The Newsletter of the
Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tales and Fantasy Oct-Nov 2016
Events at the Sussex Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Dr Jeremy Harte, 'Subversive or What? Fairy Traditions
and Social Order' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
An Introduction to Children's Fantasy Literature: An interview with Prof. Farah Mendlesohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Other events around the world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 International calls for submissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Gramarye issue 10 available to pre-order now. . . . . . . . . . . 9
Events at the Sussex Centre
Jeremy Harte, ‘Subversive or What? Fairy Tradition and Social Order’ Monday 31 October 2016, 6-7.30 p.m., room L04, Bishop Otter Campus For a secret people, the fairies have been surprisingly conspicuous in social protest – administering rough justice in colonial Ireland, leading French forest guerrillas, and pixying JCBs at road protest camps. Are these just casual appropriations of the fairy mask, or do they reveal something about the lore behind it? Jeremy Harte is a researcher into folklore and archaeology, with a particular interest in sacred space and tales of encounters with the supernatural. His book Explore Fairy Traditions won the Folklore Society’s Katharine Briggs Award in 2005. Tickets £5/£3 concessions or free to University staff and students. Contact Heather Robbins at to reserve your ticket. 3
Children’s Fantasy Literature: An interview with Prof. Farah Mendlesohn Monday 14 November 2016, 6-7.30 p.m., L04, Bishop Otter Campus, University of Chichester Fantasy has been an important and much-loved part of children’s literature for hundreds of years, yet relatively little has been written about it. Farah Mendlesohn, Professor of Literary History at Anglia Ruskin University, recently co-authored Children’s Fantasy Literature: An Introduction, examining the works of Lewis Carroll, L. Frank Baum, C.S. Lewis, Image: Reading is Funda-Mental, from Bouguereau, copyright Mark Helwig 2014. Cover illustration Dahl, J.K. Rowling and for Farah Mendlesohn and Michael Levy, Children’s Roald Fantasy Literature: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2016) others from across the Englishspeaking world to place each in its appropriate context within the fantasy tradition. This event will be an interview and discussion of Mendlesohn’s research. Tickets are £5/£3 concessions or free to University staff and students. Please e-mail to reserve your place or with any queries. 4
Other events around the world
Folklore and Anthropology in Conversation 27 October 2016 A joint symposium of The Folklore Society and The Royal Anthropological Institute. h t t p : / / fo l k l o re - s o c i e t y. c o m / eve n t s / fo l k l o re - a n d anthropology-in-conversation Roundtable: 'Folklore in Global Conversations' Washington DC, 17-20 November 2016 The Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association (SEEFA)'s annual conference. Strange Worlds:The Visions of Angela Carter 10 December 2016 - 19 March 2017, RWA Gallery (Bristol) A major exhibition that celebrates the life, work and influences of Angela Carter twenty five years after her death. 5
Angela Carter: A Celebration (A Panel Discussion) 24 November 2016, 7-8.30 p.m., the British Library Edmund Gordon talks to Lisa Appignanesi, Susannah Clapp and Pauline Melville. Conference on ‘Folk Belief ’ & ‘The Supernatural in Literature and Film’ 20-23 January 2017, Longyearbyen, Svalbard (Norway) This interdisciplinary conference explores the supernatural in literature and film as well as folk belief from around the globe. Reorienting the Fairy Tale Kanagawa University, Japan, 29-30 March 2017. This international conference seeks to re-orient the fairy tale and to advance comparative fairy-tale studies on a global scale. h t t p : / / w w w . i s f n r. o r g / f i l e s / a r c h i v / C f P _ R e OrientingtheFairyTale.pdf Transcreation through text and image: The case of Perrault’s and Grimm’s tales 11-14 July 2017 A panel at 'La reproduction des images et des textes/ Images and texts reproduced' conference at l’Université de Lausanne. 6
This session proposes to study illustrated editions of Perrault’s and Grimms’ tales, as well as their translations, adaptations and transpositions, to find transcreation across languages, cultures, genres, forms, formats and media. h t t p : / / w p. u n i l . c h / re p ro d u c t i o n 2 0 1 7 / p ro g r a m m e / panels/?lang=fr#Cyrille_François
International Calls for Submissions
Damsels in Redress: Women in Contemporary Fairy-Tale Reimaginings Deadline: 1 November 2016 7-8 April and Saturday 2017, Queen’s University, Belfast! This conference aims bring together a range of ideas about the representation of women in contemporary reimaginings of traditional fairy tales, such as those from the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault. Abstracts of no more than 250 words, and a bionote of up to 50 words, to 7
CfP Cinderella Conference University of Bedfordshire Deadline: 9 December 2016 Inspired by the University of Bedfordshire’s collection of scripts, books, theatrical memorabilia, designs, ephemera on Cinderella. CfP:Thinking with Stories in Times of Conflict: A Conference in Fairy-Tale Studies Deadline 10 January 2017 Conference 2-5 August 2017, Wayne State University, Michigan (USA) Encouraging a dialogue between creative and scholarly thinking with wonder tales in times of conflict, with plenary talks, workshops, panels and roundtables. CfP George Macdonald's Scotland 2017 Deadline 1 March 2017 Conference 19-21 July 2017, University of Aberdeen Exploring all aspects related to the Scottish upbringing, education and heritage of the cleric, polymath and writer of fantastic literature George MacDonald. 8
Gramarye issue 10 available to pre-order
Gramarye issue 10 is now available to pre-order from our online store. This issue’s contents include: • Dr Paul Quinn, Introduction • ‘Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye’, Diane Purkiss • ‘How authentic is “authentic”?’, Rosalind Kerven • ‘The Persecuted History of Cinderella: A Case for Oral Tradition in Western Europe’, Julie Lauren-Jacokes Koehler • ‘On Fairy Tales’, Katherine Langrish • Interview with Juliet Marillier, by Ceri Houlbrook • An excerpt from Raven Flight, Juliet Marillier • ‘My Favourite Story When I Was Young, or:The Boy Who Went Forth to Unlearn What Fear Was’, Donald Haase • A review of Kate Forsyth's The Rebirth of Rapunzel: A Mythic Biography of the Maiden in the Tower, Jack Zipes • A review of Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère, Gillian Lathey and Monika Wozniak (eds)Cinderella across Cultures: New Directions and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, D.L. Ashliman 9
• A review of Jack Zipes' Fairy-Tale Films Beyond Disney, Rose Williamson • A review of Katherine Langrish's Seven Miles of Steel Thistles, Sara Cleto • A review of Mark Norman's Black Dog Folklore, Jacqueline Simpson • A review of Erica Wagner's First Light, Maureen Kincaid Speller • A review of Ralph C. Wood's (ed.) Tolkien Among The Moderns, Siddharth Pandey • Correspondence from Judith Woolf The printed edition of Gramarye issue 10 will only be available to pre-ordering customers and subscribers. To guarantee your printed copy of future issues, please subscribe here. Exclusive offer Gramarye readers are entitled to 20% off Scrivener software, the project management tool for writers. Just visit and enter the coupon code ‘SUSSEXCENTRE’. The printed edition of Gramarye 8 may still be ordered from: • Atlantis Books (London) • Kims (Chichester) • Treadwells (London) 10
If you have any queries or feedback about this newsletter, please contact Heather Robbins at