FY 2018-2019 SCCF (Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation) Annual Report

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Founded in 1967, SCCF is dedicated to the conservation of coastal habitats and aquatic resources on Sanibel and Captiva and in the surrounding watershed through its program areas: Marine Laboratory Wildlife & Habitat Management Natural Resource Policy Native Landscapes & Garden Center Sea Turtles & Shorebirds Environmental Education Land Acquisition & Stewardship


November 2019 Dear Valued Members and Friends,

What a year this has been! In September 2018 we announced SCCF’s new CEO and we spent the fall celebrating Erick Lindblad’s extraordinary 33-year tenure as a mentor and leader. Ryan took the helm in January 2019, and the ensuing months have featured a very successful transition and the emergence of new ideas and energy – including an update to SCCF’s strategic plan. We are entering the future bravely and thoughtfully and want to share several themes that will guide SCCF in that future.

Doug Ryckman and Ryan Orgera

COMMITMENT - Erick and the extraordinary SCCF staff shaped a culture of love for their jobs and appreciation of each other. Our dedicated team members are committed to SCCF’s mission and pour their hearts into all of its work. We are extremely proud of our people and the values they continue to demonstrate every day. VIGILANCE - SCCF has fought to protect our islands for over 52 years. We have been highly successful, preserving over 1,850 acres, educating innumerable citizens and visitors, and advocating for nature in Fort Myers, Tallahassee, and Washington. The SCCF RECON Network is our islands’ first line of defense in monitoring coastal water quality, and our sea turtle and shorebird programs nurture fragile wildlife populations. These are just two examples of the first-rate work being done across all of our program areas. SCCF’s compass will always point to the conservation of the Sanibel and Captiva ecosystems as our “True North” and highest priority. FORESIGHT - At the same time, we need to recognize that our islands are part of a larger system and that our greatest threats come to us from outside our islands: blue-green algae, Red Tide, wetland loss, unfettered development, and ultimately climate change and sea level rise. To address these external threats, we will advocate for science-based policies and actions that anticipate and deal with these challenges at their source. We will choose our battles carefully but will be unafraid to take on issues that appear distant but are ultimately critical for our island and neighboring communities, including humans and critters. GRATITUDE - We are excited for SCCF’s future. We are fortunate to live in this extraordinary place, and are honored that our members, supporters, volunteers, and friends entrust us to keep it special. We hope you enjoy this annual report. Most importantly, please view it as an introduction to the future, as well as a grateful look at the past. Thank you for being part of our commitment to conservation. We could not do this critically important work without you. Sincerely,


Ryan Orgera, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer

Douglas Ryckman President



Photo: Janet Kirk

POLICY CONNECTIONS The Natural Resource Policy department connects SCCF’s science to the protection and conservation of our region’s natural resources. We work with the SCCF Marine Laboratory to monitor, interpret, and communicate water quality conditions and trends, advise on problems, and craft public policy solutions. We work with our sea turtle and shorebird programs to address human impacts such as light pollution from inland cities that cause disorientations and threaten nesting species. We seek to build a chorus of voices by building consensus across communities. One loud voice is the most effective tool. In addition to environmental organization peers, we developed relationships and partnerships with local Chambers, Realtors, League of Cities, Mayors and our Business Roundtable members. This strategy helped to provide broad support for Everglades restoration projects and funding at the state and federal levels.


Policy in Motion • Produced Weekly Caloosahatchee Condition Reports • Successfully pushed for additional monitoring of water flow and quality from Lake O and the Caloosahatchee watershed • Petitioned the state to establish standards for toxic algae exposure in water and air • Invited to testify at U.S. Senate committee hearing in DC on devastating effects of the 2018 Red Tide • Promoted and engaged the public in calling for state and federal Everglades funding • Presenter on water quality at the Everglades Coalition Conference • Actively engaged in Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan project evaluations: Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project, Everglades Agricultural Area Reservoir project, C43 (Caloosahatchee) Reservoir project and water quality treatment, revision of the Lake Okeechobee management plan

Please become a member or renew your membership by using the enclosed envelope or donating at www.sccf.org.


• Engaged community members in trip to lobby lawmakers in Tallahassee for Everglades Action Day • Legislative: • Supported updated shark fishing regulations, land acquisition for drinking water supply and water quality treatment, a ban on fracking • Opposed bad growth management and home rule pre-emption bills • Federal: Supported and promoted banning offshore oil drilling • Local: Pressed for strengthening wetland protections and coastal high hazard protections, preventing wetland development in mangroves along Shell Point Boulevard, Captiva study of septic-to-sewer conversion, Lee County land acquisition (serving on the Conservation 2020 CLASAC committee) • Sustainability efforts on our islands and in our state

MARINE LABORATORY Studying Water Quality and Algae Blooms The Marine Lab teamed up with University of Florida (Dr. Ed Phlips) and North Carolina State University (Dr. Natalie Nelson) to study the Caloosahatchee and harmful algae blooms. The project is funded by the National Science Foundation under the RAPID program, which awards projects with an immediate need; last summer’s algae blooms were the justification. The goal is to determine if there was any connectivity between blooms occurring in the Caloosahatchee and those occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. We are using traditional microscopy, nutrient analysis, RECON (River Estuary & Coastal Observing Network) data, and the Lab’s FlowCam to describe, model, and analyze the 2018-2019 phytoplankton blooms. Two student interns from University of Iowa are developing independent projects and being mentored as part of the project.

OYSTER RESTORATION The Lab has applied for permits for an additional 20 acres of oyster reef restoration. Highly successful restoration projects since 2009 include a total of four acres in Clam Bayou, San Carlos Bay and Tarpon Bay. Improved oyster reefs are not only good for the ecosystem but also for making our coasts more storm-resistant. Water quality sampling in the Caloosahatchee and Gulf of Mexico.

Using Science to Improve Water Quality on Sanibel Based on the research and recommendations developed with the City of Sanibel Natural Resources staff, the SCCF nutrient management plan has been used as a scientific basis for several large projects: 1. The City will be upgrading its wastewater treatment plant, reducing the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus contained in the reclaimed water used to irrigate the island’s golf courses. 2. Jordan Marsh, a new filtration marsh, was constructed using City property and SCCF conservation land to reduce nitrogen loads in the Sanibel Slough. Monitoring by the Marine Lab is ongoing.

Effluent sampler, Jordan Marsh Photo: Holly Milbrandt ANNUAL REPORT FY2018-2019 |


The R/V Norma Campbell We used our new research vessel, the R/V Norma Campbell, to study an unprecedented dead zone, an area of water devoid of oxygen in the Gulf, related to Red Tide, dying fish, and stratification. Other uses of the Norma Campbell include sea turtle rescues and transporting and maintaining the RECON sensor network and offshore wave buoy.

Our research vessel enables us to service this offshore wave buoy

Red Tide and Sea Turtles From July to November 2018, Sea Turtle Coordinator Kelly Sloan and Marine Lab Scientist Dr. Rick Bartleson dissected 60 sea turtles that died that summer to examine their stomach contents and test for brevetoxins (the Red Tide toxin), including sending samples for grant-funded specialized analysis by a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) chemist. The most common prey items of the Kemp’s Ridley and Loggerhead sea turtles were crustaceans and molluscs (pen shells, ark shells, whelks, tulip snails, horse conchs, fighting conchs, moon snails, and sharks eyes). Preliminary tests of brevetoxin levels in gut contents, livers, and some muscle and blood samples revealed high levels in the majority of the samples. Kelly Sloan presented preliminary results at the International Sea Turtle Symposium in Charleston in February 2019. The samples that tested the highest were extracted and sent to NOAA for further analysis. Link to the Marine Lab’s publication list www.tinyurl.com/sccfml

A New Lab Facility The Marine Lab moved into a new facility, constructed in partnership with the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. The new building was built to a LEED Gold standard, and new lab equipment helps our scientists better understand the marine environment at microscopic and elemental scales.

Water Quality within the Refuge Ten years of monitoring water quality within the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge has allowed us to link changes in Refuge water quality to discharges from the Franklin Lock in the Caloosahatchee. We have also been able to see how new culverts and changes in impoundment management have changed water quality conditions in the Refuge.



Florida Box Turtle Project


Diamondback Terrapin Project

A big highlight of the last year was the capital campaign and purchase of a John Deere skid-steer and a larger John Deere tractor to replace our smaller existing tractor. We can now work in more rugged areas, pull out small trees, move vegetation around, and mulch it if necessary. The ability to quickly clear invasive vegetation will improve our success with new plantings and make the removal of regrowth of invasive and exotic vegetation easier. Also, we will be able to clear fire lines and trails much faster after tropical storm events.

SCCF’s research on the imperiled diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) has interested other researchers in the state, including the Herp Taxa Coordinator for Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) in Tallahassee, who will assist with our study while also learning our techniques. SCCF is one of the highest contributors to the statewide genetic study on the species that will likely lead to its total protection in the state. Wildlife & Habitat Management Director Chris Lechowicz was asked to be a Florida state representative for this species with the Diamondback Terrapin Working Group (DTWG) at the regional meeting in Jacksonville this year. During the Red Tide event in the fall of 2018, several deceased terrapins washed up as well as marine turtles, island terrapins that likely were affected by Red Tide brevetoxin. However, mainland terrapin populations at our research sites appeared to be unaffected.

SCCF has been conducting population studies on the Florida box turtle (Terrapene carolina bauri) for well over a decade. Over the last year, we have used radio telemetry to better understand their habitat preference, refuge substrates, and home range. We track box turtles fitted with radio transmitters in order to uncover their seasonal movements and preferred refuge areas. Knowledge about their movements and preferred microhabitats will help us to make better land management decisions, especially when mowing, hardwood removal, and controlled fires are being planned.

Pine Island Sound Eastern Indigo Snake Project The Eastern Indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) is in serious trouble in Florida, with isolated populations around the state: the only remaining coastal Florida population is on three islands in Pine Island Sound. This ongoing SCCF project is currently the only permitted research in Florida being conducted as part of the Orianne Society federal permit. Continued education of island residents and visitors has been key to the high success of our mark-recapture study. Our resident permittees and reports of sightings by the public has likely given these very rare, docile reptiles more of a chance at sustaining populations in perpetuity.

Controlled Fire As part of the Sanibel Prescribed Fire Partnership (SCCF, the City of Sanibel, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Florida Forestry, and Sanibel Fire & Rescue), we were able to perform a controlled burn on approximately 10 acres in Sanibel Gardens on June 19, 2019. The preserve is jointly owned by SCCF and the City of Sanibel. With this fire, Land Steward Victor Young earned his burn certification, which will allow him to pull controlled fire permits and lead a prescribed fire. Sanibel Fire & Rescue donated a second Type 6 fire truck (Ford F350), which will allow us to have two different brush trucks with water and a pump on controlled burns.




Sea Turtle Program 2019 was an exceptional season for the Sea Turtle Program and new records were set for total loggerhead hatchlings that emerged on our islands. However, ensuring the survival of sea turtles is becoming increasingly complex in the face of coastal development, ocean plastics, habitat loss, climate change/sea level rise, and a wide variety of emerging and worsening threats. We are committed to playing a significant role in being part of the solution by expanding our scope to meet these challenges. Thanks to the support of the AWC Family Foundation, Sea Turtle Conservancy, FLRACEP (Florida RESTORE Act Center of Excellence Program) grants, and private donors, we have thriving collaborations with a variety of institutions and our impact on sea turtle conservation is growing.

Super nester green sea turtle “Jane” laying her 5th nest this season

Photo: Janet Kirk

We Initiated Several Significant Research Projects • In response to last year’s Red Tide, the Sea Turtle Program received a grant to launch a two-year study investigating the prolonged impacts of brevetoxins (Red Tide toxins) on nesting and hatchling sea turtles. 131 nesting females and their nests were sampled to evaluate the relationship between maternal health status, toxin levels, and reproductive success. This has never been examined in a season following an intense Red Tide bloom. • Another large-scale project is shedding new light on previously unidentified variables that may affect sex ratios in hatchling sea turtles. Twenty temperature, moisture, and groundwater level sensors were deployed in nests laid across the island to monitor their effects on hatchling development and sex ratios. Results from 2018 suggest that groundwater influence has a cooling effect on nest temperature and increases sand moisture. At high levels, groundwater and moisture correlate with lower hatch success. As of July, samples were collected from 689 hatchlings in research nests to determine sex ratios. • We teamed up with the Conservancy of Southwest Florida for a second season to document the migratory patterns of green sea turtles nesting in our area. This year, we deployed satellite tags on six green sea turtles. To track their movements, please visit: www.ocearch.org



During night surveys we interacted with over 1,500 individuals, educating them about the impacts of lights on sea turtles and other ways beachgoers can help. Additionally, we encountered 344 turtles at night, 157 of which were unique individuals. Of these individuals, 122 were seen for the first time this year and 35 turtles were previously identified in 2016 or 2017.

SCCF’s Kelly Sloan and Cape Coral Councilwoman Jennifer Nelson on a nighttime survey to observe skyglow on Sanibel and learn about the effects on sea turtles.

The Adopt A Beach program is in its fourth year, engaging and promoting island-wide support for coastal conservation. Over 130 individuals/ resorts participated in 2018, a 120 percent increase since the program was launched in 2016.

Volunteer and Staff Accomplishments for the 2019 Sea Turtle Season include (as of August):


• Documented loggerhead nests and nests laid on Sanibel and Captiva Islands • Hatchlings



32 green

• Analyzed tissue samples from sea turtles that died during and after the Red Tide bloom.

Volunteer Permittee Allen Dunham digging a sea turtle nest post-hatch


Research Asst. Courtney Thomson with hatchling


Snowy Plovers 4 nesting pairs 4 nest attempts 1 nest abandoned 3 nests hatched 7 chicks hatched 4 successfully fledged

Wilson’s Plovers on Sanibel 2 nesting pairs 2 nest attempts 2 nests hatched 5 chicks hatched

Shorebirds Snowy Plover numbers are lower this year due to the death of some adults during last year’s Red Tide, as well as some birds opting to nest in other locations. Wilson’s Plovers on Sanibel fared much better this year with one brood managing to successfully fledge all 3 chicks! There are also Wilson’s Plovers nesting on North Captiva on the north end, and on the SCCF property known as Old Charley Pass. The Least Tern colony at Bowman’s Beach had a promising start with 50 birds in May, unfortunately they abandoned nesting attempts after heavy predation by crows. The birds moved to North Captiva and joined a larger colony on the newly formed beach on the north end. Shorebird coordinator Audrey Albrecht was able to get up there to rope off the colony and protect nests from accidental destruction by beachgoers. North Captiva is accessible only by boat, so regular monitoring is a challenge.

4 successfully fledged

Least Terns on North Captiva High count 200 adults Approximately 100 nests 70 chicks fledged





• Performed over 50 Landscaping for Wildlife one-on-one consultations with Sanibel & Captiva residents • Sold 13,880 Florida native plants • Sold almost 4,000 bags and bales of mulch, soil, and compost

Documenting Trees on the Rauschenberg property Jenny Evans I look down at the diameter tape and say, “28.3cm.” Elise, a Garden Center intern, and I have just finished measuring the 63rd tree of the day, a Cabbage Palm (Sabal palmetto). While I record the location of the tree for mapping and measure the diameter, Elise takes down information on an iPad, including species and family, height, canopy cover, diameter, and any unique features of the tree. This is part of a collaborative project with Captiva’s Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, and we are identifying and measuring every tree on the 20-plus acres as a part of the master landscape plan for the property. To date, over 1,100 trees have been recorded!

The diameter of the tree is measured and recorded.

Photos: Elise Irland

The location of each tree is recorded by GPS (Trimble).



• Hosted 6 hardworking interns, recent college graduates from around the country who wanted to learn about Florida conservation, habitats, and native plants

Landscaping for Wildlife in Action Becca Grotrian Plant installations are a favorite part of my job with the Native Landscapes and Garden Center. I love being able to convert homeowners’ yards to a more wildlife-friendly habitat. One project in particular has been very rewarding and at times, challenging. It was a full yard transformation by first removing exotic and invasive plant species and then replacing the non-native plants with native vegetation over a three-year span. The plants are still growing and filling in, but have already attracted a lot of wildlife. One species in particular are gopher tortoises; the homeowners have a total of three active gopher tortoise burrows in their yard. While I was recently watering some newly installed plants, I enjoyed watching two of the tortoises eating some of the vegetation. Being able to see the metamorphosis over the past few years is very gratifying, and even more so when you get the see the wildlife enjoying it as well.

Finding a Rare Orchid Emily Harrington

Featuring the Willow Bustic Sue Ramos I love helping customers pick out plants for their property. Recently, a customer came in looking for plants that would attract birds and butterflies. The Garden Center has so many great options for this, such as Simpson Stopper, Snowberry, Firebush and Beautyberry. But on this particular day, the Willow Bustic (Sideroxylon salicifolium), a relatively uncommon and unknown tree, was bursting with flowers. The flowers are a nectar source for butterflies, and the berries are a good food source for birds. I was so excited to show off this gorgeous tree! This just made my day and I am pretty sure my customer was excited too because it is now planted in his front yard.

One of the resident gopher tortoises, out to find a snack in the newly converted native landscape.

Crested coralroot (Hexalectris spicata) turned out to be a rare find, undocumented on our islands since the 1980s. One day we received a call about an orchid a resident found growing in her yard. Based on the description, it seemed to be the invasive ground orchid (Eulophia graminea), but we asked for some photos. They looked very similar to the invasive Eulophia but not quite‌ So after a bit more research, we realized that the orchid she found was actually a rare, native orchid called Crested Coralroot (Hexalectris spicata) that hadn’t been documented locally since 1980. We took a quick field trip to her property to check it out for ourselves and walked the trail through the wooded lot behind her home to the small patch of orchids tucked underneath some buttonwoods. I was impressed with how much the orchids blended in with the surroundings and realized how special it was to have found them as they could have easily gone unnoticed. It was a pretty exciting day to be a plant nerd!



Did you know the Native Landscapes & Garden Center sells over 150 species that are native to Florida and will grow on Sanibel? And that’s only the tip of the iceberg; there are over 3,000 plants native to Florida, and less than 1/3 of them are found in cultivation. Here are some of our staff’s favorite picks; come by the Garden Center and pick out your own favorite! OUR FAVORITE NATIVE PLANTS Tough plants that grow in harsh conditions are some of my favorites. Cinnamon Bark (Canella winterana) fits this profile perfectly and has a subtle beauty as well! Blooming with small red flowers in the summer, it can tolerate dry and salty conditions, perfect for our environment! –Jenny Evans, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Manager

Cinnamon Bark Berries

White Indigo Berry (Randia aculeata) is a survivor! It is tolerant of all conditions and has a sweet smelling flower that often goes unnoticed. It also comes up on its own all over my property. – Em Hayes, Garden Center Assistant

Christmas Berry (Lycium carolinianum) has holiday spirit and is festive! Its red berries hang below the silvery leaves around Christmas, and it is colorful when a lot of plants are not. It also has a purple flower that turns into a red berry, a unique color combination not found in many plants. – Emily Harrington, Garden Center Assistant

Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) helps with focus, clarity, and acts as a stimulant (a natural coffee replacement!). The leaves taste good, and it grows everywhere, so you can just nibble it as you go! – Sue Ramos, Garden Center Assistant

Rose Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) is an amazing pollinator plant, and the larval host plant of monarch butterflies. – Tyler Sherwood, Garden Center Intern


The purple flowers of the Lignum Vitae (Guaiacum sanctum) make this my favorite! It’s endangered in the wild, uncommon in landscaping, and was overharvested for its prized wood, making it even more precious from my point of view. – Becca Grotrian, Garden Center Assistant Manager


Artillery Fern (Pilea microphylla) reminds me that plants are only weeds if we want them to be weeds. Plus it’s an attractive plant! – Ben Long, Garden Center Intern

ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION The seasonal Evenings at the Homestead programs and tours of the Bailey Homestead grounds and gardens (including the Bailey family home) remain popular. Various seasonal programs like the beach walks at Bowman’s Beach continue to teach about our fragile coastal environment. Different Native Landscapes & Garden Center programs included building your own bee box and a butterfly release.

provide the children of Southwest Florida with an informative and fun way to gain experiential knowledge of the ecology of our marine environment. This enriching initiative, started in 2010 as a partnership between SCCF and Captiva Cruises, is intended to give children who might not otherwise experience being out on the water the chance to form a deeper connection to their coastal surroundings and to spark their curiosity.

NO CHILD LEFT ON SHORE Environmental Educator Richard Finkel works with students at the Sanibel School, both in-classroom and out on the Pick Preserve. Richard, who works with Captiva Cruises, coordinates No Child Left On Shore (NCLOS), a hands-on learning program that fills a vital need to

During this fiscal year we conducted 10 NCLOS field trips including youth groups of The Immokalee Foundation, Lee County Boys & Girls Club, The Quality Life Center in the Dunbar Neighborhood of Fort Myers, Gulf Middle School in Cape Coral, Pine Island Elementary School and New Horizons of Southwest Florida.

Over 200 kids were able to experience the wonders of our back bay waters and Gulf beaches thanks to the generosity of our NCLOS sponsors!



SPECIAL EVENTS Wines in the Wild Wines in the Wild 2018 was a magical evening, a chance to greet returning friends while strolling the grounds of the Bailey Homestead and sampling fine wines and food. Thanks once again to Tom and Linda Uhler for putting together another fabulous evening.

Beer in the Bushes

Tennis Tournament

Beer in the Bushes 2019 raised funds, community spirit, and support for SCCF.

Tourney Chair Lisa NewmeyerCochrane (left) invites you to the 28th Annual SCCF Tennis Tournament on December 7 and 8. Come to play or cheer!

SAVE THE DATE FOR THESE AND MORE SPECIAL EVENTS IN FY2019-2020 2019 11/12 11/15 12/7+8 12/10 12/12


2020 Evening at the Homestead – Troubled Waters Wines in the Wild 28th Annual Tennis Tournament Annual Membership Meeting and 2020 Brush of Excellence Presentation Evening at the Homestead – “Sea Turtle Research at Loggerhead Marine Life Center” with Dr. Justin Perrault


1/15 2/7 3/20 4/11 4/22

Evening at the Homestead with Ellen Zachos author of The Wildcrafted Cocktail Paul McCarthy Memorial Lecture with Very Special Speaker Volunteer Appreciation Garden Party Beer in the Bushes Earth Day Presentation

Watch for more event dates to be announced including the Everglades Update.



Contributions for operating

Program & Admin. Salary & Benefits



Special Events


General Operations


Native Landscapes and Garden Center sales


Physical Plant / Land Maintenance


Marine Laboratory


Garden Center cost of sales




Public Relations / Fundraising




Education programs


*** Preservation Fund Endowment allocation


Special Events


** Total Restricted program area funds allocations


Travel / Conference


Misc. Unbudgeted Income


Education Programs / Exhibits


Capital Projects


*Carry Forward to FY 2019-2020




331,758 $3,284,913

* Designated Funds and Grant Income are carried forward to the next fiscal year as project expenses continue ** Designated Program Area contributions, grants, contracts and specific program area endowment, 5% of the past 12-quarter average, for Marine Laboratory, Environmental Education, Natural Resource Policy, Wildlife & Habitat Management and Native Landscapes & Garden Center *** 5% of the average value for the last 12 quarters



SCCF is so grateful to recognize that individuals agreed to stand and be counted as members and supporters during Fiscal Year 2018-2019. We hope reading this Annual Report will motivate all of you to renew your places in the SCCF family for the coming year!


Program Area

Board and Committees Bowman’s Beach Walks Captiva Cruises Docents Hammerheads (Carpenters) Marine Laboratory Native Landscapes & Garden Center Nature Center Sea Turtle Conservation Shorebird Monitoring Special Events Trail Blazers Trail Guides Wildlife & Habitat Management Weeds & Seeds TOTAL VOLUNTEER COUNT & HOURS

No. of People 30 2 13 14 26 21 19 95 9 20 14 11 10 14

LEGACY SOCIETY Hours 3,095 84 1,015 2,200 325 568 1,741 3,168 179 452 163 116 236 541

298 13,883

We are grateful to all the Legacy Society members who have made planned gifts and bequests to support the SCCF endowment funds. If you have endowed SCCF’s work through a planned gift or your estate planning, please let us know so we may thank you now for the gift you have planned for the future. We would like to recognize you as new Legacy Society members at our Annual Membership Meeting on December 10, 2019. Please contact Development Director Cheryl Giattini at 239-395-2768 or cgiattini@sccf.org to learn more.



DONOR RECOGNITION Please take a moment to review the names of all the donors who supported SCCF in so many ways during FY2018-2019. Their gifts made all the difference for maintaining cash flow and demonstrating matching funds for public sector grant proposals.

Fred and Alice Stanback Estate of Sally Reed The Haas Family The Logos Fund of The Luzerne Foundation Richard and Feyza Shipley Shipley Foundation, Inc. Robert and Elizabeth Nanovic The Wescustogo Foundation Jackie and Roy Sweeney Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Philip and Roberta Puschel Anne Nobles and David Johnson Gretchen C. Valade


Mary Jo Boler Boler Family Foundation Deborah La Gorce James and Vedna Welch Foundation Gretchen and Mark Banks Bruning Foundation Susan Slavik Williams The Donald Slavik Family Foundation Estate of Ruth A. Deuber Linda and Wayne Boyd The Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment Lee Tauck L.A.T. Foundation

AWC Family Foundation John Madden Tom and Sue Pick Joan and Bill Grabe Dave and Ellen Raisbeck Steven G. King SEBA Foundation Cathy Linnemann John and Donna Schubert Hugh J. Andersen Foundation

Frank and Pat Middendorf Middendorf Family Foundation Jim and Gaye Pigott Evelyn Rose and Jonathan Silverman Todd and Barbara Bluedorn Joyce and Don Rice Patricia Smith Wilmeth Fund / Greater Milwaukee Foundation Sally Wilmeth John and Kay Morse

Leah and Doug Beck Paul and Lucy Roth Estate of Max Koletzke Barbara and Tom Dunham Lisa J. Forsyth The Friedman Family Family of Paul McCarthy Todd and Leanne Marcum Mark Wimmer Wimmer Communities

Estate of Gwendolyn McCullen Bank Of The Islands Robin C. Krivanek Cynthia Sargent Sargent Family Foundation Blake and Jan Devitt Strada Education Network Alfonso Barroso Capitol Group Foundation Edward and Ellinor Hayward

Linda and Tom Uhler Polly and Gary Bayrd Doug and Sherry Gentry Bill and Ruth Brooks Fran Cameron The Vince Family Goldman Sachs Gives Captiva Cruises, Inc. Nancy Dehmlow Dehmlow Family Fund James and Dulce Doss

Sandy Gross and John Hutton Pat Harig Estate of Louise Johnson Dick and Sherree Schneider Robert E. Schneider Foundation The Francis & Kathleen Rooney Foundation Peter and Peggy Rosenblum Brad and Shelli Stanback Thomas and Renee Tarbert John and Linda Wulff


Tom and Mimi Adams Nancy and John Ake Anonymous Michael and Christine Attardo Bailey’s General Store Gregory Balestrero and Frances Higgins David and Brenda Bass Jeffrey Beale Cliff and Susan Beittel Franz and Carolyn Bidinger Bill and Tory Burch Anonymous Captiva Civic Association James and Jonatha Castle Charitable Foundation of the Islands Rick and Lisa Chubb The Rick and Lisa Chubb Donor Advised Fund Ralph and Billye Curtis K. Ann Dempsey Ted Gasteyer Carol and Larry Strange George and Miriam Martin Foundation Alice and Rick Godfrey

Larry and Shirley Akins Diego Ambu Yoga - Yali Zawady Paul G. Arpin Charitable Trust Kelly and Eric Asplundh Asplundh Foundation Stephen and Ellen Baugh Tom and Carolyn Berger Christopher Berman Lynn Bernard Jackie Stradley Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Foundation Kathy Biggs Laura J. DeBruce and Jeffrey L. Blackman Pat and Mike Boris Thomas and Deborah Braciszewski Donald W. Bradford Lisa Brooks Anthony Brunsing John and Debra Bullock Steven and Gail Burke Carol and Cameron Campbell Cape Coral Community Foundation, Inc. Mayri and Dean Caple Dan and Donna Casey Jennifer Erskine and Bryan Cashin Sylvia Chamberlin Barbara Chappell Vibeke Christensen Meredith and Eugene Clapp Cynthia Clemson Susan and Chris Coile Committee of the Islands Capt. John Cookman and Kathy Cookman Manatee & Eco River Tours Leslie Corneliuson Claude and Marsha Crawford

Andrew and Ruthelen Burns Jim and Beckie Graham Stan and Connie Grayson Bill and Shelley Greggs Bill and Jo Guenzel Skinner Family Fund of the Door County Community Foundation, Inc. Peter Haffenreffer and Mallory Marshall Bette Harig Andria and Paul Heafy The Wilshire Charitable Foundation - Heafy Jeff Hedden The Hedden Family Foundation Gwenda Hiett-Clements Hannah Sanchez Holbrook Travel, Inc. Stephanie Holscher Bear Bob & Lamee Holscher Charitable Trust Jeannette M. James Jensen’s On The Gulf Jensen’s Twin Palm Resort & Marina Dr. Arthur W. Kaemmer HRK Foundation Sonya Keene and John Moy

Amanda Cross Dick and Nancy Curtin Andrew and Laura Dahlem Thomas and Lynn Dandridge Davis & Harman LLP Jeff and Susan Dean Donald Despain Robert Ditton Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille Debra Edson Barbara and Jim Egan Dennis and Susan Eichner Jim and Sharon Ellen Charitable Fund Ronald and Jeannie Ellington Henry and Kathy Elsesser Tom and Joan Feeley Jo and Manny Fernandez Mika and David Filkins Hans and Leslie Fleischner Janet Frane John and Susan Freund Gartner, Inc. Melissa and Tom Gauntlett William and Linda Gibney Magda and Tony Golobic Jim and Susan Goodfellow Stephanie Goodman and Ray Caturia Porter and Mariel Goss Jack and Helen Gracey Leone Graham Great White Grill Walter and Mary Emily Gross Bruce and Jeanne Grossnickle Family Foundation Fund Lee and George Haines The Thomas W. Hansen and Laura N. Hansen Charitable Fund Richard and Barbara Hansen Al and Sally Hanser

Mike Kelly Wendy and John Kindig Phaidra and Jeff McDermott Kingfisher Real Estate, Inc. Robin Kirk Stephanie Koven John and Sue Lawson Lawson Family Charitable Foundation Lily & Company, Inc. Fred and Judith Mancheski Mancheski Foundation, Inc. Anne Magoun The Mariel Foundation - In Memory of John H. and Carolyn T. Hoagland Antonette and Bruce McDonald Jeanette and Steve Mihaly Tom and Pam Miller Network For Good Dave and Ellen Petrick Mary Ellen and Eric Pfeifer Pfeifer Realty Group Thomas A. Piraino and Barbara C. McWilliams The McWilliams/Piraino Family Foundation

Elizabeth D. Hanson Marty and Brenda Harrity Marilyn and Charlie Hart Katherine Hauser Spencer and Odette Hays John and Jane Henshaw Bluma and Don Herman Herman Foundation Hibiscus Moon LLC David and Catherine Hogan David and Diana Huggin William and Laurel Hughes Il Cielo Debbie Jaeger Dick and Mary Jalkut Janice Michelle Foundation, Inc. David and Hope Jeffrey The Jeffrey Family Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey Wally Kain Jillyn and John Kirkpatrick Andrea Koss Anonymous Daniel and Jane Lautermilch Rio Gralnick Let It Be Light Tom and Merni Libonate Linda and Nick Linsmayer Bob and Carol Lloyd Charles Mackall Jr. Phillip Marks Pete and Kris Massat Gene and Linda Massey Bob Maxeiner John and Kathy McCabe James and Susan McCallion Susan McDowell Virginia McKay and Richard Henry Jennifer P. McLean

Jack and Inky Meng Mike and Lisa Miller Patricia and Attila Molnar Geoffrey and Karen Moss James and Mari Moye Albert F. Nagel Diane and Leroy Neitzel Anonymous Donna M.Oberhill Denis O’Connor William B. O’Connor Fund Patrick and Rosemary O’Daniel Joseph Orndorff Enid and Marty Packard Doug and Mary Lynn Parsons Frank and Nancy Parsons Foundation Fund, on behalf of Douglas and Mary Lynn Parsons Bob and Mary Ellen Paulson Dale and Jeri Peterson Point Ybel Brewery Marian Pool Sam and Kelly Powers Dan and Pam Prevo PSSD LLC R. S. Walsh Landscaping Inc. Drs. John G. Raffensperger and Susan Luck Thomas and Karen Ragatz Tom and Jane Rathbone Lamson and Sally Rheinfrank Mike and Mary Rice Chris Rifkin Bill Riley and Susan Forster Geoff and Robbie Roepstorff Bruce and Joan Rogers Stanley and Patricia Rogers Don and Nancy Rolley June Rosner and Russ Bilgore Paul R. and Lou Roth

Clark and Pam Rambo Chris and Mary Rayburn Kay Redmond Chip and Nancy Roach Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Hiram Rogers and Jean Gauger Douglas and Kristen Ryckman Sanibel Captiva Trust Company Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club Peter and Chris Schluter Thomas Schreier Barbara Shane Jane and Buzz Shepard Howard and Brenda Sheridan John and Bonnie Strand Peter and Linda Sturtevant Anonymous Rod and Gerry Verblaauw Nanelle Wehmann Patricia Zapf Bill and Patty Zimmerman A Component Fund of the Maine Community Foundation

Marcel and Jane Saghir Sanibel and Captiva Islands Association of Realtors, Inc. Sanibel Air & Electric, Inc. Sanibel Island Fishing Club John and Shirley Schlossman Jocarno Fund James Schubert Laura and Shawn Shaffer Shell Island Garden Club Robin Shield Amanda Shipley Rick and Martha Siders Hans Skalle Ley Smith Ronald and Josephine Smith Jeff and Sue Springer Staritch Foundation, Inc. Ed and Ginny Stringer Szymanczyk Family Ann Talcott Jack Thomas Breese O. Tomick Roseanne Giordani Leanne Freas Trout Foundation Charles and Sue Turner Roxanne Van Bokkelen Dr. and Mrs. Robert Van Tassel William and Ann Vanderbilt Thomas and Kathy Veratti Bill and Judy Walter The WesaDoe Fund Ed Wheeler and Anne Haslem Marilyn C White Thomas and Carla White Kathy Wiesemann Penny Wilkinson and Dick Boehning Kim Wilmeth Miller and Steph Miller Linda and Jim Winn Carol and Peter Zell ANNUAL REPORT FY2018-2019 |


THANK YOU TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF OUR SCCF FAMILY! Thanks to all of the individuals, families and businesses who have helped to support our mission with your gifts of time, talent and treasure. 1919 Investment Counsel, LLC Bill and Karen Aarons Rachel Abbey Bill and Margie Abraham Helen Ackerman John and Susan Ackler Stewart and Peg Adam Charles and Linda Adams Howell-Adams Family Foundation Elaine Adler Susan Ahlcrona and Dennis Trooien Thomas and Carol Aikenhead Raymond and Ruthmarie Albright David Albright Judy and Mike Alexander Jack and Frances Allen Michael and Tiffanie Alleva Gail Allinson Bud and Joyce Almas Linda and Pablito Almira Taitum Alongi Dianne Altieri Gigi Alvarez Dona Alvarez Lawrence Amon Ed and Amejo Amyot John Andersen Anonymous Lawrence Anderson Roger Anderson Susan Andrews Nancy Angelo Tom and Linda Annesley Mary Lee Anthony Richard and Linda Antonini Teresa Anzalone Missy Apmann Patricia Appino Marc and Jody Applegate Karen Ardolino Harry Aretakif Doug and Julie Armantrout Alexandra Armstrong Brad Armstrong Elsa Arndt Craig, Meta and Daedalus Arnold Ann Griffith Ash Mike Assar Patrick and Judith Auletta Christiane and Michael Auaracher Laura and Stephen Avakian Charles and Dana Aymond James Babb Roger and Marilyn Bachmann William Badgley and Carol McEntee Mike and Becky Bagby Mary Lou Bailey 16

Bailey’s General Store The Johnson Family John Baker and Barbara Bayliff Jessie Baker Barry and Janette Baker Armand and Beverly Ball Doug and Lu Bannerman Harmon and Ann Banning Greg and Judy Baran Juliet and Robert Barber John and Judy Barbieri Deborah Barcan Barefoot Charleys Painting Co., LLC Christine Barnes Richard and Madeline Baron Eleanor Barr Gerald and Marielle Bartolomucci Patricia Barton Joseph Basralian Betty Bates Joan Batson Peter and Antoinette Bauer Barbara Baumecker George and Anna Lee Bayly David Beal LeAnn Beanland Frank Beans and Anne Yager Dianne June Bear Louin and Jane Beard Mike and Mary Jane Becher David and Marie-Pierre Bechthold Dan and Caroline Beckman Clair Beckmann Edward and Mary Bedford Michael Beebe Elizabeth Beeson Jane and Jim Bell Susan Bellevue Kim and Michel Belzile Pete and Nancy Bender Robert and Melinda Bendt Barbara and Bill Bennett Michael Bennett Bob and Sara Berendt Janet and Morton Berfield Donna and Greg Bergamo Fran and Harvey Berger David and Esta Berger Herman Berghoff Daniel Bergmann and Debra Dill-Bergmann Stuart and Sandra Berke Kathryn Bielefeld Gary and Cheryl Biltgen Bill and Kim Birck Patricia Birk Jim Birmingham and Miriam Cytryn Denise Biscardi Ray and Sandra Bissonnette

Marsha Biven Bill Black Malcolm and Catherine Blackburn Robert and Winifred Blacklow Gene and Lynne Blanc Thomas and Sylvia Bleckwedel Buck Blessing Ron and Margaret Blevins John Bloom Roger and Karen Blunk Charles Boast and Marsha Clinard Steven and Sara Boc Sarah Boachnik Terri Bogenreif Dave Bollinger and Ellen Smiley Yuan Bonhayag Kathleen and John Borkoski Rob Boschen Robert and Diane Bossange Bill and Jaye Boswell Anne-Marie Bouche Lesley Anne Simmons and James Boughton Marion Boultbee Kevin Bowden & Candice Ethridge-Bowden Stuart Bowman Bruce Bowser and Suzann Wilson Bowser David and Jane Boxell Barbara Boyce Kathy Boyd Andrea Dodge and Dwight Bramble Martin and Roberta Braun Kurt Bredenbeck Ray Brennan John and Catherine Bridge Kathryn Brintnall James Bristol and Nancy Buckler Katharine and Doug Britton William Brondyk Anne Brooke and Doug Murray Brita Brookes Christopher Brookhouse Robert and Nancy Brooks Anonymous Dickson and Dee Brown Steven and Patty Brown Emma Crowder Brown Stephen and Lena Brown Roger and Barbara Bruene Harold Bruner Amanda Bryant Charles Bryden Kay and Brian Bucher Kimberly Buchheit Jeff and Cindy Buchta Kevin and Mary Lue Buescher


Jeffery and Carol Buetikofer Robert and Helen Buhner Steven Bulloff Felicia Bumgarner Judy and Bob Burgstahler John and Becky Burnham Joshua and Betsy Burns Jonathan and Rosaland Fay Burroughs Klaus and Gudrun Burzin Suzanne Bush and Bruce Malkin Peter and Sandra Butler Peggy and Blain Butner Jane Byers Bonnie Byrne Roseanne and David Byrne Richard and Laura Byrnes Sarabess and John Cahill Betsy and Chris Cain Cristen Calamari Mark and Melissa Calkin Sandra Calkins Jessica Rivers Camp Robin Hood Girls John and Geri Campbell Roland and Glenda Campbell Bobbie Canestra Christine Cannella Anne Cannon Paul and Cynthia Caouette Joseph Foster Captain’s Walk Condominium Association, Inc. Brad Junghans Captiva Cruises, Inc. Dennis Cardone Linda Carlen Eric Carlson Fay Carney Mary Lou Carpenter Daryl and Ann Carter Follett and Anne Carter Kathryn Sikorski and Joseph Caruso Terry and Brenda Cassaday Barbara Cassavell Catering by Leslie Adams Reynolds & Barbara Challoner Hammock Fund of the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation Deborah Chambliss Jean Chandler Katherine Chapel Monie Chase Walter Cheatham Philip and Deborah Cheevers Nikolai Cheryba Diane and Gary Chesley Christopher Christian Carroll Christiansen Paul and Vickie Christianson

Elizabeth Christison Chubb Charitable Foundation Heather R. Cianfrocco Allan Ciha and Christine Milligan-Ciha Rose Cipriano Cip’s Place Linda Claar Jim and Amy Clapp Alyssa Clark Karen Clark Judith Clark Jeffrey and Rebecca Clemens Brenda Clemmer Cheryl Cleveland Dennis and Mary Clifford Bob and Ronna Cline Margaret Tysor Ann and Roger Cogswell Michael and Heidi Cohen Patricia Cohen Henry Cohn Lauren and Frances Coile Esther Coke Gary and Diane Cole David and Robin Coleman Michael and Lawsie Coler Barbara Storci James Columbo & Merry Merryfield Larry and Mary Ann Condit Anonymous Thomas Conley Barbara Conolly Penny Conover Elizabeth Conrad Deborah and Dennis Conta Sue and Clay Cook Douglas and Robin Cook Barbara and Tom Cooley Sally Cooper and Claudia Hoffmann Lee and Anne Cooper Stephen Corbin Jeannelle and Bob Corbin Heather and Sean Corey Eugene and Jeanne Cornell Deanna Corona Finbarr Corr Michael and Linda Costello Douglas Coupar Dody and Jay Cox Mike and Melanie Coyne Cecilia and Oliver Crary Scott and Dana Crater Carolyn Cray Darcy and Keith Creevy Cliff and Patty Crockford Dave and Fran Crouch Susan and William Cruikshank Robert and Mary De Witt Culver

Thomas and Gina Cunningham Margaret Currie George Edward Curtis John and Bonnie Dale The Daley Family Carol Dallas Cheryl and Tom D’Altrui Patricia and Sean Daly William Daly, Jr. Peter and Sue Danford Christopher Daniel John Danner and Linda Bradbury-Danner Jan and Jim D’Arcy Patricia David Patricia Davidson Rebecca Davidson David and Jill Davies Holly Davies Ryan Davis Ivan and Janiece Davis James and Maggie Davis Nat and Lucy Day Jonathan Dean Dorothy Deans Robert Debolt Edward and Cynthia Debus Irving Decatur and Cecile Derouin Heather and James Deiner Abigail DeLoache Richard Deming Richard and Sarah DeMink Judy Denault Dana Dennis Tom and Mary Denzer Michael Derechin Henry DeRonck Jane Desforges and Michael White Jennifer Dickey Susan Dickson Patrick and Robin Dickson Michael and Carol Dicorpo Ruth and Robert Diefenbach Holly Dill Edward and Anne Dillon Bob Dineen Nancy Dings Peter Dirico, Jr. Lauren DiSpririto Ted and Tina Ditchek John and Lori Diversey Carolyn Rathburn Dix David and Janet Dix Steve and Judy Dobson Jim and Lori Dock Eleanor Dominek James and Sara Donnell Debra Donofrio Michael and Arlene Doran

Diane Doran Michael and Arlene Doran Robin Doremus Larry Dougherty Edward and Adele Douglass Lois Dow Nancy Diowe Molly Downing Mary Doyle Kevin Doyle Linda Drasnin Martha Drost Wanda Dubbe John Dubuque Nancy, Robert and Greg Dudak Lynda and Charlie Dunham Allen Dunham Bill and Holly Dunn Katharine duP. Sanger Paul and Sharon Dwyer Harriet Earnest Jean Eaton Jerry Edelman and Maryanne Daly Joel and Linda Edinburg Tom and Sue Eertmoed Gary Eertmoed Richard and Mary Eertmoed Don and Connie Eertmoed Peg Eisenberg Michael Elledge Ann Elliott Pamela Ellis Maree Elowson and Erhard Joeres Sarah Elsing Jean Ely Jane Emerson Charles and Norma Emerson Richard Enbody Brad Engdahl and Pat Layton Donald and Deanna Engen Susan Eperthener Randy and Brenda Epperson Chuck and Bonnie Erickson Linda Estep Edie and Hunt Ethridge John and Judy Evans Clay and Rita Ewell Diane Ewing Sheila and Michael Faeth Sarah Fairweather Bob and Donna Farrell Walter and Cecilee Faster Lowell Fay Eileen Feather Sally Fekety Bolgos David and Nancy Felker Chris Fendrich Bill and Carol Fenniman Larry and Patricia Ferguson Richard and Connie Ferris Lisa Fielder Linda and Christopher Fiora Delores Fischer Pat and Stokes Fishburne Mary and Gerald Fisher Donald and Myra Fisher

Robert Fisher Leslie and Tony Fitch Gerry and Louise Fitzgerald The FitzPatrick Family Edie and Steve Flagg Tammy Flaharty Kathy and Steve Fleischer Norm and Helen Flemington Beryl and Alex Flesh Colin and Susie Flinn Florida Gulf Coast University Foundation Neil Curiel Charlotte Flynn Anita Force Marshall Byron and Barbara Ford Joseph Foster Frances Foster George Foster Betsy Found Jim Fowler Carol Fowler Richard Fowlkes William and Kathy Fox Linda and Peter Foy Elizabeth Fozo Shirley Frank Caryn Franklin Lisa Franks Frank and Mary Fravel John and Jane Fredericks Fritz and Shele French Mary Anne and Norm Frey John and Nina Fricke Alan and Dotty Fritze Alan Fugit Kate Fulcomer Allan and Judy Fulkerson Mike and Sue Fuller Barry Fulmer Diana and Matt Funchion Anonymous George Gagliardi Jane and Peter Gaines Walter and Methel Gale Anonymous Thomas Gallery Betty Gangware William and Marsha Gardner Anne Garwood Alan and Marilyn Gast Susan Gayford Michael and Ruth Gecht Julie Gentine Anonymous Stephen George Fred and Barbara George Carol Gertsen Carol Gestwicki Marc and Cheryl Giattini Maureen and Andy Ginipro Jerome Ginsburg Tali Giveon Robin Glass Bill and Mardi Glenn Robert and Joann Glick Nancy Godek Mindi Goins Elizabeth Goldman

Sue Goldman Holly Goldsmith Frank and Nancy Goodwin Emma Leigh Goodwin Chauncey and Allison Goss Frances Gote Pat and Dave Goulait Bob and Judy Graber Julie Gram and Honore Hughes Gram and Hughes Good Vibes Account Ira Grasgreen Martha Grattan Charlie and Tolley Graves Edward and Jean Gray Gretchen and Ken Gray Judy and Brad Green Kathleen Green Carl Greenbaum Tad and Debbie Greene Alice Greenspan Gail and Jim Greenwood Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc. Thomas and Elinor Gregor Steve and Jane Gresham Lynn and Beverly Grimshaw Anette and John Gritti Raymond Grizzle Steven Groener Ed and Nancy Groenert Roger and Sandy Grogman Amy Macht and George Grose Ted Groshong and Kyle Newell-Groshong Elizabeth Grossman Anonymous Ed Guck Jim and Missy Guida Barbara Guidotti Jon and Connie Gustafson Michael Hackett Steve and Laurie Hafener Hafener Charitable Foundation, Inc. Cheryl and Michael Hall Stephen and Marion Hall Robert and Nancy Halle William Hallstead Pat Hambleton Lauren Hamilton Joan Handler and William Harman Nancy Hanger Mari Hanley Arthur and Susan Hanna Ed and Sharon Hannon Carla Hansen Carl and Barbara Harcourt Gene and Mary Jo Hardy Dick and Marilyn Hare Laura Harkey Annie Harms Malcolm and Sue Harpham Don and Judy Harralson John Harrington and Deborah Marston George and Diantha Harrington Molly Harris

Gilbert Harris Helen and William Hartfiel Mary and John Hartman Paul and Ellen Harvey John and Linda Harvey Dick Hasselman Peter and Alice Hausmann Bill and Julie Hayles Andy and Sally Haynes Beth Hayward Harlan and Lois Haywood Robert Heaphey Brad and Sharon Heath Nancy Heck Dale and Suzette Heeres Hanns and Christel Heidecker Wesley Heilman III George and Susan Heisler Jonathan and Nancy Helmreich Tom and Susan Hemphill Steve and Debbie Henderson Annette and Edward Hendrick Claudia Hennen Caroline Henriques Susie Henry Peter Herlich and Barbara Lensing Barbara Hermann Katherine Hermsen William Heyd Anonymous Damon Hickey George and Judy Hiles Hays Hill Katherine and Dan Hinckley Sue and Robert Hipkens Robert and Jan Hirschman Mike and Pam Hiza Richard and Jean Hoffman William Hoffner & Martha Mulloy Brian Holaway Peter and Donna Holden Bob and Jane Holder Lawrence and June Holen Karen Hollon Michael and Amy Holloway Stuart and Carol Holmer Linda Hooper David Houghton Bob and Joanne Houillon Karen and Phil Howard Jean Howard Janie Howland Deena Hubschman Rodney Huebner Linda Huffington Guy Hull, II Dee and Don Hunter Kristi and Matthew Hunter Sam and Polly Huntington Margaret Hupfeldt Paul Husband & Brenda Sutton Jeff and Linda Huttenburg Drew and Maryann Huzar Pat Hyde IBM Corporation - Matching Grants Program

Fred Immermann James and Kathy Ireland George Irwin, Jr. Chris Davison Island Inn Tom Jones Island Taxi Patricia and Phillip Jackson Joyce Jacobs Shirley Jacobs Bill Jacobson Douglas and Jane Jacobson Michael Jacobson Kent and Sharon Jager Lisa and James Jagodzinski James and Susan Jefferson Bradley Jeffries Lynn Jenness and Don Hendrich Mary Jennings Linda and Greg Jennings Vibeke Jensen Tom and Kathy Jessen Elaine and Greg Job Bob Johnson Back Bay Property Services Alison Johnson Thomas Johnson Steven Johnson Bill and Denise Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Barry and Leslie Johnson Curtis Jones Judith Jones John Jones Edwin and Suzanne Jorden Sherry and Craig Jurasinski Ken and Lynda Boyce K & K Super-Blend, LLC Ellen Kahler Aric Kaiser Edward and Lorrie Kaitz Jim and Barbara Kallman Helen Kambin Janet Kamp Carol and Emily Kane Morton Kanner Irene Kaplan Barbara and George Karr Steven Kaufman Annette Kawecki and Michael Hopgood Susan Kehne and Harry Brown Tom and Marge Keller Diane Keller Joan and Bill Kelly Jack and Sally Kennedy Kennedy Construction Joan Kent Eric and Melissa Kephart Chuck and Helen Ketteman Susan and Robert Kidder Susan and David Kienzle Jane Kilborn Phyllis Kilby Randy and Marianne Kiliper Michael and Barbara Killen Mona King Roger and Christine King

Kings Crown Condominium David and Barbara Kingsbury Wendell Kingsolver Julianne Kirkpatrick Jonathan Kiser Merle and Eileen Kjonoas Martin and Cathy Tom and Shellee Klausmeier Lily Kleeschulte Eve and Kent Klein Mike and Myron Klein Jacqueline and Allen Kloess Marilyn Kloosterman Jerry and Winnette Klopfenstein Joan Klutch Frank Knapke Tim Knight Kent and Jackie Knobbe Jane Knox Cathy Koenig Karen Koetsch Susan Koff and Clint Marallo Susan and Robert Kogutek Bob and Brenda Kohler Jack and Norma Kohn Stanley Kolbe, Jr. Jacalyn Kolk Richard and Barbara Konz Charlotte and Earl Koops Nancy and Peter Koury Louise Kowitch Dottie Kraft Perry Krakora Tom Kroeger Cynthia Krusell Sophia Kuharich Linda Kuhn Norbert and Aud Kunz Heidi Kurtz Ed and Barbara Kusek Eric Kustritz Philip Lacorara Philip and Madeline Lacovara Tom and Nancy Lagan Melissa Laidlaw Linda Laird Bob and Helen Lambiase Margaret LaMothe Ingeborg and Paul Langer Pam and Murry Langfitt Tony and Angie Lapi Bill and Deborah Larson William Lasky Barbara Lasky Richard and Mary Lassy Jean and Bob Laswell Wayne Laufer Lindsay Laughner Jim and Mary LaVelle Paul and Ann Lawrence Lazy Flamingo Clifford Leach Edgar Lear Isaac Lederman Jeffrey and Andi Ledis Jabari Lee Linda Lee Robin and Barbara Lee



Thanks to all of the individuals, families and businesses who have helped to support our mission with your gifts of time, talent and treasure.

Adam and Laura Leff Mark Lehr Peter Leitzen William and Harriet Lembeck Joseph Lerario Marcia Leslie and Shirley Bohnert Alan and Edina Lessack Virginia Letourneau Darla and Joseph Letourneau Judy Levey Stan and Patty Levine Alan and Ann Levinsohn Abe and Pat Levy James Lewis Alan Lewis Sally Lewis and Kathy Rivera David and Judi Lewis Richard and Marilyn Lewis Bryna Lieberman Kathleen and George Lieser Lighthouse Cafe, Inc. John and Marjorie Lincoln Ann Lindberg Erick and Ellen Lindblad Robert and Avice Lindstrom Linda Linnehan Wade and Heather Lippert Stephen Litton Eileen and Peter Litwin Maureen and James Livingston Susan Lloyd Kelly LoBruth Mary Ann Loh Jim and Donna Loiacono Brian London Daniel and Julie Long Maurice and Cindy Long Leslie and Susan Loomans George Loomis and Diane Shelgren Rosalie Lopopolo & Katherine Shepard Robert Lord James and Paulette Lotstein Gwyneth Loud Alcinda Lovett Melanie Files and Richard Lowman Jim and Brenda Lowman John and Lois Luber Susan Ludwig Arnold and Cindy Lungershausen William and Judy Lutz John and Margaret Lynch Gail and Jim Lynch Brian Lynch and Laura Bothe Francis Lynch Don MacFarlane John MacKinnon John MacLennan Jack and Victoria Madaras Patrick and Robin Magoon Anne Magoun 18

Douglas and Joy Mahrer Bruce Makuk Frank Malartsik Jeff Samson Craig and Ellen Mandel Kathy and Richard Mandeville Gary and Victoria Manella Margaret Mangano Frank Mangano Foundation Janice Manley Noel Mann Grace Mann Deane and Nancy Manolis Henry and Heidi Maresh Linda and David Marino Mark McQuade General Contractor Jeannine and John Marshall Susan Martin Malcolm and Mary Martini Joan Martyn Vicki Mast Mattei-Rothschild Foundation Richard and Adele Mattern Robert Matthew Cecilia Mattingly Matzaluna Jenni Maughan Joan Maupin Sarah May Howard and Judith Mayer Sammie Mayes Kevin McCarthy Ann McCarthy Sue and Tom McCarthy Helen McCartney Roy McCloskey Walter and Mary Lou McCormick Craig and Karen McCowen Tom and Susan McCully Dean and Nancy McCumber Virginia McDermott Louise McDonald and Pierre Piffarerio Ann McDonald Ann McDonnell Cassandra McDowell George and Peg McGann Dagmar McGill Ann McGovern Bill and Donna McGraw Betsy McKee Elizabeth and Paul McKenney Pat McKenzie David McKeon and Patricia Maguire Daniel and Dorothy McKinney Gary and Sandra McKnight John and Janet McLaughlin Judith McLaughlin Ms. Margaret J. McLean Douglas McLemore Kent and Sue McNew Michael and Ann McTygue

Sandy Means Thomas Meehan Peter and Nancy Meekin Thomas and Marilyn Mehalic Carl Meier Carlos and Alessandra Menendez Phil and Mickey Mergener Kent and Judy Mergler Paula Merritt Warrin Meyers Sabina, John and Carl Micarelli Paul Michaud Patty and Kirk Middleton Mid-West Terminal Warehouse Company Miranda and Dave Mikos Chuck and Doreen Milbrandt Barbara and William Millar Robert and Susan Mille Lois and Tony Miller Robin Miller Lloyd Miller Jim and Hannah Miller Gary and Joyce Miller Jennifer and Patrick Miller Christine and Scott Million William Mills Kevin and Mary Beth Mills Leonard and Renee Minsky JC and Sue Miseroy Joseph Mitchell Leslie Mitkus Elizabeth Modys Daniel and Ann Moeder Reinhold and Sabine Moeller Richard and Faith Moll James Monahan Celina Monte-Sano Jennifer and Robert Montgomery-Rice Ariel Hoover and Bob Moore William and Barbara Moore Sharon Moore Tom Moran Jo Ann and Bill Morandini John and Sheilah Morley Denice Morris Jennifer Morris Leon and Frances Morsillo Ruth and Mark Mortensen Gates and Barbara Moss Ken and Karen Mrozek Lisette and Ernie Muehlemann Robert Mulligan Carol and Tom Mullin Kristina Mullins James and Beverly Munson Michael Murphy Jack and Beverly Murphy Daniel and Susan Murphy Anonymous John Murtha Nicole Murtha


Jennifer and Jay Mutschler Ann Myers Donna Myers John and Kathy Namovic Betty and Bill Nathan Kevin and Sally Neher Bruce and Evelyn Neill Robert Neilson Gerald and Barbara Nelson Jim and Mary Nelson Sandy and Doug Nering Sharon Lavin and Joe Neuman Carl and Christine Neumann Pat and Donna Nevins Evelyn Newell John and Gwendolynn Newman Peter and Karen Newton Thomas and Leslie Nichols Jennifer and David Nichols Ran and Marilyn Niehoff David and June Nimick Audrey Niquette Freddie Nixon Irene and Cliff Nolan Fred and Marj Nordstrom John Norfray Northwood Funeral Home Cremation and Reception Centre Inc. Gary and Rhonda Nottelmann Anonymous Tina and John Novogratz Hans and Rose Nybro Caitlin O’Brien Lyn and Patrick O’Brien William and Maria O’Brien Ocean’s Reach Condominium Association Judith O’Connor Nancy C. Oden Deirdre and Kevin O’Donnell John O’Hara Barbara and Jim O’Hare Don and Joanne Olsen Thomas and Barbara Jo Olson Kate Sergeant On Island Richard and Martha Ordeman Ryan Orgera and Alicia Tighe Rita Orgera Reilly Ralph and Mary Ellen Orlandi Diane and Hugh O’Shaughnessy Karen O’Sickey Joel and Bunny Ospa Maxine Otis Charles and Audrey Otto Scott Owen Rae Ann Owens Bob Owens and Sandy Patrick Judith Gnagey P.E.O. Sisterhood Chapter FV Barbara Pace Margaret Palange

Weston Palmer William and Janet Palmer Ronald Pancner Ewa and Gerry Pane Ray and Joyce Pantalone Kathleen Parent Lisa and Phil Parker Velda Parsons Lucy Paskiewicz Indy and Karen Pati Bob and Kathy Paul Carol Pauli Charles and Evelyn Payson Sandy Artman Barry and Linda Pearson Patricia and Alan Peck Steve and Sue Peltzman Miriam Pepper Kathleen and Edward Pereles Patricia Perell Peter and Mary Perkins Mahafarin and Kurt Peters Helmut and Ilona Peters Georgeann and George Peters Sandy and Henry Peterson Mary Peterson Jane Peterson and Phil Star Murray Peyton Nancy Phillips Phillips Family Nancy Pierce Rob and Mindy Pierce Cathy and Larry Piersol Anonymous Amy Plankenhorn Christina Plant Ruth Ann Plate Madeleine and Rick Plummer Susan Pohanka Gary and Kaye Pokrant Anita and John Poling Brenda Pommerenke and Larry George Dan and Amy Pontius Jeremy and Gail Pool Chanel Posgay Bruce Potter Susan and Doug Potts Anonymous Rick and Deb Powers Louis and Sandra Pradt Darlene Prendergast Scott Pressly Joanne and Paul Prestia Meg and Chris Prestigiacomo Debra Preuett Vanessa Price Ed Probst and Lisa Mauer The Probst/Mauer Charitable Fund Gregory and Karen Probst Sharon Purdy Lynn Quigley Michael and Cathy Raab Robert and Kathy Raab

Richard and Phyllis Rabbideau John and Joleen Raho Juana Ramos Rene and Sue Ramos Jane and Chuck Ramseth Steven Ramsey Ed and Joyce Rand Robert Randell Jill and David Ranford Richard and Jane Ranieri Bill and Jeanne Rankin Scott and Elaine Ravelson Paul and Marianne Ravenna Rich and Lani Ream Mike and Ann Reardon Barbara Rebecca Suzanne Reece Peter and Maggie Reed Thomas and Gladys Reed Thomas and Suzanne Reeg Christina Rees Richard and Shirley Reese Mary Reid Shari and David Reidenbach Ken and Sue Reinhardt Thomas and Polly Reinhart Carl Reinhold Michael and Elisabeth Reiss Ginny and Mark Reiss Mark and Kimberly Reller Bob and Mary Anne Rennebohm Robin O. Rentsch Jim and Carla Restivo Hernan and Dolores Reyes Michael Reyman Margaret and Charles Rich Sallie Rich Audrey Richardson David and Nancy Richardson Tom and Beth Rickart Bill Rigsby Nancy Riley and Michael Galloway Robert and Lorraine Rippe Elaine and Michael Ristaino Mark and Becky Ristow Paul and Lynette Rix Jeffrey Rizzo Darlene Rizzo Brooks and Meg Robbins Bill and Carole Roberts Virginia and William Robinson Marianne and Scott Rogers John and Nancy Rohde David and Madelaine Rohn Christopher and Helen Roland Nancy and Mike Roos Bebe Roosa Carol and Bill Rosenberg Susan Rosenberg and Kenneth Gerson Mark Rosenstein Angie Larson-Roehl Kim and Joyce Ross

Meg Ross Elizabeth Ross Jack and Marty Rossmann Mitchell Roth Michele Roth Jeffrey and Mary Roth Tom and Carol Rothman Colin and Elizabeth Roussil Stacy and Ronald Rovner Melinda Roy and Chris Gourley Sanibel Enterprises Kristin and Christopher Ruane Edward and Earline Rubel Herb and Judy Rubin Marilyn Rubin Robert and Judith Ruch Ellen Rudd and Carl Prohaska Christina Rudman Carolyn Ruff Stephanie Rugoff Richard Russell Judy and Phil Russell Christopher Ryan Kenneth Ryan John and Karen Ryan Christine and Kevin Ryan Steve and Karen Saari Robert Sacks Parvis and Kay Sadighi Liz and Tom Sadlowski Sylvia Sagat Dan and Jennifer Sager David and Cynthia Saitta Kerry and Joe Salatino Richard and Christina Salerno Cheryl and Jim Samples Leslie and Sandra Sandy Sanibel Deli and Coffee Factory Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society Gustavo and Inge Santos Maria and Rodello Santos Sanybel’s Finest Forrest and Faye Sargent Gaile Sarma Karen and Bill Sartoris Lauren Pachman and Mark Satterthwaite Sault Ste. Marie Airport Development Corporation Elizabeth Savage Elaine and Robert Schaeffer William Schaffner and Lois Knight Peter and Marie-Claude Schauer Phil and Carol Scheiber Sue and Gary Scheiwe Bob and Sherry Scherer Verena Scheu Jennifer and Kenny Schiff Amy Schmalz Robert and Frances Schmidt Cynthia and Tod Schneider

Brent and Laurie Schnell Jim and Sheila Schnell Paul Schnyder Frederick Schoen Meg Barclay & John Scholz Larry Schopp Susan Schramm and Sheila Gavin Charles and Connie Schrup Robert Schultz Dawn Schumann Elsa and Daniel Schutzman Lewis Schwartz Holly Schwartz Tom Schwegler Chris and Jennifer Schwenk Heather and Craig Scott Addison and Mary Scoville Dmitri and Susanne Scutakes Jennifer Scuteri Cindy and Charles Seaman Nancy Seaward Kathy Sebrowski Ray and Eileen Secrist Phil and Marlene Sefton SEI Investments Company Linda Seifert Stephen Sellers Karen Semmelman Edward and Penny Sessa Tom and Jane Settanni Virginia Severinghaus Burns and Carolyn Severson James and Katherine Shaw She Sells Sea Shells Catherine and Kevin Shea Gayle Sheets Charlie and Gail Sheetz Ken and Phyllis Sheldon John and FroAn Sheridan Mary Sherman Ada Shissler Alan and Leslie Shropshire Steve and Debbie Sickels Dan and Dyan Sierra Mary Tracy Sigman Ralph Silberman John and Elizabeth Simler Howard Simon and Beth Wilson Jude Sincoskie Joyce Sirkin Michael and Joyce Sirota Jo Ann Skillett Matt Skok Dennis and Nancy Skowronski Frances Slane Patricia Slater Brenden Sloan Peggy Smith Mary Smith Gerald Smith Gary and Libby Smith Andi Smith Karen Smith

Jeffrey and Jolinda Smith Regina and Duane Smith Andrea and Jan Smith Elisabeth Smith Sheridan and Dick Snell James and Laura Sniff Merrie Rollin Snow Maria Solares Geoffrey Sones Sallie Soule Patti and George Sousa South Seas Island Resorts Howard and Juanita Spanogle Gregory and Sylvia Spaulding Charles Specht Gerald and Judy Specht Jared and Jeanette Specthrie Fran Spencer Joan Sperry Cameron and Mark Sperry Linda Spire Karen Spittler Cathy Sporleder Nino and Muriel Sportelli Ann Marie Sprotte Richard and Susan Sprout Gretchen and Halsey Spruance Gayle and Arthur Spruch Dick and Myrtilla Squitieri Thomas and Carol Stafne Barbara Stanek Bob and Kathy Stanza Charles and Juliane Steedman Lance and Mina Steen Dennis and Jo Ann Stehr Irwin and Arlyn Stein Christopher Stephen Betsy and Ralph Stephens Lynne and Jerry Stern Susan Sterrett Larry Stevens Art Stevens Richard Stewart Thomas Stoel, Jr. Jerry and Nancy Stone Ginny Stone Jan Stoneburner Elizabeth and Rick Stoner Marc and Nan Stretch James and Linda Strong Susan and Jeff Stroud Cyndee Such Charles and Jan Sullivan Richard and Bonnie Sullivan Kristin Summerwill Tom and Maggie Surgener Donald and Anne Suss Audrey Sutherland Ellen Svenson Janice and Christopher Swain Nancy Swank Beth and David Swirnow Britt Swofford Ty and Jan Symroski

Sherrie and Jerry Szpondowski Peter and Roberta Szydlo Stephen and Joan Szynal Dan and Antoinette Tabor Gary and Wendy Taibbi Sanford and Pamela Tannenbaum John and Judith Taylor Connie and Leslie Taylor Mike and Leanne Taylor Michael and Janet Taylor Michael and Barbara Teff Freda Temple Daniel and Margaret Terpstra Terry and Clara Terrana Patricia Terry Maureen and Mark Tesoro Jonathan and Sandra Thackeray August and Maureen Thoma Christopher Thoma Vince and Gail Thomalla Joseph and Ellen Thomas Donald Thomas Debby Thomlinson Mary Thompson Sue and Bob Thoresen Brian Thurber and Proud Pour Bob and Pat Tibbs Barbara Timberlake Nancy and Bruce Tindal Tom and Margo Toering David Tompkins and Marcia Andrews Tim Toplisek Carol and Francis Torbey Scott and Carol Townsley Nancy Tracy Traders Village, LLC Nancy and Thomas Traylor Rebecca Troop Bob and Ardie Trost Clifton Hyde Tucker Rick Tully Albert and Vicky Turl Barbara Turner Richard Turner Richard Turner and Karen Alleger John and Judy Turner Patricia Tursi Chris and Alison Tyler Jeanne Tyrer Paul and Virginia Uhlenhop David and Aimee Ulstad Amy Underhill Jim and Josie Urbelis David Urion Bill and Diane Valerian Andrea Van Buren Jennifer Vanderground David VanDyke and Elisabeth Devlin-VanDyke Shellie VanNess Rick VanSeters

Sabine Pratsch & David Vaughan George Veillette, Jr. Paul and Carolyn Verret Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Leonie Viert Douglas and Priscilla Viets Helen and Gabriele Villa Jorge Villacampa Nancy and Roger Vincent Bob and Mary Jane Vinson Kathy Vogel Anita Cohen and Alex Vogel Mary and Bill Vollmer Nikolai and Ursula Von Birkensee Gretta Vosper and Scott Kearns Stacy Vu Marvin and Martha Wachs Louise Wagner Andrea Wagoner and Roger Ruggeri Dod and Annie Wainwright Peter and Gail Walcott Jerome Walker Rich and Susan Wallace Anne Wallace Michael and Susan Walpole Tom and Judy Ware Bev and Jeff Warren Sally and John Washburn Carol Watkins Curtis Watkins Stuart Watson Marty and Debbie Watz Curtis and Georgiana Way Mary Webb Mark and Susan Webster Anonymous Ron Weeks Ann and John Wehrlen Sue Weidemann Pamela Weiner and James Wittenberg Elaine Weingarden Steve and Penny Weinstein Mark and Peggy Weiss Yolande Welch Lyman and Deana Welch Rick Welch Eric and Katie Welles Kristen Wells Brian and Meghan Wells Stephen Wener Karl Werner Cal and Jill Werner Rae Ann Wessel Rodney and Wendy West Berta and Carroll Wetzel Albert and Kathleen Weyman Phil and Tina Weyman Michele Whalen and Valerie Summer

Craig Wheatley Jerry and Carolyn Wheaton Carol and Steve Whisenhunt Margaret and Albert White Susan and Brian White Elizabeth Hunt White Chuck Wiebe and Anne Millar Diane Wien Pete and Sally Wiese David and Margaret Wilcox Roy and Karen Wildeman Daniel Wilhelm Terressa and Robert Wilk Sandra Williams Patti and Gary Williams Robert and Mary Williams David and Karen Williams Tim and Donna Wilmot Peter and Susan Wilson Karen Ann McCoy and Daryl Wilson Patricia Wilson Barry and Fran Wilson Lise Wilson Ellen Wilson John Wilson Sheri and Mike Wine Matthew Winkler Arnee and Walter Winshall George Witte, Jr. Judith and Jack Wittenberg Connie and Robert Wittig Richard Wojciechowski Thom Wolek Victor Wolf Ronda Wolfe Lillian Wolfe Jon and Sandy Wolfmueller Richard and Artley Wolfson Richard Wolin Denise Wondolowski Joan Wood Michael and Mary Wood Alice and Blake Wood Jane Zartman Woodrow Elaine and Hayes Worley Brann and Ellen Wry Blair Wyatt and Dennis Berry Charmaine Yeadon Kristi Yee Stephen and Donna Yetsko Ben and Heidi Yokel Carol Youell Cynthia Young Laureen Young Michael Young Edward and Jane Young Kay and Mark Young Claudia and Jim Youngquist YourCause Barbara Ziemian Elizabeth Zimmerman



MEMORIAL DONATIONS In Memory of Mia Alvarez Gigi Alvarez In Memory of Helen Baller Fran Cameron Jean and Bob Laswell In Memory of Dr. Christina Barkley Julianne Kirkpatrick In Memory of Jane and Frank Bopp Mary and John Hartman In Memory of Bonnee Cassedy Lisa J. Forsyth Annie Harms Betsy McKee Debra Preuett In Memory of Mike Catani Chanel Posgay In Memory of John R. Clark Jennifer Dickey Cathy Koenig In Memory of Patricia Rae Crane Fran Cameron Marc and Cheryl Giattini In Memory of Tammy Cummings Thom Wolek In Memory of Dr. Richard Curtin Chuck and Sally Bisbee Judith Byers Ralph and Billye Curtis Marc and Cheryl Giattini Mary Tracy Sigman Karl Singer In Memory of James Daly Alyssa Clark Jane Emerson Brian London Maria and Rodello Santos Laureen Young In Memory of Sally Ditton Mr. Robert Ditton In Memory of Louise Earnest Cheryl J. Devine and Philip R. Podmore Mary Reid Albert and Vicky Turl Sally and John Washburn In Memory of Betty Eertmoed Malcolm and Catherine Blackburn Roger and Karen Blunk Katharine and Doug Britton Anne Brooke and Doug Murray Fran Cameron Barbara Conolly

Dave and Fran Crouch Edward and Adele Douglass Lynda and Charlie Dunham Tom and Sue Eertmoed Don and Connie Eertmoed Richard and Mary Eertmoed Gary Eertmoed Michael Hackett Bette Harig Marilyn and Charlie Hart Sam and Polly Huntington Bill Jacobson Wendy and John Kindig Jerry and Winnette Klopfenstein Linda Lee Jeannine and John Marshall Paul Michaud John and Sheilah Morley John and Kay Morse Northwood Funeral Home Cremation and Reception Centre Inc. Barbara Pace Mike and Mary Rice Sault Ste. Marie Airport Development Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Suss Debby Thomlinson Bob and Pat Tibbs Linda and Tom Uhler In Memory of Gordon Garrett Nat and Lucy Day The FitzPatrick Family In Memory of Bill Hanger Daniel and Julie Long In Memory of Matthew Harris Joseph Foster Fred and Barbara George In Memory of Jean, Ross & Richard Hiles Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hiles In Memory of John H. and Carolyn T. Hoagland Anne H. Magoun Mariel Foundation The WesaDoe Fund In Memory of Ann Humble Jo Ann and Bill Morandini In Memory of Louise Johnson Ralph and Billye Curtis Janie Howland Robin C. Krivanek Ms. Rae Ann Wessel

In Memory of Theodore G. Koven Stephanie Koven

In Memory of Jim Pasikowski Marsha Biven

In Memory of John La Gorce Cheryl and Michael Hall

In Memory of Amelia Samples Cheryl and Jim Samples

In Memory of Caroline LeGette Ms. Rae Ann Wessel

In Memory of Thomas and Doris Schreier Thomas Schreier

In Memory of Sally Lupfer 1919 Investment Counsel, LLC Deborah Chambliss Larry Dougherty Ms. Meg Ross Mary Webb

In Memory of Warren Schwab Fran Cameron Co(u)rt Tennis at the Dunes Paul and Sharon Dwyer Judy and Brad Green Janie Howland Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Kaitz Diane and Leroy Neitzel Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ranieri Tom and Jane Settanni Joyce L. Sirkin

In Memory of Arthur K. Mason Michael Beebe Janet and Morton Berfield Peggy and Blain Butner Davis & Harman LLP Susan Dickson Ruth and Robert Diefenbach Leslie and Tony Fitch Linda and Peter Foy Amy Macht and George Grose Elizabeth Grossman Stephen and Marion Hall Sue and Robert Hipkens James and Kathy Ireland Shirley Jacobs Judy Levey Bryna Lieberman Robert Mulligan Donna Myers Betty and Bill Nathan Mrs. Maxine K. Otis Susan Pohanka Michael and Elisabeth Reiss Chris Rifkin Mary Smith Christopher Stephen Betsy and Ralph Stephens Beth and David Swirnow Nancy and Bruce Tindal Roy and Karen Wildeman In Memory of Eleanor M. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ghublikian In Memory of Paul McCarthy Boler Family Foundation Family of Paul McCarthy John O’Hara In Memory of Michele Miller Gene and Mary Jo Hardy

In Memory of Gloria L. Silverstein Abigail DeLoache In Memory of Hans and Mavis Skalle Hans Skalle In Memory of Sallie Soule Fran Cameron Marc and Cheryl Giattini In Memory of Karen A. Spittler John and Margaret Lynch Kay and Mark Young In Memory of Jack Szymanski Karen Koetsch In Memory of Sally Reed Betty Gangware In Memory of Paul “Corky” Ventura Mindi Goins In Memory of Jane Reader Weaver Jessica Rivers Elizabeth Goldman Mary Ellen and Eric Pfeifer Ronda Wolfe In Memory of Richard Welch Delores Fischer In Memory of Pat and Harvey Wilmeth Kim Wilmeth Miller and Steph Miller Sally Wilmeth and Terry Geurkink Patricia Smith Wilmeth Fund Greater Milwaukee Foundation

Connectio 20

In Memory of Martha Kaemmer Hugh J. Andersen Foundation

In Memory of Anthony “Tony” Mulinare Sabina, John and Carl Micarelli

In Memory of Max F. Koletzke Mr. Theodore H. Gasteyer

In Memory of Carol Oberman Nancy, Robert and Greg Dudak


In Memory of Richard “Dick” Workman Gwenda Hiett-Clements Janie Howland Christina Rees Ms. Rae Ann Wessel



Doug Ryckman, President

Robin Krivanek

Tom Rathbone, Finance

John Morse, Vice President

Deborah La Gorce

Paul Roth, Nominating

Tom Rathbone, Treasurer

Tom Libonate

Linda Uhler, Secretary

Diane Neitzel

Linda Uhler, Membership Development

Susan Beittel

Ran Niehoff

Bill Burch, Special Events

Claude Crawford

Mary Ellen Pfeifer

Chauncey Goss

Don Rice

Claude Crawford, Ph.D., Marine Laboratory Liaison

Shelley Greggs

Paul Roth

Sandy Gross

Ty Symroski

Shelley Greggs, Environmental Education Liaison Robin Krivanek & Mary Ellen Pfeifer, Wildlife & Habitat Management Liaisons

Anne Nobles, Endowment

Sandra Gross & Diane Neitzel, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Liaisons

Cliff Nolan, Hammerheads (Carpenters)

Lisa Newmeyer-Cochrane, Tennis Tournament

Sandra Gross, Brush of Excellence

Linda and Tom Uhler, Wines in the Wild



Ryan Orgera, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer

Chris Lechowicz, Director & Herpetologist

Erick Lindblad, CEO Emeritus (ret. Jan. 2019)

Kelly Sloan, Sea Turtle Coordinator / Biologist

Wendy Cerdan, CFO & Director of Operations

Audrey Albrecht, Shorebird Coordinator / Biologist

Cheryl Giattini, Development Director

Victor Young, Land Conservation Steward

Jeff Siwicke, Facilities & Events Manager

Dustin Lucas, Field Technician

Karen Nelson, Communications Coordinator (ret. May 2019)

Andrew Glinsky, Sea Turtle Technician (2018-19)

Ashley Graham, Data & Grants Management Coordinator

Jack Brzoza, Sea Turtle Technician (2018-19)

MARINE LABORATORY Eric Milbrandt, Ph.D., Director Rick Bartleson, Ph.D., Research Scientist Mark Thompson, Research Associate

Courtney Thomson, Research Assistant NATIVE LANDSCAPES & GARDEN CENTER Jenny Evans, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Manager

Leah Reidenbach, Research Associate

Rebecca Grotrian, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Assistant Manager

A.J. Martignette, Research Assistant

Em Hayes, Part-time Assistant

Kevin Jones, Research Assistant

Sue Ramos, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Assistant

NATURAL RESOURCE POLICY Rae Ann Wessel, Director Holly Schwartz, Policy Assistant


Emily Harrington, Native Landscapes & Garden Center Assistant ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Alexis Horn, Education & Volunteer Coordinator Kristie Anders, Education Director (ret. Oct. 2018) Dee Serage-Century, Living with Wildlife Educator (ret. Oct. 2018)

Graphic Design by Doug Cook

Publication of this Annual Report was generously underwritten by:

“As the oldest locally owned and managed community bank in Lee County and on the islands, Bank of the Islands/Edison National Bank cares deeply about the natural beauty of Southwest Florida. Especially now, when we have witnessed unprecedented efforts to protect our water, beaches and marine life, it is a great comfort to know SCCF stands strong in its environmental stewardship. For more than five decades, SCCF has been a leader in fighting to keep our islands and this region so special. We are honored to be one of their partners in making that happen.” Geoffrey Roepstorff CEO, Bank of the Islands/Edison National Bank

SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION NATURE CENTER: 3333 Sanibel-Captiva Road • P.O. Box 839, Sanibel, FL 33957 NATIVE LANDSCAPES & GARDEN CENTER: 1300 Periwinkle Way at the Bailey Homestead Preserve OFFICE (239) 472-2329 fax (239) 472-6421 • MARINE LABORATORY (239) 395-4617 NATIVE LANDSCAPES & GARDEN CENTER (239) 472-1932 • WILDLIFE & HABITAT MANAGEMENT (239) 472-3984

www.sccf.org • sccf@sccf.org

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