The Beacon - May 7, 2009

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St. Joseph's First Communion Class

Port Clinton Sports Legend Receives New Honor




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Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.




Your local letter (postal) carriers will be picking up more than just mail on their routes this Saturday, May 9. They are asking for you to help them fill up the food pantries as well as donating some cleaning supplies, like disinfectant and personal hygiene items like soap and toothpaste. So, please fill up a bag with non-perishable items and leave them under your mailbox this Saturday. –––––––– We had 124 entries in our Find Wylie contest this week. Our winner is Cathy Swinko of Litchfield, Ohio who found Wylie in the Traveler’s Inn ad on page 6A last week. Cathy wins a $20 gift certificate to Mango Mamas. Our “Win it on the Web” Contest winner this week is Tom Dewitz of Oak Harbor chosen from 94 entries. Tom wins a $20 gift card from Friendship Food. We’ll hide Wylie again this week and when you find him, fill out the Find Wylie Ad and drop it at our office (Beacon Place Shopping Center, next to Goodwill) or … click on Wylie on our website homepage, or … click on the “Win it on the Web” icon. You could be our next winner. –––––––– The Catawba Island Bloodmobile is this Saturday, May 9 at the Catawba Community Hall from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome after 10 a.m. There will also be a bloodmobile at St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church in Marblehead on Wednesday, May 13 from Noon to 5 p.m. To make an appointment, call 419-734-1100 for either. –––––––– The Oak Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce is looking to honor veterans for Memorial Day. They want to display photos honoring them at Flat Iron Park May 22-29. They will blow up the photos on an 11x17 poster with a red, white and blue ribbon for only $8.50. If you would like your service man or woman’s photo featured, call the Chamber at 419898-0479 or stop by the chamber office at 178 W. Water Street. Deadline is May 20. –––––––– The Second Friday Fish Fry at the Port Clinton K of C Hall on East Perry Street in downtown Port Clinton, will be his Friday, May 8 from 5-8 p.m. A Perch Dinner is $10. –––––––– The Friends of Port Clinton Parks will be holding another benefit Pancake Breakfast in the Shelter House of Lakeview Park this Saturday morning from 8 – 11:30 a.m. Old friend Bob Underwood will be flipping the pancakes. Donation is just $5 for adults and $3 for youngsters. –––––––– After you have given blood at Catawba Community Hall, and eaten up all those pancakes at Lakeview Park Shelter House, head on up Sand Rd. for the Humane Society of Ottawa County’s Open House from 1-4:30 p.m. at the Shelter located on Christy Chapel Rd. (just south of Sand Rd.) –––––––– The Port Clinton Braves Pee Wee football cheerleading tryouts are this Friday, May 8 at 6 p.m. at Bataan Elementary School for interested students who will be in 5th or 6th grade for the 2009-2010 School year. –––––––– We heard from Jim and Bernie Puffenberger in Arizona last week. Bernie is a proud Mama (again). Her son, Ian, has been chosen for the Outstanding Student in Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology Award at Arizona State University. He will be honored at the annual School of Life Sciences Awards and Graduation Ceremony next Friday, May 15. Ian is a junior at ASU with a 4.0+ grade point average. He received the award through faculty nomination. Personally, I remember Ian as one of the local rug-rats on Grant Street! –––––––– Otterbein North Shore Retirement Community will be hosting its Classic Car Show this Saturday, May 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Travelin’ Lounge Lizards will perform from Noon to 2.

Tights, Tutus and Tap Shoes was the theme for the performance by The Ballet School at Port Clinton High School last weekend. These young performers were just part of the amazing hit show produced by Mary Ann Snider. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA

6th Annual Lakeside Daisy Day Festival Saturday

Daisies Bloom Again Celebrate the blooming of the Lakeside Daisy by attending Marblehead’s sixth annual Daisy Day on Saturday, May 9. This annual event is held in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources open house at the Lakeside Daisy Preserve on Alexander Pike. As the Lakeside Daisy blooms only in one location in the United States, the limestone of the Marblehead Peninsula, the Village of Marblehead, Daisy Day Inc. and ODNR have prepared a day of tours, activities, special events and family fun. These groups have formed a partnership with Lafarge NorthAmerica, The Marblehead Bank, the Ottawa County Visitors Bureau and other local businesses and organizations to give visitors and locals a chance to celebrate the blooming of the daisy. Visit the Daisy Day website at for information about the festival. Or for more information, call the Ottawa County Visitors’ Bureau locally 419-798-4074 or toll free 800-441-1271. Contact for the Daisy Day Festival is Daisy Day Inc. president Reba Bishoff. You can reach Bishoff at 419-798-8120 or by email at


Save the cost & Boats hassle of towing!

8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Lions Club Pancake Breakfast MVFD Open House and Fire Truck Rides 9 a.m. Marblehead Bank Daisy 5K Run Begins Registration opens for Daisy Day Inc 2nd Annual Car Show in James Park 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Lakeside Association Plant Sale on the steps of Hoover Auditorium 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Lakeside Daisy Preserve Open House LaFarge Quarry Tourssubject to availability of seating.

10:30 a.m. Opening Ceremonies 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tours of the Marblehead Lighthouse ••• Otterbein Car Show and Chicken Dinner with Music by the Lounge Lizards, The United Way Way golf cart has arrived! This beautiful machine will be raffled off prior to the "Gem Beach Rocks Again" event in August. This custom cart is being offered by Drew's Custom Carts and will be on display at Gem Beach Marina as well as several local events in the coming weeks, including Saturday's Classic Car Show at Otterbein North Shore Retirement Center.

More Funds for Camp Perry

State Rep. Dennis Murray revealed funds that were allocated to the Camp Perry Joint Training Center Barracks I project in Port Clinton. The $222,680 distributed to this project was authorized and funded by Congress in the FY 2009 Military Construction and Veteran’s Affairs Budget. The project consists of constructing an 8,700 square foot barracks that will provide temporary housing for approximately 80 soldiers while conducting weapons’ qualification, training exercises and several other functions at Camp Perry Joint Training Center. “In addition to its regular mission as a military training base, Camp Perry serves as an economic engine and ambassador,” Rep. Murray said. “It has been the host of the NRAsponsored National Rifle Matches since 1907, Real Estate ................1-10B attracting competitors from across the world to Business ......................2-3B Ottawa County.” Sports ..........................4-5B The facility will be available for use by other Department of Defense units, Homeland Ottawa Outdoors...........6B Security organizations and federal, state and Classifieds ......................7B local law enforcement agencies. The facility Real Estate Trans. ..........8B will also be utilized during the National Rifle Yellow Page Direct. .......9B and Pistol Matches.

Inside & Outside Summer Storage Available

8 a.m. Daisy 5K Run Registration Opens

10 a.m. Daisy 5K Race Awards

Inside This Week… Sound Off .......................2A Community Calendar ....3A Beacon Bits ....................4A Entertainment ................6A Schools ....................... 8-9A Around the County ......10A Records/Health ............11A

Schedule of Events

Hours: M-F 8:00 - 4:30

Marblehead Lighthouse Museum Wolcott House tours 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Vendor Fair in James Park Children’s Activities Wooden Boat Society Boat Show U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Boat on display 11 a.m. Little Miss Daisy Contest •• Perch Sandwiches are served for lunch 1 - 3 p.m. Heritage Hall Museum Open - Lakeside 1 - 8 p.m. Art of It All - Jodie McCallum and Company Art Gallery Visual, Culinary and Performing Arts. Juried artist demonstrations throughout the day with wine, culinary delights and refreshments. 3 p.m. Winner drawn of 50/50 raffle Judging begins for Daisy Day Inc. Car Show in James Park 4 - 8 p.m. Live Music at Jodie McCallum & Company Art Gallery

Treasure Hunt Main Street Port Clinton has announced the creation of an Architectural Treasure Hunt in downtown Port Clinton. The idea was created with the goal of promoting historic buildings in downtown Port Clinton, educating the public about the importance of the preservation, focusing on the revitalization of Port Clinton’s heritage and helping the public appreciate the architectural character and charm of downtown. “The Architectural Treasure Hunt is a creative and fun way to showcase downtown Port Clinton’s architectural character and charm,” said Laura Schlachter, Program Manager of Main Street Port Clinton. Main Street Port Clinton hopes that the Architectural Treasure Hunt will make people excited and passionate about the history of our community. The Architectural Treasure Hunts can be picked up at the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce, the Ottawa County Visitors Bureau and at Mary’s Blossom Shoppe in downtown Port Clinton. Completed Treasure Hunts can be dropped off at Mary’s Blossom Shoppe by Sunday, May 24. The completed entries will be entered to win a television raffled off at the Main Street Port Clinton Walleye Festival held on Memorial Day weekend.


One! The finale of Tights, Tutus and Tap Shoes was performed by the senior dance students of The Ballet School. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA

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The Beacon I

Thursday, May 7, 2009

SoundOff Many Hands Make Light Work The Danbury Trustees extend their sincere appreciation to the volunteers who helped plant cosmos seeds at Sackett Cemetery on May 2. It was a perfect day for planting and the work was completed in just over an hour. Many thanks to Sheila Blaho, Roland MacDonald, Jody Adams, Kim Hanville, Linda Zelms, Alexis Williams, Caitlynn Thompson, Betty Todd, Deb Burley-Biro and Margie, Billy and Cassie Klaehn. Danbury Trustees

Dear Editor, Anti-capitalists in the media and in this forum have been speaking out. They say capitalism has been a failure. That, however, is like putting a fifty pound rock on Michael Phelps back and blaming his swimming ability for losing the race. The invention of force and fraud we have seen when it comes to capitalism would represent the rock. These anti-capitalists claim that it is labor that has created our prosperity. Labor is part of it, but labor without the benefit of technology, equipment and machines that maximize production would not give us anywhere near prosperity we see today if any. The equipment, technologies and machines that increase the productivity of the laborer are the capital. For the anti-capitalist I would say, take out your cell phone. There you may see not only a cell phone but an instrument that may allow you to use the internet, take pictures and movies, send text messages and even twitter. Do you really think a government central planner could provide that at any reasonable cost? Left to the government you would probably be waiting for your last message Cassie, Billy and Margie Klaehn plant cosmos to arrive by a subsidized pony express. seeds along the cemetery fence line. Jim Boehm Port Clinton

Dear Editor, Congratulations to Coach Paco Romero at Port Clinton High School. How proud and fortunate we are to have you coach our daughter, Heather. Thank you. She has learned not only the skills of the game, but the benefits of good sportsmanship. You have, by example, taught her the importance of forming a cooperative, yet strong personality. She has learned the balance of picking battles, when to back down and when to more forward. I am certain that your “study tables� have guided many soccer players in the right direction with their studies. The “Team Academics Award’ that you received speaks loudly to this point. Personally, we are grateful for all that you have done for Heather. She would not be on the road to success without you. We hope that you will continue to be THE soccer coach for future teams that can only benefit from your skills with their sons and daughters, on the field and in the classroom. BRAVO, PACO!!! Michael and Patricia Hayes Port Clinton

BULLETIN BOARD PC Residents Urged to Attend Forum Create Your Kitchen or Dream Bath!

J&J Countertops offers a huge selection of Corian colors & customization. Quality fabrication and installation guaranteed. Fast & Affordable!

Please call 419-205-3284 for additional information or to set up a measurement appointment.

One-hundred-fifty residents attended a special community forum on April 28 to learn more about the Port Clinton City Schools Facilities Action Team’s plans for the future of the school district. Paul Shaw, Community Action Team Leader and team member Dr. Barry Cover said that the 25-member team has had several meetings to discuss school facilities but now needed input from the community to go any further. Participants shared their thoughts and opinions both through small group discussions with Facilities Action Team members and by voting with instant responder technology that showed immediate results. Five Master Facility Option Plans were presented to the group, and by the end of the evening the plans were narrowed to three via the responses from the group. The full presentation can be viewed on the school district website

at with the link to “Facilities� from the home page. During the meeting team members Becky Zoeller and Dan Weaver shared pictures of Port Clinton school facilities compared to other school districts. These pictures can be seen on the presentation posted on www. Community members are also urged to attend the 2nd Community forum on May 11 at 7 p.m. in the Port Clinton High School Performing Arts Center. At that time site options and operational costs and savings will be discussed. Of those in attendance 95% stated they are in favor of improving Port Clinton City School facilities with 5% undecided. For more information visit or call 419732-2102.

Emergency Funds Available FRIENDS OF PORT CLINTON PARKS May 9 Friends are sponsoring a benefit pancake breakfast in the shelter house at Lakeview Park Donation $5.00 for adults $3.00 for children 8:00am to 11:30am Friends will welcome visitors to see the recent remodeled shelter house with much needed pull down doors.

United Way in Ottawa County has announced The Emergency Food and Shelter Board has been awarded an additional $21,317 of federal funds to supplement emergency food and shelter programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. According to federal officials, “this funding is above and beyond the funds already awarded under Phase 27 and should be treated as such to address the great increases in unemployment and community need that are being seen by local boards and emergency service providers.� Public and private voluntary agencies interested in ap-

plying for Emergency Food and Shelter funds may contact Peggy Sneider at United Way, 419-734-6645, for an application or download an application from The application deadline is Thursday, May 14 at 4:30 p.m. The local Ottawa County Emergency Food & Shelter Board responsible for distribution of funds will meet May 22 at 9 a.m. at the Sutton Center, 1854 E. Perry, Port Clinton. Please note the accelerated timeline for application and distribution.

Advisory Council Meeting The Coastal Resources Advisory Council will hold its quarterly meeting at 10 a.m. on May 7 at the Port Clinton Moose Lodge, 1105 W. Lakeshore Drive, Port Clinton. The council is comprised of 19 members appointed by the director of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources


(ODNR) to provide advice on Lake Erie coastal management issues. The mission of the council is to advise the director of ODNR on the Ohio Coastal Management Program and to promote, protect, enhance and encourage the wise use of Lake Erie’s coastal resources and its watershed. The council meets quarterly at locations along Lake Erie, offering an opportunity for the public to see and hear about important lake-related topics, as well as offer their ideas and concerns relative to lake issues. Additional information about the Ohio Coastal Management Program and advisory council is available through the Office of Coastal Management web site at

Magruder Hospital’s Emergency Department Lakeside Annual Plant Sale

From Left to Right: Lori Hernandez, RN; Kim Weis, RN and Director of Emergency Services; Dr. Zgrabik, Medical Director of Emergency Services; Chris Campbell RN; Brian Mullins, Paramedic


Ranked nationally in the 96 percentile for patient satisfaction in the emergency room. Read what some Magruder patients are saying about their care.

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Patients have a choice for healthcare services. Magruder is proving to be the choice for great patient care! &ULTON 3TREET s 0ORT #LINTON /( s WWW MAGRUDERHOSPITAL COM

“Everyone was reassuring comforting and knew what they were talking about. This is why we like Magruder.� “Your doctors and nurses are great!� “Wonderful care and attitudes from all concerned.� “Someone always stopped by and gave me an update.�

The Lakeside Annual Plant Sale will take place on Saturday, May 9 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on the steps of Hoover Auditorium, 115 Third St., Lakeside. This event will coincide with Marblehead’s ‘Lakeside Daisy’ Day festivities throughout the Marblehead Peninsula. All proceeds from the Lakeside Annual Plant Sale will help keep the Lakeside grounds beautiful throughout the Chautauqua summer season. There will be a variety of annuals, perennials, herbs, ground covers and small nursery stock for sale. Take this opportunity to make your garden and Lakeside’s grounds a showplace this summer. Save time and help Lakeside by purchasing your plants at Hoover Auditorium. There is no gate pass admission fee for this event.

Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.


SM TM 1992

205 S.E. Catawba Road, Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 • 419-732-2154 Classifieds 419-732-1500 • Fax 419-734-5382 Publisher, Editor JOHN SCHAFFNER

Classified Liner Ad Specialist CHARLENE DEYOE

Creative Services Manager HEIDI M. RIFE Accountant CINDY CONSTEIN


Assistant Editor CHRIS McBAIN Graphic Design JENNIFER DAUBEL Classified Ad Specialist DONNA BECKER


The Beacon is published every Thursday and is circulated free to the public, via US Postal Service under Permit #80, as well as by independent carriers. The Beacon serves, and is mailed to the communities of Port Clinton, Lakeside/Marblehead, and Oak Harbor, as well as Catawba, Danbury, Portage, Erie, Bay, Benton-Carroll and Salem Townships in Ottawa County. Letters to Sound Off, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Beacon are welcome. Please note: All Sound Off letters and/or letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Beacon, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage. The Beacon is owned and operated by Schaffner Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, president. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Beacon.The Beacon and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Real Estate, Class liners close Monday by 12pm and Retail ads close Monday by 4:00 PM.

Thursday, May 7, 2009 I

The Beacon


CommunityCalendar If you would like to submit an event or change the information to our Community Calendar it should be in the office by Monday 3:30 p.m. Attn: Charlene Deyoe, 205 SE Catawba Rd., Suite G, Port Clinton, OH 43452 or Call 419-732-2154 Fax, 419-734-5382 or e-mail: charlene@ SPECIAL NOTICES: Friday, May 8th at 6 p.m. GUIDED BIRD WALK, KAUFMAN PROGRAM & SONGBIRD BANDING DEMO! Saturday at 10 a.m. Meet at the Observatory for these two parts of this event. Program fee is $25. Call Black Swamp Bird Observatory for your reservation at 419 898-4070. We accept credit card payment by phone. We are located at 13551 W. State Route 2, Oak Harbor Ohio 43449 Friday, May 8th at 8 p.m. Ohio Young Birders Club Benefit Concert & Raffle Mango Mama’s, Port Clinton, Ohio. Tickets available at OurGuest Inn & Suites and Black Swamp Bird Observatory. For information about the Ohio Young Birders Club visit Saturday, May 9th International Migratory Bird Day Events all day at the Black Swamp Bird Observatory, Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, and the Magee Marsh Boardwalk & Bird Center WHY FAMOUS PEOPLE PRAY Virginia Park, worship leader in various local churches, will offer a reflection on prayer Wednesday, May 13th, 10:30 a.m. at The Vineyard on Catawba Community Center, 3820 E.Vineyard Village Dr. The public is welcome to hear this well-known local speaker. Refreshments will be served. Jet Express Birding Excursion to Pt. Pelee May 14th Excursion fee is $85. Call the Jet Express for your reservation at 800 245-1538. Pancake Breakfast- Lakeside Daisy Festival. Marblehead Fire Station Sat May 9 8-12 adults $5 under 12 $3.50 All you can eat. SUNDAY: ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE - Check with churches for Summer schedules. 7:30-10:30am Breakfast & Conversation, St. John Lutheran, 2nd & Adams St. coffee, flavored coffee, Hot Chocolate & Breakfast rolls. Join others in the area for a relaxing morning. Call Bill Fehnrich with questions 419-734-1116. 8:00am- Resurrection Lutheran Church- Coffee and Fellowship 2370 NE Catawba Rd.-Catawba Island 9:00am- Resurrection Lutheran Church- Worship and Sunday School 2370 NE Catawba Rd.-Catawba Island 9:00am-Noon-2nd Sunday ea month Breakfast Buffet 8:30 to 11:30 2nd and 4th sunday of each month at American Legion Post 113 corner of Sand Rd. and Christy Chapel (formerly ABC Market) Open to Public Handicap accessible Adults $6.00 Kids under 12 $3.00 NOON- AA at St. Thomas Episcopal Church undercroft, 214 E. 2nd St 4:30pm - BINGO- St. Boniface Church, 215 N. Church St., Oak Harbor doors open 4:30, Games begin 6pm. MONDAY: 6:15am-7:45am PCHS Natatorium Morning Swim Thru PC Rec. No school\No swim. 1 month $40, Seniors 65+ $20 or $2 per swim, $1 for seniors. Passes available at City Hall. 6:30am-AA Meeting-Resurrection Luth. Church-2370 NE Catawba Rd.-Catawba Island. 6:30-7:15am Danbury Local Schools Adult Swim. $2\adult. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 9:00am-Noon Food Pantry, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 165 Toussaint St. 419-898-0852 (Open to anyone in BCS school district). NOON- AA at St. Thomas Episcopal Church undercroft, 214 E. 2nd St. 2:00 pm- Sit-Fit 55+ a 45 min. program designed for active agers. Strength, flexibility, balance and increased energy are built upon. Call; The Vineyard on Catawba: 419-797-3100 4:00-5:00pm Danbury Local Schools Arthritis Swim. $2\adult. $1/ students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 5:00-6:00pm Danbury Local Schools Open Swim. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 5:00pm-Bingo at St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 507 E. Main St. Marblehead. 5:30-6:30pm Yoga for Intermediate/ Flexibility / Strength / Relaxation. At the Catawba Is. Community Center, 3307 NW Catawba Rd. Call to Register: Edwina Minor, Certified and Registered RYT 500. HM: 419-956-0375 / Cell 330-256-0414. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Cardio/Pilates - 1/2 hour of aerobic exercise followed by 1/2 hour of Pilates core exercises. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00-7:00pm Danbury Local Schools Rental Time. $2\adult. $1/students. Swim passes available $22.50\15 swims. 6:00pm Bay Area Toastmasters, Commodore Perry Inn & Suites, Banquet Room, PC 2nd & 4th of the month. Public welcome. 7:00pm -AL-ANON at St. Thomas Episcopal Church. 2nd & Jefferson St. TUESDAY: 6:30am -AA Meeting-Resurrection Luth. Church -2370 NE Catawba Rd-Catawba Isl. 8:15am- Walk the Halls to Fitness at Port Clinton High School Enter at the Performing Art Center by 8:30am Every Tuesday and Thursday when school is in session For more information call 419-732-2102 or 9:00am -Woodcarvers meet @ St. John’s Lutheran Church. 9:00am- Authentic Man Study: Every first and third Tuesday of the month @ Chapel on the Lake Noon-Rotary Club at The Elk’s Lodge #1718, 231 Buckeye Blvd. 1:30 pm- Quiet Strength Yoga- A unique blend of yoga postures and stretches. Perfect for 55+. Accented are balance, breathing and flexibility. Call: 419-797-3100 The Vineyard on Catawba for more information. 5:30pm Weight Watchers, @ Otterbein North Shore Retirement Community, mtg. 6pm weigh in at 5:30pm. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Strength Training - Works all the major muscle groups. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00-7:00pm Quiet Strength/ Yoga-lates at the Vineyard on Catawba (Off West Catawba Rd.) Community Room. Welcome anytime. Questions can be directed to Certified Instructor: Toni Garrett 419-732-0992 6:30-8:00pm Hatha yoga class, Gentle to the experienced 25th year of teaching classes. @ Magruder Hospital 2nd floor Conf. Ctr.419635-2337. Call Linda Green for more info. 419-635-2337. 6:30pm -TOPS #1487 Resurrection Luth. Church. NE Catawba Rd., Catawba For More Info Call Marylou Carroll 797-4283 Weigh in 6:30, mtg. At 7pm. 7:00pm- Women’s Bible Studies; Song of Solomon- Marlene Jensen @ Chapel on the Lake. 7:30pm Council Meeting, Council Chambers 8:00pm -AA @ St. John’s Lutheran Church Hall, Stone St., Marblehead. WEDNESDAY: 6:30am -AA Meeting Resurrection Lutheran Church, 2370 NE Catawba Rd-Catawba. 8:30am - 1st Wed/Month Breakfast with April PC Senior Center East 3rd St. PC 12:00 - AA mtgs.@ St. Thomas Episcopal Church undercroft, 214 E. 2nd St. Port Clinton. 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study - Boundries in Marriage at Chapel on the Lake 12:00 - Port Clinton Artists Club @ Ida Rupp Public Library. 5:30pm - Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) #949. Oak Harbor Library Community Room, 147 W. Main St. Call 419-898-9205 for more info. 5:30-6:30pm Weekly Bible study Methodist Kids Club, ages 4-13, @ Bible Methodist 150 Maple St, Port Clinton. 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Cardio/Pilates - 1/2 hour of aerobic exercise followed by 1/2 hour of Pilates core exercises. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00pm Marblehead Main Street Merchants mtg., @ Avery’s Café. Open to public. Meetings always held on 1st Wednesday of each month. 6:00pm-PC Nazarene Church, 205 W. 4th St, Dinner, Children, Teens, Adult Activities. 6:30pm- Jr. High & High School youth group at Chapel on the Lake. Contact Nathan and Elizabeth Davenport for more information. 7:00pm - Family Night @Erie Shores Assembly of God, 220 Gill Rd. 7:30pm - Port Clinton Eagles Aux. Meeting 2nd & 4th Wednesday. THURSDAY: 6:30am - AA Meeting, Resurrection Luth. Church, 2370 NE Catawba Rd.-Catawba Isl. 9:00am - NOON Food Pantry at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 165 Toussaint St. Oak Harbor 419898-0852 (Open to anyone in BCS school district). 10:00am- Women’s Bible Study;

“What a Brilliant Idea!”

Est. 1987

Daniel-Mary Hall @ Chapel on the Lake 5:30pm Magruder Conference Center: Strength Training - Works all the major muscle groups. Bring a mat or towel. $3 per class 6:00pm 2nd Thurs of each month (Beginning 12/13) Support meeting for Chronic Pain Suffers & Loved ones @ Edgewood Manor Nursing Home, 1330 Fulton St., PC. 6:00pm-Trap and Skeet Shooting, Camp Perry Shooting Club. 6:00-7:00pm Quiet Strength/ Yoga-lates at the Vineyard on Catawba (Off West Catawba Rd.) Community Room. Welcome anytime. Questions can be directed to Certified Instructor: Toni Garrett 419-7320992 6:30pm- Bingo at Immaculate Conception School Auditorium. 7:00pm - Marblehead Village Council meeting 2nd Thurs of each month. 7:00pm -TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 1531 @ the Senior Citizens Center. 7:00pm- Stepping Out: A Journey Thru the Psalms of Ascent- Carolyn McDaniel @ Chapel on the Lake. 8:00pm - AA AL-ANON at Trinity United Methodist Church, 135 Adams St. FRIDAY: 6:30am -AA Meeting-Resurrection Luth. Church-2370 NE Catawba Rd, Catawba Isl. 7:30am Fremont Chapter of International Referral Network meets every Friday at Divinci’s Coffee House, 115 South Front St. Any business welcome. 10:00 AM- Sit-Fit 55+ a 45 min. program designed for active agers. Strength, flexibility, balance and increased energy are built upon. Call; The Vineyard on Catawba: 419-797-3100 2:00-5:00pm Care & Share Open, 924 Lake Street Gypsum. 7:00pm - Al Anon Meeting - St. John Lutheran Church-122 W. Ottawa St., Oak Harbor. 7:30pm - AA Resurrection Lutheran Church 2370 N. E. Catawba Rd. Catawba Island. 8:00pm - Oak Harbor Conservation Club “Friday Night Pistol”. SATURDAY: 6:30am-AA Meeting-Resurrection Luth. Church, 2370 NE Catawba Rd., Catawba Isl. 8:00am-1:00pm Blood Drive at Catawba Island Hall, Community Rm, 3307 North West Catawba Rd. Appt. call Marcia Adams 419-7346360. 8:00am- Men’s Breakfast-Chapel on the Lake @Big Boppers, Rte 163, Marblehead. 8:00pm-AA at St. Thomas Episcopal Church undercroft, 214 E. 2nd St.

Bassetts Plaza 4062 E. Harbor Rd. 419-732-6691 Tue.- Sat. 10am-5pm

o t t n a w We ! U O Y m o r f r a he •

Community Forum

• Share your thoughts on the future of the school facilities & bring a friend! • Monday, May 11, 2009 • PCHS Performing Arts Center

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The Beacon I

Thursday, May 7, 2009

BeaconBits Now that spring is on the way you may be making more iced tea. I’ve got a good reliable “system” for making iced tea, and it’s worth repeating because it’s really easy! The BY VIRGINIA PARK tea is freshly brewed and it tastes better than anything made from using powdered mix out of a jar or from bottles or cans. If you want to try it, here’s how: Use your coffee maker. Fill the tank completely with water. In the coffee basket put three tea bags (I like Lipton decaffeinated - but use your preference), turn on the pot and let the water drip through, exactly as it would for coffee. You’ll have a lovely tea. Turn off the heat on the pot and either let the beverage cool down as is - or pour it into a pitcher. I keep a couple of two-quart heavy plastic pitchers on hand so that I can make two pots at a time. For the second pot I don’t throw out the first three tea bags but add two more to the basket. Fill the tank again, turn it on and let the coffee maker do its thing. After the tea is cooled, pour it into a pitcher, set it in the refrigerator. Voila! Cold tea is instantly available for you or your guests. And if I do have guests, I pour the tea into a pretty glass pitcher rather than to use the plastic ones. Loose-leaf tea can also be brewed in this way, but of course you have to put a paper filter in the basket to hold the tea. And you can experiment with various flavors. If you like stronger tea, then use more tea bags. If you like sweetened tea, you could put the sweetener in as soon as the tea is brewed. Anyway, it’s the easiest way to brew tea that I’ve ever found. You noticed that I am not using the term “steep”. I rarely leave tea to steep these days because there is always the question of when to take the tea out of the boiled water. This new method eliminates that problem. When the water is finished running through, it is finished. Your tea doesn’t get oily because the tea bags or leaves were left in the water too long. I used to make “sun tea” but then was told that there are a lot of germs in that… so it was time to try something else. ••••••••• Old neighbor and friend Lynn Jones called to say that the folks who like to drive and refurbish old cars are having their first “cruise-in” of the season on May 15. It takes place down at the Knoll Crest Shopping Plaza – that’s where Bassett’s Grocery Store is. They’ll be in the parking

lot near Route 163. This gets underway at about 5 p.m. and lasts throughout the evening hours. If you like old cars, you’ll enjoy seeing these. ••••••••• The crabapple tree in my front yard was in full, riotous, glorious bloom on the morning of April 30! It was really good to see it before the rains came again that day. The only “spring thing” I’ve really missed so far this year is plentiful forsythia in bloom. It seemed as if there wasn’t much of that. ••••••••• North Shore Retirement Community at Lakeside held its annual recognition banquet on Tuesday, April 28. In addition to a “State of Otterbein” presentation from CEO Don Gilmore (of the Otterbein Corporation headquarters in Lebanon, Ohio), there was a nice tribute to Mr. Gilmore. He is retiring this year. Having served on the Board of Trustees there for several years, I know that Don’s vision for North Shore (and for the entire corporation) has included very innovative thinking and implementation. Two of his concepts were ones that I admired greatly. One was his leadership in forming an insurance body that would insure not only all of Otterbein but also eleven other non-profit health care facilities throughout the nation. Being “self-insured” has helped, immensely, in keeping insurance costs down. Second, Don had a vision for changing the kind of health care provided to people who needed assistance in the “nursing home environment”. North Shore, just west of the Lakeside gates, now has “small houses” where residents who need skilled nursing care live in a homelike environment with meals, laundry, housekeeping, etc., provided as they would be in a home rather than an institution. Residents can even cook or bake if they want to do that. The “small house” on the Otterbein campus here in Ottawa County was the first anywhere in Ohio. Otterbein Corporation has continued to build “small houses” on its campuses and in other locations. So now more people are served in this method by Otterbein in Ohio than anywhere else in the nation. Some people live in the “small house” environment while undergoing rehabilitative treatment to prepare to return to their homes. Other people live there for longer periods of time. Awards were presented to various people and groups for services to Otterbein over the past year: St. Joseph’s Catholic Church of Marblehead received the “Second Mile Church Award”. This church provides helping volunteers, Eucharistic ministry, rosary services and mass on a regular basis, serving not only Catholic residents but helping all others as well. Concept Rehab, Inc. was named vendor of the year. It provides therapist staffing to help elders re-gain skills so that they may resume a full-range of activity and, in many cases, return to their homes.

The Beacon (owners John and Mary Alice Schaffner) received the “Community Service Award.” The Schaffners were recognized for being “champions of non-profit agencies” and for their willingness to publicize activities and services of Otterbein in (this) weekly newspaper. Anna R. Glasmire was named “Volunteer of the Year”. Mrs. Glasmire serves in several volunteer capacities, foremost of which is arranging for transportation for North Shore residents to leave and return to the campus for appointments, errands and other activities. Forest Carter was cited as “Philanthropist of the Year.” In addition to making monetary donations for various campus initiatives, Rev. Carter, a North Shore resident for many years, also works steadfastly on various projects. Currently he is helping in the workshop to cut out hundreds of 4-leaf clovers to be used at the 4-H Camp on Kelleys Island for each camper to use in building a lamp. He was termed a “deeply kind and generous man.” One more note about Otterbein North Shore is about Paul Lockwood of Oak Harbor. He has been elected President of the Board of Trustees. ••••••••• Year 2013 will be the two-hundredth birthday of the Battle of Lake Erie. That took place during the War of 1812 and the American fleet, under the leadership of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, defeated the British in a hardfought battle when Perry sailed out from South Bass Island (often known now as Put-in-Bay) to meet and engage the enemy. The Superintendent at Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial (a national park) is Brenda Alvarez Stransky. Although new to the job this year, she is working diligently to plan activities and find federal funds to repair the monument in time for the birthday celebration. Don’t forget that there are plans to bring the U.S.S. Brig Niagara to the island twice this year. Dates are June 26-29 and for Perry’s birthday August 22-24. The Toledo Symphony Orchestra is already on the schedule to perform on Historic Weekend (the weekend following Labor Day). The first date this year for an orchestra performance on the island is July 5. That’s when the Freedom Symphony will perform with the Central Ohio Symphony. Mark your calendars for some quality times on the island. ••••••••• Other good musical entertainment takes place on the mainland. Take the short drive to Fremont to hear one of the “Verandah Concerts” performed on the porch of the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Home. Be sure to take lawn chairs or blankets for seating. There’s an ice cream social at 6:45 p.m. preceding the one-hour concerts that begin at 7 p.m. The first one is selections from “Cinderella” by the Fremont Community Theatre on June 10. Then there is usually a concert on alternating Wednesdays. I want to be sure to attend the “Lost in the 50s and 60s” concert by the Streetwise Quartet on July 22. AND – don’t miss this one: the Ottawa County Bluegrass Band performs traditional bluegrass music on August 5. Concerts are cancelled in event of rain.

Lighthouse Fees to Benefit Park May 8th 2009 7:30 p.m. The Sandusky State Theatre featuring soloists: Nat Chandler & Carol Dusdieker

For Tickets call 419-626-1950 or online at

Beginning with the 2009 season, a fee of $2 per person will be charged to climb the lighthouse. The fee is applicable to ages 6 and up. There will be no charge to visit the onsite Keeper’s House museum. A portion of the fees will benefit park improvements including a memorial brick walkway and the Marblehead Lighthouse Historical Society’s lifesaving station education center. Proceeds will also be utilized for the Division of Parks operating fund. The original lifesaving station was located at the site of the current Coast Guard station from 1876 until about 1916 when it was torn down and a new building was erected. The e d u c a tion center, which will be located on

the grounds of the Marblehead Lighthouse State Park, will feature an original lifesaving boat and many artifacts currently in storage including cork life jackets, lanterns and a variety of other memorabilia. Interpretive presentations for groups will be conducted at the center. The Marblehead Lighthouse will be open for tours Monday through Friday from 1 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. beginning May 26. The last day for weekly tours will be September 4. Additional tour hours are Sunday evenings from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. during June, July and August and the second Saturday of the month from May through October from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. The on-site Keeper’s House museum is open the same hours as the lighthouse. For further information contact East Harbor State Park at (419) 734-4425.

Why Famous People Pray Virginia Park, worship leader in various local churches, will offer a reflection on prayer on Wednesday, May 13 at 10:30 a.m. at The Vineyard on Catawba Community Center, 3820 E. Vineyard Village Dr. The public is welcome to hear this well-known local speaker. Refreshments will be served.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009 I

The Beacon


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The Beacon I

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Our 62nd Season Continues.... PRESENTS

Playmakers Opens Season’s Last Play Today Opening May 7th will be Playmakers Civic Theatre’s last production of the current 62nd Season, “Maybe Baby, It’s You”. The play will be performed on May 7, 8, 9 (no performance on Mother’s Day) and May 14, 15, 16, and 17th. This last performance will be a Sunday Matinee at 2 p.m. The curtain for all other shows will be at 8 p.m. Jan Huston is directing this series Deb and Dan Jadwisiak of eleven vignettes depicting various ap-

A Comedy by Charlie Shanian and Shari Simpson.

May 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 & 17 No Show on Mother’s Day Thurs. - Sat. 8pm • Sun. 2pm

proaches on how to pick one’s soul mate for life, approaches that cover ground from the first kiss to the not-so-golden years of marriage. A cast of twenty-two actors will play the many characters that were performed in the original run by only the two playwrights themselves, Charlie Shanian and Shari Simpson. Five of these actors, Susan LaFountaine, Sarah Leidheiser, Shaina Frisch, Cassandra Warren and David Kihlken, are new to the Playmaker stage. The actors in the show range in age from 17 to 81. Tickets for a performance may be reserved by calling 419-734-5044. One can also reserve tickets online by visiting www.pcplaymakers. org and clicking on “Contact Us.” This is Playmakers’ new website which offers many video, photo, forum, various links and newsletter features.

One-Act Plays Scheduled

Playmaker Civic Theatre 604 W. 6th St. • Port Clinton

Box Office Now Open


40 N. Madison St. 419-732-1830 (Behind Kokomo Bay) Happy Hour 5pm -7pm Dinner service 5pm-10pm

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The Introduction to Theater class at Terra Community College will be presenting three one-act plays under the direction of Ronald Abbott on May 7. As part of their final grade, the students in the class are putting to use the knowledge they have gained in class and will be working in all aspects of this production. This includes acting, set design, costumes, publicity and gathering the props needed for the plays. The plays are: Philosophical Inquiry at the Edge of a Cliff by Matthew Calhoun, Clubs by Conrad Bishop and Elizabeth Fuller and The Poker Game by Jonathan R. Pickering, a Bellevue resident who is pursuing a degree in guitar performance at Terra. The performances will begin at 2 p.m. May 7 in Building E, Room 110 at Terra. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call Michael Shirtz at 419-5592147.

The Best thing your wife can make for Dinner... A Reservation for two at Traveler’s! Now Open: Thursday - Sunday 3pm til 9pm A reservation not needed - just stop in! Fresh Perch or Walleye, Great Cajun Specialties, Kansas City Barbeque & Homemade Desserts.

Soup & Salad Bar $4.50

Mot her's Day Buf fet

Saturday, Ma

y 10t h • 11-5


Reser vat ions a must! To make you r reser vat ion call 419-732-2 151 Our buffet w ill consist of : Tast y Salads, Fruits, Home Fresh made Breads, P e el and Eat Sh Cheeses, Herr rimp, ing , Carved R oast Beef and Pork, Baked H am wit h Pine apple gla ze, B Chic ken, Turk aked ey Rolls, Veg etables, Potato Lindas Home es, made Dessert s, and Juices. A lcoholic bev erages will be available afte Beer and win r 1pm. e starting at 1 1am. Price is $17.9 5 for adults a nd $7.95 for ch under 12. A n ildren d of course w e will have a corsage for all petite of the Moms.


Two Homemade Soups with Crisp Iceberg and Romaine Lettuce Salads plus fresh vegetables for toppings...and our homemade salad dressings. All you care for!

Receive $2.00 off any Regular Sandwich on the lunch menu when you order our “All you can eat Soup & Salad Bar!” Salad Bar Available week days only Start Serving Lunch Wednesday, May 13th

Mother’s Day Sunday Brunch May 10th • 11-3 Scrambled eggs, Home fries, Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, Corned Beef Hash, Macaroni and Cheese, Country Green Beans, Shrimp Alfredo with RIce, Amish Roasted Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Dressing & Gravy. Kansas City Barbecued Ribs, Carved Roast Sirloin of Beef. Help yourself to Fresh Fruit, Coffee Cake, Pecan Chocolate Brownies and a Variety of Homemade Desserts.

Adults: $12.95 Children 10 & under $5.95

Make your reservations on or before May 7th, and save $2.00 on Adult buffets!

Reservations Call 419-734-5173

Bar & Grill 17 Monroe St., Port Clinton • 419-734-5173

Thursday, May 7, 2009 I

The Beacon


“I Sell Views” Sharon Woodson

Real Estate Services

2761 AMHERST AVENUE, PORT CLINTON • Cove on the Bay – gated waterfront community in Danbury Township • 2005 Ranch, 1828sqft, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths & full basement • Wonderful 10x54 deck with views of the Sandusky Bay • Association beach, picnic pavilion & marina with dockage available


OFFICE: 877-734-5751 CELL: 419-356-0348 MARBLEHEAD-5667 CONSTITUTION


• Waterfront • 30’ boat slip • Panoramic channel viewsFully furnished • Built in 2005

7A “Come See Me in the Main Office by GSE Jewelers” CATAWBA ISLAND 4448-G Marin Harbor

JOHNSON’S ISLAND 4292 Memorial Shwy

JOHNSON’S ISLAND 3346 Memorial Shwy


! NEW!!


MARBLEHEAD 5801 Dennis Drive

OPEN -3 SUN. 1




• Waterfront home • Manicured sandy beach & stunning sunsets • Custom woodworking throughout • Ground floor master bedroom

LeMarin elevated ranch with 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths, open floor plan & loft. Covered deck for fantastic sunset views! Includes 40+ft dock in marina with direct Lake access. $369,900

2005 Bayfront home on Johnson’s Island. Open floor plan, spacious rooms & spectacular views inside & out! 2400+sqft, 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths. Large deck overlooks the Bay & your 32ft dock at door. $549,900

Bayfront home with spectacular views! 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bath home with screened porch on 50x193 lot. Includes additional 50x200 back lot with 2-car garage and 2 bdrm, 1 bath guest house. $449,000

Remodeled Ranch with peeks of the harbor & marina. Spacious rooms, 2 fireplaces, granite counter, new furnace in 2007 & large patio. Includes 50x56 pole barn, 14x40 garage & apartment. $399,000

CATAWBA ISLAND 4395-B Marin Woods

MARBLEHEAD 10871 Bay Point #1002

PORT CLINTON 1909 E Harbor Rd #305E

CATAWBA ISLAND 5647 Farrow Ave

Spectacular marina & Lake views. Luxury condo in gated community w/open floor plan, 3 bdrm, 3 full baths & large balcony. 40ft dock in private marina w/direct Lake access. $339,000

Gated Bay Point condos – new construction. 2200sqft features main living on 2nd floor, vaulted ceilings, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths & 2-car attached garage. Large association pool with bath house. $298,700

Captain’s Cove condo on shores of Lake Erie. Refurbished 2 bedroom, 2 bath with spectacular views of lake and marina! Sandy beach, clubhouse with pool & dockage available. $279,900

Catawba Cascades: 90x61 corner lot features fabulous views, 40ft dock with water & electric and wildlife. Build your vacation or primary home & have your boat slip at your door! $119,900




• • • • •

Bay front lot Dockage available Golfing Sandy beaches Jogging path


SANDUSKY-327 CEDAR POINT RD. • Lakefront to Sandusky Bay! • Granite, and marble throughout • Wood-burning fireplace • Custom kitchen • Private backyard, wildlife and bay views. $349,700

Go to to Preview all homes open TODAY!!!! FEATURED HOMES Go Mobile with

MARBLEHEAD-LIFEBOAT STATION • 5 waterfront lots remain • Views of Kelleys & South Bass Island • 2 private beaches • Lagoon for small watercraft • Waterfront patio Starting @ $399,000


Lake Erie Front!! master wing never-ending views vaulted ceilings, cherry woodworking • 2 fireplaces

CATAWBA- Idyllic lakefront condo. Steps from private deck to sandy beach. 2 or 3 bed 2.5 bath, full basement. Assoc features fantastic pool with pool deck and putting green overlooking the islands of Lake Erie. Gated Catawba community. $424,900 GLENNA BENDER 419-341-1579

CATAWBA- Stately 5 bed 4 bath home on private cul-de-sac drive. 1st and 2nd floor master suites, vaulted ceilings, open floor plan, gas FP, ceramic floors and more! 1st floor handicapped access. Money back guarantee. $299,500 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

PORT CLINTON- Spacious 1 1/2 story home in the heart of vacationland! First floor master. One block up from the lake – close to everything. $134,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

PORT CLINTON- Well maintained home with beautiful original wide oak trim throughout. Conveniently located on large corner lot near school and hospital. Move in ready. Money Back Guarantee! Howardhanna. com/902036 $99,900 SUE PIACENTINO 419341-4945

PORT CLINTON- Income potential! Renovated 1 story duplex priced to sell! Each unit has a large living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Howardhanna. com/900694 $68,500 SHERYL MARTIN 419341-4424

PORT CLINTON- Spacious 3 bed 1 1/2 bath home with 3 season room, office nook, enclosed front porch and huge back yard with garage! Close to downtown Port Clinton, schools, and beach! Money back guarantee! 310eastfourthst.howardhanna. com $124,500 KARMEN LUCAS 419-6569188

CATAWBA- Waterfront first floor condo w/30 ft deep water dock at your door. Sit on your condo deck w/water views. Nicely Furnished. Close to pool and spa. The condo is ready to enjoy the summer season. Can be rented. $159,900 MARK HARTLINE 419-341-9999

MARBLEHEAD- 8 room motel or convert to 4 apartments! Great income potential. Lake views! $299,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

CARRIAGE COVE SUBDIVISION- Build your Home in a neighborhood adjacent to the Catawba Cliffs. A little bit of New England near the shores of Lake Erie on the point of Catawba. Wooded sites, all Utilities are in place. Landscaping Rebates on some lots! $48,900-56,000 GLENNA BENDER 419-341-1579


MARBLEHEAD-1102 BAY POINT • Quarry Views • Vaulted ceilings, granite & ceramic tile • 2 car attached garage • Steps to Bay Point-dock, swim, golf, tennis • Open Floor Plan $349,000

MARBLEHEAD-2175 BRISTOL • 60’ dock • Panoramic views of the Sandusky Bay! • Custom built • Ground floor master suite • Furnishings negotiable. $549,000

JUST LISTED CATAWBA ISLAND-4762 WOODLAND DR. • Spacious Ranch home • Formal dining & living areas • Private guest quarters • Three car garage • Private CIC golf course access $449,000

PORT CLINTON- Beautiful year round home in Harborside Residences! Fabulous views of Lake Erie from deck. 4 bed 3 bath. Includes 35 ft dock and association pool to use!. $424,900 LISA HORMAN 419-271-8110

BY APPOINTMENT PORT CLINTON- New Price! 3 bed 1 bath Brownstone only 4 blocks from waterfront. Newer boiler, windows, roof, doors and more. Kitchen appliances inc. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! $80,000 First Time Home Buyers Credit, now is your chance! GLENNA BENDER 419-341-1579 CATAWBA- Custom 5 bed 4 bath waterfront home in The Marsh’s Edge. 2 fireplaces, gourmet kitchen, fabulous master suite and much more! Unique setting overlooking 60 acres of protected wetlands. Private dockage to Lake Erie. Building lots available. $599,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

Real Estate Services

PORT CLINTON- Beautifully appointed home with 4 bedrooms, open floor plan, vaulted ceiling, stone fireplace, patio overlooking canal, and 80 ft of dockage! $210,000 SUE PIACENTINO 419341-4945 PORT CLINTON- Enjoy the comforts of ample living space in this 3 bed home. Country kitchen comes complete w/appliances and breakfast bar. Enlarged laundry room is steps away. Store your “toys” in the 2 car garage w/ attached patio for summer barbeques. Located near the beach and park. $118,000 MARGARET LENTHE 419-341-2014 MARBLEHEAD- Quiet canal neighborhood. Dock at your door! 3-4 bedroom home with vaulted ceilings, stone fireplace, screened room and shaded $269,000 KARMEN LUCAS 419656-9188 CATAWBA- Catawba Cliffs home w/4 bd.3 ba. Open floor plan, Viking appliances, 1st floor

master, vaulted ceilings. Wrap around screened porch. 2 car attach garage, plus a separate 3 car detached gar. that has multiple uses. $699,000 MARK HARTLINE 419-341-9999 MARBLEHEAD- Easy one floor living close to everything in vacation land! Well maintained single family home with many upgrades and view of Lake Erie. Vaulted ceilings, gas fp, corian counters, whirlpool tub and much more! Money back guarantee! $269,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144 OAK HARBOR- Townhouse with 30 ft floating dock adjacent to pool and playground area. Newer furnace/AC and windows. Sun room with panoramic view of pond. Howardhanna. com/806273 $84,900 SUE PIACENTINO 419-3414945


The Beacon I

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Schools Port Clinton Middle School Announces Honor Rolls

Catawba Dental Dr. Gregory Hart, DDS

Miller, Marshall Parker, Abbi Pitts, Brett Porter, Katie Schroeder, Tyler Scott, Allison Strong, and Kristin Winke. Students on “High Honor Roll,” are: 3274 NE Catawba Road Sixth Grade: Hope Eller, Michael Lay, Kathryn Mueller, Lisa Port Clinton, OH 43452 Niceswanger, Allison Schroeder, Aly419-797-2010 son Shaler, and Gracie Stewart. Seventh Grade: Kayla Armendariz, Alicia Bacak, Andy Batterton, Zach Baugh, Madison Burris, Paige Culver, Morgan Donahue, Leah Evans, Joe Harvey, Nick Harvey, Alayne Herevia, Shelby Klima, Anderson Martin, Daniel May, Meghan O’Neal, Logan Pratt, Brock Rider, Kristin Roberts, Adam Shealy, TifH5?9 58J5BH5;9 C: H<=G @=A=H98 H=A9 C::9F fany Street, Darryl Trent, @IA=B9HH9 DF=J57M G<99FG G?M@=B9 ;@=8=B; K=B8CK D5B9@G G=@<CI9HH9 K=B8CK G<58=B;G Tayler Wadsworth, Christopher Weaver, David Wilburn, Gwen Wisegiver, Joey Zam, Elise Zeitzheim, and Claire Zielinski. Eighth Grade: Isaac Akins, dYf k]bXck dYf k]bXck dYf k]bXck Lauren Balduf, Robert Beck, A:F aU]`!]b fYVUhY A:F aU]`!]b fYVUhY A:F aU]`!]b fYVUhY Caitlin Behrens, Sean Black, Karley Busby, Rachel Chapman, Katie Edwards, Donovan Guerra, Collin Hennig, Lacy Hepp, Erika Iversen, D=FCI9HH9 K=B8CK G<58=B;G J=;B9HH9 AC89FB FCA5B G<589G 8I9HH9 5F7<=H9@@5 <CB9M7CA6 G<589G Jessica Johnson, Donald Kessler, Michael Kirkpatrick, Alison Lawson, Britney Lindemann,, Allison Long, Rachel Nehls, Erin Cody Smith, Amber dYf k]bXck dYf k]bXck dYf k]bXck Seefus, Willoughby, and Hunter A:F aU]`!]b fYVUhY '$ A:F aU]`!]b fYVUhY d`ig &$ A:F aU]`!]b fYVUhY d`ig Yarbrough. '$ ]bghUbh gUj]b[g &$ ]bghUbh gUj]b[g Students on the “Honor Roll,” are: Sixth Grade: Brenda Alvarez, Abby Baugh, Aileen Bc difW\UgY a]b]aiag cf aUl]aiag" Blankenship, Kiya Brown, Blake Clemons, Tarrynn Edgefield, Ashley Gill, Rachell Hofacker, Marcus Hogan, Dylan Jensen, Preston Keck, Kassidy Mahler, Logan Royster, Elizabeth Showalter, Chelsea Vollmer, and Lauren Wheeler Seventh Grade: Cameron Albright, Tyler Cooley, Shannon Gardner-Pumphrey, Molly Haberman, Logan Harnisch, Jared Johnson, Halee Jones, AusOffer valid 5/5/09 – 8/31/09. Limitations and restrictions apply. Ask for details. ©2009 Hunter Douglas Inc. ® and TM are trademarks of Hunter Douglas Inc. tin Krupp, Joey Kurtz, Ian Kyle, Brock Moore, Erin Nason, Bobby Nickel, Ryan Norgard, Amanda Pollard, Jake Prosser, Jacob Reed, Marc-Anthony Rogers, and Samantha Schroeder. Eighth Grade: Drew Blackburn, Zach Borows, Patrick Budnik, Brittany Carstensen, Courtney Coleman, Heather Connor, Alex Doman, Karl Kopchak, Jessica Lorensen, Benjamin Petersen, Kyle Radloff, Cody Reiman, Brandon Rosiar, Kylie Schmitt, Kalib Shiets, Shantel Solis, Christina Street, Timothy Vance, McKenzie Wadsworth, Kaitlin Walters, Ryan Wolf, Mary Margaret Young, and Deborah Young. Students on the “Merit Roll, “are: One of a kind. Just like Mom. Sixth Grade: Eryn Binder, This Mother's Day, every mom deserves a bracelet as unique as she is Haley Crawford, Allessancreated with dazzling beads in sterling silver, 14k gold, Swarovski crystal, dria Dracka, Kennedy Gucolored stones and Italian Murano glass. las, Rose Hayden, Rachael Kirkland, Jordan Kleinhans, Cal Laurel, David Leone, Keegan Lowe, Will Mercurio, John Morton-Livas, Allison Petersen, Carter Rumball, Kelsey Salyer, Collin Only your Jeweler will know for sure Salyers, Katlyn Sheppard, Samantha Stroupe, Carley Vess, and Alysia Zoeller. Seventh Grade:, Abigail Barker, Devin Beaver, Aaron Bogard, Kyle Brown, Michaela Chaffin, Chudney Daniels, Destinee Davis, Tyson Geffeller, Chaz James, Caleb Kirk, Nathan Koepplinger,, Peter Ladd, Erin Laubert, Dillion Riddlebaugh, Nicole Rogers, Hannah Rose, Maranda Schultz, Emily Shupe, Kayla WheelFine Cubic Zirconia hand set er, Devan Williams, Kristenin Sterling Silver finished in Platinum Wood, Kayla Woods, Keith Yates, Shane York, Emma Young, and Logan Zam. Eight Grade: Jamie Balboa, Stephen Behrens, Jacob Carrisales, Alexis Crowl, KC Davis, Nathan Elliott, Erin Farkas, Joey Fick, Cody Gilleland, Amanda Hall, Breahana Hernandez, Felicia Lammon, Nicky Leone, Devin Lindzy, Kyle Lucas, Kaitlyn Mahler, Laura Masimore, Zach McCleary, Max Three Beautiful Showrooms full of Ferguson Art Glass Mercurio, Jason Mueller, Jewelry - Nautical Décor - Prints - Originals - Antiques Adam Orosco, Christopher FREE Gift Wrap Overfield, Brandon Pollard, Khelci Radloff, Breanna Shop Online Robinson, Addison Rospert, 2 6 Open 419-734-0600 9 Kreseana Smallwood, KateN 163 Thur - Sat 10-5 5890 East Harbor Road lyn Taylor, Amber Waite, 2 6 ★ Marblehead, Ohio 43440 Sun 11-5 and Mason Whiting. 9

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Port Clinton Middle School announces its Honor Students for the third grading period of the 2008-2009 school years. Students on the “Principal’s List, Highest Honors” are: Sixth Grade: Emily Ashley, Gabe DeFreitas, Payton Evans, Ty Gallogly, Allison Gilleland, Benjamin Heminger, Colleen Keck, Heather Keck, Aaron Lockhart, and Shane Meek. Seventh Grade: Kelly Althaus, Er-

icka Castillo, Tiffany Colston, Noah Cross, Shelby Gerwin, Jeffrey Griffin, Cameron King, Hannah Kneisley, Morgan McGlothlin, Cheyenne Meek, Hannah Sarty, Kortney Solis, Lance Taylor, and Amber Wuersig. Eighth Grade: Sydney Adkins, Jason Bailey, Christian Cash, Ian Chandler, Cory Colston, Brody Dunn, Maggie Fall, Matt Fillmore, Lexi Fodor, Trey Gluth, Jes Gruber, Alexa Haskin, Victoria Koebel, Kayla Lockhart, Sam

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Thursday, May 7, 2009 I

The Beacon


Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - a 7th First Communion Grade Ecological Education Project Oak Harbor Middle School teachers Deb Triana and Becky Qusino presented their success story on recycling at the April 29 regular Benton Carroll Salem local school district board meeting. With Kelly Croy, they developed an education project that stimulated the creativity of their students while meeting the 7th grade Reading and Language Arts course curriculum. The goals were to introduce educational processes needed for the 21st century as they relate to students and the teaching methods used, develop an evaluation rubric that may be shared for similar projects in the future, meet or exceed the Ohio Academic content standards and present the results of the project. Students in the 7th grade classes were to develop an understanding of the impact that recycling can have on the environment. Initially students were tasked with researching the subject matter, developing a flyer on recycling, and preparing a visual reference that was made completely from recycled material. Upon completion of the initial project, the classes were divided into small work groups by randomly selecting a group project. Examples of the small group projects included developing an iMovie, Power

Point Presentation, or writing a book on the subject matter. If you are wondering, “What’s an iMovie?�, welcome to the 21st century! An iMovie is just a fancy name for a home movie that can be created using a camera connected to a computer. According to Bryce Buderer, a 7th grade student in Mrs. Triana’s class, when asked about what he thought of the project, he responded, “Students learned more than they expected to learn.� When asked why he thought that students learned more, he replied, “It was hands on, working in groups and physical stuff �. At the conclusion of the project, the students were provided an opportunity to present their material to Mrs. Pohlmeyer’s 2nd grade students at R.C. Waters Elementary School, who also became very enthused about recycling. Middle school principal, Marie Wittman, was nervous because this project was taught much differently than traditional classroom instruction, but was very pleased with the results. The next regular board meeting of the B-C-S Board of Education will be held on Tuesday, May 26 beginning at 6 p.m. at the high school media center.

Developmental Screening Offered The Early Intervention Department at the Board of MRDD is having another developmental screening. The free developmental screenings for children birth to three years living in Ottawa County will be offered at the Ottawa County Board of MR/DD, 235 N. Toussaint South Road, Oak Harbor on Tuesday, May 12 from 4 to 7 p.m. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call toll free at 1-866-755-4440 ext. 3139 or local numbers are 419-898-0400 and 419-734-6650 ext.3139. If you can’t make the scheduled time, please call and reschedule a time for an individual appointment.

Six students made their First Holy Communion at St. Joseph Catholic Church on Sunday, May 3 at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. They are from left to right in the front row: Jenna Hafemeister, Seth Garber, Addison Barta; second row (L-R) are: Cassie Klaehn, Tug Tibbels and Kyndra Koenig. Father Daniel Ring officiated. To prepare for their First Holy Communion, one of the things the students did was to make bread and deliver it to some of the homebound members of St. Joseph which is one way to keep them connected to the parish community.

Matthew Reitzel, Mary-Claire Cole and Bob Rosiak enjoy the afternoon at Townhall Park In Oak Harbor where the Tree Commission planted a Pioneer Elm to celebrate Arbor Day. PHOTO BY M.E. ROSIAK

Danbury Middle School Schedules 5th & 6th Grade Open House Incoming 5th & 6th grade students (2009-2010 School Year) and parents are invited to attend an Open House on Monday, May 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Danbury School Cafeteria. The purpose is to answer parent/guardian questions regarding the Middle School. Items to be discussed include: middle school staff introductions, teacher/student room assignments, student supply lists, student schedules, curriculum com-

ponents, student handbook, attendance policies & procedures, recess and student drop off & pick-up. Parents and students will have the opportunity to visit classrooms and meet their teachers for the 2009-2010 school year. If you have any questions regarding the Open House, contact Mr. Miller in the Middle School Office (419) 798-2258.

PCTV Programs Now Available The Port Clinton High School Multi-Media class productions have always been popular, however, limited to the PCTV Time Warner Cable Customers. Now, PCTV programs can be viewed via streaming video on the school district website Programs include: The Port Clinton Athletic Booster Show hosted by Rod Gale, Port Clinton High School Daily Video Announcements, The Lighthouse Show hosted by Superintendent Pat Adkins, Now You Decided hosted by

Ron Miller and Time for Health, hosted by Rachel Fall of Magruder Hospital. PCTV programs can be found at – select the link for “Webcasts/Podcasts�. Please visit the school website for the latest school information and updates for parents. Cost effective advertising and sponsorships of the website are also available. Call 419-732-2102 or email for more information.

Ryan Gwin, who will receive his First Holy Communion on May 16th, is pictured making bread.

GIFT IDEAS Mon. - Sat. 11-5 or by Appointment

Pennies for Pets

POTTERY • FUSED GLASS LEADED GLASS • JEWELRY FINE ART • WEARABLE ART Immaculate Conception school children stepped up to the plate for the Ottawa County Humane Society recently. The challenge was for each classroom to save their pennies in a “Pennies for Petsâ€? contest, and the classroom with the most pennies would be treated to a pizza party. Immaculate Conception School contributed $998.21 to the Humane Society with Jane Drusbacky’s fifth grade class as the top penny collectors.

Pictured are: Mrs. Drusbacky along with Julie Walker (coordinator of this event) and the fifth grade students: Row 1: Leo Alvarado, Cole Mayle, Courtney Trent, Trevor Monk, Seth Monk, Ellis Adolph and Steven Kast. Row 2: Evelyn Gillman, Allison Cline, Michael Cejer, Matthew Winke, Tyler Mulligan and Michael Leone.

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The Beacon I

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Around the County Dedication of Kids’ Cabin Murals Planned at Wolcott Keeper’s House Celebrate a special Lakeside Daisy Day at the Wolcott Keeper’s House, 9999 E. Bayshore Road, Marblehead this Saturday, May 9. The 1820s home of Marblehead Lighthouse’s first keepers Benajah and Rachel Wolcott will be open for tours between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. The grand dedication and unveiling of the Kids’ Cabin Murals is at Noon on the grounds. The murals are a special collaboration between Danbury Schools art students and well-known artist and children’s book illustrator Jodie McCallum of Jodie and Company Gallery in Marblehead. McCallum designed the murals, which show an 1820s children’s outdoor scene and a photo mural of Lighthouse Keepers Benajah and Rachel Wolcott. The designs were transferred to panels and standing figures by Dennis Kennedy, then painted by Danbury s high school and elementary art students under the direction of their teachers, Sande Measimer and Lea Mark. Jerry Davenport did the lettering

and applied the Rotary logo to the designs. The children’s scene will be attached to the small building between the House and the annex on the grounds, and the photo murals will be available to stand behind and ‘put on’ the persona of Ben or Rachel for photographs. The project is sponsored by the Ottawa County Historical Society and underwritten by the Port Clinton Rotary Foundation. Jim Lehman and John Madison of the Foundation will take part in the unveiling, along with the creators and members of the Historical Society. Children’s entertainer and inspirational singer John Wilkie, a Lakeside summer resident, will perform. The Museum and gift shop will be open, and free balloons will be available for young visitors. The Keeper s House was purchased by the Ottawa County Historical Society in 1989 and is restored and maintained with the help of donations, grants and fundraising.

Peace Lutheran Kids “Joining Hands for Hunger” May 2nd was officially “Join Hands Day in America”, when organizations across the country reached out to help neighbors in need. Peace Lutheran Sunday School students have decided to take that idea a little further with a door to door food donation campaign benefiting the Firelands Presbyterian Food Pantry. On Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10th, youth of the church will be placing door hangers on homes within the surrounding neighborhood. The flyer will suggest that you leave non-perishable food stuff on your doorstep the following Sunday, May 17th. Sunday School students and their teachers will be picking up donations on that day between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Or, if you prefer, you may bring the items to the church yourself. Peace Lutheran is located at 900 S. Jefferson Street, directly across from Port Clinton High School.

Join in the festivities complete with juice and cookies, as the kids compare the fruits of their labors. Cash donations are most certainly welcome and may be sent Peace Lutheran, checks made out to Firelands Presbyterian Food Bank. This project is inspired by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, which will also be making a contribution to the local food pantry. For more information, call Ruth at 419734-3080.


Participants in the Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame induction ceremony were: from left, Dr. Bobby Moser, OSU Vice President and Dean, Anne C. Foltz of Lakeside, Karen Corcoran, President of the Ohio 4-H Foundation and Dr. Keith Smith, Director of the OSU Extension.

Local Woman Inducted into Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame

Anne Clark Foltz, a Lakeside resident, has been inducted into the Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame. The ceremony took place during the recent Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference in Columbus. Her distinguished record of service to 4-H at the local, state and national levels was cited in the presentation and her service spanned six decades. She represents north central Ohio on the State Extension Advisory Committee. Her most recent effort was directed at building and raising funds to build the new nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, which opened last year. The first “green” building in central Ohio, the Center is located on the west OSU campus in Columbus. Her 4-H years started in her home county of Gallia, where she was a ten-year member ,Junior Leader and delegate to the State 4-H Congress. Her 4-H record led to a scholarship to attend The Ohio State University. She joined University 4-H Club, was se-

lected to be a Counselor for the State 4-H Club Congress and worked with the State 4-H staff in setting up exhibits and registering 4-H members as they brought their projects to the Ohio State Fair. After graduation she was selected for the International 4-H Youth Exchange as an IFYE delegate to Ireland. Upon her return she became an Extension Home Economics and 4-H Agent in Delaware County. Marriage took her to Virginia, where she organized a new 4-H Club and served as volunteer leader and was active in a number of positions in that location. She received an award from the State of Virginia for her work in organizing a special 4-H Club for mentally challenged youth and those with physical disabilities. Moving back to Ohio, she became a member of the State 4-H Advisory Committee and was instrumental in other committees activities and chaired the annual fund-raising event-the “Celebration of Youth”.

Financial Focus Your College Savings? Time to Boost

FIND WYLIE! Each week Wylie is hiding somewhere in The Beacon. Tell us where you find him. A winner will be chosen from the correct entries.

NAME:___________________________ PHONE:___________________________

Do you have school-age children? If so, the end of the school year means that your kids are now one year closer to college. That means you have even more incentive to launch a GARY COON, college savings strategy — which is EDWARD JONES essential these days. INVESTMENTS During a tough economy, states are scrambling to meet budget shortfalls. As a result, state legislatures may be forced to scale back their support to public colleges and universities, which in turn may raise their tuition. Furthermore, college endowments have been hit hard by the financial crisis; from July through November 2008, endowments suffered more than $94 billion in investment losses, according to a survey by the National Association of College and University Business Officers and Commonfund Inc. Private colleges and universities, which are especially dependent on endowment income, are slashing budgets and warning that continued endowment declines could lead to financial aid cutbacks. Obviously, you can’t control the economy, state legislators’ actions or the fortunes of endowment funds. But here are some things you can do to help prepare yourself for those future college bills: * Contribute to a Section 529 savings plan. In a 529 plan, you invest money in specific securities, managed by professionals. Contribution limits are high, and all withdrawals There’s a

better way to buy insurance. You can buy your



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are free from federal income taxes, as long as the money is used for qualified higher education expenses. Withdrawals for other types of expenses may be subject to federal and state taxes plus a 10 percent penalty. In addition, contributions are tax-deductible in certain states for residents who participate in their own state’s plan. Because tax issues for 529 plans can be complex, you will want to consult with your tax advisor. Of course, if you already have a 529 plan, your savings probably took a pretty big hit last year and in the first few months of this year, as well. In response to the downturn in the financial markets, the IRS has ruled that, for 2009 only, 529 plan account owners can make investment changes twice in the calendar year, rather than just once. This gives you more opportunities to rebalance your 529 plan investments in a way that could help reduce the effects of volatility. * Open a Coverdell Education Savings Account. Depending on your income level, you can contribute up to $2,000 annually to a Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA). Your Coverdell earnings and withdrawals will be tax-free, provided you use the money for qualified education expenses. (Any non-qualified withdrawals from a Coverdell ESA may be subject to federal and state taxes, plus a 10 percent penalty.) You can fund your Coverdell ESA with virtually any type of investment — stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, etc. * Open a custodial account. You can place assets in a custodial account — a UGMA or UTMA account — for your child’s college education. Although your child will own the account as soon as it is established, you have control of it until the child reaches the age of majority, usually 18. At that point, your child can collect the assets — which again can be in the form of almost any type of investment — and use the money for college. Whichever vehicles you choose to create a college fund, start soon. In building your savings to meet the high costs of higher education, time is your greatest ally. This article was provided by Edward Jones.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009 I

The Beacon


Records OBITUARIES Carl J. Vogt Carl J. Vogt, 89, of 2165 S. Olaf Dr., Marblehead, OH, passed away, May 1, 2009 at his residence. He was born on January 16, 1920 in Buffalo, N.Y. to Reverend Dayton G. and Hazel (Howard) Vogt. He married Elizabeth (Beth Dreisbach) Vogt of Findlay, OH on September 19, 1942. Surviving are his wife: Beth Vogt; two sons: William D. Vogt of Largo, FL and Thomas F. Vogt (married to Lisa) of Rootstown, OH; Susan (Vogt) Lonjak of Medina, OH and Janet (Vogt) Myers of Worthington, OH; and thirteen grandchildren: Naomi Hurlburt, Benjamin and Ara Vogt; Joshua, Deborah, and Jennifer Vogt; Jessica, Brett, and Bill Lonjak; and Suzanne, Bridget, Lauren and Heidi Myers; and two great-grandchildren, Rowan and Freya Hurlburt. Vogt was a graduate of Webster Groves, MO, High School

in 1939 and attended Ohio Wesleyan University until the outbreak of World War II. He joined the Army Air Corps. In February 1942 and went to Officer’s Candidate School later that year. He served as a ground officer of the 398th Bomb Group in England from March of 1944 to July 1945. When the war ended in December 1945, he had attained the rank of Captain. After the war, he attended the Washington University Law School in St. Louis and got his L.L.B. degree from Ohio Northern University in 1948. Carl passed the Ohio Bar in 1949. For sixteen years he was a Claims-Manager in Akron and later in Cleveland, OH for the Fidelity & Casualty Insurance Co; which later became Continental Insurance Group. In 1964 he took a position with the General Tire & Rubber Co. in Akron, OH as a corporate manager of Worker’s Compensation and retired from that company in March of 1982. During that time he and his wife and family lived in Stow, OH for nine years and then to Brecksville, OH for 24 years. They moved to Marblehead, OH in May 1982, after his retirement. He was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church, Port Clinton, OH, Phi Delta Theta social fraternity, Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, the Ohio Ottawa County Bar Associations, and the American Legion Post #113 of Port Clinton, OH. While living in Brecksville he served on many Brecksville United Methodist Church committees and was Scoutmaster of Troop 444 for five years and Stephen J. Donohoe, 56, Port Clinton, TV Repair to Daun Marie Kruth, 54, Lapeer Michigan, General Office Asst. Stanley J. Snider, Jr., 46, Put-in-Bay to Margaret L. Wertenbach, 45, Put-in-Bay Travis Allen Lajti, 21, Oak Harbor, Glass Cutter to Jennifer Lynn Clapsaddle, 22, Oak Harbor, Retail cashier Robert Paul Walker, Jr., 27, Port Clinton, Radio Technician to Heather Sue Perry, 25, Port Clinton, Server Gregory William Poet, 35, New Boston, MI, Factory Worker to Samantha Rochelle Shelton, 30, New Boston, Office Manager Richard J. Hemchak, 51, Sandusky, Pipefitter to Nancy J. Dickens, 45, Marblehead, Sales

MARRIAGE LICENSES Alexander Adrian Arnold, 21, Port Clinton to Stefanie Ann Smith, 22, Port Clinton Adam Michael Gyde 28, Oak Harbor, Mechanic to Jennifer Sue Gentry, 27, Oak Harbor, Accounts Payable Proc. Kenneth T. McClung, 25, Graytown, Mixer Driver to Glenda M. Truman, 37, Genoa Student Michael E. Welch, 49, Oak Harbor, Truck Driver to Melody M. Bruce, 49, Oak Harbor, Optician Jason Daniel Bass, 31, Elmore, Maintenance Tech to Lucretia E. Sebring, 31, Elmore, Homemaker Jeremy Lee Leaders, 23, Oak Harbor, U.S.M.C. to Christina Michele Crawford, 18, Richards, NC

Health Free Blood Pressure Screenings Set For your convenience, the American Red Cross is offering the following free blood pressure screenings throughout the county during the month of May: May 11 and 18 from 10:30 a.m.- to 11:30 a.m. at the Danbury Senior Center, 8470 E. Harbor Road, LakesideMarblehead; May 22 at 11 a.m. to Noon at the Genoa Senior Center, 514 Main Street, Genoa May 27 (Last Wednesday of the month only) from Noon to 1 p.m. at the Ida Rupp Public Library, Executive Conference Room, 310 Madison St., Port Clinton.

Magruder Hospital Auxiliary to Host Breakfast th

On Monday, May 18 , at 9 a.m. in the Magruder Conference Center, the Magruder Hospital Auxiliary will host a free breakfast program to welcome the newest Auxilians as well as guests and interested members. Currently the Auxiliary has over 250 members and the volunteers donate over 11,000 hours of service each year to the hospital. Whether someone has an interest in helping with annual special events, weekly services in different areas of the hospital or serving as a back up for any of these, there is something for everyone in the Auxiliary. Anyone interested in attending the breakfast, is asked to RSVP by Friday, May 15th, to Magruder’s Auxiliary/Volunteer Coordinator Linda Sprenger at 419-734-3131 ext. 3140.

Magruder Hospital’s monthly Cancer Support Group will be held on Wednesday, May 27th at 12:30 p.m. in the conference center. This group is for anyone who has been impacted by cancer. There is a complimentary light lunch provided, so please RSVP to 419-734-3131 ext. 3370 by Monday May 25th. This support group is an excellent way for patients, caregivers and family members to connect with others to share information and resources. For more information about support groups and other events visit and click on the events calendar.

Free Skin Cancer Screenings at Magruder According to the American Cancer Society more than 1 million unreported cases of basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma occur annually. Melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, accounted for approximately 62,480 diagnoses in 2008. It is estimated there were 11,200 deaths in 2008 due to skin cancers. Free skin cancer screening will be offered at the Magruder Hospital Conference Center on Mon., June 8, 3-5:30 p.m.; Tue., June 9, 9-11a.m. and 3-5 p.m.; Wed., June 10, 3-6 p.m.; Thu., June 11, 1-5 p.m.; Fri., June 12, 11a.m.-3 p.m. and Tue., June 16, 3-5 p.m. Reservations are required; a limited number of appointments are available. Leave your name and phone number at 419-734-3131 ext. 3505.

Blood Sugar Screenings Firelands Regional Medical Center staff will provide free blood sugar screenings on Tuesday, May 26th from 10 a.m. to Noon at the Erie County Senior Center, 620 E. Water Street, Sandusky. For more information call Firelands Regional Medical Center at 419-557-7410.

Diane E. Schnitzler Diane E. Schnitzler, 69, of Marblehead, OH died Sunday, April 26, 2009 at her residence. There will be no visitation or services at this time. A memorial service will be held at a later date.

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Rumor Take This of Salt in a ra G a h it w NEWS ONLIN

Huron is buying the that the city of If you have heardyear due to increased costs,with this a problem less road salt There was, however, story is false. the Andrew White, supply and demand. City Manager for salt after adverAccording to y no bids was no matecity received absolutel year. “There simply 1st, 2009, so suppliers tising for it last tribefore January rial available The price for road salt actually shortage. could not bid.” of this same supply Street Supled in 2008 becauseHoppe, Huron City t with Thankfully, Dan able to obtain an agreemen short was 100 tons perintendant, 640 tons. not only to purchase an additional Erie County also purchase used only 560 tons in term, but to that the city fill the city’s needs Considering supply should 2008, the current of safety for the 2009 season. the greatest degree ent In order to provide ity, the Street Departm commun intersecthroughout thes areas first. These include They salts dangerou es, and the main thoroughfares. al streets. tions, overpass y roads and residenti the city then target secondarby saying; “Obviously, and this seriously, Mr. White closed of its citizens current takes the safety a top priority.” Given the the be continues to the city should be able to provide , salt inventory level of service this season. same or better

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State of the Villa

ge of Marblehead

—————— n Around Tow Page 2 Watch ge of the by mem—————— was honored ldss Chan old Ho formation Rollie Unckrich group since its Commander work with this Unckrich received the Outgoing Flotilla Milestones der Officers for his to Local Auxiliary bers and visiting ago. Past Flotilla Commangrowing this new Flotilla for nal event: in Huron 2 years der of the Year” in 2008 day long educatio Page 3 activism on the “Flotilla Comman their as well as and 22 + members tain John Smith Safety Day. —————— the annual District Vice-Cap Huron Water Ed Monaco, ore, Bob Beall conducted in 2009 Captain unit District Rear Commod 09E-08-05. Guiding this mander Health & outgoing Division y for Flotilla and Vice-Com g In” Ceremon der Jim “JT” Tremelling also installed “Swearin were cers Offi Comman will be Flotilla In addition, the Flotilla Staff Wellness busiest Coast George Poulos. ad being the for the year 2009. Guard Station Marblehe t of this Flotilla is no acciPage 4 g year remains With US Coast the Great Lakes, the placemen for the upcomin on Guard Station Guard’s primary mission g will continue this Flotilla’s Safe —————— dent. The Coast n. Commander TremellinSafety Exams, conducting of awareness Boater Educatio g complimentary Vessel promoting public Shape Your work by facilitatinfor the public, as well as 7 PM. The next Boating Courseson the water. 9 200 each month at in safety near and Wednesday of at the Huron Public Library. ind 2 the Beh 14, 2009 The Flotilla meets this flotilla, contact Wednesday January n OfAuxiliary and meeting will be ion on the USCGcltd.nett or the Public Educatio Page 5 For more informat g at jimt@hmcltd.n y o ore Tremellin @ thee Watch ceremon the Change of ner ceremony was Commod —————— Christine Crawford 2008 marked dinner cer: fi 13, The r Flotilla. Saturday Decembe helping with poinGuard Auxiliary Corso’s of Sandusky the local US Coast Parks & Rec forheld Yacht Club with at the Huron greenery. settias and holiday Page 6 less Sale of r cto New Dire d ed me —————— Nam and Marketing Schools Page 7 —————— Sports Page 8 PHOTO BY MICHAEL

Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid Port Clinton, Ohio Permit #80

BY JOHN SCHAFFN ER store that located there BY JOHN SCHAFFN A partnership of square footage under in 1978. The total is still up in ER the air, but initial roof purchased by has purchased the Catawba Developers the group, including plans are Last week, when north end of the plaza The Sutton Center, to expand the Sutton Center’s offi I spoke that currently houstotals over 35,000 about the great dining ce space, plus create additional square feet. opes the John Fritz portunities in vate offices, storage office space for pridowntown and possibly for some City/County GovPort Clinton, I forgot to retail related business. ernment Complex mention A La Carte Café Snyder says that at on Port Clinton’s the south end of the downtown group would like far east end. That at the Madison Street viaalso market the to announcem duct. Breakfast or ent was out lot located along East made Tuesday by the guarantee you will lunch, I Harbor Rd. (State father and son team money’s worth. But,get your just in Route 163) between of Bob and Brian case you’d like to do better, the First Federal SavSnyder, who own we have a coupon for ings building on That ought to help them this week on page 4A. Catawba Mini Storthe some. west and the buildage. They have part––––––––– ing owned by Norm nered with several We actually forgot Thayer that formerly week. Sorry about to hide Wylie Walleye last other local investors that. We have had housed The Sand sonnel changes here some per- to purchase the 4.5 Box Gift Store on the east. decided not to hide for the winter, so we have acre parcel of land along with the propPHOTO BY CHRIS continuing our “Win Wylie until April. We are erty that includes what is According to Bob MCBAIN-BERRY Presently, plans call now The Sutton an Snyder, plans call it on the Web” Contest. Center. for a complete renofor vation of the This week, we had expansion of the 116 The 25,000 square understand that there Sutton Center. “We store and Theexterior of the former Pharm Evelyn Benton who entries and our winner is foot Sutton Center to card from Friendshipclicked her way to a $20 gas used to house The Pharm building that agencies in the Suttonare a number of the ment the Governmen complediscount store, seeking Center that were t complex to the our next winner, just Food Stores. You might be has been empty for nearly south. For leasing additional offi information, contact net and click on the log on to www.thebeacon. the original location of a year. It was lieve we will be able ce space, and we be- Brian Snyder to at Snyder Group of a Food Town says “Win it on the Web” accommodate that,” Compaicon. Snyder. The final use nies at 419-797-63 ––––––––– 03. of the building As part of a National Jeff Dornbusch vice held on Martin Day of Community SerSelected as Treasu Luther King Day this rer of Port Clinton day, January 19, United MonCity School Distric sponsoring a special Way in Ottawa County is t perishable food itemsfood collection drive. Nonmay be dropped Sutton Center in The Port Clinton Port Clinton or at off at the Center in Ottawa County. any Senior Board of Education City School District excellence.” as its new treasurer hired Jeff Dornbusch dent of the stated David Belden, Presi––––––––– Board of Education. at the Tuesday, January 13 board In spite of the horrible “His extensive experiences weather on Saturday, lected meeting. Mr. Dornbusch was se, both from business they had a very good turnout for the Catawba fied from a field of several highly quali- and educational settings, will help Island Bloodmobi applicants based bring innovation le. woman Linda Snyder,In fact, according to chair- and knowledge of upon his experience Treasurer.” and efficiency to the office of school Belden continued, they were able to their quota for the “We have exceed a Masters in Educationa finance. He has been blessed to event. have l Administration outstanding contriand undergraduate butions from Jack ––––––––– degree in Business Coffman as our Acting Marketing from Bowling Archie Griffin is coming & Green State Uni- Treasurer for the past two months, and to Oak Harbor! It another coup by the transition of duties is versity. Mr. Dornbusch the had previously to Jeff will begin takni group. He will be Ottawa County OSU Alum- been the controller for Bassett’s IGA, Gor- ing place next week.” 19 at Oak Harbor here on Thursday, February don Lumber Company Patrick Adkins, High Superintendent pearance of the only School to speak. The ap- the Treasurer of Benton and is currently Schools stated, of “Jeff Carroll Salem Lowinner will benefit two-time Heisman Trophy cal School District. treasurer not only is a very well respected both in our area but across well as the Benton-Car the local Alumni Club as “The Port Clinton Board of Education the State of Ohio. We are very roll-Salem School dation. Tickets are fortunate Foun- is very excited to find $25 a treasurer of Jeff ’s to have a person of Jeff ’s caliber as and $50 for the dinner for the dinner and speech stature after a thorough part of our team, and I look and autograph search process. forward to working you only want to with him.” hear him speak, thatsession. If We found strong mutual interests “I feel very fortunate in the only $5. For ticket pursuit of educational ticket is Dornbusch to have the opportuinformation call Louis will replace Dr. Paul and operational schroeder at 419-898-54 DamLock- nity to work for yet wood who recently 40. retired from the district. district in Ottawa another great school County” said Dorn––––––––– busch. The Oak House 2009 at Harbor Lanes on Bowl-A-Thon will be held February 8 from 1-4 BY MAYOR JACQUE more information p.m. For LINE A. BIRD bowler, contributor on participating either as a or sponsor, call Lisa our previous year. 419-734-4417. According However with our Byers at The year current connection 2009 celebrates to the flyer sent out applications for tap Director Lisa Byers, by versary of the incorporati the 118th Anni- Marbleheads, the number could rise to 651 taps. The Water Departmen on of the Village of is Striking!!!” (Get “The Difference You’ll Make Marblehead. t has plenty of capacity Village of it???) additional growth. to take on On January 2, 1891 ––––––––– to be sound, in spite Financially, the Water Department continues State Representative of the many challenges hard work, dedicationour fore-fathers, through Water Revenue Jeff Wagner of Sycamore, placed before it. The who represents a of incorporation with and belief met their goal and continues Fund is operating within its couple projected budgets Southern-most Townships, of Ottawa County’s municipality. By Aprilthe establishment of our Next spring to support itself in compliance will be the speaker the next 4th Thursday at tration was formed of 1891, the Adminis- clarifying we will begin construction on a with state laws. Republican Lunch new tank that will work at the Port Clinton Griesser, Pres. Pro with: Mayor—Winslow fier to assure in tandem with the solids contact Elk’s Lodge on BuckeyeBunch Tem—Tim Larkins, existing clariNo reservations necessary… Blvd. cilmen—Henry Pokey, Coun- This project our production capacity of 400 gallons just show up! For ey, William Schmidt John is per minute. being further information Burns, Jerry Tracdone due to a requiremen and Dan Griesser. , contact Joyce Murphy EPA that 419-734-3459. at Eberwine and Legal Advisor—SolomonVillage Clerk was George dancy all systems have sufficient component t from the Ohio in the event of equipment s to assure redunOne of the first plans Slauss. of action was to develop failures. Previous ––––––––– been ments and build a projects have Village Depart- lationcompleted along these same requiremen Village jail which of new feed pumps. ts, including instalopened Thus the dream for the village began and December 7, 1891. Along with the new I hope many of you 118 years later. continues to this day, chemical feed system clarifier, we will also be constructin remember my niece, Though the names g a new that incorporates have changed over redundanci the required Alison Wilford. Well, mains consistent with our fore-fathers the years, the goal re- age and es, a new block building for activated equipment she's now Alison carbon storEn- commonwealth as an enduring place to sustain our prominent to meet feed system, and other equipment right…and on Mon- current and future upgrades state standards and to dwell, work, and all Ohio EPA requiremen necessary day, she gave birth the soul of each generations. This mission is deeply visit for upgrades are all a result ts. These of EPA requiremen seeded in elected official, employee, to her second child, and visitor to volunteers, resident to not only comply with all requiremen ts and are being done the municipality. we ts, will Though but Mason Christophe be to mains able to continue delivering also assure funding and at a minimum, a quality product that 7lbs. 4 oz. Motherr Village of Marblehead and growth and cost continue staffing re- customers. to our to rise, the held steadfast in 2008. President Pro Tem and baby are doing Our sole Utility remains John Starcher continues the Village aison to the just fine. to Water Plant is in excellent condition Water Department. The Councilma BPA and Water Department. As be the Village Lisince top quality water to and n residents and visitors. continues to provide beyond” his Starcher continues to serve the village first elected, This is the result of role in all areas including “above –––––––– acting mayor. various committees and elected Board of Publicthe on going efforts of our employees The Ballet School and and Public Affairs, Because of his efforts, along with Affairs. our Board Water ballet class for 3 andis starting a new Pre-School consists of President Robert Our current Board Membershi 4 year olds. Classes Boytim, George Danchisen, p Utility offered by the Superintendent and employees, our of Tom Bird. Bob Biers held on Saturday village remains strong sole continues to lead mornings from 10:30 will be Plant and sound for future the department as and generations. All are applauded Superintendent. All a.m. Space if very – 11:00 Water for their efforts. calling Mary Ann limited so register today by partment maintain ongoingcertified employees of the Water DeSnider at 419-635-61 Continuing Continued next week. by the Ohio EPA to 06. maintain their Water Education as required itself has an EPA fi Certification. The lter rating of 400 gallons plant per minute per square foot area; this gives the plant a capacity gallons per minute or 552,960 gallons of 384 The average daily production per day. for the year was 127,113 gallons, which Sound Off ................ is 22.9% of our daily .....2A Real Estate rated capacity. The ................1-6B Beacon Bits ................ tion was 3,866,343 average monthly producgallons, which is 23.3%of ..4A Sports ...........................2B the monthly rated R Records .........................4A Business ................ production day thiscapacity. The maximum year was July 4th .......3B 320,500 gallons, which with E Entertain is 57.9% of the daily ment ..............5A Financial Focus ............3B rated capacity. Accordingly , the maximum production Commun S Schools ity Calendar ..4B month .........................6A gallons produced, was July with 6,930,100 Joy Riedl, Classifieds ................ which is 41.7% Marketing Director monthly rated capacity. of our fires a C Commun ....5B at Otterbein North ity Updates ...7A shot down range Shore, Currently, there are Yellow Page Dr. ............5B during the PC Area of Commerce’s Chamber Business water system. This 614 active taps on the Civilian is an increase of 14 Marksmanship After Hours sponsored by the Program at Camp from indoor fi Various V ring range PHOTO Perry’s new BY BARBARA

PC Schools Hire

R 20 VOL. 3 NUMBE January 15, 2009





Circulated Newsp1992 aper

Schaffner Publications, Inc. THURSDAY, JANUAR Y 15, 2009 www.thebeacon .net

TELLTALES Snyder Group Buys



Cancer Support Group Forming

a Scout counselor for 15 years. He was a former chairman of the Akron & Cleveland Claim Manager’s Council; member of the Board of Worker’s Compensation for the U.S. and Ohio Chamber of Commerce; contributing editor of Business Insurance magazine; member of Brecksville Charter Review Committee, Zoning Appeals Board and Brecksville City Council. In 1974 he was listed in the Who’s Who in Ohio. After moving to Marblehead, he has served as a church trustee and on several committees of Trinity United Methodist Church. A Memorial Service was held May 4 at Trinity United Methodist Church, Port Clinton, OH, with visitation one hour prior to the service. Burial was private. The family would prefer no flowers, rather suggests memorials in Carl’s memory, be given to Stein Hospice, 1200 Sycamore Line, Sandusky, OH 44870 or to Trinity United Methodist Church. Gerner-Wolf-Walker Funeral Home & Crematory assisted the family with the arrangements. Online condolences may be shared with the family at

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—————— Classifieds Page 9 —————— Real Estate Page10 ——————

has ance Center,, Huron, new Diler as their Resort and Conferen of Sawmill Creek of Bruce Lingswei gs over 25 yearsfoot appointment ler brings nounced the and Marketing. Lingswei the 16,000 squarespace, rector of Sales to the Resort. He stated that feet et of meeting ce sales experien Ballroom, over 50,000 squareservice ice and the 18-hole a superior Wilderness Hall fabulous food and excellent of combine to make the tradition nship golf course as Sales Tom Fazio champio snow last in N.W. Ohio. r formerly served merly meetings the new fallen addestination for sledding in of Toledo, Lingweile on Hotel Toledo, Blackwell enjoy Advisory A 17-year resident Inn, originally the Radisson A. FOSTER Park and was on themillcreek. Gretchen and Hannah BY MCHAEL Centre on Director at the Huron. PHOTO t www.saw SeaGate Conventi Saturday in L College. Visit jacent to the WED. ONLY Community L Board for Owens TUE. ONLY BUY 8 pc. Chicken com L Breast MON. ONLY potato, Bnls Skinless Chicken GET FREE 1 lb. SUN.

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INSIDE THIIS MO NTH Happy New Year ............... .......... 2 Legal: Adu A lt Chi ldren Issu es .......5

Vol. 15 No. 1


2009 – A N FIVE Ahead fr Look Area Ch om our ambers

Published and Own ed Schaffner Publicatio by ns, Inc.



Celebrating 15 Years of Ser vice



“The Bus iness Voi Ottawa, Sandusky ce of Erie, Huron, and Seneca Countie

As we enter of all sorts the new year, knowledge of forecasts for the consumer med area busi and insight to the future – but fewia are full predict wha have their taxenesses and our local t will happ the s en to We decid and their employeeeconomies that depend on s’ wage sixteen Chaed to put out Retirem a call to s. ent: The en mbers area of Erie, Huroof Commerce servi Executives at counties the 46.3% Tax – to get n, Ottawa, Sandng our circulatio their “gra Bracket time, we had ss roots” usky and Senecan not hear would like opinions. d back from ............... to share At press respo with all nded. . ..... 9 ..... of them you the thou Jeffrey H. ghts of thos , but Bryden, Sales: Set e who Editor ting ti Erie Cou nty Cha Busiiness The Erie County mber of Com G Go Goals.13 into 2009 mer Chambe r of Com ce We’ll kno with concerns mer economi w more specifi about the area ce looks cally whe econ Economi st, Dr. Ken May n we host omy. IT: An Oun Chambe c Outlook Presenta land, for his noted ce of r in early when thos February tion to the Erie annual . But, County Prevention chambers e businesses now is the who mus ... .15 area’s ..... time t support chambers utilize them mor their loca County Chambe of commerce, e than ever. Thel make and including r of Com business save a businessmerce, are a tool the Erie Taxes: Imp utilizing that mon lication the serv ey, simply by can t s available to them ices and that thro In the ugh of the Hou group progcase of the Erie their chamber. programs sing Act sing rams for A County distance Cha workers’ ........... compens mber, our are tool telephone services, ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... s on the ..... ..... ..... and med ation, long ..... .. 21 as Business savi After Houngs side. Our ical insurance opportu program rs, seminar nitie s, such their nam s provide a s, business and promotio e in fron www.ncbj busi t of peop several ways nal es to .net and ness services, explore their loca le. We urge to get and use them to l chamber’s prog local We’re a rams the proud mem maximu Bellevue m. b of the ber Area Cham Continu follo ed ber be of Commerc on page wing: Elmore Cham mercee 3...

Chamber of Commercber of Commerc e of Sandusky usky Coun e Erie Coun u ty Cham ty of Commerc ber e


Standard U.S. Posta Mail ge Tiffin, OH Paid 44883 Permit #88

Fostoria Area Cham of Commerc ber Huron Cham e of Commercber Genoa Cham Milan Cham e of Commercber Marblehea of Commercber Oak Harb e e or Area Chamber d Peninsula Norw Chamber of Commerc alk of Commerc Put-in-Bay Cham e Cham - Huron County e ber of Com of Commerc ber Vermilion Port Clint merce Cham e on Area Chamber of Commerc ber of Commerc Tiffin Area Cham e e of Commerc ber Willard Area e Cham of Commerc ber e

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

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Restaurant and Historic Winery MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH May 10th 10:30 am- 3:00 pm $23.99 Per Person CALL FOR RESERVATIONS! ___________________________________ WINE TASTING - PASTA BAR Thursday Wine Tasting & Pasta Bar - 5:00pm Friday Wine & Dine - 4:00pm

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NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH DAILY 11:30AM ___________________________________

MAY 2009 ENTERTAINMENT Sunday Friday & Saturday 2:00-6:00pm 8:30pm - 12:30am 3 - Kevin & Yvonne 1 & 2 - The Late Show 10 - Daryl Gatlin 8 - Logan Wells 17 - Cats on Holiday 9 - Soul'd Out 24 - Colin Dussault 15 - FasTrack 31 - Geeze Cats 16 - Bel Airs 9:00pm - 1:00am 29___________________________________ & 30 - Key Motion

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The Beacon I

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Real Estate Automotive & Classifieds

*LAKE ERIE WATERFRONT CONDO! *3 BD plus, 2.5 BA! Newly Remodeled *Marina, Golf, Pools, Tennis, Clubhouse! * For More Info: Call Pat Postma’s 24 Hr. Hot Line: 800-787-1952: Code: 8412 *LAKE ERIE WATERFRONT CONDO! GREAT VIEWS! *Recently Remodeled! *Sandy Beach! * Pool! *Tennis! *For More Info: Call Pat Postma’s 24 hr. Hot Line: 800-787-1952: Code: 8052

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GREAT VIEWS OF LAKE ERIE AND THE ISLANDS! Newly Remodeled Condo On The Beach! Sandy Waterfront, Pool, Tennis, Green Areas! * For More Info: Call Pat Postma’s 24 Hr. Hot Line: 800-787-1952: Code: 8042 *ONE OF A KIND LAKE ERIE WATERFRONT HOME! *SUNSETS! SUNSETS! *Large Wooded Lot! *Private Settling! *Custom Built Home! *Very Open Floor Plan! * For More Info: Call Pat Postma’s 24 Hr. Hot Line: 800-787-1952: Code: 8312 *LAKE ERIE WATERFRONT CONDO WITH DOCK IN MARINA! *2 Plus Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Baths! *Recently Remodeled! *Hardwood Floors! *Large Sun Room! *Furnished! *Garage! For More Info: Call Pat Postma’s 24 Hr. Hot Line: 800-787-1952: Code: 8342 *CATAWBA ISLAND WATERFRONT LISTING! *4 BD, 4 FB! *Very Private Setting! *Loads Of Space For Entertaining! *Very Upscale! *Near Golf, Pools, Tennis, Marina, And Resturants! * For More Info: Call Pat Postma’s 24 Hr. Hot Line: 800-787-1952: Code: 8382


8175 Northshore Blvd - Dockage Available with These Year Round Mobile Homes $19,000 $27,500 5467 E S Fairway - Catawba Cottage Ripe for Renovation w/Peek of the Lake $249,900 2943 N Island Circle - Lakefront Catawba Harbor Island Home with Dockage $1,199,444 Fairway Villa - Surrounded by New Catawba Golf Course. 2BD plus Sunroom/Den $269,900 2212 N Carriage Ln #2 - Lakefront Catawba Condo. Renovated, Offering Gorgeous Sunset Views. 4268 Chatham - Spacious Colony Club, Catawba Beauty on Wooded Lot w/Lower Walkout Level $459,900

Homes, Cottages, Lakefront Properties, Lots, Investment Land, Condos, New Construction and Commercial

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BEACH AND DOCKAGE RIGHTS! COZY Year Round Home or Cottage Just Outside Port Clinton City Limits. A Must See at $189,900! Call Phillip Bolte 419341-1275

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PORT CLINTON RANCH WITH HOME WARRANTY! 2 Fireplaces, Family Room, Spacious Bedrooms. Near Schools. Call Gary Ohm 419-7974537

NEW LISTING! BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED CATAWBA HOME! 4BD with Open Floor Plan and Wrap Around Deck. Call Carolyn Pope 419-3600276

JUST LISTED! MARBLEHEAD MOBILE IN YEAR ROUND PARK! Dockage Available at End of Street. Call Nancy Dunlap 419-797-4824

MARBLEHEAD, OFF THE BEATEN PATH! Private Sanctuary with Eyecatching Landscape. 4BD/2.5BA Gem. Call Gary Ohm 419-7974537.

JUST LISTED! CATAWBA CLIFFS BEAUTY! Priced Below Appraisal! 4BD, Massive Deck. Private Beaches/Parks. Call Marti Redmond 419-250-3344

JUST LISTED! CATAWBA HOME WITH NEW APPLIANCES! Well Maintained, and Just a Short Distance to Catawba State Park and Lake Erie. Call Corky McIlrath-Flint 419-341-4478

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NEW LISTING! CATAWBA FAIRWAY VILLA! Totally Furnished Unit with Granite Upgrades. 3BD/2BA Ready to Move Into. Call Nancy Dunlap 419797-4824


SUNDAY MAY 10 FROM 1 TO 3 PM 2741 Bluff Ridge Dr, Catawba (NW Catawba Rd to Beach Club Rd to Bluff Ridge Dr) Architecturally Supreme 4BD/4BA Overlooks Lagoon. Pat Postma 419-797-6738

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The Beacon I

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Business Chamber and Main Street Hosts Annual Meeting and Awards Celebration The Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Port Clinton held its Annual Dinner on Thursday, April 23rd. Approximately 132 people gathered at the Catawba Island Club for a meal and to honor several businesses and individuals as the annual awards were presented. The Chamber’s membership ratified the Board’s decision to join forces with Main Street Port Clinton. In October, Main Street Port Clinton’s membership voted to amend their bylaws to work more

closely with the Chamber. The affiliation benefits the business community of the entire Port Clinton area by combining efforts for business, economic development and community development. During the Chamber’s Annual Meeting, J, Bou-Sliman from The Garden at the Lighthouse, Debbie Hymore-Tester from Country Gentlemen, Mike Schenk from the Catawba Island Club and Denise Ventrone from the Ottawa County Improvement Corporation were elected to serve a second three-year term. Chamber Officers elected for the upcoming year were: Tom Priesman from Neidecker, Leveck & Air Conditioning Crosser Funeral Home Firelands Mechanical - as Chairman; Bryan Baugh of Northcoast Amway/Quixtar Property Management as Vice-Chairman and Sharlyn Kaiser - Mike Long of MagrudAuctioneers er Hospital as Treasurer. Greg Peiffer -

Community Internet Links

AVON Sharlyn Kaiser -

Banners/Signs/Graphics Bumbera Design -

BBQ & Caterers Bar-B-Que Bills Ribs & Chicken Shack Bar-B-Que Traveler, Inc. -

Boat Haulers Dave’s Marine Transport

Boat Names & Vehicle Graphics Bumbera Design -

Catering Grandma’s Back Yard Barbeque

Community Action WSOS -

Community Builder United Way - 211 -

Magruder Hospital is holding another hospital-wide celebration this week for all of its employees, volunteers and physician offices. The last celebration, in November, happened when the hospital earned a 98th percentile national ranking for its inpatient satisfaction. This time, Magruder is celebrating earning a 96th percentile national ranking for patient satisfaction in its emergency department. “This is the second time, within six months, Magruder has achieved high national rankings for patient satisfaction,” said Cliff Harmon, Magruder’s President & CEO. “While this is an obvious achievement for our employees, physicians and volunteers, it is really an achievement for the patients that choose Magruder for healthcare services,” he added. Press Ganey, the leading patient satisfaction surveyor for hospitals across the nation, is contracted to handle Magruder’s surveys and to compare its performance with

The Cleveland Indians and Progressive Field once again welcome Cleats back as the official chicken wing of the Indians. Entering its second year at Progressive Field, Cleats will be the exclusive supplier of chicken wings to the suites, Terrace Club and at the Market Patio area designed for maximum exposure to Indians fans. “We’re thrilled to be a part of Major League Baseball, and we’re most enthused to be a part of the Indians team,” said Cleats Executive Officer Tim Higdon. “The reception we enjoyed at Progressive in 2008 was overpowering. Baseball and chicken wings are a natural combination.”

Counseling The Giving Tree -

Electric Wrights Electric -

Emergency Assistance

Employment and Training Services

other hospitals across the nation similar in size and scope of services offered. This allows the hospital to continually monitor its progress in patient care. Kim Weis, RN, and Director of Magruder’s Emergency Services, said this achievement is something their department is striving to maintain. “It’s one thing to hit the 96th percentile once, be happy with it and move on, but our goal is to make sure our high satisfaction continues. We also want to carry this level of patient satisfaction into our new urgent care service, which just opened May 1st,” said Weis. Dr. Scott Zgrabik, Medical Director of Magruder’s Emergency Services, said he is proud of the entire staff for this achievement. “We have worked really hard to make sure we have the right tools and processes in place that will make the patient experience the best it can be in an emergency situation. This 96% percentile ranking says we are doing our job very well.”

Cleats is one of the fastest growing sports themed restaurant chains in Ohio and currently boasts fifteen locations statewide. Another three units are scheduled to open later this summer. Port Clinton residents and vacationers are welcome to sample some of the “World’s Best Wings” at Knoll Crest Plaza in the space formerly occupied by Nate’s restaurant. The restaurant is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. and is managed by long- time Port Clinton resident Judy Whitson.

Nurses: Building a Healthy America

Wrights General Contracting

Northcoast Jobs Connection (The Job Store)

Beth Ahrens was the award recipient. The nominees for the 2008 Business of the Year were First National Bank, the Island House and Walmart. This is the most prestigious award given which recognizes the overall contribution of the business/individual to the Chamber, the community and the business environment of the Port Clinton Area including Ottawa County. The 2008 Business of the Year was presented to the Island House. Main Street Port Clinton re-honored Duane Myers as the 2008 Volunteer of the Year and Mary’s Blossom Shoppe as the 2008 Business of the Year.

Cleats Returns to Ball Field


Red Cross - Salvation Army - Underwater Recovery Team -

Two board members were elected by the membership to serve on the Main Street Port Clinton’s Board of Directors. They are: Tom Brown, past Mayor of Port Clinton will serve his second three-year term, and Missy Walker from First National Bank will serve her first three-year term. The Port Clinton Chamber presented three awards during the program. The 2008 Lighthouse Award, which recognizes a business that has made an outstanding contribution in their field, was presented to Zink Calls. Cros. Net, Ohio Telecom and the Port Clinton City School District were also nominated. Beth Ahrens and Carol Morgan were nominated to be the 2008 Outstanding Citizen.

Magruder Earns Second High Ranking

Chambers of Commerce Marblehead - Oak Harbor - Port Clinton - Put-in-Bay -

Award recipients, nominees and representatives from the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Port Clinton gather at the 2008 Annual Dinner and Awards Program held at the Catawba Island Club.

Often described as an art and a science, the nursing profession embraces dedicated people with varied interests and strengths. Nurses have many roles, from staff nurse to educator to nurse practitioner and researcher and they serve them all with passion for the profession.

Magruder Hospital thanks all of our wonderful nurses. Every day they give tirelessly to make sure patients and families are taken care of in their time of need.

Generators Firelands Mechanical

Hair Salon Hair Quarters -

Local Government City of Port Clinton - Ottawa County - Village of Oak Harbor -

Massage Therapy The Kenny House -

Mental Health Addict. Svc. Mental Heath Recovery Board -

Mental Retardation/Develop. Disabilities Ottawa County Board of Mental Retardation

Mentoring Big Brothers-Big Sisters -

Non-Profit Health Care American Cancer Society - Stein Hospice - Ottawa County Health Dept. -

Taxidermy Mike’s Taxidermy -

Transportation OCTA -

To Place Your Website In This Ad

Back Row from Left to Right: Barb Long, RN Surgery; Dawn Shupp, RN Emergency Department; Mike Kochensparger , RN Cardiac Rehab; Jody Bacak, LPN Utilization Review Front Row from Left to Right: Jill Zibert, RN Oncology; Rebecca Spiros, RN ICCU; Wendy Worley, LPN Cardiac Rehab

Call Donna

National Nurses Week May 6 – 12, 2009

at 419-732-3571 See this ad online at

Accredited by The Joint Commission


Thursday, May 7, 2009 I

The Beacon

Prudential Financial Planner Earns CFP Designation

Covenant Care Receives Achievement Award Edgewood Manor Nursing Center, owned and operated by Covenant Care, has received the 2008 Clinical Indicator of Achievement Award. Covenant Care implemented the award six years ago, and Edgewood Manor has consecutively been awarded this honor since its inception. To qualify for this award, a facility must meet several clinical standards of excellence. Those standards include: exceeding all clinical indicators – chemical restraints, physical restraints, weight loss and in-house acquired pressure ulcers. Edgewood Manor, located in Port Clinton, met all of the above criteria and was presented with the 2008 Clinical Indicator Achievement Award at the Covenant Care Annual Awards Banquet held on April 21st in Las Vegas, Nevada. Accepting the award for Edgewood Manor was Kaye Lipstraw, Director of Nursing. By winning this prestigious company award, Edgewood Manor continues to demonstrate Covenant Care’s commitment to quality care for its residents and staff. “This is quite an accomplishment for Kaye, an Edgewood employee of 31 years, and her nursing staff.” said Amie Gohlike, Executive Director of Edgewood Manor Nursing Center. “Covenant Care has the highest of standards in regard to clinical care. It was an honor for our facility to be recognized at our annual meeting let alone bring this award home for the sixth consecutive year.” Gohlike added. Covenant Care (CC) provides skilled nursing and therapy services in long-term care and assisted living facilities in 8 states in 47 facilities.

Now Open Daily Mon.-Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. Noon-4pm 123 2nd St. Downtown Lakeside 419-798-5747

~ Cards ~ Webkinz ~ Sweaters ~ Ahava ~ Jim Shore ~ Reef

Sweaters ~ Ohio State ~ Webkinz ~ T-Shirts~ Jim Shore

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Bolte Real Estate Welcomes New Agent

Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU) has announced that Aaron Moore, a financial planner in Prudential’s Port Clinton office, located at 2108 East Harbor Road, has been authorized by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards to use the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) certification mark. To be recognized as a Certified Financial Planner, individuals must meet rigorous experience and ethical requirements, complete financial planning coursework and pass a certification examination covering the financial planning process, risk management, investments, tax planning and management, retirement and employee benefits and estate planning. They must also meet ongoing continuing education requirements and uphold the CFP Board Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility. The CFP Board is a nonprofit professional regulatory organization established in 1985 to benefit and protect the public by maintaining and enforcing high standards of ethical professional conduct among Certified Financial Planners. Moore, a graduate of The University of Toledo, with a B.A. degree in Finance, has worked for Prudential since 2004, and he has qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table in 2008 and 2009. Moore, a resident of Port Clinton, can be reached at aaron.moore@prudential and at (419) 732-1846. He offers investment advisory services through Prudential Financial Planning Services, a division of Pruco Securities, LLC. Insurance and annuities issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America and its affiliates. Securities products and services offered through Pruco Securities, LLC. All are Prudential Financial companies located in Newark, New Jersey and each is responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations.

Just for Mom

~ Life is Good ~ Cards ~ Willow Tree ~ T-Shirts ~

Jamestown Tavern THURSDAY NIGHTS

Bolte Real Estate, Cindy Bolte and Phillip Bolte have announced the addition of Chuck DeVore as licensed real estate agent. After spending summers at Gem Beach and working for his aunt and uncle’s business, Miller Boat Line, Chuck’s career roots started in law enforcement as he joined the U.S. Coast Guard after high school. He continued on with the Ottawa County Sheriff ’s office, starting in 1993 and transferred to the Danbury Twp. Police Dept where he became the first K-9 officer in the Township. Chuck also was the original owner of Island Cut Lawn Care and operated it for six years. Af-


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ter a serious car accident in 2003, Chuck changed careers and became a school administrator for Lorain City School district. He is married to wife Cheryl (Cook) and has two daughters, a stepson and a stepdaughter. He lives in Carroll Township. After dedicating his working career to serving the public, Chuck plans to continue his customer service philosophy in his new role, along with being a licensed insurance agent at the Bolte Agencies. You can reach Chuck at 419-732-3111 or directly at 419346-2915.

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The Beacon I


Remember Mom... Mother’s Day is May 10th

Sean Black Wins Vermilion Tournament; Viery 5th





118 W. Sixth • Port Clinton

Port Clinton 8th grader Sean Black traveled to Lake Erie Lanes in Vermilion on Sunday, April 19 and won his first bowling tournament and a scholarship for $100. Black rolled games of 240-209-214 for a 663 series in the


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WGGN, FM 97.7 WPCR, The Press The Beacon Lakefront Publications The Ottawa County Exponent The News Herald OK Rental WSOS FamilyDevelopment Services Bob Evans Restaurant-Sandusky Bay Township Volunteer Fire Department Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office Greg Carson of Ottawa County 4-H “Teddy Trooper” and the Sandusky Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol

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drop 1 low game format. He rolled 184 his 4th game. His first 3 games + handicap based on his 173 Middle

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

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Alex Viery (L) and Sean Black (R) School Club average gave him the title with a 789 total. Alex Viery also competed and the PCHS Varsity Bowler finished 5th. Viery started with a 198 game, slipped to 131 which was dropped, and finished with 212 and 220 for a 630 total. Viery’s total with handicap was 726 and earned him a $25.00 scholarship

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ne im, o have do Tracy & J all you tw r fo h c u u so m Thank yo my family. en d n y time wh a e m for me take m g — OAK HARBOR — in tt le k you 165 East Water Street Jim, than t my mom’s urn. u o e that g in k pic (419) 898-3011 ing the on and brought e b r fo u o d her an k y Tracy, th me. p, cremate The peace of mind of using picked my mom u hat meant a lot to T . s e y ash an onsite crematory... e losing m home her hard tim is th e d a m You two le bit easier. tt mom a li h! u so muc o Thank y


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At, check recalls, maintenance schedules, even schedule a service appointment.

Thursday, May 7, 2009 I

The Beacon


Sports PCHS Hall of Famer Receives Yet Another Honor BY JOHN SCHAFFNER Joe Macko, 81, who celebrates his 60th year in professional baseball this year, has been inducted into the Texas League Hall of Fame. Macko still serves as a part-time goodwill ambassador for the Texas Rangers, an organization he has served since 1971. Macko is a 1946 graduate of Port Clinton High School and a charter member of the Port Clinton High School Athletic Hall of Fame. In his first year with the Rangers, your reporter was doing play-by-play of BGSU football (1971) and Joe Macko did an interview at halftime of the Bowling Green – Texas Arlington game. As I recall, the game was pretty boring and the stands had all of maybe 1,500 people in them. The interview was a real highlight. Joe Macko started his baseball career in the Cleveland Indians organization, and nearly made it to the majors, but got beat out by Luke Easter despite an 11-home run performance in Spring Training that year. His son Steve did make it, playing briefly for the Chicago Cubs, but recently died of Cancer. He spent nearly 20 years in the minors, primarily because curve balls ate him up. He also crowded the plate, and got hit 18 times in one season. His best year was 1956 when he hit 36 homers. He once held the record for most career minor league home runs. His sister, Katie Limestahl, still lives in Port Clinton with her husband Ken. When he was at Port Clinton High School he also played football and basketball (they didn’t have baseball as a varsity sport back then). Baseball was a summer sport, and he played for the Marblehead Mer-

Hazzard Resigns as PC Wrestling Coach The Beacon received word this week that John Hazzard, who has been Port Clinton High School’s Wrestling Coach for the past18 years, has decided to step down effective immediately. According to reports, Hazzard cited compelling family obligations as the primary reason for his resignation. On Monday, May 11, at 6:30 p.m. there will be a special meeting of the PCHS Wrestling Club in the High School Cafeteria to discuss the situation. Port Clinton Athletic Director, Carey Club will be in attendance to explain the process that will proceed to find Hazzard’s successor. The Wrestling Club is a parents’ organization that supports the Port Clinton High School Wrestling Teams. According to Acting President, Jane Fleming, “He will be missed”.

chants team. Macko’s wife Dorothy passed away nearly two years ago. For many years, Macko served for 29 years as the clubhouse manager for both the home and visiting teams, retiring in 2001. He’s done it all in baseball since leaving Port Clinton, even driving the bus in the minors. His 60 year career in baseball is a pretty good consolation prize for never having made it to “The Show”.

Put-in-Bay to Represent Ottawa County at 2009 Archery Championships Four hundred and thirty-eight Ohio elementary, middle, and high school students, encompassing 19 teams, will participate in the May 8 and 9 National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) Championships in Louisville, Kentucky. The high school team from Put-inBay will compete in the contest. Approximately 4,800 students from across the nation will compete, making it the largest youth archery tournament in North America. Ohio is second only to Kentucky in the number of students participating in the national competition. “The level of participation and professionalism that our students bring to this event says a great deal about the strength of Ohio’s National Archery in the Schools Program, as well as the strength and dedication of the schools, coaches, students, adminis-

trators, parents, and volunteers who support it,” said Kevin Dixon, shooting sports coordinator for the Division of Wildlife. “Every one of them has earned the right to represent a school and Ohio in this event and it’s a responsibility they can be proud of.” School teams and individuals earn the right to participate in the national event by winning their division or by achieving a minimum qualifying score in their respective state competitions. Kentucky originated the NASP in 2002. Ohio has participated in the program since 2004. NASP is in 46 states, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all.


Served 11:00 am - 7:00 pm Grilled Prime Rib 10oz $14.95

Served with choice of salad and potato

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Bay Point Condo

Full Field for Lakevue LEWT Event The Western Basin Sportfishing Association (WBSA) and Lake Erie Walleye Trail (LEWT) will be hosting the second event of the 2009 Starcraft Marine, Crown Battery LEWT tournament series Saturday, May 9th at Lakevue Marina, Lakeside. “After a tough bite at our first event the teams are hoping to see the weather cooperate and the fishing to be more on par with what Lake Erie usually produces” said WBSA President Marc Hudson. “We are excited to have a sold out field for the Tom Sharpnack Ford LEWT event.” The Lakevue event has a history of seeing big fish brought to the scales so it is fitting that the LEWT will be giving away a free mount to the big fish winner courtesy of Jims Taxidermy of Port Clinton. At last year’s event the father and son team of Tommy and Tom Sibert set a LEWT record by bringing


1683 N. Windward Drive @ Come Sail A Way Condos, overlooking the Harbor.

Lake view. Across the street from Bay Point Resort’s beaches, golf, marina & tennis. Steps to private assoc. pool. Sleeps 6, 2 baths, 3 season room. Move-in condition. Fully furnished. $199,900 Mortgage rates are at historic lows right now! Call 440-871-3381



4 Rooms + Full Bath Spacious deck, 30ft Boat Dock $155,900 Call for Appt. Weekends 419-797-4416 Mon. thru Thurs. 740-392-4242 NOTIFICATION OF AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS EMERGENCY FOOD AND SHELTER PROGRAM United Way in Ottawa County announces that The Emergency Food and Shelter Board under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 has awarded Ottawa County $21,317 to meet the needs of the newly unemployed. Public and private voluntary agencies interested in applying for Emergency Food and Shelter funds must contact Peggy Sneider at United Way, 419-734-6645, for an application or download an application from www.unitedwayottawacounty. org. The application deadline is Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. The local Ottawa County Board responsible for distribution of funds will meet on May 22, 2009, at 9:00 a.m. at the Sutton Center, 1854 E. Perry, Port Clinton, Ohio.


Wed. May 13, 2009 Contents 4:30pm; Real Estate 6 pm 2015 S. Ellsworth, Marblehead, OH Bayshore Rd. between S. Englebeck & Church Rd. @ Zeller’s Beach Club

Brief Contents List: Coins, Primitives, Collectables, Antiques, Furniture, Glassware, Guns, Fishing Tackle, Tools, Power Washer, Etc. Expect Surprises. Just In Time For Summer Fun One Bedroom Cottage With Beach/Boat Access Rights. Dining/Living Rm, Kitchen, Enclosed Porch, Shed, Newer Roof/Elec./Bathroom. Terms $3500.00 Non Refundable Down Day Of Sale, Not Subject To Financing, No Contingencies, Balance Due At Closing. 10% Buyer’s Premium (Real Estate Only) Sold With Owner’s Approval. All JAT Auctions Are On Auctionzip.Com Id# 15443 Or 1389 Just Auction Today

JAT Auctions Laura Gomoll~ Realtor®, Auctioneer Jim Tomaszewski ~ Auctioneer Key Realty Direct: 419.466.3137 OH Office: 419.517.6399

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ottawa Outdoors

Newly decorated 2nd floor Condo.

Open House Sat. & Sun. May 9th & 10th 2PM-6PM

The Beacon I


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in a walleye that tipped the scales at 14 lbs. Jims work will be on display at the event as the Siberts have agreed to bring the mount of that fish to the event for everyone to see. As in past years there will be a Starcraft Marine Contingency award at all of the LEWT events. Any owner winning the event out of their Starcraft boat will be eligible for a $250 bonus from Starcraft. If that boat was purchased from Vics Sports Center or Cranberry Creek Marina they are eligible for an additional $250 from the dealership to bring the total to $500. “We are excited to be a part of the LEWT again this year and also to be able to make running a Starcraft boat a valuable commodity for the anglers” commented Greg Yarbrough, Starcraft Marine representative. The remaining 2009 schedule is as follows: June 6 – Sandusky – City Ramp “Crown

Battery LEWT” (Blow Date June 7) June 27 – Geneva – “Migration Open” (Blow Date June 28 ) July 25 – Championship Sheffield Lake – Sheffield Lake City Ramp (Blow Date July 26) “There are just a few spots left for the Sandusky tournament so anyone thinking about fishing that one will want to get signed up before it is too late” commented LEWT Tournament Director Matt Davis. He continued “We are also currently taking applications for both divisions of the inaugural Gator Open Pro Am to be held in September and more info about that can be found on our website.” For more information about the LEWT you can visit

Ottawa NWR to Receive $700,000 Throughout the eight-state Midwest Region, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will undertake 78 construction, energy efficiency, habitat restoration and other improvement projects at national wildlife refuges, fish hatcheries and other public and private lands to create jobs and ensure the nation’s fish and wildlife resources, treasured landscapes, and rich heritage are conserved for future generations, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced. These projects total approximately $28.9 million for improvements within the Midwest. In the local area, funds will benefit the Visitors Center at Ottawa NWR by providing $700,000 for installation of a photo voltaic array. Funding for these projects and hundreds more across the nation comes from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Of the $3 billion appropriated to the Department of the Interior, the Act provides $280 million for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – which includes $115 million for construction, repair and energy efficiency retrofit projects at Service facilities, and $165 million for habitat restoration, deferred maintenance and capital improvement projects. The Service will benefit from an additional $10 million, which is administered by the Department of Transportation and is not included in the Service’s $280 million appropriation that will be used to rebuild and improve roads on several national wildlife refuges. Projects will immediately create local jobs in the communities where they are located, while stimulating long-term employment and economic opportunities for the American public. “These projects are an investment in Ameri-

ca’s future that will help get our country moving again,” Salazar said. “They will enable us to preserve our rich history and natural heritage by conserving and restoring awe-inspiring landscapes, important historic sites and crucial wildlife habitat.” The $28.5 million announced for the Midwest Region will go to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service projects that include: • Capital Improvements: $1.34 million • Deferred Maintenance of facilities and infrastructure: $15.3 million • Habitat Restoration: $3.16 million • Construction of new visitor centers and other facilities: $6.12 million • Reconstruction and Repair of Service buildings and other structures: $1.57 million • Energy Efficiency Retrofits of Service facilities: $1.4 million The 78 projects are spread throughout all eight states, including: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin. “The Midwest Region has a long tradition of enjoying the fish, wildlife, lakes, rivers and prairies we are so fortunate to have,” said U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Midwest Regional Director Tom Melius. “The projects we will undertake in the Midwest as part of ARRA will provide jobs, increase the energy efficiency of government buildings, protect and enhance our natural resources, provide greater opportunities for people to enjoy those natural resources, and perhaps most important, help current and future generations understand and share our passion for the natural world.”

International Migratory Bird Day Events Planned Come visit Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and celebrate International Migratory Bird Day on Saturday, May 9 at the Visitor Center between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. for family-friendly nature activities including crafts, games, and bird walks. Check out exhibits by local nature organizations, including live raptors and an opportunity to learn about solar-powered houses. At 1 p.m., join refuge staff and volunteers for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new boardwalk trail behind the visitor center. All activities are free and open to the public. The refuge auto tour is open both Saturday and Sunday, May 9th and 10th, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Travel through seven miles of the refuge which are normally closed to the public. Drive at your own pace as you travel along a well-marked route, following a self-guided tour

brochure found at the route entrance. This is the best time of year to see migratory birds as they move through the area. On Sunday, May 10th, Dr. Susan Orosz will present “The Miracle of Flight,” at 2 p.m. in the Visitor Center. Dr. Orosz is the owner of Bird & Exotic Pet Wellness Center in Toledo, OH, and past president of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. Her presentation will focus on aspects of bird flight, behavior and anatomy, and is part of the monthly “Naturally Speaking” seminar series presented by Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and the Black Swamp Bird Observatory. For more information about these or other Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge events, visit the refuge website, The Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge entrance is located 15 miles east of Toledo or 16 miles west of Port Clinton on State Route 2. The entrance road is located on the north side of State Route 2. adwisiak REALTY


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Professional Child Care Part Time - In Your Home

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POINTE FALLS CONDOS Open House Saturday 12:00 TO 3:00 10654 East Bayshore Road, Marblehead New Construction & Resale!

New Listing - Pointe Falls Unit 64 $245,000 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living room with fireplace, kitchen with upgrades, utility room, 3 season room with glass enclosure, 2 garages,1attached. 76 Pointe Falls Court - Marblehead $299,500 With 25' Boat Dock. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, great room with fireplace. View of Sandusky Bay, Community Center, Pool and Ponds.

~Reliable ~Precise ~Friendly ~25 yrs. Exp. ~College Educated Excellent References and Credentials. Background Check & Drug Tests welcomed. 419-702-7010

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The Beacon 419-732-2154 205 SE Catawba Rd. Port Clinton

Thursday, May 7, 2009 I

The Beacon


Classified 108 Homes For Sale

202 Boat Docksrental

2119 S. White Caps Lane . Yr. Round home w/Marina & dockage on private street. 2BRs & 2 car garage. $199,000 Ask for Peg. Danschiefleyrealestate. com or 419-625-2851.

DOCKAGE OFF the Portage River at Clinton Reef Club in Port Clinton. Includes water, electric, pool, hot tub, showers, dock box & laundry facilities. Daily, weekly, monthly or season. Call Dockmaster 419-732-9934

FOR SALE by Owner Cozy two bedroom, one bath cottage. Property includes 30’ dock on East Harbor, 1 car garage, fenced yard and outside storage. Central heat/air, new roof and whirlpool tub are recent updates. There is a loft area for additional space. Price $94,900. Call 740386-3897 or 740396-2253 for additional info or to schedule viewing. 144 N.Bedford

SEASONAL DOCK Rental avil for jet skis or jet boat $550/ season or $100/mo for info 419-704 -3739

NICE 3 BR, 2 bth home on Catawba. No smoking/pets. $750/mo 419797-4625 days 419734-4506 eve 219 Storage Spaces

CATAWBA MINI STORAGE (Your Extra Room) Muggy Road, Catawba 797-6303 or 656-5263. 225 Cottage Rentals

208 Houses for Rent CATAWBA 2 br waterfront house. $650/mo+ util.deposit, dock no pets 419-734-4665 LAKE FRONT House For Lease.- 3 Bed - 2.5 Bath - Fishing Pier - Also for Sale 419-616-3490 or www.

YES AVON CAN! No time cards, no layoffs. Earnings are based on YOUR efforts! Sales and Leadership opportunities. Only $10.00 registration fee gives you all the tools to get started. Call today for a no obligation appointment. Sue Sradeja 419-367-1352 408 Employment Wanted

Port Clinton Cottage Sandy Beach- Sleeps 8 Wkly $650 419-884-9869

CARE GIVER for the elderly, state certified, 21 years experience, excellent references 419-734-6019

406 Help Wanted

422 Services

PART TIME Handy person needed to do various tasks. 419-732-0007

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PART TIME Sales and front counter prson 419732-0007

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524 Medical ANTHEM BLUE Cross and Blue Shield. small groups, individual self employed, retired early, student, cobra alternative, over 65. Call 8007321892 526 Miscellaneous For Sale 30’ BOAT dock w/ deck in Port Clinton. Asking $7500. 419 -332-1260 CAR INSURANCE SR 22 fillings - DUI Bonds monthly pay plan Call 734-2050

MEDICAL AAA AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE. Plans start as low as $69.95 a month. For more information please call toll free 866-925-1830

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87 FOUR Winns 225 cutty, v8 w/ trailer $2950 440-845-3551

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705 Boats

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The Beacon I

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TWO GREAT PROPERTIES REDUCED!!!!! CATAWBA – CATAWBA PLACE REDUCED AGAIN 3079 N. TIARA DR. ORIGINALLY $349,900.00 NOW $299,900.00 SELLER SAYS SELL! Newer 4 bd./3 ba. w/2670 sq. ft. of living space. Full basement. Golf cart ride to the beach, Marina, private club and restaurants. Hardwood floors greet you as you enter the foyer and continue through the dining area and kitchen. Open floor plan with gas fireplace in family room off of the large kitchen and dining area. There is craftsman detailing in the entry door, railing and woodwork. Call Ted or Glenna PORT CLINTON - REDUCED 411 JACKSON ST ORIGINALLY $99,900,00 NOW $80,000.00 Century home! Four square brownstone home on Jackson St. in Port Clinton. Located only 4 blocks from the waterfront. Ideal FIRST TIME BUYERS! Easy to move in to - newer boiler, windows, roof, doors, porch, and flooring in bedrooms and bath. Basement and 1st floor recently painted. Kitchen appliances inc. THIS HOME OFFERS A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Call Glenna or Ted Go to to Preview all homes open TODAY!!!!

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Turn Key! Great one floor ranch style condo, fully furnished, w/ appliances, deck overlooking your own 30’ dock right outside your door, and 1 car garage with common pool, tennis all within minutes to Lake Erie. $127,000



4 BR/3 1/2 BA newer home features granite counters, stainless steel appliances, exercise room and den. Professionally finished basement with full bath, bar, and theater, 3 car garage, and loads of storage. $369,800

$99,900 – New is best! This 4BR/1BA home features 2,082 sq. ft., new roof & siding, new large eat-in kitchen, new appliances, new paint, carpet, & flooring throughout w/ 1 car garage. $119,900 – 3 BR single-story family home features full appliances, washer/ dryer, full finished basement w/ 3 large rooms & 1 car garage. Home warranty package. Large fenced rear yard. $128,900 – Ranch 3BR/2BA home on large lot w/ wood burning fireplace, SOLD attached 2 1/2 car garage, open kitchen leading to large patio and shed. $157,900 – All brick 3 BR/2 BA ranch in country setting features large rear deck w/fireplace, appliances, 2 car heated garage w/ workshop and apartment for guests or in-laws quarters. $189,900 – 3 BR/2 BA new construction home w/ open floor plan features SALE PENDING vaulted ceilings, split bedrooms w/ private master suite, 2 car attached garage, view of pond, & dock available. $219,000 – Fantastic Views of Lake Erie! 2nd Floor 2 BR, 2 BA condo features 2 enclosed balconies, gas fireplace, attached 1 car garage w/ common pool, and beach along Lake Erie. $399,900 – Turn Key! 3 BR/1 BA lakefront home w/, granite counters & SALE PENDING sinks, patio, 1,537 sq. ft., many updates throughout, 2 1/2 car heated garage and Catawba stone gas fireplace.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Benton Township Kathleen N. Miller to Teresa K. Kania, 16495 West Trowbridge Road, $85,000. Carroll Township Joan M. Kasicki to Charles J. Stollenwerk, 2070 Toussaint South Road, $30,000. Catawba Township Regal Lakeside Homes, LLC to Robert G. and Diane E. Mahl, 5232 Blue Teal Drive, $265,000. Catawba Realty Group, Inc. to Matthew S. and Charlene E. Doyle, 4388 Island Pines, $28,000. Danbury Township Jeanne M. Walker to James P. and Janet L. Roche, 2271 South Commodore Court, $233,000. Marblehead Corp. Mainline Group, Inc. to William C. and Lisa M. Nahm, 10802 East Bayshore Road #109 & 120, $142,000. Mary Beth Zelek and Joan E. Reidy to Richard A. and Brittania L. Szalay and Joseph M. Swantek III and Traci N. Swantek, 2152 Pleasant View, $120,000. Portage Township Stephanie D. Brossia to Gerald A. and Roberta Depiero, 2229 East Sand Road, $450,000. Charles W. and Jessica Elliot to Federal National

April 30,2009 Benton Township Edna Pressley to Daisy L. Weitzel, SR 163, $130,000. Carroll Township Charles W. Brown III and Jean Brown to Michael J. Linhart, 6632 San Diego , $152,500. John E. Westfere to US Bank National Association, 9954 West Collingwood Blvd., $83,334. Bank of New York CATAWBA ISLAND to Jeffrey A. and 4616 E. CATAWBA WOODS Tina A. Langholff, G R E A T 6432 Harris HarL O C A T I O N ! bor Drive 639, Catawba Woods $62,000. brick ranch Catawba condo end unit! Township Everything like new! Newer kitchen Catawba Villas, & baths w/corian tops, built-in II , LLC to Patrick living rm cabinets for TV & bar in M. and Cheryl L. living rm w/wine rack, hardwood O’sullivan, 905 Lost floors thruout, C/A, 2 full baths (1 Lane, $220,000. off MBR), ceiling fans, wood blinds, Danbury vinyl thermo windows, newer sun Township William M. Tutrm w/tile floor, tamore to Wilsliding doors on liam M. Tuttaeach side of sun more, 7256 East rm to 2 brick Tanglewood Drive, patios! This is a MINT unit! Pets allowed! Weekend $98,900. get-aways or permanent residence. L i g h t h o u s e Park, tennis cts, pavilion across the Bluffs, Inc. to Donstreet. 1/2 mile to CIC Club. Asking ald R. and Carrie $99,900. Furniture negotiable. A. Wolfe, 8520 & Century 21 DePiero. Jerry or Roberta 8524 Gravel Bar , $110,000. DePiero 440-666-6441.



• Runs 3 weeks in both The Beacon & Huron Hometown News & on both websites • Up to 6 lines of copy Total Cost of Items(s), Cost of Ad: $500 & under - $16.00 $1500 & under - $21.00 $2500 & under - $29.00

• Runs 3 weeks in both The Beacon & Huron Hometown News & on both websites • 1 vehicle per ad, any form of transportation



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• Ad runs for 14 days • Up to 36 lines of copy

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1 ad for $45, includes internet listing

Mortgage Association, 1196 South Lake Street, $33,325. Federal National Mortgage Association to Edward A. Thomas and Deanna Eggleton, 1781 South Bay Drive, $27,500. John G. Green to Robert A. and Michelle J. Marshall, 210 East Christy Chapel Road, $24,000. Put In Bay Village School 5-1-09 Feite F. Hofman to Put In Bay Homes LLC 80% and Paul Michael Jeris 20%, vacant land Put In Bay Road, $325,000. Put In Bay Corp The National Bank of Oak Harbor to Blum Bay LLC, 380 Main Street, $1,200,000. Oak Harbor Corp Wells Fargo Bank National Mortgage Association to Larry l. and Janet L. Lickert, 324 Water Street East, $68,500.

* or bold, highlights or artwork

97¢ per line per day

ALMOST FREE ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Compliments of The Beacon & Huron Hometown News

LOST & FOUND • 3-4 lines • 1 week run


PETS • “Free to good home” only • 4 lines for 1 week



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We Look Forward To Serving You! Ads can be submitted 4 ways: in writing at the classified counter, by e-mailing Donna at, by Fax 419-734-5382 or go to * No refunds for early cancellations on any of these specials.

Thursday, May 7, 2009 I

The Beacon


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The Beacon I

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Catawba Bay offers Single Family lots, Homes, Townhomes, Condominiums, and Cottages to meet a range of lifestyles. • West W Harbor H b • Kirk Channel • Wetlands Habitat Areas • Lakes and Streams

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The Cottages of Catawba Bay Choose from Ranch or Cape Cod style homes featuring 3BR, 2 BA and measuring 1760 to 2060s q. ft. –– Duplex Condominiums With full basements

Pre-Construction Prices Beginning At $289,900

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50500 E 5050 E. M Muggy R Roadd | P Port Cli C Clinton, i O Ohi Ohio hi

419-797-2100 or 419-341-0863

New Listing

New Listing

CATAWBA SUN VALLEY… Wonderful views of pond and Islander Golf Course from this second story condo. Two bedroom, two bath with detached garage. or call RUTH DOUGLAS 419-202-0029

ALL BRICK HOME Tastefully decorated, beautiful stone fireplace, formal dining room w/built in corner hutches. First floor master. Hardwood floors, some carpeted. 2 car detached garage. Call DEBBIE CONTE 419-656-3356

419-734-5551 OPEN HOUSE! Saturday, May 9, 12 – 2 501 - B3 W. Lakeshore 509 - B4 W. Lakeshore 158 Clinton Reef Club

COZY & QUAINT Completely furnished & tastefully updated cottage, steps from Lake & Beach. Move in condition. Preview DEBI BENTLAGE 419-276-7755

GET AWAY… …to this beautiful 3 bedroom 3 bathroom Condo in Catawba Bay. Purchase includes paid dockage for the 2009 season. Call Anna Holmes @ 419-341-0863 for more details.

SERENITY & AMBIANCE 3 BR country home on 5 acres, ¼ acre stocked pond w/gazebo. Barn & additional out buildings. Finished basement with fireplace. Priced $329,900. Preview PATTI KIRSCH 419-656-1781

Sunday, May 10, 1 – 2:30 606 Clinton St., Port Clinton


CUTE, COZY & RIVER VIEW… 3 BR, spacious, LR w/cove ceilings, basement, 2 car detached garage with storage rooms, shed with workbench, newer windows, siding & roof shingles. JENNIFER BEHNKE 419-898-0285 or view

CATAWBA CONDO WITH DOCK First floor 2 bed.-2 bath walk out to a large private deck with grand water views & steps away from 40’ dock. Len Partin 419.356.8777 or visit:


ESTABLISHED RESTAUR RESTAURANT UR RANT With good clientele year round! This corner lot on the main street is ready to go. TURN KEY and great exposure. Preview

Call Ruthie Caputo 419-356-3947 or John Caputo 419-345-9135

SANDY BEACH First floor Waterfronts Condo with lake view and steps from the pool. Many updates. JEFF WILLIAMS 419-350-2925

A Great Escape!

Boating, fishing, water sports, and Lakeside are just a short walk away! Located down the road from Mazurik public boat launch. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, furnished cottage with dockage available.

call Deanna Johnson 419-341-1766

The economy and our lives are constantly changing. I deal with changes every day and can make dealing with them easier. If the changes in your life lead to a change in your real estate needs, please call me.

Call Debbie Conte


Great Lake Views! Overlooking the marina in this Blue Water condo. Swimming pool and tennis court. Direct lake access for island hopping and fishing. Includes 30’ dock.

Ruth Douglas 419-202-0029

For iinformation F f ti on over 2 2000 000 Homes H For Sale or For Open Houses Schedules this week!

METICULOUSLY MAINTAINED Condo with 40’ dock. Super views of lake & marina, 3 lg. BR, plus addt’l loft. View at RUTHIE CAPUTO 419-356-3947

Paradise for Boaters!

3 BR, 3 BA home, large FR w/woodburning fireplace, beautiful kitchen, 2 car garage, plus 15x32 workshop/boat garage.

View Len Partin 419-356-8777 or Glenda Ward 419-341-0044


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