The Beacon - January 8, 2009

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Playmakers Curtain Rises

Bell Choir at Edgewood

High School Sports

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Pages 9-10


®SM TM 1992

Ottawa County’s Largest Circulated Newspaper Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.




Before going onstage for Walleye Madness last Wednesday night, we had a marvelous dining experience at the New Year’s Buffet at The Island House. I ran into retiring Judge Paul Moon, and his only comment was “Isn’t it great to see this place hopping again?” There is more good news for downtown Port Clinton. I told you a couple of weeks ago about making a road trip to Green Springs and Papa Jimmy’s. Now, it is my understanding that Jim Kleinhans is bringing Papa Jimmy’s to Port Clinton and will be doing the food service at Slater’s Pub (formerly the Tin Goose Saloon). Last Sunday, we had breakfast at Second Street Diner, and it was packed. And there was Bob Underwood, behind the snack bar! In addition, several new businesses, including a new western restaurant, are locating there. What a difference having the Island House back and running has made. –––––––– We had 73 entries in our “Where’s Wylie” contest this week and our winner is Charles Kassay of Port Clinton who found Wylie Walleye in the Marilyn’s ad on page 6A in last week’s Beacon. Charles wins a $20 gift certificate to any Friendship Food Store throughout the area. We’ll be hiding Wylie Walleye again this week in one of our ads. If you find him, register to win by mailing the form in the paper; by dropping it off at our office next to Goodwill Industries in the Beacon Place Shopping Center; e-mail your entry to; or click on the Wylie icon on our home page at We had 61 entries in our “Win it on the Web” contest this week. The winner is Alberta Seymour of Oak Harbor who clicked her way to a $20 gas card from Friendship Food Stores. You might be our next winner, just log on to and click on the “Win it on the Web” icon. –––––––– We have received quite a few comments on our “Tin Goose Rising” story from a couple of weeks ago. Andy Love, who worked and lived here for many years, sent me some photos, including one taken after the crash at the PC Airport in the 1970s. We also received a copy of the obituary from 2003 of Harold Hauck, Sr., who served as chief pilot of Island Airlines for some 32 years. –––––––– This Saturday, the Bloodmobile returns to Catawba Community Hall from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. For an appointment, call 419-734-1100. Walk-ins are welcome after 10 a.m. A photo ID is required. The Ballet School is starting a new Pre-School ballet class for 3 and 4 year olds. Classes will be held on Saturday mornings from 10:30 – 11 a.m. Space if very limited so register today by calling Mary Ann Snider at 419-635-6106. –––––––– Two nice events will be held at the Oak Harbor Public Library this week. There will be a used book sale Monday through Friday, January12-16 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Proceeds will help offset the projected 7% decrease in State funding for libraries in Ohio. Also, Miss Brenda will present Story-time for preschoolers on Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m. or Thursdays at 7 p.m. starting on January 14. The adult book discussion group meets the third Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. –––––––– The Oak Harbor Knights of Columbus invites all boys and girls ages 10-14 to participate in the local level of competition for the 2009 K of C Free Throw Championship this Sunday, January 11 at St. Boniface School Gym. Doors open for registration and shoot-around at 12:30 p.m. –––––––– Want to watch the Brush Wellman Pebble Plant go up? They now have a “web-cam” so you can watch it grow. The website is … –––––––– Did you know that local insurance agent Matt Montowski helped make the holiday shine more brightly. One of his companies, Pekin Insurance, held a “Help the Troops Call Home for the Holidays” sales contest culminating in USO phone cards being sent to active units overseas. For every life insurance application he submitted during the contest, a USO Phone card was donated.


Changing of the Guard ty Randy R. Riedmaier, Captain Stephen J. Levorchick, Lieutenant Donald Lochotzki, Director of Administration Deputy Rhonda St. Clair and other January marks personnel for their new beginnings for services to the citizens everyone, but someof Ottawa County for times it’s more offithe last four years. cial than others. During a ceremony December 30 at 5 held at the Statehouse p.m. was an imporon January 5 as part of tant beginning for the opening day fesMark Stahl, new Ottivities for the 128th tawa County ComGeneral Assemble, missioner. In the ofState Senator Mark fice of Judge of the Wagoner was sworn Municipal Court in as Senator for the Frederick C. Hany, 2nd Senate District. II he placed one He was also selected hand on the family to serves as Majority Bible dating back to Whip for the Repub1901 and belonging lican Caucus. to his great, great “I am both honored grandmother Anna Mark Stahl places one hand on his family Bible and is Lieberman from sworn in by Judge Fritz Hany as his wife Julie looks on. and humbled to serve the constituents of the Oak Harbor, and District. While Ohio is facing difficult decisions ahead, took the oath of office. “I thank my late father and all my supporters for their I am confident that the work we will do will help to efforts in helping me to take my campaign to victory,” improve the quality of life for all Ohioans.” State Representative Dennis E. Murray took the oath he said. He also thanked his fellow Trustees, friends and of office as a new member of the Ohio House of Repbest friend and wife, Julie. “I’m lucky to have a solid foundation from which to resentatives for the 128th General Assemble on January 5. shake up the future of Ottawa County,” he said. “This will be a time of monumental change for Ohio, December 30 also marked a private ceremony for Robert Bratton who was sworn in by the Honorable Judge and I an excited for the opportunity to serve and afKathleen Giesler in her chambers as Ottawa County fect positive change for our communities,” Rep. Murray Sheriff for a second term. In a news release, he said he said. “We will be guided by a spirit of bipartisan coopis looking forward to a very challenging year in 2009- eration, and I hope to contribute to solutions that will 2010 and will continue to work closely with the staff make Ohio a competitive leader in our growing global and other county agencies to implement cost-saving society.” Murray succeeds State Representative Chris Redfern programs for the county. The Sheriff expressed his appreciation to Chief Depu- who left the House because of term limits. BY CHRIS MCBAIN-BERRY ASSISTANT EDITOR

Carl Koebel says Farewell after 12 years as County Commissioner

See You Later BY JOHN SCHAFFNER Being a County Commissioner is one of the most misunderstood offices in politics. For the last 12 years, Carl Koebel has served Ottawa County in that capacity, but handed the reins over this week to incoming Republican Mark Stahl. It is the first time Ottawa County has had a Republican majority on the Board of Commissioners since the mid 1970s. “First of all, I would like it said that no commissioner works alone; it is a team effort,” said Koebel on Tuesday morning. “I have been blessed to work beside people like Steve (Arndt), John (Papcun) and Jim (Sass) over the past 12 years and we worked well together, even when we didn’t agree on an issue.” Koebel believes strongly that the cooperation in the County Commissioners office spilled over into other offices which provided a friendly working environment in county government. We asked Carl Koebel to outline some of his more memorable achievements during his tenure. “I would say completion and addition to the Regional Water System, construction of County Agricultural Center and Resource Center, renovation of the Courthouse, establishment of County Housing Authority Board, establishment of the county Senior Resources program and expansion of sewers into Clay Center and Clay Township.” There have also been some disappointing moments as well. Koebel points to the recent failure of the Riverview Healthcare Campus levy, plant closings at Uniroyal and Celetex, as well as not being able to bring sewers to Johnson’s Island. Koebel also points to the South Bass Island water fiasco of several summers back. “Ohio EPA

Community Update ....... 2 Schools ........................... 7 Financial Focus .............. 2 Real Estate ................ 8-11 Business ......................... 3 Sports .................... 9 & 10 Beacon Bits .................... 4 Classifieds .................... 11 Entertainment ................ 6 Yellow Page Direct. ..... 11

Erie County Commission Nancy McKean joined Carl Koebel admiring the quilt he received as a going away present from the staff at the Commissioners office. PHOTO BY JOHN SCHAFFNER has yet to provide a valid connection between any illness and a specific water system on the island,” says Koebel. Koebel concluded by saying, “I know that I said it before, but I want to thank the people of Ottawa County for giving me the opportunity to serve as one of their commissioners for the past twelve years. They have been the happiest years of my life. I also want to thank my family for putting up with all the missed meals, school events, or lost family time when duty called. They have been spectacular supporters.”

Tax Bill is in the Mail

Property tax bills will be arriving soon in mailboxes across Ottawa County. Due to recent levies now taking effect, property owners may notice changes in their bill from last year, Ottawa County Auditor Jo Ellen Regal said. Other reasons taxpayers bill could change this year include: a special assessment (such as a ditch, sewer, etc) is added or removed to that taxing district, a levy is removed or added to that taxing district, the millage rate in a district

Inside This Week…

Records ........................... 4 Real Estate Transfers ... 11

Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid Port Clinton, Ohio Permit #80

Ted Marquis snapped this photo right at midnight as 2009 began.

changes or a property changed use. For example, if the use has changed from commercial to residential the taxes might change. More reasons for change in bills could be that a Homestead Exemption was added or removed from the property, the 2 ½% owner-occupied tax reduction was added or removed, new structures or new buildings were removed or added to the property, on commercial or industrial properties, a tax abatement may have been added or expired, on agricultural properties, the Current Agricultural Use Value program may not have been renewed, therefore a recoupage charge was levied on the property, CAUV values may have changed. The auditor’s office also has been working on the state mandated Triennial update with new values expected to be available in the spring, Regal said. These new values will impact the tax bill taxpayers receive in 2010. The triennial values are determined based on a comparison of the auditor’s current value (established by the 2006 sexennial reappraisal) with verified sales that occurred in the three years since the last appraisal (2006, 2007 and 2008) and the indicated percentage change is then applied to all properties in a neighborhood, Regal explained.


The Beacon I Thursday, January 8, 2009

Community Update Our 62nd Season Continues....


Faith County II Written W i By Mark k Landen d Smith i h

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Danbury Township Meeting Overview At the regular meeting of the Danbury Township Board of Trustees held December 23, 2008 the following business was conducted: • A meeting with ODOT representative Mike Stormer was confirmed for noon on Tuesday, January 6 at township hall. • BEC Associates submitted engineering specs for the primary trail and boardwalk at Meadowbrook. Specs will be sent to ODNR for their review and approval. • The trustees agreed to enter into the BWC EZ Drug Free Workplace Program. • The board approved the re-appointment of Patricia Munn to the Zoning Commission and the appointment of Kathy Radabaugh as an alternate mem-

ber of the Zoning Commission. • The board will wait until the second quarter of 2009 to consider pay increases. • Bills in the amount of $31,187.00 were approved. • A semi-annual report was submitted to the Office of Coastal Management as required by the grant award. • Patrolmen Brad LaMarca and Josh Young were approved for full-time status effective Dec. 27, 2008 and Jan. 1, 2009 respectively following the satisfactory completion of their probation period. • Zoning Inspector Rhonda Botti Sowers reported eight permits written month to date. • Dave Hirt reported 254 police inci-

dents for November and 199 incidents month to date for December. • Organizational meeting for 2009 was held following adjournment of the regular meeting. The following business was transacted: Dianne Rozak was elected president and John Englebeck vice-president for 2009. • Regular meetings of the board will continue to be held at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. • Trustees will continue to be paid on a salaried as opposed to per diem basis. • Dianne Rozak and Dave Hirt were elected to serve on the Volunteer Firefighter’s Dependents Board of the Lakeside Volunteer Fire Department.

Christmas Tree Recycling Opportunities As the holiday season comes to a close and Christmas trees are ready to be taken down, the Ottawa-Sandusky-Seneca Joint Solid Waste District has gathered the following information to dispose of live Christmas trees in the community. Trees must be free of all decorations and tinsel. The following locations in the local area of Ottawa County: City of Port Clinton – (419) 734-5522. Trees will be collected at the curb through

January 12. Trees can be taken to new recycling area – 1755 E. State Rd. (behind Fire Station). Village of Marblehead – (419) 798-9229. Trees will be picked up curbside through January 15. Village of Oak Harbor – (419) 898-1823. Place trees at curb for pickup through the month of January. All decorations and tinsel must be removed. Catawba Island Township – (419) 797-4131. Trees will be collected roadside through January 15. Danbury Township –

(419) 732-3039. Trees may be dropped off at the designated area behind the township hall, (Port Clinton Eastern Road) through the end of January. Erie Township – (419) 635-2010. Trees may be dropped off at the old LaCarne School during the month of January. Salem Township – (419) 8984126. Trees may be dropped off during the month of January at Union Cemetery by the gold building. Trees may be dropped off Monday - Friday – 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Financial Focus Enjoy One-year Holiday from Required Minimum Distributions Although it sounds strange, you may encounter situations in which you have to accept money even if you’d rather not. Such is the case with required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your traditional IRA, 401(k) or other employGARY COON, er-sponsored retirement EDWARD plan. But thanks to recent JONES legislation, you can igINVESTMENTS nore the “required” part of RMDs — at least for a year. Specifically, lawmakers recently placed a one-year moratorium on taking (RMDs) for 2009. If you’re not familiar with the rules governing RMDs, here’s a little background: Generally, the IRS requires you to begin taking RMDs in the year in which you turn 70-1/2, or no later than April 1 of the following year. For example, if you turn 70-1/2 in 2009, you would normally be required to take your first RMD by April 1, 2010. You must also think about RMDs if you are a beneficiary of someone else’s IRA, 401(k) or other retirement account, because when the account owner dies, regardless of age, you must generally begin taking RMDs. And this is also true if you

Sleep like a baby. Have you ever wished you could sleep like a baby again? Are you tired of being tired?

are the beneficiary of a Roth IRA, even though Roth IRA owners are never required to take RMDs. But thanks to the new legislation, you can skip the required 2009 distribution if you reach 70-1/2 in 2009 or if you’re a beneficiary currently required to take RMDs. You also have until Dec. 31, 2010, to accept the 2010 RMD, which will be based on your retirement account balance at the end of 2009. Why did Congress decide to provide this RMD “holiday” for 2009? For the answer, you need look no farther than your IRA or 401(k) account balance. As you are well aware, 2008 was not a stellar year for the stock market. Consequently, as 2008 draws to a close, the market value of your IRA or 401(k) is probably considerably lower than it was in earlier years. This could have been a problem for you if you had to start taking RMDs in 2009, because these distributions are based, in part, on your account balance at the close of the previous year — which means you may well have had to sell some stocks or other investments in your retirement plan when their price was down. To help people avoid having to “sell low,” Congress acted. Ultimately, you will have to end up taking distributions again. But before that happens, take some time to decide how large a distribution you should accept each year. If you need the money, you might have to take out more than the RMD. But if you can get by on just the minimum distribution, you may want to do so, thereby keeping as much of your retirement account as possible in a taxdeferred account. But for now, if you have any questions about taking RMDs in 2009, contact your financial and tax advisors.

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Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.


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President, Editor JOHN SCHAFFNER Creative Services Manager HEIDI M. RIFE Sales Manager MJ SIEWERT Assistant Editor CHRIS McBAIN Graphic Design JENNIFER DAUBEL

Classified Liner Ad Specialist CHARLENE DEYOE

Classified Ad Specialist DONNA BECKER


Account Executives TINA GYDE JENNIFER WAGGONER Circulation Manager BRUCE DINSE Facility Manager MARY ALICE SCHAFFNER


The Beacon is published every Thursday and is circulated free to the public, via US Postal Service under Permit #80, as well as by independent carriers. The Beacon serves, and is mailed to the communities of Port Clinton, Lakeside/Marblehead, and Oak Harbor, as well as Catawba, Danbury, Portage, Erie, Bay, Benton-Carroll and Salem Townships in Ottawa County. Letters to Sound Off, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Beacon are welcome. Please note: All Sound Off letters and/or letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Beacon, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage. The Beacon is owned and operated by Schaffner Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, president. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Beacon.The Beacon and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Real Estate, Class liners close Monday by 12pm and Retail ads close Monday by 4:00 PM.

Thursday, January 8, 2009 I

The Beacon




Magruder’s Laboratory Earns CAP Accreditation Magruder Hospital’s Laboratory Department was awarded re-accreditation by the Commission on Laboratory Accreditation of the College of American Pathologists (CAP), based on results of a recent on-site inspection. Ted Bloch, MD, Medical Director of Magruder’s Laboratory, was advised of this national recognition and congratulated for the “excellence of services being provided”. Magruder’s Laboratory is one of more

than 6,000 CAP-accredited laboratories nationwide. During the CAP accreditation process, inspectors examine the laboratory’s records and quality control of procedures for the preceding two years. CAP inspectors also examine the entire staff ’s qualifications, the laboratory’s equipment, facilities, safety program and record, as well as the overall management of the laboratory. This strin-

gent inspection program is designed to ensure the highest standard of care for the laboratory’s patients. The College of American Pathologists is a medical society serving nearly 16,000 physician members and the laboratory community throughout the world. It is the world’s largest association composed exclusively of pathologists, and is widely considered the leader in laboratory quality assurance.

Degree from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH and her Doctor of Medicine Degree from The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. Dr. Rowe earned his B.A. Degree from Miami University in Oxford, OH and his Doctor of Medicine Degree from The Ohio State University. The couple resides in Port Clinton.

new name, Oak Harbor Dental Care. The office hours will remain the same, and new patients are welcomed to the practice. Dr. Mahmood and Dr. Khan are excited about serving the Oak Harbor area and joining with Dr. Kreager in providing excellence in dental care. They are com-

mitted to building relationships with existing patients and extend an invitation to the community to come to Oak Harbor Dental Care. To schedule an appointment, call 419-898-6633. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and some Saturday morning hours.

Gift Shop Sale Begins The Otterbein North Shore Gift Shop is having a “Burst into Spring” sale going through January at the Gift Shop – a whopping 40% everything in the store, except greeting cards that is. Hours are typically Monday – Saturday from 8 a.m.

until 5 p.m. There are some hand made scarves (quite the fashion right now), and whimsical Christmas ornaments, coasters, trays and more. There are still some Thanksgiving items as well. If you’re one of the many people who

have looked for the perfect greeting card only to find that it cost $4.95, you should make a visit to Otterbein North Shore Gift Shop at 9400 North Shore Boulevard. You’ll find an array of quality cards at prices you won’t believe.

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Oak Harbor Dental Care Welcomes Patients Dr. Shahid Mahmood and Dr. Nadeem Khan are the new owners of the dental practice of Dr. Randall Kreager. Dr. Khan and Dr. Mahmood will be joining Dr. Kreager in providing dental care to the community of Oak Harbor. The practice, located at 11707 W. State Route 163, will have a

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NOMS Healthcare Increases Staff NOMS Healthcare has announced the addition of Susan Su-Chi Perng, M.D. and Thomas Rowe, M.D. to the NOMS Primary Care team. Both are board certified in Family Medicine and will continue their family practice out of Port Clinton, providing the full scope of primary care including comprehensive pediatric, adult and geriatric care. Susan Su-Chi Perng, M.D. and Thomas Rowe, M.D. Dr. Perng earned her B.A.


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The Beacon I Thursday, January 8, 2009

BeaconBits Christmas Reflections Well, I guess my holidays are almost over now that the New Year 2009 has arrived. Some of my Christmas engagements were postponed due to illness of other people, but we did our celebrating (after they recovered). I was never able to get all of my Christmas cards written and mailed and I do regret that. I tried. But I just couldn’t get it finished as there were too many other tasks to so. I’ll have to write something later to send to family and friends who were neglected this year. Even though Christmas is truly past, I’m still enjoying my lighted Christmas trees. Inside the house there are several with small white lights. On the porch there is a larger tree and in the office a tiny tree - both with colored lights. They are fun to see in the evening, and I’m surely not ready to dis-

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mantle them yet. In fact, the house will look drab when all this glitzy stuff is put away for another year. This weekend has been a quiet one. So I’ve had fun watching a DVD of “An Affair to Remember”. This Cary Grant/ Deborah Kerr movie was made in 1957 and has recently been released in a 50th anniversary edition. The motion picture is a true icon. It’s always been popular but it has seen new life since it was featured in the movie “Sleepless in Seattle.” People who saw “Sleepless” decided they wanted to see the older classic, too. So “Affair” had a revival of sorts. I received the DVD as a Christmas gift. It has two discs featuring not only the movie but also interviews about the stars, the producer, director, etc. From those, I learned something I never knew before. Deborah Kerr, who starred in the musical, “The King and I” and “sang” in “An Affair to Remember” actually was not a singer! Her singing was dubbed by Marnie Nixon in both pictures. That was a surprise. I had always thought of Kerr as having a beautiful singing voice. Other DVD’s I received for Christmas were “Forrest Gump” and “Charlie Wilson’s War”. I’ve previously seen them both and will really enjoy having them available to see often. I recommend both of them. I also received “Mama Mia” and “Pride and Prejudice”, the P&P version that stars Keira Kneightly. If you have young children or grandchildren to entertain, Karen Shaw said her children received several entertaining (for all ages) DVD’s for Christmas this year. They enjoyed family movie nights complete with popcorn over the long winter break. Some of their favorite films included “Horton Hears a Who” (an animated adventure based on one of Dr. Seuss’ most beloved stories), “Kit Kittredge, An American Girl” (a story about how a nine-year-old girl and her family cope during the Great Depression), and “Nim’s Island” (a tropical paradise where imagination runs wild and adventure rules). “Kung Fu Panda” and “Secrets of the Furious Five” were two others the Shaw family liked. Both delightful animated movies with a martial arts theme. For winter reading, if you are tired of watching movies, try a book or two by Agnes Sligh Turnbull. Some that are good ones are “The Bishop’s Mantle”, “Gown of Glory”, and “The Golden Journey”. Others of her stories are about life on the early frontier, some set in what is now Pennsylvania or Ohio. Some of you readers might like them, too, as they are fairly realistic. Turnbull is a writer who really delves deeply into the life of her characters so she is a good “read” for many people. Now, also about Christmas… Most people who have written or commented about the series of short stories I wrote in this column at Christmas time liked the one about the Underground Railroad best. It was also my own personal favorite. Votes are now coming in about whether readers of Beacon Bits prefer one longer, serialized story at Christmas time (or) a series of one short story per week. So far the jury is out, but the serialized story with one chapter per week seems to be the more popular choice. However, some folks think that the “one per week” is better because, if you miss a week, it’s no problem. Another item of interest about a Christmas gift: Did you know that there are now “smart” Crock Pots available? These may be pre-set to cook for a specified time. When that time is over, the pot automatically reduces heat to keep the food warm and stop the cooking process. I think this gift will be very handy in the future, especially since it was accompanied

Records OBITUARIES Lee K. Baker Lee K. Baker, 85, of Catawba Island and formerly of Columbus, Ohio died Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at Otterbein North Shore Retirement Center, Lakeside-Marblehead. At Lee’s request, cremation has taken place, and there will be no visitation or services. A private graveside service will be held in April. Sylvia C. Barnette Sylvia C. Barnette, 59, of Port Clinton,

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OH, passed away, surrounded by her loving family Monday, December 29, 2008, after suffering from a heart attack on Christmas day, at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center, Toledo, OH. Visitation was held December 31 in the GernerWolf-Walker Funeral Home and Crematory, Port Clinton, OH. A Funeral Mass was celebrated by Father John Missler on December 31 at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Port Clinton, OH. James R. Burr James R. Burr, 61, of Graytown, died in his residence late Thursday evening,

January 1, 2009. Visitation was January 4 at the Robinson-Walker Funeral Home & Crematory, Oak Harbor. Private family services will take place at a later date with interment in Limestone Cemetery, Graytown. Jean Rutan Jean Rutan, 88, of Port Clinton, OH, passed away, Monday, January 5, 2009 at her residence in Port Clinton, OH. At Jean’s request, cremation has taken place. There will be visitation on Friday, January 9 from 4-8 p.m. in the GernerWolf-Walker Funeral Home and Crematory, Port Clinton.



Ad Wylie Found In: _______________

by a crock-pot cookbook. I never expected to have a set of new pots and pans – but that was a gift from my son. I’m going to wash them and start using them tomor- BY VIRGINIA PARK row. There are new utensils, too. It makes some of the really old stuff that I’ve been using look pretty dismal. Perhaps the most unusual (and precious) gift I received was a couple of ancient coins. These are similar to what was known as “The Widow’s Mites”. This term is derived from the comments of Jesus about the very poor woman who gave two little coins to the treasury in the temple. The tiny “mites” (coins) I received are bronze (copper with a little tin, zinc or lead) and are the type of coins the widow woman presented as her gift. My old friend of many years, Lynn Jones, stopped in for a chat at Christmas time. Lynn and his wife Jane were neighbors many years ago before they built a house and moved over to Fremont Road. Lynn had two “Stylin’ Trucks” catalogs to show me. Both featured his 2000 ST Chevy pickup truck on the covers. Lynn goes to Cruise-ins and, at one such event, the company saw his truck and asked to photograph it. “Stylin’ Trucks” is headquartered in Independence, OH and sells a wide range of products to customize and decorate vehicles. The last item I received for Christmas was a little magazine produced by the H.J. Heinz Company (food producers). It lists 100 helpful household hints utilizing vinegar. One hint sounded very interesting. For getting rid of stain or clog build-up in a coffee maker, brew one pot using cold water with ¼ cup vinegar. Then follow with a cycle of clear water and if you can still smell vinegar run another cycle with clear water. I tried this and it worked like a charm. The coffee cooks a lot faster now that I’ve cleaned out the coffee-maker. I can remember going out to the home of my parents to visit them on Saturday nights many, many years ago. And, inevitably they would be watching “the Lawrence Welk Show”. We’d all have to watch it – whether we liked the show or not. Most of us did not like it back then. After the show was over, we could turn off the television and talk. The Welk show was the only show that held sway over family conversation. Who would believe that I am sitting here on a Saturday night, watching channel 30 (Public Television) and Lawrence Welk re-plays are being shown? That show is a staple of Saturday nights. It’s been on public television since 1987. So there must be a lot of folks who really enjoy it. I can’t describe myself as a real Welk fan but I do see it quite often because I AM a real fan of public television. I tune on Channel 30 whenever the television goes on which – at my house – is not really very often. I don’t like television very much. And, speaking of television, I did buy that box gadget that we all have to have to convert an old television for the new kind of digital transmission that is coming in February. I didn’t know how to install it, but my brother figured it out and took care of it. I’m surprised that the picture is so much improved over what I had before. I thought that having to buy the converter box was a bit of a rip-off and really still do not understand the transition. But I like the improved picture now that I’ve seen it. So that all worked out ok. Don’t forget to buy the converter box if you need it. February 19 is the date.

Red Cross Trainings Scheduled The American Red Cross has a variety of first aid kits, as well as, Adult 3-Day Survival kits available for purchase at

205 SE Catawba Rd., Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452

Or Email It To:

the local office. Also available are Dog First Aid and Cat First Aid self-study books, including DVD, for pet lovers. The American Red Cross is offering the following trainings locally in January held at Magruder Hospital, First Floor Conference Room, 615 Fulton St.: Adult CPR – Wednesday, January 14, 6 – 10 p.m.; Infant/Child CPR – Thursday, January 15,6 – 9:30



***one entry per household




p.m. and First Aid Basics – Wednesday, January 21 – 6 – 8:30 p.m. CPR classes teach participants how to clear obstructed airways of conscious and unconscious victims, how to perform rescue breathing and how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Techniques differ from adult to child to infant. First Aid classes provide information on identifying and treating sudden illnesses. This includes treatment for shock and bleeding, burns, eye and nose injuries, bites and stings, fractures, dislocations, sprains and strains, poisoning, diabetic emergencies, stroke, seizures, temperature extremes, and rescues. Pre-registration is required for all classes. Class size is limited. Call the American Red Cross, 734-1100 or email – .



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Thursday, January 8, 2009 I

The Beacon


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WINTER HOURS Closed Sun., Mon., Tue. Wed. & Thur. • 4:00pm - 8:00pm Fri & Sat • 11:30am - 9:00pm Kitchen closes 1 hour earlier.

WED. - All-you-can-eat Italian $7.95 THUR. - Prime Rib $10.95 FRI. - Perch Fry $9.95 SAT. - Steak Special $10.95 Valentine's Day Wine Tasting Sat. Feb. 14 Packages Available

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Monday - Wing Night, Tuesday - Soups & Wednesday - Prime Rib or choose one appetizer, two sandwiches & two non-alcoholic drinks for $20.00

The Beacon I Thursday, January 8, 2009

Entertainment Playmakers Civic Theatre Production Opens Thursday Playmakers Civic Theatre’s second production of the current season, the madcap comedy, “An Evening of Culture: FAITH COUNTY II; the Saga Continues”, opens Thursday, January 8th and runs for eight performances, closing after the Sunday Matinee on January 18th. The Thursday through Saturday shows have an 8 p.m. curtain, and the two Sunday Matinees begin at 2 p.m. Reservations Appearing in the play are l-r, Charles Hayward, Mil- may be made by calling 419lie Butts, Debbie Gordon, Craig Olszewski, and Syl- 734-5044 and leaving your desired date and number via Chappell of tickets by following the prompts on the answering machine. An Evening of Culture is the goal of these good ole’ country folks somewhere in the South who are trying to stage the classic Shakespearean play, “Romeo & Juliet”. Actually, this is their second attempt at producing Culture for their neighbors: “No. II, the Saga Continues!” The first Faith County featured their version of culture at their county fair during which a variety of craft presentations, poetry readings and piano playing abounded. Eight Playmaker actors play double roles in the show; one, as a member of this smalll Fri. & Sat. - DJ EJ in The Pub community and the other, as Happy Hour Daily til 7pm a character in this play. The play’s director is Millie Butts, assisted by Bonnie Open 7 days til 2:30 am Segaard. Dale Jensen is the 111 Madison St. Port Clinton 419-732-2030 Technical Director.

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Winter Hours Mon.-Thur. 3pm; Fri.-Sun. 11:30am 2170 North Buck Road • Marblehead • 419-734-1742 • 1/4-Mile North of East Harbor State Park. Adjacent to Anchor’s Away Marina.


Aaron Patrick & Lonesome Strangers An Acoustic Pop Partyy Band Thursday Tuesday Saturday 1/2 lb. Burger Wings $3.99 12oz. Strip Steak Prime Rib with chips $3.99 $10.95 Monday

Drink Responsibly - Don’t drive, walk to your room. Stay with us call: 419-732-2645

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Winter Kitchen Hours: Sun. - Thurs. 9pm • Fri. & Sat. 10pm 255 Lakeshore Dr. (next to Drawbridge Marina) 419-734-2243






JANUARY 16 $30 per p


ffet dinner, sh erson ow, tax and gratuity) *Sunday Mat in ee (d o ors Evening Perf ormances do open 12:30) ors open at 6:00 HOTEL ROOM PACKAGES ST ART AT $85 COUPLE FOR PER WEE $93 ON THE KDAYS AND W EEKENDS INCLU ONE STANDA DES SHOW, BUFFET DIN N RD ROOM, T AX AND GRA ER, T. FOR TWO . PHONE BREN DA FOR RESER VATIONS AT 419-960 -1173 (includes bu

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Bassett’s Plaza • 419-734-9464

Thursday, January 8, 2009 I

The Beacon


Developmental Screenings Offered Early Intervention is offering free developmental screenings for children birth to three years living in Ottawa County on January 20 from 4 – 8 p.m. at the Ottawa County Board of MRDD, 235 N. Toussaint South Road, Oak Harbor. Participants need to schedule an appointment by calling 1-866-755-444 ext 3139. If unable to make the scheduled time, call 567-262-3139 to reschedule a time for an individual appointment.


Bell Choir Entertains at Edgewood The children of Jefferson Elementary School performed in the living room at Edgewood Manor, as the residents watched with smiles on their faces. Not only did they sing many well-known Christmas carols, but the Bell Choir brightened the morning as their sounds echoed through the hallways. “I just love it when the children come” said Betty Adams, an Edgewood Resident, “They are so cute, and they do such a good job, it makes my day!” Pictured at left are members of the Bell Choir from Jefferson Elementary School who performed for the residents of Edgewood.

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Personal Enrichment Classes

The Kern Center for Community and Industrial Development at Terra Community College is offering a variety of personal enrichment classes this winter, including: Conversational Spanish II– 6:30 to 9 p.m., Tuesdays for five sessions beginning Jan. 6. Instructor: Christine Schneider Smith, CASS Enterprises. Cost: $79; Conversational Japanese – 6:30 to 9 p.m., Thursdays for 10 sessions beginning Feb. 19. Instructor: Yumi Senour. Cost: $239; Introduction to Americ a n S i g n

Language – 6:30 to 9 p.m., Thursdays for 10 sessions beginning Feb. 12. Instructor: Tiffany Thornbury. Cost: $159; Achieving Personal and Professional Excellence with the MyersBriggs Type Indicator – One-on-one sessions can be arranged by calling Ron Dannemiller at 419-559-2342. Cost: $35; The Magic of the Mouse-Bringing the Theme Park Experience to Your Customers – 9 to 11 a.m. March 12 in Fremont OR 1 to 3 p.m. March 12 in Oak Harbor. Instructor: Scott Brown. Cost: $25; Unleash Your Energy with EQ (Emotional Intelligence) – 9 a.m.

Ditch The Workout, Join The Party!



It’s that time of year again when many people resolve to improve their health. The problem is that most good intentions get derailed within a few weeks. Make this year the year you make good on



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Start the New Year at the New Island House

Fine dining at its best Historically restored to its original grandeur. Enjoy lunch or dinner featuring fine regional cuisine such as prime rib of beef au jus, steaks, chops... to mention a few. Tempting isn’t it?

Featuring Pianist Steve “Sweep” Muncey Fri. & Sat. Evenings CHEF’S SPECIALS MONDAY - Prime Rib $10.95 TUESDAY - 1/2 Chicken Citrus Glaze or BBQ $ 10.95 WEDNESDAY - Full Rack Baby Back Ribs Slow Cooked Cajun or BBQ $14.95 Bountiful Sunday Brunch 10:30-3:00pm Every Sunday 419-734-0100

The NEW Island House Restaurant & Lounge 102 Madison St., Port Clinton Now Open 7 days a week for Lunch & Dinner 11:00 am - 3:00 pm 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm Happy Hour 3-6 daily Drink Specials

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to 4 p.m. Feb 20. Instructor: Sara Best of Best People Solutions. Cost: $89; Board of Contention: How to Stop Disruptive Board Members from Sabotaging Your Mission – 8:30 a.m. to noon March 6. Instructor: George Brymer of All Square, Inc. Cost: $79; Basic Grant Writing – 6:30 to 9 p.m. March 9 and 16. Instructor: Gaye Winterfield. Cost: $59; Advanced Grant Writing – 6:30 to 9 p.m. March 30 and April 6. Instructor: Gaye Winterfield. Cost: $59 or take both grant writing courses for $94. For more information or to register, call the Kern Center at 419-559-2255.

OPEN HOUSE BY APPOINTMENT 419-349-5880 1507 N. Ponderosa Dr. Port Clinton, OH Nearly new 3 BDRM 2 1/2 BA home on a very low traffic street. The fully landscaped yard backs up to a wooded area. Large rear deck w/walk out partial basement adds to your outdoor living area. 2 car attch'd garage, paved driveway, Located on Catawba Island off N.W. Catawba Rd. to Sandra Dr. across from Catawba Marina. Priced to sell and move in. Stop by or call 419-349-5880 or view at

Rum Runners

Sports Bar & Eatery

your New Year’s resolutions. Whether your goal is to lose weight, exercise regularly or just get healthy overall, ZUMBA can work for you. What is ZUMBA? Zumba fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program. The goal is simple: to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. Zumba fanatics achieve long-term benefits in one exhilarating hour of caloric-burning, body-energizing, movements meant to engage and captivate for life. The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms, and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you’ve got Zumba. Find an exercise buddy. Get a friend involved and be each other’s motivators, or join a group. The advantage to this approach is that you know other people are counting on you and you don’t want to let them down. The Ballet School offers ZUMBA classes 4 times per week: Monday and Wednesday 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 7 - 8 p.m. Prices are as follows: $10 for a single class, 5 classes for $40 or 10 classes for $80. Join a class at any time -- just stop in. The Ballet School is located in downtown Port Clinton (115 Madison Street). For more information, call ZUMBA Instructor, Mary Ann Snider at 419-635-6106.

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102 Madison, next to The Island House

Now Open Everyday 11 am - 2:30 am Sun. - $1 Domestic Draft, $5 Domestic Pitchers, $6 Import Pitchers Mon. - Free Pool All Night! $3 1lb. Wings, $2 Domestic Bottle Tue. - 99¢ Tacos, $6 Nachos Deluxe $2.75 Corona, $2 Margaritas Wed. - Ladies Night 1/2 price Appetizers & $3 Cosmos for Ladies Only! Well Drinks & Bomb Specials, $3.95 Burger & Fries Thur. - $3 Call Drinks, $4 Long Islands, $1 Hot Dogs, $1.50 Chili Dogs Fri. - Live Music & $3.50 Bomb Night Sat. - Power Hour 9pm-10pm Only Home of the “Rum Burger” Specials at the Bar only...


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Thursday, January 8, 2009

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Thursday, January 8, 2009 I

The Beacon


Sports Road Warriors BY JOHN SCHAFFNER 4-0! Oh, yes, the Port Clinton Redskin boys basketball team is 4-3 overall, but they are 4-0 in the Sandusky Bay Conference heading into a critical weekend featuring a pair of Sandusky Bay Conference road games. Saturday night, they took the measure of Sandusky St. Mary’s 65-48 with five players getting into double figures in scoring. “It was nice having five guys reach double figures, and we received solid contributions from everyone in our 8-man rotation,” said Redskin Coach Troy Diels on Monday. However, he added, “we did not play very well overall. We turned the ball over too much especially in transition. We will have to work on that and make sure to get better in that area.” The Redskins jumped out fast taking a 15-5 lead after the first quarter, and held a 28-21 lead going into the locker room. They sealed the deal with an 18-11 margin in the third quarter and cruised home from there. Allen Tigner Allen Tigner scores two of his led 5 Redskins in double figures with game-high 13 points against St. 13. Also scoring in double digits were Mary’s last Satuday. Ryan Hicks, Derek Colston, Josh FranPHOTO BY BILL MIGALA cis and Cory Brown.

The Redskins are tied with surprising Edison for first place in the Conference heading into this weekend’s games at Perkins on Friday and at Huron on Saturday. “We have a long way to go in the Conference,” says Coach Diels. “Right now, we need to worry about making ourselves better in all aspects of the game.” Perkins beat Clyde 57-56 on Saturday to run their SBC record to 3-1 (4-2 overall), one game behind Edison and Port Clinton. “Perkins suffered through some early season injuries, and they are back at full strength with their roster and are starting to play good basketball,” says Coach Diels about Friday’s opponent. Shon Alexander is Perkins’ leader. He went coast-to-coast with a rebound to score the winning basket at Clyde. Saturday night, Huron will be the place for a back-to-back on the road. Says Coach Diels, “Huron is playing an up-tempo style this year, where they are pressing a lot and spreading teams out on offense. We will need to take care of the ball and play sold defense in order to get a win on Saturday.” Huron is 2-4 overall, and 2-2 in the conference following a 46-38 win over Oak Harbor

Josh Francis battles for a rebound against St. Mary’s. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA on Saturday. So, the Holidays are over, and just about every team has some catching up to do in January. “Facing two road games in the confer-

ence this weekend will be a big challenge for us,” says Coach Diels. “Perkins and Huron are two tough places to play.”

BUYING OR SELLING? LET US BE YOUR FIRST CHOICE! Laker Boys’ visit: Win Streak Reaches Four Why just read an ad, when you 129 Madison St., Suite D, Port Clinton, OH 43452

Danbury won its TAAC opener in thrilling fashion by defeating the Toledo Northwood Rangers by a score of 55-50. Tyler Boring converted four straight free-throws in the last minute of the game and Hunter Stephens scored the crucial go ahead basket with eight seconds left to seal the victory. “Tyler and Hunter both made some big plays down the stretch,” said Coach Joe Miller. “I am very proud of how they performed under pressure.” “Vincent Manuella also converted some big shots that kept us in the game early,” added Miller. Michael Hamann led the Lakers with 14 points, 6 rebounds, and 4 assists, while Manuella added 14 points, 3 rebounds, and 4 assists. Hunter Stephens contributed 13 points and 5 rebounds, with Tyler Boring adding 8 points and 12 rebounds. The J.V. team lost to Northwood by a score of 33-15. Freshmen Lucas Kennedy led the Lakers with 6 points. The Lakers defeated the St. Joe Crimson Streaks by a score of 63-55. Michael Hamann led the Lakers with 18 points, 7 rebounds, and 5 assists, while Rodney Johnson scored a career-high 17 points to go along with 5 rebounds and 2 steals. Tyler Boring tallied 10 points, 5 rebounds, and 2 assists and Vincent Manuella tallied 7 points and 6 assists. In addition, Steve Feyedelem scored a career-high 5 points coming off the bench for the Lakers. “It was a great team victory and the players are very excited about the winning streak,” said Coach Miller. The Lakers overall record is 4-2 and they are 1-0 in the TAAC.

Redskin Grapplers Take 3rd at Mal Mackey Tourney Port Clinton wrestling coach, John Hazzard has said all along that the fruits of their “biddy wrestling program” are beginning to show. Well, they showed up in a major fashion on Saturday as the Redskins took 3rd in the Mal Mackey Tournament at Fremont Ross. PC wrestlers claimed four weight class championships… Greg Willis at 103, Derrick Johannsen at 130, Jared Fleming at 152 and Richard Harris at 160. They had 5 wrestlers in the finals, as Jacob Fleming fell in his championship finals match at 125 lbs. Stephen Pastor won his consolation finals match to gain third place at 135, while Brandon Meadows lost in his consolation finals match at 215 to finish 4th. The Redskins travel to Lake for a dual match on Wednesday, January 14 before getting ready for the SBC Duals on January 23 and 24.

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ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES Adorable & affordable, starter or retirement, summer cottage or rental. Many Updates. Seller motivated. Preview at then call DEBI or PATTI.

Captivating Lake Views, Quality Upgrades, 36’ Dock

Turn Key Waterfront Home

CATAWBA ISLAND CHARMING CENTURY 8 room home with 3 BR, 2 BA, nestled on 0.9 acre wooded lot. Enclosed porch & 12x26 deck plus 2 car attached garage & 30x40 barn. Great deal at $174,900. View at or call LEN PARTIN.

Home for All Seasons, 4 Acres on Portage River

Clean, Crisp, Furnished, 30’ Deeded Dock

Room to Relax, 3 BR, Full Basement

Bigger than it Looks! Come & See Yourself

BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE LOT Just inside the gate of the Catawba Cliffs. Present owner recently tore down existing home, leaving a manicured lot, ready for your dream home to be built. Priced $79,900. View or call PATTI or DEBI.

Spacious Home, Convenient Location, 4 BR

Country Living w/Public Utilities, 3 BR, 2 BA

CATAWBA BUILDING PARCEL Zoned for multi-family, wooded, with golf course & marsh views. Price in the low $90’s. Call JOHN or RUTHIE CAPUTO.

Income Opportunity, Duplex w/Separate Utilities

COME SAIL AWAY! Comfortable first floor, 2 BR, 2 BA condo w/deeded boat slip, steps from large deck. Priced to sell, only $184,900. Preview or call LEN PARTIN.

CATAWBA WOODS ESTATE Great location,4 BR, hardwood floors, lots of storage, 2 car attached garage. Preview at then call LEN PARTIN.

House, Barn, Pond, and Acreage

REDUCED! GREAT FOR ENTERTAINING 3BR, 2 BA, well-maintained ranch in Marblehead, with lake views. On .48 acre with a great glass-enclosed room. Now only $279,999! Go to then call RUTH DOUGLAS. ACCESS TO LAKE Through East Harbor channel, well maintained mobile in North Shore Estates. Being sold completely furnished down to linens and silverware. 2 Sheds, covered patio, 30 x 9 glass enclosed room. Rental dockage on property. Only $11,000! Call RUTH DOUGLAS. DISTINGUISHED TWO-STORY A world of luxury awaits you in this fashionable 3 BR, 3 BA home with a fine lake view. This prestigious residence highlights formal dining room, generous floor plan. Preview or call DEANNA JOHNSON. GREAT LAKE VIEWS 3 BR, 1 BA, offering 5 lots six different ways; house and one lot, or combinations. Townsend Beach Subdivision has private Lake front park. Preview or call LEN PARTIN.

Lakeview Furnished Condo, 30’ Dock



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The Beacon I

Thursday, January 8, 2009

OH Girls Lose SBC Thriller At Clyde BY J. PATRICK EAKEN In a tightly-contested Sandusky Bay Conference matchup, but the Clyde Fliers prevailed over the Oak Harbor Rockets, 48-41. “It was a very physical game,” Oak Harbor coach Dick Heller said. “Both teams really got after each other. Clyde really played well and smart down the stretch. Our girls did a great job battling their pressure.” Neither team opened a really commanding lead, as the game opened with each team scoring 13 points over the first stanza. Clyde prevailed by six

points in the second quarter and took a 26-20 lead into intermission. The second half was more of the same, but each team scored eight points down the final eight-minute stretch, and the Fliers remained on top at the final horn. Three Fliers got into double figures, led by Kaylea Griffin with 15 points and Spencer Robbie and Rachael Smatzler each scored 10 points. Oak Harbor also had three players in double figures, led by Sara Lipstraw with 12 points, and Sam Scott and Kayla Diefenthaler had 10 points each. Diefenthaler grabbed seven rebounds,

Scott had four as the Rockets out rebounded the Fliers 23 to 20. The game included 47 turnovers, 25 by Oak Harbor and 20 by Clyde. The Rockets made 16-of-41 field goals and 6-of-10 free throws, while Clyde made 15-of-40 field goals and 14-of-20 free throws. Two Oak Harbor girls games have been rescheduled due to inclement weather. The Oak Harbor at Edison game has been moved from Dec. 19 to Feb. 17, and the Huron at Oak Harbor game has been moved from Dec. 23 to Jan. 17. Both games have 6 p.m. junior varsity starts with the varsity to follow.

Lady Lakers Tori England Dials Long Distance BY J. PATRICK EAKEN Tori England hit six 3-pointers and then Danbury held off a fourth quarter rally by Seneca East as the Lakers won a non-league contest, 47-42. The six treys accounted for all 18 of England’s points, and teammates Christine Longer and Jackie Lammers also hit treys to account for over half of Danbury’s scoring. But, in the end it was free throws that spelled the difference. Three third quarter treys by England and one by Lammers helped Danbury outscore Seneca East 17-9 over that eight-minute span and take a 37-25

lead headed into the fourth. Then, the Lakers connected on 10of-14 free throws in the final stanza to help erase any doubts of a win by Seneca East. The Lakers shot 64 percent from the charity stripe (13-of-24) for the entire game, and 33 percent from the field. Seneca East made 24 percent of their field goals, 60 percent of their free throws (12-of-20). Despite the good shooting, the game was marred with 50 turnovers, including 27 by Danbury and 23 by Seneca East. Seneca East controlled the boards by a 41 to 27 margin, but Destiny Taylor grabbed eight caroms to lead the



3142 NE Catawba Rd. Port Clinton, OH

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Sun. January 18, 2009 @ 2 p.m. Registraton & Preview @ 1 p.m. Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath home, 1,400 sq. ft., with heated outbuilding (24x40) Setting on 1.1 acres in prime location. OPEN HOUSE Sun. 12/28/08 & Sun. 1/11/09 1-3 p.m. Midwest Real Estate & Auctions, LLC. Daniel P. Kapudjija Auctioneer/Broker 1-800- 459-1276

Sat. January 17, 2009 @ 11 a.m. Registraton & Preview @ 10 a.m. Commercial 2,6562 sq. ft., former Resturant or could be Retail Business. Paved parking, drive thru and high traffic visibility. OPEN HOUSE Sun. 12/28/08 & Sun. 1/11/09 1-3 p.m. Midwest Real Estate & Auctions, LLC. Daniel P. Kapudjija Auctioneer/Broker 1-800- 459-1276

Lakers. Following England in the scoring column and also reaching double figures for the Lakers was Heather Bahnsen with 10 points, including connecting on 6-of-8 free throws. Longer and Lammers each scored six points, Taylor scored three points, and Sam Molnar and K.C. Oxendale each added two points. For Seneca East (3-4), Tresa Scheade scored 14 points and Erica Crager added 13 points. Danbury improved to 6-2 overall with the non-league win, and will take its perfect 2-0 league record Oak Harbor Sophomore Steven Young puts up a into its next Toledo Area Athletic Con- shot Saturday night during the Rockets loss at Huference matchup. ron. PHOTO BY CHRIS MISCHLER

Rocket Wrestlers Put In Strong Showing at Medina Oak Harbor wrestler Ian Miller won the Medina Invite this past week with a perfect 5-0 record at 135 pounds. His efforts, along with the rest of the Rocket team, earned Oak Harbor a fifth place finish overall and a second place finish in the Division II category. Coming into the tournament, Miller was unseeded and drew the number one seed in the second round. It was a close match going into overtime, but Miller came out on top with a 12-7 victory. Miller was not the only Rocket wrestler to place. Oak Harbor put four other guys onto the podium. Drew Stone wrestled his way to a fourth place finish at 119, while Freshman Alex Bergman took fifth at 103. Zach Sandwisch put together Sara Fisher battles for a loose a string of wins to take sixth, and Mike Mallernee took eight ball against Perkins. in the 171 division. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA

Thursday, January 8, 2009 I

The Beacon


Classified 104 Commercial Property LAND & BUSINESS FOR SALE 3 acre lakefront property & cottage rental business for sale in Marblehead. Plenty of room for expansion. HOTY ENTERPRISES, INC. 800-416-4689 x14 or kula@hoty. com 105 Condominium MUST SELL: Two Green Cove condos. 2nd floor,1BR,W/D. $105K for both OBO. Call for single unit pricing. 513-6598783

2BD 1BA For Rent includes water, sewer & trash and storage area $500/ mo call 419-960-1173

122 Warehouse WAREHOUSE/ OFFICE SpaceGreat RT 2 visibility, 1560sq ft/ 500 sq loft area. $850/mo 4125 Kirk Rd, PC. Summit Properties Dean 330-802-2094 Sam 330-808-2356 200 Apartment for rent 1 BEDROOM apartment downtown, clean and modern $475 + gas and electric 740-808-0932 1 BEDROOM, Green Cove, fully furnished, w/ washer/dryer $450/mo until May 1 412-855-6190

201 ApartmentUnfurn PORT CLINTON 1 & 2 BDRM Apt. All appliances, includes dishwasher, washer dryer hookup, central air, gas heat, private patio, pool. Rent starting at $495, includes water & sewer. 6 mo lease avil 419-734-7422 204 Condo-Rental

GREEN COVE, all appliances 1 bed, avil Nov-April $500/ mo+ electric 440-247-3538 208 Houses for Rent OAK HARBOR, 2 bdrm, stove, fridge, water. No pets, $450/ mo 419-898-4445 209 Houses Furnished


214 Office Space

(Your Extra Room) Muggy Road, Catawba 797-6303 or 6565263.

SPACE FOR LEASE 1,500 - 3,000 SF retail/office space in shopping center, located near intersection of Routes 163 & 53, across from Wal-Mart Supercenter. HOTY ENTERPRISES, INC. 800-416-4689 x14 or kula@hoty. com

Marblehead 2Bdrm Fully furnished. Screened porch, walking distance to marina’s, $500/mo +Dep. +Utilities. No pets 419-798-4873

219 Storage Spaces

422 Services M&T PAINTING AVG. Room $100.00 419-797-6149

CLEM’S AUTO Parts, buying good, wrecked, junk cars and trucks. 419-7342772 535 Want To Buy WANTED TO buy: 5-10 acres in Marblehead/Danbury for home, pasture, fruit trees 419-7985895

526 Miscellaneous For Sale CAR INSURANCE SR 22 fillings - DUI Bonds monthly pay plan Call 734-2050

LEXUS 2002 EX 300 sedan, 96k miles, good condition, sunroof, 6 disc changer, leather seats. $9,900 419-270-9937

Lakeshore Development, LLC to Rick W. and Cheryl L. Walker, 9886 East Bayshore Road #18, $170,000. Erie Township Wells Fargo to Rebecca A. Shortridge, 5590 Superior Street, $7,000. Catawba Township Paul and Mary Provonsha to William J. Coyle, Carl M. Good III to Gary W. Good, 2637 6892 West Harbor Road, $97,000. Sand Road, $217,500. Port Clinton City Harbor Bay, Soccerman LTD to ConsolidatFannie Mae to Greater Metropolitan Title, ed RV Holdings, Inc., vacant land , $25,000. Guy E. Kersh to Andrew L. Hansen, 5955 LLC , 224 Lincoln Street, $78,900. Salem Township East Catawba Shore, $305,000. Greg Allen Stepanian to Thomas V. and ShaDanbury Township Darlene A. Walker to Gregory W. and Laslie ron A. Cutcher, 75 North Wexford , $159,650. K. Penny, 350 Forest Green Drive, $133,500.

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“I Sell Views” Sharon Woodson

The Beacon I

Jan 16, 2009 is the opening of the 52nd Cleveland Boat & Waterfront Lifestyle Expo at the I-X Center.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tomi L. Johnson CRS CRB, E-PRO


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Spacious and inviting you will adore this ranch in its picturesque setting. Expansive rooms, large windows, formal and leisure entertaining areas, private mother/teenage/nanny suite, a three car garage, on a large lot with access to the CIC golf course through your back yard! Impeccably maintained, perfectly located! $449,000

MARBLEHEAD-2175 BRISTOL Catawba Island custom built brick home adjacent to CIC Yacht Club. Fabulous views of marina from almost every room of this 5 bedroom, 4-½ bath home! Ideally suited for entertaining with deck, patio & Theater Room. $875,000

Waterfront Catawba Bay Cape Cod. Built in 2006 with Great Room, Sun Room & 1st floor Master overlooking the harbor. Oak hardwood floors, full basement, 3-car garage & much more. $589,900

Spectacular Lake views! Catawba Shores South lakefront condo with wraparound deck great for relaxing or entertaining. Sandy beach & association pool. $489,000

Peeks of Lake from Colony Club home on beautiful spacious lot. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home features Family Room fireplace, Den & large deck. Lakefront community with dockage available. $278,000

PORT CLINTON 711 Lakeshore Dr #409

CATAWBA ISLAND 4370-B Marin Woods

CATAWBA ISLAND 4662 Catawba Woods

MARBLEHEAD 10851 Bay Point #1202


Canal front home with panoramic views of the channel out to the Sandusky Bay! 60’ break wall and hoist for your boat and jet skis. This luxury home will satisfy your every desires! Custom built to capitalize on the views you will be captivated with the ever changing panorama of boaters paradise. Ground floor living with a loft upstairs for added square footage. Furnishings negotiable. $549,000


Admiralty 2 bedroom, 2 bath & Sun Room with spectacular sunsets over the Portage River. Remodeled in 2003. Dockage & pool membership available. $185,900

LeMarin Townhome with 35ft dock in private marina with direct Lake access. 2 bedroom, 2-½ bath with 3rd floor bonus room in meticulous condition. $179,900

Catawba Woods Condo – Fully furnished 2bdrm, 1bth & Florida Room. Walking distance to Heigel Park (shelter house, playground, basketball & tennis courts), Catawba State Park with public launch & more. $92,000

This well maintained residence is located in the heart of Port Clinton and is ready for immediate occupancy. Newer carpet, fresh paint, ceramic tile in the entry and kitchen make this home very enjoyable. Situated on a well manicured lawn with a two car detached garage this property is priced to sell! Equipped with a ground floor master and a full basement for extra storage. Must See! $99,900

Gated Bay Point new construction. 2460sqft with vaulted ceilings, 3BD, 2.5BA & 2-car attached garage. Large association pool with bath house. Adjacent to Bay Point Resort for dockage, tennis & more! $368,700

LAKESIDE-233 LAUREL DR. This Lakeside summer retreat comes fully furnished & is in impeccable condition! Very well maintained original hardwood floors, gorgeous woodwork detailing, open floor plan w/ an easy flow, many bedrooms to comfortably sleep friends & family, and a 2 car detached garage w/ a paved drive. This property is co-listed with Carol Yoakam/ Street-Sothebys. Seller is a licensed Ohio real estate broker. $749,000

Catawba Office • 4054 E. Harbor Rd. • 877-734-5751


CATAWBA ISLAND-1550 NW CATAWBA RD. Waterfront fully furnished condo with dockage available! Enjoy the luxury of this ranch unit with a large waterfront balcony overlooking the marina out to Lake Erie! The open floor plan is perfect for everlasting water views and endless entertaining. Step down to your boat and spend a day at the islands, fishing and more! $229,000

CATAWBA- Newer 4 bed 3 bath home in Catawba Cliffs. Open floor plan, 5 car garage, Viking appliances, 1st floor master, vaulted ceilings. Wrap around screened porch. $699,000 TED GREENE/MARK HARTLINE 419-563-4968

JOHNSON’S ISLAND- 4 bed 3 bath beautifully crafted and energy efficient home! This unique home would be a great retreat with spacious rooms, vaulted ceilings and secluded backyard. Includes 40 ft. dock. $329,900 LISA HORMAN 419-271-8110

CATAWBA- Indoor pool for the fit. 4 bed 2 bath cape cod. Newer roof, range, countertops, refrigerator. & HVAC. Family home in gated community. TED GREENE/MARK HARTLINE 419-563-4968

MARBLEHEAD-8371 GRAVEL BAR Lake Erie Front! Open and inviting-perfect for entertaining or a romantic getaway! Completely updated with travertine, cherry, marble & granite throughout! Large master bedroom w/ a large balcony overlooking the lake, walk in closet, & granite filled master bathroom, stainless steel appliances, fresh paint inside and out, includes a golf cart! Expansive deck overlooking stunning sunrises. Private sandy beach & dockage steps away in this private gated community in Marblehead. $595,000


MARBLEHEAD- Beautiful views of East Harbor from this 2 bed 2 bath condo. Low association fees that includes water, sewer and 25 ft dock! Open spacious interior. 1 car attached garage. $139,900 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

MARBLEHEAD- 25 ft dock in private marina included with this well maintained ranch home. Pole barn to store all your toys! Quiet neighborhood with private beach on the bay. $216,500 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

Marina at your door! Enjoy panoramic views from nearly every room of the marina and beyond to the ever-changing parade of yachts passing by. Walk to your boat for a quick ride to the islands or a lazy day of fishing. The ground floor master suite is spacious with a spa bath and vanity to indulge yourself. Family and guests will enjoy their private loft to relax, read a book, or enjoy a favorite movie. $395,000

FREMONT- Waterfront ranch features Sandusky River and canal frontage with over 150 ft of dockage. Beautiful neutral décor, open kitchen/dining/great room. Wrap around decking overlooks in-ground pool. $169,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

BY APPOINTMENT FREMONT- 3 bed 2 bath home with full finished basement. 24x36 newer garage, storage shed, nice yard. Semi country. $155,000 SARA WILLIAMS 419-307-0499 PORT CLINTON- Spacious 1 1/2 story home in the heart of vacationland! One block up from the lake – close to everything. $134,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188 MARBLEHEAD- Cottage style home in Channel Grove steps to marina. Open floor plan, attached 2 car garage on corner lot. New bath, other updates. Perfect for year round or seasonal living. $139,900 GLENNA BENDER/TED GREENE 419-341-1579 CATAWBA- Custom 5 bed 4 bath waterfront home in The Marsh’s Edge. 2 fireplaces, gourmet kitchen, fabulous master suite and much more! Unique setting overlooking 60 acres of protected wetlands. Private dockage to Lake Erie. Building lots available. $649,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

HURON- Custom built 4 bed home in Eagle Crest. Large family room, formal living and dining rooms. Custom oak cabinets. Master suite with whirlpool tub. Agent owner. $284,900 LISA HORMAN 419-271-8110

MARBLEHEAD-11170A E. BAYSHORE RD. Lake Erie views and 32’ dockage included with this condo! Dock your boat in the association marina! Enjoy sunbathing in the pool while overlooking the lake and views of Cedar Point. Entertain friends & family in the expansive great room featuring a gas fireplace, vaulted ceilings, and balcony. Minutes to the islands by boat and a short drive to the village of Marblehead where you can dine and shop! $569,000

PORT CLINTON- Income property – 3 units. Live/vacation in one and let the other 2 pay for it all! $149,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419656-9188 CATAWBA- 2 bed 1 bath mobile home with 35 ft deeded dock in condo park and marina on Catawba. Association features large pool, clubhouse and takes care of all grounds. $79,900 GLENNA BENDER 419-341-1579

CATAWBA ISLAND-2229 SAND RD. Waterfront home with a manicured sandy beach and stunning sunsets! Enjoy Lake Erie living in this lovely home with custom woodworking throughout! Featuring a ground floor master bedroom, a beamed cathedral ceiling and fireplace in the living room, a loft, home office, spacious rooms, large waterfront deck, tons of storage, and never-ending lake memories! $497,000

BELLEVUE- Ranch style home with high ceilings, skylights, wet bar and whirlpool tub. Pole barn with heated workshop, fenced yard. Wooded view. $219,900 SARA WILLIAMS 419-307-0499

VACANT LAND CATAWBA- Panoramic views of protected wetland. Cul de sac lot with walking trails, marina and dockage available. Build your dream home. $94,900 TED GREENE/GLENNA BENDER 419-5634968 CATAWBA- Catawba Bay lot sloped for walk-out basement with pond and wooded backyard. Development features private dockage, pool and clubhouse. $88,500 CHERYL HETRICK 419-2020144

KELLEYS ISLAND- Wood lot, 0.40 acres, water and septic in. Ready for building. Relax and enjoy the Island life! $75,000 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188 MARBLEHEAD- Prime commercial property with additional 2.35 acres available. Surrounded by established businesses. Can build to suit, start your business here! $200,000 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

Tomi L. Johnson 419-341-0276 (cell) 419-734-4110 1-888-807-4110

Real Estate Services

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