Q&A with Felecia Tomich from the Pōhutukawa Learning Centre
Two budding writers, Ines Grayston and Maddie Milne, from Year 8 joined us to interview Ms Tomich. Read on below to enjoy their questions. You are now called the Pōhutukawa Learning Centre, can you tell us what that means for you and the girls who come here? We thought the new name, Pōhutukawa Learning Centre, was a really special link to make between what we do and the beautiful symbol of that majestic tree. It really reflects what we are aiming to do with girls in terms of nurturing and nourishing their own growth and belief in their ability to grow and blossom as individuals. We love the way that everything we do is anchored in the school’s philosophy of ‘By Love Serve’ and of always striving to be the best that each of us can be.
So, the symbol of the Pōhutukawa tree has become very special for all of us who teach and learn here.
What is it like to be the head of the Pōhutukawa Learning Centre for Years 0–9? This is the best job in the world because I get to do what I love every day, all day, which is very unusual as normally teachers who are passionate about diverse learners don’t get to be with them for all of their day. I have the most outstanding team of teachers that I work with, and I learn from them every day. I also have the most beautiful girls who come to the PLC every day and I learn from them as they bring so much to our classes.