Swingmania concert a hit at Vineyard on Catawba
Three county teams fall in Friday face-offs
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THE FREE Since 1983
®SM TM 1992
Ottawa County’s Largest Circulated Newspaper Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.
Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid Port Clinton, Ohio Permit #80
For most of his 23 years, Grant Dziak has dreamed of charging onto the field at “The Shoe” as a member of the Ohio State Buckeyes. Now, he is living the dream. The son of Mary Snider at Mary’s Blossom Shoppe impressed Jim Tressel and his coaches with his hard work and Grant Dziak his determination to the point that now he wears No. 46 on his scarlet uniform for OSU home games. He is listed as a sophomore for eligibility purposes, which means he has been working in the weight room and the classroom since graduating from Port Clinton High School five years ago. When he spoke with me on Tuesday, he wanted to thank especially his family for their support and his trainer, Phil Fought, PC football strength coach. What a great story. ——— We had 167 entries in our Find Wylie contest last week. Jim Witter, of Port Clinton, found him hiding in the Mattress and Furniture Liquidation ad on page 11A last week and wins a $20 gift certificate to Kokomo Bay. We will be hiding Wylie again this week. When you find him, just drop us a note at our office or click on the Find Wylie icon online at www.thebeacon.net. Also, Marilou Karr wins a $20 Friendship Food Stores Gas Card for signing up on our “Win it on the Web” contest just by clicking icon on our web site. That’s how easy it is to win! ——— It is now officially autumn here along the lakeshore. We are still a ways away from haul out season for the boaters, but United Way has a new program as you get your boat or camper ready for winter. Local marinas and campgrounds are participating in a food drive to help stock local food pantries. So, if you have non-perishable food items, paper and cleaning products, etc., don’t throw it out! Turn it in to your marina office or campground office to be put to a good and charitable use. ——— Class reunions abound these days. First, the Port Clinton High School All-Class reunion is this weekend, culminating in a party at Mango Mama’s starting around 6 p.m. on Saturday. The PCHS Class of 1939 held its 70th with 10 in attendance a couple of weeks ago. Attendees included Curt and Arlene Nelson, Dick and Alberta Kaspar, Dick and Lucille Smith, Deloris Harnish, Lillian Hanes, Dottie Bredbeck and Mary Alice Streeter. Last week, we reported on the 55th Class Reunion of PCHS, but hit a 6 instead of a 5 in the first line, making the folks in that class suddenly 10 years older. We apologize for the mistake. Also, a couple of weeks ago, 28 members of the PCHS Class of 1967 celebrated their collective 60th birthday party at Mon Ami. ——— Bay Township Volunteer Fire Department will host its 42nd annual Chicken Barbecue this Sunday, Sept. 27, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the fire station located on Ohio 53 south of Port Clinton. A half-chicken dinner is only $8. You can eat it there, or take it home. ——— John Clemons of J&D Basement Systems will be sharing part of his tent at this weekend’s Harvest Festival with the Humane Society of Ottawa County. They will have adoptable pets there on Friday from 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ——— The Ladies of Faith United Methodist Church at the corner of 5th and Jackson streets in Port Clinton will be back in the kitchen for the Fourth Friday luncheon this Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. They will be serving up their delicious homemade soups, sandwiches and pies. Beverages are free. Speaking of faith, Jim and Shirley Tubbs will present a traditional inspirational service of music there this Sunday starting at 9 a.m. The couple has done more than 3,000 concerts. ——— Nugent’s Canal Yacht Club will host its annual Auxiliary Card Party this Wednesday, Sept. 30, starting at noon. It is $6 per person which includes a salad bar. The public is welcome. For reservations, call Nell Enright at 419-732-3762.
Aluminum Overcast The Experimental Aircraft Association’s restored B-17 bomber, Aluminum Overcast, arrived at the Erie-Ottawa Regional Airport Monday as part of the 2009 Salute to Veterans national tour. Vets were brought over from the Ohio Veterans Home and the crew took some for a ride. “I’m 81 years old and this is a new experience for me. I’ll probably be scared to death,” said Bud Walters before the flight. Walters, from Dover, came with the Veterans Home group and served in the Navy from 1951 to 1954. “(Veterans) go from one extreme to the other,” said crewmember Larry Gray. “Some will just break down. Others just shake their heads and walk out.”
For more photos of the B-17 bomber's stop in PC, visit www.thebeacon.net
Schools ready for swine flu Schools are taking a common sense approach to keeping kids safe from the flu this year. After the H1N1 virus was declared a pandemic in July, health officials started distributing information to area schools preparing them for onslaught of questions — and germs — that the beginning of the year would bring. “We are following the same precautions we would for any flu,” said Pat Adkins, superintendent of Port Clinton City Schools. “We feel very prepared if something were to happen.” Teachers at Danbury Schools are
Ottawa County Health Department.......... 419-734-6800 Ohio H1N1 Information Line....................... 866-800-1404 working to be proactive — especially with the younger kids — reminding them to wash their hands and cough into their elbows, according to superintendent Dan Parent. The district has also installed hand sanitizers in every classroom and the cafeteria. “Precautionary measures are our main concern right now,” Parent said.
PCHS reunion, Harvest Fest this weekend
The PCHS All-School Reunion get together at Mango Mama’s (40 N. Madison St., downtown Port Clinton), will take place this Saturday, Sept. 26, beginning at 6 “ish” (p.m.) and will feature music from such notable PCHS alumni as: “Harlem Tickler” piano player, Steve Muncey (’79); singer/songer writer and guitarist Jerry Davenport (’70); guitar “crooner” extraordinaire, John “Crash” Davenport (‘68) and the garage band, Low Expectations, featuring PCHS alumni Molly (Loeffler) Mack (’79), John Schaffner (’67); Mike Reichman (’97); Bob Hille (’69), Bo Loeffler (’75) and Dr. David Bodie (’90).
Port Clinton will be bustling with activity this weekend with the Harvest Festival and PCHS All-School Reunion. The festival will be set up downtown and feature a food tent and vendor area — both of which are filled to capacity for the first time in many years. Entertainment includes The Womack Family Band from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Friday. Ted Riser will do a Neil Young Tribute Friday, The Junk will play Saturday and Denny Jesse is scheduled for Sunday. Hours are 5 to 11 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Saturday. Breakfast will be Sunday from 8 to 11:30 a.m. with vendors and entertainment from noon to 4:30 p.m. All Port Clinton High School alumni are invited to join in for the first All-School Reunion Weekend celebrating 125 years of PCHS Alumni. Activities begin at the football game vs. Edison Friday night and continue with a brunch, basketball game, downtown gathering and more. Questions about the weekend can be directed to Jan Gluth at 419-732-2102 or e-mailed to jgluth@pccsd.net.
Deadline nears for voter registrations The closing date for new voter registrations and changes of address for the November General Election is Oct. 5. Special hours that day are 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Regular office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Fri-
day. The Board of Elections office is located at 8444 W. Ohio 163 in Oak Harbor. New registrations and changes of address may also be made at any public library, any Bureau of Motor Vehicles office, the Ottawa County
Health Department and at the Ottawa County Courthouse at the Clerk of Courts Title Department or the Treasurer's office. Call the Board of Elections office at 419-898-3071 or toll-free 800-6979807 with any questions.
Rare deer
Inside This Week… Sound Off........................2A Records............................2A Beacon Bits.....................4A Around Ottawa Co..... 5-6A Health..............................7A Entertainment.................7A Boomers & Beyond........8A
Diane Kershaw, superintendent for Benton-Carroll-Salem Schools, said her schools are following instructions outlined in the Center for Disease Control’s Communication Toolkit for Schools. “Much of the instructions are common sense types of things,” Kershaw
Schools............................9A Football Roundup...........2B Sports..............................3B Ottawa Outdoors............3B Business..........................4B Real Estate Transfers......5B Classifieds....................6-7B
The white fawn has been caught — on film that is. The rare animal is seen here in the backyard of Dave and Kathy Jones' home on Catawba Island.
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Dear Editor: By now you will have heard that the Ida Rupp Public Library Board has placed a 0.9 mill levy on the ballot for Nov. 3. You may be wondering how you should vote, and I would suggest you vote FOR the levy if you: have a library card or have ever checked out a book or video or CD; use large print books or books on tape; read the newspapers or magazines in the library; are homebound — the library will deliver books to you; have children or grandchildren in school — they visit the library during their classes; have preschool children — they can come to story time; belong to a club that meets in the library; have attended a program or community meeting in the library; belong to a book club that uses library books; have attended Friday night movies in the library; have ever called the library for information that they will look up for you; are interested in WWII or Bataan — there is a great collection of information; have done genealogical research through the library websites; have used the library computers for the Internet or to type school papers; have ever had your computer crash—you can use a library computer as a backup; have bought a book at the annual book sale in August; have used the book drop in Catawba, Danbury or Lakeside
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Pretty Nifty “Bobby” Brown is 50! Nugent’s Canal Yacht Club
The Beacon I Thursday, September 24, 2009
SoundOff I could go on, but you get the picture! The library has something for everyone. In the past, the state has paid for 95 percent of the library’s expenses. This year, the library has suffered a 31 percent cut in these state funds, and that was preceded by approximately 8 percent in cuts since 2001. The facility has laid off the part-time staff, cut the hours of full-time staff, eliminated DVD purchases, drastically cut book purchases and reduced opening hours in an effort to stay within the budget. If we want the kind of library we have had in the past, we must support it now. Please vote YES for the library levy, Issue 18. Peggy Debien, Co-Chairwoman, Citizens for Ida Rupp Public Library To the Editor: Many thanks to the donors and volunteers that contributed their efforts to the Red Cross Blood drive held on Saturday, Sept. 12, at the Catawba Island Community Center. The drive was a great success! Special thanks to the men and women who gave up their Saturday morning to give blood, the gift of life! Thank you to all the volunteers: the Ladies of the Trinity United Methodist Church, Linda Snyder, and guest Linda, Toni De Luca, Mary Triska, Marcia Sprenger, Phyllis Cousino, Mike Minor, Dale Dietrich and Alice Holly. Edwina Minor, Red Cross Blood Drive Chairmen Dear Editor: The members of the Port Clinton Knights of Columbus would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the success of the fifth annual Perch, Peach, Pierogi and Polka Festival. This is the second year that the local K. of C. has organized the event and this year’s was the most successful to date. We could not have achieved this feat without the tremendous outpouring of support by community members, local businesses and, of course, our visitors to the Northcoast. We would especially like to acknowledge the businesses and individuals listed here for ensuring the success of our festival: Fellhauer Electric, The
Dear Editor, This letter is written in support of the upcoming library levy in November. When we look at our city we can comprehend the value of our outstanding schools, hospital and library. Our Ida Rupp Public Library is a showpiece of our city. We are so fortunate to have a library that serves so many people throughout the county. With cutbacks already made the writing is certainly on the wall of possible reduction in services and the use of the library conference rooms, etc. If you haven’t been to our library recently you should see its update with all the new volumes of books that provide education and leisure reading. The children use the computers after school as well as the children’s reading areas, the many school tours to the library, the summer reading programs and special community events held in the conference rooms. With my wife and I walk through the doors of our library we are greeted by a friendly library staff ready to help us with whatever library needs we may have. Let’s show our support on November 3, 2009. Please join my wife and me in voting yes for the library levy. They have helped us for many, many years; now it is time for us to step forward and help them. Vote yes for the library. Thank you. Mayor Dr. Tom and Helen Brown, Retired Port Clinton
OBITUARIES Florence R. Dixon
Oct. 6, 1917 — Sept. 15, 2009 Florence R. Dixon, 91, of Port Clinton, passed away Tuesday, Sept. 15, at Whitehouse Country Manor, Whitehouse. A Funeral Mass was conducted Monday, Sept. 21, in Immaculate Conception Catholic Church with interment in Riverview Cemetery, Port Clinton.
Annual Auxiliary Card Party
Sally A. (Russell) Rutledge
Died Sept. 16, 2009 Sally A. Rutledge, 76, of Oak Harbor, passed away Wednesday, Sept. 16, in her home surrounded by her family. Visitation will be 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, and 2 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 20, at the Robinson-Walker Funeral Home & Crematory, Oak Harbor. Funeral services will be conducted 11 a.m., Monday, Sept. 21, at the Oak Harbor United Methodist Church with interment to follow in Union Cemetery, Oak Harbor.
Mercedes A. Traverso
Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2009 • 12 Noon at NCYC $6 Per Person • Salad Bar Reservations: Beverly Blausey 419.732.8853 Nell Enright 419.732.3762
Public Welcome
Beacon, Kroger, Black Tie Dance Studio, Catawba Mini Storage, Davenport Sign and Art, Focht Construction, The News Herald, Chef ’s Best, Gerald and Helen Arnold, Catawba Moorings, Marcelo Cortez, First National Bank, Fisherman’s Wharf, John Fritz, H G Landscaping, Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hablitzel, Hartung Title Agency, Port Clinton Fish, Ed and Lesta Schafer, Second Street Diner, The End Zone, Toft’s Dairy, Witter Haven, Zink Calls, Country Gentleman Barber/Beauty Salon, Vicky and Ed Heinsen, Kocher and Gillam Kusman & Associates, Sprouse Insurance, Toft’s Dairy and WPCR PortClintonRadio.com. Thank you one and all. Jerry Arnold and Ed Verkin, Co-chairmen
BAY TWP. VOL. FIRE DEPT. Sunday, Sept. 27th 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
1/2 chicken - $8.00 • 1/4 chicken - $7.00 Includes: Baked potato, cole slaw, roll & butter, drink & ice cream
Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.
The Beacon®
SM TM 1992
205 S.E. Catawba Road, Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 • 419-732-2154 Classifieds 419-732-1500 • Fax 419-734-5382
Publisher JOHN SCHAFFNER john@thebeacon.net Editor ANGELA ADAIR angie@thebeacon.net Accountant CINDY CONSTEIN cindy@thebeacon.net
Account Executives RICH RIEDMAIER rich@thebeacon.net
BERT FALL bert@thebeacon.net
Display classified Ad Specialist DONNA BECKER donna@thebeacon.net
Graphic Design JENNIFER DAUBEL jdaubel@thebeacon.net Director of Advertising CONNIE ROBERTS connie@thebeacon.net Circulation Manager BRUCE DINSE
Classified Ad Specialist CHARLENE DEYOE charlene@thebeacon.net Editorial VIRGINIA PARK CHRIS MCBAIN-BERRY
Facility Manager MARY ALICE SCHAFFNER The Beacon is published every Thursday and is circulated free to the public, via US Postal Service under Permit #80, as well as by independent carriers. The Beacon serves, and is mailed to the communities of Port Clinton, Lakeside/Marblehead, and Oak Harbor, as well as Catawba, Danbury, Portage, Erie, Bay, Benton, Carroll and Salem Townships in Ottawa County. Letters to Sound Off, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Beacon are welcome. Please note: All Sound Off letters and/or letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Beacon, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage. The Beacon is owned and operated by Schaffner Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, president. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Beacon. The Beacon and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Real Estate, Class liners close Monday by 12pm and Retail ads close Monday by 4:00 PM.
Sept. 29, 1911 — Sept. 20, 2009 Mercedes A. Traverso, 97, of Put-in-Bay, died Sunday, Sept. 20, at Providence Care Center in Sandusky. There will be no visitation. A Mass of Christian Burial will be conducted at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church with the Rev. Nicholas Cunningham officiating. Burial will follow in Mapleleaf Cemetery.
Ruth Eloise Twynham
Died Sept. 16, 2009 Ruth Eloise Twynham, 86, of Port Clinton, passed away Wednesday, Sept. 16, at Riverview Healthcare Campus, Oak Harbor. Arrangements are pending at Gerner-WolfWalker Funeral Home & Crematory, Port Clinton.
Barbara J. White
August 17, 1944 — Sept. 20, 2009 Barbara J. White, 65, of Port Clinton, passed away Sunday, Sept. 20, at her residence after a battle with cancer. At the request of the family, there will be no visitation or services.
• Jeremy Wade Ernest, 28, Port Clinton, retail, to Theresa Ann Rose, 29, Port Clinton, retail. • John Blaine Moore, 23, Naval Officer, to Laura Patricia Young, 23, VA, Naval Officer
• Eddie Lee Harris, 41, Port Clinton, to Cynthia M. Barnette, 57, Port Clinton, housewife. • Steven B. Conner, 42, Port Clinton, stocker. to Lisa B. Tucker, 32, Port Clinton.
BIRTHS A girl was born to Charlene A boy was born to Jamie Baker, Oak Harbor, on Sept. and Jason Geretz, Port Clin13 at Firelands Regional ton, on Sept. 16 at Firelands Medical Center. Regional Medical Center.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009 I The Beacon
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The Beacon I Thursday, September 24, 2009
Beacon Bits By Virginia Park
As we near the end of September, more and more fall colors appear in the foliage. It’s a beautiful time of the year and one that is interesting to watch. Almost all of the green hues in the woodlots are now a lighter, less vibrant emerald color. On most days, if a person is watching carefully, the colors can be seen as being different from the day before.
In my own lawn the colors of the bushes, trees and flower stems and leaves have already changed significantly. And many folks now have mums in glorious bloom. I always feel a kind of bittersweet emotion at this time of year. It is a nice to see the color changes, but they signify that warm summer weather is coming to an end and that before long, cold temperatures will be upon us. In the meantime, let’s all just enjoy the autumn and maybe take a ride or two around the countryside. It’s definitely the time to take a little excursion and see the wondrous colors of nature. ——— Here are a couple of reminders that folks have mentioned to me. First, Dan Mulligan asked me to mention that this coming Sunday, Sept. 27, is the date for the 42nd annual chicken barbecue dinner hosted by the Bay Township Volunteer Fire Department. This is a Dr. Gregory Hart, DDS great event to attend. The 3274 NE Catawba Road Port Clinton, OH 43452 Amish-grown chicken is cooked over an open pit fire, www.catawbadental.com using a special sauce. Baked potatoes, coleslaw, roll and butter, and dessert round out the meal. Either one-half or onequarter chicken meals are available. Serving time is from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Bay Township Hall on Ohio 53, about 4 miles southwest of Port Clinton. The public is invited to attend. Advance tickets are available from any firefighter; tickets will also be sold at the door. I hope you’ll make this great event, one of the must-do items on your early fall calendar. ——— For information on the library levy go to The second reminder is http://sites.google.com/site/idarupplibrary2009 this: Judy Knecht, long-time volunteer at the Care and Share facility at Gypsum, mentioned that the needs of many people are very great Paid for by CITIZENS FOR IDA RUPP PUBLIC LIBRARY at this time. With so many Meridith Beck, Treasurer, 2611 Sand Road, Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 folks out of work, and with
Catawba Dental
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Support Your Library
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many who are working unable to live adequately on the small amount of money they make at low-paying jobs, Care and Share is pressed to the limit to provide for them. Care and Share is looking for donations of anything that can be of use to someone else. Clothing, furniture items, appliances and accessories that you no longer need can find a home, free of charge, with someone who needs them. So please take donations of your items to Care and Share on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon and on Fridays from 2 to 5 p.m. Someone will be there to accept these things. The building is open at the same time, to people who can come in and find things that would be useful in their lives. There is no charge for anything but a donation is always welcome. Contributions of money are also needed to help Care and Share with their mission of providing necessities to those who need them. To keep the facility open and functioning, utilities must be paid. And there are always other expenses, too, although all of the workers serve on a voluntary basis. This is a place where community members can really help each other. So when you are doing your fall cleaning, don’t forget to help Care and Share. But don’t go to the building and leave your donations outside. This makes more work for the volunteers. And absolutely do not take items that are broken or in any other way unsuitable for use. Doing so means the workers must haul away the junk. This takes time and money away from their ministry. For information, call 419-797-2531 and Judy will be happy to let you know how your donations can help or even tell you how you can obtain an item you need to make life a little easier. ——— Bill and Donna Sijan are leaving our area and moving permanently to Idaho. These folks have lived at Catawba for many years and have been wonderful citizens in our community. The move comes as a result of their adult children wanting them to live nearer to their extended family. Donna and Bill say that they want to make the move while they are feeling strong and healthy and well able to do so. Their house is sold and the last time I talked to Donna they were busily packing and sorting through things they no longer needed. I am not sure exactly when they leave, but when I have a new address for them, I’ll share it in this column. Meantime, we all wish the Sijans the best of luck in this new phase of their lives. ——— Leah and Steve Tusen hosted an evening ice cream party at their home recently, inviting as their guests the members of the Sarah Ladies group from Trinity United Methodist Church at Port Clinton. For the program, Steve explained the art of Bonsai and described how long-living plants are
kept at a very small size in specially designed containers. He also explained the hobby of model railroading which he incorporates into the area where he keeps the Bonsai. Steve has been collecting plants and caring for them for many several years. And now he is seeing the wonderful results of his labors as the miniature plants take on real and mature beauty. Steve explained that he has always loved farming and working with plants. The miniature plants give him the opportunity to garden in a small confined space. So, in many ways, he has the best of both worlds. His plants have been collected from many parts of the world and he has chosen some of them for their very unusual characteristics. One plant that he likes especially came from Australia. He also has specimens of trees and plants that have lived on earth for thousands of years. It is wonderful to see these items and realize that their “ancestors” wore here when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Now, if you happen to be wondering about just what an “ice cream party” consists of, here is a description of what Leah did: She provided several kinds of ice cream, and invited her guests to bring toppings or foods that especially complement ice cream. Some of the innovative items that appeared were pineapple, maraschino cherries, bananas, chocolate syrup, peanuts and other flavored toppings. I didn’t see any strawberries, but those would have been good, too. As if that were not have enough, some cookies and other accompanying foods were provided by the guests. It seemed like a wonderful way to serve a veritable buffet of ice cream treats. ——— Football season is under way, and high school and college games are spoken of everywhere. This is good weather to attend a game. It is still warm in the evenings and comfortable to be outside. So now is the time to go to watch your favorite team — before the weather turns bitter. ——— The catalog for the Kern Center at Terra Community College is now available. Business-related courses (both on-campus and online) are featured. There is even a “brown bag lunch series’ where interested parties can take their lunch and participate in a one-session class setting. And these are free. Two of the topics coming up are recycling and wind energy. So if you’re looking for a bit of a change in your life, this may be the time to sign up for a college course. It will be mind stretching and enjoyable — just what the doctor ordered for people at loose ends who do not have jobs or for folks who are retired and want to keep active. Look into it by calling Terra Community College at 419-559-2255.
“We are recommending that everyone get their seasonal flu shots,” Osborn said. Last year about 1,600 across the county received a seasonal flu shot. The Ottawa County Health Department will continue to monitor cases of influenza throughout the area to keep the schools informed and post information on its Web site, www.ottawahealth.org. Graphs are posted on the site showing reports of influenza-like illness in the county in the past 31 days and showing the number of influenza diagnostic tests performed in the county and how many of those were positive for Type A flu. Local officials are expecting the swine flu vaccine to come in around the end of October. According to Osborn, the state will distribute the vaccine to each county based on its target population. “As more become available, everyone may be able to get them but until then we are directed to only administer the vaccine to those at the highest risk,” Osborn said. For information and upcoming vaccination clinics, call the Ottawa County Health Department at 419-734-6800. For information about swine flu, call the Ohio H1N1 Information line 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, at 1-866800-1404.
said. “I tell moms and dads that we’re always concerned with the health of the children … we’ll be in communication as needed,” Kershaw said. The HINI Toolkit — available online at www.cdc/gov/h1n1flu — offers up guidelines for school administrators to deal with all aspects of flu season, from how to communicate with parents to how long to stay home if you’re sick. Though details are still not available about how many vaccinations Ottawa County will receive and when, Parent said he offered up Danbury School as a possible clinic location. “Our plans are to make H1N1 vaccine available for people who have been identified as target populations by the CDC and Ohio Department of Health,” according to Ottawa County Health Commissioner Nancy Osborn. Those populations are: pregnant women, household caretakers of infants under 6 months, health care and EMS workers, people 6 months to 24 years old and individuals age 24 to 65 who have a chronic health condition.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009 I The Beacon
Around Ottawa County Historical Society members meet for annual picnic About 30 members of the Ottawa County Historical Society gathered on the back lawn of the Wolcott Keeper’s House in Danbury Township for the annual potluck picnic Sept. 9. The informal program — and part of the menu — was a hearth cooking demonstration on the Keeper’s House restored fireplace. Visitors snacked on Dutch oven baked corn bread, griddle apple scones, gingerbread Ottawa County Historical Museum curator Peggy muffins from a reflector Debien speaks to Ottawa County Historical Socioven and cake from another ety picnickers about the museum’s new addition Dutch oven, to compare methods available to the 19th century cook. Volun-
Benefit planned to help with Niki Spino’s medical bills Niki Spino, daughter of Jan & John Spino and granddaughter of Anna Lou Spino, was in a car-semi accident on Ohio 2 July 14. She was taken by Life Flight to a Toledo hospital, and is still recuperating in the hospital. Batdorff Real Estate & Chad Brough Auctioneering will be hosting a benefit from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 27, at St. Boniface Catholic Church to help with Niki’s medical bills. The benefit will consist of a chicken barbeque ($8/ ticket ), T-shirt sales, bake sale, 50/50 raffle, auctioned items and drawings for many gifts (ex. Cedar Point tickets, massage, specialty cakes, wreath, patriotic picture, jewelry, etc). Pre-sale tickets are encouraged, and can be purchased at the Batdorff office, 149 Church St., Oak Harbor. Supplemental funds will be given by Thrivent for Lutherans, Ottawa County Chapter 30011.
Come ‘tap your foot’ to the Buffoons Soil, water district’s annual banquet Sept. 30
The Ottawa Soil and Water Conservation District invites everyone to join in a relaxed and entertaining evening at our annual banquet Wednesday, Sept. 30. Dinner featuring barbecue chicken or pork chops, baked potato, rolls, green beans and a variety of pies will be served at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds beginning at 6:30. Dinner and a show tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the office at 240 W. Lake St., Oak Harbor. Entertainment will be musical selections performed by “The Hot Air Buffoons.” Randy, Harry, Mark and Denny first weighed in back in 1996 as they set out on a quest to sing well and entertain their audiences in a fashion they have never seen before. Combining their musical talent as well as their talent to make people laugh has helped them capture many awards over the years. They are sure to make you laugh and tap your foot as they entertain with their music and antics. Chuck Schepflin from Willy’s Sales and Service will show off his artistic talent by doing some chainsaw carving prior to our meal. Our annual election will take place from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. and you will be able to cast your ballot at that time. The Cooperator of the Year will also be awarded to an individual that has shown outstanding conservation efforts either past or present. For tickets, call 419-8981595.
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teers were trained by a grant from the Ottawa County Community Foundation, and had given several demonstration to visitors to the 1820s restored limestone home during the summer season. The group plans to be available during the off-season to demonstrate to civic, club and school groups. For information call Lois Tuttamore at 419-798-1014. Upcoming OCHS events include the Civil
War encampment on Oct. 10 at the Keeper’s House, 9999 E. Bayshore Road, Marblehead, as part of the Lighthouse Festival. The House will be open for tours, there will be music and frontier crafts on the grounds, and bean soup, corn bread and cider available. The drawing for the annual fundraising raffle will also be held. Visit www.thekeepershouse.org for event and membership information.
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The Beacon   I   Thursday, September 24, 2009
Grandparent’s Day at Riverview brought back memories Nostalgia filled the grounds of Ottawa County Riverview Healthcare Campus Saturday, Sept. 12, while the facility invited the public to take part in its Grandparent’s Day celebration. Community members were greeted in the front parking lot by 10 antique tractors displayed for the morning’s festivities. Residents enjoyed reminiscing about which tractor looked most like the type used on their
farms.  A bit of banter went on about which brand of tractor was the best. As guest walked in the building they were able to view the Vintage Clothing display. T his display included a viewing of three generations of wedding gowns, letterman jackets from local high schools, vintage and special occasion children’s clothing, and a very special viewing of a US Coast Guard uniform and a Red Cross Volunteer uniform; both from the 1940’s.
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Early morning guest enjoyed a free pancake and sausage breakfast provided by Stein Hospice.  Grandchildren enjoyed making picture frames fro their Grandparent’s.  The Ottawa County Sheriff Department was on hand to fingerprint children and giving special law enforcement coloring books. Scrap Bookers took over a portion of the facility’s large multipurpose room. Residents and guest enjoyed Gospel Hymns by Riverview Administrator, Kendra German.  Later in the morning Doc Nehl’s of Catawba and Grandson, Logan, entertained a large group in the front lobby with vocals and piano. The highlight of the day was the Kiddie Tractor Pull. Loud cheering took over the side yard of campus as the crowd shouted for a “full pull.� Winners in each weigh class received Walleye Capitaloply compliments of the PC Kiwanis. Oak Harbor resident Phyllis Haynes said, “It was a wonderful day and I enjoyed the many events with my family. The best part was watching my Great Grandson participate in the
Eagle Scout gives parents a place to sit Eagle Scout Drew Smercina recently benches, generate a schedule for com- $1,500 through donations and logged dedicated his project at the Carroll pletion and get approval for the project more than 300 volunteer hours from Township Hall. Drew, a junior at Oak from the Carroll Township Trustees.â€? design, through construction. Harbor High School, is a member of With the help of many community The project would not have been posBoy Scout Troop 360 in Port Clinton. members, he raised approximately sible without the support of the CarHis project consisted of the roll Township Trustees (Rich construction of two covered Keiser, Don St. Clair and benches on the playground John Verb), Jessica Brough, for parents to sit at while Troop 360, Erie Shores BSA their children play on the Council, his parents Jim and playground. Karol Smercina and the fol“I liked this idea because lowing supporters: Mary’s parents want to be close to Hair Design, Lowes (Fretheir kids on the playground mont), Jet Express, Port Clinand before my project there ton Elks Club, Port Clinton was no place for them to sit Moose Lodge, Kroger (Port down while their children Clinton), Palmer Brothers played ‌ the covered bench Concrete, Masonry Conidea provides a nice place to struction, Steve Pero DDS, sit in the shade from the sun.â€? Pete Johnson Designs, Bob As part of Drew’s Eagle Gray Contracting, Gino MoScout project, he was responnaco, Carol Marshall, Jim and Betty Breier and others sible for coordinating the through car wash and other fundraising, purchase of madonations. terials and labor. Drew began The final step to becoming the planning and design of an Eagle Scout is for Drew to his project in November of present his completed project 2008. to both the local and national “I was responsible for preBSA council for their final reparing a project description and the creation of concept Don St.Claire, Drew Smercina, Jessica Brough, view and approval which will drawings. I then had to make John Verb and Rich Kaiser sit on the new covered happen over the next several months. a proposed layout for the bench at Carroll Township Hall.
Danbury Township Trustees
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At the regular meeting of the Danbury Township Board of Trustees held Sept. 9, the following business was conducted: • Police Chief Mike Meisler reported 462 incidents during August and 136 month to date in September. • Zoning Inspector Rhonda Botti Sowers reported 15 zoning permits processed in August and 4 to date in September. • The Board of Zoning Appeals will hold two hearings beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 16. • The trustees will hold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 23 for an amendment to convert the zoning resolution to a digital, clearzoning format. • A safety committee meeting for all employees will be held on Sept. 29 at 8 a.m. Jim Greer from Emergency Management will present the program.
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Kiddie Tractor Pull. Everyone had smiled and looked like they were enjoying the day!� Riverview Healthcare C a m p u s would like to thank Dick and Sandy Lenke, Mike Benner, Matt Benner, Bill Raugh, Ron and Sheldon Miller, Dale Kreamer, Jerry Whipple, Mike Behnke, E.J. Croll, Francis and Todd Winke, and Ken Gyde for displaying their antique tractors; Noah Neiderhouse and the Oak Harbor High School FFA; Paula Norwine of Creative Memories; Sheriff Robert Bratton and the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department, Stein Hospice, the Riverview Auxiliary, Brenda Lochotzki, Kim Geldien, and Dr. Robert Nehls and Grandson Logan.
• The nuisance complaint regarding property owned by Brad Leyda at 7055 E. Harbor Road has been resolved. • Trustees declared trees and shrubs in the line of sight a nuisance on property owned by Gudrun Barhnolt located on East Harbor Road adjacent to Windjammer. A letter will be sent to Barhnolt. • The board determined not to pursue a speed zone study on Mistic Bay Boulevard and Mistic Bay Point because of the cost and the fact the police have had no speeding issues on either road. • Discussion continued regarding a Natureworks grant-funded shelter house at Meadowbrook. Grant acknowledgement signs will be ordered for Meadowbrook. Trustees will meet with Road Superintendent Jim Dress to discuss layout of the parking lot. • The Port Clinton Kiwanis Club has offered to assist with clean-up at Meadowbrook for national Make a Difference Day on Oct. 24. Gloves and bags will be provided by the township for use by the volunteers. • The cost of the recycling container from the Joint Solid Waste District grant resulted in $250 credit which will be applied toward the purchase of leaf recycling bags. • Trustees tabled discussion
on the purchase of additional light bars for cruisers until the police budget can be reviewed. • Trustees chose not to purchase additional lawn treatment for Lakepoint Park. • A quote for soil borings on the Bridge Road property was tabled until the trustees meet again with The Collaborative. • Trustees authorized payment of $750 to Passabet Appraisal for the Nash property. • Trustees set a special meeting for the purpose of meeting with representatives of The Collaborative at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 17. The meeting is open to the public. • August financial reports were approved as were bills in the amount of $27,633.58. • A transfer of $100,000 from STAR Ohio to the Marblehead Bank checking account was approved. • Trustees authorized payment of $56,278.47 plus $5 certified check fee for purchase of the Henry Kihlken property at closing on Sept. 14. • Discussion was held regarding fishing from the pier at Meadowbrook and the related lack of parking. A small gravel lot will be put in place in spring just to the east of the pond. • Trustees held an executive session to discuss purchase of property.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009 I The Beacon
Sun.- $1.00 Natural light CaNs MOn.- $1.50 happy hour 4-8pm tue.- 1/2 off appetizers 4-8pm WeD.- 45¢ WiNgs all Night thur.- $1.50 Drafts; free pool, Jukebox & beer poNg Sept. 25th - Mike papazian Sept. 26th - ChuCk Chura all OSu GaMeS - $1.00 hOt DOGS
Cars for Critters show Sunday The second annual Cars for Critters benefit car show will take place Sunday at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Proceeds from the car show will benefit wildlife, habitat restoration and wildlife rehabilitation. Mona Rutger and volunteers from Back to the Wild will be on hand with live eagles, hawks, owls and other native wildlife. In keeping with the critter theme, some of the car classes will be for animal-named cars. For example, your 1969 Ford Mustang might compete against your neighbor’s 1962 Chevrolet Impala in the best mammal class. Classes are available for all types of cars, and trophy plaques will be awarded to class winners by people’s choice. Registration the day of show is $12. T-shirts and goody bags will be
The Hogs for Hounds Poker Run will be Oct. 4 beginning at Shifter’s Bar in Sandusky. The event benefits the Ottawa County Humane Society. Registration is 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the bar with the first bike out at 10 and last at 11:30 a.m. Breakfast will be available at Shifter’s Grill from 9 to 11 a.m. The participating stops are Bluto’s in Norwalk, Fathead’s in Norwalk, Town Tavern in Clyde, Margaritaville in Sandusky and it will end at Tall Timbers Campground located at 340 S. Christy Chapel Road, Port Clinton.
For $20, participants will receive a chicken dinner, drink ticket and prizes. A 50/50 raffle is also planned for the event that will feature entertainment by Rewind from 4 to 8 p.m. Prizes for the top three hands are: first — 32” flat screen TV; second — $250 gift card to WalMart; third — $100 gift certificate to Nagoya Restaurant. Many local businesses have donated prizes for door prizes and 50/50 raffles. Non-riders are welcome from 4 to 8 p.m. at Tall Timbers. For details, contact Vince or Suzi Leone at leonesz@aol.com
Health Diabetic Support Group meeting at Magruder Magruder Hospital will offer its monthly Diabetic Support Group on Thursday, Oct. 8, at noon in the Conference Center. Kathy Buckingham, RDLD, Magruder’s director of nutrition services, will present an educational program. The group is for anyone dealing with diabetes, including family and friends. Partici-
pants are welcome to bring their own lunch or purchase one in the Fulton Street Café prior to noon and bring it to the meeting. Coffee, tea and water will be provided. For information about this or other diabetic programs, as well as other support groups, events and screenings, go to www. magruderhospital.com.
Disaster training series begins
Sweaters ~ Ohio State
Girl Dolls ~ Ahava ~ Jim Shore
Trained American Red Cross disas• Mass Care, 6 to 9 p.m. Oct. 14. ter volunteers respond to the needs of • Shelter Operations/Simulation, 6 to 9 their neighbors whenever the unexpected p.m. Oct. 21 strikes. Single family fires, floods, torna• Fundamentals of Disaster Assessment does, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, (new), 6 to 9 p.m. Oct. 28 man-made disasters … in Ottawa County The above trainings are held at Magruder or across the nation, the Red Cross takes ac- Hospital in the first floor conference center. tion helping people recover from disaster. Disaster training is free. Disaster response is comprised of many acRegister today by calling 419 734-1100 or tivities — sheltering, feeding, logistics, ad- e-mail redcross@thirdplanet.net. ministrative duties, health services, mental Webkinz ~ Yankee Candles ~ Jody Coyote ~ Groovy health services, information management, fundraising Welcome Back Customers! and casework. Volunteers NO GATE FEE come from all walks of life 25% off regular price bringing the experience and desire to help. at Walnut Street store Your local American Red 123 2nd St. store will be open year round Cross office is offering the prerequisite course to all disaster training, Fulfilling Our Mission, from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7. 223 Walnut St. • 419-798-5747 • 123 2nd St. Learn how to assess your Life is Good ~ Cards ~ Willow Tree ~ T-Shirts ~ Reef skills and abilities to better serve those affected by disaster here at home or wherhe S T ever help is needed. reaSure G Additional trainings ofa m l l e i S Sk fered this fall: Monday Night Football Game on Big Screen Tuesday Ladies Day $5 match play Thursday Mens Day $5 match play Free Food & Drinks for our customers Random drawings on weekends 1819 E. State Rd., Port Clinton 419-271-2281
$1.00 natural liGht CanS www.myspace.com/jamestowntavern 902 West Main•Lakeside/Marblehead 798-5615
given to the first 100 participants. Family-friendly activities and refreshments will be available. Door prizes and gas cards will be given away. For information or to register, call Eddy at 419-898-0014. For information about these or other Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge events, call 419-898-0014 or visit the refuge’s Web site, http://www. fws.gov/midwest/Ottawa. The Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge entrance is located 16 miles west of Port Clinton on the north side of Ohio 2.
Poker run raising money for county’s humane society
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Firelands offering flu shots
SANDUSKY — Firelands Regional Medical Center will be offering vaccines for seasonal flu on the following dates: Thursdays, Sept. 24, Oct. 1 and 8; Tuesday, Oct. 13; and Wednesday, Oct. 21. All clinics will be held at Firelands South Campus, 1912 Hayes Ave., 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Must be 18 years or older. The flu vaccine does not cause the flu. Pregnant women should consult their physician. Those who are allergic to eggs should not receive the vaccine. Subject to vaccine availability. Firelands will accept Medicare Cards only — no Medicaid or private insurance will be accepted. Accepting cash or check. CDC guidelines for pneumococcal vaccines are as follows: one injection before age 65 and one injection after age 65. Must have physician’s order for any additional pneumococcal vaccines. For information, visit www.firelands.com.
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The Beacon I Thursday, September 24, 2009
Boomers & Beyond Chili Cook-Off to ‘heat’ up seniors in Ottawa County The Seniors’ Activities Committee of Ottawa County will host the first-ever Senior Chili Cook-off and Barn Dance from 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3, at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds. The event, also sponsored by Comfort Keepers, will feature a traditional chili
cook-off competition. Winners from each of the county’s six senior centers will square off for the title of chili master. The Ottawa County commissioners will judge the cook-off. The cook-off will also feature a variety of snacks sponsored by Genoa Retirement Village, Edgewood Manor Nurs-
ing Center, Home Instead Senior Care and Riverview Healthcare Campus to compliment the various chili entries. The Barn Dance, sponsored by Heritage Health Care Services will feature the music of the Sleek Brothers Band. Reservations for this event can be made
at any Ottawa County Senior Center or by calling the Ottawa County Senior Information line at 1-877-888-9445. The cost for admission is $2.50 per person to be collected at the door. For information, contact Senior Resources at 419-898-6459 or 1-877-898-6459.
Seniors draw OSU ticket winners
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Zunk, of Oak Harbor, June Kwiatkowski, of Port Clinton; and Celinda Gerhardstein, of Republic. Dorothy Feckley, of Genoa, won the OSU Fun Pack consisting of two super deluxe stadium seats. Mother and son, Pat Munn, of Danbury Seniors, and Rep. Steve LaTourette, Ohio’s 14th District, donated the game tickets to the Ottawa County Senior
Activities Committee. Gerner-Wolf-Walker Funeral Home sponsored the raffle tickets which were then sold over the summer months by all six Ottawa County Senior Sites culminating with a tailgate party at Community Markets in Port Clinton on Sept. 5; and raising $1,901 for the Ottawa County Senior Levy Fund.
Pat Munn
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Winning tickets for the recent OSU Game Tickets Raffle were drawn on Sept. 14 during Senior Day at the Bay activities hosted by Put-in-Bay Senior Center. Winners of the two sets of tickets for the Ohio State vs. Minnesota game at OSU Stadium on Oct. 24 were Pam Hatfield, of Oak Harbor, and Kevin Ullery, of Toledo. Winners of the $100 gas cards were Clyde
The Vineyard on Catawba showcased its beautifully landscaped 57 acres at the annual Swingmania concert at The Gazebo on Sunday, Sept. 20. The grounds were alive with the Big Band sounds of this 5-piece band from Toledo. Residents and guests enjoyed dancing, singing along and eating Toft’s Ice Cream and popcorn. Guests were able to tour the grounds, and see the living options in detail. Currently available, The Vineyard has one- and two-bedroom apartments, assisted living and beautifully appointed one-floor, two- and three-bedroom condos, which include attached garages, patios and many other amenities. Upcoming events include an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. Friday and Autumn Fest on Oct. 3, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The festival includes vendors, crafters, homemade baked goods, lunch by Second Street Diner, a 50/50 drawing and more. To experience The Vineyard Lifestyle, prospective residents may now enjoy a stay in the newly decorated guest suite. Call Paul Shaw or Cheryl Bodi at 419- Margaret Lehmann, her sister Jean Bernard and friends get 797-3100 for information on any of these programs. cones from The Vineyard employee Shirley Brenner.
OSS Joint Solid Waste District awards grant to Otterbein North Shore Otterbein North Shore Retirement Living Community received $3,500 from the Ottawa/Sandusky/Seneca Joint Solid Waste District to purchase recycled picnic tables, chairs and benches for its assisted living patio. As required by the grant, the furniture has recycled content. It also resists sun and rain, is heavy and sturdy. It’s marketed as lasting 400 years and replaces furniture that was more than 10 years old and breaking down. OSS Joint Solid Waste District Director Tim Wasserman visited Otterbein and was impressed with the excellent quality of the furniture. Wasserman enjoyed “hobo stew” prepared by Wellness Director Denise McCubbin during his visit.
Otterbein North Shore residents Jo Juett (left) and Joanne Pfirsch, OSS Joint Solid Waste Director Tim Wasserman, Otterbein North Shore Executive Director Rhonda Wolpert, Otterbein North Shore resident Forest Carter and Otterbein North Shore Wellness Director Denise McCubbin enjoy the new furniture Otterbein purchased with grant funds from the solid waste district.
Edgewood Manor residents go ‘Back to the Wild’ Residents of Edgewood Manor took an out-of-facility trip to “Back to the Wild,” a wildlife rehabilitation and nature education center located in Castalia. Each year, the center receives more than 1,200 animals in need of help. Many are released back into their natural habitat. A few disabled animals, however, become permanent residents who are used in educational programs to benefit other wildlife. Owls, flying squirrels, bald eagles, foxes, hawks, waterfowl, amphibians, rabbits and deer are just some of the variety of animals the residents got to experience at the center. While taking a tour around the grounds, they learned about not only the characteristics of each animal but also how to protect the creatures’ habitats. “This was a wonderful trip,” said resident Fern Baumgartner. “I’m so glad I went.”
Prayer Time The Vineyard on Catawba recently hosted an inspiring talk on prayer by Rev. Bob Butcher and his wife, Anne. Anne played harp and piano. The large crowd of Vineyard residents and friends were encouraged to find quiet places and times to pray.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009 I The Beacon
Fifth-graders enjoy Conservation Day
Immaculate Conception fifth-grade students of Jane Drusbacky’s class enjoyed a day at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and Magee Marsh learning about wildlife during the annual Fifth Grade Conservation Day event. It is a chance for students to develop awareness learning about non-renewable resources, plant and animal life, soil, water and air natural resources. Pictured are the ICS fifth-graders: Rachel Reineck, Dean Colston, Brendan Zeitzheim, Matthew Paeth, Emily Reineck, Laura Helmer, Brittany Diaz, Joey Brenner, Rachel Bou-Sliman, Trevor Frias, Abbey Weldon, Jake Kokinda, Kacie Busby, Melanie Rhoda, Hannah Roberts, Katelyn Wammes and Amelia Morrow.
Terra’s Kern Center offers healthcare courses this fall The Kern Center of Community and Industrial Development at Terra Community College offers a variety of non-credit classes and seminars for individuals and businesses. The following are the healthcare courses being offered this fall: • Pharmacy Technician Training — Receive the training you need to become a Certified Pharmacy Technician; 5 to 9 p.m. Sundays for 11 sessions beginning Sept. 27; cost is $749. • State Tested Nurse Aide (STNA) Training — This is the 80-hour course approved by the State of Ohio for students wishing to obtain jobs in any long-term care facility in the state; 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays for 10 sessions beginning Oct. 23; cost is $550. • Medical Terminology:
A Word Association Approach (Online) — This course teaches medical terminology from an anatomical approach. Classes, which include 12 sessions, begin Oct. 21 and Nov. 11; cost is $75. Register at www.Ed2go. com/kern. To register or for information, call Marsha at 419559-2255.
Oak Harbor High School Homecoming court
Oak Harbor High School Homecoming Royalty 2009: (front row, left to right) Jenna Frederick— junior, Allie Dresser — freshman, Courtney Atwater — senior, Sara Lipstraw — senior, Olivia Porter — senior, Tori Campbell — sophomore, absent Jessica Sigurdson — PENTA; (back row, left to right) Will Beasley — PENTA, Steve Young — junior, Matt Gandee — senior, Brandon Wasserman — senior, Alex Pavlica — senior, Brian Mallernee — sophomore, and Zach Bolen — freshman.
Senior Health Assessments
Heritage Health Care in partnership with Ottawa County is conducting patient health assessments and monthly educational programs for Seniors 60 years and older who reside in Ottawa County. A RN will provide a health assessment, blood pressure checks, blood glucose and cholesterol testing, and referrals to private physicians.
Monthly Educational Presentations
Contact Site for Details We will be at the following locations in October: Elmore Senior Village - Oct. 6th Danbury Senior Center - Oct. 7th Lakeview Estates Port Clinton - Oct. 13th Riverview Senior Center - Oct. 14th Port Clinton Senior Center - Oct. 20th Genoa Elder Life Apartments - Oct. 27th Put-in-Bay Senior Center - Oct. 22nd
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Class of ’77 celebrating birthdays
The Difference is Clear
Members of the Port Clinton High School class of 1977 will celebrate their 50th birthday together on Saturday, Sept. 26, at 8 p.m. at Cleats Sports Bar and. All class members in the area are encouraged to attend.
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The Beacon I Thursday, September 24, 2009
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Watch the NFL Sunday Ticket Here! Over 12 TVs Food & Drink Specials All Your Favorite Tailgate Foods $3.00 off Pizza 1/2 off Chicken Chunks
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Thursday, September 24, 2009 I The Beacon
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The Beacon I Thursday, September 24, 2009
FootballRoundup CLYDE 44 — PORT CLINTON 0 By J. Patrick Eaken The Clyde Fliers shut down the Redskins’ offense en route to a 44-0 Sandusky Bay Conference victory Friday night. Clyde led only 7-0 after one quarter, scoring on a running play to the right for a touchdown. But four second quarter scores put the Fliers up 35-0 at halftime. Clyde added a third quarter touchdown and a 26-yard field goal in the third quarter to close out the scoring. The Fliers had 26 first downs to PC’s four, and 507 yards rushing to PC’s 38. Even in total offensive plays, the Fliers dominated 67 to 38. The PC passing game was even put at bay, with only 22 net yards. PC completed none of its 10 third down conversions and had to punt eight times. Port Clinton’s overall record now evens out at 2-2 overall, but the Redskins fall to 0-1 in the SBC. Clyde, with only a loss to Eastwood on its schedule, improves to 1-0 in the SBC. PC hosts Edison this Friday in another SBC encounter.
WHEN: Saturday, September 26, 2009 10:00am
WHERE: 3988 N. Lickert Harder Rd. Graytown, OH 43432 For: Whipple Living Trust Gerald L. Whipple, Trustee
Community Internet Links Air Conditioning Firelands Mechanical - www.firelandsmechanical.com
Auctioneers Greg Peiffer - www.Ohioauctioneer.com
Bumbera Design - www.bumberadesign.com
BBQ & Caterers
Directions: From Oak Harbor, Ohio take St. Rt. 163 West approx. 3 miles to Lickert Harder Road, turn right, go approx. 5 miles. Watch for signs.
Bar-B-Que Bills Ribs & Chicken Shack www.barbequebills.com Bar-B-Que Traveler, Inc. - www.barbquetravelerinc.com
Lunch served by St. Paul's UCC Church
Tractor: 1980 White 2-50 serial #524554 3 pt, ps, 2100 hours, diesel, good tires. Truck: 1983 Ford step side, 6 cyl, auto, AC, 155,561 miles. Auto: 1987 Oldsmobile Delta 88, 3800 engine, 4 dr, 125,681 miles, AC, cruise. Generator: Pincor 4500 watt, 10 hp gas. Storage Building: 10x12 outdoor storage building. You Move! Machinery: JD 6 ½ft 3pt blade, 10ft harragator drag. 10ft brillion cultipacker. 14ft Wards flatbed wagon w/ factory sides. 14 ft flatbed IH wagon, sides & hayrack. Gravity wagon w/ 6 ton Kory running gear. 3 bushel cyclone PTO seeder. 8ft soil surgeon. 8ft IH spring tooth. 9ft iron beam drag. 4 bar New Idea hay rake on steel. JD 30ft elevator w/ electric motor. J.I. Case 3x14 in mounted plow. 10ft J.I. Case wheel disk. 14.9x28 duals snap-on. Campbell Hausfeld air compressor. New JD tractor umbrella. Lawn & Garden: 2 Yardman riding mowers, 42in cut, Yardman 22in gas push mower, Homelite gas weed eater, Toro gas push mower, 2 man saw, anvil, Herbrand tool box & other Herbrand tools, DeWalt 3/8in drill, Craftsman ½in electric drill, Craftsman scroll saw, circular saw, bolts, kerosene heater, some hand tools, single tree, chain binders, 2 wheel cart, MTD kids wagon, Jungler 1 burner & a 2 burner kerosene heaters, Craftsman table saw, 2- platform scales, wooden barrels, old garden cultivator, picnic table, garden hose & reel, step ladders, wheel barrel, Craftsman shopvac, Columbia adult tri-cycle, cast iron butcher kettles, shovels, rakes, hoes, fishing poles, B+D 16in hedge trimmer. Household: Kenmore 19.1 cu.ft. Side-by-side refrigerator, double bed w/ 4 drawer dresser & vanity dresser, wooden upright glass display case, 5 drawer dresser, full size bed w/ 4 drawer dresser & vanity dresser w/ mirror & nightstand, glider chair, small Century safe, medium Meilink safe, round wooden drum table, couch, 2 matching twin beds, wooden round table w/ leaf & 4 chairs, sewing machine & cabinet, setting for 6 china, 8 glasses & pitcher Carnival glass, oil lamps, Apollo 11 glasses, old kitchen utensils, old tins, 2- Queen Ann chairs, knee hole desk, love seat, 2- Lazy boy chairs, lamps, Duncen Fife round table, Fenton glass, Milk glass, Cranberry candy dish, Roberts record player & records, cups & saucers, TV’s, Coke bottles, pots & pans, Fedders 6000 btu AC (new), Amana AC unit, Kodak tape player, Eureka upright sweeper. Collectibles & Antiques: Marble top dresser w/ handkerchief drawers & mirror, pitcher & bowl, old crow hunting kit, boxes of American rifleman magazines, walking plow, towel drying rack, wooden rectangle stand. Consigned: 11ft brillion cultipacker, 10ft Dunham drag, 12ft AC 1200 field cultivator, Van Brunt 17 hole grain drill, JD 3 bottom mounted plow, platform scale, chains, millwright tool box, wood planes, oil cans, old wooden child’s wheel chair, hand corn planter & potato planter, barn lantern, 2 railroad lanterns, chain binders, hand corn sheller, hand grinder, milk cans, copper boiler, 3 child’s sleds, old bottles, hand tools, tin 4 drawer file cabinet, wooden pulleys, draw knives, conservo, wooden rocker, cyclone seeder, yard spreader, dial indicator, cast iron pots w/ lids, 25 gall crock, horse drawn furrower, scoop, wood lathe w/ stand, Craftsman table saw, Winchester model 1987 12 gauge pump, Craftsman table saw, router table, electric grinder, Craftsman belt sander, seed bags. Many Other Misc. Items Terms: Cash or check with proper ID. All items sold as is where is. Not responsible for accidents, or items after they are sold. Statements made the day of sale supersede all printed matter. Licensed by the division of Licensing, Ohio Department of Agriculture, and bonded in favor of the State of Ohio.
Complete Auction Service Real Estate & Chattel 3303 S. State Route 19 • Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449(419) 898-0290 or (419) 262-7408
Boat Haulers Dave’s Marine Transport www.davesmarinetransport.com Grandma’s Back Yard Barbeque www.grandmasbackyardbbq.com
Chambers of Commerce Marblehead - www.marbleheadpeninsula.com Oak Harbor - www.oakharborohio.net Port Clinton - www.portclintonchamber.com Put-in-Bay - www.put-in-bay.com
Commercial & Industrial Painting Contractors May Painting Inc. - www.maypainting.com
Community Action
WSOS - www.wsos.org
Community Builder United Way - www.unitedwayottawacounty.org 211 - www.helpclick.org
Construction Wrights General Contracting www.wrightsgeneralcontracting.com
Counseling The Giving Tree - www.givingtreecounseling.com
Electric Wrights Electric - www.wrightsgeneralcontracting.com
Emergency Assistance Red Cross - www.redcrosstoledo.org Salvation Army - www.thesalarmy.com Underwater Recovery Team - www.diveputinbay.com
Employment and Training Services Northcoast Jobs Connection (The Job Store) www.northcoastjobs.org
Generators Firelands Mechanical - www.Firelandsmechanical.com
Hair Salon Hair Quarters - www.hair-quarters.com
Local Government City of Port Clinton - www.ci.port-clinton.oh.us Ottawa County - www.co.ottawa.oh.us Village of Oak Harbor - www.oakharbor.oh.us
Massage Therapy The Kenny House - www.portclintonmassagetherapy.com
Mental Health Addict. Svc. Mental Heath Recovery Board - www.mhrbeo.com
Mental Retardation/Develop. Disabilities Ottawa County Board of Mental Retardation www.ocbmr.org
Mentoring Big Brothers-Big Sisters - www.bbbsa.org
Non-Profit Health Care American Cancer Society - www.cancer.org Stein Hospice - www.steinhospice.org Ottawa County Health Dept. - www.ottawahealth.org
Painting Contractor PaintNoMore, LLC - www.paintnomoreforever.com
Sailboat Rides Erie Spirit Sailing - www.lakeeriesail.com
Taxidermy Mike’s Taxidermy - www.gallery-classics.com
Transportation OCTA - www.co.ottawa.oh.us
Linda Green - www.omnigreen.com click on North Coast Connection tab on website.
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Call Donna
at 419-732-3571 See this ad online at
PC’s Derek Colston fires a pass up field against Clyde in the Redskins’ 44-0 loss last Friday. photo by bill migala
HILLTOP 54 — DANBURY 16 By J. Patrick Eaken Hilltop scored six first half touchdowns en route to opening Toledo Area Athletic Conference play with a 54-16 victory over Danbury Friday night. After Hilltop took a 41-0 halftime lead, Danbury came back and scored two second half touchdowns. Senior fullback George Biedenbach scored on a 20-yard run with 3:25 remaining in the third quarter, which was followed by a two-point conversion pass from senior quarterback Nathan Hartman to senior Rodney Johnson. Hartman scored on a one-yard run with 1:58 remaining in the game for Danbury’s second touchdown, and then he followed by running in the two-point conversion. Danbury (1-3 overall, 0-1 TAAC) travels to Northwood High School this Saturday for a 7:30 contest against Cardinal Stritch (0-4, 0-1). Stritch lost to Ottawa Hills in its TAAC opener, 33-30.
Rockets fall to Pirates
By J. Patrick Eaken Former Oak Harbor football coach Gary Quisno returned to town last Friday night with his current team, the Perkins Pirates, and soundly defeated the Rockets 35-7. In the first half, Perkins did all their scoring damage against the Rockets through the air. Perkins scored three first half touchdowns to take a 21-0 halftime lead. Kyle Finn scored on a 47-yard pass from Spencer Bryant to open scoring with 5:29 remaining in the first quarter. The Rockets blocked the conversion kick, but the Pirates led 6-0. In the second quarter, Xavier Turner caught a 27-yard touchdown pass from Bryant, and Bryant followed by successfully throwing a two-point conversion pass to Finn. Eleven minutes remained in the half, and the Pirates led 14-0. Up 14-0, the Pirates weren’t done in the second quarter. Bryant hit Nico Caponi for a 19-yard pass with 7:51 remaining in the half. This time, place kicker Chris Baxter successfully hit the conversion kick to close out first half scoring with Perkins leading 21-0. Oak Harbor got on the board to open third quarter scoring. Just over two minutes remained in the third quarter when sophomore quarterback Brian Mallernee hit a four-yard touchdown pass to D.J. Everett. Myles Backus added the conversion kick, and suddenly the Rockets were back to within two touchdowns, trailing 21-7. But Perkins got on the board twice in the final quarter. Richard Kohler scored on a 32-yard run, and Baxter added the conversion kick with 11:53 remaining in the game. Turner then caught his second touchdown pass, a 19-yard toss from Bryant with 7:21 remaining. Baxter closed out the game’s scoring with another conversion kick. Perkins had 478 total net yards to Oak Harbor’s 191, and 22 first downs to Oak Harbor’s nine. Bryant completed 13-of-19 passes with one interception, that taken by Rocket defender Brad Perry. SPECIAL FIRING NOTICE 2009 For Perkins, Turner caught five passes for 89 yards, and Richard Kohler led the Pirate running game with 89 yards on 12 carries. For Oak Harbor, Mallernee completed 12-of-26 passes with two interceptions for 87 yards and one touchdown. His longest completion was a 16-yard pass to Davey Burkett, and he also had a 13-yarder to D.J. Everett, and a 9-yarder to Zack Priesman. Everett caught five passes for 31 yards, Burkett caught two for 24 yards, Priesman caught three for 31 yards, Perry caught one pass for eight yards, and Jake Scott caught a pass for three yards. Matt Klippstein led Oak Harbor’s running game with 51 yards on eight carries. Jake Scott and Jordan Cannet each had 33 yards on six carries. Linebacker Mike Mallernee, who THE GOVERNMENT DESIGNATED DANGER ZONES OFF missed time with Oak Harbor because THE SHORES OF CAMP PERRY AND THE ERIE INDUSTRIAL PARK CONTINUES TO BE USED FOR FIRING OF LARGE of an injury, is back in the line-up and CALIBER INERT ARTILLERY, ANTIAIRCRAFT WEAPONS, had one fumble recovery. SMALL ARMS AND OTHER DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ACTIVITIES. RESTRICTED ENTRY AS PROVIDED BY TITLE Oak Harbor hosts Margaretta this 33, UNITED STATES CODE, IS BEING ENFORCED. ALL Friday. PERSONS MUST STAY CLEAR OF THESE ZONES DURING
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Thursday, September 24, 2009 I The Beacon
It’s Time To Invest In You!
PCHS girls compete in doubles tourney The Port Clinton High School girls tennis team traveled to Fremont Saturday to play in the 7-team Michaels Memorial Doubles Tournament. The Lady Redskins and Fremont St. Joe were the only Division II schools in a field that included Northwest Ohio DI powers Notre Dame and Central Catholic. The coaching staff was very proud of how well the girls performed against some topcaliber competition. • Samantha Griffin and Rachael Szabo captured the No. 2 Doubles Championship with wins over both Notre Dame 6-0, 6-0 and Central Catholic 6-1, 6-0. • Chelsea Beck and Aubrey Gillman recorded wins over Bowling Green and Sylvania Northview before falling to Notre
Dame in the Championship match at No. 1 Doubles. • Amber Peto and Katie Schroeder won easily (6-0, 6-0) over Sylvania Northview in the opening round at No. 4 Doubles. Their second round match went 3 sets with Amber and Katie prevailing 5-7, 7-5, 10-5. Bowling Green out fought the duo in the Championship winning both sets 7-6. • Michelle Hablitzel and Haley DeLeon finished 4th at No. 3 Doubles. The kids played hard and never gave up. They scrapped their way to a respectable No. 2 finish. Final scores were: Central Catholic 95, Port Clinton 80, Bowling Green 57, Notre Dame 46, Fremont Ross 42, Fremont St. Joe 14; Sylvania Northview 14.
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Deer season opens Saturday
COLUMBUS — Approximately 300,000 bowhunters, representing more than half of all Ohioans who hunt deer, are expected to participate in the statewide archery deer hunting season that opens Sept. 26, according to experts with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife. During last year’s four419-734-2695 month archery season, bow108" 2 - 50" hunters killed 85,856 deer, 311 Buckeye Blvd. ig b p lasma an increase of 9 percent from screen TVs the previous year. Crossbow hunters took a record 46,480 of that number and longSaturday Football Specials bow hunters took a record 39,376 deer. Overall, archers Watch the Big 10 Network accounted for nearly 34 percent of 252,017 deer taken with us from 12:00 to 5:00 during Ohio’s combined 2008-09 archery, muzzleDraft Beer $1.00 $1.50 off large loader and gun seasons. homemade Licking County led the state in both the vertical bow and pizza crossbow harvest. CoshocBirthday Party ton, Tuscarawas, Ashtabula Packages Avaliable and Holmes rounded out the top five counties in crossbow harvest, while Coshocton, Tuscarawas, Knox and Hol- Newly Remodeled Sports Bar mes completed the list of top five counties in vertical bow harvest. Again this year, hunters who purchase an Ohio hunting license and $24 deer permit will be eligible to buy the $15 antlerless deer permit, which is valid Sept. 26-Nov. 29. The permit will be valid through Dec. 6 in Zone C only where the permit will be for sale until Nov. 29. Ohio hunters are encouraged to kill more does again this season using the reduced-priced antlerless permit and donate any extra venison to the needy. The Division of Wildlife is collaborating with Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry to help pay for the processing of donated venison. Hunters who donate their deer to a food bank are not required to pay the processing cost as long as funding for the effort lasts. Information about this program can be found online at www.fhfh.org After Nov. 29, archery hunters must use a deer permit for antlerless deer. Using the $15 antlerless deer permit, hunters can take one additional antlerless deer in Zone A, up to two additional in Zone B and up to three additional in Zone C. The antlerless deer permits will also be valid for Division of Wildlife controlled deer hunts and for hunting deer in urban units. Archery season remains open through Feb. 7, including the week of deer-gun season Nov. 30 through Dec. 6. Deer-gun hunters will also have an additional weekend Dec. 19-20. Archers may hunt Landscaping, Design & Garden Center a half-hour before sunrise 2505 E. Harbor Rd. (SR 163) Port Clinton to a half hour after sunset, except during the statewide 419-732-8200 • 419-585-9005 gun, youth and muzzleloader Mon. - Thur. 9-3 • Fri. 9-5:30 • Sat. 9-2 • Sun. 11-2 seasons when they are a half hour before sunrise to sunset. Archers hunting during the statewide gun, youth or muzzleloader seasons must meet the hunter orange requirements of those seasons.
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Owner Advantage RewardsProgram! Program! SeeSee BobBob to learn youhow can earn credit on all service work opportunity to and earn the opportunity to earn www.portclintonford.com Owner Advantage Rewards to how learn you5% can earn 5% credit onand allthe service work FREE oil changes. Any make, any model. Free membership! Our way of saying thanks to you for taking care of your vehicle. FREEAdvantage oil changes. Any make, any model. Free membership! saying you for taking of your vehicle. Owner Rewards Program! See Bob to learn how youOur can way earnof5% creditthanks on all to service work andcare the opportunity to earn
FREE oil changes. Any make, any model. Free membership! Our way of saying thanks to you for taking care of your vehicle.
The Beacon I Thursday, September 24, 2009
Business Lake Erie Business Park on Ohio Solar Tour The Lake Erie Business Park — home to Ottawa County’s largest solar electric array — will be featured as part of the seventh annual Ohio Solar Tour. Green Energy Ohio is coordinating this annual event in cooperation with The American Solar Energy Society’s National Solar Tour, in what has become the largest demonstration of installed renewable energy technologies and energy efficient building practices in the United States. In addition to solar systems, the Ohio Solar Tour highlights wind, biomass, LEED design and a variety of energy-saving technologies. Interested members of the public are invited to view the 60-panel array from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 4. Representatives
from the park, located on Ohio 2 west of Camp Perry, will be on-hand to answer any questions visitors might have about the renewable energy initiatives underway at the facility. The 13.4 kW array was installed on the roof of the site’s marquee 756,000 square foot facility in August 2008 by Dovetail Solar and Wind of Athens, Ohio. It is expected to produce approximately 14,900 kWh of electric power every year for the next 25 years. The electricity from the array supports Crown Battery’s Renewable Energy Center, which will use clean energy from the sun’s rays to provide the initial charge for the company’s line of high quality industrial
Part time Mon.-Fri. Familiar with Quick Books Salary based on experience Mail Resume to:
Port Clinton Elks Lodge 231 Buckeye Blvd. 419-734-1900
at www.greenenergyohio.org for details regarding dates, times, directions and descriptions of all of the state’s open house sites.
Financial Focus
JOBS JUST POSTED Office Manager Immediate Opening
grade batteries. “We’ve tied the use of alternative energy directly to job creation in Ottawa County,” said David Fahrbach, who purchased the site with partner Jim McKinney in December 2005. “The opportunity to promote green energy has been an effective competitive advantage for us.” Members of the public will also be able to take a close look at the facility’s 60 kW Wind Cube, which is mounted near the solar array. The large wind turbine, developed by Green Energy Technologies and purchased by Crown Battery, is the first of its kind in the nation. The turbine was installed in April of this year. Visit the Green Energy Ohio Web site
With Gary Coon Call Donna For Your Special Help Wanted Rate! 419732-3571 September has been designated as Life Insurance Aware- financial services companies. And many people with inor email her ness Month — so you may want to take this opportunity surance have far less coverage than they need. at donna@the- to learn more about your life insurance needs and deterIf you have loved ones depending on your income, it’s beacon.net mine if you’re adequately covered. important to discuss how life insur-
Do you have enough insurance — and the right type?
OPEN HOUSE Sunday Sept. 27, 2:00 - 5:00 PM!! duce
ed er ! Pric AgAin
Won’t last long at $295,000! - 9024 East Parkview Ct. Enjoy all the amenities of this community WITH LOTS OF SPACE, BUT WITHOUT THE HIGH PRICE. Built in 2004, the OPEN FLOOR PLAN includes 4 bedrooms, 2 /12 baths, first floor master, bath, and den, and second floor loft. LAKE VIEWS, SUNSETS, and NEARBY PUBLIC BOAT RAMP round out the appeal. Super LOW MAINTENANCE AND UTILITY COSTS! Please Call Todd Kroehle 440-823-5250
RJ Auto Sales
419-356-2288 • 1629 Woodville Rd., Millbury '04 Dodge Ram Quad Cab Hemi 4 x 4 $13,995 '04 Ford XLT Super Crew 4 x 4 loaded $13,995 '04 Pontiac Montana-DVD Loaded $6,995 '07 Pontiac Vibe – Loaded $9,750 '07 Chevy HHR LT 49K $9,750 '95 Chevy Camaro Z-28 Convertible, 5.7 V8, 6 Spd Fast $7,995 '92 Corvette - Red 39K Both Tops $10,900 '99 Ford Taurus Wagon-Clean $3,350 '00Chevy S-10 EX Cab-Very Clean, Auto, Air $5,995 '00 Chevy S-10 EX Cab V-6 Auto Air Nice $6,995 '00 GMC K1500 Ex Cab 4dr. 4 x 4 Very Clean $10,950 '99 Ford F250 Super Crew Cab, Lariat Loaded 89K leather & more. Heavy Duty $8,395 ’99 Pontiac Montana – Very Clean $3,295 ’00 Windstar Loaded – very clean $3,000 '01 Chevy Prizm, 4 door 60K $4,475 '99 GMC EX Cab-3 door – 1500 series mint Must See Like new
In fact, helping people understand the necessity of being properly insured the need to FOR SALE BY OWNER and seek professional advice regarding those needs is the ultimate goal of Life Insurance Awareness Month, which is coordinated by Beautiful 3 BDRM, 2 Full Baths, the nonprofit Life Fireplace, 2 car detached 24’ x 40’ and Health Foungarage w/ Custom Tiki Bar inside. dation for EducaNice & Big over 1/3 acre corner tion (LIFE). Some lot. Mature Trees w/landscaping. 68 million adult Americans have Washer/Dryer, Refig. & much of no life insurance the furniture will stay. Perryview at all, according Estates, Marblehead. Please call to LIMRA Interfor private viewing 419-504-2376. national, a worldwide association $139,900 of insurance and
Storage Condominium
20’ x 50’ All Steel Construction
Natural Gas Heat - 100 AMP Electric with individual meters 16x16 overhead doors
West Bay Condo’s
State Rd. at Plasterbed Rd. • Port Clinton, OH.
October 17 & 18 0:00-0:00
Lake Erie Living
hors d’oeurves beer • wine
ance may protect them. But choosing the right amount of coverage, and the right type, is not quite that simple. So let’s take a look at two key questions you need to ask: How much insurance do I need? And what type of insurance is right for me? There are many factors to consider when determining how much insurance you need. That’s why you’ll need to look at some key variables in your life, such as: How many children do you have? Do you plan for them all to go to college? Do any of them have special needs? How many years left on your mortgage? What other debts do you have? An experienced financial professional will be able to use the answers to these questions and others to help determine how much life insurance you need. Your next step is to decide which type of coverage best fits your needs. Essentially, your choice is between term insurance, which offers a death benefit for a specific period of time, and permanent insurance, which can provide lifetime protection plus the potential to build cash value tax-deferred. Keep in mind that all guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company and that certain features come at additional costs. There’s no hard-and-fast rule as to which type of coverage to choose. However, when you’re starting out in your career, and your children are young, you might find that term insurance could be a cost effective way for covering a short-term need (generally 20 years or less). On the other hand, if you choose a permanent insurance policy, such as whole life or universal life, you can potentially build cash value that you can access during your life on a tax-advantaged basis. Since permanent insurance has a cash value component, the premiums may initially be more costly than those for term insurance. Which choice — term or permanent — is right for you? It depends on a variety of factors, including your cash flow, your investment portfolio and how many years you plan on keeping your coverage. Also, you’ll need to review your insurance coverage regularly to make sure it still meets your needs and addresses any changes in your situation. A financial advisor can help you make the right selections. Taking steps today allows you to celebrate Life Affordable Housing Insurance Awarein Port Clinton ness Month se1 Bedroom suites for seniors cure in the knowledge that you’ve (62+) and disabled individuals. taken the right to help proRENT BASED ON INCOME steps tect your family. Apply Monday thru Friday 8-4 This article was written by Edward or Call 419-732-0385 Jones for use by 205 Buckeye Blvd. Gary Coon.
At Catawba Island’s Premiere Waterfront Community
TOWNHOME & CAPE CONDOMINIUMS 2 & 3 Bedroom Floorplans including One Floor Living Pricing Starting at $299,900
18’ X 35’ X 11’4” All electric, well insulated, heated, separate utilities $27,500.00 $1,000 discount if secured by 10/31/09 5460 Port Clinton Eastern Rd. Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 419-547-7567 Note location - behind Friendship Station - Rt. 269
Amenities include: Marina • Clubhouse • Pool Fitness Center • Nautre Trail
“Affordable Living on the Water”
5050 E. Muggy Road | Port Clinton, Ohio 419-797-2100 or 419-341-0863 www.catawbabay.info
Sales Office Hours: Thur.-Sat. 11-5; Sun. & Mon. 11-4 Tue. & Wed. by appointment
2003 Sea Swirl 2301 Striper Walkaround I/O Alaska Package. Length 24’2”, Beam 8’6”, GXI Vortec, 270 hp, V8 Engine. 101 hrs. Head, Stove, Sink (never used) - w/trailer and Power Anchor. Port Clinton, OH. 2009 cost new $57,800. Reduced to $25,600. Bought new. Won’t last! Call 419-356-2288
Thursday, September 24, 2009 I The Beacon
Small Business Basics Seminars set for October The Ohio Small Business Development Center at Terra Community College is offering free, two-hour seminars, Small Business Basics, that will answer questions about starting, buying or expanding a small business. This seminar will take the confusion out of your efforts and help avoid costly mistakes and unnecessary steps. Learn the basics of: name registration, licensing, taxes, zoning, business entities, employees, insurance, financing and business planning. The schedule is: • Wednesday, Oct. 7 — 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Ottawa County Improvement Corp. (conference room), 8043 W. Ohio 163, Oak Harbor • Wednesday, Oct. 21 — 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Erie County Chamber of Commerce (conference room), 225 W. Washington Row, Sandusky • Wednesday, Oct. 28 – 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Terra Community College (Building B, Room 101), 2830 Napoleon Road, Fremont. These events are free and open to the public. To register or for information, call Bill Auxter, director of the Ohio Small Business Development Center at Terra Community College, toll-free 800-826-2431 or 419-5592210. Or contact him by e-mail at bauxter@terra.edu.
RealEstate Transfers Bay Township
• 9-18-09 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company to Dominic A. Insana, 5036 West Fremont Road, $26,200.
“I Sell Views”
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THIS HOME OFFERED SUBJECT TO THIRD PARTY LENDER’S APPROVAL OF THE SHORT SALE! Well cared for, perfect for the FIRST TIME BUYERS TAX CREDIT! This home has a wonderful two car garage and off street parking, great neighborhood too. Must see for anyone looking in this price range.
BAY POINT SHORES Lakefront building sites on the most magnificent beach in the area! New homes under construction, all underground utilities, world class marina facility, pool and clubhouse 2010. Build your dream here and retire to a resort community close to family and friends. Starting at
Delightful century home on James Park. PENDING CLOSING
MARBLEHEAD - 2247 LINDA DRIVE Darling fully furnished cottage home with 30' dock! SOLD
PORT CLINTON - 513 B-6 LAKESHORE DR. Harborside Condo. Fully furnished with 30' dock. PENDING
MARBLEHEAD - 617 POPLAR ST. Lovely home on a park like setting! PENDING SALE
MARBLEHEAD 6005 E. Harbor Rd. #1B
Harbor’s End 1st floor condo with spectacular views! Travertine flooring, walkin marble shower, 1-car detached garage & 30ft dock. Owner Financing Available! $299,000
Custom brick home adjacent to CIC Yacht Club. Fabulous views of marina from almost every room of this 5BD, 4-½ BA home! Ideally suited for entertaining w/deck, patio & Theater Room. $789,000
3416 Memorial Shwy.
CATAWBA ISLAND 2212 Carriage Ln #5 Lakefront Colony Club Townhome with unforgettable views & sunsets! 2nd floor Master Suite with spacious sitting area, numerous built-ins & more. Price includes share of the marina. $799,000 PORT CLINTON 162 S Nancy Drive 210ft of frontage on the Portage River with dock at door! Ranch home features Living & Family Room, 2 BD, 2 BA, 2 car garage & 25ft operational lighthouse! $239,000 PORT CLINTON 248-F Lakeshore Drive Spectacular views of Lake Erie from remodeled Waterfronts II condo! 2nd sleeping area, new flooring & paint in May 2009! Association pool, beach & play area. $146,900 DANBURY TOWNSHIP 2761 Amherst Ave Cove on the Bay ranch with wonderful deck overlooking the Bay. 1828sqft, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, full basement & 2-car garage. Dockage available in marina. $220,000
CATAWBA ISLAND 4355-F Marin Woods Spectacular ranch condo with views of marina & Lake. Beautifully refurbished with kitchen featuring granite, stateof-the-art appliances, ceramic tile. Includes 75ft+ T-dock (C-1 & C-13). $399,000
Carroll Township
• 9-16-09 Dorothy Wargowsky to Gregory J. and Tricia G. Tallman, 9634 West Toussaint East Road, $4,700. • 9-15-09 Philip and Dawn Peters to Thomas E.and Stacy M.Barron, 2420 North Carroll Erie Road, $89,500.
CATAWBA ISLAND 5931 Basin Panoramic views of Gem Beach marina & Lake Erie! 3292sqft, 4 bdrms, 3 full baths features 3 Great Rooms & fireplaces. Walk to restaurant, marina store & dockage. $650,000
Real Estate Services
Catawba Township
• 9-18-09 Daniel J. and Rani M. Kindl to Marc Christian and Jan Kay Troeger , 5114 E. Blue Teal, $324,900. EVERY HOME FOR SALE ... ANY TIME ... EVERY DAY
Danbury Township
• 9-18-09 Mark A. and Kathleen Sawka to Peter J. and Jennifer Goumas, 2281 S. Commodore Court, $245,000. • 9-18-09 Ray William and Ara Dean Leurck to David G. and Kerryann Hurlbut, 431 Central, $215,000. • 9-15-09 Henry B. Kihlken, Ann Kovach Schmidt and Mary Barcley to board of trustees, Danbury Township, 4.5911 split Lot 4 Section 4, $55,093.
Port Clinton City
• 9-18-09 Michelle L. Fick tp Stephen H. and Bridget M.Dolin, 823 Fulton St., $109,900. • 9-18-09 Thomas R. and Emogene K, Bryan to Robert P. Walker Jr. and Heather S. Walker, 411 Jackson St., $79,500. • 9-14-09 H. Max and Donna J. Brewer to Hal F. and Diane L. Hawk, 200 W. Lakeshore Drive No. 6, $185,000.
Oak Harbor Corp
• 9-16-09 Fern D. Baumgartner to Constance M. Trimble, 410 Church St., $21,000. • 9-16-09 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company to Keton M.and Brandi R. Perkins, 221 Harvest Lane, $78,000. • 9-15-09 Mary Alice Teagarden to Howard Ballard, 438 E. Water St., $101,000.
Realtors association offers second-home sales training SANDUSKY — The Ohio Association of Realtors will offer “Resort & Second-Home Markets” 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 15-16 at the Firelands Association of Realtors, 2710 Campbell St. Sheila Bell, ARB, CRB, CRS, GRI, Coldwell Banker West Shell, Cincinnati, will instruct this course which focuses on the essentials of buying, selling or managing second homes for recreation, investment and development by United States and international clients and customers in the United States. The course has been approved for 14 hours of real estate continuing education credit and is one of the required core courses for the National Association of Realtors RSPS (Resort & Second-Home Properties Specialist) designations. Additionally, this course serves as an elective towards obtaining the ABR (Accredited Buyer Representative) designation of the National Association of Realtors. For information or to register, contact Nikki Blain in OAR’s Professional Development Group at 614-228-6675 or visit our Web site at www.ohiorealtors.org. The Ohio Association of Realtors, with more than 30,500 members, is the largest professional trade association in Ohio.
New Waterfront home on the Sandusky Bay has just been reduced. There are panoramic views of water from this home with an open floor plan and many amenities. 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths w/2 car garage. Go to our website and see the Virtual Tour. Priced to sell at $477,000.00 Call Glenna or Ted
Ted Greene 419-563-4968 Cathy Greene 419-563-4967 Glenna Bender 419-341-1579 Mark Hartline 419-341-9999 Email: Ted@TedandCathyGreene.com
TOUR ALL OUR LISTINGS AT www.tedandcathygreene.com
3845 N. Ridge Catawba—Catawba Cliffs home w/4 bd.3 ba. Open floor plan, Viking appliances, 1st floor master, vaulted ceilings. Wrap around screened porch. 2 car attach garage, plus a separate 3 car detached gar. that has multiple uses. HowardHanna. com/803731 MARK HARTLINE 419-341-9999
4600 Marsh’s Edge Blvd. Catawba—Custom 5 bed 4 bath waterfront home in The Marsh’s Edge. 2 fireplaces, gourmet kitchen, fabulous master suite and much more! Unique setting overlooking 60 acres of protected wetlands. Private dockage to Lake Erie. Building lots available. 4600marshsedgeblvd. howardhanna.com CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144
1587 Windward Catawba— Waterfront first floor condo w/30 ft deep water dock at your door. Sit on your condo deck w/water views. Nicely Furnished. Close to pool and spa. The condo is ready to enjoy year round. Can be rented. HowardHanna.com/900185 $159,900 MARK HARTLINE 419-341-9999
733 N Star Place Port Clinton—Waterfront home with dockage! 3 bed 3 bath home featuring newer roof, furnace, central air, concrete drive, garage door, 10x20 shed and dock. Upper and lower deck overlooking canal. Money Back Guarantee! Howardhanna. com/902776 SUE PIACENTINO 419-341-4945
175 Driftwood Port Clinton—Newer doublewide with spacious rooms on the pond in The Fountains Mobile Home Estates. In the heart of Port Clinton close to the beach, river, downtown, yet secluded and quiet with a waterfront to relax by. Howardhanna. com/901535 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188
353 Miley Dr. Marblehead— Spacious vacation or primary residence. Lake Erie views from master bedroom and second floor deck. Dockage in marina at end of street with direct lake access. Large kitchen and 1st floor bed and bath. 3 season room. Money Back Guarantee! Howardhanna.com/901975 GLENNA BENDER 419-341-15798110
185 Sunny Dale Marblehead— 3 bed 2 bath home in Danbury Twp. Well kept with open floor plan, spacious rooms and a wood burning fireplace. 1296 sq. ft all on one floor! Great neighborhood! Money Back Guarantee! Howardhanna. com/902024 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188
8175 N. Shore Blvd Lot 64 Marblehead—Turn key everything stays. Well cared for. Immediate occupancy ready for seasonal or year round use. Rental dockage available. Howardhanna.com/905315 SHARON POLANCO 419341-0080
BY APPOINTMENT 4711 Abbey Rd. Catawba—Fairway Villas at CIC! 2 bed 2 bath open floor plan overlooks putting green. Spacious sun room, fireplace. Convenient to clubhouse & pool. Enjoy views of CIC golf course from patio. Abbey model at low price! HowardHanna.com/900086 GLENNA BENDER 419-341-1579 10 Meadowbrook Lane Fremont—Beautiful 2 story home on large manicured end lot. Features include 4 bed 2/5 bath, hardwood flooring, formal living/dining room, huge family room with fireplace that opens to kitchen, tiled Florida room opens to deck with gazebo. Full finished basement. Howardhanna.com/903435 CHERYL HETRICK 419-2020144
123 Oak St. Port Clinton—Come play or stay in this year round 3 bed home only 1/2 block from lake/beach. Entertain on the enclosed porch or backyard patio. Hardwood floor throughout lower level, full basement, garage. Home warranty included. Serious seller. Price reduced to $99,900 Howardhanna.com/904205 SHERYL MARTIN 419-341-4424
130 Oak St. Port Clinton—Enjoy the comforts of ample living space in this 3 bedroom home. The country kitchen comes complete w/appliances and a breakfast bar. Enlarged laundry room w/washer and dryer. Two car garage w/ attached patio for summer barbeques. Located near the beach and park.130oakst.howardhanna.com MARGARET LENTHE 419341-2014 207 Fulton St. Port Clinton—Spacious 1 ½ story home in the heart of vacationland! First floor master. One block up from the lake – close to everything. 207fultonstportclinton.howardhanna.com KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188
1540 Fremont Rd. Port Clinton—Well maintained brick ranch on .81 acres. Spacious rooms include a 23x12 living room with wood burning fireplace, 21x19 great room, dining room and 20x14 family room. 3 bed 2 bath and eat-in kitchen complete this wonderful family home. Howardhanna.com/904963 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144 302 E Sixth St. Port Clinton—Well maintained home with beautiful original wide oak trim throughout. Conveniently located on large corner lot near school and hospital. Move in ready. Money Back Guarantee! Howardhanna.com/902036 SUE PIACENTINO 419-341-4945 715 State St. Port Clinton—Income property – 3 units. Units are updated and well kept. Off street parking. Large storage facility included. Live/vacation in one and let the other 2 pay for it all! Howardhanna.com/807365 KARMEN LUCAS 419656-9188 6481 Teal Bend Oak Harbor—Very nice furnished condo with upgraded flooring includes all appliances. Views of nature and Lake Erie from patio. Tennis courts, pool, and dockage included. Howardhanna.com/904931 CHERYL HETRICK 419-2020144 1308 Cleveland Rd, Huron—Quality and openness throughout this Wexford home. Fabulous eat in kitchen with custom oak cabinets, breakfast bar and sliding door to deck. Open to 2nd story living room has view across to the Lake! LISA HORMAN 419-271-8110
3031 Tiara Catawba—Corner lot in Catawba Place-an upgraded community in the heart of vacationland. Convenient Catawba Island location near Gem Beach, NorEaster and CIC. Underground and public utilities-agent can assist with builder or financing options. Howardhanna.com/904094 GLENNA BENDER 419-341-1579 31 Egret Place Catawba—Build your dream home in this development overlooking 60 acres of protected wetlands. Private dockage. Panoramic views of water and nature. Howarhanna.com/904514 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144 4764 Little Portage Port Clinton—Large lot ready for you to build your home, pole barn, ect. Unzoned and close to vacationland amenities, fishing and wildlife preserve. Howardhanna.com/803124 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188 Lentz/Maryann/Oak, Kelleys Island—On Streets Lentz, Maryann and Oak. This UNIQUE 13+ acre parcel has approxiamately 600 feet of water frontage, some is partially wooded AND is located near the airport! Howardhanna.com/904732 MARGARET LENTHE 419-341-2014
The Beacon I Thursday, September 24, 2009
Classified 108 Homes For Sale HOUSE For SALE 1961 E. Harbor Rd. Beach privileges Great location 3 bedrooms Asking $109,000 740-828-3631 113 Manufactured Homes
MFG’D HOMES for sale in nice Lakeside-area park with marina. Contact park owner at 419-7985103 or visit www. northshoreestatesandmarina.com
Make Some Extra Cash! Advertise Here! Call 419-732-1500
200 Apartment for rent 1 BED, 1 bath Avail Oct 1, 7 months. $500+ dep. Utilities incl. No smoking, no pets 770-735-3061 2 BR Apt $495/ mo+ util, furnished, Sept thru April. Free cable 419-341-4424 PC
RE/MAX Lake Shore Realty
One Grand Lake Drive Port Clinton, OH
Office: 419-734-7355, 419-262-0936, 419-262-0915 John Rader, CRS LakeShoreRealtyLtd.com Kathy Rader, Broker Each office independently owned and operated.
SE OU H EN OP Sunday 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. 10654 E Bayshore Rd #6, Marblehead Want A Deal! $50,000 under appraised value 3BR/2BA condo number 1 in enjoyment, pool, clubhouse, tennis, 30-36’ Deeded Dock with direct lake access, custom stainless steel appliances, fireplace, granite counters, and finished 1 car garage. $219,900
SE OU H EN OP Saturday 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
3050 W. Elmore St., Port Clinton
REDUCED 3 BR ranch home w/ 50’ dock at your door. Intriguing vinyl-sided residence providing pleasant living on canal features 8x12 fish house, appliances, & room to roam in the large yard w/ front & rear porches to enjoy & barbeque w/ large 1 car garage that can store the boat. Here is a tempting home that will warm your heart! $139,500
4 BEDROOM 2 1/2 bath in Port Clinton $775/mo includes water/ sewerage/trash 419-341-3119 FURNISHED SUITE Avail Oct 15-April 1, $400 plus elct. Mrbhd area 419798-4570 MARBLEHEAD Attractive, renovated large 1 BR w/ hardwood floors & screened porch. Heat, hot water, W/D, stove, frig, parking, water/ sewer included. Walk to grocery, bank, restaurants, churches. $595 + electr. 216 402 9747
1 BEDROOM, fully furnished condo at Waterfront II in Port Clinton, Washer Dryer Wi-Fi, , now until May 2010, $500 plus electric, 419438-2310
CONDO FOR Rent 4616 W. Catawba Woods. 2 bed, 2 bath, sun room. No pets/smoking $850/mo includes utilities, Furnished $975 440-666-6441
2 BEDROOM CONDO MARBLEHEAD. Lakeview, Newlybuilt $750month +utilites. partial furnished. ranch style. Six Month Lease Available Oct-March. 419348-0350 Call 419348-0350
GREEN COVE condo by Davis Besse, fully furn townhouse 614-620-4360
204 CondoRental
Our Classifieds Work Hard for You! Call 419-732-1500
Saturday 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
3055 W. Elmore St., Port Clinton No Reasonable Offer Refused!
$69,000 – Historic Johnson's Is. 88x121 lot w/ basement option $99,900 – Live Rent Free! Duplex w/ 2 car garage, appliances, basement in downtown Port Clinton $124,900 – 4 BR/2 BA Cape Cod on .459 acres w/ 1 car garage, appliances, eat-in kitchen, new flooring $219,000 – 2nd floor Lake Erie view 2BR/2BA condo w/ 2 balconies, fireplace, 1 car garage, common beach & pool $284,000 – 4BR/3BA w/ pond, appliance, fireplace, full basement, lg. deck, shed, & 2 car garage on 2 acres. $325,000 - 3BR Beach House overlooking Lake Erie w/ large deck, kitchen is., fireplace, & newer updates throughout/2.5BA features 2 car garage, open floor plan, fireplace, & lake views
MARBLEHEAD 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, central air, W/D hook up, low maintenance, no pets, newer home 419-541-7013
(Your Extra Room) Muggy Road, Catawba 797-6303 or 6565263.
Visit Our Sales Center OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 12 to 5 •• Waterside Dr. Marblehead, OH
only 1 left!
Reserve Phase I or Marina Condos Starting at $179,000
308 Garage or Yard Sales 812 MADISON St Saturday Sept 26 only 10a-4p, rain or shine. Most items $1 or less. Household, furniture, clothes, holiday dec.
RENT NEW Indoor Port Clinton Boat & Business Storage 419-341-5010
Treasures & Trash Open Daily W. Elmore East Rd. Oak Harbor 419-898-4699 YARD SALE- One Day only! Friday Sept. 25, 10am6pm 431 Jefferson St (corner of 5th and Jefferson) Fiesta Ware, bell collection, area rugs, antiques chairs, mahogany love seat, glassware, kitchen tools, McLaughlin pieces, decorative items, bedding, and much more!
Center Staffed By:
For More Information Call: Larry Freedman 419-340-3570 Each office independently owned and operated.
JOBS JUST POSTED* • Ad runs for 14 days • Up to 36 lines of copy
1 ad for $45, Each Week (Beacon onlyu) includes internet listing
ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, antique white, 56x21x56. Love seat, seagreen, 59x34. Nightstand, antique white, 24x24x18 All in good condition 419-732-2600 526 Miscellaneous For Sale
One Grand Drive, Port Clinton, OH • 419-734-7355
1 Celebration ad for $45.00 Each Week
515 Furniture
Lake Shore Realty
• For Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, Weddings, Births and Career Milestones • Ad runs for 2 weeks • Up to 36 lines of copy, photos encouraged • Option of 1 week ad extension at no charge
OWNER OPERATORS-OTR. Great Pay & Miles! Dedicated Lanes Available w/Good Performance! 2yrs min exp. 419-7271777 www. LogosLogisticsInc. com
BEN RICHMOND “In Hot Pursuit” framed S/N print $1350; “Rounding the Horn” framed S/N print $625; “Lone Flight” framed S/N print $350. Ben Richmon Collector Plates “Lone Flight” $325; “Northern Lights” $200; “Spring Passage” $200; “Island Christmas” $200. Call Terry 440-669-4448 or 419-797-6834 TWO ELECTROSTATIC AIR CLEANERS. Tower Type w/fan circulation. Very Effective on tobacco smoke & cooking odors. Orig. Cost over $200. Both for $60. 419-7323571 CAR INSURANCE SR 22 fillings - DUI Bonds monthly pay plan Call 734-2050 STORAGE SHED 8x10 $125. You haul 419-544-4114 529 Pets BLUE POINT Siamese kittens for sale beautifully marked. Female $175, male $150, parents on site. Call 419-684-7980/ Bayview 702 Autos
Directions: Rte.2 to Rte. 269 North. Follow the Signs to East Bayshore Rd. East to Harbor Bay Estates
ADVERTISING SALE Rep wanted for local magazine. Experience necessary. Commission based 440-7248382
BANKRUPTCY for a fresh start call Tom Connolly, attorney 419-898-2889
Now Open…Club House, Pool, & Marina
• Runs 3 weeks in both The Beacon & Huron Hometown News & on both websites • Up to 6 lines of copy Total Cost of Items(s), Cost of Ad Each Week: $500 & under - $16.00 $1500 & under - $21.00 $2500 & under - $29.00
INSURANCE AGENT/ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Looking for experienced, licensed insurance agent. Many faceted office skills including accounting. Please reply to buyhomes@bolterealty.com
318 Public Annoucements
LOOKING TO Buy low mileage, good condition old cars? 419-838-7774 705 Boats
Waterfront Lots, Canal Lots, Estate Lots, Condos, Villa Homes
406 Help Wanted
2 BEDROOM house furnished $395/mo w/ W/D thru April 419-341-4424
2 BEDROOM House for Rent. Lake View, fully furn. $500/mo+util 216-402-2008
219 Storage Spaces
Large ranch 3 BR/2.5 BA all brick home on Cal-Du-Sac features 1,918 sq. ft., appliances, sunroom, 50' dock, in-ground pool, both family & living rooms, warranty, central air, 2 car attached garage, and 3 sheds w/ a canal view only a 5 minute boat ride to Lake. $299,000
Historic Johnson’s Island Living! Spectacular custom built home on quarry with astonishing views, large dock, and loads of windows throughout this 2 story home featuring vaulted ceilings, accent lighting throughout, fireplace, formal dining, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, and heated kitchen floors. Hot Tub, patio, and large deck for entertaining overlooking private harbor w/ 4 car garage to store the cars and boat. Don’t let these views pass you by. $950,000
208 Houses for Rent
TRULY CLIMATE controlled storage for your valuable vintage or muscle car, The Old Car Barn 419-838-7774
at 419-732-3571 to run
YOUR LOCAL HELP WANTED in THE BEACON or email her at Donna@thebeacon.net
18’ WELLCRAFT 2007 center console w/ trailer 115 Yamaha 4 Stroke outboard. Low hours, stored inside,heated. Adam 419-9670041 $16,900 OBO
Our Classifieds Work Hard for You! Call 419-732-1500
TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL* • Runs 3 weeks in both The Beacon & Huron Hometown News & on both websites • 1 vehicle per ad, any form of transportation
Up to 8 lines of copy for $30.00 Each Week
Homes or Property for Sale Private owners 1 property per special Must be a property, not a service Ad runs each Thursday for 4 weeks Up to 36 lines of copy, photos encouraged
4 Thursdays for $40 each week
• 4 line minimum • For an additional $2.00 per day you can have a banner* added to your garage sale ad * or bold, highlights or artwork
97¢ per line per day
ALMOST FREE ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Compliments of The Beacon & Huron Hometown News
LOST & FOUND • 3-4 lines • 1 week run
• “Free to good home” only • 4 lines for 1 week
Pre-Payment is required on all classified specials
We Look Forward To Serving You! Ads can be submitted 4 ways: in writing at the classified counter, by e-mailing Donna at donna@thebeacon.net, by Fax 419-734-5382 or go to coolerads.com. * No refunds for early cancellations on any of these specials.
Thursday, September 24, 2009 I The Beacon
National and Regional Classifieds MISCELLANEOUS REACH OVER 30 MILLION HOMES with one buy. Advertise in NANI for only $2,795 per week! For information, visit www. naninetwork.com. RECEIVE $1000 IN GROCERIES! Real relief program helping people just like you! Pay only $4.90 for your grocery voucher. Use on your favorite brands! Consumer Advocate Response introductory price. 1-800-430-9507 MISC. FOR SALE GIGANTIC 72”X100” MIRRORS, (15) sheets, $165/each. New, perfect condition. Free delivery (one or all). Installation available. Also, 48”x100” (8), $115/each. 1-800-473-0619 EMPLOYMENT EARN $1100 WEEKLY Assembling Toys From Home. NO selling & NO recruiting needed! www.safwal.com FINANCIAL LAWSUIT LOANS? Cash before your case settles. Auto, workers comp. All cases accepted. Fast approval. $500 to $50,000 866-709-1100 www. glofin.com REAL ESTATE
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CALL 412-787-9128 MISCELLANEOUS ACR METAL ROOFING AND SIDING. Low Cost, Fast Delivery, Agricultural, Commercial, Residential, Pole Barn Packages, Trims, Fasteners, Reflective Insulation, Door Track. Free Literature, 1-800325-1247 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DISH NETWORK’S BEST OFFER EVER! Free HD/DVR $9.99/ mo. For over 100 All digital Channels. Call Now And Receive $600 Signup Bonus! 1-888282-2892 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES FOUNDATION REPAIR Large local company specializing in bowed walls, sinking foundations, crawl space excavation, and BASEMENT WATERPROOFING. Lifetime, transferrable warranty. 1-800-343-2357. www. abetterchoiceinc.com MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CLARINET, FLUTE, VIOLIN, Trumpet, Trombone, Amplifier, Fender Guitar $70. ea. Cello, Upright Bass, Saxophone, French Horn, Drums $190. ea. Tuba, Baritone, Others. 1-516-377-7907.
$64,900. NOW $49,900 Woods, fields, views! Super deer Hunting, nearby trout stream! Seller pays closing costs! 888-540-7662
SURROGATE MOTHERS needed from East Coast. Carry couples biological babies, prior birth experience required, non-smoker. Generous compensation. Toll-free 1-888-363-9457 www. reproductivepossibilities.com Melissa B. Brisman
OWNER SAYS SELL ~ UPSTATE NY! 7 acres/ BARN/POND — was $149,900, NOW $69,900! 40x200 ft barn, spring fed pond, gorgeous Catskill mtn views, unbelievable setting! MAKE AN OFFER! Hurry! 888315-7035
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ALL CASH VENDING! Incredible Income Opportunity! Candy, Gumball, Snack, Soda. Minimum $4K-$10K investment Required. Excellent quality machines. We can save you $$$. SunCoast Vending, Inc. 800-961-6154
TOP-RATED MEDICAL ALARM SYSTEM. Push button help 24/7.$29.95 monthly • Free Equipment & Shipping. Easy set-up • Nationwide. Order Now- 866-710-7580
YELLOW PAGE Service Directory Electrical
George Rinas Top Soil & Landscape
Honest, Fair Pricing FREE ESTIMATES No job too big or small Fast response & Callback Commercial & Residential LICENSED AND INSURED
Tony 419-870-9227 Mark 419-810-5021
Screened Top Soil Stone Delivery Hydro Seeding 419-732-7720
Window Cleaning
REMYS Window Washing Plus
John Rimelspach cell:419-680-5762
5707 E. Harbor Rd. 440-343-4255
Masonry Tuckpointing and repairs: Brick ~ Block Stone
No job too small! Craig Kukay Masonry 614-638-9006 (cell)
Small jobs are my specialty doing the "Honey-Do" lists Call Captain Jim Wagnitz 419-967-0520 captjim@roadrunner.com
Handyman Service
• Heated Boat Storage
Refinish • Restore • Repair Got Fiberglass? Refinish your bright work and swim platform this winter Free Estimates • (419) 898-0744
~ Winterizing ~ Winter Property Management/Service ~ Mobile Homes Call Rick 419-987-4565 440-223-1380 cell
Window Cleaning Suburban • Residential • Commercial
• Overhangs • 5” & 6” Seamless Gutters • Gutter Guards • Vinyl Replacement Windows Insured - Bonded - References
Henninger Construction 419-798-4378
General Contractor
Window Cleaning
Handyman Service
Marine SMALL STUFF ~ Anything from Woodcrafters™ roof to basement Boat Woodworking
Vinyl Siding
Handyman Service
Steps, Porches, Walkways & Chimneys
plus tax
Sewer & Drain
Boat Woodworking
• Window Cleaning • Power Washing • Blind Cleaning • Window Tinting • Eves Cleaned • Chandeliers
419-625-3406 Free Estimates Fully Insured
1ST MONTH 50% off 10’x20’ for $60 Check on other specials
We Welcome All Breeds & Sizes Reasonable prices Open Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. 133 B Maple St., Port Clinton • 419-734-0411
419-798-2444 or Cell: 941-468-2081 …We’re right outside Lakeside
across from the Marblehead Post Office, next to the Water Tower.
Commerc./Industrial Painting May Painting, Inc. Family owned and operated since 1933. Serving Commercial & Industrial Accounts in NW Ohio Specializing In: • Standard Architectural and Multi-Color Coatings • Two Component Epoxy and Urethane Systems • Wood Finishing • Vinyl Wall Coverings • Water Repellent Coatings and Sealers
Mercurio’s Cinderella Cleaning L.L.C. Servicing Ottawa County since 1985 Cleaning with Tooth Brush details the others don’t get. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. 419-699-0434 (cell)
Home Improvement
Island Home Improvement
446 N. Wood St., Fremont, OH Call 419-332-1363 Toll Free 800-797-6252 www.maypainting.com
Home Improvement
Custom Bath & Kitchens
Tile • Wood Floors • Tile Setter & Repair No Job too small... Free Estimates
Call Ron @ 419-262-2135
Lawn Service
L&D Lawn Service
Commercial & Residential Mowing, Rolling & Stump Grinding • Spring Clean Up • Clean Gutters • Mulch • Trimming & Chain Saw Work
Free Estimates -Insured Senior Discounts 419-734-5275 419-656-5953
Roofing, Remodeling, Cleaning Householder Gates Enterprises Roofing ~ Decks ~ Additions Remodeling ~ Tile ~ Siding Painting ~ Concrete ~ Lawn Care Landscape Maintenance Snow Removal Shane Householder 419-734-4648 • 419-967-9014 cell Housecleaning Kendra Householder 419-967-9015
The Beacon I Thursday, September 24, 2009
GREAT DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY! Approximately 23 acres in Fremont, with Little Bark Creek bordering. Zoned residential & agricultural. www.23Acres.com. RUTHIE CAPUTO 419-356-3947
LAKESIDE Freshly Remodeled, year round, 1st floor condo, only $179,500. www.317Maple-A.com BARB GILLUM 419-265-1331.
GREAT LAKE VIEWS . . . 3BR, 1BA, offering 5 lots six different ways; Subdivision has private lakefront park. Preview www.514Idlewild.com or call LEN PARTIN 419-356-8777.
NEAT AND TIDY . . . 3 BR country ranch. Eat-in kitchen, first floor laundry. Nicely landscaped with rear patio. City water. JENNIFER BEHNKE 419-898-0285 or www.11499Genzman.com
EXCEPTIONAL LOCATION Breathtaking views! Spacious, furnished, 1st floor condo. Pool, private beach, dockage available. www.1957YPB.com or PATTI KIRSCH 419-656-1781
LIVE ON THE ISLAND . . . Harbor Island Condo. 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 private patios overlooking the channel with peaks of Lake Erie! CALL ANNA HOLMES 419-341-0863
Catawba Island - Private!
419-734-5551 OPEN HOUSE
VERY NICE, NEWER 4-5 BR HOME! Has 4 full BA, Geothermal heat/air, attached & add’l garage, on 1 acre. www.1941Douglas.com DEBBI CONTE 419-656-3356
SATURDAY, SEPT. 26, 1-3 LUXURIOUS & ELABORATE Fairway Villa Condo, many upscale renovations, on Arthur Hill CIC Golf Course. Clubhouse w/pool & fitness center. www.2880Canterbury.com or see with DEBI BENTLAGE 419-276-7755
LOVELY WATERFRONT TOWNHOUSE CONDO 2BR/1.5BA. View Lake Erie, screened in front porch, part finished basement. www.1524Perry.com GLENDA WARD 419-341-0044
ROOM TO ROAM . . . 1.5 acres, 3 BR, 1 BA ranch w/2 workshops, plus pond. 600 sq. ft. efficiency. PRICED IN THE $140’s www.3639harbor.com or JEFF WILLIAMS 419-350-2925
Waterfront ~ Great View!
Attention 1st Time Home Buyers!
The $8,000 Tax Credit Expires Soon! Purchases must be closed by December 1, 2009. There’s no better time to be a 1st time home buyer. Don’t miss this historic opportunity.
This custom designed, 3000+ sq. ft. home features 12 rooms, 3 car garage, large deck with water view! $329,900
CALL LEN PARTIN 419.356.8777
Harborside Condominium
Call me today!
DISTINGUISHED TWO-STORY! A world of luxury! 3 BR, 2 BA home with a fine lake view. Preview www.9042rockport.com or call DEANNA JOHNSON 419-341-1766
Bluewater Condominium
DELUXE TOWNHOUSE . . . Great lake view. Mostly furnished, immaculate. Fireplace. 30’ deeded boat slip www.503C5Lakeshore.com Call JOHN or RUTHIE CAPUTO 419-356-3947
DEBBIE CONTE 419.656.3356 debbieconte.com
Lakefront, summer retreat or year round home. 30’ dock & pool. Neutral decor. RUTH DOUGLAS 419-202-0029 or www.561BlueWater.com
• Real Estate • Estates • Liquidations • Farms 419-619-9424
For information on over 2000 Homes For Sale or For Open Houses Schedules this week!