Spark Artist / YU ZI LING 2022—2023 Projects / 4
The spark of life still flickered in me.
可能這樣的機會不多... 能夠放任自我地想像。
09.22 ��
我找到另一種可能性, 來自發現新事物的喜悅。
〈緣〉 緣,是多麼神奇, 把我構築成這個樣子。
一圈又一圈, 就像鳥兒在築巢。
〈開關〉 on?off?好像打開了什麼... 也關上了什麼... ��
01.05 ��
〈地圖〉 我在畫中找尋我自己, 這是只屬於我的地圖。
順著感覺走就會 看到自己的樣子。
因為暗所以光才會如此耀眼, 喜歡那些被照亮的暗處。
關注我吧! 我一直存在。
家在何方? 暖化使我生存不下去...
T he pi c ture in Number 2 is used for crea ting stories, where you can edit the content of the story and mark emotions with colors, as well as draw specific spaces and decide on emotional actions. These features make learning more li v ely and in t ere st ing , and c rea t e a sense o f an t c ipa t ion f or o t hers ' emotional adventures. This app allows you to share your story ideas in the public area,
During the pandemic, children have of time and have had less time ability to learn to recognize facial t s hould be. T his is espec ially t order t o impro v e t h is si t ua ti on communication skills, I propose
疫情後孩童辨識表情能力下降... 那就來每天紀錄自己吧, 喜、怒、哀、樂... 微表情日記。
Mood A dventur e
Due to the impact of the pandemic, children's ability to recognize facial expressions has dec lined T here f ore , c on s idering t heir f u t ure s o c ial s kills and sel f -under st anding , I ha v e de s igned t hi s diary e xc hange app wi t h t he hope of maintaining the daily habit of journaling e v en in remo t e se tt ings and f os t
1 2 3
your daily emotions.
on the bottom right
a friend, and
chart of emotional changes. 2023 January February Mon Tue Wed Thr Sat Sun Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Sat Sun Fri Making mood stickers 12/19 Today's weather is very good, the air is filled with the warm scent of sunshine. I hope you in the distance can also feel the same warmth! Sending diary to... Friend New Back Bu Bu Use diary exchange to communicate and record emotions. Your entry Entry-ID Category : 3 Health and well-being Concept Student University ZI LING / YU Shin Chien University Taipei,Taiwan Department of Communiccations Design ��
ering co mm unication with people f r o m di f fe r ent places. 2 1 3 Write down
corner, choose