Light Up Huron Details coming soon
Lady Golfers Advance to State 6
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October O b 14, 2010 VOL. 6 NUMBER 5
Local Women Encouraged to Attend ‘Girls Night Out’ An all-female charity event that funds local cancer services – the Annual Girls’ Night Out – will be held Wednesday, Oct. 20, at the Kalahari Resort Convention Center on U.S. 250 in Sandusky. Doors open at 4 p.m., and women in attendance will be able to visit vendors from 4 to 6:30 p.m., at which time the program will begin. Tickets are $45. The event, in its sixth year, benefits Cancer Services, Fisher-Titus Mammography Fund, Firelands Regional Medical Center Cancer Program Fund and North Coast Cancer Foundation. A limited number of tickets are still available and can be purchased in advance by cash or check at a variety of locations in Huron, Norwalk, Sandusky and Willard. Visit for more information. Tickets also can be charged by phone at 419626-4548. Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover will be accepted. The following is a list of some of the entertainment and activities planned for the evening:
Around Town Page 2 —————— Church Chat
The musical talents of Victoria Shaw. Shaw is the recipient of an ACM award for song of the year, two daytime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Original Song, four Emmy nominations and numerous ASCAP and SESAC awards. She has performed throughout the world, including opening for Garth Brooks in Central Park, playing the London Palladium and most recently touring with her friend and frequent collaborator Jim Brickman. One lucky winner will win the Hog for a Cause Raffle, which includes a 2003 HarleyDavidson Sportster customized and renovated with a Girls’ Night Out/ Breast Cancer Awareness theme. It was donated by Fitzgerald Body Shop in Monroeville. ‘Bras for a Cause’ contest: Area ladies have decorated bras in whatever fashion their creative juices took them. They will be displayed that evening and Girls’ Night Out attendees can vote for their favorite design for $1 per vote. In addition, there will be a silent auction for the decorated bras. This portion of the event is sponsored by 5/3 Bank. Breast Cancer Survivor Jeff McCready of Hu-
Huron Time Capsule to Huron Schools Host be Dedicated and Buried Open House Tours • Wooden Nickel from Wileswood Don’t miss being an “eyewitness to history” this Sunday, Oct. 17, at noon. That’s Country Store • FishHuronOhio Sticker when the Huron Bicentennial Committee • Erie County Cablesystem monthly bill and the Huron Historical Society will host • Taconite the dedication of the Bicentennial Memo-
Page 3 —————— Library, Parks & Rec
Page 6 —————— Classifieds & Health & Wellness Page 7 Grant's
Wine of the Week
Inglenook $5.99 1.5 L Reg. $7.99
The Huron City School District invites the public to attend one of four district-wide Open House tours coming up. The open houses are designed as a means for the public on a pre-registered basis to tour and view all of the buildings and facilities in Huron’s school district. The tours will be guided by Superintendent Fred Fox, who will personally discuss the contents that make up the district as well as explain the many recent facility updates the schools have undergone. The tours will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 20; Thursday, Oct. 21; Monday, Oct. 25; and Tuesday, Oct. 26. All of the Tours will begin at 9 a.m. at Tiger Memorial Stadium. Superintendent Fred Fox will treat all participants to lunch at the high school after the tours. To register for a tour, contact VeeLynn Dover at the Board Office by calling 419433-1234, Ext. 5.
2010 Homecoming
Page 4 —————— Schools Page 5 —————— Sports
ron and his 26 case holders will return with Girls’ Night Out’s special version of “Deal or No Deal.” The case holders are area law enforcement from police, sheriff and fire departments, as well as executives from all four charities. Balloon Raffle Explosion: Have a chance to win $100 from one of the 1,200 balloons filled with money. Silent Auction – A variety of baskets will be filled with items donated from local businesses. A Local Woman will be named the “Girls’ Night Out” Woman of the Year. Past winners include Sheri Thomas (2005), owner of Sheri’s Coffeehouse in Norwalk and breast cancer survivor; Pat Scheid (2006) of Monroeville, instrumental in creating the Fisher-Titus Mammography Fund and breast cancer survivor; Peg Miller (2007), Director of Cancer Services and an advocate for local cancer patients; Mary Biglin (2008), retired oncology nurse at Firelands Regional Medical Center and past member of Cancer Services board of directors, Pam Kidd (2008), Cancer Services employee and breast cancer survivor; and Gretchen Studer (2009), co-founder of Girls’ Night Out.
This year’s Huron Homecoming Queen is Taryn Graham, with her parents Terry and Kristin.
Some of the items sealed inside the capsule. rial and the interment of Huron’s Time Capsule. The ceremony should take about 20 minutes, and everyone is encouraged to come and witness a part of history. The capsule, fabricated and donated to the city by Janotta and Herner Inc., Monroeville, will be buried in the circle located in front of the Harbor Master’s Office at the Huron Boat Basin. A large granite slab, engraved with the official Huron Bicentennial Logo will be placed over the area where the capsule will be located. It is to be unearthed by descendants in 2109. The following artifacts, which were donated by residents, businesses, schools and the city, have been sealed in the capsule with descriptions: • Coordinates for the Huron Lighthouse • 2009 Huron Playhouse Playbill • Bicentennial collection of poems by Huron’s Poet Laureate, Rob Smith • 2009 Cedar Point Pass • Watercolor Print of Huron Docks • Asian Carp newspaper article • Lucky Stone and Beach Glass • 2009 Huron City Directory • HYC Burgee • Wooden Cut-out of Huron Lighthouse
Compare Cornell's ad to the rest. More choices, better value! Support your local community
• Library Card • Houses of Chaska Beach Book • Sesquincentennial Mug and Button • Culinary Vegetable Institute Heirloom tomato seeds • Hahn Farm Sweet Corn • Wooden Plaque of Bicentennial Float • ConAgra Watercolor Print • Fishing Lures • Collection of 2009 Coins • “The Huron Story” Button • Ohio Graduation Test of 2009 and Eighth-Grade Graduation Test of 1895 • Brochures of Sheldon Marsh STP, Old Woman Creek NER, McBride Arboretum • 2010 Aerial Photo of Huron • Huron High School football field w/ description of turf. • Huron City Schools Wind Turbine • Huron High School yearbook • Huron City Police sleeve patch • Restaurant/Bar Menus Duplicates of these artifacts will be on display at the Huron Public Library to remind the community that 100 years from now, descendants will be opening this capsule and taking a peek at life in Huron in 2009.
5.00 5 .0 00 0
Homecoming Queen Taryn Graham and King Brian Bollenbacher pose for a photo.
Huron’s Homecoming King is QB Brian Bollenbacher, shown here with his parents, Patty and Jim Bollenbacher.
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/LB /L /LB LB Locally Owned & Operated! A Friendly Place to Shop!! HOURS: 7 AM - 9 PM DAILY • 419-433-7733 408 Cleveland l l d Roadd East, Huron, OH 44839 PRICES GOOD Oct. 14-20, 2010
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, October 14, 2010
Local Couple Asks for Park Funding Support
Published by Huron Press, LLC.
Huron Hometown News® SM TM 1992 P.O. Box 330 • Huron, Ohio 44839 Phone 419-433-1401 • Fax 419-734-5382 Published every Thursday
Editor & Publisher
General Manager/Editor
Account Executive
We are so fortunate to have our beautiful Erie MetroParks with jogging paths, meadow and forest hiking trails, bayfront access, picnic shelters, playgrounds, athletic fields, and much more for all of us to enjoy. No wonder so many use our parks! The Parks provide varied programs, recreation and natural environments across Erie County. Let’s keep quality parks that provide leisure activities for all ages. Just as when our sons were young more than 30 years ago, Saturday mornings find hundreds of children, their parents and extended families at the well-managed parks for soccer, playground activities, picnics, and just play-
ing tag. What happy sights these are! For many years the MetroParks have maintained these quality spaces and wonderful activities. Don’t we owe it to our children and grandchildren to continue these opportunities? Please join with us to support our Erie MetroParks by voting FOR Issue No. 3. Every Erie County resident will benefit if we keep our beautiful parks and programs, thus preserving our quality of life for more generations to come. Sincerely, Ann and David Voight Sandusky
Boating Company Names South Shore Local Dealer
Fire Department to Conduct Controlled Burn
ANDY SAUSSER Sports Editor
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Contributing Editorial
Letters to the Editor, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Huron Hometown News are welcome. Please note: All letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Huron Hometown News, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage.
The Huron Hometown News is owned and operated by Huron Press, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Huron Hometown News and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Class liners and Retail ads closing @ Monday by 4:00 PM.
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Ft. Pierce, Fla — Pursuit Boats has appointed South Shore Marine as its exclusive authorized dealer for Northern Ohio. The South Shore Marine facility is located at 1611 Sawmill Parkway, Huron. South Shore Marine may be reached direct at 419-433-5798 or at South Shore Marine was established in 1989. According to President, Tom Mack:“We appreciate the understanding that a great sales process is only as good as the service team that delivers commitments before and after the sale. We are thrilled to begin our partnership with Pursuit Boats, a family-owned company built on quality products with exceptional customer service like our own.” Pursuit Boats has enjoyed a successful 20-year relationship with the boating community in the Ohio/Great Lakes marketplace and South Shore Marine is the perfect organization to support its existing and future Pursuit owners. Ron Burkdoll, Regional Sales Manager for Pursuit said: “We’re excited about working with the exceptional staff at South Shore Marine, and we plan on scheduling some fun and exciting local events for our Pursuit customer base in the Great Lakes region. Pursuit remains a dominant brand in this market, and we look forward to growing it even more in the future through our relationship with South Shore Marine.” Pursuit Boats is a division of Holland, Michigan-based S2 Yachts Inc. For more than half a century, three-generations of this family-owned business has set an unsurpassed standard of quality in marine design and manufacturing. From their modern, recently expanded production facility in Ft. Pierce, Fla., the Slikkers family continues to build distinctive outboard powered fishing boats in Offshore, Center Console, Sport and Dual Console configurations, in models from 23 to 37 feet. S2 Yachts also produces Tiara Yachts, whose inboard power models include Open, Sovran, and Convertible models ranging in size from 30 to 58 feet are built in Holland, Mkch.
The Huron Fire Department will be conducting a controlled burn of an abandoned structure on Camp Road between Hull Road and Ohio 2. This controlled burn and training exercise will occur on Oct. 16 or Oct. 18 depending on wind conditions. The department is asking drivers to use caution when commuting through this area.
Huron Garden Club Hosting Floral Arrangements The Huron Public Library, 333 Williams St, Huron, will be the site of the Huron Garden Club’s Oct. 22 meeting, which will start at 1 p.m. Members and guests will create floral Christmas arrangements to take home; the arrangements will be directed by OAGC second Vice-president Peggy Case. The calling committee will have more directions for those planning to attend. Program coordinator is Mary Strayer, who can be reached at 419-499-4429. Hostesses are Barbara Toft, 419-433-2441; and Sharon Ozmun, 419-433-3025.
Email photos and stories to connie@huronhometownnews. com. At a recent dinner engagement, the organizers of the Riverfest 5K race presented Laura and Josh Marshall with a check for $2,200 for the Todd Marshall Firelands Scholarship fund. Pictured from left to right are: Andrew Bejarano, Gary Payne, Laura Marshall, Josh Marshall, Bill Scott, Deedra Bejarano, and Wayne Orndorff. The committee would like to thank NOMS and the Huron Athletic Boosters for their sponsorship of the race and look forward to another great summer of racing.
Stein Hospice Supports Apprenticeship Program More than two dozen Stein Hospice staff members and volunteers recently began the Anamcara Apprenticeship program, an intensive, two-year training developed by the Sacred Art of Living in Oregon. The program is based on the Celtic traditions of Anamcara, a Gaelic word meaning “soul friend.’ The 27 men and women will spend time in daily practice and attend study groups and retreats throughout the two years. The program trains individuals to become an advocate and soul friend to those dying or experiencing Life Outside other losses and transitions. the Office The first session was held Sept. 23-26 at Sawmill Creek Dr. Schneidler is married Resort in Huron. Stein Hospice was one of the first pilot sites in the Midwith two sons, and has two west for the Sacred Art of Living & Dying series, a fourcats, Sebastian and Zanzibar. unit program that an individual must complete before In her free time, she likes to enrolling in the Anamcara Apprenticeship program. Stein garden, golf, ski, watch Penn recently sponsored Unit 1 – also held at Sawmill Creek ReState football, read fiction sort – and 47 staff members and 22 volunteers attended. novels, do knitting and crossStein Hospice staff members who are participating in the Anamcara program are: stitch, and spend time with Sandusky: Samantha Bechtel, Marlene Corso, Ann Dafriends and family. vis , JoAnn Didion, Beth Frank, Stephanie Meinzer, Charles Odums, Carole Romp. Fremont: Dori Dalton, Katherine Hall, Carolyn BingNieset Huron: Rachel Berry, Amy Ulrey Bellevue: Denise Bowerman, Lori Scott Marblehead: Jan Bucholz Port Clinton: Connie Focht Catawba Island: Katrina Hilton Tiffin: Gretchen Franklin Clyde: David Gowen Castalia: Jeanette Miller Norwalk: Sharon Smith Avon Lake: James Stewart Cleveland: Steve Boros Three volunteers are also enrolled in Anamcara: Huron: Finola FitzGibbon Dr. Schneidler Dr. Jones Port Clinton: Gene Heinzerling Willard: Peggy Busby
obstetrics & gynecology Firelands Physican Group Welcomes
Jennifer M. Schneidler, MD Board Eligible in Obstetrics & Gynecology New Patients Welcome! Dr. Schneidler will join the practice of Penola P. Jones, MD, providing the full-scope of OB-GYN care, including: NovaSure® Ablations Essure® Sterilizations Menstrual Disorders Pregnancy Reproductive Health GYN Surgery Menopause Adolescent GYN Disorders The physicians are members of Firelands Physician Group, a multi-specialty group providing primary care & specialty care services to the surrounding region, and are on the medical staff at Firelands Regional Medical Center. Dr. Schneidler completed her medical education at the Medical College of Ohio in Toledo, and has six years experience, including four years of medical residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Akron General Medical Center.
For an appointment, call 419-609-9130 703 Tyler Street, Suite 352, Sandusky
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, October 14, 2010
Church Chat REVEREND ROGER’S REFLECTIONS BY REV. J. ROGER SKELLEY-WATTS, PASTOR, HURON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH We have arrived at one of my least favorite seasons — it comes around every other year. Can you guess what it may be? Yes, it’s the season of the negative political ad. How about you? I’m looking for a reason to vote for someone, or a proposal or new idea. Instead what do we get? Smearing the opponent with half-truth, innuendo, character assassination and tearing down somebody else. It makes the whole process just stink for everyone concerned. I’m sure the hypocrisy especially turns off the younger voters just when we want to get them involved with important public matters that will affect their future. In terms of political authorities, the Apostle Paul knew all about the corruption of kings – they had punished and jailed him repeatedly for his faith throughout his ministry. He threatened their power by telling the truth. But imagine the enormous love, mercy and grace that it must have taken for Paul – if you were in his sandals and shackled to a prison wall, to write this to his young assistant Timothy: “I urge supplications, prayers, intercessions, Lake Erie Family Church Now Meeting at Great Lakes Country Club 1023 South, Main, Huron 419-775-6334 Worship Sunday 10am Pastors Joe & Helen Sprowl
Services Directory
Christ Episcopal Church 120 Ohio St., Huron 419-433-4701 Sunday—9 a.m. and Adult Lighthouse Assembly of Sunday School 10:30 a.m. God Church 820 Cleveland Rd. E., Huron 419-433-8889 First Presbyterian Church 225 Williams St., Huron Sunday service—10:30 a.m. 419-433-5018 Sunday school—9:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Casual Worship Adult Bible Study--6 p.m. (Boaters Welcome!) Sunday. 9:30 a.m. Traditional WorYouth Group—6 p.m. ship Service Sunday Food Pantry—9 a.m.-3 Grace Orthodox Presbytep.m. Wednesdays; 10 a.m.-2 rian Church p.m. Thursdays. Kalahari Resort, Nia ConSalvation Army Service Unit— vention Center 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursdays, Rt. 250, Huron by appointment only. 419-271-3934 Worship—Sunday 6:00 p.m. Holy Trinity Anglican Church 1608 St. Rt. 113, Milan; 419-499-3683 Rev. Dr. John C. Jordan Worship and Holy Communion—Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Huron United Methodist Church 338 Williams St., Huron 419-433-3984 On Sundays: 8 a.m. - Praise Service in Fellowship Hall 8 a.m. - Summer Sunday School, preschool - 4th gr. 10 a.m. - Celebration Service Sanctuary Refreshments are provided in Fellowship Hall
and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.� Wow! How about that? So to obey Paul and God’s will, this is what I’m going to do during this election season of one of the most polarized times in memory, and I invite you to join me ... Whenever one of those negative attack ads comes on TV – let’s just hit the mute button on our remote control, and while the ad is on – pause for a 30- or 60-second prayer. That will immediately increase the prayer life of everybody in Huron, provide a witness to family and friends, and counter the divisions with our God’s powerful unifying spirit. This will take major spiritual maturity and result in real internal growth. “... so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.� (I Timothy 2:1-7 NRSV) God bless us, every one.
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St. Peter’s Catholic Church 430 Main St., Huron 419-433-5725 Saturday—5 p.m. Sunday—8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. The Chapel 4444 Galloway Rd., Sandusky 419-627-0208 Saturday service--5 p.m. Sunday service—9 & 11 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group— Sundays 5-6:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group— Sundays 7-9 p.m. Latitude group ages 1829—Thursdays, 7 p.m.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 4511 Galloway Rd., Huron 419-626-9860 Bishop: Bill Reel Sacrament service—9:30 a.m. Sundays St. Matthew Evangelical Family History Center Wed. Lutheran Church 10 am-2pm, Thur. 9am-9pm, 15617 Mason Rd., Vermilion 1st & 3rd Sat. 9am-5pm Rev. Dr. Karl Fry, Pastor 440-967-9886 Zion Lutheran Church www.luther ansonline. 930 Main St., Huron com/stmattvermlcms 419-433-4711 Sunday School/ Bible Study 9:30 Bible hour 8:15am Ladies Bible Fellowship 9:15 Worship service 9:30am Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30am
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, October 14, 2010
Ca ll for End of Year Tune Up Specia ls 419.656.9654
Huron Public Library Hours Mon. & Tue. 10 AM - 6 PM Wed. & Thur. 10 AM - 8 PM Fri. 10 AM - 5 PM; Sat. 10 AM - 1 PM
Visit the Gallery on the Lower Level of the Huron Public Library and enjoy the artwork of Sherry Arthur. Sherry specializes in landscapes and uses color wonderfully. The display will be up through the month of October.
Open Play Chess for all ages at the library is on Saturdays, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Chess boards are available so bring a friend and play! ——— Chess Classes at the library will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 20. Players of all ages are encouraged to learn this challenging game or improve skills. Call 419433-5009 or register online at
Candidates Night
Blacktop 1-800-619-7808 24 hrs. Free Estimates Mark Mittler President
Artwork by Sherry Arthur is on display in the Library’s Gallery on the Lower Level.
Live Entertainment! Oct. 16 FastTrack Oct. 23 The Late Show Oct. 30 The Geeze Cats
Food • Spirits • Dancing 8:30pm - 12:30am
Saturday Nights at Black Bear Saloon
The winner in the September library card signup drawing for a Borders Gift Card was Trent McCreery.
Gallery Display
P.O. Box 528115, Port Clinton, OH 43452 419.656.9654 •
Library Card Winner
Nov. 6 FastTrack
6DZPLOO &UHHN 5(6257
Thank you The Board of Trustees of the Huron Public Library gratefully acknowledges a donation in memory of Martha Kingseed, from Janet Deitrich and Jean Howard.
Huron History Interested in Huron’s history? Have any local history books at home? They can be donated to the Huron Historical Society to be added to the reference collection of the library, to be available to others who share your passion for local history. More information about the Historical Society is available online at www. thehuronhistoricalsociety. org. Or call 419-433-5009, Ext. 243 or email
The library’s Candidates Night will be conducted from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 19, at McCormick School, 325 Ohio St., Huron. This is a chance to meet and question Erie County Commissioner candidates Bill Monaghan and Mike Pisarsky; County Auditor candidates Rick Jeffrey and Thomas Paul; and State Representative candidates Judy Kayden, Jeff Krabill and Dennis Murray. The guidelines of the League of Women Voters will be followed. Candidates Night is sponsored by the Huron Chamber of Commerce and the library.
Mystery Book Group The library’s Mystery Book Group will meet at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 20. Marcia Muller’s “Pennies on a Dead Woman’s Eyes” will be our discussion book. Sharon McCone is contacted by a woman she doesn’t like. The woman is being accused of an old murder and she wants McCone to help clear her name. As the court date draws near the list of suspects grows longer and Sharon is getting no closer to clearing the woman’s name. Call the library at 419-433-5009 or email to join this group.
Book Exchange The Book Exchange at the library meets at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 21, to discuss “And You Know You Should Be Glad” by Bob Greene. Call 419-433-5009 or send an email to to join this monthly book group.
Red Cross Bloodmobile The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at the library from 1 to 6 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 21. You must be at least 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and have not donated in the last 56 days to donate blood. Call the Red Cross at 419626-1641 for more details.
Did you know? … Notary Public service is available at no charge at the library? Call the library at 419-433-5009 to be sure a notary is available when you’re ready to come in.
Parks & Rec Huron Parks and Recreation Office location: 110 Wall Street Mailing address: 417 Main St. Phone: 419-433-8487 Fax: 419-433-0470 Email: Website:
Sign Up All Huron Parks and Recreation Programs require Pre-Registration unless otherwise
noted. Registration forms are available on the website or at our office. Please sign up early to avoid cancellation of programs due to low enrollment! Call our office for information or visit our website for details on programs.
Fall and Winter Fitness Classes *Sign up for any 2 classes and receive $5 off *Sign up for any 3 classes and receive $10 off Aerobics Classes with Monica Studans This is the class you have been waiting for – a complete and effective workout for all fitness levels. Work out at your own pace with 40 minutes of easy, fun and fat-burning dance, “Zumba” and “Tae-Bo Style” kick-boxing moves. One class per week combines weights with cardio for the ultimate in fat-burning. Tone and strengthen your arms, legs and abs using weights and resistance, and relieve stress with a relaxing stretch. Bring a mat, water and two 2-5 lb. hand-held weights. Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6 to 7 p.m. at Woodlands Intermediate. Cost is residents $45, and nonresidents, $50. Registration forms are available online. Fall II -- October 26 - December 2 (off Thanksgiving week); Winter I -- January 11 February 10 ; Winter II -- February 22 March 24; Spring -- April 5 - May 12 (no classes April 26, 28).
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2010 First Federal Farmers Market Only one more week left – don’t miss your chance to get the freshest produce in Erie County! The last day for the Farmer’s Market is Thursday, Oct. 21, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Huron Boat Basin, 330 N. Main St. Thanks for making this season a terrific one and we hope to see you there.
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, October 14, 2010
Schools Shawnee Elementary School Celebrates Fall Shawnee Elementary School students were treated to an ternoon’s event by providing 70 degrees and sunshine. Every extra special day on Friday, Oct. 8, when volunteers, parents year the students look forward to this very special festive day. and the Huron PTO put on the annual “Harvest Happenings” celebration. The students – preschool through the second grade – welcomed the fall season with popcorn relays, cornhole, a bouncy castle, an obstacle course, the limbo, face painting and an array of outdoor fun. Mother Nature contributed to the af-
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Face painting was a huge hit for many students Classmates cheer each other on as they compete for the second-grade Cornhole title. as they patiently waited in line for their turn.
St. Peter School Announces Fall Sports Programs Students at St. Peter School have been active in the fall sports programs in both CYO and with SCCS. Girls in fourth- through seventh-grades are competing in the volleyball CYO league. They practice during the week at available gyms in the area and play their games on the weekends, traveling as far as Findlay to compete. Participants include seventh-graders Sophie Dandurand, Natalie Andrews, Lily Engeler, Grace Claus, Libby Vacca and Claire Cuthbertson; sixth-graders Rosie Murphy, Amy Opfer, Adrianna Giaco, and Kelly Murphy; fifth-graders Katie Dodd, and Maggie McNea; and fourth-graders Allie Gresh, Gretchen Reinbolt, Katie Springer, Anna Martello and Sami Giaco. The football program at SCCS accepts students from St. Peter School. Their teams play other schools in both the SBC and the NOL conferences. Games for the sixth-graders are played on Sunday, while the junior high plays on a weeknight. Players from St. Peter School include sixthgraders Lake Lamb, Cesco Gioffre and Michael Boston; and seventh-grader Josh Digman.
Participating in the cross-country with the SCCS Panther teams are Josh Langan and Nathan Evers. These students are able to participate in many of the meets during the season and gain the experience of inter-school competition. In other school news: The Huron Fire Department visited St. Peter School recently during Fire Prevention Week to speak about fire prevention with all classes in kindergarten through fourthgrade. Poster contest winners received lunch at McDonald’s; two tickets to Kalahari Water Park; and also sported their new fire department shirts. Winners in the poster contest included Kennedy Schlessman, Lily Dendinger, Jill Opfer, Marisa Graybill, Emma Claus and Dominic Donnelly.
Grace Episcopal Church, Sandusky Tickets: Adults $15, Students Free (12th grade and under) Tickets are available at the door or at: Forte Music, 212 Hancock St., 419-626-1200 Season Principal Benefactor - The Dorn Foundation Season Special Benefactor - The Frost Parker Foundation Concert and outreach sponsor for Carterette - The Frohman Foundation
Physical Therapy in Huron
Individuals who are experiencing physical limitations due to injury, illness or post-surgery can benefit from physical therapy.
Students of the Month The staff at Huron High School would like to congratulate the following students who have been voted Students of the Month. The students are chosen because they exemplify positive character, good academics,
Nathan Carterette, Piano Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 4:00pm
respect for others, and great attitude and discipline. They are: Freshman Abby Wiseman; Sophomore Ross Johnson; Junior Alyssa Franklin and Senior Andrea Gillespie.
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Tossed salad Oranges Popcorn Milk
Shawnee Elementary & Woodlands Intermediate Huron St. Peter Monday, Oct. 18 Popcorn chicken Mashed potatoes/ gravy Roll/margarine Mandrin orange Cookie Milk Tuesday, Oct. 19 Breaded mozzarella cheese and dipping sauce Green beans Pears Jell-o w/whipped cream Milk Wednesday, Oct. 20 Hot dog on bun French fries Peaches Brownie Milk Thursday, Oct. 21 Chicken noodle soup Grilled cheese sandwich Green beans Oranges Cookie Milk Friday, Oct. 22 Domino pepperoni pizza
Monday, Oct. 18 Nachos bell grande Or taco salad Meat/cheese/chips Seasonal kernel corn Chilled Delmonte pears Ice cold milk Tuesday, Oct. 19 Jumbo chicken tenders Whipped potatoes Chicken gravy Warm bread stick Chilled fruit cocktail Ice cold milk Wednesday, Oct. 20 Cheeseburger on bun Dill pickle slices Steamed mixed vegetables Mini rice krispy treat Assorted fruit Ice cold milk Thursday, Oct. 21 Homemade creamy mac & cheese Seasoned carrots Buttered dinner roll Juicy strawberries Ice cold milk Friday, Oct. 22 Toasted cheese sandwich
Silly smiley fries Mini ice cream sandwich Seasonal fresh fruit Ice cold milk
McCormick Jr. High & Huron High School Monday, Oct. 18 Hearty breakfast sandwich Egg/sausage/cheese Golden hash brown Ice cold 100% fruit juice Chilled milk Tuesday, Oct. 19 French bread pizza Steamed broccoli with cheese sauce Frozen sherbet cup Chilled milk Wednesday, Oct. 20 Assorted sandwiches Schools famous pasta salad Crunchy carrot sticks Assorted fruit crisp Chilled milk Thursday, Oct. 21 Tender chicken patty on bun Spicy French fries Seasonal fresh fruit Chilled milk Friday, Oct. 22 Campbell’s tomato soup Toasted cheese Zesty cracker pack Sugar cookie Fresh apple slices Chilled milk
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, October 14, 2010
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Lady Golfers Advance to State for Third Straight Season For third year in a row, the Lady Tigers of the links will put their talents on display on the Gray Course at The Ohio State University, vying for a state title. For seniors Lauren Volz and Ashley Franks, this will be their third consecutive trip to Columbus after finishing eighth and seventh the last two occasions. Add into the mix, senior stand-out Shannon Allen with freshman Rafaella Gioffre, and Hannah Critelli. Head Coach Frank Gioffre believes his team has a chance to win it all but warns: “The two days (at State) are such a grind ...we have to shoot in the 330s to keep us in it for the second day ... with the three seniors, those kids can go low and I honestly believe that they can make it happen, but the key is staying close on the first day.” Last week, the team put themselves in this position by taking first place at the district match at Sycamore Springs Golf Course in Arlington, Ohio. The young ladies shot a 348 on the day. Volz was the medalist with a score of 78 and was named to the first team All Northwest District. Allen and Franks shot an 86 and an 87, respectively. Prior to a recent practice round at Sawmill Creek, I sat down with the five girls who will be playing at the State Championship for an interview. HHN: This is your third trip to the finals, how do you feel this time vs. your first trip? Ashley: More confident, definitely ... but still nervous. Being the third time back, we know what we are doing now. HHN: Is there a leader of this team or
HHN: Ashley, what is the strongest is it more of family atmosphere? Ashley: We work together and pick part of your game? Ashley: Probably my drives. each other up – definitely more of a HHN: Tell me about the Gray course family. at OSU? Lauren: It’s not as hard as Sawmill. It’s more wide open. The greens are fast. It’s a long course, similiar to Sawmill. HHN: What are you going to have to do to score well there? Ashley: Chip and putt definitely. And have to be long off the tee. Lauren: The par threes are longer and are going to be HHN: Rafaella, as a freshman, what the hardest part. HHN: Besides this trip to state, what have you learned playing with this are you going to remember from this group of seniors? Rafaella: It has been a wonderful op- year? Lauren: All the fun we had. There portunity. I have learned a lot from all of them, especially Lauren. She has was never a bad day at practice. We helped me with my game and when I were always picking each other up. Just like the family concept we mentioned. get down, she has picked me up. Hannah: We had more of a team HHN: What has been the toughest bonding this year. We definitely had part for you this season? Rafaella: Having my dad be the fun this year. coach. (all laugh) Following the interview, Coach Gioffre HHN: Shannon, how does it feel to be back with your teammates? (She invited me out to play nine holes with the girls. I teed off at the reds (to save time) was out until the SBC match) Shannon: It’s been the best thing that and hit, what was for me, a very nice drive down the right side of Sawmill’s could have possibly happened to me. No. 1. Allen and Critelli promptly outHHN: Did you feel at all rusty? Shannon: Not at all. I played and drive me. Of course, Volz then stepped practiced hard all summer. I just want- to the tee. Her shot was about 30 to 40 ed to be out there with my teammates yards further still. It was a very humbling experience. I then switched playing the whole time this fall. HHN: Out of the five of you here, partners and joined up with Franks and Gioffre. All of the young ladies were very who is the best putter? polite, even to a hacker like me, and boy, Girls: Lauren (No one hesitates) are they ever loaded with talent. Good HHN: Who hits the best drives? luck Lady Tigers! Girls: Lauren, maybe Shannon.
Huron High to Offer Bowling as New Team Sport Huron athletic program would like to announce a new club sport for the 20102011 season: Bowling. Depending on the number of participants, the organizers hope to form both boys’ and girls’ Varsity teams as well as boys’ and girls’ JV teams. Parents who have children interested in participating can attend one of two parent meetings that are sched-
uled. The first is at 11:30 a.m., Oct. 16; the second opportunity is at 7 p.m. Oct. 20 – both at Huron’s Riverview Lanes. Attendance at only one meeting is necessary. The head coach is Robert Robinson, who will be assisted by Ryan Hodges. The team will play in the Sandusky Bay Area Bowling Conference and will face teams from Sandusky, Perkins, Clyde,
Fremont, etc. There are 11 teams in all and even though it will be in Huron’s first year, they will be eligible for the state tournament at the end of the season. Bob Black runs the league, and the season essentially runs from December through February. This is a great opportunity for students to get outstanding bowling instruction.
Huron Hosts a Homecoming Shutout Homecoming is a great time of the year, especially in a small town like Huron. It seems like almost the entire community takes part in one form or another. There’s a dance, alumni gatherings, a bonfire, a parade, parties, and a new king and queen. It just brings about that nostalgic, hometown feeling. The new royalty, as elected by the student body, was Brian Bollenbacher and Taryn Graham. And, of course, there is also a football game. Perkins came to town on a picture-perfect Indian Summer evening. The Pirates are a very traditional SBC rival for Huron. This year they came here with good size, but are struggling to collect wins. Much like the first quarter of the Clyde game two weeks ago, the Tiger offense was given outstanding field position early, but could not take advantage. Senior Jake Hillman ran the opening kickoff all the way down to the Pirate 29. Huron drove to the 11-yard line and was forced to attempt a field goal, however, the attempt was blocked. Perkins took over the ball and went on a long drive that chewed up over five minutes of play. But as would be the
theme all night, the Tiger defense bent some, but did not yield points. Instead, sophomore Aaron Driftmyer intercepted the Pirate pass on the Tiger 36-yard line to stop the last scoring threat by either team in the first period. With 10 minutes left in the first half, Huron mounted one of its best drives. The Tigers moved the ball to the Perkins nine-yard line, earning a first down when QB Brian Bollenbacher drew the Pirate defense offsides. Huron could only pick up two more yards of offense in three plays. On fourth and seven, the home team attempted a fake field goal and the eligible receiver was open, but overthrown. The Tiger defense came up big again and immediately forced Perkins to punt after three plays. It was a horrible punt. Combined that with another costly Pirate personal foul, and Huron took over on the visitors’ 20-yard line with 3:01 left. On the first play from scrimmage, the Tigers fumbled the ball back to Perkins. But two plays later, they fumbled the ball right back. Huron was now on the Pirate 14-yard line. The first play completely broke down and QB Brian
Bollenbacher runs first to the right side of the field and finds no opening, then back to the left sideline. He finds Hill-
DE Matt King at the moment of impact with the Perkins quarterback.
man in the corner of the endzone for the touchdown. The point after is no good and the first half closes with Huron up, 6-0. Midway through the third quarter, the Tigers catch a break when the opposition’s punter decides to field a low snap by putting his knee on the ground. Huron takes over on the Pirate 42yard line. After a two more completions to Hillman (he had nine for 98 yards), the Tigers score on a swing pass around the right side to RB Justin Hicks. He scampers in from 13 yards out for the touchdown. Huron goes for two points and Bollenbacher completes the conversion on a pass to Sean Fantozz, 14-0. The real story of the night was the Tiger defense. They seemed to get stronger as the Pirates became more Get dressed up in your best costume and celebrate Halloween a little earlier this year desperate to score. DE Matt King seemed to be harassing at Kelleys Island. Departing from the Jet Express Sandusky dock, the Boo Cruise is the Pirate quarterback cona special Jet Express Excursion and sets sail with full bar and snacks onboard. We’ll stantly. He would finish with take our time with a leisurely party cruise through Sandusky Bay, before kicking it three sacks on the night. The up to full speed to get you to Kelleys Island faster, giving you more time at Kelleys pre-game talk Coach LeganIsland and a fast ride home. Two cruises will be offered to better serve you! do gave was about a legacy that is real (with representatives of the 1970 undefeated Cruise One: Cruise Two: team in attendance) and how Price: $28.00 Depart Sandusky: 6:00 pm Depart Sandusky: 8:00 pm those men had proven themper Adult Arrive Kelleys Island: 6:45 pm A Arrive Kelleys Island: 8:45 pm selves both on and off the (21 & Older Only) Depart Kelleys Island: 11:30 pm Depart Kelleys Island: 1:30 am field. Well, King and many of Arrive Sandusky: 11:50 pm Arrive Sandusky: 1:50 am his team mates proved them800-245-1JET • selves on the turf during this Ticket office open Friday 10/22, 5-9pm & Saturday 10/23 at 10am or call for reservations game.
K e t lleys Islan a n e e w o l l d Ha “Boo” Cruise October 23rd, 2010
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, October 14, 2010
Health & Wellness Firelands Regional Medical Center Hospital Pediatric Specialty Clinics are also available at Firelands. For a schedule of the clinics, visit Calendar of Events at www. Firelands Regional Medical Center, in For more information, call coordination with the Erie County Health 419-557-6767. Department WIC office, will be offering the Monthly Luncheon Club Happiest Baby on the Block parenting class Firelands’ Luncheon Club will be held on on Wednesday, Oct. 20 from 12:30 to 2:30 Wednesday, Oct. 27 at the Sandusky Yacht p.m at the Erie County Health Department, 420 Superior St., Sandusky. This course is Club, 529 E. Water St., Sandusky. Jennifer M. Schneider, MD, Obstetrics & free of charge and is made possible through Gynecology, Firelands Physician Group, grant funding. The Happiest Baby on the Block is based will present ‘Leaky Pipes? Tips & Tricks for on the techniques of world-renowned pe- Dealing with Incontinence.” Enjoy the yacht club’s delicious Wednesdiatrician, Dr. Harvey Karp. Dr. Karp has day buffet lunch, which includes the folbeen featured on Good Morning America, lowing for $10 per person (includes tax/tip; The Dr. Phil Show, ABC World News Tonight, CNN, and numerous national radio cash or check only): deluxe salad bar, soup station and rolls, cold cut sandwich bar, hot programs. The Happiest Baby program is a nation- entrees with at least two meats, vegetables, al curriculum and is taught by a certified pasta or fish, assorted desserts, hot tea, iced instructor. Among the essential informa- tea and coffee. The buffet lunch is from 11:30 a.m. to tion offered to participants, parents will be 12:30 p.m. and will be followed by the taught a step-by-step approach to quickly presentation at 12:30 p.m. The Luncheon soothe the fussiest baby. The methods are designed to increase sleep, parental confi- Club program is open to the public and dence, and family harmony while decreas- is presented by knowledgeable healthcare ing stress, frustration, and exhaustion that providers. Reservations are recommended. The many times are present when parents are Foundation for Firelands provides funding adjusting to the changes a new baby brings. To register, call the Erie County Health to make this program possible. Call 419Department at 419-626-5623. Parents will 557-7840 by Wednesday, Oct. 20 to make receive a take-home kit (DVD or VHS and a reservation. For more information, call 419- 557-7722. CD) valued at $40.
Happiest Baby on the Block
Nutrition & Autism
Pediatric Clinic Firelands will be hosting a Pediatric Neurology Clinic on Wednesday, Oct. 20. Staffed by board certified physicians, the pediatric cardiology clinic will be held at the Firelands Main Campus, 1111 Hayes Ave., Sandusky; and the neurology clinic at Firelands South Campus Outpatient Specialty Clinic, 1912 Hayes Ave. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800377-3117. Additional Rainbow Babies & Children’s
Attention parents, grandparents and teachers of preschool-aged children: Firelands will be hosting the Pediatric Program Nutrition and Autism on Tuesday, Oct. 26. The program will be from 6 to 7:30 pm in the Community Resource Room at South Campus, 1912 Hayes Ave., Sandusky. and will include information about GlutenFree, Casein-Free grocery lists and information on supplements To register or for more information, call 419-557-7410.
Generating Power BY BRUCE MILLER, STATE FARM® AGENT When power goes off for extended periods due to ice, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes and other natural catastrophes, a backup emergency generator can be very beneficial. Generators come in different sizes – the correct generator size is determined by your power need in emergencies. The more items on backup circuits, the bigger and more costly the generator. There are two types of generators: Permanent Standby Generators • Installed as part of the electrical system and provide power to the building wiring. • An automatic switch prevents the generator from back-feeding power into the utility lines and protects the generator from damage when power is restored. • Should only be installed by a licensed electrician. The city or county building department must inspect the switches and wiring. When the installation is complete, the local utility company should be notified a back-up system is in place. Portable Generators • Typically used when only a few vital electrical circuits are needed. Selected circuits for lights in the general living area of a home, TV (for entertainment and news), furnace, refrigerator, sump pumps and water-well pumps are a few of the items generally considered. It is important to get a generator that is adequately sized. Some electrical motors in home appliances and equipment can be ruined or damaged if they do not receive enough electrical current. Before you buy • Determine which items are needed in an emergency. • Total the watts needed to determine what size generator is required. An electri-
cian can help make this determination or you can check the manufacturer information for each appliance. • Remember: Homes in climates that have freezing temperatures need to protect against frozen pipes and the furnace will need to be on emergency power. • To save the food in the freezer, the refrigerator will need to be on the system as well as any stand-alone freezer. • Homes with well-water will need to have the well pump on the generator system if toilets are to be flushed. Safety concerns Electrical current from the generator might back-feed into the home’s electrical system and cause damage or fire and ruin equipment if it is not properly installed. It is recommended a qualified electrician install a generator to a home electrical system. Generators can also cause personal injury. For example, if a power company employee is working on the electrical line thinking it is not energized and electrical current created by the generator is in the line, shock or electrocution might occur. The key to better safeguards against these dangers is professional installation by a qualified electrician and the installation of a generator transfer switch. Some transfer switches automatically trip to generator power if there is a power failure while others must be switched manually. A transfer switch works by isolating a few of the electrical circuits in the home from the incoming electrical service. If the generator is running and power is restored, the power company’s electricity cannot get to those isolated circuits until the generator is turned off and the transfer switch is reset to the non-backup position. Keep in mind a generator burns fuel and must be run outdoors. Do not run it in the garage. Cords used to connect the generator to the lights and appliances must be properly sized to prevent overheating or damage to the equipment as well.
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, October 14, 2010
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P.O. Box 528115, Port Clinton, OH 43452 419.656.9654 •
Customize Your Home With A Personal Touch
Our professional designers are ready to help you choose the furniture, accessories, wall coverings and custom window treatments to create a home that is uniquely yours.
2830 East Harbor Road • Port Clinton
Monday Saturday Sun. 10-6 11-3 Mon-Sat 10-6;-Summer
Wine of the Week
Inglenook $5.99 1.5 L Reg. $7.99
Compare Cornell's ad to the rest. More choices, better value! Support your local community
/LB Locally Owned & Operated! A Friendly Place to Shop!! HOURS: 7 AM - 9 PM DAILY • 419-433-7733 408 Cleveland Road East, Huron, OH 44839 PRICES GOOD Oct. 14-20, 2010
Dan Wright Plumbing Co. • 25 yrs. plumbing experience • 1 yr. installation warranty • 10% Senior Discount 419-433-1177 OH Plbg. Lic. #37808
Physical Therapy in Huron Individuals who are experiencing physical limitations due to injury, illness or post-surgery can benefit from physical therapy.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8 am – 5 pm 2012 Cleveland Road West, Huron Located in the Rye Beach Plaza For an appointment call: 419-433-5509
Treatment Programs May Include: 䡲 Exercises 䡲 Isokinetics 䡲 Manual techniques 䡲 Heat/cold 䡲 Reconditioning 䡲 Other preventative methods
obstetrics & gynecology Firelands Physican Group Welcomes
Jennifer M. Schneidler, MD Board Eligible in Obstetrics & Gynecology New Patients Welcome! Dr. Schneidler will join the practice of Penola P. Jones, MD, providing the full-scope of OB-GYN care, including: NovaSure速 Ablations Essure速 Sterilizations Menstrual Disorders Pregnancy Reproductive Health GYN Surgery Menopause Adolescent GYN Disorders
Life Outside the Office Dr. Schneidler is married with two sons, and has two cats, Sebastian and Zanzibar. In her free time, she likes to garden, golf, ski, watch Penn State football, read fiction novels, do knitting and crossstitch, and spend time with friends and family.
The physicians are members of Firelands Physician Group, a multi-specialty group providing primary care & specialty care services to the surrounding region, and are on the medical staff at Firelands Regional Medical Center. Dr. Schneidler completed her medical education at the Medical College of Ohio in Toledo, and has six years experience, including four years of medical residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Akron General Medical Center.
For an appointment, call 419-609-9130 703 Tyler Street, Suite 352, Sandusky
Dr. Schneidler
Dr. Jones
Jeff & Angie’s
518 Main Street, Huron 419-433-4632 Mon-Fri 6:30am-5:30pm Sat 8:00am-12noon Closed Sunday
~ Huron now has an executive shirt department! ~ Dress or Casual Shirts ~ Quality Drycleaning ~ Beautiful Pleat Draperies (Take down & rehang available) ~ Blind Cleaning & Repair ~ Leather & Suede Items ~ Wedding Gowns Look Georgous Heirloomed ~ Repairs: Zippers, Hems, Rips and More... ~ Winter or Summer Storage ~ Water and Stain Repellant Available
20% off Draperies 3 pr/Pants $13.99 Every Day!
3 Sweaters $9.99 Fall Special
Blacktop 1-800-619-7808 24 hrs. Free Estimates Mark Mittler President
This Week’s Specials
NEW Hot/Cold Sandwiches... $199 Burnham Cider.................. $449/gal. ...................................... $299/half gal. Beef Tenderloin.................. $599/lb
Huron Market
525 Cleveland Rd. 419-433-2499
Offers Expire 10/20/10
HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7am-10pm Sat. 8am-10pm Sun. 8am-9pm
K e t l a l eys Islan n e e w o l l d Ha “Boo” Cruise October 23rd, 2010
Get dressed up in your best costume and celebrate Halloween a little earlier this year at Kelleys Island. Departing from the Jet Express Sandusky dock, the Boo Cruise is a special Jet Express Excursion and sets sail with full bar and snacks onboard. We’ll take our time with a leisurely party cruise through Sandusky Bay, before kicking it up to full speed to get you to Kelleys Island faster, giving you more time at Kelleys Island and a fast ride home. Two cruises will be offered to better serve you! Cruise One: Cruise Two: Price: $28.00 Depart Sandusky: 6:00 pm Depart Sandusky: 8:00 pm per Adult Arrive Kelleys Island: 6:45 pm Arrive Kelleys Island: 8:45 pm (21 & Older Only) Depart Kelleys Island: 11:30 pm Depart Kelleys Island: 1:30 am Arrive Sandusky: 11:50 pm Arrive Sandusky: 1:50 am 800-245-1JET • Ticket office open Friday 10/22, 5-9pm & Saturday 10/23 at 10am or call for reservations
• Driveways • Sidewalks • Steps • Patios • Porches • Curbs • Floors & miscellaneous concrete work • Colored stamped decorative concrete • Paver brick & retaining walls • Foundations - brick & block repair • Concrete cleaning & sealing • Demolition
Excavation and Concrete Paving Specialist since 1983
CLOCK REPAIR “Prompt Service in the Vermilion/Huron Area”
NOMS Healthcare welcomes
Allison Petznick, D.O. and Matthew Petznick, D.O.
to their Primary Care team
NOMS Healthcare is proud to announce the addition of Allison Petznick, D.O. and Matthew Petznick, D.O. to their primary care team.
Drs. Allison and Matt Petznick are family physicians with specialized fellowship training in diabetes and sports medicine. They currently are establishing their practice in Sandusky at the NOMS Medical Facility.
Allison Petznick, D.O.
Board Certified in Family Medicine Fellowship trained in Diabetes Mellitus
• Family Medicine - ages infant to adult • Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Care
- Certified trainer in insulin pump therapy
Matthew Petznick, D.O.
Board Certified in Family Medicine Fellowship trained in Sports Medicine
• Family Medicine - ages infant to adult • Sports Medicine
- Trained in Innovative Techniques/Injection therapy - Ultrasound guided injections - Non-surgical orthopedic evaluation & treatment - Specialized in rapid return to sport
Accepting new patients.
For more information or to schedule an appointment:
Call (419) 625-1200
2500 W. Strub Rd., Suite 230 • Sandusky
Independent Independent Living Living & Assisted Assisted Living Living
Today is yours....
Live it to the fullest at Parkvue
Join us at our
1 p.m. – 3 p.m. TS a.tN.,oJu ue 1a0ntdhS& v. 9lyth aT JNuolvy. 11tu3urdeasy.,, 2tthh
Call today for a tour or log onto for more information. EQUAL HOUSING
A United Church Homes Community
3800 Boardwalk Blvd. Sandusky, Ohio 419-621-1900 Independent Living • Assisted Living • Short Term Rehab • Memory Care • Long Term Nursing Care
TAKE YOUR PERSONAL TOUR Introducing Detached Living
Can you see yourself living here?
Prices Starting at $150 You are invited:
Join us for our Open House Friday and Saturday 11-6 and Sunday 12-5 2900 Windsor Bridge Circle Huron, Ohio 44389 419-609-0099
FHA Approved Rob Routh
Where Life Comes Together™
2900 Windsor Bridge Circle, Huron Directions: The Sancturary is located on Ohio’s north coast between Toledo and Cleveland. Rt 250 Sandusky to Hull Rd (just South of the Sandusky Mall) East abour 1 1/2 miles. Between Sandusky and Huron across from Plum Brook Country Club.
82 Years of Masterful Music!
Nathan Carterette, Piano Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 4:00pm Grace Episcopal Church, Sandusky Tickets: Adults $15, Students Free (12th grade and under) Tickets are available at the door or at: Forte Music, 212 Hancock St., 419-626-1200 Season Principal Benefactor - The Dorn Foundation Season Special Benefactor - The Frost Parker Foundation Concert and outreach sponsor for Carterette - The Frohman Foundation
Live Entertainment! Oct. 16 FastTrack Oct. 23 The Late Show Food • Spirits • Dancing 8:30pm - 12:30am
Saturday Nights at Black Bear Saloon
Oct. 30 The Geeze Cats Nov. 6 FastTrack
Sawmill Creek resort
If you care
If you believe
Your Vote is Your Voice Paid for by: GW Schieferstein, Huron, Ohio
Faroh’s Chocolates Sweetest Day Oct. 16
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries (Fri. & Sat.) Gift Boxes • Fudge • Popcorn Balls Carmel Apples • Coffee Masters Visit Our Gift Shop for Any Occasion Sandusky Plaza • 419-502-0214 Mon. - Fri. 10-5 • Sat. 9-5
SAVING ENERGY One Building at a Time “3 in 1 All Weather Shield” Applications for Residential, Commercial, and Agricultural
John Weisflock 419-602-1837 An insulation system for our changing world.
Rib Cookout! Located at Thunderbird Hills North Golf Course • NFL Sunday Ticket • Free Wi-Fi • 9 TVs • Fire Pit
This Saturay Oct. 16th, 12 noon 1st Annual Huron Browns Backers & Bar North Rib Cookout Weekly Specials • Build Your Own Burger Saturdays • 40¢ Wing Sundays • Happy Hour 4-7 Weekdays Mon. & Thurs.: 4 pm to 1 am Fri. - Sun.: 11 am to 1 am Tues. & Wed.: Closed (419)433-4552 1316 Mudbrook Rd. Huron, OH