The Wanderer Magazine - Summer '23

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Summer 2023 Wanderer Travel Guide Magazine TOP BEST TRAVEL DESTINATIONS THIS SUMMER IN THE OTTAWA VALLEY Must See Scenic Stops Unique Accommodations Events of the Summer SCENIC ROUTECO.

Travelling in the Ottawa Valley

Magazine by Scenic Route Co.

WelcometotheOttawaValley,aregionrichinnatural beauty,history,andcharm.NestledbetweentheOttawa RiverandtheAlgonquinProvincialPark,thispicturesque destinationoffersamyriadofexperiencesfortraveller's seekingtranquility,adventure,andagenuineconnection withnature.Inthismagazine,wewilltakeyouonajourney throughsomeoftheOttawaValley'shiddengems,where youcanimmerseyourselfinbreathtakinglandscapes, indulgeinoutdooractivities,anduncovertheregion's fascinatingheritage.

Strollthroughhistoricdowntownstreetsadornedwith charmingboutiques,cafes,andartgalleries.Experience theregion'sculturalheritageatlocalmuseumsand heritagesites,showcasingthestoriesofitspioneersand indigenouspeoples.Engageinconversationswithfriendly localswhoarealwayseagertosharetheirloveforthe OttawaValley.

TheOttawaValleyisatruehavenfortravellersseekingan escapeintonature'swonderland.Withitsbreathtaking landscapes,charmingtowns,andthrillingoutdoor adventures,theregionhassomethingtoofferevery wanderer.Whetheryou'reexploringthedepthsofancient caves,paddlingthroughserenelakes,orimmersing yourselfintherichlocalheritage,theOttawaValley promisesanunforgettableexperiencethatwillleaveyou yearningtoreturn.So,packyourbags,andletthemagicof theOttawaValleysweepyouoffyourfeetonan unforgettablejourneyofdiscovery.

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Wanderer Summer '23 Edition Ottawa Valley The Wanderer Magazine ~ Ottawa Valley Page 3
Ottawa Valley

Admaston BrombleyTownship

Dragon Fly Golf Links

A Picturesque Golfing Paradise

Nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Renfrew, Ontario, Dragonfly Golf Links is a hidden gem that beckons both seasoned golfersandnovicesalike.Thisidyllicgolfcourse, with its breathtaking scenery and meticulously designed fairways, offers a golfing experience likenoother.Joinusasweexploretheallureof Dragonfly Golf Links and discover why it has become a must-visit destination for golf enthusiastsfromfarandwide.

Dragonfly Golf Links is a golfer's dreamland, boastingtwodistinctninesthatcatertoplayers ofallskilllevels.Whetheryou'reaseasonedpro looking for a challenging round or a beginner eager to sharpen your swing, this golfing paradise has something to offer for everyone. The course's strategic layout and wellmanicuredgreensprovideabalancedblendof playability and difficulty, ensuring an enjoyable and rewarding experience for all who tee off here.

As you embark on your golfing journey at Dragonfly, you'll find yourself surrounded by breathtakingbeautyateveryturn.Thecourseis nestled amidst rolling hills, meandering creeks, andlushwoodlands,

creating a picturesque backdrop that elevates thegolfingexperiencetoahigherlevel.Withits harmonious blend of natural elements and thoughtful landscaping, Dragonfly Golf Links promisesnotonlyagolfingadventurebutalso atranquilescapefromthehustleandbustleof everydaylife.

It was built in 1996 and opened its doors in 1997asa9holegolfcourse.Theback9holes werethenbuiltin1998andopenedin1999as a 18 hole golf course. In 2005 Dragonfly Golf Links was purchased by Terry McLaughlin of Ottawaandsincethen,Terryhascommittedto improvingthecourseatalllevels.

Dragonfly is a natural looking 18-hole golf course with two nines that blend nicely but vary slightly. The front nine is a links design whilethebacknineiscutfromthesurrounding rockandtreelandscapeandwillrequiremore accuracyofftheteetoscorewell.

The friendly and knowledgeable staff are always on hand to ensure that guests receive personalized attention and assistance. Before or after your round, the clubhouse offers a welcoming space to relax, enjoy a delicious meal, and share stories of your golfing triumphs.

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955 Opeongo Rd, Renfrew, ON

Algonquins of Pikwaknagan First Nation

Algonquin Way Cultural Centre

Embracing Indigenous Heritage

Nestled amidst the serene beauty of Golden Lake, the Algonquin Way Cultural Centre stands as a beacon of indigenous heritage and a celebration of the Algonquin First Nation. Steeped in rich history and cultural significance, thiscentre servesasa bridge betweenthepast and present, providing visitors with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the traditions, art, and wisdom of the Algonquin people. Explore the essence of the Algonquin Way Cultural Centre, its mission, and the enrichingexperiencesitofferstobothlocalsand travellersalike.

At the heart of the Algonquin Way Cultural Centre's mission lies the preservation and promotion of Algonquin heritage. With an unwavering commitment to honouring their ancestors, their centre showcases a diverse range of artifacts, traditional crafts, and historicalnarrativesthatbringtolifetheculture and wisdom passed down through generations. Visitorscanembarkonacaptivatingjourneythat delves into the spiritual beliefs, cultural practices, and the deep connection Algonquin peoplehavewiththelandtheyhavecalledhome forcenturies.

The centre's exhibits provide an immersive experience, allowing visitors to explore the Algonquin way of life throughout history. From intricate beadwork to traditional garments, the artistry of the Algonquin people is showcased in stunning detail. Artifacts, carefully curated and displayed, narrate stories of resilience, survival, and the harmonious relationship with nature.Theculturalcentreaimstoeducateand foster an appreciation for the Algonquin heritage, instilling a sense of reverence for the landanditsoriginalinhabitants.

One of the centre's most engaging aspects is its offering of interactive workshops and cultural programs. Guided by knowledgeable Algonquin educators, visitors can partake in activities such as traditional drumming circles, language classes, and craft-making sessions. These experiences provide an intimate understandingoftheAlgonquinwayoflifeand create a space for cross-cultural exchange, fostering mutual respect and appreciation. Visitors can take pride in knowing that their supportdirectlycontributestothepreservation ofAlgonquincultureandthecontinuityoftheir traditions.

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1674 Mishomis Inamo, Golden Lake, ON

Pow Wow

Embracing Traditions

83 Kagagimin Inamo, Golden Lake, ON

In the heart of the Ottawa Valley, the Golden LakePowWowstandsasavibrantcelebrationof Indigenous culture, heritage, and community. With its rhythmic drumbeats, dazzling regalia, and mesmerizing dances, this annual event has become a cherished tradition, drawing people fromallwalksoflifetohonourandembracethe rich tapestry of First Nations' customs. In this article,wewilldelveintothemagicoftheGolden Lake Pow Wow, exploring its significance, the captivating festivities, and the spirit of unity it fostersamongattendees.

The Golden Lake Pow Wow is more than just a festival; it is a profound and meaningful tribute totheIndigenousheritagethathasflourishedin the Ottawa Valley for countless generations. As the rhythmic heartbeat of Mother Earth echoes throughthepowwowgrounds,participantsand spectatorscometogethertohonourthewisdom of their ancestors, rekindling the flame of cultural pride and preservation. It is a powerful testament to the resilience of Indigenous communities,whosecustomshavebeenpassed down through the ages, surviving adversity and standingstrongagainstthesandsoftime.

August 19, 20, 2023

The pow wow grounds hold immense significance in Indigenous culture. Carefully chosenfortheirspiritualenergyandconnection to the land, these sacred spaces become a meeting point between past and present. The Golden Lake Pow Wow grounds exude a palpable sense of unity, where the rhythmic beat of the drums resonates in harmony with the heartbeat of every participant. The sacred fire, symbolizing community and spirituality, burns brightly as a reminder of the enduring flamethatconnectsallgenerations. One of the most captivating aspects of the GoldenLakePowWowisthearrayofintricately crafted regalia worn by the dancers. Each regalia is a labor of love, meticulously adorned with vibrant colors, intricate beadwork, and sacred symbols that carry profound meanings withinIndigenousculture.Theregaliaservesas a living expression of identity, heritage, and the deepconnectionthatindividualshavewiththeir roots.Thesightofdancersswirlinggracefullyin theirregaliaduringthegrandentryisasightto behold,evokingasenseofprideandadmiration fortheirartisticandculturalheritage.

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Pow Wow

Embracing Traditions

The pow wow dances are the heartbeat of the event, captivating all who witness their beauty and significance. From the graceful and elegant Women's Traditional Dance to the powerful and exuberant Men's Fancy Dance, each dance style tells a story and holds special meaning within Indigenoustraditions.Thebeatofthedrumand the singers' melodic voices guide the dancers, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle that embodiestheessenceofIndigenousspirituality, unity,andcelebration.

The Golden Lake Pow Wow is not only an opportunity to celebrate and showcase Indigenous culture but also a chance to foster unityandcommunityspirit.Peoplefromdiverse backgrounds come together to partake in the festivities, forging connections and building bridges of understanding and respect. It serves as a reminder that cultural heritage is not confined to one group but is a treasure that enrichestheentirecommunity. TheGoldenLakePowWowisacherishedannual event that weaves the threads of tradition, culture, and community into a tapestry of unity andcelebration.

August 19, 20, 2023

As the sacred drumbeats resound across the pow wow grounds, it ignites a sense of pride, admiration,andappreciationfortheIndigenous heritage that thrives within the Ottawa Valley. Thepowwowservesasapowerfulreminderof the importance of preserving and honoring culturaltraditions,fosteringunderstanding,and building bridges of unity between diverse communities. For all who attend, the Golden Lake Pow Wow is an unforgettable journey into theheartofIndigenousculture,leavingalasting impactonthesoulandaprofoundappreciation fortherichnessofhumanheritage.

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Bonnechere Valley

The Rusty Lantern Barn Boutique

Supporting Small Business Delights


Nestled in the charming town of Eganville, Ontario,liesatruetreasuretroveforbothlocals and visitors seeking unique, handcrafted products that reflect the heart and soul of multiple small businesses. This store is not only ashoppingdestinationbutalsoavibranthubfor supporting local artisans, entrepreneurs, and creativeminds.Inthisarticle,wewilltakeyouon a journey through this remarkable store in Eganville, where each purchase carries the essence of countless dreams, talents, and aspirations.

The store's mission is crystal clear: to provide a platformforsmallbusinessestoshowcasetheir products and flourish in the local community. With the ever-growing presence of big-box retailers, this store stands out as a beacon of hope for artisans and entrepreneurs looking to share their passion with a wider audience. By curating a diverse collection of goods, ranging from handcrafted art to artisanal foods, the store fosters a thriving ecosystem that benefits the town's economy and preserves its unique culturalidentity.

Stepping inside the store, visitors are greeted by an array of one-of-a-kind products, each telling a story of its own. From hand-poured candles, locally sourced honey, and organic skincare products to hand-knit scarves, intricately designed pottery, and artful jewelry, every item carries the touch of its creator's heart and soul. The store's commitment to diversity ensures that there's something for everyone, making it a delightful place to find a specialgiftorapersonaltreat.

Every purchase made at this store contributes directlytothegrowthandempowermentofthe localeconomy.Bysupportingsmallbusinesses, thestoreplaysavitalroleinkeepingthetown's entrepreneurial spirit alive. The ripple effect of this support extends beyond the store's walls, strengthening the fabric of the entire community.

Forthosewhoseekmorethanjustapurchase, butanauthenticconnectionwiththeheartofa community,thisstoreoffersanexperiencethat leavesanindeliblemarkonboththevisitorand thelocalbusinessesitfeatures.

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Bonnechere Street West, Eganville, ON

Brudenell Lyndoch Raglan Township

Beryl Pit Quarry

Unearthing History

3469 Hwy 515 Quadeville, ON

Deep within the rugged wilderness of Ontario's beautiful Quadeville region lies a hidden gem known as the Beryl Pit, also recognized as the Quadeville East Mine. Steeped in geological significance and historical heritage, this abandonedminesiteisatreasuretroveofberyl crystals,providingaglimpseintotherichmining historyofthearea.

The Beryl Pit is renowned for its remarkable deposits of beryl crystals, a precious mineral thatcapturestheimaginationofbothgeologists and gem enthusiasts alike. Beryl is a beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate and exists in various colorvariations,eachwithitsowndistinctallure. From emerald-green to aquamarine-blue and even colorless, these crystals hold a unique allurethathasattractedmineralcollectorsfrom farandwidetothisremotelocation.

The Beryl Pit served as an active mining site during the heyday of mineral extraction in the region. Beryl was highly sought-after for its gemstonequalityanditsuseinvariousindustrial applications. The mine was instrumental in supplying this valuable resource, and its existencesignificantlycontributedtothegrowth anddevelopmentoftheQuadevillearea.

The Beryl Pit is a paradise for gemstone enthusiasts and amateur mineral collectors. Though no longer an active mining site, visitors are welcome to explore the surface and collect beryl crystals scattered throughout the area. The thrill of uncovering a well-formed beryl specimenisanexperiencelikenoother,making itapopulardestinationforrockhoundsseeking toaddauniquegemtotheircollection. While the Beryl Pit offers an enchanting experience, it is essential for visitors to tread withutmostrespectforthenaturalenvironment and historical heritage. Collectors are encouragedtofollowethicalpractices,ensuring that they leave the site as they found it and preserving the area for future generations to appreciate.

The Beryl Pit is located approx 2.1 km north of Quadeville. The site is made up of two mines, Quadeville East Mine (Beryl Pit) and the QuadevilleWestMine(RoseQuartzQuarry).The Beryl Pit is currently owned by the company Aquarose, and there is a fee for collecting. You can purchase mineral collecting permits for the BerylPitatKauffeldt’sCornerStore,wherethey willalsogiveyoudirectionstothemine.

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Paddler Co-Op

Uniting Paddlers

6535 Palmer Rd, Palmer Rapids, ON

IntheheartofOntario'spaddlingparadiseliesa vibrantcommunity-driveninitiativeknownasthe Palmer Rapids Paddler Co-op. As the sun sets overtherushingwatersoftheMadawaskaRiver, this cooperative stands as a beacon of unity, passion, and camaraderie among paddling enthusiasts. With a shared love for adventure and nature, members of the co-op come together to explore the beauty of the river and support sustainable paddling practices. In this article, we will delve into the spirit of togetherness fostered by the Palmer Rapids Paddler Co-op and its impact on the local paddlingcommunity.

The Palmer Rapids Paddler Co-op was born out of a collective desire to share the joys of paddlingwithfellowenthusiastswhilepreserving the pristine natural environment of the Madawaska River. Founded and operated by paddlers themselves, the co-op functions as a member-driven organization, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among its community.

MembersareencouragedtoembraceLeaveNo Trace principles, ensuring that their paddling excursions have minimal impact on the river's delicateecosystem.

One of the primary advantages of being a member of the Palmer Rapids Paddler Co-op is the access to high-quality gear and equipment.Theco-opmaintainsafleetofwellmaintained canoes, kayaks, and safety gear, ensuringthateverypaddlerhasthetoolsthey need for a safe and enjoyable journey on the river.Thissharedresourceallowsmembersto explorevarioustypesofwatercraftwithoutthe burdenofownership.

The co-op offers guided trips and skill development programs led by seasoned paddling experts. These trips provide opportunities for members to explore new routes, learn essential paddling techniques, and deepen their appreciation for the natural wonders that surround them. The camaraderie that emerges during these journeysfosterslastingfriendshipsandshared memories.

Beyondpaddlingexcursions,theco-ophostsa variety of community-building events throughout the year. From paddling festivals and river races to educational workshops and socialgatherings,theseeventsbringmembers togethertocelebratetheirsharedpassionfor paddling.

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Paddler Co-Op

Uniting Paddlers

As a collective voice for paddlers in the region, the Palmer Rapids Paddler Co-op actively advocates for responsible paddling practices and river conservation. The co-op collaborates with local authorities and environmental organizations to promote sustainable tourism and protect the natural beauty of the MadawaskaRiverforfuturegenerations.

The Palmer Rapids Paddler Co-op serves as an inspiring example of how a shared passion for paddling can unite a community, fostering a sense of responsibility, camaraderie, and environmental stewardship. As members embarkontheirpaddlingjourneys,theynotonly deepen their connection with nature but also form lasting friendships with like-minded individuals. The co-op's commitment to sustainable practices ensures that the Madawaska River's pristine beauty remains a treasure to be cherished by generations to come. Through the Palmer Rapids Paddler Coop, paddlers have found not only a resourceful hub but also a community-driven haven that celebratestheartofpaddlingandthebeautyof thenaturalworld.

Are you planning a multi-day river trip, in need of group gear to outfit your adventure, or to rent camping equipment like tent rentals, sleeping bag rentals, barrels, packs and group gearlikeacampkitchenorwaniganrental? They'vegotyoucovered.

They use high-quality, leading designs of boats andgeartomaximizetheeffectivenessoftheir courses and provide the best possible experiencetotheirmembers

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City of Pembroke

Waterfront Boardwalk

Exploring Serenity

NestledalongthesparklingshoresoftheOttawa River, Pembroke, Ontario, boasts a hidden gem that captures the hearts of locals and visitors alike - the Waterfront Boardwalk. This picturesque promenade is a tranquil oasis, inviting strollers to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature while reviling in the breathtaking views of the river and surrounding landscapes. In this article, we will take you on a delightful journey along the Waterfront Boardwalk in Pembroke, exploring its charm, recreationalofferings,andthesenseofserenity itbestowsuponallwhowanderitspaths. The Waterfront Boardwalk in Pembroke is an idyllicescapefromthehustleandbustleofdaily life. Stretching gracefully along the Ottawa River's shoreline, the boardwalk offers a picturesque walkway that seamlessly merges with nature's splendor. Whether it's a leisurely morning stroll, a romantic sunset walk, or a peaceful afternoon escape, the boardwalk presents an unparalleled opportunity to savour thebeautyoftheoutdoors.

Asvisitorswanderalongtheboardwalk,theyare greetedbythegentlerustleofleaves,thescent of the river, and the sweet melody of chirping birds.

Theinvigoratingriversidebreezeisawelcome respite, offering a rejuvenating experience for the body and soul. The boardwalk's serene ambiance provides the perfect setting for contemplation, meditation, or simply appreciatingthebeautyofthenaturalworld. The star of the show along the Waterfront Boardwalk is undoubtedly the majestic Ottawa River. With its meandering waters, lush banks, and distant hills, the river's panorama captivates all who set their gaze upon it. The boardwalk's strategically placed viewpoints offer opportunities for photographers to capture stunning images of the landscape, while nature enthusiasts can spot various bird species and occasional river otters playing in thewater.

The Waterfront Boardwalk is not just for leisurelystrolls;italsocaterstothemoreactive souls. Joggers and cyclists find delight in the well-maintained path that stretches alongside the river, offering a scenic route for their exercise routines. The boardwalk is also accessible to individuals with mobility challenges,ensuringthateveryonecanpartake in the joys of this picturesque waterfront haven.

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Fred Blackstein Blvd, Pembroke, ON

August 28-September 4, 2023

Fiddle Week

A Melodic Celebration of Canadian Heritage

ThecharmingcityofPembroke,Ontario,comes alivewiththeresonantsoundsoffiddlesduring its much-anticipated Fiddle Week. This vibrant celebration of music and Canadian heritage draws fiddlers, musicians, and music enthusiasts from all corners of the country to revel in a week-long symphony of traditional tunes, lively jigs, and heartfelt melodies. In this article,wewilltakeyouonacaptivatingjourney throughFiddleWeekinPembroke,exploringits richculturalsignificance,musicalperformances, and the sense of camaraderie it fosters among attendees.

Rooted in the historical traditions of Canadian folk music, Fiddle Week in Pembroke pays homagetotheculturalheritagethatweavesits waythroughthefabricoftheOttawaValley.The fiddle has long been a symbol of celebration, storytelling,andcommunityinCanadianculture, and this event serves as a living testament to theenduringpowerofthesemusicalroots. ThroughoutFiddleWeek,Pembroketransforms intoavibrantstageforfiddlersandmusiciansto showcase their talents and enthrall audiences with their virtuosity. The festival's daily lineup includes live performances, jam sessions, and workshopsthat

delve into various styles and techniques of fiddling.Fromtoe-tappingjigstosoulfulballads, the music transcends language barriers and unites attendees through the shared love of music.

Fiddle Week plays a crucial role in preserving the region's rich folk traditions and passing them on to future generations. The festival offersuniqueopportunitiesforaspiringfiddlers andmusicianstolearnfromseasonedexperts, sharing their knowledge and passion for traditional music. Workshops cover everything from bowing techniques to regional variations offiddlingstyles,ensuringthatthesecherished folktraditionsendureforyearstocome.

FiddleWeekismorethanjustamusicalfestival; it is a celebration of community spirit and collaboration. The festival creates an inclusive and welcoming environment, inviting musicians ofallagesandskilllevelstocometogetherand share their talents. Whether it's joining impromptu jam sessions or collaborating in workshops, the sense of camaraderie among attendees fosters a warm and supportive atmosphere that resonates throughout the entireevent.

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401 Isabella St, Pembroke, ON

Fiddle Week

August 28-September 4, 2023

A Melodic Celebration of Canadian Heritage

In addition to the music, Fiddle Week also provides an opportunity to explore the local cultureandheritageofPembroke.Thefestivalis often accompanied by cultural exhibitions, artisan showcases, and culinary delights that highlight the best of the region. Visitors can immersethemselvesinthearea'straditions,art, and cuisine, gaining a deeper understanding of the rich history that has shaped the Ottawa Valley'suniqueidentity.

Fiddle Week pays tribute to Canadian fiddling legends who have left an indelible mark on the country's musical heritage. Through special performances and dedicated showcases, these musical icons are celebrated and remembered for their contributions to the Canadian cultural tapestry.Thefestivalservesasalivingtributeto thesefiddlinggreats,ensuringthattheirlegacies continuetoresonatewithaudiencesyoungand old.

Fiddle Week in Pembroke, Ontario, is a joyous celebration of music, culture, and community thatshowcasestheenduringspiritofCanadian folk traditions. As fiddlers and musicians take to the stage, the enchanting melodies of their instruments echo throughout the Ottawa Valley, uniting attendees in a harmonious celebration of heritage and creativity. This cherished event not only preserves the essenceofCanadianmusicbutalsoservesasa reminder of the power of music to bring peopletogetherandenrichtheirliveswiththe beautyofartandtradition.

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Greater Madawaska Township

Somewhere Inn

A Serene Escape

5254 Calabogie Rd, Calabogie, ON

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Calabogie, Ontario, Somewhere Inn stands as a hidden gem for travelers seeking a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This charming bed and breakfast offers a warmandwelcomingambiance,complemented bybreathtakingviewsoftheCalabogieLakeand the surrounding wilderness. In this article, we will take you on a journey through the tranquil oasis of Somewhere Inn, highlighting its cozy accommodations, personalized hospitality, and theunforgettableexperiencesthatawaitguests whochoosetomakethishaventheirtemporary home.

Somewhere Inn exudes a rustic charm that seamlesslyblendswiththenaturalbeautyofits surroundings. With a range of well-appointed rooms and suites, guests can choose from a selection of cozy accommodations that cater to variouspreferencesandgroupsizes.Eachroom istastefullydecorated,offeringaperfectretreat for relaxation and rejuvenation after a day of exploringthewondersofCalabogie. OneofthestandoutfeaturesofSomewhereInn is the warm and personalized hospitality providedbytheinnkeepers.

From the moment guests arrive, they are greeted with genuine warmth and attentiveness, making them feel instantly at home. The innkeepers are dedicated to ensuring that every guest's stay is memorable and comfortable, going the extra mile to accommodate special requests and create a trulypersonalizedexperience.

Surrounded by the pristine landscapes of Calabogie, Somewhere Inn offers ample opportunities for guests to embrace nature's beauty. The inn's serene lakeside location allows visitors to immerse themselves in the tranquility of the Calabogie Lake and witness breathtaking sunrises and sunsets that paint theskywithhuesoforangeandpink.Whether it'sloungingonthelakesidepatioorexploring thenearbytrails,theinnencouragesgueststo connectwiththegreatoutdoors.

Beyond its tranquil setting, Somewhere Inn serves as a gateway to a myriad of outdoor adventures. Calabogie is a playground for nature enthusiasts, offering opportunities for hiking,birdwatching,fishing,andwatersports.

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Head Clara Maria Township

Antler’s Kingfisher Lodge

A Gateway to Wilderness Adventure


Nestled in the picturesque town of DeuxRivières, Ontario, Antler's Kingfisher Lodge is a captivating wilderness retreat that beckons travelers seeking an immersive nature experience. Surrounded by the breathtaking landscapes of the Ottawa Valley, this hidden gem offers a perfect blend of rustic charm, personalized hospitality, and boundless opportunities for outdoor adventure. In this article, we will take you on a journey through Antler's Kingfisher Lodge in Deux-Rivières, highlighting its serene ambiance, recreational offerings,andtheuniqueexperiencesthatawait guestslookingtoreconnectwithnature.

Antler'sKingfisherLodgeseamlesslyblendswith the natural beauty of Deux-Rivières, creating an idyllic setting that reflects the essence of the Ottawa Valley. The lodge's architecture incorporates elements of the wilderness, ensuring that the pristine surroundings take center stage. Set against a backdrop of rolling hills, lush forests, and the gentle flow of the Ottawa River, the lodge offers an enchanting escapefromtherigorsofmodernlife.

Guests of Antler's Kingfisher Lodge are treated to cozy and well-appointed accommodations thatexuderusticelegance.

Fromprivatecabinstocharmingcottages,each lodgingoptionboastspicturesqueviewsofthe river or surrounding woodlands. Comfortable furnishings, modern amenities, and thoughtful touches create an inviting atmosphere that beckons guests to unwind and savour the tranquilityoftheirsurroundings.

Hospitalityismorethanjustajob;it'sawayof life. The lodge is family-owned, and the attentive staff takes pride in offering personalizedservicetoensureeachguestfeels welcomeandcaredfor.Whetherassistingwith activity arrangements or sharing local insights, the warmth and genuine care of the staff elevatetheguestexperiencetooneofheartfelt hospitality.

A haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering an abundance of recreational activities to suit everytaste.Anglerscancasttheirlinesintothe OttawaRiver,renownedforitsexcellentfishing opportunities,includingwalleye,bass,andpike.

Nature lovers can explore the surrounding trails, discovering hidden waterfalls, wildlife sightings, and breathtaking viewpoints that epitomizetheOttawaValley'snaturalbeauty.

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Hwy 17, Deux Rivières, ON

Horton Township

Bonnechere Falls

Discovering Nature's Majestic Power

2318 Thomson Rd, Horton, ON

HiddenwithintheserenelandscapesofHorton, Ontario, lies a hidden gem that showcases nature'smajesticpower-BonnechereFalls.This captivatingnaturalwonderisatestamenttothe forces that have shaped the Canadian landscape over millennia. The falls, with their cascading waters and rugged beauty, draw visitors from near and far to witness the breathtaking spectacle. In this article, we will takeyouonacaptivatingjourneytoexplorethe beauty and allure of Bonnechere Falls, and the naturalwondersthatsurroundthismesmerizing destination.

Bonnechere Falls is a remarkable geological masterpiece that has been sculpted over thousandsofyearsbytheflowingwatersofthe Bonnechere River. The falls feature a series of cascades and rapids that create an aweinspiring sight, accentuated by the rugged rock formations that have been shaped by the force of water erosion. This captivating display of nature's power is both humbling and mesmerizing, leaving visitors in awe of the Earth'stransformativeforces.

Visitors to Bonnechere Falls are treated to spectacularviewsofthecascadingwatersand the surrounding natural beauty. There are several viewing points and hiking trails that offer different vantage points of the falls. These trails wind through the lush forests, revealing glimpses of the river as it flows through the rugged landscape. The vantage pointsalongthetrailsallowvisitorstocapture memorable photographs and immerse themselvesinthetranquilityofthewilderness.

Beyond its natural beauty, Bonnechere Falls holds historical and cultural significance. The fallshavebeenameetingplaceforindigenous peoples for generations, providing an abundant source of water and sustenance.

Archaeological findings in the area have revealed traces of human habitation dating back thousands of years. The falls also played acrucialroleintheloggingindustryinthe19th and early 20th centuries, contributing to the region'seconomicgrowth.

Ottawa Valley
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Photos captured by Ottawa Valley Whereabouts

Irish Creek Outfitters

Your Gateway to Outdoor Adventure

2014 Thomson Road, Renfrew, ON

Irish Creek Outfitters stands as a beacon for outdoorenthusiastsseekingthrillingadventures amidst the natural beauty of the Ottawa Valley. With its dedication to providing exceptional outdoorexperiencesandtop-qualityequipment, this renowned outfitter has become a go-to destination for those looking to explore the region's wilderness in style and comfort. In this article,wewilltakeyouonacaptivatingjourney through Irish Creek Outfitters, exploring their offerings, commitment to sustainability, and the memorable outdoor experiences that await visitors.

Forfishingenthusiasts,IrishCreekOutfittersisa haven of opportunity. The Ottawa Valley boasts an abundance of fish species, including smallmouth bass, northern pike, and walleye, making it a prime destination for anglers of all levels. The outfitter provides top-quality fishing equipment,alongwithexpertadviceonthebest fishing spots and techniques, ensuring that you have all you need for a successful day on the water.

Beyond providing top-notch gear and equipment, Irish Creek Outfitters is known for itswarmandwelcominghospitality.Thefriendly and knowledgeable staff are always eager to share their love for the outdoors and offer advice on the best spots to explore in the Ottawa Valley. Whether you're a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or a first-time adventurer, the staff's passion and expertise will enhance your experience and make you feel like part of theIrishCreekfamily.

Irish Creek Outfitters in Renfrew, ON, is more than just an outfitter; it is a gateway to unforgettable outdoor adventures and a celebration of the Ottawa Valley's natural wonders.

They offer Whitetail deer hunts, Turkey hunts and Fishing Charters in Eastern Ontario, Canada. They accommodate beginners to seasoned pros, from single person adventures tolargegroups.Ifcatchingthatfishofalifetime or bagging that trophy game animal is on your bucketlistgivethemacall.

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Horton Community Centre

Killaloe Haggarty Richards Township

Covered Bridge Park

A Quaint Escape to Nostalgic Beauty

1424 Round Lake Rd, Killaloe, ON

Covered Bridge Park is a magnificent 150 acres waterfrontcampgroundonBonnechere Riverwithcottages,cabins,tentandtrailersites. Wearelocatedeastof

Algonquin Provincial Park and located in TramoreonthenorthsideofBonnechereRiver between Round Lake and Golden Lake. Enjoy beautifulOntariosummerswithgreat fishing,swimming,canoeingandwildlifeviewing. Theirsmalltrailerparkofferslotsofprivacywith only47fullhookupsites.

Discover Natures Playground on this old farm thathasbeenpreservedinitsnaturalstate with 100 acres of mature forest, meadows and trails;onlyasmallportionoftheproperty has been developed into a Campground. Most ofwhatweofferhereispureMother Nature.

Covered Bridge Park is an ideal destination for picnicking and outdoor recreation. Families and friendscanenjoyaleisurelypicniconthepark's grassy areas, savoring the fresh air and scenic views. The park also offers ample space for childrentoplay,makingitawonderfulspotfora familyouting.

Some of the activities they offer include bird watching, berry picking, wildlife viewing, fishing, canoeing, boat access to Round Lake and GoldenLake,swimming,andwaterfrontviews. For photographers, Covered Bridge Park is a dreamcometrue.Thepicturesquesettingoffers endless opportunities to capture stunning images of the covered bridge against the backdrop of the river and surrounding landscapes. From the warm glow of sunrise to the soft hues of sunset, the changing light throughout the day creates a mesmerizing canvas for photography enthusiasts to express their creativity.They offer many types of accommodations such as yurts, seasonal sites, cottages, log cabins, and many facilities to go withthem!

It is a family-owned and operated campground. The Sadecki family is made up of Andrew, Dzidka,andtheir4kids,Olek,Justina,Emilia,and Julia. They are accompanied by their two loving, furrycompanions,KubusandBailey.In2007the SadeckifamilymovedfromToronto,wherethey spent 18 years, to the polar opposite, Covered BridgePark.

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Foy Provincial Park

Embracing Nature's Splendor in Ontario

Red Rock Rd, Killaloe, ON

Thispicturesquepark,locatedintheheartofthe province, offers a haven of tranquility and natural splendor for visitors seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life.For hikers and nature enthusiasts, Foy Provincial Parkfeaturesanetworkofscenictrailsthatwind through its diverse landscapes. Whether it's a leisurelystrolloramorechallenginghike,visitors can embark on rewarding journeys, uncovering hiddengemsoftheparkateveryturn.Thetrails leadtobreathtakingviewpoints,lushforests,and serenewetlands,offeringampleopportunitiesto connectwiththenaturalbeautyofthearea.

Foy Provincial Park plays a crucial role in the preservation and conservation of Ontario's naturalheritage.Thepark'sprotectedareasand conservation efforts ensure the sustainability of itsecosystemsandsafeguardthehabitatforthe region's diverse wildlife. Visitors are encouraged to follow Leave No Trace principles and respect thepark'srulestocontributetothepreservation of this pristine natural treasure for generations tocome.

Foy Provincial Park is located on Round Lake directly across from Bonnechere Provincial Park. Much of Foy consists of high granite and quartz upland covered in stately forests of old White Pine, Oak, Aspen and Birch, as well as dark groves of Eastern Hemlock. The park’s beachismadeupoffinesandfromthedeltaof a great spillway that drained glacial meltwater from the Algonquin Highlands. Evidence of a long gone ancient lake lies etched and depositedalongFoy’sshoreline.

Campingisnotallowed,butbackcountryhiking and shoreline activities such as swimming and picnickingarepermitted.

Visitors are encouraged to contact the Park Superintendent at Bonnechere Provincial Park forinformationifyouwishtovisitthepark. Check out the 1.8-km loop trail. Generally consideredaneasyroute,ittakesanaverageof 29 min to complete. This trail is great for birding, hiking, and walking, and it's unlikely you'll encounter many other people while exploring.

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Laurentian ValleyTownship

Caprassion Acres

A Delightful Haven of Bath Products and Local Treasures

3193 Stafford Third Line, Pembroke, ON

Tucked away in the scenic countryside of Pembroke, Ontario, lies a small farm shop that exudes warmth and charm - Caprassion Acres. Thisfarmshopoasishascapturedtheheartsof locals and visitors alike with its handmade bath productscraftedfromnourishinggoat'smilk.As youstepintothisidyllicretreat,youarenotjust welcomedbyanarrayofexquisitebathproducts but also greeted by the friendly faces of the residentgoats.

Caprassion Acres captures the essence of simplicity and craftsmanship with its range of handmade bath products. The star ingredient, goat'smilk,issourceddirectlyfromtheresident goats on the farm, ensuring the freshest and most nourishing base for their creations. The shop features an enticing selection of soaps, lotions, bath bombs, and more, each infused withthegoodnessofgoat'smilk,richinvitamins andmineralsthatpromotehealthyskin.

All of their products are made using the milk their goat herd supplies. Cassie does not purchase milk from stores or other producers. The products are start to finished made at the farm-from milking to making to packaging & labelling!


Owner, Cassie, started out in 2018 making homemade goats milk soap for family and friends- "I went into Helen Cowans store in Eganville and she asked if I would like to wholesale my soap there and pushed me towardsdoingvendormarkets-farmersmarkets so I started in 2019 in selling in the Vendor marketsceneandthisJuneIfinallyopenedupa shop here at my farm!" They offer goat snuggle dayswhichallowspeopletospendtimewiththe goatsthathelpmakeallthewonderfulproducts they create! Cassie enjoys sharing the farm experience and the goats with people who wouldn’t have the chance. This allows people to see the complete circle from the goats to the finalproducts created They have recently teamed up with a fantastic Yoga Instructor and started hosting Goat Yoga Sessions.

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Madawaska ValleyTownship

Grumblin' Grannys

An Amazing Collection of Treasures

Grumblin’ Granny’s has been in Barry’s Bay Ontario since 1981 when it opened up as a small craft shop and has now become a large well-knownstoreonthemainstreet.Ifyouvisit inthesummer,thestorebecomesanopen-air gardencourtyard!

Theshopisuniquewithmanydifferentpieces to explore and purchase. They pride themselves on finding a majority of handcrafted products which are personally imported. Customers’ purchases reach the hands of each skilled craftsman directly and are a great way to show the support and appreciationfortheskillsofthecraftsmanand their families that have been passed down fromgenerationtogeneration.

Grumblin’ Granny’s is definitely known for its funkyclothingandone-of-a-kindjewelrypieces but also includes wood furniture, local artist’s prints,FirstNationscrafts,andmore!

While the original shop brims with brightly coloured lamps, kites and mobiles, dreamcatchers, chimes and lots of cool summerclothing.Attachedisourlarge2storey store. It is absolutely FULL of silver Jewellery, Teak and Reclaimed Wood Furniture, Casual Clothing, Local Artist’s Prints, First Nations Crafts, Algonquin Teas, Unique Lamps,Alpaca Blankets&Throwsandsomuchmore!

You can ramble around an extensive outdoor display and weave through buildings till your heart’scontent.DuringJulyandAugustwehave a 5,000 square foot clearance gallery open FRIDAYS – SUNDAYS (10am – 5pm) for great dealsand“youneverknowwhat!”

In around Barry’s Bay you will find pristine lakes, clean beaches, an extensive network of recreational trails and many hospitable shops andservices.Hotelsandrestaurantsawaityou on your visit. Expect to be surprised on your next trip to Grumblin’ Granny’s in the Ottawa Valley.

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19478 Highway 60, Barrys Bay, ON 42265 Combermere Rd, Barrys Bay, ON

McNab Braeside Township

Perched majestically on the shores of the Ottawa River, the Sand Point Lighthouse in Arnprior, Ontario, stands as a silent witness to the town's rich maritime history. A beacon of hope for sailors navigating treacherous waters, thishistoriclighthousenowservesasabeloved symbol of Arnprior's heritage and a scenic attraction for locals and tourists alike. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating history of the Sand Point Lighthouse, its significance to thecommunity,andthepicturesquebeautythat continuestocaptivatevisitorsfromfarandwide. TheSandPointLighthouseboastsastoriedpast that dates back to the mid-19th century. Constructed in 1855, the lighthouse played a vital role in guiding boats and ships along the Ottawa River during a time when maritime transportation was the lifeline of many communities.Standingtallat20meters(66feet), the lighthouse's distinct red and white stripes made it easily recognizable to mariners navigating the river's waters. Its powerful light, fueled by oil lamps, cast its reassuring beam across the river, ensuring safe passage for vesselsthroughthenight.

As technology advanced, the role of traditional lighthouses diminished, and many were decommissioned or replaced by automated systems.

Sand Point Lighthouse

Guiding History and Illuminating Beauty

Wharf Rd, Braeside, ON

However,recognizingtheculturalandhistorical significance of the Sand Point Lighthouse, the ArnpriorandMcNab/BraesideArchivesandthe Arnprior & District Museum Society joined forcestopreservethismaritimeheritage.

Thankstotheirdedicatedefforts,thelighthouse was designated as a historic site and restored to its former glory. Today, visitors can explore this living piece of history, which has been meticulously preserved to offer a glimpse into thepast.

Nestledamidstscenicnaturalbeauty,theSand Point Lighthouse offers visitors a picturesque retreat. The surrounding parkland, dotted with lushgreeneryandcolorfulflowers,providesan ideal setting for leisurely strolls and family picnics. The lighthouse's vantage point also offers breathtaking views of the Ottawa River, making it a favourite spot for capturing memorable photographs and enjoying mesmerizingsunsets.

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Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens

A Historic Gem Amidst Scenic Beauty

24 Museum Rd., White Lake, ON

Nestled on the picturesque shores of Waba Cottage Bay, the Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens stands as a captivating testament to the rich history and natural beauty of the MississippiValley.Thishiddengem,locatednear thetownofWhiteLake,Ontario,isacherished destination for history enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. The museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the past, while the meticulously manicured gardens provide a tranquil escape intothewondersofnature.

Dating back to the 19th century, originally built in1908asasummerretreatforDr.JohnNelles, a prominent Ottawa physician. The cottage servedasatranquilsanctuarywhereDr.Nelles andhisfamilycouldescapethebustleofcitylife and immerse themselves in the serene beauty oftheMississippiValley.Thecottagewasnamed after the area's Algonquin word "Waba," meaning"white"or"shining,"afittingtributeto thesparklingwatersofthenearbybay.

The Waba Cottage is a shining example of early 20th-century architecture, boasting a charming blend of Victorian and Arts and Craftsstyles.Theexteriorfeaturesadistinctive wood-shingled façade and large wraparound veranda, while the interior is adorned with original furnishings and artifacts that offer a glimpse into the daily life of the Nelles family. The museum's dedication to historical preservation ensures that visitors are transported back in time, providing an immersive experience that showcases the cottage'soriginalsplendor.

The Waba Cottage Museum's appeal extends beyond its historical significance. Surrounding the cottage, the meticulously landscaped gardens offer a feast for the senses. Visitors are invited to stroll through meandering pathways, each adorned with vibrant blooms and fragrant blossoms. The well-tended gardens, featuring a variety of native and exoticplants,attractanarrayofbutterfliesand birds, creating a harmonious symphony of colorsandmelodies.

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Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens

A Historic Gem Amidst Scenic Beauty

TheWabaCottageMuseumandGardensserve asavibrantcommunityhub,offeringadiverse range of events and educational programs throughout the year. From arts and crafts workshops to historical reenactments and guidedtours,thereissomethingforvisitorsof all ages and interests. The museum's dedicationtocommunityengagementfostersa senseofbelongingandunityamonglocalsand touristsalike.

TheenchantingambianceoftheWabaCottage MuseumandGardensalsomakesit asoughtafter venue for weddings and special occasions. The scenic backdrop and historical charm of the cottage and gardens provide a magical setting for couples to exchange their vows and create cherished memories with lovedones.

The Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens is a treasured destination that seamlessly blends history and nature, transporting visitors to a bygone era while enchanting them with the beauty of the present. This historic gem, nestled amidst the scenic splendor of the Mississippi Valley, serves as a living testament to the area's heritage and a source of inspirationforallwhoventurethroughitsgates. Whether you're an avid history enthusiast or a nature lover seeking tranquility, the Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens promises an unforgettable experience that celebrates the beauty of the past and the serenity of the present.

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North AlgonaWilberforce Township

Nala's Kitchen

A South Indian Culinary Adventure

62c Township Park Road, Lake Dore, ON

Nala's opened during Covid in Downtown Toronto where most restaurants were closed and food delivery companies were shut down. They began offering home cooked meals in their community and the demand grew. However,DivyaandherfamilymovedtoKillaloe in 2021 and have been working out of a community kitchen to serve their customers. "Covid has made us more flexible in terms of how we work, adapting to ever changing situationsandpolicies."-Divya,Owner.

Nala'sKitchenwillbeattheMelissaBishopPark all summer on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays every week serving up some delicious Indian Snacks and other take away itemsaswell.YouwillalsoseeNala'satvarious markets and festivals like the Pembroke Multicultural Fest, Killaloe Crafts and Community Fair. They will also be at the PetawawaContainerMarketfromtimetotime.

Check out Nala's Kitchen on Facebook to keep updatedontheirwhereabouts.

When talking with Divya she had said that "Nala's is ever so thankful to the Ottawa Valley for accepting us as a business in their communities and constantly supporting us." They are currently taking party, events and catering orders as well as custom orders that you can pick up from Killaloe or the Lake Dore location.

"If you are craving Indian food or would like to learnhowtocookIndianfood,callus,emailus orcomesayHitousatanyfairsormarketsthat youspotus!"

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Deacon Escarpment

Discover the Beauty of Deacon

The motivation behind the creation of this businesscamefrom a desire to sharethelove of the outdoors and the benefits of that connection. "Our goal is to provide a private place for you to relax and reconnect with nature and the people with you. A quiet place with rural hospitality, woods, wetlands, lakes andwildlifejustwaitingtobediscovered!"-Zac &Steph,Owners.

Unique features of Deacon Escarpment is the actual privacy of each cabin. Their goal was to give guests the experience of being in nature aloneandtodeepentheirconnectionwiththe environment and the people or pets they are with. The private setup allows for more wildlife viewingopportunitiesaswell.

Theyofferhikingtrailsthatgothroughdifferent ecosystems such as wetlands, oak savannah, hemlock stands, and the unique topography andviewsoftheDeaconEscarpment.Theyare openallyearforgueststoexploreanddiscover the uniqueness of each season; frog song and wildflowers, bird migration and leaf changes, canoeingorsnowshoeing.

DeaconEscarpmentnowhas3cabinsthatare drive directly to and self check-in all year, one othercabinisashorthiketogetto.

Zac and Steph love for people to know that they are very pet friendly. Bring your pets with toenjoyeverythingtheyhavetooffer.

Extra packages that are available are : "CampingGear"and"Couple'sPackages". They offer guests the choice of minimalist, off-grid cabins or low-impact glamping style with electricity.

Whileyoustayyoucanwitnessalltheseasonal changes from your private location and along the trails: the brightness of the valley in bud, wondrous green, fall blaze to glistening white. Whatever you choose the cabins and campsites were created to give you your own privatespottotakeitallin.

They have trails of varying lengths to suit your preferences. The trail map has the length of each trail listed. Each one has unique landscapes and habitats full of different trees, flowers,mushroomsandwildlife.

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Highway 60, Golden Lake, ON
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Town of Arnprior

Robert Simpson Park


Nestled in the heart of Arnprior, Ontario, Robert Simpson Park stands as a cherished greenspacethatbeckonsvisitorstobaskinthe serenity of nature. With its lush landscapes, tranquil pond, and family-friendly amenities, this picturesque park has become a beloved gatheringspotforresidentsandtouristsalike.

Robert Simpson Park is named in honour of Robert Simpson, a prominent figure in Arnprior's history. Robert Simpson was a successful businessman, philanthropist, and founder of the famous Canadian department store, Simpson's (now known as Hudson's Bay Company). His contributions to the community weresubstantial,andtheparkwasestablished tocommemoratehislegacy.

As you step into Robert SimpsonPark,you are greetedbytheenchantingbeautyofitsnatural surroundings. The park boasts well-maintained walkingtrailsthatwindthroughavarietyoflush greenery and native trees. The tranquil pond, adorned with graceful waterfowl, adds to the park's charm, making it an ideal spot for relaxationandcontemplation.

The park's family-friendly amenities make it an ideal destination for a day of fun and recreation. A playground with modern play structures provides children with a safe and enjoyable space to burn off their energy. Families can also take advantage of the picnic areas, perfect for sharing a meal amidst the park's peaceful ambiance. There is also a splashpadandguardedbeachperfectforyour day out with the family. In the summer, the park often hosts community events and gatherings,addingtothesenseofcamaraderie andcommunityspirit.

Throughout the year, Robert Simpson Park serves as a place of gathering for the community. Local events, concerts, and festivalsareheldinthepark,creatingavibrant atmosphere that fosters a sense of togetherness and belonging. The park becomes a hub of celebration and enjoyment, where residents can come together to celebrate special occasions and create lasting memories.

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Tranquil Oasis in the Heart of Arnprior 400 John St N, Arnprior, ON

Parachute Ottawa

Soaring to New Heights

615 Johnston Road Arnprior, ON

Parachute Ottawa offers a thrilling and unforgettable experience for adrenaline enthusiasts and adventure seekers. As the premierskydivingfacilityinthearea,Parachute Ottawaprovidestheopportunitytosoartonew heights and take in breathtaking views from above. In this article, we will take you on an exhilaratingjourneythroughParachuteOttawa, exploring the adrenaline-pumping adventure it offers, the safety measures in place, and the sense of accomplishment that comes with takingaleapoffaith.

Parachute Ottawa is a skydiving haven that caters to both first-time jumpers and experienced skydivers. Nestled amid the stunning landscapes of Arnprior, the facility offers a unique vantage point to witness the beauty of the Ottawa Valley from high above. The experienced team of instructors at Parachute Ottawa ensures that each skydiving experience is both safe and unforgettable, providingthoroughtrainingandguidanceforall participants.

For those new to the world of skydiving, tandem jumps are a popular option. Tandem skydiving allows participants to experience the thrilloffreefallingfrom

an airplane while securely harnessed to a professional skydiving instructor. This allows first-time jumpers to enjoy the rush of adrenaline without having to navigate the complexities of solo jumps. The instructors at Parachute Ottawa are seasoned professionals, providingreassuranceandguidancethroughout theentireexperience.

At Parachute Ottawa, safety is paramount. The facility adheres to stringent safety standards, ensuring that all equipment is meticulously maintained and regularly inspected. Skydiving instructors are certified and undergo rigorous training, emphasizing safety protocols and emergencyprocedures.Asaresult,participants can embark on their skydiving adventure with confidence,knowingtheyareincapablehands. The thrill of skydiving is not just about the adrenaline rush; it also brings an incredible sense of accomplishment. The experience challenges individuals to step outside their comfort zones and conquer fears, leading to a profound feeling of triumph as they safely land onsolidground.Manyskydivingenthusiastsfind that the experience is not just a once-in-alifetime adventure but a life-changing moment thatleavesalastingimpact.

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Town of Deep River

Society for the Preservation of Canada’s Nuclear Heritage Museum

The Society's Unwavering Commitment

51 Poplar St, Deep River, ON

Nestled in the rich tapestry of Canada's scientific and technological history lies the Society for the Preservation of Canada's Nuclear Heritage (SPCNH). As a non-profit organization dedicated to safeguarding and promoting the country's nuclear heritage, the Society plays a crucial role in preserving the legacy of Canada's contributions to nuclear scienceandtechnology.

OneoftheSociety'sprimaryinitiativesinvolves the preservation of historically significant nuclearsitesacrossCanada.Thesesitesrange from early research facilities to nuclear power plants that have shaped the nation's energy landscape. Through meticulous documentation, site restoration, and interpretive exhibits, the Society ensures that these sites remain accessible to the public, servingaseducationalandculturallandmarks.

The Society's commitment to public education and outreach plays a pivotal role in raising awareness about Canada's nuclear heritage. Througheducationalprograms,publiclectures, and workshops, the SPCNH engages with communities, schools, and institutions, sharing the importance of nuclear science and technology in Canada's history and its relevancetothepresentandfuture.

VisittheirmuseuminDeepRivertoseerecent additions to their ever-growing collection and getcaughtupontheiractivities.

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Valley Artisans’ Co-Op

Valley Artisans Co-op stands as a vibrant hub for local artists and artisans to showcase their creativetalentsandcraftsmanship.Thisunique collective of artists fosters a strong sense of community and creativity, attracting both residents and visitors seeking one-of-a-kind artworksandhandmadetreasures.

Acollectiveoftalentedartistsandartisanswho havecometogethertocreateadynamicspace that celebrates and promotes local creativity. Each member brings their unique skills and artisticvisiontotheco-op,resultinginadiverse array of artworks and crafts that span various mediumsandstyles.

The gallery features an impressive array of original paintings, sculptures, ceramics, glasswork, textiles, jewelry, and much more. From contemporary and abstract pieces to traditional and nature-inspired creations, the co-op's offerings cater to a wide range of artistic tastes, ensuring there is something to captivateeveryvisitor.

ne of the core principles of the Valley Artisans Co-op is to support and uplift local artists and artisans.

By providing a space to display and sell their creations, the co-op fosters economic opportunities for artists within the community. This support network encourages artists to thrive and continue pursuing their passion for creatingart.

Forpatronsandvisitors,theValleyArtisansCoop offers a shopping experience unlike any other.Unlikemass-producedgoods,eachitem in the co-op is handcrafted with love and dedication, making them unique and special. Whetheryou'relookingforathoughtfulgiftora statement piece for your home, the co-op's offeringsaresuretoleavealastingimpression. Beyond being a gallery and shop, the Valley ArtisansCo-opservesasaplaceofconnection and dialogue between artists and their audience.Visitorshavetheopportunitytomeet and interact with the artists, gaining insights into their creative process and the stories behind their works. This direct interaction fosters a deeper appreciation for the art and thepeoplewhocreateit.

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A Creative Haven 33373 Highway 17, Deep River, ON

Valley Artisans’ Co-Op

A Creative Haven

TheValleyArtisansCo-opextendsitsreachbeyonditsgallerywallsby actively engaging with the community. The co-op hosts regular art workshops,classes,andevents,encouragingindividualsofallagesto explore their artistic interests and talents. These activities contribute to a vibrant arts community in Deep River, nurturing the next generationofartistsandfosteringaloveforcreativity.

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Town of Laurentian Hills

Schoolhouse Museum

A Glimpse into the Past

35753 Highway 17, Deep River, ON

In the picturesque town of Laurentian Hills, Ontario,theSchoolhouseMuseumstandsasa livingtestamenttotheregion'sricheducational history. Housed in a historic one-room schoolhouse, this charming museum offers a captivating journey back in time, providing visitors with a unique glimpse into the bygone eraofearlyeducationinCanada.

The Museum is housed in a quaint one-room schoolhouse that was once the centre of education for local children in Laurentian Hills. Originally built in the 19th century, the schoolhouse served as a hub of learning for generations of students who attended classes within its walls. Today, the museum preserves this educational legacy, immersing visitors in the atmosphere of a traditional rural school of thepast.

Itsmorethanjustacollectionofartifacts;itisa livingrepositoryoflocalhistory.Asvisitorsstep inside,theyare transported back in timeto an erawheneducationwasamodestyetvitalpart of the community's growth. The museum showcases historical photographs, documents, and artifacts that illustrate the daily lives of students,teachers,andthecommunityatlarge.

The Schoolhouse Museum prides itself on offering a hands-on learning experience. Visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the past through interactive exhibits, which encourage them to experience the classroom setting as it once was. From using vintage writing tools to exploring historical textbooks, the museum fosters a deeperconnectiontothepast,allowingvisitors toimaginethemselvesasstudentsinthe19th andearly20thcenturies.

The museum's commitment to education extends beyond its exhibits. The Schoolhouse Museum offers educational programs and school tours that are tailored to meet the curriculum needs of students. These engaging programs provide a unique and immersive learning experience for children, complementing their classroom studies with a hands-onencounterwithhistory.

Designatedasaheritagesite,theSchoolhouse Museum holds a special place in the hearts of thelocalcommunity.Itisacherishedsymbolof thetown'shistoryandservesasareminderof the importance of preserving the past for futuregenerations.

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Anupaya Cabin

Embracing Nature's Rhythms

1696 Moores Rd, Deep River, ON

Tucked away in the tranquil landscapes of DeepRiver,Ontario,AnupayaCabinCooffersa blissful retreat for nature enthusiasts seeking to reconnect with the wilderness. Embracing the ethos of sustainable living and responsible outdoor exploration, Anupaya Cabin Co provides a unique opportunity to unwind, recharge,andembracetherhythmsofnature.

Anupaya Cabin Co epitomizes the harmonious blend of nature and comfort. Nestled amidst theserenebeautyofDeepRiver,eachcabinis thoughtfully designed to provide a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The cabins are equipped withmodernamenities,ensuringacomfortable stay without compromising the immersive experience of being surrounded by nature's wonders.

Anupaya Cabin Co encourages the philosophy of slow living, inviting guests to embrace a simpler, more mindfulway of life.Far from the bustling city life, guests are encouraged to unplug, immerse themselves in nature, and savor the quiet moments that foster inner peaceandrejuvenation.

Surrounded by lush forests, serene lakes, and stunning hiking trails, Anupaya Cabin Co offers aplaygroundofnature'swonderswaitingtobe explored. From leisurely walks to challenging hikes, guests have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of the outdoors and witness the diverse flora and fauna of the region.

Anupaya Cabin Co provides the perfect opportunity to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with oneself and loved ones. With limited internet connectivity, guests are encouraged to put away their devices and immerse themselves in authentic human connections and the beauty of the natural world.

Beyond providing a serene retreat, Anupaya Cabin Co fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among guests. Common spaces are designed to facilitate interactions, allowing visitors to share stories, experiences, and the joyofbeingsurroundedbynature.

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Anupaya Cabin

Embracing Nature's Rhythms

Anupaya Cabin Co in Deep River, Ontario, is more than just a place to stay; it is an enriching experience that invites guests to embrace the simplicity and beauty of the natural world. Through its commitment to sustainable practices, mindful outdoor experiences, and fostering a sense of community, Anupaya Cabin Co offers an opportunity to reconnect with nature and rediscover the essence of being present in the moment. As guests bid farewell to this serene haven, they leave with a newfound appreciation for the gifts of the wilderness and a refreshed perspective on life's true joys.

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Town of Petawawa

Petawawa Heritage Village

Reliving the Past: Exploring Petawawa Heritage

176 Civic Centre Rd, Petawawa, ON

This living museum is a treasure trove of history,offeringvisitorsauniqueopportunityto immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the region. With its meticulously restored buildings, interactive exhibits, and engaging demonstrations, Petawawa Heritage Village beckons travellers and history enthusiasts to relive the past and uncover the storiesofabygoneera.

ThePetawawaHeritageVillageisatimecapsule that transports visitors to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The village authentically recreates the lifestyle, architecture, and ambiance of a typical pioneer settlement, allowing visitors to step back in time and experiencelifeasitwasduringthatperiod. Located on the traditional territory of the Algonquin people, the Petawawa Heritage Village sits on a site with deep historical roots. Originally established as a military settlement, the village evolved into a bustling community with sawmills, blacksmith shops, and schools, contributing significantly to the region's development.

At the heart of the village lies a collection of meticulously restored historic buildings. From the one-room schoolhouse to the blacksmith shop, general store, and pioneer log homes, eachstructureisatestamenttothededication of the preservationists who painstakingly brought them back to life. The authenticity of these buildings creates an immersive experience that transports visitors to another time.

Petawawa Heritage Village comes alive through its interactive exhibits and engaging demonstrations. Knowledgeable interpreters dressedinperiodcostumesbringhistorytolife as they showcase traditional crafts, skills, and trades. Visitors can witness blacksmithing, woodworking,candle-making,andmore,gaining insightintotheeverydaylivesofearlysettlers. Throughout the year, the Petawawa Heritage Village hosts a variety of seasonal events and festivals that further enliven the atmosphere. From Canada Day celebrations to vintage car shows and Christmas markets, each event captures the essence of a particular era and offers a delightful experience for visitors of all ages.

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Petawawa Container Market

Unique Market Experience

16 Civic Centre, Petawawa, ON

In the heart of the quaint and picturesque Petawawa, an innovative and delightful shopping experience awaits both locals and tourists alike - the Container Market.This unique marketplace brings together the essence of entrepreneurship and community spirit, providing a platform for small businesses to thrive while adding a touch of vibrancytothetown'sambiance.

Petawawahascreatedasmalluniquemarket concept in the heart of Petawawa. There are five (5) independent shipping containers that operate as storefronts and place for two (2) permanent food trucks and one weekly food service.Theyareabouttoenterourthirdyear and always have some exciting opportunities forlocalbusinessowners.

Their operational hours; Friday 3 pm - 8 pm and Saturday 10 am - 3 pm. Encouraging weekly vendors to participate more and use the facilities as a true store experience but Friday and Saturday will be the basis for our animationandpromotionalsupport.

The Container Market is a testament to Petawawa's commitment to fostering local creativity and entrepreneurship. By providing affordableandeye-catchingcontainersforrent, the market encourages small businesses, artisans, and entrepreneurs to showcase their talentsandproducts.Theresultisadiverseand captivating array of offerings that range from handcrafted goods to artisanal foods, each embodyingtheuniquespiritofthetown. It'sanexcitingandvibranttapestryofcreatively designed shipping containers. Each container servesasaministorefront,lovinglytransformed to reflect the personality and brand of its occupant. The colorful facades and artful displayscreateaninvitingatmosphere,enticing visitors to explore the hidden treasures within.From handcrafted jewelry to locally produced art, artisanal foods, and handmade home decor, the market offers an enchanting selectionofone-of-a-kinditemsthataresureto captivatediscerningbuyers.

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Petawawa Container Market Unique Market Experience

Themarket'sfocusonsmall,localbusinessesis notjustamatterofaesthetics;itisaconscious effort to support the town's economy. By providinganaffordableandaccessibleplatform for entrepreneurs to sell their products, the ContainerMarketbolstersthetown'seconomic growthandcreatesopportunitiesforindividuals to turn their passion into a viable business venture.

The Container Market is more than just a shopping destination; it is a gathering place for locals and tourists to come together. The communal seating areas, live music performances, and food vendors create a convivial ambiance, inviting people to linger, chat,andcreatelastingmemories.

The use of repurposed shipping containers as market stalls aligns with [Small Town's Name]'s commitment to environmental sustainability. This eco-friendly approach reduces waste and promotes responsible urban planning, showcasingthetown'sdedicationtopreserving itsnaturalbeautyforgenerationstocome. Beyondtheshoppingexperience,theContainer Market offers an immersive cultural experience for visitors. Engaging with the passionate artisans and entrepreneurs provides a deeper understanding of the town's creative community and the stories behind each product.Itisanopportunitytoconnectwiththe town's culture and gain insights into the craftsmanshipthatmakesPetawawaunique.

Wanderer Summer '23 Edition Ottawa Valley The Wanderer Magazine ~ Ottawa Valley Page 59

Town of Renfrew

Renfrew Swinging Bridge

A Historic Landmark

65 Arthur Street, Renfrew, ON

SpanningthegentlewatersoftheBonnechere RiverinRenfrew,Ontario,theRenfrewSwinging Bridge stands as a nostalgic reminder of a bygone era. This historic landmark holds a specialplaceintheheartsoflocalsandvisitors alike, symbolizing the town's rich heritage and theenduringspiritofcommunity.

The Renfrew Swinging Bridge traces its origins backtotheearly20thcenturywhenitwasfirst constructed to connect the two sides of the Bonnechere River. Originally a suspension bridge,itwasknownforitsdistinctiveswinging motion as pedestrians traversed its length, givingrisetoitsendearingnickname.

Throughoutitsexistence,theRenfrewSwinging Bridge has witnessed the passage of time and thetown'sevolution.Itservedasavitallinkfor pedestrians, allowing them to access various parts of Renfrew with ease. The bridge has been rebuilt and refurbished over the years, standing resilient against the forces of nature and remaining a testament to the town's commitment to preserving its historical landmarks.

The Renfrew Swinging Bridge holds a special place in the hearts of Renfrew's residents, as it represents more than just a means of crossing theriver.Itisasymbolofcommunity,unity,and connection. For generations, families and friends have strolled along its wooden planks, takinginthetranquilbeautyoftheBonnechere Riverwhilecreatinglastingmemories.

Beyond its historical significance, the Renfrew SwingingBridgeoffersbreathtakingviewsofthe surrounding landscape. As visitors walk across the bridge, they are treated to picturesque vistas of the serene river, framed by lush greeneryandthetown'scharmingarchitecture. It is a favourite spot for photography enthusiasts, who capture its timeless beauty in imagesthatendure.

Renfrew takes great pride in its historic landmarks, and the Renfrew Swinging Bridge is no exception. The town's commitment to preserving this iconic structure ensures that future generations will have the opportunity to experience its charm and connect with the town'spast.

Wanderer Summer '23 Edition Ottawa Valley The Wanderer Magazine ~ Ottawa Valley Page 23

Art Factory

Live Love Art Factory

11 Bridge St, Renfrew, ON

The Art Factory is a haven for artists and creative minds alike. With its vibrant atmosphere and diverse range of artistic opportunities, the Art Factory stands as a catalyst for artistic expression and a source of inspirationforthecommunity.

TheArtFactoryismorethanjustastudio;itisa thriving creative hub that welcomes artists of all ages and skill levels. From painters to sculptors, photographers, and mixed media artists, the studio provides a nurturing environment for individuals to explore their artistic passions and experiment with various mediums.

One of the Art Factory's primary goals is to empower local artists and help them realize their full creative potential. Through workshops,classes,andmentorshipprograms, the studio provides valuable learning opportunities that encourage artists to refine theirtechniquesandunleashtheirimagination.

Art Factory will be the largest independently owned, non government funded art space in Canada. The mission or core value of Art Factory is to be a safe where creativity and communityintersect.

Building number one is an art supply store (completed and has been operating since 6 weeks before the pandemic started). The enormousvarietyandpricesareamazing.

Building number two is the warehouse (completed). The warehouse is a 1500 square foot19foothighmixedusedspace.Thereare over5000canvases(overstock)instorage.Art exhibitionsarehosted.ArtClasses-artiststhat wish to offer art classes can use the space (rental free / with the understanding that they purchase art supplies at Art Factory). A-Team everyFriday3-5pm/freeartforyouthages13 -18yearsold.

Building number three is the Factory. This is a 10,384 square foot building that is still under construction. It will be an event space. Art nights, paint battles, exhibitions, music nights, spoken word poetry, yoga in the morning, weddings, film festivals, art classes, event rental,gamenightsforyouth..andmuchmore.

Art Fair which is the 3rd annual Art Fair. Free artfairforall.SaturdayJuly,29,2023

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Art Factory Live Love Art Factory

Whitewater Township

Whitewater Inn

Discover Tranquility and Charm

Whitewater Inn stands as a hidden gem, offeringadelightfulescapefromthehustleand bustleofeverydaylife.Thissmalltowninn,with itsidyllicsettingandwarmhospitality,promises a memorable experience for travellers seeking tranquility, outdoor adventure, and a taste of ruralcharm.

The inn's carefully manicured gardens, complete with vibrant flowers and tranquil seating areas, provide the perfect spot to unwind and soak up the natural beauty that envelops the property. Whether you're an avid nature enthusiast or simply seeking respite fromtheurbanchaos,thishavenwillleaveyou refreshedandrejuvenated.

The Whitewater Inn prides itself on its warm and personalized service. From the moment you step through the door, the attentive staff will make you feel like a cherished guest, attending to your every need. The inn offers a range of cozy accommodations, including charming rooms and suites that are tastefully decorated and equipped with modern amenities. Each room showcases a unique character, making you feel right at home while providingthecomfortsyoudesire.

Food enthusiasts will be delighted by the inn's on-siterestaurant,whereculinaryartistrymeets local flavors. The talented chefs at the Whitewater Inn are passionate about creating delectable dishes that celebrate the region's bountiful produce and culinary heritage. From farm-to-table delights to mouthwatering desserts,everymealisanexquisiteexperience that tantalizes the taste buds and leaves you yearningformore.

The town is renowned for its exhilarating outdoor adventures, and the Whitewater Inn is theperfectbasecampforthrill-seekers.Theinn is ideally situated for exploring the stunning whitewaterrapidsofthenearbyOttawaRiver,a haven for kayaking and whitewater rafting enthusiasts. For those seeking a more leisurely experience, the area boasts scenic hiking and biking trails, as well as opportunities for fishing andgolfing.

Beachburg is steeped in history, and the Whitewater Inn is an ideal starting point to delve into the town's rich heritage. Take a leisurely stroll through the quaint streets and discover charming heritage buildings, local art galleries, and boutiques offering unique crafts andsouvenirs.

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1739 Beachburg Rd, Beachburg, ON

Logos Land

Embrace the Magic of Nature and Adventure

15906 Highway 17, Cobden, ON

Logos Land Resort is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. This enchanting destination offers a perfect blend of nature's beauty and exhilarating adventure, making it a must-visit spot for travellers seeking an unforgettable escape.

Forthrill-seekers,LogosLandoffersanarrayof excitingactivitiestogettheadrenalinepumping. Zip lining through the treetops, conquering the ropes course, and navigating the water park's slides and inflatables promise endless excitement for all ages. Adventure enthusiasts willfindthemselvesembracingtherushandjoy ofoutdoorexploration.

The resort's water park is a splash-filled haven for families and water lovers. With its thrilling water slides, splash pads, and sandy beaches, the water park offers endless opportunities for laughter, play, and memorable moments with loved ones. On a hot summer day, nothing beatstherefreshingembraceofthewater.

Logos Land provides ample opportunities to reconnectwithnature.KayakaroundAstrolabe Lake tranquil waters, hike through the resort's scenic trails, or simply unwind by the water's edge,listeningtothesoftmelodyoftherustling leavesandthegentlelappingofthewaves.This peaceful retreat offers a chance to rediscover thebeautyandsimplicityofthenaturalworld. Logos Land Resort offers comfortable and picturesque accommodations to suit every traveler's preference. Whether you choose to stayinacozycabinnestledamongthetrees,a rustic camping site, or a deluxe suite with panoramic views of surrounding Astrolabe Lake, the resort ensures a peaceful and unforgettablestay.

Logos Land is a nature lover's dream and an adventurer's paradise. Whether you seek the thrill of outdoor activities, a serene escape in nature's embrace, or the opportunity to connect with wildlife and cultural enrichment, the resort offers a myriad of experiences to catertoeverytraveler'sdesire.

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Wanderer Summer '23 Edition Ottawa Valley The Wanderer Magazine ~ Ottawa Valley Page 67 Explore the Ottawa Valley The Wanderer Magazine

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Articles inside

Petawawa Container Market Unique Market Experience

page 59

Petawawa Container Market

page 58

Petawawa Heritage Village

page 57

Anupaya Cabin

page 55

Anupaya Cabin

page 54

Schoolhouse Museum

page 53

Valley Artisans’ Co-Op

page 50

The Society's Unwavering Commitment

page 49

Parachute Ottawa

pages 46-48

Robert Simpson Park

page 45

Deacon Escarpment

pages 42-43

Nala's Kitchen

page 41

Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens

page 39

Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens

page 38

Sand Point Lighthouse

page 37

McNab Braeside Township

pages 36-37

Grumblin' Grannys

page 35

Caprassion Acres

page 33

Foy Provincial Park

pages 30-31

Covered Bridge Park

page 29

Irish Creek Outfitters

pages 26-27

Bonnechere Falls

page 25

Antler’s Kingfisher Lodge

pages 23-24

Greater Madawaska Township

pages 20-22

Fiddle Week

page 19

Fiddle Week

page 18

Waterfront Boardwalk

page 17

Paddler Co-Op

page 15

Paddler Co-Op

page 14

Beryl Pit Quarry

page 13

The Rusty Lantern Barn Boutique

page 11

Embracing Traditions

page 9

Pow Wow

page 8

Algonquin Way Cultural Centre

page 7

Dragon Fly Golf Links

page 5

Logos Land

pages 66-67

Whitewater Inn

page 65

Art Factory

pages 62-63

Renfrew Swinging Bridge

page 61

Petawawa Container Market Unique Market Experience

page 59

Unique Market Experience

page 58

Petawawa Heritage Village

page 57

Anupaya Cabin

page 55

Anupaya Cabin

page 54

Schoolhouse Museum

page 53

Valley Artisans’ Co-Op

page 50

The Society's Unwavering Commitment

page 49

Parachute Ottawa

pages 46-47

Robert Simpson Park

page 45

Deacon Escarpment

pages 42-44

Nala's Kitchen

page 41

Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens

pages 39-40

Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens

page 38

Sand Point Lighthouse

page 37

Grumblin' Grannys

pages 35-37

Caprassion Acres

page 33

Foy Provincial Park

pages 30-31

Covered Bridge Park

page 29

Irish Creek Outfitters

pages 26-28

o r t o n T o w n s h i p

pages 24-25

Antler’s Kingfisher Lodge

page 23

Somewhere Inn

pages 21-22

Fiddle Week

pages 19-20

Fiddle Week

page 18

Waterfront Boardwalk

page 17

Paddler Co-Op

page 15

Paddler Co-Op

page 14

Beryl Pit Quarry

page 13

The Rusty Lantern Barn Boutique

page 11

Pow Wow

page 9

Pow Wow

page 8

Algonquin Way Cultural Centre

page 7

Dragon Fly Golf Links

pages 5-6

Travelling in the Ottawa Valley

pages 2-3

Logos Land

pages 66-67

Whitewater Inn

page 65

Art Factory

pages 62-63

Renfrew Swinging Bridge

page 61

Petawawa Container Market Unique Market Experience

page 59

Unique Market Experience

page 58

Petawawa Heritage Village

page 57

Anupaya Cabin

page 55

Anupaya Cabin

page 54

Schoolhouse Museum

page 53

Valley Artisans’ Co-Op

page 50

The Society's Unwavering Commitment

page 49

Parachute Ottawa

pages 46-47

Robert Simpson Park

page 45

Deacon Escarpment

pages 42-44

Nala's Kitchen

page 41

Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens

pages 39-40

Waba Cottage Museum and Gardens

page 38

Sand Point Lighthouse

page 37

Grumblin' Grannys

pages 35-37

Caprassion Acres

page 33

Foy Provincial Park

pages 30-31

Covered Bridge Park

page 29

Irish Creek Outfitters

pages 26-28

o r t o n T o w n s h i p

pages 24-25

Antler’s Kingfisher Lodge

page 23

Somewhere Inn

pages 21-22

Fiddle Week

pages 19-20

Fiddle Week

page 18

Waterfront Boardwalk

page 17

Paddler Co-Op

page 15

Paddler Co-Op

page 14

Beryl Pit Quarry

page 13

The Rusty Lantern Barn Boutique

page 11

Pow Wow

page 9

Pow Wow

page 8

Algonquin Way Cultural Centre

page 7

Dragon Fly Golf Links

pages 5-6

Travelling in the Ottawa Valley

pages 2-3
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