Huron Hometown News - January 22, 2009

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Recession Depression Dance

Shape Your Behind in 2009 Page 4

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VOL. 3 NUMBER 21 January 22, 2009



Nature Scientist Richard Dolbeer, of Huron, Helps Prevent Bird and Aircraft Collisions BY MARY ANN BENCIVENGO

—————— Around Town Page 2 —————— Church Chat Page 3 —————— Shape Your Behind in 2009 Page 4 —————— Library Parks & Rec Page 5 —————— Entertainment Bridal Page 6 —————— Sports Page 9 Check out our NEW www.huronhometownnews for a complete photo gallery

—————— Schools Page 10 —————— Business Page 11 —————— Health & Wellness Page12 —————— Classifieds Page13


Wine of the Week Bohemian Highway $5.99 750mL reg. $7.99 10% off case

For 36 years, Richard Dolbeer of Huron worked as the National Coordinator of the Airport Wildlife Hazards Program for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Wildlife Services on projects that were international in scope. From his office in Sandusky he led a series of projects that sought methods of resolving conflicts between the natural world and the realms of humans, to help wildlife and people co-exist without harming one another. Dolbeer dealt with issues such as how to prevent bird damage to farmers’ corn and disease control in cities where birds roost. For the past 17 years, much of his scope has been a bird’s eye view: conducting research into what is called “bird strike”—or what happens when airplanes strike birds—which is what happened when Flight 1549 from LaGuardia Airport crash-landed into the Hudson River. Luckily, all passengers aboard and the entire crew survived. On CNN, Fox News, and NBC’S “Today” show, Dolbeer said that this incident alerts people nationally to the need to alleviate bird strikes in aviation. “Ironically enough,” Dolbeer states, “the crash happened two and a half hours after I gave a presentation at the Sandusky Rotary on bird strike.” He adds that he was invited there to speak, as the Sandusky A flock of blackbirds less than 2 miles from Memphis International Airport in January of 2007. No plane was near at the moment, but this demonstrates the battle that airports face nationfacility is a world leader in working with airports on wide. These are some of the same blackbirds that damage corn crops in Gorden Hahn’s fields how to keep birds and aircrafts separated. Soon after, on Bogart Rd., Huron, in the summer. PHOTO BY SCOTT STUPEK, USDA “We have worked with airports all over the U.S. and populations of many larger birds such as the great blue heron, osprey, bald abroad,” Dolbeer states, “in methods that discourage birds from being around airports and training people to keep birds out of eagle, snow goose and Canada goose, he explains, as North America has them.” Even so, he mentions, bird strike is becoming more and more com- done a good job in the conservation of these and many species and many mon since engines have gotten quieter. Another cause is the increase in the of these birds have adapted to living in urban environments. Dolbeer and experts in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) expect that the frequency and severity of bird collisions will grow over the next decade. Dolbeer, retired in September, loved his work. “It is a very exciting field to work in, very diverse with a lot of challenges. I am very lucky to have worked in this field and to be helping the world. It’s been an incredible adventure.” His research has included population dynamics of pest species, economic assessment of losses, development of practical management techniques, and integrated pest management programs in the U.S. and abroad to countries such as Africa, Asia and Latin America. Dolbeer received degrees from the University of the South (B.A., Biology), the University of Tennessee (M.S., Zoology) and Colorado State University (Ph.D., Wildlife Biology.) He has published over 170 scientific papers and book chapters. He was honored in 2000 by the 65,000-member Airline Pilots Association for “scientific integrity and worldwide leadership in the reduction of wildlife hazards to aviation.” He was the 2005 winner of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration “Excellence in Aviation Research” award. Twice he has been recognized with “Excellence in Research” awards by the Jack Berryman Institute for Wildlife Damage Management and is the 2008 winner of the Caesar Kleberg Award for Applied Wildlife Research, presented by the Wildlife Society. From 1997-2008 he A bird’s eye view: Richard Dolbeer, local wildlife scientist who helps served as Chairperson of Bird Strike Committee-USA. birds and planes avoid striking one another, poses with a red-tailed To read more, go to one of Dolbeer’s latest publications, co-authored hawk. Dolbeer, from Huron, is the federal government’s leading exby colleague Sandra Wright, another Huron resident, at http://wildlife. pert on collisions between birds and aircraft such as last week’s plane crash on the Hudson.

Bicentennial Committee Announces Beard Contest Calling all Grizzly Adams wannabe‘s! Pitch your razors, men, and step back a century or two. It’s time for a beard growing contest! Let that facial hair grow for the next five months. Cover up your chin, your lips, your cheeks, your neck, and show your manhood! By late spring you should be able to pass for Honest Abe, if you don a top hat, or an Amishman if straw. You won’t be taxed, branded a rebel, or even hounded as a hippie, because it’s all in good fun. Be prepared, though, for some good natured ribbing in the first month or so. Your Bicentennial Planning Committee is staging this beard and moustache growing contest to put folks in the mood for this year’s big Bicentennial Celebration. What better way to celebrate our past than to imitate our forefathers? Get into the spirit of the year and fill out an official entry form, then send it to the Huron Chamber, 509 Huron Street. But tarry not. Hair waiteth for no man, and the longer ye debate, the shorter thy beard relative to those who commence growing immediately. All that’s required is that you be a resident of Huron or Huron Township - or former student in Huron City Schools - and submit your entry form by February 15, 2009. If you can, hang on till mid-August during the Bicentennial Birthday Week when the judging

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will occur, then count up your winnings and shave if you must. Who knows - maybe the women in your life will insist you keep the handlebars, your distinguished looking sideburns, or your “fu macho.” And for those of you who can’t seem to grow hair on top of your head, maybe a face full of whiskers will atone for the flaw. Also, do you remember the jingle, “They love to get their fingers in your hair”? Hmmmmm! So, gentlemen, commence growing now, mail in your entry form, and who knows, with costs of electric going up, by summer you could save a buck for a beer or two. To paraphrase the Bard of Avon, “He that hath a beard is more than a youth, he that hath no beard is a party pooper.”





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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009

Around Town United States Coast Guard Awards Local Auxiliarist Christine Crawford

At the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Fall Conference held in Batavia New York, Christine Crawford was awarded the “Auxiliary Commandant Letter of Commendation Award” for her outstanding work in the origination of Huron Water Safety Day. Presenting the award to Christine was Commandant Thad Allen’s Chief of Staff Captain Callahan. It only took eight weeks for Christine to organize the first Huron Water Safety Day. The event brings the third and fourth graders from Huron

schools to the Boat Basin to learn about water safety. There are five learning stations manned by various organizations from the community to teach the children important information about water safety. Some of the teaching organizations are Huron Fire Department, Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), the United Coast Guard Station Marblehead and Air Station Detroit, The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 09-08-05 and Erie County American Red Cross. This year will mark the third year for this program that not only teaches the children water safety but also makes sure each child receives a life jacket to take home with them. All of this is done with contributions from businesses and grants. In addition to those organizations listed above, the sponsors for 2009 to date are the Huron Lagoons, Tom Sollburg Sr., Santori & Peters, The Chapman Insurance Group and West Marine. Sponsors from past Huron Water Safety Days include all those previously listed and the US Coast Guard Station Marblehead, ODNR Division of Watercraft, Huron Police Dept., St. Vincent’s Life Flight, Kalahari Resorts, Huron Yacht Club, MetLife Auto & Home, Wal-Mart Sandusky, Huron Eagles, South Shore Marine, Harbor North, Holiday Harbor Marina, Subway of Huron, J & J Water Sports, North Coast Prop Tech, Smith & Condenni, LLP and Cottage Designs. Christine is busy getting everything together for the 2009 Huron Water Safety Day. If you are interested in being a sponsor for this year’s event that is held during National Safe Boating Week in May, contact Christine at the Chapman Insurance Group at 419-616-0019. Good luck Christine and congratulations on receiving this prestigious award.


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Letters to the Editor, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Huron Hometown News are welcome. Please note: All letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Huron Hometown News, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage.


Huron Hometown News® SM TM 1992 304 Williams Street • Huron, Ohio 44839 Phone 419-433-1401 • Fax 419-433-4487 Published every Thursday The Huron Hometown News is owned and operated by Huron Press, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Huron Hometown News and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Class liners and Retail ads closing @ Monday by 4:00 PM.

Taxes IRS Help for Financially Distressed Taxpayers If you are a Financially Distressed Taxpayer and your blood pressure skyrockets at a notice from IRS let alone the need to call them, our office is here to help you. Call for an appointment if you want experienced help. If you are facing financial difficulties and struggling to meet your tax obligations the IRS can help. As the 2009 tax filing season begins, in addition to new credits, deductions and exclusions, the IRS is taking steps to help people who owe back taxes. Here are some areas where IRS can help: Added Flexibility for Missed Payments: The IRS is allowing more flexibility for individuals with existing Installment Agreements who have difficulty making payments because of a job loss or other financial hardship. Depending on the situation, the IRS may allow a skipped payment or a reduced monthly payment amount. Taxpayers in this situation should contact the IRS. Additional Review for Offers in Compromise on Home Values: An Offer in Compromise (OIC), an agreement beFROM DEE HARTLEY, tween a taxpayer and the IRS that settles the taxpayer’s tax SENIOR TAX ADVISOR debt for less than full amount owed, may be a viable option AT H & R BLOCK for taxpayers experiencing economic difficulties. However, the equity taxpayers have in real property can be a barrier to an OIC being accepted. With the uncertainty in the housing market, the IRS recognizes that the real-estate valuations used to assess ability to pay are not necessarily accurate. So in instances where the accuracy of local real-estate valuations is in question or other unusual hardships exist, the IRS is creating a new, second review of the information to determine if accepting an offer is appropriate. Prevention of Offer in Compromise Defaults: Taxpayers who are unable to meet the periodic payment terms of an accepted OIC will be able to contact the IRS office handling the offer for available options to help them avoid default. Postponement of Collection Actions: IRS employees will have greater authority to suspend collection actions in hardship cases where taxpayers are unable to pay. If an individual has recently encountered a job loss or other financial problem, IRS assistors may be able to suspend collection in some situations without documentation to minimize burden on the taxpayer. Expedited Levy Releases: The IRS will speed the delivery of levy releases by easing requirements on taxpayers who request expedited levy releases for hardship reasons. Taxpayers seeking expedited releases of levies to an employer or bank should contact the IRS number shown on the notice of levy to discuss available options. When calling, taxpayers requesting a levy release due to hardship should be prepared to provide the IRS with the fax number of the bank or employer processing the levy. If you are behind on tax payments there could be additional help available if you are facing an unusual hardship situation. For assistance with your back taxes contact the phone numbers listed on your IRS correspondence. More information is available on the IRS web site at

Catch of the Day 01/12/09 Two vehicle non- injury crash. Car struck by snow plow. Moderate damage to vehicle . No bodily damage to taxpayer. Close One.

01/12/09 Two vehicle non- injury crash. Car hit by snow plow moderate damage to vehicle. Taxpayer OK. Snow plow driver needs refresher course.

01/15/09 Found bicycle in the library bike rack. Bike was placed in the police storage shed. 01/18/09 Dog Barking complaint – Dog Owner cited. BAD DOG. SHHHHHHH!!!!!

Huron’s Newest Asset Huron Asset Management Has opened an office at the Southport Office building, immediately across from the Huron Boat Basin.

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009

Church Services St. Peter’s Catholic Church 430 Main St., Huron; 419-433-5725. Saturday—5 p.m. Sunday—8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Lighthouse Assembly of God Church 820 Cleveland Rd. E., Huron; 419-433-8889. Sunday service—10:30 a.m. Sunday school—9:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study--6 p.m. Sunday. Youth Group—6 p.m. Sunday. Food Pantry—9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesdays; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursdays. Salvation Army Service Unit—10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursdays, by appointment only. Zion Lutheran Church 930 Main St., Huron; 419-433-4711. www.zionhuron,org Worship times: 9 a.m. Sunday is Contemporary Worship and Children’s Sunday school. 10:15 a.m. Sunday is Traditional Lutheran Services; Holy Communion is served every Sunday. Adult Bible Study meets at 8:15 a.m. Sunday in the office area meeting room. Huron United Methodist Church 338 Williams St., Huron; 419-433-3984. On Sundays: 8:00 a.m.—Praise Service in Sanctuary 9:00 a.m.—Sunday school 10:00 a.m.—Celebration service in Sanctuary First Presbyterian Church 225 Williams St., Huron; 419-433-5018. Sunday Worship with Communion—8:30 a.m. Sunday school 6th grade-adults—9:30 a.m. Sunday school K-5th grade –10:45 a.m. Sunday Traditional service—10:45 a.m. Christ Episcopal Church 120 Ohio St., Huron; 419-433-4701. Sunday—9 a.m. and Adult Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Lifepoint 539 Cleveland Rd. W., Huron: 419-433-4156. Sunday—10 a.m., and nursery available. Sunday school—10 a.m. for K-6th grade. “Grounded” youth group for grades 6-12—Sundays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. 3-5 grade Boys Youth Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. 3-5 grade Girls Youth Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. “The Biggest Loser” campaign drive focuses on weight loss, new visitors and faithfulness in attendance. Call Pastor Brenton for more information. The Chapel 4444 Galloway Rd., Sandusky; 419-627-0208. Saturday service--5:00 p.m. Sunday service—9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group—Sundays 5-6:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group—Sundays 7-9:00 p.m. Latitude group ages 18-29—Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. Holy Trinity Anglican Church 1608 St. Rt. 113, Milan; 419-499-3683 Rev. Dr. John C. Jordan Worship and Holy Communion—Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Church of Jesus Latter Day Saints 4511 Galloway Rd., Huron; 419-626-9860. Bishop: Bill Reel Sacrament service—9:30 a.m. Sundays Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church Kalahari Resort, Nia Convention Center Rt. 250, Huron; 419-271-3934. Worship—Sunday 10:30 a.m. Bible Study—Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Keep us up to date on your church services and happenings. We may not know about your events unless you tell us! Send your church service updates, news, events and happenings to

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shape Your Behind in 2009 Lots of Success at the Gym exercise is not only good for your body, The year 2009 is here and beit is GREAT! For a number of years fore you stop and realize, the hot her body told her how unhealthy she summer weather will be here. was. In November of 2006 her cholesNo this is not an ad to tell you terol was 290 and she was diagnosed to start getting your body ready with Type 2 diabetes. She was able to for summer and nor is this an ad avoid taking numerous medications by to tell you about our facility size, changing her lifestyle and exercising. variety of equipment or our flexCindy began training with Michaelible membership rates. This is Anne Cherry of Cherry Pit Training about success at The Gym! multiple days a week. Cindy praised Our first success story is about her training by saying, “Michael-Ann a person that is known by many has been inspiring, educational and a and who is kind to everyone: great coach, without her my lower test Joe ReRose. In early August, results for my health would not have DeRose made the commitment been possible.” Cindy has cut her choto himself and his family to lose lesterol in half to 145 and her physician weight. He began a regime of dicut the number of medications she took eting and exercise to accomplish daily for her Type 2 Diabetes. Today his goal. According to DeRose, Cindy is living a healthier life, enjoys “I began exercising on a daily baworking out and her success is motivatsis while using the Isagenix diet ing to others. Great job, Cindy! program.” During the first two The Gym would like to congratumonths he lost 40 pounds. Then late Joe DeRose and Cindy Lentz on DeRose increased his time at The As of January Joe DeRose has their hard work and weight loss results. Gym and closely watched his callost a total of 72 LBS. These individuals are a few of the many orie intake, which resulted in him that have had tremendous success aclosing another 32 pounds. As of January Joe DeRose has lost a total of 72 LBS. Once again, complishing their personal goals here at The Gym. The in a little over six months Joe DeRose lost 72 LBS. DeRose Gym would also like to commend its entire membership said, “Working out at the gym has made all the differ- patrons on creating an atmosphere that is welcoming, enence because of the member’s support, the friendly and couraging and supportive to everyone that walks through welcoming atmosphere, and the variety of equipment the those doors. Joe DeRose and Cindy Lentz, thank you for facility has to offer.” DeRose said, “I feel the best I’ve felt sharing your story and allowing us, here at The Gym, to in years and now I can keep up with my grandchildren.” be a part of your success. We look forward to providing a clean and effective fitness facility for citizens of Huron Congratulations, Joe! Cindy Lentz is a walking example of the reason why for many years to come!

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009


Library Huron Public Library Winter Hours Monday - Thursday 10 AM - 8:30 PM Friday & Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM Sunday 1 – 4 PM Basic Computing Classes If you registered, don’t miss the Basic Computing Classes held on Wednesdays, January 28 and February 4 from 6 - 8 p.m. In this two-part, hands-on series for beginners, you will learn the basics about computers, the Internet and e-mail. These two classes are full. But if you are interested in computer classes, please call the library at 419-433-5009 and get signed up for future classes. Meet the Authors The Friends of the Library invite you to join them on Wednesday, January 28 at 7 p.m. for an evening of discussion with the authors of Sail Away. Don and Lois Babson will guide you along on their trip of a lifetime around the world on their forty-foot sailboat, Que Sera Sera, that inspired their book. Enjoy their experiences, their insights and joys from the journey that started

in London in 1998 and brought them back to Huron in 2002 and learn how they took on the project of becoming authors. For more information, call 419-433-5009 or e-mail Would you like to send your best wishes and thanks to our fellow Americans in the armed forces? When you stop in the library this week and next, be sure to take a few minutes to create a Valentines card at our card station. We will then forward them along with the cards made at the “Step up for Soldiers� program being held on Thursday, January 29 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for kindergarten through 4th grade students. To register for program, call 419-433-5009 or stop in the library. The Huron Public Library Board of Trustees gratefully acknowledges the following donations to the library: In memory of Dr. Thomas Isphording, While You Were Out from J. Irvin Kuns. In memory of Virginia Werner, Collector’s Dictionary of Clocks and Watches from Alea and Paul Dahnke. In memory of John E. “Jack� Ross a donation from Rehabilitation Services of the Western Pennsylvania Hospital and The American Wild Turkey from Richard and Saundra Dolbeer. In memory of Allen D. Howald a donation from Phil, Margaret, Lauren and Angela Barbour.

Parks & Rec Cleveland Boat & Waterfront Lifestyle Expo Showcasing the largest and most comprehensive indoor boat show fleet in the nation, the 52nd annual Cleveland Boat & Waterfront Lifestyle Expo continues through January 25th at the I-X Center. Don’t let the winter blues get to you. Head out to the expo this weekend and check out hundreds of new and used boats, accessories, numerous exhibits and presentations, entertainment and drawings. Admission is $12 and children 12 and under get in free. Discount tickets are available at Discount Drug Mart stores. Don’t miss it. While you’re there visit the Huron Boat Basin booth! Line Dancing starts in February 4th. February 4 – March 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Wednesdays at Woodlands Elementary. Cost: $40 Residents / $45 Non Residents. Don’t miss your

chance to come out and have some fun while keeping in shape at the same time! Get a group of friends or co-workers and sign up for this great program! From beginner to experienced. This class requires pre-registration. We must meet minimum requirements of pre-registered participants in order to hold this class. If you are interested, please don’t delay...Register early to avoid cancellation due to low enrollment! No registrations taken on site. 2009 Summer Events‌ Since we’re in a deep freeze, it’s the perfect time to look ahead and see what we have planned for the summer. Boppin’ on the Basin Concerts, Movies by the River, and Arts in the Amphitheater are all in place. You can view the 2009 Boat Basin Brochure on our website!

ERIE METROPARKS COMMISSIONER REAPPOINTED Judge Tygh Tone has reappointed Thomas Dusza to the Board of Park Commissioners of Erie MetroParks. Mr. Dusza’s third term officially began on January 1, 2009. MetroParks’ Executive Director Steve Dice said, “I am pleased that Commissioner Dusza has been reappointed. What he brings to community service as board member with his commitment and ability is invaluable. His leadership, past and present, and now future, is greatly appreciated.� Erie MetroParks Commissioners serve three-year terms and are appointed by one of three local judges on a rotating schedule. The three park commissioners, which also include Micah Vawters and Kurt Landefeld, comprise the policy-making body of the MetroParks,

who oversee the MetroParks’s annual budget. They serve as volunteers, receiving no compensation for their public service. Originally from South Euclid, Ohio and a graduate of Brush High School and University of Toledo, Mr. Dusza and his wife Debra have lived in Huron for 17 years. Working as an attorney for 18 years for the Sandusky-based firm of Reno, Bodgen and Ferber, Mr. Dusza is also involved with the community as an American Red Cross Board Member and Bay Area Soccer Association coach. He enjoys spending his additional time with his three children, fishing and landscaping. For more information, contact Erie MetroParks at (419) 621-4220 ext. 22.

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009

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Over 300 Varieties of Candy! Chocolate Covered Cherries, French Chocolates, White, Milk & Dark Chocolate Break-Up, Fudge, Creams, Clusters, Chocolate Covered Raisins, Peanuts, Chashews, Caramels, Chocolate Covered Pretzels, Chocolate Covered Potato Chips, All of your Faroh’s Favorites ... and so much more!!! Wedding Gifts • Baby Gifts • Shower Gifts Birthday Gifts • Wedding & Party Favors Corporate Gifts • Custom Gift Baskets • Boyds Bears Lamps • Vases • Candles • Quilts • Lace & Linens Framed Art • Potted Silks • Dolls • Angels ...and so much more!!! Country, Primitive, Victorian, Traditional, & Casual Living

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009


Difference is Clear

New Digital Mammography now available at Firelands Women’s Health & Wellness Center!

Now of fering the area’s only full f ield Digital Mammography, the latest diagnostic imaging technology available in the region. Digital Mammography: 䡲 Allows the radiologist to magnify, adjust contrast, rotate or pinpoint areas of concern on the digital image for clearer readings 䡲 Provides incredibly sharp images immediately available to the radiologist 䡲 Reduces the need for repeat exams due to under or over developed films

䡲 Shortens the procedure time for the patient

To schedule an appointment for Digital Mammography, please call 419-557-5239

䡲 Better visualization of the breast tissue, particularly for younger women or women using hormone replacement therapy, who may have dense breasts Firelands is proud to bring you the highest quality of care for prevention and early detection of breast cancer.



Huron Just the Best Since 1991 812 S. Main St.

419-433-5751 Sun. 2-10 Mon. 4-10 Tue.-Thur. 11-10 Fri. & Sat. 11-11 NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH Huron Pizza House was started back in April of 1991 by Barbara Leber of the Pizza House West in Sandusky. She sold the business to Matt Cummings in January of 1992. Matt started as a driver at her Sandusky store in 1988. Matt continues to own and operate the Huron store 17 years later. We are a Huron owned and operated pizzeria. Support the businesses that are owned by those who live in Huron!

HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009

We strive to offer the best pizza in Huron. Using only the highest quality items from our homemade sauce, fresh cut produce, to using Grande cheese, which is one of the finest cheeses you can find. We have a wide menu selection including: Pizza, Specialty Pizzas, Sub Sandwiches, Calzones, Fold Overs, Salads, Garlic Bread with Cheese, Wings, Pasta (Every Day), Beer Wine and Dessert Pizzas. From the outside of our building, you do not realize how much dining room space is available. We have a large dining room that holds up to 80 people. We also offer additional parking in the back of the Pizza House. More parking is coming this summer. Many people consider pizza to be “fast food.” This could not be further from the truth. We make each item as it is ordered. This takes time, and of course the busier we are, the longer the food will take. We don’t pre make any of our items and zap them in a microwave to cook. We try to keep our prices competitive. If you are comparing one pizza shop to another make sure you are comparing equal items. A large pizza at one shop here in town is a 14 inch pizza, where as ours is a 16 inch pizza. Yes their price for a large seems cheap, but it is a smaller pizza. We also use higher quality ingredients than most other pizzerias and are very generous with our toppings. Huron Pizza House is NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH. We are now open Tuesday - Saturday at 11am. Need an order earlier? Just ask we can make arrangements to accommodate you. We are also available at most any time of the night. Need an order at 3 am for your business? Call ahead, and see if your needs can be met. (Minimum order needed for late night orders) We welcome card clubs and other organizations to have their game day or meetings with us. Enjoy your lunch, and then proceed to play cards all afternoon. Looking for a way to raise funds for your school organization? Call and talk to Matt. We offer to give 50% of our profit for the day to your organization. These events must be held on a Monday. If you haven’t tried us, please give us the opportunity to show you where to find the Best pizza in Huron. Give us a Call Today! 419-433-5751.

1 Large 16” 1 Item

1 Medium 12” 1 Item

1 Small 9” 1 Item

3 Medium 12” 1 Item





$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

2 Medium 12” 2 Item

2 Large 16” 2 Item

1 Medium 12” Specialty Pizza

4 Large 16” 1 Item





$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

Lunch Only Sm 1 Item

1 Small 9” 1 Item

1 Large 16” 1 Item

1 Medium 12” 1 Item





$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

1 Large 2 Item Small Garlic 2 Liter Pop

Buy a Large 3 Item Pizza, get a small cheese


DINE-IN ONLY 2 Spaghetti w/Meatball Salad, Bread




$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009

$12.99 $2 delivery charge. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 3/31/2009


HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sports Huron Boys Fall to 2-4 in the SBC BY CHRIS MISCHLER

The Huron Tigers opened the week with a 2-2 conference record and despite two hard fought efforts, dropped two consecutive SBC games. The first came at the hands of the Margaretta Polar Bears in Castalia on a blustery winter evening. Huron Sophomore Brian Bollenbacher scored 10 early points to keep the Tigers close in the first quarter, 17 – 20. With 6:08 left in the first half, Huron took its first leads of the night at 24 – 23, then 27 – 25. Both teams went back and forth but would accomplish little until halftime commenced with the Polar Bears trailing 33 -- 30. During that second quarter, senior Colin Scheid came off the bench and carried the visitors with 10 points. During the third period, the tempo began to drag with neither team scoring many points. Huron still led, 44 – 43,

Huron Point guard Anthony Camella goes for a lay up against the tall Edison front line.

but Margaretta was doing a better job running their offense. They passed the ball well and looked patiently for good shots. At the start of the fourth quarter, the Polar Bears took the lead and never gave it back. The home team controlled the tempo of the final period with its excellent execution. They would work the ball back and forth until an open seam inside was found to exploit. The Tigers played hard and stayed close the rest of the way. Huron tried to press near the end of the game with Munafo and Mielke to force the action, but the Polar Bears stayed in control and won, 65 – 57. Colin Scheid led the Tigers with 12 points while Matt Lehrer had 11. Huron was out rebounded 30 – 26 and had six more turnovers than did Margaretta. The number one offense in the SBC came to Huron over the weekend in the form of the Edison Chargers. Even though Edison’s star recruit, Chris Bald-

win, would score 20 points, Huron refused to be intimidated. Senior Matt Lehrer opened with the tough assignment of guarding the Charger’s Baldwin but Brandon Poorman and Steve Bowers also took turns. The Tigers looked quick and athletic in their man defense, later switching to a zone. A nifty give and go finish with four seconds left in the first period, by Anthony Camella, tied the game at 13 a piece. In the second quarter, junior post Steve Bowers went right at Baldwin, displaying nice foot work and head fakes that got the Charger big man off the ground. The game stayed close the remainder of the first half, with Edison taking a small lead of 27 – 24 into the locker room. Huron came out of the break with an 11 – 4 run capped off by a Bollenbacher three pointer at the 4:38 mark. The Chargers clawed their way back to a one point lead at the end of

third period. Edison opened the final quarter by holding Huron scoreless for two minutes to build a 49 – 42 lead. The Tigers called time out and scored the first bucket after that, but the Chargers went another run that gave them a 60 – 47 lead with just two and a half minutes left to play. That proved to be too much for home team to overcome. Huron would get a couple steals and three point attempts but in the end went down to defeat, 63 – 52. Sophomore Brian Bollenbacher led the Tigers with 17 points. The Huron JV team won the first game against Margaretta, 46 – 35. Joe Ramey and Eric Volz led the Tigers with 13 and 12 points respectively. At home, against Edison, the Huron JV’s lost a heart breaker 51 – 52 in the last seconds. Volz led the way with 16 points. Joe Ramey and Brandon Poorman both had ten points.

Huron Wrestlers Host BC Bucks BY CHRIS MISCHLER

Wrestling team paid tribute to their parents and then took on the team This past Saturday, the Huron Tiger from Buckeye Central in a dual match at the Huron g y mnasium. Even though the Tigers suffered a 27 – 53 defeat, what really hurt Huron were three forfeits the Tigers had to grant the Bucks at the 103, 119, and 125 lb weight classes. After suffering three early losses by pins, Jordan Romick of Huron takes control of his man and even- Huron got on

a good run starting with Dylan Corwin pinning his BC opponent in the 145 class. He was followed by our 152 (Matt King) who pinned his man in the second period of their match. In the 160 lb bracket, Huron’s Troy DeLamatre was taken down in the second period. The Tigers bounced back, picking up a forfeit for Zach Blodgett but senior Josh Hillman suffered a tough loss at 189 pounds. Huron’s last two victories came thanks to their two young big men,

Jordan Romick (215 lb) and Nino Majoy (285 lb). Romick won by pinning his Bucks opponent while Majoy battled through all three periods to finally take down his man in a 9 – 3 decision.

tually gets the pin in the 215 lb weight class.

The Lady Tigers Visit the Panther’s Den Tigers Make Fight in a 55 to 43 Loss The Huron Tiger’s Girls Varsity basketball has struggled as of late in big losses at the hands of the Edison Chargers and the Clyde Flyers. It wasn’t good news earlier in the week to hear that the Panthers of St. Mary Central Catholic had beaten a tough Perkins team. But the Huron girls showed up and played tough despite the flu bug sidelining Tiger senior Meg West.

Huron’s low post, senior Ashley Stacey takes the open shot against the Panthers defese.

The first period saw both teams battling back and forth. West was replaced by Melissa Moberg who had the unenviable task of guarding the Panthers top player in Kathleen Phillips. Huron came out aggressively, led by sophomore Lauren Volz’s 13 first quarter points and was up by one point, 17 – 16. The Panthers open the next quarter with a quick 5-0 run and held the visiting Tigers to just eight second quarter points. St. Mary’s led 30 – 25 at the intermission. In the second half, the Panthers briefly got hot hitting a couple of quick three pointers. Huron tried to control Phillips by playing a box and one on defense. But Phillips proved tough on the defensive end creating turnovers and capitalizing on those, leading her team with 23 points for the day, and more importantly, to a 44 – 34 advantage after three periods. Huron had trouble generating any consistent offense in the third quarter. The Tigers’ offensive woes continued into the fourth quarter generating just nine more points. Volz hit her fifth three pointer at the 3:15 mark to give her 21 points on the afternoon. Ashley Stacey hit the final bucket for Huron with :43 left, giving her five points and six rebounds. Sarah Phinney led the visiting team’s rebounding effort with seven boards. The Tiger’s freshman point guard Caroline Estel had five assists and three steals. The Huron JV’s was able to take the season series against the Panthers by winning 39 – 32. Justine Butler led way the Tigers with twelve points while Devon Koenig added eight more.

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009

Schools Huron Alumni and Friends to Host “Recession-Depression” Dance and we will pass them on to The FM Band to make the evening more pleasurable for you. Dress down to the style of the year in which you graduated. Search your closets and attic, then spruce up that Zook Suit, press your poodle skirt or dig out those bell bottoms. Maybe dust off your saddle shoes, shine a new penny for your loafers or just don a pair of plain white socks for the evening. While you’re at it, maybe scrounge around for accessories: the love beads, a head band, and sandals. If you have any hair, poof it up into a ‘Fro or grease her back into a DA. You get the idea. We want a veritable rouges gallery there. Besides, it will get you in the mood for some of the festivities being planned this year for the Huron Bicentennial. Get your tickets early as the four hundred will go fast at that bargain price of only $10. For tickets, call “Sticks” Gioffre at 419-433-0094 or Jim Bollenbacher 419-433-4316. Better yet, get together enough friends, neighbors or classmates and reserve a table of eight for even more fun. Attendees need not even be Huron grads for this community dance. Hope to see you there!

to only $10 per ticket and hope to pack the place. Remember when some high school dances cost more than this--and they didn’t serve refreshments either, at least indoors! Doors open at 7 p,m. for visiting around, catching up, and nibbling on Rick and Randy’s famous munchies. Then at 8 p.m. the group warms up and works its magic, taking you back to those many decades past when you hopped and bopped around a cafeteria or gym. We have enlisted the services of The FM Band, well known throughout the area clubs and the islands. Practice up your steps because the range of this Loca year’s band is fantastic. Own lly ed & To create the play Oper list for the evening, ated your help is being enlisted. What do you want to hear? To what do you want to move, shake, and roll? Email us your Huron? Save Gas. Support Your favorites at HuronAlumni@Huron-City. and Community. Shop Locally.

Economic climate have you down? Weather also has you shivering at home on weekends and longing for spring? Then shake off the winter blahs and scoot on over to Mesenburg’s Plaza Place on Saturday, February 28, for a Recession whooping party. This will be a retro theme dance for the entire community, alumni and friends, to help raise scholarship funds for some lucky grads this spring. Heaven knows they’re going to need all the help they can get! And so do you during these hard times. That’s why we’ve slashed prices



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Prices Good Jan. 22 - 28, 2009 525 Cleveland Rd., Huron, OH 44839 Phone 419-433-2499

SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS HURON CITY SCHOOLS Wednesday, Jan. 28 Monday, Jan. 26 Famous Walking Taco CHINESE NEW YEAR! (Meat/Cheese/Chips) General Tso’s Popcorn Seasoned Corn Chicken Frosted White Cake Fluffy Buttered Rice Choice of Fruit Fortune Cookie Ice Cold Milk Mandarin Oranges & Pineapple Thursday, Jan. 29 Ice Cold Milk Country Chicken Tender Wrap Tuesday, Jan. 27 Carrot & Celery Sticks Italian Pizza Dippers Ranch Dip Warm Dipping Sauce Fresh Grapes Tender Green Beans Ice Cold Milk Cinnamon Applesauce Ice Cold Milk Friday, Jan. 30 Fantastic Footlong Hot Dog Scrumptious Fries Chilled Georgia Peaches Ice Cold Milk Monday, Jan. 26 French Toast Potato Applesauce Milk

ST. PETER’S SCHOOL Thursday, Jan. 29 Chicken Patty on Bun Potato Peaches Milk

Tuesday, Jan. 27 Hot Dog on Bun Potato Pears Milk Wednesday, Jan. 28 Grilled Cheese Sandwich Potato Apple Turnover Milk

Friday, Jan. 30 Domino Pizza Carrots Apricots Popcorn Milk

St. Peter’s School News “Power” of the Pen The St. Peter School Seventh Grade Power of the Pen team distinguished themselves at the district competition held at Sandusky Central Catholic School on Saturday, January 17th. Amongst the fifteen schools who competed St. Peter’s captured a second place trophy and had two team members who finished in the coveted final fifteen. Hannah Digman earned a second place finish while Elaina Hemker came in eleventh place. Other members contributing to the team’s second place finish were Stephanie Endlish, Maggie Murphy, Amanda Vacca and alternate, Patrick Dusza. Power of the Pen is a writing competition in which students have three opportunities to write in response to a prompt – a phrase, statement or idea that is supposed to be the theme of their writing. Students have forty minutes to complete a piece which is then passed to the judges who grade it according to a specific rubric. Teams of students at St. Peter School have been competing for several years. To prepare for competition the team meets weekly with their advisor, Mrs. Dorna Virgo, to practice. According to team members, they enjoy the practices as well as the competition. The next step for the team is to prepare for regional competition being held at the Perkins Schools on February 28.

Noah Stevens named Geography Bee Champion The school competition to choose a champion in the local geography bee was held on Thursday, January 15 at St. Peter School. Fifth grader, Noah Stevens ‘ response of “New Hampshire” was the answer that earned him the honors in the championship round competition against classmate, Lucas Pajk. These boys became the finalists by surviving a preliminary round consisting of six categories of questions and then being the top two in the finalist round. Twenty-seven students competed in the preliminaries and ten students went on to compete in the final round. The next step in the competition is for Noah to take a test that is submitted to the National Geography Bee Committee. This test will determine his eligibility for state competition held later in the spring at Ashland University.

Celebrating the “Difference” The St. Peter School gymnasium and cafeteria will overflow on Friday evening as students and their families come together for a spaghetti supper. The supper will kick off the annual celebration known as Catholic Schools Week. Every year, during the last week of January, Catholic Schools across the nation take the time to celebrate their uniqueness – the incorporation of their Catholic faith into the school day - by featuring a particular theme for each day of the week. Celebrating families is the theme Friday night. Throughout the week students, teachers, God and spirit will be emphasized.

HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009


Business ‘Dalai Lama Renaissance’ documentary film screening at BGSU Firelands At 7 p.m. on Jan. 27 in the Cedar Point Center Auditorium, BGSU Firelands will host a special showing of “Dalai Lama Renaissance,” a documentary film narrated by Harrison Ford and directed by Khashyar Darvich. Darvich will be on campus to present his film and answer audience questions. A reception sponsored by Converging Paths: Sandusky Bay Meditation Center will follow the film showing. Narrated by Harrison Ford and captured on film by The Wakan Foundation for the Arts film crew, “Dalai Lama Renaissance” examines the week-long meeting between the Dalai Lama of Tibet and 40 of the West’s most innovative thinkers as they explore ways to transform the world. The documentary examines the Dalai Lama’s key role in overcoming differences to create a synthesis of ideas and visions. Filmed in Dharamsala, India, where the Dalai Lama leads the exiled Tibetan people, “Dalai Lama Renaissance” exposes stark Third World poverty and showcases spectacular settings and exotic dance, music and ceremony. “Dalai Lama Renaissance” producer-director Khashyar Darvich has won numerous awards for his documentaries and other projects broadcast nationally on the History Channel, CBS, NBC and PBS. Some of his previous work includes “Black Hawk Waltz: Tales of a Rocky Mountain Town,” the “Coach

Parks” documentary and “Saving the Redwood Forests,” an award-winning television public service announcement. Darvich began writing poetry in high school. After graduating from Baldwin Wallace College in 1991, Darvich moved to Colorado to resume his writing. He worked for toy and game inventor Harvey Kramer and served a stint as a news reporter in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Subsequently, he began writing screenplays. His work on his first screenplay, “Many Hidden Fires,” led to the development of his film production company, “Wakan Films.” Darvich is founder and president of The Wakan Foundation for the Arts, which has the mission of “serving and uplifting humanity through the arts.” Born in Washington, D.C., in 1966, Darvich lived for four years the Caspian Sea region of Iran. His family moved to Dayton in 1970 and to Oxford in 1972. He attended Miami University and graduated from Baldwin Wallace College in 1991. For more information about the documentary film “Dalai Lama Renaissance” visit www.DalaiLamaFilm. com. For more information about the event contact Lesley Ruszkowski, director of marketing and communication, at 419-433-5560, ext. 20613.

OE Meyer Named Quality Respiratory Care Provider OE Meyer has been named a quality respiratory care provider under a new program aimed at making sure residents cared for by home care organizations have access to respiratory care services provided by qualified respiratory therapists. The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) started the Quality Respiratory Care Recognition (QRCR) program in 2003 to help consumers make informed choices about their health care. The program initially enrolled hospitals that agreed to ensure patient safety by adhering to a strict set of criteria governing their respiratory care services. Home care organizations were added to the program a year later, and the Association has also added long-term care facilities. Recognized organizations are listed on the AARC’s consumer website, YourLungHealth. org. To qualify for the recognition, OE Meyer met the following conditions: All respiratory therapists employed by the DME/Home Health Agency to deliver home respiratory therapy services are either legally recognized by the state as competent to provide respiratory therapy services or hold

the CRT or RTT credential. Respiratory therapists are available to patients 24 hours every day. Other personnel qualified to perform specific respiratory therapy procedures, and the amount of supervision required for them to perform these specific procedures, must be designated in writing. The DME/Home Health Agency must be accredited by a nationally recognized, third party accreditation organization. The AARC’s QRCR program grew out of growing concerns among health care leaders and the general public regarding the safety and quality of health care services provided to patients. Organizations that meet the QRCR requirements provide a level of respiratory care consistent with national standards and guidelines, and should be commended for their commitment to quality care. Respiratory Therapists (RT’s) are specially trained and licensed respiratory health care leaders assisting physicians in diagnosis, treatment and management of respiratory diseases. RT’s provide care in hospitals, outpatient centers, physician’s offices, skilled nursing facilities and patient’s homes.

Romance Your Sweetheart at Salmon Run Restaurant

Sweetheart Dinner for Two Pianist Frank Fosco Saturday, Feb. 14th 5:30 - 8:30 pm Petite Filet Mignon & Shrimp Gerard Whirl Around the Dance Floor Includes Valentine Dessert Heart & Soul $35.00++ per person Additional Valentine Dinner Specials Available! 8:30 pm - 12:30 am Reservations Required Sawmill Creek Resort Huron, Ohio 44839


Combining dignity & affordability. We offer our most popular caskets together with our uncompromised service. That means we can create the memorial you had in mind, for much less than you would have expected -just one of the many ways you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Groff Funeral Homes now offer funeral and cremation services at our new Huron Chapel which is located at the entrance of Meadow Green Memorial park.

Complete Funeral Service • Professional services • Quality metal casket • Memorial package • service in our chapel


Groff Funeral Homes Huron Chapel 2602 Bogart Road • Huron • (419)433-4300

Dalai Lama Renaissance Documentary film Special Showing Tuesday, January 27th 7 p.m. Cedar Point Center

Free & Open to the public

One University Drive Huron, OH 44839 419-433-5560 or toll free 800-322-4787


HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009

Health & Wellness Digital Mammography Now Available At Firelands Women’s Health & Wellness Center Firelands Regional Medical Center’s Health & Wellness Center is now offering the area’s only full field Digital Mammography, the latest diagnostic imaging technology available in the region. Digital Mammography allows the radiologist to magnify, adjust contrast, rotate or pinpoint areas of concern on the digital image for clearer readings; provides incredibly sharp images immediately available to the radiologist; reduces the need for repeat exams due to under or over developed films; shortens the procedure time for the patient; provides

better visualization of the breast tissue, particularly for younger women or women using hormone replacement therapy, who may have dense breasts. Firelands is proud to bring to the area the highest quality of care for prevention and early detection of breast cancer. To schedule an appointment for Digital Mammography, please call 419-557-5239. Visit <

Dr. Oleson Accepts Fellowship at Boston University Firelands Regional Medical Center is pleased to announce that Erika N. Oleson, D.O., has recently accepted a two-year Fellowship in Geriatric Medicine at Boston University. A current Family Practice Resident at Firelands, Dr.

Oleson will graduate from Firelands Regional Medical Center’s Medical Education program in June of 2009 and begin her Fellowship at Boston University in July of 2009.

Dr. Sara Snyder Accepts Fellowship Firelands Regional Medical Center is pleased to announce that Sara S. Snyder, D.O., has recently accepted a Fellowship in Geriatrics at Summa Health System in Akron, Ohio. A current Family Practice Resident at Firelands, Dr.

Snyder will graduate from Firelands Regional Medical Center Medical Education program in June of 2009 and begin her Fellowship at Toledo Hospital in July of 2009.

Firelands to Offer Sports Medicine Seminar Firelands Regional Medical Center will be hosting a Sports Medicine Seminar on Monday, February 9th from 5 – 9 p.m. in the Mylander Conference Center at Firelands Regional Medical Center’s Main Campus, 1111 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky. The 2008 Sports Medicine Seminar is approved by the Ohio Department of Education for certification in Pupil Activity Supervisor Permit for coaches/advisors who are involved in supervising participants in scholastic athletic programs and other organized programs.

Happiest Baby On The Block Firelands Regional Medical Center will be offering the next “Happiest Baby on the Block” parenting class on Tuesday, February 10th from 6 - 8 p.m. on the first floor at Firelands Regional Medical Center South Campus, 1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky. “The Happiest Baby on the Block” is based on the techniques of world-renowned pediatrician, Dr. Harvey Karp. Dr. Karp has been featured on Good Morning America, The Dr. Phil Show, ABC World News Tonight, CNN, and numerous national radio programs. The Happiest Baby program is a national curriculum and is taught by a certified instructor. Among the essential informa-

Pediatric Specialty Clinics are available for the following: Cardiology, Orthopaedic, Gastroenterology, Neurology and Pulmonology. To schedule an appointment for the Pediatric Cardiology Clinic, call Firelands Regional Medical Center at 419-557-7840. For more information about the Pediatric Specialty Clinics, call 419-557-6767. Visit

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For other locations call 1-800-HRBLOCK or visit

Diabetes Support Group Meeting The next meeting of the Firelands Regional Medical Center Diabetes Support Group will be held on Monday, February 9th at 12 pm in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Education Room located at Firelands Regional Medical Center’s Main Campus, 1111 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky.

tion offered to participants, parents will be taught a step-by-step approach to quickly soothe the fussiest baby. The methods are designed to increase sleep, parental confidence and family harmony while decreasing stress, frustration and exhaustion that many times are present when parents are adjusting to the changes a new baby brings. The fee is $20.00 per class. Pre-registration can be made by calling Firelands Regional Medical Center at 419-557-7840, or 1-800342-1177, ext. 7840. Parents will receive a take-home kit (DVD or VHS, and CD) valued at $40.00.

Now open. You’ve got people.

Firelands Regional Medical Center Hosts Pediatric Cardiology Specialty Clinic Firelands Regional Medical Center will host a Pediatric Cardiology Clinic on Wednesday, February 11th. The Pediatric Cardiology Clinic is staffed by a Board Certified physician. Additional Pediatric Specialty Clinics are available in Sandusky and will be held in the Firelands South Campus Outpatient Clinic, 1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky.

Pre-registration is necessary as seating is limited. Please call Bill Gosser, Lead Athletic Trainer at 419-557-7329, or 1-800-342-1177, ext. 7329 to register. The registration fee (payable at the seminar) is $20.00 per participant. Cash and/or personal checks will be accepted. Checks may be made out to Firelands Regional Medical Center. Receipts will be issued to participants who seek reimbursement from their respective institutions. Refreshments will be available. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.

Location Name 1 block south of Miller

Location Name

Location Name

Mon.-Fri. 7:00-7:00

Mon.-Fri. 7:00-7:00

Mon.-Fri. 7:00-7:00

1 block south of MillerOhio 1 block south of Miller 519 Main St. •Street Huron, 44839 Street Address Address Street Address City, State ZIP State ZIP City, State ZIP (419)City, 433-2083 000-000-0000 000-000-0000 000-000-0000

The Diabetes Support Group meeting is a monthly support and educational program for people and family members affected by diabetes. For more information, please contact Jill Wagner at (419) 557-6995.

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009


Classifieds HOME SERVICES PAINTING ETC. Interior Specialist, Exterior Dry Wall Repair Wallpaper removal 20 years experience. Hardwood Floor Finishes. 419-624-0383 HALLMARK PAINTING SPECIALIZING IN EXTERIORS & INTERIORS LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED OUT OF HURON FOR 20 YEARS FAST! FRIENDLY! FAIR! CALL 24/7: (419-) 366-8923 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! CHUCK KNIGHT Painting – Tile Repair Home Maintenance Small Jobs Welcome Call 419-433-3162 DAN WRIGHT PLUMBING CO. 22 Years Experience. 24 Hour Service Call Dan at 419-433-1177 HOME IMPROVEMENT Interior Painting Reliable, Meticulous, Trustworthy Painter with over 15 years experience. Call 419-602-7108 FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM CONDO AT SAWMILL CREEK CONDOMINIUMS Fully Furnished complete will linens and all utilities included $800.00 per month Until June 1st. Please call 419602-2020

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STRAYER GROUP Bus: 419-433-3250 Cell: 419-357-0010 Toll Free: 866-433-3250 Email: 1805 E. Perkins Ave. Sandusky, OH 44870


Denise Caizzo

Cute! All new and ready to move into! Charming 2 bed- Ewell & Associates, Inc. room house that has been totally remodeled! Full basement, 35 Benedict Ave. Norwalk, Ohio covered back porch, nice yard! Beach and Park privileges. Now $105,900! Call Denise Caizzo at 419-681-5500 or 1-877-615-4888.

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Nemecek Insurance & Financial Services DAWN BAUMAN, LICENSED OFFICE MANAGER 2012 Cleveland Rd W Suite D Huron, OH 44839 419-433-5887 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rehabilitation: Get back on Track ... with your life! O n e of th e fa s tes t-gr ow in g a n d m os t im p or ta n t p r ogr a m s w e n ow offer a tTh e C om m u n ity a t P a r k v u e is ou r F a s t Tr a ck R eh a b p r ogr a m .F a s tTr a ck R eh a b is a h igh lyfocu s ed a p p r oa ch to r ed u cin g p a in , b u ild in g s tr en gth a n d flexib ility, a n d h elp in g you get on w ith you r life a s s oon a s p os s ib le.F a s tTr a ck R eh a b is d iffer en t fr om m a n y oth er p r ogr a m s – fea tu r in g clea n , com for ta b le r oom s , excep tion a l m ea ls , p h on e, ca b le, fla t-s cr een TV , a n d oth er a m en ities – a n d p er s on a lized ca r e w h ich m a k es a h u ge d iffer en ce to you r r ecov er y.


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Linda Armstrong

337 Ohio St., Huron Cozy with Updates $69,900. NNew carpet, fresh paint throughout. Large kkitchen with ceramic tile floor. Formal dinin ing room. Two bedrooms plus loft upstairs. GGreat location near schools, library, parks, ddowntown. 3308 Rods Drive, Sandusky PERKINS EVERYTHING AND MORE! $269,900. Extraordinary 4 BR 3 ½ BA home with a “Backyard Paradise”. Brazilian Cherry floors on 1st floor. Family room w/fireplace. Finished basement with recreation area, game room, kitchenette, full bath. 313 Orangewood, Huron PRICE REDUCTION! Don't pass this one up $184,900. 4 levels of living space, with basement, hhardwood floors, family room w/WBFP, sun ro room, slate foyer, 2 car garage, central air, re replaced windows & furnace and the list ggoes on.

1703 Paige Court TREAT YOURSELF TO A NEW HOME WITH NO YARD WORK – HURON TWP. Wonderful Pine Lake Condo, overlooks pond. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, open floor plan. Patio has pergola cover. Very nicely landscaped. Neighborhood pool. Convenient location. $219,900

101 Sandusky Ave. WATERFRONT WITH BEACH – HURON Cottage built in 1926 has been a wonderful vacation home. 1/2 acre lot, 121’ of frontage with beach and incredible view. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, hardwood floors, wrap around screened porch. Large patio, basement, 1961 sq. ft. $475,000

2810 Hull Rd. #3 SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE WITH GREAT STORAGE – HURON TWP. V of golf course and trees give you that View se serene feeling. 2476 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, updated kitchen with stainless aappliances, remodeled bath, huge master ccloset, jet tub, separate shower, hobby ro room, open floor plan. Deep 2 car garage pplus golf cart storage. Super sharp. $$264,900

115 Williams Street, Huron CHARMING COTTAGE! $149,900. Only steps to the park and beach! Completely renovated. 1st floor MBR w/2 BR’s up. Deck, sunroom, French doors. Quality throughout. 164 Sunset Drive, Sandusky GRAND LIVING IN THE COVE AT CEDAR POINT $545,000. 22800 sq. ft. ranch home w/breathtaking views of the Cove. Curb side dockin aage. Beach access, 3-season porch, 118x18 MB w/private sunning patio, 2 11/2 baths, cathedral ceiling. Central air. ai 307 Valley View, Huron Huge Family Room PRICE REDUCTION $126,500. 4 BD, 2 BA ranch. Many updates, HUGE FAMILY ROOM with beautiful wood laminate floors , WBFP w/ gas logs. Patio with fenced yard.

Each office independently owned and operated

1437 Sycamore Line (1437 St. Rte. 250) COMMERCIAL BUILDING – SANDUSKY Formerly the AAA Auto Club. 15,260 sq. ft. 5 gas furnaces. Highly visible. Plenty of parking. Unbelievable possibilities. $569,000

5412 Schenk Rd. BRICK BUILDING ON OVER 3.6 ACRES – PERKINS TWP. T structure has been used as a This cchurch, AGAPE Love Ministries. OOver 6,000 square feet on 2 levels. 3 re restrooms, kitchen, large banquet room, la large auditorium, handicap accessible. TThink outside the box of the many uses. $$319,000

Please call Linda Armstrong 419-627-1996 ext. 233.

COLDWELL BANKER ROUTH REALTY Your Virtual Connection to Ohio’s North Coast WAKEMAN - 9019 HARRISON Country Estate, ten minutes from downtown Vermilion. Lots of possibilities for this three bedroom 2.5 bath home. $184,900. Call today. PERKINS - 919 TAYLOR Very Nice Brick & Vinylsided Ranch. 4 Bedrooms 2.5 Bathrooms with a very large Basement, nice Deck and a 2-car detached Garage with gas & electric. Located on just under half acre. $202,900. NORWALK - 2677 ARROWHEAD Very large home on almost an acre. Cherry woodwork, kitchen opens to family rm. Dining room has French doors. Call today for your tour. $199,900. VERMILION - 5513 MARTIN Beautiful property backs up to high school area. 3BR/2BA ranch with full basement. WBFP, patio, deck and family rm…this is the one you want to call home! $173,900. NORWALK - 1085 PRAIRIE No Desire for Madding Crowds? Utopia located on 1.20 acres. For casual elegance, visit this exhilarating 4BR/3BA 1 ½ story. 3.5 car garage. Office, breakfast nook, full basement. Two covered patios. $324,900.

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