Huron Hometown News - August 20, 2009

Page 1

Bucyrus v. Huron in Jamboree Game

Governor Strickland pays visit to Huron’s new Denton manufacturing plant.

Friday, August 21 Freshmen kickoff at 5:00 PM JV/Varsity will begin at 6:00 PM






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August 20, 2009


Vol. 4 Number 50

Dress for Success – Without a Uniform With the start of school right around the corner students and parents alike are anxiously planning new wardrobes for the 2009-2010 school year. What’s hot? What’s not? What’s cool? And what is acceptable to wear to school? …….are the questions surfacing as students prepare to journey back to the classroom. Huron City School students can “dress for success” without having a school uniform policy in place for the 2009-2010 school year. The Board of Education would have to announce 18 months prior to mandating a school uniform policy. There has been no such announcement. Back in May of 2008, the Huron Board of Education researched and explored the idea of considered implementing a school uniform/restricted dress code policy. Prior to establishing a new policy the Board requested that Superintendent Fred Fox conduct an extensive survey to collect input on how parents, students and staff felt about this consideration. The Huron PTO helped gather and organize the results after the district sent surveys to parents, students and staff for students in grades 5-10. A one page survey was mailed the end of March 2008 to 850 households with children

Around Town Page 2­­ ­­—————— Church Chat Page 3 ­­—————— What’s Cookin’? Page 4 ­­—————— Schools Bus Routes Supplies Page 5-6 ­­—————— Bicentennial Flashbacks Page 7 —————— Library & Parks & Rec Page 8 —————— Classifieds Page 9 Carol's

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enrolled in the district. Respondents had four weeks to return the survey to the school via mail or drop off. The survey included six questions related to uniforms/restrictive dress codes. A Uniform/ restrictive dress code was defined as clothing consisting of limited colors and styles. The six questions were asked using a five-point scale ranging from strongly disagrees to strongly agree. The survey also captured in which school or schools the respondent had students enrolled. There was an optional place for names and a spot for comments. Of the 850 surveys that went out; 364 were returned. The response rate across the system was 43 percent. For complete details of the survey logon to: All of the information was numbered and coded and entered into an Excel file. From there it was entered into SAS – Statistic Analysis Program. The results….. “There was no clear majority on what parents and staff wanted, however, there was a clear majority of students who were very much against a uniform policy,” Stated Fred Fox, Superintendent.

Fox was pleased with the number of parents who took the time to fill out the survey. “The results were a little surprising,” Fox added. “It seems the pro-uniform advocates are more vocal. I heard very little from the parent who did not want a change until the survey was circulated,” he continued. Fox’s recommendation to the Board was not to make a change to the current dress code, however asked all staff members to work together to enforce the current dress code policy. By simply adhering to the current dress code policy would be a starting point to eliminating some of the problems. At the high school level this past year (2008-2009), the staff began enforcement of successful dressing. Torn or ripped clothing, pajama tops and bottoms were no longer acceptable. Students who showed up for school not dressed properly were sent home to change their clothing. The current dress code policy is outlined in the student handbook and is available to every student at the start of the year. As students venture back to the classroom this fall staff members in all buildings will be paying close attention to acceptable “successful” classroom attire.

Council Perspective Focused on Continued Improvement at Conagra Andy White, City Manager At a special session of the Council conducted Monday afternoon at City Hall, authorization was given to the City Manager to enter into a service agreement for the purpose of submitting an application to the Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund (CORF) for environmental remediation and site improvements at the former Conagra property. In a 6 – 1 vote Council approved a resolution to retain engineering firm Hull and Associates to manage all facets of a grant submission to the state by January 2010. The contract sum shall not exceed $125,500.00 and will provide several expert functions including, but not limited to: a phase I environmental property assessment ($7,500); a building material survey ($8,000); zero sum demolition specifications ($5,000); a phase II environmental property assessment ($50,000); construction management services for the demolition work ($25,000); and preparation of the city’s CORF grant application ($30,000). A successful application will accommodate up to $2,000,000.00 for the revitalization of the parcel. The Clean Ohio Fund was established to provide assistance in restoring brownfield properties and encourage redevelopment to revitalize communities; in 2000, and again in 2008, Ohio citizens approved the $400 million bond program. In order to make application to the program the city must provide detailed information supporting its request for funds. The funds may be used for the acquisition of property, demolition, remediation of contaminated soil and ground water, infrastructure and consulting services. Prior to acquiring the Conagra property, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources completed a Phase I ASTM environmental assessment required to support the real estate transaction. In its application to the Clean Ohio Fund the city is anticipating future development on the property that will promote public access to the site and will require a more in depth environmental analysis to ensure the public’s safety. Phase I will establish the potential for contamination on the property and Phase II will identify specific locations and levels of contamination on the property. The two environmental assessments are expected to cost approximately $57,500.00 and will be provided for as part of the city’s contract with Hull and Associates. I recommended Council approval of this contract for a several reasons. First, there are several priorities essential to the successful transition of this property that cannot be accommodated within the city’s internal organizational structure. The Phase I and Phase

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II environmental assessments are mandatory components of the city’s application for a Clean Ohio grant award. In addition, the assessments will be necessary to determine the quality of the property and its ultimate new use. Regardless of the application to the state, the city wishes to transition the property and without appropriate disclosure specifically describing the quality of the site, redevelopment may be limited. An appropriate designation now will initiate a final improvement that can accommodate whatever development concept ultimately selected by the Council. The additional benefit of determining this information today allows the city to position itself well for a grant award that will eliminate additional costs to the city.

The Clean Ohio Fund is a match grant program requiring the applicant to provide 25% of the total award. In this case that would mean a maximum of $500,000.00 cost to the city for a $2,000,000.00 project. However, the current circumstances locally present a limited opportunity to consider the public boat ramp project costs as the city’s match and eliminate any additional out of pocket expense for the grant submission. However, monies dedicated for the boat ramp may only be considered as part of the local match for a period of 24 months from the start of the project. Thus, in this case, time is of the essence the clock is ticking for the city to maximize the benefit of the ODNR grant. In addition to acquiring the property and the grant funds to support the boat launch Council’s action has positioned the community to extend these project benefits by utilizing its value as the city’s 25% match. This would yield a savings of $500,000.00 for a $2,000,000.00 project award. The current period of economic decline has most local governments scrambling just to provide enough resources to continue on with status quo operational services. The Clean Ohio Fund awards grants on a competitive basis and considers applications by state district. There are 18 total districts and the City of Huron is located in District 5. At the time

of this report, there are no known projects pending in ODOD District 5. An assignment of the top priority for the district will generate a high score for the application and be a determining factor in the state’s final award. In addition to priority status, the city’s application will also garner additional consideration as a first time applicant and as the owner of the affected property. Many communities in Ohio apply for this grant prior to acquiring the actual property to be revitalized. These circumstances provide a competitive advantage for the city today. Financially, the city will begin expending resources for this service in the fall and complete its last payments in the late spring of 2010. I have directed the Finance Director to encumber the necessary funds from the Capital Improvement fund immediately upon Council approval. The Finance Committee’s recently recommended authorizing my recommendation to eliminate $160,000.00 of discretionary capital resources from the budget to maintain the city’s bottom line for the remainder of the year. Even with this reduction the committee’s review demonstrated the availability of approximately $276,000.00 of available resources. Encumbering the Hull service contract amount will provide for the entire project to be completed and still yield $150,000.00 for additional capital work in the city with 2009 operational resources. Pursuing this opportunity now capitalizes the city’s potential to improve itself immediately and long term. The residual effect of Conagra’s improvement will impact property valuations throughout the area and generate new revenues for a number of local governments as a result. In theory, improving the city’s riverfront will also serve as an attraction to new residents and ultimately yield new resources to accommodate first rate service improvements supported by the generation of income from new residents and visitors. The Conagra property has generated much interest from potential developers over the last few years, but no final development agreement. If the CORF application accommodates a successful award, the community will be the recipient of a $2,000,000.00 improvement project and almost eleven acres of Lake Erie waterfront property poised for development for a cost of $125,000.00 -- or 6.3% of the total project. A completely new site, adjoining the new public boat launch, can be established and help attract private investment and create an enduring economic engine along the river. The circumstances surrounding this one parcel are essential to the reestablishment of the traditional center of commerce in the heart of downtown on both sides of the river.


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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 20, 2009

Around Town

FirstEnergy contributes $25,000 to Firelands Habitat for Humanity


License suspension for dropouts By Judge Bill Steuk, Huron Municipal Court There are more than 30 ways one can have his/her driver license suspended.One way involves minors who drop out of high school or are habitually absent. Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 4410.32, in conjunction with Section 3321.13, a school superintendent can notify the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) of a student’s unauthorized withdrawal from school or habitual absence without a legitimate excuse, or the student’s suspension or expulsion for use or possession of alcohol or a drug of abuse, and ask for a suspension of the student’s driver license. The suspension can last until the minor reaches the age of eighteen (18) unless: • the minor provides evidence of a high school diploma or general education development certificate of high school equivalence, or • the suspension was imposed due to error, or • the superintendent informs the BMV that the minor has satisfied the terms or conditions necessary to terminate the suspension, or • in a drop out situation, the superintendent informs the BMV that the minor is now attending or enrolled in an approved program to obtain a diploma or its equivalent. A juvenile subject to this suspension can appeal to have the suspension removed. If the suspension is lifted, the juvenile most likely will be required to pay a reinstatement fee to re-acquire his/her driver license. If you desire further information in regards to this or other types of license suspensions, please visit the Bureau of Motor Vehicles website at Articles appearing in this column are intended to provide broad, general information about the law. Before applying this information to a specific legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney.

FirstEnergy Corp. is joining Firelands Habitat for Humanity to sponsor and also help build a home in Huron County. The three-bedroom, one-bathroom home in Norwalk will be for the VanMeter family. Construction on has begun and will continue through late October. This home is part of FirstEnergy’s state-wide effort to support Habitat for Humanity with its goal of providing simple, decent and affordable shelter for people in need. Since 2002, the Akron-based utility has been a tremendous partner by providing over $18 million in house sponsorships to Ohio Habitat affiliates that helped finance the construction of over 400 Habitat homes. Each of the Habitat for Humanity homes are built and certified to EnergyStar™ energy efficiency standards. “We are pleased to continue our long-standing partnership with Habitat for Humanity to help people in our communities realize the dream of homeownership,” said FirstEnergy President and Chief Executive Officer Anthony J. Alexander.

“The partnership with First Energy has enabled our local affiliate to build six homes in past years, and we are thankful for their continued dedication toward our mission,” said Barbara Miller, Executive Director of Firelands Habitat for Humanity. The funds were committed under FirstEnergy’s Ohio Rate Stabilization Plan, and are not a donation from the FirstEnergy Foundation. In addition to FirstEnergy’s financial support, its employees have donated their time to help build the homes, joining with Habitat’s local volunteers to improve communities and the lives of families in Erie and Huron counties. According to the most recent census, more than 750,000 Ohio residents live in poverty, and nearly one out of every four Ohio families spends more than 30 percent of its income on housing. With its contributions, FirstEnergy is doing its part to help eliminate substandard housing in Ohio by building affordable, energy-efficient homes in partnership with low-income families.


Huron police launch crackdown on impaired driving America is facing an impaired-driving crisis and the problem is especially acute during the summer months. That’s why Huron Police today announced it will join other police agencies throughout the country in support of an intensive crackdown on impaired driving this August 21–September 7. Nationally, many law enforcement agencies will be participating in this year’s crackdown, known by its tagline: Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest. In 2006 alone, nearly 13,500 people died in crashes in which the driver or motorcycle rider was legally impaired, according to the latest statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Among them were 306 children under age 15 — innocent victims of crashes that could have been avoided. “All too often, innocent law-abiding people suffer tragic consequences and the loss of loved ones due to this careless disregard for human life. Because we’re committed to ending the carnage, we’re intensifying enforcement during the crackdown. We’ll be especially vigilant during highrisk nighttime hours when impaired drivers are most likely to be on our roads,” said John Majoy, Acting Chief of Police. In every U.S. State as well as the District of Columbia it’s illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentra-

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Acting Police Chief John Majoy will be writing Behind the Badge biweekly in the Huron Hometown News.

Great Golf & Good Times At Chamber Billman Outing

Take the H&R Block Income Tax Course and earn extra income preparing taxes.* Whether or not you go on to become a tax professional, you’ll be able to complete your own return and help others with theirs. Bilingual students encouraged to enroll! For class times and locations, visit or call 1-800-HRBLOCK.

tion (BAC) of .08 grams per deciliter (g/dL) or higher. More than 10,000 police agencies will participate in this year’s mid-August through Labor Day crackdown, including law enforcement officers representing every State, the District of Columbia, and many U.S. cities and towns. According to the latest data, 32 percent of motor vehicle driving fatalities involved a driver or motorcycle rider with a BAC of .08 g/dL or above — an average of one fatality every 39 minutes. Majoy said Huron Officers will be aggressively looking for all impaired drivers during the crackdown and will arrest anyone they find driving while impaired — regardless of age, vehicle type, or time of day. “Our message is simple and unwavering. If we find you driving impaired, we will arrest you. No exceptions,” said Majoy. “Even if you beat the odds and walk away from an impaired-driving crash alive, motorists should be aware that the consequences of driving while impaired can still virtually destroy your life.” According to the Huron Police Department, violators often face jail time, loss of their driver licenses, or being sentenced to use an ignition interlock. Their insurance rates go up. Other financial hits include attorney fees, court costs, lost time at work, and the potential loss of job or job prospects. When family, friends, and co-workers find out, violators can also face tremendous personal embarrassment and humiliation. “Driving impaired is simply not worth all the consequences. So don’t take the chance. Remember, if you are over the limit, you’re under arrest,” said Majoy.

Huron — The Huron Chamber of Commerce’s Don Billman Memorial Golf Outing marks 13 years of great golf and good times with this year’s event, planned for Wednesday, Sept. 16 at Thunderbird Hills North Course. The outing is dedicated to Billman, who founded the golf outing in the early 1980’s. He served as treasurer of the Chamber for two decades, until his death in 1996. The Scramble will get under way at noon with players treated to lunch and after the round they’ll be treated to a scrumptious dinner will be served. There will be a putting contest, hole prizes, a skins game, mulligans, a 50-50 raffle and lots of door prizes, along with a Hole-In-One Contest, featuring a generous surprise pay-off. Fees are $75 per golfer. To register for the outing, contact the Chamber office, 419-4335700, or


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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 20, 2009

Services Directory Christ Episcopal Church 120 Ohio St., Huron 419-433-4701 Sunday—9 a.m. and Adult Sunday School 10:30 a.m. First Presbyterian Church 225 Williams St., Huron 419-433-5018 Summer Hours 8:00 Early Service 9:30 Worship No Sunday School Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church Kalahari Resort, Nia Convention Center Rt. 250, Huron 419-271-3934 Worship—Sunday 10:30 a.m. Bible Study—Thursday, 6:30 p.m. at Sheri’s Coffee House in Norwalk Holy Trinity Anglican


Church Chat Church 6:30-8:00 p.m. 1608 St. Rt. 113, Milan 3-5 grade Boys Youth 419-499-3683 Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. Rev. Dr. John C. Jordan 3-5 grade Girls Youth Worship and Holy Com- Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. munion—Sunday, 10:30 a.m. “The Biggest Loser” campaign drive focuses on Huron United Methodist weight loss, new visitors Church and faithfulness in atten338 Williams St., Huron dance. Call Pastor Brenton 419-433-3984 for more information. On Sundays: Lighthouse Assembly of 8:00 a.m.—Praise Service God Church in Fellowship Hall with 820 Cleveland Rd. E., Huron Summer Sunday School 419-433-8889 10:00 a.m.—Celebration service in Sanctuary Sunday service—10:30 a.m. Children’s programs are Sunday school—9:30 a.m. available for ages pre-school Adult Bible Study--6 p.m. through 4th grade Sunday. Refreshments and NursYouth Group—6 p.m. Sunday. ery are available all Sunday Food Pantry—9 a.m.-3 morning p.m. Wednesdays; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursdays. Lifepoint Salvation Army Service Unit— 539 Cleveland Rd. W., Huron 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursdays, 419-433-4156 by appointment only. Sunday—10 a.m., and nursery available. St. Matthew Evangelical Sunday school—10 a.m. Lutheran Church for K-6th grade. 15617 Mason Rd., Vermilion “Grounded” youth group Rev. Dr. Karl Fry, Pastor for grades 6-12—Sundays, 440-967-9886

www.luther ansonline. Family History Center com/stmattvermlcms Wed. 10 am-2pm, Thur. Sunday School/ Bible 9am-9pm Study 9:30 1st & 3rd Sat. 9am-5pm Ladies Bible Fellowship 9:15 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Zion Lutheran Church 930 Main St., Huron St. Peter’s Catholic Church 419-433-4711 430 Main St., Huron www.zionhuron,org 419-433-5725 Summer is coming to Zion, Saturday—5 p.m. the Church on the Hill. Sunday—8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The worship schedule is changing for the summer at The Chapel Zion Lutheran Church, 930 4444 Galloway Rd., Sandusky S. Main St., Huron. From 419-627-0208 May 31st thru September 6th worship will be at 9:30 Saturday service--5:00 p.m. a.m. This service is a family Sunday service—9:00 and – friendly blended service 11:00 a.m. of contemporary and tradiJr. High Youth Group— tional worship. Casual dress Sundays 5-6:30 p.m. is encouraged. Children beSr. High Youth Group— gin worship with their parSundays 7-9:00 p.m. ents and then are invited to Latitude group ages 18- join in the Summer Sunday 29—Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. Fundays of lively music, engaging lessons, fun games The Church of Jesus and clever crafts designed Christ of Latter Day Saints just for them. 4511 Galloway Rd., Huron 419-626-9860 Summer Sunday Worship Bishop: Bill Reel Service at Huron Lagoons Sacrament service—9:30 a.m. Sundays

Cancer Services Charity Golf Outing and a tournament gift. Additional dinner guests welcomed at $30 per person. Cancer Services provides people with an array of services such as: financial assistance for cancer-related medications, travel reimbursement to medical appointments, liquid nutritional supplements, medical equipment loans and more, at no charge, here in North

Central Ohio. In 2008, Cancer Services helped a total of 371 persons with cancer including 290 clients in Erie County and 81 clients in the northern part of Huron County. For more information about this event, call Cancer Services at 419-626-4548 or visit

Sibling class offered at Firelands Firelands Regional Medical Center is offering a Sibling Class, a course designed to prepare older brothers or sisters for the arrival of a new baby, on Saturday, August 29th from 10 - 11:30 am, at Firelands Regional Medical Center Main Campus, 1111 Hayes Avenue. Children between the ages of three to eight will tour the obstetrics area to see the nursery, along with parents who will see the Labor, Delivery, and Recovery

Unit. The children will make a gift for the new baby and will practice handling the newborn with a life-sized doll. Families will also receive helpful information on what to expect when the new baby arrives. Each child must be accompanied by an adult. Families are encouraged to attend during the mother’s last three months of pregnancy. The fee is $10 per family. To register, please contact Firelands Regional Medi-

Keep us up to date on your church services and happenings. We may not know about your events unless you tell us! Send your church service updates, news, events and happenings to

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Cancer Services will host a charity golf outing on Monday, Aug. 31 at the Plum Brook Country Club in Sandusky. Proceeds from this golf event will help local cancer patients. Registration begins at 10 a.m. Shotgun start is scheduled for 11:30. The cost of $150 per person includes green fees, cart, lunch, dinner, entertainment

Marina. Beginning May 24th (Memorial Day weekend) through September 6th (Labor Day weekend) you are invited to join 8:00 a.m. services led by Pastor Ray Serocka. Worship services are held at the Huron Lagoons Marina Pool Complex at the entrance to the marina at 100 Laguna Dr. which can be reached by following Rt. 13 to Riverside Dr. (just before Thunderbird Golf Course) and following the signs to the marina. Shorts and sandals are the expected attired for this relaxed, friendly service sponsored by Zion Lutheran Church.

cal Center at 419-557-7840 or 1-800342-1177 ext. 7840. Firelands Regional Medical Center is a 400-bed, full service, not-for-profit hospital. Serving the five-county region, Firelands provides comprehensive diagnostic, medical, surgical, emergency and rehabilitation services for people of all ages. For more information about Firelands Regional Medical Center visit

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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 20, 2009

What’s Cooking? Peaches early July

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with Gretchen Studer Crab Salad with Grapefruit, Avocado and Baby Greens Prep Time: 30 minutes or less Serving Size: per perving Number of Servings: 2 Special Notes: Grapefruit is not only loaded with vitamin C, but red varieties also contain the antioxidant lycopene. To easily section the grapefruit, use a paring knife to cut the top and bottom so it can sit upright. Cut off the rind and pith in long downward slices. Carefully cut the sections free, following the natural guide of the fruit.

• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives plus additional for garnish • Salt and freshly ground black pepper • 1/2 avocado, sliced • 4 cups (or 6.5-ounce bag) cut baby Bibb or Boston lettuce

Directions: Peel and segment grapefruit over a bowl to catch juice. Reserve 1 tablespoon juice and grapefruit pieces separately. In a bowl, combine oil, lemon juice, sugar, Ingredients: and reserved grapefruit juice. In a bowl, • 1 pink or ruby red grapefruit combine crabmeat, parsley, and chives. Add • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 11/2 tablespoons dressing and toss to com• 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice bine. Season with salt and pepper. • 1/4 teaspoon granulated sugar Combine lettuce with the remaining • 1/2 pound fresh crabmeat, picked over dressing. Divide on individual plates. Add a for cartilage scoop of crabmeat salad and surround with • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian parsley grapefruit segments and avocado slices

Huron Garden Club Live entertainment August Sat. Aug. 1 - DuPree meeting 80's & 90's Dance Rock at Sawmill Creek Resort Huron, Ohio Casual Dinner Menu 5:30 - 9:30pm All Entertainment 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM

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The Huron Garden Club has planned a trip to areas in and about Clyde, and Bellevue, Ohio for its August 28,2009, meeting. Members planning to carpool are requested to meet by 8:00 a.m. at the Huron Presbyterian Church, 233 Williams Ave. The meeting, coordinated by Mary Strayer is for members only. More details will be available through the calling committee and by emails.

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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 20, 2009

School Suply List St. Peter School Preschool 1 package of 5 ounce cups, 1 pack 5” paper plates.

1 Scissors (mark with initials) 1 Pkg. Glue Sticks 1 Pkg. easers (not pencil top) 1 Container Clorox wipes 2 Boxes of tissues (regular size, any brand) 1 Box of “Zip-Lock” gallon bags, or sandwich, or snack bags Supplies included in your tuition: Crayons & Try-Rex pencils, Art Fee, Technology Fee

Kindergarten We ask that the children bring ONLY the items listed on this sheet. PLEASE: No school boxes, trapper keepers, or 3 ring binders. 1 double pocket folder, 1 book bag or back pack, 1 large box of Grade 2 - No Trapper Keepers Kleenex, 1 package of washable No latex permitted in this fat magic markers, 1 container classroom! of Clorox wipes, 2 boxes of 5 oz. 1 Book Bag or Back Pack paper cups (please, no plastic Please mark with child’s name! cups) 1 Plastic Clipboard - Please mark with child’ name! Grade 1 - No Trapper Keepers 1 School Box - Please mark 1 Book Bag or Back Pack - with child’s name! Please mark with child’s name! 1 Scissors (mark with initials) 1 Water Bottle - Please mark 1 12” Ruler -put name on with child’s name! ruler 1 Plastic Clipboard - Please 12 #2 pencils with erasers- Lamark with child’s name! tex free from Staples 1 SPIRAL notebook (8 x 10) 4 Glue Sticks (1 subject) put name on note1 pkg. pink or green erasers book! (not pencil top) Latex free. La2 Double pocket folders tex free erasers are available at (pockets at bottom) plastic are Staples. nice 1 Set of low-odor dry erase 1 Set of low-odor dry erase markers - put name on markmarkers ers! 1 Box of washable markers 1 PRANG water-color paint no more than 8 put name on set (8 color) put name on set! markers! 1 Red pencil or pen - put 1 PRANG water-color paint name on it! set (8 color) put name on set! 1 Box of crayons (16 or 24) 1 12” ruler with metric (clear) put name on box! put name on ruler! 2 Double pocket folders

Bus Routes Bus routes as printed are to show which bus # is covering a specific area of the School District. Once ridership is established, specific bus stops will be designated with specific times being refined, all to accommodate as many students as possible while minimizing travel time and fuel consumption. Busses will not travel down all streets listed in a specific neighborhood area. Bus times as printed are tentative and subject to change as needed. Please remember the 5th and 6th grade students will ride the Elementary portion of the bus routes both to and from school. Please have your student (s) ready and waiting for their bus to arrive. The Huron City Schools bus garage number is (419) 4331234 option #4. Bus # 2 RIVER, JEFFRIES, KNIGHT, SPROWL & BERLIN ROADS, TIFFIN ONTARIO, MEEKER, & McKINLEY STREETS. (High School, Jr. High & Elementary students). CLEVELAND RD. W. FROM RYE BEACH RD. (Elementary Only am - pm.). Right onto River Rd. to Jefferies Rd. (High School, Jr. High 06:35 am - Elementary 07:35 am). Left onto Jeffries Rd. to Knight Rd. Right onto Knight Rd. to River Rd. Left onto River Rd. to 9900 block turnaround. (High School, Jr. High 06:40 am Elementary 07:40 am). River Rd. back to Sprowl Rd. Right onto Sprowl Rd. to Berlin Rd. Left onto Berlin Rd. to Tiffin St. (High School, Jr. High 06:50 am - Elementary 07:50). Right on Tiffin St. to McKinley St. (Sandbar). Turnaround, Tiffin St. back to Meeker St. Right onto Meeker St. to Berlin Rd. Right onto Berlin Rd. to Tiffin St. to Cleveland Rd. E. (High School, Jr. High 07:10 am Elementary 08:10 am). (Transport High School, Jr. High students) (Elementary only). Right onto Cleveland Rd. E. across bridge and onto SR 2. To Rye Beach Rd. then right to Cleveland Rd. W. Right onto Cleveland Rd. W. to Jim Campbell Blvd. (Elementary 08:15 am). Transport to St. Pete’s. Cleveland Rd. W. back to First St. Right onto First St. to Superior to Huronia and back to Cleveland Rd. W. Right onto Cleveland Rd. W. to Lake Erie Parkway. (Elementary 08:30 am) Left to Woodlands School. Transport students to appropriate schools. Bus # 3 CLEVELAND RD.W. FROM RYE BEACH RD. TO FIRST ST. (High School Jr. High Only). HIGH SCHOOL EHOVE AM & PM. OHIO ST. FROM CLEVELAND RD W. TO JIM CAMPBELL BLVD. CENTER, WILLIAMS AND STANDARD STREETS SOUTH OF JIM CAMPBELL BLVD. & OKLAHOMA AREA. (Elementary only) High School, Jr. High - am/pm. Sawmill Pkwy. to Rye Beach Rd. to Cleveland Rd. W. Right onto Cleveland Rd. W. to First St. (High School, Jr. High 06:45 am). Left onto First St. to

Superior St. to Huronia back to Cleveland Rd. W. Right onto Cleveland Rd. W. to Rye Beach Rd.(High School, Jr. High 07:00 am). Transport to Jr. High then to High School, pick up and transport students to EHOVE from High School. Bus leaves for EHOVE at 07:25 07:30 am. Leave EHOVE Drive Huron Avery Rd. / South Main St. to Standard St. Start of Elementary am / pm. Left onto Standard St. to Williams St. (Elementary - 07:55 am). Left onto Williams St. to Bogart Rd. Right onto Bogart Rd. to Center St. Right onto Center St. to Adams. Left on Adams to Taylor. Left on Taylor to Wilder. Left on Wilder to Wilbor. Left on Wilbor to Glenview. Glenview around to Wilder to Center St. Left on Center to Cleveland Rd. Right on Cleveland Rd. to Main St. Left on Main St. to Mills St. Right on Mills to Huron St. Drop St. Pete’s. Huron St. to Cleveland Rd. Right on Cleveland Rd. to Williams St. Right on Williams to South St. Left on South to Sailaway, around Sailway, back to Center. Right on Center to Jim Campbell Blvd. Right on Jim Campbell to Ohio St. Right on Ohio to Cleveland Rd. West. Left on Cleveland Rd. W. to Woodlands. NOTE! PM High School and Jr. High students will be dropped off along Cleveland Rd W. with the bus leaving the High School traveling west to Rye Beach Rd. only. From Rye Beach Rd. the bus will then go to EHOVE returning students to 2 locations, Huron High School then to Woodlands. Arrive at McCormick. Approximate time 07:05 - 07:10 Bus # 4 WEXFORD AREA INCLUDING BRUNSWICK & PORTLAND DR. (High School, Jr. High, and Elementary students) Canterbury Dr. to Wickford Pl. (High School, Jr. High 06:45am - Elementary 07:45 am). Right onto Wickford Pl. to Wexford Dr. (400-500 block). Left onto Wexford Dr. to Westport Blvd. Right onto Westport Blvd. to Salem Dr. (High School, Jr. High 06:55 am - Elementary 07:50 am). Left onto Salem Dr. to Huronia Beach Dr.. Right onto Huronia Beach Dr. to Cleveland Rd W. Left onto Cleveland Rd. W. to Strowbridge Dr. Left onto Strowbridge Dr. to Salem Dr. Right onto Salem Dr. to Gloucester Dr. Right onto Gloucester Dr. to Wexford Dr. Right onto Wexford Dr. (400300 block) to Cleveland Rd. (Jr. High 07:05 am - Elementary 08:00 am). Right onto Cleveland Rd W. to Brunswick Dr. (Carriage Square apts. & Mallard Run apts. included). Right onto Brunswick Dr. to Portland Dr.. (Elementary 08:05-08:15 am). Portland Dr. to Cleveland Rd. W. (Including Sandpiper Cove Students) Transport students to appropriate schools. Bus # 5 AREA WEST OF RYE BEACH RD. - BOOS RD., CAMP RD., BOGART RD., HURON AVERY RD., SCHEID RD., FOX RD. (High School, Jr. High, &



(pockets at bottom) put name on them! 1 Set of colored pencils - put name on them! 2 SPIRAL notebooks (wide ruled) put name on them! 1 Paint shirt for ART (an old shirt is fine) - put name on it! 2 Boxes of tissues (regular size, any brand) 1 Box of “Zip-Lock” gallon size bags 1 Container Clorox wipes Supplies included in your tuition: Weekly Reader, Art Fee, Technology Fee Please print student’s name on backpack, supplies, clothing, physical education uniform and gym bag. Grade 3 - No Trapper Keepers 1 Small zippered gym bag for gym shoes - put name on it 1 Paint shirt for ART (an old shirt is fine) put name on it 2 boxes of tissues (regular size, any brand) 1 zippered pencil pouch put name on it 1 School box put name on it 24 #2 pencils with erasers 1 Set low odor dry erase markers 1 Small bottle of Elmer’s Glue put name on bottle 1 Scissors mark with initials 1 Soft eraser 1 12” ruler with metric put name on it 1 PRANG water-color paint set put name on it 1 Set of markers initials on each marker 1 Box of crayons (16 or 24) put name on box 3 Packages wide-ruled notebook paper Elementary Students). From Sawmill Pkwy left onto Rye Beach Rd. to Boos Rd. (High School, Jr. High 06:30 am Elementary 07:30 am). Right onto Boos Rd. to Camp Rd. Left onto Camp Rd. to Bogart Rd. Right onto Bogart Rd. to the Waterberry Development. Left onto Waterberry Dr. around through development and back out to Bogart Rd. Right onto Bogart Rd. to Rye Beach Rd. (High School, Jr. High 06:45 Elementary 08:00 am). Right onto Rye Beach Rd. to Huron Avery Rd. Right onto Huron Avery Rd. to Scheid Rd. Right onto Scheid Rd. to Camp Rd. Right onto Camp Rd. to Fox Rd. Left onto Fox Rd. to the end, turnaround, Fox Rd. back to Huron Avery Rd. (High School, Jr. High 06:55 am - Elementary 08:10 am). Right onto Huron Avery Rd. to Rye Beach Rd. (Including Songwood Circle area). Right onto Rye Beach Rd. to Fox Rd. Right onto Fox Rd. back to Huron Avery Rd. Left onto Huron Avery Rd. to South Main St. (Mudbrook Rd. - SR 13) Last stop 1105 Huron Avery Rd. (High School, Jr. High 07:10 am - Elementary 08:20 am). Transport students to appropriate schools. 2008 - 2009 BUS ROUTE - AM & PM. Bus # 13 CLEVELAND RD. WEST OF RYE BEACH RD., HULL RD., GALLOWAY RD., BOOS RD., CAMP RD., (INCLUDING SAWMILL AND PLUMBROOK AREAS). (High School, Jr. High, & Elementary Students). From Rye Beach Rd. left onto Cleveland Rd. W. First stop is Subway. Cleveland Rd. W. to Sawmill Creek (High School, Jr. High 06:25 am - Elementary 07:30 am). Right into Sawmill Creek (Mariner Village) turnaround and back out to Cleveland Rd. W. Right onto Cleveland Rd. W. to Four Seasons subdivision (High School, Jr. High 06:30 am Elementary 07:40 am). Right onto Tracht Meadows Dr. to Summerfield Pl.. Left onto Summerfield Pl. to Harvest Ridge Dr., back up Tracht Meadows to Cleveland Rd. W. Right onto Cleveland Rd. W. to Camp Rd. Left onto Camp Rd. to Hull Rd. (High School, Jr. High 06:35 am - Elementary 07:45 am). Right onto Hull Rd. to Lawrence Ave. Left onto Lawrence Ave, to James Ave, to Margo Ave, to Jane Ave, to Cassidy Place, to Lawrence Ave, Left on Joti Ave, around to Lawrence Ave. to Hull Rd. (High School, Jr. High 06:45 am Elementary 07:50 am). Left onto Hull Rd. to Turfside Circle. Right onto Turfside Circle around and out to Hull Rd. Right onto Hull Rd. to Galloway Rd. (High School, Jr. High 06:50 am - Elementary 08:00 am). Right onto Galloway Rd. to Angel’s Way. Turnaround and take Galloway Rd. back to Plum Brook Creek Dr.. Left onto Plum Brook Creek Dr. to end of road, turnaround, and return to Galloway Rd. (High School, Jr. High 06:55 am - Elementary 08:05 am). Left onto Galloway Rd. to Bogart Rd. Left onto Bogart Rd. to Boos Rd. (High School, Jr. High 07:00 am Elementary 08:10 am). Left onto Boos Rd. to Camp Rd. Left onto Camp Rd. to Cleveland

3 Double Pocket folders (different colors) put name on them 1 Set of colored pencils put name on them 3 Red pens put name on them 3 SPIRAL notebooks (wideruled) put name on them 1 Set of Math Flash Cards put name on them (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) 1 Container Clorox wipes (for use on desks and chairs in the classroom) Supplies included in your tuition: Art Fee, Technology Fee, Recorder Please print student’s name on backpack, supplies, clothing, physical education uniform and gym bag.

1 Box of crayons (16 or 24) put name on box 1 Package wide-ruled notebook paper (keep a supply at home - more will be needed) 4 Double pocket folders (solid colors) put name on it 1 Set of colored pencils (optional) put name on them 1 Roll of Masking Tape put name on it 1 Erasable pen (blue or black ink) put name on it 1 Red pen put name on it 1 STENO notebook (wideruled) put name on it 1 Pack of 3x5 Index Cards 1 Container Clorox wipes (for use on desks and chairs in the classroom) Supplies included in your tuition: Agenda, Recorder Book Fee, Art Fee, Technology Fee Grade 4 - Trapper Keepers are Please print student’s name permitted on backpack, supplies, clothing, 1 medium zippered gym bag physical education uniform and for gym uniform and shoes - gym bag. put name on it 1 Paint shirt for ART (an old Middle School shirt is fine) put name on it 1 Organization system of stu2 Boxes of tissues (regular dent’s choice size, any brand) 1 (2 packages grade 5) Large 1 zippered pencil pouch put package notebook paper (keep name on it a supply at home-more will be 1 School box put name on it needed) 12 #2 pencils with erasers 2 Packages 3x5” small lined 1 Small bottle of Elmer’s Glue index cards put name on bottle 1 pencil pouch put name on it 1 Scissors mark with initials 12 #2 pencils with erasers 1 Soft eraser 1 Yellow highlighter put name 1 12” Ruler with metric - on it (clear plastic) put name on it 3 BallPoint t pens (black or 1 Set watercolor paints blue ink only) name (keep a (Prang) put name on it supply at home-more will be 1 Set of markers initials on needed) each marker 1 Red pen put name on it 1 Yellow highlighter put name 1 Set of low-odor dry erase on it markers

2 boxes of tissues - NOT anti-bacterial (regular size, any brand) 1 Container of Clorox disinfectant wipes (we use these on table and chairs in classroom) (Grade 6) Additional supplies included in your tuition: Gr. 5 - Venture Magazine, Gr. 6 - Current Health Magazine, Agenda, Art Fee, Technology Fee Attention Students - Print your name on backpack, school supplies, clothing, physical education uniform and gym bag!

Rd. W. (High School, Jr. High 07:05 am - Elementary 08:15 am). Transport students to appropriate schools.

Dr. to Cleveland Rd. E. Right onto Cleveland Rd. E. to Heron Dr. (Huron Green). Right onto Heron Dr. to Loon. Right on Loon to Merganzer. Left on Merganzer to Heron Dr. Right on Heron to Snowy Egret. Right on Snowy Egret, turnaround at Kill Deer. Back to Heron Dr. Right on Heron Dr. to Green Teal, around cul-de-sac back to Cleveland Rd. E. Right onto Cleveland Rd. E. to Old Woman’s Creek, (Turnaround) (High School, Jr. High 06:40 am - Elementary 07:50 am). Cleveland Rd. E. back to Land’s End Dr. Right onto Land’s End Dr. to the end, around and out to Cleveland Rd. E. Right onto Cleveland Rd. E. to By-The-Shores Dr. Right onto By-The-Shores Dr. to Newport Dr. Left onto Newport Dr. to Harborview Dr. Right onto Harborview Dr. to Anchorage Circle. Right onto Anchorage Circle to Beachside Ln. Right on Beachside to Dockway. Right on Dockway to Anchorage. Right on Anchorage to Beachside. Left on Beachside to Gateway. Left on Gateway to Cleveland Rd. E. Right on Cleveland Rd. E. to Chaska Beach. (High School, Jr. High 06:50 am - Elementary 08:00 am). Right into Chaska Beach to Seneca Ave. (immediate right). Right onto Seneca Ave. around to Franklin Dr. Left onto Franklin Dr. to Kiwanis Ave. Left onto Kiwanis Ave. to Cleveland Rd. E. Right onto Cleveland Rd. E. to Shawnee Pl. (Old Homestead). (High School, Jr. High 06:55 am - Elementary 08:05 am). Right onto Shawnee Pl. to Nekik View. Left onto Nekik View around to Wyandot Pl. Wyandot Pl. to Cleveland Rd. E. Right onto Cleveland Rd. E. to Munsee Pl. Right onto Munsee Pl. to Oneida View. Left onto Oneida View to Miami Pl. Left onto Miami Pl. to Uncus Court. Left onto Uncus Court to Tecumseh Pl. Left onto Tecumseh Pl. to Iroquois Pl. Right onto Iroquois Pl. to Munsee Pl. Right onto Munsee Pl. to Cleveland Rd E. Transport Students to appropriate schools.

Bus # 15 BOGART RD., SOUTH MAIN ST., FOREST HILLS, MUDBROOK RD. (SR 13), HURON HEIGHTS, SCHEID RD. (High School, Jr. High, & Elementary students). Rye Beach Rd. South from Sawmill Parkway to Bogart Rd. (High School, Jr. High 06:25 am Elementary 07:30 am). Left onto Bogart Rd. to S. Main St. Right onto S. Main to Valleyview Dr. Right onto Valleyview Dr. to Hickory Dr. to Forest Hills Dr. then back to S. Main St. Right onto S. Main St. to Mudbrook Rd. (SR 13). Left onto Mudbrook Rd. (SR 13) to Riverside Dr. (High School, Jr. High 06:40 am - Elementary 07:50 am). Left onto Riverside Dr. to Laguna Dr. Left onto Laguna Dr. to 1119 and turnaround. Laguna Dr. back to Riverside Dr. Left onto Riverside Dr. to top of hill at Wheeler Dr. and turnaround. Riverside Dr. back to Mudbrook Rd. (SR 13). Left onto Mudbrook Rd. (SR 13) to Scheid Rd. (High School, Jr. High 06:50 am - Elementary 08:00 am). Left onto Scheid Rd. annex, around and back to SR 13. Cross SR 13 staying on Scheid Rd. heading West to Huron Avery Rd. Right onto Huron Avery Rd. back into Huron to South Main St. (High School, Jr. High 07:00 am Elementary 08:10 am). Transport students to appropriate schools. Bus # 18 RYE BEACH AREA (High School, Jr. High, and Elementary students) STUDENTS TO SANDUSKY ST. MARY’S. Right onto Cleveland Rd. W. to Silvern St. (High School, Jr. High 06:50 am - Elementary 08:05 am). Left onto Silvern St. to Lakewood Ave. Left onto Lakewood Ave to Rye Beach Rd. Left onto Rye Beach Rd. to Cleveland Rd. W.

Left onto Cleveland Rd. W. to Ridgewood Ave. Left onto Ridgewood Ave. to High St. (High School, Jr. High 06:55 am - Elementary 08:10 am). Left onto High St. to Lakewood Ave. Left onto Lakewood Ave. to Atwood Pl. Left onto Atwood Pl. to Cleveland Rd W. (High School, Jr. High 07:05 am Elementary 08:20 am). (ELEMENTARY ONLY) To Colonial Colony Apts. (518 Cleveland Rd.) and to Heron Cove Apts. (224 Welde Dr.) continuing on from Heron Cove to Ohio St. Transport Students to High School, Jr. High, then transport St. Mary’s students to/ from Sandusky. The bus will leave McCormick School for St. Mary’s promptly at 07:15 am. Return from Sandusky on Cleveland Rd. to Silvern St. Duplicate High School, Jr. High route for Elementary route in Rye Beach. (Note! If bus gets full with Elementary students - proceed to Woodlands and drop keeping any St. Pete’s students with you, return, and continue route.) . Transport students to appropriate schools. Bus # 19 CLEVELAND RD. E., ELWWOD HEIGHTS, EAGLE CREST, HURON GREEN, BEACHWOOD COVE, CHASKA BEACH, & OLD HOMESTEAD. (High School, Jr. High, & Elementary students). Cleveland Rd. E. from Berlin Rd. to Washington Ave. (High School, Jr. High 06:30 am - Elementary 07:30 am). Right onto Washington Ave. around to Lincoln Ave. Lincoln Ave. back to Cleveland Rd. E. Right onto Cleveland Rd. E. to Bald Eagle Dr. (Eagle Crest Subdivision). Right onto Bald Eagle Dr. to Kingfisher Ct. (High School, Jr. High 06:35 am - Elementary 07:40 am). Right onto Kingfisher CT. around cul-de-sac to Meadowlark Dr. Meadowlark Dr. around cul-desac back to Bald Eagle Dr. Bald Eagle Dr. to Eagleridge Right on Eagleridge to cul-de-sac, back to Bald Eagle. Bald Eagle

Junior High 1 Calculator - Scientific 1 Organization system of student’s choice 1 Large package notebook paper (keep a supply at homemore will be needed) 3 Ballpoint pens - black or blue ink only name (keep a supply at home-more will be needed) 1 Red pen put name on it 12 #2 Pencils with erasers 1 Set of markers put name on it 1 White-out put name on it 1 Scissors put name on them 1 12” ruler put name on it 3 boxes of tissues - NOT anti-bacterial (regular size, any brand) 1 Container of Clorox disinfectant wipes Additional supplies included in your tuition: Agenda, Art Fee, Technology Fee Attention Students - Print your name on backpack, school supplies, clothing, physical education uniform and gym bag!

obstetrics & gynecology accepting new patients

We are proud to introduce Penola Jones, MD and Jacqueline Peyton-Cook, MD, specializing in OB-GYN services. Drs. Jones and Peyton-Cook are on the medical staff of Firelands Regional Medical Center, and provide the full scope of OB-GYN care, including: Menstrual Disorders Pregnancy Menopause Reproductive Health Adolescent GYN Disorders GYN Surgery The practice will open September 1, 2009. We are now scheduling appointments for new patients. 703 Tyler Street, Suite 352, Sandusky To schedule your appointment, please call 419-609-9130.



Huron Cross Country All-Night Relay The Huron High School and Junior High cross country members will be conducting the annual all-night relay, 7pm, Friday Aug. 21st to 7am, Sat. Aug. 22nd. Members of the team are asked to find sponsors to donate per mile for the total miles run in a 12 hour period or a straight donation. The money will be used for after meet treats, camp, and

supplies. Luminaries will be placed around the track for the night in honor of past and present cross country members. Community members are welcome to run or walk the track in support of the team and to see the luminaries. Donations are also welcome at the tent on the West side of the Huron stadium. Come join the fun!

Huron Girls Basketball Fundraiser The Huron Girls Basketball Team will be having a fundraising trip to Detroit’s Greektown Casino. The date is October 24th, 2009. The charter bus will leave Huron High School parking lot at 11:00 a.m. and will return around midnight. The cost is $35 and includes $20 players card to use in the casi-

no upon arrival. You are allowed your own food and coolers on the bus for the drive as well. Please email Coach Ray if interested at or call the school after August 24th to reserve your spot. Only 55 seats are available. Bus must be filled by the end of Semptember.

Huron Boys Soccer Team The Huron Boys Soccer Team will be holding a carwash this Saturday, August 22nd at the Presbyterian Church from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Donations are accepted.

Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 20, 2009

Huron Tigerette Dance Team The Huron Tigerette Dance Team attended the Marching Auxillaries Dance Camp July 19-22 at Ashland University and received the Grand Champion Award on their final performance of the week, the highest team honor. Also, Cassidy Innes (not pictured) received top honors for her solo dance performance earlier in the week. Students pictured: Front Row: Lt. Brook Bodi, Capt. Lauren Heil, Alexis Nixon; Middle Row: Carly Nolan, Kaileigh Koschutnik, Lynsie Schwerer; Back Row: Rebecca Humphreys, Megan Kuhl.

BGSU Firelands offers Saturday hours to help students Huron, O. – This Sat. (Aug. 22) several open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The bookstore will BGSU Firelands’ offices will be open to as- be open from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. sist students with the registration process Fall classes begin Mon. (Aug. 24). For for fall semester. The student accounts, more information, call 419-433-5560. financial aid and registration offices will be

School Suply List

1 Package of Styrofoam bowls 2 Thin Bullet-Tip Black “EXPO” Dry Erase 1 package of plastic spoons Markers (Low Odor) 2 yellow highlighter markers First Grade Waterless hand sanitizer- with pump 3 Doz. #2 Pencils (made in Earphones for computer lab USA) - sharpen at home, please FOR ART: 1 Elmer’s Glue-All (same as above) BIG Pink Pearl Eraser and 1 (#2) Pencil - not sharpened Kindergarten Scissors, “Fiskars for Kids” with metal blades (please put ‘art items’ in a Ziploc bag with 4 Boxes of Crayola Crayons (24 count) 2 Elmer’s Glue-All, Multi purpose glue (NO child’s name on it) Two 4-ounce bottles of Elmer’s Washable “School” Glue, NO Blue Gel Glue) ALSO: School Glue Crayons - Box of 24 Regular size (Crayola or Art Smock (an old adult button-down or t4 Elmer’s Glue Sticks Prang) shirt works best) 10 #2 Pencils with erasers Crayons - Box of 8 fat crayons (Crayola or Gym Shoes (needed on gym days) 2 Fat pencils or laddie pencils Prang) Backpack (NO backpacks on wheels) 1 durable 2-pocket folder Supply Box - NO LARGER THAN 6 X 9” (big(Note that some items may need restocking at 2 Boxes of Kleenex ger ones do not fit in desks) Christmas) 1 Package of paper napkins 2 boxes of Kleenex 3 Boxes of 5 ounce Dixie Cups Watercolors (Crayola or Prang - not washable) Second Grade 1 Bottle of liquid hand soap with brush Colored pencils 1 3” Metal book ring/binder ring One 3-ring Binder - WITH 2 INCH RINGS 6 Doz.(PLAIN) Pencils - No. 2 (made in USA)1 Box Ziploc gallon size baggies 12 Elmer’s (White) Glue Sticks please sharpen at home 1 Box Ziploc quart size baggies 1 Box - Zip Lock Bags (gallon size) Big Eraser 1 Package of Crayola Washable Markers 1 Box - Zip Lock Bags (sandwich size) 6 Lg. Elmer’s (White) Glue Sticks 1 Package of Crayola Colored Pencils Paper Folder with 2 pockets to carry daily work 2 Boxes of Hefty One Zip Freezer Bags (for 1 Package of large paper plates to and from school - NO TRAPPER KEEPERS storage of school supplies) (1 gallon size & 1

Shawnee Elementary

Woodlands Intermediate School

8 folders, 2 pocket, plain 1st paint set, watercolor, oval, 8 color w/#9 BOYS: 1 bx storage bags, brush economy zip, gallon, 20ct Crayola Crayons, tuck box, 24/box 1rl tape, invisible, w/dispens5 plain 2 Pocket Folders (solid color) er, 3/4” x650” 1 glue , school, washable, 4oz, white Girls: 3 Glue Sticks, washable Third Grade 1bx storage bags, economy zip, sandwich, 50ct 12” Ruler (with centimeters, center holes) 1 pencil case 1 ORM-D-wipes disinfect, bleach free, scent, 1 box facial tissue 3pk Pencils, #2, unsharpened 35 ct 2 pen, stick, medium point, red 2 Pkgs. Filler paper, wide rule, 10.5” x 8” 1 1” Binder, 3 ring, durable, clear view, 1”, white Wooden Ruler 12”, inch & cm, no center hole Fourth Grade 2 highlighters, chisel tip, yellow, w/pkt clip 1 box of Tissues 1 headphones, digital, stereo w/ ear cushion 1 index cards, 3x5, lined 1st paint set, watercolor, oval, 8 color w/#9 1pk Filler paper, wide rule, 10.5” x 8” 120/pk BOYS: 1 bx storage bags, economy zip, gallon, brush 1 st Colored Pencils, 7”, artist quality, 12/set 20ct, Hand Sanitizer, alcohol free 1pk notebooks, spiral, 6pk, 70ct Scissors, 5”, pointed tip GIRLS: 1 bx storage bags, economy zip, gallon, Scissors, 5”, pointed tip 1pk notebooks, spiral, 4pk, 70ct 20ct, ORM-D-wipes disinfect Markers, classic colors, wide tip, 8/set 4 Chisel-tip (Expo) Dry erase Markers (low Crayons, tuck box, 24/box odor) Fifth Grade 1 glue, school, washable, 4oz, white Eraser, pink, large #2 pencils, unsharpened 1 st Colored Pencils, 7”, artist quality, 12/set Multicolored Fine Point Markers 10/set 1pk Filler paper, wide rule, 10.5” x 8” 3 Glue Sticks, washable 2 Packs of #2 pencils, unsharpened 1 st Colored Pencils, 7”, artist quality, 12/set 1 headphones, digital, stereo w/ ear cushion

McCormick Middle School

A hard-backed three-ring notebook (1” or 1 #2 Pencils 1/2”) for mathematics Pens A ruler with standard and metric markings A five-subject spiral notebook with pockets A hard-backed three-ring binder (1 1/2” or for science 2”) with dividers for language arts A three-ring notebook (1” or 1 1/2”) for his100 3x5 index cards for vocabulary and re- tory Seventh Grade A ruler with standard and metric markings A three-ring notebook with subject dividers search Large box of tissues for homeroom For math - It is recommended that students for all classes wait until attending class before purchasing a White notebook paper Eighth Grade calculator. #2 Pencils A 3-ring notebook with subject dividers for For Mr. Cramer’s language arts - a three-secBlue or black pens tion spiral binder notebook and a supply of 3x5 A spiral notebook with pockets for language all classes Notebook paper index cards and ring holder arts

quart size) (they should have a blue slide lock) Earphones for computer lab 4 Box of 24 Crayons (per quarter) Scissors (Fiskars) 2 Boxes of Tissues - 200-250 count WOODEN Ruler (inch & centimeter) Markers (NO PERMANENT OR VISA-A-VIS) 1 Pack of Index Cards - 4 x 6” 1 Pack of Index Cards - 3 x 5” 2 3-Prong Heavy Duty Picket Folders – (1 each- yellow, orange, purple) 1- 70 pg., wide-ruled, spiral bound notebook 2 Trapper folders (they are studier) FOR ART: Smock (an old t-shirt will do). 1 Elmer’s (White) Glue Stick, Prang or Crayola Watercolors w/brush (not washable), 1 (#2) Pencil - not sharpened, (Note that some items may need restocking at Christmas) All of the above supplies have proven to work well for each of the above grades. Please purchase specific items, (which can be ordered in Spring as a kit through Woodlands). If you did order the kit, your child’s supplies will be on their desk at Open House. 1 Glue Sticks, washable 4 notebooks 1 binder, 3 ring, economy, 1.5” 1 box facial tissue 1 expandable style filing folder 2 folders 2 pockets w/ clasps in middle Sixth Grade 1 file, expanding, poly, ltr size, 7 pocket 1pk Filler paper, wide rule, 10.5” x 8” 2pk #2 pencils 1pk notebooks, spiral, 4pk 1 pen, stick, medium point, red 12” Ruler (with centimeters, center holes) 1 st Colored Pencils, 7”, artist quality, 12/set 1pr Scissors, ‘for students’, 7”, pointed tip Glue stick, washable 1 highlighter, chisel tip, yellow 1bx facial tissue Hand sanitizer, alcohol free

For Mrs. Rowen’s language arts - a one-inch three-ring binder and one pack of either markers or colored pencils Graph paper for math Large box of tissues for homeroom NOTE: SOME TEACHERS MAY REQUIRE ADDITONAL SUPPLIES OR SPECIAL PROJECT MATERIALS DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. An assignment book, The McCormick Agenda, will be provided to each student on the first day.

The New Look of your School Lunch Let’s start with Shawnee Elementary. We have designed a 5-week cycle for our students here. Students will receive a full size magnetic menu to place on their fridge. A cycle menu works like this… each week is color-coded. That particular color is then marked on the school calendar. Since the first week of the cycle is BLUE and we start school on a Wednesday of that week, lunch would be, mini corn dogs, French fries, animal crackers, seasonal fresh fruit and milk. If there would be some reason for school to be closed on a regular school day, lunch would be what is listed for the day students

return. Hopefully this will make it easier for our students to know, “What’s for lunch?” Peanut butter and jelly sandwich will continue to be offered as a second lunch choice. We are currently trying to work out someway of offering a breakfast at Shawnee but haven’t completed that as of yet. We’ll keep you posted. Woodlands Intermediate will also be on the same 5-week menu cycle as Shawnee and receive a magnetic menu. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a veggie salad with cheese & crackers will also be offered daily. Also new this year at Woodlands will

plastic surgery Gregory Allen Surfield, MD Board Certified in General Surgery

Dr. Surfield completed his medical education from Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine (NEOUCOM). He has eight years of experience, including five years of medical residency in general surgery at Summa Health Systems in Akron and three years of medical residency in plastic surgery at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois. Dr. Surfield is on the medical staff of Firelands Regional Medical Center. He treats patients for conditions including: Reconstructive Breast Surgery (after Breast Cancer) Skin Cancer Facial Rejuvenation Cosmetic Surgery of the face and body Difficult Wounds For an appointment, please call 419-621-1940 1221 Hayes Avenue, Suite J, Sandusky

Life Outside the Office Originally from Williamsport, Pennsylvania, Dr. Surfield spent much of his childhood in Ottawa, Ohio. Dr. Surfield now lives in Sandusky and enjoys biking, travel and watching college football.

be breakfast starting Tuesday, September 8th. Waiting until then will give our students time to get used to their bus routes and back into school mode. This will be a “grab & go” type breakfast. Allowing our customers the opportunity to purchase and consume breakfast while still getting to class on time. Breakfast offering is also listed on the magnetic menu and can be purchased the same way as lunch. Breakfast will cost an additional $1.25 per day. Free to those on free lunch and $0.30 a day for those students on reduced lunch. We will continue to offer limited ala carte items at Woodlands. Ala carte items and prices will be listed on our school website soon along with nutritional information for each meal. McCormick Junior High and Huron High School’s lunch and breakfast programs will stay the same. They are on a different 5-week cycle menu than Shawnee and Woodlands, though. These two cafeterias offer your student much more than just a regular school

lunch on a daily basis. Offering between 4-6 entrée’s each day. If a student buys a regular lunch they may get an extra main dish item for $1.00, (half the cost of buying it without a lunch). We have found that most students in these two buildings really don’t worry about seeing a printed menu because of so many choices. We have “paper” copies of their menu if the students would like a copy and it is posted on our website, also. Breakfast at these buildings is $1.50 per day and of course, if your student is on free lunch they can also receive a free breakfast. Reduced student will be charged $0.30 additional for breakfast. All cafeterias will be offering a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables. We will be working with The Chef ’s Garden and Mulvin’s Farm Market to expand our offering. More whole wheat/whole grain items will be incorporated also. We hope all our customers will enjoy our new menu.

Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 20, 2009


News from St. Peter School New Playground The bright blue and yellow colors of the slides and tunnels are hard to miss as you drive by St. Peter School playground these days. The new pieces of playground equipment are the culmination of a plan developed last summer and brought to fruition with monies from the Annual Fund and the Sandusky/Erie County Education Initiatives. Many volunteers, including a great turn-out by the Knights of Columbus, helped to install the equipment. One more work session

to install the curbs and put down the mulch will put the finishing touches on the project. On the north end of the school property another crew of volunteers has put in the outdoor volleyball court for the use of the students. This volunteer project was done by several area companies including Buckeye Construction, Smith Paving, RMH Concrete and Huron Cement. To complete the project, parishioner Chad Leimeister’s Tree Experts will install fencing to totally enclose the playground area. Providing the muscle to get the new volleyball court poured. Opening Day August 26 is the day and 429 Huron Street is the place! The doors will open for the first day of the 2009-2010 school year an hour earlier than in the past years. The Junior High students will begin classes at 7:40 AM and end their day at 2:30 PM. They K of C members install the last piece of play- will ride the earground equipment lier bus routes to

Join now to reach your goals, feel your best and energize your life!

Paul Hansen tries out the new slide. and from school. Kindergarten through sixth grade will begin their day, as last year, at 8:50 and end at 3:20, while the preschool will attend from 8:30 until 11:15 each day. Lunch will be available the first day at a cost of $2.50. The cost of milk is $.35. Classrooms will be open so that students can drop off supplies after Masses this weekend. They can also bring them in on Monday or Tuesday during the usual school hours.

Bicentennial Flashbacks Workout 365 days a year, 24 hrs a day. Anytime Fitness features Nautilus cardio and strength training, free weights, personal training and more... Visit us during Staffed Hours or call to make an appointment. Mon.-Thur. 11a-7p Fri. 11a-5p; Sat. 9a-3p Sun. 10a-2p

More Bicentennial Photos Next Week

2012 Cleveland Rd., Huron 419-502-4348 3104 Milan Rd., Sandusky 419-609-9262

School Lunch Menus St. Pete’s

Wednesday, August 26 Hot Dog on bun Tater tots Applesauce Cookie Milk


Thursday, August 27 Taco meat Whole wheat roll, Margarine Salsa Pears Pudding Milk

Give Anytime a try...

FREE 7 Day Guest Pass

Friday, August 28 Domino pepperoni pizza Carrots and celery sticks w/ranch dressing Apple slices Milk


Huron Public Blue Week Shawnee Elem. & Woodlands Int. Wednesday, August 26 Mini Corn Dogs Sizzling French Fries, Animal Crackers Seasonal Fresh Fruit Ice Cold Milk Thursday, August 27 Cheeseburger on Bun Assorted Fresh Veggies Ranch Dip Pears & Cherries Ice Cold Milk

Bergman Orchards Farm Markets & Greenhouses • Quality Fruit & Vegetables

Everyone’s looking for an encouraging sign in today’s economy. The fact is, they’ll see one in over 17,500 locations across North America. Because for over 86 years, State Farm® agents have been there helping people protect the things that matter most. That’s why more people trust State Farm. And we consider that a very good sign. LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE.®

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Marking 150 years of family farming We would like to thank our customers and employees over the years for this great milestone.

Peaches • Corn • Melons Full Line of Produce 4562 E. Bayshore 419-734-4272

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Friday, August 28 Pepperoni Pizza Garden Salad Choice of Dressings Applesauce Ice Cold Milk

McCormick Jr. High & High Wednesday, August 26 Bosco Bread Sticks Marinara Sauce Garden Salad Juice Pineapple Chilled Milk Thursday, August 27 Fiesta Sticks/Salsa Fresh Veggies/ Dip Baked Chips Seasonal Fresh Fruit Chilled Milk Friday, August 28 Mini Corn Dogs French Fries Sugar Cookie Cinnamon Applesauce Chilled Milk


Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 20, 2009


Huron Public Library Hours Mon. & Tue. 10 AM - 6 PM Wed. & Thur. 10 AM - 8 PM Fri. 10 AM - 5 PM; Sat. 10 AM - 1 PM Sun. Closed Board of Trustees Applications The Board of Trustees of the Huron Public Library is accepting applications for open Board positions. Service on the Board of Trustees is voluntary and without compensation.

Trustee application forms and job descriptions can be obtained at the circulation desk of the Huron Public Library or on the library’s website at www.huronlibrary. org. Completed applications are due at the library by September 4, 2009. The Board of Trustees is composed of seven members residing in the Huron City School district. The Board currently meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. The duties of the Board include determining the annual budget of the library, establishing library policy, advocating for the library in the community, planning for the future of the library, and securing funds needed to operate the library. The Trustees take an oath to perform their duties as defined by the Ohio Revised Code. Candidates must have a strong interest in the welfare of the library and a belief in intellectual freedom. They must have the time and energy to devote to the library. All candidates must

be at least eighteen years of age. Trustees are chosen to represent the diversity of the community including a balance of experience and/or skills in a variety of fields. For more information on the Huron Public Library and its Board of Trustees, contact Anne Hinton, Library Director, at (419) 433-5009. Only two weeks left! Art on a Stick’s last two days are Saturday, August 22 and 29, from 10 - noon. Sign up now to paint a lighthouse, sailboat or lake monster for a $5 donation. Call 419-433-5009 or email On the final Saturday, August 29, you may purchase an Art on a Stick cutout for only $10.00! Put your very own Art on a Stick in your own yard or garden! For only $10.00! Offer good on August 29 only! Chess The Huron Public Library holds Chess for all ages event on Saturday, August 22 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Bring a friend to play a game of chess or get instructions to advance your chess skills. This program for beginners or experts of all ages is downstairs in the meeting room. To join us, call 419-433-5009 or email

Fall Storytime will resume the week of September 8. Registration for Lapsit, for children up to 2 ½ of age years with caregiver, will begin on Tuesday, September 1 at 10 a.m. Stop in or call 419-433-5009. Thank you! The Huron Public Library would like to thank the Mylander Foundation for the generous grant to provide these wonderful programs for the Summer Reading Program: “Drum Trail” with Bill Pate, “Real Recycled Rhythm” with Mary Spayd McCormick, “Discover Your CreaTOONity” with Jeff Nicholas, “Cupcakes Take the Cake” with Anna Dunn, and Finale with Zak Morgan. Huron Youth Connection starts up again at the Huron Public Library on Wednesday, August 26, the first day of school. Students in grades 5 - 8 are invited to the Huron Youth Connection after school program Monday through Thursday from 2:30 - 5:00 PM to have a snack, get help with homework, connect with friends and play games. Look for Miss Paula at the McCormick School open house on Tuesday, August 25! Call 419-4335009 for more information.

Parks & Rec Huron Parks and Recreation Office location: 110 Wall Street Phone: 419-433-8487 Fax: 419-433-0470 Email: Website:


Lower Costs & Exceptional Quality It’s Your Choice! • Convenient Hours No Wait • Individualized Service by Chris Pleasnick, DPT, OCS, COMT • Costs up to 60% less than our Norwalk competition • Wide range of therapy services

Last Garage Sale of the Season! - Fabens Park – Saturday September 5th (9am-1:00pm) This Labor Day weekend sale was a great success last year with over 60 spaces of great shopping! Pre-Registration is required to participate. Spaces for this sale are in the grassy area near the concession stand at Fabens Park. No Food or Drink sales allowed. Spaces are approximately 9 x 19. $10 per space. Use the general program registration form on our website or stop by our office to register. First Federal Farmers Market Don’t miss your chance to get the freshest produce in Erie county! In addition to our returning vendors, we

have added a couple new vendors this year, so be sure to check it out! The farmers market is held every Thursday from 3:30-6:30 at the Huron Boat Basin, 330 N. Main Street through October. Be sure to mark your calendars and shop for your produce at the First Federal Farmers Market! IF YOU ARE A POTENTIAL VENDOR, CONTACT OUR OFFICE, WE STILL HAVE BOOTH SPACES FOR THIS SEASON!!! Pumpkin Fest - The second annual Pumpkin fest is coming back to Huron this fall. The festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 10th from 12:00pm – 6:00pm. at the Huron Boat Basin. There will be crafts, games, entertainment, craft vendors, food vendors and much, much more!!! The full schedule of events will be out soon. Attention Craft Vendors! We will be accepting a limited number of craft vendors for the Huron Pumpkin Fest which will be held Saturday, October 10th from Noon-6pm at the Huron Boat Basin. The spaces are 10 x 10. $25.00 per space!! For details and fee information please contact Brian Croucher, Recreation Manager at 419433-8487

Huron Lagoons Marina National Marine Day

DR. CHRIS PLEASNICK Physical Therapist Norwalk Manager

Norwalk Office

1 E. Willard, Behind Pizza Hut


Looking for Volunteers…Huron Pumpkin Fest - We are looking for members of the community who would like to work as volunteers at the Huron Pumpkin Fest which will take place on Saturday, October 10th from 11:00am-6pm at the Huron Boat Basin. This event will feature children’s games, costume contest, scarecrow decorating contest, great food & craft vendors, touch-a-truck area, entertainment (magic show, juggling act, family concert), and a pumpkin drop to conclude the day! In order to make an event of this size run smoothly… we need your help!! Interested? Please contact Brian Croucher, Recreation Manager at 419-433-8487 ext 220. Thank you! Registrations now being taken for Fall Aerobics - Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6pm-7pm at Woodlands Elementary: Session I- September 15-October 15. Session II- Oct 27-December 1(No class Thanksgiving Day) $45 Residents/ $50 Non Residents per session. $10 off if you sing up for both classes!! Fall Baseball & Softball Leagues …. Fabens Park FALL BALL starts August 29 & 30th!!!!!

Division I winners Katie, Jessica and Daniel.

Huron Lagoons Marina and Laguna Yacht Club hosted their second annual National Marine Day HLM & LYC Challenge. The event began with a parade of floats, including Dick Durkin’s Huron Bicentennial Float a replica of an iron ore ship and decorated golf carts, scooters, bicycles, people & dogs down 100 Laguna Dr. The steady down

pour of rain did not deter the crowd of on lookers. A special thanks to the Firelands Military Vehicle Group and the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. for bringing in the “MIGHTY JESSIE” the area’s only operational WWII historic craft. They fired the on board cannon’s to start the HLM, LYC Challenge.

The best dressed dog. The HLM, LYC Challenge consists of homemade crafts built from a single sheet of 1/4” plywood, two 2”x4”X 8’ boards, a roll of duct tape and a pound of fasteners. Each participant must wear a life jacket during the race. Fun is had by all ages! Thank you to our sponsors: River’s Edge Inn, Huron Boat Basin, Ghostly Manor, New China Town, Patriot Auto Sales, Jim’s Pizza Box and Huron Pizza House.

Vern won best design.

Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 20, 2009



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Huron High School seeks coach Huron High School is seeking applicants send a letter of interest and resume to: for for the position of Interim Boys Varsity Huron High School, C/O Tony Munafo, Basketball coach. 710 Cleveland Rd West, Huron, OH 44839. Anyone interested in the position needs to

H&R Block Hiring Nearly 15,000 Tax Professionals Enrollment now open for H&R Block’s Income Tax Course The nation’s unemployment rate is more than 9 percent.* Job fairs have lines out the door. And, an economic turnaround isn’t projected until 2010. Those looking for work face staggering challenges. But H&R Block (NYSE: HRB) has good news for jobseekers: The company is preparing to hire nearly 15,000 tax professionals nationwide. Interested candidates must complete H&R Block’s Income Tax Course, which is now open for enrollment. Upon passing the 69-hour** class, qualified English-speaking or bilingual candidates will be eligible to apply for a tax preparation position in one of the company’s retail offices nationwide. “In a tight job market, this course is a good opportunity to learn fresh skills that could lead to a new career,” said Dave Wilber, H&R Block instructor in Huron. “For the thousands affected by layoffs, H&R Block’s Income Tax Course could be an avenue for pursuing a job with the country’s tax preparation leader.” Multiple class locations are offered and courses are held at different times throughout the day. Classes start Sept. 8th and generally meet two or three times a week for three hours. The course covers common tax topics seen in the field by preparers, including: • Credits, deductions and charitable contributions

• Health savings accounts • Stock sales, retirement planning and income • Mortgage interest • Home offices, self-employed income and wages Once hired, H&R Block tax professionals will participate in ongoing training to stay apprised of the latest tax law changes. To enroll in H&R Block’s Income Tax Course in Huron call 419-433-2083. *US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 5, 2009. **State requirements may vary. H&R Block is an Equal Opportunity Employer. This course is not intended for, nor open to, any persons who are currently employed by or seeking employment with any professional tax preparation company or organization other than H&R Block. Huron

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Tying the knot?

SEND US YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT Fill out the form below and mail to

Hometown News, P.O. Box 330, Huron, Ohio 44839.

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Name (Bride or Graduate)_____________________________ Daytime Phone_______________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Names & Address(es)_____________________________________________________ Schools Attended (indicate if graduated)_____________________________________________ Degrees Earned, Military Service___________________________________________________ Place of Employment (include city & state)___________________________________________ Name (Bridegroom)_________________________________ Daytime Phone_______________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Names & Address(es)_____________________________________________________ Schools Attended (indicate if graduated)_____________________________________________ Degrees Earned, Military Service___________________________________________________ Place of Employment (include city & state)___________________________________________


Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 20, 2009

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