The Beacon - February 5, 2009

Page 1

ICS Celebrates Catholic Schools Week

PCHS Tennis Team Honored




®SM TM 1992

Ottawa County’s Largest Circulated Newspaper Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.




Remember last week when we reported that “NO ICE IS SAFE ICE”? Well, a young man from Oregon, Ohio was headed back from Put-in-Bay on a snowmobile last Saturday night and headed up the Portage River with two friends hanging on. As you can see, the result wasn’t very positive! Ted Wierzba, Sr. was taking a drive on the Port Clinton Pier, and ran into PC Fire Chief Kent Johnson who was looking at the accident scene trying to figure out how to recover the snowmobile. Ted asked Kent, “Who’s the idiot who tried to snowmobile up the middle of the river?” The young man standing behind Kent raised his hand. Kent simply told him he was glad to see him … alive! –––––––– We had 111 entries in our Find Wylie contest this week. Our winner this week is Samuel Kuenzer of Catawba, who found Wylie Walleye in the A La Carte Cafe ad on page 8A in last week’s Beacon. Sam wins a $20 gift card from Cleats. Wylie will be hiding again this week, so when you find him, fill out the Find Wylie Ad and drop it at our office (Beacon Place Shopping Center, next to Goodwill). Or … click on Wylie on our website homepage, We are also continuing our “Win it on the Web” Contest. This week, we had 97 entries and our winner is Dr. Kevin Kast of Catawba who clicked his way to a $20 gas card from Friendship Food Stores. You could be our next winner, just log on to and click on the “Win it on the Web” icon. –––––––– Back in the old days of downtown Port Clinton, there were three ways to communicate information…telephone, telegraph, or tell-a-Dot! Well, Don Bergeman will be 90 years old this Saturday, February 7th. So, send her a card at: Dorothy Bergeman, C/O Leon Boucher, 1510 Chevy Chase Drive, Sun City Center, Florida, 33573. She needs a shower! (A card shower, that is!) –––––––– Now that we know that Punxatawny Phil saw his shadow and let us know that there will be six more weeks of Winter, I can now tell you that Lent is coming up soon, and for us Catholics, that means the Port Clinton Knights of Columbus will be serving up their Lenten Fish Fries starting Friday, February 20 and every Friday all the way up to Good Friday on April 10 at the Denny Bergeman K of C Hall on E. Perry Street downtown. –––––––– Mari Monaco, who just graduated from Port Clinton High School a year and a half ago, is going to be the new tennis pro at Catawba Island Club for the upcoming season. She is presently attending Ohio Dominican University in Columbus and playing for their women’s tennis team. –––––––– The youth of Resurrection Lutheran Church on Catawba will be attending the ELCA Convention this summer and will be selling Valentine’s Day treats for all of your Valentines including the doggy variety! Cost is $5 and may be purchased at 10 a.m. this Sunday, February 8 at the Church located at 2370 NE Catawba Rd. –––––––– Split Winds Gallery in downtown Port Clinton is holding a Special Artists’ Demonstration now through February 7 and again February 9-14. Artists include Gail Crum, Virginia Zafirau, Larry Ameigh, Bonnie Dolin and Illustrator, Lori Roberts-Cobbledick. For more information on when these artists will be in attendance, call the Gallery at 419-732-2525.

Imagine, Labor Day Weekend in Port Clinton, Waterworks Park simply full of locals and visitors looking at exhibits, the Portage River Shoreline packed with 48’ Offshore Racing Power Boats, and a noise like you can’t believe coming from their exhausts. It could happen! Local leaders heard on Monday about the potential of the Offshore Super Series (OSS) Powerboat Racing Association making Port Clinton, Ohio their home for a week as the central focus of what is being billed as Lake Erie Boat Week. The Event Coordinator, Janie Vogel, had been holding preliminary discussions with Larry Fletcher of the Ottawa County Visitor’s Bureau about the pos- sibility of holding a portion of the event in Port Clinton. Up until last weekend, the bulk of the event was to have been hosted by Lyman Harbor in Sandusky. However, when they pulled out of consideration, the entire event now appears to have landed in Port Clinton. “I am excited and energized by the possibilities of this inaugural Lake Erie Boat Week event. It is a dream come true for me,” said Event Director Janie Vogel. “After envisioning and planning this event for around 10 years, it’s finally real. The minute I started talking about this new event, the entire region got behind it, offering help and support. It will be an amazing way to finish off a great summer season in the Lake Erie Islands area.” The event is planned for September 2-6 and will consist of on


and off-shore events surrounding the OSS Powerboat Race scheduled for Sunday, September 6. This event, yet to be named, will become part of the 2009 OSS National Schedule, which will include eight other events from Missouri to Alabama to Louisiana to the Florida Keys. Aside from the OSS Race, the Lake Erie Boat Week event will consist of a Powerboat Regatta with onwater powerboat competitions, on-shore activities and parties, as well as the “Fastest Boat on Lake Erie competition planned for Thursday, September 3. Event Director, Janie Vogel, believes that this event alone will draw over 150,000 people to Ottawa County with an economic impact of better than $5-Million! Vogel indicates that the event should be complementary to the annual Green Island Sailboat Race hosted over Labor Day Weekend every year by Port Clinton Yacht Club. One of the primary reasons Vogel asked the local community leaders to attend Monday’s meeting was the need for volunteer help and local logistical assistance. The only problem foreseeable, according to Vogel, would be the inability to gain the sponsorship critical to making an event like this happen. “We have a long way to go with the logistics of such a huge undertaking,” said Port Clinton Mayor Debbie Hymore-Tester on Tuesday afternoon. “Right now things are looking very positive, and we’re going to try to work with the organizers to make it happen.” So, imagine, the biggest boating event on Lake Erie, maybe in the Great Lakes, focused on Port Clinton, Ohio. It could happen.

Conestoga Elects Officers The Conestoga neighborhood group has elected new officers. Ellen Calzonetti-Dress has been named President, Jerry Jonke will continue his dedication to the neighbor hood as Vice President, his wife Sue Jonke was voted Secretary, Mary Lou Nellet, Mosie Johnson, Donna Swiergosz and Dave Mehl will continue their perseverance as Trustees of the group. The Conestoga neighborhood is comprised of any home owner within these boundaries: the alley behind Perry Street through State Street from Maple Street to Lincoln Avenue. As active members in the community and home owners who understand the value of their neighborhood, this voluntary association, will continue to work together to create an environment that promotes positive development and growth with an expectation to increase the standard of living for those with-in. Any person who lives in the Conestoga neighborhood who would like to become more actively involved is welcome to the Conestoga group. To find out more information contact Sue Jonke at 419-734—9300 Geese gather on the ice near the Jet Express on the Portage River la st weekend. PHOTO BY KATHY JO SCHWEITZER or Dave Mehl at United Way 419-734-6645.

State of the Village of Oak Harbor

In his State of the Village address to Oak Harbor Village Council, Oak Harbor Mayor Fred Conley said that the Village has felt the current economic impact, lost some businesses, seen increased home Fred Conley foreclosures and Mayor felt the effects of of Oak Harbor job loss of area families. But Oak Harbor has not cut any municipal services or programs. “As the current economic climate appears to continue in 2009 and beyond, the Ottawa Outdoors.........4B Village will be looking at all aspects of its Business .......................5B operations as the year progresses. It is imFinancial Focus ............6B portant to maintain Real Estate Transfers ...6B municipal services, as much as possible, and Yellow Page Dr. ............7B to serve the citizens of the Village. It is equalClassifieds ....................7B ly important that the

Inside This Week… Sound Off .....................2A Beacon Bits ..................4A Schools .........................5A Community Calendar ..6A Records/ Health ...........7A Real Estate ................1-8B Sports .................... 2 & 3B

This Could Be the Start of Something Big BY JOHN SCHAFFNER


Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid Port Clinton, Ohio Permit #80


Village takes into consideration how the cost of providing these services affects its citizens,” Mayor Conley said. An update on 2008 projects was then given by the Mayor. The Combined Storm Overflow (CSO) Elimination Project has been the largest project and is scheduled to be completed mid-2009. Pumps are in place, awaiting final electrical hookups. The maintenance building is complete except for heat. All pipes are in the ground. Portage Street has been widened and stoned for the winter. The water line on Mill Street is installed. The driveway to the Waste Water Treatment Plant is completed and restoration on Portage, Brooklyn, Mill, Streets etc., is to be completed in the spring. The soccer field installation on property north of Veteran’s park is ongoing, the Red Hawk Run Development Phase II will start in the Spring, angle parking on Main Street is in the final engineering stage, personnel manuals were updated, the water system expansion is in the works, data was collected for an EPA study which will lead to implementation and directives to the Village in 2010 and the Tier II Grant, $400,000 is ongoing and expected to be complete in 2009.

Income Tax Department The Income Tax Office made a tremendous effort to collect delinquent taxes and reach non-filers. Yearly collections increased this year even with the continuing difficult economic times. The Municipal Court Mediation process was reinstated this year with excellent results. Thank you to Kim Mehlow, Income Tax Administrator, for all her hard work and commitment to the Village and taxpayers. Utility Billing Office The Utility Billing Office finalized the outsourcing of the printing and mailing of the utility bills at a cost savings to the Village. The direct payment feature has been made available to the utility customers. The implementation of these two services has helped streamline procedures in the Utility Billing Office. Thank you to Cindy Garber, Deb DiMasso and Kim Mehlow for their hard work throughout the year. Department of Public Works The first full year of operations and maintenance at the Department of Public Works was very busy with projects in the water distribution and wastewater collections claiming a majority of the attention. The "CSO" Storm Water Project will be State of Village continued on page 2A

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Village Department Reports

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The Beacon I

Thursday, February 5, 2009

SoundOff Dear Editor, On behalf of the residents of Ottawa County Riverview Healthcare Campus, I would like to thank all the employees for the various services they have provided for us. We do appreciate all of you. To the Riverview Auxiliary, and all the many clubs and organizations, the churches, the ministers and priests, schools, families and friends, and other volunteers who have helped us in any way during the past year. We are very grateful to all of you for taking the time to spend with us, especially during the holidays. God bless all of you for your love and consideration for us. You make our lives here more pleasant. Sincerely, Sue Jadwisiak President, Resident Council Riverview, Oak Harbor Dear Editor, From the day of conception to the date of birth, embryos and babies are human life and it is MURDER to abort them!

I suggest we use our resources and tax dollars to better educate women and men on abstinence and birth control instead of letting women put themselves in danger of infections, further complications for their bodies, post partum depression and their mental state of mind or even death. The Freedom of Choice Act, in my opinion, should not even get as far as a vote of the House of Representatives and the Senate. FOCA should be stopped right now! So those of you who agree with me, now is the time to shower your State Government officials to the stop the Choice of Freedom Act from becoming a nationwide law! You can go online or read your local newspapers to get addresses for President Obama, Senators Sherrod Brown and George Voinivich and State Representative for our area Marcy Kaptur. Donna Drusbacky Port Clinton

Regarding“Chickenhawks” Editorial printed in News Herald on 1/22/09 Dear Editor, I read Scott Bilger’s editorial with rather casual interest, got to the end and thought “huh”? Where is this guy coming from? I reread it several times and found it difficult to believe that a supposedly responsible member of the paper would write such a churlish diatribe. Many liberals seem to be only happy when they see that others are unhappy, and I suspect that is his goal. Beyond the scurrilous rant I don’t see a single comment that has any merit. His emotional and hateful review contributes to the continual loss of readership and revenue that your paper is experiencing as evidenced by your recent downsizing. It won’t be long before “The Beacon” will be the paper of record in Ottawa County. Perhaps it already is. Dick Thompson Port Clinton

State of the Village of Oak Harbor State of Village continued from page 1 pleted, as was a new waterline for Mill Street. The Lake Winds Water tower was rehabilitated. The program to replace current water meters continues with the planning for installation of new automatic read meters that are much more efficient. The department repaired over 50 waterline breaks

throughout the system in 2008. The Parks and Forestry Division work included curbside brush pick-up, curbside leaf pick-up, Christmas tree recycling and hazardous tree removal. Quadrant four tree trimming and pruning was completed this fall and will continue into 2009.

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ments, crack sealing in all quadrants of the Village and turn-a-rounds at the Oak and Walnut Streets railroad grade crossings. Preliminary projects for 2009 include paving in conjunction with the CSO project on Water Street, Mill Street, Church Street, Portage, Brooklyn, Erie, Maple and Prospect Streets as well as N. Maple Street reconstruction. Division of Public Power The single phase upgrade on Locust Street between Houghton and Bank Street was completed Electricity was installed in the Log Cabin at Town Hall Park. Downtown streetlights were pulled out, reinstalled and rewired. Wiring for the security cameras at Veterans Park was hung, and cameras were installed. The Department repaired or replaced 35 streetlights, set 14 poles, removed 12 poles, hooked up 6 temporary services and 5 permanent services. Division of Wastewater The Department worked on the long awaited Combined Storm Overflow project which entailed a 5 million gallon retention basin being constructed at the plant, thousands of feet of new sewer pipe throughout the village and related structures.

FREE Orthopedic Program Series

hand & wrist common problems Thursday, February 12

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Learn about the most up-to-date procedures that are available for treating common hand and wrist problems. Presented by: Kam M. Wong, MD Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Sandusky Orthopedics & Rheumatology Erika Kemp, MS, OTR/L Supervisor Firelands Outpatient Occupational Therapy Light refreshments will be available.

Firelands Regional Medical Center Mylander Conference Center 1111 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky Please register by calling the Community Outreach Department at 419-557-7410.

Save the Date! Join Firelands Regional Medical Center for its series of Community Programs for 2009

Also included in this project were a new utilities building, fence and more secure entry gates around the plant. A total revamping of the wastewater plant primary settling tanks sludge collection mechanisms was completed. Zoning 45 permits were issued. Five were for new homes. Tree Commission The Village of Oak Harbor once again received the “Tree City USA” designation and has received this award for the last 19 years. Over 200 hours were volunteered for trimming and caring for trees this year. The Tree Commission members are Dennis Finke, Chairman, Tom Hurrell, Tom Sorg, Harold McBee and K.C. Cousins.

Our Classifieds Work Hard for You! Call 419-732-1500

104 Commercial Property LAND & BUSINESS FOR SALE 3 acre lakefront property & cottage rental business for sale in Marblehead. Plenty of room for expansion. HOTY ENTERPRISES, INC. 800-416-4689 x14 or 321 Legal Notices NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meeting of the members of United Way of Greater Toledo will be held at The Pinnacle, 1772 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee, Ohio, on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 starting at 5 p.m. for the following purposes: • a presentation of the 2007-2008 finances; • the election of new board members; and • the transaction of such business as may properly come before the board.


Future Orthopedic Programs: March 19 Arthritis – Oxford Knee Replacement Procedure April 23 Program Topic to be Announced

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Hey Kids! Want to earn extra spending money? We’re looking for dependable kids to deliver our newspapers in the Port Clinton area. Kids with a positive attitude and a willingness to work. If you think you meet these requirements, stop by our office today!

The Beacon 419-732-2154 205 SE Catawba Rd. Port Clinton

Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.


SM TM 1992

205 S.E. Catawba Road, Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 • 419-732-2154 Classifieds 419-732-1500 • Fax 419-734-5382 Publisher, Editor JOHN SCHAFFNER

Classified Liner Ad Specialist CHARLENE DEYOE

Creative Services Manager HEIDI M. RIFE Accountant CINDY CONSTEIN


Assistant Editor CHRIS McBAIN Graphic Design JENNIFER DAUBEL Classified Ad Specialist DONNA BECKER


The Beacon is published every Thursday and is circulated free to the public, via US Postal Service under Permit #80, as well as by independent carriers. The Beacon serves, and is mailed to the communities of Port Clinton, Lakeside/Marblehead, and Oak Harbor, as well as Catawba, Danbury, Portage, Erie, Bay, Benton-Carroll and Salem Townships in Ottawa County. Letters to Sound Off, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Beacon are welcome. Please note: All Sound Off letters and/or letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Beacon, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage. The Beacon is owned and operated by Schaffner Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, president. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Beacon.The Beacon and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Real Estate, Class liners close Monday by 12pm and Retail ads close Monday by 4:00 PM.

Thursday, February 5, 2009 I

The Beacon


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The Beacon I

BeaconBits Aha! January is over. So at least we have another month of this bitter winter out of the way! We have had lots of snow, lots of wind, lots of cold temperatures and lots of drifting snow on the roads. The snowplow drivers already have logged many miles of driving and all conventional wisdom would tell us that more winter storms are likely in the offing. With road conditions the way they have been, this is undoubtedly a good time to mention that snow plow drivers need plenty of room for visibility and maneuverability. Other drivers can do them a great favor by giving them the space they need to improve the condition of the roadways. And it is safer, too, to stay away from the flying snow and salt or stone that is being thrown down to melt snow and give better traction on the roads. And it is safer, too, in these harsh driving conditions, to slow down and give everybody on the road plenty of leeway. One special group of people enjoying the winter weather conditions--the snowmobilers! They are out at all hours. Late at night I can still hear them making their rounds. Sunday at Oak Harbor there were numerous tracks on the frozen river through the village. It looked like a thoroughfare. _____ People who go outdoors for exercise may be having a difficult time to find a safe place to run or walk. Maybe it would be a good idea for them to find an indoor spot (mall, auditorium, church, etc) until some of the snow clears away. Vehicle drivers often don’t have room to move away from these exercisers. On Saturday I was driving south on Fulton Street. A runner was running directly toward me, in the vehicle lane of the road. I couldn’t move to the left because of the double yellow line. The runner was angry and kept gesturing me to get out of the way. I slowed almost to a standstill to let her get past my car. This would have been a dangerous situation for the runner if a vehicle driver had refused to slow down to a snail’s pace. I realize that runners want to run. But they need to find an area other than the direct path where vehicles must travel when the roads and streets are narrow and hemmed in by banks of piled snow. _____ In regard to the Christmas stories that have appeared in Beacon Bits for the past few years: it now seems safe to conclude that a majority of our readers prefer one continuous serialized story (a chapter each week) better than a totally complete short story each week. So, soon I’ll begin working on a “several chapters” story for Christmas 2009. It’s fun to write fiction; writing an annual story provides good motivation to get

started writing and to keep at it. _____ Finally this past week I finished dismantling and storing away the Christmas decorations. At first the house seemed a little bare but now it feels good to move through the “open spaces” that are available once again. The house is back to “normal”. So now I’m looking ahead to getting some interior painting done. That will mean that the place will be messed up for a while. But the painting definitely needs to be done and this is a good time of year to tackle it. _____ I am writing this column very early on Monday morning. The house is peaceful and there is almost no traffic on the road outside. The sun isn’t up yet and it’s a quiet and pleasant time of day. It’s a good way to start the workweek. _____ I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that a very old school workbook had been found in the wall of a Port Clinton house that was being renovated. Last week I had the chance to see the book. It was the work of a student, a girl (I think), named Ora, not Ira, McRitchie. She may have been three years old at the time of the 1880 U.S. Census in Bay Township and probably was 12 – 13 when she wrote in the book. In it there is a writing assignment at the top of each page and then the student must devise a short composition to fulfill the assignment. The work spans several months in a school year in the 1890s. Some parts of the workbook are not in good condition but, just the same, it could be displayed for historical purposes in a local museum. _____ Judge Paul C. Moon was honored by his staff with a memorable retirement party last Friday afternoon. Several other Judges were present as well as many members of the County Bar Association. Friends and family were present and, (this was very nice) a number of the judge’s friends from the Port Clinton High School Class of 1955 were there to wish him well. Especially enjoyable was a performance by the current Port Clinton High School Orchestra. They were wonderful! Excellent music, excellent demeanor, and demanding selections of music – it was all very nice. And, especially for Judge Moon who loves the music of Beethoven, they played “Ode to Joy”. What a treat it was to hear them. We wish Paul Moon and his wife Maria many years of retirement pleasure as they move into this new phase of life together. _____ I note that some of the travel brochures arriving in the mail these days are featuring trips to the Oberammergau Pas-

Over 30 guests attended the complimentary breakfast and informative presentation on Post Retirement Analysis by Norm Craig who is the presentation manager for Western and Southern Financial Group. The guests received a personal workbook to assist with their personal retirement planning. Otterbein North Shore will host two more presentations in this breakfast series on February 26 on Cash Management and March 26 on Estate Planning. These events are free and open to the public.

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Pictured at right, local residents enjoy breakfast at the first 2009 “Breakfast with a Side of Business” at Otterbein North Shore Retirement Community.

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sion Play coming up in 2010. Presented only every ten years, it will be a s p e c t a c u l a r BY VIRGINIA PARK performance so this is a good time to book your trip. Oberammergau is a small town in Bavaria, Germany. The play was first performed in 1634 and is the result of a vow made by the inhabitants of the village that if God spared them from the effects of the bubonic plague, then sweeping the region, they would perform a passion play every ten years. The presentation takes place outdoors where the sky and mountains are the back drop. A wonderful spectacle of pageantry, The Passion Play is world famous for the costumes and music presentations. The play, approximately six hours long, is now performed in years ending with a zero and involves over 2000 actors, singers, instrumentalists and technicians. All are residents of the village. The year 2010 marks the 41st time the story will be presented. Now, more than a year in advance, there may be a good selection of travel times and options still available for your travel convenience. _____ Don’t forget that there will be a change from analog to digital transmission for television reception coming soon. If you want to watch television, your receiver must be digital-compatible or you will need a converter box. I’ve got my old television “converted” to this new transmission. Although I seldom watch commercial television, I find I’m really enjoying being able to access a continuous weather channel. That’s a big convenience during the kind of weather we’ve had recently. _____ I want to thank all of you readers who ask me about the new activity in my life – leading worship services and preaching sermon meditations in various Protestant churches on Sundays. I’m beginning the next phase of study, and so far find the study both very enjoyable and challenging. Studying and preaching do make for busy weekends, though. Recently I’ve been to churches in Tiffin and Elliston. This week I fly to Kelleys Island, weather permitting. In order to spend time doing this work I have to eliminate some other volunteer activities from my schedule. That’s okay because every life needs challenges and change. About this kind of work: It’s timeconsuming. It’s demanding. It’s thought-provoking. It demands that the student really delve into his/her personal beliefs. So far I really like it and I hope to be able to continue.

Otterbein North Shore Holds Educational Breakfast Meeting

Includes Appetizer, Soup or Salad, Entree & Dessert

3266 N.E. Catawba Rd., St. Rt. 53 Catawba Island, Port Clinton

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 7th • 8-12am $5 advance - $10 door

Church Plans Mardi Gras Meeting The St. Joseph Altar and Rosary Society members are inviting all women to a Mardi Gras for the Feb. 10 meeting. It will start at 7 p.m. Start saving your white elephant gifts and bring them wrapped to the Church Hall. All are welcomed to come and enjoy the fun. Please plan on attending to chat with neighbors and friends and make new friends. For more information, call Judy at (419) 798-4163.

(125 tickets available)

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Don’t forget that special someone on Valentine’s Day!



118 W. Sixth Port Clinton 419-734-4456

Visit us online at

The Beacon

Catholic School’s Week Celebrated Catholic School’s Week was celebrated recently at Immaculate Conception School. The week began with a mystery reader during morning announcements each day. The students wore flannel pants and their favorite shirt one day, spirit shirts and funky socks another day and the whole school celebrated 2009 seconds of reading of their favorite books with their pillows and blankets, jeans and slippers and ended the week with a movie and popcorn.




Fudge Jewelry Candles Valentine's Cards Books Frames Willow Tree

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Thursday, February 5, 2009 I

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Bella Segreto and Mitchell Coon making a final selection at the Book Fair.



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Hannah Weaver and Taylor Zink learn about hot air balloons. Flying their balloon is Seth Monk and Matthew Winke.


The students were also treated to a teacher switch day. A Book Fair, arranged and staffed by the parent group FICS, was continued throughout the week. It gave classes a chance to visit and buy books to read. Students from the Port Clinton Middle School and Jefferson Elementary School also had the opportunity to attend the Book Fair and select new books to read. I. C. students had an opportunity to attend an in-school field trip and experience Going Green for K-2, Native American Games for 3 and 4 and how to make and fly a Hot Air Balloon for 5 and 6.

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Students Recognized for Making a Wish Come True The BCS School Board recognized Kyle O’Neill’s fifth grade class at the Graytown School. Each year, O’Neill works with his class to conduct a community service project. The project helps students learn leadership, collaboration and community involvement skills. This year’s community service activity was to collect money for a special project through the Make A Wish Foundation. The special project was to remodel a room for a young handicapped boy to make his room more adaptable to his handicap. Since it was such a large project, the class enlisted the assistance of Nadine

Scott’s high school DECA class. Together, the two student groups raised $3,279 to help a young boy named Clayton. There were 22 fifth graders and 14 high school students involved in the project. Also recognized at the board was School Treasurer Jeff Dornbusch for his eight years of service to the district and Board Member Bev Rust for her past year of service as Board president. Elementary principals Judy Peters, Mary Ann Widmer and Karen Gruber reported on the improvement of the elementary math program and on implementing a new online student assessment program titled Yearly ProgressPro. With the assistance of the

curriculum coordinator Andrea Smith, the fifth grade teachers adjusted the elementary math program to align with the state mathematics program standard. Yearly ProgressPro is an online assessment, intervention and instructional tool. It provides regular assessment of student progress across the entire curriculum. It is used to determine if students are progressing appropriately through the curriculum and profiting from the current instructional program. It also allows teachers to adjust their instruction to respond to the specific needs of students in their classes.



Hoops for Heart Rookie of the Year

Jefferson Elementary students pose with: (back row) Del Culver, Physical Education; Jamie Freed, American Heart Association and Gary Steyer, Jefferson Elementary Principal. Culver and Jefferson students raised $4,000 for the American Heart Association in 2008, the most in the state of Ohio.

In 2008, Jefferson Elementary Physical Education Teacher Del Culver organized a Hoops for Heart Fundraiser for students at Jefferson Elementary School. The students responded by raising $4,000 for the Amer ican Hear t Association. On January 21, Culver was presented with the “Rookie of the Year� award by Jamie Freed from the American Heart Association, an award for being the #1 fundraising coordinator for the Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart program. Jefferson Elementary was the top fundraiser in the state of Ohio.



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Thursday, February 5, 2009

CommunityCalendar If you would like to submit an event or change the information to our Community Calendar it should be in the office by Monday 3:30 p.m. Attn: Charlene Deyoe, 205 SE Catawba Rd., Suite G, Port Clinton, OH 43452 or Call 419-732-2154 Fax, 419-734-5382 or e-mail:

Diamond Double Heart Pendant Store Wide Valentine’s Day Sale


The Beacon I

SPECIAL NOTICES: Wednesday 9:00 AM to noon, every Wednesday, Feb 4 to April 8, 2009 at The Port Clinton Senior Center. Thursday, 9:00 AM to 3 PM, every Thursday, Feb 5 to April 9, 2009 at The Ida Rupp Public Library. Friday, 9:00 AM to noon, every Friday, Feb 6 to April 10, 2009 at The Ida Rupp Public Library. Free TaxAide assistance, E-Filling Federal & State Income Tax. Bring all tax documents including proof of Real Estate Tax paid and Stimulus Payment received. Phone (419)7341481. Contact Charles Meachen at 419635-2349 or e-mail meachennjcf@ The next meeting of the “Sandusky County Kin Hunters” will be on Sunday February 8th at 2:00 pm at the Sandusky Co. Twp. Hall on N St Rt 19 in Fremont. John Tate will be our guest speaker and will be sharing his knowledge and experience in family research. All persons curious and/or interested in genealogy research are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Kim at 419-6030367. Sweetheart Dinner Sat. Feb. 14 at 6:00OM- Chapel on the Lake 145 S. Bridge Rd (RT 169) Lakeside-Marblehead. $25 per couple, $15 per guest couple. Buffet dinner, entertainment and pictures. Please RSVP by Feb. 10 419-732-2028 SUNDAY: ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE - Check with churches for Summer schedules. 7:30-10:30am Breakfast & Conversation, St. John Lutheran, 2nd & Adams St. coffee, flavored coffee, Hot Chocolate & Breakfast rolls. Join others in the area for a relaxing morning. Call Bill Fehnrich with questions 419-734-1116. 9:00am-Noon-2nd Sunday ea month Breakfast-American Legion Post, #113 N Monroe. Open to public, handicap accessible, Adults $6. Kids under 12 $3. Proceeds/Bldg. fund. Visit www.americanlegionpost113. org 4:30pm - BINGO- St. Boniface Church, 215 N. Church St., Oak Harbor doors open 4:30, Games begin 6pm. Noon Jan, 11th K of C Youth Basketball Free Throw Championship, open to all boys and girls ages 10 to 14 at Oak Harbor St. Boniface School Gym. Registration and shoot-around 12:30 P.M. For additional info contact Tom Durbin, 419-898-9112. MONDAY: 9:00am-Noon Food Pantry, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 165 Toussaint St. 419-898-0852 (Open to anyone in BCS school district). 9:00-10:00 AM - Yoga for Beginners/ Flexibility / Strength / Relaxation. At the Catawba Is. Community Center, 3307 NW Catawba Rd. Call to Register: Edwina Minor, Certified and Registered RYT 500. HM: 419-9560375 / Cell 330-256-0414. 2:00 pm- Sit-Fit 55+ a 45 min. program designed for active agers. Strength, flexibility, balance and in-


cise followed by 1/2 hour of Pilates core exercises. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00pm Marblehead Main Street Merchants mtg., @ Avery’s Café. Open to public. Meetings always held on 1st Wednesday of each month. 6:00pm-PC Nazarene Church, 205 W. 4th St, Dinner, Children, Teens, Adult Activities. 6:30pm- Jr. High & High School youth group at Chapel on the Lake. Contact Nathan and Elizabeth Davenport for more information. 7:00pm - Family Night @Erie Shores Assembly of God, 220 Gill Rd. 7:30pm - Port Clinton Eagles Aux. Meeting 2nd & 4th Wednesday.

creased energy are built upon. Call; The Vineyard on Catawba: 419-7973100 4:00-5:00pm Danbury Local Schools Arthritis Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 5:00pm-Bingo at St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 507 E. Main St. Marblehead. 5:30-6:30pm Yoga for Beginners/ Flexibility / Strength / Relaxation. At the Catawba Is. Community Center, 3307 NW Catawba Rd. Call to Register: Edwina Minor, Certified and Registered RYT 500. HM: 419-9560375 / Cell 330-256-0414. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Cardio/Pilates - 1/2 hour of aerobic exercise followed by 1/2 hour of Pilates core exercises. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00pm Bay Area Toastmasters, Commodore Perry Inn & Suites, Banquet Room, PC 2nd & 4th of the month. Public welcome. 7:00pm-1st Monday/ea. month Women’s Group @ Faith Methodist, 5th & Jackson St.

THURSDAY: 8:15am- Walk the Halls to Fitness at Port Clinton High School Enter at the Performing Art Center by 8:30am Every Tuesday and Thursday when school is in session For more information call 419-732-2102 or jgluth@ 9:00am - NOON Food Pantry at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 165 Toussaint St. Oak Harbor 419-8980852 (Open to anyone in BCS school district). 10:00am- Women’s Bible Study; Daniel-Mary Hall @ Chapel on the Lake 4:00-5:00pm Danbury Local Schools Open Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Strength Training - Works all the major muscle groups. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00pm 2nd Thurs of each month (Beginning 12/13) Support meeting for Chronic Pain Suffers & Loved ones @ Edgewood Manor Nursing Home, 1330 Fulton St., PC. 6:00pm-Trap and Skeet Shooting, Camp Perry Shooting Club. 6:00-7:00pm Quiet Strength/ Yogalates at the Vineyard on Catawba (Off West Catawba Rd.) Community Room. Welcome anytime. Questions can be directed to Certified Instructor: Toni Garrett 419-732-0992 6:30pm- Bingo at Immaculate Conception School Auditorium. 7:00pm- American Legion Post #113 Meetings 1st of each month. 118 Monroe St. 7:00pm - Marblehead Village Council meeting 2nd Thurs of each month. 7:00pm - 3rd Thurs. each month. Marblehead Lighthouse Historical Soc. Monthly mtg. 7:00pm- Stepping Out: A Journey Thru the Psalms of Ascent- Carolyn McDaniel @ Chapel on the Lake.

TUESDAY: 8:00am -Men’s Prayer Breakfast @ Trinity United Meth. Church, 135 Adams St., PC 8:15am- Walk the Halls to Fitness at Port Clinton High School Enter at the Performing Art Center by 8:30am Every Tuesday and Thursday when school is in session For more information call 419-732-2102 or jgluth@ 9:00am -Woodcarvers meet @ St. John’s Lutheran Church. Noon-Rotary Club at The Elk’s Lodge #1718, 231 Buckeye Blvd. 1:00pm -Euchre Games every 1st and 3rd Tues. of each month. Port Clinton Sr. Center, East 3rd St. Port Clinton. 1:30 pm- Quiet Strength Yoga- A unique blend of yoga postures and stretches. Perfect for 55+. Accented are balance, breathing and flexibility. Call: 419-797-3100 The Vineyar on Catawba for more information. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Strength Training - Works all the major muscle groups. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00-7:00pm Quiet Strength/ Yogalates at the Vineyard on Catawba (Off West Catawba Rd.) Community Room. Welcome anytime. Questions can be directed to Certified Instructor: Toni Garrett 419-732-0992 6:30-8:00pm Hatha yoga class, Gentle to the experienced 25th year of teaching classes. @ Magruder Hospital 2nd floor Conf. Ctr.419-635-2337. Call Linda Green for more info. 419635-2337. 7:00pm Authentic Man Study: Every first and third Tuesday of the month @ Chapel on the Lake 7:00pm- Women’s Bible Studies; Song of Solomon- Marlene Jensen @ Chapel on the Lake. 7:30pm Council Meeting, Council Chambers 7:30pm Knight of Columbus 1st&3rd Tues each month, Bergeman Hall 109 E. Perry St.

FRIDAY: 7:30am Fremont Chapter of International Referral Network meets every Friday at Divinci’s Coffee House, 115 South Front St. Any business welcome. 9:30am-5pm - Annual Used Book Sale at Ida Rupp Public Library, 310 Madison St., Port Clinton. 10:00 AM- Sit-Fit 55+ a 45 min. program designed for active agers. Strength, flexibility, balance and increased energy are built upon. Call; The Vineyard on Catawba: 419-7973100 2:00-5:00pm Care & Share Open, 924 Lake Street Gypsum. 8:00pm - Oak Harbor Conservation Club “ Friday Night Pistol”.

WEDNESDAY: 8:30am - 1st Wed/Month Breakfast with April PC Senior Center East 3rd St. PC 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study Boundries in Marriage at Chapel on the Lake 12:00 - Port Clinton Artists Club @ Ida Rupp Public Library. 5:00-6:00pm Danbury Local Schools Open Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 5:30-6:30pm Weekly Bible study Methodist Kids Club, ages 4-13, @Bible Methodist 150 Maple St, Port Clinton. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Cardio/ Pilates - 1/2 hour of aerobic exer-

SATURDAY: 8:00am-1:00pm Blood Drive at Catawba Island Hall, Community Rm, 3307 North West Catawba Rd. Appt. call Marcia Adams 419-7346360. 8:00am- Men’s Breakfast-Chapel on the Lake @Big Boppers, Rte 163, Marblehead. 9:00am- Authentic Man Study: Every first and third Tuesday of the month @ Chapel on the Lake 9:30am-1pm - Annual Used Book Sale at Ida Rupp Public Library, 310 Madison St., Port Clinton.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009 I

The Beacon


Port Clinton, OH. Funeral services were conducted by Reverend Ralph Yass on January 31 at the funeral home. Burial will be private at a later date.

Juanita D. Park Juanita D. Park, 86, of Lakeside, Ohio died Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at Otterbein North Shore Retirement Community, Lakeside, Ohio. Visitation was held January 31, 2009 at Neidecker, LeVeck & Crosser Funeral Home, 1124 Fulton Street, Port Clinton, OH where funeral services were held with Glenn Ramey officiating. Burial followed at Riverview Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Stein Hospice.

George F. Bice George F. Bice, 96, of Port Clinton, OH, passed away on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, at Riverview Healthcare Campus, Oak Harbor, OH. Visitation was January 30 in the Gerner-Wolf-Walker Funeral Home & Crematory, Port Clinton, OH. Funeral services were conducted by Reverend James Lehman January 31 in St. John Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, OH. Interment was in Riverview Cemetery.

Virginia R. Kelly Virginia R. Kelly, 90, of Port Clinton, died Tuesday January 27, 2009 at Edgewood Manor Nursing Center. Visitation was held January 31 at the Neidecker, LeVeck & Crosser Funeral Home, Port Clinton with prayer services followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at the Immaculate Conception Church celebrated by the Rev. John C. Missler. Burial was planned for later in the St. Francis Cemetery at St. Paul, KS. James Robert Hackworth James Robert Hackworth, 41, of Port Clinton, OH, passed away unexpectedly, on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at the home of a friend in Oak Harbor, OH. Visitation was January 31, in the Gerner-Wolf-Walker Funeral Home & Crematory,

Helen Marie Coffin Helen Marie Coffin, 95, of Lakeside-Marblehead, OH passed away on Saturday, January 31, 2009 in H. B. Magruder Hospital, Port Clinton, OH. There was no visitation. Private services will be conducted at a later date. Interment will be in Toledo Memorial Park, Toledo, OH.

BIRTHS A son was born to Charlene Turinsky and Joseph Griffin, Marblehead, on Jan. 29, 2009 at Firelands Regional Medical Center, Sandusky.

Blood Drive Set


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Ottawa County Red Cross Health Department Urges Donations Clinic Schedule

The American Red Cross will hold a Blood Drive in Ottawa County on Monday, February 9 from Noon-6 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church, 122 W. Ottawa St., Oak Harbor.



Health Below is the clinic schedule for the week of Feb. 9-13, 2009. Unless otherwise noted, all clinics are at the Ottawa County Health Department. To make an appointment, call (419) 734-6800 or toll free at 1-800-788-8803. Feb. 9: Immunization Clinic, Flu Shots Given, and WIC (Women, Infatns and Children) Clinic, 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Feb. 10: WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Clinic, 12:454:30 p.m. Feb. 11: Family Planning Clinic, 9:45 a.m. – 1 p.m.; TB Clinic (no appointment necessary), 3-4 p.m. Feb. 12: Well Child, STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and Family Planning Clinic, 7:45 a.m. – 12 p.m. Feb. 13: TB Skin Test Read (no appointment necessary), 3-4 p.m.




By giving blood through the American Red Cross, eligible donors can help save the lives of up to three people, and help offset the slump in blood collections that typically occurs this time of year. “By giving blood, you’ll do something that really makes a difference,” says Kathy Smith, Director of Donor Services for the Western Lake Erie Region of the American Red Cross. Nearly all blood transfused to hospital patients comes from volunteer blood donors. This year alone, as many as five million patients will require blood transfusions for medical treatments related to accidents, surgery and serious diseases like cancer or leukemia. While the need for blood is constant, there is an even greater need during the winter when the blood supply can reach low levels. Winter weather can sometimes prevent donors from making or keeping appointments, which can contribute to a drop in blood donations. Simply call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE (1-800-448-3543) or visit for more information. If you are at least 17 years of age, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and are in good general health, you may be eligible to donate blood. All donors need to present positive identification.

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The Beacon I

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

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Thursday, February 5, 2009 I

The Beacon

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The Beacon


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Lakers Win Two More The Danbury boys’ basketball team won two more games last week to raise their overall record to 8-4 and their TAAC record to 4-2. On January 27th, the Lakers defeated the Emmanuel Christian Warriors by a score of 73-66. Danbury had four players score double-digits on the night. Michael Hamann tallied 24 points, 5 rebounds, 6 assists, and 3 steals. Vince Manuella contributed 11 points 5 rebounds, 3 assists, and 4 steals, while Steve Feyedelem added a career-high 11 points and three assists. Hunter Stephens scored 10 points and grabbed a careerhigh 19 rebounds on the night. Tyler

Boat Haulers

Boring also had a solid night scoring 8 points and grabbing 14 rebounds, while Rodney Johnson tallied 8 points, 5 rebounds, and 2 assists. The J.V. team was also victorious defeating the Warriors by a score of 5529. Dakota Hruby led the Lakers with 13 points and 6 rebounds. Lucas Kennedy had 10 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists, and 4 steals, while Branden Burke contributed 9 points, 3 rebounds, and 3 assists. On January 31st, Danbury defeated the Seneca East Tigers by a score of 6155. Michael Hamann led the Danbury attack with 23 points, 4 rebounds,

and 4 assists. Rodney Johnson added 15 points, 5 rebounds, 2 assists, and 2 steals, while Tyler Boring added 12 points, 7 rebounds, and 3 assists. Tyler scored the last two points of the night by throwing down a big two-handed dunk on a nice pass from Michael Hamann at the end of the game. The J.V. team was defeated by the Tigers by a score of 40-26. Billy Burke led the Lakers with 10 points and 8 rebounds, while Dakota Hruby added 7 points and 5 rebounds for the Lakers. The J.V. record is now 6-6 on the season.

PC Wrestling is No Longer the Doormat Taking Third at Cardinal Stritch Invite The Port Clinton High School Wrestling Program has been slowly but surely improving over the past few years. Now, that improvement is beginning to show up on the mat. Last Saturday, the Redskins finished 3rd out of 13 teams at the Cardinal Stritch Invitational, as four PC wrestlers gained first place finishes in their respective weight divisions.

Gaining top honors for the Redskins were Greg Willis at 103, Stephen Pastor at 130, Richard Harris at 160 and Jared Fleming at 145. Jacob Fleming finished second in the 125 lb. weight division, while Dominic Pusateri finished 3rd at 189. Chris Sayler won his final match to gain 5th place.


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Thursday, February 5, 2009 I

The Beacon


PC Looking for Answers every day in an effort to turn BY JOHN SCHAFFNER things around. “We continue Following their 55-51 loss Friday to challenge the kids every day night at home to Margaretta, Coach to get better and put them in a Troy Diels and his PCHS boys coaching position to be successful,” says staff are looking for answers. Picked the Coach Diels. prohibitive favorite to win the Sandusky Friday and Saturday, the Bay Conference title, the Redskins have Redskins will familiarize struggled mightily, and are now in a themselves with the Sandusky position where they must pretty much Bay Bridge with two trips to “run the table” in their last seven games Sandusky, one to St. Mary’s to have a shot at the title. Edison holds Central Catholic on Friday a two-game edge on the Redskins headnight and back to Sandusky ing into this weekend. High School on Saturday. “St. Following their win over the Redskins, Mary’s has lost some tough Margaretta Coach Troy Roth claimed games recently,” says Coach it was his team’s best performance of Diels. “We will need to conthe season. “It seems like a lot of teams tain their guards and take their have played their best games against us transition away.” lately,” says PC Coach Troy Diels. “We Sandusky is coached by forare making life easy right now for other mer Oak Harbor athlete and teams by not playing up to our potenClyde Coach, Steve Keller, tial.” Jr. “Sandusky has also gone When asked to pinpoint the problem through a tough stretch reareas, Diels talked about both defense cently,” says Troy Diels. “We and offense. “Defensively, we haven’t will need to make sure we take played with the toughness that we need to in order to be successful. We PC’s Allen Tigner goes up for a shot against away their transition as well and set our defense every time also haven’t been able to get good bal- Margaretta. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA down the floor.” He also addance and consistency on offense from to win several in a row and get ready everyone at the same time. If we could for the post season.” Diels added that ed, “We will want to keep control of the Port Clinton’s Josh Francis struggles to put up a shot against Margaretta last Friday. ever get everyone on the same page his team is working hard in practice tempo on Saturday night.” PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA and clicking again, I like our chances

Rocket Swimmers at NWOAC

Port Clinton’s Andrea Buchanan puts a shot in a game last week at Sandusky St. Mary’s. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA

The Oak Harbor men’s swimming and diving team placed 10th out of 12 teams at last weekend’s NWOAC championships. The women’s swimming and diving team placed fourth out of 12 teams as well. For the women’s team, Allie Reynolds placed third in the 200 freestyle by setting a new school record with a time of 2.00.69. Olivia Porter finished third in the 50 freestyle; the 200 freestyle relay team of Allie Reynolds, Brielle Hanthorn, Jenna Diekman, and Olivia Porter finished fourth; and the 400 freestyle relay team of Allie Reynolds, Brielle Hanthorn, Katie Bechtel and Olivia Porter finished third.

‘Skins Bowlers Dominate Tiffin Invite Redskin Bowlers dominated the competition at Heritage Family Recreation Center in Tiffin Saturday. The Varsity Girls were tops out of 6 teams, and the JV Boys won over 4 teams. The Varsity Boys were 2nd out of 7 teams, and the JV Girls also were 2nd. Teams from Tiffin Columbian and Tiffin Calvert, Fostoria, Lakota, Mohawk, Marion Pleasant and Port Clinton competed. Ally Williams led the Lady ‘Skins Varsity Girls with games of 180-160, Ashlee Gosser rolled 198-139, and Emma Blevins added 129182 as the Girls improved their overall record to 15-3 as results were tabulated against each of the other teams.

The Varsity Boys improved to 14-5 on the season, rallying after 2 low regular games which had them as low as 6th to earn their 2nd place finish. Jared Dunn led the Varsity Boys with 204-162 and Alex Viery added 173187. The JV Boys easily outclassed their 5 other competitors winning by 498 pins over the next closest team. Jordan Wiewandt led the JV’s with 176-182, Jonny Newton added 167178, and jeremy Newton 167-175 to lead the JV’s who improved to 17-1 on the season. The JV Girls were led by Lisa Ashton with a 157 game. The JV Girls are now 4-6 on the season.

Lady Lakers Stay Hot The Danbury girls shot 47 percent from the field and 63.2 percent from the free throw line in disposing of the Northwood Lady Rangers 56-29 in a Toledo Area Athletic Conference contest Jan. 30. The Lady Lakers improved to 11-4 overall, 6-1 in the TAAC and hold on to their first place tie with Ottawa Hills. The Lakers out rebounded the Rangers 42 to 21, and Danbury committed 19 turnovers to Northwood’s 17. Destiny Taylor had seven rebounds to lead Danbury. The game was never in doubt as Danbury opened a 24-6 lead after one quarter. The Lakers made 21 field goals, including two 3-pointers by Christine Longer. Danbury connected on 12-of-19 from the free throw line. Longer led Danbury with 17 points, Heather Bahnsen added 15 points, and Taylor scored 11 points. K.C. Oxendale scored five points, Kayla Oxendale added four points, Brittany Isom had two points, and Sam Molnar and Tori England each added a free throw. On Monday night, Danbury kept the momentum going by improving to 12-4, 7-1 in the TAAC with an easy 49-20 victory over Maumee Valley Country Day. The Hawks were within five after one quarter, 11-6, but had little to say from there on out as Danbury outscored MVCDS in the second quarter, 19-6. Maumee Valley only scored eight points in the sec-

ond half, as Danbury scored 19. Eight Lady Lakers got into the scoring column, led by Bahnsen with 10 points. Longer and K.C. Oxendale each added eight points. K.C. Oxendale and Destiny Taylor each grabbed six rebounds as Danbury controlled the boards to the tune of 38 to 20. Rounding out the scoring for Danbury was Tiffany Seaman with six points, Jackie Lammers and Taylor each scored five points, England scored four points, and Sam Molnar scored three points. Again, Danbury shot well making 18 field goals (41 percent), including five treys. Seaman had two treys, and Longer, Lammers, and England each had one. The Lakers didn’t fare so well at the charity stripe, making 8-of-20 (40 percent). Maumee Valley, which had 23 turnovers to Danbury’s eight, only got four players in the scoring column. The Hawks made nine field goals (26 percent), including one trey, and connected on only 1-of-9 free throws (11 percent).

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Members of the Port Clinton Girls Tennis Team were honored at halftime of last Friday's boys' basketball game. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA

1711 W. Fremont Rd. Port Clinton 419-734-4419

Oak Harbor Falls to 2-12 BY J. PATRICK EAKEN The Clyde Fliers broke loose for 45 points through the second and third quarters to defeat the host Oak Harbor Rockets 67-35 in a Sandusky Bay Conference make-up game played Jan. 29. After one quarter, the Fliers led by only 12-7, but through the middle two quarters Clyde outscored Oak Harbor by 26 points to give the Rockets a loss. For Clyde, Alex Gillett scored 16 points and Kyle Smeltzer added 12. Gillett hit two shots behind the 3-point arc to help contribute to his total, while Smeltzer also had one trey. In all, the Fliers connected on 27 field goals and made 10-of-18 at the charity stripe (56 percent). Clyde improved to 7-6 overall, 5-4 in the SBC after defeating Sandusky St. Mary Central Catholic on Friday night, 72-52. Ben Danhoff also had 11 points for Clyde, Juho Hietaner added eight, Jared Branski added six points, and Matt Elylinger had four points. Gabe Gilbert, Drew Frazier, Mae Wilkerson, and Jose Leal each scored

two points, and Alex Jess and Tyson Rex each added a free throw. For the Rockets, Kevin Young was the only player in double figures with 11 points. Brandon Wasserman scored five points and Jake Scott and Kevin Lipstraw each scored four points. Josh Warnke, Steven Young, and Kyle Sarahman each scored three points and D.J. Everett added a field goal for Oak Harbor. Oak Harbor made 12 field goals, including four treys — one each by Wasserman, Steven Young, Kevin Young, and Kyle Sarahman. The Rockets made 7-of-13 free throws (54 percent). On Friday night in a regularly scheduled SBC contest, the first place Edison (10-2, 8-1) Chargers put away the Rockets 52-42 on Oak Harbor’s floor. At 2-12, 0-9 in the SBC, Oak Harbor will host Huron (2-9, 2-7) this Friday, February 6 in another SBC contest. In a non-league contest on Saturday, the Rockets host the Danbury Lakers.

419-734-3111 148 Buckeye Blvd. Port Clinton, OH


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The Beacon I

Thursday, February 5, 2009

OttawaOutdoors 2009 Lake Erie Sport Fishing Outlook is Promising Walleye and yellow perch anglers should enjoy good fishing opportunities Lake Erie anglers should experience another year of quality fishing during 2009, according to biologists with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. “Over the years, Lake Erie has consistently provided some of the best fishing in the country,” said Roger Knight, Lake Erie fisheries program manager at ODNR, “We expect 2009 to be no different.” Excellent fishing opportunities await walleye and yellow perch anglers, as well as those who prefer other species like smallmouth bass, white bass, and steelhead, said Knight. Lake Erie anglers have great access to fishing in the Western and Central basins due to the numerous public boat ramps, private marinas and shoreline areas. They also benefit from having the largest charter boat industry in the Great Lakes. Anglers are reminded that walleye and yellow perch fisheries are managed through an interagency quota system that involves Ontario, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio jurisdictions. Each jurisdiction regulates its catches to comply with quotas and minimize the risk of over-fishing the species. Quotas for the upcoming fishing season are determined through consensus agreement by the jurisdictions through the Lake Erie Committee of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission and are announced publicly in late March of each year. Walleye - Ohio walleye anglers will catch fish mostly from the 2003 hatch, with contributions from the 2001 and 2005 hatch-

es, as well as some fish from the 1999 and 2007 hatches. Walleye from the 2003 hatch will be 18 to 26 inches long, while fish from the earlier hatches will range from 23 to 28 inches over the course of the fishing season. Fish from the 2005 hatch should be in the 17 to 20 inch range. Large walleye from strong hatches in the 1980s and mid-1990s still persist in the population, providing “Fish Ohio” trophy (more than 28 inches) opportunities. “Walleye abundance and the sport catch have been declining over recent years in Lake Erie due to below-average hatches since 2003,” said Knight. “However, the average size of fish caught in the 2009 fishery should be exceptional.” Anglers will also catch walleyes from the moderate 2007 hatch; however, most of these fish will be under the legal size of 15 inches until fall. The daily bag limit remains four fish per person during March and April 2009, and six fish from May 2009 through February 2010. A 15-inch minimum size limit is in effect during the entire season. Yellow Perch - Perch anglers should encounter fish ranging from 7 to 13 inches from the 2007, 2005 and 2003 hatches in this year’s fishery. Perch numbers should be similar to levels observed in 2008 in the Western Basin, but down slightly in the Central Basin. A moderate hatch from 2008 should boost the fishery beginning late next year. “Overall, we expect to have good perch fishing in 2009, with the largest fish coming

from the Central Basin,” said Knight. The daily bag limit is 25 yellow perch per angler in the waters west of Huron and 30 perch per angler from Huron eastward to the Pennsylvania border. There is no minimum size limit on yellow perch. Smallmouth Bass - Smallmouth bass fishing in 2009 is expected to be fair. Although bass abundance remains below desired levels, those caught should be of excellent size (15 to 22 inches, weighing 2 to 6 pounds). Bass fishing is best in areas with good bottom structure, which is available across much of the entire Ohio near shore area. A closed season remains in effect from May 1 through June 26, 2009, during which all black bass (smallmouth and largemouth) must be immediately released. Beginning June 27, 2009, the daily bag limit for bass will remain at five fish, with a 14-inch minimum length limit. Steelhead - Steelhead anglers should enjoy another year of great fishing in Ohio’s Lake Erie tributaries throughout the fall, winter and spring months. Good fishing opportunities will also exist on the open lake when schools of fish can be located. Peak summer steelhead action on Lake Erie can be found offshore from June through August between Vermilion and Conneaut, with catches measuring 17 to 29 inches. Most Lake Erie anglers troll for steelhead in deep waters using spoons with dipsy divers or downriggers. The daily bag limit remains at five fish per person from May 16 to August 31, and two fish per angler between September 1 and May 15, with a 12-inch minimum size limit throug hout the year. White Bass - White bass will continue to provide excellent seasonal fishing opportunities in tributaries and the open

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Rumor Take This of Salt in a ra G a h it w NEWS ONLIN

Huron is buying the that the city of If you have heardyear due to increased costs,with this a problem less road salt There was, however, story is false. the Andrew White, supply and demand. City Manager for salt after adverAccording to y no bids was no matecity received absolutel year. “There simply 1st, 2009, so suppliers tising for it last tribefore January rial available The price for road salt actually shortage. could not bid.” of this same supply Street Supled in 2008 becauseHoppe, Huron City t with Thankfully, Dan able to obtain an agreemen short was 100 tons perintendant, 640 tons. not only to purchase an additional Erie County also purchase used only 560 tons in term, but to that the city fill the city’s needs Considering supply should 2008, the current of safety for the 2009 season. the greatest degree ent In order to provide ity, the Street Departm commun intersecthroughout thes areas first. These include They salts dangerou es, and the main thoroughfares. al streets. tions, overpass y roads and residenti the city then target secondarby saying; “Obviously, and this seriously, Mr. White closed of its citizens current takes the safety a top priority.” Given the the be continues to the city should be able to provide , salt inventory level of service this season. same or better

New Treasurer

State of the Villa

ge of Marblehead

—————— n Around Tow Page 2 Watch ge of the by mem—————— was honored ldss Chan old Ho formation Rollie Unckrich group since its Commander work with this Unckrich received the Outgoing Flotilla Milestones der Officers for his to Local Auxiliary bers and visiting ago. Past Flotilla Commangrowing this new Flotilla for in Huron 2 years der of the Year” in 2008 the day long educational event: Page 3 activism on “Flotilla Comman their as well as and 22 + members tain John Smith Safety Day. —————— the annual District Vice-Cap Huron Water Ed Monaco, ore, Bob Beall conducted in 2009 Captain unit District Rear Commod 09E-08-05. Guiding this mander Health & outgoing Division y for Flotilla and Vice-Com g In” Ceremon der Jim “JT” Tremelling also installed “Swearin were cers Offi Comman will be Flotilla In addition, the Flotilla Staff Wellness busiest Coast George Poulos. ad being the for the year 2009. Guard Station Marblehe t of this Flotilla is no acciPage 4 g year remains With US Coast the Great Lakes, the placemen for the upcomin on Guard Station Guard’s primary mission g will continue this Flotilla’s Safe —————— dent. The Coast n. Commander TremellinSafety Exams, conducting of awareness Boater Educatio g complimentary Vessel promoting public Shape Your work by facilitatinfor the public, as well as 7 PM. The next Boating Courseson the water. 9 200 each month at in safety near and Wednesday of at the Huron Public Library. ind 2 the Beh 14, 2009 The Flotilla meets this flotilla, contact Wednesday January n OfAuxiliary and meeting will be ion on the USCGcltd.nett or the Public Educatio Page 5 For more informat g at jimt@hmcltd.n y o ore Tremellin @ thee Watch ceremon the Change of ner ceremony was Commod —————— Christine Crawford 2008 marked dinner cer: fi 13, The r Flotilla. Saturday Decembe helping with poinGuard Auxiliary Corso’s of Sandusky the local US Coast Parks & Rec forheld Yacht Club with at the Huron greenery. settias and holiday Page 6 less Sale of r cto New Dire d ed me —————— Nam and Marketing Schools Page 7 —————— Sports Page 8 PHOTO BY MICHAEL

Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid Port Clinton, Ohio Permit #80

the Pharm

BY JOHN SCHAFFN ER store that located there BY JOHN SCHAFFN A partnership of square footage under in 1978. The total is still up in ER the air, but initial roof purchased by has purchased the Catawba Developers the group, including plans are Last week, when north end of the plaza The Sutton Center, to expand the Sutton Center’s offi I spoke that currently houstotals over 35,000 about the great dining ce space, plus create additional square feet. opes the John Fritz portunities in vate offices, storage office space for pridowntown and possibly for some City/County GovPort Clinton, I forgot to retail related business. ernment Complex mention A La Carte Café Snyder says that at on Port Clinton’s the south end of the downtown group would like far east end. That at the Madison Street viaalso market the to announcem duct. Breakfast or ent was out lot located along East made Tuesday by the guarantee you will lunch, I Harbor Rd. (State father and son team money’s worth. But,get your just in Route 163) between of Bob and Brian case you’d like to do better, the First Federal SavSnyder, who own we have a coupon for ings building on That ought to help them this week on page 4A. Catawba Mini Storthe some. west and the buildage. They have part––––––––– ing owned by Norm nered with several We actually forgot Thayer that formerly week. Sorry about to hide Wylie Walleye last other local investors that. We have had housed The Sand sonnel changes here some per- to purchase the 4.5 Box Gift Store on the east. decided not to hide for the winter, so we have acre parcel of land along with the propPHOTO BY CHRIS Presently, plans call continuing our “Win Wylie until April. We are erty that includes what is According to Bob MCBAIN-BERRY now The Sutton an Snyder, plans call it on the Web” Contest. Center. for a complete renofor vation of the This week, we had expansion of the 116 The 25,000 square understand that there Sutton Center. “We store and Theexterior of the former Pharm Evelyn Benton who entries and our winner is foot Sutton Center to card from Friendshipclicked her way to a $20 gas used to house The Pharm building that agencies in the Suttonare a number of the ment the Governmen complediscount store, seeking Center that were t complex to the our next winner, just Food Stores. You might be has been empty for nearly south. For leasing additional offi information, contact net and click on the log on to www.thebeacon. the original location of a year. It was lieve we will be able ce space, and we be- Brian Snyder to at Snyder Group of a Food Town says “Win it on the Web” accommodate that,” Compaicon. Snyder. The final use nies at 419-797-63 ––––––––– 03. of the building As part of a National Jeff Dornbusch Day of Communit vice held on Martin Selected as Treasu Luther King Day this y Serrer of Port Clinton day, January 19, United MonCity School Distric sponsoring a special Way in Ottawa County is t perishable food itemsfood collection drive. Nonmay be dropped Sutton Center in The Port Clinton Port Clinton or at off at the Center in Ottawa County. any Senior Board of Education City School District excellence.” as its new treasurer hired Jeff Dornbusch dent of the stated David Belden, Presi––––––––– Board of Education. at the Tuesday, January 13 board In spite of the horrible “His extensive experiences weather on Saturday, lected meeting. Mr. Dornbusch was se, both from business they had a very good turnout for the Catawba fied from a field of several highly quali- and educational settings, will help Island Bloodmobi applicants based upon bring innovation le. his experience Treasurer.” and efficiency to the office woman Linda Snyder,In fact, according to chair- and knowledge of of school Belden continued, they were able to their quota for the “We have exceed a Masters in Educationa finance. He has been blessed to event. have l Administration outstanding contriand undergraduate butions from Jack ––––––––– degree in Business Coffman as our Acting Marketing from Bowling Archie Griffin is coming & Green State Uni- Treasurer for the past two months, and to Oak Harbor! It another coup by the transition of duties is versity. Mr. Dornbusch the had previously to Jeff will begin takni group. He will be Ottawa County OSU Alum- been the controller for Bassett’s IGA, Gor- ing place next week.” 19 at Oak Harbor here on Thursday, February don Lumber Company Patrick Adkins, High Superintendent pearance of the only School to speak. The ap- the Treasurer of Benton and is currently Schools stated, of “Jeff Carroll Salem Lowinner will benefit two-time Heisman Trophy cal School District. treasurer not only is a very well respected both in our area but across well as the Benton-Car the local Alumni Club as “The Port Clinton Board of Education the State of Ohio. We are very roll-Salem School dation. Tickets are fortunate Foun- is very excited to find $25 a treasurer of Jeff ’s to have a person of Jeff ’s caliber as and $50 for the dinner for the dinner and speech stature after a thorough part of our team, and I look and autograph search process. forward to working you only want to with him.” hear him speak, thatsession. If We found strong mutual interests “I feel very fortunate in the only $5. For ticket pursuit of educational ticket is Dornbusch to have the opportuinformation call Louis will replace Dr. Paul and operational schroeder at 419-898-54 DamLock- nity to work for yet wood who recently 40. retired from the district. district in Ottawa another great school County” said Dorn––––––––– busch. The Oak House 2009 Bowl-A-Thon will at Harbor Lanes on February 8 from 1-4 be held BY MAYOR JACQUE more information p.m. For LINE A. BIRD bowler, contributor on participating either as a or sponsor, call Lisa our previous year. 419-734-4417. According However with our Byers at The year current connection 2009 celebrates to the flyer sent out applications for tap Director Lisa Byers, by versary of the incorporati the 118th Anni- Marbleheads, the number could rise to 651 taps. The Water Departmen on of the Village of is Striking!!!” (Get “The Difference You’ll Make Marblehead. t has plenty of capacity Village of it???) additional growth. to take on On January 2, 1891 ––––––––– to be sound, in spite Financially, the Water Department continues State Representative of the many challenges hard work, dedicationour fore-fathers, through Water Revenue Jeff Wagner of Sycamore, placed before it. The who represents a of incorporation with and belief met their goal and continues Fund is operating within its couple projected budgets Southern-most Townships, of Ottawa County’s municipality. By Aprilthe establishment of our Next spring to support itself in compliance will be the speaker with state laws. the next 4th Thursday at tration was formed of 1891, the Adminis- clarifying we will begin construction on a Republican Lunch new solids contact tank that will work with: Mayor—W at the Port Clinton Griesser, Pres. Pro Elk’s Lodge on BuckeyeBunch Tem—Tim Larkins, inslow fier to assure our production in tandem with the existing clariNo reservations necessary… Blvd. cilmen—Henry Pokey, Coun- This project capacity of 400 gallons just show up! For ey, William Schmidt John is per minute. being further information Burns, Jerry Tracdone due to a requiremen and Dan Griesser. , contact Joyce Murphy EPA that 419-734-3459. at Eberwine and Legal Advisor—SolomonVillage Clerk was George dancy all systems have sufficient component t from the Ohio in the event of equipment s to assure redunOne of the first plans Slauss. of action was to develop failures. Previous ––––––––– been ments and build a projects have Village Depart- lationcompleted along these same requiremen Village jail which of new feed pumps. ts, including instalopened Thus the dream for the village began and December 7, 1891. Along with the new I hope many of you 118 years later. continues to this day, chemical feed system clarifier, we will also be constructin remember my niece, Though the names g a new that incorporates have changed over redundanci the required Alison Wilford. Well, mains consistent with our fore-fathers the years, the goal re- age and es, a new block building for activated equipment she's now Alison carbon storEn- commonwealth as an enduring place to sustain our prominent to meet feed system, and other equipment right…and on Mon- current and future upgrades state standards and to dwell, work, and all Ohio EPA requiremen necessary day, she gave birth the soul of each generations. This mission is deeply visit for upgrades are all a result ts. These of EPA requiremen seeded in elected official, employee, to her second child, and visitor to volunteers, resident to not only comply with all requiremen ts and are being done the municipality. we ts, will Though but Mason Christophe be to mains able to continue delivering also assure funding and at a minimum, a quality product that 7lbs. 4 oz. Motherr Village of Marblehead and growth and cost continue staffing re- customers. to our to rise, the held steadfast in 2008. President Pro Tem and baby are doing Our sole Utility remains John Starcher continues the Village aison to the just fine. to Water Plant is in excellent condition Water Department. The Councilma BPA and Water Department. As be the Village Lisince top quality water to and n residents and visitors. continues to provide beyond” his Starcher continues to serve the village first elected, This is the result of role in all areas including “above –––––––– acting mayor. various committees and elected Board of Publicthe on going efforts of our employees The Ballet School and and Public Affairs, Because of his efforts, along with Affairs. our Board Water ballet class for 3 andis starting a new Pre-School consists of President Robert Our current Board Membershi 4 year olds. Classes Boytim, George Danchisen, p Utility offered by the Superintendent and employees, our of Tom Bird. Bob Biers held on Saturday village remains strong sole continues to lead mornings from 10:30 will be Plant and sound for future the department as and generations. All are applauded Superintendent. All a.m. Space if very – 11:00 Water for their efforts. calling Mary Ann limited so register today by partment maintain ongoingcertified employees of the Water DeSnider at 419-635-61 Continuing Continued next week. by the Ohio EPA to 06. maintain their Water Education as required itself has an EPA fi Certification. The lter rating of 400 gallons plant per minute per square foot area; this gives the plant a capacity gallons per minute or 552,960 gallons of 384 The average daily production per day. for the year was 127,113 gallons, which Sound Off ................ is 22.9% of our daily .....2A Real Estate rated capacity. The ................1-6B Beacon Bits ................ tion was 3,866,343 average monthly producgallons, which is 23.3%of ..4A Sports ...........................2B the monthly rated R Records ................ production day thiscapacity. The maximum .........4A Business .......................3B year was July 4th 320,500 gallons, which with E Entertain is 57.9% of the daily ment ..............5A Financial Focus ............3B rated capacity. Accordingly , the maximum production Commun S Schools ity Calendar ..4B month .........................6A gallons produced, was July with 6,930,100 Joy Riedl, Classifieds ................ which is 41.7% Marketing Director monthly rated capacity. of our fires a C Community Updates ....5B at Otterbein North shot down range ...7A Yellow Page Shore, Currently, there are during the PC Area of Commerce’s Dr. ............5B Chamber Business water system. This 614 active taps on the Civilian is an increase of 14 Marksmanship After Hours sponsored by the from indoor fi Program at Camp Various V ring range PHOTO Perry’s new BY BARBARA

PC Schools Hire

R 20 VOL. 3 NUMBE January 15, 2009



Lotteries for docks at Middle Bass Island State Park have been scheduled, and those interested can apply until February 25. Two lottery drawings will be conducted: one for yearround island residents and one for general public permits. A complete listing of procedures and rules as well as applications for the dock lotteries is available at, click on Middle Bass Island. Applications for both lotteries are also available at the Catawba Island State Park office located at 4049 Moores Dock Road, Monday through Friday. Applicants may apply by



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has ance Center,, Huron, new Diler as their Resort and Conferen of Sawmill Creek of Bruce Lingswei gs over 25 yearsfoot appointment ler brings nounced the and Marketing. Lingswei the 16,000 squarespace, rector of Sales to the Resort. He stated that feet et of meeting ce sales experien Ballroom, over 50,000 squareservice ice and the 18-hole a superior Wilderness Hall fabulous food and excellent of combine to make the tradition nship golf course as Sales Tom Fazio champio snow last in N.W. Ohio. r formerly served merly meetings the new fallen addestination for sledding in of Toledo, Lingweile on Hotel Toledo, Blackwell enjoy Advisory A 17-year resident Inn, originally the Radisson A. FOSTER Park and was on themillcreek. Gretchen and Hannah BY MCHAEL Centre on Director at the Huron. PHOTO t www.saw SeaGate Conventi Saturday in L College. Visit jacent to the WED. ONLY Community L Board for Owens TUE. ONLY BUY 8 pc. Chicken com L Breast MON. ONLY potato, Bnls Skinless Chicken GET FREE 1 lb. SUN.

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Vol. 15 No. 1



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“The Bus iness Voi Ottawa, Sandusky ce of Erie, Huron, and Seneca Countie

As we enter of all sorts the new year, knowledge of forecasts for the consumer med area busi and insight to the future – but fewia are full predict wha have their taxenesses and our local t will happ the s en to We decid and their employeeeconomies that depend on s’ wage sixteen Chaed to put out Retirem a call to s. ent: The en mbers area of Erie, Huroof Commerce servi Executives at counties the 46.3% Tax – to get n, Ottawa, Sandng our circulatio their “gra Bracket time, we had ss roots” usky and Senecan not hear would like opinions. d back from ............... to share At press respo with all nded. . ..... 9 ..... of them you the thou Jeffrey H. ghts of thos , but Bryden, Sales: Set e who Editor ting ti Erie Cou nty Cha Busiiness The Erie County mber of Com G Go Goals.13 into 2009 mer Chambe r of Com ce We’ll kno with concerns mer economi w more specifi about the area ce looks cally whe econ Economi st, Dr. Ken May n we host omy. IT: An Oun noted Chambe c Outlook Presenta land, for his ce of r in early when thos February tion to the Erie annual . But, County Prevention chambers e businesses now is the who mus ... . 15 area’s ..... time t support chambers utilize them mor their loca County Chambe of commerce, e than ever. Thel make and including r of Com business save a businessmerce, are a tool the Erie Taxes: Imp utilizing that mon lication the serv ey, simply by can t s available to them ices and that through In the of the Hou group progcase of the Erie their chamber. programs sing Act sing rams for A County distance Cha workers’ .......... compens mber, our are tool telephone services, ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... s on the ..... ..... ..... and med ation, long ..... .. 21 as Business savi After Houngs side. Our ical insurance opportu program rs, seminar nitie s, such their nam s provide a s, business and promotio e in fron www.ncbj nal busi t of peop several ways es to .net and ness services, explore their loca le. We urge to get and use them to l chamber’s prog local We’re a rams the proud mem maximu Bellevue m. b ber of the Area Cham Continu follo ed ber be of Commerc on page wing: Elmore Cham mercee 3...

Chamber of Commercber of Commerc e of Sandu us usky ky Coun e Erie County ty Cham of Commerc ber e

lake. The catch will be dominated by hatches from 2003 and 2005, which will include many 12- to 15-inch fish. The 2006 hatch was moderate and should contribute 10- to 12-inch fish to the fishery. Anglers should focus on major Western Basin tributaries during May and June and near shore areas of the open lake during summer months. There is no daily bag or size limit on white bass. Anglers are also advised of numerous fishing opportunities in the bays and harbors on the Ohio shoreline. The inlets offer excellent fishing for panfish, including crappie and bluegill, as well as largemouth bass. In early spring, anglers may also catch an occasional Northern pike or muskellunge in vegetated areas. Anglers are reminded that fishing conditions on Lake Erie can change hourly and adjustments are often necessary to improve success. Anglers should take into account such factors as water temperature, cloud cover, water clarity, boat traffic, wave action, structure and the amount of baitfish in the area. Anglers are also reminded to carefully monitor Lake Erie weather and to seek safe harbor before storms approach. During the season, ODNR provides an updated Lake Erie fishing report online at and by calling 1-888-HOOKFISH. Division of Wildlife staff members are available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Call Sandusky, (419) 625-8062, for Western Basin information. For additional information on lodging, charter boat services and local launch ramps, contact the Ottawa County Visitors Bureau at 800-441-1271. Information on the Division of Wildlife’s Lake Erie research and management programs, fisheries resources, open lake and steelhead fishing reports, as well as maps and links to other Lake Erie web resources is available on the Internet at http://ohiodnr. com/wildlife. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR web site at

Fostoria Area Cham of Commerc ber Huron Cham e of Commercber Genoa Cham Milan Cham e of Commercber Marblehea of Commercber Oak Harb e e or Area Chamber d Peninsula Norw Chamber of Commerc alk of Commerc Put-in-Bay Cham e Cham - Huron County e ber of Com of Commerc ber Vermilion Port Clint merce Cham e on Area Chamber of Commerc ber of Commerc Tiffin Area Cham e e of Commerc ber Willard Area e Cham of Commerc ber e

Serving Our Communities Since 1983 •••• Over 20,000+ Circulation


mail or at the Catawba Island State Park office. Applications will be taken until 5 p.m. February 25 at the office or by certified mail. The drawings for the two lotteries will be conducted at 6 p.m. March 5; applicants need not be present and winners will be contacted by phone. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR web site at For further information, contact Scott Doty or Karen Beckman, Catawba Island State Park at 419797- 4530.

Study Tracks Economic Impact of Boater Spending The final version of the John Glenn Great Lakes Recreational Boating report is complete. The report, prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, with assistance from the Great Lakes Commission, is available on the Corps Web site at: http:// The study estimates the economic impact of recreational boating by tracing the flow of spending from boaters through the regional economy. The study also includes analysis associated with businesses such as marinas, charter boats and boat dealers, as well as the broader impacts of boaters on tourism industries and supporting businesses. “This report demonstrates the economic impact recreational boating has on the Great Lakes and surrounding region,” said Lt. Col. James B. Davis, Detroit District Engineer. The study, which used 2003 U.S. Coast Guard boater registration data, found: • There were 911,000 recreational boaters on the Great Lakes. • Boaters spent $2.36 billion per year on boating trips. • They also spent $1.44 billion per year on boats, boat-

ing equipment and supplies. • Boating creates 60,000 jobs with $1.77 billion in personal income. The report was prepared in response to Section 455(c) of the Water Resources development Act of 1999, which directed the Secretary of the Army, in cooperation with the Great Lakes States, to submit a report to Congress detailing the economic benefits of recreational boating in the Great Lakes basin, particularly at harbors benefiting from operation and maintenance projects of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A principal mission for the Corps of Engineers in the Great Lakes basin is the operation and maintenance of 139 federally authorized harbors, navigation channels and supporting infrastructure. Many of these harbors were developed by the Corps over a 150-year period to serve commercial navigation. Other harbors were built specifically to accommodate recreational boating. Additional harbors were also constructed to provide rough weather refuge for small craft/recreational boats, serving as “harbors of refuge”.

Thursday, February 5, 2009 I

The Beacon


Business HR Collaborative Introduced Agricultural Proposal Sought A cost-free forum for Human Resource Professionals in Ottawa County has been developed. Meetings will focus on networking, discussion of relevant HR topics and providing help with specific HR issues that a company may be facing. Possible topics may include sharing of what works and what doesn’t work in any specific problem area such as layoffs. The format will be informal, and membership or registration is not necessary. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday,

February 18 from 10-11 a.m. in the Ottawa County Resource Centre. According to Michelle Ish, Human Resources at Riverview Industries, Inc., the group is open to companies, large or small, or any individual who has the responsibility for Human Resources at their place of employment. Groups will remain small, from five to twenty, to allow for lots of open floor discussion. For more information, call Denise Ventrone at the OCIC at 419-898-6242.

Northcoast Jobs Connection February Schedule The Northcoast Jobs Connection Job Stores and the Seneca One Stop offer numerous services and resources for job seekers and employers. Seminars are free and open to anyone in the community. The seminars are also available to be customized for employers and delivered on site. The area seminar dates at the Ottawa County Community Resource Centre, 8043 W. SR. 163, Oak Harbor are: Feb. 13 – 9 a.m. to noon – “Interviewing and Role Playing�. Learn up-to-date interviewing techniques; Feb. 19 – 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. – “Get a Job or a Better Job, POD�. Learn how to prepare for and conduct a successful job search. This session includes a review of unemployment services provided by the state, information about other community resources and a free lunch and Feb. 27 – 9 a.m. to noon – “Control Your Stress�. Measure your own stress and learn coping techniques. Job Store officials are asking that people who are interested in these workshops

should register by emailing Carol Guice at or by calling her at 419307-1189. For more information on the Job Stores, log onto Or in Ottawa County, call the Job Store at 800665-1677 or 419-898-3688, ext. 270 or call Denise Ventrone at 419-898-6242 at the Community Improvement Corporation. The Northcoast Jobs Connection OneStop System is a collaboration of 22 partners in Erie, Huron, Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca counties and is partially funded by those organizations. Terra Community College contracts with the Department of Job and Family Services to provide the services of the Job Store. It is located at 8043 W. State Route 163, Oak Harbor and is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All basic services are free of charge.

Howard Hanna Real Estate Services Report December Volume Howard Hanna Real Estate Services reports total volume of $1,203,070,352 for December 2008. Figures include written, listing and closed sales volume of Howard Hanna Real Estate, Barristers Title Company, and closed mortgage loans of Howard Hanna Mortgage Services. Closed, listing and written volume for Howard Hanna’s Northeastern Ohio offices for the month totaled $597,255,873. Closed volume was $233,067,422 and included 1,502 units. Written volume totaled $158,481,148; 1,145 units. Listing volume

amounted to $205,707,303; 1,026 units. Closed volume is defined as the sales volume of properties sold. Listing volume is the total price of properties listed on the market. Written volume reflects sales pending. Total volume for the company’s Western Region in Northeastern Ohio was $239,058,307; 1,563 units. Total volume for the Catawba office was $10,452,595. In Catawba, Tomi Johnson was both a closed volume leader and a written volume leader.

The Ottawa County Commissioners will accept proposals from anyone interested in the use for agriculture purposes 68 acres of land located just off State Route 163 on Toussaint South Road near the Industrial Park and Highway Garage in Oak Harbor. If interest-

ed, please submit a letter to the Commissioners at 315 Madison Street, Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 no later than February 11 with the amount you would pay per acre. Payments can be made semi-annually. The highest bid will be considered.


Business‌ Business ‌

Honor the Women In Your Business! We will be having a special section in the March 19th Edition of The Beacon ••••

Deadline is March 12th! Contact Donna Becker at 419-732-3571 or e-mail

Small Business Basics Seminars Set for February The Ohio Small Business Development Center at Terra Community College is offering free, two-hour seminars, “Small Business Basics,� that will answer questions about starting, buying or expanding a small business. This seminar will take the confusion out of efforts and help avoid costly mistakes and unnecessary steps. Learn the basics of: name registration, licensing, taxes, zoning, business entities, employees, insurance, financing and business planning.

The February schedule in the local area is: Wednesday, Feb. 25 – 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Terra Community College (Building B, Room 101), 2830 Napoleon Road, Fremont. This is free and open to the public. To register or for more information, call Bill Auxter, Director of the Ohio Small Business Development Center at Terra Community College, toll-free 800-826-2431 or 419-559-2210. Or contact him by email at bauxter@

Schumacher Homes Now a Certified Energy StarÂŽ Builder Schumacher Homes, a national builder of over 5000 custom homes, has announced that they are now Energy StarÂŽ Certified. This designation is issued to a limited number of homebuilders by the U.S Department of Energy and the EPA. Each home is individually inspected and must comply with rigorous guidelines before it is given the Energy StarÂŽ designation. Energy StarÂŽ homes provide third party substantiated proof of real utility cost savings. Energy StarÂŽ features include; efficient insulation, highperformance windows, tight construction and ducts, efficient heating and cooling equipment and third party verification. Homeowner benefits include; lower utility cost, added confidence,

better performance and a smarter investment. Paul Schumacher started Schumacher Homes in 1992 building approximately 10 quality homes a year as an on your lot custom home builder. Since then the company has expanded into 11 states and more than 20 locations.� While other builders talk about energy efficiency, we are committed to building certified Energy Star homes.� says owner, Paul Schumacher. To find out more about Energy StarŽ and Schumacher’s quality and craftsmanship visit the model homes and Design Center at 6539 Dixie Highway or call 800-7259455 and ask to speak a New Home Consultant, or visit online at




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The Beacon I

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Financial Focus Help Climb Over Interest Rate Worries with Bond Ladder As an investor, you need to look back no farther than last year to understand why it’s not a good idea to own only stocks. In fact, many people buy bonds to lessen the GARY COON, impact of volatility on EDWARD their investment portJONES folios. Yet, just as stock INVESTMENTS prices move up and down, bond prices also fluctuate, primarily in response to rising and falling interest rates. These interest-rate movements can wreak havoc on your bond portfolio unless you can help yourself climb over them with a “bond ladder.” Before we examine what goes into a bond ladder, let’s review some bond basics relating to price and interest rates. Suppose, for example, that you a buy a $1,000 bond that pays five percent interest and is scheduled

to mature in five years. Each year that you hold your bond, you will receive $50 in interest; at the end of five years, you’ll get your $1,000 back, provided the issuer doesn’t default. However, if you decide to sell your bond before the five-year period is up, you could get more or less than $1,000 for it. If market interest rates — the rates paid on newly issued bonds — were to drop to four percent, then your higher-paying bond is considered more valuable to investors, so you might be able to sell it for, say, $1,050. Conversely, should market interest rates rise to six percent, nobody will pay you full value for your lower-paying bond, so you would have to sell it at a discount, perhaps for $950. Because market interest rates constantly rise and fall, the value of your bonds will do likewise. This could be a big problem if you wish to sell bonds before they mature and use the money to buy new bonds. Keep in mind that if bonds are sold prior to matu-


Ted Greene 419-563-4968 Cathy Greene 419-563-4967 Glenna Bender 419-341-1579 Mark Hartline 419-341-9999

rity, you can lose principal value. To help reduce the impact of rate swings, you might want to build a bond ladder. To do so, you buy several bonds, with varying maturities — short-term, intermediateterm and long-term. Once you’ve constructed your ladder, you’ll have some advantage in all interest-rate environments. When market rates are low, you’ll still have your longer-term bonds earning higher interest rates. (Typically, longer-term bonds pay the highest rates.) Plus, only a small portion of your bond portfolio (the maturing shortterm bonds) will need to be reinvested at the low rate. And when market interest rates are high, you can reinvest the maturing short-term bonds at the higher rates. You can further diversify your ladder by choosing different types of bonds or even certificates of deposit (CDs), for the different “rungs.” This diversification can’t guarantee a profit or protect against a loss, but it may help you reduce the negative effects

Benton Township 1-26-09 Ralph and Alverna Radsick to Donald G. and David B. Radsick, 3247 North SR 163, $67,000. 1-30-09 Richard J. and Becky L. Studer to Lyman L. and Sharon J. Sprague, 2510 North SR 590, $230,000. Catawba Township 1-26-09 Transerie Enterprises, PLL to Julie Wahler, 1810 NW Catawba Road, $200,000.

Bay Point Condo

Email: @Teda edandC ndCath athyGr y een yGr eene.c om m


of a downturn that primarily hits one type of bond. Here’s one more point to keep in mind: Try to avoid building your ladder with bonds that provide little or no call protection. When market interest rates fall, bond issuers will often “call” bonds — that is, they will redeem the bonds before they mature — so they can issue new ones at the lower rates. You can help reduce the call risk in your bond ladder by purchasing bonds with call protection, which cannot be called before a certain date. Ladders, by definition, can help you surmount obstacles. And the same is true with bond ladders. If you want to invest in bonds, and help reduce the impact of interest-rate movements, consider building your ladder soon. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

1-30-09 Sutton Funding LLC to Mary Olsen Dietman, 5264 East Marina Avenue, $265,000. 1-30-09 James M. Ernst t o Barclay’s Capital Real Estate Inc., 5264 East Marina Drive, $325,000. Danbury Township 1-29-08 Rita and Richard Bender to Farm Credit Services of Mid-America FLCA, Bayshore Drive, $50,000. Erie Township 1-28-09 Robert G. and Dorothy P. Rice to Ivan Scott and Kelly A. Reynolds, 20.793 acres, $150,000. Portage Township 1-30-09 Casimir and Helen Janwisiak to Joan Washburn, 1131 East Ebert Court, $250,000.

House For Sale

NEW LISTING at Catawba Island Club 3134 N. Marina View Dr. – VISUAL TOUR

617 S Monroe St, Port Clinton

• Marina views w/1440 sq. ft. • 3 bd./2 ba. unfurnished • Updated throughout • Beautiful Stone Fireplace • $380,000.00 Call Ted or Mark ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

BUILDING LOTS. Have your own Lot? Need a builder? Just ask, we can help!

3640 Oak Lake Dr., Oak Lake Subdivision, $43,000.00 Carriage Cove Lots – Catawba, $48,900.00 To $56,000.00 Waterfront Lot Marsh’s Edge- 4897 Wood Duck, $94,900.00

Lake view. Across the street from Bay Point Resort’s beaches, golf, marina & tennis. Steps to private assoc. pool. Sleeps 6, 2 baths, 3 season room. Move-in condition. Fully furnished. $219,777 Mortgage rates are at historic lows right now! Call 440-871-3381

1-30-09 Jancor Properties LTD to Dale B. Norris, 680 Plasterbed Road, $39,900. 1-30-09 Jancor Properties LTD to Dale B. Norris, 680 Plasterbed Road, $39,900. Port Clinton City 1-26-09 Stanley Allen and Mary Kathryn Gahagan to GregoryA. And Mary P. Hobbs, 505 West Lakeshore Drive, $1129,000. 1-29-09 Jon Schioindorf to Mark Claes, 439 Erie Court, $22,000. 1-30-09 Green Tree Servicing LLC to Regis G. and Norma J. Stadtmiller, 622 Jackson Street, $32,100. 1-30-09 Vickie Lynn Ireland to The Bank of New York, 318 Garfield Drive, $30,000. Oak Harbor Corp 1-27-09 David L. Henn and Leslie E. Silva Henn to Therran G. Arebaugh, 156 East Water Street, $115,000.

LAKEVIEW ESTATES Ready for new owners! Older 4 bdrm home w/enclosed front porch, full basement, 2 car detached garage, storage shed, alley access. Priced at only $99,900. Call Linda 419-334-1802 or Bill 419355-7117 to set an appt.

Affordable Housing in Port Clinton 1 Bedroom suites for seniors (62+) and disabled individuals. RENT BASED ON INCOME Apply Monday thru Friday 8-4

or Call 419-732-0385



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Thursday, February 5, 2009 I

The Beacon


Classified 105 Condominium MUST SELL: Two Green Cove condos. 2nd floor,1BR,W/D. $105K for both OBO. Call for single unit pricing. 513-659-8783 122 Warehouse

PORT CLINTON 2 BDRM Apt. All appliances, includes dishwasher, washer dryer hookup, central air, gas heat, private patio, pool. Rent starting at $550, includes water & sewer. 6 mo lease avil 419-734-7422 208 Houses for Rent

WAREHOUSE/ OFFICE SpaceGreat RT 2 visibility, 1560sq ft/ 500 sq loft area. $850/mo 4125 Kirk Rd, PC. Summit Properties Dean 330-802-2094 Sam 330-808-2356

3 BR home w/ pobarn, w/d hook-up in basement, $675/ mo + utilities and security dep. 419734-2279

201 ApartmentUnfurn

219 Storage Spaces

1 BR UP, clean, spacious, sec lit, off st prkg, appls, air, cable, all util furn’d, no pet/smoke. Sec/ credit chk 334-2071


408 Employment Wanted CARE GIVER for the elderly, state certified, 21 years experience, excellent references 419-734-6019 422 Services H G ENTERPRISES Shane Householder

Snow Removal & Carpentry 419-635-2040 (home) 419-967-9014 (cell) Kendra Householder

House Cleaning 419-635-2040 (home) 419-967-9015 (cell) 502 Appliances FOR SALE: GE white electric stove & OTR microwave $200. 14.5 CF refrig $50 419-798-1288

(Your Extra Room) Muggy Road, Catawba 797-6303 or 6565263.

ANTHEM BLUE Cross and Blue Shield. small groups, individual self employed, retired early, student, cobra alternative, over 65. Call 8007321892

515 Furniture $145 BRAND new Queen pillow top mattress set, can deliver 419-707-2954 4 PIECE living room set (new) $499 micro fiber, lifetime warranty 419-897-9062 BEDROOM SET, 5 piece, solid wood sleigh, list $1800, sell $675 4197072954

Truly Affordable

526 Miscellaneous For Sale CAR INSURANCE SR 22 fillings - DUI Bonds monthly pay plan Call 734-2050

FORMAL CHERRY dinning room (9 piece set) new in boxes, list $2199, sell $780 419-897-9062 KING 3 piece orthopedic mattress set, never used in plastic $215 419-707-9970 524 Medical

Tax Preparation Service Certified Tax Preparer

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CLEM’S AUTO Parts, buying good, wrecked, junk cars and trucks. 419-7342772 713 Want To Buy


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Real Estate Services

Thursday, February 5, 2009


“I Sell Views” Sharon Woodson

The Beacon I

Tomi L. Johnson

817 E LAKESHORE DRIVE, KELLEYS ISLAND • Spectacular views of Lake Erie & Cedar Point! • Lakefront ranch: 1760sqft, 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths • Open floor plan features Living Rm & Great Rm both with Lake views • Deck on the Lake for relaxing & entertaining

OFFICE: 877-734-5751 CELL: 419-356-0348



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To view a complete list of available properties and photobooks log onto



“Come See Me in the Main Office by GSE Jewelers” PORT CLINTON Lot 19 & 30 Amherst

CATAWBA ISLAND 3763 Overlook Drive

JOHNSON’S ISLAND 3416 Memorial Shwy

MARBLEHEAD 5801 Dennis Drive

Cove on the Bay lots with 35ft docks included! Build your home on 70x120 lots in gated community featuring association marina, beach & pavilion with water & electric. $49,900 – $59,900

Orchard Beach cottage with peeks of Lake Erie. 2 bedroom, 1+ bath, beautiful brick fireplace, ceramic tile, enclosed porch & more. Association has private marina and sandy beach. $165,900

Sandusky Bay frontage with 40ft stone wall + 40ft of dockage. 2004 home (3BD, 2.5BA) features vaulted ceilings, numerous windows & spectacular views! Includes back lot with 30x40 pole barn for extra storage. $729,900

Remodeled Ranch with peeks of the harbor & marina. Large spacious rooms, 2 fireplaces, granite counter, new furnace in 2007 & large patio off Living Room. Add’l land with 50x54 pole barn, 14x40 garage & apartment available. $289,000

MARBLEHEAD 6005 E Harbor Rd #3B

SANDUSKY 400 Anderson St

MARBLEHEAD 10961 Bay Point #107

CATAWBA ISLAND 4320-A Marin Woods


! NEW!!

50’ dockage comes with this waterfront lot in Bar Harbor Point. Enjoy the ever-changing panorama of yachts passing by from your dream home. Spend the afternoon on the Lake or at the islands. Located at the mouth of East Harbor for easy access. Situated in a luxury development with gated access. Private sandy beach-near all area amenities. $174,900

JOHNSON’S ISLAND-3344 CONFEDERATE Adorable cape cod on secluded and historic Johnson’s Island. This cute home is situated on a large wooded lot and has peeks of the Sandusky Bay! Featuring an open floor plan, 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths, large great room with many windows, a ground floor master suite and much more! Near area activities-swimming, fishing, boating, golfing, shopping and dining! $239,000


Spectacular views from 3rd floor Harbor’s End condo. Beautiful hickory wood floor & maple cabinets, stainless steel appliances & more! Includes 30ft dock in marina & 1-car garage. 2 additional garages available. $359,000

Views of Cedar Point, Lake Erie & Sandusky Bay from 4 well boathouse with rental history. Highest & best use would be condo or individual primary/vacation home with boathouse. $220,000

Bay Point 2nd floor Townhome. Meticulous condition w/views of Lake & Cedar Point. 2BD, 2 BA with loft & detached garage. Gated community w/bath house & large pool area. $259,000

Waterfront condo with beautiful views of the Harbor, wildlife, and boats passing by! Steps to your 30’ boat slip you will enjoy this luxury two bedroom unit, filled with granite a wet bar and two-sided fireplace. Panoramic views! Located near area amenities-East Harbor State Park, shopping, restaurants, private beaches and clubs! $279,900

LeMarin Townhome nestled in the woods. 2 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths + 3rd floor sleeping area. Includes 35ft dock F-24. Gated community with deep-water marina, clubhouse pool & sandy beach. $174,900

SANDUSKY-327 CEDAR POINT RD. Lakefront to Sandusky Bay! This completely updated and appointed home will surprise you in every way! Granite, and marble throughout featuring a wood-burning fireplace, built-ins, a custom kitchen, and many windows and sliding glass doors that open to your private backyard, wildlife and bay views. Be sure to enjoy your lake side beach and many memories at this cozy retreat! $349,700



CATAWBA- Idyllic lakefront condo. Step from private deck to sandy beach. Discreet Catawba location. Turnkey. $424,900 GLENNA BENDER/TED GREENE 419-5634968

MARBLEHEAD- Beautiful views of East Harbor from this 2 bed 2 bath condo. Low association fees that includes water, sewer and 25 ft dock! Open spacious interior. 1 car attached garage. $139,900 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

OAK HARBOR- Townhouse with 30 ft floating dock adjacent to pool and playground area. Newer furnace/AC and windows. Sun room with panoramic view of pond. $94,500 SUE PIACENTINO 419-341-4945

MARBLEHEAD- 3rd floor condo with inground pool and garage currently overlooking Bay Point Golf Course. Views of Sandusky Bay and Lake Erie! Priced to sell! $149,900 SHERYL MARTIN 419-341-4424

CATAWBA- CIC condo with panoramic views of CIC harbor. Updated throughout. Beautiful stone fireplace. Large deck wraps around to master suite. $380,000 MARK HARTLINE/TED GREENE 419-563-4968'

MARBLEHEAD- Quite canal neighborhood. Dock at your door! 3-4 bedroom home with vaulted ceilings, stone fireplace, screened room and shaded backyard. $269,000 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

MARBLEHEAD- Waterfront with Kelley’s Island View from this 7 bedroom and 2 bath home on a beautifully wooded 3.61 acre lot. Possibility of B&B or development. Excellent location with a fabulous view! Money Back Guarantee! $575,000 KARMEN LUCAS 419656-9188

PORT CLINTON- Wonderful double wide mobile home in The Fountains! Beautiful and bright 3 season room overlook the pond for ultimate relaxation! $69,900 LISA HORMAN 419-271-8110

CATAWBA- Waterfront first floor condo with 30 ft dock at your door. Furnished. Close to pool. $159,900 TED GREENE/ MARK HARTLINE 419-563-4968

Lake Erie Front!! Spectacular in every way this home is the perfect getaway! Upgrades throughout; from the granite countertops, to the master wing you will be impressed with every inch of this home and its never-ending views! Large formal and informal living spaces, vaulted ceilings, large windows overlooking the panoramic views of the lake, cherry woodwork detailing throughout, 2 fireplaces, spacious and grandeur! $995,000

CATAWBA ISLAND-3876 CLIFF RD. Lake Erie Spectacular! This fully furnished waterfront home boasts character & classic charm-no detail missed! Step into the original cottage stone entry to find yourself swept away by the original architecture and ambiance with lake views from every room. Spacious living, dining & entertaining areas will accommodate your guests. A full bar/ family room opens to the multi level stone terraces which delicately wind to the private pebble beach. A waterfront masterpiece. $1,600,000

MARBLEHEAD-2122 DORCHESTER 70’ of dockage with this fully furnished canal front home off the Sandusky Bay. The floor plan is open with spacious rooms, vaulted ceilings, large windows, and a ground floor master suite. Beautifully decorated and appointed in every way. Hop on your boat where you can enjoy endless fun waterskiing, fishing, swimming, or spend a day at the islands. $475,000

MARBLEHEAD-96 PRESERVE Waterfront fully furnished condo on the Sandusky Bay! Enjoy many peaceful lake memories in this Pointe Falls ranch with views overlooking the wetlands & marina out to the calm bay waters. Take a nap or read a book in the cozy year round sunroom. Stay warm by the fire on those chilly nights. Entertain friends and family in the great room. Enjoy the association pool, tennis courts, playground, and walking trails. $359,000

JUST LISTED MARBLEHEAD- Easy one floor living close to everything in vacation land! Well maintained single family home with many upgrades and view of Lake Erie. Vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace, corian counters, whirlpool tub and much more! Money back guarantee! $269,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

BY APPOINTMENT CATAWBA- Indoor pool for the fit. 4 bed 2 bath cape cod. Newer roof, range, countertops, refrigerator. & HVAC. Family home in gated community. $289,000 TED GREENE/MARK HARTLINE 419-563-4968 MARBLEHEAD- 3 bed 4 bath Lakefront condo with private marina and deeded dock. Open kitchen/great room/dining room. Each bedroom has private bath. Enjoy panoramic views of Lake Erie and Islands from stone patio. $595,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

PORT CLINTON- Beautifully appointed home with 4 bedrooms, open floor plan, vaulted ceiling, stone fireplace, patio overlooking canal, and 80 ft of dockage! $225,000 SUE PIACENTINO 419-341-4945 PORT CLINTON- 3 bed well maintained home with newly renovated kitchen, large family room in finished basement. Fenced back yard. Garage offers extra storage space. $119,000 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

PORT CLINTON- Income property – 3 units. Units are updated and well kept. Off street parking. Large storage facility included. Live/ vacation in one and let the other 2 pay for it all! $149,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188 MARBLEHEAD- Cottage style home in Channel Grove steps to marina. Open floor plan, attached 2 car garage on corner lot. New bath, other updates. Perfect for year round or seasonal living.$139,900 GLENNA BENDER/ TED GREENE 419-341-1579

MARBLEHEAD-11170A E. BAYSHORE RD. Lake Erie views and 32’ dockage included with this condo! Dock your boat in the association marina! Enjoy sunbathing in the pool while overlooking the lake and views of Cedar Point. Entertain friends & family in the expansive great room featuring a gas fireplace, vaulted ceilings, and balcony. Minutes to the islands by boat and a short drive to the village of Marblehead where you can dine and shop! $569,000

VACANT LAND CATAWBA- Catawba Island lot in discreet neighborhood close to all the vacationland amenities. Neighboring lots available for more space. $43,000 TED GREENE/GLENNA BENDER 419-563-4968 CATAWBA- Waterfront lot with 100 ft. of deep canal frontage for your own dock. Beautiful development with 60 acres of protected wetlands. Panoramic views of water and nature surround you. $125,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

CATAWBA- Build your dream home in this development overlooking 60 acres of protected wetlands. Private dockage. Panoramic views of water and nature. $95,500 CHERYL HETRICK 419-2020144 PORT CLINTON- 2+ acres unzoned just outside of Port Clinton. Ready for your home, barn or small business. $30,000 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

Tomi L. Johnson 419-341-0276 (cell) 419-734-4110 1-888-807-4110

Real Estate Services

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