Huron Hometown News - August 27, 2009

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Have you seen this Rockin’ Grandma?








Any $25 purchase of regular priced, non-sale items... Limit 1 per person. Offer expires Sept. 3, 2009.



Good Luck Huron Tigers!



August 27, 2009


Vol. 4 Number 51

Huron City Schools Rated “EXCELLENT with Distinction”

Around Town Page 2­­ ­­—————— Church Chat Page 3 ­­—————— Sports Page 4-5

As a 2009-2010 school year has kicked off with much SUCCESS this week the 2009 Ohio Achievement Test Results have also been released. The results……Huron City Schools Ohio Achievement Test Scores are the highest in Erie County EVER. Huron City Schools have earned the outstanding ranking of “EXCELLENT with Distinction”. The past two years Huron has earned the rating of “EXCELLENT” from the Ohio Department of Education. With improved Ohio Achievement test scores and other important positive variables the District has moved to the highest rating…..”Excellent with Distinction!” “We are ecstatic with the results of the District’s School Year Report Card from the Ohio Department of Education. I am very proud of the students, teachers, staff and parents who have worked very hard to achieve these results,” stated Superintendent Fred Fox. The 2008 test scores compared to the 2009 test scores Huron students improved in 20 of the 23 areas across the district, with an average improvement rate of 5.745. The test includes: reading and mathematics for 3 through 8th grades, science and social studies for 5th & 8th grades, and the Ohio Graduation Tests for 10th & 11th grades. When compared to other local districts in the

By Mary Ann Bencivengo For many years, many have driven down one mile East of Rt. 61 on Mason Rd., Berlin Heights, from Huron, to enjoy the peaches, cherries, apples, berries and grapes of historic Quarry Hill Orchards. Bill Gammie and his wife Jackie own and operate what is now the orchard which was first established as a vegetable farm by his father and his uncle—who called it Gammie Brothers--in 1931. Then, in 2005, they teamed with Mac McLellan and his wife Amy, who there at the orchard established Quarry Hill Winery. Since its reception, Quarry Hill winery has done so well that the McLellan’s are now expanding it. “The orchard and the winery now share space,” Mac says, “but the winery is established and will have a new separate building.”

Schools Page 6 Entertainment Page 7 —————— Library & Parks & Rec Page 8 —————— Classifieds Page 9 Carol's

Just yards away from the produce shop where wine is currently sold, the digging is done and the footer for the new building is poured. It is expected that by spring the new building will be home to the many exciting and interesting wines created by Mac McLellan. In addition to several white and red wines, fruit varieties to taste and choose from are Apple, Peach, Blueberry, Red Raspberry, Strawberry-Rhubarb and another Red Raspberry (framboise) that is a dessert wine. Also there is a dry hard cider— a dry champagne—called Apple Frizzante. Of the red wines, Buckeye Red is the biggest seller, Mac adds. Plans for the new winery building include a banquet room in which to host parties and special events with both indoor and outdoor seating available for guests, a wine-tasting bar that will also offer bread, fruit and cheese and a nice retail area. Mac says that they are open to featuring local products and local artisans for the retail area. With Quarry Hill Winery and Quarry Hill Orchards both being family owned and operated businesses, both are all for supporting local business. Mac is originally from Alabama. After graduating from Auburn University in Alabama with a degree in Business Administration, Mac worked at another winery for seven years

as a winemaker’s apprentice prior to creating Quarry Hill Winery. He moved to this area in 1998. You don’t have to wait until spring to taste and buy wine. The winery is open now along with Quarry Hill Orchards and the wines can be a perfect happy ending to summer. It’s hard to think ahead to fall and winter, but the fruity ones can still accompany autumn and the dry apple champagne sounds invigorating for Thanksgiving or the winter holidays. Quarry Hill Winery and Quarry Hill Orchards are open from 10-5:30 Monday-Saturdays and from 1-5:30 Sundays. Hours change with the seasons so it is recommended you call ahead to visiting at 419-706-8005. Or, visit and

Huron Post Office Clerk John Pankow Retires Ladies and Gentlemen, John Pankow has left the building. Anyone who has frequented the Huron Post Office over the years would probably recognize the friendly face of clerk John Pankow. A retail associate there for the past 22 years, John has now retired. “It has been a pleasure to work at the post office in Huron,” he says, adding, “I was born and raised in Huron and knew a lot of Huron people.” John is the kind of person who keeps busy all his life. A review of his life history shows that he was someone who was always on the go, always working towards and on something. He attended St. Peter Catholic School in Huron grades 1-8 and when he began high school his family moved to Sandusky where he graduated from St. Mary’s High School, in 1965. That same year, at the age of 17, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, served in Vietnam at Cameron Bay and was discharged in August of 1968. From there he immediately

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reporting mandated by the state. “There is a feeling of pride knowing that tax money spent on educating children is being spent wisely,” stated Fox. Districts rated “Excellent” and “Excellent with Distinction” also tend to help protect property values in a community. Local realtors use this rating as a selling point when working with prospective home buyers. Houses are easier to sell in a stronger system than in a weak system. The plan for Huron City Schools is to continue to focus on the basics; reading and writing. “If children cannot read and write well, they are going to have difficulty in everything they do,” stated Fox. As the new school years kicks off to a great start, students and staff should be very proud of their hard work in accomplishing this goal. Preparations will be made throughout the school year for the 2009-2010 Ohio Achievement tests that is administered in the spring of 2010. For more information regarding the Ohio Department of Education School Report Card log on to: or visit for more information regarding the Huron City School District.

Quarry Hill Winery at Quarry Hill Orchards Expands



county, Huron holds some of the highest scores after the 2008-2009 testing. Other districts in the area include: Berlin-Milan Local, Margaretta Local, Perkins Local, Sandusky City and Vermillion Local. Subject areas in which Huron has excelled over the past year include, 4th grade Writing, 5th grade Mathematics, Science & Social Studies, 6th grade Reading & Mathematics, 8th grade Reading, Mathematics & Science. Most of the subject areas with marked improvement were demonstrated by students affected by the redistricting plan that went into effect the beginning of last school year. What exactly does all of this mean to the Huron City School District and its surrounding community? The Ohio Department of Education issues a waiver to school districts rated “Excellent” or “Excellent with Distinction”. The waiver exempts a district from the state mandating the class size ratio, which ultimately saves the district valuable resources. Districts which are rated “poor” must be audited by the Ohio Department of Education. The audits are very time consuming and take the focus away from the student, explained Fox. An “Excellent with Distinction” rating ultimately helps the community as a whole. Many tax dollars are saved due to lack of audits and


enrolled at Bowling Green State University Firelands, our local branch campus of Bowling Green State University, at the time when the campus first opened for its first year of classes. He attended Firelands for two years, then transferred to main campus in Bowling Green and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 1972. In 1973 he took the postal exam and was hired

at the Sandusky post office that year where he worked for 15 years before transferring to Huron. Returning to Huron, he says, gave him ‘’a lot of memorable experiences.” John and his wife now live in Milan where they have lived for the past 12 and a half years. His wife, Deb, not yet retired, manages Curves in Sandusky. John remarks that his retirement date of August 3 is the same date as he and his wife’s wedding anniversary. They married in 1978. Retired for two weeks now, he says that so far the past two weeks have felt like a summer vacation. One activity he and his family have always enjoyed and will continue to do a lot of is weekend camping. John says he plans on taking it easy and enjoying family time with his wife Deb, his daughter Mikki and son Shane and his three grandchildren. The friendly face of John Pankow will certainly be missed at the post office and those who know him-- who wish he and his family the best.


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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 27, 2009

Around Town

Costly Misconceptions:


Dept. going through transition By John T. Majoy, Acting Chief of Police The Huron Police Department has entered into a transitional phase with the retirement of former Chief Randy Glovinsky. Randy carried the torch for 29 years and provided outstanding and proactive leadership for the police department. After Randy’s departure, we, the men and women of the Huron Police Department, have been working diligently to continue to provide a high level of police service while at the same time maintaining accountability and fiscal responsibility to our citizens. As a part of our community policing efforts, I will be submitting a monthly column to the Huron Hometown News. The column will feature various endeavors of what your police department is doing, along with news and other pertinent information you may find worthy. This column will also provide a forum for residents and visitors alike to ask questions about your police department or various happenings in Huron. It is my hope that our efforts to bring the Huron Police Department closer to the residents are successful. If you have questions or ideas you would like to read about, please submit an e-mail to Or, you can call us or mail your idea or questions to the police station. In the near future you will be reading about our upcoming Citizen Police Academy where Huron residents will be able to join an eight week program to learn about your police department and general law enforcement topics. We will also be hosting a child fingerprint clinic and other public safety programs to help keep our community informed but more importantly – safe. On behalf of the Huron Police Department, we appreciate your support.

Most People Mistakenly Believe Long-Term Care is Covered By State Farm® agent Bruce Miller Have you failed to get insurance for long term care in a nursing home because you think you already have coverage? If so, you’re like a lot of other people, according to a Roper survey of Americans 45 years of age and over, recently released by the American Society on Aging (ASA). That misconception can become costly when you consider long-term care in a nursing home currently averages $56,000i a year, according to the US Government, and is expected to quadruple by 2030ii. People could easily find their assets depleted, their choices limited and their independence gone if they need long-term care but have made no plans to pay for it. And chances are good they will need long-term care. Statistics released by the Health Insurance Association of America say that after age 65, Americans have more than a 70 percent chance of needing some form of long-term care, whether it’s an aide coming to their home, a stay in an assisted care facility or an extended stay in a nursing home.iii Younger people may also need long-term care if they’ve had a stroke, for example, or been in an accident. “This survey confirms that Americans need to wake-up to the realities of long-term care,” said Jim Emerman, senior vice president of the ASA. “All it takes is a phone call to a financial services professional to find out the truth behind the misconceptions so many have about longterm care.” Some of the common misconceptions uncovered in the Roper studyiv are these: • Forty-two percent were not aware Medicare only covers long-term care expenses for a short time, and only after someone is released from the hospital.

OddBall Olympics Rescheduled Mark your calendars now for Sunday afternoon, September 13. That’s when the rescheduled OddBall Olympics will be played on Kalahari Field at Huron Memorial Stadium. Late last week it was decided to postpone the games ,scheduled for August 16, because it was discovered that too many families were still enjoying summer vacations out of town or so many teens were still holding down their summer jobs that full teams could not be formed for each event. As it worked out, the 90+ degree temperatures at game time Sunday afternoon made it a good move also. The team leaders and committee will work with the schools once they are in session to obtain the team members for the first three heats of each contest. However, we still need adult participation for the final adult heats of each event, that allimportant home stretch that so often determines the winners. So parents and adult siblings, expect the kids to pester you to join them on the field to help round out the teams. Don’t let them or your area of town down in this first-ever event. Team leaders are listed here for you to contact. The concession stand will open at noon, with the opening ceremonies scheduled for 1

Congratulations Huron students for weeks, days, and hours of practice! Your hard work will show and our community will feel the Tiger Pride! As a show of support for our students, I’d like to suggest everyone whenever possible wear tiger colors while exercising outdoors. Go Tigers! Heike Daigle, Howard Hanna Real Estate Services, 419-602-0098

• Thirty percent were not aware Medicaid coverage for long-term care is only available after someone’s financial resources are exhausted. • Almost half (46 percent) are under the impression their health insurance will automatically cover long-term care. It’s dangerous to assume you’re covered for long-term care. When the need for a nursing home stay or other long-term care arises, you may discover you’re not covered and have waited too long to buy insurance. Longterm care insurance is an important part of a financial plan. I urge people to speak with a financial services professional about their need for long-term care insurance now, before it’s too late to get coverage Estimates from: Health Care Financing Administration, Office of the Actuary, National Health Statistics Group. As presented in, “Nursing Homes.” AARP Public Policy Institute Fact Sheet. February 2001: pg. 3. ii Can Aging Baby Boomers Avoid the Nursing Home? Long-term Care Insurance for Aging in Place.” American Council of Life Insurers. March 2000: pg. 15. iii Lewin Group estimates based on the BrookingsICF Long-term Care Financing Model, 1992. As cited in, “Long-term Care: Knowing the Risk, Paying the Price.” Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA). 1997: pg. 12. The level of coverage provided by long-term care insurance depends on the type of policy you purchase. Some types of care received may not be covered by longterm care insurance. iv Study conducted by Roper ASW, August 2002. Released by State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and the American Society on Agency (ASA), April 2003. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois -®. The American Society on Aging is not an affiliate of State Farm®. The Long-Term Care Insurance policy 97058 is underwritten by State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company.

PM and the games set to begin promptly at 1:15 PM. It will prove to be an enjoyable, fast paced afternoon – and much cooler, too! Please join us, either as participants or spectators for this community oriented, free event. • Huron Township West — Sticks Gioffre, 433-0094; Jude Seeholzer, 433-2617 • Rye Beach — Shaun Bickley, 433-8989; Vince Lagando, 433-6318 • Grand Forest — Dino Caporini, 433-3459 • Wexford — Jim Bollenbacher, 433-4316; Eric Martin, 433-5956 • Midtown — Bill Scott, 433-6136 • South Side — Ty Delamatre, 433-8352 • Near East Side —Pat Lagando, 433- 0463 • Far East Side — Scott Demos, 433-8551 Huron City and Township Team Divisions I — Township West: Sawmill Creek area on Cleveland Road, west to Perkins Ave, south on Galloway to Bogart, South to Scheid Road, then east to Huron-Avery Road II — Rye Beach area: Rye Beach Road east to the lagoon, south to Cleveland Road III — Grand Forest area Rose Avenue to Lake House area, both sides of Cleveland Road IV — Wexford area Wexford, then east to high school lagoon, between lake and bypass V — Midtown High school lagoon, east to the river, south to Rt. 6 (Jim Campbell Blvd) VI — South Side area South of Rt. 6, out to the bypass and east to the river; south of bypass along Rt 13 to Scheid Road – west to Huron-Avery, east on New Scheid VII — Near East Side —The river east to Chaska, including south of Cleveland Road and out both River and Berlin Roads and their tributaries VIII — Far East Side, Beachwood east to Rt. 61 and south of Cleveland Rd.

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Sandusky, OH – Chef Edward Logan II has accepted the position of Chef at Parkvue Place on August 4th, 2009. Chef Logan is a graduate from The Culinary Institute of American and The Vanguard Career Center. Since 2003, Chef Logan has utilized his culinary and foodservice experience with establishments such as Mon Ami Restaurant and Winery (Port Clinton), Mitchell’s Steakhouse (Columbus), Aramark at The University of Toledo (Toledo), Fremont Country Club (Fremont) and was guest chef in The Taste of Home Demonstration. Chef Logan currently lives in Fremont, Ohio, with his wife Corrina and three children; Mekayla, Elyssa, Edward III. Chef Logan is a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America, he holds rank of Eagle Scout. He also enjoys cooking out with family and friends, fishing, hunting, camping, sports, and car customization.

Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 27, 2009


Church Chat

Services Directory

Christ Episcopal Church 120 Ohio St., Huron 419-433-4701 Sunday—9 a.m. and Adult Sunday School 10:30 a.m. First Presbyterian Church 225 Williams St., Huron 419-433-5018 Summer Hours 8:00 Early Service 9:30 Worship No Sunday School Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church Kalahari Resort, Nia Convention Center Rt. 250, Huron; 419-271-3934. Worship—Sunday 10:30 a.m. Bible Study—Thursday, 6:30 p.m. at Sheri’s Coffee House in Norwalk

Wed. 10 am-2pm, Thur. gin worship with their par9am-9pm ents and then are invited to 1st & 3rd Sat. 9am-5pm join in the Summer Sunday Fundays of lively music, enZion Lutheran Church gaging lessons, fun games 930 Main St., Huron and clever crafts designed 419-433-4711 just for them. www.zionhuron,org Summer is coming to Zion, Summer Sunday Worship the Church on the Hill. Service at Huron Lagoons The worship schedule is Marina. changing for the summer at Beginning May 24th Zion Lutheran Church, 930 (Memorial Day weekend) S. Main St., Huron. From through September 6th (LaMay 31st thru September bor Day weekend) you are 6th worship will be at 9:30 invited to join 8:00 a.m. a.m. This service is a family services led by Pastor Ray – friendly blended service Serocka. of contemporary and tradiWorship services are held tional worship. Casual dress at the Huron Lagoons Mariis encouraged. Children be- na Pool Complex at the en-

Lifepoint 539 Cleveland Rd. W., Huron 419-433-4156 Sunday—10 a.m., and nursery available. Sunday school—10 a.m. for K-6th grade. “Grounded” youth group for grades 6-12—Sundays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. 3-5 grade Boys Youth Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. 3-5 grade Girls Youth Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. “The Biggest Loser” campaign drive focuses on weight loss, new visitors and faithfulness in attendance. Call Pastor Brenton for more information. Lighthouse Assembly of God Church 820 Cleveland Rd. E., Huron 419-433-8889 Sunday service—10:30 a.m. Sunday school—9:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study--6 p.m. Sunday. Youth Group—6 p.m. Sunday. Food Pantry—9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesdays; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursdays. Salvation Army Service Unit—10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursdays, by appointment only. St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church 15617 Mason Rd., Vermilion Rev. Dr. Karl Fry, Pastor 440-967-9886 www.luther ansonline. com/stmattvermlcms Sunday School/ Bible Study 9:30 Ladies Bible Fellowship 9:15 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. St. Peter’s Catholic Church 430 Main St., Huron; 419-433-5725. Saturday—5 p.m. Sunday—8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The Chapel 4444 Galloway Rd., Sandusky 419-627-0208 Saturday service--5:00 p.m. Sunday service—9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group— Sundays 5-6:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group— Sundays 7-9:00 p.m. Latitude group ages 1829—Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 4511 Galloway Rd., Huron 419-626-9860 Bishop: Bill Reel Sacrament service—9:30 a.m. Sundays Family History Center

Keep us up to date on your church services and happenings. We may not know about your events unless you tell us! Send your church service updates, news, events and happenings to

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Holy Trinity Anglican Church 1608 St. Rt. 113, Milan 419-499-3683 Rev. Dr. John C. Jordan Worship and Holy Communion—Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Huron United Methodist Church 338 Williams St., Huron 419-433-3984 On Sundays: 8:00 a.m.—Praise Service in Fellowship Hall with Summer Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Celebration service in Sanctuary Children’s programs are available for ages pre-school through 4th grade Refreshments and Nursery are available all Sunday morning

trance to the marina at 100 Laguna Dr. which can be reached by following Rt. 13 to Riverside Dr. (just before Thunderbird Golf Course) and following the signs to the marina. Shorts and sandals are the expected attired for this relaxed, friendly service sponsored by Zion Lutheran Church.

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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 27, 2009

VARSITY FOOTBALL Row 1 L-R: Mason Krebs, Brenden Sheridan, Jarod Blakely, Dylan Goff, Zach Blodgett, Max Jenkins, Zach Grieves, Lance Blanton, Jonathan Hicks, Patrick Moore. Row 2 L-R: Joey Bogden, Brandon Krueger, Alex Ruf, Matt Schoelwer, Eric Volz, Sean Brady, Dylan Corwin, Joe Ramey, Brandon Poorman, Zach Taylor, Derek Dowell. Row 3 L-R: Ben Wilson, Danny Nagy, Ryan Biddlecombe, Justin Hicks, Jake Hillman, Zach Johnston, Brian Bollenbacher, Jason Clevenger, Rory Kaip, Jason Mahler. Row 4 L-R: Zach Hemker, Matt King, Jordan Romick, Tyler Colley, Sean Fantozz, Ian McCready, Cody Henderson, Will Bell, Tyler Sams, Ethan Felton, Anthony Lane. Row 5 L-R: Kyle Pisano, Gregory Edwards, Carlton Cherry, Treyvon Matthews, Nathan Schaefer, Eric Mentis, Mitchell Hagstrom, Sam Hemker, Nolan Thaxton, Troy DeLamatre. Row 6 L-R: Jack Heil, Nyle Olds, Tyson Maddix, Austin Maddox, Nino Majoy, Kevin Gosser, Dominic Ruta, Drew Enderle, Billy Porter, Brennan Silvis, Kevin Estel. Row 7 L-R: Abram Fortune, Oliver Claus, Dylan Hohler, Will Steuk, Will Springer, Kyle Kovach, Conner Fortune, Joey Harkelroad, Cameron Calderon. Row 8 L-R: Jim Bollenbacher, John Zadell, Andy Fortune, Head Coach Tony Legando, Sam Hohler, Tim Sowecke, Bill Kovach, Tim Drumm.

BOYS SOCCER Kneeling L-R: Chris Wobser, Dom Vacca, Clinton Boos, Curtis Boger, Max Gimperling, Josh Russo, Tremayne Lemar. Middle Row FOOTBALL COACHES Kneeling L-R: John Zadell, L-R: Zach Dusza, Zach Taylor, Anthony Lane, TayHead Coach Tony Legando, Tim Sowecke, Andy lor Prosser, Chase Greenawalt, Jedadiah Mayle, Fortune. Standing L-R: Jim Bollenbacher, Sam John Dusza, Zach Crawford, Liam Galvin. Back Hohler, Tim Drumm, Bill Kovach. Row L-R: Coach Ryan Manner, Patrick Estel, Derek Enderle, Jacob Boehk, Corey Barnicle, Justin Majoy, Mason Prosser, Kevin Bechtel, Head Coach Matt Asher.

GIRLS SOCCER Row 1 L-R: Carly Fawcett, Katie Zimmer, Lauren Shackleford, Jessica Halsey, Molly Banks, Colleen Allen-Clingan. Row 2 L-R: Anastasia Mikheeva, Odyssey Guy, Taylor Staley, Amanda Maschari, Kennedy Branum, Kali Horman, Maria Reyes. Row 3 L-R: Andrea Gillespie, Katie Deran, Kaitlyn Stradtman, Gina Munafo, Courtney Green, Ciera Calderon, Frankie Crooks, Alexis Lemar. Row 4 L-R: Rilea Lombardy, Abby Noftz, Susie Reyes, Kelly Wright, Victoria Green, Lauren Dewey, Laura Hahn, Karleigh Ripley, Coach Justin Kijowski.

VARSITY CHEERLEADERS Front L-R: Carissa Wright, Nicole Luzader, Taylor Thatcher, Colleen Machovina. Back L-R: Faith Johnson, Burgundy Bickley, Hilary Bores, Mackenzie Davis, Jennifer Fialka.

Bergman Orchards Farm Markets & Greenhouses • Quality Fruit & Vegetables

Marking 150 years of family farming We would like to thank our customers and employees over the years for this great milestone.

GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY Front L-R: Devon Dickirson, Brittany Graves, Eileen Moriarty, Jessica Hoff, Rika Izumi. Middle L-R: Cassie Bencivengo, Hannah Smith, Chloe Greenawalt, Morgan Mize, Caroline Estel, Jessica Majoy. Back L-R: Rachel Miller, Amber Harkey, Coach Deedra Bejarano, Alex Wisehart, Katie Thorne.

BOYS CROSS COUNTRY Kneeling L-R: Billy Graves, Jake Ramey, Nick Lowy, Brett Berryhill. Standing L-R: Josh Marshall, Jimmy Moriarty, Cody Crandall, Mike Post, Stephen Tomczyk, Coach Deedra Bejarano.

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BOYS GOLF Kneeling L-R: Chris Grant, Jake Lehrer, mgr, Josh Battiste, Matthew Wray, Nathan Andrews, Kyle Riemann. Standing L-R: Cody Brownell, Nathan Reineck, Jake Justus, Ben Meyers, Tylor Crawford, Coach Tom Bollenbacher.

GIRLS GOLF Row 1 L-R: Molly Lehrer, Gabby Bauthier, Erin Stoner, Kylie Greulich, Emma Golling. Row 2 L-R: Maddie McCarthy, Katie Weber, Nicole West, Neesha Nainee, Casey Minton, Hannah Critelli. Row 3 L-R: Ashley Franks, Olivia Warren, Abbey Cook, Coach Frank Gioffre, Lauren Volz, Meghan Green, Shannon Allen.

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GIRLS TENNIS Row 1 L-R: Paige Peiples, Carolyn Stierhoff, Lynsie Schwerer, Morgan Griffin, Brittany Graves, Jessica Hoff. Row 2 L-R: Holly Richardson, Brittany Mayer, Nancy Bloor, Brynn Baaske, Kayla Koehler, Nora Deleon, Olivia Stallkamp. Row 3 L-R: Head Coach Jeff Skaggs, Caitlin Foley, Kayla Hamilton, Emily Wiseman, Emily Waldrop, Erin Black, Megan McNulty, Coach Julie Woodard.


Photos by Michael A. Foster

Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 27, 2009

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Good Luck Tigers!

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Good Luck Huron Tigers

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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sports…As I see it • Here is how I know fall is just around the corner. My wife, a first grade teacher has spent every one of the last 14 days in her classroom getting ready for the school year. Preseason football begins both professional and high school, where the anticipation of a new season begins to build. Indians games are no longer just meaningless, but are now a preview of the frustration that will be next year. I often wonder about small and mid market teams (i.e. Pittsburgh Pirates) who get caught in what I see as a vicious cycle of losing; fans don’t come out, cut/ trade talent to save money. Then lose be-

cause they don’t have enough talent, fans don’t come out, cut/trade what talent there is to save money and get prospects. Then they lose because they don’t have enough talent, fans don’t come out, cut/trade talent to save money and get prospects. Then they lose because they don’t have enough talent. And so on and so on… It will take an act of God now for the Indians not to become the Tribe of my youth. (1970’s and 1980’s) No managerial change is going to break that cycle. • I traveled to Bucyrus on Friday to get my first glimpse of this year’s varsity football squad. While the home team defeated Huron on the scoreboard 21-13, the Tigers began to settle into the scrimmage after the first couple possessions. Huron did display its explosive scoring potential. New

Running back Derek Dowell stiff arms the Bucyrus defender on the ground on his way to another positive gain. running back, Derek Dowell looked solid rushing through nice holes opened up by the offensive line. The 2009 Tigers are certainly a younger, less mature squad and it is easy to predict that every game will be a learning experience for the team. For example, Bucyrus started strong running right through the opposition’s defensive line with little difficulty, but as the exhibition continued, the Tiger defense stiffened. Still, Coach Legando’s post game speech seemed to focus on maturity. The fact that to play successful Friday night, varsity football requires dedication and attention to detail. Their success this year will greatly depend on how well they heed their Derek Dowell fights his way through the Bucyrus defense during Huron’s coach’s warnings. challenging pre-season tune-up. • As I write this I am watching, for ® Protect your boat with insurance from Nationwide.

the second time, the first quarter of the Browns – Lions preseason game. Don’t get too excited, because Detroit is bad. Really bad. Anyone who has ever coached before understands the frustration that Mangini must feel, like so many others before him, as they watch a Derek Anderson on the field. You just watch in awe at the natural ability, the cannon for an arm, and then have your stomach wretch when he inexplicably throws that five yard flare at 95 mph and behind his receiver for the hundredth time. On the positive side, I thought the offensive line looked good. This exhibition was a good way to get the stench of the Green Bay game behind them and work from a positive position. Still, this team is very much a work in process.

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Huron Band Elects Officers Girls Varsity Tennis Results

Protect your boat with insurance from Nationwide.® With a wide range of options to cover 95% of the boats On August 3rd, the Huron Highthe School in morning until 8 at night. Although ® the the water, you’ll protection you deserve. rotect your boat with on insurance fromgetNationwide. Marching Band began theirbyseason with a fully a long day, the band members always have Call or come today to get your boat covered.

Huron opened its 2009 girls tennis campaign at Sandusky against the Blue Streaks. Insurance Financial th a wide range of optionsNemecek to cover 95% of&the boatsServices week long camp that ran all weekLICENSED from 9OFFICE fun! There were various themes through- The Tiger’s Nancy Bloor handled The BAUMAN, MANAGER on the water, you’ll get theDAWN protection you deserve. out the week that added Streak’s Hannah Riedy, 6-2, 6-1. The oth2012 Cleveland Rd W Suite D all or come by today to get your boat fullyInsurance covered. Nemecek & Financial Services some humor to the camp. er two singles matches required three sets Huron, OH 44839 the DAWNRight BAUMAN,Across LICENSED from OFFICE MANAGER Among them, 80’s night, each to be settled. However, in both cases, 419-433-5887 2012 Cleveland Rd W Suite D Huron Post Office! Huron, OH 44839 sports days, etc. There were Sandusky finished on top. The remainder 419-433-5887 many parties throughout of the results is as follows: Nemecek Insurance & Financial Services Singles the week allowing the kids DAWN BAUMAN, LICENSED OFFICE MANAGER Kim Reid (S) defeated Paige Peiples 6-3, to cool down and grab a 2012 Rd location W Suite D Visit Cleveland us at our new bite to eat. Thanks to all Huron, OHStreet 44839 on Mill July 10th! Call today for a quote. Call me today for me a419-433-5887 quote. 419-433-5887 band parents who were kind enough to entertain Hours: M, T, R, F: 9-5 and feed the kids at your W: 12-5 Evenings by appt. home. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service Mr. Adam Ladd is assisted marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. by Mrs. Christina Scherley me today for a quote. in directing the Marching Band again this school year. We look forward to another great Marching Band seaationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Office: son as the band performs olumbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service arks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. before each football game and at halftime. We have 2 It’s the virtually invisible great teachers here!! way to straighten your At the end of band camp teeth without braces. week, it is tradition for the band members to elect The Invisalign system uses a officers. The 2009-2010 series of clear, removable Student Band Officers are: aligners to move your teeth President: Alex VanScoy, over time to give you the smile Vice President: Colleen you deserve. Allen-Clingan, Secretary: call for your complimentary consultation Abby Sachs and Historian: EHOVE instructor Mary Kate Jones. The officers are Taylor, Huron, prepares hoping to enjoy their senior her classroom for stuyear to it’s fullest and make dents during a teacher workday Aug. 21. Staff band fun for all members. attended two days of We hope you will enjoy training and activities this year’s band shows be- to prepare for the start fore each football game and of school. general dentist at half time. Go Tigers!! Go Band!!

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4-6, 6-3 Sarah Strohl (S) defeated Lynsie Schwerer 6-4, 1-6, 6-4 Doubles McGuire/Whaley (S) defeated Emily Waldrop/Erin Black 6-4, 6-1 Cheek/Linden (S) defeated Caitlyn Foley/ Brittany Mayer 6-4, 6-4

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.

plastic surgery Gregory Allen Surfield, MD Board Certified in General Surgery

Dr. Surfield completed his medical education from Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine (NEOUCOM). He has eight years of experience, including five years of medical residency in general surgery at Summa Health Systems in Akron and three years of medical residency in plastic surgery at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois. Dr. Surfield is on the medical staff of Firelands Regional Medical Center. He treats patients for conditions including:

Life Outside the Office Originally from Williamsport, Pennsylvania, Dr. Surfield spent much of his childhood in Ottawa, Ohio. Dr. Surfield now lives in Sandusky and enjoys biking, travel and watching college football.

EHOVE instructor Carolyn Ohlemacher talks health with Donna Green (of Huron), Family & Consumer Science Educator for the Erie County OSU extension, Aug. 24 at the health/benefit fair. Staff started the new school year with two days of professional development training on Aug. 20 and 21and the opportunity to meet with financial and health representatives on August 24.

School Lunch Menus

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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 27, 2009


By Sheila Ehrhardt When a grandson asks his “Grandma” a big favor, there’s no way she can turn him down. So when Stephen asked me to take him to a concert at the Time-Warner Outdoor Amphitheater in the Cleveland Flats, I was glad to oblige. An accomplished drummer and guitarist who plays in several “garage bands,” I knew that his taste in music leans toward the loud stuff with impossible-to-understand lyrics. But I figured how bad could it be when the concert started at high noon on a sunny July day. I realized I might have figured wrong when I opened the Plain Dealer that morning and saw that Less Than Jake and No FX were the leading acts. Of the more than 90 bands who were to strut their stuff on nine stages during the 10-hours festival, I didn’t recognize a one. And then there was the paragraph about the “Reverse Daycare Tent.” More about that later. As we walked down to the Flats, after parking a gazillion miles away because of the crowd, I suddenly realized I was being swept along in a crowd on teen-age punk rockers. Steve smile sweetly and reassured me that I’d like the music once we got inside the grounds. Oh my, it was like nothing I’d ever been to, and I’m from that crazy Woodstock generation. There were 12,000 teenagers lined 25 deep at five different stages, listening to band after band - creating sounds so throbbing and loud that you were sure your eardrums would never survive. As the pounding reached a crescendo, the crowd began shouting “Bouncing Souls – Bouncing Souls. Temperatures climbed into the low 90s that day but it didn’t stop the long-haired musicians from jumping around as if they were possessed. The grounds, which wind

Grandma Rocks Out

Bouncing Souls bass guitarist Bryan Kienton, (l.) and drummer Michael McDermott, (r.) chat backstage with Stephen Funderwhite and his “Grandma Sheila.” along the river under the Carnegie Avenue bridge, were lined with vendors selling everything from T-shirts and tattoos to CD’s and ear plugs. Ear plugs were everywhere and boy, were they needed. A kind security guard let me stand on a step behind a low fence that they’d put up to keep the crowd of thousands in the main tent from stampeding up on stage. I thought a shot of the group, showing their enthusiasm when the band got started, would make a neat picture. I failed to realize that I was standing in front of a gigantic amp and when William Becjepp, lead singer for The Academy Kids began belting out the group’s latest hit, I thought that I’d been hit by a rocket. My heart was pounding so hard I figured my obit would read “Grandma Passes On During Punk Rock Concert.” “See you later,” I told Steve, as I headed for a little “R & R” at the Reverse Daycare


QUARRY HILL Winery & Orchards

419-706-8005 •

Planning for Your Fall Garden Mary Strayer, MasGardener I know that it is still August, but gardeners are now thinking of fall gardens. Also, many people think that the easiest way to design a fall garden is in the spring, when a lot of people buy plants and set up their garden. For me, I would advise you to go out to your garden, take a look around, and notice where you need color. Maybe you could use more color in a mixed perennial bed where most of the flowers are now showing their age, and loosing color, or perhaps in front of your home. Once you have an idea in mind, now is the time to start to plan to change your gardens appearance. The following are ideas to help bring color to your fall landscape. First of all consider planting rugosa roses, or old roses. They have huge plump orange/red rose hips, and yellow foliage. My rugosa rose bush blooms until frost time as well. You might also choose to plant the American beautyberry (Callicarpa Americana). It’s a large coarse shrub, which has lots of violet fruits on it during fall. How about planting chrysanthemums now? They are available in most general merchandise stores, and nurseries. Be sure to ask if the mums are the type that will winter over, and bloom again next year. Sometimes the least expensive pots of mums are not the best buy if you want to have the same flowers next fall. Check the labels, or ask the salespersons if they are forced mums or are perennial. Mums come is a variety of flowers, almost all colors except blue. There are large football mums and every size in between down to the tiny 1” flowered versions. In the back flowerbed, I have several arbors. One of them

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Drop them in the Huron Hometown News mailbox at the Huron Chamber of Commerce office

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has a hardy Kiwi vine (Actinidia arguta), which has grown and twined 10 feet tall, and turns a lovely yellow in the fall. Last t year we are had a peck basket of 1 ½” long eatable fruit from this vine. On the other arbor, we have American Bittersweet, with its orange berries, which hold well in arrangements in the home when picked. The following is a list of plants that are great for fall color: Spirea, Japanese barberry, ‘Autumn Joy Sedum’, garden sage, red chokeberry, holly, asters, and burning bush. One of my favorites is the blue salvia’s called “Pitcher’s Salvia”. It has the most sky blue flower I have ever seen, and when it blooms, it means frost is very close. There are many more, just talk to your nearest garden center. Hosta leaves turn a wonderful yellow color in the fall, and now sun-loving Hosta have been developed. They would be lovely year round. Remember to plant various grasses around your home as well. They have lovely motion in the winter when the winds blow, and really do make your garden more interesting to look at during the cold months. Remember to cut the grasses back, however, come March. Perhaps, I have saved the best to last. One year, while driving around in fall, I spotted a landscape dotted with 400 Sawmill • Huron, Ohio 44839 5-7’ tall red/deep magenta colored plants. After stopping and asking the gardener what in the world they were, he 419-433-3800 • explained that the plant was called Amaranth. It is an annual, but reseeds each year, so you are never without the plant once you start it. He graciously told me when to come back with a brown paper bag, and collect one of the seed heads. That was Restaurant and Historic Winery 10 years ago, and I still have the plant growing well, and have much seed to share. Happy Gardening.

We want your pictures and stories!

healing wounds

sic and we love performing in the Warped Tour.” The summer-long tour stops in 46 cities across the U.S. and Canada. Bryan Kienton, the bass guitarist, sees this punk style of music as just another style “under the bigger umbrella of rock and roll.” He explained that the kids know that they’re a band performing their own songs “with lyrics that come from the heart.” The musicians contend that their style of music is to funk for some, too punk for some, but they’re just grateful for the chance to express themselves honestly in their music. As I said, their off-stage persona is worlds away from their on-stage antics. Despite the spiked, purple hair and numerous body piercings, one-on-one conversations with the crowd, revealed them to be neat young teens, just taking a walk on the wild side. And it’s pretty darn nice to have your grandson think that he’s got a “cool Gram.”

Tent. Once your eyes adjusted to the dark and the cool air, you were treated to a soft chair, a bottle of chilled water and a captioned movie. The sound was several decibels lower inside the tent, but you still couldn’t underFresh stand the dialogue on the Peaches Sweet screen. early Cherries Later in the day, Stephen July Available and I ran into a couple of the members of Bouncing Souls relaxing under a tent down near the river. Off stage they were very quiet, polite young fellows. When asked how they happened to get into this style of music, Come enjoy a bottle of wine in our picnic area! drummer Michael McDerOpen Daily 10-5:30 & Sunday 1-5:30 mott, explained that “the 8403 Mason Road • Berlin Heights music picked us.” “All of us One mile east of State Rte. 61 in the band love this mu-

Garden Gossip ter


Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber If you believe you could benefit from HBOT, ask your doctor for a referral, or contact Firelands Wound Care Center at 419-557-6363.

- Live Entertainment Key Motion ~ 8:30pm-12:30am 1st, 2nd, & 3rd prizes for best costume! 3845 East Wine Cellar Road Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 419.797.4445


Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 27, 2009


Huron Public Library Hours Mon. & Tue. 10 AM - 6 PM Wed. & Thur. 10 AM - 8 PM Fri. 10 AM - 5 PM; Sat. 10 AM - 1 PM Sun. Closed The Book Exchange - The Book Exchange’s next meeting will be on will be Thursday, September 10 from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m. to discuss Blue Latitudes by Tony Horwitz. Two centuries after James Cook’s epic voyages of discovery, Horwitz (working as a sailor aboard a replica of Cook’s ship) takes readers on a wild ride across hemispheres and centuries to recapture the Captain’s adventures and explore his embattled legacy in today’s Pacific. For more information or to join us call 419-433-5009 or email 2009 Fall Storytimes at the Huron Public Library September 8 – 30 Lapsit - (For children up to 2 ½ years with

caregiver) Tuesdays at 10:15 am. Wednesdays at 11:00 am. Registration required. Lapsit Registration - Tuesday, September 1 at 10 AM. Stop in or Call 419-433-5009 Toddler Time - (For children 2 ½ - 3 ½ years with caregiver) Tuesdays at 1:00 am. Wednesdays 10:15 am. No registration required. Storytime - (For children 3 ½ - 5 years on their own)Tuesdays or Wednesdays at 1:30 pm. Tuesdays at 4:00 pm. No registration required. Family Storytime - Wednesday, September 23 at 6:00 pm. No registration required. Rockin’ Readers Return! New time, new location! Wednesday, September 2 from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Huron Public Library Interested 3rd and 4th graders are invited to meet on the first Wednesday of each month throughout the school year. At the first meeting we will talk about what books everyone likes and dislikes, and choose a

book to talk about in October. Bring a parent and apply for a library card if you don’t already have one! Huron Public Library Bicentennial Bookmark Contest Deadline August 31. Huron is full of artists of all ages, and we invite you to design a bookmark celebrating the bicentennial of our city. The contest deadline is Monday, August 31, and the staff will choose the winning designs for children, tweens, teens and adults divisions. Come to the library and pick up a template at the Circ Desk or Adult Desk. The Huron Youth Connection at the Huron Public Library is back! Students in grades 5 - 8 are invited to the Huron Youth Connection after school program Monday through Thursday from 2:30 - 5:00 PM to have a snack, get help with homework, connect with friends and play games. Call 419433-5009 for more information. Art on a Stick FINAL WEEK! Saturday August 29 is the last opportunity

to paint! Come to the library between 10 and noon to paint a lighthouse, sailboat or Lake Erie Monster for a $5 donation to the Friends of the Library. Call ahead to register, 419-433-5009, for your choice to paint. On the final Saturday, August 29, you may purchase an Art on a Stick cutout for only $10.00! Put your very own Art on a Stick in your own yard or garden! For only $10.00! Offer good on August 29 only! Paint and brushes supplied. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Did you know… If you have an e-mail address, we can send you: a reminder two days before the items you have checked out are due. A notice when items you’ve placed on reserve are available for pick-up your account information each week. Just go to and click on NetNotice then fill out the registration form!

Parks & Rec Huron Parks and Recreation


Scott Biechele “A house SOLD name!” (419) 627-1111

Office location: 110 Wall Street Mailing address: 417 Main St. Phone: 419-433-8487 Fax: 419-433-0470 Email: Website:

CITY WIDE GARAGE SALE! - Call Now to Reserve Your Space. Fabens Park – Saturday September 5th (9am1:00pm) This Labor Day weekend sale was a great success last year with over 60 spaces of great shopping! Pre-Registration is required to participate. Spaces for this sale are in the grassy area near the concession stand at Fabens Park. No Food or Drink sales allowed. Spaces are approximately 9 x 19. $10

per space. Use the general program registration form on our website or stop by our office to register. First Federal Farmers Market - Don’t miss your chance to get the freshest produce in Erie county! In addition to our returning vendors, we have added a couple new vendors this year, so be sure to check it out! The farmers market is held every Thursday from 3:30-6:30 at the Huron Boat Basin, 330 N. Main Street through October. Be sure to mark your calendars and shop for your produce at the First Federal Farmers Market! IF YOU ARE A POTENTIAL VENDOR, CONTACT OUR OFFICE, WE STILL HAVE BOOTH SPACES FOR THIS SEASON!!! Pumpkin Fest - The second annual Pumpkin fest is coming back to Huron this fall. The festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 10th from 12:00pm – 6:00pm. at the Huron Boat Basin. There will be crafts, games, entertainment, craft vendors, food vendors and much, much more!!! The full schedule of events will be out soon. Attention Craft Vendors! - We will be accepting a limited number of craft vendors for the Huron Pumpkin Fest which will be held Saturday, October 10th from Noon-6pm at the Huron Boat Basin. The spaces are 10 x 10. $25.00 per space!! For details and fee information please contact Brian Croucher, Recreation Manager at 419-433-8487 Looking for Volunteers…Huron Pumpkin Fest - We are looking for members of the community who would like to work as volunteers at the Huron Pumpkin Fest which will take place on Saturday, October 10th from 11:00am-6pm at the Huron Boat Basin. This event will feature children’s games, costume contest, scarecrow decorating contest, great food & craft vendors, touch-a-truck area, entertainment (magic show, juggling act, family concert), and a pumpkin drop to conclude the day! In order to make an event of this size run smoothly…we need your help!! Interested? Please contact Brian Croucher, Recreation Manager at 419-433-8487 ext 220. Thank you! Registrations now being taken for Fall Aerobics - Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6pm-7pm at Woodlands Elementary: Session I- September 15-October 15. Session II- Oct 27-December 1(No class Thanksgiving Day) $45 Residents/ $50 Non Residents per session. $10 off if you sing up for both classes!! Fall Baseball & Softball Leagues …. Fabens Park, FALL BALL starts August 29 & 30th!!!!!

Rain barrel workshops Tue, Sep 1, either 4 pm or 6 pm, Osborn MetroPark, Shelter 1—Rain barrels are a type of water harvesting system (such as a cistern) that allow us to collect rain angd save it for watering our plants between storm events. Please join Breann Hohman, Erie Soil and Water Conservation District for a hands-on instruction of rain barrel construction and environmental benefits associated with water harvesting. Workshop fee includes the materials and instruction for constructing one rain barrel. Register with Erie Soil and Water Conservation District at 419-626-5211. Registration fee: $45. Limit: 15 participants.

Huron Cross Country All Night Run The Cross Country team had a very successful all night run last weekend thanks to a great deal of community support! The Junior High Team, High School Team, and Community members who came out to run, ran a total of 351 miles from 7 pm Friday to 7 am Saturday. Thank you for coming out to support the teams and for your generous donations!

We want your pictures and stories! Drop them in the Huron Hometown News mailbox at the Huron Chamber of Commerce office

Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 27, 2009








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Broiled Asparagus with Dijon Dressing

Huron 5K money awarded



25 Words for $5.00!! ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

pers as well. Recipe by Aviva Goldfarb, author and founder of The Six O’Clock Scramble, an online weekly menu planner and cookbook. Visit her site at www.thescramble. com.

es from heat source. Toss asparagus with 1 tablespoon oil and ¼ teaspoon salt. 2. Broil asparagus on a baking sheet lined with foil for 5 to 7 minutes, until it is lightly browned in spots. 3. In a small bowl, whisk remaining oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, garlic, mustard, oregano, and remaining salt. Set aside. 4. Sprinkle asparagus with ½ teaspoon lemon juice, Directions: ½ teaspoon lemon zest, 1. Preheat broiler to high and pine nuts. Serve Dijon and place rack about 4 inch- dressing on the side.



with Gretchen Studer

Ingredients: • 1 lb. asparagus, ends snapped • 4 Tbs. olive oil, divided • ½ tsp. salt, divided • 1 lemon, juice and zest, divided • 1 tsp. minced garlic • 1 Tbs. Dijon mustard • 1 tsp. fresh minced oregano or 1/3 tsp. dried • 1 Tbs. toasted pine nuts or crumbled goat cheese

Reader Advisory: the National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the following classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it s illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. 800 numbers may or may not reach Canada.

Cape-Cod Home & Extra Lot on The Lake Saturday, Sept. 19th at 12:00 P.M. To Settle the Estate of George Krynock, will offer the following property at public auction. Located just off the East end of North Shore Blvd. at 9365 Northern Ave. Lakeside/ Marblehead, Ohio This property consists of a 3 bedroom cape cod home with an attached garage on a double lot measuring approximately 100’x130’. This home includes nearly 1200 sq. ft of living space & in move-in condition, however it may be in need of some updates being built in 1950. A 3rd lot lies just North of the property measuring approximately 50’x 130’ & will be offered separate. For directions, plat map, pictures & more visit Open Houses: Saturday, Sept. 5th - Sunday, Sept. 6th & Sunday, Sept. 13th from 1-3 P.M. all 3 days TERMS & CONDITIONS: $5000 down, nonrefundable, day of the auction, balance in 30 days. Any inspections if wanted, to be done prior to the auction & at the perspective buyers expense. This property is in “The Townsend Beach Property Owners Association, Inc.”. The “Declaration of Restrictions” is minimal and is available at the property & on sale day. Properties may be offered as a whole to determine highest bid for seller. Property sells with seller’s confirmation. Sellers very motivated. The Hancock Agency, Broker (419) 342-6301 Charles Miller, Auctioneer/Realtor (419) 295-5549 or (419) 564-3549

OLD GUITARS WANTED! Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch. 1930 - 1980. TOP DOLLAR PAID. Call toll free 1-866-433-8277.

What’s Cooking?

Prep Time: 15 minutes Serving Size: 2 oz. Number of Servings: 8 Cooking time: 5 to 7 minutes. Special Notes: This alternative to steaming brings out the asparagus’s natural sweetness. Do it with carrots and bell pep-


Mail it to: Huron Hometown News P.O. Box 330, Huron, OH 44839


Tying the knot?

SEND US YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT Fill out the form below and mail to

Huron Hometown News, P.O. Box 330, Huron, Ohio 44839. rEngagement rWedding rGraduation Photo Submitted? rYes rNo

Date of Event__________________

Are the parents announcing the event? rYes rNo

Name (Bride or Graduate)_____________________________ Daytime Phone_______________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Names & Address(es)_____________________________________________________ Schools Attended (indicate if graduated)_____________________________________________ Degrees Earned, Military Service___________________________________________________ Place of Employment (include city & state)___________________________________________ Name (Bridegroom)_________________________________ Daytime Phone_______________ Address______________________________________________________________________

Pictured is Mike Danilo and his wife, Vickie. Mike is battling ALS. The Riverfest 5k Committee decided to give MIke and his family the proceeds from the race. Thanks to the sponsors, NOMS and the Huron Athletic Boosters, the committee was able to present Mike and his family with a $3,000 check.

Parent’s Names & Address(es)_____________________________________________________ Schools Attended (indicate if graduated)_____________________________________________ Degrees Earned, Military Service___________________________________________________ Place of Employment (include city & state)___________________________________________


Huron Hometown News | Thursday, August 27, 2009

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