976 SCCCF University Scholarships taking a group photograph with Chamber President Tan Keong Choon and other council members.


2002年,首位印族同胞获颁中华总商会基金商 学奖。

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In 2002, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation Business Scholarship was awarded to an ethnic Indian student for the first time.

Unifying for the Future

2013年,管理学院25届毕业典礼上,学员获颁 企业管理文凭、专业华文教育文凭、翻译口译 技能文凭、商务华语证书及总商会基金奖励金。 SCCIOB’s 25th graduation ceremony in 2013 saw many students graduating from the Diploma in Business Administration, Diploma in Professional Chinese Teaching, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation and Certificate in Business Mandarin programmes. Training Awards were also presented to deserving students.


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2004 年起,总商会与回教社群发展理事会联合 颁发奖学金,鼓励马来回教大学生,为国家的未 来培育英才和栋梁。2014年起,总商会基金与 新加坡印度人发展协会联合颁发奖学金,奖励在 国立大学、南洋理工大学和管理大学就读的优秀 印度族大学生。

From 2004 onwards, the Chamber and Yayasan MENDAKI jointly disbursed scholarships to MalayMuslim undergraduates to nurture talents for the country. With effect from 2015, SCCCF will be collaborating with the Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) to give scholarships to outstanding Indian undergraduates studying in National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore Management University (SMU).

2012年,总商会于中秋晚宴颁发中华总商会基 金奖学金。 In 2012, the Chamber presented the SCCCF scholarships to outstanding undergraduates.


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2013年,总商会与新加坡国立大学、南洋理工 大学、新加坡管理大学、新加坡科技设计大学, 以及马来/回教社会发展理事会的代表,在晚晴 园签署奖学金颁赠协议。 The Chamber signed scholarship agreements with representatives from NUS, NTU, SMU, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Yayasan MENDAKI in 2013 at the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.

2013年,总商会的中秋联欢晚会上,吕德耀部 长向新加坡各大学的优秀生及四名杰出的马来 回教学生颁发了总商会基金大专商学奖及文学 奖奖学金证书。 Minister for Transport Lui Tuck Yew presented outstanding students from the local universities and four Malay-Muslim students with SCCCF Scholarships at the Chamber’s Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations in 2013.



万 商 云 集

Congregating the Business Community


990年代步入21世纪,新科技改变了所有人的生活。总 商会以创新的精神,推行一系列新行动,以团结商社、

惠利人群。这期间总商会致力于加强与世界各国工商界的 联系,并首创世界华商大会,成立“通商中国”组织,将 华商间的友谊升华为合作机制。此外,总商会也设立“青 年企业家联系网”培养接班人,通过“事业女性组”团结 商场女将,设立“企业发展与服务中心”、“中小企业资 信资源中心”更好地为商家服务,并与商团密切合作推动 行业转型。总商会的多位会长和董事也担任官委议员,代 表商家在国会发言。 在社会公益及文教发展上,总商会更是推陈出新,在 促进各社会融合、友族交流、培养双语人才、保护国家文 化遗产等方面皆不遗余力。为打造和谐社会而努力,总商 会从不言倦,不仅赢得政府的肯定,也迎来社会各界的赞 誉。


s we entered into the 21st century, the emergence of new technology changed the lives of everyone. In the spirit of innovation, the Chamber launched a series of new events on behalf of the business community. During this time, the Chamber also actively strengthened linkages in the business community by founding the “World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention” and establishing “Business China”. The Chamber also launched the “Young Entrepreneurs Network” with the aim of nurturing future leaders, gathered capable female business leaders through establishing the “Career Women’s Group” and set up the “Enterprise Development Centre” and “SME Infocomm Resource Centre” to better assist local enterprises in improving their productivity. In the areas pertaining to community engagement, culture and education, the Chamber spared no effort in promoting social cohesion and multi-racial interaction, grooming bilingual talents and preserving our national cultural heritage. The Chamber has won recognition from the government and acclaim from the public at large with its ongoing efforts in shaping a harmonious society.

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1993年,总商会召开特别会员大会,以大多数 票通过了修改章程的建议,成功废除沿用八十多 年的分帮选举制度,迈向新的历史篇章。

In 1993, the Chamber held an Extraordinary General Meeting, during which an overwhelming majority voted in favour of abolishing the 87-year-old clan-based election system, thereby marking a new epoch in the history of the Chamber.

1995年,在新的选举制度下,张齐娥女士(左)与颜诗琴博 士(右)成为首次获选进入董事会的女性会员。 Under the new election system, two female council members, Claire Chiang See Ngoh (left) and Gan See Khem (right), were elected into the Chamber for the very first time in 1995.



Spanning the Globe for Economic Prosperity 1990年代至21世纪,在陈永裕、郭令裕、郑民 川、蔡天宝、张松声、蔡其生等会长领导下,总 商会推陈出新,以一系列行动造福国民。

From the 90s to the 21st century, under the leadership of successive Presidents including Tan Eng Joo, Kwek Leng Joo, Tay Beng Chuan, Chua Thian Poh, Teo Siong Seng and Thomas Chua, the Chamber launched a series of new and innovative programmes for the benefit of all Singaporeans.

1993年,总商会商务考察团访问中国山东新加 坡综合工业区。 The Chamber’s mission to Shandong Province in 1993 included a visit to the Singapore Comprehensive Industrial Zone.


1995年起, 总商会与中国河北省展开经贸合作。 图为1997年,总商会与河北省经贸合作工委会 召开第三次会议。

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1997年,总商会贸易与工业代表团访问中国河 北省秦皇岛市、唐山市和天津市,代表团成员也 包括了澳洲及以色列的企业代表。


In 1995, the Chamber signed an MOU with the Hebei Provincial Government to strengthen trade and economic cooperation and formed the Hebei-SCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee; The photograph shows the Working Committee holding its third meeting in 1997.

The Trade & Investment Mission to Qinhuangdao, Tangshan and Tianjin in 1997 included delegates from Western Australia and a representative from an Israeli company.

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2000年,总商会代表团首次访问南非主要城市 约翰内斯堡、比勒陀利亚、开普敦和德班。

Congregating the business community

The Chamber’s first business mission to South Africa in 2000 covered the major cities of Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town and Durban.

2006年,总商会商务代表团访问越南。 A business mission was dispatched to Vietnam in 2006 to explore bilateral opportunities in trade and investment.


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2012年,总商会代表团前往印度考察与交流。 A business mission to India in 2012 visited the cities of Ahmedabad, Pune and Mumbai.

2012年,总商会代表团前往缅甸考察与交流。 The Chamber organised a business mission to Myanmar in 2012.


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2013年,总商会百人考察团赴马来西亚依斯干 达特区进行实地考察。 In 2013, the Chamber led a 100-member delegation on a business mission to Iskandar Malaysia to gain a better understanding of its latest developments and investment prospects.

2014年,总商会商业代表团访问印尼芝卡朗 省、雅加达及泗水市。 In 2014, Chamber President Thomas Chua led a 37-member business mission to Cikarang, Jakarta and Surabaya in Indonesia.


商贸会议、共谋发展 Global Conventions, Blueprints for Growth

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19 9 0 年,总商会与荷兰鹿特 丹市 签 署合 约,联 营“新加坡鹿特丹贸易与分销中心有限公司”。 该中心于19 91年启用,向欧 洲市场 促销新加坡 产品。

In 1990, Dr A. Peper. the Mayor of Rotterdam, signed a 99-year lease for a Singapore Trade & Distribution Centre to be set up in Rotterdam. Established in 1991, the Centre set out to use Rotterdam as a gateway to promote Singapore products to the European market.

1994年,中华总商会与以 色列亚洲商会签署谅解备忘 录,加强商贸联系。 In 1994, the Chamber signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce to strengthen trade interaction.


1991年,总商会呼应前会长林荫华于1989年的 提议,首倡“世界华商大会”,为全世界的华 商和工商界建构起加强经济合作、促进相互了 解的非政治论坛,以让来自世界各国的代表齐 聚一堂,讨论有关华商的经济和社会文化议题。

Based on an initial concept first mooted by Chamber President Linn In Hua in 1989, the Chamber founded the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) in 1991 to provide ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs and business professionals from around the world an apolitical networking platform to strengthen economic cooperation and promote mutual understanding. It also creates an avenue for delegates from the global Chinese business community to congregate and discuss economic and social issues related to Chinese entrepreneurship.


1991年8月,建国总理李光耀在首届世界华商大 会上发表主题演讲。

The Chamber founded and organised the inaugural World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in August 1991.

Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew delivered a keynote speech during the first World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in August 1991.


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2011年,总商会主办第十一届世界华商大会, 以“新格局、新华商、新动力”为主题,吸引了 4600多名海内外华商共聚狮城。这是时隔二十 年后,总商会再次举办世界华商大会。 In 2011, the Chamber organised the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) under the chosen theme of “New Global Environment, New Chinese Enterprise, New Impetus”. The convention attracted more than 4,600 Chinese business personalities and entrepreneurs from around the world. The WCEC was first hosted by the Chamber in Singapore 20 years ago.

第11届世界华商大会开幕,主宾李显龙总理主持 开幕仪式并参观世界华商大会展览会场。 Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was the Guest of Honour at the opening ceremony of the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention and toured its largescale exhibition.


第11届世界华商大会“创新企业家”论坛。 Panel discussion on “New Models for Business Growth” at the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention.

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第11届世界华商大会闭幕晚宴,主宾为建国总 理李光耀。

The Guest of Honour for the 11th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention Closing Ceremony cum Gala Dinner was Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, who shared valuable insights during the dinner dialogue.


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2006年,总商会配合百年庆典,主办“跨世 纪、越四海——亚洲华商峰会”,邀得来自世 界各地超过一千位嘉宾与商家参加。 One of the highlights of the Chamber’s centennial celebrations in 2006 was the “Asian Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit”, which attracted more than 1,200 guests and businessmen from all parts of the world.


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2007年,中华人民共和国国务院总理温家宝专 题演讲暨通商中国正式启动仪式。 In 2007, Wen Jiabao, then Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, officially launched Business China and delivered a keynote speech during the ceremony.

Acting upon a suggestion mooted by Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, the Chamber spearheaded the setting up of “Business China” in 2007. Business China’s mission is to nurture an inclusive bilingual and bi-cultural group of Singaporeans through an extensive use of the Chinese language as the medium of communication, so as to sustain our multi-cultural heritage, and to develop a cultural and economic bridge linking the world and China.

2009年,总商会与通商中国设晚宴欢迎中国国 家主席胡锦涛。胡主席发表演讲时,肯定总商会 在新中之间所扮演的角色。 Hu Jintao, then President of the People's Republic of China, at the Gala Dinner jointly organised by the Chamber and Business China in 2009. In his speech, he affirmed the important role played by the Chamber in promoting Sino-Singapore ties.


Congregating the business community

2007年,总商会响应建国总理李光耀的创议, 成立了以华语为媒介的交流平台——“通商中 国”(Business China),以期造就一批双语双 文化人才,在保留我国多元文化传统之余,能搭 建起联系中国与世界各地文化和经济的桥梁。

2010年,总商会以企发中心的名义在中国上海 市设立总商会首个海外代表处。代表处积极发 挥桥梁与纽带作用,不仅深化本地企业与中国 商界的联系、促进新中商贸交流,也提升了总 商会的品牌。

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The Chamber opened its first overseas representative office in Shanghai in 2010. The Shanghai Representative Office’s role includes strengthening its network and relations with Chinese government agencies and business organisations, building a strong brand name for the Chamber and increasing recognition and support for the Chamber in China.

2012年,总商会上海代表处首次主办“新中 商务论坛”。 In 2012, the Shanghai Representative Office organised the first “Singapore–China Business Forum”.

2013年,配合新加坡企业中心揭牌仪式,总 商会举办 “新中商务论坛:上海自贸区为新 加坡企业带来的商机”。 In conjunction with the launch of ISSEC in 2013, the Chamber held a Singapore-China Business Forum on “The Shanghai Free Trade Zone: Opportunities for Singapore”.


2013年,总商会与新加坡国际企业发展 局合作,将上海代表处升级为“新加坡企 业中心”,以更明确的定位和鲜明的品牌 形象,为本地商家到中国发展提供有效 支援。

总商会为设在上海的新加坡企业中心举行 揭牌仪式。企发局张永昌局长(右二)和 总商会会长蔡其生(左一),在贸工部兼 国家发展部李奕贤高级政务部长(右一)、 中国驻新加坡大使馆经济商务参赞处郑超 公参的见证下,共同开启协助新加坡企业 通往中国市场的大门。 The ISSEC was launched by Lee Yi Shyan (second from right), Senior Minister of State for Trade & Industry and National Development, and accompanied by (from left) Chamber President Thomas Chua; Zheng Chao, Minister Counsellor of PRC Embassy Economic & Commercial Counsellor’s Office; and Teo Eng Cheong, Chief Executive Officer of IE Singapore.


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In 2013, the Chamber collaborated with International Enterprise (IE) Singapore in repositioning the Shanghai Representative Office as the IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre (ISSEC) to provide effective assistance to local enterprises as they venture into China, leveraging on a clearer and fresher brand image.

2009年,中国大使馆首次设宴恭贺总商会第55 届董事会全体董事宣誓就职。自此总商会董事会 成员都会在每届就职典礼后受邀与中国大使馆各 级官员共进晚宴,愉快交流。图为2013年,中 国驻新加坡大使馆特设晚宴恭贺本会第57届董 事会全体董事宣誓就职。

The PRC Embassy in Singapore first hosted a congratulatory dinner for the Chamber’s newly elected 55th Council in 2009. Since then, it has become a tradition for the PRC Embassy to invite council members for a networking dinner with officials from the Embassy on the same night following the Installation Ceremony. In picture: The VIP table at the dinner hosted by the PRC Embassy in 2013 for the 57th Council.

2012年,总商会与台湾中国生产力中心签署合作框架协议,通过培训与交流, 搭建新加坡企业与台湾企业互动平台和桥梁。 In 2012, the Chamber signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the China Productivity Center (CPC) in Taiwan to harness the strengths of both organisations to help SMEs in Singapore and Taiwan interact with one another through training and networking sessions.


2013年,印度驻新加坡大使馆最高专员Vijay Thakur Singh及一秘Amitesh Bharat Singh到访 总商会,希望与总商会携手促进两国经贸繁荣。

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In 2013, India’s High Commissioner to Singapore HE Vijay Thakur Singh and First Secretary Amitesh Bharat Singh visited the Chamber to promote bilateral trade between Singapore and India.

2013年,印尼驻新加坡大使Andri Hadi阁下特邀 本会董事和会员商家到其官邸,与使馆经济处、 商务处、印尼商会和多家大型企业密切交流。 In 2013, HE Andri Hadi, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Singapore, invited the Chamber’s Council and members to his residence to network with the Embassy’s economic and commerce division, KADIN Indonesia and top business representatives.


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2013年,巴基斯坦驻新加坡最高专员赛义德哈 桑·贾维德和副最高专员Salman Athar拜访总 商会,推介巴基斯坦的投资商机和社会环境。

In 2013, Pakistan High Commissioner HE Syed Hasan Javed and Deputy High Commissioner Salman Athar paid a courtesy call to the Chamber to give a comprehensive report on the history, socio-cultural and economic developments of Pakistan.

2013年,总商会邀请诺贝尔和平奖得主、缅甸 全国民主联盟领袖翁山淑枝,与总商会的董事进 行闭门对话会,以进一步了解缅甸的投资氛围。 In 2013, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Myanmar Member of Parliament, was invited to hold a closed door dialogue with Chamber’s council members to share her insights on the investment environment in Myanmar.


2013年,总商会组织代表团赴成都参加第12届 世界华商大会,受到当地企业的热烈欢迎,也到 由新加坡和四川联合开发建设的新川创新科技园 参观,了解园区规划和建设情况。


In 2013, the Chamber led a delegation to participate in the 12th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) in Chengdu. The delegation was warmly welcomed by the local business community, and visited the Singapore-Sichuan Hi-Tech Innovation Park to gain a better understanding on its planning and development works.

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2013年,总商会主办“2013新中商务论坛—拓 展中国成功之路”,以协助本地企业拓展中国 市场,并和11家中国省市驻新加坡代表处签署 合作协议,共同推动两国企业间的密切交流,促 成彼此的合作。 In 2013, the Chamber organised the “2013 Singapore China Business Forum – Venturing Successfully in China” to assist local enterprises with their ventures into the China market. The Chamber also signed MOUs with 11 of China’s provincial and city representative offices in Singapore to promote closer collaboration with enterprises from both countries.



Sharing of Strategies, Supporting Enterprises Annual SMEs Conference, Infocomm Commerce Conference, SME Expo In 1997, the Chamber organised the “Internet Business Conference” which later expanded into the “Infocomm Commerce Conference”. This was followed by the very first Mandarin “Annual SMEs Conference” held in 1998. These two events subsequently evolved into two of the Chamber’s annual flagship events; along with the SME Expo, they have become the essential knowledge sharing platforms for the business community.

1997年,总商会举办国际网络商业大会,之后 转变为资信商业大会。1998年 ,总商会以华语 为媒介,举办首届“中小型企业大会”。至今, 这两项常年举办的旗舰项目已经成为本地重要商 务活动,同时举行的中小企业博览会也深受商家 认同。

第49届会长郑民川陪同时任 新加坡国家电脑局主席林瑞 生参观1997年国际网络商业 大会“网络咨询走廊”。

Lim Swee Say, then Chairman of the National Computer Board, being accompanied by Tay Beng Chuan, President of the 49th Council, at a tour of the “Solutions Gallery” at the Internet Busness Conference held in 1997.

1998年,第49届会长郑民川 在首届“中小型企业大会” 上致辞。 President of the 49th Council, Tay Beng Chuan, giving a speech at the opening of the first Annual SMEs Conference in 1998.


Congregating the business community

中小型企业大会、资信商业大会、中小企业 博览会

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2013年,第15届中小型企业大会、第16届资信 商业大会暨2013中小企业博览会(首届)。

The 15th Annual SMEs Conference, 16th Infocomm Commerce Conference (ICC) and the first SME Expo 2013 were held in 2013.

2014年,第16届中小型企业大会、第17届资信商业大会暨2014中 小企业博览会,吸引近5000人参加。图为总商会董事陪同通讯及新 闻部长雅国博士参观博览会。 The 16th Annual SMEs Conference, 17th Infocomm Commerce Conference (ICC) and SME Expo 2014 held in 2014, attracted close to 5,000 participants. In picture: Minister for Communications and Information Dr Yaacob Ibrahim touring the expo.



2014年,第三届商团大会,邀请了四家本地商 团(右)和两家香港(左)、台湾(中)商团的 代表分享经验。

In 2014, the Chamber held the 3rd Trade Association Congress and invited speakers from four local trade associations (right) and two trade associations from Hong Kong (left) and Taiwan (middle) to share their experiences.

2014年,第三届商团大会,商团会员与贸易与工业部林勋强部长对话. Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang held a dialogue session with trade associations at the 3rd Trade Association Congress.


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The inaugural “Trade Association Congress” under the adopted theme of “The Challenge and Role of Trade Associations in the New Economy” was organised in 2006. More than 600 representatives from 89 local trade associations participated in the congress to discuss the many concerns and challenges being encountered in the rapidly changing business environment.

2006年总商会首次举办“商团大会”,以“商 团在新经济时代所面对的挑战与任务”为主题, 邀请到本地89家商团机构600多名高层代表齐 聚一堂,共商新时代商团面对经济转型的求存 之道。

2006年,总商会成立企业发展与服务中心,并 启用“企业通”综合性网站,以协助中小企业解 决面临的难题,更好地利用政府及社会资源,为 企业的健康成长提供推动力。

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2012年,企发中心为本地商家与中国企业牵线 搭桥,为来自七个不同省市的中国代表团在新 加坡举办招商活动。图为北京市人民政府在我 国举办“中国(北京)国际服务贸易交易会新 加坡推介会”。


In 2006, the Chamber set up the EDC@SCCCI and launched “Qi Ye Tong”, the Chinese version of the EnterpriseOne portal, to help SMEs resolve their problems and make better use of government and community resources, thus providing an impetus for them to grow.

In 2012, EDC@SCCCI assisted delegations from seven provinces and cities in China to organise trade and investment promotion seminars in Singapore. In picture: “The inaugural China Beijing International Fair for Trade and Services Promotion Event” organised by Beijing WTO Affairs Center with EDC’s assistance.

2013年9月,时任中区市长陈振泉在大巴窑为总 商会属下中小企业中心开办的第一个邻里卫星中 心举行启动仪式。总商会以此为起点,将服务网 络从市区拓展到邻里、摊贩,在政府、商家和商 团之间建立起更加广泛、有效而紧密的纽带。


In September 2013, SME Centre@Central was officially launched in Toa Payoh by Sam Tan, then Mayor of Central Singapore District. It was SME Centre’s first Satellite Centre, and was a strategic move to extend its business advisory services from the city to the heartlands, thereby building a greater bond between the government, businesses and trade associations.

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2007年起,总商会不定时主办“名人讲座系 列”演讲。图为2011年,陈庆炎博士在总商会 举办的第五届名人讲座上,以“环球经济走势、 风险与机遇为题”发表主题演讲。讲座问答时段 的主持是许茵妮副教授。

2008年,总商会与资讯通信发展管理局共同发 起成立“中小企业资信资源中心”,举办系列活 动、课程,协助本地中小企业善用资信科技,改 善业务。图为2012年, 商家们在“几分钟内建立 自己的商务网站”英语工作坊上,学习如何善用 网络平台进行商业展示等。


The “Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series” has been organised by the Chamber since year 2007. In picture: Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam shared his views about “Trends, Risks and Opportunities in the Global Economy” at the SCCCI’s 5th Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series, moderated by Assoc Prof Annie Koh on July 15 2011.

The Chamber and Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) jointly established the “SME Infocomm Resource Centre” (SIRC) in 2008. SIRC is responsible for organising events and courses to help SMEs improve their business through the use of Infocomm Technology (ICT). In picture: Participants learning to use the Internet to promote their products and create a business website easily during the “Build Your Own Business Website within Minutes” Workshop in 2012.


Bridge to the Government, Addressing Business Concerns 从1997年开始,总商会会长郑民川、张松声、 蔡其生、及多位董事,先后被委任为新加坡国会 官委议员,代表商界和华社参与国事讨论,发挥 总商会的社会责任。

Starting from 1997, the Chamber’s Presidents Tay Beng Chuan, Teo Siong Seng and Thomas Chua and many council members, have been appointed as Singapore’s Nominated Members of Parliament, to represent the interests and concerns of the business and Chinese communities at the national level, yet another significant role of discharging Chamber’s social responsibility.

1997年,事业女性组为本会三位担任 官委议员的董事(第49届总商会会长 郑民川(左),董事张齐娥(中), 董事庄绍平(右)主办“与本会官委 议员有约“下午茶会。 In 1997, the Chamber’s three Nominated Members of Parliament, President of the 49th Council Tay Beng Chuan (left), Council members, Claire Chiang (middle) and Chuang Shaw Peng (right), attended the “Tea Session with our Nominated Members of Parliament” organised by the Chamber’s Career Women Group.

张松声(第55届及56届会长)与蔡 其生(第57届及58届会长)在国会 演讲的报章报道。 News clippings of Teo Siong Sheng (President of 55th and 56th Council) and Thomas Chua (President of 57th and 58th Council) speaking on various issues concerning the business community in Parliament.


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2006年,总商会和印度商会共同主办印度经贸 考察时进行内部交流。

2012年,(左起)新加坡复员技训企业管理局总 裁张子芳、总商会会长张松声、马来商会会长 Abdul Rohim Sarip及印度商会会长Rangarajan Narayanamohan出席马来商会、印度商会及新 加坡中华总商会交流会。


In 2006, the Chamber had an interaction session with the Confederation of Indian Industry during a business mission to India jointly organised with Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce.

(From left) Teo Tze Fang, CEO of Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCORE), Teo Siong Seng, SCCCI President, Abdul Rohim Sarip, President of Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SMCCI) and Rangarajan Narayanamohan, President of Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SICCI) attending the Inter-Chamber Networking Night hosted by SMCCI in 2012.

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2013年5月开始,总商会每月举行商团对话会, 加强与各商团代表的联系,并了解各行业面临的 挑战,再向有关政府部门转达。

2013年,总商会促成面包西果商公会与建屋 局、环境局、农粮局高层官员举行联席对话 , 为该公会成立67年来首次与三家对口政府机构 交流。

Starting from May 2013, the Chamber has been holding monthly networking lunches with Trade Association members to strengthen relations and to better understand concerns and challenges faced by their respective industries, which the Chamber could then surface to relevant government agencies.

In 2013, the Chamber organised a joint dialogue with Singapore Bakery & Confectionery Trade Association (SBCTA), Housing and Development Board (HDB), National Environment Agency (NEA), and Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA). This was SBCTA’s first joint dialogue with the department heads of the three government agencies since its establishment 67 years ago.


Congregating the business community

2013年,总商会会长蔡其生连同董事会成员, 向建屋局局长蔡君炫博士(前排中)及高层人员 反映中小企业面临租金上涨的挑战,同时了解当 局的工商业设施发展计划。 In 2013, the Chamber arranged for a dialogue with HDB to reflect the concerns of SMEs regarding surging rentals. President Thomas Chua and council members attended the dialogue session with key representatives from HDB including its CEO Dr Chua Koon Hean.

2013年,总商会代表和马来商会、印度商会代表出席了由本会主办、马来 商会和印度商会联办的三大商会交流会。 In 2013, representatives from the Chamber, SICCI and SMCCI attended the third Inter-Chamber Networking Night hosted by the Chamber at Ramada Hotel.


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1990年代创刊的《华商》双语双月刊,为总商会的旗舰刊物,宣导 本会活动之余,也关注我国、区域及全球局势发展。从2010年第三 期开始,总商会也推出电子版《华商》,以扩大读者群,为本会及 广告商带来更大的品牌与宣传效益。 First published in the 1990s, Chinese Enterprise, initially named Economic Quarterly, is the Chamber’s bilingual and bi-monthly flagship publication. Aside from promoting the Chamber’s events, it also covers features relating to the local, regional and global economic and business developments. From the third quarter of 2010, the Chamber also launched the online Flipbook version of Chinese Enterprise in order to increase reader base and bring more branding and publicity benefits to the Chamber and advertisers.


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Setting up Interest Groups, Fostering Cohesion 青年企业家联系网 The Chamber launched the “Young Entrepreneurs Network” (YEN) in 2004, to nurture young entrepreneurs, expand their network and bonding, and promote the development of local enterprises.

2004年,新加坡中华总商会成立“青年企业家 联系网”以培育青年企业家,促进本地起步公司 的发展,并加强他们之间的联系和凝聚力,从而 在海内外市场共展宏图。

2004年青年企业家联系网 成立仪式群体照。 Group shot at the Launch of Young Entrepreneurs Network in 2004.

2010年,青企网主办首届青年企业家论坛暨新加坡中华总商会青年企业家 联系网成立五周年活动。 The inaugural SCCCI-Youth Network Forum and the YEN’s 5th Anniversary Celebration event was held in 2010.


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2015年,总商会为庆祝青企网成立10周年, 举办“活力青年、共创企业”论坛与晚宴。


YEN organised the first “Mentoring and Networking Event” in 2013. Property Management Committee Chairman John Lim was invited to share his experiences with 30 young entrepreneurs from the construction and real estate industry.

The Chamber organised the “Young, Driven, Enterprising” forum and dinner in 2015 in celebration of YEN’s 10th Anniversary.

Congregating the business community

2013年,青企网首次举办“商业指导与交流活 动”,邀请本会产业委员会主席林惠璋与30名 从事建筑与地产业的青年企业家分享其经验。

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Career Women’s Group (CWG)

总商会为了扩展其联系网络,也为了吸引更多 职业女性参与活动,于1994年7月成立了“新 加坡中华总商会事业女性组”。事业女性组定 期主办各类型活动,包括常年举行的三八妇女 节庆祝活动,也经常邀请专业人士发表专题演 讲,让女性会员藉此平台互相交流、分享心得 及扩大人脉网络。

The SCCCI Career Women’s Group (CWG) was set up in July 1994 with the aim of attracting more career women to participate in Chamber activities and expand their network. CWG organises a wide range of events and activities to promote the holistic development of career women, including the annual International Women’s Day Celebrations which has become the flagship event of the group.

1994年,总商会事业女性组主办“事业女性在 总商会的挑战与机会”研讨会。

The “SCCCI Workshop: Women in SCCCI. Challenges and Opportunities” by CWG in 1994.

2006年,财政部兼交通部政务部长陈惠华应总 商会事业女性组之邀,出席首办“真、善、美” 国际三八妇女节活动。 CWG organised its first International Women's Day Celebration event in 2006. Then Minister of State for Finance and Transport Lim Hwee Hua was the Guest of Honour.


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CWG celebrated International Women’s Day with “A Toast to Women” Conference and Gala Dinner in 2013. Grace Fu, Minister for the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for the Environment & Water Resources and Foreign Affairs was the Guest of Honour.

From 2014, CWG started to invite distinguished women from abroad to be panelists for the conference segment of the International Women's Day Celebrations.

2014年起,总商会也开始邀请国外杰出女性参 与国际妇女节论坛,与出席者分享人生经验。


Congregating the business community

2013年,总商会事业女性组举办“为女性喝 彩”国际三八妇女节庆祝活动,邀请本地杰出 女性与出席者分享人生经历与心得。活动主宾 是总理公署兼环境及水源部和外交部第二部长 傅海燕女士。

华语讲演会 成立于2000年的新加坡中华总商会华语讲演 会,旨在为会员、商家提供平台,克服说话的 羞涩感、加强语言表达,从中学习沟通艺术和 组织领导才华。

The SCCCI Mandarin Toastmasters Club was set up in 2000 to provide a platform for members and entrepreneurs to hone their public speaking skills, learn the art of communication and develop their leadership abilities.

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华语讲演会顾问张齐娥在第3届口才训练班结业 典礼上致辞。

Claire Chiang, Adviser of the Mandarin Toastmasters Club, addressing students upon their completion of the 3rd Speech Craft Course.

华语讲演会全体学员摄于15周年庆典晚宴。 Group photo of the Mandarin Toastmasters Club at its 15th Anniversary Celebration Dinner.



The SCCCI Mandarin Singing Class was first started in May 2000 with the aim of promoting Chinese Performing Arts, providing members with a setting to relieve their stress, indulge in their hobby of singing and socialise with each other.

于2000年5月成立的总商会华语歌唱班,目的除 了弘扬中华表演艺术外,也让爱好唱歌的会员在 舒解压力和陶冶性情的同时,广交朋友。

书法班 总商会于2007年开办“中华书法欣赏与学习” 班,教导学员从中华国粹书法的学习与欣赏中, 接触中华文化艺术、提高对书法的鉴赏能力和品 味水平。

Students from the “Chinese Folk Songs” Singing Class and “Chinese Sentimental Hits” Singing Class came together to perform at the 2012 SCCCI Nite @River Hongbao.

The Chamber has been holding Calligraphy Classes since 2007. Participants of the classes are taught the art of calligraphy appreciation through learning the intricate skill of writing calligraphy, a quintessential part of Chinese cultural heritage.


Congregating the business community

“中国民歌班”及“华语时代金曲班”学员 为“2012年春到河畔迎新年:总商会之夜”表 演助兴。

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历史教育、国民意识 History and National Consciousness

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1995年,纪念二战结束50周年,总商会在美芝 路日本占领时期死难人民纪念碑举行特别献花仪 式。

To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the end of World War II, the Chamber held a special ceremony in 1995 at the War Memorial located at Beach Road.


时任副总理李显龙、英国肯特公爵等贵宾一 起释放和平鸽,象征世界和平50周年。


Then Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, and the Duke of Kent from England joined Chamber President Kwek Leng Joo and other distinguished guests to release 50 pairs of white doves, as a symbol to commemorate 50 years of world peace.

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2012年3月,总商会、陈嘉庚基金、怡和轩、新 加坡宗乡会馆联合总会 (简称宗乡总会) 联合 组成工作委员会,决议在晚晴园花园竖立“南侨 机工纪念雕塑”,以记载、追念和表彰南侨机工 在中国抗战期间的贡献。

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In March 2012, a committee formed by representatives from the Chamber, Tan Kah Kee Foundation, Ee Hoe Hean Club and the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) decided to erect the “Nanqiao Jigong Commemorative Sculpture” at the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall’s garden to commemorate the hardship and sacrifices of the overseas Chinese mechanics from Southeast Asia during the war.

2013年3月,文化、社区及青年部高级政务次长 陈振泉为竖立在晚晴园的南侨机工纪念雕塑主持 揭幕仪式。 In March 2013, Sam Tan Chin Siong, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, officiated the opening ceremony of the “Nanqiao Jigong Commemorative Sculpture” at Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.

我国前新闻、通讯及艺术部长雅国博士致函总商 会,对竖立南侨机工纪念标志之举深表赞许。 Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, then Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, wrote to the Chamber to express his support of the Chamber’s initiative in erecting the “Nanqiao Jigong Commemorative Sculpture”.


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1995及1997年,为配合世界和平50周年纪 念活动,总商会分别出版了中、英文版《和 平的代价: 马来半岛沦陷期间136部队及其他 反侵略势力纪实》。本书旨在提醒国人居安 思危,强调全民防卫与国家存亡唇齿相关, 同时,也希望让年青一代的国民意识到和平 是的可贵。 The Price of Peace is a book published by the Chamber to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II. The original Chinese edition was published in 1995, followed by the publication of the English edition in 1997. The book was published to remind Singaporeans to remain vigilant even in times of peace, and highlights the importance of total defence towards our country’s survival. In addition, it was also published to let the younger generation of Singaporeans understand and appreciate that the peace we enjoy today was attained through the sacrifices of our forefathers.

1999年,总商会与亚太图书有限公司 联合推介新书《居安思危:大战前后 新马史料汇编》。 In 1999, SCCCI and Asiapac Books co-published a new book entitled Eternal Vigilance – The Price of Freedom.


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1991年,总商会与宗乡总会联合出版《向李光 耀致敬》及《李光耀谈新加坡的华人社会》,以 记录建国总理李光耀对新加坡作出的贡献。 In 1991, the Chamber and SFCCA jointly published Lee Kuan Yew on the Chinese Community in Singapore, a special volume of Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s speeches on the Chinese community dating back to 1964.

2004年,总商会与宗乡总会联合出 版《向吴作栋致敬》,该纪念特刊 收录了一系列荣誉国务资政吴作栋 与华社的对话交流和相关的精辟论 述。 In 2004, the Chamber and SFCCA jointly published A Salute to Goh Chok Tong, a special commemorative publication to acknowledge Emeritus Senior Minister Goh’s contributions to Singapore during his 14 years as Prime Minister.


2011年,总商会与宗乡总会联办 “向建国总理李光耀及荣誉国务资 政吴作栋致敬晚宴”。出席者包括 华社领袖、总商会董事、商团会 员、宗乡会馆和基层领袖。在活动 现场,主办机构向两位国家领袖分 别赠送了《李光耀与华社》、《吴 作栋与华社》精美画册。 In 2011, the Chamber and SFCCA jointly organised the “Gala Dinner in Honour of Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong”. Invited guests included leaders of the Chinese communities, the Chamber’s council members, representatives from Trade Association members, Chinese clan associations and grassroots leaders. During the dinner, Mr Lee and Mr Goh were presented with books on Lee Kuan Yew and Chinese Community and Goh Chok Tong and Chinese Community respectively.


社会互助、热心公益 Community and Charity Projects

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1992年,总商会与宗乡总会联合成立华社自助 理事会,协助华族弱势群体。 In 1992, the Chamber and SFCCA jointly set up the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) as a self-help group to extend assistance to the less fortunate in the Chinese community.

1996年,配合总商会90周年庆,主办“探古访 胜汽车慈善寻宝竞赛”,透过活动促进社会和家 庭的凝聚力,并为“福乐林老人院”筹募添购首 辆救护车的义款。 In 1996, in conjunction with the Chamber’s 90th Anniversary, a “Treasure Hunt on Wheels 96” was organised to promote community and family cohesion. Donations gathered from the event also helped to sponsor a brand new ambulance for the Happy Villa Community Home for the Elderly.


2012年,张松声会长代表总商会基金捐赠第二 辆救护车予新加坡佛教福利协会属下福乐林老 人院。 In 2012, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation (SCCCF) sponsored the second ambulance for the Happy Villa Community Home for the Elderly, a home under the Singapore Buddhist Welfare Services.


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2006年,总商会举办“新加坡脐带血库慈善高 尔夫球赛”。 SCCCI organised a Charity Golf Tournament in 2006 and the proceeds were donated to the Singapore Cord Blood Bank.

2006年9月,总商会与Yayasan MENDAKI联合 组织职业嘉年华会,为马来同胞提供2300个工 作岗位。 A career carnival was jointly organised by the Chamber and Yayasan MENDAKI in September 2006, to offer 2,300 jobs to Malays.


2013年,总商会、马来商会与印度 商会联办第三次交流会。 The Chamber hosted the third InterChamber Networking Night in 2013 at Ramada Hotel and brought the other Chamber members on a tour of Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall as part of the programme.

2012年,总商会基金及国家融合基金拨款赞助 青企网主办的“WOW心火相传”公益活动。透 过探访孤儿院及老人院等活动,让青年企业家、 新移民等相互交流,融入本地社会及回馈社会的 平台。

In 2012, the SCCCF and Community Integration Fund sponsored the “WOW Day” Community Welfare Event organised by the YEN. Through visiting an orphanage and old folks’ home, this event served as a platform for young entrepreneurs to interact with volunteers who were new immigrants and allowed them to integrate into and contribute to the society.


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培养人才、传扬文化 Grooming Talent, Promoting Culture 1979年,总商会主办“多 讲华语、少说方言”全国 推广华语运动推介礼;建 国总理李光耀为首届讲华 语运动掀开序幕。 In 1979, Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew officiated the launch of the national "Speak Mandarin Campaign" at the event organised by the Chamber.

1984年,配合推广华语运动,总商会主办《学 华语、讲华语》展览会。由建国总理李光耀为运 动主持开幕并发表演讲。

In conjunction with the “Speak Mandarin Campaign”, the Chamber held the “Learn Mandarin, Speak Mandarin” Exhibition in 1984. Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew officiated the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.


Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business

1984年,为了配合政府的人力训练政策,总商 会成立培训中心,协助会员公司提高生产力与管 理技能,并推广现代化高科技在本地企业界的应 用。这项举措获得会员商家的踊跃支持。1996 年培训中心正式提升为管理学院。学院透过属 下各培训中心(语言文化中心、商学中心、国 际培训中心),为各界人士提供优质多元的培 训课程,协助学员提升技能,致力推广华文华 语,并开展系列社会公益活动,也为前女囚犯 和新移民提供就业培训。

The Singapore Chinese Chamber Training Centre was founded in 1984 and was later registered in 1996 as a Training and Education Organisation with the Registry of Societies. Through its various training centres (Language & Culture Centre, Business Studies Centre, International Training Centre), SCCIOB provides quality and diversified skills upgrading training courses for people from all sectors. It also conducts a series of social programmes, and provides training to support female ex-offenders in re-integrating into the workforce.

2012年,管理学院领导与BSI英国标准协会代表 签署长期合作备忘录。

In 2012, SCCIOB signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the British Standards Institution to enter into long-term cooperation.


Congregating the business community


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2012年,首批新移民学员完成“生活达人实用 英语”课程。

2012 saw the graduation of the first batch of “Practical English for Community Integration” course participants. This course was developed to help new immigrants learn English.


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1966年,总商会六十周年庆典 之际,各国代表团前往晚晴园 参观。 In 1966, delegations from various countries visited Wan Qing Yuan when the Chamber celebrated its 60th Anniversary.


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晚晴园今貌。 The current look of SYSNMH.

1994年,总商会属下晚晴园被列为国家古 迹,1995年总商会成立子公司:晚晴园—— 孙中山南洋纪念馆私人有限公司,负责修复晚 晴园,1996年正式把这座见证历史的名园命名 为“晚晴园——孙中山南洋纪念馆”。2001年 及2011年,总商会分别投入巨资修复晚晴园。 今日的晚晴园,交由国家文物局管理,是认识辛 亥革命的重要场所,馆方亦接待了不少来自国内 外的重要政治领袖和官员。

Wan Qing Yuan, a property entrusted to the Chamber, was gazetted as a national monument in 1994. In 1995, the Chamber established a subsidiary named Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Co Ltd to oversee its restoraton work. The historical building was formally renamed “Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall” (SYSNMH) in 1996 after the renovation. SYSNMH underwent extensive renovations on two occasions – 2001, and again in 2011, after it became a community heritage institution managed by the National Heritage Board. SYSNMH is now an important place for all Chinese and Chinese businessmen to revisit their past and get to know more about the history of the 1911 Chinese Revolution. SYSNMH has received many important local and international political leaders and officials.


万 商 云 集 Congregating the business community 2001年,建国总理李光耀与来访贵宾在修葺 后的孙中山南洋纪念馆参观。 Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and distinguished guests visiting the SYSNMH after its renovation in 2001.


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2013年,新加坡印度商会以及马来商会的代表 们参观孙中山南洋纪念馆,以了解辛亥革命对近 代中国历史的影响,以及本会在孙中山先生革命 事业中扮演的角色。

2012年,晚晴园举办为期三周的“文化飨宴艺 晚晴”文化节活动。 SYSNMH organised a three-week Chinese CultureFest in 2012.

In 2013, representatives from the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SICCI) and the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SMCCI) toured the SYSNMH to learn about the impact of the 1911 Revolution on modern Chinese history and the role played by the Chamber during Dr Sun Yat Sen’s revolutionary movement in Southeast Asia.


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In 2013, SYSNMH celebrated the Lunar New Year with a series of activities over 15 days, comprising Open House activities such as lantern riddles, craft and calligraphy demonstrations. SYSNMH also held a Yuan Xiao Celebration and invited Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean to be its Guest of Honour.


Congregating the business community

2013年,晚晴园举办“金蛇晚晴园迎新春”活 动,包括猜灯迷、剪纸示范、书法表演等,副 总理张志贤受邀担任元宵节庆祝活动的主宾, 与民同乐。

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2004年,总商会新春大团拜的主宾为时任副总 理李显龙。 Then Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was the Guest of Honour at the Chamber’s 2004 Lunar New Year Gathering.

2012年,总统陈庆炎伉俪出席新春大团拜,与 总商会董事及年轻表演者合影。 President Tony Tan and the First Lady attended the 2012 Lunar New Year Gathering and took a picture with Chamber’s council members and young performers.


2015年,新春团拜会主宾环境及水源部长维文 在致词时首次用华语向与会者拜年,赢得全场 掌声。

自1986年起,总商会与宗乡总会等机构联合举 办“春到河畔迎新年”活动,以弘扬华人文化 与传统,至今已成为新加坡每年的节庆盛事。 River Hongbao has been organised by the Chamber, SFCCA and other organisations since 1986. It has since become an annual Lunar New Year event to promote traditional Chinese culture and customs.

Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, was the Guest of Honour for the Chamber’s 2015 Lunar New Year Gathering. The Minister received a big round of applause from the audience when he spoke in Mandarin to wish everyone a Happy Lunar New year.

1997年,总商会与宗乡总会等合办“春到河畔迎 新年”活动。 亮灯仪式主宾是时任总统王鼎昌。 The “River Hongbao” event held in 1997 was jointly organised by the Chamber, SFCCA and other organisations. Then President Ong Teng Cheong was the Guest of Honour at the Light Up Ceremony.


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接任我国总理的晚宴上, 总商会与宗乡总会联合发 起设立“中华语言文化基 金”,以推动本地华语及 中华文化的发展。 In 2004, during a dinner held in honour of Lee Hsien Loong on his appointment as Singapore’s Prime Minister, the Chamber and SFCCA announced that a Chinese Language and Culture Fund would be set up to promote the development of Chinese language and culture in Singapore.

2006年,庆祝商会百年,总商会与联合早报携 手呈现2006年华族文化节开幕节目大型宫廷梦 幻诗乐舞剧“梦回大唐”。建国总理李光耀为开 幕主宾。受邀观赏者包括李显龙总理等政要及商 界、艺术界人士。

In 2006, in celebration of the Chamber’s centennial, the Chamber joined hands with Lianhe Zaobao to present the opening programme of the 2006 Chinese Cultural Festival, a lavish dance performance entitled “A Dream Journey to Tang Dynasty”. Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew was the Guest of Honour. The performance was attended by distinguished guests like Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, government officials, business leaders and patrons of the local arts scene.


万 商 云 集

2013年10月,总商会带领会员和各个社区参与 计划参与机构-新加坡马来商会、新加坡印度商 会、中小型企业公会、新加坡全国雇主联合会、 新加坡工商联合总会、新加坡全国职工总会及人 力部代表一起展开本地文化古迹之旅,参观著名 文化古迹天福宫、马里安曼兴都庙、阿尔阿布拉 回教堂及詹美回教堂。

The Chamber, together with the SICCI and SMCCI, held the second SMCCI-SICCI-SCCCI Inter-Chamber Networking Night in 2012. Prior to the networking dinner, host SMCCI invited the Chamber’s council members to tour the Malay Heritage Centre.

The Chamber collaborated with Ministry of Manpower and other Community Engagement Programme (CEP) partners – SMCCI, SICCI, Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME), Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF), Singapore Business Federation (SBF) and National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), to organise a heritage learning journey in October 2013. The learning journey brought the participants to significant heritage monuments along Telok Ayer Street, like Thian Hock Keng Temple, Sri Mariamman Temple, Al-Abrar Mosque and Jamae Mosque.


Congregating the business community

2012年,总商会与马来商会及印度商会联办第 二届交流会,会前,马来商会邀请本会董事参观 马来传统文化馆。

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Bilingual Education and Professional Training 1990年代,总商会承办新加坡汉语水平考试。 The Chamber organised the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (Chinese Proficiency Test) for Singapore in the 1990s.

1991年起,总商会联合宗 乡总会和报业集团等机构, 每年举办“全国中小学生多 (群)口讲故事比赛”,图为 2006年比赛现场。 Since 1991, the Chamber together with SFCCA, Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and other organisations, has been organising the “Inter-School Group Story Telling Competition” annually. In picture: Participants of the competition in 2006.


万 商 云 集

2013年,总商会管理学院与新加坡国际企业发 展局合办“国际商业伙伴计划高级管理课程”, 带领83名新加坡企业家及政府官员赴北京、 上海、成都、昆明、宁波、大连、无锡、深圳、 厦门及香港等城市浸濡学习。

The Chamber organised the first “National Mandarin Humorous Speech Competition” in 2008.

Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) worked with IE Singapore to conduct the “International Business Fellowship (iBF) Executive Programme” in 2013. A total of 83 Singaporean business representatives and government officials went for immersion trips to China under the programme. SCCIOB arranged for participants to visit cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Kunming, Ningbo, Dalian, Wuxi, Shenzhen, Xiamen and Hong Kong.


Congregating the business community

2008年,总商会主办“第一届全国华语幽默演 讲比赛”。

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2013年,新加坡管理大学邀请本会第57届董事会董事参观校区建设, 并举办交流会。会上,蔡其生会长代表管理学院与新加坡管理大学校长 Arnoud De Meyer签署合作协议,共同协助职场专业人士提升竞争力。 Singapore Management University (SMU) invited the Chamber’s newly elected 57th Council to a networking luncheon and a campus tour in 2013. During the luncheon, President Thomas Chua and SMU President Arnoud De Meyer represented SCCIOB and SMU respectively to sign a Memorandum of Understanding for collaboration in referral, academic and industry support and joint initiatives.

2013年,总商会管理学院与新加坡制造技术研究院(SIMTech)联合 推出生产力经理专项培训课程。 SCCIOB and the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) jointly launched the Aspiring Productivity Excellence – Certified In-Company Productivity Manager (APEX-CIPM) programme in 2013.


2012年起,总商会以提高生产力为主导,分别 为企业家们组织了多次海外集训营,前往台湾、 日本和韩国实地取经,同时也邀请海外专家前来 我国举办专题工作坊,反响热烈。 Since 2012, the Chamber has been organising overseas training camps to Taiwan, Japan and South Korea to help local SMEs learn from successful case studies on enhancing business productivity. Productivity workshops conducted by invited overseas experts also received positive feedback from local entrepreneurs.

2013年,“服务业创新与生产力”考察日本集 训营,内容包括专题和案例研讨、日本标杆企业 参访、业界专家交流。 The “Service Innovation & Productivity Study” which was organised to Japan in 2013 included case studies, business visits and dialogue sessions with experts.



放 眼 四 海

Towards Global Connectivity

国迄今,总商会已拥有多过150个商业团体会员和 超过4000名商号会员,其中包括来自各行业的跨国

公司、政联机构、大型金融与商业组织和中小型企业。今 天的总商会不仅是本地华商的最高领导机构,在国际商业 舞台上亦信誉卓著;在维护新加坡商家利益、推动国内外 商贸、教育、文化与社区发展各个方面,更是利泽全民。 总商会从创立,至茁壮,到今天成为一个与新加坡 商贸及社会福祉息息相关的民间团体,其间遭遇过无数的 时代风浪;可以说在新加坡的建国历程中,总商会是见证 者,也是参与者。未来,这艘航行上百年的巨轮亦将继承 前人基业,启迪后进,放眼四海。


ince Independence till the present day, the Chamber has recruited more than 150 Trade Association members and more than 4,000 corporate members. The members consist of MNCs from various sectors, government-linked companies, large financial and business organisations and SMEs. Today, besides being the apex body of the Chinese business community in Singapore, the Chamber has won acclaim worldwide. The Chamber has also made valued and important contributions in many areas such as upholding the interests of the local business community, promoting local and international trade, education, cultural and community development. From its humble beginnings, the Chamber has become an important private sector business association which is inextricably linked to Singapore’s trade and social well-being, and which has traversed numerous vicissitudes in Singapore’s history. The Chamber can be said to be a witness as well as a participant of Singapore’s nation-building journey. In the years to come, the Chamber will continue to build on the legacy of its pioneers to inspire the younger generation and pursue the goal of global connectivity.

商会精神、生生不息 The Chamber’s Unwavering Spirit

1996年,总商会90周年晚宴,时任总理吴作栋 与历届会长同庆贺。 Then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong at the Chamber’s 90th Anniversary Dinner with the Chamber’s current and past Presidents, 1996.


2006年4月,“新加坡中华总商会会花”命名仪 式上,邀请主宾时任纳丹总统为兰花命名。

The Chamber approached Singapore Botanic Gardens to propagate an elegant purple orchid as the Chamber’s flower and held a special Orchid-Naming Ceremony officiated by then President S R Nathan in April 2006.


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2006年总商会百年庆典。 The Chamber’s centennial celebrations in 2006.

总商会新年团拜会上,时任国务资政吴作栋为百 年庆徽章主持揭幕仪式,象征总商会正式跨越百 年,掀开一系列庆祝活动的序幕。 On the first day of the Lunar New Year, then Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong officially unveiled the Chamber’s 100th Anniversary logo, bringing an auspicious start to the series of commemorative centennial events.


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Towards Global Connectivity




The Chamber’s Centennial Gala Dinner in October 2006.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong acknowledged the contributions of the Chamber’s past Presidents at the Centennial Gala Dinner.


放 眼 四 海 Towards Global Connectivity 李总理颁赠“再创辉煌”匾额予中华总商会, 祝贺总商会百年庆,并感谢总商会多年来对国 家的贡献。 Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong presented the Chamber with a plaque bearing the inscription of “再创辉煌” and thanked the Chamber for its contributions to Singapore over the years.


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李总理和内阁部长共同祝贺总商会百年庆。 Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and many of his Cabinet Ministers were present at the Chamber’s Centennial Gala Dinner.

2013年,总商会按照传统举行董 事会就职典礼。李显龙总理受邀 担任就职典礼主宾。图为新任会 长蔡其生(左)从前任会长张松 声手中,接过拥有百年历史的总 商会印章。 The Installation Ceremony for the Chamber’s 57th Council, held in 2013, was officiated by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. In picture: Newly elected Chamber President Thomas Chua (left) receiving Chamber’s seal from the hands of Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng.


放 眼 四 海 Towards Global Connectivity

“中华总商会成立于1906年,拥有非常 悠久的历史。百多年来,总商会在推动 社会、经济、文化和教育事业都很有建 树,一直以来博得社会大众的尊敬,也 对国家的发展作出积极的贡献。” - 2013年总商会第57届董事会就职典礼 主宾李显龙总理 “Established in 1906, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry has a long history. For more than 100 years, the Chamber has contributed greatly to the society, economy, culture and education. SCCCI has earned the respect of the public throughout the years, and made active contributions to the nation’s development.” - Guest of Honour Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong speaking at the Chamber’s 57th Installation Ceremony, 2013



再 创 辉 煌

Embracing a More Glorious Future

入建国50年,总商会已经成功转型,不再分帮划 派,也不再是纯粹以方言和华语作为沟通语言的华

社组织。今天的总商会,其组织结构更能反映出新时代的 新加坡社会;它以更坚定的信心继续前进,与国家同渡的 使命感始终如一。 2015年,总商会举办了《新加坡建国50周年杰出华 商奖》,陈庆炎总统及李显龙总理皆高度赞扬华商在新加 坡建国过程中的贡献,更赞扬中华总商会在新加坡经济转 型与社会发展中所扮演的积极角色。 过尽千帆,作为华社的支柱、国家的领航组织之一, 总商会势必也将在未来,随国家发展的洪流,承前启后, 群策群力,为社会的和谐稳定、永续发展,勇往前进。


s we enter the 50th year of Singapore’s independence, the Chamber has successfully transformed itself. It is no longer an organisation divided by clans, nor a Chinese organisation using only Chinese dialects and Mandarin as the medium of communication. The current organisation structure of the Chamber is a better reflection of contemporary Singapore society. These developments would enable the Chamber to move forward with greater confidence while adhering to its convictions and sense of duty towards our nation. In 2015, the Chamber held the “SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards”. During the awards ceremony, President Tony Tan and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong praised the contribution of Chinese pioneers in Singapore’s nationbuilding and the Chamber’s active role in Singapore’s economic transformation and social development. As a pillar of the Chinese community and one of the leading organisations of the nation, the Chamber will continue to strive and do its best for social stability and harmony, and in pursuing excellence.

总商会荣获由通商中国颁发的2014“通商中国 企业奖”,肯定本会在促进新中两国友好关系, 以及协助新加坡企业拓展中国市场的贡献。

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2014年11月18日,蔡其生会长代表总商会在香 格里拉大酒店举行的颁奖典礼上,从主宾张志贤 副总理手中接过此项殊荣。

The Chamber was presented the Business China Enterprise Award in recognition of its outstanding contributions in fostering excellent bilateral business, cultural and educational ties with China, and assisting local enterprises to tap on its extensive networks in China.

On November 18 2014, President Thomas Chua represented the Chamber to receive the award from Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean at the Award Ceremony cum Gala Dinner.


- 2015年“建国50周年杰出华商奖”主宾陈庆 炎总统

- Guest of Honour, Dr Tony Tan, President of the Republic of Singapore, speaking at the Chamber’s SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards Ceremony, 2015

“获奖的前辈各个都是商界泰斗,我很感谢他们 愿意用自身的故事作为华商精神的真实案例,成 为年轻一代效仿的榜样。” - 总商会第58届会长蔡其生 “The most notable of all is that these entrepreneurs are not only preoccupied with the success of their business. They also devote time, energy and resources into society, culture, education and charitable projects, are active in community organisations, and lead the way in industry development, working hard to promote Chinese culture and personally put into practice traditional values, and helping the less privileged among us. They are role models of society and pillars of our nation!” - Chamber President Thomas Chua speaking at the Chamber’s SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards Ceremony, 2015.


再 创 辉 煌 Embracing a more Glorious Future

“Despite the challenges and uncertainties surrounding Singapore’s future then, many of our Business Pioneers decided to build their lives here. They left their former homes in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Taiwan to start their businesses from scratch in Singapore. As the Singapore economy evolved and progressed, these Business Pioneers seized opportunities and adapted to the environment. Our Pioneers believed in Singapore’s future and remained rooted here.”

“华商群体的成功与我们国家的成长与发展密不 可分。在早期的新加坡,大部分先驱是移民或移 民的后代,他们是为了寻找商机而来到新加坡, 在这里度过了五六十年代艰难的政治转型期,陪 伴新加坡从殖民地时代进入自治时期,之后并入 马来西亚。1965年,新加坡独立之后,许多华 商无惧前路风雨留在新加坡,把这里当作自己的 家园,他们与政府团结在一起,建设适合工商业 发展的亲商环境,并通过文化与教育活动为社会 发展作出贡献。成功华商也是社会慈善活动的领 军人物。”

2015年,总商会主办的“建国50周年杰出华商 奖”,以表扬杰出华商对国家的无私奉献。

In 2015, the Chamber organised the “SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards” to acknowledge the Chinese business pioneers’ exceptional achievements and contributions to Singapore.



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再 创 辉 煌 Embracing a more Glorious Future

2015年,副总理张志贤见证总商会 第58届董事就职典礼,蔡其生连任 会长。典礼上,总商会与裕廊集团 (JTC)签署备忘录,联合设立商 团中心,推动行业转型及合作。 In 2015, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean witnessed the 58th Installation Ceremony during which Thomas Chua was re-elected as President of the Chamber. During the ceremony, the Chamber signed a Memorandum of Understanding with JTC Corporation (JTC) to jointly set up the Trade Association Hub in order to encourage industrial transformation and cooperation.


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2015年,新加坡中华总商会第58届董事合影。 A group photograph of the Chamber’s 58th Council in 2015.


再 创 辉 煌

Embracing a more Glorious Future


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Milestones 1906


The General Chinese Trade Affairs Association was formed.



Established The Financial Board of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce.



The General Chinese Trade Affairs Association was renamed Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce.


3月份创办的《总商会月报》,是总商会最早向会员传达世界经济发展 趋势的刊物。

First released its monthly journal in March; this was its earliest publication reporting on trends pertaining to global economic development.


各种天灾来袭时,总商会为中国及其他受灾国家筹款,也在经济萧条 期间捐赠粮食给穷苦人民。

Actively raised funds for China and other countries affected by natural disasters and also donated food to the poor during the Great Depression.


Donated generously to support the establishment of Hwa Chong Institution and Raffles Institution.



Organised the Chinese Trade Fair.



Helped to establish the Southeast China Relief Fund Union to help China's war victims during Japan's invasion of China.



Took over Wan Qing Yuan.


日军南下时,总商会成立75人行动组,呼吁商业领导人继续营业并且 尽量压低价格以免让人们受苦,从而维持社会秩序;也劝请平民保持 冷静,避免收藏食物和药物。

As the Japanese advanced towards Singapore, the Chamber formed a 75-member group to help maintain peace and order by urging business leaders to continue with their operations, and to keep prices down to avoid


subjecting the people to hardship. It also advised civilians to remain calm and refrain from stocking up food and medical supplies.

2月15日,新加坡沦陷。日占时期(1942-1945),总商会暂停运 作。

On February 15, Singapore fell to the Japanese. Between 1942 and 1945, during the Japanese Occupation, the Chamber put a temporary halt to its operations.


总商会为本地华籍社群争取合法公民权、立法议会华文使用权;推进 华文教育建设;参与1955 年议会大选。

Successfully secured citizenship rights for immigrants, fought for Chinese language to be used in the Legislative Assembly of the colonial government, promoted the setting up of Chinese medium schools and participated in the 1955 Legislative Council Election.


前会长 (1950-1951年) 陈六使发动创办当时新马唯一的华文大学- 南 洋大学,总商会给予大力支持,慷慨乐捐。

Supported the call of its Past President Tan Lark Sye to set up the first Chinese medium University – Nanyang University (Nantah) and donated generously towards it.



Organised the Constitution Exposition at the old Kallang Airport to celebrate the self-governance of Singapore.


高德根会长领导总商会为沦陷时期死难人民向日本驻新总领事交涉索 偿;3月成立死难人民纪念碑募捐委员会。

President Ko Teck Kin led the Chamber to demand for reparations from the Japanese government for the civilian victims of the Japanese Occupation and set up the Memorial Fund Committee in March.



The Chamber’s new building was completed, and Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew officiated at its Opening Ceremony.

新加坡发生种族冲突事件,总商会与印巫商会携手,劝请各族同胞保 持镇定和睦。

During the racial riots, the Chamber worked closely with other ethnic Chambers to urge for calm and maintain social order.


8月9日,新加坡宣布独立。总商会踊跃支持政府的工商经济发展计划, 鼓励会员进行工业化发展,也通过更宽广与深入的商业脉络建立与区 域以及国际工商界的关系,并主办多项贸易与投资考察活动,协助巩 固新加坡经济。

Singapore announced its independence from Malaysia on August 9. The Chamber supported the government's industrial efforts and development plans to build a stronger economy by actively expanding its business network, establishing relationships with regional and international business




大 事 记

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communities and organising many trade and investment missions. It also encourages the business community to embark on industrialisation and expansion of trade.


Published a booklet, Industrial Incentives of Singapore, to help attract foreign companies to invest in Singapore.


Completed the renovation of Wan Qing Yuan and renamed it as the Sun Yat Sen Villa.


成立总商会基金,为贫穷人士提供经济援助、颁发奖学金给优秀的大 专学生、及支持各项文化与教育活动。

Established the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation to provide financial assistance to the needy, scholarships to deserving undergraduates and to support cultural and educational activities.


死难人民纪念碑竣工,2月15日,建国总理李光耀为纪念碑主持揭幕典 礼。自此,总商会每年都在同一天举行日本占领时期死难人民祭礼。

Completed the construction of the Civilian War Memorial; the opening ceremony was officiated by Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on 15 February. Thereafter, the Chamber organises a War Memorial Service on the same day every year.

成立船运载费工作委员会,积极争取打破严重影响新加坡贸易的船运 公会垄断载费局面,取消不合理合约制度。

Formed the Shipping Freight Working Committee to break the monopolistic practices of the shipping conferences for the benefits of Singapore exporters.


全力支持加强国防建设力量,召集全国注册社团筹募国防基金, 全年为 国防基金筹得123万余元。

Gave its full support to Singapore's national defence. It mobilised all registered associations to donate generously towards funding the setting up of National Service and the Singapore Armed Forces. A total of $1.23 million was raised for the National Defence Fund that year.


Established the Tan Kah Kee Scholarship Trust Fund to award scholarships to students from institutes of higher learning.


积极帮助会员拓展商机、促进我国贸易与投资,成为带动新加坡商家 迈向区域和国际的平台,并进行积极而频繁的经贸交流,有效促进了 新加坡与海外市场的互惠合作。

Actively assisted members to explore business opportunities and promote Singapore’s trade and investment. It also acted as a platform for the regionalisation and internationalisation of Singapore businesses, through trade exchanges which promoted mutually beneficial collaborations with overseas markets.


领导各民族船运载费工作委员会正式成立全国配货人理事会,作为新 加坡配货人代表,讨论货运及公共利益问题。

Through the Chamber's leadership in steering the Shipping Freight Working Committee, the Singapore National Shippers' Council was successfully established to represent the interests of local shippers.


为方便代表本会工业会员与外界交往,决定在英文名称上加入“工业” 一词。

A decision was made to add “industry” to the Chamber’s English name to reflect the increasing number of members belonging to the manufacturing sector. From then on, the Chamber came to be known as the “Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry”.


筹办“全国推广华语运动”开幕礼,此后,政府把每年10月定为推广 华语月。

Supported the launching of “Speak Mandarin Campaign”. Thereafter, the government designated October as the Promote Mandarin Campaign month.


为了应对电脑时代的挑战,设立微型电脑中心,为会员提供电脑技术 训练,提高生产力。

Set up a Micro Computer Centre to provide computer courses to help members improve productivity and adapt to the challenges of advances in IT.


陈嘉庚基金信托委员会在公司法令下注册为陈嘉庚基金,并获准为公 共慈善机构,继续颁发大专奖学金。

Formally registered the Tan Kah Kee Scholarship Trust Fund as Tan Kah Kee Foundation to continue its mission of awarding scholarships to students from institutes of higher learning. It was also granted the Institution of Public Character Status by the government.



Established The Chinese Chamber Realty Pte Ltd to manage the development of its property.


成立总商会培训中心,协助会员提高业务能力与管理技能,并推广现 代化高科技在本地企业界的应用。

Established the Singapore Chinese Chamber Training Centre to assist members in enhancing business capability and management skills, and promote the use of IT among local enterprises.


为 550个来自澳洲、日本、台湾、香港、马来西亚、德国及法国等地 的参展者举办 “国际贸易与工商展览会”。

Organised a “Trade & Industry Fair” for 550 exhibitors from Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Germany, France, etc.


经新加坡贸易发展局授权,设立贸易网络服务中心,为商家提供电子 网络申办报关服务,减低商家运作成本及提高工作效率。

Appointed by Singapore Trade Development Board to set up a TradeNet office to process import, export and transshipment documents electronically, saving costs and turnaround time for the declaration of trade and shipping documents and expediting cargo clearance.


大 事 记 Milestones


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成功创立“世界华商大会”,为遍布世界各地的华商建立有效的联络 机制。来自30个国家/区域的约800名代表齐聚一堂,讨论有关华商的 经济和社会文化议题。

Successfully founded and organised the inaugural “World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention” (WCEC) to provide Chinese entrepreneurs from around the world a business networking platform to strengthen economic cooperation and mutual understanding. More than 800 delegates from 30 countries/regions participated in the event.

创办《华商》双语双月刊,宣导活动之余,也关注我国、区域及国际 商业局势发展。

Published the first issue of Economic Quarterly (later renamed as Chinese Enterprise), a bilingual and bi-monthly publication which serves to inform members of various Chamber activities and update them on local, regional and international economic trends and developments.


为协助华社弱势群体,与新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会联合成立华社自助 理事会。

Together with Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), set up the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) as a self-help group to extend assistance to the less fortunate in the Chinese community.


召开特别会员大会,成功废除延用了半个世纪的分帮选举制度,也对 章程作出了重要的修改,并制定了新的选举制度。

Held an Extraordinary General Meeting to abolish its clan-based election system and make major changes to its Rules.



Set up the “Career Women’s Group” (CWG).



Under the new election system, two female council members were elected into the Chamber for the very first time.


The Sun Yat Sen Villa was gazetted as a national monument by the National Heritage Board.

获颁9002国际标准证书,成为本区域第一家获得国际标准证书组织认 可的商会。

Became the first Chamber of Commerce in the region to obtain ISO 9002 certification.

成立双语网站提供商会信息,设立“世界华商网络”进一步扩大与发 展世界华商大会的影响力,推出“中小型企业自动化计划”,协助商 家通过电脑化系统提高生产力。

Set up the World Chinese Business Network (WCBN) via the Internet to facilitate business information exchange and networking among the world


Chinese enterprises; established a bilingual corporate website and also launched the SME computerisation project to help member companies upgrade their operations and improve productivity through computerisation.

成立河北-新加坡经贸合作工作委员会,促进两地之间的商贸合作关 系。

Set up the Hebei-SCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee to promote trade and economic cooperation between Hebei and Singapore.


出版中、英文版本历史刊物《和平的代价》,为年轻一代提供第二次 世界大战时期的第一手资料。

Published the English and Chinese editions of The Price of Peace to provide the younger generation with access to first-hand accounts of World War II.



Upgraded and registered the Singapore Chinese Chamber Training Centre as the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB).

正式把孙中山故居命名为孙中山南洋纪念馆,纪念孙中山先生在东南 亚一带的革命事迹。

Formally renamed the Sun Yat Sen Villa as the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall to commemorate Sun Yat Sen’s revolutionary activities in Southeast Asia.

推出新一类会籍,让华族专业人士以及非华族股东所管理的公司能以 准个人或准商号会员身份加入。

Introduced a new membership category to allow individual Chinese professionals and non-Chinese-owned companies to join the Chamber as associate individual and corporate members respectively.


首次举办“网际网络商业大会”,之后逐渐发展成为总商会每年举行 的旗舰活动 “资信商业大会”。

Launched the “Internet Business Conference” which has since become the largest infocomm user conference in Singapore.


Established the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall Co Ltd as a subsidiary to oversee the restoration works at Wan Qing Yuan.


以华语为媒介语,举办首届“中小型企业大会”,之后逐渐发展成为 本会旗舰活动之一,每年举行。

Launched the inaugural Mandarin SMEs Conference, one of the Chamber’s flagship events.



The construction of the 30-storey office building at Church Street commenced in July.



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总商会管理学院属下的“语言中心”正式改名为“语言文化中心”, 重点推广华族语言文化并提供相关的文凭课程。

The Chamber renamed the Language Centre under SCCIOB as the Language and Culture Centre to spearhead the promotion of Chinese culture among Singaporeans and offer relevant Diploma programmes.

经过4年重建,晚晴园-孙中山南洋纪念馆由建国总理李光耀主持开 幕,重新对外开放。

After four years of renovation and restoration work, Wan Qing Yuan was reopened to the public as Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall at a ceremony officiated by Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.



Launched the e-payment gateway to enable participants to register and pay for event registration fees online via the corporate website.



Received URA’s Architectural Heritage Award in recognition of the excellent restoration work done for the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.

获得ISO 2000国际标准证书。

Obtained ISO 2000 standard certification.


与新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会联合设立“中华语言文化基金”,资助有 利于提升华文及发扬华族文化的项目。

Jointly set up the Chinese Language and Culture Fund with the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations to promote the development of Chinese language and culture in Singapore.


Joined Yayasan MENDAKI in establishing the first SCCCF-MENDAKI Joint Business Scholarship in recognition of outstanding Malay-Muslim undergraduates.


Launched the “SCCCI Young Entrepreneurs Network” (YEN) in February.


首次主办“董事会集思营“活动,讨论发展策略与方向。同年开始为 秘书处职员主办“职员激励营活动”。

Organised the first-ever Retreat for the Council to chart a new mission and vision, and the Staff Team Building event to forge stronger team bonding among staff.

获选参加在南非德班举行的“世界商会大赛”最佳资讯科技项目总决 赛,肯定总商会在使用和推广资讯科技的努力。

Received international recognition for its efforts in spearheading IT adoption among members and the business community through a nomination for “Best


IT Project” at the World Chambers Competition held in Durban, South Africa.

举办100周年系列庆祝活动,推出总商会新会徽、总商会会花(胡姬- 石斛兰),发行一套5枚纪念邮票,主办首届“商团大会”,主办“亚 洲华商峰会”以及高潮节目“千人晚宴”。

In celebration of the Chamber’s 100th Anniversary, a series of commemorative events was held, including launching of the new logo, releasing of a set of five commemorative stamps, naming of Dendrobium SCCCI as the Chamber’s flower, organising the inaugural Trade Association Congress and the Asian Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit, and holding a grand Gala Dinner which was a culmination of the centennial celebrations.

在标新局资助下,设立总商会企业发展与服务中心,为中小企业提供 商业咨询服务。

Set up EDC@SCCCI Pte Ltd with the support of SPRING Singapore to provide business consultancy and advisory services to local SMEs.



Established Business China to develop a cultural and economic bridge linking the world and China.


受资讯通信发展管理局资助与委任,成立商界第一家“中小企业资信 资源中心”,进一步推动本地工商界对资讯科技的应用。

Appointed and supported by Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) to set up the first “SME Infocomm Resource Centre” (SIRC@SCCCI) within the business Chambers and Associations, to promote the adoption of information technology amongst the local business community.

修改章程,增加学生会员会籍,扩大准商号会员的入会标准,允许海 外注册公司加入。

Amended its Rules to introduce Student Membership and expanded the Associated Corporate membership criteria to allow overseas registered companies to join.



Completed the compilation and preservation of SCCCI’s historical and archival records.

晚晴园获得政府拨款资助发展与管理,并被纳入国家文物局管理体系, 发展成为一个国民教育、文化与旅游景点。

Secured support from the government to fund and provide professional services of National Heritage Board to further develop and manage SYSNMH as a National Educational and Culture Centre/Tourist attraction.


Formed the SCCCI Immigrants Liaison Group.



Opened its first overseas Representative Office in Shanghai.




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修改章程,设立董事年龄70岁上限、减少董事会人数至56人、增设准 商团会员、废除族群代表选举、精简常务委员会至10个。

Amended its Rules to reduce the number of members in the Council to 56, set an age limit of 70 for Council members, do away with the election for seven founding clan groups and streamline the number of Committees from 12 to 10.


SCCIOB was among the first lot of private education institutions to be registered with the Council for Private Education.



Hosted the 11th WCEC and launched the new permanent WCEC logo at the Opening Ceremony.


Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall reopened to the public after 2 years’ closure for refurbishment, and held a series of events in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Chinese Revolution.


Obtained the Certificate of Statutory Completion for Samsung Hub.



Organised the inaugural Singapore-China Business Forum in Shanghai to assist local enterprises with their ventures into the China market.


7月,总商会与本地四所大学,以及回教社会发展理事会签署奖学金颁 赠协议,大幅度调整奖学金金额及颁赠准则。

July: signed agreements with the four universities and Yayasan MENDAKI to increase the quantum of scholarships and revise the selection criteria.


August: published the e-book (Flipbook version) of Chinese Enterprise.


September: set up an Economic Research Department to conduct in-depth research on specific topics and enhance the Chamber’s overall economic research capabilities.


September: launched SME Centre@Central in Toa Payoh, the first satellite centre of SME Centre@SCCCI.

10月,扩大及翻新企业发展与服务中心后,更名为中小企业中心,隆 重开幕。

October: official opening of the SME Centre@SCCCI (formerly known as the EDC@SCCCI).


11月,在企发局的全力支援下, 将上海代表处升级为新加坡企业中心, 支持商家拓展中国市场。

November: collaborated with IE Singapore to set up the IE-SCCCI Singapore Enterprise Centre (ISSEC) in Shanghai, building upon the former Shanghai Representative Office to provide a full suite of advisory services to support Singapore businesses venturing into China.


July: launched the SCCCI Connect, a social media platform to enhance interactions among and with members and businesses.


4月,在宏茂桥设立第2间中小企业卫星中心协助邻里商家,特别是微 型企业,了解政府所提供的各种援助计划,提高业务能力。

April: established the second SME Satellite Centre in Ang Mo Kio to help heartland enterprises, especially micro-enterprises, understand how to tap on government assistance schemes to improve their productivity.

7月,成立新加坡中华总商会依斯干达交流站,深化新马中小企业的交 流合作,搭建广泛人脉网络,促进双赢发展。

July: established the Iskandar Network@SCCCI, a dynamic business network connecting like-minded business people to share and learn from each other’s experiences.

11月,荣获年度“通商中国企业奖”,肯定本会一百多年来与中国建 立的稳固关系。

November: presented with the Business China Enterprise Award in recognition of the Chamber’s efforts in fostering good bilateral ties with China for over a century.


2月,主办“新加坡建国50周年杰出华商奖”。表彰与肯定建国华商对 国家与社会的贡献。

February: organised the “SG50 Outstanding Chinese Business Pioneers Awards” to acknowledge the Chinese business pioneers’ exceptional achievements and contributions to Singapore.

3月,在第58届董事会就职典礼上,与裕廊集团签署合作备忘录,联合 设立商团中心,推动行业转型及合作。

During the 58th Council Installation Ceremony, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with JTC Corporation to jointly set up the Trade Association Hub to encourage industrial transformation and cooperation.

6月,首次与新加坡印度人发展协会联合颁发奖学金给本地4所大学的 优秀印度学生。

June: first-ever partnership with SINDA (Singapore Indian Development Association) to award scholarships to outstanding Indian students from the four major universities in Singapore.


June-September: launched “47 Hill Street” – An SCCCI-SG50 Special Exhibition.


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47 Hill Street

AcknowledgementS 新加坡中华总商会衷心感谢以下机构的协助及相关人士惠赠图像使用权: The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry would like to express our appreciation to the following organisations and individuals for their support in the production of this publication:

协办机构 Co-Organisers

支持伙伴 Supporting Partners

图片来源 Image Sources


新加坡国家档案馆 National Archives of Singapore

新加坡中华总商会 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

新加坡报业控股 Singapore Press Holdings Limited

孙中山南洋纪念馆 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall

Picture Credits

Reprinted with Permission from National Archives of Singapore ©Istana Collection ©Patricia Lim Pui Huen Collection Page 123 (Bottom) Page 27 (Top) ©Ministry of Information and the Arts (MITA) ©Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Page 29 (Middle), 46 (Top), 57, 114 Page 29 (Top) ©Mrs J A Bennett Collection ©Singapore Chinese Clan Associations Collection Page 9 (Bottom) Page 59 ©National Archives of Singapore Page 8, 9 (Top), 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 33 Reprinted with Permission from Singapore Press Holdings Limited ©Nanyang Siang Pau ©The Straits Times Page 35 Page 32, 34



About Our Partners

联办机构 Co-organisers

2014 年 11 月,新加坡星雅集团通过旗下的子公 司与 WTS Leisure Pte Ltd 的合作,将新加坡摩天 观景轮纳入集团业务版图。 Launched in 2008, Singapore Flyer is one of the world’s largest Observation Wheels and Singapore’s most iconic landmark, standing at 165 metres tall. A masterpiece of urban architecture and engineering, Singapore Flyer showcases the mesmerising cosmopolitan cityscape of the tropical Lion City as well as surrounding islands of Indonesia and parts of Malaysia in all their glory. There are a total of 28 fully air-conditioned and UV-light protected capsules that can comfortably carry up to 28 visitors each. From a multi-sensory experience of romantic premium sky dining complete with an in-flight butler, to raising flutes of bubbly and toasting to the good things in life onboard an exclusive Moët & Chandon champagne flight, an unique and moving experience awaits all types of travellers and visitors from around the world. In November 2014, Singapore Flyer was acquired by Straco Corp Ltd through Straco Leisure Pte Ltd, a joint venture between Bay Attractions Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Straco Corp Ltd and WTS Leisure Pte Ltd. Singapore Flyer is Straco Corp’s flagship project in Singapore.

星雅集团是自 2004 年在新加坡交易所挂牌的  新加坡上市企业。星雅集团集旅游、休闲、教育 和文化投资、经营为一体,旗下项目包括摩天观 景轮、大型的公共水族馆、观光缆车、历史遗址 博物馆等。新加坡摩天观景轮是星雅集团在新加 坡的旗舰项目。是新加坡集景观、休闲于一体的 地标性景点,拥有高 165 米、当今世界最大型之 一的摩天观景轮,并设有纪念品商店、特色餐饮 等服务。 Straco Corporation Limited (SCL) is a Singapore public company that has been listed on the SGX mainboard since 2004. SCL operates cultural and tourism assets which includes giant observation wheels, large-sized public aquariums, cable car projects as well as cultural museums. Our flagship assets in Singapore and China are the Singapore Flyer and the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium (SOA) respectively. At 165 metres in height, the Flyer is one of the world’s largest observation wheels, and is an integrated venue for sightseeing and entertainment on the iconic Singapore skyline.



新加坡摩天观景轮是一个世界级的景点 於 2008 年开放。摩天观景轮总高度达 165米, 是一个融合了大型建筑结构的标志性建筑。乘客 在巨型的观景轮上除了能饱览新加坡滨海湾标志 性建筑群及城市中心风貌,还能远眺邻国马来西 亚、印度尼西亚美景。摩天观景轮景点内同时设 有纪念品商店、新加坡特色餐饮等服务。摩天观 景轮有 28 个全空调及紫外线防护装备的观景舱, 每个观景舱可容纳达 28 人。游客在欣赏之余, 还可以在观景舱内赏用下午茶,品尝路威酩轩香 槟,吃一顿浪漫晚餐甚至举行一场婚礼。

支 持 伙 伴 简 介

47 Hill Street

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新传媒是新加坡的媒体集团,业务遍及电视,广 播,报纸,杂志,数码和户外媒体,堪称是最 全面的媒体平台。从 1936 年开拓广播业务,到 1963 年首次播放电视节目,新传媒可以说是新加 坡广播媒体的先驱。今天,新传媒拥有超过 50 种 横跨四种主要语言:英语、华语、马来语和淡米 尔语的品牌及产品。 新传媒的数码服务相当多元化,除了网上电视点 播与高清电视,还有互动电视服务。新传媒在亚 洲区域非常活跃,通过联合摄制娱乐节目及电 影,杂志发行,以及亚洲新闻台国际,这个亚洲 首创的英语新闻台之一,把触角延伸到国外。新 传媒所制作的节目,曾荣获多个国际奖项,包括 亚洲电视广播大奖。新传媒的愿景是挥洒无限的 创意来触动人心、娱乐人群、丰富人生。 MediaCorp is a Singapore-based media company with a complete range of platforms, spanning television, radio, newspapers, magazines, digital and out-of-home media. It pioneered the development of Singapore’s broadcasting industry, with the broadcast of Radio in 1936 and Television in 1963. Today, MediaCorp has over 50 products and brands in four languages (English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil), reaching out to virtually all adults in Singapore every week. Initiatives in the new digital space include Internet TV-on-demand, High Definition TV broadcast and Over-the-Top (OTT) interactive services.

成立于1968年的新加坡国家档案馆(简称“档 案馆”)是新加坡档案记录的官方监管机构,负 责监管具国家与历史意义的政府及私人档案。档 案馆负责收集、保存及展示各种类型的档案,包 括文件、照片、地图、口述历史访谈和音像档案 等。档案馆的馆藏可追溯至19世纪初期,让广大 公众得以探寻与重温属于新加坡、及其政府和人 民的决策、行动和共同记忆。一代接一代的新加 坡人均可通过这些档案了解新加坡丰富多元的文 化,一起追寻先辈们行走过的足迹,从中认识新 加坡的建国历程,增强身份认同。 档案馆也积极通过教育、出版、展览等形式,包 括在旧福特车厂资鉴馆永久展出日本占领新加坡 时期的主题展,提高公众对新加坡历史与遗产的 兴趣。 档案馆于2013年正式成为新加坡国家图书馆管理 局属下的机构。

Beyond Singapore, MediaCorp is an active regional player through co-productions in TV dramas and movies, magazines publishing, as well as Channel NewsAsia International, one of the first Asian-owned English news channels.

Established in 1968, the National Archives of Singapore (NAS) is the official custodian of Singapore’s archives of national or historical significance; covering both government and private records. The NAS acquires, preserves and presents archival records in all formats including documents, photographs, maps, oral history interviews and audio-visual recordings. The holdings date back to the early 19th century and allow for the discovery and recollection of decisions, actions and shared memories of Singapore, its government and the people. Through the archives, current and future generations of Singaporeans can come to understand our rich and diverse cultures, explore the common paths taken and appreciate who we are and how we became a nation.

Winner of numerous international awards and accolades including Asian Television Awards’ Terrestrial Broadcaster of the Year, MediaCorp’s mission is to engage, entertain and enrich audiences by harnessing the power of creativity.

The NAS also promotes public interest in our nation’s history and heritage through educational programmes, publications, and exhibitions, including a permanent exhibition gallery on the Japanese Occupation – Memories at Old Ford Factory. Since 2013, the NAS has been an institution of the National Library Board.


报业控股除了出版多份得奖报章、杂志、印刷和 电子版畅销书,也在本区域拓展网上分类业务。 报业控股旗下还有两家英语电台和一家中文电 台、一户外数码广告单位,以及一区域活动与会 议场所。此外,集团也在全岛设立现代化的连锁 售报亭。 报 业 控 股 持 有 “ 新 传 媒 电 视 控 股 有 限 公 司 ”  (MediaCorp TV Holdings) 的 20% 股权,经营 新传媒的 8 频道、5 频道和优频道,并买下出版  《今日报》的新传媒报章的 40% 股权。 百利宫 (Paragon) 和金文泰广场 (The  Clementi Mall) 是新加坡报业控股房地产投资信托 (SPH REIT) 旗下的两个零售购物商场。百利宫位于乌 节路黄金路段,以医疗中心及高端商店闻名;位 于组屋区中心地带的金文泰广场是新加坡首个结 合政府组屋与购物商场的综合发展项目。盛港西 的利达广场 (The Seletar Mall) 则是报业控股的最 新发展项目。 Incorporated in 1984, main board-listed Singapore Press Holdings Ltd (SPH) is Asia’s leading media organisation, engaging minds and enriching lives across multiple languages and platforms, ranging from print, digital, radio and out-of-home media.

由新加坡国家文物局管理的晚晴园—孙中山南洋 纪念馆,曾是孙中山先生在南洋的革命基地。 它不只见证了南洋华人对辛亥革命所作出的贡 献,更反映了二十世纪初新加坡华社的多元性。 经过一年的整修,晚晴园—孙中山南洋纪念馆 于 2011 年 10 月 8 日重新对外开放,同时纪念辛 亥革命一百周年。翻新后的晚晴园通过历史照 片、油画、孙中山墨宝等文物,以更为宏观全 面的视角,展示二十世纪前半叶的新加坡华社面 貌,并探讨辛亥革命对新加坡及南洋华社所产生 的深远影响。 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall (SYSNMH), a heritage institution under the National Heritage Board, traces Dr. Sun’s revolutionary activities in the Southeast Asian region and highlights the impact of the 1911 Chinese Revolution on Singapore as well as Singapore’s contributions to the Revolution. The SYSNMH was re-opened to the public on 9 October 2011 after one year of renovation works. The revamped Memorial Hall features a new storyline and new galleries that introduce key community leaders in the early 20th century; highlights Nanyang as a base for Revolution; and explores the impact and influences of the 1911 Chinese Revolution on the Singapore Chinese community.

SPH owns award-winning newspapers, magazines and best-selling books in both print and digital editions, as well as online classified businesses in the region. In addition, SPH has two English radio stations and one Chinese radio station, an out-ofhome digital advertising unit, a regional events and conferences arm, and runs a chain of modern retail convenience stores. SPH also has a 20 per cent stake in MediaCorp TV Holdings Pte Ltd, which operates free-to-air channels 5, 8 and U, and a 40 per cent stake in MediaCorp Press Limited, which publishes the free newspaper, Today. SPH REIT comprises Paragon, a premier upscale retail mall and medical suite/office property in Orchard Road and The Clementi Mall, a mid-market suburban mall. SPH’s latest retail development is The Seletar Mall located in Sengkang.



成立于 1984 年,在新加坡交易所主板挂牌的  新加坡报业控股,是亚洲顶尖的媒体机构,它以 不同的语言和平台,成为读者的精神益友,生活 良伴。

支 持 伙 伴 简 介

47 Hill Street

禧 街 47 号


SCCCI-SG50 Special Exhibition Organising Committee 主席



Mr Wu Hsioh Kwang


Vice-President SCCCI


Committee MemberS


Mr Adrian Peh Nam Chuan


Chairman, Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee SCCCI


Mr Franics Ko Oon Joo Vice Chairman, Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee SCCCI


Mr Wan Shung Ming


Member, Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee SCCCI


Dr Lee Peng Shu

李秉 博士

Member, Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee SCCCI



SCCCI-SG50 Special Exhibition Advisory Committee


顾问 沈颖女士

Ms Sim Ann


Minister of State Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of Education


Mr Zhong Sheng Jian

仁恒集团 执行主席

Executive Chairman Yanlord Holdings Pte Ltd


Mr Seow Choke Meng

新加坡报业控股有限公司华文媒体集团 文化产业部兼时报地产 商业顾问

Business Consultant Chinese Media Group & Times Properties, Singapore Press Holdings Ltd


Mr Charles Ho Nai Chuen

安昌珠宝私人有限公司 董事经理

Managing Director On Cheong Pte Ltd


Mr Stephen Lim Beng Lin

SQL View Pte Ltd 总裁/董事经理

CEO/Managing Director SQL View Pte Ltd


Ms Elaine Ng

新加坡国家图书馆 馆长

Chief Executive Officer National Library Board


Mr Nah Juay Hng

新加坡人民协会 文化与艺术集群理事长

Group Director (Engagement Cluster-Arts & Culture) People’s Association


Mr Leong Weng Kam

新加坡报业控股有限公司海峡时报 高级撰写员

Senior Writer The Straits Times, Singapore Press Holdings Ltd


禧 街 47 号 47 Hill Street


书名 : Book Title :


出版 : Published by :

新加坡中华总商会 禧街47号,总商会大厦9楼,邮区179365 电话:(65) 6337 8381  传真:(65) 6339 0605 电邮  网址 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 47 Hill Street #09-00, SCCCI Building, Singapore 179365 Tel: (65) 6337 8381  Fax: (65) 6339 0605 E-mail:  Website:

排版与制作 : 高艺排版中心私营有限公司 Designed and Superskill Graphics Pte Ltd produced by : Block 1001, Jalan Bukit Merah #03-11, Singapore 159455 Tel: (65) 6278 7888  Fax: (65) 6274 5565 作者/编辑 : 严孟达、崔东红、柯木林 Authors/Editors : Giam Meng Tuck, Cui Dong Hong, Kua Bak Lim 资料研究 : 区如柏、黄惠敏、邓素娟 Researchers : Au Yue Pak, Ng Fooi Beng, Tang Soh Kuen 翻译 : 胡爱兰、胡美芩、李依玲、杨伟强 Translators : Fiona Hu, Oh Meiqin, Samantha Lee, Yeo Wei Qiang ©2015新加坡中华总商会 ©2015 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 版权所有,侵权必究。未经版权人同意,不准以电子、机械、影印、录制或其他任何方式翻印、储存或传送本刊物任何内容。 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. 新加坡印刷 ISBN 978-981-09-6064-3 Printed in Singapore ISBN 978-981-09-6064-3


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