The Beacon - December 31, 2008

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PCHS Students of the Month

Redskins Take SBC Lead




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Ottawa County’s Largest Circulated Newspaper Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.




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Ok, it is New Years, so it is time once again for The Great Swami (otherwise known as your slightly cynical editor of The Beacon) to predict what Ottawa County will look like in the year 2019, 10 years hence. It’s a little dark, for which I apologize, but times are pretty dark right now. So, let us look into our crystal ball, and see… January 2019 – The 24th Annual Walleye Drop takes place in the abandoned parking lot of the old Wal-Mart Store in Portage Township. The event used to be held in downtown Port Clinton, but new Mayor Dr. Glen Chapman decided it was a frivolous event intended only for tourists. Besides, there were plenty of other “festivals” that could be held downtown. On New Year’s Morning, Mayor Chapman cuts the ribbon for Sam and Dave’s Disco Music store located next to Uncle Fatty’s Tattoo Parlor in downtown. February 2019 – The national recession continues into its 11th year. However, new President Jeb Bush announces that “prosperity is just around the corner”. The Magruder National Hospital lunch room is turned into a community Soup Kitchen. The Jet Express purchases two cruise ships from Carnival Cruise Lines for Great Lakes excursions to Put-in-Bay from Cleveland and Chicago. Another is planned for Buffalo. March 2019 – Following an undefeated regular season, Port Clinton High School’s boys basketball team loses in the first round of the Districts to Willard…again. Meanwhile, the Danbury Lady Lakers go undefeated also in the regular season, but lose to Hopewell Loudon in the Sectional Finals…again! Oak Harbor wins its 7th consecutive Division II Wrestling championship. April 2019 – The Ottawa County Building Inspector condemns the old Waterworks Building as unsafe. “It is a nuisance and an eyesore,” says building chief Walt Wehenkel. Mayor Chapman says the building will be torn down and the land cleared for a community park and festival location. Unfortunately, the city lacks the funds to accomplish the task. The Oak Harbor DECA Class wins a State Award for its report on the building of a transient marina in Carroll Township at Wild Wings. May 2019 – Memorial Day observances are sad this year, as no more World War II veterans are around anymore. However, they are properly and rightly remembered on Memorial Day of 2019. Mayor Chapman, a local practicing Doctor of Chiropractic, announces that Port Clinton’s city budget is in need of an “adjustment” due to a severe reduction of taxes and fees! “We need to ‘break the back’ of this recession, without putting an undue ‘strain’ on our local economy,” says Mayor Chapman. The Walleye Festival closes, due to a lack of interest. June 2019 – Developers of Levis Commons in Perrysburg locate their new retail community on land in Portage Township, just east of Port Clinton City limits. The Grand Opening is marked by a fly-over performed by three rebuilt Ford Tri-Motor airplanes from the Erie-Ottawa Regional Airport and National Air Museum. Ohio Governor John Kasich comes to Port Clinton for Fish Ohio Day, accompanied by his Director of the Department of Natural Resources, Fred Zink, who catches a 15 pounder! July 2019 – Fourteen Arab Terrorists, members of Al Qaeda, are captured attempting to bring a nuclear weapon across Lake Erie from Wheatly, Ontario aboard the Canadian Jet Express. Their intent, it was learned, was to take the device to Chicago and blow up the infidel, Oprah Winfrey. The County steps in and tears down the old Waterworks Building in Port Clinton. The old bricks are carried out and dumped into Lake Erie and become a popular fishing reef until asbestos poisoning creates a giant fish kill, and thousands of dead walleye float ashore at the Port Clinton City Beach. August 2019 – The Interlake-Yachting Association Regatta at Middle Bass Island draws 542 sailboats. I-LYA Commodore Park McRitchie attributes the newfound popularity of sailing to the $12 per gallon price of marine gas. The PGA Championship is held at the CIC Golf Course. Lakeside finishes another banner Chautauqua Season as the Travelin’ Lounge Lizards perform with the Lakeside Symphony Orchestra. September 2019 – Catawba Island, with a summer population of 17,334 (dropping to 549 in the winter), officially declares itself to be a City, and announces elections for City Council, Mayor and other administrative posts. Same goes for the new village of Lightner Junction, east of Port Clinton. In a major population shift, Port Clinton is left with fewer than 3,000 residents, and Mayor Chapman declares the City is now a Village. The Peach, Perch, Pierogi and Polka Festival closes due to a lack of interest. October 2019 – The fast growing city of Oak Harbor hosts another record Apple Festival. The Indians, behind a brilliant pitching performance from future Hall of Famer, Cliff Lee, beat the Chicago Cubs in the World Series. Enormity Corp., a Chicago-based developer, announces it has purchased the entire lakeshore area from cash-strapped Port Clinton, from Jefferson Street to Maple Street, and will begin a giant condominium project. November 2019 – Michael Bassett is elected Mayor of Catawba Island. The Election Coverage on the “Now You Decide” program is interrupted when Ron Miller, Margaret Phillips and Quintin Smith are speechless upon hearing the news (a first). Coach Adam Quisno leads the Oak Harbor Rockets to the Division II State Championship, defeating Dayton Chaminade. December 2019 – Enormity Corp, faced with mounting opposition to their Condominium project by environmental groups and community residents, including members of the group CARE (Citizens Against Re-building Everything), pull their development plans. The City of Port Clinton files for bankruptcy. Uncle Fatty’s closes due to a lack of business. LaCarne is named Ottawa County’s fastest growing community. Then, on Christmas Day, a child is born in the back seat of a car, since there was no room at OurGuest Inn. The baby is named Little Johnny, in honor of The Beacon’s Editor!

By Chris McBain-Berry Assistant Editor

For 13 years area residents and visitors from near and far have known that Port Clinton is the place to be on New Year’s Eve to watch the famous Walleye Drop countdown to midnight. This year, it was almost the entire nation celebrating with the city. National coverage by NBC was planned but cancelled days before the final details were set because of a cutback at the network according to Walleye Drop Committee Chairman Mike Snider. The Carson Daily production will just have to wait another year to show the world Wylie the Walleye. Snider has checked the weather forecast and reports a perfect night is predicted. “It’s going to be a high of 32 degrees COUNTDOWN SCHEDULE and only a 10 percent chance of precipitation,” he reported, and he is hoping to top the 13,500 3-7 p.m. Touch-A Truck attendance participation mark. Photos with Wylie, “One of the neat things about this event is Heated Tent that it is 100 percent funded through donations and sponsorships. And it’s also one of the times 3-Midnight Street Vendors during the year that the whole community can come together, put politics aside, forget football 5-6 p.m. Bands on the Street, rivalries and celebrate together.” In fact, he said Main Stage that seeing the community come together is the most fun part of the event for him. 5-Midnight Ohio Lottery, 4 grand Prize Winners, The tradition of dropping the 20 foot 600 $1,000,000 each, pound walleye from the sky came to light when Entertainment Tent Dan Sedlak and former Mayor Tom Brown presented the idea to the Ottawa County Visitors 6 p.m. Kids Drop, Bureau and the Port Clinton Area Chamber Heated Tent of Commerce in 1996. Thousands and thousands of visitors later the event is still gathering 7 p.m. Rock-Paper-Scissors Contest, steam. Heated Tent Wylie, the city mascot, makes the rounds of fairs, parades, schools, senior centers and TV 8-Midnight Activity and Entertainment, stations in addition to waiting for his action in Main Stage the New Year’s Eve spotlight. The walleye has grown and put on weight Midnight Happy New Year with Walleye Drop, over the years. His original paper mache form Singing, dancing and fireworks weighed only 120 pounds and was 17 feet long, Main Stage but now has an improved fiberglass body to withstand his decent into the Lake Erie winter WPRC will be broadcasting live from the front window night. of the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce Office Walleye Madness at Midnight Committee members work all year to make the festivities a unique celebration for all ages. Although the games and contests, singing, dancing and fireworks. main event is staged outside, there is a tent to Officers for this event are Chairman Mike Snider, keep guests warm, food, Touch- A- Truck to provide children a variety of official vehicles to climb on and Vice Chairman John Fellhauer, Vice Chairman Dan explore, free children’s games, music by youth battle of Sedlak, Secretary Kim Sedlak and Treasurer Chris Harthe bands winners Settle The Sky, a special kids drop ris. Two-year trustees are Martha Stonerook, Vee Reifsfeaturing a 5 foot walleye, Ohio Lottery events, creative nyder, Chris Marcinko and Rachel Rucker.

United Way Hosts Utility Forum United Way in Ottawa County has taken the first step toward coordinating efforts to educate the public about utility assistance and local resources. Recently, people from around Ottawa County gathered at a Utility Forum to discuss available resources and options for those seeking help. The Forum included representatives from social service agencies, government programs and the utility companies. “Need for utility assistance is on the rise,” said Chris Galvin, Director of United Way in Ottawa County, “but many people don’t know where to turn. This forum was the first step in educating the

public on resources and assistance that’s available.” At the Forum, people received updated information on programs like HEAP, Salvation Army, PIPP and the Home Weatherization Assistance Program. Columbia Gas, Ohio Edison, Toledo Edison and Oak Harbor Utilities were also on hand. “When a consumer is about to fall behind on paying a bill, he or she should call us immediately,” said Trent Smith, regional president of Toledo Edison. “The sooner we know there’s a problem, the sooner the consumer can get access to the help that’s available.” “Interrupting someone’s service

is always a last resort,” added Chris Kozak, Columbia Gas of Ohio Communications and Community Relations Manager. “We will work with every customer to ensure service. Should those options be exhausted, there are several social service agencies the consumer can turn to for assistance.” When arrangements aren’t possible with the utility company, consumers may turn to public and private agencies like WSOS, Department of Jobs and Family Services, Veterans Services or Salvation Army for help. Consumers are urged to dial United Way 2-1-1 to get connected to help.

Revised Weather Emergency Levels Changes have been made to the weather emergency levels for Ottawa County and will be used for assessing weather levels in the county. The levels have been amended from previous years. Level 1: This level will no longer be used. Level 2: Roadways are hazardous, due to conditions such as ice, blowing and drifting snow. Conditions could change at any time. Drivers should use extreme caution and allow plenty of time for their travels. Contact your employer with regard to whether or

not you should report for work. Level 3: Hazardous conditions, such as ice, drifting and/or blowing snow, have caused some roads to be closed. Travel should be undertaken based on necessity. Contact your employer to learn whether or not you should report for work.

Inside This Week…

Last week's Find Wylie winner is Dee Foster of Catawba. Our "Win It on the Web" Winner is Rosa Hasselbach of Oak Harbor. Both win $20 Gift Certificates to Friendship Food Stores.

Opinion/Editorial ..... 2A Beacon Bits .............. 4A Schools ..................... 6A Senior Lifestyles ...... 7A Real Estate ............ 1-8B Sports .................... 2-3B

Business ....................4B Financial Focus .........5B Real Estate Transfers 7B Classifieds .................7B Yellow Page Dir. ........7B


HE’S BACK! FIND WYLIE! Name:_____________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Date: _____________________________ Ad Wylie Found In: _______________ Page Number: ____________________ Email: ____________________________

Submit Your Entry By Mail Or Walk In To: 205 SE Catawba Rd., Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452

Or Email It To: ***one entry per household


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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 31, 2008

Editorial BY JOHN SCHAFFNER A good friend of mine, Jack Cowan, recently forwarded to me the last bi-weekly column called “Monday Night at Morton’s”, written by famous movie and TV personality, Ben Stein. (Morton’s is a famous Steakhouse known to be frequented by Hollywood stars.) The thrust of his column was that Hollywood Stars are nice people in general, but why are they idolized? “A man or woman who makes a huge wage for memorizing lines and reciting them in front of a camera is no longer my idea of a shining star we should all look up to,” says Stein. He goes further, “a real star is the soldier of the 4th Infantry Division who poked his head into a hole on a farm near Tikrit, Iraq. Instead of being greeted by a hail of bullets from an AK-47, he was greeted by Saddam Hussein.” Yes Ben, real stars are the men and women serving in our armed forces, preserving and protecting the lavish lifestyles of Hollywood’s rich and famous. Sadly, it is the Hollywood crowd who grace our magazine covers, not the real heroes whose lives of commitment and sacrifice should be emulated. On a local scale, we have plenty of heroes to look up to… our police, fire fighters and emergency medical personnel might merit a thank you every now and then. How about the doctors and nurses who worked on Christmas? How about the staff workers at Edgewood, Otterbein, Riverview and The Vineyard? How about the Hospice workers? Those four life-savers who died in that plane crash in Lake Erie 25 years ago come to my mind as local heroes. You get my drift.

We are now in the midst of a severe economic downturn. I read the other day where 1 out of 4 business owners are fearful that this recession may force them to shutter their doors. Economics and Politics are twins joined together at the hip. Yet folks remain cynical about local business people, the ones who are the first to be called for donations to local community projects. At the base level, all we have left are our core values. Do your core values make you believe that what happens with Brittany Spears is a big deal? Or do your core values make you believe that we need to work together to make our communities stronger? When I was beginning my career, I wanted to be the play-byplay voice of the Cleveland Browns. However, I soon realized that I wasn’t going to be another Gib Shanley or Joe Tait. Somewhere along the line, it was maybe just good enough to be the best John Schaffner I could be. I never got the chance to thank my mother and father for the values they helped program into me. My dad told me … “always do more than what is expected of you.” Good advice. So, to compensate for my shortcomings, I joined Kiwanis, I ring the bell for Salvation Army, I work to help United Way, I advocate for the success of my fellow business owners who are struggling right now. I even sometimes bow my head and say thank you for His many blessings. Ben Stein put it this way. “I came to realize that life lived to help others is the only one that matters and that it is my duty, in return for the lavish life God has devolved upon me, to help others He has placed in my path. This is my highest and best use as a human.” Happy New Year!

SoundOff Dear Editor, Those of us who live in the small communities of Ottawa County should be thankful for the very fine services we have in an emergency. On Tuesday night, my carbon monoxide alarm alerted, and I was unable to reset it. The fire department quickly sent volunteer firefighter Rick Ramos, followed by Fire Chief Kent Johnson, who not only made sure that all was well, but gave me some tips for protecting my appliances in case of a electrical power reduction, which we were experiencing. About three years ago, when I fell in Port Clinton and couldn’t get up because of injuries, Police Officer Fuiava was almost immediately on the scene followed by EMS, who took me to the emergency room for treatment. Not long

before that, my mother had collapsed at home and her life was saved by swift action by our EMS, Magruder emergency room staff, Dr. Crisologo, Dr. Que, and the Lifeflight team. Friends and family who live in large cities agree that they would never have had the speedy professional service (with a smile, I should add) that my family and I have received in Port Clinton and Portage Township. When I think of the residents of New England who have been without electrical power for two weeks, I am grateful to Ohio Edison workers who have spent many frigid nights restoring our power. Many thanks to those who keep us safe. Peggy Debien Port Clinton

Danbury Township Meeting Overview At the regular meeting of the Danbury Township Board of Trustees held December 10, 2008 the following business was conducted: A meeting with a representative from ODOT will be scheduled for Noon on January 6 at township hall to discuss the intersection of State Route 163 and N. Shore Blvd. Deb Biro, accident prevention coordinator, submitted a report of a recent meeting with a BWC representative regarding implementation of the BWC PDP+ program. The trustees are nearing completion of their review of architectural services proposals. The spreadsheet summaries will be discussed at either the last meeting in December or the first meeting in January.

The board will apply for an Ottawa County Community Foundation grant for an interpretive information sign for Meadowbrook. Christmas tree recycling will be conducted in the fenced area behind township hall through the end of January. The board approved payment of legal fees for zoning appeals pending in Ottawa County Common Pleas Court. A request to refund the fee for a zoning permit withdrawn by Harry and Paulette Tommer was approved by the board. The trustees will hold a zoning hearing at 6:30 p.m. on December 23 regarding text amendments. The hearing will precede the regular meeting at 7 p.m. which was rescheduled from December 24 due to the holiday. The budget meeting scheduled for December 16 was cancelled. Budgetary items will be addressed at the organizational meeting on December 23. The trustees will meet at the Ottawa County Engineer’s office on December 17 at 1 p.m. for the annual certification of road mileage. Appointments to the Lakeside Volunteer Firefighters’ Dependents Fund board will be made at the December 23 meeting. A transfer of $300,000 from STAR Ohio investment account was made to the Marblehead Bank checking account. November financial reports were approved as were bills in the amount of $277,376.04. Zoning Inspector Rhonda Botti Sowers reported 15 permits written in November and 4 were written month to date in December.

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Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.


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205 S.E. Catawba Road, Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 • 419-732-2154 Classifieds 419-732-1500 • Fax 419-734-5382 President, Editor JOHN SCHAFFNER Creative Services Manager HEIDI M. RIFE Sales Manager MJ SIEWERT Assistant Editor CHRIS McBAIN Graphic Design JENNIFER DAUBEL

Classified Liner Ad Specialist CHARLENE DEYOE

Classified Ad Specialist DONNA BECKER


Account Executives TINA GYDE JENNIFER WAGGONER Circulation Manager BRUCE DINSE Facility Manager MARY ALICE SCHAFFNER


The Beacon is published every Thursday and is circulated free to the public, via US Postal Service under Permit #80, as well as by independent carriers. The Beacon serves, and is mailed to the communities of Port Clinton, Lakeside/Marblehead, and Oak Harbor, as well as Catawba, Danbury, Portage, Erie, Bay, Benton-Carroll and Salem Townships in Ottawa County. Letters to Sound Off, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Beacon are welcome. Please note: All Sound Off letters and/or letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Beacon, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage. The Beacon is owned and operated by Schaffner Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, president. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Beacon.The Beacon and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Real Estate, Class liners close Monday by 12pm and Retail ads close Monday by 4:00 PM.

Thursday, December 31, 2008 I

The Beacon


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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 31, 2008

BeaconBits It seems only yesterday that I was writing a Beacon Bits column to end year 2007. Yet here it is again, time to write a “year-turning” letter for 2008 and talk about what’s coming in 2009. It is very early on Friday morning, the day after Christmas, and I am in my office at home seated at my computer. It is quite dark outside, making it painfully obvious that these are the days of the shortest daylight time of the year. I got up early to get this written and to meet an unexpectedly advanced deadline for the paper next week. It feels as if it is the middle of the night but the coffee is on, and I will fully wake up soon. I turned on some Christmas lights, illuminating the lights on the wreath outside and the tree on the porch. I also “lit-up” the lights on the little tree in this room. It helps keep some of that wonderful Christmas spirit going. And surely we need that at the end of this chaotic year. First let me comment that I think that the beginning of a new year is a wonderful time. It is a time when we can put behind us the mistakes we have made or the guilt over things we should have done but somehow did not quite get accomplished (and in some cases did not even get started). And now we can move on and contemplate doing better in the coming year.


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I don’t want to dwell on this but I think that most people will be glad to see 2008 come to an end. That’s because for many people it has been a very difficult time. Job loss, home foreclosure, soaring gas prices, soaring home heating rates, a nasty and overly long Presidential election (with both political parties guilty of divisive practices), continuation of a war that seems to go on forever (one whose duration now exceeds five years), hundreds of thousands of people without health insurance and, therefore, without adequate health care. Combine all of that with other worries and woes over the national “economy” and no wonder people will be glad to slam the door on 2008.Except for being concerned (and sometimes very worried) about the problems of the nation, the world, and local perspectives, this was a good year for me in many respects. I didn’t have much vacation (again!) but got away in April to go to Florida and then had two days of vacation for a long weekend visiting my brother and sisterin-law in Millsboro, Delaware in early September. I’d like to schedule more vacation next year…and am conscientiously going to do that, starting right after the first of the year. It is my only firm New Year’s resolution. As for work and career, everything is about the same for me, and I have no plans to retire. Currently I serve as Ottawa County Recorder and Bay Township Trustee. Those jobs are very different, and I like them both. For 25 years I have also written this weekly column, “Beacon Bits”, and I find that to be fun almost all of the time. I had some grand experiences this past year. In no particular order, here are some of them: - Joined with the Trinity United Church of Christ choir at Elliston to sing in two cantatas – one at Easter and one at Christmas. The cantatas were very challenging but also provided a very enjoyable opportunity to sing. - Went with my sister, Marg Anderson, to the Cleveland Playhouse to see a wonderful production of “Pride and Prejudice”, based on the great novel of Jane Austen. It was a great performance; equally as interesting was the lecture that preceded it. - Worked with Linda Firth and a committee of about ten men to plan a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. This commemorated an ecumenical gathering that takes place every Tuesday morning at 8 a.m., Trinity United Methodist Church, Port Clinton. All men in the community are invited to attend. The celebration was great and Linda and I really enjoyed assisting with it. - Had some great speaking engagements. Two that stand out are talking to the members of the Ottawa County Genealogical Society about records found in the Recorder’s office and giving a biographical program for the Book Group at The Vineyard. - Helped to “judge” a couple of contests. At one I was assisted by my sister Carol Crone. She chauffeured me and helped me get around at the Catawba Island Club because I was still recovering from some knee surgery. There I judged costumes for a large district of the Red Hat Society. At the other I helped out when Ken Kostal again invited me to judge a chili cook-off in Port Clinton. That’s always a lot of fun. The most interesting place I saw this year was the Mans-


field Reformatory (just as a guest, mind you!). I went there for a district meeting of the Ohio Recorders’ Association and it was fascinating. There were huge cell blocks where hundreds of prison- BY VIRGINIA PARK ers were once housed. The tiny twoinmate cells looked as if they would drive a person crazy to stay in them for any extended period of time. I learned that part of one of my favorite motion pictures, “Air Force One”, was filmed there. The most fun I had this year was living, vicariously, my brother Tom Allen’s trip on the lake freighter, “Herbert C Jackson”. This was in early July, and we family and friends kept track of his progress and adventures via cell phone and web-cam pictures of places he visited. And – this is amazing – the boat was actually in the locks at Sault Ste Marie at ten p.m. on July 4! Sirens blew and fireworks lit up the sky as the city of Sault Ste Marie, MI celebrated Independence Day. What an experience he had, and we were grateful to have shared it with him. The most challenging task I had this year was writing six short stories for the Beacon column for the six weeks before Christmas. Now I am waiting for readers to tell me what format they liked better. Did you enjoy the longer, serialized stories that I have written in years past or did you like the complete shorter story every week? Please let me know by note to 900 S Schau Road or by email to The worst failure I had this year was taking a watercolors class. I painted several “pictures” and got worse each time I tried. I painted a summer sunset scene looking out across the water to an island, and it looked an awfully lot like a farm in winter covered with snow. This experience was a total disaster. I considered giving all the materials away but decided to keep them a little longer. Maybe when I get over the embarrassment I will try painting again. Perhaps something simple would be a good idea. The most rewarding experience of the year was moving a little further along in lay speaking ministry. I took the next step in the process, working with my minister to complete a workbook, going before the district committee to be interviewed and then being voted upon by my own church. I got through all that all right and a mentor (a pastor from out of town) has been assigned to help me work through the next course of study. We start in January, and I look forward to it. Meantime the district superintendent gave me my first official assignment – to help out at the United Methodist Church on Kelleys Island until a new pastor is assigned there. So I went to Kelleys Island on the boat on November 23 and 30, and then went by boat to be there for the weekend of December 13 and 14. I also was on the island on December 24 to lead an afternoon Christmas Eve service. That time I had to fly. You may remember that it was a gusty, gray day. The return trip was a little bit (well, maybe more than a little bit) turbulent. But I made it safely back in time to do all the traditional things I do on Christmas Eve. I had some painful knee surgery this past year and am still recovering from that but, overall, have been very lucky and have no complaints. My wish for you is that 2009 will be a happy and prosperous year – one that is filled with spiritual growth, good health, the love of family and friends and renewed happiness. Happy New Year!

Marblehead Expenditures Planned for New Year

State Representative th District

“It has been an honor to serve the people of the th Ohio House District for the past nine-and-a-half years. I greatly

The Village of Marblehead Finance Committee has been working on appropriations for 2009. One of the main goals was to upgrade salaries of Village employees and to make continuous capital improvements in the Village. Salaries of the employees are not on a par with employees of villages and townships of similar size. The committee is looking at ways to improve the situation with across the board pay increases as the budget will allow. After meeting with Village Department heads, the committee has approved the purchase of a new cruiser for the Police Depart-

ment to replace the 2004 Intrepid. The Fire Department will be receiving new turn out gear, fire hose, air tanks, and funds for EMS training. Money has been allocated for road repairs and paving, James Park maintenance and repairs to the Radar Park building. According to the Village mission statement, the goal is “to provide beneficial services within the scope of the budget, to enhance the quality of life in the Village through beautification programs, and to ensure that residents and visitors alike continue to experience a safe and enjoyable environment.”

appreciate your past support. Regrettably, mandated term

Clean OutYour Attic… & Get Rid of Your junk!!

limits dictate that I cannot continue to serve you in this capacity, but you will continue to be very ably served by my successor, Dennis Murray. If you need any assistance, please contact his office at ---.”

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Thursday, December 31, 2008 I

The Beacon


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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 31, 2008

Schools PCHS Students of the Month Announced Port Clinton High School recently announced Students of the Month for November and December 2008. Andrea De Leon and Charles Hurt have been selected for November while Brian Baranek and Ann Marie Gonzales are the December Students of the Month. Brian Baranek has been earning college credits while still in high school by participating in Port Clinton High School’s Post Secondary Educational Options (PSEO) Courses through both Terra Community College and BGSU Firelands. He has been a member of the Redskin soccer team for two years, Teen PEP for three years and in the past, Leadership Council. In his spare time Brian enjoys playing the guitar and drums. He is currently employed at Scramble-Gram in Port Clinton. Brian is the son of Bud and Kristine Baranek. Next year he plans to major in Me-

chanical Engineering at either the University of Akron or Kent State University. Ann Marie Gonzales is the daughter of Larry and Becky Gonzales. She has been involved in a variety of activities during the past four years at Port Clinton High School. She has been elected the Secretary of the Class of 2009 for the past two years, and she is also the Secretary of the PCHS Leadership Council. Other organizations include National Honor Society and serving as a Freshmen Mentor. Ann Marie has also participated in PCHS athletics including soccer for the past three years, basketball and track. She is also taking PostSecondary Options Courses at PCHS. Ann Marie will pursue a degree in Physical Therapy at either Kent State University or Miami University.

Port Clinton City Schools Offer Computer Classes

1711 W. Fremont Rd. Port Clinton 419-734-4419

Port Clinton City School District will once again offer computer classes for the community. Registration is required. The 2008-09 Schedule includes the following classes: New Year – New Technology Something new for the New Year. Come and learn a basic skill – how to burn a CD – plus learn about some of the new trends in technology. The class will also preview pod casts, and movie maker to add life to those holiday and vacation videos. Thursday, February 12 from 2 – 4 p.m. All You Wanted to Know about Word but were Afraid to Ask April 20, 2-4 p.m. Another session to learn what the Word program has to offer. Participants must have some knowl-

edge of the Word program. Learn about creating various documents, change and select text, formatting font and much more. Prerequisite: Proficiency with the mouse and keyboard. Thursday, March 12, 2009, 2-4 p.m. Intro to Office 07 Overview of the office program. Learn the basics of this program and how to use all the tools it has to offer. Prerequisite: Proficiency with the mouse and keyboard. Proficient in Word. Thursday, April 23, 2 – 4 p.m. To register for any of the classes, call 419-732-2102 or email The classes are free to residents of the Port Clinton City School District. Space is limited.

Gentle Yoga Offered Danbury Local Schools, through its Community Education Department, will offer a five-week session of gentle yoga beginning January 12 from 6 -7 p.m. Learn to reduce stress through proper breathing, stretching and relaxation. Yoga also compli-

ments other forms of exercise. Wear loose, comfortable clothes and bring a mat or blanket. The instructor will be Donna Lueke. Fee for the session is $40. To register, call Mrs. Henninger at 419-798-5185 Monday through Thursday at 3 p.m.

K of C to Sponsor Youth Free Throw Championship All boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2009 Knights of Columbus Youth Basketball Free Throw Championship. The local competition will be held Sunday, January 11, at the Oak Harbor St. Boniface School Gym under the supervision of Oak Harbor K of C Council No. 1944. Doors open for registration/shootaround at 12:30 p.m. with the competition beginning at 1 p.m. The K of C Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local, district, regional and state competitions. International champions are announced by the K of C international headquarters based on scores from the

state-level contests. There is no entry fee, and all boys and girls 10 to 14 years old are eligible to participate and will compete in their respective age divisions. Age eligibility is determined by the age of the contestant as of January 1. All contestants on the local level are recognized on for their participation in the event. Winners will advance to the February District Championship in Sandusky. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For additional information contact Tom Durbin, 419-898-9112. The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.7 million members.

Terra to Host Open Registration Day Terra Community College will have an Open Registration event January 8. Offices will be open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. to help students who want to register for spring 2009 classes. Students are invited to tour campus, talk with financial aid representatives, complete the COMPASS placement assessment, and meet with an advisor to discuss course selection. Current and prospective students are asked to report to the Admissions Office in Roy Klay Hall (Building A) to get started.

Happy Holidays From Our Home To Yours

Personal Enrichment Classes





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– 6:30 to 9 p.m., Thursdays for 10 sessions beginning Feb. 12. Instructor: Tiffany Thornbury. Cost: $159; Achieving Personal and Professional Excellence with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – One-on-one sessions can be arranged by calling Ron Dannemiller at 419-559-2342. Cost: $35; The Magic of the Mouse-Bringing the Theme Park Experience to Your Customers – 9 to 11 a.m. March 12 in Fremont OR 1 to 3 p.m. March 12 in Oak Harbor. Instructor: Scott Brown. Cost: $25; Unleash Your Energy with EQ (Emotional Intelligence) – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feb 20. Instructor: Sara Best of Best People Solutions. Now Cost: $89; Board of Contention: Open Year How to Stop Disruptive Board d n u o R Members from Sabotaging Your IT'S OUR ANNUAL Mission – 8:30 a.m. to noon March 6. Instructor: George AFTER CHRISTMAS SALE Brymer of All Square, Inc. Cost: 50% off $79; Basic Grant Writing – 6:30 • Holiday China • Aromatic Christmas to 9 p.m. March 9 and 16. In• Christmas Sweaters & Jewelry structor: Gaye Winterfield. Cost: • Christmas Cards • Holiday Decor $59; Advanced Grant Writing – 6:30 to 9 p.m. March 30 and 30% off April 6. Instructor: Gaye Winter• Ornaments from Old World, Jim Shore field. Cost: $59 or take both grant & Willow Tree • Winter Sweaters writing courses for $94. • Yankee Christmas Scents For more information or to Open Fri & Sat. 10-4, Sun. 12-5 register, call the Kern Center at 123 2nd St. Downtown Lakeside • 419-798-5747 419-559-2255.

The Kern Center for Community and Industrial Development at Terra Community College is offering a variety of personal enrichment classes this winter, including: Conversational Spanish II– 6:30 to 9 p.m., Tuesdays for five sessions beginning Jan. 6. Instructor: Christine Schneider Smith, CASS Enterprises. Cost: $79; Conversational Japanese – 6:30 to 9 p.m., Thursdays for 10 sessions beginning Feb. 19. Instructor: Yumi Senour. Cost: $239; Introduction to American Sign Language

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Go to

The Beacon

Seinor Lifestyles ElderCollege Winter Session Begins with Sampler The next session of Terra Community College’s ElderCollege begins with the Winter Sampler on January 16. This short program will allow students to hear instructors talk about their winter courses. It is a perfect time to bring a friend to experience ElderCollege for the first time and to catch up with friends from previous classes. TerraVue, the college cafeteria, will be open for those who want to continue their conver-

sations over lunch after the sampler which begins at 11 a.m. ElderCollege is a membership organization at Terra for adults age 50 and beyond who share a common desire to learn. The course schedule varies from term to term but usually includes such topics as computers, history, art and music. There are also several educational outing opportunities. For more information, visit www.terra. edu/learning or call 419-559-2255.

Stroke and Osteoporosis Screening Coming to Port Clinton Residents living in and around Port Clinton can be screened to reduce their risk of having a stroke. The complete screening package now includes a new Heart Rhythm screening which checks for irregular heartbeat, a major risk factor for stroke. Life Line Screening, the nation’s leading provider of preventive health screenings, will be at the Erie Shores Assembly of God on January 5th. The site is located at 220 S. Gill Road in Port Clinton. Appointments will begin at 9 a.m. For more information regarding the screenings or to schedule an appointment, call 1-800697-9721 or visit our website at Pre-registration is required. A stroke, also known as a “brain attack,” is ranked as the third leading cause of death in the United States and often occurs without

warning. In fact, four out of five people who suffer a stroke have no apparent warning signs prior to the stroke. The good news is that with early detection, 80% of strokes can be prevented. Screenings are painless, accurate and affordable. They help identify potential health problems such as blocked arteries and irregular heart rhythm, abdominal aortic aneurysms, and hardening of the arteries in the legs, which is a strong predictor of heart disease. A bone density screening to assess osteoporosis risk is also offered and is appropriate for both men and women. Register for a Wellness Package with Heart Rhythm for $149. All five screenings take 6090 minutes to complete. For interested residents, finger-stick blood tests and liver enzyme screenings are also available.


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Thursday, December 31, 2008 I




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Arthritis Swim Class to Begin Danbury Local Schools, through its Community Education Department, will offer the next session of Arthritis Swim Class beginning Monday, January 5. Class will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 4-5 p.m. Fee for the four-week session is $24. Form more information and to register, contact Mrs. Henninger Monday through Thursday after 3 p.m. at 419-7985185.

The Vineyard on Catawba Wishes Everyone a Very Happy New Year! 3820 E. Vineyard Village Dr. Port Clinton, OH 419-797-3100

It’s going to be a great New Year

at Memorial Hospital!

New technology, new leadership, and commitment to quality in every aspect of care in 2009

Starting at the top In October 2008, Memorial Hospital welcomed John Yanes, our new CEO. Mr. Yanes joins us with an impressive background in health care administration. He is dedicated and passionate about the future of health care in our community, and is totally committed to quality in every aspect of care. We are looking forward to exciting changes and new programs under his administration, and we are delighted that he chose to lead Memorial Hospital into the future.

Thank you for your support Memorial Hospital is here for one reason — to serve this community. In the ever-changing, competitive world of health care, it’s important that we are meeting the needs of our community.

Progress in the Emergency Department

We are listening to you, and we are

As we begin the New Year, we do so with a staff of dedicated physicians, nurses and other professionals that are focused on quality, compassionate care.

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choice for health care is your community

We are continuing to upgrade in the emergency department in 2009 to increase efficiency, shorten waiting time, and enhance patient comfort and convenience.

hospital — Memorial Hospital.

Better care through technology

and your family. It is our privilege to

We now have a complete electronic medical record system throughout the hospital that enables your doctor to access your medical record anytime; anywhere he or she has secured Internet access. It’s great to know that if you are hospitalized, your doctor has the vital information he or she needs.

serve you.

Building on progress Memorial Hospital has undergone a lot of changes over the past several years. We’ve added new programs and services, added state-of-the-art technology, and expanded our campus to include the Weitzel-Kern Surgery Center designed to accommodate not only today’s surgical technology — but also the new advances that we will see in the future.

Stop in for a private tour!

working hard to ensure that your top

The Herbert Perna Center for Physical Health, our newest addition, brings a whole new scope of care in physical medicine, rehabilitation and occupational medicine. The resources available to our patients are incredible — and the end result is better health care and quality of life for our community. If you haven’t visited this new facility, we invite you to stop by. You will be amazed by all it has to offer.

Thank you for allowing us to care for you

From the entire Memorial Hospital Family, we wish you a happy, healthy New Year!

715 South Taft Avenue • Fremont, Ohio 43420 419-332-7321 U


The Beacon I

Thursday, December 31, 2008

Good Food, Great Drinks Happy Hour at the Crow’s Nest as Easy as 1, 2, 3! $1.00 - Domestic Drafts $2.00 - Well & Domestic Bottles $3.00 - Margaritas & Long Islands






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Thursday, December 31, 2008 I

The Beacon


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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 31, 2008

Sports Redskins Blast Bears with Second Half Blitz BY JOHN SCHAFFNER It must have been something Coach Troy Diels said. The Redskins were locked in a tight battle at Margaretta last Saturday, but stormed out of the locker room and hit the Polar Bears with a 3819 margin in the second half to cruise home with their 3rd win of the season and tied with Edison for the early lead in the Sandusky Bay Conference race. Ryan Hicks had a huge night, with 30 points. Corey Brown added 12 and Josh Francis 10 in the victory. Derek Colston finished with 9 points. The Redskins outscored Margaretta by 9 points in

the third quarter and 10 in the fourth period. Next up for the Redskins is a home game with Sandusky St. Mary’s this Saturday. The Panthers are 4-2 overall and 1-2 in the SBC. St. Mary’s was expected to make some noise this season in the SBC with former Bellevue Coach Lyle Falknor at the helm. Dane Windish scored 30 last Saturday as they went to overtime in a home game against Clyde. They ultimately pulled out a 69-60 win over the Fliers, who had Alex Gillette back in their lineup. The Redskins are now 3-0 in the SBC. P.C.’s Derek Colston whips a pass to the wing after penetrating the Margaretta defense. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA

Community Internet Links Amway/Quixtar Sharlyn Kaiser -

Auctioneers Greg Peiffer -

AVON Sharlyn Kaiser -

BBQ & Caterers Bar-B-Que Bills Ribs & Chicken Shack Bar B Que Pitts Bar-B-Que Traveler, Inc.

Boat Haulers Dave’s Marine Transport

Ryan Hicks goes up for two of his 30 points Saturday against Margaretta. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA

Rockets Split Pair

There’s a

Catering Grandma’s Back Yard Barbeque



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Employment and Training Services Northcoast Jobs Connection (The Job Store)

Health & Beauty Shaklee Products -

Josh Francis puts up a shot from close in despite a tough Margaretta defense. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA

120 West Second St. Port Clinton, Ohio 419-732-3171

Life Home Car Business T h e “ N o P r o b l e m ” Pe o p l e ®

Oak Harbor boys basketball got off on the wrong track while hosting Sandusky Bay Conference foe Edison Saturday night. The Chargers quickly took a 19-8 lead after one quarter before the Rockets could get any foothold at all. Oak Harbor outscored Edison 19-15 in the second quarter, played evenly in the third, but in the end Edison was victorious, 67-48. For the Chargers, Jake Whitehouse scored 23 points, including two from behind the 3-point arc and 7-of-8 free throws. Chris Baldwin added 13 points and Taylor Ekady added 12 for Edison, which improved to 5-1 on the season. For Oak Harbor, Brandon Wasserman scored 12 points and grabbed seven rebounds. Steven Young and Kevin Young each scored 11 points for the Rockets, Kevin Lipstraw added eight points, Kyle Sarahman scored four points, and Eric Barker had two points. Back on Dec. 16, the Rockets got their second victory of the season in a 40-27 win over Lake. Wasserman hit two 3-pointers and scored 14 points while teammate Jason Laubacher scored five points and grabbed six rebounds to lead Oak Harbor. Lake took a 14-12 lead after one quarter, but the Rocket defense stiffened and held the Flyers to four field goals and 13 points over the remaining three quarters. The Rocket varsity takes its 2-4 overall record into more non-league action against Suburban Lakes League opponents this Friday, Jan. 2, with a trip to Eastwood (JV, 6 p.m., and varsity at 7:30). The Rockets follow on Saturday, Jan. 3 with an SBC game on the line at Huron.

Heating & Air Conditioning Firelands Mechanical -

Local Government City of Port Clinton - Ottawa County - Village of Oak Harbor -

Massage Therapy The Kenny House

t On Podiat h g i l t o ry Sp NOMS Healthcare Podiatric Specialists

Mental Health Addict. Svc. Mental Heath Recovery Board -

Mental Retardation/Develop. Disabilities Ottawa County Board of Mental Retardation

Mentoring Big Brothers-Big Sisters -

Money Stretching

Non-Profit Health Care American Cancer Society - Stein Hospice - Ottawa County Health Dept. -

Taxidermy Mike’s Taxidermy -


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Thursday, December 31, 2008 I

The Beacon


Lady Lakers Go to 5-1 BY J. PATRICK EAKEN Danbury girls have kept up a winning standard since getting a 46-39 win over Port Clinton on December 16, and then returning to league action December 20 by routing Northwood, 47-29. The win over the Rangers improved Danbury’s record to 5-1 overall and 2-0 in the Toledo Area Athletic Conference heading into last Saturday’s non-league game against Tiffin Calvert. Against Northwood, the Lakers shot 41 percent from the field and made 54 percent of their free throws (7-of-13) as seven players got into the scoring column for Danbury. The Lakers assumed control in the second quarter after leading 14-11 at the end of one stanza. In the second, six players each had one field goal, including treys by Christine Longer and Jackie Lammers, to open a 29-18 lead at halftime. Danbury held off any second half comeback antics by Northwood, outscoring the Rangers 18-16 over the final 16 minutes. Longer led the Danbury charge with 11 points and nine rebounds, Heather Bahnsen added nine points, K.C. Oxendale had eight points, Destiny Taylor scored seven points, and three players (Kayla Oxendale, Lammers, Tori England) scored four points. Danbury also had a 35 to 25 edge in rebounds, and each team committed 16 turnovers. Northwood shot 44 percent from the throw line and only 24 percent from the field. In the Laker win over PC, the Lady Redskins

opened a 10-8 first quarter lead, but the Lakers bounced back to tie the score at 19 points each by halftime. The second half saw the Danbury offense score 27 points to defeat the Redskins. Danbury out rebounded PC 39 to 26, and Bahnsen got 10 of those rebounds to lead the Danbury attack on the boards. The Danbury defense forced 16 PC turnovers, while the Laker offense committed only 11. Danbury shot only 31 percent from the field, but PC managed to hit only 30 percent, and the Lakers made 46 percent of 29 their free throw attempts (14 were made), while PC had 13 attempts, making only four. Taylor led the Lakers with 15 points, including 5-of-7 free throws, and Longer hit 14 points on two field goals and 6-of-10 free throws. England connected on two shots from behind the 3-point arc on her way to scoring nine points. For Port Clinton, Bethany Buchanan led all scorers with 20 points, inlcuding three treys and 3-of4 free throws. Kacie Pieacentine added 10 points, Becca Day scored five points, and Kayla Collins added four points. Next Monday, January 5, Danbury travels to Oregon to face Cardinal Stritch, junior varsity at 6 p.m. with varsity to follow. In other girls basketball action, Oak Harbor traveled to face Fremont Ross Saturday and then hosts Clyde for their last game of 2008 on Dec. 30. Port Clinton’s Meigan Day (22) puts up a shot from the baseline as The Lady Rockets then travel to face Sandusky St. Sara Fisher (50) moves in from for a possible rebound during last Mary Central Catholic on Tuesday, January 6 with week’s game against Sandusky St. Mary’s. PHOTO BY BILL MIGALA jayvee action starting at 6 p.m.

Rocket Grapplers Conquer Bellevue and Tiffin Calvert BY J. PATRICK EAKEN The Oak Harbor Rockets wrestling team overcame another challenge Saturday night at Bellevue, as they took on Tiffin Calvert and Bellevue in a tri-meet. First up for the Rockets were the Senecas of Tiffin Calvert. Wrestling started at the 152 pound weight class, where the Rockets’ Joe Mallernee dropped a close 2-1 match against his opponent. Sophomore Brandon Veler of Oak Harbor took a forfeit, then the Senecas took the next two matches at 171 and 189 at the hands of the Kwiat brothers. That would be the end of it for Calvert. With the team score 12-6 in favor of the Senecas, the Rocket wrestlers would rack up 10 wins in a row, with eight of them being pins to finish off with a final score of 63-12 in Oak Harbor’s favor. Other Oak Harbor winners were Anthony Hopkins (103) by pin in 1:20, Alex Bergman (112) by forfeit, Drew Stone (119) with a pin in 3:36, Jake Cramer (125) with a pin in 1:31, Zach Bergman (130) with a 9-2 decision, Ian Miller (135) with a pin in 31 seconds, Kyle Mincheff (140) with a pin in 55 seconds, Konner Witt (145) with a pin 23 seconds, Drew Bahnsen (215) with a pin in 39 seconds, and Zach Sandwisch (285) with a pin in 58 seconds.

Oak Harbor’s second dual of the night was against the home team, Bellevue. With Bellevue taking five out of the last six duals with Oak Harbor, the Rocket coaches say they wanted to win this one. It started off a little better for the Rockets as Brandon Veler won a hard fought decision 12-7, then Mike Mallernee mastered his way to a 13-0 decision against his opponent. Though they would never lose the lead at 7-0, Oak Harbor did have to keep pace with Bellevue who went on to win six of their next 12 matches. Oak Harbor was just too much in the end as they collected five pins and three other victories to take the meet by 43-26 score. Other Oak Harbor winners were Hopkins (103) by forfeit, Stone (119) with a pin in 1:23, Tyler Hackworth (125) with a pin in 1:06, Miller (135) with a pin in 3:40, Witt (145) with a pin in 51 seconds, and Bahnsen (215) with a pin in 3:42. The Rocket wrestlers were preparing for the Medina Invitational, which they participated in December 29-30. On January 8, the Rockets travel to Allen County for a tri-meet with non-league foes Elida and Kenton of the Western Buckeye League at Elida.

Rocket Swimmers Win Twice BY J. PATRICK EAKEN The boys and girls swimming and diving teams from Oak Harbor both beat Fostoria and Fostoria St. Wendelin last Tuesday night. All 24 events were claimed by an Oak Harbor swimmer. First place finishes on the girls side: Medley Relay-Jenna Diekman, Megan Cervantes, Marlee Carpenter, and Allie Reynolds. 200 free and 500 free- Andrea Behm. 200 IM and 100 free-Katie Bechtel. 50 free-Olivia Porter. Diving-Katie Millinger. 100 fly-Brielle Hanthorn. 200 Free Relay-Allie Reynolds, Katie Bechtel, Vanessa Rischman, and Marlee

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Carpenter. 100 Back-Bethany McNutt. 100 Breast-Jenna Diekman. 400 free relay-Allie Reynolds, Katie Bechtel, Andrea Behm, and Marlee Carpenter. First place finishes on the boys side: Medley Relay-Adam Andryc, Drew Smercina, Tom Witt, and Kyle Johnson. 200 free and backstroke-Bryan Winters. 200 IM-Aaron Reichman. 50 and 500 free-Ben Andryc. Diving-Tyler Meek. 100 fly-Andrew Walsh. 100 free-Drew Wilburn. 200 free relay- Andrew Walsh, Ben Andryc, Bryan Winters, and Aaron Reichman. 100 breastroke-Drew Smercina. 400 free relay-Aaron Reichman, Drew Wilburn, Ben Andryc, and Bryan Winters.


‘Skins We’re Opening Our Doors So You Can Open Yours. Start here...go anywhere! Keglers Strike Over Norwalk Cody McDavitt rolled games of 246-192 and Justin Netherland 232-213 to lead the Port Clinton Varsity Boys over Norwalk 28612232 in action at Kenilee Lanes in Norwalk Tuesday. Jared Dunn added 191-193 and Phillip Spitler 161-203 for the Redskins. Kenny Schmuhl led the Truckers with 167-191. Port Clinton improved to 3-1 in SBABC, 4-1 overall. Hillary Wertenbach led the Lady Redskins with 142-165 as the Varsity Girls rolled over Norwalk 2129-1578. Ally Williams rolled 136-161. Rachel Brown led Norwalk with 115-144. PC’s Varsity Girls improved to 3-1 in Conference, 4-1 overall.

Spring Semester Open Registration Thursday, January 8, 2009 8:00 AM–7:00 PM Classes Begin Monday, January 12.

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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 31, 2008

Business Northcoast Jobs Connection January Schedule The Northcoast Jobs Connection Job Stores and the Seneca One Stop offer numerous services and resources for job seekers and employers. Seminars are free and open to anyone in the community. The seminars are also available to be customized for employers and delivered on site. The area seminar dates in January which are held at the Ottawa County Community Resource Centre, 8042 W. SR. 163 in Oak Harbor are: Jan. 15 – 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. – “Get a Job or a Better Job, POD�. Learn how

FACT 96.9%

Households report they regularly receive The Beacon by mail or carrier each week Results from the March 2008 Circulation Verification Council Telephone Survey The Beacon was recently audited by the Circulation Verification Council, an independent auditing firm. An audited publication is a true value. When you’re making your advertising decisions, make sure you choose an audited publication.





to prepare for and conduct a successful job search. This session includes a review of unemployment services provided by the state, information about other community resources and a free lunch; Jan. 22 – 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. – “Resume Writing Assistance�. Work one-on-one with a specialist and produce a good resume before you leave. By appointment only through the Job Store; Jan. 23 – 9 a.m. to Noon – “Stop Thinking Like an Employee, Think Like a Boss�. Discuss the employer side of hiring and retaining good employees and Jan. 29 – 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. – “Resume Writing Assistance�. Work one-on-one with a specialist and produce a good resume before you leave. By appointment only through the Job Store. Job Store officials are asking that people who are interested in these workshops should register by emailing Carol Guice at or by calling her

at 419-307-1189. For more information on the Job Stores, log onto Or in Ottawa County, call the Job Store at 800-665-1677 or 419-898-3688, ext. 270 or call Denise Ventrone at 419-898-6242 at the Community Improvement Corporation. The Northcoast Jobs Connection One-Stop System is a collaboration of 22 partners in Erie, Huron, Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca counties and is partially funded by those organizations. Terra Community College contracts with the Department of Job and Family Services to provide the services of the Job Store. It is located at 8043 W. State Route 163, Oak Harbor and is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All basic services are free of charge.

Riverview Shines in State Satisfaction Survey The Ohio Department of Aging Satisfaction survey results have determined that Riverview HealthCare Campus in Oak Harbor has been ranked the highest longterm care facility in Ottawa County. This survey was taken by Ohio’s Department of Aging in the summer of 2008. Riverview ranked particularly high with a ninety-two percent score of overall satisfaction with ninety-seven percent of resident families recommend-

ing the facility to others. State average score was eightyeight percent. Quality Stars have also recently been awarded to the facility with four stars out of five given in health inspection and staffing scores. Overall ranking was three out of five stars once again ranking Riverview the highest in Ottawa County.

Workshop for Day Care Providers and Parents Scheduled The Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services and the University of Cincinnati will present Family Based Prevention: Healthy & Successful Children: Roles for Early Childhood Educators and Families. The training will be conducted on Monday, January 5 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Ottawa County Agriculture Complex, 240 W. Lake St. Oak Harbor. The interactive videoconference based training will be facilitated by Marcia Jess, Ohio State University Extension Educator. Interested Child Care Providers, teach-

ers, parents and grandparents are invited to attend this FREE educational training. Professional Credit is available MRDD CEU, Counselor CPE, Social Worker CPU, ODJFS/ODE In-Service hours, CDA Initial and Verification of Participation. To attend, make advanced reservations by calling the OSU Extension Office at 419-898-3631 or 1-800-3224159. The first 30 participants will receive a Family Based Prevention tote bag with additional items for your use.

Book Signing to Feature WW II Survivor

Business Cards HQT † HQT HQT † HQT Price is for full color, full bleed cards with a high gloss UV coating. One-time typesetting charge will apply if required.


The Open Book Store will have as its guest Arthur Jibilian who is the last survivor of World War II’s operation Halyard. That mission returned more than 500 American airmen home to their families. The event will take place on January 17 at 10:30 a.m. at the Open Book Store, 118 S. Fremont Street in Fremont. Jibilian, of Fremont, who was a U.S. Navy radioman and a member of the OSS - a precursor to the CIA, had to parachute into the German-occupied territory of Yugoslavia and stay there for months. He had just turned 20 after being drafted in the Navy in March of 1943. He helped rescue more than 500 American airmen and other Allied Forces soldiers during the end of World War II. It’s one of the untold stories of the greatest generation that is finally receiving world-wide exposure. “We brought down our 513 shot-down American airmen from behind the lines. There was little publicity on this,� Arthur said. “The reason why I want to get all this in front of the American people is because it’s a story that they deserve to know.� Jibilian’s heroic efforts are the basis of a recently-published book called The Forgotten 500 by Gregory Freeman. It draws upon declassified documents and intimate interviews that recount a major World War II rescue mission in 1944 near the end of WWII called ‘ Operation Halyard. “I get goose bumps just thinking. It’s unforgettable,� he said when he thinks back to the memories.� When you’re 19, 20, years-old, death is not a thought... You’re indestructible,� Jibilian said. Radioman Jibilian was key to Operation Halyard, known as the largest airlift operation behind enemy lines. The U.S. airmen were trapped in Nazi-occupied Serbia, with orders from General Draza Mihailovich. Villagers put the airmen’s lives ahead of their own, until several rescues were made. Jibilian, who was born in Cleveland but raised in Toledo, said, even after so many years, he can’t believe how hard his job was. But it was worth it. “When I look back on it, I’m amazed at what we have accomplished because we did this all under the Germans’ noses,� he said. “But we made it, and that’s all that counts.� The Forgotten 500 is currently being discussed to be made into a major motion picture.

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Thursday, December 31, 2008 I

The Beacon


Financial Focus I have money to invest. Where do I begin? Investing is the first step toward building a more financially secure future - congratulations on being ready to take that step. As you're probably all too aware, investing can also be intimidating, especially when you've never done it before. But like anything else, it's much simpler if you have a plan in place. GARY COON, EDWARD JONES INVESTMENTS

Identify Goals The first thing you want to do is define your goals. Do you want to buy a new home? Pay for a child's education? Or are you simply looking for long-term savings? Once you have your goals defined, you'll know how much you need, when you need it, and you should be able to make better decisions about what investment options are best for you. Evaluate Needs But before you develop an investing strategy, you should evaluate your current financial picture. Do you have a clear picture of your current expenses and where your money is going? Are you carrying a lot of credit card debt? Do you have an emergency reserve with at least three months of income in savings? Because invest-

Tis the Season at VFW Post 7572 Marblehead VFW Post 7572 Commander Bob Peroni, Men’s Auxiliary President Jason Lee and Ladies Auxiliary President Debbie Garrard hosted their annual Children’s Christmas Party on December 21. President Debbie and Twinkle (Camille Sobolewski) Toes welcomed this year’s guests Seth, Michael, and Grace Garber, Sadie and Will Stephenson, Mac and Kit Stephenson, Jaret and Caden Monak, Max and Madison Monak, Brandon Monak Buchanan, Michael and Courtney Wadsworth, Drew and Monica Dobrowolski, A.J. and Maddy Rea, Robin and Josie Skinner, Taylor Bishoff, Sierra and Samantha Puckett, Jordan Scott, Peyton Hallier, Lillie Beers, Kayle Rakosky, Hemy and Alexsandra Szuch, Amelia Finn, Marlena and Ahmyre McCree, Fiona Buczak, Lauren Richter, and Kaitlyn Prentice. Santa and all in attendance sent get well wishes to Ryan and Benjamin Rasmussen, Aiden Finn and Lily Dobrowolski. While waiting for Santa’s arrival, the children enjoyed the performance of magician and teacher Dennis R. Weigel, the Glass City Sorcerer. Dennis is a member of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, having served Vietnam. As each child received their gift from Santa with the help of elves Michaela Hallier and Tresha Peroni; Twinkle Toes captured the moment, as she secretly wished Bob Sobolewski could have been there to enjoy the party. Kitchen elves Carol Hamit and Blanche Baillie served cookies and refreshments to the children. Special thanks for the generous monetary gifts from Jean Larsen, Mike Pritchard, Rick Comings, and Ruth and Dave Mazur; and to Heather and Jenny (Monak) Saalman and Trina Monak for honoring their loved one, grandfather and father Paul (Midge) Monak.

Entertainment Free Movies for Holiday Family Viewing BY PEGGY DEBIEN, FRIENDS OF THE IDA RUPP PUBLIC LIBRARY Trying to keep the family occupied without spending a lot of money is a challenge every holiday season. Free movies—available at the Ida Rupp Public Library—can help. Here are just a few of the family movies available at your local library: Paper Clips. What began as a lesson in prejudice became a miracle. This documentary tells the story of children who, while studying the Holocaust, collected six million paperclips to represent Jews killed by Nazis. What do you do with six million paperclips? This movie will let you know! Rated G. Microcosmos. A meadow in France that appears to consist of nothing but grass shows us what wonders there are to be seen if we lower our eyes and look at the very, very small. Kids of all ages will love the insects. Rated G. Miss Potter. Renee Zellwegger portrays Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved Peter Rabbit books, in this story of her struggle for happiness, love and success. You’ll see her drawings come alive, just as she did. Rated PG.

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The Beacon I

Thursday, December 31, 2008

Records DEATH NOTICES John Stuart Battle John Stuart Battle, 84, of Catawba Island, passed away Thursday, December 18, 2008 from complications resulting from a fall at his home in late November. A private family memorial is planned at a later date. ••• Ruth Tallman Ruth Tallman, 89, of Oak Harbor died Friday, December 19, 2008 at the Riverview Healthcare Campus, Oak Harbor. Funeral services were conducted on December 22 at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Oak Harbor with Pastor Keith Hunsinger officiating. Visitation was December 21 at the Robinson-Walker Funeral Home, Oak Harbor. Interment was

in Union Cemetery, Oak Harbor. ••• Virgil Glenn Schultz Virgil Glenn Schultz, 84, of Oak Harbor died Friday, December 19, 2008 at St. Charles Mercy Hospital, Oregon, OH. Funeral services were conducted December 23 at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Oak Harbor with Pastor Keith Hunsinger officiating. Visitation was December 22 at the Robinson-Walker Funeral Home & Crematory, Oak Harbor. Interment was in Union Cemetery, Oak Harbor with military graveside services conducted by the Oak Harbor American Legion and VFW.

Mary Howard 419-212-1162 cell

Paul A. “Bones” Fox Paul A. “Bones” Fox, 73, of Oak Harbor died Saturday, December 20, 2008 at his residence. Visitation was December 23 at the Robinson-Walker Funeral Home & Crematory, Oak Harbor. A Celebration of Life Service honoring Paul’s life was held during the visitation at the funeral home. ••• Virginia A. Turner Virginia A. Turner, 90, a life-long resident of Port Clinton, died Sunday December 21, 2008 at Edgewood Manor Nursing Center. Visitation was held December 23 at the Neidecker, LeVeck & Crosser Funeral Home, Port Clinton. Funeral services were held December 24 at the funeral home followed by burial in Lakeview Cemetery. The Rev. Karl Kessler will officiated. ••• Paul Joseph Lucas Paul Joseph Lucas, 75, of Marblehead, OH, passed away on Monday, December 22, 2008, at his residence.


Ohio Association of Realtors Award of Distinction 2008 A variety of condos, homes & lakeview cottages available …Call Mary!

A girl was born on December 8 in Firelands Regional Medical Center to Brandy and Brian Holmes of Port Clinton. ••• Trinity L. Korster and Adam A. Borror of Port Clinton are the parents of a boy born on

Visitation was December 26 in the Gerner-Wolf-Walker Funeral Home & Crematory, Port Clinton, OH. A Mass of Christian Burial was conducted by Reverend Dan Ring December 27 at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Marblehead, OH. Interment was in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery. ••• Opal Marie (Webb) Kuzma Opal Marie (Webb) Kuzma, 74, of Marblehead, Ohio died Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center, Toledo, OH. Visitation was held on December 28 at Neidecker, LeVeck & Crosser Funeral Home, Peninsula Chapel, LakesideMarblehead, OH. Funeral Services were held December 29 at Wayside Temple, Castalia, OH, with Reverend Rusty Yost officiating. Burial followed in Sackett Cemetery, Marblehead.


Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary

November 26 in Firelands Regional Medical Center. ••• A boy was born to Suzanne and Michael Cuevas of Port Clinton. The baby was born on December 15 in Firelands Regional Medical Center.

Mr. and Mrs. William Klaehn Jr. were married on December 31, 1958 at St. Lukes Church by the Rev. Strum. They are the parents of William (Margaret) Klaehn III of Marblehead, Russell Klaehn of Vacaville, CA and the late George Klaehn (surviving Karen) and John (Heather) Klaehn of Marblehead. They have four grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Klaehn are retired from Mutach’s Market which they owned and operated for 31 years.

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Matthew Ross Chambers, Zionsville, IN, age 22, military to Kathryn Margaret Polachek, Port Clinton, age 23. Brett Neuron Sr, Port Clinton age 44, auto painting to Rochelle Yvette Turner, Port Clinton, age 40, healthcare. David Michael Allen Port Clinton, age 56, retired to Sharon Kay Sawyer, Marblehead, age 54, seamstress. James David Gibson, Jr., Port Clinton, age 37, machine operator to Trisha Annette Hanning, Port Clinton, age 36, machine operator. Paul David Hallier, Marblehead, age 52, hydraulic tech. to Susan A. Renner, Marblehead, age 55. Brett Neuron Sr., Port Clinton, age 44, auto painting to Rochelle Yvette Turner, Port Clinton, age 40, healthcare.

* or bold, highlights or artwork

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Thursday, December 31, 2008 I

The Beacon


Classified PORT CLINTON 1 & 2 BDRM Apt. All appliances, includes dishwasher, washer dryer hookup, central air, gas heat, private patio, pool. Rent starting at $495, includes water & sewer. 6 mo lease avil 419-734-7422

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Sun. January 18, 2009 @ 2 p.m. Registraton & Preview @ 1 p.m. Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath home, 1,400 sq. ft., with heated outbuilding (24x40) Setting on 1.1 acres in prime location. OPEN HOUSE Sun. 12/28/08 & Sun. 1/11/09 1-3 p.m. Midwest Real Estate & Auctions, LLC. Daniel P. Kapudjija Auctioneer/Broker 1-800- 459-1276

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“I Sell Views” Sharon Woodson

Real Estate Services

OFFICE: 877-734-5751 CELL: 419-356-0348 “Come See Me in the Main Office by GSE Jewelers” SANDUSKY 400 Anderson St

The Beacon   I   Thursday, December 31, 2008

Jan 16, 2009 is the opening of the 52nd Cleveland Boat & Waterfront Lifestyle Expo at the I-X Center. Don’t forget this is a Lifestyle expo which includes real estate. I will be in the Howard Hanna booth #203 near Sima Marina. The show runs Jan 16th – 25th Call me for times!

CATAWBA ISLAND 5647 Farrow Ave

KELLEYS ISLAND, 817 E Lakeshore Dr

MARBLEHEAD 10961 Bay Point #107

Tomi L. Johnson CRS CRB, E-PRO


419-341-0276 (Cell) 1-888-807-4110 (Toll Free)

To view a complete list of available properties and photobooks log onto





Lake Erie views from this spectacular two story unit at Bay Point. Featuring a three season sunroom, wood burning fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and one car attached garage. Enjoy endless hours at the association pool or walk to Bay Point resort where you can dock your boat, golf, swim on the vast sandy beaches, play tennis and much more! $259,900

MARBLEHEAD-62 BIRCH Catawba Cascades: 90x61 corner Sandusky boathouse with views lot with fabulous views. Build your of Cedar Point and direct access vacation or primary home & have to Lake Erie. Includes 4 boat wells your 40ft boat slip with water & with rental history. $220,000 electric at your door! $119,900

CATAWBA ISLAND 4160 E Laurel Ridge

MARBLEHEAD 6005 E Harbor Rd #3B

Lakefront ranch with views of Cedar Point & deck on the Lake! 1760sqft, 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths. Spectacular views inside & out. Open floor plan with Living & Great Room. $565,000

Bay Point 2nd floor Townhome. Meticulous condition w/views of Lake & Cedar Point. 2BD, 2 BA with loft & detached garage. Gated community w/bath house & large pool area. $259,000


MARBLEHEAD 5801 Dennis


33’ boat slip with this updated mobile in West Harbor Cove. Newer siding, roof, and carpeting make this retreat easy to move in and enjoy! Canal views from the large covered deck! The master suite offers a spacious upgraded master bath. Priced to sell! $42,000


The Woodlands: stunning brick home with 3071sqft, 3 bedrooms, 2 full & 2 half baths and finished basement rec/game room. Enjoy your beautifully landscaped yard with waterfall from the 500+sqft deck. $499,000

Spectacular views from 3rd floor Harbor’s End condo. Beautiful hickory wood floor & maple cabinets, stainless steel appliances & more! Includes 30ft dock in marina & 1-car garage. 2 additional garages available. $359,000

LeMarin Condo & Marina: Townhome completely painted over past few years with crown molding in bedrooms, newer furnace/AC, white tile on main level. 35ft dock in prime location. $175,000

Remodeled Ranch with peeks of the harbor & marina. Large spacious rooms, 2 fireplaces, granite counter, new furnace in 2007 & large patio off Living Room. Add’l land with 50x54 pole barn, 14x40 garage & apartment available. $289,000


Ensure that your possessions are safe in affordable storage units in this accessible location! Dimensions 22x45 & 18x45. Very clean, well maintained, newer, and ready for your use! Located off of 53. $89,000

MARBLEHEAD-LIFEBOAT STATION Lifeboat Station is Marblehead’s newest single family waterfront development within steps of the village! Spectacular panoramic views of Lake Erie, Kelleys Island, and South Bass Island! Enjoy the two private beaches, the lagoon with dockage for small watercraft, the association walkway to the waterfront patio where you can enjoy views of the nautical passing! Large lots each with their unique view and unsurpassed quality of vacation or year round Lake Living! The ultimate leisurely living retreat! Starting @ $399,000

Catawba Office • 4054 E. Harbor Rd. • 877-734-5751



CATAWBA- Well maintained home in Catawba Cliffs. First floor master, great room with fireplace and views of park and lake. Across from Sunset Park. Gated community. $799,000 TED GRENE/MARK HARTLINE 419-563-4968

MARBLEHEAD- Danbury Cove home features 4 bed 3 bath, open kitchen/great room with gas fireplace, full basement, 2 car garage and additional attached 14x38 boat garage. Includes 35 ft deeded dock. $374,900 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

CATAWBA- High traffic, high exposure commercial/retail location. 2000 sq. ft. on ? acre lot. $149,900 GLENNA BENDER 419-341-1579

Waterfront condo in luxury neighborhood ready for immediate occupancy this season! Beautifully decorated with affluent appointments throughout. The ground floor master suite overlooks the Sandusky Bay and the abundance of nature that vacationland has to offer. Open floor plan, 2nd floor loft, spacious guest rooms, gourmet kitchen, waterfront patio, association pool and future marina for your boat! $444,900

CATAWBA ISLAND-2345 SAND RD. 100’ of sandy Lake Erie beach frontage! This fully furnished ranch home is located on a waterfront double lot on Catawba Island. Enjoy many peaceful memories of Lake Erie living in this three bedroom, two full bathroom home, featuring a sun room, den, gas fireplace and large 3 car attached garage for all of your vacation toys. Beautifully decorated to please this home is priced to sell! $599,000


PORT CLINTON- Convenient to the Lake, beach and parks. 3 bed 1 bath home, country kitchen with snack bar. Double car garage is also accessible thru back yard. $118,000 MARGARET LENTHE 419341-2014

PORT CLINTON- Spacious 1 ? story home in the heart of vacationland! One block up from the lake – close to everything. $134,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

Bay Point condo with quarry views featuring a panorama of the local wildlife. Beautifully decorated and ready for immediate enjoyment, large rooms, vaulted ceilings, granite, and ceramic tile, third bedroom/den with granite wet bar, two car attached garage, and association pool! Steps to Bay Point where you can-dock your boat, swim, golf, play tennis, and enjoy many memories on the Lake! $349,000

CARRIAGE COVE CATAWBA- Catawba’s next new neighborhood. Discreet location near point of Catawba. Wooded sites. $48,900-56,000 TED GREENE/GLENNA BENDER 419-563-4963

JUST LISTED FREMONT- 3 bed 1 bath ranch home with 2 car garage. Ready to move into condition. Great buy! $61,900 YOLANDA VORYS 614-5968249


This stunning ranch is located on a large, wooded, private lot beautifully landscaped w/ a pond. You will find an abundance of room w/ 2 gas fireplaces, a formal living room featuring a beamed cathedral ceiling, newer stainless appliances in an upgraded kitchen, an office w/ private entrance, a large master suite, & sliding doors which open to the garden. Truly in a class of its own! $299,900

BY APPOINTMENT CURTICE- 6 bed 3 ? bath custom home with many upgrades. Inground pool, pool house with full bath and 3+ car garage and much more! $599,000 GLENNA BENDER 419-341-1579

Each bedroom has private bath. Enjoy panoramic views of Lake Erie and Islands from stone patio. $595,000 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

MARBLEHEAD- Ranch home with open floor plan and huge heated pole barn in quiet neighborhood. East Harbor State Park, marinas and restaurants are a short walk from this home. $249,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188

MARBLEHEAD- Cottage style home in Channel Grove steps to marina. Open floor plan, attached 2 car garage on corner lot. New bath, other updates. Perfect for year round or seasonal living.$139,900 GLENNA BENDER/TED GREENE 419-341-1579

PORT CLINTON- Wonderful double wide mobile home in The Fountains! Beautiful and bright 3 season room overlook the pond for ultimate relaxation! $69,900 LISA HORMAN 419-271-8110

MARBLEHEAD- 8 room motel or convert to 4 apartments! Great income potential. Lake views! $299,900 KARMEN LUCAS 419656-9188

CATAWBA ISLAND-4245 COLONY CLUB RD. This colonial home has all you need and more! Enjoy the sprawling family room kitchen area equipped with a wood burning fireplace and cedar hot tub room! Walk out the backdoor to your private heated garage/ workshop where you can work on your favorite toys. Entertain in the formal living and dining rooms. Dock your boat in the association marina. Ready for immediate use! $329,000

MARBLEHEAD- 3 bed 4 bath Lakefront condo with private marina and deeded dock. Open kitchen/great room/dining room.

VACANT LAND PORT CLINTON- Large lot ready for you to build your home, pole barn, ect. Unzoned and close to vacationland amenities, fishing and wildlife preserve. $29,000 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188 CATAWBA- Build your dream home in this development overlooking 60 acres of protected wetlands, 2 mile nature trail, private dockage and panoramic views of water and nature. $97,500 CHERYL HETRICK 419-202-0144

PORT CLINTON- 2+ acres unzoned just outside of Port Clinton. Ready for your home, barn or small business. $30,000 KARMEN LUCAS 419-656-9188 CATAWBA- Catawba Bay lot sloped for walk-out basement with pond and wooded backyard. Development features private dockage, pool and clubhouse. $88,500 CHERYL HETRICK 419-2020144

Tomi L. Johnson 419-341-0276 (cell) 419-734-4110 1-888-807-4110

Real Estate Services

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