The Beacon - Media Kit

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205 SE Catawba Rd. Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 Email: Phone: 419-732-2154 Fax: 419-734-5382

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Beacon Audit

Port Clinton News Herald

(6/28/2007 Edition) April 1 2007- March 31, 2008

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Total Home: 10,138 Newstand: 6,533 Total: 16,671 6/28/07 Edition (CVC Audit #9)

Coverage Area Includes All of Ottawa County Including Genoa & Elmore ABC Audit Ended March 30, 2008 ________________________ Zip Code Breakdown NOT provided Includes: Port Clinton, Marblehead, Catawba, Oak Harbor, Genoa, Elmore, Put-in-Bay

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Total Home: 14,881 Newstand: 21,445


205 SE Catawba Rd. Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 Email: Phone: 419-732-2154 Fax: 419-734-5382

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General Information - The Beacon is published weekly and is circulated free to the public via U.S. Postal Service as well as independent carriers to the communities of Port Clinton, Marblehead/ Lakeside, Catawba Island, South Bass Island and Oak Harbor. The Beacon also serves the residents of Bay, Erie, Portage, Danbury, Benton, Carroll, Salem and Catawba Townships located in Ottawa County, Ohio. The Beacon’s coverage area is known for its proximity to Lake Erie and the Lake Erie Islands. Port Clinton is one of Ohio’s premiere tourism, recreation, resort, retirement and art centers. Nearly 20,000 boats are docked within The Beacon’s coverage area. It is an area known for dramatic growth and development as a resort and vacation region. It is also known as the Walleye Capital of the World for its incredible year around sport fishery.

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205 SE Catawba Rd. Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 Email: Phone: 419-732-2154 Fax: 419-734-5382

Promotional Calendar 2009 January Ottawa County Focus Tab Cleveland Boat Show Tax Time Fitness Page Mature Living

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Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.

The Beacon® SM TM 1992

205 S.E. Catawba Road, Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 • 419-732-2154 Classifieds 419-732-1500 • Fax 419-734-5382

February Bridal Section Women In Biz Valentines Day HBA House and Home Show Tax Time Mature Living March Tri County Medical Directory St. Paddy’s Day Tax Time Mature Living April Home and Garden Week National Home Week Open House Weekend Tax Time Deadline Mature living May Golf Course Guide Walleye Tournaments Graduation Pages Memorial Page North Coast Entertainment Section Begins Marblehead/Lakeside Parade of Homes Tab Mature Living June Camp Perry Tab Retirement Planning Home Builders Tab Catawba Parade of Homes Tab Mature Living

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The Beacon is published every Thursday and is circulated free to the public, via US Postal Service under Permit #80, as well as by independent carriers. The Beacon serves, and is mailed to the communities of Port Clinton, Lakeside/ Marblehead, and Oak Harbor, as well as Catawba, Danbury, Portage, Erie, Bay, Benton-Carroll and Salem Townships in Ottawa County. Letters to Sound Off, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Beacon are welcome. Please note: All Sound Off letters and/or letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Beacon, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage. The Beacon is owned and operated by Schaffner Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, president. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Beacon.The Beacon and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Real Estate, Class liners close Monday by 12pm and Retail ads close Monday by 4:00 PM.


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ial, and is now officday. The rt Card Tues Ohio Repotheir rating on ict, Danbury of State of Distr disThe 2008 ved the news City School lem school recei ton ll-Sa s and schools The Port Clin Benton-Carro d on test score results? and the Effective base l Schools ing currated NER Loca have all beenIndex rating. hard work alignin higher AFF trict ce lted our N SCH ed that tives have resu to improve Performan BY JOH after a Gem the are very pleas in place suproom initia ning "We last week programspossible by our ins, City Hall Reunion plan man riculum and class several e ick Adk I was at We have Roll h are mad Chap Glenn Council tests scores. vement whic stated Patrols. Rock 'n h Dr. ol Beac ity," watched ent achie 12 City City Schowhich all scho wmeeting, the August concern for my stud ive communPort Clinton , by rt Card icts in the folloous t of k Dr. port speak at regarding his to than have Superintenden of Ohio Repo tinu school distr I State cy. g. 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Ohio Grad are also Off ed icipatin HOMME Sound ge proposal thatsounding redu ton's economiced us to 2008-09 scho High School summer and y and ing ers work ts part PRUD buo sail boa teach of Clin ton l this wa, here BY DAVID Port loca had want Stonehen . At the risk lem Port Clin final earlier S students andschool in Otta the PHOTO ions to shown one of the If God eyes in the back arroll-Sa e PCH any high years ago) us some solut ry lessons? be put results were rt card. Benton-C tive rating well abovalways of will have s histo lts offer repo the ld us e t of pleas the Effec we will be the 2008 the highest score ties with resu added, "We area. just give wards, he wou rintenden ed with and back rather than its to have Sandusky coun ndent Adkins haw, Supe she is pleas Excellent, ols in the , which usly look celebrate and t high scho Diane Kersict, said that that we can be improve in math, and we continuo s. 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"Wh "new" Islan es in our winner He addemake that goal 202 entri and our hard to We had est this week, Port Clinton of ad for Wylie" contWorthington eye in the se is Loui d Wylie Wall page 1A of last on cerwho founMini Storage a $20 gift wba. wins Catawba on. Louise r on Cata week's Beac Fishtales Dine eye again this to him, tificate hiding Wylie Wall l If you find in the Goodwil your form We'll be one of our ads. owned next to ing the e-mail family phoby mail at our office week in Center; Wylie icon whose se to win off Terry, 1920s who Shopping register dropping it on the mons) y on Place or click by ise (Cle of the earl paper; s in the Beac s”. eaco t. d Girl d by Lou uties” Industrie provide thing bea ame “Ziegfel featured www at ection –––– bec recently en who entry to page ict “ba –––– a coll ar, was home y dep they all from on our , Ken AimNational Guardsm e pilot, has it rs. The came of mine airlin photos y, many yea ch. Legend t Air er mate ed ve e, abou form class a view er ed insid The abo for man Gem Bea A form ciated Press story Iraq. Ken, ornia, was inter were allowThere were the 50s Gem Beach e taken at over ing age in an Asso ator drones Guard in CalifClinton back in s wer stamped. red where legal drink Air Pred and been mbe tograph those of operate Colonel in the ly lived in Port d. Only uced proper ID t club who remememories were s fami . was serve prod now a Lt. yach and part, in 1965 in Port story. Ken' in 1987 once they had the group at the for the most meeting for the and moved away –––––––– Public Library Beacon but ling and misty eyed il the among me black eye, and ming ared in The g as we gear will unve an Rupp and 60s, -JS thosegot their first time .. dancing dants even beca air pavilion first appe are reproducin to Ida at 7 p.m., they and 20. story ony day mber they open 2 series we g a great ng cerem of my confistars on the a person theyt on Septe Note: This 100th Birth September on cutti of havin ying. Many Editor’s first of a four-part‘n Roll Reunion day, Happy r the st to matter, don' with a ribb On Tues ing unde itself. Almo (later) marr and is the Gem Beach Rock invariClinton! ren's area desk hall s for that ring danc ay, remembe de the dance kids .. and adulttoday." Then they there." on, Wednesd up for the new child Social. ––––––––will be this . Attendees .. The Beac SNER m just outsi, "It's too bad Beaches to go go if it was still Park st Profiles IN MES Ice Crea ting remarked like the Twin ga Mee p.m. at Lakeview mation, conlet my kids spouse!) BY KARd from Northcoa Conesto er infor t Terrace have a place "Wonder if I'da grin at their 7:30 (Reprinte 19, 1987) by kled, calls abou The next3 from 5:30 to share. For furth to ng with Beach .. or Twin ably chuc accompanied er February tigate Kids ed ringi . been Septemb to bring a dish often nhes, Twinbest interest to invesor less not stopp oom .. or Gem 734-6645 –––– d must have with- (This for volu Beac has ing e what Ballr are aske ed Way at 419d more Twin look I own –––– is called e starte ch relaMy phon e Hall .. or County your era d be in mymadness, so thatgrey day. I drov The calls ort, chur , conh John tact Unit Ottawa er Beach Dancrt .. or whateverthe Northcoast. on in whic "The raw, that it woul Marina family supp interested anity of I decided all this midsumm t. It was a cold, Gem Beach heard spot on ery of The Beacg an article on pourfor Hum family selection, tion. If you're Beach Reso the dy of famous Habitat ories talking abouturned in at the site I had alrea road and site selec the mosts after the deliv I would be doin help with . , and doubt h Road. what I was to the mem the teers to undraising and419-734-7074 end in hour mentioned that ating to listen e calls leave little having knew Catawba Road Twin Beac the name for was a Gem this week that tions, PR/f itat office at there she had out East road, I noted, was ––––––––hot dog roast Sunday and Schaffner has been fascin..some not! Thes special by not Clemons Hab fact that h. very h"! It able rday, tact the fact that husband sign. The Elmer (Hope) only from the hold a Beac girls Beac thing ce the Satu print will The ers some 6 p.m. ed some e her Sale. and Terra from Mrs.rt had come not h, but also from ing out .. S Cheerlead 10 a.m. to hold a Bake r Rink year befor that I miss ay of Gem The PCH Market from the Reso a Terrace Beacand Donna, the Gem Beach Rolle -ups. in my mindduring the heyd will also Dance h that warm and they is d ett's old , h Beac Don at Bass On Saturday money for new however, was Beac birth to twins, purchased the new Terrace been here ing Men Crie d so far, Grown er's park be Hall given er Alan erty where the Monday. g to raise some , even I've founBeach Dance –––––––– wash at Krog prop en to blot and his broth le thing tions will in existence The are tryin ing a car Terrace remarkab de and the were All dona ity has chos r rink, still early '70s. g 360 is hold to 2 p.m. The most tell me when commun rstand therebuild- and Arca d be built. hidin Beach rolle skate in the t Troop a.m. can a whole unde the in storage, Hall woul missed the Gem out there to Boy Scou rday from 8 no one . It's as though ctive mind. I the set fire to my bearLake kids wrapped Satu I totally through taken my boats snuggly the Marina to gethad heard destroyed out of its colle their eyes as theyover the cliff into zzo lot this . ––––––––akes from now s at the Port gh I had er terra in at with ins that fact accepted with tears ozed the rema pieces of the ce and thou ing lot is filled ing. I stopped Although Gingtime) she did to flip panc ning breakfast Noon every grown men tually bulld treasure small For many, Terra a as park is back mor to Grummel. of the build before her Beach. even erwood Sunday from 8 a.m. the front talked to Ginger e hall, (it was ce and Gem Shangri-L debris. ing and y people still the Bob Und ember for the time er Terra danc serve ings and Erie. Man scavenged fromlife .. a summ t the old location of both e. They end of Sept of es abou er 20 ed on the the Elk’s Lodg dance floorh was a way a few s Septemb : The spot locat Shores stori me a clue to t –––– snap Clinton Serie the a to nigh it. –––– Beac of ions sale for Gem ons calls been a popular where Catawba Catawba give gh it was Makingses Condominiums Sunday. ege now on wing locat Donna Clem Shor e complex as thoug, there are there had folks at the spot tickets are ion at the folloCommunity Collright of the goin Catawba I knew thatLake Erie at . The friendly e and a piece the advance ed Reun over to found the wholof coming and gh I was meant Finally, Rock ‘n Roll Press; The Terra h Bar locat event of stand I drove a plaqu to mount in is and h thou Beac shores signs this iums now shown me ing les still photographs it was as obvious Gem Beac Minuteman and the Gem lf. The view eeds from Condomin Shores had they were plann Many coup sure, by d residents, but time by myse a cliff. (Those and ina all proc .. became asleep. I'm in Beacon plex. Beach Mar $10, and high on be pleased to dance floor of the com e they first met s year-roun ing back Store; Gem h. Tickets arewa County. numerou fun of stepp e hall was built will tyard h wher rved cour Beac beac the spot prese danc ce the on the ed Way in Otta to have ing, since the carefully s of of Terra return to etc. htak memoriesdevelopment has st hear the strain help Unit o engaged, one breat with fond almo certain era Shared IDson Yacht Club g readersthat the new Cond there, I could ite tunes of a , talkin Clint know . Standing s .. of the favor at the PortS basketball game ...1-10C this serie tioned that lovely vista Sunset", one g over ....... men doin ....... one I was wing a PCH in the g to enjoy te.......... ..............2-3C when someregular employ-- "Red Sails ". I was goin s. night follo p of friends, Real Esta ....... of the a flood ely that "Beachers serie ..........2A Sports................ .....................4C with a grouThe name of oneseemed to openthe room of knew immediat makings of a .............. I have the ........3A ff........... "Froggy". Terrace Beach the people in I heard Water ....... .....................5C h". at SoundO and it does ndar ....... ...4A On the Half out Beac oors ng. Cale ees ....6C the beer ity Outd ....... reminiscin up "Dancin' place where .............. Commun ..................... .....6A Ottawa gate of .. the grow Focus ....... ........6C Bits .............. -9A Financial Transfers ....... must have s like "the cage" Beacon ....... C t ............8 Estate about thing rtainmen .............8


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....... Real Ente ....... ds .............. y..............9C .............. .......10A Classifie ctor Schools .............. .............. ......11A Page Dire Yellow .............. Records .....1-6B Lifestyles Mature st Live .............. North Coa




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a Room” “Your Extr

Once again, we are improving our website ... ... and we want YOU to help us fill it up. As you may have seen, we are doing a special photo contest promoting “Kid’s Fishing”, and Hi-Way Bait & Tackle on Marblehead has agreed to be our sponsor and will provide a $10 gift certificate every week from Memorial Day until Labor Day. Check out the ad on page 3C this week and get your photos in to us. Our webmaster, Paul Wallen, has again upgraded our website with more news, photos and information. We think you’ll like it, so check it out. –––––––– We had 382 entries for our Where’s Wylie Contest. This week’s winner is Kay Golias of Port Clinton, who found Wylie in the Garden Path ad on page 5B in last week’s Beacon. Kay wins a $20 gift certificate from Fishtales Diner on Catawba. We’ll be hiding Wylie Walleye again this week in one of our ads. If you find him, register to win by mailing the form in the paper; by dropping it off at our office next to Goodwill Industries in the Beacon Place Shopping Center; e-mail your entry to; or click on the Wylie icon on our home page at –––––––– This is the Memorial Day Weekend, with the Walleye Festival, parades and TRAFFIC!!! The early weather forecast is for a beautiful weekend, so get out and enjoy it. However, the traffic will be heavy, so take it easy and be patient. You’ll get there. Be safe this weekend, and remember, Memorial Day is about the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the freedoms we enjoy. Honor their service and sacrifice. –––––––– Henry Ford is coming to Port Clinton tonight! Really! Actually, it is an actor, Hank Fincken, who portrays the legendary auto pioneer. He will be performing next Thursday, May 29, at the Ida Rupp Public Library at 7 p.m. –––––––– The Port Clinton Elks Lodge 1718 located on Buckeye Blvd. in Port Clinton is again serving their Sunday breakfasts from 8 a.m. to Noon now through September. The Breakfast Buffet is only $6 and includes scrambled eggs, potatoes, breakfast meat, fruit, sweet rolls, juice and coffee. –––––––– Mary Ann Snider’s Ballet School is staging its annual dance recital at the Port Clinton High School Performing Arts Center Friday evening. Curtain time is 7 p.m. “This event is special as we allow older students to pick out their own solo music, costumes and in some cases their own choreography,” says Mary Ann. Advance tickets are available from MozinArt and will also be available at the door. –––––––– BBQ Traveler will be serving their famous chicken dinners in front of Wal-Mart east of Port Clinton this Sunday, May 25 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with all proceeds donated to the Humane Society of Ottawa County. Dinners are $8. Volunteers will also hold a Bake Sale that day. –––––––– About 15 deputies from the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department, including the Sheriff himself, will be participating in a special Memorial 5K Run & Walk for Marine Staff Sgt. Jon Martin, killed in action in Iraq. The event is Saturday in Bellevue. Proceeds generated benefit the Jon Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund and the Wounded Soldiers Fund. Martin’s sister lives in Ottawa County and works at the Sheriff’s Department –––––––– Ottawa County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) will hold a Chicken Barbecue Lunch on Wednesday, June 4 titled “Meals on Heels”! It will be held at Community Market in Port Clinton from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is carryout only. Meals from Grandma’s Backyard Barbecue include a half chicken, baked potato, coleslaw role and butter. Tickets are $8 and are available at the Port Clinton branch of the National Bank of Oak Harbor or by contacting the CASA office at 419-734-7705. –––––––– Friday, May 23 is the last 4th Friday Lunch until September at Faith United Methodist Church at the corner of 5th and Jackson Streets in Port Clinton. Lunch is served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. featuring the ladies’ homemade soups, sandwiches and pies. –––––––– There will be a very special ceremony honoring police officers who have fallen in the line of duty today (Thursday, May 22) at 11 a.m. at the Port Clinton Moose Lodge on West Lakeshore Drive. I have attended this ceremony in the past, and hope to attend this one as well. They are very moving. –––––––– Monday, June 23 is the date for the 19th Annual Chick Schaffner Memorial Charity Golf Classic at CIC. $125 per golfer gets you 18 holes on the new Arthur Hills layout (including the two new holes for 2008, both par 5s) plus lunch at the course plus dinner at the Club afterward. This year’s event benefits the American Heart Association and Stein Hospice, a new beneficiary this year. The 6th Annual Friends of Camp Perry Open will be held at the Oak Harbor Golf Course on Friday, May 23. $75 is the Entry Fee and registration begins at 7:45 a.m. with an 8:30 shotgun start. The entry fee gets you 18 holes of golf, a hot dog at the turn, a beverage ticket and a steak dinner following.

THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2008


North Coast Live...............1-6B Real Estate ......................1-12C Sports ...................................2C Ottawa Outdoors.................3C Real Estate Transfers...........6C Business ...............................7C Classifieds .......................9-10C Yellow Page Directory.......11C

BY CHRIS MCBAIN - BERRY ASSISTANT EDITOR History is repeating itself in a family in Marblehead. And because of their patriotic beliefs and their family’s contributions, this Memorial Day may be an especially proud time for parents Raymond and Elaine Dorko. The Dorko family has a history of serving our country, from father Ray who served in the Navy during WW II, to sons Jeff and Dean, West Point graduates now on duty in Iraq, to Dean’s son Cory Matthews who is a 2007 graduate of West Point and will leave for Iraq in December. In fact, it is Brigadier General Jeff Dorko, commanding general of the Gulf Region Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, who is working to rebuild the country. Artillery Officer Major Dean Dorko is responsible for gathering information on weapon systems that the troops are currently using and determining ways to make them more effective. For Jeff, the job had its dangers early in his tour when he was injured by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) while riding in an armored personnel carrier on his way to a project in northern Baghdad. He sustained shrapnel in his shoulder, thigh and Major Dean Dorko hip and was flown to Germany for recovery, then to the States for a few weeks until he was able to return to duty. The incident occurred just days after arriving in October of 2007 giving him the dubious distinction of becoming the highest ranking officer to be injured in Iraq. Chris Malfara grew up with the brothers, and all were friends from the time they were three-years-old. All are graduates of Danbury High School. “I don’t know for sure what piqued their interest in the military...Marblehead is

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Brig. General Jeffery Dorko

a very patriotic community with lots of history and tradition, and their father was a veteran so they had the example of their Dad.” Jeff, wife Amy and daughter Caroline live in Texas. Dean, wife Mary, Cory and James live in Oklahoma. Dean is hoping to retire in February of 2009, but Jeff will continue his military career. They hope to return to the States sometime in the September/October time frame. The two brothers and their parents stay in touch with phone calls. Whenever Chris Malfara and the brothers talk, he pointed out that each always marvel at and are proud of the younger people they serve with. “They do their job with pride,” he said. “Their service seems to demonstrate the tradition, patriotism and loyalty to the country. Regardless of how people feel about politics, we are blessed to have this family from Marblehead that is willing to step up and serve our country,” Malfara said.

Like Father-Like Son


well as the Law Enforcement Spring 2008 Employee of the Quarter on May 7 at a ceremony at the ODNR Central Office Division in Columbus. Little did Reggie suspect that when he established the criteria for the awards nearly 20 years ago, he would be presenting the plaque to his son who followed in his father’s career footsteps. Reggie also received an award for his skill in management during his job as State Park Manager for the Lake Erie Islands State Park in 1997, the year before his retirement. Reggie created the awards Reggie Langford presents the award because he believed that State Park Officers needed to be recto his son Chris. ognized for their special efforts It was a proud moment when father and actions in going above and Reggie Langford, Catawba, presented beyond the normal realm of their job two state awards to his son, Park responsibility. The Lifesaving Award was presented Officer Christopher Langford who is employed at Maumee Bay State Park, to Chris Langford because of his quick response and assistance on January 16 Oregon, OH. Officer Langford was awarded the when he responded to a call from the Lifesaving Commendation Award as Lucas County

Sheriff ’s Department concerning a head on collision on State Route 2. It resulted in the death of two men and an eight-year-old boy. At the scene, Langford removed a victim from a smoking truck and activated his automated defibrillator. He located a second person in the wreckage and helped paramedics remove the victim from the mangled truck. He also helped with CPR on the other victims. The Employee of the Quarter award was in recognition of his participation in the effort to recover stolen property and secure full confessions ending with 14 felonies out of 161 charges. During the ceremony it was stated that “Chris is always willing to go above and beyond to assist wherever he is needed. He is a dedicated employee who enjoys working with the staff and friend groups to find ways to improve the park and enhance the park experience for the public. He is very knowledgeable about Law Enforcement and is a great asset to the Law Enforcement Team at Maumee Bay State Park”.

PC Memorial Day Veterans Services

The 2008 Main Street Port Clinton Walleye Festival Committee L-R: Randy Lipstraw, Gary Phillabaum, Keith Walker, Brenda Haycox, Mark Harnish, Dave Sorg, Diane Reif and John Madison. (Not pictured: Liz Skrinak, Duane Myer, Laura Schlachter, Brenda Bou-Sliman, Barb Phillabaum, Bill and Stephanie Lowe, and Judy Smith.)

Morning Services, May 26th - Chaplain-inCharge: Rev. Robert Butcher, Retired, Firelands Presbyterian Church, Port Clinton, OH. 9 a.m. - Memorial Services will be conducted for the deceased who lost their lives at sea. The service will be held at Port Clinton Yacht Club, and the wreaths will be cast from the City Harbor Patrol Boat into the river. 10 a.m. - Parade Marshall Kenneth Sass, 2nd Vice Commander, American Legion #113. THE PARADE will form in front of the Port Clinton Junior High School and will begin at 10 a.m. The parade will follow North on Madison St., to Perry St., East on Perry St., to Jefferson St., to E. Second St., West on Second St. to Monroe (Veterans) Street Park.


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Marblehead Brothers Serve Proudly In Iraq

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w.theb Port Clinton, U.S. Postage Paid BY JOH eacon. Ohio Permit N SCH #80 net AFFNER To say times is these are chall However, an understat enging nate to many of us are ement. have resou fortuport to see us throrces and supin the com ugh. Others munity tunate. aren’t net for United Way is so fora folks safet y here in County various through the manOttawa the weekLOCAL programsy and . In highlight s to come, I will be ing the grams Unit ed Way many proOttawa supp differencCounty to help orts in working e in people’s make a of educ on the buildinglives by ation, inco blocks health. me and Way in By supporting good can mak Ottawa County,United at home.e a difference right YOU here We had –––––––– Marcia Erie Twp Jess Live our winn 112 entries in 163) in Fire Dept. s United Walleye er is Patricia our “Where’s did Erie Tow Wyli Thursby Departm nship. a fantastic Patricia in the ad for Gard of Mar e” contest this job sav the elec ents assisted Sheriff’s week, and on Cata wins a $20 gift en Path on pageblehead who Deputie ing a hom trical Erie down 7A of last found Wyli e this weekwba. We’ll be certificate to one fi services off Twp. Fire in s helped with with a Gar hidin in refight g Wylie Fishtales Dine week’s Beacon.e age fi control the hom to win by one of our traf re at 368 er as Wall r ads. they wer e and the ling the fi fic as Port ping it off mailing the form If you find eye again 4 him, regis one nex re that con Clinton, Por W. Harbor e putting at in our in the Beac the offi ter t door. sumed tage and Rd. (Rt. water on Place ce next to Goopaper; by drop two veh An in the entry to Bay Twp dwill Indu side win explosion icles and whereswy Shopping . strie Wylie icon in the Cent lie@thebe dow of s bur er; e-ma on our acon the gara garage kno ned net. home page .net; or click il your ge. cked on the at www PHOTO .thebeaco BY STEV BY LIN n. E DONO –––––––– DA HAR HOE TLAUB For 38 brother years, I, alon g Chu Contemp McRitchi ck, competed with my BY MA lating Ottawa RK STA running ing. Over e family in sailb with the HL for I realizedCounty Commiss earn mutu time, good comoat racWhen ioner, al respect my pare how lucky I petitors you elect er, and Com for one such County nts selected was that to missioner, you a anothSchaffner was the case manage trust thatCounty up in a as our home. Ottawa respo your So, we musand McRitchi with the person me the small county Growing abou nsible dollars Tom, the t sadly say e families. has given opportun t county goodbye You can’t in a as a hard ity to McRitchi patriarch of, look gove spea not just to motivated working, carindevelop men ing at budgetingrnment with k extent e family, but, the t g , fiscal man out and spen and family and citizen with Clinton. sailboat racin to a larger ding ageg strong County Com My prof community valu “Corinth Sailing, by desigin Port missione. The Ottawa sible for essio ian” rs es. effec n, is nal caree common McRitchi sport, tive and are responagement the priva r has and Toma threa effi Even thou competit e was a “Cor port and/te and public sectoover 30 years d…service. one budget. of the $66 millicient manor in the inthian” This For have gotte gh the weat or I on have rs help is a very opportun the truest sense housing. critical dollar ity in educ ing those who worked in bilitycounty commiss is this Satun HOT! The her has turned –––– . gain the Throughout Port Clin a little coole –––– need sup. We can ioners’ part of my caree ation, employm Doors openrday at the respe ton respo work incre Athl ct r, bers and local activ nsiof my supe r, I have etic Boos ase together ent at 5 p.m. Port Clinton the Cele ities ters in servi the ways we , dinn Elks managem have advanced rvisors and worked hardand We all shar ce deliv Professiobrity Server Nigh er is at 6. Also Lodge. TickReverse Raffle e a com in my caree commun ent. My to to our ery orga mon nal ets and ity experienc nization, residents serve our goal of “handsom Women at t for the Port , next Wednesd are $100. e inclu r from entry mem- Trustee, grant prov and at the Mon Ami Clinton ay nigh funds for e and charming most effi iding good people better. Area t is on client services. writing, budg des managem level to agement,I know how from ent of grants for I have writt et and staff school to area high scho ” servers (like 6-8 p.m. Tips Business and leadership important cient cost. Aspublic services over 20 it is developm an education given have en, complete ol me) a Townshi ent Accounti includes and financial to provide effec their educseniors and adul go toward schoto your Otta resulted in mor years; the lastco-written or cons a Dual responsib tive man p wa Cou ng and two years ation. t women e than 4.5 larsh ulted of Busi The Lake Bachelor nty. I have ility. Fina thos returning ip success. –––– its annu side Volunteer learn million dollars e efforts ment. ness Administnce from the Univ of Business My formal Wor to effi al Kids Fire Depa –––– As com ratio Degr cient and king together ed collabora donations Hallo tion is the ing to reporting an Accountant, n which willersity of Toledo, ee in we get fiscally at the Villa ween Party. rtment is accep I have , budg mor I have respo Coll supp key You can ting dona ge Hard years-twoserved on Port nsible manner.e done in a morto tainment. As eting, capital achieved expe ort my com ege drop off tions for ware Store Habitat mita expe men rience in Clin cand term Tow e nse t and ton City nshi s as Cou second –––––––– in Marblehead. y and other Apple Festifor Humanity term Council township administratiop Trustee my allocation and financial have been as Presidenncil-at-Large and cost confor 12 capital asset who stopp val. Director in Ottawa Cou n of town experienc t of Cou ceme ½ able curr nty Shell e tery) ed road in to ship ently s (par had by. They ncil. y set man for build s, wate especiallyAsmus asked me a booth at this r, sewers and achieve goal During that in my take a leadeand servicing ks, roads, buildbudget, main agedents. the lucky ing the “Little the town taining rship role time I other ing, equi and hous s helping Red Barn want to thank to thank everyyear’s ship winner. gove pme with ing My to need rnm prov the body ” for the county to bene goal s will allow nt, and issue fit local ide to enhancing ents and othe raffle. MikeOak Harbor FFA State and s if elected are Carroll r commiss s and partners me to resi- ment inclu the futu Fetterman re nomic deveNational effor to continue –––––––– Breakfast Twp. Fire and was District des a firefighteof Ottawa Couioners to work hip with to the cons lopment, job ts to gain the work with local since 1997 toge for just this Sunday, EMS will host nty. My r member serv resou creation a special October $6, and civic invother lakeshoreervation and prese seniors and reten rces for eco-, toge ing as your at the rank of of the Allen-Cla lvefor just 26 from 9 a.m. Pancake and Saus Otta ther we Captain. rvation y Joint Fire oriented, . Make sure $4. Kids The Oak to 1 p.m. can prom wa County of our tion. Prom age I serv Adul Commissam committed infrastruc and insure theall county servi land, parks ote enhaices, economic ote public/pr –––––––– under 12 eat can eat” Harbor Knig to ioner. and for free. ts eat ces ture. continue ivate ncement October French Toast hts of Columbu d main are “customer for all and to development, partnerships Working tenance preserve of Otta in Church 26 in honor ofand Sausage Fams is sponsorin of our Novembe wa Cou and enhahealth, infra human from g Wor an ily “all-you ld 9 Breakfast seniors Ottawa r 4th I ask for nty. Your vote nce the qual structure and $3 to 10:30 a.m. Youth Day at County ity of is a prec for youn Don St. Boni this Sunday, rience and Commissyour gift to allow gsters unde ation is $5 face Cath ious gift. life ione ener for adul This Satu me r 12. On r, gy that BY JOH ts, $4.50 olic rday is Mak it needs bring to it the to serve as your –––––––– will be N SCH for education to be succ at e AFFNER House. Lakeview Park A Difference Day , essfu expe Col. Tom l. Also Lions and , all four of helping to spru and the PC gathered at the Han Moe, who once Port at Cata Diaper Dashthe PC Wom Clinton’s Servce up the parkKiwanis Club theme wba Islan Candida oi Hilton with shared spac … en’s Club and ice . They and othe Presiden e slogan for “Country First d Club. His glowing te John McC are parti Clubs, Kiwanis, Shelter r local needare collecting tial cipat Rota diapers Moe focuJohn McCain”. is not just a Wednesd terms about ain, spoke in s. for use at ing in the annury, sed on mettle Independ Ruth Ann’ sponsore ay night at a his old frien al the char of spec s House –––––––– Adult Day ent Choices, Republicad by the Otta ial gatheringd severely testeJohn McCain, acter and Tuesday, Support ProgInc. is holding Lancaster n Women’s Club wa County Prisoner of d during his which was October an Ope ram at captivity , OH, spok War based prog . Said n House 2106 28 from e to the Moe, from in Moe, “John in North Viet as a for its new 10 a.m. State Rd. in lenged in ram offering near had his body Nam ly 150 activities to 2 p.m. This Port Clinton Ottawa broken. nearly every bone. How he County. for men on He tally and is a community He note survived, I willwas bayonete physically d. neve who had d that many chalof the r know.” been badl prisoners some kind y beat knew what of early en were offered release, speaking they were “but we after,” said gain som about his enem Moe, e kind Opinion tage. of prop y’s drive to Editoria agan da l .............. “When advanCommun 2A Real ity Cale out that the North Vietn Estate ....... ndar ....... Beacon Admiral,McCain’s fathe amese figure 3A .............. Bits ....... Sports 1-8B .............. propagan they thought r was a four-stard Entertain .............. ..4A ment ....... .............. He told da prize,” statethey really had .2-3B ........ 6-7A Business Records the crow a d Colonel early relea .............. .............. d that when Moe Colonel Tom .............. .............. 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Moe was PHOTO nesday the worsa Presidential BY JOHN SPECIALS . would for given two Cand SCHAFFNE his servi standing heat rash t of condition idate unde R ce supp and ovat r , malnutrit s…in sacri ort ions • Mini-Storage ion, phys cluding dential of the room fice … and his ’s favorite candidate ical beat ent. , presi both 419-797-6 past and pres303

PC Coun cil Pres Trustee ident For Ca rl Koeb Faces Allen Tw el's Co p. mmissi on Seat

McCain Prison Mate

Re-tells Story

Inside T his Wee k…

HEAT ED BO AT ST RESERV • 4789 E. Muggy E NOW O R A G E Rd., Por ! t Clin • ton, OH • www





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