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kuba edition

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Editor’s Message


2014 Design Trends


Window Treatment for your Home


Choosing a tile for your Bathroom


How to Arrange Furniture in your Bedroom


Mixing Colour, Texture and Pattern in your Interior Space


Wood As a Sustainable Building Material


The Roof Over Marvels...


How to Design a Kitchen


Enhancing your Landscape




Post Christmas Decorating


PROFILE: Accratopia



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Editor’s Message Welcome to the KUBA era. This demonstrates a taste for interrupting the expected line; they compose through juxtapositions of sharply differing units and abrupt shifts of form. It has its origin from the popular KUBA TEXTILE, unique in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. it is famous for their elaboration and complexity of design and surface decoration. In their art, the KUBA has developed all the geometric possibilities of repetitive variations of border patterns, and of the seventeen ways that a design can be repetitively varied on a surface, the KUBA has exploited twelve. One thing is clear – As the euphoria of the festive period is over, people are feeling a bit blue over the next couple of months for a fresh start, it will help to extend a cozy feeling to the New Year and redo our homes with the KUBA theme to give us new spirits and breathe. Predictably, more people are searching for new design trends as the year progresses.

This is why we picked out KUBA to throw more light on pattern, texture and colors, as this is the main trend for the year 2014. These three elements create the style, mood, and feel of each room in your home. “What we write, what you read, if we must, should make you see.” From this edition, scene provides homeowners, designers and developers with practical information on the new trends for 2014 and how to achieve your KUBA. We promise to furnish you with furnishings, accessories, and decorating details taking cues from everything around us. As always, we have given our Readers the trendiest design tips on kitchens, bathrooms, �looring, doors and windows, paint color, hardware, lighting, carpets furnishings—even shutters, garages, and home gardens. We keep an informed eye on design precedent, and encourage the creative use of minimalism and a contemporary mix of styles. Enjoy the read.

Copyright © Scenic Initiatives 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Abena Anima Adjei Editor-in-Chief

Scenic Initiatives regret that they cannot accept liability for errors or omissions contained in this publication, however caused. The opinions and views contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the Scenic Initiatives. Readers are advised to seek specialist advice before acting on information contained in this publication which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the reader’s particular circumstances. The ownership of trademarks is acknowledged. No part of this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the permission of the publishers in writing. An exemption is hereby granted for extracts used for the purpose of fair review.


2014 Design Trends

What’s Hot in 2014? Ideas for home design universally draw on inspiration from mixed metals to bold colors Whatever your style, here are the main design trends worth trying for this year.

Fabrics/ Texture:

and energy. One of the simplest ways to achieve this e�fect is by employing stripes in an elegant manner. Carpets, wallpapers, upholstery, graphic art- each of these elements can wear the distinct feature of movement

2014. Variety of texture will also be a key factor in arranging spaces.

stripes. Bold red and black & white patterns are the highlight of the design themes again, only this time associated with minimalist decor complements. The idea is to make things stand out, without compromising in elegance or visual harmony.

People are in search for “touchable” textures, which inspire warmth and comfort as a way to engage and experience a proper home atmosphere. Suede and wood are two of the materials which will


1. Stripes, stripes, stripes: In 2014, social spaces will likely turn to design dynamics, in order to inspire vibrant living

LIVING ROOMS: Flexibility:

Some of the characteristics of the East which we will see include moveable walls as can be seen in traditional Japanese design. For example, in our homes we might want to include a moveable wall between the living room and dining room or bedroom and walk in wardrobe space – which can be closed to


o�fer more privacy, or opened to create a larger more sociable and versatile space. Screens can be used to create divisions in a room. This gives the �lexibility to transform spaces to suit our ever changing needs and uses. I think homes will be a lot more �luid, taking even more inspiration from traditional oriental interior spaces.

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2. Floral patterns with a white background: Floral patterns are also back in style, only this year they come with a twist. Ensuring a very romantic touch and giving the feeling of a perpetual holiday, these stylish additions make a strong statement in a room. You can go for a variety of colors, as long as the overall result is appealing. Try new fabric covers, graphic art, wall paintings and wallpapers- the e�fect will be pretty strong.

A New Relationship between Men and Interior Design:

Society is changing and its “movements” have collateral e�fects on all aspects of life as we know it. In developed countries, men are spending a lot more time at home than in the past, helping out with children and housework, as a result of the proclaimed men-women equality. In 2014, interior design thus begins to mirror male preferences like never before such as man caves.


Minimalism has been the trend in 2012 and in 2013 but baroque minimalism is the main trend seen this year. It means a modern interior with baroque style features such as oversized murals and raw textures. Over the years we have observed, learnt and taken on board western philosophy and their love for harmonious minimal interiors.

Color & paint:

A�ter last year’s color palette of super-saturated and vibrant hues, light pastel shades are proving to be a welcome change. Colors like Lemon Sorbet and Robin’s gloss is being favored on moldings and wood work.

1. Natural Shades: There will always be a space for natural, neutral materials and the expression of cra�tsmanship. 2. Neapolitan Colors: Pastels are making a come-back! Yes, it’s true. It was really clear from Milan this year that the ice-cream coloured pastels we associate with to be on our top list of contenders for interior and 3. Evergreen: Pantone recently named Emerald Green the color of 2013 so Move over Tangerine Tango. Get ready to see this lush hue everywhere from bud vases to window treatments. If a green accent wall intimidates you, opt for more subtle touches that incorporate the shade into a larger design, such as an area rug.

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BEDROOMS Accessories and Materials

• Glazed Ceramic Lamps: “Lamps have become a fashion accessory for the home, the jewelry of a room. • Walk in closets and dressing rooms will be even bigger this year as people want to maintain a peaceful and harmonious bedroom environment so separating the wardrobe area will help achieve this. • People will want a cozy and warm feeling so double sided throws will be must have items, as you have an interchangeable look. • Due to the involvement of men in the home design, consumers are looking for long lasting design that will stand the test of time. People want simplicity but it has to feel individual and personal to them so it can satisfy both partners. There is an even bigger emphasis on so�ter lines, muted colors and vintage furniture. • Sober furniture details, less �lashy colors and functionality over “cuteness” are just some of the features expected in a home with male dominance. If you think about it from an aesthetic point of view, this situation can create a great visual balance, one that will make both partners feel at ease in their own crib.


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KITCHEN & DINING Openness and Colors

• The trend for the ‘social kitchen’ is set to continue in 2014, with open plan spaces for preparing food, cooking, eating, chatting and playing. This is supported by the continued rise of the kitchen bar, an area allowing people to sit and chat whilst the host cooks dinner. • Contemporary kitchens using neutral, so�t colors will be popular this year. A great way to achieve this look is to use di�ferent and materials on work surfaces. Pure gloss lacquer, linear texture oak and granite are great examples when combined and this means the lines and designs will be kept edgy yet clean and sharp. Also more patina and fewer modern materials are increasingly popular. Products such as slate, uneven �looring, handmade tiles, and zinc help create the look. • Following the love for cookery and baking shows, kitchens with gourmet or built in and concealed cooking features will be a must have.


• The use of new textures, colors and tones is going to be the big trend in bathrooms this year. For example the use of chain main in bathroom cupboard instead of doors.

• The bathroom has long been ignored and now people are wanting a bathroom design that is an extension of their kitchen design so that there is more of a module system encompassing and unifying the di�ferent spaces. • Bathroom taps will also be a highlight in bathrooms; they will be simple but beautifully shaped. • Brass: There is warmth in brass accessories, whether it be a modern or traditional space. Golden, brassy tones are proving to be a nice compliment to dark wood tones and pretty, more traditional fabrics. “I’m crushing on brass! I love how it brightens up any space. It’s timeless and a�fordable. What’s not to like?


• The architecture of green strategically placed and shaped, will seamlessly add square footage to the footprint of a house, and create a wall of privacy placing your house at the center of your own secret garden. • Gardens have changed dramatically over time. In earlier centuries, wilderness was plentiful and civilization was scarce. So gardens were formal — hedged in, clipped and controlled — a triumph over the fears and the dangers of the wild. Today, the more we view the wild as precious, the more we seek to create it.”

• Green planted walls. When you walk around the garden, it’s amazing how good it makes you feel to be surrounded by foliage. I think one should just know how important greenery should take amongst interior environments. • Green living will be a key factor in design and architecture this year. From mobile plant panels to framed plant screens with lighting e�fects. This idea can bring a fresh touch to any apartment or public space. This approach is not only healthy, but also original and elegant. • Popular for several years now, outdoor living rooms and screen porches that have the feeling and function of an indoor room continue to be on homeowners’ priority lists. Therefore, popular are products that create the spaces such as audio systems and TVs, outdoor furniture and fabrics, and barbecue grills.

CONCLUSION: “A revolution has hit the world of antiques and art collections, and rooms will never look the same” Retro and vintage inspired furniture will continue to be a trend wood mixed with modern lacquer shades charcoal and grey. I am furniture collection.

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Relax-Ing Let’s kick back on the sofa, put your feet up, take a deep breath and stay relaxed. A living room needs a comfortable and relaxing feel. Its always possible to make the most of a living room. The lighting, the sofa and the accessories brings it all together and makes it most loved for all.


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Clean Classical.. The living room may be where

lamps and lights are also very

your family members spend


most of their time. But it’s more than the comfortable chairs and �lat screen TV. Proper lighting accentuates the rooms design scheme and creates a sophisticated feel. Choosing and placing the chandeliers, sconces,

Placing furniture carefully is also very important. Keep at least the front legs of the sofa and chairs on the rug. In a classic room, we prefer that all the visible furniture legs touch the rug if possible.

Location: Daban, Kumasi Visualizers: Iyopo Studios

Mid-Century Modern A vibrant mid-century living room and playfulness, clean simple and uncluttered. But with a mixture of textures and patterns from the rugs, wall patterns and lots of natural lighting, it gives the space a Lot of warmth. Location: East-Legon, Accra Visualizers: Iyopo Studios


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Traditional Living Room Flooring is o�ten where designers start when decorating a living room. Keeping hardwood bare would be a gorgeous traditional room. It o�ten requires no rug at all but if so, a gorgeous rug with an appropriate size faux hide allows for the pattern of a rug with the warmth of dark �looring. Hardwood �loors are clean and classic and they blend beautifully with other elements in a neutral palette. Location: Dawhenya, Tema Visualizers: Real Group

Traditional Living Room This interior is also impressed by environmentally sustainable principles. Needless to say, this sophisticated but simple modern living space clearly shows the spatial arrangements and openness of the room and also shows you that ecofriendly furniture can be ‘sustainably’ luxurious. The employed hint of a bold color, against a neutral backdrop for a

Location: Dawhenya, Tema Visualizers: Real Group


Window Treatment for your Home How to make the decision between blinds and curtains for your windows

Throughout the years, curtains have been a popular choice.

You probably grew up as a child with curtains shielding your living room activities from the sun, as well as delivering a certain level of privacy. Curtains have always been known to provide a satisfying addition to room decor through the many available colors and designs. The setback with choosing to use curtains throughout your entire home is that there is no way of acquiring one pair to match up every window throughout your household. Choosing the right curtains OR BLINDS is a must or you will be le�t with undesirable results. For instance, if you are dead set on putting up sheer curtains, you should know that your privacy levels have gone down a considerable amount of notches. If privacy is important to you, shades that allow you to shield yourself from outsiders may be an option for when you don’t want others to be able to see into your house. For extra privacy, select curtains that are thick. Also, when it is dark 14

outside and you have the lights on in the house, curtains will allow others from the outside to see what is going on inside. You will also have to remove your curtains from their position, so that they may be cleaned. This helps to retain their appearance, but it is o�ten a bothersome task.

variety of design concepts. You will also be able to enjoy the freedom of adjusting the light within a room while matching the fabrics of your home decor. Alone, each selection has its ups and downs. Together, you may be dealing with a match made in heaven.

As for choosing blinds for your home, you should know that you will most likely receive a versatility look that o�fers a nice level of privacy. With blinds, you will also be able to enjoy the luxury of added control. For example, you can determine how much light you wish to let into your home by adjusting the length of your blinds. If it is a variety or style that you seek in your blinds, you will be disappointed. The farthest you will get in terms of style are a wide range of colors.


Sometimes, the two worlds are blended and both curtains and blinds are used for each and every window in a home. This means that you can have your privacy, as well as be able to experiment with a

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Curtains and draperies are chameleons. They work hard at blocking light and sound, heat and cold. They’re also extraordinarily decorative and add enormous personality to a room. What’s the di�ference between curtains and draperies; and does it even matter? Traditionally, windows were treated to three types of curtains: a sash curtain

(to block out light), and an over-drapery (which was purely

decorative and is now just called a drapery). In very formal rooms (with this was topped with a cornice or valance (to hide the hardware).

This traditional treatment carries on today in period or very formal or dressy rooms. The modern tendency is to think of curtains as sash curtains (o�ten unlined and in a variety of lengths), and draperies (never drapes) as

those that draw, completely closing o�f the window. Another modern move is to drape and swag fabric loosely over a decorative rod or pole, in a nod to conventional valances and swags. O�ten, swags serve no function, but earn their keep by looking dramatic.


How long should curtains or draperies be? Generally, the longer the curtain or drapery, the more look. Shorter lengths always imply a casual, relaxed, and informal mood. The decision is up to you. Take a look at the following guidelines to 1. Dressy or casual, curtain lengths add to the mood of any room. 2. In formal or dressy rooms, curtains should just touch the �loor. 3. A romantic room deserves elegant, extra-long curtains that pool or puddle on the �loor. 4. Curtains to the sill, or to the bottom of the window trim (called the apron), look great and are practical in a kitchen. 5. Never hang curtains of any length near a stove! 6. Dens or family rooms gain dignity from draw draperies or curtains that reach to the �loor. 7. Curtains that stop short of the �loor, ending at the top of �loor moldings, look awkward. If curtains are hung too high, simply lower them (if possible) to solve the problem.

Not all windows are beautiful. Fortunately, draperies can ways to make windows more wonderful: 1. Window too short? Attaching rods just below the ceiling molding and hanging long, to-the-�loor curtains make the window look longer and more elegant. 2. Window awkwardly long? Add a deep cornice or valance above draperies with a bold horizontal pattern. Create further distraction by adding a horizontal line in the form of a strongly contrasting louvered shutter.

3. Window too narrow? Extend curtain rods beyond the window and hang draperies so that they barely cover the frame, leaving as much glass exposed as possible, all of which makes a narrow window seem wider. 4. Window too wide? A huge window wall can overpower a room. Break up the space by hanging several panels across the window. They can hang straight, or be tied back in pairs. If draperies must be drawn for privacy, let the panels hang straight and rig drawstrings so that the panels close as though they are separate pairs of draperies.

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4 simple and everyday questions people ask about curtains and blinds curtain rods to hang curtains in between and 10” curtain rod?


and less visually broken up… and it might even create the look of one big window instead of three smaller ones next to each other. You can see how adding curtain panels where there are slivers of wall creates a breezy e�fect and makes smaller side-by-side windows look like one big wall of glass.

Q: What’s your general philosophy on window treatments?

A: We believe that curtains and blinds can make for

the biggest change in a room next to paint. They’re hugely important for a major makeover, and can add height, drama, breezy ambiance, so�tness, and

encourage everyone to give them a spin! We’re generally not big fans of valances, but we love the �loor length curtain and blind combination and we always hang them “high and wide” as we say so o�ten. This means that we like hanging outside mounted bamboo blinds or roman shades a few inches below the ceiling to “cheat” a window up, and create the e�fect that it’s much taller and grander than it really is. Then hanging a curtain rod at the same level as the blinds, but extending the rod about 18” wider than the window on both sides creates the look of a much wider window and allows the curtain panels to hang in front of the wall instead of encroaching on the window and blocking lots of much-needed light. When in doubt, go high and wide- it’ll make your ceilings feel taller, your room feel brighter, and your windows look HUGE!

Q: I have three windows along one wall of my living room with about a foot of wall in between each one. Should I do three small


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Q: Can you use your curtain and blind method I’d love to make it appear more symmetrical.

A: We’d totally vote for cheating the curtains over a bit for the appearance of a more balanced window. Once the panels are in place no one will know where the wall ends and the window begins! We actually cheated the heck out of our living room window and even the bedroom window with long �loor length curtains (since they’re both not centered) and it adds a lot more balance and symmetry to each room. Q: We have a large window in our living room that I’d love to try your curtains/bamboo blinds combo, however, we have a sliding glass patio door on the same wall. Would it look weird to have curtains at di�ferent heights on the same wall? Would it be weird to use the roman blinds on the patio door? What do you think?

A: I’d use the blinds and the curtains on both the windows and the sliding glass door for instant cohesion and balance. I’d also go out of my way to hang them at the same level (cheat one set higher so they look more symmetrical and balanced). Voila: height, so�tness and elegance to spare.


Browns are an extremely poplar decorating choice. They are rich, neutral and warm. A blend of soothing and neutral palette with glamorous and eye catching lighting creates a classically elegant living room.

Location: Airport Accra Visualizers: Real Group

Create a Chic and Warm Lounge Careful planning and glamorous touches have made this living room both functional and fabulous - the ideal place to relax and host. * To get all your accessories similar to what is in the image, contact Scene Interiors


Art / Paintings

shinny metalic lamp post adds class to an interior space, its simplicity and geometric designs adds on to the space.

Art is the intepretation of a subjectand if you want to express yourself about a subject, it is through paintings so be careful the kind of painting you buy to your house. it says alot about who you are.




weep tter s lu c ly week quick tion collec 1. Do a k o o b your anize s 2. Org cubbie wls & o b , s tray 3. Use wires bles & a c e e aniz rnitur 4. Org ge fu a r o t es ize th 5. Util

for 5 tips


Me-Ing Let’s concentrate on how to make the bathroom an awesome room. Buried beneath all the things we squeeze our lives everyday, there is something we shouldn’t forget to take care of ourselves. The bathroom is probably the only place in the home where everyone of us can be 100% alone. This small, wonderful, private place is where you can escape the outside world, even if for only few minutes. Use these tips to create that small elegant room.


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Simple Luxury The design can either be simple

In decorating the bathroom,

or luxurious. A simple room can

consider the theme that you

be created using pastel colors

like. It is easy to make necessary

such as cream, green and white.

changes when you know how it

Alternatively, an elegant room

should look like a�ter decorating

can be created using metal,

it. This is useful when you’re

marble and glass. In choosing

about to beautify the room by

bathroom accessories, the best thing to consider is their form and function.

Location: Spintex, Accra Visualizers: Dzyn


Choosing a tile for your Bathroom The bathroom is the most popular tiles. This is largely down to the hygienic and waterproof solutions they have compared to wallpaper, carpets and most paints. In addition, tiles can add potential value to a bathroom and o�fer some matched by other materials. Before you buy ceramic tiles for your bathroom, decide what kind of design you want it to have. I suggest you keep the same style for the entire house. But you can try implementing ‘crazy’ ideas for your personal bathroom. If you are remodeling a guest bathroom I advise you to keep it simple.

Bring nature indoors!

Have you considered natural stone tiles in your bathroom such as travertine, marble or slate? These can create some fantastic e�fects! Due to the increased popularity of natural stone tiles, many tile manufacturers are now producing ceramic/porcelain tiles with designs that replicate natural stone. Visit - Floors, Baths and More for a variety of natural stone tiles.

10 Tips for Choosing Tiles and Buying Tiles Below are our general tips for choosing tiles for your home. 1

Buy ceramic tiles that match bathroom design.

For example – buy rustic tiles if you want a rustic design for the bathroom. Match them with the furniture, the rest of the colors (white/ yellow/ beige/ so�t brown/ dark red), shower curtain and Select a design that is close to your personality.


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In general, tiles actually retain heat so they shouldn’t feel cold on your feet, however it can o�ten depend on the surface underneath the tiles. For example, tiling onto wood (which can ‘breath’) will create a warmer feel than tiles that are placed on top of concrete.


Light colours

Choose light colours to make a small/dark room feel bigger and brighter. Go for a white and black combination if you want a sober look. To give it a unique touch you should choose an object (towels, shower curtain) with a contrasting color. If you want a cheerful design pick a combination of vivid colors. Create a dynamic �looring pattern to represent your lifestyle. Most young people like this type of combinations. Pick two colors to combine the tiles and create a diagonal pattern. 3

Be adventurous!

However, don’t be afraid of colour, which can also create some unique e�fects and environments in your home. Personal preference is the key. Be careful though not to be too adventurous. choose the right tiles for the right bathroom. Tiles with a childish pattern are suitable for a kid’s bathroom. 4

Blend in those grout lines

Choose a tile grout colour that compliments your tiles to help blend in grout lines. 7

Bigger is not always better

If your wall or �loor will require a lot of tile smaller tiles to give a better �low. Size is important when it comes to ceramic tiles. For a small bathroom - small ceramic tiles are the best solution because they fool the eye and make the space seem wider. Also, light colored ceramic tile re�lect light and widen the room. Large bathroom owners can pick any type of ceramic tiles. Mosaic is very good option for both small and large bathrooms. The tiles have a normal size, but they seem a lot smaller. Because these tiles have a normal size they are easy bathrooms as choosing light colors. 8

Use borders and decors

Add extra interest by breaking up your wall tiling with border tiles and decors. 9

Maintenance get the right advice

If you are purchasing natural stone tiles (i.e. travertine, marble, slate), make sure you get the right advice for sealing and treating the

Don’t compromise

See tiles as an investment, not a cost; never compromise on quality, which can still be picked up at great prices. 5


Plan ahead

Always purchase an additional 5-10% more tiles than you actually need. This allows you (or the tiler) to compensate for cuts and breakages and ensures you have the same batch/shade should you have needed additional tiles. Most companies will o�fer a refund on unused boxes of tiles.


Don’t be afraid to ask for advice

Don’t be afraid to seek services of an architect or interior designer; they are fully trained and may bring to your attention things you may not have otherwise considered. To complete a bathroom design tiles are very important. Choosing the wrong tiles can mess up the whole design. Tiles should be picked carefully because they cannot be changed very o�ten like a piece of furniture, for example. Tiles are very resistant and if you want to do a bathroom remodeling I’d suggest you go for ceramics than parquet. Tiles are easier to clean than parquet and more durable. www.scenecatalogue.com - Scene Catalogue 2014


Mid-Century Modern Always in style are earth tones and classic white. Either of these will give you an elegant appearance and re�lects natural light. If your aim is for a Mediterranean or country decor, choose colors like peach and yellow that are lively and will give you that cozier feel. Blue, green and violet give you a tranquil or cool feel and re�lect the shades of the ocean. Location: Airport, Accra Visualizers: Real Group

Natural Stone appropriate for small and large rooms. A cabinet for towels is useful to save space, along with shelves for hygiene products and cosmetics. You can simply improve your bathroom’s appearance by using bathtub, bathroom taps, showers and bathroom lights.

Location: Ridge, Accra Visualizer: Archie

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Sleep-Ing Let’s concentrate on how to arrange the furniture in your bedroom for a good sleep and comfort. A bedroom should be an oasis of tranquility, not a home for ashtrays, litter boxes or a dumping ground for laundry. Other than the bathroom, a bedroom is probably the only other room where one can be truly alone. It should be a room where one can think great thoughts, fantasize, meditate, cry and, for many, get romantic. Doing these activities in other locations, (i.e., the kitchen) can be dangerous and (i.e., in the car), downright illegal. Use these tips for your bedroom


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Bedroom Choose the location for the bed. The

Location: Airport, Accra

bed is usually the largest bedroom

Visualizers: Real Group

furniture and should be placed bed in a corner for a dramatic and romantic look. In medium to small bedrooms, place it against a wall with the headboard touching the wall. Make sure you can easily walk around the bed.

Scene Catalogue 2014



How to arrange furniture in your bedroom Bedrooms are highly personal rooms. For adults, they often represent a quiet haven from the stresses of everyday living. For children, bedrooms become a safe place where they can store their possessions and play without interruption. While there are some general rules that should be followed, the important thing to keep in mind is to arrange bedroom furniture so that space and function are maximized without giving up style and design.


The bed is the key piece of furniture in any bedroom, and it naturally becomes the focal point. Bedroom furniture is traditionally arranged according to a few general rules. For the most part based on common sense, here are some general guiding principle for you to follow: Traditionally, folks tend to place a double, queensized, or king-sized bed against the center of the wall opposite the main door to the room. With this arrangement, the headboard is the center of attention as you enter the room. If the dimensions of your room prevent you from positioning your bed on the wall across from the door, other possible choices depend on which walls are long enough to accommodate the bed. Diagonal placement works well when you have the space. Do not place a bed under a window, if the window will frequently be open. Open windows can create uncomfortable dra�ts. Positioning a bed between two windows, however, works well. 28

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If your home is air-conditioned or heated year-round and the windows are seldom open, you may be able to ignore this rule. Do not place the bed where it obstructs a door into the room or a walkway through the room. Consider nontraditional furniture arrangements if doing so will free up space or use space in a more interesting way. For example, a bed may look dramatic placed in front of a secure window; on a diagonal, which takes up extra space; sideways along a wall, to maximize �loor space; or in an alcove (a technique called lit clos). unique needs. Whether you’re decorating a master bedroom, a guest room, or a room for children, the following sections provide you with the tips you need.


A master bedroom doesn’t have to be huge, but it does need to o�fer the amenities you need. If your space is less masterful than you’d like, look at some of the following suggestions for decorating your bedroom: 1. Use only necessary furniture. If you can, push a chest of drawers into a walk-in closet to free up �loor space. 2. Keep the bed visually low. Use a headboard, but don’t use a footboard, and opt for something other than a fourposter bed, all of which tend to take up space visually, making the room seem smaller. 3. Keep all your furniture - like the rest of your color scheme - light. Light colored furniture, walls, �loors, window treatments, and bedding make a room seem bigger.


Teenagers usually know what they want in a bedroom and aren’t slow to tell you that they need storage for books and music and space for their collections of just about anything

ideas about style and colors, so ask! And when your son or daughter requests a wild color, do your best to persuade him or her to use it as an accent. More and more activities from place in a teen’s room. Extra seating and small tables provide space for visitors. Keep furnishings practical and easy to care for.


Nurseries must be planned with the child’s future years in mind. But

Regardless of the size of your master bedroom, the following tips can help you to make it as comfortable as possible:

3. Consider carpeting all bedroom �loors to reduce noise in the room. 4. Add a lady’s desk - a small, delicately proportioned furnishing for writing letters and so forth - if you have room.

3. Choose chests and cabinets that can’t be tipped over (even when drawers are opened and a child crawls up and into them). This may call for fastening them to the wall for security. 4. Find hardware that’s rounded, sanded, and has no sharp edges. 5. Equip all electrical outlets with plastic safeguard plugs. 6. Eliminate any small throw rugs on slippery �loors. 7. Choose bunk beds with sturdy ladders, handrails, and safety rails. 8. Make sure you have a guest bed for occasional sleepovers. A trundle bed, which neatly stores a second bed beneath a regular one, is the ideal solution for children’s rooms.


1. Add bedside tables that are as big as space will allow. If you read or watch TV in bed, you’ll 2. Try to make room for at least one comfortable chair. Chairs are great for company on a sick day, for daytime resting, or for reading.

posts should be no more than 2-3/8 inches apart from each other. Make sure a child can’t release the drop side of a crib.

from the beginning, make room for a changing table near the crib. As always, keep safety in mind. The following tips will help you do all of these things: 1. Keep cribs away from windows and window blind cords. 2. Make sure cribs and bunk beds meet federal safety standards.

Setting aside a room for guests makes their stay more comfortable not only for them, but also for you. You can furnish the guest room with a marvelous bed and all the necessary furnishings and forget about it. Check out the following suggestions for ways to make your guest room comfortable: Buy a handsome, space-saving against the wall and out of the way. Dedicate two sets of sheets, a comforter, special pillows, a duvet cover, and pillow shams to your guest room.

snugly against the crib’s sides. Slats, spindles, rods, and corner www.scenecatalogue.com - Scene Catalogue 2014


Mid-Century Modern Balance the room: Place a substantial piece of furniture opposite the bed, if you can, to balance out the room. This could be a long dresser, vanity or even a lounge. If the room is small, the bed should be the only large item. In that case, leave the wall opposite the bed free of any furniture. Think about comfort: Don’t put the bed under a window, as the heat and cold from the window may

Location: Accra Visualizers: Real Group


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Traditional Living Room Place a nightstand on either side of the bed: This is a common look for good reasons: Not only are the nightstands functional, but they also extend the look walls. Choose a place for the dresser: A tall dresser looks nice in a corner, and a low dresser functions very well under a window. Again, if you have a small room, consider putting the dresser in the closet or forgoing a dresser entirely in favor of a closet system. Location: Accra Visualizers: Real Group

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Mixing Colour, Texture And Pattern In Your Interior Space Color, pattern, and texture are the stylistic building blocks of your home decorating palette. These three elements create the style, mood, and feel of each room in your home.

Creating with color 1. Paint small spaces in whispers of a cool, light color. 2. 3. Light, cool colors make walls seem to fade away into the distance, making rooms seem spacious. 4. Dark, warm colors make walls seem to come closer. 5. For the best color schemes, pick neutral colors that you’ll never grow tired of.

8. Use stronger shades in a smaller amount on smaller spaces or items, such as a short wall or a chair. 9. Employ the strongest accent color in the smallest spaces and places. 10. Scatter accent color around the room to make an impact.

6. Distribute colors naturally, with dark colors on the �loor, medium colors on the walls, and light colors on the ceiling. Use the law of chromatic distribution: 7. Put neutral colors on large surfaces or objects, such as the �loor and sofa.

Playing with patterns Pattern is the decorative design or ornamentation of a surface, usually obtained by repeating a design motif. When you see pattern from a great distance, the motifs become so small that you no longer see them as single elements, but perceive them as texture. Pattern can be structural or applied. Structural pattern is inherent in the construction or assembling of a 34

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surface, while applied pattern is only decorative and it is added a�ter the surface is complete. Mixing patterns in fashion happens all the time but people seem to shy away from doing it in their homes. The trick to mixing patterns is to start with a bold scale. If you’re crazy about patterns, there are a few tips that can help you keep the interior harmonious and balanced:

1. Use pattern as an accent. Jazz up calming interiors with accessories, a few scattered cushions and throws in striking patterns can li�t a room without making it chaotic. 2. Vary the scale of the pattern according to the size of your room. If your room is small, you’re better o�f sticking to small scale patterns, but bear in mind that these will tend to be perceived as texture, or even solid, in large interiors. Large-scale patterns medium-scale patterns easier to place, and live with. 3. Unify the patterns in a room choosing a color common to all of them, or choose the same pattern in di�ferent scales, or di�ferent colors. 4. Limit the number of patterns to just a few, unless they’re muted and subtle, to avoid the room looking chaotic.

7. Not sure when enough is enough? Play it safe! Use three di�ferent patterns that contrast in scale but relate in color. 8. patterns. To do so, let one large-scaled pattern dominate over one medium-scaled �loral and another geometric, and toss in two small-scaled accent patterns (your choice of �loral or geometric). Make sure the colors in the large-scaled pattern are repeated in all the others. 9. Place pattern everywhere! Put the same pattern on the walls, windows, and furnishings. 10. Although an e�fective tool for interior design, overdo it: competing patterns don’t make the space more interesting, only busy and cluttered.

5. Find one pattern that you love, and build the whole room around it – for example, start with a stenciled oriental pattern, then choose fabrics and rugs in similar patterns. 6. Mix patterns such as checks with �loral or largescaled patterns with small-scaled patterns.

Toying with texture Texture is the surface quality of an object, resulting from its three-dimensional structure, and is o�ten used to describe the relative smoothness or roughness of a surface.

2. It a�fects the maintenance of an interior. Smooth surfaces may show dirt and scu�f, but they are usually easy to clean, while rough surfaces may

If you want to add more interest to a room without mixing too many colors or patterns, another way to add depth is to use texture. Note the following when you want to decorate with texture.

3. Texture can be used e�fectively to add interest and character to a room. However, since texture tends to

1. Texture a�fects colour: smooth, glossy surfaces look cooler than rough, opaque surfaces, so you could warm up a blue wall by applying texture to it, or cool down a red cabinet by applying a glossy varnish over it.

4. Texture is particularly e�fective in monochromatic interiors; use it to add depth and create a visually engaging room.

o�f using subtle texture, and in small quantities.

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Wood as a sustainable building material DID YOU KNOW THAT…? • Wood has been used as a building material for thousands of years in its natural state. Wood is a product of trees, and used for construction purposes when cut or pressed into lumber and timber, such as boards, planks and similar materials. It is a generic building material and is used in building just about any type of structure in most climates. Wood can be very �lexible under loads, keeping strength while bending, and is incredibly strong when compressed vertically. • Wood is considered a sustainable building material because it is derived from a renewable source and has low embodied energy. This re�lects the minimal non-renewable energy used in the production of timber and its application in construction. It also has sound thermal properties, meaning that timber structures rely less on carbon-emitting heating and cooling appliances than


buildings constructed of other materials. • Wood is also durable, since many products, particularly hardwoods, have a service life of greater than 50 years and o�ten require little energy in maintenance. Consider the age of any wooden dining table you may have in your home, or hardwood �looring? • Wood can also be recycled, which is important in terms of storing carbon through the life of a product and its transformation. Wood products look nice too, don’t you think? • Wood is an organic, hygroscopic and anisotropic material. Its thermal, acoustic, electrical, mechanical, aesthetic, working, etc. properties are very suitable to use and to build a comfortable house. With other materials, it is almost impossible. But wood has some disadvantages too. Following are some very short information about this subject.

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Thermal Properties: As we know, many materials change in size and volume as the temperature changes. They expand with increasing of the temperature and this means linear and volumetric expansion. The expansion causes decrease in the strength of materials. Steel, which is inorganic and noncombustible and therefore has an used in buildings, it expands and collapses as a result of increase in heat. Wood does not practically expand against heat. On the contrary, by the e�fect of heat, it dries out and gains strength. The only time wood expands a little is when the humidity level is below

humidity level of wood does not drop under 5% even in the driest climate.

Acoustic Properties: Sound isolation is based on the mass of the surface. Wood, as a light material, is not very perfect for sound isolation; But it is ideal for sound absorption. Wood prevents echo and noise by absorbing sound. For this reason it is extensively used in concert halls. Aesthetic Properties: Wood is a decorative material. Each tree has its own color, design and smell. The design of a tree does change according to the way it is sliced. It is possible to

Long Life Materials Materials for modern wooden houses are made of quality wood are made of durable materials, for which such a house can serve as shelter for many generations. The nature and properties of the wood creates a cozy feeling and good mood in the room. With its features, the house plays the role of regulator of humidity.


There are some disadvantages of wood but they are easy to disregard, and eliminate as long as the cause is known.

according to color and design preference. It can be painted to Shrinkage and Swelling of Wood: darker colors of varnished, and Wood is a hygroscopic material. can be given bright or mat touches. This means that it will adsorb Variation: surrounding condensable vapors There are more than 5000 kinds and loses moisture to air below the of woods in the world. Their and microscopic structures are di�ferent. Accordingly, their physical, thermal, acoustic, electrical and mechanical properties are also di�ferent. Because of this variety, it is for needs. For instance, for heat isolation and sound absorption woods in lightweight are used. Similarly, heavy ones are used for construction purposes. Friendly in production In the design of wooden houses using modern construction solutions are environmentally friendly in production and habitation.

Deterioration of Wood: The agents causing the deterioration and destruction of wood fall into two categories: Biotic (biological) and abiotic (non-biological). Biotic agents include decay and mold fungi, bacteria and insects. Abiotic agents include sun, wind, Fire: Another disadvantage of wood is consists of organic compounds which are composed mainly of carbon and hydrogen. They can combine with oxygen and burns because of these properties, wood material.


There are many di�ferent types of timbers used in construction. All have their own individual properties and strengths. So careful selection, for the correct timber for the job should be taken into consideration.


We are probably all used to hearing these terms but what do they mean? The term hardwood designates wood from broad-leaved trees. Hardwood contrasts with so�twood, which comes from conifer trees. Hardwoods are generally more resistant to decay than so�twoods when used for exterior work, however, solid hardwood joinery is expensive compared to so�twood (in the past, tropical hardwoods were easily available but the supply is now restricted due to sustainability issues).

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