我是一個又一個故事組成, 無論是大事還是小事, 經過的每分每秒都可以構成我。
這個故事還未完結, 即使到現在, 我的故事還在繼續。
我是一個又一個故事組成, 無論是大事還是小事, 經過的每分每秒都可以構成我。
這個故事還未完結, 即使到現在, 我的故事還在繼續。
dream on, dream off,
繼續在夢醒夢睡中切換, 播放各自的故事。
世界好像是被操控的, 結局是讓籠中物死去, 因此一旦發現夢的不合理, 世界就會破碎。
可以訴說一個沉痛的故事, 可以點醒睡著的人們。
沉睡在鬧街中的古老歷史們, 是否還健康?
Many cultural heritage sites are wooden buildings, and repairing these monuments requires a lot of manpower and resources. If there is a way to prevent and inspect problems in advance, it can reduce the time and burden of repairs.
We have designed a sensor sticker that can detect the stress sound waves to detect foreign objects in the wood. It is to the receiver and transmit data to the database. The computer in the house by calculating the data.
We found that the invisible damage to wooden buildings is mostly caused by termite erosion or long-term compression of heavy objects, leading to collapse under overload. These problems can be prevented in advance when they first occur.
Detecting if a building is under external pressure or compression.
604212 Sustainable Cities and Communities sener stickersApply the detection stickers to the stress points on the beams or roofs.
stress points of objects and use equipped with Bluetooth to connect computer can detect potential risks
Bluetooth receives information and transmitting data into a database.
Detecting the presence of termites in wood by using sound waves.
Cheinpei Shien Shin Chein University Teipei/Tainwan Department of Communications Design有些人不習慣擁抱, 如果對方不是人, 那他們是否就會接受擁抱, 甚至主動尋求幫助?
每個人的視線即是一道可見的光, 迴盪、遊竄在宇宙間。
光點彙集成幀幀影像, 影像暫留在視線裡形成動畫。
不同時空的女子都在神明廳中進行祭祀, 從準備到結束, 從三合院、洋樓、眷村再到公寓, 一層一層的疊加, 房屋內的神明廳,似乎一直都沒有變過, 人們還這片土地上活著, 記憶依舊留在世上。