in the Junior School Junior School girls have been having a great time in Music classes this semester. There is always so much to learn! Year 1 girls have been honing their singing voices to become wonderful little treble singers… they have also been learning much more than just the basics of beat and pitch. The girls have been learning to read and write melody and rhythm on the stave and have even been using their bodies to show pitch placement on our amazing stave mat in Music. Games, musical challenges, story books, instruments, rhythm cards, dance and song are all just some of the many learning activities we do in Music at this level. Every music lesson is jam packed full of a variety of learning activities. Year 2’s have been having a wonderful time preparing themselves for recorder learning by improving their understanding of right
and left hands and by starting to build the finger flexibility and awareness that learning an instrument requires. Meanwhile, Year 3’s and Year 4’s have been busy refining their recorder playing, piano-keyboard skills, choral singing, and have been extending their practical understanding of music to include new musical elements. Girls in Year 5 and Year 6 have been loving their band instrument classes and have all made excellent gains on their instrument playing this term. In Year 5 and 6 we have girls playing drums, clarinet, saxophone, flute, trumpet and trombone. Girls in the Junior School are wonderfully privileged to each be able to learn one of these instruments as part of classroom Music for two whole years