Huron Hometown News - August 13, 2009

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Last Garage Sale of the Season! Fabens Park – Saturday September 5 (9am-1:00pm) This Labor Day weekend sale was a great success last year with over 60 spaces of great shopping! Pre-Registration is required to participate. Spaces for this sale are in the grassy area near the concession stand at Fabens Park. No Food or Drink sales allowed. Spaces are approximately 9 x 19. $10 per space. Use the general program registration form on our website or stop by our office to register. th

Next Week: Fall Sports Bus Schedules Preview Supply Lists Aug. 27 Lunch Menus






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August 13, 2009


Vol. 4 Number 49

Huron receives new fire truck

The Huron Fire Division has recently taken delivery of a 2009 Seagrave fire engine. This fire engine replaces the retired 1977 Ford fire engine that was taken out of service several years ago due to mechanical failure and safety concerns. In time of need, the Huron Township Trustees purchased this new apparatus and complimented it with necessary rescue

and fire suppression equipment. During the period in which we were without a second engine; our tactics changed, scenario based planning was on-going, and when needed our neighboring fire departments supported us with mutual aid. Our new fire engine will provide initial response to fire calls, motor vehicle crashes, haz-

ardous materials incidents, and rescue related incidents. Over the next few weeks, you will see members of your fire department putting many training hours into learning the intricacies of this new apparatus. Thank you for your continued support as we continue to protect the quality of life in our community.

Teams compete in Huron’s own Amazing Race Around Town Page 2­­ ­­—————— Church Chat Page 3 ­­——————

Ten teams took to the streets of Huron Saturday with a packet of clues for the Amazing Race Scavenger Hunt. Winners of the 3- to 5-mile scramble were the Athena team: Amie Swope and Patricia Graves. The race started at 9 and they returned at 10:46 and earned 62 out of 64 possible points. Second place winners were a brother and sister team, Julie Spitzley and Tim Dreffer. Third place winners were the E Squared team, Elaine McNulty and Elaine Tomczyk with 61 points. The race was scored by the most correct answers first and then the lowest time in. “We had a great time. It was a challenge mentally and physically but still a lot of fun. I hope they have it again next year because I’ll be back,” said participant Elaine McNulty.

the stadium. Not being Huron natives, the toughest part for us was learning and singing the Huron fight song. My sister and I had lots of fun running the race and solving the puzzles. We would do it again,” said Swope. The race committee would like to thank Huron Cement, Sue Cloak (Wileswood Store), Mike and Dee Heydinger, United Methodist Church, the Huron Public Library, Adam Ladd, Carrie Bingham, Linda Hebert and the Huron Chamber for their help. Any proceeds from this event will go toward funding activities of the Bicentennial Committee. The committee is sponsoring multiple activities around the community this summer to enhance and preserve the community history, tree planting and beautification projects and other events for fun that bring community together.

Entertainment 2nd place Tim Dreffer and Julie Spitzley

Page 4 ­­—————— Misc. Page 5 ­­——————

Clues took participants on foot within a boundary formed by the Huron Lighthouse Pier, the railroad tracks, Huron High School, and the Huron River Bridge. “I had a great time in the race, and as a relatively new resident, it was the perfect way to get acquainted with Huron — it’s deep history, it’s unique landmarks and its friendly people,”
said Jack Lenczyk. “Our favorite part about the race was interacting with people along the race course. We coerced a congenial firefighter into taking our picture in front of the fire station, an amiable gentleman let us pump gas into his Cadillac and a nice lady walking her dog Winners Amie Swope and Patricia helped us line up a picture with the tiger at Abby McConnell and Scot Pirrwitz (touching the tiger from a distance) Graves

Parks & Rec Page 6 ­­—————— Classifieds & Recipe Page 7 Carol's

Wine of the Week Biltmore Estates Century $12.99

Sharon Barnes, (l.) chairman of the Bicentennial Committee, and Mayor Marilyn Shearer, cut the gaily decorated cake, complete with photos of Huron’s many activities throughout the year. Compare Cornell's ad to the rest. More choices, better value! Support your local community



These hearty Huron residents braved 90 degree temperatures on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 9, to pose for a community picture as part of Huron’s Bicentennial Celebration. Afternoon activities included a children’s carnival, and cupcakes for everyone.







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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 13, 2009

Around Town


Lower Costs & Letter to the Editor Exceptional Quality It’s Your Choice!

Dear Editor, I’ve lived in Huron for 20 years and have considered it a blessing to have one of the Great Lakes and charming Lakefront Park within a short walking distance from my house in a great historic neighborhood. But every summer I find that I start avoiding the park about mid-summer because of the trash and most notably the cigarette butts that have accumulated around the benches and picnic tables...(and for that matter, the beach, the Boat Basin, sidewalks, parking lots...) On a lovely, cool day, I’ll “forget myself ” and • Convenient Hours No Wait wander down to the park only to become frustrated, again, that I can’t find a bench to sit on without my feet resting • Individualized Service by on what some smokers assume is their personal ashtray.. Chris Pleasnick, DPT, OCS, COMT At that point I usually vow to write a letter to the paper... mostly to vent and plead with “litterers” to be considerate. • Costs up to 60% less than our Littering is low-class, selfish, and the epitome of laziness! Our family decided to go to the park last night with trash Norwalk competition DR. CHRIS PLEASNICK bags and gloves and clean up. We had an ulterior motive... Physical Therapist • Wide range of therapy services that it would fulfill a Boy Scout family project requireNorwalk Manager ment for my son. I don’t know how often the city cleans the park grounds and beach; I know volunteer groups Norwalk Office have cleaned on occasion. That’s great. Unfortunately, it 1 E. Willard, Behind Pizza Hut 419-660-0876 doesn’t take long for thoughtless individuals to undo others’ good efforts. Therefore, the only truly effective solution would be for individuals who might otherwise be tempted to make their trash “somebody else’s problem” to take a few extra steps to dispose of it properly... even if that means taking it home. Not too difficult to make a big difference in our environment. “Locals” can only benefit from taking pride in their community by keeping its public places clean and desirable; I would ask “out-of-towners” to respect the “welcome” Huron extends to them to enjoy our lakefront by doing the same. Sincerely, Take the H&R Block Income Tax Course and earn extra income preparing Becky Koenig

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Open Letter to my Representative, Marcy Kaptur I’ve only lived in your district for the last couple of years so I wanted to find out how well you represented me so I have some questions for you? On Socialized Medicine: If Medicare and Medicaid are broken, why don’t you fix them first? Have you gotten the opinion of doctors in your district about this healthcare plan? Would you vote to enforce proof of residency to provide healthcare insurance to immigrants? Would you vote to for Congress to be on the same plan? Who is going to pay for this trillion dollar mandate? How can I trust you to represent my healthcare issues when you: In 1999 you voted no on establishing tax exempt medical spending accounts? In 2000 you voted no on subsidizing private insurance for Medicare Rx coverage? In 2003 you voted no on capping damages & setting time limits in medical lawsuits? In 2003 you voted no on small business associations for buying health insurance? In 2003 you voted no on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients? In 2004 you voted no on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment? Why am I in fear of losing my healthcare insurance because of the mandates placed on small business? In 2003 you were rated 21% by National Taxpayer’s Union, indicating a “Big Spender” on tax votes. Did you read the stimulus bill before you voted for it spending almost $1 trillion of my tax money? How many jobs do you feel you have saved/created in Erie County? Over 96% of the time you voted straight party lines which makes me believe you don’t think for yourself. I don’t think you represent me or the people that I have met in this District. I believe the people here are paying close attention to your voting record on healthcare, the economy and cap and trade. If you don’t represent us now, we will have a chance next year to elect someone who will. Alice Martin Huron, OH

Little Gallery season opens The Little Gallery at BGSU Firelands opens its 2009-2010 season with an exhibition of paintings by Cleveland artist John Nativio. Nativio’s work will be on view Aug. 17 - Sept. 22. Nativio’s show is the first of five exhibitions in The Little Gallery. They include ceramo masses by Michael Angelotti (Oct.


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12 – Nov. 10), monoprints by Michael Beuglass (Jan. 11 – Feb. 9), etchings by Christina Bartsch (Feb. 22 – March 26) and the annual Student Exhibition (April 5 – April 23). The Little Gallery is open Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit for more information about the 2009-2010 season.



Huron Hometown News® SM TM 1992 P.O. Box 330 • Huron, Ohio 44839 Phone 419-433-1401 • Fax 419-734-5382 Published every Thursday

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Letters to the Editor, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Huron Hometown News are welcome. Please note: All letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Huron Hometown News, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage.

The Huron Hometown News is owned and operated by Huron Press, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Huron Hometown News and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Class liners and Retail ads closing @ Monday by 4:00 PM.

We want your pictures and stories. Drop them in the Huron Hometown News mailbox at the Huron Chamber of Commerce.

Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 13, 2009

On Sundays: 8:00 a.m.—Praise Service in Fellowship Hall with Summer Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Celebration Christ Episcopal Church service in Sanctuary Children’s programs are 120 Ohio St., Huron available for ages pre-school 419-433-4701 Sunday—9 a.m. and Adult through 4th grade Refreshments and NursSunday School 10:30 a.m. www.christchurchhuron. ery are available all Sunday morning com Lifepoint First Presbyterian Church 539 Cleveland Rd. W., Huron 225 Williams St., Huron 419-433-4156 419-433-5018 Sunday—10 a.m., and Summer Hours nursery available. 8:00 Early Service Sunday school—10 a.m. 9:30 Worship No Sunday for K-6th grade. School “Grounded” youth group Grace Orthodox Presby- for grades 6-12—Sundays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. terian Church 3-5 grade Boys Youth Kalahari Resort, Nia ConGroup—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. vention Center 3-5 grade Girls Youth Rt. 250, Huron Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. 419-271-3934. “The Biggest Loser” camgraceopchurch@gmail. paign drive focuses on com weight loss, new visitors Worship—Sunday 10:30 a.m. and faithfulness in attenBible Study—Thursday, dance. Call Pastor Brenton 6:30 p.m. at Sheri’s Coffee for more information. House in Norwalk Lighthouse Assembly of Holy Trinity Anglican God Church 820 Cleveland Rd. E., Huron Church 419-433-8889 1608 St. Rt. 113, Milan 419-499-3683 Sunday service—10:30 a.m. Rev. Dr. John C. Jordan Sunday school—9:30 a.m. Worship and Holy ComAdult Bible Study--6 p.m. munion—Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Youth Group—6 p.m. Huron United Methodist Sunday. Church Food Pantry—9 a.m.-3 338 Williams St., Huron p.m. Wednesdays; 10 a.m.-2 419-433-3984 p.m. Thursdays.

St. Matthew’s Bible School St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 15617 Mason Road, Vermilion, invites you to join your friends at Serengeti Trek Vacation Bible School, August 18, 19, & 20; 5:45-8:00. Light supper served from 5:45-6:00. All ages welcome. For more information call 440-967-9886 (church) or 419-4334785 (Lynne).

8th generation to receive the sacrament of baptism Sunday, August 16th, 2009 is a Sunday that we will, in all likelihood, not experience again here at First Presbyterian Church. This Sunday, Victor Seidel and Sandra Shefelbine will present their second child and the 8th generation of the Halladay-Anderson family to receive the sacrament of baptism in our sanctuary. 8 generations! Such as event seldom happens, and while it may not make the national or local news, it is most newsworthy for Presbyterians of this church! Victor writes: Our family’s history with First Presbyterian Church of Huron extends along eight generations. Eli Halladay, my fourth-great-grandfather, and his wife, Phoebe Carpenter, moved from southern Vermont to a farm off of what is now the Huron Avery Road in 1834. Soon thereafter, at the preliminary meeting of Huron’s new Presbyterian society, Eli Halladay was a founding member of the new church, and markers at Scott Cemetery list his affiliation as a deacon and note his earlier service in the Revolutionary War. Previously also a member of the Vermont legislature, he surely believed in building new institutions for the common good. Since its founding, our family has been integrated with First Presbyterian in many ways. We have marked numerous marriages and baptisms over the eight generations, and we have a lasting physical presence in the nave, through the stained glass windows bearing names of family members Jane Carpenter and James Anderson. Members of the “Anderson Clan” will offer their gifts in music as they play and sing “On Eagle’s Wings.

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Salvation Army Service Sundays 7-9:00 p.m. Unit—10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Latitude group ages 18Thursdays, by appointment 29—Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. only. The Church of Jesus St. Matthew Evangelical Christ of Latter Day Saints Lutheran Church 4511 Galloway Rd., Huron 15617 Mason Rd., Vermilion 419-626-9860 Rev. Dr. Karl Fry, Pastor Bishop: Bill Reel 440-967-9886 Sacrament service—9:30 www.lutheransonline. a.m. Sundays com/stmattvermlcms Family History Center Sunday School/ Bible Wed. 10 am-2pm, Thur. Study 9:30 9am-9pm Ladies Bible Fellowship 9:15 1st & 3rd Sat. 9am-5pm Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Zion Lutheran Church St. Peter’s Catholic Church 930 Main St., Huron 430 Main St., Huron; 419-433-4711 419-433-5725. www.zionhuron,org Saturday—5 p.m. Summer is coming to Zion, Sunday—8 a.m. and 10:30 the Church on the Hill. a.m. The worship schedule is changing for the summer at The Chapel Zion Lutheran Church, 930 4444 Galloway Rd., San- S. Main St., Huron. From dusky May 31st thru September 419-627-0208 6th worship will be at 9:30 a.m. This service is a family Saturday service--5:00 p.m. – friendly blended service Sunday service—9:00 and of contemporary and tradi11:00 a.m. tional worship. Casual dress Jr. High Youth Group— is encouraged. Children beSundays 5-6:30 p.m. gin worship with their parSr. High Youth Group— ents and then are invited to

join in the Summer Sunday Fundays of lively music, engaging lessons, fun games and clever crafts designed just for them.

Laguna Dr. which can be reached by following Rt. 13 to Riverside Dr. (just before Thunderbird Golf Course) and following the signs to the marina. Shorts and sandals are the expected attired Summer Sunday Worship for this relaxed, friendly serService at Huron Lagoons vice sponsored by Zion LuMarina theran Church. Beginning May 24th (Memorial Day weekend) Keep us up to date on your through September 6th (La- church services and hapbor Day weekend) you are penings. We may not know invited to join 8:00 a.m. about your events unless services led by Pastor Ray you tell us! Serocka. Send your church service Worship services are held updates, news, events and at the Huron Lagoons Mari- happenings to Connie@huna Pool Complex at the en- trance to the marina at 100

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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 13, 2009

Entertainment Fall is for Planting

Julie Barnes Foster

by the National Forest Service, i-Tree, provides an easy method to collect and analyze Fall is for Planting and a great time to information on any community urban forconsider planting trees! Trees definitely est regardless of size. It places a dollar value on benefits related to energy conservation, make a world of difference. All the trees in our parks, along our streets air quality improvement, carbon dioxide and in our yards make up our urban for- reduction, storm water control, carbon seest. These trees provide many advantages questration, and property value increases. to you individually as well as the entire eco- A recent i-Tree analysis of Minneapolis system we live within. A new tool developed found that the municipal street tree resource provides a net total value to the community of about $15.7 million, or $79 at Sawmill Creek Resort per tree, per year, or $1.59 Huron, Ohio in benefits for every $1.00 Casual Dinner Menu spent in tree care. 5:30 - 9:30pm According to americanAll Entertainment, real reasons we should plant trees include: 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM Trees save energy and money. Just three trees strategically planted around your home can cut your air conditioning bill in half. Trees through their shade and transpiration provide low tech cooling that means less need to build additional power plants. They can provide a natural shield against

Live entertainment

Sat. Aug. 1 - DuPree 80's & 90's Dance Rock Fri. Aug. 8 - The Late Show Classic Dance Rock Sat. Aug. 15 - FastTrack R&R from 70's to Today Sat. Aug. 22 - Larry Kane Rock & Rhythm Sat. Aug. 29 - Crusin' Rock, Pop & Rhythm Casual Bar Menu • Drinks • Dancing!

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wind and snow. Trees and shrubs increase property values of residential and commercial property if properly selected, placed and maintained. Trees save tax dollars. Trees slow stormwater runoff and reduce the need for storm sewers. Tree shade also helps cool municipal buildings, lowering electricity bills. Living snowfences, strategically placed, hold snow away effectively reducing road maintenance costs. Trees clean our water and air. From low level ozone to pesticide and fertilizer runoff trees absorb harmful pollutants. Forested areas act as natural reservoirs and protect watersheds, providing cleaner water for cities, bays and rivers. Trees protect soil. By holding soil in place with their root systems, by deflecting pounding rain with their canopies, and by adding nutrients each fall with their leaves, trees are crucial to keeping and improving our soil. Trees provide habitat for insect and animal species of many kinds -- including endangered species, as well as giving people a multitude of recreational opportunities. Trees can pay your “carbon debt” Planting 30 shade trees will absorb the amount of carbon dioxide that is generated in

the production of energy for the average American lifestyle each year. Every acre of forest will sequester about 2.5 tons of carbon annually. For every ton of new wood produced about 1.5 tons of CO2 are removed and 1.07 tons of life-giving oxygen are produced. Trees are a beautiful part of our lives. Trees enrich our lives by simply being there. They can screen unsightly views, soften harsh outlines of buildings. From striking individual trees of historic significance or are simply large and majestic, to a grove of trees in a city park, trees enrich our lives by simply being there. Trees are not just a key to the natural ecosystem -- trees are an essential part of community life. In addition properly managed forests provide a sustainable supply of lumber, fuelwood, provide nut meats, fruit, berries, and maple syrup. Look at it this way… In a 50 year lifespan, one tree will generate $30,000 in oxygen, recycle $35,000 worth of water and clean up $60,000 worth of air pollution. That totals $125,000 total per tree without including any other values! That’s why we should plant trees. And think locally grown trees!

Planning for Your Fall Garden Mary Strayer, Master Gardener I know that it is still August, but gardeners are now thinking of fall gardens. Also, many people think that the easiest way to design a fall garden is in the spring, when a lot of people buy plants and set up their garden. For me, I would advise you to go out to your garden, take a look around, and notice where you need color. Maybe you could use more color in a mixed perennial bed where most of the flowers are now showing their age, and loosing color, or perhaps in front of your home. Once you have an idea in mind, now is the time to start to plan to change your gardens appearance. The following are ideas to help bring color to your fall landscape. First of all consider planting rugosa roses, or old roses. They have huge plump orange/red rose hips, and yellow foliage. My rugosa rose bush blooms until frost time as well. You might also choose to plant the American beautyberry (Callicarpa Americana). It’s a large coarse shrub, which has lots of violet fruits on it during fall. How about planting chrysanthemums now? They are available in most general merchandise stores, and nurseries. Be sure to ask if the mums are the type that will winter over, and bloom again next year. Sometimes the least expensive pots of mums are not the best buy if you want to have the same flowers next fall. Check the labels, or ask the salespersons if they are forced mums or are perennial. Mums come is a variety of flowers, almost all colors except blue. There are large football mums and every size in between down to the tiny 1” flowered versions. In the back flowerbed, I have several arbors. One of them has a hardy Kiwi vine

(Actinidia arguta), which has grown and twined 10 feet tall, and turns a lovely yellow in the fall. Last t year we are had a peck basket of 1 ½” long eatable fruit from this vine. On the other arbor, we have American Bittersweet, with its orange berries, which hold well in arrangements in the home when picked. The following is a list of plants that are great for fall color: Spirea, Japanese barberry, ‘Autumn Joy Sedum’, garden sage, red chokeberry, holly, asters, and burning bush. One of my favorites is the blue salvia’s called “Pitcher’s Salvia”. It has the most sky blue flower I have ever seen, and when it blooms, it means frost is very close. There are many more, just talk to your nearest garden center. Hosta leaves turn a wonderful yellow color in the fall, and now sun-loving Hosta have been developed. They would be lovely year round. Remember to plant various grasses around your home as well. They have lovely motion in the winter when the winds blow, and really do make your garden more interesting to look at during the cold months. Remember to cut the grasses back, however, come March. Perhaps, I have saved the best to last. One year, while driving around in fall, I spotted a landscape dotted with 5-7’ tall red/deep magenta colored plants. After stopping and asking the gardener what in the world they were, he explained that the plant was called Amaranth. It is an annual, but reseeds each year, so you are never without the plant once you start it. He graciously told me when to come back with a brown paper bag, and collect one of the seed heads. That was 10 years ago, and I still have the plant growing well, and have much seed to share. Happy Gardening.

New board members elected at The Firelands Symphony Orchestra Four area residents will put their love of music to work on behalf of the community as they join the board of the Firelands Symphony Orchestra. Dr. Lata Stefano, Dr. Bing Yoo, Jim Stouffer and Ann McGookey were appointed to the board in July. Three orchestra officers renewed their terms on the board: Vice President Donna Allen, Treasurer Tom Gottlieb and Secre-

tary Diane McNutt. This brings the total number of board members to 20. Dr. Stefano is a general dentist in private practice in Sandusky. Dr. Yoo is president and an attending physician at Erie Neurosurgery and Associates, Inc. Stouffer is chairman and CEO of Catawba Island Club in Port Clinton. McGookey is an independent interior space arranger.

Join Us for Door Prizes, Food, Drinks & Great Entertainment Also Great Deals on Machines, Parts, and Accessories Saturday Aug. 15th 2009 11am - 4pm J-JSales Huron 1001 Sprowl Rd. Huron, OH 44839

Great Deals on Machines, Parts, and Accessories

Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 13, 2009

Habitat Celebrates 90th birthday of volunteer

Rose Halsey Volunteer for Firelands Habitat for Humanity The Women Build Committee of Firelands Habitat for Humanity is hosting a Chicken Barbeque Celebration/ Fundraiser on August 23, 2009 from 11:30am to 2:00pm at the OVH Pavilion. The event is to celebrate the 90th birthday of Bob Hemminger of Huron. Bob was part of the grass roots effort to bring a local Habitat affiliate to this area and has faithfully worked on every construction project since! He has served as our second President, a member of the Board and the Construction Committee, and is currently an honorary Board member and active volunteer! The property which houses Habitat’s workshop on Fox Rd. in Huron was donated by Bob and his late wife Melba and is named after them. Bob grew up in this area and has been a lifelong farmer. At one time, he was known as the “tomato king.” He married Melba

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Mehling on May 2, 1946. They were married for 61 years before her passing in 2007. Together they had eight children: James Hemminger, Jean Frueh, Kathleen (Tom) Dence, Lois (Michael) Rubino, Don (Melinda) Hemminger, Elaine (Mike) McNulty, Gary Hemminger, and Karen (Mark) Langan. In addition to his Habitat construction, Bob has been a faithful participant of National Farmers of America, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Peter’s Church in Huron, and the Wednesday morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast group. Bob was also a recipient of a 2007 Register Award presented by the editorial board of the Sandusky Register to recognize people who have made an outstanding contribution to our community. If you know Bob and would like to celebrate with him, please call the Habitat office at 419-433-2609. Tickets to the event are pre-sale only. If you are unable to attend, cards and greetings can be sent to the Habitat office at PO Box 308, Huron, OH 44839 or online at

Local residents complete radiologic technology program at BGSU Firelands

Sixteen local residents will participate in a special pinning ceremony at BGSU Firelands in conjunction with their recent graduation with associate of applied science degrees in radiologic technology. The ceremony will be held Sunday (Aug. 9) at 1 p.m. in the Cedar Point Center at BGSU Firelands. Dr. William K. Balzer, dean; Dr. Cynthia L. Miglietti, chair of Applied Sciences; Sylvia E. Hermo-Fedro, program director and Valerie Glowacki, clinical coordinator, will present a special welcome to the graduates. The graduates are: Sarah Anderson, New London; Bryan Bauer, Berlin Heights; Stephanie Bundren, Norwalk; Jennifer Cantiberry, Sandusky; Alicia Capraro, Norwalk; Heather Christman, Bellevue; Tricia Dietzel, Bellevue; Christy Edwards, Sandusky; Lisa Freeman, Bellevue; Kara Griffith, Fremont; Samantha Kaufmann, Bellevue; Sarah Lawrence, Sandusky; Yukari Moore, Sandusky; Olivia Ryan, Monroeville; Josiah Sanchez, Huron; Sarah Trautman, Sandusky.

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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 13, 2009

Parks & Rec 29- October 11th! All games are played at Fabens Park. Team & Individual registrations accepted. Teams that register pay the Team Rate, and supply all their own equipment/shirts/hats. Individuals who register, pay the Individual Rate, and are asking Huron Parks & Recreation to Mailing address: P.O. Box 468, Huron OH find placement for them on a team. Please note, that we Office location: 110 Wall Street will call teams to inquire if they are in need of players first, Phone: 419-433-8487 Fax: 419-433-0470 if placement cannot be found and if we have enough indiEmail: viduals to form a “house” team we will be contacting ents of the individuals to find a coach. Baseball divisions (age as of 5-1-09): 8U(Coach pitch), Fall Baseball & Softball Leagues … Call now-Only a few 10U, 12U & 14U. Baseball League plays Saturdays; 14U spots are left this fall. plays Saturday/Sunday. Double Headers. FALL BALL starting date has moved to August 29 & Softball divisions (age as of 1-1-09): 10U, 12U, 14U & 30th!!!!! 18U. Softball League plays Sundays. Double Headers. Time to register for our 6 week Fall Ball Leagues August $65 for Individuals (participants needing to be placed on a team) or $550 Team Rate (bring your own team in) (Helping Orphaned Pets Everyday) Registration deadline is August 14th!!!!!!!!!!!! Combining golds, rhodium and First Federal Farmers techniques known only to a few, Market - Don’t miss your GSE Jewelers has a collection of the most charming and detailed chance to get the freshest canine charms in existence. produce in Erie county! In All AKC breeds available. addition to our returning vendors, we have added a th couple new vendors this year, so be sure to check it th out! The farmers market is held every Thursday from th 3:30-6:30 at the Huron Boat Basin, 330 N. Main Street through October. Be sure A portion of the proceeds to mark your calendars will benefit the and shop for your produce theofFirst  The Humane at Society OttawaFederal County Farm2424 Road ersSand Market! IF YOU ARE Port Clinton, OH 43452 A POTENTIAL VENDOR, 419-734-5191 CONTACT OUR OFFICE,

Huron Parks and Recreation

"Charms for HOPE"

Thursday, August 13 Friday, August 14 Saturday, August 15

GSE selling Charms for ‘HOPE’ to benefit Humane Society

Animals Available for Adoption at GSE

“What a Brilliant Idea!” BASSETT'S PLAZA

Port Clinton • 419-732-6691 Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Shop Online at

WE STILL HAVE BOOTH SPACES FOR THIS SEASON!!! Pumpkin Fest - The second annual Pumpkin fest is coming back to Huron this fall. The festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 10th from 12:00pm – 6:00pm. at the Huron Boat Basin. There will be crafts, games, entertainment, craft vendors, food vendors and much, much more!!! The full schedule of events will be out soon. Attention Craft Vendors! - We will be accepting a limited number of craft vendors for the Huron Pumpkin Fest which will be held Saturday, October 10th from Noon-6pm at the Huron Boat Basin. The spaces are 10 x 10. $25.00 per space!! For details and fee information please contact Brian Croucher, Recreation Manager at 419-433-8487 Looking for Volunteers…Huron Pumpkin Fest - We are looking for members of the community who would like to work as volunteers at the Huron Pumpkin Fest which will take place on Saturday, October 10th from 11:00am-6pm at the Huron Boat Basin. This event will feature children’s games, costume contest, scarecrow decorating contest, great food & craft vendors, touch-a-truck area, entertainment (magic show, juggling act, family concert), and a pumpkin drop to conclude the day! In order to make an event of this size run smoothly…we need your help!! Interested? Please contact Brian Croucher, Recreation Manager at 419-433-8487 ext 220. Thank you! Last Garage Sale of the Season! - Fabens Park – Saturday September 5th (9am-1:00pm) This Labor Day weekend sale was a great success last year with over 60 spaces of great shopping! Pre-Registration is required to participate. Spaces for this sale are in the grassy area near the concession stand at Fabens Park. No Food or Drink sales allowed. Spaces are approximately 9 x 19. $10 per space. Use the general program registration form on our website or stop by our office to register. Registrations now being taken for Fall Aerobics - Aerobics- Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6pm-7pm at Woodlands Elementary: Session I- September 15-October 15. Session II- Oct 27-December 1(No class Thanksgiving Day) $45 Residents/ $50 Non Residents per session. $10 off if you sign up for both classes!!

Est. 1987

Port Clinton’s GSE Jewelers has gone to the dogs … to the cats too. The jewelry store’s special fundraiser and truck show — featuring a jewelry case lined with dog and cat charms — will run Aug. 13-15. A portion of animal charm sales made during the three-day event will go to the Ottawa County Humane Society. GSE also hopes to bring in some animals from the Humane Society for adoption. The jewelry lines presented are “Nice Doggies and Pretty Kitties,” “Best of Show” and a sterling silver line including more than 200 breeds

listed with the American Kennel Club, as well as about 20 cat breeds. “Nice Doggies and Pretty Kitties” was developed in 2002, combining gold, rhodium and techniques known only to a few, to create a collection of some of the most charming and detailed canine and feline charms in existence. When GSE owners Roger and Linda Velliquette discovered that they could do a fundraiser/trunk show, they thought it would be a great opportunity to help raise funds for the local Humane Society. The jewelry store plans to make this an annual event, and hopes to expand it in the future. The charms range from $30 to a few hundred, depending on what metal they’re made from, and include things like dog bowls, fire hydrants, bones and mice. Pins and key chains are also available. “We can personalize the charm with spots and color markings free of charge,” Velliquette said. “So if your Lab puppy, Mudd, has a distinct brown around his nose, no sweat. So will the miniature version.”

We want your pictures and stories! Drop them in the Huron Hometown News mailbox at the Huron Chamber of Commerce.

Bergman Orchards Farm Markets & Greenhouses • Quality Fruit & Vegetables

Marking 150 years of family farming We would like to thank our customers and employees over the years for this great milestone.

Red Haven Peaches

Home Grown Cantalope • Sweet Corn Tomatoes • Full Line of Produce 4562 E. Bayshore 419-734-4272

Route 269 419-732-2870

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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 13, 2009


Classifieds HOME SERVICES PAINTING ETC. Interior Specialist, Exterior Dry Wall Repair Wallpaper removal 20 years Experience Pressure Washing 419-624-0383 CHUCK KNIGHT Painting Tile-Repair Home Maintenance Small Jobs Welcome Call 419-433-3162 WANTED TO BUY BUYING JUNK CARS 419-577-6405 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES A CUT ABOVE LIMOUSINE 4 Passenger Cadillac Escalade, heated Lazy Boy Recliners. 13 passenger Ford Excursion. Reservations: 419-202-6446 **legally licensed and properly insured** AFFORDABLE TRANSPORTATION Airports – Cleveland or Toledo - $60. Akron - $85, Detroit - $99. City to City, $1.00/mile, $50 minimum. Up to 6 people. No smoking. Call 419-359-1054 Available 24/7 FOR RENT OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT IN HURON Includes utilities and other amenities. Convenient and pleasant location. 419-357-3435 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Porch, Wood Burning Fireplace, 60’ Dock, Near Golf, Available Sept. 419-433-7424 or 216-676-8717 VERMILION LAKE FRONT

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lane of two-way traffic as part of a paving project. One lane of traffic will be maintained at all times with flaggers. The project is expected to be completed by August 31, 2009. State Route 61/State Route 113, Erie County – ARRA Project State Route 61, at its overlap with State Route 113 over Old Woman’s Creek in Berlin Township, is closed for an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) culvert replacement project. The road is estimated to reopen on September 1, 2009. • The detour route for SR61 motorists: SR-61 to State Route 601, north on SR-601 to SR-113, west on SR-113 to U.S. Route 250, west on U.S. 250 to State Route 13, north on SR-13 to State Route 2, east on SR-2 to SR-61, and reverse. • The detour route for SR113 motorists: SR-113 to

What’s Cooking? with Gretchen Studer

Grilled Balsamic Chicken with Puttanesca Salad Prep Time: Approx 30 minutes Serving Size: per serving Number of Servings: 4 servings Special Notes: The majority of sodium comes from the anchovy paste; use a low-sodium dressing if watching your salt intake. Ingredients • 1/4 cup capers, rinsed and dried • Extra-virgin olive oil for drizzling, plus 1/4 cup for the dressing • 1 1/2 lb. thin-cut chicken breast • 2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar • Coarse salt and black pepper, to taste • 3 romaine hearts, trimmed and chopped • 1/2 cup flat-leaf parsley, chopped • 1/2 cup pitted black olives, chopped • 1/3 cup soft sun-dried tomatoes, available in tubsor pouches in produce section, rough cut • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 3 Tbsp. anchovy paste • 2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar • 12 oz. asparagus stalks, steamed and tossed with olive oil Directions: Preheat a toaster oven or conventional oven to 375ºF. Spread capers on a small baking sheet and drizzle oil over them. Place capers in the oven and turn it off. Do not open door. (The capers will roast as the oven cools down.) Preheat a grill pan, large nonstick skillet, tabletop grill, or outdoor grill to medium-high. Place chicken on a platter and coat with balsamic vinegar. Wash your hands. Season chicken with salt and pepper and drizzle with oil. Grill meat 5 minutes on each side. Combine romaine, parsley, olives, and tomatoes. Whisk garlic and anchovy paste with vinegar into a thick paste; stream in oil to make the dressing. Toss salad with dressing and season with black pepper, to taste. Remove capers from oven and garnish salad with them. Arrange asparagus on plates and top with chicken breast; serve salad on the side. Alternative: Slice chicken, combine with salad, and serve asparagus on the side.


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ODOT Construction Report State Route 2, Erie County – Project 545(08) SR-2, from 0.6 mile east of Joppa Road to the Lorain County line, is reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction as part of a resurfacing project. One lane of traffic will be maintained at all times in each direction. The project is expected to be completed by September 15, 2009. U.S. Route 6, Erie County – ***UPDATE*** U.S. 6, between the city of Huron and the city of Vermilion, is restricted to one lane of twoway traffic as part of a resurfacing project. One lane of traffic will be maintained at all times with flaggers. The project is expected to be completed by September 4, 2009. State Route 60, Huron County – Project 206(09) SR-60, from the north corporation limit of the village of New London to U.S. Route 20, is restricted to one

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U.S. 250, west on U.S. 250 your surroundings in a work to SR-13, north on SR-13 to zone at all times of the day SR-2, east on SR-2 to SR-61, for everyone’s safety. south on SR-61 to SR-113, and reverse. U.S. Route 250, Huron County U.S. 250, between Town Line Road 187 and U.S. Route 224 in Greenwich Township, is closed for new alignment tie-in work as part of a railroad grade separation project. The detour route for westbound motorists is U.S. 250 to U.S. 224, west on U.S. 224 to State Route 13, north on SR13 to U.S. 250, and reverse for eastbound motorists. The road will open on September 11, 2009. ODOT reminds motorists to SLOW for the Cone Zone. There are a lot of variables in work zones the cones, signs, equipment and workers. With reduced speed limits and traffic lane shifts, it’s important to drive responsibly and be aware of


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Mail it to: Huron Hometown News P.O. Box 330, Huron, OH 44839


Tying the knot?

SEND US YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT Fill out the form below and mail to

Huron Hometown News, P.O. Box 330, Huron, Ohio 44839. rEngagement rWedding rGraduation Photo Submitted? rYes rNo

Date of Event__________________

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Name (Bride or Graduate)_____________________________ Daytime Phone_______________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Names & Address(es)_____________________________________________________ Schools Attended (indicate if graduated)_____________________________________________ Degrees Earned, Military Service___________________________________________________ Place of Employment (include city & state)___________________________________________ Name (Bridegroom)_________________________________ Daytime Phone_______________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Names & Address(es)_____________________________________________________ Schools Attended (indicate if graduated)_____________________________________________ Degrees Earned, Military Service___________________________________________________ Place of Employment (include city & state)___________________________________________


Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 13, 2009

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