The Beacon - December 18, 2008

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ICS Preschool Christmas Program

Fundraiser to Benefit Police K-9

Oak Harbor Girls Defeat Rivals From m Port Clinton





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Ottawa County’s Largest Circulated Newspaper Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.





Stephanie Lowe, executive director of Ottawa Residential Services, Inc., is committed to helping low-income families or disabled residents find affordable and decent housing. Ottawa Residential Services owns a number of rental properties that are leased out to eligible residents, as determined by a case manager. Stephanie is also a member of the Housing Collaborative, a group that The Lowe Family meets monthly to exchange Lives United updates and best practices, and her husband Bill is chair of the Ottawa County Housing Authority through his position as director of the Ottawa County Transportation Authority. Together, through their dedication to decent and affordable housing, Stephanie and Bill LIVE UNITED. . –––––––– We had 158 entries in our “Where’s Wylie” contest this week, and our winner is Dolly Mathews of Catawba who found Wylie Walleye in the Cleats ad page 10A in last week’s Beacon. Dolly wins a $20 gift certificate to the new Bruno’s Pizzeria in Marblehead. We’ll be hiding Wylie Walleye again this week in one of our ads. If you find him, register to win by mailing the form in the paper; by dropping it off at our office next to Goodwill Industries in the Beacon Place Shopping Center; e-mail your entry to; or click on the Wylie icon on our home page at –––––––– Our “Win it on the Web” winner this week is Mary Gardner of Port Clinton who clicked her way to a $20 gas card from Friendship Food Stores. You might be our next winner, just log on to and click on the “Win it on the Web” icon. ––––––––

Three big Happy Birthdays this week! First, Happy 90th to Dr. Hab Hablitzel, whose family has taken care of people’s teeth around here for too many years! Second, former Port Clinton Police Chief, Hank Jacoby celebrated his 93rd birthday last Friday at FanMark Tire, when he was given a special Proclamation by Mayor Debbie Hymore-Tester. Finally, Happy Hank and Katie Jacoby birthday to Ottawa County Common receive proclamation from Please Court Judge, Paul Moon (I’m Mayor Testor. not sure how many). –––––––– I received a news clip from the Mobile, Alabama Press Register last week from Reggie Langford. Apparently, Mobile is promoting a “Moon Pie Drop” for New Year’s Eve. In an Editorial, the first sentence reads…If they can drop a walleye in Port Clinton, Ohio and a Pine Cone in Flagstaff, Arizona, then why not drop an electric Moon Pie on New Year’s Eve in Mobile? Later in the editorial, the writer notes…after all, you might never have heard of Port Clinton Ohio if photos and video of a 600 lb. fiberglass Wylie the Walleye sliding gently to earth weren’t posted on the Web. Port Clinton is the self-styled Walleye Capital of the World, you see. –––––––– Congratulations to Carol Strebar Wehenkel of Port Clinton, who was recently recognized in the December issue of Ohio Magazine as one of the outstanding teachers at colleges and universities throughout Ohio. The magazine states…"Carol Strebar exemplifies the word teacher. She not only teaches with great knowledge, but also with an enthusiasm that is contagious. She goes to extraordinary lengths to know every student in every class “by name”, focuses on positive learning outcomes in the curriculum and serves as an extremely proactive student advocate." Carol retired this past May from Terra Community College after 25 years. –––––––– The Resurrection Lutheran Church on Catawba invites the community to visit its second annual outdoor “Live Nativity” this Sunday, December 21 from 1-4 p.m. Again this year, they will feature live animals. You may remain in your cars or visit the live animals up close and personal.

Inside This Week… Opinion/Guest Editorial ..........2A Community Calendar ..............3A Beacon Bits ..............................4A Schools ................................6 & A Enertainment ...........................8A Village Square/ Records .........9A Rediscover Local Bus. ...........11A

Real Estate ............................1-8B Sports ................................ 2 & 3B Business ............................ 4 & 5B Financial Focus ........................5B Real Estate Transfers ...............5B Classifieds ................................6B Yellow Page Directory .............7B

United Way in Ottawa County Exceeds Campaign Goal United Way in Ottawa downturn, contributing County has announced $81,456. that it has exceeded its goal “We are grateful and appreof $370,000 for the 2008 ciative so many people in so Campaign. In the midst many areas of Ottawa County of a faltering economy, the stepped up and helped,” said people of Ottawa County Chris Galvin, Director of raised over $394,000. United Way in Ottawa Coun“This is just incredible,” ty. “I look forward to exciting said John and Mary Alice proposals from community Schaffner, 2008 Campaign programs applying for this Co-chairs. “We are abmoney.” solutely floored that our United Way in Ottawa community pulled together County is part of the larger to raise this kind of money United Way of Greater Toleunder current economic do, which serves Lucas, Wood, conditions.” and Ottawa counties. Overall, Ottawa County’s camUnited Way of Greater raised paign jumped out to a great $13,502,684, a 7 percent destart, thanks to the Schaffcrease over last year’s contriners’ idea for the United butions. Way in Ottawa County Money raised in the 2008 Gem Beach Rock ‘n’ Roll Campaign will be invested Reunion. Not only did the in United Way’s recently Ottawa County United Way event raise nearly $60,000, launched Agenda for Change, Campaign Co-Chairmen it fostered a sense of comwhich focuses on education, John and Mary Alice Schaffner munity camaraderie and income and health. For more Live United connectedness. information, visit www.unitThe rest of the campaign depends on workplace and read the full plan. and individual giving. The major success story As always, United Way continues to accept conof this year’s workplace campaigns comes from tributions throughout the year. It is never too late Magruder Hospital, which more than doubled both to reach out a hand. Pledge securely online at www. its employee participation rate and its overall con- tribution. This is especially commendable given that "Many individual campaign activities are still onthe medical community traditionally has a low par- going", said Chairman John Schaffner. "My sincere ticipation rate. hope is that individuals and organizations will still Brush Wellman also remained a solid United Way get on board. The need in Ottawa County is greater supporter this year in the midst of the economic than ever."

Redfern Says Good-Bye to Ohio House Ending 9 Years in the State Legislature BY CATHY ALLEN

Emil Cellier (L) and Dr. Don Loeffler (R) help celebrate Hab's (Center) 90th birthday last Sunday.

Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid Port Clinton, Ohio Permit #80

Chris Redfern made final remarks on the floor of the Ohio House of Representatives Tuesday, saying, “It has been a privilege and an honor to serve the families of the 80th House District. From the first day forward, I have never forgotten their interests.” Sworn in to represent Erie and Ottawa counties in 1999, Redfern studied the issues and pursued his objectives. In his fourth year of service, Redfern’s Democratic colleagues elected him Minority Leader. He held that position until late 2005 when he resigned to become chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party, a post he still holds. Under Redfern’s leadership, House Democrats steadily gained seats in 2004 and 2006. They captured the majority in 2008.

Redfern’s legislative career has been characterized by his defense of Lake Erie and Ohio’s other natural resources and his devotion to serving the people of his home district. “My district defines me,” Redfern said. “It’s who I am.” After thanking a host of mentors and staff, Redfern quoted Ottawa County Administrator Jere Witt as saying “Whenever one opportunity closes, another one opens. I am the luckiest man in the world because I get to return home to Kim and Reese.” Baby daughter Reese arrived this past December 2. “Two weeks ago, I had never changed a diaper. Now I can do it at three in the morning in the dark.” Voters of the 80th House District elected Dennis E. Murray, Jr. in November. He will take the oath of office in January.

State Representative Chris Redfern gave his final speech to the House of Representatives Tuesday. PHOTO BY LARRY FLETCHER

D’Arcy Egan Presented with Cardinal Award From ODNR The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) recently honored D’Arcy Egan of Marblehead and other leading conservationists who have made outstanding contributions to the protection and enjoyment of the state’s natural resources. ODNR Director Sean D. Logan presented Egan with the agency’s Cardinal Award for Conservation for his efforts to reveal the value of Ohio’s natural resources to citizens across the state. The Cardinal Award honors individuals and organizations that demonstrate exceptional awareness and concern for ideals reflected in the department’s mission statement: to ensure a balance between the wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. “D’Arcy Egan is dedicated to the promotion of Ohio’s natural resources,” said Director Logan. “Through his D'Arcy Egan receives the Cardinal Award outdoor column and radio shows, he has educated the from ODNR Director Sean Logan. public about natural resources issues and highlighted all that the outdoors has to offer while exposing wildlife violators and celebrating wildlife reintroductions.” A true advocate of ODNR’s mission, Egan has devoted 30 years to being Ohio’s “Outdoor Columnist” for the largest newspaper in the state, the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Egan has not only written about conservation, he has played an active role in preserving the outdoors. He has promoted partnership projects between ODNR and several conservation groups to obtain and restore habitats and increase public access to such habitats for Of dogs & cats…above Ohio’s outdoorsmen and women. we have Loki the wellread cat and Carli the antlered Retreiver.


The Beacon I

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Guest Editorial Editor’s Note-- Just about the time I embarked on my annual Christmas Shopping Spree, along comes an article from a member of our Association, Steve Erlanger of the Hometown News Publications in Port St. Lucie, Florida. I have met Steve several times at conferences. He is originally from Springfield, Ohio. His sentiment matches mine. I don’t like shopping at malls or box stores. To me, one of the joys of Christmas shopping is buying at places like GSE Jewelers, MozinArt, Desdemonas, Split Winds Gallery, Just 4 Ewe, Golden i, and Newport Dry Goods. Everywhere I go shopping, the folks in the store know me by name, and I like that, and I know I can trust the quality of the items that I buy, and if Mary Alice doesn’t like what I buy for her, she can take it back and easily exchange it. Shopping local is what Christmas Shopping is to me. Dear Editor, I cannot tell you how many times I have seen a small business open up in my community, say to myself, “Oh, that’s great, I’ll have to get in there,” and then drive by months later and realize that I have yet to make that first stop to see what this new venture is all about. This frustrates me. My intentions are good. And maybe if

I had seen various advertisements reminding me about the place, I would have made that visit. The best part is when it’s locally owned; it’s not just a business, but a person - possibly a neighbor or someone I know from the gym or the park or school events. It’s personal. I think of the excitement they must have had when first getting the idea for the business, putting it together and actually seeing it take shape. Then, as the excitement slowly fades and the reality of success or failure is in plain view, the realization of such a brave move takes hold. It is all of our responsibility to help our local business people succeed. It is the core of a community, the lifeblood. Without our local business partners, we would be left with only the large national chains with no ties to our community, only looking to take our money and run when times get rough. So, this holiday season, I have made a pact with myself to purchase everything I possibly can from local purveyors. Bikes, music, wine, gourmet food, books, even clothes for my trendy teenager can be found in businesses owned by those who live among us.

Sure, I might pay a little more, but that extra coin will stay in my community, not be shipped off to some corporate headquarters up north. And by purchasing locally, you get hometown service. It’s nice to be able to pick up the phone and get an actual person on the line or walk into a place and talk to the same person who sold you an item. Holiday dinners and parties? Local restaurants only. There’s something to be said about walking into a place “where everyone knows your name.” Not that all locally owned businesses are perfect. Many of them are owned by people who have never been in business for themselves before. But because they dreamed and dared, I think we can cut them a little slack while they work out the kinks. If we stick with them now, think of the gratitude they will show us later. I hope you will join me in patronizing locally owned businesses this holiday season. Because it’s not just business, it’s personal. Steve Erlanger Publisher and Chief Operating Officer of Hometown News Springfield,OH

SoundOff Dear Editor, On behalf of the American Red Cross I would like to take this opportunity to thank the generous supporters of the Ottawa County District Office. The holidays are a time for reflection, and in this my 20th Christmas as an American Red Cross employee, more than ever I feel privileged to work for an organization whose mission is so universally respected and whose logo is so revered around the globe. In my role as a Red Cross employee, I have had an opportunity to meet the most remarkable people who give generously of their time, their talents and their treasures expecting nothing in return except the comfort of knowing that they’ve helped to improve the life of their neighbors, family and friends. Volunteers teach others to save lives, to swim and to safely babysit. Volunteers train to respond to fires, floods, tornados, hurricanes, winter storms and heat waves. Volunteers assist the local hospital patients and staff, screen blood pressures and help in the local office. Ottawa County residents volunteer to donate more than 2,000 units of blood per year – the gift of life to others. Volunteers work tirelessly to raise funds to keep a local Red Cross presence. The American Red Cross exists through

the generosity of the American people. Volunteers, donors, community partners, the media – thank you for all your generous support. Merry Christmas! Beth Leggett, Director American Red Cross Dear Editor, The Port Clinton Music Boosters Fruit Sale Committee, the officers of the music boosters and the music directors of the PCMS and PCHS would like to personally thank all the people who supported our 2008 fundraiser. As the chairperson, I am awed at the support of over 600 people who placed orders with the children who are currently participating in the music program 7th – 12th. One never knows how the outcome will be each year and with the current economic situation….. speaking for the music boosters, we are very appreciative. Currently there are 349 children in the music programs of band, choir and orchestra. Many of these children are not only high in academics, they are also involved in sports, have jobs and/or other outside the school activities. So for them to sell products is quite the achievement. And I am not so naïve to think that these kids did this all themselves.

I know that many of their parents were real troopers and took the order forms to work with them to sell as well as ask other family members, etc. This fundraiser helps to pay for items like sheet music, music stands, bus trips, uniforms and so much more. I’d also like to thank Jan Gluth and Doug Armstrong for the great advertising they did to help our efforts. I received many phone calls and e-mails from people who placed orders. So thank you two for helping us get the word out! Just a reminder that the fruit comes in Wednesday, December 17th. If you ordered fruit or cheesecakes, you should be getting it soon. Carol Fox, Chair person Fruit Sale Committee Port Clinton Dear Editor, A recent news article told how religions were becoming politically active. Unfortunately for most of these religions when they become politically active there is a major disconnect from morality. The reason for this disconnect is they do not understand that there are only two political philosophiesindividualism and collectivism. Individualism, which our founders en-

dorsed, held the individual man or woman’s life and property as the standard of value. Collectivism which we see today is the sacrifice of the individual to the collective or group. Collectivism can come in several forms; Communism which is the total abolition of private property, Fascism where the individual retains ownership but it’s controlled through taxation or regulation by the state and Socialism also know as Communism light or spreading the wealth. All of these lead to Totalitarianism. The call for sacrifice can be explicit or implicit through buzz words. Listen carefully and you will hear them. You will hear words like equality, needs, group rights, living wage, level playing field, Wall Street Main Street, and best of all, common good. The people using these terms are looking at you not themselves as the sacrifice. Religions should come to understand that government is simply force, and by introducing government into the equation voluntary sacrifices which are moral become immoral and destructive to our freedoms. Jim Boehm Port Clinton

Walleye Drop to Attract National TV Coverage When Wylie Walleye drops in to Port Clinton on New Year’s Eve he’ll have a few more people watching. In addition to the thousands of spectators that pack Madison Street on December 31st, millions more will be watching on national TV. The Walleye Madness at Midnight Committee has announced that plans to televise the Walleye Drop on a major

national television network are underway. A special New Year’s Eve show set to air live on December 31st will highlight four locations around the planet. Specific network and hosting information must remain a secret until the television network releases final details the week of Christmas. The network has assigned a producer to oversee all televi-

Sleep like a baby.

sion aspects of the Port Clinton segments of the show. This producer is scheduled to make a site appearance in Port Clinton in the next week to ten days. The Walleye Madness at Midnight Committee includes: Mike Snider, Kim Sedlak, Dan Seklak, Joan Bryden, John Fellhauer, Chris Harris, Martha Stonerook, Michelle Loddo, Chris Marcinko, Rachel Rucker, Laura Schlachter, Vee Reifsnyder, Jan Hackett, Brandon Cereus, Nick James and Doug Klimkowski.

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Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.


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205 S.E. Catawba Road, Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 • 419-732-2154 Classifieds 419-732-1500 • Fax 419-734-5382

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President, Editor JOHN SCHAFFNER Creative Services Manager HEIDI M. RIFE Sales Manager MJ SIEWERT Assistant Editor CHRIS McBAIN Graphic Design JENNIFER DAUBEL

Classified Liner Ad Specialist CHARLENE DEYOE

Classified Ad Specialist DONNA BECKER


Account Executives TINA GYDE JENNIFER WAGGONER Circulation Manager BRUCE DINSE Facility Manager MARY ALICE SCHAFFNER


The Beacon is published every Thursday and is circulated free to the public, via US Postal Service under Permit #80, as well as by independent carriers. The Beacon serves, and is mailed to the communities of Port Clinton, Lakeside/Marblehead, and Oak Harbor, as well as Catawba, Danbury, Portage, Erie, Bay, Benton-Carroll and Salem Townships in Ottawa County. Letters to Sound Off, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Beacon are welcome. Please note: All Sound Off letters and/or letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Beacon, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage. The Beacon is owned and operated by Schaffner Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, president. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Beacon.The Beacon and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Real Estate, Class liners close Monday by 12pm and Retail ads close Monday by 4:00 PM.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


The Beacon


CommunityCalendar pal Church. 2nd & Jefferson St. 7:00pm-1st Monday/ea. month Women’s Group @ Faith Methodist, 5th & Jackson St. 7:00-8:00pm Danbury Local Schools Open Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. TUESDAY: 6:15-7:45am PCHS Natatorium Morning Swim thru PC Rec. 6:30am -AA Meeting-Resurrection Luth. Church -2370 NE Catawba Rd-Catawba Isl. 6:30-7:15am Danbury Local Schools Adult Swim. $2\adult. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 8:00am -Men’s Prayer Breakfast @ Trinity United Meth. Church, 135 Adams St., PC 8:15am- Walk the Halls to Fitness at Port Clinton High School Enter at the Performing Art Center by 8:30am Every Tuesday and Thursday when school is in session For more information call 419-732-2102 or jgluth@ 9:00am -Woodcarvers meet @ St. John’s Lutheran Church. Noon-Rotary Club at The Elk’s Lodge #1718, 231 Buckeye Blvd. 1:00pm -Euchre Games every 1st and 3rd Tues. of each month. Port Clinton Sr. Center, East 3rd St. Port Clinton. 4:00-5:00pm Danbury Local Schools Open Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 5:30pm Weight Watchers, @Otterbein North Shore Retirement Community, mtg. 6pm weigh in at 5:30pm. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Strength Training - Works all the major muscle groups. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00-7:00pm Quiet Strength/ Yoga-lates at the Vineyard on Catawba (Off West Catawba Rd.) Community Room. Welcome anytime. Questions can be directed to Certified Instructor: Toni Garrett 419-732-0992 6:30-8:00pm Hatha yoga class, Gentle to the experienced 25th year of teaching classes. @ Magruder Hospital 2nd floor Conf. Ctr.419635-2337. Call Linda Green for more info. 419-635-2337. 6:30pm -TOPS #1487 Resurrection Luth. Church. NE Catawba Rd., Catawba For More Info Call Marylou Carroll 797-4283 Weigh in 6:30, mtg. At 7pm. 7:00pm Authentic Man Study: Every first and third Tuesday of the month @ Chapel on the Lake 7:00pm- Women’s Bible Studies; Song of Solomon- Marlene Jensen @ Chapel on the Lake. 7:30pm Council Meeting, Council Chambers 7:30pm Knight of Columbus 1st&3rd Tues each month, Bergeman Hall 109 E. Perry St. 8:00pm -AA @ St. John’s Lutheran Church Hall, Stone St., Marblehead. WEDNESDAY: 6:15-7:45am PCHS Natatorium Morning Swim thru PC Rec. 6:30am -AA Meeting Resurrection Lutheran Church, 2370 NE Catawba Rd-Catawba. 6:30-7:15am Danbury Local Schools Adult Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 8:30am - 1st Wed/Month Breakfast with April PC Senior Center East 3rd St. PC 12:00 - AA mtgs.@ St. Thomas Episcopal Church undercroft, 214 E. 2nd St. Port Clinton. 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study - Power of a Praying Wife at Chapel on the Lake 12:00 Port Clinton Artists Club @ Ida Rupp Public Library. 5:00-6:00pm Danbury Local Schools Open Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 5:30pm - Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) #949. Oak Harbor Library Community Room, 147 W. Main St. Call 419-898-9205 for more info. 5:30-6:30pm Weekly Bible study Methodist Kids Club, ages 4-13, @Bible Methodist 150 Maple St, Port Clinton. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Cardio/Pilates - 1/2 hour of aerobic exercise followed by 1/2 hour of Pilates core exercises. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class

FASTrack Urgent Care 135 W. PERRY ST., PORT CLINTON • 419-732-7800

Trinity United Methodist Church, 135 Adams St. FRIDAY: 6:15-7:45am PCHS Natatorium Morning Swim thru PC Rec. 6:30am -AA Meeting-Resurrection Luth. Church-2370 NE Catawba Rd, Catawba Isl. 6:30-7:15am Danbury Local Schools Adult Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 7:30am Fremont Chapter of International Referral Network meets every Friday at Divinci’s Coffee House, 115 South Front St. Any business welcome. 9:30am-5pm - Annual Used Book Sale at Ida Rupp Public Library, 310 Madison St., Port Clinton. 2:00-5:00pm Care & Share Open, 924 Lake Street Gypsum. 7:00pm - Al Anon Meeting - St. John Lutheran Church-122 W. Ottawa St., Oak Harbor. 7:30pm - AA Resurrection Lutheran Church 2370 N. E. Catawba Rd. Catawba Island. 8:00pm - Oak Harbor Conservation Club “ Friday Night Pistol”. SATURDAY: 6:30am-AA Meeting-Resurrection Luth. Church, 2370 NE Catawba Rd., Catawba Isl. 8:00am-1:00pm Blood Drive at Catawba Island Hall, Community Rm, 3307 North West Catawba Rd. Appt. call Marcia Adams 419-734-6360. 8:00am- Men’s Breakfast-Chapel on the Lake @Big Boppers, Rte 163, Marblehead. 9:00am- Authentic Man Study: Every first and third Tuesday of the month @ Chapel on the Lake 9:30am-1pm - Annual Used Book Sale at Ida Rupp Public Library, 310 Madison St., Port Clinton. 8:00pm-AA at St. Thomas Episcopal Church undercroft, 214 E. 2nd St.

6:00pm Marblehead Main Street Merchants mtg., @ Avery’s Café. Open to public. Meetings always held on 1st Wednesday of each month. 6:00pm-PC Nazarene Church, 205 W. 4th St, Dinner, Children, Teens, Adult Activities. 6:30pm- Jr. High & High School youth group at Chapel on the Lake. Contact Nathan and Elizabeth Davenport for more information. 7:00pm - Family Night @Erie Shores Assembly of God, 220 Gill Rd. 7:00-8:00pm Danbury Local Schools Adult only open swim. $2\adult. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 7:30pm - Port Clinton Eagles Aux. Meeting 2nd & 4th Wednesday. THURSDAY: 6:15-7:45am PCHS Natatorium Morning Swim thru PC Rec. 6:30am - AA Meeting, Resurrection Luth. Church, 2370 NE Catawba Rd.-Catawba Isl. 6:30-7:15am Danbury Local Schools Adult Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 8:15am- Walk the Halls to Fitness at Port Clinton High School Enter at the Performing Art Center by 8:30am Every Tuesday and Thursday when school is in session For more information call 419-732-2102 or jgluth@ 9:00am - NOON Food Pantry at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 165 Toussaint St. Oak Harbor 419-898-0852 (Open to anyone in BCS school district). 10:00am- Women’s Bible Study; DanielMary Hall @ Chapel on the Lake 4:00-5:00pm Danbury Local Schools Open Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Strength Training - Works all the major muscle groups. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00pm 2nd Thurs of each month (Beginning 12/13) Support meeting for Chronic Pain Suffers & Loved ones @ Edgewood Manor Nursing Home, 1330 Fulton St., PC. 6:00pm-Trap and Skeet Shooting, Camp Perry Shooting Club. 6:00-7:00pm Quiet Strength/ Yoga-lates at the Vineyard on Catawba (Off West Catawba Rd.) Community Room. Welcome anytime. Questions can be directed to Certified Instructor: Toni Garrett 419-732-0992 6:30pm- Bingo at Immaculate Conception School Auditorium. 7:00pm- American Legion Post #113 Meetings 1st of each month. 118 Monroe St. 7:00pm - Marblehead Village Council meeting 2nd Thurs of each month. 7:00pm -TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 1531 @ the Senior Citizens Center. 7:00pm - 3rd Thurs. each month. Marblehead Lighthouse Historical Soc. Monthly mtg. 7:00pm- Stepping Out: A Journey Thru the Psalms of Ascent- Carolyn McDaniel @ Chapel on the Lake. 8:00pm - AA AL-ANON at

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If you would like to submit an event or change the information to our Community Calendar it should be in the office by Monday 3:30 p.m. Attn: Charlene Deyoe, 205 SE Catawba Rd., Suite G, Port Clinton, OH 43452 or Call 419-732-2154 Fax, 419-7345382 or e-mail: SPECIAL NOTICES: St. Paul and St. John Lutheran, LakesideMarblehead, invite the community to participate in Advent and Christmas events, as follows: Sunday, Dec. 21 - regular worship, 8:45 a.m. at St. John, 10:30 a.m. at St. Paul Sat., Dec. 20 - DYO (Danbury Youth Organization), meet at St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. to deliver cookies to the homeless shelter in Sandusky Sun., Dec. 21 - Children’s Christmas Program, “It’s a Wonder-full Life” at St. Paul at 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship 5:00 p.m., St. Paul, “The Greatest Gift”, especially for kids of all ages, puppets 7:00 p.m., St. John, Traditional candlelight, communion, carols 10:30 p.m., St. Paul, Traditional candlelight, communion, carols (music begins at 10:15) Everyone coming to our Christmas eve services will receive a free audio New Testament through “Faith Comes by Hearing” (MP3 format) to use or to give away. A special offering will be taken to help with the translation of a book of the Bible for the Tupuri language in Cameroon, Africa. The community is invited to listen to (or read) the New Testament in 90 days together with the congregations, beginning January 4th. SUNDAY: ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE - Check with churches for Summer schedules. 7:30-10:30am Breakfast & Conversation, St. John Lutheran, 2nd & Adams St. coffee, flavored coffee, Hot Chocolate & Breakfast rolls. Join others in the area for a relaxing morning. Call Bill Fehnrich with questions 419-734-1116. 9:00am-Noon-2nd Sunday ea month Breakfast-American Legion Post, #113 N Monroe. Open to public, handicap accessible, Adults $6. Kids under 12 $3. Proceeds/Bldg. fund. Visit NOON- AA at St. Thomas Episcopal Church undercroft, 214 E. 2nd St 4:30pm - BINGO- St. Boniface Church, 215 N. Church St., Oak Harbor doors open 4:30, Games begin 6pm. MONDAY: 6:15am-7:45am PCHS Natatorium Morning Swim Thru PC Rec. No school\No swim. 1 month $40, Seniors 65+ $20 or $2 per swim, $1 for seniors. Passes available at City Hall. 6:30am-AA Meeting-Resurrection Luth. Church-2370 NE Catawba Rd.-Catawba Island. 6:30-7:15am Danbury Local Schools Adult Swim. $2\adult. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 9:00am-Noon Food Pantry, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 165 Toussaint St. 419898-0852 (Open to anyone in BCS school district). NOON- AA at St. Thomas Episcopal Church undercroft, 214 E. 2nd St. 4:00-5:00pm Danbury Local Schools Arthritis Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 5:00-6:00pm Danbury Local Schools Open Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 5:00pm-Bingo at St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 507 E. Main St. Marblehead. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Cardio/Pilates - 1/2 hour of aerobic exercise followed by 1/2 hour of Pilates core exercises. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00-7:00pm Danbury Local Schools Rental Time. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 6:00pm Bay Area Toastmasters, Commodore Perry Inn & Suites, Banquet Room, PC 2nd & 4th of the month. Public welcome. 7:00pm -AL-ANON at St. Thomas Episco-




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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 18, 2008

BeaconBits DETESTABLE TESSA The two boys rode their bikes quickly along the dusty lane. It was late summer and the earth was hot and dry. Dust swirled up behind them as they raced along. Thad and Duke were best friends. At twelve years old they were feeling the heady effects of freedom. This was the first summer they had been allowed away from home for extended periods of time without supervision. It was wonderful. Thad, especially, was enjoying his summer. He lived with his mother in a rundown rental house. She worked full-time and also cleaned cottages and hotel rooms. Before this Thad had often been alone while she worked. But now he spent his free time with Duke. Duke had three older sisters and lived in a house on the lane. Duke’s sisters were a constant irritation to Thad and Duke. The two older girls were boy-crazy, talking about boys, thinking about boys and talking on the phone to boys. They experimented with make up, fixed their hair and changed their clothes constantly. But they had summer jobs and were gone most of the time so they didn’t present much of a problem. The youngest girl, Tessa, age thirteen, was a year older than Duke and “just a damned nuisance,” the boys said. (They were careful not to say it when adults were nearby.) Tessa liked to tag along with them. She got in their way, asked stupid questions and slowed them down. The worst thing about Tessa, the boys thought, was that she was a crummy tattle-tale. They didn’t dare do anything wrong. She’d tell Duke’s mother, Thad’s mother or both. This was a major hindrance because the boys were learning to swear and to make rude remarks to older girls. They openly guffawed at some of the older tourists in town. In general the boys had a really good time - if Tessa wasn’t tagging along. But sometimes Duke’s mother made them take Tessa with them. She was a real pain. Now, at summer’s end, they were tired of her. They had dubbed her “Detestable Tessa”. Duke and Thad thought they were very smart to have thought of that title. So they used it frequently. Duke had gotten into trouble that morning, and it was Detestable Tessa’s fault. Tessa and Duke had been told to hoe the garden and pick tomatoes and beans. Duke had dawdled, avoiding his share of the work, and was angry when Tessa repeatedly tattle-taled about him. Finally, exasperated, their mother told Tessa to start cleaning the storeroom and went outside to tell Duke to finish the garden work by himself. Duke knew he was in big trouble when his mother used his real name: “And, Thomas, it had better be done right. I’m tired of your behavior. Your sister can’t do her work and yours, too. If you misbehave just one more time I’ll have to discuss this with your father. Get busy. And don’t come in the house until you’re finished.” Duke’s mother gave them sandwiches for lunch. Duke and Thad sat on one side of the table, and Duke moved the big milk jug to block his view of his sister. Even when he couldn’t

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see her, Tessa was a nuisance. This time she was babbling on about a murder. She’d read about it in a newspaper she’d found in the storeroom. It had happened right here in their town, she said, and it had been just totally gruesome. Someone had beaten a man to death with a blunt instrument, and the murderer had never been found. It scared her just to think about it. Geez, thought Duke, she’s asking Mom a hundred questions about the murder, and it happened years ago. She’s scared. That gave him a super idea. Now as the boys rode down the lane he called for Thad to stop. “Thad, you know that old camp down the road?” “Sure. But we can’t go there. The signs say ‘No Trespassing’.” “We won’t get caught. I need to find some wood.” “Why?” “Because I am going to scare hell out of Tessa. See this?” From an old bag he took a bottle of catsup, a hammer and some big nails. “What’s that for?” “We’re going to make a murder weapon.” And he cackled with glee. The camp by the lake consisted of old abandoned cabins strung along a lane on either side of a decrepit farmhouse. The boys had been warned to stay away from it so they looked around furtively before pushing their bicycles through the hedge. Once inside they dropped their bicycles to the ground. “We’ll go to the big house first,” Duke decided. They looked in its windows, laughing and joking, feeling brave and cocky. No one could tell them what to do or not do. The back door was boarded up tight, but the front door swung open with a turn of the doorknob. Inside the house it was dirty and dark. But they found just what Duke needed to make his “blunt instrument”. A piece of wood lay across the kitchen floor. Perfect. The boys drove huge spikes into one end and then smeared it with catsup. There was a ragged old shirt in the corner, and they decided to add “blood” to that, too. “You know what, Thad?” Duke said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the murder happened right here.” The boys looked at each other and a cold chill ran down their spines. Suddenly, with a loud bang, the door blew shut. “Let’s get out of here,” Thad yelled. They pushed the wood, hammer and shirt into the bag and ran to the door. It was jammed shut and wouldn’t budge. “Let’s try a window.” But the windows were painted shut, and the tiny panes were too small to crawl through even if they’d broken the glass. Then they saw him. A tall, rugged man was coming slowly up the path from the lake. He looked like a bum and had a sheath with a knife hanging on his belt. As he got closer he casually flicked the butt of his cigarette away, and it landed near the neighboring cabin. “Get down.” Duke whispered, and the boys dropped out of sight until the man was past. “What…what if he is the murderer?” Duke asked. The boys were terrified until they watched the man enter the last cabin in the lane. They breathed a sigh of relief and again tried to find a way to escape. A half hour later they were still prisoners in the house. And they were scared.

Then they smelled the smoke. They raced to the window and saw that the cabin next door was BY VIRGINIA PARK on fire. And the wind was blowing the smoke and sparks toward them. “We’ve got to get out of here,” Duke yelled. “We’ll be burned alive!” He grabbed the hammer out of the bag and began pounding the boarded-up back door. Up on the road, Tessa was riding past, heading for town. She saw the clouds of smoke coming from the campground and decided to take a look. As she pushed through the hedge she saw the cabin on fire. She needed to call the fire department immediately. Just as she turned to run, she saw the bicycles. Her brother and Thad - were they in the burning cabin? As she raced toward the fire she heard hammering coming from the direction of the farmhouse. With one look she knew that the house would burn next. She ran toward it, hollering her brother’s name. She heard her brother scream as she ran to the front door. “Tessa. We can’t get out!” “Wait. Wait. I’ll find a way,” she yelled. Tessa ran around the house. In the back were the slanted doors leading to a cellar. She flung back the doors and stumbled down a miserable flight of stairs. At the bottom a wooden door gaped open. She ran into the dank gloomy basement. In the darkness she dimly discerned a ladder rising to the ceiling. Frantically she climbed it and found a hatch in the ceiling at the top. With a mighty heave, she pushed it upward. Suddenly it gave way, and she could see into the kitchen of the old house. “Duke, Thad, in here. The kitchen. Come on. I’ll get you out.” Almost sobbing with relief the boys followed her down the ladder and out into the open air. “Come on,” Tessa said. We’ve got to call for help.” “Wait a minute. There’s a guy here. We’ve got to get him out, too.” The three kids ran to the last cabin, hollering at the top of their lungs. The stranger ran out. He’d been asleep. He called for help on his cell phone. But by the time the fire department arrived there wasn’t much left to save. The old dry grass led the flames from one building to another. Soon everything was gone. It turned out that the stranger wasn’t a bum after all. Actually he owned the campground and had intended to renovate the farmhouse as a home for his family. He was new in town and planned to build a new factory at the campsite. That would bring many new jobs to the town. He told everyone that the children had saved his life. Duke, Thad and Tessa were interviewed by television reporters, and their pictures were on the front page of all the newspapers. They were heroes. But Duke and Thad never boasted about the rescue. And Tessa never told anyone that the boys had trespassed or how they’d escaped from the farmhouse. All three of the children had grown up a lot on that fateful day. The boys quieted down and began to act more responsibly. And, from that day forward, they never mentioned the words “Detestable Tessa” again.

Historical Society Selling Oral History Book on “The People of Ottawa County” Still looking for a unique gift for a special person? Give the gift of local history. The The People of Ottawa County, the Ottawa County Historical Society’s oral history series, contains a variety of stories of the people who made and make the area what it is. Stories of fishermen, fruit orchards, farmers and factories, miners, businesses

:fd\ _fd\ kf pfli Zfddle`kp YXeb\i% and just plain folks have been collected and compiled from all over Ottawa County by ‘On Page and Stage,’ a committee of the O.C.H.S. Volume II, Recollections and Voices,” is $12.50; Volume III, Across the Townships, is $15 and Volume IV, Threads in a Tapestry, is $18. The books are available at various businesses around the county, at

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the Ottawa County Historical Museum or by sending the volume price plus $3 per book shipping and handling to: Richard Taylor, 23685 W. Walbridge Road, Curtice, OH 43412. A waiting list is being compiled for the soldout Volume I: “How We Got Here, What We Did, Early Settlers and their Enterprise,” and it will be republished

Member FDIC

Member SIPC

when there are sufficient requests, for $18 a copy. “Through the Lens,” A Pictorial History of Lakeside, is also available from the Lakeside Heritage Archives. Send $25 plus $3.50 for shipping and handling to the Lakeside Heritage Archives, 324 W. 3rd. Street, Lakeside, Ohio 43440.

Fleet Hometown News Navy Seaman Collin W. Vandergiessen, nephew of Laura A. Warga of Oak Harbor, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, IL. During the eight-week program, Vandergiessen completed a variety of training which included classroom study and practical instruction on naval customs, first aid, firefighting, water safety and survival and shipboard and aircraft safety. An emphasis was also placed on physical fitness. Vandergiessen is a 2008 graduate of Sherman High School of Sherman, Texas.

Our Classifieds Work Hard for You! Call 419-732-1500

Thursday, December 18, 2008 I

The Beacon


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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Schools It’s a Bug’s Life

CD Special Now In Effect

“I hate bugs…that’s gross…that’s cool”, are some of the comments that could have been heard from Becky Renner’s 4th graders at RC Waters. Crystal Dymond, Storm Water Technician from the Ottawa Soil and Water Conservation, paid a visit to the students and shared her “bug” collection and helped the students understand just how bugs “talk” to each other. She also shared how important insects are in the environment. “Insects use chemicals called pheromones to communicate”, Dymond explained, “They can’t talk to each other, and one of the most common ways they communicate is by scent and smell.”

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She went on to share that, “Insects can determine if another insect is a friend or foe and if it is a male or female, just by their scent.” To help the students understand, they were each given a container filled with differ- Crystal Dymond, Storm Water Technician, with the ent “scents” and science class. asked to find their the session by viewing the many “bugs” “group” using only their sense of smell that Dymond brought with her. and not talking. The students ended

Terrific Kids Announced by PC Schools In cooperation with the Port Clinton Kiwanis Club, Port Clinton City Schools recognizes outstanding elementary students as “Terrific Kids”. The following have been honored as Terrific Kids in November. Bataan Memorial Elementary Braeden George, Corbin Wainio, Thomas Ball, Mason Montgomery, Connor Betchel, Sheridan York, Caleb

Commodore Perry Federal Credit Union 1016 S. State Rt. 19 Oak Harbor 419-898-3366

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Burch, Hailey Ranzenberger, Taylor Burnette, Skylar Dupuis, Zoe Hines, Stacy Drohan, Collin Jones, Analisa Snyder, Keely Alvarez, Caitlyn Pipoly, Alexis Helton, Crusifisso Dracka, Felicia Jones. Jefferson Elementary Chase Burnette, Josh Herevia, Gavin Davis, Ryan Mougey, Aliyah Hurst, Kayce Deal, Christian Sparks, Timmy

Paradiso, Morgan McLaughlin, Victoria Glaze, Alayna Behring, Noah Flynn, Jordan Ayers, Collin Miller, Katelyn Chapman, Natalie Stitak, Alex Vickery, Macey Meacham, Megan Vallance, Abby Wuersig, Kori Armendariz, Ryan Johnson, Wesley Ford, Darius Daniels, Kelcie McCord, Bethany Urban, Cole Iversen

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Walking Club at PCHS Every Tuesday and Thursday morning Port Clinton High School opens its doors to the community to walk the halls to fitness (when school is in session). Participants must enter the building through the PAC Lobby between 8:15 and 8:30 a.m. For more information, call 419-732-2102.

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101 E. Perry Stret Port Clinton 419-734-1693

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Catawba Inn Nagoya 3975 E. Harbor Rd Port Clinton 419-734-6400

4112 N. Crogan Port Clinton 419-797-2501

Crows Nest Gabriel Anthony’s 2870 E. Harbor Rd Port Clinton 419-734-6202

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Barnes Nusery 1283 NE Catawba Rd Catawba 419-797-9797

KFC/Long John Silvers 1804 Perry Street Port Clinton

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61 SE Catawba Port Clinton 419-734-6697

Thursday, December 18, 2008


The Beacon


Port Clinton High School Announces Honor Rolls

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Port Clinton High School announces the honor rolls for the 1st grading period for the 2008–09 school year. Principals’ List: Grade 9: Katlyn Ashley, Alex Greene, Nicholas Heminger, Andrew Leidheiser, Katrina Lindsley, Molly Mooney, Amber Peto, Elise Schellin, Chelsea Skinner, Rachel Sutherland, Cassie Trent, Clayton White, Thomas Wojciechowski, Katelyn Zam. Grade 10: Zach Auxter, Melissa Benfer, Jacob Buckingham, Derek Colston, Haley DeLeon, Mark Fillmore, Anna Lay, Kelly Anne Passabet, Eric Reynolds, Ashley Zoeller. Grade 11: David Allen, Avery Faust, Leigh Anna Folger, Michelle Hablitzel, Kelsey Lindsley, Ashton Mullens, Jason Que, Blake Troller. Grade 12: Robert Bascone, Jenifer Beaver, Leah Below, Kristen Brahier, Elizabeth Brow Chicoine, Mercede Hopkins, Courtney Kast, Jessica Kowalski, Nicholas Passabet, Kali Rose, Jordan Shiko, Elizabeth Torres, Shelley Wagner. High Honors: Grade 9: Melissa Ballasch, John Bowers, Tyler Carstensen, Meigan Day, Emaleigh Dunn, Brittany Fitzgerald, Kelly Freimark, Taylor Grey, Nicole Hablitzel, Kevin Hiller, Kevin Katysnki, Lindsey Keck, Jon Koch, Molly Kubicek, Marissa Lindsley, Michael Long, Allison Martin, Samantha Mizener, Jonathan Newton, Emily Ochs, Christopher Passabet, Brenna Petersen, Sydney Smith, Lisa Stephens, Mackenzie Stewart, Alyssa Wells. Grade 10: Darra Christiansen, Lucas Evans, Autumn Hogan, Grace Lattimore, Joshua Scott, Phillip Spitler, Rachael Szabo. Grade 11: Shelby Anderson, Erika Bailey, A.J. Boissoneault, Nickolas Castillo, Jennifer Clawson, Connor Dunn, Derick Johannsen, Adam Leser, Ashley Martin, Anthony Monaco, Matthiessen Nisch Quan, Camille Ramirez, Emily Roder, Taylor Sijan, Nicole Smith, Lana Sneath. Grade 12: David Alvarez, Jack Baker, Seth Blankenbeker, Ambriana Brubaker, Jaclyn Brunzell, Paul Carman, Dean Carson, Andrea Deleon, William Derivan, Sara Fisher, Ashley Fuerstenbeg, Spencer Gill, Cayla Gillman, Karl Hartline, Adam Holmes, Heather Hotz, Charles Hurt, Jesseka Lazzaro, Ashley Lenhart, Brandon Meadows, Kayla Milligan, Toni Rust, Rob Szabo, Molly Taylor, Courtney Waite, Jennifer Warnke, Khalan Wheeler, Kyle Wolf, Melissa Wolf. Honors: Grade 9: Morgan Boling, Chelsea Calvert, Sara Chura, Natalie Eyink, Arica Gonzales, Cody Gray, Drew Gunderson, Caleb Helline, Brooke Kelly, Alisha Laferty, Megan Mallory, Chloe McCartney, Kristinia McGee, Aaron Mier, Haley Millinger, Chase Minnear, Taylor Murphy, Natassia Ramirez, Sessely Schlipf, Erin Smith, Kayla Solis, Alex Stephenson, Brandon Stubblefield, Cole Trent, Alysa Williams, Hannah Williams, Ashley Wuersig. Grade 10: Chelsea Beck, Andrew Carden, Nelson Farmer, Rachel Finley, Jared Fleming, Samantha Griffin, John Hartline, Lisa Heineman, Mary Kirkpatrick, Melissa Ladd, Dana Ludu, Sarah Mowel, Stephen Pastor, Kacie Piacentino, Cody A. Rose, Blake Stephenson, Dylan Terry, John Timmons, Anthony VanPaepeghem, Lesta Wagner, Logan Wheeler. Grade 11: Haley Ashton, Samantha Bacon, Elissa Barnes, Macy Caldwell, Emily Davenport, Rebecca Day, Brandon Dubbert, Jared Dunn, Shawn Evans, Kassandra Harder, Robert Hensley, Ryan Hicks, Nathan Heineman, Marcus Hunt, Cassondra Janka, Tyler Johanson, Brandon Kouts, Nicholas Krisfalusy, Tony Malfara, Ariann Martinez, Jeremy Newton, Hillary Radsick, Gabe Reyna, Allison Rhoda, Allison Riley, Marshall Rounds, Nicole Salvador, Taylor Searight, Daniel Stewart, Nicole Trick, Kevin Wadsworth, Misty Wheeler, Brandi White. Grade 12: Brian Baranek, Alex Bowers, Kayla Castillo, Kayla Collins, Kelsey Cousino, Neil Farmer, Ann Marie Gonzales, Heather Hayes, Rebecca Heileman, Ashley Hermes, Tyler Holloway, Allison Ihnat, Derek Johnson, Rachel Matthews, Nathan McMurray, Allison Neidler, Corene Nickel, Kyle Patrick, Clare Pluckhorn, Jaclyn Reinheimer, Jessie Rollins, Christian Scheid, Steven Showalter, Natasha Webb. Merit Roll: Grade 9: Joshua Blausey – Anderson, Nicole Bogard, Christopher Budnik, Teah Carnicom, Ashley Cuevas, James Digby, Ashlyn Dilly, Kelsey Erckman, Jason Faust, Michelle Fillmore, Sara Garza, Ariel Gresh, Ryan Guerra, Patrick Harvey, Shelby Hervey, Garrett Howell, Stephen Kessler, Emilee Kirk, Brittni Meadows, Samantha Monnett, Kenzie Hart Payne, Brandon Reeves, Rebecca Rider, Haley Snider, Dennis Trendel, Halle Weaver, Greg Willis, Garrett Zunk. Grade 10: Michael Asberry, Abigail Batterton, Emma BlevinsPrice, Chalin Cahlik, Raymond Hopfinger, Alexis Jones, Ryan Mahler, Dillon McMurray, Christopher Moomaw, Melanie Oreskovich, Christian Raff, Austin Rospert, Adam Sebastiano, Olivia Thompson, Nicole Twarek, Michael Vollmer, Raysha Willis, Lorelei Young. Grade 11: T.J. Almendinger, Ashley Batterton, Adriana Brito, Cory Brown, Timothy Butts, Kyler Clemons, Joshua Francis, Katrina Ford, Rachel Fox, Kristen Gonya, Evan Gore, Kenneth Grimes, Jerrod Harnisch, Richard Harris, Stephen Kowalski, Cody Lovern, Cody McDavitt, Morgan Meisler, Ashley Mooney, Ashley Morrissey, Ashley O’Lalde, Amanda Orosco, Cassandra Pine, Christine Reynolds, Amber Ross, Elizabeth Royster, Shane Saas, Mallory Schraidt, Travis Schwinkendorf, Tyler Searight, Joshua Silverwood, Paige Stevenson, Leah Sutherland, Bradley Warga, Samantha Welter, Amanda Wozniak. Grade 12: Lindsey Balduf, Corey Bennett, Tyler Brand, Jeryka Brixen, Courtney Caldwell, Victoria Chulik, Zach Cornell, Randall Dunn, Logan Giammella, Ashlee Gosser, K.C. Heschel, Craig Ireland, Chantreese Jackson, Daniel Leidheiser, Matt Manly, Matt Miller, Justin Netherland, Jordan Norman, Vincent Petersen, Breanna Rodriguez, Logan Schell, Kate Tracey, Heidi White, Tia Woodel.

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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Entertainment Bruno's Pizzeria NOW OPEN Open Daily at 11:00 am For Carry out and Delivery ONLY! *delivery times are not guaranteed

419-798-1000 Dining Room Opening Soon! 726 W. Main St., Marblehead, OH

Civil War re-enactors from the First Independent Artillery Battery will demonstrate how soldiers survived during harsh weather with a Wintertime Encampment on the lawn in front of the Rutherford B Hayes Home, Fremont. The event is part of the special Holiday Celebration of the Presidential Marriage to be held Saturday, December 27 at the Center. Also in conjunction with the day’s events, horse-drawn sleigh rides through the grounds of President Hayes’ Spiegel Grove estate will be available from 1-4 p.m.

Good Food, Great Drinks Fundraiser to Benefit Police K-9 Happy Hour at the Crow’s Nest as Easy as 1, 2, 3! $1.00 - Domestic Drafts $2.00 - Well & Domestic Bottles $3.00 - Margaritas & Long Islands


DEC. 20TH 7PM 2








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Dear Walker Funeral Home...

de us ighties, ma -e : id rn e m c e n o th r it May C our age in erals rathe To Whom including for our fun ts ts n e n e v e m l e ra g n ago, seve dren. some arra Some time nd our chil be making a r ld o u o iv sh rv e d staff tw the su Ridener an realize tha burden on m Ji re h ti it n e w e t me g th make elected to ceeded to e than puttin ro w p s, d n n o a ti r these r op rbo dering ou ils. During in Oak Ha si ta e n e o m d c o d r H e te l ft la A re unera helpful in stone and n Walker F e extremely plot, head b ry to of Robinso te e ff a m st e c a way that and ents for a to do it in r. Ridener d M n a d d n arrangem u re e fo d e d not consi ents. sessions, w planning sues we ha l arrangem is ia d c n n a a s n il fi e lived ing g deta ectedly. Sh ons regard p identifyin ti x p e o n f u o y r a e ents aw numb d arrangem ncy passed te a a N provided a c r li p te h m g o us for ith c r dau in Columb re faced w ctober, ou e n O o w ti st e a la w it n is d e v n a Th bus a t contacts rbor with d in Colum nd our firs in Oak Ha a l a lp ri e u and worke h b te d n s, dia y’s sibling a funeral a ded imme ding Nanc including es. We nee lu u c g and a in e , te y ll a il o c n ur fam s and passio O m r. o e c n e e th id r her friend Jim R and staff fo astor and m Ridener Ji were our P to lt period. d te b this difficu be inde h r g e u o position v ro re th fo l s wil e were in n saw u w y s e il th ta y e a d w f s Funeral al ro , Columbu profession the numbe ry t a te e d e m z e a c , m a rch orist to ack, we’re pastor, chu rials and fl o e m th e h m it , Looking b w rs s done on ape ice that wa Coordinati ny, newsp a rv p se m e o c th f e c o to handle. e ran e video tap uaries, insu teful for th ra Home, obit g re a e ited. . And w lly unsolic ta r. to e n s a n name a few a w r m e g at this lett nobtrusive ff for goin in a very u er and sta point out th n e to e id k R li m ld Ji u on, we wo reciation to In conclusi ss our app re ected. p x e to t ally be exp wan rm o n t h ig We simply hat m beyond w above and r in . Mart rely, Virginia B Very Since in art David B. M

2008 October 1,

Planned for New Year’s Eve The Lighthouse Resort will host a fundraiser to benefit the Marblehead Police K-9 Unit this New Year’s Eve. The event will include a hotel room with two queen beds, champagne, snacks, party favors and all-you-caneat buffet for $199 plus tax with a late check out at Noon. Happy hour will be from 5 until 6 p.m. There will also be a breakfast buffet in the morning. If one wishes to just take part in dinner, the price is $44.95 per couple and half the price for one person. The resort staff will also break it down in half for one person for the hotel package. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the K-9 Unit. K-9 “Alex” is a twelveyear-old German Shepherd imported from the Czech Republic. His handler is Officer Phil Howell. The Lighthouse Resort is a possibility for a New Year’s Eve stay since many of the hotels in Port Clinton may be booked due to the national televised Walleye Drop event. The Lighthouse Resort is located at 614 E. Main St., Marblehead. Reservations are appreciated, walk-ins are welcome. Visit the website at www.thelighthouseresort. com or contact the resort at 419-798-9600.

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Holiday Movies BY PEGGY DEBIEN, FRIENDS OF THE IDA RUPP PUBLIC LIBRARY Trying to keep the family occupied without spending a lot of money is a challenge every holiday season. Free movies—available at the Ida Rupp Public Library—can help. Here are just a few of the family movies available at your local library: Ring of Bright Water. Man and his best friend—an otter! Middle- aged bachelor Graham leaves his boring job in London with his new pet otter, Mij, for a desolate spot where Graham can write, and Mij can enjoy the natural surroundings of the Scottish highlands. A nature film with beautiful views of Scotland and the surrounding seas. Just a hint of romance—both man and otter. Rated G. America’s Heart and Soul. A filmmaker travels the USA to capture the beauty of the land and the incomparable spirit of its citizens.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008 I

The Beacon


Village Square BY ROBERT HRUSKA VILLAGE OF MARBLEHEAD ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Hi everyone and Merry Christmas. Well, it looks like the housing slowdown has come to Marblehead, too. We only had ten new houses this year, and we had sixteen last year. House additions were the same at eight. The biggest drop though was in accessory buildings such as garages. We only had four for 2008 down from fourteen in 2007. I guess that is understandable. People are not building the extra things they normally would when times are more stable. The Zoning Administrator also takes care of Flood Plain issues and Waterfront Development, so if you to do work on the lakefront or are building or putting an addition in a low area that may be subject to flooding, be sure to contact me, and we can go over the maps and determine if you are in a flood plain area. Then you can get the protections for your home, such as the appropriate building regulations and insurance. Bay Point took a little different approach. They filled in the low spots so that the ground is now above the flood plain and now when you build there, you no longer have to get a flood plain permit, but

just regular zoning and building permits. You can do the same thing on an individual lot if it is too low. If you have a question about what you need or what restrictions there may be on your property, contact me, and we’ll go over everything. Speaking of getting permits reminds me that there have been a couple of people that have built things without first getting a permit. This can really cause a lot of problems for you. In one case, a structure was built without a permit, and it was not allowed to be built in that location. Now it is being removed at great expense. If you are not sure if something you want to build needs a permit, always assume a permit is needed and just call. Most things can be done, but sometimes the plans may need to be changed slightly to follow the rules. It is a lot cheaper to make changes in the planning stage than later. Or sometimes you may even be able to ask for a variance. A variance is when the Planning Commission lets you do something that is not normally allowed because of some circumstance that is unusual or not your fault. But make sure you ask first, not after you have gone through the time and expense of building only to find you have to change it later. The Planning Commission is very helpful

to the residents of the Village in these matters. You can ask to appear in front of the Commission at no charge to ask questions about building and zoning that may be beyond my jurisdiction as the Zoning Administrator. The Planning Commission consists of Mayor Bird, Councilwoman Danis Putzbach, and three citizen members: Corky Zembala, Steve Watts and Chairman Hal Clagg. We had a few changes in the Zoning Ordinance this year including raising the allowable height of structures in Manufacturing, Industrial and Business Districts to forty feet instead of thirty-five. It’s still thirty five in residential. Jim Barney, the Village Solicitor, also helped us tighten up the language in our Adult Entertainment Ordinance so that our nice little community stays that way! In addition to the Marblehead Planning Commission, Marblehead is also a member of the Regional Planning Commission which oversees things in the unincorporated areas of the county. I have been the Marblehead representative to Regional Planning for about five years and will be the President of the Commission in 2009. Have a Happy New Year.


a Mass of Christian Burial at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Marblehead with Reverend Daniel J. Ring officiating. Burial followed in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery.

Joanne Rosalind Bollinger-LucasJoanne Rosalind Bollinger-Lucas, 81, of Marblehead, OH died Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at Stein Hospice Care Center, Sandusky, OH, after she courageously fought breast cancer for 26 years. Visitation was held on Friday, December 12 at Neidecker, LeVeck & Crosser Funeral Home, 7755 E. Harbor Road, LakesideMarblehead, where prayer services were held by Reverend Daniel J. Ring and where VFW services were held by members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Marblehead VFW Post #7572. Additional visitation was held on December 13 with

Betty Jean (Casey) Kindt Betty Jean (Casey) Kindt, 88, of Genoa, died Wednesday December 10, 2008 at St. Charles Mercy Medical Center in Oregon. Visitation was held December 13 at the Neidecker, LeVeck & Crosser Funeral Home, 1124 Fulton Street, Port Clinton. Graveside services were held at Mapleleaf Cemetery, Put-in-Bay.

Donald A. Helle Sr. Donald A. Helle, Sr. 81, of Martin, died Tuesday, December 9, 2008, at St. Vincent Mercy Hospital, Toledo. Visitation was December 11 in the Robinson-Walker Funeral Home & Crematory, Genoa. Funeral services were conducted December 12 in the funeral home with interment following in Allen Township Cemetery.

Health The 1-2-3 of Brain Power Think of it as a recipe for brain boosting: Researchers are beginning to believe in a three-pronged strategy for keeping a mental edge and retaining memory. “We’re seeing baby boomers and even people in their thirties worrying about brain fitness,� said Asenath LaRue, a senior scientist at University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH). LaRue, a neuropsychologist at the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute, specializes in research into cognitive aging. “It’s not a stretch to think we may begin hiring brain coaches in addition to physical fitness trainers,� notes LaRue. While there aren’t many controlled clinical trials on ways to keep your brain in shape, she says a variety of observational studies point to three main preventive actions: Be Physically Active. Regular activity, not necessarily planned exercise, seems to relate to brain fitness, according to LaRue. She says activities like gardening, dancing and even cleaning, among others, could increase your chances of maintaining brain health. Challenge Your Brain. Calculate. Do word-search games and crossword puzzles. Go to lectures, concerts and museums. LaRue said early observa-

tional studies have indicated the benefits of mental gymnastics and mind challenges. Stay Socially Active. LaRue says it appears that people who are active in broad social networks may hold up better cognitively than those who are less socially active. “While we don’t know at what point in an individual’s life the three factors have maximum impact, the theory is that the better developed your coping resources, the more likely you are to withstand brain changes affecting memory and thinking,� says LaRue. LaRue does emphasize that researchers don’t believe brain workouts will stop or reverse dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. But they may forestall memory loss and confusion. “It’s not unlike heart disease. Once you have it, you can’t reverse it, but with a combination of lifestyle adjustments and medications, many of the most challenging symptoms can be managed effectively,� says LaRue. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates 5.2 million Americans have memory and language problems caused by Alzheimer’s disease. That number is expected to increase by more than 50 percent by 2030.








NCCC Research Recognized Recently, North Coast Cancer Care and Donna McPeek, RN BA were recognized for their excellence in clinical research trials. Donna is the Clinical Research Nurse at North Coast Cancer Care. North Coast Cancer Care has registered 10 patients in NCI sponsored studies so far this clinical research year. Recognition and congratulations for accruing this volume of patients in a variety of clinical research trials was given by Dr. Paul Schaefer, Principle Investigator of the Toledo Community Oncology Program. This all occurred at the bi-annual Toledo Clinical Nurses’ Network Dinner November 11 in Toledo. The importance of Clinical Research studies to the future of cancer care for the patients in the Northwest Ohio Area was stressed. Commenting on NCCC’s program, Donna McPeek noted, “The participation of each research member is necessary for the success of the overall research program in our area, and is vital in meeting our commitment to NCI funded grants for the program.� Donna went on to stress, “Historically, less than 5% of patients will choose a clinical research trial as a treatment option for a variety of reasons. However, presentation of clinical trials as an option should always be considered when appropriate.�

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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Community Update Red Cross Recognizes Local Volunteers The Ottawa County District Office of the American Red Cross honored nine volunteers at a recent holiday open house. Local Advisory Board Chair Gary Mortus was recognized as the 2008 Volunteer of the Year. “Gary has tapped community leaders to help promote the mission of the Red Cross in Ottawa County. Under Gary’s leadership and guidance the local office has been able to expand their service delivery base and is achieving financial stability,” reported Tim Yenrick, Executive Director of the Greater Toledo Area Chapter which covers Lucas, Ottawa and Wood counties. Mortus in turn inducted eight volunteers into the Ottawa County Red Cross Hall of Fame. These volunteers were recognized for the years of service and hours donated. All eight have volunteered in multiple capacities for the Red Cross. Marcia Adams has been instructing the community in CPR, First Aid, Babysitting, Basic Aid Training and First Aid for Little People for six years. Adams is a trained disaster volunteer, has assisted in the office and presently is chair of the Port Clinton blood drive at the Moose. Dawn Angel began training for disaster services in 2001. Angel is a member of the national disaster response team, a local disaster team leader and a disaster training instructor. She has also assisted in the office helping with scheduling disaster volunteers.

Pictured from left: Gary Mortus, Dawn Angel, Donna Witter, Dolores Wagner, Sue Hetzel, Meridith Beck, John Gibson, Marcia Adams and Dave Baldwin. Dave Baldwin began his volunteer career with the Red Cross in 1996. He is a member of the local Advisory Board and has chaired the past 12 annual golf scrambles. Baldwin also helps with other Red Cross fundraising events. Meridith Beck, RN worked as American National Red Cross staff from 1966 – 1972, this time included a tour in Viet Nam. Beck served as the director of the Ottawa County

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Red Cross from 1972 - 74. Beck has been a volunteer since 1993 assisting with local blood pressure screenings and area blood drives. Beck also helped gather prizes for this past summer’s fundraising event. Helen Hutt, local volunteer extraordinaire, with 81 years of service, describes Beck as, “thorough and professional”. John Gibson began volunteering for the Red Cross in 1979. He has been a strong

leader in disaster services and chairs the local committee. Gibson, a member of the national response team, is a local team leader, disaster services instructor, and represents the Red Cross on planning boards for the county Health Department and Emergency Management Agency. Gibson is also a member of the local Advisory Board. Sue Hetzel, RN has been assisting with several local blood drives and blood pressure screenings since 1977. Hetzel also volunteers as a Red Cross Magruder Hospital volunteer, assisting the nursing staff by compiling charts. Dolores Wagner began volunteering in the local office in 1988. Wagner also volunteered for many different county blood drives. Wagner is still active as a Red Cross Magruder Hospital volunteer. Donna Witter came to the Red Cross in 1989 helping with blood pressure screenings, area blood drives, and assisting in the local office. Witter is an instructor trainer for CPR, first aid, and youth first aid courses. Local director, Beth Leggett, reports that Witter has logged more volunteer hours in the past five years than any other local volunteer. “Donna goes above and beyond. She not only makes herself available to our local office, but travels throughout the NW Ohio region to assist the needs of other chapters.”

Christmas Arrives at Edgewood Manor Family members and friends of the residents of Edgewood Manor, some wearing festive hats and shirts, joined their loved ones for the annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony held December 3rd in the living room of the center. The room was full of the Christmas spirit as the staff of Edgewood offered an array of treats to residents and their guests while holiday music played in the background. Executive Director Amie Gohlike welcomed the light-hearted group to this year’s event. She passed out ornaments, to all in attendance, with which to adorn the beautiful 7 ½’ tree. One by one, residents came up to the tree, some assisted by staff members at Edgewood, and hung their ornaments, gold pinecones that glittered upon the tree. Environmental Services Director Mike Fitzgerald assisted Beverly Lockhart as she approached the tree with her ornament. “Where would you like to hang that one, Bev?”, he asked, as they approached the tree. “Straight ahead”, said Bev and pointed to the spot she had carefully been eyeing. “There you go”, he told her, as Bev smiled, satisfied with her choice. The decorated but still dark tree quickly filled with ornaments, and it was now time to “flip the switch” to Christmas.

A countdown began. The group started at ten and the closer they came to zero, the louder they were, for all knew what would happen at that moment. Three, two, one….ZERO! and suddenly the lights of Christmas illuminated the room. The carefully placed ornaments sparkled in the glow of hundreds of white bulbs. The first verse of “Oh Christmas Tree” sprang impromptu from some, as others followed along. With the evening’s work done, it was now time to celebrate! The Four Winds Barbershop Quartet of Ken Krieger, Bob Lawitzke, Tom Evans and Jim Wilson provided excellent entertainment for the event. They sang such Christmas favorites as “Winter Wonderland”, “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” and more. As the ever popular, “Jingle Bells” began, the residents and staff members all provided the “jingle” from their bell necklaces made by Edgewood Business Office Manager Deb Wagenahls. Some necklaces were made out of gold cord, others red, but they all conveyed the sounds of Christmas that could be heard throughout the halls at Edgewood Manor. The evening drew to a close, and lights were dimmed showing the Christmas tree in all its glory as “Silent Night” was sung by the quartet. All present joined in, some swaying to the music, others holding hands and everyone smiling softly.

The Bob Braden family enjoys a carriage ride around the Vineyard on Catawba.

Carriage Rides Highlight Holiday Tour of Lights The Vineyard on Catawba held its third annual Holiday Tour of Lights on Friday, December 5. Over 100 people greeted Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Community Center. Horse drawn sleigh and carriage rides by South Creek Clydesdales around the decorated campus followed the Claus’s arrival. Guests enjoyed homemade desserts, hot chocolates, coffees and eggnog after the rides. The lights will be on through the holidays, so come out and drive through The Vineyard, 3820 E. Vineyard Village Dr. To view pictures taken during the event, and to order copies, call Paul Shaw at 419-797-3100, or stop by The Vineyard Community Center offices during business hours. There’s a

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Thursday, December 18, 2008


The Beacon


Rediscover Your Local Businesses Village Hardware Now a ‘Pro’ Store On November 1, The Village Hardware Company, located at 802 W. Main Street in Marblehead, became a “PRO” Hardware Store. The advantage of being a PRO store is the group purchasing power because they are the nation’s largest independent hardlines group. This means Village PRO Hardware can offer even lower pricing on top manufacturer brands. Becoming a PRO store means that Village Hardware will now have access to eye-catching, custom PRO circulars which advertise quality products at low sale prices. The Village Hardware Company has been open since 2000 and has a selection of plumbing, heating, electrical and hardware/household items. Owner John Starcher feels that the store is unique because, “You just can’t get service at the bigbox stores like you can here. Our staff members are some of the most knowledgeable and helpful in the northern Ohio region. Plus, we sell Martin Senour paints and can custom mix any color you want.”

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The Village Pro Hardware also offers screen and window repair, UPS shipping, fax and copy service, small appliance repair, free advice and hot coffee to take the chill off in this cold weather. To celebrate the fact that the store is now Village “PRO” Hardware, there will be holding a grand “re-opening” sales event through the holiday season. Sale details are available at the store. Village Pro Hardware is open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., and Sunday from 9 a.m. until Noon. Residents are encouraged to visit Village PRO Hardware for all their “do-it-themselves” needs and the personal, friendly service they’ve come to expect.

Holiday Party Time! Many options for your party! Lunch or Dinner Party Reservations - Seating for up to 70 All Inclusive Meal Pricing - Reservations Limited call 419-271-5970 419-271-5970 3266 N.E. Catawba Rd., St. Rt. 53 Catawba Island, Port Clinton

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Jamestown Tavern Plans Free Buffet at Holiday Party There will be a free buffet and live entertainment by DJ Mike at the Holiday Party at Jamestown Tavern, Marblehead, planned for Saturday, December 27 beginning at 6:30 p.m. and continuing throughout the evening. “This will be our 11th year for the event,” said Patrick Fontana, one of the owners, who is expecting a full house as in all the other year. The tavern is located at 902 W. Main Street in Marblehead.


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Visit Your Local Businesses

the early 1930s and owned the business into the 1970s. The next long-time proprietors were Paul and Margene Klacik. Kootz’s Village Inn welcomed patrons for over 17 years - beginning in the late 1970s. Jamestown Tavern takes its name for the surrounding area. The Jamestown subdivision was developed by John James in the early 1900s. “Jamestown” encompasses the area from Stone Street (east of the Biro Manufacturing Co.) in the west to Francis Street (James Park and old Neuman Boat Line) in the east. Marblehead of the ‘20s, ‘30s and ‘40s was comprised of many colorfully named neighborhoods - Kilgrubben, Smoky Row, Goose Alley, Mud Street, Millionaire Row and Jamestown. Now owned by locals, Joanne and Mark Sauvey and Teresa and Patrick Fontana, the name “Jamestown Tavern” pays tribute to the Marblehead of yesteryear and the people who gave the village its unique character. The tavern’s nautical theme celebrates the maritime heart of Marblehead - past, present and future. Jamestown Tavern has great customers who are permanent residents. Members of the local community entrust Jamestown Tavern to provide special activities year ‘round such as musical entertainment, sporting events and game day parties, holiday parties and happy hour specials. In addition to our locals, Marblehead welcomes many summer visitors interested in nautical pursuits: fishing, boating, visiting the Marblehead Lighthouse and Lakeside and relaxing on the shores of Lake Erie. Jamestown Tavern’s close location to the Kelleys Island ferry docks provides us with the opportunity to attract visitors on their way to and from Kelleys Island. Jamestown Tavern stays open until 2:30 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays to help people to ‘lift their spirits’ and enjoy the nightlife. But we also want people to think of us as a place to grab a hot sandwich, wings or pizza. Many families enjoy dining in our warm, inviting setting. Make a ‘historic’ trip to Marblehead and step inside this old saloon. Note the beautiful old bar made of rare Philippine mahogany hardwood… and let Jamestown Tavern take you back to when the Jamestowners and East-enders shared a beverage and spin yarns of yesteryear.

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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 18, 2008

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Thursday, December 18, 2008 I

The Beacon


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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sports Rocket Wrestlers Pickup Where They Left Off BY J. PATRICK EAKEN Oak Harbor won its own wrestling invitational, scoring 248 points to outdistance second place Maumee (235.5). Following the Rockets and Panthers were Sandusky (195), Toledo St. Francis DeSales (188), Van Wert (186), Bryan (182.5), Cardinal Stritch (96), Rossford (89.5), Fremont Ross (56.5), and Oak Harbor’s second team (27). At 102, Rocket wrestler Alex Bergman finished in first place with a 4-0 record in round robin wrestling. At 119, Drew Stone finished first with a win by default over teammate Jake Cramer of the Oak Harbor B team, who finished as runner-up. At 125, Tyler Hackworth finished first with a 4-1 decision over Alex Marzec of St. Francis. At

130, Zach Bergman was third with a 4-1 record in round robin wrestling. At 135, Ian Miller was first with an 18-3 technical fall victory over Shawn Bryant of Rossford. At 140, Kyle Mincheff was sixth, losing his final bout by a 6-3 decision to Gyer Blackmore of Van Wert. At 145, Konner Witt was runner-up, losing the championship in a 3-2 decision to Jerrel Vallient of Sandusky. At 152, Joey Mallernee was fifth with a pin in 4:18 over Sam Terrell of Sandusky. At 160, Rocket A wrestler Brandon Veler won by a pin in 14 seconds over Rocket B wrestler Adam Losie to claim fifth place and sixth place, respectively. At 171, Mike Malernee won a championship with an 8-4 decision over D.J. Recknagel of Rossford. At 189, John Bergman won by a pin over Andy Halka of Rossford.

Community Internet Links Amway/Quixtar

Port Clinton’s Rebecca Day fires a pass between two Oak Harbor defenders, Sam Scott (24) and Rachel Hegemier (30). PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA

Sharlyn Kaiser -

Auctioneers Greg Peiffer -

AVON Sharlyn Kaiser -

BBQ & Caterers Bar-B-Que Bills Ribs & Chicken Shack Bar B Que Pitts Bar-B-Que Traveler, Inc.

Boat Haulers Dave’s Marine Transport

Catering Grandma’s Back Yard Barbeque

Chambers of Commerce Marblehead - Oak Harbor - Port Clinton - Put-in-Bay -

Community Action WSOS -

Community Builder United Way - 211 -

Counseling The Giving Tree -

Emergency Assistance Red Cross - Salvation Army - Underwater Recovery Team -

Employment and Training Services Northcoast Jobs Connection (The Job Store)

Health & Beauty Shaklee Products -

Heating & Air Conditioning Firelands Mechanical -

Local Government City of Port Clinton - Ottawa County - Village of Oak Harbor -

Rockets Crush Lady Redskins Port Clinton was led by Becca Day and Bethany Buchanan, who scored 11 and 10 points, The Oak Harbor girls basketball respectively. Kayla Collins addteam got their first Sandusky Bay ed five points for the Redskins, Conference victory by easily defeatMeigan Day scored four points, ing Ottawa County Port Clinton on and Mary Kirkpatrick and Sara the road Saturday afternoon, 62-34. Fisher each accounted for two The Lady Rockets held the Redpoints. Collins had the only skins to one first quarter field goal trey for PC. in opening a 17-2 first quarter lead. Offensively, Oak Harbor shot The Redskins came back to close well, making 25-of-51 field the gap to 24-10 at halftime, but goals (49 percent) and 9-of-12 the Rockets scored 38 second half free throws. Port Clinton made points to cruise to victory. 13-of-39 field goals (33 percent) “Our girls did a great job of comand 7-of-8 free throws. ing out and playing hard and agBoth teams crashed the boards gressive,” Oak Harbor coach Dick for 24 rebounds each, while the Heller said. “We need to get back to Rockets were led by Diefenthaplaying fundamental basketball. We ler with seven and Hegemier definitely got back on track.” grabbed five. That doesn’t mean that PC didn’t Earlier in the week in nongive the Rockets their share of fits, league action, the Lady Rockets Heller admitted. traveled to visit Suburban Lakes “We felt that PC would come at us League pre-season favorite Lake and they did. They were very scrapand saw some familiar faces. py,” the Rocket coach said. The Flyers are being coached But the Rocket defense forced PC by Denny Meyer, and on the into making 26 turnovers, while Lake roster are two transfers on offense Oak Harbor committed from Oak Harbor. The Flyers 14. As a team, Oak Harbor players showed no mercy on Oak Haraccounted for 24 assists, with Sara bor in taking an easy 61-29 vicLipstraw dishing out eight and leadtory. ing the Rockets with 15 points. The game was decided by Eight other players got into the halftime as the Flyers assumed scoring column besides Lipstraw, a 29-11 lead. Led by sophomore including Kayla Diefenthaler with scoring sensation Kaysie Brit10 points, Abby Zurvalec had eight tenham, who scored 18 points, points, Sam Scott seven points, and Lauren Lind’s 15 points, Meghan Miller six points, Katie the Flyers cruised in the second Lemon five points, Erica Mauder and Rachel Hegemier scored four Oak Harbor’s Sara Lipstraw (12) fires in 2 of half, scoring 32 points. points each, and Meghan Carpen- her team leading 15 points against Port Clin- For Oak Harbor, no players managed to reach double figtar scored three points. Lipstraw, ton. Scott, and Carpenter each made PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA ures, but seven players played a part in a balanced scoring atone 3-point shot. tack. Lipstraw led the charge with eight points, Carpenter had seven points, Mauder six points, Hegemier four points, Diefenthaler two points, and Miller and Lemon each scored one point. PURCHASES · PRE-APPROVALS · REFINANCE · INVESTMENT Oak Harbor (2-3 overall, PROPERTY · ‘NO DOWN-PAYMENT’ PROGRAM · CONSTRUCTION 1-1 SBC) travel to Milan to LOANS TO INDIVIDUALS · LOT LOANS · HOME EQUITY LINES OF take on the Edison Chargers Friday night, then on TuesFor rates: day, Dec. 23 host the Huron Member FDIC Evening & Weekend BY J. PATRICK EAKEN

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Thursday, December 18, 2008 I

The Beacon


Redskins Face Rockets Saturday BY JOHN SCHAFFNER The Port Clinton Redskins went 1 for 4 in the first two weekends of high school basketball. However, the one was the one they probably needed most, as the Redskins split a pair of games this weekend, defeating SBC rival Clyde on Friday and losing to County rival Woodmore on Saturday. Friday night, it was a 51-45 game at The Hangar in Clyde, as the Redskins held on to defeat the Fliers, who did not have All Ohio Alex Gillette in their lineup due to a knee injury. “Our kids executed the game plan very well,” said Redskin Coach Troy Diels on Monday about the Clyde win. “We tried to take advantage of our quickness on offense and on defense. We knew we needed to rebound well, and we did a pretty good job of that.” He added, “Anytime you can steal a win on the road against a quality opponent like Clyde, you have to be thrilled.” Saturday night, the Redskins dropped a 67-55 decision at Woodmore in a non-conference game. The Redskins could have all three of their high-profile players back this weekend against Oak Harbor, including Allen Tigner. “We are waiting for the doctors to clear Allen at this point,” says Coach Diels. “We are extremely excited to have him back in our lineup. He has gone through some tough times with this injury, and he is excited about getting back to playing basketball.” Coach Diels should also have Josh Francis and Ryan Hicks back for Saturday night’s game against Oak Harbor. The Rockets, are 1-2, having lost to Perkins and Genoa over the weekend. However, according to Diels, they are much improved. “We have our work cut out for us,” says Diels. “They have the ability get scoring from several different players. They played well against Perkins. Our kids understand the significance of this game, and they will be excited to play in this league and county rivalry game.” In the absence of Tigner, Hicks and Francis, the Redskins have had a number of players get significant minutes, including sophomores Josh Graves, Robert Fravel and Eric Reynolds, who scored 13 at Clyde on Friday. When asked if that would help the Redskins down the road this year, Diels answered, “We tried to turn a negative into a positive, Port Clinton’s Corey Brown puts up a shot and I think we did that. Our record is not where it needs to be, but from close in against Woodmore on Saturwe learned some valuable lessons in the first four games. I can’t be day. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA happier with the effort the team has showed so far this year. I feel very comfortable going nine deep with this team.”

Rocket Fall to Perkins and Genoa BY J. PATRICK EAKEN The Oak Harbor Rockets and Perkins Pirates met head-to-head Friday night on the Rockets’ floor, and a see-saw battle saw the Pirates come out on top, 50-47. But Coach Don Christie is liking what he’s seeing on the basketball floor at his alma mater. “We know we’ve improved, now we’ve got to prove we can beat some good teams,” Christie said. “We had ourselves in position, and now we just have to learn how to finish the game.” “I think they are understanding what it takes to compete,” said Coach Christie, “and that’s a positive. We have a lot

of positives going on right now.” For Oak Harbor, Steve Young had 12 points, two 3-pointers, and eight rebounds, and senior Eric Barker also scored 12 points. Brandon Wasserman added nine points for the Rockets, The Rockets made 9-of-12 free throws, dominated on the boards by a 43 to 24 advantage, but had difficulty handling Perkins full court press. The game was marred by turnovers, with Oak Harbor committing 28, 11 in the first quarter alone. Perkins was guilty of 21 turnovers. “We had some pretty serious turnovers, and you take away 10 of those turnovers and it’s a different game,” Christie said. “Many were unforced


where we just panicked with the basketball. In another non-league matchup Saturday, the Rockets lost to Genoa 5242, to end the Rockets’ first week of the season 1-2 overall, 0-1 in the SBC. The Rockets had five 3-pointers against the Comets, but it wasn’t enough this time. Kevin Young led the scoring attack with 14 points, including three treys, Steve Young added 10 points, Karsten had eight points, sophomore Kyle Sarahman scored four points, and three players, Wasserman, Barker, and Lipstraw, each contributed two points. For Genoa, Jon Lester scored 13 points and Matt Bassitt added 12.

148 Buckeye Blvd. Port Clinton, OH FanMark Tire and Auto wishes you and yours a Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. We will be closed from Noon Dec. 24th & reopen on Monday Dec. 29th. Please keep the Christ in Christmas this year and plan on attending the Church of your choice. Take advantage of the last Coupon special for 2008…

Lube - Oil Filter - Tire Rotation 5qts 5W 30 Most cars-Call the Tire Docs for an appointment Holiday Special $19.95 + Tax Expires December 31st.

Lakers Lose at “The Den” The boys’ basketball team played well for three quarters, but they could not hold on against the St. Mary’s Panthers eventually losing by a score of 65-57. The Lakers were outscored 18-9 in the fourth quarter, and that was the difference in the game. “We had some very good moments tonight,” said Head Coach Joe Miller. “We played well most of the night, but we re-

ally struggled in the fourth quarter,” added Miller. Michael Hamann led the Laker attack with 19 points and 7 rebounds. Hunter Stephens recorded his first varsity double-double with 15 points and 10 rebounds. Rodney Johnson added 10 points, Tyler Boring contributed 6 points and 4 rebounds, and Vincent Manuella tallied 4 points and 4 assists.

Lady Lakers Improve to 3-1 BY J. PATRICK EAKEN The Danbury girls basketball team opened the week with a 50-49 win over Sandusky St. Mary Central Catholic, and then cruised to a 64-34 Toledo Area Athletic Conference victory over Emmanuel Christian. In the victory over St. Mary, Christine Longer scored 20 points, Destiny Taylor scored 10 points, Heather Bahnsen added six points, K.C. Oxendale scored five points, Tori England had three points, and Kayla Oxendale, Brittany Isom, Jackie Lam- Danbury’s KC Oxendale dribbles past a St. Mary’s mers each scored two points. defender. PHOTO BY JOHN KOZAK “I was really proud of the team tonight to be able to work through the adversities to get the win,” Danbury coach Ryan Beam said. “I can’t say enough about K.C.’s play at the end of the game. It was the mark of a true competitor.” Danbury hit only 30 percent of its field goals, while St. Mary hit 40 percent, but the Lakers out rebounded the Panthers 46 to 31 as Bahnsen grabbed nine. Danbury also took care of the basketball better, committing 17 turnovers, while St. Mary committed 25. The victory over Emmanuel improved Danbury’s record to 3-1 overall, 1-0 in the conference. Lammers had eight rebounds as Danbury controlled the boards to a 43 to 33 advantage. England led Danbury in scoring with 15 points, in-

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cluding four 3-pointers, and Longer added 12 points, including two 3-pointers. For the game, Danbury connected on only net on nine 3-pointers. Lammers had two and Kayla Oxendale had one. Taylor and Kayla Oxendale each scored nine points, Lammers scored eight points, and Bahnsen had six points to lead Danbury.

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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Business Current Report on 2008 Real Estate Market BY LEONARD A. PARTIN PRESIDENT FIRELAND’S BOARD OF REALTORS “How’s the market?” or “What’s going on, is anything selling?” are questions we Realtors are constantly asked. If you have asked questions similar to these you were probably told “Challenging”, “Soft”, “Slow” or “Exciting”. A more complete answer would be “we have experienced a 14.2% decrease in reported residential unit sold in 2008 over 2007”. Our Multiple Listing Service data for Ottawa County for December 11, 2006 through December 11, 2007 compared to December 11, 2007 through December 11, 2008 reflects 2008 residential units reported as sold were down 66 from the 464 units sales reported in 2007. The average selling price for residential unit sales in Ottawa County as reported in our Multiple Listing Service for 2008 was $170,778. This reflects only a 1.3% decrease from the

2007 reported average selling price. Interestingly the median selling price for residential sales according to the Multiple Listing Service for 2008 was $137,900. This reflects an increase of 2.2% over the 2007 reported median price. The area most affected by the downturn, as reported in the Multiple Listing Service, is the Lake Erie Island area. The reported residential unit sales have decrease 64.3%. The average selling price is down 15.1% to $275,450. The total volume is down 69.7% from $9,099.411.00 in 2007. The area least affected by today’s economy is Catawba Island Township. The reported residential unit sales have increased 29.5%. The average selling price is down 1.8% to $223.120.00. The median selling price for residential unit sales was up 4.5% to $205,000.00. New home sales were a large contributing factor for the increase in median price and units sold in Catawba Island Township. Danbury Township’s area report, including Lakeside and Marblehead, reflects a decrease for 2008 in residential units sold of 21.1%. The average price was reported down 12.5% to $212,126. The 2008 median price increased 0.03% posted at $160,500.

Realtor Receives Award Virginia Bahs, realtor with Batdorff Real Estate, Inc. in Oak Harbor, has been awarded the “Presidents Sales Club” Award of Achievement designation from the Ohio Association of Realtors (OAR). Bahs is a member of the Firelands Association of Realtors (FAR, AR and NAR).

OAR officially awarded 2.630 of its members “Presidents Sales Club” designations in four recognition levels for outstanding sales performance in the real estate industry. Honorees were recognized at a Presidents Sales Club Dinner during OAR’s annual convention held in Columbus this September.

Christmas Loan Special

The Port Clinton area market also experienced a decrease in the number of residential units sold; 137 units in 2007 compared to 105 in 2008. The average price fell 6.6% down to $109,848. The 2008 median price was $97,000, down 5.8%. The Oak Harbor and surrounding market area reported 70 sales in 2008, down 11.4%. The median price dropped $28,250 or 25.2%, down to $83,750. The average selling price was $105,489.00, reflecting a 5.8% decrease. In 2006 there were 483 reported residential units sold in the Ottawa County area. There were 398 reported residential units sold in 2008, reflecting 85 less sales. The average price in 2006 was reported at $179,358 compared to $170,778 in 2008. The median price in 2006 was reported at $140,500 compared to $137,900 in 2008. The above is a reflection encompassing all residential properties reported sold in Fireland’s Board of Realtor’s multiple listing service. It is very obvious that today’s economy has affected the entire real estate market place. It is also easy to see that today’s economy has made the real estate market more of a buyer’s market than a seller’s market. The influence of today’s economy varies in the segmented price ranges and individual neighborhood market areas. Every market is different. Contact a local Realtor to help you navigate selling or purchasing in today’s economy.

Bank Activates Identity Theft Prevention Program The Board of Directors of The National Bank of Oak Harbor recently activated safeguards by adopting an Identity Theft Red Flag Policy. This policy encompasses all areas of the bank in an attempt to protect customers from identity theft. Identity theft is a growing problem in all financial organizations. The National

Bank of Oak Harbor has been successful uncovering several potential problems and assisting customers in resolving the issue. Under the direction of the Compliance Officer, the program will be monitored and reports submitted to the Board of Directors for review.

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The new business, Bruno’s Pizzeria, is now open to serve customers daily starting at 11 a.m. for carryout and delivery only. A dining room will be opening soon. To order your pizza, call 419-798-1000 or visit the business at 726 W. Main Street in Marblehead.

Thank You for contributing

$394,164! Together we’re creating lasting change by focusing on the building blocks of a good life education, income, and health.

John & Mary Alice Schaffner Schaffner Publishing 2008 Campaign Co-Chairs United Way in Ottawa County

Thursday, December 18, 2008


The Beacon

Oak Harbor Woman Appointed to State Board Oak Harbor resident Kerrie Carte has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Ohio Economic Development Association (OEDA). Each board member serves on a board committee, and Carte will serve on the newly created Workforce Development Committee of the board. Carte, who has advocated for workforce development since her hire at WSOS eight years ago, was recommended for the appointment by Fremont Development Director Michael Jay. “I appreciate this opportunity to serve with the many talented members of this association,” Carte told OEDA President Nate Green. “I believe that a more skilled workforce results in increased economic productivity. To that end, be assured that I take this committee’s role very seriously.” Carte is the development specialist at WSOS Community Action Commission Inc. and will serve a one-year term. WSOS has a history of providing workforce development programs in its four-county service area. Currently, it is operating five such programs. For more information on any of WSOS’ programs, visit our website at or call 1-800-775-9767.

Small Business Basics Seminar Set for January The Ohio Small Business Development Center at Terra Community College is offering free, two-hour seminars, “Small Business Basics,” that will answer questions about starting, buying or expanding a small business. This seminar will take the confusion out of efforts and help avoid costly mistakes and unnecessary steps. Learn the basics of: name registration, licensing, taxes, zoning, business entities, employees, insurance, financing and business planning. The January seminar in Ottawa County will be held at the Ottawa County Improvement Corporation (conference room), 8043 W. S.R. 163 in Oak Harbor, on Wednesday, January 7 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. This event is free and open to the public. To register or for more information, call Bill Auxter, Director of the Ohio Small Business Development Center at Terra Community College, toll-free 800-826-2431 or 419-559-2210 or contact him by email at

Financial Focus Give a Holiday Gift with a Future Give to a College Savings Plan.

GARY COON, EDWARD Studies show that the cost of college is JONES expected to double in the next 15 years.1 INVESTMENTS Instead of just giving the children in your

life toys, clothes or video games, why not also give to their college education? At Edward Jones, we have a wide variety of ways to help you plan and save for the growing cost of higher education. A 529 college savings plan, for example, can potentially offer tax benefits, and anyone can contribute.2 To help make their college dreams come true, contact your local financial advisor today. 1

Source: National Association of Independent Schools 2006 and the College Board Annual Survey of Colleges 2006. 2 Contributions are tax-deductible in certain states for residents who participate in their own state’s plan.

RealEstateTransfers Benton Township 12-12-08 Virginia L. Helle to Bryan T. and Michalena A. Martkan, 1788 north Chestnut Street, $83,000. Bay Township 12-9-08 James A. and Margaret O. Shachelford to Ronald and Joyce Moore, Unit 64 LCA 101 Portage Cove Marina Condominium, $30,000. Genoa Corp 12-11-08 Matthew K. and Angela R. Bradfield to Jesse J. Whit, III and Jessica S. Whitt, 809 West Street, $118,500. Port Clinton City 12-11-08 Billy W. and Jane C.J. Sutton to Mary Katherine Dare, 610 East Perry Street, $299,000. Middle Bass 12-9-08 Lake Erie Utilities Company to Gordon Barr, 10410 Berea Road, $40,000. Oak Harbor Corp 12-11-08 HSBC Bank to Eli W. and Lindsy C. Briggs, 153 South Maple Street, $75,100. 12-11-08 Robert J. Aikmain to HSBC Bank, 153 South Maple Street, $133,000. 12-10-08 David B. Wilkins to U.S. Bank National Association, 228 West Ottawa Street, $53,334.

Just Announced: BMW is offering

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On Select 2005 and 2006 Certified Pre-owned BMW

adwisiak REALTY

218 Jefferson, Port Clinton, OH 43452 Office: (419) 734-5591 Cell: (419) 261-1394 Fax: (419) 734-5592

Josephine Jadwisiak Broker-Owner

POINTE FALLS OPEN HOUSE Sunday 12:00 TO 3:00 10654 East Bayshore Road, Marblehead

The E-Board of the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce and the Executive Board of Main Street Port Clinton met to sign the Operating Agreement which unites the Chamber and Main Street. The Board of Directors of the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Directors of Main Street Port Clinton unanimously approved the Operating Agreement in November. Pictured left to right: Mike Long, Treasurer of the Chamber; John Madison, Vice-President of Main Street; Laura Schlachter, President of the Chamber and Program Manager of Main Street; Bryan Baugh, Vice-Chair of the Chamber; Dawn Zink, Treasurer of Main Street; Mary Snyder, President of Main Street and Tom Priesman, Chair of the Chamber. Not pictured is Immediate Past-President Dr. Tom Rowe of Main Street Port Clinton.

95 E. PRESERVE DRIVE - NEW CONSTRUCTION Reduced for short time only. $325,500 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 heated sunrooms with waterviews. Great room with fireplace with water views and boat dock.

69 Pointe Falls Townhome - View of Sandusky Bay from upper and lower sunrooms. 3 bedroom suites, plus powder room. Great room with fireplace, near pool and docks. $399,900 9058 E. ROCKPORT DR., MARBLEHEAD $375,000 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA. Lake Erie View from most rooms. Gathering Room with vaulted ceiling and elegant fireplace lend a relaxed Atmosphere. Master bedroom suite with private bath downstairs plus powder room. 2 BR and bath upstairs plus office with views of the water. Formal dining area plus eat-in kitchen. 4 car attached garage. Large concrete front patio plus rear patio.


Clean OutYour Attic… & Get Rid of Your junk!! Call Charlene to place your classified ads 419-732-1500


A Little bit of Country yet close to town and shopping. All utilities. Forced Air furnace plus a Free standing wood burner in family room that presently heats the entire home. Front deck and patio, concrete dirveway for off street parking. Rear deck and lots of flower and garden space.


visit: 129 Madison St., Suite D, Port Clinton, OH 43452

Why just read an ad, when you can view the property from the privacy of your own home?

419-734-5551 or 800-686-2811 JUST LISTED!


BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED & DISTINCTIVE End unit, water front condo. All new & ready for you. 36 ft. dock included in private marina. Preview or call PATTI & DEBI. CATAWBA LOT 102 x 180 lot with mature trees. Situated at the entrance to Oak Lake. Public water & sewer available. Call JEFF WILLIAMS.


Beautifully Renovated, Distinctive, & Different

PATTI or DEBI 419-656-1781

Immediate Possession, 3 BR, Corner Ranch

LEN PARTIN 419-356-8777

Country Living, 3 BR, 2 BA Ranch

RUTH DOUGLAS 419-202-0029

2 Homes for 1 Price! In Town, Well-Maintained

RUTHIE CAPUTO 419-356-3947

Stately 2 Story Brick Home w/Lake Views

ELEGANT & SPACIOUS Catawba Island home. All new construction, custom kitchen, hardwood floors, regal staircase, 2 gas fireplaces, open floor plan, beautiful landscaping. $349,000. Call DEBI or PATTI or . WELL MAINTAINED... year round ranch, 2-car garage, & 2 storage sheds, on 2 lots. Master suite w/french doors, garden tub & seperate shower, 3 season room, enclosed screened porch. Rental dockage. Preview or call JENNIFER BEHNKE, QSC® LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! On Catawba Island, in Lakewood Estates. TIP TOP shape! All newly painted interior, furnace, extra large deck. View or call RUTHIE CAPUTO. METICULOUSLY MAINTAINED Condo with 40’ dock. Super views of lake & marina, 3 lg. BR, plus addt’l loft. View at or call DEBBIE or RUTHIE. DOCK AT YOUR DOOR – QUICK LAKE ACCESS Comfortable 3 BR, 2.5 BA ranch situated in gated Catawba community.3 season room with adjacent patio overlooking 82' dock. Call JEFF WILLIAMS.

GENOA SPACIOUS BRICK RANCH... 3-4 BR, 1.5 baths w/part. finished bsmnt w/wood burn stove & pool table! Newer stainless steel appliances including and wood laminate flooring. Sunroom. Preview or call JENNIFER BEHNKE.

MARBLEHEAD ENTERTAINMENT CENTRAL Deeded dock, custom touches, completely furnished and includes appliances. Floor plan is perfect for entertaining. Even the tools in 2+ car garage are included. View or call CHERI CUNNINGHAM. ‘TWEEN THE HARBORS New 3 BR, 3.5 BA, huge Master Suite w/Jacuzzi. Enjoy views from Observation Room & 3 Decks. 2 Car garage, Many Upgrades. Visit or call LEN or GLENDA.


GLENDA WARD 419-341-0044

Waterfront Building Lot w/Breakwall & Garage

RUTHIE CAPUTO 419-356-3947

Great Location, Near School & Hospital

RUTHIE CAPUTO 419-356-3947

Location, Condition, Price, Dock, Pool

RUTHIE CAPUTO 419-356-3947

Lake Views, 30’ Deeded Dock, 1st Floor

DEBBIE CONTE 419-656-3356

Commercial for Sale or Lease, 4672 sq. ft.

JOHN or LEN 419-345-9135

Great Investment, Extra Parcel, 4 Car Garage

DEBI or PATTI 419-276-7755

Sprawling, 4 BR, Brick Ranch, Lg. Lot, Next to Park 4 BR, In Ground Pool, Motivated Seller

DEBBIE CONTE 419-656-3356 DON or MARY JO 419-967-0756

CATAWBA ISLAND Come Sail Away Condo, 1st Floor, 40’ Dock

LEN or GLENDA 419-356-8777

82’ Dock at Your Door, Gated Community

JEFF WILLIAMS 419-350-2925

Lake Erie Get-Away, 3 BR w/ Lake & Island Views

JEFF WILLIAMS 419-350-2925

Lots w/Lake Views$55,000 - $68,000

LEN PARTIN 419-356-8777

Catawba Acreage, Your own Private Retreat

JENNIFER BEHNKE 419-898-0285

LAKESIDE Water View Resort Living, 5 Bedrooms

DEANE OSBORNE 419-341-3236

MARBLEHEAD Great Lake Views, 3 BR Home, 5 Lots, 6 Ways to Buy

BUILDING LOT Over 2 acres, partially wooded, city water, situated in a quiet country setting of newer homes. Call JEFF WILLIAMS. WHERE MEMORIES UNFOLD! 3 BR, 2 ½ BA, 2000+ sq ft, well maintained home! Beautiful kitchen, bsmnt great for rec area, Plus Home Warranty! Call JENNIFER BEHNKE or

Water Front Living, 3 BR, 2.5 BA Condo

DEANE OSBORNE 419-341-3236

Sprawling 4 BR, 2.5 BA Ranch, 1 Acre

RUTH DOUGLAS 419-202-0029

Like New, 3 BR, 2 BA, Assoc. Pool

PORT CLINTON BRING YOUR BAGS Move right in to this fully furnished, 1st floor unit with wonderful views of Lake Erie, 30’ Dock, & Pool. Close to local amenities. View or call RUTHIE CAPUTO. SPACIOUS 4 BR, 1.5 BA, updated kitchen, great room, master BR has spiral staircase to heated swimming pool. 1.5 car, heated garage w/addt’l storage. Preview at, then call DON or MARY JO.

LEN PARTIN 419-356-8777

JEFF WILLIAMS 419-350-2925

OAK HARBOR Why Build? Be the 2nd Owner of this Beauty!

JENNIFER BEHNKE 419-898-0285

Country Dreams Start Here!

JENNIFER BEHNKE 419-898-0285

Stately Two-Story, 3 BR, 2.5 BA

JENNIFER BEHNKE 419-898-0285

FREE Virtual Market Analysis

visit The Ultimate Driving Machine®

525i $ 22,923 ‘05 BMW

Silver, Black Interior, 34,996 miles, Stk#BP7147, Last of VIN#CK84751

*Financing available through BMW Financial Services. For a limited term with approved credit. *Financing starting at 1.9% APR is available on certified pre-owned 2005 vehicles. ($28.60 per thousand financed monthly) **financing starting at 2.9% APR is available on certified pre-owned 2005 and 2006 vehicles ($22.09 per thousand financed monthly) ***financing starting at 3.9% APR is available on 12/31/08. certified pre-owned 2005 and 2006 vehicles ($18.37 per thousand financed monthly.) All prices plus tax, tag and title. (excludes M3, M5, M6 and Z4 Roadster).offers Expire 10/31/08.

Yark BMW 6055 W Central Ave. Toledo, Ohio 419-842-7900


30 MPG Over 16 models available that get 30 HWY MPG.

or call one of the

Jennifer Debi John Ruthie Debbie Cheri Ruth Barb Anna Deanna Stacey Behnke Bentlage Caputo Caputo Conte Cunningham Douglas Gillum Holmes Johnson Johnson 614419419419419419419419419419419898-0285 276-7755 345-9135 356-3947 656-3356 325-6547 202-0029 265-1331 341-0863 734-5145 341-8749

professional sales associates for a free, no obligation, complete market analysis.

Bill Keating 419680-6063

Patti Kirsch 419656-1781

Don Klingman 419967-0756

Mary Jo Klingman 419680-1048

Jeff Koehler 419285-5021

Deane Osborne 419341-3236

Len Partin 419356-8777

Greg Peiffer 419619-9424

Glenda Ward 419341-0044

Jeff Williams 419350-2925

Whether you’re moving across town or across the county search for your next home at or call 419-734-5551


Visit us at RE/MAX Lake Shore Realty

One Grand Lake Drive Port Clinton, OH

Office: 419-734-7355, 419-262-0936, 419-262-0915 John Rader, CRS Kathy Rader, Broker Each office independently owned and operated.









The Beacon I

LAKEVIEW ESTATES Affordable Housing in Port Clinton 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites RENT BASED ON INCOME Apply Monday - Friday 8:00am - 12 Noon or 1:00 - 4:00pm

Call Today 419-732-0385 205 Buckeye Blvd.



New ’09 Eagle Scooters 150cc. 4cycle Retail $1,985

You cannot resist this outstanding 3 BR single-story home w/ 50’ dock at your door. Intriguing vinyl-sided residence providing pleasant living on canal features 8x12 fish house, appliances, & room to roam in the large yard w/ front & rear porches to enjoy & barbeque w/ large 1 car garage that can store the boat. Here is a tempting home that will warm your heart! $185,000

Dollar-smart, 3 BR single-story family home. Some of the special features of this comfortable residence are full appliances, washer/ dryer, full finished basement w/ 3 large rooms & 1 car garage. Home warranty package. Large fenced rear yard for the pets & barbeques all located across from High School. Ideal backdrop for happiness! $126,900

$86,900 – Ranch 3 BR/2BA home on large lot with attached 2 car garage, full appliances, fireplace, den, and shed. Relax on the two large decks while entertaining. $199,000 – Secluded subdivision! New Construction 3 BR/2 BA open floor plan w/ Master Bedroom split from other bedrooms, 2 car garage, and pond views. $225,000 – 3rd floor lakefront 2 BR/ 2 BA condo w/ 2 enclosed porches to enjoy the boats, gas fireplaces, newer pergo flooring along w/ an attached 1 car garage & sandy beach. $275,000 – 3 BR/2.5 BA ranch home on full basement features lots of room to roam, appliances, warranty, 2 car attached garage, fireplace, and sunroom on 2.58 acres. $699,900 – Beautiful 2 BR/2 BA home right on the water overlooking Sandusky Bay w/ room addition & great room w/ it’s own 16 slip Marina business. Seller will guarantee rents on marina.


Classified 200 Apartment for rent 1 BEDROOM, Green Cove, fully furnished, w/ washer/dryer $450/mo until May 1 412-8556190

14X70’ 2 BR, 1BA, W/D, central AC, 40’ screened deck. Newly painted and carpeted. Great View of Sandusky Bay. $600/mo + util. 419-306-4910 208 Houses for Rent

201 ApartmentUnfurn

BLOW OUT SALE $1,375 260 CC, 4cycle Also Avail. ’97 Buick La Sable 89k Nice $4,975 ’03 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GTP Loaded $8,475 ’99 Chevy Suburban 4x4 3 seater Nice, $4,995 ’99 FORD E150 Chateau Wagon $3,995 ’03 CHEVY EXPRESS Cargo 2500 V-8 $7,995 ’97 COACHMAN MOTOR HOME 31 ft. 1 owner 24K $19,975 ’00 GMC Yukon SLT 69K $8,995 ’05 DODGE DURANGO SLT 3 seater 40K $9,995 ’06 CHRYSLER 300 Nice Highway Miles $9,500


Thursday, December 18, 2008

PORT CLINTON 1 & 2 BDRM Apt. All appliances, includes dishwasher, washer dryer hookup, central air, gas heat, private patio, pool. Rent starting at $495, includes water & sewer. 6 mo lease avil 419-734-7422 206 Mobile Home Rental

2 BR w/ 2 car garage 2015 E. State Rd, $500/mo + dep and utilities. No smoking call 419-732-3488 209 Houses Furnished UPDATE “year around” clean & cozy 2 bdrm cottage +/loft & beautiful stone wood burning fireplace, furnished/ appliances $795. mo. agent/ owner 800-599-8933 x 3015

COUNTY REAL ESTATE AUCTION VACANT RESIDENTIAL 1,200 SF OFFICE PARCEL space, partially furLots 45 & 47 .34 nished, near Ottawa acres +/- West end County Court on Wildwood Dr Perry St. First year Catawba rent half price call 1/9/09 after Sheriff 419-341-4201 Sales 10:30 a.m. Assembly Room 1st 219 Storage Spaces floor of Courthouse. No minimum bid. CATAWBA Highest bid deemed MINI STORAGE offer. (Your Extra Room) Commissioners Muggy Road, will review within 10 Catawba days.10% down at 797-6303 or 656auction in cash 5263. or certified check. Balance due in 30 300 Auctions days. Buyer responsible for closing costs For information419-734-6725 214 Office Space

Citizens Bank Named SBA Lender of the Year

R.J. Auto Sales 419-356-2288

Happy Holidays From the Greene Team

Citizens Bank has been awarded the SBA Lender of the Year - Community Bank Division, from the Small Business Administration Cleveland District Office. Amidst large bank failures and a nationwide credit crisis, community banks have increased their SBA Lending for the 2008 fiscal year (ending September 30th) by over one third from 2007. Citizens Bank led the community bank group by more than doubling their small business lending, where 90% of the nation’s jobs reside. Jim Miller, Citizens Bank President and CEO, remarks, “We are proud to be OPEN HOUSE the first community BY APPOINTMENT bank awarded the 419-349-5880 title SBA Lender of the Year. Citizens 1507 N. Ponderosa Dr. Bank extends conPort Clinton, OH gratulations to our Nearly new 3 BDRM 2 1/2 BA home on a fellow community very low traffic street. The fully landbanks that were scaped yard backs up to a wooded area. also able to increase Large rear deck w/walk out partial baseSBA lending at a ment adds to your outdoor living area. 2 car attch'd garage, paved driveway, time when most of Located on Catawba Island off N.W. our larger competiCatawba Rd. to Sandra Dr. across from tors were tightening Catawba Marina. Priced to sell and move their credit limits.”


Ted T dG Greene 419 419-563-4968 563 4968 Cathy Greene 419-563-4967 Glenna Bender 419-341-1579 Mark Hartline 419-341-9999

4970 Blue Heron Dr., Catawba 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 18’x18’ vaulted great room with built in entertainment center, fireplace, and wet bar open to custom kitchen. Walk out master suite / bath with his and her closets. $638,900 PH 216-533-5660



in. Stop by or call 419-349-5880 or view at



• Runs 3 weeks in both The Beacon & Huron Hometown News & on both websites • Up to 6 lines of copy Total Cost of Items(s), Cost of Ad: $500 & under - $16.00 $1500 & under - $21.00 $2500 & under - $29.00

• Runs 3 weeks in both The Beacon & Huron Hometown News & on both websites • 1 vehicle per ad, any form of transportation



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1 Celebration ad for $45.00

Up to 8 lines of copy for $38.00

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97¢ per line per day

ALMOST FREE ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Compliments of The Beacon & Huron Hometown News

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PETS • “Free to good home” only • 4 lines for 1 week



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We Look Forward To Serving You! Ads can be submitted 4 ways: in writing at the classified counter, by e-mailing Donna at, by Fax 419-734-5382 or go to * No refunds for early cancellations on any of these specials.

Thursday, December 18, 2008 406 Help Wanted THE BEST Job Ever!!! Whole Sale Company of electronic goods, seeking eager ebay sales executive. Must be an experienced ebayer with 2 yrs selling power and 10 or more positive feedback points. Great pay and great hours. APPLY NOW! 1-800-728-4160 ext 301 or email resumes2k8.eti@


The Beacon

CLEM’S AUTO Parts, buying good, wrecked, junk cars and trucks. 419734-2772

ANTHEM BLUE Cross and Blue Shield. individuals, retiring early, self employed, small groups, cobra alternative, students, over 65, new borns, uninsured, alternative to group plan. HSA, HIA. short term plans. Blue Cross and Blue Shield only. Call 8007321892

–––––––––––––– FOR SALE: 7 1/2’ pre-lit Christmas tree with revolving stand, like new$150. Oak swivel bar stools, excellent condition- $35 each. Kitchen/desk chairs $5 and $10, Everett Spinet Piano-$400. Full set of china excellent condition $40. Cash Only. 419-439-3217

526 Miscellaneous For Sale CAR INSURANCE SR 22 fillings - DUI Bonds monthly pay plan Call 734-2050

GIRL’S 26� BLUE bike no speeds -like new and includes lock $60; new sofa/ sleeper blue plaid $175.00 and a set of 8 china dishes (no cups) $50. Call 419-734-3451


Clean OutYour Attic‌ & Get Rid of Your junk!!

712 Snowmobiles SNOWMOBILE REPAIR Full service Full parts Call Schiets Motersports 419-332-9902

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The Beacon I

“I Sell Views” Feature Home of the Week


Sharon Woodson

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tomi L. Johnson CRS CRB, E-PRO


• Sandusky Bayfront home with 50ft of frontage & spectacular views!

419-341-0276 ((Cell Cell))

• 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath home with 10x28 screened porch overlooking Bay

Real Estate Services

1-888-807-4110 ((Toll Toll Free) Free)

• Includes 50x200 back lot with 2BD, 1BA guest house above 2-car garage

To view a complete list of available properties and photobooks log onto

• Approximately 60ft of dockage & breakwall

OFFICE: 877-734-5751 CELL: 419-356-0348



“Come See Me in the Main Office by GSE Jewelers” CATAWBA ISLAND 2880-C Canterbury Circle

CATAWBA ISLAND 2212 Carriage Ln #5

MARBLEHEAD 11200-C Bayshore

CATAWBA ISLAND 4395-B Marin Woods

Fairway Villa condo on the 9th tee of CIC golf course. Abbey model with 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 1451sqft and veranda. Community clubhouse and swimming pool. $279,900

Lakefront Colony Club Townhome with unforgettable views & sunsets! 2nd floor Master Suite with spacious sitting area, numerous built-ins & more. Price includes share of the marina. $849,000

Marblehead Boat Club: Lakefront Townhome with 32ft boat slip. Wood floors, granite counters, stone fireplace & spectacular views! 3 bedrooms, 2-½ baths, 1-car attached garage. $530,000

Spectacular marina & Lake views. Luxury condo in gated community w/open floor plan, 3 bdrm, 3 full baths & large balcony. 40ft dock in private marina w/direct Lake access. $339,000

CATAWBA ISLAND 3307 Stonehouse

MARBLEHEAD Bay Point condos

MARBLEHEAD 6005 E Harbor Rd #1B


Waterfront fully furnished condo with dockage available! Enjoy the luxury of this ranch unit with a large waterfront balcony overlooking the marina out to Lake Erie! The open floor plan is perfect for everlasting water views and endless entertaining. Step down to your boat and spend a day at the islands, fishing and more! $229,000


MARBLEHEAD-2122 DORCHESTER 60’ of dockage with this fully furnished canal front home off the Sandusky Bay. The floor plan is open with spacious rooms, vaulted ceilings, large windows, and a ground floor master suite. Beautifully decorated and appointed in every way. Hop on your boat where you can enjoy endless fun waterskiing, fishing, swimming, or spend a day at the islands. $475,000


CIC 1st floor ranch condo on the golf course. Light, bright and beautifully decorated for the Lake. Stone fireplace & wrap around deck for entertaining or just lounging. $285,000

Gated Bay Point condos – new construction. 2200sqft features main living on 2nd floor, vaulted ceilings, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths & 2-car attached garage. Large association pool with bath house. $298,700

Custom 1st floor Harbor’s End condo with spectacular Harbor views! Travertine flooring, recessed lighting, walk-in marble shower & more. 1-car detached garage & 30ft dock. $299,000

Marina at your door! Enjoy panoramic views from nearly every room of the marina and beyond to the ever-changing parade of yachts passing by. Walk to your boat for a quick ride to the islands or a lazy day of fishing. The ground floor master suite is spacious with a spa bath and vanity to indulge yourself. Family and guests will enjoy their private loft to relax, read a book, or enjoy a favorite movie. $395,000

Build your own private retreat on this infamous island. 195x189 waterfront lot with views of Middle & South Bass Islands. Lodging facilities and gourmet restaurant nearby. $395,000

CATAWBA ISLAND-2229 SAND RD. Waterfront home with a manicured sandy beach and stunning sunsets! Enjoy Lake Erie living in this lovely home with custom woodworking throughout! Featuring a ground floor master bedroom, a beamed cathedral ceiling and fireplace in the living room, a loft, home office, spacious rooms, large waterfront deck, tons of storage, and neverending lake memories! $497,000

Catawba Office • 4054 E. Harbor Rd. • 877-734-5751




Waterfront fully furnished condo on the Sandusky Bay! Enjoy many peaceful lake memories in this Pointe Falls ranch with views overlooking the wetlands & marina out to the calm bay waters. Take a nap or read a book in the cozy year round sunroom. Stay warm by the fire on those chilly nights. Entertain friends and family in the great room. Enjoy the association pool, tennis courts, playground, and walking trails. $359,000


TOMI JOHNSON Listing Leader


CATAWBA- Desirable spacious home in beautiful Marsh’s Edge. Take advantage of views of the preserve and 2 mile walking trail. 4070 sq. ft. with gourmet kitchen, 1st floor master suite, 2nd floor family room with fireplace and kitchenette. $799,900 TED GREENE/GLENNA BENDER 419-563-4968

MARBLEHEAD- 3 bed 4 bath Lakefront condo with private marina and deeded dock. Open kitchen/great room/dining room. Each bedroom has private bath. Enjoy panoramic views of Lake Erie and Islands from stone patio. $595,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-2020144

LAKESIDE-233 LAUREL DR. This Lakeside summer retreat comes fully furnished & is in impeccable condition! Very well maintained original hardwood floors, gorgeous woodwork detailing, open floor plan w/ an easy flow, many bedrooms to comfortably sleep friends & family, and a 2 car detached garage w/ a paved drive. This property is co-listed with Carol Yoakam/ Street-Sothebys. Seller is a licensed Ohio real estate broker. $749,000


CATAWBA- Wow factor! 4 bed 3 bath home with touches a builder would put in his own home. Close to everything Ohio’s vacationland offers! $349,900 TED GREENE/GLENNA BENDER 419-563-4968

VICKERY- 2 bed 1 bath home in quiet and peaceful location with a marina within walking distance along the shores of Sandusky Bay. Move in condition with a view of the bay! $119,900 YOLANDA VORYS/CHUCK SMITH 614-596-8249

PORT CLINTON- Wonderful double wide mobile home in The Fountains! Beautiful and bright 3 season room overlook the pond for ultimate relaxation! $69,900 LISA HORMAN 419-271-8110

JUST LISTED PORT CLINTON- Spacious 1 1/2 story home in the heart of vacationland! One block up from the lake – close to everything. $134,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188 OAK HARBOR- Start with a blank slate! Unzoned and just under an acre. Use as home or commercial in high traffic area. $49,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

VACANT LAND CATAWBA- Catawba Place is upgraded community in the heart of vacationland. Convenient Catawba Island location near Gem Beach, NorEaster and CIC. $45,000 GLENNA BENDER 419-341-1579

This well maintained residence is located in the heart of Port Clinton and is ready for immediate occupancy. Newer carpet, fresh paint, ceramic tile in the entry and kitchen make this home very enjoyable. Situated on a well manicured lawn with a two car detached garage this property is priced to sell! Equipped with a ground floor master and a full basement for extra storage. Must See! $99,900

PORT CLINTON-CAPTAINS COVE 404W Lake Erie front penthouse comes fully furnished with dockage available in the private marina. Enjoy the luxury of the sandy beach, association marina, and in-ground pool an elevator ride away. This unit has beautiful views of the lake and Erie Islands. With three bedrooms and three full baths there is plenty of room for entertaining family and guests. Indulge in the direct lake access and other fine amenities in this grandeur condo. $339,000

PORT CLINTON- Income property – 3 units. Live/vacation in one and let the other 2 pay for it all! $149,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419-6569188

BY APPOINTMENT CATAWBA- Well maintained home in Catawba Cliffs. First floor master, great room with fireplace and views of park and lake. Across from Sunset Park. Gated community. $799,000 TED GRENE/MARK HARTLINE 419-563-4968

MARBLEHEAD- Well maintained open and spacious ranch. A short walk to bayfront park and marina with dockage included. Quiet street with shaded and private backyard. $229,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419-6569188

CATAWBA- Stately 5 bed 4 bath home on private cul-de-sac drive. 1st and 2nd floor master suites, vaulted ceilings, open floor plan, gas FP, ceramic floors and more! 1st floor handicapped access. $350,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

MARBLEHEAD- Quite canal neighborhood. Dock at your door! 3-4 bedroom home with vaulted ceilings, stone fireplace, screened room and shaded backyard. $269,000 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

CATAWBA- The Marsh’s Edge waterfront lot with private dockage to Lake Erie. Panoramic JOHNSON’S ISLAND- 4 bed 3 bath beautiviews of the water and protected wetlands. fully crafted and energy efficient home! $90,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144 This unique home would be a great retreat with spacious rooms, vaulted ceilings and MARBLEHEAD- Prime commercial property secluded backyard. Includes 40 ft. dock. with additional 2.35 acres available. $329,900 LISA HORMAN 419-271-8110

CASTALIA- 17 acres with large pond! 4 bed 2 1/2 bath home with open floor plan, rock wall gas fireplace and lots of windows. Semi-secluded. $159,900 SARA WILLIAMS 419-307-0499

MARBLEHEAD-2046 OLAF DR. 30’ boat slip and beach rights! This colonial home is in fabulous condition and has a great floor plan. With association dockage and private beach at the end of the road this could be a vacation retreat or year round residence. The open and inviting floor plan features hardwood flooring, a gas fireplace, laundry room on the main floor and a two car attached garage. The exterior is very well maintained on a large lot. $199,000

Tomi L. Johnson 419-341-0276 (cell) 419-734-4110 1-888-807-4110

Real Estate Services

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