FY 2016-2017 SCCF (Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation) Annual Report

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SCCF 50 Founded October 31, 1967

50 Years

Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation


Preserving Paradise

Annual Report 2016 - 2017

SCCF — Celebrating 50 Years of Preserving & Protecting This Unique Paradise We Call Home

SCCF in FY2016-17... by the Numbers Over 42,000 hatchlings made it into the Gulf

3 acres of oyster reefs restored using 850

219 presentations and tours offered in the

tons of washed fossil shell 869 hours on the water by Marine Lab staff 476 people on the Caloosahatchee Oxbow & Riverlore Cruise traveled through the Franklin Lock and 10 miles roundtrip on the river 2.1 miles of seagrass transects surveyed 17 presentations on Policy issues reaching almost 1,600 plus a Town Hall with Sanibel Mayor Kevin Ruane and U.S. Congressman Francis Rooney 72 on-site consultations by Native Landscapes & Garden Center staff 14 million RECON water quality sensor data points

Nature Center or at the Bailey Homestead Preserve 1,339 water samples collected by the Marine Lab Nearly 100 acres managed by prescribed burning to help maintain Sanibel’s historically open savannah habitat 50 weekly Caloosahatchee Condition Reports prepared after Periodic Scientist calls with Policy, Lab staff, local stakeholders, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and South Florida Water Management District 466 dolphin, estuary and wildlife cruises in partnership with Captiva Cruises

12,203 Native plants sold 680+ staff hours on landscape installations/maintenance

Marine Lab's RECON samples Hurricane Irma Rising winds...


...and falling water levels and barometric pressure

Cheers and Godspeed to SCCF’s Next 50 Years! Dear SCCF Supporters and Island Neighbors: Since October 2016, we have been recognizing SCCF’s 50th anniversary as a time to reflect on this very significant milestone, and celebrate it in a variety of ways summarized here. We created new events that we hope to continue, including, but not limited to, the Evenings at the Homestead series and the Farm to Table Dinner benefiting the Native Landscapes and Garden Center. We formed new groups such as the Business Roundtable and the Emeritus Advisory Council comprised of past board members. Groups like these give us valuable new opportunities for pursuing SCCF’s mission. We continued to grow new educational initiatives such as the SCCF J.N. “Ding” Darling Brush of Excellence Environmental Art Program. We launched better ways to pursue programmatic activities, including improved research and testing capabilities. We updated and improved our website, utilized periodic email blasts to keep our members informed of current issues, and enhanced our social media communication. We began construction of a new state-of-the-art facility with vital scientific equipment for SCCF’s Marine Laboratory. Please read our annual report to learn more about the achievements of FY 2016-2017. You can take the first step in supporting the continuation of that work by using the enclosed envelope to make your most generous tax-deductible contribution to SCCF’s Annual Fund Drive. It’s the perfect way to start making SCCF’s second 50 years worthy of (and perhaps even better than) its first. Looking back, we thank our members and partners for standing with us throughout this last fiscal year. Looking forward, we stand eager and ready to launch SCCF’s next 50 years. With your help, it will be a period of renewed environmental stewardship and conservation milestones not yet realized. Sincerely,

Gwenda Hiett-Clements President

Erick Lindblad Executive Director


Oyster Restoration

Research conducted by the Marine Lab scientists this year focused on the effects of Caloosahatchee flows on the water column, seagrass, and oyster habitats. A number of volunteers assisted in collecting data on oyster spat settlement, oyster reef fish and crab abundance, seagrass shoot density, percent cover and water quality. We successfully restored an oyster reef at Punta Rassa (photos right) with help from Lee County. In the process of rebuilding the boat launch, there was an opportunity to construct a large oyster reef nearby. The reef provides new substrate for oysters to settle on and protects the shoreline for the benefit of mangroves and salt marsh plants. In 2015, the Lab established several reefs with funding from a large grant-funded restoration project. This page, monitoring the 2015 reefs. Below: An FGCU MS student and Marine Lab Director Eric Milbrandt sampling the oyster reefs. Right: Fossil shell and oysters brought back from one of the restoration sites for measuring size and density of oysters and determining crab abundances. Bottom right: Oyster settlement on a piece of fossil shell.


Above: Aerial view of restored reef (Sanibel Causeway and tollbooth visible upper right). Below: The first load of oyster shell being dropped at Punta Rassa.


Water Quality

Natural Resource Policy in Action

The past year, opposing weather phenomena El Niño and La Niña caused drastic, unseasonable changes to rainfall, setting records in January and November 2016 for the most and the least rainfall since record-keeping began 85 years ago. Adding to the extremes, following seven months of drought, the rain returned in June 2017, delivering double the average monthly rainfall. These extreme conditions compound problems with water management throughout the greater Everglades and estuary ecosystem and prompted State emergency orders to deal with the excess water. High rainfall raised Lake Okeechobee levels, causing 10 months of harmful estuary discharges. Water quality suffered from a toxic algal bloom that started in Lake O (photo right) that was discharged to the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie estuaries. The water issues garnered national attention and set the tone for the 2017 Florida Legislative Session. We successfully fought for passage of a bill to accelerate a significant storage project south of Lake Okeechobee. As a starting point, the EAA reservoir project will use existing state-owned lands, identified as A2 on the map (right).

Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA)

A2 A1

A2 parcel

Private lands

A1 parcel

State-leased land

Public lands

A1 is another state-owned parcel (designated for use with the Comprehensive Everglades Plan) that could be converted to storage if needed.

SCCF Marine Lab's RECON The Marine Lab’s RECON (River, Estuary and Coastal Observing Network) passed a major 10-year operational milestone with over 14 million data points collected. The data is available to scientists and stakeholders and also to the public in at-a-glance graph formats and customizable graphs at recon.sccf.org. RECON recorded Hurricane Irma's winds and impact on water levels and barometric pressure (Page 2). Lab staff uses RECON data to evaluate the success of projects, like the recently completed (2015) oyster reef and tape grass restorations. Caloosahatchee Condition Reports SCCF Policy staff continues to coordinate and publish weekly Caloosahatchee Condition Reports with monitoring from our Marine Lab and input on conditions from local stakeholders. The report is relied upon by local, state, regional and federal decision-makers. The sharing of data with collaborators and water managers has helped Natural Resource Policy Director, Rae Ann Wessel, build broad support for regional projects, such as the EAA reservoir, south of Lake Okeechobee. Find the reports at sccf.org under Water Quality, then Caloosahatchee Condition Reports.



e g i s l a t i v e

Natural Resource Policy staff introduced a legislative tracker during this year’s session to allow our members to follow when meetings are held and to submit comments in a timely manner. State. We worked hard this legislative session to pass important bills. Storage: Success in passing the EAA Reservoir bill to accelerate storage south of Lake Okeechobee Solar: Implementation of the Solar tax exemption for non-residential property owners approved by 73% of voters in 2016 as a Constitutional Amendment. The bill that passed provides an 80% tax exemption. Water Quality: A public notification of pollution events bill passed that requires public notice within 24 hours.

Blue green algal blooms started in Lake Okeechobee in June 2016 following months of high rainfall and runoff. The bloom could be seen from space as captured in this photo by NASA. In addition, Red Tide plagued coastal waters for 10 months from September 2016 through June 2017


n i t i a t i v e s

We also prevented bad legislation from passing at the state level, such as: Local Government Pre-emption: For the third year in a row, fought state mandates that would pre-empt local government from making decisions to address local issues in local ways. Sunshine Exemption: Defeated a bad idea to roll back public transparency in meetings between members of boards or elected officials. Energy: Stopped a bill that would have saddled rate payers in Florida to fund the cost for Florida Power & Light (FPL) to explore and develop fracking in other states. The legislature failed the public interest on two significant topics: Florida Forever: They failed to fund the Florida Forever program that 74% of voters supported as a Constitutional Amendment. A lawsuit on their misappropriation of this funding is pending. Fracking: A bipartisan bill to ban fracking made a strong showing but was blocked by House leadership and did not get the hearings it needed.

Federal. We continue to support U.S. Senator Bill Nelson's federal efforts to block expansion of offshore oil drilling off Florida’s coast. SCCF policy staff works with our Federal representatives to educate and promote sustainable solutions to our water issues.

Sanibel Mayor Kevin Ruane, Rae Ann Wessel and U.S. Congressman Francis Rooney at a Town Hall Meeting hosted by SCCF earlier this year.


Bay scallops on Ralph Woodring's dock that were collected while shrimping by Mr. Woodring. They will be cared for in Tarpon Bay by the Lab staff until they complete their life cycle.

Marine Lab

The Marine Lab monitors water quality, seagrasses and scallops in the J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge (photos below). The Marine Lab has also completed a Sanibel water quality project with the City of Sanibel Natural Resources staff. The Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan was a fouryear, multi-phase approach to determine sources of nutrient pollution on Sanibel Island. Over 350 water samples were collected from lakes, ponds and groundwater to provide guidance to the City on the most cost-effective projects to improve our island’s water quality. Research Assistant Jeff Siwicke getting ready to install a water quality sonde in Ding Darling.

Solar panel and logger for water quality sites in Ding Darling.


Hollon Contractors' Dominik Weglinski with Lab staffers Rick Bartleson, Ph.D., Ashley Graham, Jeff Siwicke, A.J. Martignette, Eric Milbrandt, Ph.D., and Mark Thompson.

SCCF and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service broke ground on a new Marine Laboratory facility. It started with an unveiling ceremony in September 2016 with Lab supporters and Gretchen Valade. The concrete foundation was placed on columns driven into the ground. Concrete panels were placed on top and a cement slab was poured on the first and second levels. Framing began in June and the construction schedule shows that we will be moving in by the spring of 2018. Many thanks to our Board and Lab supporters for providing the initial $400,000 for the facility buildout and the $440,000 for new laboratory equipment that will help us expand our research capabilities.

Right: Visiting Mote Marine Laboratory Scientist, Jordon Beckler (standing left), at SCCF's Marine Lab. Dr. Beckler is leading a team of scientists to study linkages between iron and red tide. Dr. Beckler and his team resided in SCCF's Wilmeth Cottage for Visiting Scientists and Scholars while conducting their research.


Sea Turtles Andrew Glinsky and Heather Shipp after staking a new nest. Sea Turtle Nesting — Nesting by loggerhead and green sea turtles continued to increase on our beaches this season. Loggerheads set yet another record on Sanibel this summer with 650 nests laid (for the fourth record-breaking year in a row), and Captiva, with 189 nests laid, was only five nests shy of last year’s newly set record. This year we documented 34 green nests on Sanibel. Greens started nesting on Sanibel in the late 1990's and since then an exponential increase in nesting has been documented. Considering that only four decades ago biologists thought greens might go extinct, this local and statewide increase is truly a conservation success story. Despite three storms, most notably Hurricane Irma, the hatchling count was drastically higher than ever before, with over 41,000 hatchlings emerged as of mid-September. Another notable achievement is the remarkable decrease in depredation this year. Although the final depredation rate will not be known until the end of the season, the issue of mammalian predation appears to be negligible this year. This drop in predation is likely due to the increase in nest screening by program personnel. Night-time Tagging Project This summer our night crew encountered 157 unique individuals a total of 265 times. We also partnered with the Conservancy of Southwest Florida on a joint project using satellite transmitters to track the movements of green sea turtles that nest on Florida’s Gulf coast. This is the first study to explore the migratory pathways and foraging grounds of greens nesting in our region. On June 26th, 2017, green sea turtle "Isabella" was tagged (tagging photos below) as part of the telemetry project. She emerged from the sea at 5 a.m. to begin nesting, a process which can take several hours for greens. The turtle tagging crew was able to enjoy a beautiful sunrise while waiting for her to finish so they could affix a satellite transmitter to her carapace.

Kelly Sloan, Rachel Fisher, Andrew Glinsky and Jeffry Book with Isabella. Left: Isabella goes home.


Shorebirds Snowy Plover

1 fledged. 10 nesting pairs made 14 total nesting attempts. 3 chicks were produced, 2 nests hatched Failed nests: 2 abandoned; 4 washed over; 6 depredated (mostly by crows)

Snowy Plovers — Several adult plovers opted to leave Sanibel and nest elsewhere after failed nest attempts in 2017. One adult subsequently nested on Siesta Key, and another on Longboat Key. Some adults were also seen foraging at Bunche Beach and Lover's Key. The most astonishing movement observed however, was that of our single fledgling, which was found in August at Caladesi Island State Park, 120 miles away! All of these observations are owed to the fact that SCCF resumed its plover banding project, which had previously ended in 2009. One of the adults banded back in 2009 continues to nest on Sanibel each year. Six new adults and one fledgling were captured and given unique band combinations in 2017.

Wilsons Plover

3 fledged. 3 nesting pairs made 5 total nesting attempts. 4 chicks produced, 2 nests hatched Failed nests: 2 washed over; 1 taken by crows. All nesting was during Blind Pass dredging.

Least terns returned to Sanibel in May but never nested.

Photo right: Taking mseaurements during night-time tagging. Aerial far right: After laying her eggs on Sanibel (1), Isabella moved north and spent some time near Manasota Key, then swam south through the Florida Keys (4) and up the east coast as far north as Cocoa Beach (6), presumably laying nests along the way. As of mid-September she was in Marquesas Keys (west of Key West), a known overwintering location for East Coast green sea turtles. You can find the tracks at sccf.org under News (upper right) then click on Green Sea Turtle tagging program.


Wildlife Research Diamondback Terrapins & Eastern Indigo Snakes Pine Island Sound Eastern Indigo Snake Project SCCF continues the uphill battle of sustaining eastern indigo snakes on three islands in Pine Island Sound through research, education and resident help. In the past year, the Pine Island Sound Eastern Indigo Snake Project has had 10 recaptures of previously marked snakes including an adult indigo snake that was marked as a hatchling in 2014. Participation on this project by residents on North Captiva, Pine Island and Cayo Costa has greatly enhanced the chances for eastern indigo snakes to exist on the islands in the future. Chris Lechowicz and Audrey Albrecht measure the length of an indigo. Right: Indigo Snake Project permittee, Patrice Provata.


Diamondback Terrapin Project The SCCF Diamondback Terrapin Project has been busy the last year discovering new sites and populations of these elusive animals in Pine Island Sound. We have partnered with the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) on a statewide genetic study on terrapins to validate subpopulations in Florida. This mark-recapture study has been providing a flurry of new information about population dynamics, longevity, habitat type and annual activity. Wildlife & Habitat Management Director (& Herpetologist) Chris Lechowicz with a mark-recapture terrapin; she will be released after data is collected.


Wildlife & Habitat Restoration Sanibel’s historically open marshland was maintained by lightning strikes. Now, prescribed fire plays an important role in wildlife habitat restoration and SCCF uses prescribed fire to help manage conservation lands. Over the last year, approximately 100 acres of preserved lands have been burned. The burn of the south Center Tract was successful, as well as two prescribed fires at Sanibel Gardens. These prescribed fires are very important to the island ecology of Sanibel.

While lighted, paved walkways aren’t exactly natural habitat, native plants, landscaping services and knowledgeable staff are part of SCCF’s Landscaping for Wildlife outreach. Wildlife & Habitat Management staff conducts yearly gopher tortoise surveys in several SCCF preserves.


This gopher tortoise has settled in at the Garden Center. Left: heading for some tasty dune sunflowers; Above: munching on a squash in the Agricultural Garden and Below: Home Sweet Burrow.

Wildlife & Habitat Management staff (with fire truck) Emily Hardin, Audrey Albrecht, Rachel Fisher, (front) Victor Young, Chris Lechowicz and Andrew Glinsky, (back, on truck) Dustin Lucas and Kelly Sloan

Nearly 50 acres of open wetlands were reclaimed on the Center Tract by removing hardwoods with assistance from the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. These historically open cord grass marshes are important habitat for the state threatened Sanibel rice rat (Oryzomys paulstrus sanibeli) and numerous wading birds.


Landscaping for Wildlife The Bailey Homestead has been the home to the Native Landscapes & Garden Center since 2015. Incorporated into the preserve are several themed demonstration gardens, showing residents and visitors how to utilize native plants in their own landscapes. Left: Jonathan Stechshulte, an intern with the Native Landscapes & Garden Center, trains a vine on to a trellis in the Homestead’s pollinator garden. Our Landscaping for Wildlife housecall program remains one of our most popular outreach tools. SCCF members can request a personalized consultation for their property, where Garden Center staff give recommendations for native plantings, identify unknown species, and suggest ways to improve wildlife habitat in their yards. Below: Becca Grotrian, a Garden Center staff member, meets with a new Sanibel resident to discuss ways to improve plantings immediately adjacent to his home.


Native Landscapes & Garden Center

The Native Landscapes & Garden Center staff also monitor, collect seeds, and propagate rare and unusual plants on the islands. Staff are shown here with a champion-sized Jamaica Dogwood on the Buck Key preserve. The staff visited the island preserve to check on the status of a federally endangered cactus, which was found to be in good condition and growing well. Photo above: Shannon Jackson, Becca Grotrian, Emily Harrington, Jenny Evans and Jonathan Stechschulte. Our Native Landscapes & Garden Center staff can answer your questions about the vegetation and local habitats on the islands. And we provide a local resource to purchase native plants, making the choice to “Go Native� readily available. Right: Intern Shannon Jackson is spreading mulch as part of the Garden Center's maintenance program.


Educational Outreach SCCF Natural Resource Policy staff continues to find new ways to educate and build support with new and diverse partners to advance science-based understanding and solutions. More diverse, informed voices of our members, select economic groups and the public have been an effective force in reaching elected and appointed decision-makers.

Everglades Issues Outreach — Everglades issues are advanced in partnership with and through grant funding from the Everglades Foundation. Our annual Everglades Update program engaged a standing-room-only crowd which turned out during the legislative session with new faces and new voices to advocate for needed storage solutions.

Business Roundtable — Partnerships include our newest effort, the Business Round Table, created to engage our business partners and their economic voices in policy decisions. Current membership includes 84 employers representing more than 2,000 jobs.

Everglades Coalition — As one of 61 member organizations that make up the coalition to advocate for sustainable solutions for the restoration of the Everglades and estuaries, SCCF sponsored the 32nd annual Conference "Three Estuaries One Solution" along the banks of the Caloosahatchee in January 2017.

No Child Left On Shore No Child Left on Shore, a partnership with Captiva Cruises, continues to facilitate children learning about the waters around the islands. Groups from Immokalee Foundation, Boys and Girls Club, Sanibel School and others were transported to an isolated Cayo Costa beach to explore, pulled a trawl through the sea grasses and looked at critters that live in the bay and watched dolphins leap from the water. Realtors® SCCF's Kristie Anders provides accredited coursework Realtors® may opt to take. On a recent on-the-water class, Realtors® had the opportunity to view the tiny creatures of the sea grasses and walk Cayo Costa to get a sense of Sanibel before development.. Left below: Marine Lab Research Associate Mark Thompson spoke about surface water and ground water.


Growth Management Natural Resource Policy staff has been working on growth management issues: Conservation 2020 Captiva Water Quality The 2016 elections featured a referendum on this Lee SCCF continues to work with the Captiva Community County land acquisition program that started in 1996. Panel in support of converting the island to sewer from The effort speaks for itself as 84% of voters supported septic. The Marine Lab study of nitrogen sources was the continuation of the program that has conserved over used to gain the County’s support to examine options. 25,000 acres for preserves. Babcock Ranch Eden Oak SCCF continues to protect Lee County land and SCCF continues to work with neighbors of this water from Babcock City expansion plans into Lee proposed development along Shell Point Boulevard. County. One great success this past year has been the Working with homeowners in Palm Acres and Shell elimination of plans for 40 ball fields in the rural corridor Point, our efforts have resulted in a major scaleback of this along SR 31 and North River Road. We continue to disastrous development and the state water management monitor and comment on plans for development of the district declined their permit application. Now they are land in Lee County. targeting county permits in hopes of changing the land use and zoning from wetlands to allow homes, canals, docks and a boat basin. The fight continues into its sixth year.


Fundraising Events SCCF held five fundraising events in the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2017. Wines in the Wild — SCCF’s ninth annual Wines in the Wild on November 5 was held, for the first time, at the Bailey Homestead Preserve. Linda and Tom Uhler, Wines’ founding co-chairs, led a team that transformed the Homestead grounds into a magical event venue under the stars. Guests visited six wine tasting stations while sampling delicious hors d’oeuvres prepared by Catering by Leslie Adams and passed by SCCF interns. Bank of the Islands graciously returned as the Wines in the Wild Presenting Sponsor. Bailey’s General Store became the event’s Wine Sponsor this year. The generous Host Committee members, who also helped to underwrite expenses, were Nancy and Pete Bender, Linda and Wayne Boyd, Tory and Bill Burch, Phyllis and Ron Gibson, Inge and Henry Glissman, Allison and Chauncey Goss, Leone Graham, Shelley and Bill Greggs, Anne Haslem and Ed Wheeler, Gwenda Hiett-Clements, Janie Howland, Mike Kelly, Deborah La Gorce, Ellen and Erick Lindblad, McCallion & McCallion, Kay and John Morse, Diane and Leroy Neitzel, Roberta and Philip Puschel, Joyce and Don Rice, Nancy and Chip Roach, Robbie and Geoff Roepstorff, Lucy and Paul Roth, Kris and Doug Ryckman, Donna and John Schubert, Richard Shipley, Nanelle Wehmann, and Martha and John Wolf. Special thanks go to Nanelle Wehmann for opening her lovely home for the Host Committee reception. Thanks are also due to all who donated to silent and live auction items: Ambu Yoga, Bennett’s Fresh Roast, Billy’s Rentals, Ken Burgener, Captiva Cruises Inc., Cip’s Place, Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille, Floral Artistry of Sanibel, Gramma Dot’s, Il Cielo, Island Cinema, Jacaranda of Sanibel Island LLC, Sissi Janku, Lighthouse Cafe Inc., Diane and Leroy Neitzel, Myra Roberts, Melinda Roy and Chris Gourley, Sanibel Captiva Trust Company, South Seas Island Resort, Stilwell Enterprises, Sundial Beach Resort, Sunset Grill, Timbers Restaurant, Traders Cafe, ‘Tween Waters Inn. Tennis Tournament — The 25th Annual SCCF Tennis Tournament at the Dunes was a great success. Some players have swung their rackets yearly in support of SCCF since the first event. It was an intimate gathering of old and new SCCF friends. Thanks to all our sponsors, volunteers, and players. We are nothing without you. Major Sponsors: Barbara Chappell, Wayne and Linda Boyd and “Diego;” Tournament Sponsors David and Ellen Petrick, The Dunes Golf and Tennis Club, Blackwood Tennis Academy,


Lucas Century Glass, Dorado Property Management, Barbara and Todd Bluedorn; Championship Sponsors Bill and Tory Burch, Sanctuary Golf Club, Robin Kirk, Karen Bell and the Bell Team; Match Sponsors Lucy and Paul Roth, Barrier Island Title, Sanibel Captiva Community Bank, Philip and Roberta Puschel, Tom and Mimi Adams, Deborah La Gorce, Dolce and Jim Doss, John and Martha Wolf, Robert and Rebekah Moyle, Nancy and Robert Orr; Game Sponsors Warren Schwab and Jodi Cort, Joe and Marjorie Pacheco, Kurt J. Peters, Marilyn and Don Aldridge, Susan and Cliff Beittel. Nature As Inspiration for Art on Captiva — Thanks to the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation and its Residency Director, Ann Brady, a small group of guests had access to the rarely seen Rauschenberg Compound on Captiva. Tours of the compound buildings, led by Ann Brady and Kristie Anders, included the famous Ding Darling Fish House and featured stories of the property’s past and present artistic uses. Many thanks to Diane Neitzel, Shelley Greggs and Ellen Mayeron for creating a beautiful reception that ended the March 1 event. Farm to Table Dinner — Thanks to the inspiration, hard work and generosity of Trustees Sandra Gross and Linda Uhler, SCCF’s first Farm to Table Dinner was held at the Bailey Homestead Pavilion on March 31. Sandy Gross, owner of the Sleepy Bee Cafés in Cincinnati, donated the services of Executive Chef Francis Kroner and her team. Working with Sanibel’s own Catering by Leslie Adams, Chef Frannie prepared a four-course menu featuring locally sourced ingredients. Our grateful appreciation extends to the Sanibel-Captiva Trust Company as the Presenting Sponsor, Bailey’s General Store as the Wine Sponsor, and all the guests that made this inaugural event such a special benefit for the Native Landscapes & Garden Center. Beer in the Bushes — The 6th annual Beer in the Bushes on April 15 was a night to remember for all who attended this sold out event at SCCF’s Nature Center. The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company returned as Presenting Sponsor. Because Jensen’s Twin Palm Resort & Marina was joined by Kingfisher Vacations and Doc Ford’s Rum Bar and Grille as Band Co-Sponsors, we were able to secure G. Love & Special Sauce as the event headliners. Travel costs for the band were underwritten by an anonymous donor. With special thanks to Great White Grill for their service participation, this year’s craft beer partners were Point Ybel Brewing Company, Eight-Foot Brewing, Momentum Brewhouse, Naples Beach Brewery, Bury Me Brewing, South Continued right

Special Events Thanks to all who helped organize and attended the many special events SCCF hosted in FY2016-2017. Among the highlights were: September 17 International Coastal Cleanup – co-hosted by SCCF and Keep Lee County Beautiful October 31 50th Anniversary Kickoff with Trustees, Past Board Presidents and the Emeritus Advisory Council Current SCCF President Gwenda Hiett-Clements (second December 13 Annual Membership Meeting/Cocktail Party and Brush from left) with past Presidents Ruth Deuber, Paul Roth, of Excellence Presentation to Clyde Butcher Linda Uhler and Executive Director Erick Lindblad. December 14 Evening at the Homestead with Clyde Butcher December 17 Audubon Christmas Bird Count January 5-8 Everglades Coalition Conference hosted by SCCF January 30 Everglades Update co-hosted by SCCF and Everglades Foundation February 15 Evening at the Homestead - Sonic Seas Film Screening with Patrick Ramage February 16 Benefactors Brunch February 20 President's Day Open House February 27 Chamber After-Hours co-hosted by SCCF and Doc 2017 “Ding” Darling Brush of Excellence Ford’s Rum Bar and Grille Winner Clyde Butcher San-Cap Young Professionals Reception February 28 March 15 Evening at the Homestead - Black Tide Film Screening with Steven Johnson March 16 Volunteer Appreciation Party March 23 SCCF Conservation Forum – Deepwater Horizon Update April 21 Earth Day Presentation aboard the Lady Chadwick with Denege Patterson Erick and Ellen Lindblad helping SCCF lead off the 2017 July 4 Parade. July 4 SCCF honored as Sanibel’s Independence Day Parade Grand Marshal

Fundraising Events


Cypress Brewing, Fort Misery Cider Company, Cape Coral Brewing and Millenial Brewing Company. Their beer samples were paired with menu options from a diverse group of food trucks coordinated by Catering by Leslie Adams. Beer in the Bushes would not be such a successful fundraiser without the additional support of Keg Sponsors: Pfeifer Realty Group, Superior Title, Great White Grill, and GHD; Growler Sponsors: Deborah La Gorce, Philip and Roberta Puschel, and iLoveShelling. com; Pint Glass Sponsors: Landmark Design of Sanibel/ Lighthouse Café, Island Inn, RE/MAX of the Islands, Bailey’s General Store, SWFL Hopheads, and Island Taxi; and Host Committee members Bill and Tory

Burch, Amanda Curran and Dustyn Corace, Chris Davison, Blake and Jan Devitt, Gary and Mike Dutton, Leone Graham, Ron and Phyllis Gibson, Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc., Bill and Shelley Greggs, Al and Sally Hanser, Marty and Brenda Harrity, Gwenda HiettClements, John, Jim and Dave Jensen, Calli Johnson, Mike Kelly, Deborah La Gorce, Matzaluna Restaurant, Phaidra and Jeff McDermott, Karen Miller, John and Kay Morse, Diane and Leroy Neitzel, Mary Ellen and Eric Pfeifer, Roberta and Philip Puschel, John Nader, Pam and Clark Rambo, Don and Joyce Rice, Chip and Nancy Roach, Ben Sisk, Linda and Tom Uhler, Nanelle Wehmann, Ed Wheeler and Anne Haslem, and Mary Ann Williams and Mike Billheimer


Operating Financial Statement July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Income: Expenses: Unrestricted Contributions/Memberships $1,465,258 Marine Laboratory $642,749 ** Marine Laboratory $338,957 Wildlife & Habitat Management $446,186 ** Environmental Education/ Environmental Education/ Natural Resource Policy $279,682 Natural Resource Policy $394,022 ** Native Landscapes & Garden Center $223,723 Native Landscapes & Garden Center $375,296 Special Events $213,634 Communications/Public Relations/ $199,191 Fundraising $339,025 ** Wildlife & Habitat Management *** Endowment Support for Operating $138,835 Administrative $288,972 Misc. Income $35,259 General Operations $177,379 Nature Center Admissions $14,537 Insurance $93,979 Special Events $90,979 Misc. Expense 7,989 *Carry Forward to FY 2017-2018 $52,499

Total Operating/Project Income $2,909,076 Total Operating/Project Expenses $2,909,076

* Designated Funds and Grant Income are carried forward to the next fiscal year as projects continue. ** Program income, Designated contributions, Grants, Contracts and specific Program Area Endowment, 5% of the past 12-quarter average *** 5% of the average value for the last 12 quarters


Legacy Funds There was a lot of news to share during this fiscal year about SCCF endowments. The December 2016 Annual Membership Meeting saw the induction of new members to the Legacy Society — created to thank members for helping SCCF grow its endowment through outright gifts or estate planning. The family of Past SCCF Board President Ruth Deuber came to Sanibel to witness Ruth’s induction as a new Legacy Society member. Andrea Koss was also present to accept the posthumous induction of her mother, Mary Foster Godin, who named SCCF as a beneficiary in her planned giving. They and all Legacy Society members are recognized here in the Society’s roster and have our sincere appreciation. The Endowment Committee continued to manage the investment of the endowment funds and recommend the annual allocation of endowment funding to the operating budget. Under their care, SCCF surpassed its goal of reaching a $5 million endowment total before the end of our 50th anniversary year in 2017. The Legacy Fund endowments as of the June 30, 2017 close of the fiscal year increased to $5,335,340. This past year, at the direction of the Endowment Committee, the Board of Trustees transferred $209,091 toward operating and program support. That support figure represents 5 percent of the average total endowment fund value over the previous 12 quarters.

Program support is distributed through six endowment funds reflective of SCCF’s program areas: • The Preservation Fund, supporting SCCF’s mission and general operations • The Wildlife & Habitat Management Fund, fostering management of our conservation lands • The Landscaping for Wildlife Fund, helping the Native Landscape & Garden Center to bring native landscaping to homes, businesses, and transitional corridors • The Environmental Education Fund, underwriting staff educators and their program outreach • The Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Fund, supporting our work with threatened loggerheads and other endangered sea turtles • The Marine Laboratory Fund, endowing research, monitoring and public policy activities for the watershed surrounding Sanibel and Captiva We are thankful to all the Legacy Society members who have used various planned giving vehicles to support the Legacy Funds. If you have endowed SCCF’s work through a planned gift or your estate planning, we hope you will inform us so we may thank you now for the gift you have planned for the future. We would like to recognize you as new Legacy Society members at our Annual Membership Meeting on December 12, 2017.

Legacy Society Members Tom and Mimi Adams Bill* and Margery* Angst AWC Family Foundation Nancy Bacon* Charlotte Baker* Armand and Beverly Ball Edward Beattie* Malcolm Beattie* Chuck and Sally Bisbee Helen Blomquist* F. N. Bowles, Jr.* Bill and Ruth Brooks Tory and Bill Burch Claudia Burns Dick and Mary Butler Yolanda Cannon Adelaide Cherbonnier* Jerry R. Churchill* Sue and Clay Cook Peter Blaze Corcoran Nancy and Richard Curtin, M.D. Don* and Carolyn DeCoster Meleanor and Donald Deming Ruth Deuber Elizabeth Eagleton * We remember

Robert Ervien, III* Millie B. Ford Roni Jo Freer* Andrea and Phil Gainer Charles and Janet Gleason Mary Foster Godin* John Gorbatch* Phyllis and Glen* Gresham Bill and Nancy Hanger Bob* and Jane* Hanger Al and Sally Hanser Doris Hardy Gwenda Hiett-Clements and Len Clements* Bill and Tina Hillebrandt Dr. Charles Holland* Harry Huizenga* Larry* and Jeannette James Linda and Greg Jennings Natalie Jivoff Louise Johnson Virginia and Thomas Johnson Joan* and Wally Kain Kind World Foundation John and Wendy Kindig Stephen and Barbara* King

Kip* and Andrea Koss John Schork* Deborah and John* La Gorce John* and Florence* Scott Barbara Lensing Emily B. Shane* Virginia Letourneau Sallie and Gardner* Soule Sally Lichtenstein Sovereign People Internship Fund Sally Lupfer Evelyn Spencer* Bob and Tricia* Maxeiner David Stanley Gwendolyn McCullen* Vesta Stearn* Nancy McDowell Linda Sturgis* Keith Moffat Ann Talcott Anne Nobles and David Johnson Barbara Tobin Edward B. Nobles* Linda and Tom Uhler Alice M. O’Brien Foundation Gretchen Valade Bill* and Betsy* Pugh Theodora Vander Maazen* John D. Purdy* Judy Wellons Philip and Roberta Puschel Jane Werner* John Raffensperger, M.D. and Susan Luck, M.D. Bob Wigley* Sally Reed Debra Williamson Joyce and Don Rice Pat Wilmeth* Jack* and Rose* Rogers Bill* and Ann Wollschlager Don and Nancy Rolley Barbara Wood* Lucy and Paul Roth Virginia Zahn* Sabety Family Foundation Robert E. Schneider Foundation – Dick Schneider Legacy Society Members as of December 2016


Annual Giving & Update

on the

Annual giving is always a challenging fundraising task. Fortunately, SCCF members understand that fully funding our ongoing operations is essential to the pursuit of SCCF’s mission. Through your support, our programmatic accomplishments flourished again this fiscal year, and we continued to maintain a conservative and balanced budget. Please take a moment to review the names of all the donors who supported SCCF in so many ways during FY2016-2017. Their gifts made all the difference for maintaining cash flow and demonstrating matching funds for public sector grant proposals.

Special Thanks


Fred and Alice Stanback Richard Shipley Shipley Foundation, Inc. Estate of Jerry R. Churchill Gretchen C. Valade Deborah La Gorce James and Vedna Welch Foundation Anne Nobles and David Johnson Jackie and Roy Sweeney Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Chris and Mary Rayburn Bank Of The Islands Bruning Foundation Dave and Ellen Raisbeck Gretchen and Mark Banks Barbara Chappell Anonymous

Captiva Cruises, Inc. John and Kay Morse Estate of Gwendolyn McCullen Todd and Barbara Bluedorn Sally Reed Nick and Linda Linsmayer Joyce and Don Rice Linda and Tom Uhler


Marine Lab Capital Campaign

SCCF is an organization that literally cannot sustain its annual operations without the financial support from our members. Across the broad spectrum of gift amounts, we are grateful to each and every one of you for giving at your highest possible level. Special thanks are sincerely extended to Gretchen Valade. Mrs. Valade’s challenge grant — and the donors who replied to it with matching gifts — once again made it possible for SCCF to reach our Annual Fund Drive goal for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. There is also great news to share about the new stateof-the-art Marine Lab facility. Early in FY2016-2017, we turned our attention to funding the furniture and

Robert and Elizabeth Nanovic Philip and Roberta Puschel The Logos Fund of The Luzerne Foundation The Haas Family Mary Jo Boler Boler Family Foundation Lee Anne Tauck L.A.T. Foundation Estate of Robert Ervien, III Sandy Gross and John Hutton

Sue and Tom Pick Estate of Theodora Vander Maazen Lucy and Paul Roth Edward and Ellinor Hayward AWC Family Foundation Kirsten Recker The Donald Slavik Family Foundation

Sanibel Captiva Trust Company Marcia T. MacKinnon Leah and Doug Beck Barbara and Tom Dunham Joan and William Grabe William H. Pugh Kay Redmond Robert E. Schneider Foundation

SEBA Foundation Steven G. King Linda and Wayne Boyd Jim and Gaye Pigott Frank and Pat Middendorf Middendorf Family Foundation Nancy Dehmlow

Todd and Karen Roberts Estate of Rose S. Rogers Brad and Shelli Stanback Carol and Larry Strange George and Miriam Martin Foundation Blake and Jan Devitt Jensen’s Twin Palm Resort Marina

equipment needs at the Lab. We are very grateful that the Shipley Foundation started the ball rolling on this capital effort by establishing a significant challenge grant to kick off fundraising. Many thanks to Richard Shipley for his generous leadership for the Lab’s capital campaign as well as other initiatives throughout the year. Thanks to Richard and

Special Thanks


Tom and Mimi Adams Anonymous Nancy Bacon Jeffrey P. Beale Cliff and Susan Beittel Mr. Peter K. Butler Fran Cameron Captiva Holiday Village, Inc. Charitable Foundation of the Islands Bill and Mary Christison Drs. Sue and Clay Cook Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille Florida Realtors PAC GE Foundation - Matching Gifts Program Richard and Alice Godfrey Bill and Margie Abraham Charles and Linda Adams Nancy and John Ake Anne M. Aldrich and Kim M. Whitehurst Asplundh Foundation Michael and Christine Attardo Mary Lou Bailey Polly and Gary Bayrd Billy’s Rentals Gene and Lynne Blanc John and Mary Ann Boorn Mr. Donald W. Bradford Judith Bright Lisa S. Brooks John and Debra Bullock Bill and Tory Burch Clyde and Niki Butcher Carol and Cameron Campbell Mayri and Dean Caple Captiva Civic Association Dan and Donna Casey Paul and Vickie Christianson Meredith and Eugene Clapp Cynthia Clemson Claude and Marsha Crawford Amanda B. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Robert De Witt Culver Dick and Nancy Curtin Ralph and Billye Curtis Dr. Andrew and Mrs. Laura Dahlem The Daley Family Ruth A. Deuber Eaton Vance Matching Gift Program Barbara and Jim Egan Jan Egeland Jim and Sharon Ellen Charitable Fund Henry and Kathy Elsesser Jennifer Erickson Tom and Joan Feeley Mika and David Filkins Hans and Leslie Fleischner David Frane and Charla Gabert Janet M. Frane

the donors who rose to his challenge, SCCF was able to fully fund the Lab’s equipment campaign and is eager to open the new Lab facility in early 2018. There is one last major need to optimize the Lab’s water quality work and other projects. We hope to share more about that opportunity in the coming months.

Estate of John Gorbatch Bill and Shelley Greggs Bette Harig Pat Harig Jeff Hedden Gwenda Hiett-Clements Bob & Lamee Holscher Charitable Trust Judith Haskell Brewer Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Mike Kelly Wendy and John Kindig Kingfisher Vacations Robin Kirk Theodore G. Koven Robin C. Krivanek Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund Mr. Alan M. Gast Mr. Theodore H. Gasteyer Gene’s Books Doug and Sherry Gentry Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gibney Ron and Phyllis Gibson Chauncey and Allison Goss Porter and Mariel Goss Leone A. Graham Stan and Constance Grayson Great White Grill Phil Gross Walter and Mary Emily Gross Bruce and Jeanne Grossnickle Jim and Christina Grote Virginie Haffenreffer and H. Pharr Brightman Rudolf F. Haffenreffer and Mallory Marshall Laura Hansen Richard and Barbara Hansen Al and Sally Hanser Jill and Pody Harper Brenda and Marty Harrity Marilyn and Charlie Hart Mary and John Hartman Katherine S. Hauser, M.D. Spencer and Odette Hays Andria and Paul Heafy Tom and Susan Hemphill John Henshaw The Herman Fund David and Catherine Hogan Janie Howland HRK Foundation Island Inn Dick and Mary Jalkut Larry and Jeannette James Janice Michelle Foundation, Inc. The Jeffrey Family Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey Tad and Nancy Jeffrey Jerry and Betsy Johnson Wally Kain

Lawson Family Foundation Mancheski Foundation, Inc. S. Todd and Leanne Marcum Mariel Foundation Marilyn and Dick Mazess Carol McNaughton Mary Ellen and Eric Pfeifer Pfeifer Realty Group Kenneth and Alice Piech Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Peter and Peggy Rosenblum Douglas and Kristen Ryckman Peter and Christine Schluter Barbara Shane Howard and Brenda Sheridan Karen Bell and The Bell Team Andrea Koss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. LaMotta Landmark Design of Sanibel Daniel and Jane Lautermilch Caroline LeGette Lighthouse Cafe, Inc. Bob and Carol Lloyd Gene and Linda Massey Bob Maxeiner John and Kathy McCabe Judith L. McLaughlin Marge and Joe Meek Jack and Engrid Meng Jeanette and Steve Mihaly Kim and Stephan Miller Tom and Pam Miller Patricia and Attila Molnar Sonya Keene & John Moy Mr. and Mrs. James E. Moye Albert F. Nagel Diane and Leroy Neitzel Bill and Suzanne O’Connor Bob Owens and Sandy Patrick Frank and Nancy Parsons Foundation Fund, on behalf of Douglas and Mary Lynn Parsons Mrs. June Patinkin Stephanie and Harold Payson Dale and Jeri Peterson Dave and Ellen Petrick Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pierce The McWilliams/Piraino Family Foundation Dan and Pam Prevo Thomas and Karen Ragatz Pamela Rambo/iLoveShelling.com Tom Rathbone Chip and Nancy Roach Bruce and Joan Rogers J. Stanley and Patricia C. Rogers Don and Nancy Rolley Melinda Roy and Chris Gourley Maria Ruelens-Van Gorp Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Ryckman

Evelyn Rose and Jonathan Silverman South Seas Island Resort Estate of Vesta B. Stearn Ann H. Talcott USA Funds Matching Gifts Program Rod and Gerry Verblaauw Thomas and Lena Williams Patricia Smith Wilmeth Fund Greater Milwaukee Foundation Kim Wilmeth Miller John and Martha Wolf John and Linda Wulff A component fund of the Maine Community Foundation Bill and Patty Zimmerman Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club Sargent Family Foundation Jocarno Fund John and Shirley Schlossman James and Kathleen Schubert Shell Island Garden Club Jane and Buzz Shepard Ada L. Shissler Rick and Martha Siders Ronald and Josephine Smith Sallie Soule Karen A. Spittler Jeff and Sue Springer Dave and Linda Stafford Staritch Foundation, Inc. Mary Steeb and Glen Littleton John and Bonnie Strand Peter and Linda Sturtevant Superior Title Services The WesaDoe Fund Jack and Kellie Ann Thomas Jack Thomas Breese O. Tomick Tortuga Beach Club Leanne Freas Trout Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alan Tucker Tween Waters Inn Dorothy R. Valhouli and Robert W. Devore Roxanne Van Bokkelen Bill and Annie Vanderbilt Doug, Lisa, Benton and Peyton Walston Bill and Judy Walter Carolyn Warren Watson MacRae Gallery The Raymond John Wean Foundation Nanelle Wehmann Ms. Rae Ann Wessel Ed Wheeler and Anne Haslem Marilyn C White Flo and Kirk Williams Mr. Robert C. Winters Ben and Heidi Yokel


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Program Area No. of: People Hours Board of Trustees and Committees 38 857 13 933 Captiva Cruises Wildlife Cruise docents Carpentry Crew (Hammerheads) 8 2,275 Intern Housing Design & Planning 5 851 2 9 Wildlife & Habitat Management Marine Laboratory 24 627 20 842 Native Landscapes & Garden Center Nature Center Office, Env. Education, 28 1,927


Program Area Sea Turtle Conservation Program (not all hours have been reported) Shorebird Monitoring Special Events Trail Blazers Trail Guides Weeds and Seeds TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS

you to all the members of our

No. of: People Hours 111 4,976 12 237 18 406 11 273 3 27 11 338 304 14,578

SCCF Family

Thanks to all of the individuals, families and businesses who have helped to support our mission with your gifts of time, talent and treasure. Dr. and Mrs. William Aarons, Jr. Mrs. Helen S. Ackerman Dr. Charles V. Adair Dr. and Mrs. Stewart Adam Dawn E. Adams Jane and G. Donald Adams Susan Ahlcrona & Dennis Trooien Thomas and Carol Aikenhead Donna Aldrich Donald and Marilyn Aldridge Mr. Duncan Alexander Dr. and Mrs. F. Knight Alexander Michael and Judith Alexander Alexandra Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Delbert E. Allen Emerson Allen Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Allen Michael and Tiffanie Alleva Bud and Joyce Almas Linda and Pablito Almira Deborah and Jeffrey Almo Anneliesa Alprin Leslie Alteri Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alteri


AmazonSmile Ambu Yoga Eric and Deb Ames Mr. Lawrence J. Amon Red and Kristie Anders Brian and Susan Anderson Lawrence T. Anderson Lyndsay and Nathan Anderson Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Anderson Joe and Leslie Anding Maureen and David Andres Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Andrews Susan Andrews Jim and Betty Anholt Dr. Stephen A. Anish and Mrs. Adele Anish Tom and Linda Annesley Anonymous Mary Lee Anthony Missy Apmann Mr. Lawrence D. Appel and Mrs. Ellen M. Dunn

Ms. Patricia H. Appino Marc and Jody Applegate Joseph Archer Sarah Armantrout Edward and Joanne Armbruster Mr. and Mrs. Bob Arment Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Armstrong Mrs. Elsa G. Arndt Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Arnold Matthew Asen and Mary Jo Bogden Ann Griffith Ash Joyce and Mike Assar Christopher and Lynn Astrup Mr. Robert S. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick V. Auletta Kenneth L. Austin Laura and Stephen Avakian James and Valorie Babb Gary and Marsha Bach Dr. Donald M. Bachman and Dr. Karen B. Back Drs.Roger and Marilyn Bachmann

Frances J. Slane and Bruce M. Badenoch William Badgley and Carol McEntee Mrs. John M. Bailey Jack and Kay Bailey Bailey’s General Store Mrs. Leigh J. Bair Barry and Janette Baker Gloria Baker Rich Baker and Rebekah Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bakke Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Balch Mike and Terry Baldwin Armand and Beverly Ball Morris and Lynn Ballen Helen Baller Mr. Stephen Baluch Bank of America Matching Gift Program Virginia H. Banks Doug and Lu Bannerman Harmon and Ann Banning Terry and Carolyn Baranouskas

Robyn Baras Mrs. Noel Barbee David and Hazel Barber Marcia Barber John and Judy Barbieri Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Barcan Beth Barker Linda Barker Barnacle Phil’s North Captiva Landings, LLC Ms. Christine Barnes Joyce and Edward Barnhart Richard Baron Mrs. Eleanor M. Barr Mr. Brian Barriager Barrier Island Title Services Barron Collier High School Mary H. Bartold Gerald and Marielle Bartolomucci Mr. C. B. Basinger Barbara Basler Gillian and David Bath Heinrich and Esther Baumann Barbara Baumecker

Mr. and Mrs. George V. Bayly Frank Beans and Anne Yager Louin and Jane Beard Michael and Mary Jane Becher Lowell and Myrna Beck Carol Becker Dan and Caroline Beckman Mr. Thomas R. Beecher, Jr. John and Denice Beggs Jane and Jim Bell Karen Bell Christopher Bellows Pete and Nancy Bender Mr. Robert Bendt Bennett’s Fresh Roast Alex and Victoria Benyo Bob and Sara Berendt Donna and Greg Bergamo Bruce and Carolyn Bergen David and Esta Berger Fran and Harvey Berger Thomas and Carol Berger Drs. Daniel J. Bergmann and Debra A. Dill-Bergmann

Thank you for your support of our mission with your gifts of time, talent and treasure. Stuart and Sandra Berke Mr. Christopher J. Berman Mr. Tom Bernet Mr. Edward Berninger James and Linda Best Larry A. Bettcher Lee and Kay Bettenhausen Kathryn Bielefeld Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Bielfelt Leah Biery Bill and Kim Birck Ms. Denise Biscardi Ray and Sandra Bissonnette Bill Black Robert and Winifred Blacklow Thomas and Sylvia Bleckwedel Ron and Margaret Blevins Cathy and Henry Block Dr. John C. Bloom Charles Boast and Marsha Clinard Julia Bohn Tom and Mary Jane Bolon Barbara Bolt and Karen Clarke Ms. Kathy Boone Sandy Bordiuk Pat and Mike Boris Ms. Edwina Borovich Mrs. Susan A. Borowiak Susan A. Borowiak Rob Boschen Mrs. Shirley K. Boscov Bill and Jaye Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood M. Boudeman Lesley Anne Simmons and James Boughton Dr. Catherine Bould & Mr. Charles McDonough Mrs. Margaret Boutwell Kevin Bowden & Candice Ethridge-Bowden Robert and Dixie Bowden Mrs. Doris I. Bowen Mrs. Nancy L. Bowen David and Jane Boxell Ken and Lynda Boyce Katharine Boyd Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle Mrs. Odette Brabec Chris and Matti Bradley Nathaniel and Lisa Bradley Mr. Dennis Bradshaw Andrea Dodge & Dwight Bramble Ruthann Branoff John E. Brant Mr. Richard Brashler Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Braun Drs. Martin and Roberta Braun Deborah Gurman & Donald Breiter Steven Brendle Andrew and Marni Brewster Dominic Brice John and Catherine Bridge Joan Brierton Katharine and Doug Britton Suzanne E. Britton William H. Brondyk Anne Brooke and Doug Murray Christopher Brookhouse Robert and Nancy Brooks Ron and Debbie Brooks

Bill and Ruth Brooks Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dickson G. Brown Emma Crowder Brown Ken and Susan Brown Bob and Jane Brown Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Brown Steven and Patty Brown Roger and Barbara Bruene Sara Brumfield Mr. Richard A. Brune Harold Bruner Amanda Bryant Kenneth Bryfogle Buchanan Family Foundation Brian and Kay Bucher Jeff and Cindy Buchta Mary C. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Buehler Kevin and Mary Lue Buescher Robert and Helen Buhner Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Burbach Anne and John Burden Ken Burgener and Linda Warschauer Mr. Bennett Burgoon, III Robert J. Burgstahler David and Barbara Burnett John and Becky Burnham Joshua and Betsy Burns Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Burzin Kate and Elan Bush Linda Bush Suzanne Bush and Bruce Malkin The Burns Family Team Premier Sotheby’s International Realty Mr. Jim L. Butkiewicz Peter and Sandra Butler Mary and Dick Butler Jane Byers Ms. Bonnie L. Byrne Richard and Laura Byrnes Dr. and Mrs. Alan Cadkin Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cahill Dr. Mark T. Calkin and Ms. Melissa M. Calkin Sandra L. Calkins Calusa Land Trust Mr. and Mrs. James F. Calvano Bruce and Joan Cameron Anonymous Mr. John G. Campbell Roland and Glenda Campbell Lloyd and Cindy Cannaday Mrs. Yolanda Cannon Nancy Carlile Joanne and Bob Carlson Denise and Andrew Carnell Mr. and Mrs. David H. Carney Fay M. Carney Ms. Mary Lou Carpenter Daryl and Ann Carter Follett and Anne Carter Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carter Larry and Jane Carter Rae A. Carter Mr. F. A. Cashero, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Cassavell Betty Cater Cedar Chest Fine Jewelry Mr. Lucas Century & Ms. Dee Serage-Century

R. J. Cerretani Building & Contracting, Inc. Lucie and Andre Chagnon Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Chapman Brian Chappell John and Linda Charlick Cherokee School Kindergarten Inquiry Class Diane and Gary Chesley Robin and Christopher Christian Dr. Joe C. Christian Scott and Penny Chrysler Phil and Sandy Cianciola Allan Ciha and Christine Milligan-Ciha Cip’s Place Constance B. Clark Karen and Glen Clark John and Judith Clark Mrs. Laura L. Clark Nancy J. Clark Karen Clarke Arthur and Linda Cleary Ms. Carol A. Cleave Alix Cleveland Michael and Elizabeth Clifford Bob and Ronna Cline Mr. and Mrs. William M. Coats Ted Code Ann and Roger Cogswell Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Myron J. Cohen Mr. Henry A. Cohn Susan and Chris Coile Lauren and Frances Coile Esther Coke David and Patrice Colander Valerie Cole Tina and Bill Colehower Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Colgate Scott and Kelly Collins James Columbo & Merry Merryfield Comcast Larry Condit Mrs. Mary Condit Mr. Thomas J. Conley Barbara Conolly Ms. Suzanne H. Conran Contemporary Women’s Club of Fort Myers James L. Convey and Kathleen Busick Don and Judy Cook Robert Cook and Kealy Salomon Jeanette B. Cooke Barbara and Tom Cooley Mr. Edward T. Coon Ms. Anne S. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cooper Sally J. Cooper Mr. and Mrs.William A. Copeland Jacquelyn Coppard Nancy J. Coram Jeannelle and Robert Corbin Dr. Peter Blaze Corcoran Paul W. Corliss Jeanne and Gene Cornell Finbarr M. Corr Diane Cortese Nicholas Cosmo Ms. Lorraine A. Cowl Nancy Cox and Richard Gehlbach

Mike and Melanie Coyne Ms. Joyce Craig Mr. Peter T. Craig Mike Creevy Mr. and Mrs.William A. Crimmins Dr. and Mrs. William Crockett Cliff and Patty Crockford Mr. Robert Crossman Martyn E. Culverhouse Doug and Cathy Cunningham Martha Cunningham Mr. Mike Curler Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Curris Mr. George E. Curtis Kara Cuscaden Bruce and Barb Cutler John and Kathie Cutler Francine Dale Patricia and Sean Daly Mr. William F. Daly, Jr. Damroth Foundation Peter and Sue Danford Carol Daniels and Dick Jacker Rev. Dr. John H. Danner Dede and Bro D’Arcy Judi Daugherty Carol B. Davenport Dr. and Mrs. Simeon David Ms. Patricia L. Davidson Rebecca D. Davidson David Davies Holly A. Davies Dr. and Mrs. Charles K. Davis Dr. and Mrs. David Davis Ivan and Janiece Davis Dr. and Mrs. James Davis Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Davis Holliday T. Day Matthew and Nancy Daynard John and Lidia de Azevedo Deborah De Lisi Mr. and Mrs. Donald Deacon Jeff and Susan Dean Jonathan Dean Dorothy Deans Cecile Derouin Terry Deegan Patrick and Lynn DeFreitas Mrs. Meleanor L. Deming Richard and Sarah DeMink Democratic Club of the Islands KA Dempsey Judy J. Denault Mr. Dana A. Dennis Henry J. DeRonck Andrea and Daniel Derrington Jane A. Desforges Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Deuber Mrs. Dorothy M. DeVasure Dennis Devoy Connie and Peter Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dicorpo Ruth and Robert Diefenbach John and Signe Diem Christopher P. Dietz Anne C. Dillon Bob Dineen Mr. and Mrs. Angelo DiVenere Carolyn Dix David and Janet Dix Jim and Lori Dock Mary Ann and Edwin Dolph Eleanor Dominek

Dorothy Donaldson and Aaron Cohen Rev. and Mrs. James Donnell Debra E. Donofrio Michael and Arlene Doran Mr. Robert L. Dormer James and Dulice Doss Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Doty Ms. Norma J. Douglas Fred Doulton Ronn and Joan Downey Mrs. Molly Downing Alison Doyle Mrs. Lucille Drake Linda Drasnin Sally and Derick Driemeyer Mr. and Mrs. James R. Drotleff Mrs. Pamela G. du Pont Wanda Dubbe Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Dueltgen Lawrence R. Dultz and Margaret E. Pappas Dunes Golf & Tennis Club Allen C. Dunham Lynda and Charlie Dunham Joanne and Dick Durst Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Dutton, Jr. Mrs. Jean L. Eaton Mr. Daniel Eberly Mr. Howard H. Eddy Jerry Edelman and Maryanne Daly Joel and Linda Edinburg Debra Edson Mr. Richard A. Ehret Dennis and Susan Eichner Mrs. Huntington Eldridge Mr. Michael S. Elledge Stephen and Kathleen Elliott Ms. Pamela B. Ellis Maree Elowson and Erhard Joeres Mrs. Sarah Elsing Jean C. Ely Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Engen Rich and Sally Ennis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Enright, Jr. Lois Epstein Chuck and Bonnie Erickson Ms. Linda E. Estep Edie and Hunt Ethridge John and Judith Evans Sara and Joseph Evans Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Ewing Exxon Mobile Foundation Sheila and Michael Faeth Sarah Fairweather Bob and Donna Farrell Mary Beth Farrell Robert Farrell Walter and Cecilee Faster Mr. and Mrs. William S. Fay Patrick Feagin David and Nancy Felker Bill and Carol Fenniman Ferguson Foundation Larry Ferguson and Patricia Golden Audrey and Ed Ferman Manny Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fiedler Jane Finley Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Fisher Mary and Gerald Fisher Dr. Robert H. Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Fitzgerald Edie and Steve Flagg Jennifer Wakefield Flagg Jim and Rose Flaherty Ms. Ginny Fleming Norm and Helen Flemington Beryl and Alex Flesh James Flitz and Suzanne Summerwill Floral Artistry of Sanibel Florida Department of State Charlotte Flynn FM Global Foundation Byron and Barbara Ford Kathryn Ford Forever-Green Ace Hardware Luann Fortune Craig and Nancy Foster Frances Foster Mr. George G. Foster Joseph E. Foster Mr. William L. Foster Elizabeth Found John “Peterbuilt” and Janie Fout Carol J. Fowler Jim Fowler Mary Janet Fowler Richard Fowlkes Mr. Bill Fox Mrs. Elizabeth Fozo Kevin and Christy Frain Kenneth Frame Frank Mangano Foundation Shirley Frank Lisa Franks Frank and Mary Fravel Ms. Susan K. Fravel Charlie Frese Mary Anne and Norm Frey Drs. Tim and Lynn Friedlander Mr. and Mrs. John Friedlund Dorothy C. Fritze Dr. and Mrs. Bill R. Fulk Allan and Judy Fulkerson Mr. Barry Fulmer Diana and Matthew Funchion Fund For Animals, Inc. Marshall and Michelle Funk Patricia Fuschetto Mr. and Mrs. George N. Gagliardi Jane and Peter Gaines Walter and Mary Gale Jim Gallagher and Mindy Clearfield Mr. Joseph V. Galluzzo and Mrs. Kathleen Bodish-Galluzzo Ms. Ruth Gamble Gannett Newspaper Mr. Richard J. Garcia William and Marsha Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Art Garfunkel Gartner Matching Gift Center GE Foundation - Matching Gifts Program Fred and Barbara George Mr. Stephen H. George Diana Gerbauckas Mr. William E. Gerhardt Mr. Hans R. Gestewitz Mrs. Carol Gestwicki Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ghublikian Marc and Cheryl Giattini Mrs. Sondra Gilbert


Thanks to all of the individuals, families and businesses who have helped... Dr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Giles Ken and Karen Gill Ann and Bob Gillespie Teague Gilliland Maureen and Andy Ginipro Ms. Deborah Gleason Mona Gleitz Mary Glenn Bill and Mardi Glenn Becky and John Glezen Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Glissman Mary C. Glodt Nancy Godek Mr. Ken F. Goebel Tom and Anne Golden Herbert and Judy Goldenberg Dr. Joel P. Goldfarb Ms. Sue Goldman Stanley and Joyce Goldmann Holly A. Goldsmith Magda and Tony Golobic Clara J. Goode Frank and Nancy Goodwin Michael D. Goodwin Dr. Stanley M. Gordon Jim and Maureen Gorman Linda L. Gornick Pat and Dave Goulait Donna T. Gould Bob and Judy Graber Dr. and Mrs. Michael I. Grady Mr. and Mrs. James B. Graham Jack and Martha Graham Mrs. Leone A. Graham Gramma Dot’s Mr. Ira Grasgreen Shirlene Grasgreen Jean and Ed Gray Green Foundation Helen and Stephen Green Mrs. Alice Greenspan Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Greenstein Jim and Gail Greenwood/ Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc. Roger and Shelley Grelle Mrs. Phyllis Gresham Buzz and Mary Jo Griffin Mr. James M. Griffith Mr. Lynn A. Grimshaw Ted A. Groshong and Kyle Newell-Groshong Walter L. Gross, Jr., Family Foundation Jim and Arlene Grosser Phil and Linda Grosz Anonymous Walter and Evelyn Guderian Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guelich Ms. Sally Thorburn and Mr. Chris Guellard Robert and Anna Marie Guglielmo Jim and Missy Guida Mrs. Barbara Guidotti Karen J. Gumbert Thor and Theresa Gunnlaugsson Mrs. George E. Hadwen Steve and Laurie Hafener Jean R. Haffenreffer The Daniel P. Hagerman Foundation Samuel Hahn Joanne M. Hahn-Smith Dr. and Mrs. Mahmood A. Hai


Carolyn and Charles Haines Lee and George Haines Lisa Hall Stephen and Marion Hall Mr. and Mrs. John F. Halligan Mr. William F. Hallstead Pat Hambleton Ms. Joyce V. Hamlin Mrs. Helen Hammes Mark and Larkin Hammond Joan Handler and William Harman Bill and Nancy Hanger Mari and Tim Hanley James P. and Madelyn V. Hanlon Arthur and Susan Hanna Edna Hanner Ed and Sharon Hannon Carla Hansen Barbara A. Harcourt Patrick and Lee Ellen Harder Doris Davey Hardy Dick and Marilyn Hare Mrs. Laura S. Harkey Malcolm and Sue Harpham Don and Judy Harralson Eleanor and John Harries John J. Harrington and Deborah Marston Ms. Dorothy P. Harris Gilbert Harris Kerri Harris Mrs. Richard Harris Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Harris Mr. William P. Harris Helen and William Hartfiel Mr. Thomas S. Hartman Laurie and Don Hartshorn James D. Harvey John and Linda Harvey Nancy Harvey Paul and Ellen Harvey Richard and Mildred Hasselman Mr. Henry R. Hatch Julie and William Hathaway Peter and Alice Hausmann Mrs. David Haweeli Stephen G. Hawes Dr. and Mrs. William M. Haynes Jeff Hayward and Madeline Etkin Harlan and Lois Haywood Rad Hazen and Elizabeth Haesemeyer Dale and Suzette Heeres Hanns and Christel Heidecker Mr. Wesley M. Heilman III George and Susan Heisler Mr. and Mrs. Anton M. Heldmann Mr. and Mrs. William L. Helfers Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hellegers Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hellmuth Mark and Kate Helman Jonathan Helmreich Edward P. Hemmelgarn and Jan Hammond Steve and Debbie Henderson Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hendrix, Jr. Claudia M. Hennen Marilyn Henry Richard A. Henry and Virginia A. McKay Alice W. Herrmann Mrs. Jean A. Heuer William E. Heyd

Anonymous Damon Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Higgins George and Judy Hiles Katherine and Dan Hinckley Doug Hinshaw and Sue Roediger Kaila I. Hires Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hirschman Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Hitchcock Mike and Pam Hiza Mrs. Margaret Porter Hoel Mrs. Kathy Hoelting Ms. Mary Ann Hoffman Mr. William J. Hoffner & Ms. Martha J. Mulloy Gayden and Elaine Hogan Mr. Jeff Holck Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Holen Cheri Hollis Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Holway Doris M. Holzheimer and Gordon Hullar Mr. and Mrs. Michael Homoya Ms. Linda Hooper Herbert and Barbara Hoover Michael S. Hopgood & Annette S. Kawecki Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hornor Mrs. Barbara A. Horvath Greg and Joan Hoskins Bob and Joanne Houillon Mike and Rosie Houk Howell H. Howard Jean Howard Mr. and Mrs. William T. Howard David and Diana Huggin William and Laurel Hughes Peg and Dick Hulit Guy W. Hull, II Judith Hunter Sam and Polly Huntington Mrs. Margaret Hupfeldt Needham and Mary Lou Hurst Jeff and Linda Huttenburg Drew and Maryann Huzar James R. Hynden Rick and Lori Hypes ICM Partners Il Cielo Mike and Darlene Ilten Hanspeter and Claudine Imholtz Fred Immermann Indigo Press, LLC Dr. and Mrs. George E. Irwin, Jr. Ms. Anne H. Isbister Island Cinema Island Neighbors Island Sun Island Taxi Jacaranda of Sanibel Island, LLC Andrew and Teresa Jacob Douglas and Jane Jacobson Lisa and James Jagodzinski Sissi Janku Colleen Jansen Mary E. Jaqua Mrs. Joan S. Jay James and Susan Jefferson Lynn Jenness & Don Hendrich Linda and Greg Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jennings, III Mr. David M. Jensen and Ms. Vanessa Viglione

Elizabeth Jensen Kevin and Jewel Jensen Vibeke Jensen Jensen’s On The Gulf Mark and Janice Jernigan Tom and Kathy Jessen Elaine and Greg Job Carolyn and Karl Johns Dr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson Back Bay Property Services Win and Rita Johnson Liddy Johnson Louise M. Johnson Martin and Sandra Johnson Nancy B. Johnson Mr. Thomas R. Johnson Joyce Johnston Brian Jones Curtis Jones David B. Jones Mr. Dewitt L. Jones, Jr. John F. Jones Ms. Bess Joyner Sherry Jurasinski JustGive Art and Martha Kaemmer Ellen Kahler Tami Kaido Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Kalberer Parviz and Helen Kambin Carol Kane Irene Kaplan Kara Foundation Barbara and George Karr Glen and Chris Kaufman Lois Weil Kaufman Marilee Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kavalunas Gary and Cathy Kebbekus Dr. Susan Kehne and Harry Brown Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Keller Deborah Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Kelly Joan and Wiliam Kelly Ms. Kathryn Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kelmereit Dan and Liz Kennedy Jack and Sally Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent Ms. Sue Kerzisnik Charles H. and Helen M. Ketteman Mr. Edward Kfoury Mr. Gordon Kiddoo Mrs. Jane M. Kilborn Kind World Foundation Mr. James E. King Ms. Mona L. King Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. King David and Barbara Kingsbury Jonathan Kiser Dr. and Mrs. William S. Kiser Ruth Kitchin Ben and Mary Klaus Martin B. Klaus Mr. Myron W. Klein Hartley Kleinberg Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Klepacki Marilyn Kloosterman Frank B. Knapke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Newell S. Knight, Jr. Ms. Roberta W. Knight Tim Knight Jane L. Knox

Susan Koff and Clint Marallo Bob and Brenda Kohler Jack and Norma Kohn Max F. Koletzke Jacalyn N. Kolk Richard and Barbara Konz Ted and Grace Anne Koppel Mrs. Christine A. Korman Mr. and Mrs. Don Korn Harry Kotses and Kandee Grossman Nancy and Peter Koury Louise Kowitch Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kraft Perry Krakora Jean H. Kramer David Kreller Gary and Carol Kreml Richard and Sara Krieger Joyce and Charles Krivenko Roxanne Kroeger Thomas and Christine Kroeger Mr. and Mrs. James Kroencke Cynthia H. Krusell Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Kubale Lori and Michael Kuczmanski Jim and Sophia Kuharich Anne and Fred Kuhnen Ed and Barbara Kusek John and Tisa Ladd Tom and Nancy Lagan Don and Sue Lair Ms. Iona J. Lakus C. Rodney and Margret LaMothe Mr. and Mrs. William E. LaMothe LaMotte Family Foundation Barbara and George Lampros Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Arnold G. Langbo Ingeborg and Paul Langer Pam and Murry Langfitt Carolyn Gray and Stuart Langton Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lanigan Mr. Paul W. Lantz Michael and Janet Lapko Inger Larsson William and Elaine Lasky Mr. Richard G. Lassy Charlotte Lattof Sharon Lavin and Joe Neuman Pamela and Michael Lawler Mr. and Mrs.William J. Lawless, Jr. John and Karen Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lawrence Ms. Anne Layman LEAF, LTD Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeBuff Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ledis Robin and Barbara Lee Adam A. Leff Caroline M. LeGette Bob Leick Mr. and Mrs. William Lembeck Barbara Lensing Chip and Sheryl Lesch Ms. Marcia Leslie and Ms. Shirley Bohnert Darla and Joe Letourneau Mrs. Virginia Letourneau Peter Levine and Patricia LaPlante Stan and Patty Levine Alan and Ann Levinsohn Abe and Pat Levy

Alan Lewis Mr. James S. Lewis Kathryn Lewis Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Lewis Sally Lewis and Kathy Rivera Mark Lichtenberg Sally Lichtenstein Bobbi Liepolt Lifeline Designs John and Marjorie Lincoln Lennart and Ann Lindberg Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lindblad Robert and Avice Lindstrom Linda and Joseph Linnehan Mr. and Mrs. Calvin C. Linnemann Mr. and Mrs. Erik Linthorst Donald and Mary Ann Linton Wade and Heather Lippert Mr. Barry Litofsky Steve Litton Maureen Livingston Susan Lloyd Steve and Joanie Loe The Loffredo Family Mary Ann L. Loh Constance Lohr Jim and Donna Loiacono Daniel and Julie Long Mrs. Leonard Long Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Loomans George Loomis Nick and Diane Lopardo Mr. Robert K. Lord James and Paulette Lotstein Gwyneth and Robert Loud Mrs. Frederick R. Louis Ellen M. Lovell Alcinda M. Lovett Melanie Files and Richard Lowman Mrs. Goodrich Lowry John and Lois Luber Mr. and Mrs. David Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Clive Luiten Eric Luks Arnold and Cindy Lungershausen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lunghamer Mr. Francis Lynch Gale and Jim Lynch Dr. and Mrs. James D. MacCallum Don MacFarlane Edith MacGuire MacIntosh Books and Paper Mack Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Mackall Jr. Mrs. Deborah J. MacKelcan Mr. David MacKenzie Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacKenzie Ms. Judy Mackinnon Mr. John MacLennan Judith C. Maddock Mr. and Mrs. George H. Madison Patrick Maeng Amy Magenheim Patrick and Robin Magoon Anne Magoun Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Mahrer Thomas and Sandra Malott Mammel Family Foundation Manatee & Eco River Tours Ellen Mandel Gary and Victoria Manella Frank Mangano Foundation Janice Manley

...to support our mission with your gifts of time, talent and treasure. Frank and Mary Lee Mann Dr. and Mrs. Deane C. Manolis Dianne and Harry Marek Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maresh Mr. William W. Mark Mr. Phillip Marks Marshfield Clinic Dennis and Betty Martin Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Martin Barbara Martin Roy Martin and Joy Lindsay Mrs. Wilma Martin Luis Martinez Mrs. Joan Martyn Mr. and Mrs. Peter Masalsky Arthur and Jane Mason Pete and Kris Massat Mrs. Vicki Mast Mary Mather Dr. and Mrs. Richard Mattern Mr. Peter F. Matthews Matzaluna Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maurer Howard and Judith Mayer Mr. Peter Mazur Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Mazzola Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mazzone Paul and Jill McArthur Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McBride James and Susan McCallion Ms. Ann L. McCarthy Kevin J. McCarthy Sue and Tom McCarthy Courtney McCathern Walter and Mary Lou McCormick Lindsey McCrum Tom and Susan McCully Dean and Nancy McCumber Bob McDonald Louise McDonald Antonette McDonald Zeke and Ashlynn McDonald Ann A. McDonnell George and Peg McGann Dagmar E. McGill Mr. and Mrs. Burton J. McGlynn Mrs. Ann W. McGovern Bill and Donna McGraw Doris McHale Nicole McHale Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKean Elizabeth and Paul McKenney Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKenny Ms. Pat McKenzie Patricia Maguire & David McKeon Dr. and Mrs. Daniel McKinney John and Janet McLaughlin Jennifer P. McLean Douglas McLemore James and Patricia McNulty Michael and Ann McTygue Linda McVeigh Edward and Patricia Mead Sandy Means Thomas and Mary Mechtenberg Peter and Nancy Meekin Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mehalic Mr. Carl F. Meier Ms. Leslie A. Melzer Carlos and Alessandra Menendez Mary Mercado Michaelene Mergener and Philip Mergener

Kent and Judy Mergler Mrs. Sue E. Merrick Merrill Lynch, Private Client Group Dr. Doris H. Merritt Jim and Jane Merritt Paula Merritt Don and Janet Metcalf Horst and Sandra Metz Marilu Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Warrin C. Meyers Mid-West Terminal Warehouse Company Chuck and Doreen Milbrandt Eric and Holly Milbrandt Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Milewski Mr. David L. Miller Gary and Joyce Miller Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller Jim and Hannah Miller Mr. Paul H. Miller Paulette Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mills Mr. William A. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Minsky Mrs. Audrey E. Minsky JC and Sue Miseroy Chuck and Waldy Mitchell Mr. Joseph M. Mitchell Leslie Mitkus Mrs. Elizabeth D. Modys Mr. and Mrs. Dan Moeder Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moguil Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Moll Matt Monagan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Monahan Graham and Marilyn Monk Kate Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Sandy A. Montclare Bonnie Moore and Carole Weissman Bob and Ariel Moore William and Barbara Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Moossy Ann L. Moran Tom Moran Mrs. Charle Morgan Drs. Riffat and Margaret Morgan Ann N. Morgan John and Sheilah Morley Denice Morris Wayne and Nancy Morrison Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Morse Leon and Frances Morsillo Ruth and Mark Mortensen Ms. Chris Morton Mr. and Mrs. Gates M. Moss Geoffrey and Karen Moss Mr. and Mrs. Seward H. Mott Mrs. Rebekah C. Moyle Ken and Karen Mrozek Mr. Maurice A. Much Harry and Genie Mueller Regina M. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Mullins Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mullins Dr. and Mrs. James W. Munson Ms. Carolyn M. Murphey Beverly Murphy John H. Murphy Madeleine Murphy Michael Murphy Marilyn Murray John and Kathy Namovic

Ernest Neafsey Dr. and Mrs. Edward T. Negley Kevin and Sally Neher Bruce and Evelyn Neill Gerald and Barbara Nelson Jim and Mary Nelson Jolene Nelson and Martha Rueter Carl and Christine Neumann Pat and Donna Nevins Ms. Evelyn B. Newell Margaret Newell Michael and Carol Newhouse Drs. John and Gwendolynn Newman Donald and Susan Newton Jerry Nichols Jon and Stephanie Nichols Kitten Nickoley Rick and Karen Nicoletti Ran and Marilyn Niehoff Frances and Freddie Nixon Cliff and Irene Nolan Norcross Wildlife Foundation Mike and Linda Nordberg Emilia Nordhoff Fred and Marj Nordstrom John and Diane Norfray Mr. Bradley F. Norpell Ms. Mary Lou Norris Northern Trust Bank Of Florida Gary and Rhonda Nottelmann Vince and Laurie Nourse Don Novotny and Kathy Howlett Mr. and Mrs. Hans R. Nybro Edward Oakes Mr. Joseph D. O’Brien, Jr. Lyn and Pat O’Brien Maureen O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. D. P. O’Daniel Mrs. Nancy C. Oden Mrs. Nancy Odette Deirdre and Kevin O’Donnell Mr. Robert S. Ogden, Jr. Judith O’Hair-Regan Barbara and Jim O’Hare Bill and Heather O’Keefe Don and Sandy Oliver Phil and Diane Olsson On Island Gregory and Claire O’Neill Tim and Julie O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ordeman Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Orlandi Elizabeth Bell and James A. Orr Dr. Robert B. Orr Nina S. Orrell Toni and Jim Ory Stephen Osborn Karen O’Sickey Mr. John Oster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Otis James and Becky Ott Heather and Drew Overholser G. Scott Owen Dave and Jacque Owens Ms. Rae Ann Owens Barbara Pace Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pacheco Martin and Enid Packard Margaret H. Palange Joseph and Carolyn Palchak Mr. Bob Palmer Weston H. Palmer

William and Janet Palmer Drs. Ronald and Kristin Pancner Ewa and Gerry Pane Janine Panechelli Mr. Peter L. Pappas George and Virginia Parker George and Rosalind Parkinson Karen and Indy Pati Patrick & Aimee Butler Family Foundation Harriet S. Patrick Harriet and Bruce Pattison Bob and Kathy Paul Carol A. Pauli Bob and Mary Ellen Paulson PayPal Giving Fund Patricia and Alan Peck Steven and Susan Peltzman Mr. Wayne A. Pence Patricia A. Perell Mr. Peter Perkins Donna Pesci Mahafarin and Kurt Peters Sandy and Henry Peterson Ms. Jane M. Peterson Mary K. Peterson PEW Charitable Trust Mr. Murray S. Peyton Thomas W. Pfeifer and Judy A. Brown Elizabeth M. Pfriem James Phillips and Wendy Stewart Nancy K. Phillips George and Katrin Phocas Jane and Sidney Picker, Jr. Robert and Melinda Pierce Cathy and Larry Piersol Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Pike Mrs. Sandra M. Pike Ms. Christina Plant Dr. Ruth Ann Plate Martin and Esther Pokedoff Anita and John Poling Les Pollock Brenda A. Pommerenke and Larry George Guy and Joan Pontius Ms. Marian M. Pool Clair and Bev Postmus Bruce Potter Frank and Linda Potter Susan and Doug Potts Louis and Sandra Pradt Mrs. Darlene Prendergast Scott Pressly Joanne and Paul Prestia Meg and Chris Prestigiacomo Kathy and Tom Price Ms. Vanessa L. Price Alissa Priestley Ed Probst and Lisa Mauer Dr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Probst Judy Holmes & James Progin Phil and Karen Ptacek Publix Super Market Charities Mr. Michael J. Puma Ms. Kay L. Putney Mr. Richard F. Pyle Rolf and Ana Maria Quass Mrs. Robert Raab Alan and Leslee Rabin Drs. John G. Raffensperger and Susan Luck

John and Joleen Raho Cedric Raine Juana Ramos Rene and Sue Ramos Jane and Chuck Ramseth Helen Ramsey Stephanie Ramsey Steven Ramsey Ed and Joyce Rand Mr. David P. Ranford Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ranieri Dr. and Mrs. George F. Rapp Susan Rautenberg Scott and Elaine Ravelson Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Ravenna James and Gail Rawcliffe Mr. Robert E. Rawlins Mrs. Polly Ray Re/Max of the Islands Rich and Lani Ream Mike and Ann Reardon Barbara Rebecca Mr. Albert W. Rech III Mr. and Mrs. William J. Recke Lanny Reddick Peter and Maggie Reed Tom and Gladys Reed Richard and Shirley Reese John Regan John and Katie Reid Ken and Sue Reinhardt Mr. Thomas C. Reinhart Mr. Carl D. Reinhold Barbara Reis Paula Reiss Al and Joyce Remling Rena Rowan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Rendall III Robert & Mary Anne Rennebohm Robin O. Rentsch Karl and Gloria Renz James and Carla Restivo Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Reuling Hernan and Dolores Reyes D. Michael Reyman Mr. & Mrs. Lamson Rheinfrank, Jr. Cynthia Rice Mike and Mary Rice Margaret H. Rich Marian N. Richards Malcolm L. Richardson Tom and Beth Rickart Ed O. Ridlehoover Denny Riemer Dr. Elizabeth B. Riggs Nancy Riley Mr. William Riley David Mintz and Elisa Riordan Robert and Lorraine Rippe Elaine and Michael Ristaino Mark and Becky Ristow Heather Rivera Captibeldesigns Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Rizzo Mr. Jack W. Roberts Bill and Carole Roberts Myra Roberts Wendy Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Robinson Virginia Robinson Dave Robson and Kate McKenney Geoff and Robbie Roepstorff Hiram Rogers and Jean Gauger Marianne Rogers

John and Nancy Rohde David and Madelaine Rohn Peter Ronald Spring Rosen Ms. Susan M. Rosenberg Mr. Mark Rosenstein June Rosner and Russ Bilgore Kim and Joyce Ross Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ross Drs. Jack and Marty Rossmann Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Roth Tom and Carol Rothman Alexander W. Roulston Mrs. Libby Rouse Dr. Marc I. Rowe Peg and John Royse Edward A. and Earline F. Rubel Dr. Alan and Mrs. Barbara Ruben Mr. and Mrs. David Rubien Judy and Herb Rubin Marilyn Rubin Charles R. Rubright Dorothy Rudolph Jane M. Ruffin Ms. Stephanie E. Rugoff Locker Mr. Richard L. Russell Ms. Annabel Ruth Mr. John P. Ryan Mr. Kenneth E. Ryan Christine and Kevin Ryan Scott Ryan Southwest Florida Community Foundation Gary and Maureen Saage Sabety Family Foundation Robert Sacks Parvis and Kay Sadighi Thomas and Elizabeth Sadlowski Mary Ann Saegebarth Dan and Jennifer Sager Marcel and Jane Saghir Kerry and Joe Salatino Richard and Christina Salerno Jack and Leslie Samler Anna Sampas Cheryl and Jim Samples John and Nancy Sampson Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sandy Katharine duP. Sanger Sanibel Air Conditioning, Inc. Sanibel Bayous Homeowners Association Sanibel Bike Club Sanibel Community Association Sanibel Inn/Song of The Sea Sanibel Island Fishing Club Sanibel Moorings Condo Association Sanibel Public Library Sanibel Siesta Sanibel-Captiva Art League Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce Sanibel-Captiva Community Bank Sanibel-Captiva Kiwanis Club Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club Sanibel-Captiva Young Professionals Forrest and Faye Sargent Ms. Gaile Sarma Lauren Pachman and Mark A. Satterthwaite Mr. and Mrs. Franz Sauerland Mrs. Hutha Sayre


Thank you for your support of our mission with your gifts of time, talent and treasure. Elaine and Robert Schaeffer Dr. William Schaffner & Ms. Lois Knight Lori and Elliott Schankerman Ed and Carol Scharlau Mr. Thomas Schaub Mrs. Marie-Claude Schauer Adam Schefter David L. Scheiber Phil and Carol Scheiber Joy Schein Bob and Sherry Scherer Mrs. Verena K. Scheu Jennifer and Kenny Schiff Randy Schiffer Mr. Wil M. Schlosser Mike and Pat Schmidt Bob and Fran Schmidt Mr. Paul F. Schmitt Brent and Laurie Schnell Jim and Sheila Schnell Mary Schoeffel Margaret Barclay & John Scholz Larry Schopp Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Schray Mrs. Charlotte E. Schroder Chuck and Connie Schrup John and Donna Schubert Howard and Tamra Schultz Dawn F. Schumann Richard R. or Deanna Schumann Warren Schwab and Jodi Cort Holly Schwartz Dr. Lewis J. Schwartz Tom Schwegler Chris and Jennifer Schwenk Craig and Susan Scott Mr. Willard H. Scott, Jr. Mrs. Barbara B. Scovil Mr. and Mrs. Dmitri Scutakes Cindy and Charles Seaman Mr. John T. Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Warren P. Seaward Kathy Sebrowski Mr. and Mrs. Ray B. Secrist Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sedler Phil and Marlene Sefton Sehgal Family Foundation Lee and Gene Seidler Ms. Linda D. Seifert Ed and Penny Sessa Virginia Severinghaus Ms. Christina Shafer and Mr. Terry Stickel Melissa Shakman Mrs. Jean B. Shannon Ronald E. Sharpin and Linda J. Nearing James D. and Katherine P. Shaw Charlie and Gail Sheetz Susan Sheffield Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Sheldon Jodi L. Shenberger Sandon C. Shepard Adele H. Shepherd Matthew Shinners Orly Shoham ShoreAdore Andrew and Sally Shott Victor and Barbara Showalter Roland Shrull Joseph Shuster and Barbara Bazzone


Frank and Peggy Siegel Dan and Dyan Sierra Mary Tracy Sigman Evelyn Rose and Jonathan Silverman Louis and Bonnie Silverstein Karen Simco John and Elizabeth Simler Mr. William D. Simmons Michael and Joyce Sirota Ben Sisk/SWFL Hopheads Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Skaugstad Jo Ann C. Skillett Mr. Matt Skok Dennis and Nancy Skowronski Brenden Sloan Ellen Smiley Andi Smith Andrea B. Smith Mrs. Deborah Smith Regina and Duane Smith Mrs. Elisabeth A. Smith Elizabeth Smith Judith and Tim Smith Libby Smith Mrs. Marjorie L. Smith Anita and Bob Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Smith Bonnie B. Sneed James L. and Laura A. Sniff Mr. Wallace C. Snipes Ms. Maria L. Solares Nicole Solin Soon Come Contract Hauling Denny and Rusty Souers George and Patti Sousa Howard and Juanita Spanogle Charles W. Specht Gerald and Judy Specht Mr. and Mrs. Jared Specthrie Dr. and Mrs. David B. Spector Mr. John W. Spencer Mrs. Joan B. Sperry Cameron and Mark Sperry Nancy and Robert Sperte Mr. David F. Spink Linda Spire Cathy Sporleder Ann Marie Sprotte Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sprout Gretchen and Halsey Spruance Gayle and Arthur Spruch Dick and Myrtilla Squitieri Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stafford John R. and Inge P Stafford Thomas and Carol Stafne Bob and Beth Staggenborg Mr. William H. Stahlheber David M. and Jean Stanley Jennifer Stansberry Victoria T. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stanza, Jr. Mina Steen Dennis and Jo Ann Stehr Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Stein Ernie and Mary Stelzer Stemic Enterprises, Inc. Jennifer Stenicka Lynne and Jerry Stern Beth Stetins Dr. and Mrs. Harold R. Stevens Daniel and Becky Steves

Mr. Robert Steves Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stewart, Jr. Pamela F. Boynton David and Carolyn Stigler Stilwell Enterprises Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Stirn Thomas and Carol Stoel Mrs. Charlotte C. Stokes Donald and Lillian Stokes Ginny Stone Jerry and Nancy Stone Richard and Elizabeth Stoner Gwen Stoughton Marc and Nan Stretch Jack and Barb Strothman Susan and Jeff Stroud Richard and Cindy Strup Jan Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Sullivan, Jr. Sundial Beach Resort Patrick Suniewick Sunny Day Guide of Sanibel-Captiva Sunset Grill SunTrust Bank of Southwest Florida SunTrust Bank Sanibel Tom and Maggie Surgener Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Suss Mrs. Ellen W. Svenson Janice and Christopher Swain Mrs. Helen W. Swain Rick Swider and Julie Pedretti Mrs. Sara T. Swift John and Carolyn Swiney Mr. and Mrs. James D. Switzer Mr. L. Britt Swofford Mr. and Mrs. John H. Swope Catherine Symchych Mr. Stuart Symington Ty and Jan Symroski Peter and Roberta Szydlo Dr. Stephen and Joan Szynal Mr. and Mrs. Gary Taibbi Pamela & Sanford Tannenbaum Lowell and Magdolna Tanzer Mr. Kent A. Tarrier Brenda and Dewey Tate Ray and Nancy Tatko Mrs. H. Richard Taylor Connie and Leslie Taylor Mrs. Merrill J. Taylor Michael and Janet Taylor Mike and Leanne Taylor Mary Lou Tecklenburg Linda Tedeschi Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Teerlink Joan and Warren Teigen Erica Tenbroek Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Tentler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Terpstra Terry and Clara Terrana Patricia Terry The O’Connor Foundation Donald Thomas Dr. and Mrs. James A. Thomas, Jr. Jennifer Starr Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Thomas Mr. Christopher J. Thompson Sue and Bob Thoresen Peter and Sheila Thornley Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thornton Davis and Patricia Thurber Thomas and Catherine Tighe Mr. Peter H. Tillou

Bob and Bobbi Timberlake Timbers Restaurant Roger and Cindy Timm David Tompkins and Marcia Andrews Mike and Meg Toomey Mr. Tim Toplisek Lindsay and John Totten Scott E. and Carol S. Townsley Nancy A. Tracy-Richmond Traders Cafe Cliff and Sandy Traff Mr. Richard L. Travas Nancy Traylor Ellen and Sandy Trevor David R. Trout Mr. Hyde Tucker Susan and Bob Tucker Walter Tucker Barbara Turner Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Turner Judy Turner Mr. Richard T. Turner Sheila and Davis Turner Jean Turney Chris and Alison Tyler U.S. Trust - Bank of America Paul and Virginia Uhlenhop David and Aimee Ulstad Dr. and Mrs. Ned A. Underwood Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Unger Andrew and Katie Unkefer Jim and Josie Urbelis Matt and Diane Uren Mr. Phillip A. Urion Mr. and Mrs. John E. Utley Anita and Michael Vail Mrs. Lucretia Van Olst Mrs. Joseph Van Vleck Sarita Van Vleck Davind and Beth Vandyke John and Jan Vangolen Mrs. Janka Varmuza Bob and Sharon Vartdal Betsy Vaughan Mrs. Janet S. Vea Mr. George E. Veillette, Jr. Ray and Susan Verdon Mr. Hugh F. Verry Leonie Viert Helen Villa Nancy and Roger Vincent Bob and Mary Jane Vinson VIP Realty Group Victor and Moni Vojcek Mary H. Vollmer Nikolai and Ursula Von Birkensee Gretta Vosper Stacy A. Vu Marvin and Martha Wachs Louise Wagner Richard and Judith Wagner

Andrea Wagoner and Roger Ruggeri Mr. Andy Wahlberg Dod and Annie Wainwright Susan Waldstein and Ellen Burns Anne K. Walker Betsy and Bruce Walker Mrs. Elaine B. Walker Dr. Jerome Walker Mr. David Wallace Mr. Henry D. Wallace Michael and Susan Walpole Alice and Joseph Walzer Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ware Ms. Ann Kirk Warren Bev and Jeff Warren Stefanie and Allen Wass Field and Mary Ann Wasson Richard and Gloria Waterhouse Ms. Amy Lou Waters Mary Watson Mr. Robert G. Watson Christopher Way Shara and John Weaver Mark and Susan Webster Ron Weeks Elaine Weingarden Ms. Suzanne B. Weinheimer Steve and Penny Weinstein Mark and Peggy Weiss Mr. Arthur Weissbach Dr. and Mrs. Marc Weissbluth Lyman and Deana Welch Craig and Mary Welch Diane S. Welch Mrs. Yolande M. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Eric Welles Stephen Wener Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Werkheiser Mr. Karl D. Werner West End Paradise West Wind Inn Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. West Dr. and Mrs. William H. West Arlen Westbrook Wendy Westerlund Ruth Westheimer Laura Westover Jack and Patty Wettstein Albert and Kathleen Weyman Phil and Tina Weyman Michele Whalen & Valerie Summer Mr. Craig A. Wheatley Carolyn W. Wheaton Carol Whisenhunt Margaret and Albert White Elizabeth Hunt White Randy Wayne White Linda L. Wickstra Chuck Wiebe and Anne Millar Kathy Wiesemann Allie Wigley Elizabeth Wigley

Kate Wigley Roy and Karen Wildeman Chris and Wendy Wilging Mr. Daniel D. Wilhelm Alice Wilkerson & Joseph Gordon Christopher D. Wilkinson Mrs. Penny Wilkinson David L. and Karen J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Duane N. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Williams Ms. Sandra L. Williams David and Deb Williamson Tim and Donna Wilmot Karen Ann McCoy & Daryl Wilson Mr. John R. Wilson Patricia Wilson Peter D. Wilson Terry Sankey & Doug Windler Alice Winget Tom and Willie Winkler Linda and Jim Winn Arnee R. and Walter A. Winshall George and Veronika Wiss Mr. George C. Witte, Jr. Judith and Jack Wittenberg Julia Wittenhagen Mr. and Mrs. Harlan E. Wittkopf Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard K. Woehrl Mr. Richard H. Wojciechowski Lillian W. Wolfe Richard and Artley Wolfson Mrs. Ann Wollschlager Carol Ann and Michael Wolpert Alice and Blake Wood Mrs. Joan R. Wood Dr. and Mrs. Michael Wood Dr. Jane Z. Woodrow Woodworth-Upjohn Foundation Elaine and Jack Worley Ralph and Janet Wozniak Piper Periwinkle WynockerBeckwith Charmaine L. Yeadon Marc and Melissa Yelenich Stephen and Donna Yetsko Ms. Ellen C. Yorke Mrs. Beatrice H. Young Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Young James Youngquist Mrs. Pamela Zapf Patricia L. Zapf Carol and Peter Zell Steve and Joan Zickel Fred and Diane Zimmer Mr. and Mrs. John D. Zimmerman Ms. Judith A. Zimomra Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Zocki Dr. and Mrs. Jack Zoldan Dr. Suzanne Zoss Ms. Sheila A. Zuhusky Mrs. Nancie J. Zwerlein

Me m Sup ber s & 3,572 Members & Supporters p o Life Members rte: r 4,114542 Total: s Members & Supporters

SCCF celebrated 50 years of conservation on the islands on October 31, 2017. We head into our next 50 years grateful to be a part of this very special community. Thank you! (Individuals and Businesses)

Business Roundtable 2 Islands Gallery Adventures in Paradise Alexis Horn Photography Ambu Yoga American Realty of Captiva Arthur Printing Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum Bailey’s General Store/Sanibel Packing Company, Bailey’s MarketPlace @ Sundial, Bailey’s True Value, Sanibel Catering Company by Bailey’s Bailey’s Center LLP Barefoot Charley’s Painting Bell Team Benchmark General Contractors Inc Billy’s Bikes Bob’s Island Graphics Brightstreet C Davidson Interior Design Captain Brian on the water

Memorials In Memory of Ann Bair by: Lanny Reddick

In Memory of Robin A. Ball by: Armand and Beverly Ball In Memory of Mary Bayrd by: Anna Bayrd Tommy Bayrd In Memory of Arthur H. Becker by: Carol Becker In Memory of Kathy Berman by: Brown University Division of Advancement Laurel Daggett Kathleen and Mo Davenport Sam and Judy Florman Patti Flynn-Harris Miriam Greenfield ICM Partners Shelley Jones Judy Kitson Holli Laone Michael Levine Kevin MacDonald Jessica McShane Minnesota Vikings Football, LLC Matt Monagan Shark Shootout Charities, Inc. Adam Schefter Carolyn Traester Susan O. White In Memory of Harry Bertossa by: Caroline LeGette In Memory of Elaine Steinhafel Birck by: Colder’s Inc. Tom and Debbie Balistreri Bob and Diane Garbutt David Felker In Memory of Jane and Frank Bopp by: Mary and John Hartman

Captain Bubby’s IsLAND Tours Captibel Designs Captiva Civic Association Captiva Cruises Inc Captiva Island Yacht Club Catering by Leslie Adams Congress Jewelers Doc Ford’s Rum Bar and Grille Dorado Property Management Edison National Bank and Bank of the Islands Floral Artistry of Sanibel Garvin Law Firm, P.A. Goss Practical Solutions Hangar 41 Winery & Brew Shop Heidrick & Co Insurance HighTower Advisors ILoveSanibel.com Island Cinema Island Condo Maintenance Island Inn

In Memory of Kate Brumfield by: Sara Brumfield Deborah De Lisi In Memory of Jo Cawthra by: Tobi Cawthra In Memory of Sally Ditton by: Robert Ditton In Memory of Suzanne M. Dubuc by: Mr. John MacLennan In Memory of Harry Gleitz by: Donna Aldrich Mona Gleitz Richard Scissors Samuel and Rosemary Trippe In Memory of Mona Gleitz by: Richard Scissors In Memory of Maryann Gordon by: Marshfield Clinic In Memory of Jean and Ross Hiles by: Judy and George Hiles Stephanie and Rich Hiles In Memory of John H. and Carolyn Talbot Hoagland by: Mariel Foundation The WesaDoe Fund In Memory of Shirley Hoch by: Jack and Winifred Colwill Gwenda Hiett-Clements Julia Hoch Marilyn Kloosterman Elizabeth Lim-Dutton James and Susan McCallion Elizabeth Miller Ellen Orr Martha and Rick Siders Carol and Peter Zell In Memory of Louise Horstman by: Byron and Barbara Ford

Island Paws Island Time Dolphin & Shelling Cruises, Inc. Jensen’s Twin Palm Resort and Marina Joey’s Custard K & K Super - Blend Kingfisher Vacations KJ & JC Enterprises LLC/Manatee & Eco River Tours L. Northorp Landscape Services Landmark Design of Sanibel Law Office of Janet M. Strickland, P.A. Lazy Flamingo USA Lily Jewelers Local Roots, LLC Marc Giattini, Esq. McCallion & McCallion McQuade Inc/Mark McQuade General Contractor On Island

Over Easy Cafe Pfeifer Realty Group Prawnbroker Group Premier Sotheby’s International Realty Public Policy Communications Qwik Pack & Ship Rauschenberg Residency RE/MAX of the Islands Red Anders LLC Sanibel Captiva Beach Resorts, LLC Sanibel Captiva Trust Company Sanibel Graphics Sanibel Island Golf Club Sanibel Marina Inc Scholz & Barclay Architecture Select Vacation Properties Shiprock LLC Solar Recover Soleil Consulting, LLC

In Memory of Dr. John J. Hutton by: Marc and Cheryl Giattini In Memory of Dr. John T.H.“Jerry” Johnson by: Polly and Gary Bayrd In Memory of Dee Kaiser by: Craig and Nancy Foster In Memory of Larry and Charlotte Kowitch by: Louise Kowitch In Memory of John La Gorce by: Judith Bright Deborah La Gorce In Memory of Joan Leffel by: Nancy and John Ake Janie Howland In Memory of Charles LeGette by: Marc and Cheryl Giattini Dr. and Mrs. George E. Irwin, Jr. Field and Mary Ann Wasson Rae Ann Wessel In Memory of Susie Marks by: Barbara Bolt and Karen Clarke Roland and Glenda Campbell Karen Clarke Jill and Pody Harper The Jansen Family Jennifer Krajecki Heather and Drew Overholser Anita and John Poling Fred Reed Linda and Tom Uhler The Weavers Rae Ann Wessel In Memory of Paul McCarthy by: Anneliesa Alprin Jon Appelbaum Sally J. Baker The Bookies, Maureen Mackin-Treasurer Joan Brierton Erin De Genova

Southwest Florida Dolphin & Nature Cruises Stilwell Enterprises & Restaurant Group Superior Title Services of Sanibel, Inc. Tarpon Bay Explorers, Inc. The Boat Place Of Naples & Fort Myers The Inns of Sanibel Uhler and Vertich Financial Planners VIP REALTY VIP Realty Group VIP Vacation Rentals Watson MacRae Gallery Yolo Board Adventures 84 members representing 2,179 employees

In Memory of Paul McCarthy cont’d: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ghublikian Jensen’s Twin Palm Resort Marina Steve and Connie Junghans Ellen M. Lovell Malcolm L. Richardson South Seas Island Resort Scott E. and Carol S. Townsley Sheila and Davis Turner Useppa Island Historical Society White House Millennium Council White House Millennium Council Friends Anneleisa Alprin Joan Brierton Anne Donovan Sharon Kennedy Ellen McCulloch-Lovell Malcolm Richardson Jane Swenson Tom and Marilyn Wilburn John and Wendy Witten In Memory of Ruth Ann McClintock by: Amy Sheldon In Memory of Sharon Pollock by: Les Pollock In Memory of Bill Pugh by: Johns Hopkins University Center for Inherited Disease Research Nancy T. Ritter Lee Watkins Chris and Becky Wheat In Memory of The Francoise Puschel Memorial Fund by: Philip and Roberta Puschel In Memory of Charles and Mary Anne Ritchie by: J. Michael and Sally B. Ritchie Staritch Foundation, Inc. In Memory of Amelia Samples by: Cheryl and Jim Samples

In Memory of Paul M. Smart by: Frank Beans and Anne Yager In Memory of Roy Sweeney by: Marc and Cheryl Giattini Paul and Lucy Roth In Memory of Barbara Taylor by: Christy and Chuck Bittenbender Jane Carlson Mr. and Mrs. David Davenport Elizabeth March Margaret Newell Caroline and Ed Oberndorf Stephen Osborn Howard and Susan Rohleder Eleanore Scherbel Charles and Kathryn Shenk Sandra Shenk Terrie and George Siefert Ellen Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Young In Memory of Starr Thomas by: Cathy and Henry Block In Memory of Mark “Bird” Westall by: Aeeilio Family Zonia Barginer Mimi Barnett Mirella L. Barnett Bill and Jaye Boswell Catherine Chelak Barron Collier High School Marc Davignon Janie Howland Hayde Licourt Anne Magoun Eduardo Santos Richard and Artley Wolfson In Memory of Donald Wildman by: Gary and Maureen Saage In Memory of Jean Wohlrabe by: Patricia A. Perell

List as of June 30, 2017


Board Board

of Trustees, of Trustees

Gwenda Hiett-Clements, President John Morse, Vice President Doug Ryckman, Treasurer Linda Uhler, Secretary

Committee Chairs & Staff — 2016 - 2017 Claude Crawford Chauncey Goss Shelley Greggs Sandy Gross

Committee Chairs Doug Ryckman, Finance Paul Roth, Nominating Gwenda Hiett-Clements, Membership Development Bill Burch, Special Events Claude Crawford, Ph.D., Marine Laboratory Liaison Rod Verblaauw, Endowment

Tom Rathbone Paul Roth Richard Shipley

Dean Skaugstad, Hammerheads (Carpenters) Ron Gibson, Sandra Gross, Deborah La Gorce, Mary Ellen Pfeifer, Tom Price, Housing Committee (Ad hoc) Sandra Gross, Brush of Excellence Shelley Greggs, Environmental Education Liaison Robin Krivanek, Wildlife & Habitat Management Liaison Sandra Gross, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Liaison


Administrative: Erick Lindblad, Executive Director Wendy Cerdan, Business Manager Cheryl Giattini, Campaigns/Legacy Coordinator Karen Nelson, Communications Coordinator Alexis Horn, Public Outreach Coordinator Environmental Education: Kristie Anders, Education Director Dee Serage-Century, Living with Wildlife Educator Native Landscapes & Garden Center: Jenny Evans, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Manager Rebecca Grotrian, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Asst. Em Hayes, Part-time Assistant Sue Ramos, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Assistant Emily Harrington, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Asst. *April Dembeck, Intern *Rachel Turner, Intern *Jonathan Stechschulte, Intern *Shannon Jackson, Intern Natural Resource Policy: Rae Ann Wessel, Director +Holly Schwartz, Legislative Session Policy Assistant

Robin Krivanek Diane Neitzel Mary Ellen Pfeifer Tom Price (retired)

Marine Laboratory cont’d: Mark Thompson, Research Associate Ashley Graham, Research Assistant *Elie Rothermel, Intern *Chrissy McCrimmon, Intern Dr. Rozalind Jester, Visiting Research Scientist (Florida SouthWestern State College) Dr. Ray Grizzle, Visiting Research Scientist (University of New Hampshire) Dr. Jordon Beckler, Visiting Research Scientist (Mote Marine Laboratory) Wildlife & Habitat Management: Chris Lechowicz, Director & Herpetologist *Chelsea Petrick, Biology Intern (2016) *Rachel Fisher, Biology Intern (2017) Audrey Albrecht, Shorebird Coordinator / Biologist *Alaina Hahn, Shorebird Intern (2016) *Alfredo Gonzalez, Shorebird Intern (2017) •Toby Clark, Field Technician (2016) Victor Young, Field Technician Dustin Lucas, Field Technician (2017) Kelly Sloan, Sea Turtle Coordinator / Biologist **Brandt Quirk-Royal, Sea Turtle Technician (2016) **Andrew Glinsky, Sea Turtle Technician (2017) *Heather Shipp, Sea Turtle Intern (2017) **Andrew Glinsky, Sea Turtle Tagging Technician (2016) **Jennifer Gooch, Sea Turtle Tagging Technician (2016) **Jeff Book, Sea Turtle Tagging Technician (2017) **Emily Hardin, Sea Turtle Tagging Technician (2017)

Marine Laboratory: Dr. Eric Milbrandt, Director Dr. Rick Bartleson, Research Scientist A.J. Martignette, Research Assistant Jeff Siwicke, Research Assistant * Interns, including the Phyllis Kilmer Gresham Native Plant Education Fund Intern +Funded by Fred and Alice Stanback ** Grant-funded • Position shared with USFWS/J.N. “Ding” Darling NWR

Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation 3333 Sanibel-Captiva Road, P.O. Box 839, Sanibel, FL 33957 www.sccf.org sccf@sccf.org Office: (239) 472-2329 Fax (239) 472-6421 / Marine Laboratory: (239) 395-4617 Native Plant Nursery: (239) 472-1932 / Wildlife & Habitat Management: (239) 472-3984


Annual Report compilation and design by Karen Nelson

Publication of this Annual Report was generously underwritten by:

As the oldest locally owned and managed community bank in Lee County and on the islands, Edison National Bank/Bank of the Islands celebrates its 20th anniversary this year and salutes SCCF for its half-century of environmental stewardship. “For five decades, SCCF’s conservation activity has helped define what makes our islands and this region so special, and we have been honored to play a part in making that happen. May both our organizations continue to serve and thrive in the decades to come.”

Geoffrey Roepstorff CEO, Bank of the Islands/Edison National Bank

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