Huron Hometown News - March 12, 2009

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Huron Pizza Challenge Celebrity “Taste Off”



$ 00 OFF






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March 12, 2009 VOL. 3 NUMBER 28


City Council Meeting Activity

—————— Around Town Page 2 —————— Milestones Church Chat Page 3 —————— Health & Wellness Page 4 —————— Entertainment Real Estate Page 5 —————— Celebrity Pizza Tasting Page 6 —————— Parks & Rec Page 7 —————— Schools Page 8 —————— Sports Page 9 —————— Gardening Page 10 —————— Classifieds Page11 —————— Pizza Challenge Page12 Carol's

Wine of the Week

Lindeman's $12.99 1.5L Reg. $14.99 10% off case

Just one meeting removed from the ICMA’s presentation of the significant findings of its comprehensive analysis of Public Safety operations in the city, the Council took immediate action Tuesday evening to implement an early retirement agreement for a senior member of the Fire Division. The agreement, established through a collaborative effort of the City Manager, Finance Director, Acting Fire Chief and law department, is projected to save the Fire Division’s budget $75,000 over the next two and a half years through the elimination of a fourth, unnecessary Captain’s salary. The Fire Division is organized into three full time shifts, each with a Captain. The anomaly of a fourth Captain’s salary was created in a 1997 disciplinary appeals process. The establishment of structural balance in both Public Safety Divisions was a key recommendation of the ICMA’s report. Tuesday’s retirement agreement is in addition to the city’s recent layoff of a Fire Lieutenant, for an inability to operate as an EMT, and the appointment of an Acting Chief from existing personnel in favor of the hiring of a new administrative employee. These actions are the first steps in accommodating key recommendations of the report and staff is devising new efficiencies to maintain, and improve, service delivery. The early retirement agreement was endorsed by the city’s Finance Committee, the I.A.F.F. Local 4168 and authorized by the Council in a 5 -1 vote. Despite the endorsements, recommendations of the ICMA and the near unanimous support of Council, Councilmember Julie Dively cast a dissenting vote and read a statement questioning good leadership, demanding efficiency, effectiveness and safety. Mayor Marilyn Shearer referenced Huron’s proactive approach to managing in difficult times as noted during the ICMA presentation. Consultant Tom Wieczorek described his experience in Huron as refreshing and noted in a majority of the communities he presents public safety concepts there is already a dire need to make changes immediately. He described Huron’s opportunity as a proactive approach to seamless improvement. In addition to a proactive public safety vision the city has recently established a progressive wellness health insurance program, greatly improved its financial condition and retained its bond rating, provided for a number of new capital improvements in excess of $1 million for 2009, become the first community in the state of Ohio to establish a biodegradable food scrap program, received several million dollars in grant awards including the ODNR public boat launch and established an economic development effort responsible for the sale of a majority of the corporate park acreage and introduction of approximately 100 new jobs and $4 million in new payroll in a challenging environment. While there is significant progressive development the Council and administration are united in their cautious approach to the unknown economic challenges ahead. The management of a municipal corporation is a work in progress, initial steps have been taken in 2009 and more are certain to follow.

Pizza Challenge Feature: Rye Beach Pizza-N-Deli Rye Beach Pizza-N-Deli is about to celebrate their 1st Anniversary. Owners Rod & Kay Brownell fulfilled a life long dream when they opened their doors on April 24, 2008. Rod worked for Pizza Bros. growing up, and credits Jeff Manuella and Frank Corder with inspiring his dream. After 20 years in retail, he decided to make his dream come true. The tropical beach décor and the warmth shown by the staff help to create a welcoming atmosphere. You can enjoy your meal in the dining room, on the patio, or have it delivered to you. You can even have it next door! Knucklehead’s and Rye Beach Pizza-N-Deli have a pass thru that allows your order to be served at the bar if you wish. When asked what sets his pizza shop apart, Rod says “We treat people the way we want to

be treated, we operate by The Golden Rule”. Rye Beach Pizza-N-Deli is also the only shop in the area that uses a 4-cheese blend. Quality ingredients, consistency and giving the customers what they want all contribute to their success. Looking for a way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Try their Reuben Sandwich or Reuben Pizza! Rod & Kay also believe in giving back to the community and are proud sponsors of Huron Safety Town, and a Little League Baseball Team. They have provided pizza to the Huron Football Team and look forward to doing more of that next season. Rod, Kay and their children Rachel, 21 and Sean, 16 months, invite you to stop by and vote for them in the Huron Hometown Pizza Challenge! We wish them the best of luck!

The Huron Hometown News Presents a Pizza Challenge! Vote for your favorite pizzaria! Drop off your ballot at The Huron Hometown News office, 304 Williams Street. Inside on page 12 you will find valuable and clippable coupons for some MAJOR pizza savings!!

Check out our celebrity “taste off ” on page 6!

Compare Cornell's ad to the rest. More choices, better value! Support your local community



Curves Food Drive Ace Hardware, Cornell Foods, Katman Graphics, Dairy Queen, Drug Mart and the Huron Chamber of Commerce have joined with Curves of Huron for the 10th Annual Curves Food Drive. The drive will be held for the month of March. Non-perishable food items including baby needs can be dropped


off at the above locations. The goal for the food drive is 5000 lbs this year which will be donated to the Huron Food Pantry located in the Lighthouse Church. This is the time of the year that most food banks are in real need of donations.



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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12 , 2009

Around Town Thank You! In these troubled economic times, good news is always welcome. In these low economic times, the local Huron Salvation Army Service Unit conducted the yearly Red Kettle Campaign (bell ringing) in the months of November and December. We are happy to report, due to your generosity, we met our goal of $10,000. In 2008, we raised the same amount and ran out of funds near the end of our budget year—so be assured that your donations will not go to waste. This money will be used for the next 12 months to help the needy of the 44839 zip code with utility shutoffs, prescription drug help, a summer camp for a number of children, a one night hotel room for transients and gift cards at Christmas time for the elderly and area children. The $10,000 and other state and national grants will allow us to do much good for those in need. We are very grateful for all the giving the took place this year. We want to say a special thanks to Cornell Foods, our main bell ringing site, and Discount Drug Mart, our back-up site. The following community groups and organizations all rang the bell for the Salvation Army: Huron Police, Huron Lions Club, Huron Rotary Club, Christ Church Puppet Ministry, Huron Chamber of Commerce, Knights of Columbus, HHS Nation Honor Society, HHS Student Council, Huron Boy Scouts, Huron Girl Scouts, Zion Lutheran Church, Huron United Methodist, Lighthouse Assembly of God Church and Mark’s Masonic Lodge. The local Salvation Army has an office in Lighthouse Church, which is located at 820 Cleveland Road East in Huron. We work by scheduled appointments on each Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The phone number is 419-433-0500. Thanks to your generosity, we will again be helping those in need of the Huron area.

Educator of the Year Award Presented Dr. Donald D. Gustovich, who has an office in Port Clinton, was recently honored by the Orthodontic Department of Case Western Reserve University with the “Educator of the Year” award. Dr. Gustovich has been a parttime faculty member for the Department of Orthodontics in the School of Dentistry for over twenty years. This award is voted on by the orthodontic graduate students, as well as the forty-two faculty members of the Orthodontic Department. Dr. Gustovich recently attended the Eighth Annual Damon Forum of Orthodontics in Phoenix, Arizona in January. Twelve hundred orthodontists attended this intense four-day seminar. Both basic and advanced Damon orthodontic techniques were presented. The Damon System is an innovative com-

Insurance Use Your Refund Wisely BY BRUCE MILLER STATE FARM® AGENT

The Huron Salvation Army Service Unit


OPEN HOUSE Monday, March 30, 2009 from 6-7pm For parents of 3 and 4 yr olds At Christ Church (120 Ohio Street, Huron)

419-433-4701 Financial Aid Available

bination of passive, self-litigating brackets, high-tech archwires and minimally invasive treatment protocols that work together as a low-friction, low-force system. The end result is clinically proven performance that includes faster treatment time, fewer appointments, improved patient comfort, exceptional results and wider arch development with fewer extractions. Dr. Gustovich is certified in the Damon System and teaches this orthodontic technique at Case Western Reserve University. He also has been selected by Dr. Damon and Ormco Corporation as one of ten Damon system instructors in the United States to teach this technique to other orthodontists. To learn more about the Damon System go to

So your 1040 is filed and you are now anxiously waiting for your refund. What do you plan on doing with it? Go on that long-awaited cruise, get a new set of golf clubs or buy that wide-screen TV you’ve had your eye on? There are so many ways you could spend your refund, but there may be better alternatives to consider. According to the Internal Revenue Service, over 75 percent of American taxpayers received a federal tax refund, with the average around $2,500. It’s what you do with your refund now that may create a better financial future for you and your family later on. Instead of spending your refund this year, consider funding an Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA), setting up a college savings fund for a child, or paying down credit card debt. These options will help to improve your financial situation. First on your list of priorities should be paying down any highinterest credit card debts you have incurred. By paying only the minimum each month, you may be paying just the interest (or less) on the debt and little or nothing towards the principal. Paying down the debt can free up additional money for other important financial needs. If debt is not a problem, your tax refund could provide you an excellent opportunity to fund an existing IRA or establish a new one. For the 2007 tax year, you can contribute up to $4,000 to an IRA. If you are 50 years or older by December 31, 2007,

Community Calendar Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday Habitat For Humanity ReStore is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. There are all kinds of ways to volunteer at Habitat for Humanity besides building homes for families. Find out at the ReStore or call Brenda Burke at 419-602-1205. The ReStore is located on 11001 U.S. Route 250, Milan. Annual Teacup Auction April 2nd. Tickets are on sale now for more info call Melinda Carpenter 419-271-0675


Huron Hometown News® SM TM 1992 304 Williams Street • Huron, Ohio 44839 Phone 419-433-1401 • Fax 419-433-4487 Published every Thursday


Published by Huron Press, LLC.

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you can add an additional $1000 to the account. Making a tax-deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA is an option if you are not participating in an employer-sponsored retirement plan or, if you are participating, your Adjusted Gross Income falls within eligibility guidelines. A Roth IRA may be a more appropriate choice, depending on your eligibility. Contributions to a Roth IRA are not tax deductible. However, qualified distributions are received free from federal income tax. Your refund could also be used to fund a Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) or 529 Plan for your child. Contributions are not deductible, but withdrawals to pay qualified educational expenses are free from federal income tax. One thing to remember after you’ve decided the fate of this year’s refund: the check you received is not a windfall but the return of an interest-free loan you provided the government Regardless of the pleasure you may get from receiving a large check each tax year, adjusting the amount withheld by Uncle Sam to reduce the amount of future refunds may be an appropriate course. You may not get a refund in April, but there may be more in each paycheck to contribute to a Coverdell ESA, 529 plan, IRA or to pay down debt throughout the year. Take some time to consider your options before making the down payment on that cabin cruiser. The earlier you start saving for your future, the more you may have during your retirement. If you have questions about these options and others, you owe it to yourself to contact a financial services professional that you know and trust. Your financial future may depend on it.

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The Huron Hometown News is owned and operated by Huron Press, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Huron Hometown News and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Class liners and Retail ads closing @ Monday by 4:00 PM.

Saturday, March 14 9am-3pm Treasure Sale at Christ Church, 120 Ohio St., Huron. Items include collectables to antiques and silver. 419-4334701 Monday, March 16 7:30pm Sandusky Ski Club will meet at Chet & Matt’s Pizza 1013 E. Strub Rd., Sandusky. Come early for social time and to sign up for the ski trips. The program for the evening will be the annual candidates forum to meet the members running for office for the next ski season. For more info, contact President Nancy Meyer at 419-433-2790 or You may visit the website at Wednesday, March 18 7:00pm Firelands Historical Society’s meeting at 9 Case Ave., Norwalk. Henry Timman will take viewers on a photographic tour of the business district of Norwalk over the years and relate history of the buildings. This meeting is free to members and $2 to non-members 7:30pm Sandusky Ski Club will be celebrating March birthdays at Cameo Pizza 702 W. Market St., Sandusky. For more info contact Social Chairperson Denise Diab at 419-656-0197 or Saturday, March 21 2PM Huron Historical Society will have a slide presentation on the Ore Docks at the McBride Auditorium at BGSU-Firelands. Limited seating. For reservations call 419-433-5009 ext. 243. 10:00am-2:00pm An antiques appraisal clinic featuring an expert appraiser from Garth Arts & Antiques in Delaware OH at Firelands Historical Society’s Research Center, 9 Case Ave., Norwalk. Cost is $10 per item, with a limit of two items per person at one time. No reservations are necessary. This program is a fund raiser for the society, which operates without public funding. For further info call Henry Timman at 419-668-1122 Friday March 27 Deadline for Erie County Solid Waste District’s poster contest. Design a poster to be used in advertising Earth Day. For more info call Tina or Lisa at 419433-7303. Saturday March 28 10:00 Erie County Solid Waste Management District Kick off Event, The Great American Clean-up. Meet at Shelter 1 at Osborn Park Saturday March 28-April 4 Members of the Sandusky Ski Club will be traveling to Aspen, Colorado for a week of skiing. For more info, contact Trip Leader Pat & Larry Williams at 440-965-5362 or patnlarry@ Thursday April 2 Newcomer’s & Friends Annual Teacup Auction Tickets are on sale now for more info call Melinda Carpenter 419-271-0675 Saturday April 18 11:00am-4:00pm Earth Day Extravaganza at the Sandusky Mall. Raffle, crafts, information on green living, live remote K-96 Every Tuesday Community Café at Portland House Assisted Living, 3708 Venice Rd., Sandusky. BYOM, Bring Your Own Mug, every Tuesday 9:30am.

HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12, 2009


Church Chat Directory of Milestones Church Services Flora Mae Perry Aug. 13, 1917-March 1, 2009 Flora Mae Perry, 91, of Huron, died Sunday, March 1, 2009 in Twilight Gardens Home, Norwalk. She was born Aug. 13, 1917, in Huron and was a life-long resident. She graduated from Huron High School. She enjoyed music, planting flowers, plants and bird watching. Flora worked for NASA in the laboratory for six years, and worked for 33 years at Vulcan Materials in Sandusky, retiring in 1985. She worked for the Sandusky Register in the Circulation Department for several years. She is survived by two sisters, Vera Perry of Norwalk and Lily Bell Evans of Huron; brother-in-law, Ronald Johnston of Pennsylvania; nieces, Mary Jane Johnston of Pennsylvania, Vicki Gil of Sandusky ad LaClaire Evans of Huron; and nephew, Crawford Evans of Norwalk. She was preceded in death by her parents, Crawford Clay and Vera LaClaire Perry; sister, Ethel Johnston; and brothers, Crawford Jr., John Walter and Edward Lee Perry. Graveside services were held at 11 a.m. Friday in Scott Cemetery, Huron, with the Rev. David Aber, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Huron, officiating. Foster Funeral Home, Huron, handled arrangements for the family. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Rose Merle Tommas, July 30, 1923-March 8, 2009 Rose Merle (Parker) Tommas, 85, residing in Huron, died early Sunday morning, March 8, 2009, in Admiral’s Pointe in Huron following a brief illness. She was born on July 30, 1923. She was a member of St. Peter Catholic Church of Huron, and she enjoyed arranging fresh and artificial flowers. Rose is survived by four daughters, Pamela A. (Tommas) Ryan, Constance R. (Tommas) Popke of Huron, Deborah L. (Thomas) Laughlin of Sandusky and Wendy Y. (Duane) Tommas-Dolick of Thorntown, Ind.; eight grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandson; and several nieces, nephews and other relatives. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ralph P. Tommas, in 1993; a son, Ralph L. Tommas; and her parents, Clarence and Irene (Ebert) Parker. Friends were received 4-8pm Tuesday in Groff Funeral Home, 1607 E. Perkins Ave., Sandusky, and from 9:15 am Wednesday until mass of Christian Burial at 10am in Huron St. Peter Catholic Church, 430 Main St., Huron, with the Rev. Jeffrey Sikorski officiating. Memorial contributions, if desired, may be made to St. Peter Catholic Church, or Stein Hospice Service, Inc., 1200 Sycamore Line, Sandusky, OH 44870. Condolences may be shared at

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PARISH MISSION Luke is coming to St. Peter Parish March 23, 24 & 25th. You’ve heard of Saturday Night Live! Well, now there is LUKE LIVE! Fr. James DiLuzio, a Paulist Priest from New York City will present a dramatic presentation of the Gospel of St. Luke which includes preaching, song and lively discussion. Enjoy a “You are There” experience of the Gospel! Monday through Wednesday, March 23, 24, & 25th at either 9:15 a.m. or 7:00p.m. Morning Mass will also be available at 8:30 a.m. Refreshments and socializing will be held after each session. Babysitting is available each evening by calling the parish office in advance at 419-433-5725.

Christ Episcopal Church 120 Ohio St., Huron; 419-433-4701. Sunday—9 a.m. and Adult Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays during Lent at 6:30 Soup & Salad Supper “Island of Transformation” March 18 The Inn of “You Lied To Me, This is unfair, I Don’t Believe In This”

St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church 15617 Mason Rd., Vermilion Rev. Dr. Karl Fry, Pastor 440-967-9886 Sunday School/ Bible Study 9:30 CommuLadies Bible Fellowship 9:15 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

First Presbyterian Church 225 Williams St., Huron; 419-433-5018. Sunday Worship with nion—8:30 a.m. Sunday school 6th grade-adults—9:30 a.m. Sunday school K-5th grade –10:45 a.m. Sunday Traditional service—10:45 a.m.

Wednesdays during Lent at 6:00pm Soup Supper and Inspirational Program During Holy Week, the program will be moved to Maundy Thursday (Apr. 9th) The public will is welcome to attend. Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church Kalahari Resort, Nia Convention Center Rt. 250, Huron; 419-271-3934. Worship—Sunday 10:30 a.m. Bible Study—Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Holy Trinity Anglican Church 1608 St. Rt. 113, Milan; 419-499-3683 Rev. Dr. John C. Jordan Worship and Holy Communion—Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Huron United Methodist Church 338 Williams St., Huron; 419-433-3984. On Sundays: 8:00 a.m.—Praise Service in Sanctuary 9:00 a.m.—Sunday school 10:00 a.m.—Celebration service in Sanctuary Lifepoint 539 Cleveland Rd. W., Huron: 419-433-4156. Sunday—10 a.m., and nursery available. Sunday school—10 a.m. for K-6th grade. “Grounded” youth group for grades 6-12—Sundays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. 3-5 grade Boys Youth Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. 3-5 grade Girls Youth Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. “The Biggest Loser” campaign drive focuses on weight loss, new visitors and faithfulness in attendance. Call Pastor Brenton for more information. Lighthouse Assembly of God Church 820 Cleveland Rd. E., Huron; 419-433-8889. Sunday service—10:30 a.m. Sunday school—9:30 a.m.

You can search for buried treasure this weekend without even leaving town, at the Christ Episcopal Church Treasure Sale this Saturday March 14. “This isn’t your typical rummage sale” says Joyce Mulaney, chairwoman of the event. “We specifically asked for nice items that people no longer had use for, or room for because of downsizing their homes.”

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Spring Bake Sale Saturday, March 14 10:00 a.m.-noon ‘Souper Sunday Pot Luck Soup and Sandwich Lunch Sunday March 29 after the 10:30 a.m. service St. Peter’s Catholic Church 430 Main St., Huron; 419-433-5725. Saturday—5 p.m. Sunday—8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Parish Penance Service Tuesday, March 31, 7:00 p.m. The Chapel 4444 Galloway Rd., Sandusky; 419-627-0208. Saturday service--5:00 p.m. Sunday service—9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group— Sundays 5-6:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group— Sundays 7-9:00 p.m. Latitude group ages 18-29— Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints 4511 Galloway Rd., Huron; 419-626-9860. Bishop: Bill Reel Sacrament service—9:30 a.m. Sundays Family History Center Wed. 10 am-2pm, Thur. 9am-9pm 1st & 3rd Sat. 9am-5pm Zion Lutheran Church 930 Main St., Huron; 419-433-4711. www.zionhuron,org Worship times: 9 a.m. Sunday is Contemporary Worship and Children’s Sunday school. 10:15 a.m. Sunday is Traditional Lutheran Services; Holy Communion is served every Sunday. Adult Bible Study meets at 8:15 a.m. Sunday in the office area meeting room. Keep us up to date on your church services and happenings. We may not know about your events unless you tell us! Send your church service updates, news, events and happenings to

Treasure Hunt This Weekend

Mark Levine, M.D. Oculoplastic Surgeon, Ophthalmologist

Oculoplastic surgeon Mark Levine, M.D. is here to see you at the Cleveland Clinic Lorain Family Health Center.

Adult Bible Study--6 p.m. Sunday. Youth Group—6 p.m. Sunday. Food Pantry—9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesdays; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursdays. Salvation Army Service Unit—10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursdays, by appointment only.

Call today to schedule an appointment. Cleveland Clinic Lorain Family Health Center 5700 Cooper Foster Park Road Lorain 440.988.4040

Among the treasures being offered are a microwave oven, bicycles, gently worn clothing, books and birdhouses. Searching for treasure can be a hungerbuilding exercise, so a Bake Sale will also offer a variety of tasty treasures; nonhunters are welcome too! Christ Church is located across from Lakefront Park at 120 Ohio St. Sale hours are 9am to 3pm. Cash sales only, please.

St. Peter Church Auction Donations Successful, Donations Still Needed St. Peter Church has gotten more than 158 donations from local citizens and businesses for its March 28th auction. Auction organizers are pleased that so many have given so much. The deadline for more donations is next Wednesday, 3/18/09. All donations are tax deductible. This year’s auction’s theme is “Pirates of the Great Lakes ”. Tickets to attend the auction are $15 in advance or $18 at the door. Your ticket entitles you to a Caribbean chicken dinner, dessert, snacks, libations, and the right to bid freely. While the main event is the auction itself, there will be other games and festivities, including a best costume contest. It is a fun time with plenty of great deals. For more information, please contact St. Peter Church office by phone at 419-433-5725 or by email at

Read and Use the Classifieds!

Call Cherry to place yours today! 419-433-1401


HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12 , 2009

Health & Wellness What’s Your Score? New Screening Adds It Up! Heart attacks often come with no warning. But CT Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring, a high-tech screening now being offered by the FTMC Snyder/White Heart & Vascular Center, may provide some advance notice of problems. In December, Fisher-Titus Medical Center and FTMC’s Chief of Radiology Dr. Matthew Gutowicz initiated the new screenings by providing Norwalk firefighters and police officers and Huron County law enforcement officers complimentary screenings. This non-invasive screening uses FTMC’s 64-slice CT scanner to locate and measure calcified plaque in coronary arteries – the vessels that take blood to the heart muscle. “Plaque can, over time, narrow the arteries or even close off blood flow to the heart muscle. By detecting it in the earliest, most treatable stage, patients and their physicians can take steps to reduce heart disease risk,” Dr. Gutowicz said.

Because the Calcium Scoring Screening is not useful for persons at low or high risk for heart disease, patients are pre-assessed using the American Heart Association Heart Attack Risk Assessor. If the assessment indicates an intermediate risk, the patient can be scheduled for the screening. The Calcium Scoring is performed on FTMC’s 64-slice CT. Because the scanner is so fast, it captures multiple images synchronized with the heart beat cycle, resulting in clear pictures of the heart and its vessels with minimal exposure to radiation. The actual scan takes only a few minutes. After the procedure the patient is able to leave and resume normal activities. Board Certified Radiologists Dr. Gutowicz and Dr. William Ferber read and interpret the scans. A registered nurse of the Snyder/White Heart & Vascular Center follows up with each patient to review the results. With this information, the patient’s physician can recommend appropriate treatment, including diet

FIrelands Names New Director, Medical Education and Family Practice Residency Firelands Regional Medical Center is pleased to announce that Eric E. Mast, DO, has accepted the position of Director, Medical Education and Family Practice Residency. Dr. Mast received a Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, from Anderson University and a Doctor of Osteopathy from Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed a Rotating Internship at Firelands Community Hospital, Sandusky, Ohio and a Family Practice Residency at Munson Medical Center, Traverse City, MI. In addition to his private practice, Partners in Primary Care, located in Sandusky, Dr. Mast is Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine as well as a member of the American Osteopathic Association, American College of Osteopathic Family Practitioners, and the

Ohio State Society of American College of Osteopathic Family Practitioners of which he is an appointed member of the Board of Governors. For more than 40 years, Firelands Regional Medical Center has provided osteopathic medical education in Northwest Ohio. Fostering a collegial environment, both allopathic and osteopathic physicians work together to offer a quality clinical medical education to the trainees. Firelands Regional Medical Center is a 401-bed, full service, not-for-profit hospital. Serving the five-county region, Firelands provides comprehensive diagnostic, medical, surgical, emergency and rehabilitation services for people of all ages. For more information about Firelands Regional Medical Center visit

Sibling Class Offered at Firelands Firelands Regional Medical Center is offering a Sibling Class, a course designed to prepare older brothers or sisters for the arrival of a new baby, on Saturday, March 28th from 10 11:30 am, at Firelands Regional Medical Center Main Campus, 1111 Hayes Avenue. Children between the ages of three to eight will tour the obstetrics area to see the nursery, along with parents who will see the Labor, Delivery, and Recovery Unit. The children will make a gift for the new baby and will practice handling the newborn with a life-sized doll. Families will also receive helpful information on what to expect when the new baby arrives.

Each child must be accompanied by an adult. Families are encouraged to attend during the mother’s last three months of pregnancy. The fee is $10 per family. To register, please contact Firelands Regional Medical Center at 419-557-7840 or 1-800-342-1177 ext. 7840. Firelands Regional Medical Center is a 401bed, full service, not-for-profit hospital. Serving the five-county region, Firelands provides comprehensive diagnostic, medical, surgical, emergency and rehabilitation services for people of all ages. For more information about Firelands Regional Medical Center visit www.

Nemecek Insurance & Financial Services DAWN BAUMAN, LICENSED OFFICE MANAGER 2012 Cleveland Rd W Suite D Huron, OH 44839 419-433-5887 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.

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Fisher-Titus Medical Center PRESENTS

FTMC Pediatric Therapy’s

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Saturday, April 4 9 a.m.-11 a.m. What: Learn about resources available through FTMC and the community for Autism

and lifestyle changes, medication, or further testing if needed. CT Calcium Scoring should not be confused with CT Angiography. CT Angiography is a more elaborate test that provides detailed images of the coronary arteries. It is not a screening and the procedure must be ordered by a physician. The fee for a Calcium Scoring Screening is $150. Payment is requested at the time of the screening. Patients are given a receipt to submit to their insurance company if the screening is covered. Persons participating in flexible spending accounts or health savings accounts may be able to obtain reimbursement for the screening. For a risk assessment or more information, please call the FTMC Snyder/White Heart & Vascular Center at 419-668-8101 extension 6132 or 800-668-8788 extension 6132.

Self-Defense Class Offered at Firelands Firelands Regional Medical Center will be offering a Self-Defense Class on Tuesday, March 24th and continuing on Thursday, March 26th. Classes will be held from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at Firelands Regional Medical Center’s South Campus, 1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky. Under the guidance of Sandusky Police Officers, this interactive course is designed to help participants identify dangerous situations and to form a plan of escape through preventative action. Participants are encouraged to wear softsoled shoes and comfortable clothing to practice techniques and strategies of self-

defense. Students under age 18 are required to have parental permission to participate. To register, call Firelands Regional Medical Center at 419-557-7840. Class size is limited to the first 50 registered. Course fee is $20 and payable the first night of class. Firelands Regional Medical Center is a 401-bed, full service, not-for-profit hospital. Serving the five-county region, Firelands provides comprehensive diagnostic, medical, surgical, emergency and rehabilitation services for people of all ages. For more information about Firelands Regional Medical Center visit

FTMC Receives Trauma Center Status Fisher-Titus Medical Center was granted provisional status as a Level 3 Trauma Center by the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Public Safety on Monday, March 2. Currently, Fisher-Titus Medical Center is the only area hospital to have this designation. The provisional designation comes after a consultative site visit by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Trauma Subcommittee in January and the submission of a follow-up report to the Ohio Department of Health and Ohio Department of Public Safety. A trauma center is a hospital which has the immediate availability of specialized surgeons, physician specialists, anesthesiologists, nurses, resuscitation and life support equipment, and operating rooms on a 24-hour-basis to care for severely injured patients. “The commitment of our general surgeons and anesthesiologists to be on-call 24/7, 365 days a year along with our highly skilled team of emergency physicians and emergency department staff was critical to earning this designation,” said Patrick J. Martin, president of Fisher-Titus Medical Center . “The team is backed by our top-notch ancillary support staff and the latest medical technology to provide residents in our community and service area with the highest quality emergency care possible.” “Trauma Centers are designated as Level 1 through Level 3,” said Dr. Eric Schmidt, a general surgeon, who chairs FTMC’s Trauma Committee and is medical director of FTMC’s Trauma Program. “The differences in levels are based on the depth of the resources available to treat the trauma victim. “Specifically, Level 3 trauma centers can provide prompt assessment, resuscitation,

emergency surgery, and stabilization and also arrange for possible transfer to a facility that can provide definitive trauma care,” Schmidt explained. The Ohio Trauma law establishes guidelines to identify trauma patients and selects appropriate transport destinations. The law establishes transfer guidelines between trauma centers and non-trauma hospitals effectively making Ohio an inclusive system wherein any trauma center verified by the American College of Surgeons can be a trauma transport destination. This assures patients are receiving the highest quality emergency care by experienced medical personnel. All centers form part of a system and work together to allow for care of mass casualties and times when one center is at risk of having its resources overwhelmed by patient load or through loss of physician manpower. “The effort to become a Level 3 Trauma Center took a tremendous commitment of resources by our board and medical staff,” said Martin. “This provisional status allows us to continue to provide services to patients who have historically been treated here. Without this designation, some patients would have needed to be transferred to trauma centers in Mansfield, Cleveland or Toledo .” Currently the closest trauma centers are in Sylvania to the north, Mansfield to the south, Westlake to the east, and Defiance to the west. FTMC is working to attain full verification by the American College of Surgeons in 2009. The American College of Surgeons does not designate trauma centers; instead, it sets the standards for verification and performs site visits. The designation as a Trauma Center , based upon ACS verification, is a function of the state of Ohio .

Firelands Announces March Beacon of Light Award Winner Firelands Regional Medical Center is pleased to announce that Jim McBride has been selected as the “Beacon of Light” Award winner for March. The Firelands Beacon of Light is a program developed to recognize team members who exemplify and exhibit the Values of Firelands Regional Medical Center in the areas of Service, Integrity, Respect, Unity and Stewardship along with their commitment as a member of our community. McBride is Co-Director, Business Analysis at Firelands Regional Medical Center and displays all the qualities for which Firelands stands. His nomination stated, “Jim is very devoted to service in every aspect of his life. He has voluntarily served on countless committees and gives his time and talent to help make Firelands a great place to work. The quality of his work reflects the quality of his character. He has the ability to identify problems and offer creative

Who: FTMC Pediatric Therapy Team,

solutions in order to continuously improve our organization and no matter how busy he is, he exhibits great patience when explaining issues or concepts to all levels of staff. He has a great sense of humor and a positive attitude at all times.” Outside of work, McBride’s community involvement includes ushering at St. Mary’s church every Sunday and at other services when needed. He has used his time and talent to coach many youth sports over the years and goes the extra mile to help anyone in need. Firelands Regional Medical Center is a 401bed, full service, not-for-profit hospital. Serving the five-county region, Firelands provides comprehensive diagnostic, medical, surgical, emergency and rehabilitation services for people of all ages. For more information about Firelands Regional Medical Center visit www.

Now Curves works for you, your budget and your community.

FTMC Dietitian Theresa Yuschak, Veggie U, North American Martial Arts, Dr. Trippe from New Beginning Pediatrics, Huron County Help Me Grow and Huron County Early Intervention.

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Lindsey Soisson, SLP and Special Programs Coordinator, speaks on Visual Supports at 10 a.m.

*Food or cash donation required to local food bank determined by club. Offer based on first visit enrollment, minimum 12 mo. c.d./e.f.t. program. New members only. Not valid with any offer. Valid only at participating locations through 3.28.09. ©2009 Curves International, Inc.

The Autism Fair is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. For information, contact Mary Helton, Speech and Audiology Supervisor (419-663-1975 ext. 6457)

Pediatric Therapy Team F i s h e r -T i t u s M e d i c a l C e n t e r


SANDUSKY 419-626-2600

HURON 419-433-0433

NORWALK 419-660-9500

HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12, 2009

Erie Metro Parks


Huron Public Library 333 Williams St. Huron, OH 44839

BICYCLE TUNE UP Wed, Mar 18, 6:30-8:30 pm, Osborn Park, Frost CenterLearn about gear and brake adjustments, wheel truing, flat tire changing, chain cleaning and other minor repairs from “Green Living” Rachel & Ted McNeely of Bicycle Bill’s Fitness Center. Prein Your Home register online at or (419) 6257783 x221. and Business PARK PALS - SPRING HAS SPRUNG! Sat, Mar 21, 10-10:45 am, Osborn Park, Frost Center, ages Ruth Haag 3-6 yrs- Spring has finally arrived! What is the wildlife doing this time of year? Registration required. Pre-register online Thursday, March 19 at or (419) 625-7783 x221. 7 PM FIRELANDS AUDUBON FIELD TRIP-BREAKFAST & DUCKS Low-cost solutions that will help Sat, Mar 21, 9 am, Bay Bell Restaurant, 801 E. Bay View Dr, Bay View-Meet for breakfast at the Bay Bell, then head out you save money and reduce your to search for ducks. Dress for the weather. For more inforenergy consumption. mation Contact Mary Warren at 419-615-7136 or visit www. Sponsored by the Business Resource Network PARK PALS - A WHALE OF A TALE! This event is free and open to the public. To register, call 419-433-5009 or email us at Mon, Mar 23, 10-10:45 am, Osborn Park, Frost Center, ages 3-6 yrs- Learn about these beautiful and fascinating masters of the sea! Registration required. Pre-register online at www. or (419) 625-7783 x221 DUCK ID AT EDISON WOODS CAR POOL at Sawmill Creek Resort Sun, Mar 22, 1-3 pm, Edison Woods SR 61 parking lot-Yes, Huron, Ohio ducks are settling down right in the middle of the Mason Casual Dinner Menu Road prairie plantings in what are known in the mid west 5:30 - 9:30pm states as “Prairie Pot Holes”. Sufficient pooling of water All Entertainment has accumulated at Edison Woods to make it a pretty sig8:30 PM - 12:30 AM nificant migratory stop over for several duck species. Join MetroParks staff as they scope out and identify all the visiting ducks. Bring binoculars and field guides and wear footwear that can get wet. Pre-register online at www.eriemetroparks. org or (419) 625-7783 x221. ECO T-SHIRT BAG CRAFT Tue, Mar 24, 6:30-7:30 pm, Osborn Park, Frost Center-Bring sewing shears and an old favorite t-shirt and recycle it into a reusable shopping bag. No sewing skills necessary. Registration required. Pre-register online at or (419) 625-7783 x221. FIRELANDS AUDUBON MEETING - LIVING IN THE When the weather outside is frightful, VERMILION RIVER WATERSHED The Saloon is cozy and delightful! Tue, Mar 24, 7-8:30 pm, Osborn Park, Frost Center- Living in the Vermilion River Watershed is a compilation of Casual Bar Menu • Drinks • Dancing! 23 articles and over 300 color photos of the area contributed by a variety scientists, regional experts and local resi400 Sawmill • Huron, Ohio 44839 dents. Topics include plants, birds, fish, mammals, geologic 419-433-3800 • and human history, farming practices and ways residents can help protect the river and surrounding land. A collaborative project between the Western Reserve Land Conservancy, Firelands Chapter, REALTY, INC. and Oberlin College, the book was edited by Oberlin Associate Professors Mary Garvin and Jan Cooper. For more information contact Mary Warren at 419-625-7136 or visit (419) 627-1111

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12, 2009

Huron HOmetown news pizza challenge Celebrity Taste off The Judges: (L-R) Tom Bodde, Tom Forster, Jeff Bacon, Sheila Ehrhardt, Fred Fox, Doug Studer, and Bruce Miller.



Pizza Hou

Matt from


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State Farm • Home Office: Bloomington, IL

HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12, 2009


Parks & Rec Huron Parks and Recreation Lion’s Club Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and HPRD Egg Hunt~Saturday, April 4th… Join us for the Annual Huron Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast; then walk over to the Huron Boat Basin for one of the largest Egg Hunts in Huron! The Huron Lion’s Club will be serving up all you can eat Pancakes, Sausage, Eggs, Coffee, Tea, Juice & Milk. The Easter Bunny will make appearances at the Breakfast & the Hunt. Where: Breakfast~First Presbyterian Church (corner of Cleveland Rd W & Williams) Egg Hunt~Boat Basin Time: 8:00-12 noon for Breakfast ~ 12:30 for the Egg Hunt Cost: Breakfast~ $4/Adults, $3/Children Egg Hunt~FREE (ages 2-8 years) A special THANK YOU to Rebecca Wooster~REMAX Quality Realty for sponsoring this event. Parents, please remember to bring your camera & kids, bring your baskets! Please help the Easter Bunny bring joy to those around us by donating a non-perishable food item. You can bring donations to the Breakfast or the Egg Hunt. Thank you. Spring Soccer Programs We’ve restructured our Spring Soccer program for 2009; offering you a couple choices based on your interest. Both programs are open to students in grades 5-8. Participants are asked to bring water bottles and shin guards. Pre-Registration is required using Spring Soccer Forms. Forms are available on our website or stop by the office. IN HOUSE LEAGUE ~APRIL 20 -MAY 28 MONDAYS & THURSDAYS ~ 6PM ~ McCORMICK ~ $35 Residents $40 Non-Residents This is a program designed for the competitive soccer player who wants to compete in an In-House League. The coaching staff will split the participants up into multiple teams and coach them on aspects of skill, development, teamwork and strategy. Each week, players will participate against each other in smallside (half-sized field) games on Thursday evenings. This is a new and exciting program for the true soccer fan and player. Players are asked to bring shin guards and a water bottle. Pre-

Mailing address: P.O. Box 468, Huron OH Office location: 110 Wall Street Phone 419-433-8487 Fax 419-433-0470 Email: Website:

Registration required, using SPRING SOCCER IN-HOUSE LEAGUE FORM. SKILLS PROGRAM ~ APRIL 21-MAY 29 TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS ~ 4:30-5:30PM ~McCORMICK ~ $30 Residents $35 Non-Residents This program is designed for players of all skill levels. Whether you are just starting soccer or you want to take your skills to the next level, this is the program for you. There are no games involved in this program, simply 2 hours of skill development per week. The coaching staff will incorporate skills and techniques into an exciting variety of individual and group drills and practices. Players are asked to bring shin guards and a water bottle. Pre-Registration required, using SPRING SOCCER SKILLS PROGRAM FORM.

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 110 Wall Street Huron, OH 44839 Phone 419-433-8487 Fax 419-433-0470

City Wide Clean-Up Event~Saturday, April 25th 10am12pm. Come out and help make Huron “A Great Lake Place” by volunteering for a couple hours cleaning up our city. From 8:30am10:00am, volunteers stop in at the Huron Parks and Recreation Garage (110 Wall Street) where you can enjoy a quick breakfast snack (courtesy of the Huron Chamber of Commerce and Huron Lagoons Marina) then check in and get your clean up assignment; gloves and garbage bags will be provided as you head out to your assigned location for a couple of hours of clean-up; when finished your trash bags are left at the site for Parks and Recreation to pick up. Great opportunity for High School Students to earn community service hours, just bring the necessary forms with you and we will be glad to fill them out. If you have any questions, please contact our office. No registration necessary. BOAT BASIN 330 North Street Huron, OH 44839 Phone 419-433-4848

Winter Yoga II Mondays, 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Huron Public Library Cost: $40 Residents / $45 Non-residents. Session II- March 16th- April 27 (no class April 13) Pre-registration required using the general Program Registration form.


Creating Community through People, Parks & Programs

Stop. Drop. And go. Your people will handle the rest.

The Big Read: Erie County Reads Kick-Off Event! “read it - watch it - experience it” March 9, 2009-Erie County, OH-The Big Read: Erie County Reads Kick-Off Event will be held this Saturday, March 14, at 1:00 p.m. at the Sandusky Mall (near Borders). Stop by and receive a free copy of “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Mona Rutger of Back to the Wild will be on hand with local wildlife to awe and inspire. Find out what your Erie County libraries have in store for you and your family. The Big Read in Erie County will be held from March 14-April 22, 2009. Last June, Sandusky Library (on behalf of the five libraries in Erie County - Bellevue Public Library, Huron Public Library, Milan-Berlin Township Public Library, Ritter Public Library, and Sandusky Library) received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to host The Big Read in Erie County. Along with special county-wide programs, each library will hold their own programs as well. For a detailed listing, you can visit the Erie County Reads’ website at or The Big Read website at www. In addition to programming funding, the grant includes supplemental educational materials, including Reader’s, Teacher’s, and Audio Guides. All the county high school English teachers have been contacted about The Big Read and are being encouraged to have their students read the book, use the

The H&R Block Drop-off service. Come in today.

educational materials, and attend the special programs and events. Local sponsors for The Big Read include: Buckeye Cablesystem, Sandusky/Erie County Community Foundation, Pabodie Design Studios, The Mylander Foundation, The Lange Trust of Sandusky Library, The Sandusky Library & Follett House Museum Foundation, Friends of Ritter Public Library, Friends of the Huron Public Library, Kiwanis Club of Sandusky, Lamar Advertising, the Rotary Club of Bellevue, Sandusky Register, and BAS Broadcasting (MIX 102.7 FM). Find out what happens when all of Erie County reads the same book! Join this special county-wide reading project! The Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to restore reading to the center of American culture. The NEA presents The Big Read in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services and in cooperation with Arts Midwest. Support for The Big Read is provided by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Transportation for The Big Read is provided by Ford. For more information about The Big Read: Erie County Reads To Kill a Mockingbird contact Terri Estel or Lori Esposito at Sandusky Library at 419-625-3834.

Your people know you’re busy. That’s why H&R Block offers convenient drop-off tax-preparation.1 Just drop off your tax documents at H&R Block. A tax professional will call if any questions arise or just to tell you your taxes are finished. You come in, review the tax return and sign it. You’ve got people. You’ve got it easy. Visit the H&R Block office location listed below. For other locations call 1-800-HRBLOCK or visit Location Name 1 block south of Miller

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1 block south of MillerOhio 1 block south of Miller 519 Main St. •Street Huron, 44839 Street Address Address Street Address City, State ZIP City, State ZIP City, State ZIP (419)000-000-0000 433-2083 000-000-0000 000-000-0000


At participating offices. ©2008 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

What would happen if all of Erie County read the same book?

The Big Read: Erie County Reads

“To Kill a Mockingbird” March 14 - April 22, 2009 “read it - watch it - experience it” ERIE COUNTY LIBRARIES: Bellevue Huron Milan Sandusky Vermilion Berlin Heights Castalia Kelleys Island

Fisher-Titus Medical Center PRESENTS

Teeing Up “Fore” Good Health!

KICK-OFF EVENT Saturday, March 14 - 1:00 p.m. in Sandusky Mall (near Borders)

Receive a FREE copy of the book when you join us for our Kick-Off Event! Mona Rutger of Back to the Wild will be on hand with local wildlife. Find out what your Erie County libraries have in store for you and your family during this special county-wide reading project!

GREAT LAKES THEATER“To Kill a Mockingbird” WORKSHOP Saturday, March 21 10:00-11:30 a.m. at the Bellevue Society for the Arts 2:00-3:30 p.m. at Sandusky Library

Participants will act out key scenes from the novel, engage in conversations on social justice, race relations, relationships with parents, character and integrity, and explore how this classic book continues to be relevant today. Registration is \required. For the Bellevue Workshop, call Bellevue Public Library at 419-483-4769. For the Sandusky Workshop, call Sandusky Library at 419-625-3834.

An evening of food, health information and lots of fun... JUST FOR MEN!

Tuesday, March 24 6-8:30 p.m. Ernsthausen Performing Arts Center at Norwalk High School, 350 Shady Lane Dr. 6-6:45 p.m. Registration, health information booths, screenings, laboratory screening vouchers, and “manly hors d’oeuvres” 6:45 p.m.

W Whether you’ll be hitting the links or getting in shape for your fa favorite warm weather activities, FTMC health-care professionals D Dr. Rolland Rogers, Dr. David Pocos, and FTMC Athletic Trainer Dan Schultz will give you the latest information on various D m men’s health topics.

Laboratory Screening Vouchers (for use at later time) will be available:

Comprehensive Metabolic Profile, Lipid Profile and Complete Blood Count, $40 Glucose & Lipid Profile, $15 Thyroid, $20 PSA, $25

Buckeye CableSystem is sponsoring a showing of the classic 1962 film “To Kill a Mockingbird.” The movie is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required. Doors open one hour prior to the showing.

MOCK TRIAL Monday, March 23 - 7:00 p.m. at the Erie County Courthouse, 3rd Floor David A. Pocos, D.O.

Rolland R. Rogers III, D.O.

NOMS/Access Orthopaedics Bo Board Certified, Orthopedic Surgery

American Osteopathic Board Certified, Family Practice

Do Don’t Let Your Knees Stop Your Play: Learn About Knee Replacement

Don’t Turn into a Raisin: Protect Your Skin from Summer Fun & Sun

Dan Schultz FTMC Athletic Trainer

Informational Booths Bay Area Gastroentorogy; Executive Urology; North Coast Cancer Care; Podiatrist Dr. Marc Dolce; The Dental Specialty Group; North Ohio Heart Center; University of Toledo-Heart & Vascular; FTMC Diabetes Educators; Sleep Lab; and Mental Health Body Composition Screenings, Blood Pressure Screenings, Pulmonary Screenings, Cardiac Risk Assessments and more!

A Mock Trial, based on the trial scene in “To Kill a Mockingbird,” will be re-enacted by members of the Erie County Bar Association. Real life Judge Tygh Tone will “preside” as the judge! Registration is required. To register, call Sandusky Library at 419-625-3834.

Warm Up for Summer Fun: Action-packed Demonstrations

Men’s Health Presentations

Except for Lab Screening Voucher’s, all activities are free-of-charge.

CLASSIC FILM SHOWING Sunday, March 22 - 2:00 p.m. at the Sandusky State Theatre

Pre-register by March 17 to be eligible for the Grand Prize drawing!

Call: 419-660-2828 Except for Lab Screening Vouchers, all activities are free-of-charge.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: AUTHOR CHARLES SHIELDS Tuesday, March 31 - 12:00 p.m. at BGSU Firelands,Cedar Point Center (One University Drive, Huron)

Tuesday, March 31 - 7:00 p.m. at the Bellevue Society for the Arts (205 Maple Street, Bellevue)

Charles Shields spent four years researching and writing “Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee.” He interviewed over 600 of Lee’s neighbors, childhood friends, law school classmates, and Kansas residents. His presentation, “Harper Lee: A Literary Mystery,” will include a question and answer period. Registration is not required.

The Big Read: Erie County Reads Sponsors: The Lange Trust of Sandusky Library Sandusky/Erie County Community Foundation Pabodie Design Studios Buckeye CableSystem The Mylander Foundation The Sandusky Library & Follett House Museum Foundation Friends of Ritter Public Library Kiwanis Club of Sandusky Lamar Advertising Rotary Club of Bellevue Friends of the Huron Public Library BAS Broadcasting (MIX 102.7) Sandusky Register

Payment due night of event, cash or check only. Must be present to purchase voucher.

The Big Read is a an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services and Arts Midwest.


HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12, 2009

Schools McCormick Students of the Month

SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS HURON CITY SCHOOLS Monday March 16 Char-Broiled Hamburger on Bun Crunchy Pickle Slices Seasoned Fries Mandarin Oranges Ice Cold Milk

Choice of Dressings Warm Cherry Crisp Ice Cold Milk

Students at Shawnee Elementary School offered a helping hand to their fellow community members by donating almost 700 needed items to the Huron Helping Hands Food Pantry during a recent week-long food drive.

Thursday March 19 Smoky Barbecued Pork on Bun Sizzling Onion Rings Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip Cookie Fantastic Fruit Ice Cold Milk

Tuesday March 17 Shamrock Shaped Chicken Nuggets Parsley Potatoes Buttered Dinner Roll Lime Jello with Pineapple Ice Cold Milk

Friday March 20 Italian Pizza Dippers Warm Marinara Sauce Seasoned Mixed Vegetables Fresh Apple Slices Ice Cold Milk

Wednesday March 18 Hard Shell Tacos Meat/Cheese/Lettuce Garden Fresh Salad

ST. PETER’S SCHOOL Monday, March 16 French Toast Sausage Potato Peaches Milk

Salsa Pears Milk Thursday March 19 Chicken Fajita Roll Salsa Apples Milk

Tuesday, March 17 Hot Dog On Bun Potato Applesauce Milk

8th grade Sam Bunting (on right) & 7th grade Katy Evers (on left) “Each month, one student will be recognized as our Student of the Month. This award will be based on the following criteria: attendance, attitude, workmanship, growth and improvement, classroom behavior and work completion. One student will be selected from each grade level and will be nominated by their respective grade level teachers. Mr. Carter and the appropriate grade level teachers will select the deserving student.”

This past week at Woodlands Intermediate School with the help of the PTO we ran a food drive. The items collected were donated to the Huron Helping Hands Food Pantry. We collected over 1300 items that were donated to food pantry. What a great service project getting all our staff and students to come together for this worthwhile cause. To add to the excitement, the homeroom that brought in the most items for donation in each grade level won a pizza party. We had boxes and boxes of food items that were donated.


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The winning homerooms were: 3rd grade Mrs. Galloway’s homeroom (85 items), 4th grade Mrs. Pisano’s

Your taxes are done. Were they done right? Your people will make sure. H&R Block Second Look® review. Come in today. If you didn’t use H&R Block, you may not be getting the maximum refund you’re entitled to. Just bring in your 2007 income taxes and we’ll review them for $29. In the past, we found errors in 4 out of 5 of the returns people brought in for a Second Look® review.1 It pays to have people.

For other locations call 1-800-HRBLOCK or visit Location Name 1 block south of Miller

Location Name

Location Name

1 block south of Miller 1 block south of Miller 519 Main St. •Street Huron, Ohio 44839 Address Street Address City, State ZIP City, State ZIP (419)000-000-0000 433-2083 000-000-0000

Street Address City, State ZIP 000-000-0000 Mon.-Fri. 7:00-7:00

Mon.-Fri. 7:00-7:00

Pastor Tom Holzaepfel and members of Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Scheid’s afternoon preschool class with some of the donated items.

Woodlands Food Drive

Friday, March 20 Domino Cheese Pizza Celery Apples Milk

Wednesday March 18 Walking Taco Salad Roll

Shawnee Students Offer a Helping Hand

Mon.-Fri. 7:00-7:00

¹Individual results will vary. Error claims are for calendar year 2007. Fees apply for Second Look reviews and if you have us prepare a corrected or amended return. Excludes tax returns prepared by H&R Block. At participating offices. ©2009 H&R Block Services, Inc.

Live Your Life Today. We’ll Help You Take Care of Tomorrow. Today.

It’s time to enjoy your family. Get together with friends. Plan that special trip. Celebrate a cherished event. At Foster Funeral Home, we can help you with tomorrow by prearranging your final wishes today. We have a special preneed packet that explains prearranging, social security benefits, veterans benefits, wills and trusts. Just give us a call at 419-433-5225 or return the coupon so that we can help you with tomorrow.

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homeroom (120 items), 5th grade Mrs. Harbal’s homeroom (132 items), 6th grade Mrs. Berryhill’s homeroom (92 items). We are also collecting gently used duffle bags and suitcases through the end of March. These items are being donated to the volunteer center of Erie County. Currently children that are being transitioned in and out of foster care and homeless shelters are having to use plastic grocery bags to carry their belongings. So the duffle bags and suitcases will be going to a great cause.

Have Your Pie and Eat it Too Saturday is Pi day, 3/14 and on March 13, the high school will celebrate Pi day (3.14).By definition, Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi is always the same number, no matter which circle you use to compute it and it is a non-terminating and a non-repeating number. Pi is a very old number. We know that the Egyptians and the Babylonians knew about the existence of the constant ratio of Pi, although they didn’t know its value nearly as well as we do today. In honor of Pi day the high school math department hides the symbol for Pi

around the school (180 Pi symbols approximately). If a student finds a Pi symbol they are to report to a math teacher and trade it for a ticket. The students can also earn more tickets if they can recite Pi to twelve digits or more, or wear a Pi T-shirt, or make a poster for Pi, or recite the formula for the circumference & area of a circle or the volume of a cylinder. The tickets will be put in a canister for a drawing at the end of the day. Three pies, chocolate, banana cream, and an apple pie, from Berardi’s will be awarded to the three drawn ticket holders.

Huron Rotary Club Students of the Month Lauren Boyle, daughter of Gary & Alice Boyle, attends Huron High School. Major accomplishments: Student Council, Model United Nations, SADD, Athletic Aide, Buckeye Girls State Delegate. Lauren Boyle Lauren will be attending The Ohio State University to study political science, then to pursue a law degree.

Brianna Gorby, daughter of Christine Shaw & Brian Gorby attends Huron High School. Major accomplishments: Treasurer and active member of SADD, chorale, softball, French Club, athletic aide, teacher’s aide, helps out Brianna Gorby with the pitching clinic for the softball team. Brianna plans to attend BGSU Firelands College to study either nursing or broadcasting.

The Big Read: Erie County Reads Kick-off Event! “read it - watch it - experience it” March 9, 2009-Erie County, OH-The Big Read: Erie County Reads Kick-Off Event will be held this Saturday, March 14, at 1:00 p.m. at the Sandusky Mall (near Borders). Stop by and receive a free copy of “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Mona Rutger of Back to the Wild will be on hand with local wildlife to awe and inspire. Find out what your Erie County libraries have in store for you and your family. The Big Read in Erie County will be held from March 14-April 22, 2009. Last June, Sandusky Library (on behalf of the five libraries in Erie County - Bellevue Public Library, Huron Public Library, Milan-Berlin Township Public Library, Ritter Public Library, and Sandusky Library) received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to host The Big Read in Erie County. Along with special county-wide programs, each library will hold their own programs as well. For a detailed listing, you can visit the Erie County Reads’ website at or The Big Read website at www. In addition to programming funding, the grant includes supplemental educational materials, including Reader’s, Teacher’s, and Audio Guides. All the county high school English teachers have been contacted about The Big Read and are being encouraged to have their students read the book, use the

educational materials, and attend the special programs and events. Local sponsors for The Big Read include: Buckeye Cablesystem, Sandusky/Erie County Community Foundation, Pabodie Design Studios, The Mylander Foundation, The Lange Trust of Sandusky Library, The Sandusky Library & Follett House Museum Foundation, Friends of Ritter Public Library, Friends of the Huron Public Library, Kiwanis Club of Sandusky, Lamar Advertising, the Rotary Club of Bellevue, Sandusky Register, and BAS Broadcasting (MIX 102.7 FM). Find out what happens when all of Erie County reads the same book! Join this special county-wide reading project! The Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to restore reading to the center of American culture. The NEA presents The Big Read in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services and in cooperation with Arts Midwest. Support for The Big Read is provided by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Transportation for The Big Read is provided by Ford. For more information about The Big Read: Erie County Reads To Kill a Mockingbird contact Terri Estel or Lori Esposito at Sandusky Library at 419-625-3834.

Visit us at


HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sports The Tiger’s Basketball Season Concludes Huron loses Heartbreaker to Port Clinton, 50-54 BY CHRIS MISCHLER

Often times, coaches say it is difficult to play the same team three times in one season. The players really get to know one another’s tendencies well. Between Huron and Port Clinton, all three match-ups have been heated, hard fought games. Unfortunately, the Tigers have ended up on the losing end all three times. On this night, it occurred during the first round of sectional play at Norwalk High School. Huron come out of the gate trying to mix up their defenses a bit, while Port Clinton tried to press the Tigers early on. During the first half, the Redskin’s offense seemed to be settling for outside shots and was ice cold. The few Junior Brandon Poorman looks to take times that they were patient enough to the Redskin defender to the hole. PHOTO BY CHRIS MISHLER work it inside, Huron had trouble stopping them. Neither team could really get much going offensively in the first quarter. With :47 seconds left, Tiger senior Collin Scheid hit a field goal to give his team an 8-6 lead. The first half of the second period remained a defensive struggle with the two teams knotted in a 14-14 tie at the 3:45 mark. Thirty seconds later, a player for Port Clinton received a technical foul for what looked like an elbow thrown at Collin Scheid. This had the effect of getting the crowd from both teams into the game. The Tigers then proceeded on a 7 – 2 run led by three pointers from Scheid and junior Zach Grieves. PC rallied to tie the game at 21 a piece with 1:13 left in the first half. Huron came of a time out determined to run the clock down for one last shot. They succeeded when Eric Volz hit

that last shot for the Tigers with just one second left to lift his team to a 23 – 21 halftime lead. During the third quarter, Port Clinton began to find their outside shooting. Hence, they out scored Huron 15 – 10 to take 36 – 33 lead. While the scoring was slight early in the final period, Huron seemed to have built some momentum beginning with a last second Steve Bowers FG that closed the third quarter. At the 6:53 mark, Scheid made a hard drive under the Huron basket and found Grieves flashing to the hole for an exciting bucket. But as quickly as it came for the Tigers, Port Clinton hit two straight three pointers to grab a 42 – 35 lead. Many times during the season, this is where the Tigers might let the game get away. But, tonight, Scheid would rally Huron to just a 43-

Steve Bowers (22) and Zach Grieves (24) team up to stop Port Clinton during the second half of the sectional match up. PHOTO BY CHRIS MISCHLER

Senior Matt Lehrer (20) looks to score in his final basketball game for the Huron Tigers. PHOTO BY CHRIS MISCHLER

42 deficit with 3:57 left in the game. For the remainder of the contest, the Redskins would go up by three or four then, first Volz and then Bowers would hit big three’s to keep the Tigers in the game. Part of Huron’s undoing snuck up on them in the middle of the fourth quarter when they hit the ten foul barrier while PC was no where near that. With 1:16 left, the Tiger’s last gasp came on a wonderful head fake move by Steve Bowers that completely fooled his man to bring Huron within one point for the final time, 50 – 51. Port Clinton would hit a few free throws the rest of the way to close out the game. The Tigers had three teammates with 10 or more points. Scheid led the way with 15 points while Grieves and Bowers had 11 and 10 points respectively.

C.R. Meyer Memorial Scholarship Applications Being Accepted C. R. Meyers was a long-time Ashland County Commissioner who strongly supported the Ohio Association of Litter Prevention and Recycling Professionals (OALPRP). As a token of our appreciation for all his years of service and promotion of this organization, OALPRP is offering a $1,000 scholarship to any individual who will be enrolled or is presently enrolled at an accredited Ohio college, university or technical school with a major relating to environmental sciences and/ or environmental education. As a member in good standing, Erie County Solid Waste Management District is able to offer this scholarship to any student residing in Erie County only. Scholarship forms may be downloaded at or obtained by contacting Tina M. Sevenbergen, Education Specialist, Erie County Solid Waste Management District, by phone 419.433.7303, ext. 249, or through e-mail at Applications must be submitted to Kathleen Rocco, Scholarship Committee Chairman, no later than noon on April 15, 2009. Students are encouraged to submit their application via e-mail at krocco@ Recom-

mendation letters can be scanned and submitted via e-mail as well, or may be directly mailed by author, clearly indicating the student’s name, to OALPRP Scholarship Chairman, c/o Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District, 323 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 400, Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1009, Attn: Kathleen Rocco, with a postmark dated no later than April 15, 2009. Any and all qualified students are encouraged to apply for this scholarship.

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EHOVE Health Careers students recently completed a safety lesson on the dangers of smoking, Students created a rap poem about smoking and health, writing the words on a giant paper cigarette (background) that they installed on their classroom door. The class completes a monthly safety project as part of SkillsUSA, student organization that promotes a total program of activities to prepare students for careers

EHOVE Engineering Team Places 37 of 59 Robot Teams Mavericks will be back in action March 12 - 14 at the Pittsburgh regional. Fans will be able to watch the team live on the internet through a link that will be provided on the team website, MILAN – In the end, the game was more a story about esprit de corps in the heat of battle than engineering acumen. The lessons learned on the playing field were what mattered most to EHOVE instructors as students tested their robot at the annual FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition in Cleveland Feb. 26 – 28. “The team poured their heart and soul into their robot and I’m extremely proud of their efforts,” said instructor Jim McIntyre. McIntyre, along with colleague Steve Spriggs lead the Mavericks team in the third year of competition of the event. EHOVE’s Engineering Tech Prep* team (Tech Prep is a partnership between EHOVE Career Center and BGSU Firelands), the Mavericks 2252, placed 37 out of 59 at the Buckeye Regional contest held at the Wolstein sports arena. The team will have another chance to test their skills March 12 – 14 at the Pittsburgh regional. Fans will be able to watch the team live on the Internet through a link that will be provided on the team website,www. Mentors from Sierra Lobo, Rockwell Automation, Brohl and Appell and NASA At Plumb Brook, turned out to support their team for the “Lunacy” game in which robots picked up game balls and scored them in trailers hitched to their opponents’ robots. Teams received a Kit of Parts made up of motors, batteries, a control system, and a mix of automation components – but no instructions – and had six weeks to built their ‘bot. EHOVE instructors Jim McIntyre and Steve Spriggs oversaw the EHOVE FIRST team, which include: Huron Danbury Bellevue Ian Lyle AJ Monday Brad Feuerstein Anthony Miller Edison Joshua Miller John Reuter Nathan Chambers Alex Prosser Adam Rectanus

Inspection.jpg - Engineering mentors from Sierra Lobo, Rockwell Automation, Brohl and Appell and NASA At Plumb Brook, supported the EHOVE Mavericks team at the Buckeye Regional contest in Cleveland Feb. 26 – 28.

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gardening Plan Now for Huron’s Bicentennial! MARY STRAYER, MASTER GARDENER

You are probably aware that Huron is celebrating it bicentennial this year, and that many activities are being planned. One thing that everyone can do to help is to plan to plant redwhite-and blue flowers in their yards and gardens this year. With the whole community cooperating, the entire city will be gorgeous. To make your focal point out of your patriotic floral statement, pick a particularly visible spot in the garden, such as the area around your mailbox, or in front/side of your home. It could be on the balcony, the deck that faces the street as well. Once you decide where you would like to put your colorful garden, use flower pots to mark the edges, and place an old sheet folded to the size of the plot in the area. Then take a walk around, and notice the angles that the public will be viewing your garden. Does it need to be moved to a better location? Is it going to be hidden by a shrub or wall/fence? Adjust the area to be planted

for optimum viewing, and then pick your design. Orderly bands of red/white/blue on each side of your front steps are easy to do, as are circles and big blocks on color. If you are planting in beds, make informal drifts or sweeps of the three colors to be effective. You could even mix 2 colors in the bed, and edge it with the third. Red white and blue flowers are easily found, and nearby greenhouses and nurseries will have an extra large stock of these colors for you this year. It’s a time of real celebration, and everyone is proud to be a part of it. You need to decide if you want all annuals which will die out this fall with the first frost, or do you want this bed, or at least part of the planting to return next year. If you want a return you will need to mix in perennials into the bed as well. Please also remember that we are dealing with 3 seasons of color, but at this point we only need to think seriously about the summer and fall beds. A few well chosen boxes of blue pansies, mixed with red and white sweet

Williams will hold until the summer season flowers should take over. For summer, try planting red penstemon, white candytufts, and blue coneflowers, or how about trying red Monarda, white snapdragons, and blue veronica. There are r/w/b petunias, salvia and Scabiosa which are annuals. Perennials are lupine, poppy, phlox and veronica. We are all accustomed to geraniums in red and white, then mix in blue cornflowers, larkspur and lobelia. The list of the plants goes on and on, and the nearby merchandisers are very willing to work closely with you on choices. Most of all, let’s all make the most of the coming bicentennial, make our community beautiful, and be proud to be a Huronite. Happy Gardening! Gardening questions: email Mary at, and I will try to get back to you ASAP. Thanks.

Great Lakes Home & Flower Show “A Cure for Cabin Fever” The 3rd annual Vacationland Federal Credit Union Great Lakes Home & Flower Show ushers in spring at Kalahari Resort and Convention Center March 13th, 14th and 15th. “This show has an excitement like no other home show anywhere,” states event promoter Dominic Baragona. “The combination of the incredible decor at Kalahari and the beautiful displays our exhibitors and landscapers create make for the most beautiful home show imaginable. Few home shows are done in such an elegant surrounding of carpeting, chandeliers and decor.

It’s why the show attracts over fifteen thousand people annually”, added Baragona. “It’s not like any other show. Its beautiful, exciting, yet laid back. There are beautiful flowers everywhere throughout the show in landscaping displays and for sale by your vendors.” The landscaping displays are second to none in any show and this year our award winning landscapers are promising to create their most beautiful works of art ever. The Vacationland Federal Credit Union Home & Flower Show also features fun and informative cooking demonstra-

tions by the great chefs of the North Coast, including Jay from The Garden. And yes free sampling follows every demonstration. And of course the show is packed full of great displays of everything new and wonderful for your home and garden. Admission to the show is $6, but free tickets are available at Kroger stores and Home Depot. Hours are Friday and Saturday, 10til9andSunday10til6pm. A special flower sale is scheduled for Sunday at 4pm. For info log on to

What’s Cooking? Asian Shrimp Pilaf


Prep Time: 15 min Serves: 6 servings

Pictured are the Huron Practical Gardeners, who meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Their meetings take place at member’s homes or with a field trip to various garden-instructive places. This picture was taken at their January 2009 meeting where they appointed their new officers. The Practical Gardeners were founded in 1941; they are also responsible for two flower beds at the Boat Basin. Anyone interested in gardening and joining this fun group of gardeners, give Joanie Walker, 433-7628 a call. Front row l to r: Finola Fitsgibbon; Larraine Diffenbacher, Vice President; Casey Wittmer; Joyce Mueller. Back row: Joanie Walker, President; and Janis Brewer. Louise Murray, incoming Secretary-Treasurer was absent.

A new recipe from diane magazine Ingredients • 6 oz. Uncle Ben’s Original Rice Pilaf-Dry • 2 tsp. Sesame Oil • 1 tsp. Low Sodium Soy Sauce

• 1 tsp. Clover Honey • 1/2 tsp. Minced Garlic • 1/2 cup Chopped Carrots • 1/2 cup Red Bell PeppersChopped • 1/4 cup Scallion Onions Bulbs & Tops-Chopped • 1/4 cup Unsalted Dry Roasted Peanuts • 1 lb. Large Shrimps Instructions To prepare, chop the peanuts, peel and de-vein the shrimp. 1. Prepare rice per package directions, omitting the butter or oil. Bring a large pot of water to a boil for shrimp. 2. In a small bowl, combine sesame oil, soy sauce, honey,

and garlic. Put carrots, bell pepper, scallions, and peanuts in a medium bowl. When rice is cooked, stir it into vegetables, and add soy sauce mixture. 3. Meanwhile, drop shrimp in the boiling water and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until it is pink and opaque. Drain well and add to the rice mixture. Serve.

Nation’s Leading Cruise Retailer Unveils Innovative Insurance Local CruiseOne Franchise Owner Joy Hillman Now Offering Unique “CruiseAssurance” Policy at No Additional Charge on Bookings March 1-May 2 Huron, Ohio – 02/27/2009 – Consumers nationwide might be concerned about losing their jobs, but Erie County residents no longer need to worry about a pink slip ruining their vacation plans. CruiseOne, the nation’s largest cruise retail agency, today announced the first-ever comprehensive job loss travel insurance policy covering travel on all cruise lines. The new “CruiseAssurance” initiative is an exclusive benefit to consumers booking through Joy Hillman & As-

sociates is even if they have to cancel their trip at the last minute because of an unexpected layoff. The best part? CruiseOne is picking up the tab for “CruiseAssurance” for consumers purchasing their basic travel insurance. Combined with lower-than-ever prices, cruising is now the most affordable and worry-free vacation option. “In today’s environment, it is crucial for businesses to step up to the plate showing we understand consumer challenges, and a handful of companies have recently done this with their versions of job loss protection,” said Dwain Wall, General Manager of CruiseOne’s corporate headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. “Our ‘CruiseAssurance’ policy takes the concept of job loss insurance to a new level, easing the concerns of consumers

at no charge and on any cruise line of their choice.” Under the “CruiseAssurance” policy, area residents booking a cruise with Joy Hillman can cancel their trip up to the day of departure, or even during the vacation. The only requirements are that travelers purchase an entry-level travel insurance plan – administered by Travel Guard – and present their termination letter. One year of employment is required. “CruiseAssurance” applies to bookings made March 1 through May 2, 2009 and is offered in addition to an already comprehensive travel protection policy.* * Underwritten by the National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA., currently authorized to transact business in all states and the District of Columbia. NAIC No. 19445.

Looking Back Through the Pages of the Reporter What I Remember by Vera Mae McComb was taken from the June 27, 1984, Quesquicentennial edition of The Reporter. A long time resident of Huron, Vera was a Huron math teacher for seventeen years. She was a trail blazer in many areas and involved in numerous civic projects. She was the first woman elder of the First Presbyterian Church and served as the first woman mayor of Huron for eight years. The parade in 1940 sponsored by the Child Study Club, most of whom had babies born that year. Each baby carriage had a sign urging passage of the bond issue which was to build a new school. Later seeing a picture of that school (McCormick) at a school

board convention in Atlantic City-citing it as an excellent example of a modern, fireproof, well designed building. Seeing that building house grades 1-12 and nine years later seeing two classes in the gym and one in the locker room. Then the annex, then Shawnee and on and on. The grocery and meat market operated by my father and uncle. The Saturday nights when farms brought their butter and eggs to barter for staples. The smoke house behind the store where they smoked hams and sausage. This in the middle of Main Street. {Smith”s Grocery Store and Harts Meat Market were long time Main Street businesses.) Kiddie Land and Jungle Larry on the spot where Colonial Colony apartments now stand.

Riding the Lake Shore Electric into Cleveland to Public Square in 45 minutes. The lovely woods and wild flowers where Colonial Colony and Village Green are now located. Seeing many of my junior high students become respected professionals in the community. These are but a few things I remember as I have watched our community grow. I am proud to have been a small part of it.

What Income is Taxable? FROM DEE HARTLEY, SENIOR TAX ADVISOR AT H & R BLOCK We often hear “I did some work for so and so but it was less than $600 so I don’t need to put it on my tax return.” This is so wrong. If you worked and got paid for it, it is taxable income to you. You need to talk to a tax professional. IRS does like to tax your income no matter where you got it. Here are some brief comments on income

Rehabilitation: Get back on Track ... with your life! O n e of th e fa s tes t-gr ow in g a n d m os t im p or ta n t p r ogr a m s w e n ow offer a tTh e C om m u n ity a t P a r k v u e is ou r F a s t Tr a ck R eh a b p r ogr a m .F a s tTr a ck R eh a b is a h igh lyfocu s ed a p p r oa ch to r ed u cin g p a in , b u ild in g s tr en gth a n d flexib ility, a n d h elp in g you get on w ith you r life a s s oon a s p os s ib le.F a s tTr a ck R eh a b is d iffer en t fr om m a n y oth er p r ogr a m s – fea tu r in g clea n , com for ta b le r oom s , excep tion a l m ea ls , p h on e, ca b le, fla t-s cr een TV , a n d oth er a m en ities – a n d p er s on a lized ca r e w h ich m a k es a h u ge d iffer en ce to you r r ecov er y.


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from IRS. While most income you receive is generally considered taxable, there are some situations when certain types of income are partially taxed or not taxed at all. Some common examples of items that are not included in your income are: • Adoption Expense Reimbursements for qualifying expenses • Child support payments • Gifts, bequests and inheritances • Workers’ compensation benefits • Meals and Lodging for the convenience of your employer • Compensatory Damages awarded for physical injury or physical sickness • Welfare Benefits • Cash Rebates from a dealer or manufacturer • Economic Stimulus Payment received in 2008 Some income may be taxable under certain circumstance, but not taxable in other situations. Examples of items that may or may not be included in your income are: Life Insurance. If you surrender a life insurance policy for cash, you must include in income any proceeds that are more than the cost of the life insurance policy. Life insurance proceeds paid to you because of the death of the insured person are not taxable unless the policy was turned over to you for a price. Scholarship or Fellowship Grant. If you are a candidate for a degree, you can exclude amounts you receive as a qualified scholarship or fellowship. Amounts used for room and board do not qualify. All other items—including income such as wages, salaries and tips— must be included in your income,unless it is specifically excluded by law. Taxable income may be in a form other than cash. One example of this is bartering, which is an exchange of property or services. The fair market value of goods and services exchanged is fully taxable and must be included as income on Form 1040 of both parties. These examples are not all-inclusive. For more information, visit the IRS Web site at to view or download Publication 525, Taxable and Nontaxable Income from the Forms and Publications section or call 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676).


HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12, 2009



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Huron Community News Weekly

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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, March 12 , 2009

Huron Hometown News Pizza Challenge

819 Main St. • Huron, OH 44839

(419) 433-4463

Vote for your local favorites

Tue.-Sat. 4pm • Sun. 3pm • Mon. Closed

Best Crust_________________________ Best Sauce________________________ Best Specialty Pizza________________ Best Presentation__________________ Family Favorite_____________________


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Expires 3/31/09

Send or bring your ballot to: Huron Hometown News 304 Williams St., Huron, OH 44839 or Fax to: 419-433-4487





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Expires 3/31/09

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Valid with coupon at Huron Store Only!




Valid with coupon at Huron Store Only!


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Rye Beach Pizza & Deli • 419-433-9848

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Must present coupon. One coupon per order. Not valid with other offers. Expires 3/12/09.

Rye Beach Pizza & Deli • 419-433-9848

Rye Beach Pizza & Deli • 419-433-9848

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Must present coupon. One coupon per order. Not valid with other offers. Expires 3/12/09.

Rye Beach Pizza & Deli • 419-433-9848

Rye Beach Pizza & Deli • 419-433-9848

2 16” Large 1-Item Pizzas



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Must present coupon. One coupon per order. Not valid with other offers. Expires 3/12/09.

Must present coupon. One coupon per order. Not valid with other offers. Expires 3/12/09.

Rye Beach Pizza & Deli • 419-433-9848

Rye Beach Pizza & Deli • 419-433-9848

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Must present coupon. One coupon per order. Not valid with other offers. Expires 3/12/09.

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