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Tigers hijack Truckers
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September 10, 2009 Vol. 4 Number 53
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Fish Huron Ohio Announces Two Fishing Tournaments sponsored by I’5’s Restaurant Fish Huron Ohio, a group dedicated to promoting fishing in Huron, Ohio, announces two fishing tournaments to be held this fall. The 1st Annual Fish Huron Perch Challenge commences on September 12th, 2009 and features 60 boats fishing for the famous Yellow Perch of Lake Erie. The tournament will pay back a minimum of 80% of the $50.00 entry fee per boat. This is an excellent opportunity for family fishing teams, neighborhood challenges, and a chance to show off your angling skills on the lake. For walleye enthusiasts everywhere, your chance at large payout prizes and bragging rights can be had with the Fish Huron Walleye Challenge scheduled for October 3rd, 2009.
Entry fees for this tournament are $200.00 per boat of 2-6 anglers. This is also a 60 boat event with minimum of 80% paid back in cash and prizes. Tournament Director Steve Carlson commented – “We are looking forward to showcasing the world class fishery that Huron is home to in the fall with these two events. The Perch Challenge will offer an opportunity for families & friends to fish together with a little competitive fun thrown in. The Walleye Challenge in early October will feature some very impressive catches as this is TROPHY TIME out of Huron. The winning weight for a 5 fish tournament limit for the Walleye Challenge will very likely exceed 40 pounds and hopefully
several 10+ pound walleye will be caught on tournament day.”
Sponsor for both events, local eatery I-5’s Restaurant will supply food to those that are attending the After Party Awards and weigh in ceremonies. Local charity, Cancer Services, will be the recipient of monies from the event. Online Registration is now open online or to find out more about these two tournaments and fishing in the Lake Erie / Huron River area, visit the website at www.fishhuronohio.com Fish Huron Ohio was formed to promote fishing the world class waters of Lake Erie in and around the Huron River. Find out why the area is rated as one of the top fishing destinations on the Great Lakes.
Shawnee Elementary School Welcomes Interim Principal Around Town Page 2 —————— Milestones Church Chat Page 3 —————— Library, Parks & Rec Page 4 —————— Entertainment Page 5 —————— Schools Page 6 —————— Classifieds Page 7 —————— Sports Page 8 Carol's
Wine of the Week Ecco Domani $8.99 750 mL Reg. $12.99
Shawnee Elementary School, home of preschool through 2nd grade, is off to a great start for the 20092010 school year. The students are adjusting well to their new teachers, classes and daily routines. A new friendly face in the building this fall is Mrs. Marie Strayer, the Interim Principal. Mrs. Strayer has come to Shawnee with 21 years of principal experience; and in more recent years she has been an Interim Principal in the Edison District and a Catholic school in Willard.
“My goal is to ‘try to’ keep things running as smoothly as possible on a daily basis”, stated Mrs. Strayer. “Ms. Vonthron has done a great job organizing the building which has helped make this possible,” she continued. Mrs. Strayer stated “the excellent staff at Shawnee has contributed to the smooth start of the school year.” Mrs. Strayer’s number one concern as a principal has always been the safety of the children. In addition to that, her primary role is to support the teachers, assist the students and help the parents when needed. She stated she is also a disciplinarian who must enforce the rules while helping the children learn from their behavior. Mrs. Strayer is striving to keep life at Shawnee as normal as possible for the students. The students have already completed two very successful fire drills for the month of September
and are preparing for Fire Prevention Week in early October. The Red Cross will be presenting their “Super Hero’s” Presentation later this week and Picture Day is scheduled for next week. Students and their families are reminded that the 2nd Annual Back to School BBQ is this Friday, September 11 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. There will be face painting, a jump castle, and $5 tie-dye t-shirts for sale. Stop out and celebrate being “Back to School”. Outside of the school building, Mrs. Strayer enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, reading, and following high school and college sports. Mrs. Strayer and her husband are often seen at Toledo Mudhen’s games as they previously had worked with them and are BIG fans of the team!
Huron City Are you a First Family of Schools Huron and Huron Township? Instrument Drive The Huron City Schools Band Program is conducting a used instrument drive through October 15th. We are in need of gently used band instruments, including but not limited to, flutes, clarinets, alto saxophones, trumpets, trombones, orchestral bells, and snare drums. There are several students interested in playing in band, but unfortunately do not have the financial means to purchase an instrument. If you have an instrument collecting dust somewhere in your house, we would greatly appreciate your donation. The IRS classifies schools as charitable organizations. Your donation of an instrument, therefore, may qualify as a tax deduction. Upon donating the instrument to the school, you will be given a letter confirming your contribution. We ask that you drop instruments off at Woodlands Intermediate School between the hours of 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Together with the children of Huron, we thank you in advance for your donation. You are putting an instrument in the hands of a child who might not otherwise have that opportunity!
As part of Huron’s Bicentennial year, the Huron Historical Society began a project to locate descendents of Huron pioneers, settlers, and builders by offering the opportunity to meet with Sandy Kingseed, member and genealogist. For the past few months, many residents have come forward and worked on their family trees with much success proving that their family roots were indeed embedded in Huron’s past. Many familiar names have been designated as a members of First Families: Ruggles,
Wright, Sprague, McMillan, Meeker, Everett, Dale, Jarrett, Jeffery, and others. Anyone still interested in still tracing their Huron roots should contact Sandy Kingseed at 419.433.3826, or stop by the Huron Historical Society, located in the Huron Library, on Fridays from 1-3 pm. The Bicentennial Project will culminate in the recognition of Huron’s first Lineage Society, and the continuation of First Families of Huron as part of the Huron Historical Society.
Watch for details next week on the Huron Hometown News 3rd Annual Photo Contest
Whitewater family adventure begins Cedar Point announces new water ride for 2010 season Grab your paddles and climb aboard the newest river-ride adventure this side of the Appalachians. Shoot the Rapids, an all-new family water ride, will rise above Cedar Point’s rustic Frontier Trail when it makes a splash on Opening Day 2010. During the 2,100-foot-long journey, adventurers will travel through a wooded area and around an illegal still used for brewing sweettasting elixir, all while encountering surprise water elements and special effects. Guests will navigate the waters aboard a 10-passenger boat. Riders will be seated in five rows of two and will be secured by individual over-thehead lap bars. The excitement builds when the boats ascend one of two lift hills. The first and largest hill
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will be 85 feet tall and will drop riders down onto Millennium Island at a 45-degree angle. The second hill will be 49 feet tall and will end with a dramatic “shoot” through water rapids and rockwork. Guests on the Frontier Trail can keep their feet planted on dry land and watch as riders complete their wet and wild trek down the final drop. “Shoot the Rapids will instantly become a family favorite,” said John Hildebrandt, vice president and general manager of Cedar Point. “Our guests wanted another option to cool off on warm summer days. We listened, and Shoot the Rapids will deliver the perfect combination of refreshment, thrills and new memories at Cedar Point.”
Shoot the Rapids will cost more than $10.5 million to build and will be the most expensive water ride ever built at Cedar Point. It will have a capacity of approximately 1,200 riders per hour. The ride will last 3 minutes. A rider height requirement has not yet been determined and will be released at a later date. The ride was designed and manufactured by IntaRide LLC of Glen Burnie, Md., the same company that built the Maverick, Top Thrill Dragster and Millennium Force roller coasters and the Thunder Canyon river-rafting ride. Visit cedarpoint.com for a computer animation of Shoot the Rapids, plus construction updates and photos, a live construction Web cam, video blogs and more.
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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, Setpember 10, 2009
Around Town 2009 Sandusky Memory Walk!
Traffic Law Update
The 2009 Sandusky Memory Walk will be held on Sunday, September 27, 2009 at Osborn Park. Registration will begin at 2:00 p.m. and the walk will begin at 2:30 a.m. This free, family friendly event serves to provide advocacy for individuals affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias and funds for the By John T. Majoy, Acting Chief of Police Alzheimer’s Association, Northwest Now that school is back in session there is an increase Ohio Chapter. The “symbolic walk” is in vehicular traffic around town. As a police depart- less than one mile. Community members are encouraged to form a team, ment we would collect donations and join the walk to like to send out several reminders to residents to help maintain safe roadways. All too many times we read the newspaper, read Avast ya’ scurvy dogs an’ landlubnews online or bers alike! Batten down ye’ hatches watch television as The Great Lakes Pirate Fest naviand see fatal trafgates it’s way to Vermilion fer’ family fic crashes involvfun on Lake Erie. This here event is ing teen drivers. free to crewmembers both young an’ Although they are old. Salty dogs will be learnin’ ye’ imnot all preventportance of one of ye’ earth’s greatest able and not all forces...The Great Lakes...while havthe fault of the ing fun in true pirate fashion. teen driver, it does The Great Lakes Pirate Fest will take deserve attention. place on Saturday, October 17th, from The Ohio Legislature passed a law that limiting the 1 pm to 4 pm at the Vermilion YMCA, amount of passengers in a vehicle driven by a probation- 320 Aldrich Road, sponsored by the ary driver. The following are some examples: Bulan For Mayor Campaign. 16 year old drivers may only have one passenger who is Dress Like a Pirate to win prizes in not a family member unless they are with a parent, guard- the Pirate Costume Contest. Prizes ian or custodian will be awarded to kids and adults. 16 or 17 year old drivers may not serve as a designated Print the Pirate Fest Coloring Contest driver for intoxicated adults form online at GreatLakesPirateFest. 17 year old drivers may not operate vehicles between com and submit completed artwork 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. unless they are traveling to/from at 1 pm at the YMCA for a chance to work or with a parent, guardian or custodian win prizes. A Treasure Hunt form is These laws are in effect for a number of reasons and also available online. Search for treacome with a fine and potential license suspension if vio- sure in Vermilion with the Great Lakes lated. While it is not a law, I would discourage all teen drivers from talking on their cellular telephones while driving and insist they also refrain from texting while driving. Next, motorists are reminded to remain alert to our school zones where there is a posted 20 MPH speed limit. When there is a flashing warning this means the speed limit is 20 MPH and violators can be issued citations Fisher-Titus Medical Center’s Diashould they exceed the speed limit. betes Self-Management Education Last, there is a designated crosswalk in front of Shawprogram recently was awarded the nee School. There are many children who walk to and from school and rely upon that crosswalk. As a driver, it is American Diabetes Association (ADA) your duty to stop for pedestrians at a crosswalk. The one Education Recognition Certificate for in front of Shawnee School is clearly marked and drivers a quality diabetes self-management education program. ADA believes that should be cognizant of it. By avoiding distractions and paying attention to the this program offers high-quality education that is an essential component road, we can all work together to provide a safe mean of of effective diabetes treatment. travel for the children, residents and visitors alike. The Association’s Education Recognition Certificate assures that educational programs meet the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs. These standards were developed and tested under the auspices of the National HOMES THAT NEED ROOFING Diabetes Advisory Board in 1983 and were revised by the diabetes commuA select number of homeowners in Huron and the nity in 1994 and 2000. surrounding areas will be given the opportunity to have Programs apply for recognition vola lifetime Erie Metal Roofing System installed on their untarily. Programs that achieve rechome at a reasonable cost. ognition status have a staff of knowlCall today to see if you qualify. Not only will you receive edgeable health professionals who can the best price possible, but we will give you access to no provide participants with comprehenmoney down bank financing with very sive information about diabetes manattractive rates and terms. agement. FTMC’s Diabetes Self-Management Education program has been An Erie Metal Roof will keep your home cooler in the recognized by the ADA since 2001. summer and warmer in the winter. “The process gives professionals a An Erie Metal Roofing System will provide your home national standard by which to measure with unsurpassed “Beauty and Lasting Protection”! the quality of services they provide,” said Tracy Stadler, certified diabetes Don’t miss this opportunity to save!
support the over 32,000 people living in Northwest Ohio have Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder. Funds raised through the 2009 Sandusky Memory Walk, help support research and programs and services such as support groups, the Helpline Service, the Safe Return program, Care Consultation services, a speakers bureau, resource libraries, and numerous other free educational programs and services offered to individuals, their families and caregivers. The 2009 Sandusky Memory Walk
is expected to raise $13,500.00 in Sandusky. We are pleased to have Commissioner Pat Shenigo as the 2009 Sandusky Memory Walk Honorary Chairperson. To register for Memory Walk, to get involved in a program or activity or make a donation, contact the Alzheimer’s Association, Northwest Ohio Chapter toll free 1-800-2723900 or visit us on the web at: www. alz.org/nwohio.
Great Lakes Pirate Fest: Pirates to invade Vermilion Treasure Hunt. Submit your entry at the festival for a chance to win prizes. Bands perform live at 1 pm at the Pirate Fest. Poppa D & the Masters of Rhythm are a three piece blues/rock/ jazz torrent that will not be denied a good time. Their dynamic range, improvisational style, and wide ranging influences lend a wholly unique sound to both standards and original music. Don’t miss the latest teen-band sensation to rock the Great Lakes. Feet First captivates the audience with a unique and eclectic mix of pop, rock and folk. Join the Pirate Parade. Pirates young and old are invited to march from the YMCA at 2 pm. Capt’n Willie and his pirate ship will lead the parade. The Capt’n Willie show takes place directly after the march at the YMCA. Don’t miss Capt’n Willie, the Great Lakes Pirate, in a fantastic show of music, dancing, props, audience participation and more. Young and old are invited to “Get Silly with Capt’n
Willie” at 2:30 pm at the YMCA. Coloring Contest and Pirate Costume Contest Award Ceremony begins at 3:30 pm at the YMCA. Get turned into a toon with Mike The Art Guy at the Great Lakes Pirate Fest. Virginia Lillian will offer Face Painting and Body Art. The Vermilion Marine Business Association, and Romp’s Family Fun Marina, will be on deck to offer information about boating safety, the Vermilion River and Lake Erie. Ritter Public Library will be on board displaying a treasure chest of knowledge offered at Ritter on the Great Lakes, Pirates, the Vermilion River and our seaside village. Food, fun, live music, exhibitors and more will guarantee a good time at this free event sponsored by the Bulan For Mayor Campaign. Visit GreatLakesPirateFest.com for more information.
FTMC’s Diabetes Education Program Merits Recognition
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educator and a registered dietitian at Fisher-Titus Medical Center. “And, of course, it assures the consumer that he or she will likely receive high-quality service.” Education recognition status is verified by an official certificate from ADA and awarded for three years. Fisher-Titus Medical Center’s Diabetes Education team includes Stadler and registered nurses Brandi Roeder and Rhonda Jaworski. For more than six years, Fisher-Titus Medical Center has offered a variety of programs to help persons with diabetes and their families manage the disease. FTMC’s Diabetes Education Program, recognized by the American Diabetes Association, provides diabetes education classes designed for individuals with diabetes who are interested in learning more about managing their disease. In addition, FTMC provides programs, such as Dining with Diabetes and support groups, to the community. According to the American Diabetes Association, there are 20.8 million people or 7 percent of the population in the United States who have diabetes. While an estimated 14.6 million have been diagnosed, unfortunately, 6.2 million people are not aware that they have this disease. Each day some
September is Peripheral Arterial Disease Awareness Month
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4,110 people are diagnosed with diabetes. Many will first learn that they have diabetes when they are treated for one of its life-threatening complications – heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and nerve disease and amputation. About 1.5 million new cases of diabetes were diagnosed in people aged 20 years or older in 2005. Diabetes contributed to 224,092 deaths in 2002. Since 1987 the death rate due to diabetes has increased by 45 percent, while the death rates due to heart disease, stroke, and cancer have declined. The American Diabetes Association is the nation’s leading non-profit health organization supporting diabetes research, advocacy and information for health professionals, patients and the public. Founded in 1940, the Association has an area office in every state and conducts programs in communities nationwide. For more information on FTMC’s Diabetes Education Program, call 419-660-2596. For more information on other American Diabetes Association programs, call your local ADA office or contact the ADA online at www.diabetes.org.
Applicants sought for Citizen Police Academy The Huron Police Department is taking its community policing efforts to a new level with the start of a Citizen Police Academy in October. The Citizen Police Academy is designed to teach residents about general law enforcement topics and about the Huron Police Department. “We want to be able to interact more with the community and this is one of our opportunities to do so,” said John Majoy, Acting Chief of Police. The CPA will meet every Monday from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. starting on October 12 through November 30. Students will receive instruction on crime scenes, firearms, traffic crash investigation, marine patrol, computer crimes and more. The classes will be taught by Huron Police Officers with a class taught by Huron Municipal Court Judge William Steuk and Huron City Prosecutor Laura Alkire. A portion of the class will be a patrol partnership where students will ride in patrol vehicles with Huron Police Officers. “Most people do not know what a
typical day is like for the Huron Police Department and this is a chance for them to learn about it.” Majoy said. He also added this will be an opportunity to enhance the Huron Police Department’s Neighborhood Block Watch Program. “By having more eyes and ears, along with open lines of communication, together we can keep our community safe.” Majoy added. The class is open to all persons that either work or live in the City of Huron. Applicants must be 18 years or older and free from a criminal record. Individuals running for political office for any contested fall race will not be accepted. All applicants must pass a background check prior to admission and will be notified in writing of the status of their acceptance. If you are interesting in applying, you can call the Huron Police Department at (419) 433-4114 or e-mail a request for application to huronpolice@cityofhuron.org. The class size will be limited and those interested are encouraged to apply early.
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, Setpember 10, 2009
Milestones OBITUARIES Beatrice DeRose
Sept. 2, 1918 - Aug. 31, 2009 Beatrice Elizabeth (Stephens) DeRose, 90, of Huron died Monday, Aug. 31, 2009, after a brief illness. She was born Sept. 2, 1918, in Whitley City, Ky., to George and Martha Ellen (Ball) Stephens, the tenth of 12 children. In 1925, her life was forever changed when her father was killed in a coal mining accident; she and four of her siblings, all under the age of 12, were sent to Tiffin to the Junior Order National Orphans Home to live and receive an education. She graduated from the Junior Home in 1937 and received a scholarship to attend Heidelberg College, where she studied education. At Heidelberg she became a proud member of the Phi Society and graduated in 1941 with a bachelor’s degree in education. On June 10, 1942, she eloped with Ercole “Polo” DeRose, but because women teachers contractually were not allowed to be married, she kept her marriage to “Polo” a secret for almost a year. Her only child, son Joseph DeRose, was born April 8, 1948. Beatrice worked as a schoolteacher first at Lacarne Elementary School in Ottawa County and most notably at East Junior High School in Tiffin. A dedicated, strict and professional teacher, she guided many students toward the importance of learning, appreciating, and understanding history and government. She retired in 1980 after 30 years of service. Most importantly, she inspired a love of education and a passion for teaching in her son, who became an educator, and all three of her grandchildren who followed her footsteps into the noble profession of educating our youth. She is survived by her son, Joseph DeRose; daughter-in-law, Deborah (Swartz) DeRose, whom she loved like a daughter; three grandchildren, Shana DeRose (Patrick Smith), Shawn (Mary-Kate), Seth (Kristi); and two great-granddaughters, Giavanna and Claire DeRose. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ercole DeRose; parents; sisters, Flonnie Bowerman, Georgia Eckert, Myrtle Stephens, Mabel Stephens; and brothers Carl, Thomas, Paul, Caleb, Harold, Jack and Homer. A private, family graveside service will take place Sept. 25, 2009, in Tiffin. Burial will take place at St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Tiffin. Arrangements are entrusted to the care of Groff Funeral Homes, 1607 E. Perkins Ave., Sandusky. Memorial contributions may be made to Ohio Memorial Church Restoration Fund, c/o Edith Kilgore, P.O. Box 286, Republic, OH 44867 or First Christian Church, 2016 S. County Road 19, Tiffin, OH 44883. Condolences may be shared with her family at grofffuneralhomes.com.
Robert William “Bill” Hess
Sept. 3, 2009 Robert William “Bill” Hess, 84, died Thursday, Sept. 3, 2009, in Firelands Regional Medical Center, Sandusky. Bill was born in Urbana, Ohio, on his father’s birthday. He received his Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and his Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan. He was a member of Tau Beta Pi engineering honorary, Barristers law honorary,
Psi Upsilon and Phi Alpha Delta social fraternities. He was a member of the Ohio and Indiana bars. He served in the United States Navy during World War II. He and his wife, Esther, lived in Huron since 1987. He and his family previously lived in Indianapolis, Montgomery, Ohio, Valley Forge, Pa., and Utica, N.Y. He retired from General Electric after more than 30 years negotiating and managing contracts for rockets, jet engines, spacecraft and electronic equipment with government agencies, commercial companies and foreign governments. He made many trips to Iran, including ones after the revolution and just prior to the capture of American citizens. Bill was a member of Huron United Methodist Church, Huron Rotary, and Huron Board of Zoning Appeals. He was a volunteer and Board member for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate for abused and neglected children) and a mentor for troubled youth in the HOSTS (Help One Student To Succeed) program. In previous locations he served in various capacities on school planning commissions, United Appeal, band parents, PTA, several governmental/industrial associations, studies and task forces. He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Esther (Burbacher); two sons, Jeff (Kathy) of Dayton and Jim (Karen) of Philadelphia; daughter, Kristen (Ron) Mabon of Indiana, Pa.; 14 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Hardy and Christine (Erickson) Hess. A memorial service was held at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Huron United Methodist Church, 338 Williams St., Huron. The Rev. Roger Skelley-Watts will officiate. Burial will be in Oakdale Cemetery, Urbana. Memorial contributions may be made to the Huron Methodist Church or Huron Rotary Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 384, Huron, OH 44839. Foster Funeral Home, 410 Main St., Huron, is handling the arrangements for the family. Condolences may be shared at fosterfh.com.
John H. Foxworth
Dec. 24, 1941 - Sept. 2, 2009 John H. Foxworth, 67, of Huron died Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2009, in Firelands Regional Medical Center, Sandusky. He was born Dec. 24, 1941, in Port Clinton, and was a resident of Huron since 1964. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran, serving from 1960-64. He worked as a welder for Plumber and Steamfitter’s Local 42 of Norwalk and retired in 1998. He was a member of Zion Lutheran Church, Huron, a member of the Plumbers and Steamfitter’s Local, Norwalk, and Huron AMVETS. He is survived by his wife, Leslie (Callihan), who he was married to for 40 years; daughter, Lori Foxworth of Sandusky; son, Mark Foxworth of Louisville, Ky.; two sisters, Joann Dietrich of Huron and Mary Margaret Foxworth Rogers of Tampa, Fla.; and two brothers, James Foxworth of Georgetown, Ky., and Jerry Foxworth of Huron. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ralph and Louise Jean (Daum) Foxworth; sister, Carol Foxworth; and two brothers, Jack and Donald Foxworth. Services took place Saturday in Zion Lutheran Church, 930 Main St., Huron, with the Rev. Raymond Vance officiating. Cremation will take place.
Rev. Roger’s Reflections It’s been pretty impossible to miss the many accolades, memorial services, and even disparaging remarks about Senator Edward Kennedy in the media over the past few weeks. Tales of his private faith, his private and very public deeds; some very bad, others extraordinarily good for millions of persons over the past 50 years. I was a student at the AmeriREV. ROGER can University in Washington, SKELLEY-WATTS D.C. during the worst of Ted Kennedy’s misdeeds, and my girlfriend at the time worked on Capitol Hill so she knew more. During the family tribute, one special story touched my heart, and perhaps yours as well. It was told by son Teddy Kennedy, Jr., who was stricken with bone cancer and had a lower leg removed at age 12. Can you remember all of the activities you wanted to pursue at that age? As Teddy Jr. was trying to adjust to his new artificial leg, his Dad convinced him to try snow skiing – in Massachusetts! Well, the Hyannis Port hill was slick and they slid all the way down to the bottom. Then, they had to get back up, somehow, to the top. 12 year old Teddy, Jr. tried and tried, but failed. He scampered up again, fell down in a heap in the snow, and began to cry. “I’ll never make it. I’ll never make it up that hill. I give up!” the child bellowed. Then, he felt the strong arms of his father come around his waist, and pick him up. That familiar voice whispered in little Teddy’s ear, “Yes you will. Because we’ll make it together.” After several more tries, they did make it up that hill. And as grown-up Teddy, Jr. told it, that was only the first of many “hills” that he and his father climbed together. Saying, “My Dad believed in redemption.” Wouldn’t that be enough for anyone to say about our spiritual character? Isn’t that why we pray, worship, ask for atonement, receive Holy communion? Because we believe in redemption. That no matter how badly we mess up, no matter how much other people may judge us, regardless of whatever may happen to us that is in no way our fault…there is no distinction before God, who is always ready to give us another chance, wrap his loving arms around our waist, hoist us up, and help us climb that icy hill.
Contributions may be made to Zion Lutheran Church, Huron, or Kidney Foundation of Ohio, 2831 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115. Foster Funeral Home, 410 Main St., Huron, is handling the arrangements. Condolences may be shared with the family at fosterfh.com
Sharon I. Anderson
April 15, 1942 - Sept. 4, 2009 Sharon I. Anderson, 67, of Huron died unexpectedly at her home Friday, Sept. 4, 2009. She was born April 15, 1942, in Marion, Ohio, and lived in Huron for the past 25 years. She was employed by Ohio Veterans Home as a nurse and retired in 2008. Prior to that, she worked at Mount Carmel Hospital in Columbus. She was a Red Cross volunteer. She is survived by her daughter, Annita Verdict of Basehor, Kan.; son, Adam Schmidt of Columbus; sister, Diane Mayhorne, of Sandusky; brother, Grant Wagner of Beverly Hills, Fla.; and two grandchildren, Luke Alexander Whittemore and Winston Gage Verdict. She was preceded in death by her parents, Charles and Alice (Ring) Wagner; and brother, Dale Wagner. Friends were able to call from noon Tuesday until service at 1 p.m. in Foster Funeral Home, 410 Main St., Huron. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to Cancer Services of Erie County, 505 E. Perkins Ave., Sandusky, OH 44870. Condolences may be shared at fosterfh.com.
She moved to the Sandusky/Huron area in 1959 and lived in Huron since 1976. Gladys retired from Sandusky Plastics in 1999. She was a member of Unity Baptist Church of White Pine, Tenn., and a member and past president of Huron Eagles Auxiliary. Gladys loved to spend time with her family, sit on the sun porch watching the humming birds, travel and fish. She is survived by her husband of 49 years, Roy L. Bentley; one daughter, Rebecca L. Bentley of Huron; three grandchildren, Amanda (Eric) Smith of Huron, Tabitha (Nick) Pyles of Sandusky and Tommy (Janie) Myers serving in the U.S. Marine Corps in San Diego; six great-grandchildren, Alexis Smith, Dakoda Smith, Austin Pyles, Nevaeh Pyles, Zavier Pyles and Jameson Myers with another great grandchild arriving soon; one stepbrother, James (Patricia) Scavio of Sandusky; nieces, nephews, other relatives and numerous friends; and her beloved pet, Buffy. She was preceded in death by her father, Paul Harville; mother and stepfather, Lucille and James Scavio; and one brother in infancy. Friends were able to call 1-3 and 5-7 p.m. Wednesday at Foster Funeral Home, 410 Main St., Huron, where funeral services will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday. Pastor Gene T. Paul will officiate. Burial will be in Jefferson Memorial Gardens, Jefferson City, Tenn. Memorial contributions may be made to Stein Hospice Service, 1200 Sycamore Line, Sandusky, OH 44870. Condolences may be shared with the family at fosterfh.com.
Gladys J. Bentley
June 19, 1939 - Sept. 5, 2009 Gladys J. Bentley, 70, of Darrow Road in Huron died Saturday afternoon, Sept. 5, 2009, in Stein Hospice Care Center, Sandusky, following a lengthy illness. She was born June 19, 1939, in Morristown, Tenn.
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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, Setpember 10, 2009
Library Huron Public Library Hours Mon. & Tue. 10 AM - 6 PM Wed. & Thur. 10 AM - 8 PM Fri. 10 AM - 5 PM; Sat. 10 AM - 1 PM Sun. Closed Memorial Donation The Board of Trustees of the Huron Public Library acknowledges the donation of Paul Newman: A Life in memory of Josephine Gioffre from Marianne O’Halla. Mystery Book Group will meet on Wednesday, September 16, at 7:00 pm at the Huron Public Library Christine Falls by Benjamin Black will be the discussion book. In this debut thriller, the main character, Pathologist Garret Quirke, is drawn into a case involving the death of a young maid named Christine Falls. Order your copy today online at www.
huronlibrary.org, email to huron@huronlibrary.org or call 419-433-5009! Basic Computing on Wednesday, September 23 and Wednesday, September 30 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Huron Public Library. This beginning class on the basics about computers, the Internet and email is for adults and both sessions should be attended. This hands-on program is free Registration is required by calling 419-433-5009 by Monday, September 21. Adult Craft of Glass Painting on Saturday, September 26 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Huron Public Library. Bev Johnson will show us how to paint on glass. All paints and brushes will be provided but participants need to furnish a small glass item on which to paint. This handson, adult program is free! Register by email to huron@huronlibrary.org or calling 419433-5009 by Wednesday, September 23. 2009 Fall Storytimes at the Huron Public Library; September 8 – 30
Lapsit (For children up to 2 ½ years with caregiver) Tuesdays at 10:15 am and Wednesdays at 11:00 am. Registration required. Lapsit Registration Tuesday, September 1 at 10 AM. Stop in or Call 419-433-5009. Toddler Time (For children 2 ½ - 3 ½ years with caregiver) Tuesdays at 1:00 am and Wednesdays 10:15 am. No registration required. Storytime (For children 3 ½ - 5 years on their own) Tuesdays or Wednesdays at 1:30 pm and Tuesdays at 4:00 pm. No registration required. Family Storytime Wednesday, September 23 at 6:00 pm. No registration required. The Huron Youth Connection at the Huron Public Library is back! Students in grades 5 - 8 are invited to the Huron Youth Connection after school program Monday through Thursday from 2:30 - 5:00 PM to have a snack, get help with homework, connect with friends and play
games. Call 419-433-5009 for more information. Did you know… You can get answers to your questions online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Go www.knowitnow.org, enter your zip code, select your library and you’ll be connected to a live librarian! For homework help, go to www.homeworknow.org! “The librarian “pushes” high quality, authoritative online resources to your screen. You can watch and participate as librarians skillfully navigate the Internet to find precise answers to your questions. At the conclusion of each KnowItNow session, you will receive a complete transcript of your session via email including links to all the online resources shared during that session.” KnowItNow and Homework now are services of the State Library of Ohio and your local Ohio Public Library.
Parks & Rec
Edison Woods
Sunday, Sept. 13th, 3 pm More Information: Friends of Call: 419 625-7783 ext. 221 Erie MetroParks www.eriemetroparks.org
CONTACT OUR OFFICE, WE STILL HAVE BOOTH SPACES FOR Office location: 110 Wall Street THIS SEASON!!! Mailing address: 417 Main St. Pumpkin Fest - The Phone: 419-433-8487 Fax: 419-433-0470 second annual PumpEmail: hprd@cityofhuron.org kin fest is coming back Website: www.huronparks.org to Huron this fall. The festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 10th First Federal Farmers Market Don’t miss your chance to get the from 12:00pm – 6:00pm. at the Hufreshest produce in Erie county! In ron Boat Basin. There will be crafts, addition to our returning vendors, we games, entertainment, craft venhave added a couple new vendors this dors, food vendors and much, much year, so be sure to check it out! The more!!! The full schedule of events farmers market is held every Thurs- will be out soon. Attention Craft Vendors! - We will day from 3:30-6:30 at the Huron Boat Basin, 330 N. Main Street through be accepting a limited number of craft October. Be sure to mark your cal- vendors for the Huron Pumpkin Fest endars and shop for your produce at which will be held Saturday, October the First Federal Farmers Market! IF 10th from Noon-6pm at the Huron YOU ARE A POTENTIAL VENDOR, Boat Basin. The spaces are 10 x 10. $25.00 per space!! For details and fee information please contact Brian Croucher, Recreation Manager at 419-433GREAT PRESS FOR A GREAT LAKE PLACE 8487 Looking for Published by Huron Press, LLC. Vo l u n t e e r s … Huron Hometown News® SM TM 1992 Huron Pumpkin P.O. Box 330 • Huron, Ohio 44839
Huron Parks and Recreation
Phone 419-433-1401 • Fax 419-734-5382 www.huronhometownnews.com Published every Thursday
Editor & Publisher
General Manager/Editor CONNIE ROBERTS connie@huronhometownnews.com
A EUROPEAN DRIVE THRU CAFE Tues. - Sat. 7-11am 419-433-4341 www.marconisitalian.com
plastic surgery Gregory Allen Surfield, MD Board Certified in General Surgery
Dr. Surfield completed his medical education from Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine (NEOUCOM). He has eight years of experience, including five years of medical residency in general surgery at Summa Health Systems in Akron and three years of medical residency in plastic surgery at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois. Dr. Surfield is on the medical staff of Firelands Regional Medical Center. He treats patients for conditions including: Reconstructive Breast Surgery (after Breast Cancer) Skin Cancer Facial Rejuvenation Cosmetic Surgery of the face and body Difficult Wounds For an appointment, please call 419-621-1940 1221 Hayes Avenue, Suite J, Sandusky
Account Executive
CONNIE ROBERTS connie@huronhometownnews.com
Sports Editor
CHRIS MISCHLER cmischler@huronhometownnews.com
Classifieds connie@huronhometownnews.com
Business Manager Graphic Design
Senior Photographer
Contibuting Editorial
Letters to the Editor, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Huron Hometown News are welcome. Please note: All letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Huron Hometown News, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage. The Huron Hometown News is owned and operated
Life Outside the Office Originally from Williamsport, Pennsylvania, Dr. Surfield spent
by Huron Press, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Huron Hometown News and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Class liners and Retail ads closing @ Monday by 4:00 PM.
Fest - We are looking for members of the community who would like to work as volunteers at the Huron Pumpkin Fest which will take place on Saturday, October 10th from 11:00am-6pm at the Huron Boat Basin. This event will feature children’s games, costume contest, scarecrow decorating contest, great food & craft vendors, touch-a-truck area, entertainment (magic show, juggling act, family concert), and a pumpkin drop to conclude the day! In order to make an event of this size run smoothly… we need your help!! Interested? Please contact Brian Croucher, Recreation Manager at 419-433-8487 ext 220. Thank you! Registrations now being taken for Fall Aerobics Aerobics- Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6pm-7pm at Woodlands Elementary: Session I- September 15-October 15. Session II- Oct 27-December 1(No class Thanksgiving Day) $45 Residents/ $50 Non Residents per session. $10 off if you sing up for both classes!! Fall Baseball & Softball Leagues … Fabens Park-Team Picture Day Saturday (Sept 12th) & Sunday (Sept 13th)
Leaf pick up The city of Huron’s leaf pick up program will continue as it did in 2008. We have worked together with Fultz and Sons and Barnes Nursery to continue with weekly pick ups starting with the yard waste collection on Monday September 14, 2009 and continue through Monday December 28, 2009. This will give the residents within the city of Huron 16 opportunities to dispose of their leaves. Residents will also be able to take their leaves to Barnes Nursery compost site at any time at no charge. All leaves will need to be placed by the curb line in either yard waste containers or yard waste bags the day of collection. For those residents that are unable to place their leaves in either yard waste containers or yard waste bags, the city of Huron is currently discussing arrangements with Huron city schools to provide volunteer assistance to the portion of our population that may need this service. Should this service become available, those residents requesting assistance would need to have leaves raked into piles in order for the volunteers to place leaves in your yard waste containers or yard waste bags. Volunteers would not be raking yards. Please call street superintendent, Dan Hoppe at 419433-5000 ext 290 if you wish to be placed on a list for consideration of this service. The city has also contacted local businesses in regards to the purchase of leaf bags. Bags can be purchased from the following businesses at these prices: Huron Drug Mart - $2.49 a bundle of 5 bags Huron Ace Hardware - $2.99 a bundle of 5 bags or $10.00 for 4 bundles of 5 bags – total of 20 Huron Market - $1.99 a bundle of 5 bags With your cooperation we are sure that we will have a successful leaf program for 2009.
much of his childhood in Ottawa, Ohio. Dr. Surfield now lives in Sandusky and enjoys biking, travel and watching college football.
Submit your news stories and photos. E-mail connie@huronhometownnews.com
Go Take a Hike Kick-Off
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, Setpember 10, 2009
Entertainment Firelands Symphony Orchestra School of the Arts Announces Fall and Winter Semester Classes Engage in the arts in a beautiful setting at The Firelands Symphony Orchestra School of the Arts at 334 E. Washington Street, Sandusky, Ohio in Erie County. We offer high quality, experienced instructors who are dedicated to their students and who strive to encourage each pupil to reach his or her creative potential. With many school districts in the area being forced to cut music and art programs due to budget constraints, the FSO School of the Arts continues to provide arts education to the children in our communities. We are pleased to offer private lessons and small-group instruction in music and the visual arts. Private lessons are available throughout the summer and school year for piano, violin, flute, voice and music theory. Students may start at any time but must commit to a semester. Lessons are offered for 30 min., 45 min or 60 min.
Wear your creative hats and join the Firelands Symphony Orchestra School of the Arts for some exciting art classes. Art-Tastic! with Rosalyn Shepherd will have your children creating their own masterpieces through drawing, painting and polymer clay. Mrs. Shepherd is an art teacher in the Sandusky City Schools and has exciting projects to unleash the creative genius in each of us. This camp will be offered Saturday mornings from 10:30 – noon beginning on Sept. 26 for students ages 5-12. The second sessions will begin on Feb. 6. Tuition is $80 for 8 sessions plus a $10 materials fee. Creative Kids Art Workshop is back with professional artist, Judy Aldrich. These fun, themed workshops introduce a large variety of creative materials. Each student makes multiple, high quality projects in each workshop and small class size is guaranteed. Classes are offered on Nov. 21, Dec. 18 and April 24 from 10-12:30 or 2:30-6 pm.
Tuition is $35 plus a $10 materials fee. Kindermusik with the Schmenks will be offered once a week this summer, beginning June 30 or July 1 for 5 week sessions. Kindermusik is the world’s leading music and movement class for children ages newborn to seven. Children are introduced to an exciting musical world filled with singing, instrumentation, rhythm and creative movement. Parental participation is required. Village Class is offered Tuesdays from 6-6:45 pm for ages newborn to 18 months. Our Time is offered Mon. or Wed. from 6-7 pm for ages 18 months to 3 years. Please contact Ronda Schmenk at 419-609-9712 for more information and to register for classes. Contact the Firelands Symphony School of the Arts, 419-621-4800 for more information on any of these offerings.
Shamrocks & Thistles Celtic Gathering Shamrocks & Thistles Celtic Association is proud to present Shamrocks & Thistles Celtic Gathering 2009! A truly unique event in North Central Ohio will bring Scottish AND Irish music and dance together in a hearty celebration of Celtic heritage. Formerly in Avon Lake, Ohio, Shamrocks & Thistles Celtic Gathering has grown and has moved to Huron, Ohio. Huron also was the former home of the “Huron Irish Festival” which regrettably faded out in 2006. The celebration of the Scottish and Irish Culture will be September 19th and 20th, 2009 on the beautiful grounds of the Huron Amphitheater/ Boat Basin in Huron, Ohio. This cul-
tural event will include performances by the finest Irish and Scottish pipe bands, Irish and Highland dancers in Northern Ohio as well as traditional and contemporary Celtic music by Searson, Zoo Station, The Kreellers, Morrison & McCarthy, Mossy Moran, The Terriers, Marcus Dirk, Turn the Corner, The Bog Ponies, & Michael Crawley! Nonstop entertainment by over 300 individuals will be complimented by a wide variety of merchants offering traditional Celtic ware and food. Attendees will lose themselves in the strains of wonderful Celtic music as it drifts throughout the area, children will get to experience fighting a Celtic
warrior along with other activities that will sure to please! Everyone will taste a bit of the old country and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow lovers of Celtic history and tradition at a great event for the whole family. Admission for this event is $5.00 and children 10 yrs. and under are FREE. For information contact: C hristina Douglas 419-357-2688 or Patrick Faith 440-666-1797. Email: christinadouglas@neo.rr.com Website: www.shamrocksandthistles.com **You can also find us on MySpace and Facebook!
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Fall is upon us Mary Strayer, Master Gardener September is here, and it’s time to prepare your gardens, landscapes, and lawn for the end of the growing season. We need to change our gardening ideas, and shift gears looking ahead to the colder months. Start now, and don’t wait until hard freezes, as this makes the work so much harder, and much less effective. Start with tidying up the landscape of drying foliage, dried stems that look unsightly, fallen smaller branches and debris from trees, shrubs etc. While you are cleaning up, look for noticeable holes in the gardens spaces, and pick up some of the discounted perennials at local greenhouses and markets. Be sure you purchase any mums you want to grow year to year from a greenhouse or nursery which states openly that they are hardy mums. You can purchase mums at general merchandise stores very cheaply, but they are not hardy because they were forced into bloom far too early, and this hurts their systems, and they usually freeze out over winter. Use compost now on your flower beds and around trees and shrubs. This feeds the plants now, and gives them nourishment for the months to come. If you have had a dry summer, water up until the first freeze, again to give the plants sufficient water to survive also. If you have annals growing about your landscape, and want to experiment take cuttings now, dip in rooting compound
and try to root them for growing in the house until next spring. One tip I find very useful is for geraniums. The old teaching was to pull them out of the soil, hang them upside down in a brown paper bag in the basement or other cool, not freezing place until spring, and them prune back and replant. Well, for the past 7 years, I have been experimenting with geraniums, and found that if you simply take the pot and all to the basement, store in a dark cool spot, and don’t water all winter that they survive also. In the spring time, when it is still too cold outside, but nice on a sunny porch, I bring the geraniums upstairs and water them. As they sprout, I trim off what doesn’t resprout, and put outside at the proper time. My geraniums are twice the size as purchased ones, and the flowers are larger and showier. Perennials need a haircut, unless they have winter interest, i.e. the snow or wind looks good blowing them, or making them glisten from your favorite window. Trim your perennials back, but I would recommend looking each variety up in a reputable perennial book so you are sure each is done properly. Now is also the best time to fertilize your lawn with slow-release fertilizer. The grass will store food for the winter, and come back looking great in the spring. Lastly, clean out the garden storage area, throwing away old chemicals, and clean your tools. Rub metal surfaces with a very light coating of cooking oil, and sharpen anything that may need sharpening. This will give you a head start on beginning your spring gardens. Happy Gardening!
What’s Cooking?
with Gretchen Studer Crab Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes Prep Time: 15 minutes Number of Servings: 5
Directions: 1. Slice stem end from tomatoes and scoop out pulp. Invert tomatoes and place Ingredients: on a paper towel to drain. 1 pint Cherry Tomatoes 2. Combine crabmeat, green onions, 1 6-oz can Crab Meat breadcrumbs, parsley, vinegar, and dill 2 Green Onions, finely chopped weed in a small bowl and mix well. Spoon 2 T dry Breadcrumbs mixture into tomatoes. 1 t fresh Parsley, finely minced 3. Line a microwave-safe plate with a 1 t White Wine Vinegar paper towel and arrange tomatoes. Mi1/2 t fresh Dill, finely minced or 1/4 t dried crowave on high for 2 to 4 minutes or un2 T dry Breadcrumbs til heated through, turning plate several Paprika times. Sprinkle with paprika.
We want your pictures and stories! Drop them in the Huron Hometown News mailbox at the Huron Chamber of Commerce office
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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, Setpember 10, 2009
BGSU Firelands presents College Night program From 6:30 to 8:00 pm on Tuesday September 15th, BGSU Firelands will host its 39th annual College Night. Information tables from over seventy colleges and universities will be in the main conference room of the Cedar Point Center. The program is free and open to the public. Parking is available in the Cedar Point Center lot adjacent to the building. High school students and adults will have the opportunity to obtain literature and speak with admissions representatives from a wide variety of colleges, universities and schools of nursing. Seventy- two institutions of higher education in Ohio will participate in this years’ program. Colleges and universities participating include: Ashland University, Baldwin-Wallace College, BGSU Firelands, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green State University ROTC (Army and Air Force represented), BGSU Firelands/ University of Toledo College Nursing,
Bluffton University, Capital University, Central Michigan University, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland State University, College of Mount St. Joseph, Columbus College of Art & Design, Defiance College, Firelands Regional Medical Center School of Nursing, Heidelberg College, Hiram College, Hocking Technical College, John Carroll University, Kent State University, Lake Erie College, Lorain County Community College, Lorain County Community College Satellite ADN Program at BGSU Firelands, Lourdes College, Malone University, Marietta College, MedCentral College of Nursing, Mercy College of Northwest Ohio, Mount Union College, Mt. Carmel College of Nursing, Northwood University, Notre Dame College of Ohio, North Central State College, Northeastern Ohio Universities-College of Medicine, Ohio Business College, Ohio Dominican University, Ohio Northern University, Ohio University,
Ohio Technical College, OSU Agricultural Technical Institute, Otterbein College, Owens Community College, Sandusky Career Center, Terra Community College, The Ohio State University, Tiffin University, University of Akron, University of Cincinnati, University of Findlay, University of Toledo College of Nursing, Urbana University, Ursuline College, Virginia Marti College of Art & Design, Walsh University, Wilmington College, WYOTECH and Youngstown State University. This year numerous out of state colleges will be represented including: Albion College, Baker College, Ball State University, Bethany College, Eastern Michigan University, Florida Institute of Technology, Gannon University, Kendall College of Art & Design, Mercyhurst College, Robert Morris University, Thomas More College, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and University of Saint Francis.
“BGSU Firelands is pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to the community,” said Debralee Divers, director of admissions and financial aid. “Anyone interested in attending college will have the chance to speak personally with representatives from more than seventy colleges and universities located in Ohio and surrounding states. This initial contact with an institution of higher learning can help potential students make some early decisions about colleges and college majors. It may seem early in the year to think about college admission, but actually, now is exactly the right time to initiate the admissions and financial aid application process which can take several months to complete.” For more information, contact the BGSU Firelands Office of Admissions at 419‑433‑5560, ext. 20686 or 800‑322‑4787. E‑mail: fireadm@ bgsu.edu
School Recycling Results Fall workshops at The Caryl The School Recycling Pilot Program was made possible through an Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Recycling and Litter Prevention Community Development Grant. A combined population of 4,433 students in the participating 9 schools collected a total of 69,840 pounds or 35 tons of recyclable materials. This is more than 3 of the Districts 13 drop-off collected in the past year. This is to be commended! For being an active member of the recycling program each school will receive a Certificate of Participation. The top three schools will receive recycled content prizes for their achievement. The top three schools were: 1st Place: Edison High School; 14,400 pounds recycled.
2nd Place: Sandusky Central Catholic; 10,800 pounds recycled. 3rd Place: McCormick Middle School; 9,000 pounds recycled. The schools were awarded on total pounds recycled per population of the school. The pounds of material reports were emailed by school contacts to the District and double checked for accuracy using the recycling reports sent by Christie Lane Industries, Recycling Facility. THANK YOU: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, DRLP, Christie Lane Industries, Edison High School, Huron High School, Perkins High School, Margaretta Middle/High School, Sandusky Central Catholic Schools, Berlin/Milan Middle School, McCormick Middle School, EHOVE, Milan Elementary School.
St. Petes gets a special visit
Crane Children’s Theatre
Dr. Ronald M. Ruble will teach two Caryl Crane Children’s Theatre pre-teen workshops, “Audition Techniques” and “Taking the Stage,” on consecutive Saturdays, Sept. 19, Sept. 26, Oct. 3 and Oct. 10 in McBride Auditorium at BGSU Firelands. To register, children must be ages 10 through 12 and must be ten years of age by the workshops’ start date of Sept. 19. Maximum enrollment is 20 students per workshop. These are excellent workshops for children who have little or no experience and for children who have some theatre experience but want to enhance their skills. In “Audition Techniques,” learn to be creative and enjoy the art of trying out for a part. Learn how to prepare for the audition, how to use the script; how to be more relaxed, how to play a rock or a tree, even be an animal; how to be understood, and how to use your excitement and energy to have fun in an audition. This workshop should be taken more than once. A notebook and pencil are required. Attendance is expected. There will be assignments. “Audition Techniques” meets for four sessions, 8–
9:50 a.m. “Take the stage!” is a common phrase used by directors. What does it mean? Children will discover a variety of meanings. Topics will include: (1) the difference between thinking as “self ” or thinking as “actor”; (2) the difference between personal discipline and stage discipline; (3) the difference between leading and following in a scene; and (4) the difference between playing with the audience and playing for the audience. Stage exercises and stage games will be used to accent such differences. This workshop should be taken more than once. A Notebook and pencil are required. Attendance is expected. There will be assignments. “Taking the Stage” meets for four sessions, 10:00 – 11:50 a.m. Fees are $50.00 per student. If a student takes both workshops, the fee is $45.00 for the second workshop. For additional family members (brother/sister) each workshop is $40.00. To register, contact the BGSU Firelands Office of Educational Outreach at 419-4335560 or 800- 322-4787, ext. 20617.
Open auditions for “The Melody Lingers on: The Songs of Irving Berlin” Open auditions for Firelands College Theatre’s Fall production of THE MELODY LINGERS ON: THE SONG OF IRVING BERLIN, will be held Friday, September 11th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm, Saturday, September 12th from 9 to 11:30 am, and Monday, September 14th from 6 to 9 pm, in the McBride Auditorium on the BGSU Firelands campus. Other audition times may be scheduled by appointment, if necessary. This musical revue is a celebration of the musical genius of Berlin, who in his 101 years of life wrote over 1500 songs, and whose life and music chronicle 20th century America. Male and female singers and/or dancers of high school age and above are needed to fill the many solo and/or chorus
Officer Steve Ritterbach of the Sandusky Police Force with police dog “Justice” visited St. Peter School’s 1st - 4th grade students last Friday to demonstrate the skills that Justice has acquired.
School Lunch Menus St. Peter School Monday Sept. 14 Foot Long Hot Dog on Bun, Chilly & Onions (Optional), Triangle Potato, Orange Smiles, Milk. Tuesday Sept. 15 Taco Meat, Roll/Margarine, Salsa, Peaches, Pudding, Milk Wednesday Sept. 16 Fresh Made Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Sandwich, Chicken Noodle Soup, Broccoli & Cauliflower W/ Ranch Dressing, Mandarin Oranges, Ice Cream, Milk Thursday Sept. 17 Spaghetti W/Meat Sauce, Garlic Bread Sticks, Green Beans, Pears & Jello W/ Topping, Milk Friday Sept. 18 Domino Pepperoni Pizza, Carrots & Celery W/ Ranch Dressing, Peaches, Milk
Huron Public Shawnee Elementary & Woodlands
Intermediate Schools GREEN WEEK Monday Sept. 14 Plump Corn Dog Oven Baked Fries Gold Fish Crackers Chilled Applesauce Ice Cold Milk Tuesday Sept. 15 Extra Cheesy Pizza California Blend Vegetables Pretzel Rod Seasonal Fresh Fruit Ice Cold Milk Wednesday Sept. 16 Crispy Chicken Tenders Fluffy Brown Rice Tiny Green Peas Mandarin Oranges Ice Cold Milk Thursday Sept. 17 French Toast Sticks Sausage Links or Pattys Hash Brown 100% Fruit Juice Ice Cold Milk Friday Sept. 18 Cheeseburger on Bun Curly Fries Frosted Graham Crackers Banana Half Ice Cold Milk
McCormick Jr. High & High School GREEN WEEK Monday Sept. 14 Breakfast Sandwich Golden Brown Hashbrown 100% Juice Chilled Milk Tuesday Sept. 15 Chicken Wrap Fresh Veggies/Dip Baked Chips Seasonal Fresh Fruit Chilled Milk
roles available. Limited speaking roles are also available, as are cameo roles for solo instrumentalists. Prepared material is not required for the audition. Production dates will be November 5th through 8th, with most rehearsals scheduled for evening hours, Monday through Friday. Dr. Jann Graham Glann, Assistant Professor of Humanities at BGSU Firelands, will serve as Director/Choreographer and Music Director, with vocal music assistance from Martha W. Smith. Associate Professor Dr. Frank Glann is set designer. For additional information, phone Jann Glann at (419)4335560, ext. 20662, at (419)433-3503, or at (440)452-6115.
Firelands Montessori Academy celebrates 30 years Firelands Montessori Academy is celebrating 30 years in the region. FMA opened in 1979 under the direction of Peter and Roseann Larrow and Joseph Genovesi. The school moved to its newest location at 329 Ohio Street in Huron, Ohio in 2008 and is starting the school year with a back to school picnic
and the creation of an anniversary quilt. Firelands Montessori Academy offers toddler, preschool, kindergarten and elementary education to students from all across the North Coast region. Please see www.firelandsmontessori.org for more information, or call 419-433-6181.
National Farm to School fresh produce program EHOVE Principal Dennis Muratori (Huron), Auto Body instructor Jim Linder (Bellevue) and Assistant Director Mark Ringlein (Huron) team up to shuck corn fresh from the field. In keeping with the national Farm to School fresh produce program started last year, EHOVE offers locally grown produce as part of its Wellness Plan to promote healthier living. David Schmidt in Oxford Township, less than 5 miles from EHOVE’s Mason Road
campus, supplies the vegetables and some fruit from his 100 acre farm. The orchard fruit is gown in Clyde at Eschelman’s Farms. Farm to School brings healthy food from local farms to school children nationwide. This program connects schools with local farms with the objectives of serving healthy meals in school cafeterias, improving student nutrition, providing health and nutrition education opportunities that will last a lifetime, and supporting local small farmers.
Wednesday Sept. 16 Nacho’s Steamed Corn Sherbert Cup Chilled Milk Thursday Sept. 17 Pasta with Meat Sauce Tossed Salad Warm Breadsticks Jello/Fruit Chilled Milk Friday Sept. 18 Corn Dog Seasoned Potato Wedges Fudgey Brownie Fruit Chilled Milk
EHOVE Visual Communication Design student Claire Woodburn, Huron, has her car inspected by Public Safety Academy student Alyssa Koelsch, Edison on Sept. 9. Vehicle inspection is required of all students who drive to school.
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, Setpember 10, 2009
Classifieds HOME SERVICES PAINTING ETC. Interior Specialist, Exterior Dry Wall Repair Wallpaper removal 20 years Experience Pressure Washing 419-624-0383 CHUCK KNIGHT Painting Tile-Repair Home Maintenance Small Jobs Welcome Call 419-433-3162 WANTED TO BUY BUYING JUNK CARS 419-577-6405 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES A CUT ABOVE LIMOUSINE 4 Passenger Cadillac Escalade, heated Lazy Boy Recliners. 13 passenger Ford Excursion. Reservations: 419-202-6446 **legally licensed and properly insured** www.nothernlimo.com AFFORDABLE TRANSPORTATION Airports – Cleveland or Toledo - $60. Akron - $85, Detroit - $99. City to City, $1.00/mile, $50 minimum. Up to 6 people. No smoking. Call 419-3591054 Available 24/7 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DEPENDABLE MAYTAG OVEN/RANGE For Sale. Call 419-433-7612 PRE FALL YARD SALE Too Much To List 201 Rye Beach Road 9/12 – 9/13 11am – 5pm LEER TRUCK TOP For F-150 6’x11 ¼ “ x 6’1” Excellent Condition, Red $300.00 419-433-5219 FOR RENT OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT IN HURON Includes utilities and other amenities. Convenient and pleasant location. 419-357-3435 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Porch, Wood Burning Fireplace, 60’ Dock, Near Golf, Available Sept. 419-4337424 or 216-676-8717 VERMILION LAKE FRONT COTTAGE. 2 Bedroom furnished. Short term, possibly longer, Includes cable and water. No pets or smoking $795.00/mo.
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ODOT Construction Report State Route 2, Erie County – ***UPDATE*** State Route 2, from 0.6 mile east of Joppa Road to the Lorain County line, is now open to all lanes of traffic as part of an ongoing resurfacing project. There will be short duration lane closures for bridge deck work; however, at least one lane of traffic will be maintained at all times in each direction. The project is expected to be completed by September 25, 2009. Beginning Tuesday, September 8, at 6:00 a.m., the State Route 60 east and westbound entrance ramps to SR-2 will have narrowed lanes as work is being done on these ramps. This work will continue until September 18. SR-61/SR-113, Erie County – ARRA Project – ***UPDATE*** State Route 61, at its overlap with State Route 113 over Old Woman’s Creek in Berlin Township, is now open! It was previously closed for an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) culvert replacement project. U.S. Route 250, Huron County – ***UPDATE*** U.S. Route 250, between Town Line Road 187 and U.S. Route 224 in Greenwich Township, is closed for new alignment tie-in work as part of a railroad grade separation project. The detour route for westbound motorists is U.S. 250 to U.S. 224, west on U.S. 224 to State Route 13, north on SR-13 to U.S. 250, and reverse for eastbound motorists. The road will open on September 17, 2009. ODOT reminds motorists to SLOW for the Cone Zone. There are a lot of variables in work zones - the cones, signs, equipment and workers. With reduced speed limits and traffic lane shifts, it’s important to drive responsibly and be aware of your surroundings in a work zone at all times of the day - for everyone’s safety.
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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, Setpember 10, 2009
A unique setting available for:
Tigers Hijack Truckers, 42-18 It was Parent’s night for the home opener against Norwalk at Kalahari Field in Huron. A large crowd was on hand, including the parents of the football team, ball boys, and cheerleaders. There was also a nice presentation before the game of a United States flag flown in combat (Iraq) by Huron alumni, Lieutenant Ara Bartemes. Most in the crowd were a little surprised when the refer- Joey Bogden (56) and Zack Greives (57) lead ees decided to charge another successful run by Derek Dowell. the Tigers with a delay halves behind center. of game penalty. But Ramey opened the scoring by throwthese are important events in the life of a small town, and a penalty like that ing a 16 yard strike to Derek Dowell. was a trivial price to be paid on such Then, late in the first quarter, Dowell would find the endzone again, this occasions. Despite the win, this game had many time on a two yard run. The senior sloppy moments for the home team. running back would finish the night The first half seemed like a constant with 91 yards on 19 attempts and barrage of penalties. The Tigers also two touchdowns. Huron finished the committed six turnovers on the night opening quarter up, 14-0. Norwalk would score first in the (five fumbles and one interception) that gave Norwalk more opportunities second quarter with a 16 yard touchto score then they otherwise would down pass by Tyson Ringle. Huron’s have had. Unlike Huron’s first game Jake Hillman and junior quarterback against Vermilion where weather and Brian Bollenbacher connected twice running success kept the team on the for touchdowns (20, 33) during the ground, the Tigers displayed a decent second period. Hillman would have aerial attack by both quarterbacks Joe 6 receptions for 117 yards during the Ramey and Brian Bollenbacher. The game. Norwalk would score again, younger Bollenbacher would lead the during this action packed quarter, on Tiger’s offense during the second peri- a 30 yard pass with 4:18 left. This was od and the start of the fourth quarter, the first play following a mishandled while senior Joe Ramey opened both punt return by the Tigers. At the end
of the second period, the Truckers looked to be on the move again, but were stopped by an interception by Jarod Blakely with :43 left. Huron led at halftime, 28 – 12. Midway through the third period, Huron was able to stop a Norwalk drive on downs at the Tiger 24 yard line. Justin Hicks immediately scampered off a 52 yard run to the Trucker 24 yard line. the way for The very next play, Ramey would hit Huron’s Patrick Moore on a 24 yard touchdown pass to give the Tigers a 35-12 lead. Norwalk’s last score of the night was set up by a long punt return to the Huron 12 yard line. On the very next play, Ringle ran the ball into the endzone. No Norwalk extra point attempts were successful through out the game. Third quarter ended with Huron up, 35-18. The Tiger’s last score of the evening came on another of Jarod Blakely’s opportunistic plays. This time, Blakely recovered a Trucker fumble on the Huron 29 yard line and raced the length of the field for a touchdown with 7:57 left in the game. That play closed the book on all scoring with the Tigers collecting a 42-18 victory. The Huron defense, led by senior captain Zack Grieves played a hard hitting game and punished the Trucker quarterback and runners all night.
Volleyball Win Streak Finishes at 99 Huron’s Varsity Volleyball did something this week that is hasn’t done in 99 previous SBC conference matches spanning eight years…it lost. In a thrilling matchup between two solid volleyball programs, the Edison Chargers finish the night on top 3 games to 2 (27-17, 20-25, 24-26, 26-24, 15-13). While the contest was played in Milan, the Huron crowd, led by a boisterous student section, cheered their team on. The first game had the widest margin and went the Chargers way. But after that the pressure stepped up a notch for both teams. The second game saw no more than a three point differential between the teams until Huron took a 16-10 lead after two really strong blocks by sophomore Katlyn Sommer and a spike by senior captain Jesse Miedema. But Edison regrouped and closed in to within one score, 18-17. It was at that point that junior Devon Koenig made some terrific plays to finish off the game for Huron 25-20. The next two games were both nail biters that went to extra points. In game three, won by the Tigers, there was never more than two points separating the two teams. At crunch time, Miedema and Sommer stepped up. Combine that with two costly miss hit serves by Edison and Huron, again, finished on top. As senior Adriana Deluca served the last two Tiger points, it looked like streak might still survive this challenge.
Senior captain Jesse Miedema makes a play on the Edison serve. Game four gave no early indications of the problems to come. Huron came out strong and took an 18-13 lead. Edison called time out to try and change
momentum and change it they did. The Chargers outscored the Tigers 9-4 to tie the match at 22 when Coach Wood called a time out of his own. Despite two vicious kills by Sommer and Miedema, Wood was forced to call time again when Edison took a 24-23 lead. Huron got one more point to tie it at 24 but then the Chargers took the next two scores for the win to tie the match at two games a piece. During the last game to 15, the lady Tigers always seemed two points down. Jesse Miedema, the best overall player on the floor for both teams, displayed her power and experience trying to bring her team back, but the Chargers were steady and between Stewart and Blodgett had power of their own. Another potentially costly bad serve by Edison allowed the Tigers to tie it at 12-12, but the girls from Milan scored the last three out of four points to secure the victory. Still, what a marvelous achievement it has been by this special program. This span of success includes a state championship, numerous conference titles and big time playoff wins. Don’t be too alarmed, there is a lot of talent on this team and in the program overall. For that, we can thank the hard work of Coach Wood, his staff, the players and their parents for all the dedication they have shown and still show.
Girls Varsity Tennis Results Huron continued on with its 2009 girls tennis campaign with two matches at home this past week. The team suffered two tough conference losses. The first was a loss to SMCC 3-2 and then were swept by Oak Harbor, 5-0. Nancy Bloor won one of her singles matches against St. Mary’s Morgan Linden 6-2, 6-1, and then was beaten by
Ashley LaFountain, 6-2, 6-2. The other win for the Tigers was a doubles match by Emily Waldrop and Erin Black that came against the Panther’s Sarah May and Molly Doyle, 6-2, 6-1. The tennis team now has a 2-4 record and is 1-3 in the Sandusky Bay Conference.
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2503 Cleveland Rd. E. PEACEFUL COUNTRY – BERLIN TWP. Living, dining, family room and kitchen all open with cathedral ceiling. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1848 square feet. Enjoy summer nights in screened porch. Bathroom is a conversation piece. 3 car garage. 1.277 acres. Basement. $229,900 319 Tiffin Ave. VACATION AT THE LAKE -WALK TO THE BEACH – HURON Cute 3 Bedroom. 1284 Sq. Ft. Appliances stay including washer & dryer. Move in ready! Great 1st time home or 2nd home. $99,500
4611 Cleveland Rd. U#917 EASY, CAREFREE WAY OF LIFE! – HURON/VERILION Bay Breeze condo with pool and great beach 3 BR, 3.5 BA, finished basement, 2 fireplaces, one in master suite. Ultimate vacation home. Wow factor! $265,000
Mike Hamrock (Huron) practices commando crawls as part of his Physical Fitness training. EHOVE students enrolled in the Public Safety Academy devote lab time each week to fitness. The Public Safety Academy (PSA) prepares students interested in criminal justice, firefighting and emergency medical technician with certification needed for beginning public safety careers. There are approximately 75 students enrolled in PSA programs.
Submit your news stories and photos. E-mail connie@huronhometownnews.com
309 Forest Hills Dr. NEW PRICE! LARGE FAMILY ROOM – HURON 3 br, 1 story home, 1454 sq. ft, fireplace, roof new in 2004. Newer gutters and leaf guard system. Newer windows, kitchen appliances stay, newer counter tops. Great scenic view from back yard. Vaulted ceiling in living room. Garage. $109,400
EHOVE adult and high school Culinary Arts students prepared a buffet for 100 people who attended the August 22 scholarship fundraising event at the Cedar Point Center, BGSU Firelands. Chef Julio Andres, of the Culinary Vegetable Institute in Milan, and adult Culinary Arts student Shirley Keith, Grafton, collaborate to produce the elaborate menu for the event.
316 Orangewood Rd. SUNROOM-GREAT FOR MORNING COFFEE – HURON Classic Colonial. 4 large bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2216 sq. ft. Newer siding windows, exterior doors including garage doors. Great deck, some newer carpeting, lovely yard. Charming family room with brick gas log fireplace with remote, bookcases, basement. $185,000