Huron Pumpkin Fest October 10, 2009 12:00pm - 6:00-pm Huron Boat Basin
Chargers Outlast Tigers A8
Per Pack of 5 when you buy 4 or more
“The best paint store in town!”
September 24, 2009 Vol. 4 Number 55
Marconi’s Restaurant Opens Drive-Thru Breakfast Shop, Cafe Piccolo NOT CAFE BRISTRO, SORRY CARLO
Carlo Martello, owner, looks out window while Ken Feather, baker, stands with breakfast platter and other dishes.
Around Town Page 2 —————— Milestones Church Chat Page 3 —————— Senior Living Page 4 —————— Health & Wellness Page 5 —————— Library, Parks & Rec Page 6 —————— Schools Page 7 —————— Sports Page 8 —————— Classified Page 9 Carol's
Wine of the Week Turning Leaf 4 pks $7.99 750 mL Reg. $9.99
Huron Chamber Golf Outing Craig Soule added lots of excitement to the 13th annual Don Billman Memorial Golf Outing on Wednesday, Sept. 16, at Thunderbird Hills North. Soule, the 2009 Ohio Senior Amateur Hall of Fame Champion, spent the entire day allowing teams to use one of his shots to be counted toward their score on hole #11. For a price, of course. The scramble is one of the major fundraisers each year for the Huron Chamber of Commerce. While no one earned the $10,000 cash price for sinking a ball in just one stroke on Hole #5, nearly all of the teams took a chance on “Double Your Money,” with local insurance agent Christine Crawford matching her driving skills with players on Hole #2.
team with a scorecard playoff. Playing on the first team were Jim Delahunt, Jeff “Java” Hessler, Jim Mazza and Bob Eirons, while Joe Blodgett, Jeff Gnidovec, Blake McGory and Gary Hay made up the Blodgett team. Pin shot winners included: closest to the hole with first shot on # 2, Brian Croucher; longest putt on #4, Trish McCartney; closest to the hole with tee shot on #5, Greg Grude; closest to the hole with second shot on #7, Dan Hartung; closest to the hole with third shot on #9, Jeff Schechter; closest to the hole with tee shot on #11, Jeff Gnidovec; closest to the hole with tee shot on #14, David Asher; longest putt on #16, Al Hric; and longest drive on #18, Jeff Schechter. This Chamber fundraiser would not be possible without the support of member businesses who sponsored holes, donated door prizes and gave a great deal of “sweat equity to the event.” Sadly, no one was able to sink a hole in one on #5 and collect the $10,000 cash prize, provided by Dorr Hyundai/Automotive.
Capturing first player with a 60 was the Latanick Equipment/ Payne Nickles team, made up of Rick Decker, Jeff Rosengarten, Kevin Kieffer and Matt Boyle. Tied for second place with scores of 62, were the Delahunt Appraisal Service/Restore Pro foursome, which edged out the Blodgett
Phase II begins at Huron Memorial Stadium The first phase of memorial dedications at Huron Memorial Stadium is complete. Unfortunately, there is no more room for tree planting at the stadium. We have developed and constructed what will be known as Phase II for the next round of memorial dedications. The newest memorial site is the huge Huron Memorial Stadium sign facing the access road and Jim Campbell Blvd. The impetus for the sign came after a huge windstorm two years ago
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snapped the Jim Campbell Memorial tree in half . We would never have taken down the tree to replace it with a sign, but Mother Nature had other ideas. After much discussion, it was decided that a sign with Jim Campbell’s memorial stone in front would be a better fit for that part of the stadium. The back side of the home stands is actually the most prominent feature of the stadium as you drive east or west on the Route 2 access roads, and we thought it
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would be a perfect venue for a memorial site. Construction on the sign began in August, and is now complete. The back of the sign will be where the next round of memorial dedications are placed. Families, friends, and classes will be able to purchase dedications for $150, which will include 3-4 engraved lines. This is a much lower cost than the original dedications, which included a tree and stone in the final price.
HOURS: 7 AM -10 PM DAILY • 419-433-7733 408 Cleveland Road East Huron, OH 44839
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, September 24, 2009
New Ohio booster seat law By John T. Majoy, Acting Chief of Police On October 7, 2009 a new Ohio law goes into effect regarding child booster seats. The law requires any child who is between four and seven years old and less than four feet, nine inches tall to be secured in a booster seat when traveling in a motor vehicle. The law still requires children less than four years and forty pounds must still be secured in a federally approved child restraint system. The new law is considered a secondary violation which means motorists cannot be stopped exclusively for this. There is a provision in the new law which allows children to ride in taxicabs and public safety vehicles without the required booster seat. The Huron Police Department will follow the guidelines of the new law with a six month warning period. This means that motorists who are stopped and found to be in violation of this new law will be issued a warning. After April 7, 2010 officers will begin issuing traffic citations for violations of this law. To assist parents, you can bring your vehicle to the Huron Police Department anytime for assistance in installing or inspection of the required booster seats or child restraint system. We provide this service free of charge as the safety and security of children is a high priority of ours. In my near future I will be writing about joining forces with the Huron Rotary Club to provide a free fingerprint/ DNA clinic for children. Watch for this in two weeks and again if you have questions or suggestions for future articles send an e-mail You can also receive important and informative updates from our Twitter page at
ODOT weekly construction report U.S. Route 250, Huron County – Project 449(07) – ***UPDATE*** U.S. 250, between Town Line Road 187 and U.S. Route 224 in Greenwich Township, is closed for new alignment tie-in work as part of a railroad grade separation project. The detour route for westbound motorists is U.S. 250 to U.S. 224, west on U.S. 224 to State Route 13, north on SR-13 to U.S. 250, and reverse for eastbound motorists. The road will open on September 24, 2009. U.S. Route 250, Huron County – Project 5007(09) U.S. 250, 0.25 mile north of Township Road 179 (Exchange Road South), is closed for a culvert replacement project. The detour route for westbound motorists is U.S. 250 to U.S. Route 224, west on U.S. 224 to State Route 13, north on SR-13 to U.S. 250, and reverse for eastbound motorists. The road will reopen on September 28, 2009. ODOT reminds motorists to SLOW for the Cone Zone. There are a lot of variables in work zones - the cones, signs, equipment and workers. With reduced speed limits and traffic lane shifts, it’s important to drive responsibly and be aware of your surroundings in a work zone at all times of the day - for everyone’s safety.
BGSU Firelands seeks students from inaugural class of 1968-1969 Are you one of the first? BGSU Firelands opened its doors on Sept. 25, 1968 with hundreds of new students from Erie, Huron and Ottawa counties. Did you attend BGSU Firelands in fall 1968, winter or spring 1969? We want to hear from you. As Bowling Green State University moves toward its Centennial in 2010, Firelands wants
to find more members of its first class for a special anniversary celebration on the Huron campus. In 1968 it was the Firelands Campus of Bowling Green State University, or, simply, Firelands Campus. There were two buildings, East and West; classes offered in quarters, an eager young faculty and a director named Dr. James H. McBride.
Cub Scout Pack 31 fundraiser Cub Scout pack 31 will kick off their annual popcorn fundraiser on Saturday, September 26 with a neighborhood Blitz. Cub Scouts will be going to Huron neighborhoods to sell Trails-End popcorn. This is the major fundraiser for the Cub Scouts that provides monies for camping, pinewood derby, overnights at the zoo, summer camp, den activities, recognition awards, and many other fun activities. Trails-end returns 70% of the cost to scouting with 30% to the Cub Scout pack. There is a wide selection of popcorn available including popping corn kernels, microwave popcorn and tins of popcorn. Several new items this year include Chocolatey Triple delight (a butter toffee caramel corn dipped in chocolate and drizzled with vanilla yogurt) and Trails End Mix (a trail mix of raisins, cranberries, almonds, walnuts, and yogurt covered raisins and cranberries). For those who do not wish to purchase popcorn for themselves, the scouts are offering two levels of military donations that send popcorn to the troops. The boys will be out in the neighborhoods from 1pm to 3:30pm on Sat- October 26. Please support scouting and purchase some urday. If you want to purchase some popcorn, please con- popcorn. Thank You! tact any Cub Scout or email by
Local author publishes first book Mary Strayer, our garden column writer for Huron Hometown News has just published
her first book, entitled “The Frugal Gardener”. The book concerns itself with teaching the reader how to save valuable dollars and still having the garden of their dreams. Huron Public Library is sponsoring a book signing
Oct.16, in the form of a brown bag lunch. The public will gain opportunity to meet Mary, and she will sign her books. Please contact the Library for more information.
Fall Color Begins to Reveal Itself as Season Changes As the calendar ushers in the autumn season, Ohio’s woodlands are beginning their beautiful transformation as their canopies change from lush green to warm shades of gold, orange and red. Peak color is still a few weeks away for most of the state. “Most parts of the Buckeye State are starting to notice the first hints of fall color as vivid yellow and gold leaves begin to appear, along with a scattering of red and orange ones,” said Casey Munchel, of the ODNR Division of Forestry. “Buckeye trees are turning yellow and poison ivy and Virginia creeper are beginning to turn bright red throughout parts of northern and central Ohio.” Most ODNR facilities are reporting that less than 25 percent of the trees have changed color this week. However, Munchel noted that most of the spotty color is on honey locust trees, which seem to be experiencing a great deal of spider mite damage causing the leaves to turn prematurely yellow. Cooler nights should enhance the onset of good fall color and add more variety to the landscape in coming weeks. The scenic landscape is a special invitation to head outdoors. Some will choose to take part in outdoor traditions such as dove or squirrel hunting while others will enjoy seasonal campouts and events at Ohio state parks and nature preserves.
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This weekend, family-friendly activities are planned at several state parks. To find out more about these and other events, visit The site will serve as a premier guide to Ohio’s fall color season. Its pages provide information for travelers who want to map a scenic road trip, adventurers who are refreshed and energized by the cool autumn weather, vacationers who seek places of solace to enjoy the changing seasons and even the students who need a resource for leaf collection projects. Ohioans and out-ofstate visitors can also find information about fall foliage by calling 1-800-BUCKEYE or visiting www.discoverohio. com/autumnadventures. Ohio’s 74 state parks, 20 state forests and 134 state nature preserves provide excellent locations to view fall foliage. EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first in a series of updates that will highlight some of the best locations to enjoy Ohio’s fall color season. ODNR’s web site will post updated reports each Monday. News releases will be issued weekly by ODNR to announce the reports, now through early November. Also online, starting September 30, hear fall foliage podcasts with information from ODNR’s fall color specialist, Casey Munchel.
Ticket sales boosting symphony bottom line Buoyed by strong box office support, the Firelands Symphony Orchestra finished the 2008-09 season in the black financially. “We’re thrilled to see that, in spite of the difficult period we’re all going through economically, the FSO is paying its way,” said Ann Voight, president of the orchestra board of directors. “This reassures us that we’re accomplishing our mission, to bring high quality live performances and educational experiences to our audiences, and doing it in a financially responsible way.” During 2008-09, FSO income outpaced expenses by three percent, which amounts to $9,600. This is the second year in a row the organization has finished its budget year without a deficit. Voight cited higher than expected ticket income and other revenue, along with careful cost controls, as more than offsetting a significant decline in the market value of endowment funds. Ticket sales and subscriptions have increased by more than 100% over the past season. The FSO has two full-time employees and a part-time librarian. Music Director/Conductor Carl Topilow is halftime as he also conducts the Cleveland Pops Orchestra and is orchestral director of the Cleveland Institute of Music and National Repertory Orchestra in Breckenridge, Col. In addition to five concerts each season – with programs selected to appeal to serious music lovers as well as pops listeners and families – the FSO offers music education through its Firelands Symphony Orchestra School of the Arts. For information on any FSO program, call 419-6214800. The Ohio Arts Council helped fund this program or organization with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans.
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, September 24, 2009
Church Chat Christ Episcopal Church 120 Ohio St., Huron 419-433-4701. Sunday—9 a.m. and Adult Sunday School 10:30 a.m. First Presbyterian Church 225 Williams St., Huron; 419-433-5018. Summer Hours 8:00 Early Service 9:30 Worship No Sunday School Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church Kalahari Resort, Nia Convention Center Rt. 250, Huron; 419-271-3934. Worship—Sunday 10:30 a.m. Bible Study—Thursday, 6:30 p.m. at Sheri’s Coffee House in Norwalk Holy Trinity Anglican Church 1608 St. Rt. 113, Milan; 419-499-3683 Rev. Dr. John C. Jordan Worship and Holy Communion—Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Sunday—8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Huron United Methodist Church Lighthouse Assembly of God Church 338 Williams St., Huron; 820 Cleveland Rd. E., Huron; The Chapel 419-433-3984. 419-433-8889. 4444 Galloway Rd., Sandusky; 419-627-0208. On Sundays: Sunday service—10:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m.—Praise Service in Fellowship Sunday school—9:30 a.m. Saturday service--5:00 p.m. Hall with Summer Sunday School Adult Bible Study--6 p.m. Sunday. Sunday service—9:00 and 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.—Celebration service in Youth Group—6 p.m. Sunday. Jr. High Youth Group—Sundays 5-6:30 Sanctuary Food Pantry—9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesdays; p.m. Children’s programs are available for ages 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursdays. Sr. High Youth Group—Sundays 7-9:00 pre-school through 4th grade Salvation Army Service Unit—10:30 p.m. Refreshments and Nursery are available a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursdays, by appointment Latitude group ages 18-29—Thursdays, all Sunday morning only. 7:00 p.m. Lifepoint 539 Cleveland Rd. W., Huron: 419-433-4156. Sunday—10 a.m., and nursery available. Sunday school—10 a.m. for K-6th grade. “Grounded” youth group for grades 6-12—Sundays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. 3-5 grade Boys Youth Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. 3-5 grade Girls Youth Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. “The Biggest Loser” campaign drive focuses on weight loss, new visitors and faithfulness in attendance. Call Pastor Brenton for more information.
St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church 15617 Mason Rd., Vermilion Rev. Dr. Karl Fry, Pastor 440-967-9886 Sunday School/ Bible Study 9:30 Ladies Bible Fellowship 9:15 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 4511 Galloway Rd., Huron; 419-626-9860. Bishop: Bill Reel Sacrament service—9:30 a.m. Sundays Family History Center Wed. 10 am-2pm, Thur. 9am-9pm 1st & 3rd Sat. 9am-5pm Zion Lutheran Church 930 Main St., Huron; 419-433-4711. www.zionhuron,org
St. Peter’s Catholic Church 430 Main St., Huron; 419-433-5725. Saturday—5 p.m.
We need your help! Please keep us up to date on your church services and events. We may not know about your events unless you tell us! Send your church service updates, news and events to
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Milestones OBITUARIES Ronald Charles Poorman April 26, 1941 - Sept. 16, 2009
Ronald Charles Poorman, 68, of Huron and formerly of Amherst and Olmsted Falls, died unexpectedly Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2009, in Firelands Regional Medical Center, Sandusky. He was born April 26, 1941, in Altoona, Pa., and moved to Huron a year ago from Olmsted Falls. He was previously a 20-year resident of Amherst. He was a U.S. Army veteran and served from 1961-64. He worked at Ford Motor Co., Lorain, for 30 years, retiring in 1997. He was a member of the Huron Eagles and a former member of the American Legion, Lorain. He enjoyed camping and spending time with his family and grandchildren. He is an avid football fan.
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He is survived by his wife of 47 years, Nancy (Schell419-433-5887 hammer); daughter, Rhonda Milks and companion, Nemecek Insurance & Financial Services Jim Daugherty of Elyria; a son, Rick (Judy) Poorman DAWN BAUMAN, LICENSED OFFICE MANAGER of Huron; four grandchildren, Joseph (Alexa) Milks 2012 Rd location W Suite D Visit Cleveland us at our new and Amanda Milks, and Ryan and Brandon Poorman; Huron, OHStreet 44839 on Mill July 10th! Call today for a quote. Call me today for me a419-433-5887 quote. 419-433-5887 great-granddaughter, Madelyn Milks; brother, Myrle (Rhonda) Poorman of Bellwood, Pa.; and several nieces Hours: M, T, R, F: 9-5 and nephews. W: 12-5 Evenings by appt. He was preceded in death by his parents, Myrle and Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service Delores (Durbin) Poorman. marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Friends were able to call 2-5 p.m. Saturday in Foster Call me today for a quote. Funeral Home, 410 Main St., Huron. A private family service will be observed and cremation will take place. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Huron Rescue Squad, 413 Main St., Huron, OH 44839; or Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Office: OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service Huron Athletic Booster Club, P.O. Box 184, Huron, OH Columbus, marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. 44839. Condolences may be shared with the family at fosWe offer our most popular caskets together
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.
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Leaf pick up 2009 The city of Huron’s leaf pick up program will continue as it did in 2008. We have worked together with Fultz and Sons and Barnes Nursery to continue with weekly pick ups starting with the yard waste collection on Monday September 14, 2009 and continue through Monday December 28, 2009. This will give the residents within the city of Huron 16 opportunities to dispose of their leaves. Residents will also be able to take their leaves to Barnes Nursery compost site at any time at no charge. All leaves will need to be placed by the curb line in either yard waste containers or yard waste bags the day of collection. For those residents that are unable to place their leaves in either yard waste containers or yard waste bags, the city of Huron is currently discussing arrangements with Huron city schools to provide volunteer assistance to the portion of our population that may need this service.
Should this service become available, those residents requesting assistance would need to have leaves raked into piles in order for the volunteers to place leaves in your yard waste containers or yard waste bags. Volunteers would not be raking yards. Please call street superintendent, Dan Hoppe at 419433-5000 ext 290 if you wish to be placed on a list for consideration of this service. The city has also contacted local businesses in regards to the purchase of leaf bags. Bags can be purchased from the following businesses at these prices: • Huron Drug Mart $2.49 a bundle of 5 bags • Huron Ace Hardware $2.99 a bundle of 5 bags or $10.00 for 4 bundles of 5 bags – total of 20 • Huron Market $1.99 a bundle of 5 bags With your cooperation we are sure that we will have a successful leaf program for 2009.
with our uncompromised service. That means we can create the memorial you had in mind, for much less than you would have expected -just one of the many ways you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Groff Funeral Homes now offer funeral and cremation services at our new Huron Chapel which is located at the entrance of Meadow Green Memorial park.
Published by Huron Press, LLC.
Huron Hometown News® SM TM 1992 P.O. Box 330 • Huron, Ohio 44839 Phone 419-433-1401 • Fax 419-734-5382 Published every Thursday
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Life Outside the Office
Originally from Cleveland, Dr. Paul Laffay currently resides in Huron. He enjoys outdoor water sports including fishing, canoeing, and scuba diving. Dr. Laffay is married and has two young daughters. True to his interests, the family pets are tropical fish!
Paul C. Laffay, DO Board Eligible in General Surgery Accepting New Patients
Dr. Laffay joins the practice of Dr. Fredric H. Itzkowitz, DO and Dr. Albert V. Vargas, MD. Dr. Laffay is a member of the multi-specialty physician group, North Coast Professional Company, practices as part of North Coast Surgical Associates, and is a member of the medical staff of Firelands Regional Medical Center. Dr. Laffay performs a wide range of surgical procedures including: Laparoscopic Surgeries Upper & Lower Endoscopies (colonoscopy and EGD) Colon Surgeries, including cancer surgery Breast Surgeries, including cancer surgery Gallbladder Surgeries Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Pediatric Surgeries Emergency Surgeries And a Wide Range of Other Minor & Major Surgeries Most insurances accepted
For an appointment, please call 419-625-8722 703 Tyler Street, Suite #150, Sandusky
Albert V. Vargas, MD
Paul C. Laffay, DO
Fredric H. Itzkowitz, DO
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, September 24, 2009
Senior Living Assisted living services now offered at Parkvue Place Most Insurance Plans Accepted Specializing in Family Foot Care Including but not limited to: Bunions, Hammertoes, Warts, Woundcare, Heel Pain and Diabetic Foot Care
Martin Lesnak, DPM Huron Podiatry 2012 Cleveland Rd. W- Suite F Huron, OH 44839 419-433-4800
Open House Featuring Beautiful Condominiums for those age 55 plus
September 25th 1:00-4:00
Parkvue is proud to announce the addition of Assisted Living services at Parkvue Place. Since 1992, Parkvue Place has offered 1 and 2 bedroom Independent Living apartments designed to honor residents’ life choices while supporting their independence. After much planning and preparation, Parkvue Place is now pleased to announce the addition of Assisted Living Services. “As our residents age, there may come a time when they need assistance with some or most of their activities of daily living,” said Ken Keller, Administrator of Parkvue for the past 15 years. “The unique feature of the Assisted Living services at Parkvue Place is that as our residents’ needs change, they can remain in their spacious apartment, while receiving additional care and services to support Mom or Dad in their independence. With Assisted Living or the addition of our Assisted Elder Care Facility? Living services, we are able to provide a full continuum of living and health care options for our residents and the Sandusky community,” Mr. Keller added. At Parkvue Place residents have a sense of security with 24 hour staffing and an
emergency response system. Medication management and administration, personal care assistance, daily bed making and weekly flat linen service, safety checks and nutritional monitoring are just a few of the features offered with Parkvue’s Assisted Living services. The expertly trained staff takes care of the details and worries of life, so the residents can enjoy the beauty of the day. Residents at Parkvue have the freedom to choose how much or how little activity they desire. They can dine with friends in the elegant dining room while enjoying delicious chef-prepared meals. They can take advantage of the Beauty/Barber Shop, Chapel, Craft Room, or Game Room. They can also satisfy their interests with one of the many exciting outings Parkvue offers. Or they can just relax in their apartment with their small pet, enjoying their favorite book. “At Parkvue Place, residents have the freedom to take control of their lives and happiness,” said Mr. Keller. “We’re just here to support them. With the addition of our Assisted Living services, we are now able to better meet the on-going needs of our residents and continue to a valuable resource for our community. “ Parkvue Place has open houses every second Tuesday and Saturday of the month from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. If you are interested in learning more about Parkvue’s Independent Living or the new Assisted Living services call 419-6211900 and ask for Scott Newell, Resident Services Manager.
Firelands 55+ Club Morning Coffee
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Join Firelands 55+ Club on Wednesday, October 7 for Morning Coffee from 8 - 10 am. Morning Coffee will be held at Firelands Regional Medical Center’s South Campus, Community Resource Room. The following screenings will be available: · Free Blood Pressure Screening · Free Blood Sugar Screening · Cholesterol Screening for $6.00 · Total Lipid Profile for $16.00 (12-Hour Fast) Appointments are not necessary for the
health screenings. For more information about Morning Coffee please call 419-5577722. Firelands Regional Medical Center is a 400-bed, full service, not-for-profit hospital. Serving the five-county region, Firelands provides comprehensive diagnostic, medical, surgical, emergency and rehabilitation services for people of all ages. For more information about Firelands Regional Medical Center visit
(Across from IAB Club)
BGSU Firelands presents ‘Swine flu influenza: a lethal infection or media hype?’ Serving Our Community Since 1902
At 12:30 p.m. on Oct. 5 in the Cedar Point Center Auditorium at BGSU Firelands, Dr. Christine Genovese, an associate professor of biology, will present “Swine flu influenza (H1N1): a lethal infection or media hype?” The talk is free and open to the public. She will discuss the characteristics of the H1N1 virus, modes of transmission, the risks to our population, disease progression and our immune response to this novel virus. She will also discuss the safety and ef-
ficacy of the prepared preparation. Genovese earned her bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude, from Mercy College (Dobbs Ferry, New York), her master’s degree in microbiology from Columbia University and her Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Pittsburgh. She joined the BGSU Firelands faculty in 1998. She has presented public talks on “SARs: An Emerging Epidemic?” and “Anthrax and Bioterrorism: The Myths and the Realities.”
To advertise in our monthly Senior Living section call Connie at 419-433-1401. Send pictures and story ideas to
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, September 24, 2009
Health & Wellness North Coast Cancer Care introduces new research initiatives North Coast Cancer Care is please to announce important expansions of research initiatives unique to the area. North Coast Cancer Care (NCCC) has participated in research trials in the area for the past twenty years but has recently expanded and enhanced their activities allowing patients to have access to new treatment approaches and to further investigate the key questions for improving care and results of this dreaded disease. NCCC was recently added availability of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group research trials. Two of these trials address key issues for improving the results of treatment for prostate carcinoma. The first trial looks at techniques of using external beam radiation to enhance brachy or seed implant treatment of prostate cancer. The second prostate trial looks at the role of chemotherapy to reduce recurrence risk after definitive prostate therapy. “NCCC is fortunate to have the tools to offer brachy therapy, IMRT, chemotherapy, and innovative research trials all at one convenient location,” stated Dr. Eugene Huang, a NCCC radiation oncologist. Dr. Huang has significant research experience in addressing radiation for prostate cancer during his association with the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Additional RTOG trials look at ways to prevent damage to normal tissue when receiving radiation therapy and to make certain radiation treatments more convenient and
affordable for treatment of bone lesions. Also, NCCC is pleased to be able to address the pros and cons of radiation dose escalation in the treatment of locally advanced lung carcinoma, an approach with promise to improve local control. Dr. G. Phillip Engeler was pleased to point out that “the NCCC commitment to leading technology and to working with national research leaders holds great promise in advancing care.” NCCC is also pleased to announce the addition of an important trial of a promising new drug designed to improve treatment of breast cancer that over expresses Her2Neu. This drug, T-DM1, attacks the Her 2 Neu complex in a new way and has promise in patients who have progressed after receiving Herceptin. This trial is offered through a unique relationship between NCCC and the pharmaceutical giant Genentech. Dr. Lobins, staff oncologist at NCCC, related that this trial is one of many with broad future implications in breast cancer treatment available at NCCC. “I am particularly hopeful that recent progress shown with one or our trial drugs, Sorafenib, and future trials with Parp1 inhibitors, holds promise for breast cancer patients.” For more information about these trials or other research initiatives at North Coast Cancer Care contact Donna McPeek, RN, Research Coordinator at 419-609-2842, 419626-9090 or visit
Seasonal flu shot clinics at Firelands Regional Medical Center postponed Due to a delay in shipment of the seasonal flu vaccine, Firelands Regional Medical Center will be postponing all flu shot clinics, including the clinic scheduled for Thursday, September 24 at Firelands South Campus, as well as the Drive-Thru Flu Shot Clinics at Cedar Point. Please visit to find a listing of dates for flu shot clinics, when they become available. Firelands Regional Medical Center is a 400-bed, full service, not-for-profit hospital. Serving a five-county region, Firelands provides comprehensive diagnostic, medical, surgical, emergency and rehabilitation services for people of all ages. For more information about Firelands Regional Medical Center visit www.firelands. com.
We want your pictures and stories! Drop them in the Huron Hometown News mailbox at the Huron Chamber of Commerce office
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6010 West Lake Rd. Vermilion, Ohio 44089 Phone: 440-967-2424 Fax: 440-967-2669
North Coast Breast Cancer Conference On Saturday October 17, the 2009 North Coast Breast Cancer Conference will take place for the third straight year at Kalahari’s Convention Center. This year’s conference features… • 16 speakers from across the United States • 4 breakout sessions • Breakfast and lunch • Three general sessions featuring speakers like: • Dr. George W. Sledge, MD – Indiana University • Hester Hill Schnipper – Harvard The breakout sessions include these topics… • Eating for Good Health • Reconstruction Options • Hereditary Cancers • Life After Breast Cancer • Supporting Breast Cancer Patients • Pet Therapy (complete with a Greyhound) • HER2 Positive breast cancer • Lymphedema • Cancer and Vitamin D • Role of Exercise in Increasing Survival • Celebrating Survivorship • Advances in Radiation Therapy • Art Therapy • Healthy Cooking Demo The lunch will feature a number of activities. These include some special recognitions and will feature one of the funniest women anywhere, Pat Wynn Brown and her production Much Ado About Hairdos. There will also be book signings by two of the conferences’ published authors. As in past years, a large turnout is expected, so breast cancer survivors, nurses and other healthcare professionals are
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Seniors Age 60 and older
encouraged to register just as soon as possible. The registration fee is $35 and includes everything above. In addition, nurses (RN’s and LPN’s) can earn 6.33 contact hours. More information and on-line registration is available at (Click on the pink ribbon for full information.) The full brochure can be downloaded and/or printed from the website. When registering online, registrants can choose between seven different speakers in each of four different breakout sessions. Kalahari is also offering a special rate of $134 per evening for anyone attending the conference. Special thanks this year go to the Susan G. Komen of Northwest Ohio organization. Due to Komen’s generosity, the first 125 cancer survivors who fully register (including paying the $35 registration fee) will have their fees refunded at the conference. For further information, please either go to the website or call 419-609-2859 during office hours.
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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, September 24, 2009
Library Huron Public Library Hours Mon. & Tue. 10 AM - 6 PM Wed. & Thur. 10 AM - 8 PM Fri. 10 AM - 5 PM; Sat. 10 AM - 1 PM Sun. Closed The Board of Trustees gratefully acknowledges the donation of My Germany by Lev Raphael in memory of Richard D. Holzapfel from Alea and Paul Dahnke. Adult Craft of Glass Painting on Saturday, September 26 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Huron Public Library. Bev Johnson will show us how to paint on glass. All paints and brushes will be provid-
ed but participants need to furnish a small glass item on which to paint. This handson, adult program is free! Register by email to or calling 419433-5009 by Wednesday, September 23. Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at the Huron Public Library on Thursday, October 1, 1 - 6 pm. To donate blood you must be at least 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and have not donated in the last 56 days. Personnel will be on hand to answer questions or call the Red Cross at 419-6261641 for more details. 2009 Fall Storytimes at the Huron Public Library September 8 – 30 Lapsit - (For children up to 2 ½ years with caregiver) Tuesdays at 10:15 am and Wednesdays at 11:00 am. Registration re-
Fresh Cider Available
- 5:00 PM to have a snack, get help with homework, connect with friends and play games. Call 419-433-5009 for more information. Open Play Chess for beginners and experts of all abilities and ages at the Huron Public Library on Saturdays. Chess boards are available. Bring a friend and play! Did you know… The Huron Public Library is a Passport Acceptance Agency? Forms, information about required documentation and fees are available at http:// Please call the library at 419-433-5009 to be sure an Acceptance Agent is available.
Parks & Rec
New winery facility Coming Spring 2010! Buy 2 souvenir wine glasses for the price of 1 with this ad
quired. Tuesday, September 1 at 10 AM. Stop in or Call 419-433-5009. Toddler Time - (For children 2 ½ - 3 ½ years with caregiver) Tuesdays at 1:00 am and Wednesdays 10:15 am. No registration required. Storytime - (For children 3 ½ - 5 years on their own) Tuesdays or Wednesdays at 1:30 pmand Tuesdays at 4:00 pm. No registration required. Family Storytime Wednesday, September 23 at 6:00 pm. No registration required. The Huron Youth Connection at the Huron Public Library is back! Students in grades 5 - 8 are invited to the Huron Youth Connection after school program Monday through Thursday from 2:30
Huron Parks and Recreation
Fall Apples
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Office location: 110 Wall Street Mailing address: 417 Main St. Phone: 419-433-8487 Fax: 419-433-0470 Email: Website:
First Federal Farmers Market Don’t miss your chance to get the freshest produce in Erie county! In addition to our returning vendors, we have added a couple new vendors this year, so be sure to check it out! The farmers market is held every Thursday from 3:306:30 at the Huron Boat Basin, 330 N. Main Street through October. Be sure to mark your calendars and shop for your produce at the First Federal Farmers Market! IF YOU ARE A POTENTIAL VENDOR, CONTACT OUR OFFICE, WE STILL HAVE BOOTH SPACES FOR THIS SEASON!!! 2nd Annual Huron Pumpkin Fest~ Saturday, October 10th at the Huron Boat Basin & Amphitheater ~ 12 Noon6pm. At the Huron Boat Basin & Amphitheater, 330 North Main Street, from Noon to 6pm, enjoy a variety of craft vendors, a petting zoo, food, pumpkins, mums, entertainment, contests for young & old, and children’s games. We will end the day with one of the favorite aspects from the past fall festivals….a pumpkin drop!! FREE ADMISSION! Schedule of events: 12 noon Festival Opens---Great food, games, a petting zoo, craft vendors and registration for contests! 12:00pm-2:00pm Touch – a – Truck Area Open (check out trucks, tractors, safety service vehicles & a couple of surprises!) 1:00pm-2:00pm Family Concert featuring Guy Louis in the Amphitheater 2:30pm-3:15pm Jungle Terry’s Safari Animal Show in the Amphitheater
*3:30pm Costume Contest Judging *4:30pm Scarecrow Decorating Judging 5:30-6:00pm Barnes Nursery Pumpkin Drop in the parking lot! Looking for Volunteers…Huron Pumpkin Fest We are looking for members of the community who would like to work as volunteers at the Huron Pumpkin Fest which will take place on Saturday, October 10th from 11:00am-6pm at the Huron Boat Basin. This event will feature children’s games, costume contest, scarecrow decorating contest, great food & craft vendors, touch-a-truck area, entertainment (magic show, juggling act, family concert), and a pumpkin drop to conclude the day! In order to make an event of this size run smoothly…we need your help!! Interested? Please contact Brian Croucher, Recreation Manager at 419-433-8487 ext 220. Thank you! Fall Aerobics Aerobics- Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6pm-7pm at Woodlands Elementary: Session I- September 15-October 15. Session II- Oct 27-December 1(No class Thanksgiving Day) $45 Residents/ $50 Non Residents per session. $10 off if you sing up for both classes!! Indoor Soccer The Huron Parks and Recreation department and the Huron High School soccer programs have teamed up to bring an exciting new soccer program “Indoors” this year!! The program will offer kids the opportunity to work on their skills, play small sided games and most importantly, have fun!!! Shawnee Elementary. Tuesdays & Thursdays. 5:00pm – 8:00pm K-6th grades $40/per session. Call our office for additional information (419-433-8487) K - 2nd grades – 5:00pm-5:45pm 3rd - 4th grades – 6:00pm-6:50pm 5th - 6th grades – 7:00pm-8:00pm Session I - November 10th – December 17th Session II - January 12th – February 11th Session III - February 23rd – April 1st
Meet Erie MetroParks’ Newest Volunteer The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has approved the use of a dog, Daizee Bleu, a 3½ year old English Setter, to manage Canada Geese at Erie MetroParks’ James H. McBride Arboretum. This MetroPark is located on the BGSU/Firelands campus, and is well-known as a quiet place for students to study outdoors or visitors to take a stroll through the manicured grounds. Large numbers of geese have flocked to the MetroPark as a safe haven from hunters in the surrounding area. However, high populations of geese can cause health problems for aquatic species and humans alike. They also just make a big mess on the walkways. Daizee Bleu efforts as Erie MetroParks’ newest volunteer will be closely monitored by her owner while on the grounds. She will not be injuring the geese. She will just harass them so they stop using the McBride Arboretum as a rest stop and dining hall. Her volunteer efforts will be a big help against the possible health issues and mess the geese bring with them. For more information, please contact Erie MetroParks at 419-621-4220 x22.
Gardening Take Time to Smell the Roses Mary Strayer, Master Gardener A few weeks ago, Huron Garden Club visited Lakeview Park in Lorain Ohio, and spent time in the rose garden there. This aroused my curiosity, and since I couldn’t attend the day the club visited, my husband and I visited the rose garden on Sunday afternoon.
Oh my, I was very impressed with Lakeview Park and the Rose Garden there, and the gardens are free for public viewing. There were 2800 rose plants, most all in full bloom, in a design that was shaped like the spokes of a large wheel, with the American Flag standing tall in the center(see picture 1). Every color of rose imaginable from deep, almost black red, to the purest of whites, the brightest yellows, and all in all sizes. To really take all of the rose garden in, plan on spending at least 2 hours at the
garden. To the north of the rose garden is our beautiful lake, with benches and places to just sit and enjoy the last of summer. Also on the property is The Rose Café (see picture 2), where guests can purchase sandwiches and the like, and affordably priced. The café is planted, indeed like a rose by the lake, and the visitor can view the lake while enjoying their meals. If you decide you would rather eat somewhere else, the ‘natives’ tell me to go to Pete’s Family restaurant, just about a ½ mile west of Lakeview Park. Food was fabulous, service was good, and the two of us enjoyed lunch for twelve dollars and some change. To get to Lakeview Park, just head east on route 6, until you pass the intersection of route 58, and Lakeview park is located ½ mile further east on route 6. Enjoy the time, and tell others about this great halfday trip. Happy gardening.
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, September 24, 2009
Art Club shows their talent and their Tiger Spirit Art Club members were showing off their talent by painting spirit icons on faces at Fridays Huron/Norwak football game. Art Club members were swamped on parents night. The children gathered around them like the Pied Piper. Mrs. Patty VanBarg, Art Club Advisor and Painters, Josh Marshall-12th grade, Katie Fink-12th grade, Hannah Figgins-11th grade, Racheal Miller-11th grade, could hardly keep up with the demand! The students painted more than 200 little tiger fan faces that night! Small paintings are 50 cents while full faces costs one dollar. The proceeds from Face Painting will go to the ART CLUB SCHOLARSHIP. Last year the club gave away 3 scholarships for art supplies for seniors who were in the club and were planning on studying art after graduation. Last years awards went to Jenny Catri- Cincinati School of Art and Design, Kristen DeRan- Kent State Art Major, and Michael Fischer- Chicago- Photography Major. Art Club will be painting faces at all of the Home Football and Basketball games. We hope to see your face there! Thank you for supporting the Art Club!
Huron Students Raise over $1,157 for Cancer Research Photos by Jennifer Kilbury
All-School Reunion Tickets Still Available The Huron Alumni Association’s Bicentennial AllSchool Reunion, scheduled for Saturday evening at Mesenburg’s and beginning at 5 PM with cocktails, is not yet sold out. Tickets will be available at the door for those deciding to attend at the last moment.
Baker’s Buddy, Greg Baker, very enthusiastically led Mrs. Bollenbacher’s Third Grade Team Tigers around the school grounds during their Victory Lap of the Mini Relay for Life Friday afternoon.
Scott Biechele “A house SOLD name!” (419) 627-1111
Mrs. Harkelroad’s third grade class “The Freedom Fighters” led by Baker’s Buddy Brittany Mayer marched along the course chanting in hopes to find a cure.
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Mrs. Ryan’s Fourth Grade Olympic Boxing Team stopped to take a moment to check out the Browns Backer Bus that was on display during the Mini Relay for Life last week at their school.
Third grade students, Sienna Andres, Gracie Darr, Corinne Steuk, Bridgette Winschel and Maddie Kilbury take a break from walking to enjoy each other’s company over a snack.
Come visit our station Sparky the firedog and Freddie the firetruck
A GREAT NEW WAY s ’ i ra con
Mr. Legando’s Fourth Grade Olympic Hurdling Team stops by the Subway Table to grab a coupon to “Eat Fresh!” Subway was one of the many Sponsors who helped make this event possible.
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Acting Police Chief John Majoy and School Resource Officer Curt Fleming talk with the students about making “good choices” that lead to safe healthy lifestyles.
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A EUROPEAN DRIVE THRU CAFE Several hundred stars & moons adorn the entry way of Woodlands Elementary School. Students were able to purchase the stars & moons for $1 in honor or memory of someone special.
Marconi’s Italian Resturant • 424 Berlin Rd., Huron Tues. - Sat. 7-11am • 419-433-4341 •
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sports Chargers Outlast Tigers, 24-14 On the last beautiful summer Friday evening of 2009, the Huron Tigers traveled to Milan to face the Edison Chargers. Most viewed the home team as the clear favorite in this SBC clash. And during the first half, Edison lived up to those expectations. The Chargers moved the ball well from the start. But through out the first half, Huron seemed able to come up with a big time play to stop some of the drives and prevent the game from becoming a blowout early on. With 7:45 left in the first quarter and Edison on the opposing 31 yard line, the Tigers got a big sack that forced the home team to punt. But Huron fumbled the ball right back and on the very next play, the Chargers ran an option play that goes for 30 yards and a touchdown. Edison finishes the opening quarter up 7-0. At the end of the first quarter, the Tigers stop another Charger drive by forcing a fumble. The second period opens; the young Huron offense can’t capitalize and are forced to punt. Edison does a nice job of play action fakes that seems to expose the inexperienced Tiger defense. With 7:00 minutes left in the first half, Huron pins the Chargers down on their own 10 yard line. But the home offense moves efficiently down the field. At the 3:42 mark, Edison takes a 14-0 lead on a 26 yard touchdown run. The
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Tigers push for at least one first half score, but are intercepted on the Huron 48 yard line with 1:52 left. The second quarter ends with the score 14-0. The second half didn’t begin much better for the visiting Tigers. On the opening kickoff, Huron is called for an illegal blocking penalty then proceed to go three and out. On the ensuing punt, Edison gets the ball on the Huron 35 yard line. The Chargers march right down the field and cap it off with a 15 yard run to take a 21-0 lead. With eight minutes left, the Tigers get the ball back. Again, their drive stalls quickly and must punt the ball away. Edison calls for a fair catch but the returner fumbles the ball and Huron recovers it. But an errant official’s whistle blows the play dead just as the Charger touches the ball. This turn of events fires up the Tiger’s sideline. Just as if it were a sandlot game, the refs call a “do-over” and Huron punts again. And again, Edison fumbles the ball but proceed to fall on it themselves. An angry Tiger defense recovers a Charger fumble on the very next play at the Edison 31 with 6:22 left in the third quarter. Senior quarterback Joe Ramey takes the ball into the end zone himself from 11 yards out to give Huron their first score. Huron 7 Edison 21. Neither team scores the rest of the period but the Tigers certainly play with a new spirit that carries through the remainder of the game. With 9:52 left in the game, a short Huron punt bounces off an Edison player and the Tigers recover. On their own 38 yard line and the visitors threatening, the Chargers are able to force Huron to give the ball back on downs. Then Edison burns valuable time off the clock on a drive that produces a 27 yard field goal at the 5:01 mark. With 4:42 left, Joe Ramey leads the Tigers on the night’s final scoring drive. On an exciting fourth down and 10, Ramey hits
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junior Sean Fantozz with a 24 yard touchdown pass. The Tiger onside kick is recovered by Edison, essentially ending the game, 24-14 in favor of the home team. Most importantly, everyone on the Huron sideline could see that the players moved with a sense of urgency during the second half and Coach Legando was quick to point out the promise of continuing in that manner to his team after the game.
Senior Joe Ramey tries to lead his Tigers back from a 21-0 deficit during the Edison game.
Cross Country News This past weekend the boys and girls cross country teams competed at the Galion Cross Country Invitational. Both teams ran very well and turned in some good times. Senior Nick Lowy finished 28th out of 213 competitors with a personal best time of 17:23. Senior Josh Marshall was 57th in 17:53, Senior Jimmy Moriarty was 162nd in 19:49, Junior Billy Graves finished 165th turning in a personal best time of 19:54. Freshman Stephen Tomczyk also ran a personal best time of 20:05 for 174th place, Freshman Jake Ramey was 176th in 20:10, and Sophomore Cody Crandall was 177th with season best time of 20:17. The team improved
upon their finish a year ago to place 25th out of 32 teams. The girls team was led by Sophomore Caroline Estel who finished strong to capture 9th place out of 155 runners with a season best time of 20:28. Freshman Morgan Mize finished 16th dropping over a minute off her time for personal best of 21:00. Junior Rachel Miller was 40th in 22:05, Freshman Chloe Greenawalt was 54th in 22:33, Freshman Alex Wisehart was 97th in 24:30, Sophomore Jessi Hoff was 125th with a personal best time of 26:07, and Junior Jessica Majoy finished 128th with a season best of 26:30. The team placed 7th out of 22 teams.”
Tennis Results
Girls Golf Versus Huron
Huron Tennis Huron 4 SMCC 1 Singles - Nancy Bloor (H) def. Morgan Linden 6-3, 6-1 Armelle DeRiso (SMCC) def Paige Peiples 6-1, 6-0 Morgan Griffin (H) def Sarah Thomas 6-1, 6-4 Doubles - Erin Black/Lynsie Schwerer (H) def maria Dorski/Molly Doyle 6-2, 6-3 Emily Waldrop/Carolyn Stierhoff (H) def Giselle Spadaro/Sarah May 6-2, 6-1 Huron is 4-9, (3-6)
Junior Lauren Volz led the Tigers in its recent rematch against the Edison Chargers. The outcome of the match between the two best girls teams in the conference is still in doubt because of a controversial call that led to Girls Varsity the disqualification of two Huron 4 Edison 1 of Huron’s best golfers. The Nancy Bloor (H) defeated Taylor Stoll (E) 6-0, 6-0 Lynsie Schwerer (H) defeated Amanda Wroblewski 3-6, case will be presented, by the two teams involved, be6-3, 6-4 Sammie Jamison (E) defeated Morgan Griffin (H) 6-1, fore a higher authority this week. 6-2 Waldrop/Black defeated Rasey/Imus 5-7, 6-3, 6-3 Peiples/Stierhoff (H) defeated Salmons/Burrie 6-2, 6-2 Huron is 3-7 (2-5)
Huron Volleyball Team Hosts Padua Franciscan Workout 365 days a year, 24 hrs a day. Anytime Fitness features Nautilus cardio and strength training, free weights, personal training and more... Visit us during Staffed Hours or call to make an appointment. Mon.-Thur. 11a-7p Fri. 11a-5p; Sat. 9a-3p Sun. 10a-2p
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Saturday was a special night at the Huron Gymnasium. First, and foremost, Huron honored their very own 1999 State Champions during an emotional introduction at the start of the varsity match. It was a special team and Huron’s first of two State Championships during Coach Don Wood’s tenure as Tiger coach. The second reason to take notice was because the Lady Tiger’s opponent was none other than last year’s Division II OSHAA champs, Padua Franciscan, led by future OSU Buckeye, Kaitlyn Leary. Padua showed early on that they were no one woman team as they came right out and showed the large, loud Huron crowd why they were the reigning state champs. Game one was tied a 5 a piece when Padua went on a 20 – 8 run to finish off the Tigers, 13-25.
Leary’s power was on full display. She was their money player whenever they needed a point. Games two and three showed a maturing, exciting Huron team. They seemed to catch up to the speed and force of a state caliber team that the Tigers just don’t get from playing in the SBC alone. In the second game, Huron again started to fall behind early. But this time, they never caved in. The difference in the game came on a small, seemingly insignificant 3-0 run that gave Padua a 9-6 lead. But the home team stayed even the rest of the game, never allowing Padua to burst ahead. Jesse Miedema and Devon Koenig kills brought the Tigers to within one at 22-21 but the 2008 Champs prevailed 25-22.
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, September 24, 2009
Classifieds APT FOR RENT
3 bedroom, 1 bath apartment, Huron. W/D hook up, no pets, no metro. For more information 419-541-7646
Faced with an unplanned pregnancy? Loving couples await. Receive information/pictures; you choose. Open or closed adoption. Assistance available. Call compassionate counselor. 1-866-236-7638; 24/7
HOUSE FOR RENT Vermillion Beautiful 3 bedroom home, 1 1/2 bath, family room, den, appliances, deck, large yard, 2 car attached garage. $995/mo + utilities and security 440-213-4867
Place Your Ad HERE! Call 419-433-1401 SEASONED FIREWOOD Quality seasoned firewood. Stock up early. $80 per truckload Call for delivery 419-656-3453 DUPLEX FOR RENT Lower unit duplex for rent, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, porch, large kitchen, appliances include. Utilities, water/trash included in rent. In Firelands school district, outside of Birmingham. 440-320-1992 YARD SALE Garage Sale Sept 26 9-5. Baby/Infant clothing 0-18 mos, household goods, furniture, holiday decorations and lots more. 12300 State Route 61 Berlin Heights. PLANT SALE Huron Garden Club Autumn plant sale Saturday, September 26 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Huron Lakefront Park HOME SERVICES Painting ECT. Interior specialist, exterior, dry wall repair, wallpaper removal, 20 years experience, pressure washing 419-624-0383 Chuck Knight Painting tile-repair, home maintenance. Small jobs welcome Call 419-433-3162 WANTED TO BUY BUYING JUNK CARS 419-577-6405 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES A Cut Above Limousine 4 passenger Cadillac Escalade, heated Lazy Boy recliners. 13 passenger Ford Excursion. Reservations: 419-202-6446 **legally licensed and properly insured** Affordable Transportation Airport- Cleveland or Toledo$60. Akron- $85, Detroit- $99. City to city, $1.00/mile, $50 minimum. Up to 6 people. No smoking. Call 419-3591054 Available 24/7 FOR RENT Office suite for rent in Huron Includes utilities and other amenities. Convenient and pleasant location. 419-357-3435 Vermillion Lake Front Cottage 2 bedroom furnished. Short term, possibly longer. Includes cable and water. No pets or smoking $795.00/mo. 1st month and deposit required 419-706-8005 ADOPTIONS Longing to give your precious baby endless love, secure home, caring family, lifetime of opportunities, healthy living, education, wonderful future. Expenses paid, private, legal. Christine
We want your pictures and stories! Drop them in the Huron Hometown News mailbox at the Huron Chamber of Commerce office
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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, September 24, 2009
The way grocery shopping should be!
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With Homework & Practice, who has time?..........
Artic Ban is a blend of propylene glycol and denatured alcohol. Protects recreational vehicles, summer cottages and swimming pools from water system freeze up to -50 burst. Nontoxic and tasteless. Save for fresh water systems. Inhibit fouling and corrosion while preventing algae growth. Helps lubricate pumps and valves throughout the system. No mixing required.
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Now taking orders - we've made a special purchase of wine - not sure when we will have it or how many - first come first served - Call Stella at 419734-6506, ext. 107 and order now.
Monterray Chardonnay Lush flavors of pineapple & citrus with a touch of subtle oak on the finish
With Nuts.......................................................
Wine your way thru Wednesday with our new wine tasting at our Bellevue store Wednesdays 5:007:00pm with Melissa
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Fess Parker Roussanne
The Roussanne grape produces a wine with vibrant aromatics of a tropical fruit cocktail and a floral arrangement of hibiscus and orange blossom. the grape originates in both the Northern and Southern Rhone Valley, where scant acreage of the grape is planted. This delicious Roussanne features ripe pear, essences of stone fruit an a hint of honeyed mango and papaya.
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