Pirates Get Wet Win over Tigers, 21-7
City of Huron Trick or Treat Sat., Oct. 31 5:00-7:00pm
Huron Market
525 Cleveland Rd. 419-433-2499
October 15, 2009
NEWS ONLINE 24/7... www.HuronHometownNews.com
Vol. 4 Number 57
State School Board Representative Visits Huron City Schools
John Bender from the Ohio State Board of Education visited Huron City Schools to deliver a banner celebrating their “Excellence with Distinction” Accepting the banner were Huron City Schools Board President Joy Hillman, School Superintendent Fred Fox, and second-grade teachers with their classes, Mrs. Frausto and Mrs. Thomas.
Area Firefighters Are Trained in Extrication Around Town Page 2 —————— Health & Wellness Page 3
Area firefighters gathered Saturday to at- skills. Several scenarios involving multiple better prepare them for actual emergencies. tend an extrication training hosted by the cars, a school bus and a cement mixer preDonations and/or professional services Huron Fire Division. Firefighters from the sented firefighters with realistic training to were provided by the following businesses Huron, Berlin Heights, Groton, Margato assist in the heavy rescue auto extriretta, Perkins and Vermilion Township cation training: Northside Heavy Duty fire departments attended the day-long Towing and Recovery, Norwalk; Cottage training. Designs Photography, Huron; Burns Automobile crashes resulting in the Iron & Metal Co., Inc., Fremont; Fireneed for rescue and emergency medical side Auto Services Inc., Bellevue; Frankcare of the vehicles’ occupants are a spelin Sanitation LLC, Huron; and Milwaucialty for all area fire departments. Such kee Tools. training as the one held Oct. 10 allows Huron fire officials recommend that firefighters to be proficient in variations drivers help their area emergency rein vehicle design, weather conditions, sponders by: Driving safely and defenroadway hazards, vehicle presentation, sively; slowing down when emergency extrication tactics and traumatic injury. warning lights are ahead; wearing a At Saturday’s training, participants seatbelt; and eliminating distractions had the opportunity to practice extricawhile driving such as eating, loud mution, patient removal, stabilization and sic, cell phone usage and in-depth conmotor vehicle crash hazard mitigation versations.
Firelands Regional Medical Center Outlines Need for Flu Vaccines
—————— Library, Parks & Rec, Gardening Page 4 —————— Schools Page 5
Firelands Regional Medical Center is encouraging community members to take preventative actions against the seasonal flu virus and the 2009 H1N1 virus to prevent widespread outbreaks, based on a prediction by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that this year’s flu season will be early and possibly severe. “Once the H1N1 vaccine becomes available at Firelands Regional Medical Center, Firelands will offer the vaccine free of charge,” says Susan Cramer, RN, Infection Control at Firelands. The H1N1 vaccine is recommended for the following at-risk groups. Priority will be giving to individuals within these groups as recommended by the CDC: Pregnant women because they are at higher risk of complications and can potentially provide protection to infants who cannot be vaccinated. Household contacts and caregivers for children
younger than 6 months of age because infants younger than 6 months are at higher risk of influenza-related complications and cannot be vaccinated. Vaccination of those in close contact with infants less than 6 months old will lessen the chances they will pass H1N1 on to the infants. Health care and emergency medical services personnel because infections among health care workers have been reported and this can be a potential source of infection for vulnerable patients. Also, increased absenteeism among health care professionals could reduce health care system capacity. Children 6 months through 18 years of age because there have been many cases of pandemic H1N1 flu in children and they are in close contact with one another in school and day care settings, which increases the likelihood of disease spread. Young adults 19 through 24 years of age because there have been many cases of pandemic H1N1 flu in these healthy young adults and they often live, work and study in close proximity, and they are a frequently mobile population. Persons aged 25 through 64 years who have health conditions associated with higher risk of medical complications from influenza. Once enough pandemic H1N1 vaccine becomes available, others will be able to reHuron City residents will get a chance to meet ceive the vaccine as well. It is unknown at the eight candidates running for four Huron City this time when the vaccine will be available. “Although the 2009 H1N1 vaccine is not Council seats at an upcoming “Candidates’ Night.” The forum will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. available yet, there are other steps commu22 at McCormick Middle School. It is sponsored by nity members can do to protect themselves the Huron Chamber of Commerce and the Huron and their loved ones, such as washing your Public Library. The eight will vie for the seats in the hands,” Cramer said. “Like seasonal flu, the 2009 H1N1 virus is mainly transmitNov. 3 election. Scheduled to participate in the Candidates’ Night ted from person to person when infected are candidates Sam Artino, Joel Bickley, Russell people sneeze or cough. If a cough is not Critelli, Richard “Trey” Hardy, Brad Hartung, Mari- covered, the larger droplets can be propelled 3-6 feet, landing on a surface. If you lyn Shearer, Nancy Thornhill, Phyllis Wassner and cover your cough with your bare hand and Richard Wennes. don’t wash, you can transfer the virus to the The event will be conducted according to the surfaces you touch. Flu viruses can survive guidelines of the League of Women Voters. on surfaces for up to eight hours. Keeping
Eight Candidates —————— Run for Huron Sports City Council Seats Page 6 —————— Classifieds Page 7 Carol's
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surfaces washed down regularly with an antimicrobial cleaner will also help to lessen contact with flu viruses.” Additional good respiratory etiquette and hygiene habits include: Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and then throw the tissue away. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow or upper sleeve. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze or use the restroom and before eating. If you are not near soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth as germs often spread this way. Stay away from people who are sick. If you get sick, stay home from work or school. Michael Blank, MD, Infectious Disease physician at Firelands, recommends that all residents get the seasonal flu vaccine, and those in the target groups get the H1N1 vaccine as soon as it is available. “Symptoms of both the seasonal flu virus and 2009 H1N1 virus are very similar. Symptoms include a cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, fatigue, chills and headache; according to the CDC, a significant amount of people infected with the 2009 H1N1 viruses also experience diarrhea and vomiting. The best way to prevent getting the flu or spreading the flu is to get vaccinated.” The Ohio Department of Health urges everyone who would like to protect themselves from the flu to receive a seasonal flu vaccination. The seasonal flu vaccine will not protect a person from the 2009 H1N1 virus, but it will help fight infection from other seasonal flu viruses. For more information about seasonal flu and the 2009 H1N1 virus, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at www.cdc.gov, the Ohio Department of Health at www.ohd.ohio.gov or contact your local health department. Residents can also continue to visit www.firelands.com for information about seasonal flu vaccine and the 2009 H1N1 vaccine as they become available.
$3.99 140 OZ.
HOURS: 7 AM -10 PM DAILY • 419-433-7733 408 Cleveland Road East Huron, OH 44839
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, October 15, 2009
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Local residents got creative this year for Halloween. Resident Megan Bucher fills us in: “For those that have wondered what’s going on in our front yard this year while driving by the corner of Canton and Cleveland Roads, let me explain. In the spirit of Halloween, we decided to get a little creative this year. Being huge Cleveland Browns fans, you can imagine the defeat we feel as one promising rookie after another fails to impress. So, we decided to bury them in our front yard. (not literally, of course, just symbolically) Anyway, here’s some photos we would like to share with other hurting Browns fans in Huron. Coming soon … No. 17 ...
1 East Main 419-663-4653 Norwalk WE BUY GOLD!
FROM THE BENCH Study Shows Speeding a Factor in Accidents Caused by Juvenile Drivers
By Judge Bill Steuk, Huron Municipal Court
Published by Huron Press, LLC.
Huron Hometown News® SM TM 1992 P.O. Box 330 • Huron, Ohio 44839 Phone 419-433-1401 • Fax 419-734-5382 www.huronhometownnews.com Published every Thursday
Editor & Publisher
The Ohio State Highway Patrol recently did a study from 2006 to 2008 that involved crashes caused by juvenile drivers. This study revealed that speed was a factor in fifty-eight percent of the crashes. During this three-year period, juvenile drivers were at fault in 61,784 traffic crashes, resulting in 27,838 injuries and 212 deaths on Ohio roadways. This study has shows that speeding is a contributing factor in many vehicle accidents involving juvenile drivers.
General Manager/Editor CONNIE ROBERTS connie@huronhometownnews.com Assistant Editor
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CONNIE ROBERTS connie@huronhometownnews.com
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CHRIS MISCHLER cmischler@huronhometownnews.com
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Letters to the Editor, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Huron Hometown News are welcome. Please note: All letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Huron Hometown News, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage.
New winery facility Coming Spring 2010! Buy 2 souvenir wine glasses for the price of 1 with this ad
Fresh Cider Available
Fall Apples
The Huron Hometown News is owned and operated by Huron Press, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Huron Hometown News and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Class liners and Retail ads closing @ Monday by 4:00 PM.
Winery & Orchards
Come enjoy a bottle of wine in our picnic area! Open Daily 10-5:30 & Sunday 1-5:30 8403 Mason Road, Berlin Heights One mile east of State Rte. 61 419-706-8005 • www.quarryhillwinery.org
The Ohio State Highway Patrol 2009 reports that from January to July of 2009 there were 8,018 crashes caused by juvenile drivers, resulting in 16 deaths and 2,315 injuries. For more information, please visit the Ohio State Highway Patrol Web site at www.statepatrol.ohio.gov. Based on these statistics, it is important to let our juvenile drivers know that there can be serious consequences to not obeying traffic laws, including but not limited to obeying the stated posted speed limit. Articles appearing in this column are intended to provide broad, general information about the law. Before applying this information to a specific legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney.
United Way Seeks Ohio Benefit Bank Volunteers United Way of Erie County is seeking volunteers for the Ohio Benefit Bank Program. The program assists people with low-to-moderate incomes, and Ohio Benefit Bank counselors assist clients in determining their eligibility for these government benefits. Services may be provided at social service agencies for scheduled one-on-one sessions, or at community clinics. Volunteers are required to attend a 10-hour training program to learn how to use the Ohio Benefit Bank software, however, volunteers do not need to be knowledgeable about the criteria for government benefits. Individuals or organizations who are interested or would like more information should call Pam Colbert-Brumbaugh at United Way of Erie County at 419-625-4672.
The Great Lakes Treasure Hunt
Firelands Regional Medical Center Ranks
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David H. Kim, DO Board Eligible in General Surgery & Vascular Surgery North Ohio Vascular Surgery Associates 419-621-7620 or 1-888-231-7620
Dedicated exclusively to the practice of Vascular Surgery, the Vascular Surgeons at Firelands have over 45 years of combined experience in vascular surgery, offering a full breadth of minimally invasive and surgical treatments for: Peripheral Artery Disease Leg Pain/Swelling Caused by Bad Circulation Varicose Veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiencies Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis Carotid Artery Disease Aneurysms Dialysis Access Procedures Chemotherapy Access Procedures
Vermilion – Entries can be submitted at 1 p.m. at the Vermilion YMCA on Saturday, Oct. 17 at the Great Lakes Pirate Fest, for a chance to win prizes. Three winning entries will be randomly chosen based on correct answers at the Great Lakes Pirate Fest. Winners need not be present. Overlooking Lake Erie in downtown Vermilion, the Great Lakes Historical Society and Inland Seas Maritime Museum offers a wealth of treasure of artifacts and Great Lakes knowledge. On the lawn of the museum exists a variety of maritime artifacts. Hunt for each artifact and answer the questions for a chance to win prizes. The event is sponsored by the Bulan For Mayor Campaign, Richard J. Bulan Treasurer. Prizes are provided by local merchants. View more details online at www.GreatLakesPirateFest. com.
We want your pictures and stories! Drop them in the Huron Hometown News mailbox at the Huron Chamber of Commerce office
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, October 15, 2009
Health & Wellness
New Family Physician Accepting Patients Dr. Kelly Meehan-de la Cruz, a board-certified family physician, will join FisherTitus Medical Center’s medical staff and open Monroeville Family Care Center, 136 North Ridge Street, Suite B, Monroeville. She is welcoming new patients. Dr. Meehan-de la Cruz is returning to her native Ohio after practicing in North Carolina for the past 10 years. She is originally from the Cleveland
area where her parents and other family members still reside. She is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine, and has special interests in Autism Spectrum Disorder, women’s health and complementary medicine. During her career, Dr. Meehan-de la Cruz has focused on the special family health needs of culturally and socio-economically diverse patients. She most recently practiced with Blue Ridge Community Health Services in Hendersonville, NC. The doctor has also served as medical director of Western Carolina Group Homes for Autistic Persons in Asheville, NC;
medical director/owner of Grace Family Medicine, Hendersonville, NC; medical director of Blue Ridge Community Health Services, Hendersonville, NC, and consulting faculty physician, Director of Farmworker Outreach at Duke University, Oxford and Stovall, NC. Dr. Meehan-de la Cruz earned her doctor of medicine degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1996. She has relocated to the Norwalk area with her family. She is accepting new patients at Monroeville Family Care Center, 136 North Ridge St., Suite B, Monroeville. For appointments, call 419-465-2700.
Fisher-Titus Medical Center and NOMS Access Orthopaedics Team Up to Offer Knee Pain Clinic Learn more about knee pain and ways to alleviate it during “Knee Pain: Non-Surgical Options” from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28 at FTMC’s Ralph & Alice Walcher Rehabilitation Center, 272 Benedict Ave., Norwalk. The upcoming clinic will include a brief presentation by Dr. Lynch, who also is a member of Fisher-Titus Medical Center’s medical staff. In addition to the presentation, Dr. Lynch will offer one-on-one appointments with attendees to answer individual questions. Other FTMC professional
support personnel, including physical therapists, occupational therapists and nurses, will be at the event to provide information and guidance on a variety of topics related to knee pain. This clinic is free, but registration is required. One-onone appointments are limited and will be filled on a first-come basis. To register, call 419-660-2646.
FTMC Offers Health Screenings, Classes Sibling Education Classes
Children can learn about life with a new brother or sister at a Sibling Education program offered from 10 to 11:30 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 17 at Fisher-Titus Medical Center, 272 Benedict Ave., Norwalk. In addition to teaching children about the impact a newborn has on family life, the class also teaches brothers and sisters basic newborn care. To register for the class, or for more information, call FTMC at 419-660-2646.
Fisher-Titus Medical Center is offering an Advanced Cardiac Life Support Renewal Course for healthcare professionals from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22 at the hospital, 272 Benedict Ave., Norwalk. Participants must have a current CPR card. To register or for more information, call FTMC at 419- 660-2117, Ext. 6560.
Healthcare Provider CPR offered
Fisher-Titus Medical Center is offering Healthcare Provider CPR training from 4 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22 at the hospital, Audiology Center Will Offer 272 Benedict Ave., Norwalk. Participants will be trained in adult and pediatric CPR, Free Hearing Screenings The FTMC Audiology Center will offer as well as adult and child choking response free hearing screenings from 10 a.m. to techniques. To register or for more infornoon Wednesday, Oct. 21. Appointments mation, call FTMC at 419-660-2646. are not required. During this time, anyone interested in getting their hearing checked can stop in the AuPlease keep us up to date on your church diology Center, located in the Ralph & Alice Walcher services and events. We may not know about Rehabilitation Center, 272 your events unless you tell us! Benedict Ave., Norwalk. The FTMC Audiology Send your church service updates, news and Center provides audiologists events to Connie@huronhometownnews.com who are highly educated and clinically experienced health-care professionals specializing in evaluating, diagnosing and treating people with hearing loss and balance disorders. REALTY, INC. Audiology Services include adult hearing testing/consultation; child hearing testing/consultation; hearing aid repair (all makes); infant hearing evaluation/consul(419) 627-1111 tation; newborn hearing www.VacationlandRealty.com screening; auditory brainstem response (ABR); Otoacoustic emissions (OAE); tympanometry and balance testing/VNG. In addition, the center provides the latest products including hearing aids, assistive devices, ear molds, swim plugs, custom noise protection (ear plugs) and battery sales. A variety of financing options are available. Huron City Council
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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, October 15, 2009
Parks & Rec Huron Parks and Recreation Office location: 110 Wall Street Mailing address: 417 Main St. Phone: 419-433-8487 Fax: 419-433-0470 Email: hprd@cityofhuron.org Website: www.huronparks.org
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 110 Wall Street Huron, OH 44839 Phone 419-433-8487 Fax 419-433-0470 hprd@cityofhuron.org
www.huronparks.org BOAT BASIN 330 North Street Huron, OH 44839 Phone 419-433-4848 boatbasin@cityofhuron.org
Creating Community through People, Parks & Programs
First Federal Farmers Market Don’t miss your chance to get the freshest produce in Erie County. In addition to returning vendors, the First Federal Farmer’s Market has added a couple new vendors this year. The market is held every Thursday from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Huron Boat Basin, 330 N. Main St. through Oct. 29. Be sure to mark your calendars and shop for your produce at the First Federal Farmers Market. Fall Aerobics Held Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6 to 7 p.m. at Wood-
lands Elementary: Session II is from Oct. 27 to Dec. 1(No class Thanksgiving Day). $45, residents/ $50, non-residents per session. Indoor Soccer The Huron Parks and Recreation department and the Huron High School soccer programs have teamed up to bring an exciting new soccer program “Indoors” this year. The program will offer kids the opportunity to work on their skills, play small-sided games and most importantly, have fun. Held at Shawnee Elementary, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 to 8 p.m. K-sixth grades, $40/per session. Call for more information, 419-433-8487. K - 2nd grades – 5 p.m.-5:45 p.m. 3rd - 4th grades – 6 p.m.-6:50 p.m. 5th - 6th grades – 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Session I – Nov. 10 – Dec. 17 Session II – Jan. 12 – Feb. 11 Session III – Feb. 23 – April 1
Library The Board of Trustees of the Huron Public Library gratefully acknowledges the donation of “Child’s Play: Montessori Ga.m.es & Activities for Your Baby & Toddler” in memory of Gloria Fidler from the Firelands Montessori Academy. Author Luncheon and Book Signing with Master Gardener Mary Strayer - Friday, Oct. 16, noon In The Frugal Gardener, you’ll learn how to save money and still have the garden of your dreams. The author shares life experiences with gardening and step-by-step instructions on how to save money doing it. Bring your lunch; beverages provided. Call 419-433-5009 or email huron@huronlibrary.org to register. Chess instruction for all ages Saturday, Oct. 17 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Open Play Chess for beginners and experts of all abilities and ages at the Huron Public Library on Saturdays. Chess boards are available. Bring a friend and play! Mystery Book Group - Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 7 p.m. In “Pushing Up Daisies” by Rosemary Harris, the gardenloving Paula Holliday dishes out gardening tips, and enjoyable wit as she tries to solve the mystery of a mummified body found on a restoration project. Order your copy online at www.huronlibrary.org, email huron@huronlibrary.org or call 419-433-5009. Candidates Night at McCormick School Thursday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. Meet the nine candidates running for four City Council
Find your way through
the Haunted Forest where scary fairy tales come to life!
Dare to try the Creepy Cake Walk and ride the Haunted Hay Ride Admiral’s Pointe Nursing and Rehabilitation presents Trick-or-Treat Thursday October 29 6:30-8:30pm 1920 Cleveland Road West Huron, OH 419-433-4990
Huron Public Library Hours Mon. & Tue. 10 AM - 6 PM Wed. & Thur. 10 AM - 8 PM Fri. 10 AM - 5 PM; Sat. 10 AM - 1 PM Sun. Closed seats in the November 3 election. The Candidates Night will be conducted according to the guidelines of the League of Women Voters. Scheduled to participate are Sam Artino, Joel Bickley, Russell Critelli, Richard Hardy, Brad Hartung, Marilyn Shearer, Nancy Thornhill, Phyllis Wassner and Richard Wennes. Audience members may submit questions for the candidates during the event. The event is sponsored by the Huron Chamber of Commerce and the Huron Public Library. Beginning Knitting Saturday, Oct. 24, 10:30 to11:30 a.m. This class is for anyone fourth grade and older who is interested in starting or improving their knitting skills. Newcomers need to bring a pair of size 8 needles. Call 419433-5009 or email huron@huronlibrary.org to register. Did you know … Notary Public service is available at no charge at the Huron Public Library? Call the library at 419-433-5009 to be sure a Notary is available when you’re ready to come in.
Gardening The Good and Bad about Honeysuckle Mary Strayer, Master Gardener
bees. There are over 180 species of deciduous and evergreen honeysuckle shrubs and climbers. Purchase your honeysuckles from nurseries, and if you aren’t sure if they By now, we have all heard are the invasive type or not, be daring and ask. However, I about honeysuckle, and how bad it is for our environment. would recommend that you stay clear of Amur, Japanese, It spreads and becomes very invasive. There are many Tatarian, Morrow’s, Halls and Belle honeysuckles – they types of honeysuckle, and you only need to get the right are ALL non-native and very invasive. Coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) is a favorite one to be a happy gardener. But first, a few words about of ruby-throated hummingbirds; they grow to 20 feet in why you should have it in your garden. It is my opinion that honeysuckles keep our gardens height, produce yellow-centered, reddish-orange tubular happy – they bring in the birds, the bees, and their scent is flowers in early summer, and bear fruit that ripens in Sepabsolutely wonderful. They are easy growing, don’t need tember. A close relative, Northern Bush honeysuckle (Diervilla a lot of water, and attract hummingbirds, butterflies and Lonicera) is a native deciduous shrub that grows 4 feet at Sawmill Creek Resort tall and wide in sunny or Huron, Ohio shady sites; the shrubs proCasual Dinner Menu duce bright yellow, funnel1. 2006 Fire Levy Tax Increase: Artino only 5:30 - 9:30pm shaped blossoms from late Council member to vote NO, along with spring through summer. I All Entertainment have this shrub in my land8:30 PM - 12:30 AM 75% of voters. scape and find it wonderful 2. 2007 Budget, 4 weeks later no service or staff and easy to grow; and I love it planted near a vegetable reductions, tax increase unnecessary, Artino garden where it attracts votes NO. Taxpayers should ask majority of many bees for pollination during the summer months. Council why they needed more MONEY?? Most honeysuckles are easy to grow, and require 3. Artino requests Council provide clear direction, short and long part- to full-sun and averterm measurable goals and objectives. Majority of Council resists. age, well-drained soil. You can purchase these marvel4. 2008 Budget, no cost cutting, no measurable direction. ous plants in the spring at Artino votes NO. most of our local greenhouses and nurseries. Just 5. 2009 Budget includes $750K carryover for street paving, other remember that once estabimprovements. $279K from collected estate taxes, $200K from lished, honeysuckles are generally drought-tolerant health insurance premium savings. Without this, would streets carefree plants. Happy Gar400 Sawmill • Huron, Ohio 44839 have been improved? dening! 419-433-3800 • www.sawmillcreek.com
Sam Artino Track Record
Live entertainment Sat. Oct. 3 - Larry Kane Sat. Oct. 10 - Cruisin Sat. Oct. 17 - Dupree Sat. Oct. 24 - Hart & Soul Sat. Oct. 31 - Fast Track
Casual Bar Menu • Drinks • Dancing!
6. Artino asks Council to provide measurable direction. Again the majority resist, Artino apposes 2009 budget. 7. ICMA study identifies opportunity for service improvements and $1 million annual savings. Artino pushes for savings, majority of council resist. No Action taken by Council majority. 8. 2009 budget session Artino asks again for measurable goals and objectives. Majority of council resist. Artino opposes the budget. 9. 2009 City Manager/Departments cut $376K. Artino was right about savings, and excessive spending. 10. Artino again asks for measurable goals and objective before 2010 budget. Without clear direction, measurable goals and objectives, the City will flounder when it can flourish. Taxpayer dollars will NOT be used as effectively and citizens will remain in the dark. Council cannot stay with the same mindset today. With your support I will deliver a strategic action plan for all to see.
FIGHTING FOR TAXPAYERS. PLEASE RE-ELECT SAM ARTINO Paid for by Artino for Action, Treasurer Matt Dwyre, 211 Ashland Ave., Huron, OH 44839
Beautiful Beginings Bridal Expo Erie County's Largest & Longest Running Bridal Show
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$2.00 OFF A pound or more of chocolate covered strawberries w/this ad FRI. & SAT ONLY
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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, October 15, 2009
Schools News from St. Peter School Junior High Retreat
On Friday, Oct. 9, St. Peter Junior High students took part in one of the 800 youth retreats offered throughout the year by the NET Ministries. NET Ministries is an international youth ministry that challenges young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church. The team serving St. Peter’s arrived on Wednesday evening, met their host families and spent Wednesday evening through Friday morning in and about Huron. Friday’s retreat day found them sharing their faith through large and small group presentations and discussions, music, drama, personal faith sharing and prayer. The young adult NET volunteers give a year of their life in the ministry. They begin their year of service with an intense five-week training program, after which they are put in teams and sent out across the United States to share their faith. Students making the retreat this year said they were especially impressed with the sincerity and enthusiasm of the
NET team. Elaina Hemker, whose family hosted two of the team members, shared that her entire family was very impressed with the commitment of the team members and saw them as a great example of practicing their faith. MaggieMurphy said: “They really helped us to open up in prayer and made us aware that God can always be an important part of our lives, no matter how busy we are with other activities. It was a good day.”
Fire Safety
Students in preschool through fourth grade hosted the Huron firemen on Tuesday of Fire Prevention Week. Students were instructed in fire safety and were able to see how all of the equipment a fire official has to wear to be safe while fighting fires. Many of the students shared stories of ways that they practice fire safety in their homes. Students had taken part in the Fire Safety Poster Contest ners included: Kindergartner Joe Vacca, first-grader Riley earlier in the month and winners were treated to firemen Fry, second-grader McKenzie Quinn, third-grader McKenT-shirts, Kalahari passes and lunch at McDonald’s. Winzie Smercina and fourth-grader Lucas Findley.
School Lunch Menus
Ehove Career Center
Tuesday Oct. 20 Foot long hot dog on bun, chilly & onions (optional) Triangle potato Apples slices Milk
Monday Oct. 19 Meatball sub Corn Assorted fruits Assorted milks Tuesday Oct. 20 Grilled chicken sandwich Side salad Assorted fruits Assorted milks Wednesday Oct. 21 Macaroni and cheese ½ P.butter sandwich Green beans Assorted fruits Assorted milks Thursday Oct. 22 Jims pizza box Sun chips Side salad Assorted fruits Assorted milks
Wednesday Oct. 21 Fresh made peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich Chicken noodle soup Broccoli and cauliflower w/ ranch dressing Mandarin oranges Pudding Milk Thursday Oct. 22 Spaghetti w/ meat sauce Garlic bread sticks Green beans Pears and jello w/topping Milk
Huron St. Peter
Friday Oct. 23 Domino pepperono pizza Carrots and celery w/ ranch dressing Peaches Popcorn milk
Monday Oct. 19 Hamburger on bun French fries Pears Brownie
Huron Public Shawnee Elementary & Woodlands
Friday Oct. 23 No School
ORANGE WEEK Monday Oct. 19 Chicken nuggets Mashed potatoes/gravy Buttered wheat roll Juicy pineapple Ice cold milk Tuesday Oct. 20 Hot dog on bun Fresh veggies/dip Baked chips Seasonal fresh fruit Ice cold milk Wednesday Oct. 21 Broiled hamburger on bun Crispy fries Fudge brownie Chilled pears Ice cold milk Thursday Oct. 22 Macaroni & cheese Tender green beans Buttered dinner roll Jello with fruit Ice cold milk Friday Oct. 23 Festive Mexican taco Beef/cheese/shell Seasoned corn Georgia peaches Ice cold milk
McCormick Jr. High & Huron High School ORANGE WEEK Monday Oct. 19 Walking Taco Buttered corn Assorted ice cream treat Fruit choice Chilled milk Tuesday Oct. 20 Ravioli Garden salad Garlic breadstick Fruit cocktail Chilled milk Wednesday Oct. 21 Popcorn chicken Mashed potatoes/gravy Buttered roll Peaches Chilled milk Thursday Oct. 22 Double dog day (2 for 1) Spicy fries Seasonal fresh fruit Chilled milk Friday Oct. 23 Cheeseburger Fresh veggies/dip Chunky applesauce Chilled milk
Education “in the field”
For St. Peter School students, field trips are an integral part of learning the curriculum and field trips were a big part of the schedule this past week. To begin the “tripping”, sixth-graders packed up and left for Mohican School-in-the-Outdoors in Butler, Ohio on Wednesday morning. Before they returned on Friday afternoon they had experienced many outdoor activities. Survival skills, including building a shelter was Lucas Pajk’s favorite while his brother Greg really liked the free choice times, especially caring for the animals at the camp. Teacher Laurie Legando, who also attended the three-day camp, noted that the three days in the outdoors gives students the ability to excel in a different environment, often allowing new leaders to emerge from the class.
Back to the Wild
Second- and third-graders who are working on their animal units in science, visited Mona Rutger at Back to the Wild on Friday. Back to the Wild is a “get well place” for injured animals where they can recuperate and are rehabilitated to go back to their natural habitats after an injury. Students were able to see several animals including a bald eagle and two bobcats. A butterfly emerged from the chrysalis stage while they were there. They learned that the bear is the largest wild animal in Ohio and studied habitats of several of the other animals native to our area.
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Pirates Get Wet Win over Tigers, 21-7
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On a miserable, rainy Perkins going for it on a night for Homecoming, the four and eight on Huundefeated Perkins Pirates ron’s 26, the Pirate quardefended their turf against terback called his own a spirited Huron Tiger footnumber and dashed into ball team. Evidence of the the end zone, giving the weather’s effect came on the home team a 14-7 edge. opening kickoff, as Perkins The Tiger’s final shot to had trouble just fielding the tie the game came with wet ball. It squirted through 3:21 left. Huron forced three sets of hands before a a punt and had the ball Tiger finally landed on the on their own 40-yard ball for the game’s first of sevline. Instead, the Tiger en turnovers. Huron could pass over the middle was do nothing from the Pirate intercepted by Perkin’s 21-yard line and missed a 38Hohler who returned it yard field goal attempt. Derek Dowell (24) struggles to find room against a deep into Huron terriWith change of possession, stingy Pirate defense. Blocking for him are Rory Kaip tory. Another play later, Perkins promptly marched (78), Jordan Romick (69), and Mason Krebs (54). the Pirates sealed their down the field for the games victory with a 12-yard first touchdown. It was a 22touchdown run. 23 yards to the end zone to tie the yard run by Richard Hohler with 7:22 game at seven all. The remainder of For the Tigers, Derek Dowell rushed left in the first quarter. On the ensu- the first half was just a back-and-forth for 43 yards. The offense, despite having kickoff, Jake Hillman had a huge field possession battle. ing decent field position, struggled to return for the Tigers, but the drive During the second half, the down- move the ball. The entire team played quickly ended with an interception. At pour continued and a chilly wind a spirited and hard fought game even the 3:50 mark in the opening quarter, picked up. But neither teams’ offense though the weather was absolutely Huron defensive back, Jake Hillman managed to find its footing. Finally, awful throughout. intercepted a Pirate pass and sprinted with 1:28 left in the third period, and
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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, October 15, 2009
ationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Office: olumbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are federally registered service arks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.
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Lady Tigers Take Eagle Invite Title On Saturday, the Huron volleyball team traveled to Oregon, Ohio, as one of eight teams to compete in the Eagle Invitational at Clay High School. The Tigers went into the tournament seeded second, but had little trouble working their way through a field that included Bellevue, Brookside, Clay, Eastwood, Genoa, Keystone, and Southview. While looking sluggish early on, Huron would not lose a game the entire day. The opening match was against the 4-10 Southview Cougars of Sylvania. At first, the Tigers looked like a team that got up early and just completed a 90-minute bus ride. Game 1 started with a 7-7 tie. Huron then went on an 8-2 run to roll onto a 25-14 win. The second and final game of the match began much the same way. Coach Wood had to call time with his team only up 12-10, to get their heads back on the task at hand.
Junior Taylor Slauterbeck, whose play during the second half of the season has been especially strong, made a couple big points that led the Tiger’s on a 10-3 run to put away the pesky Cougars, 25-15. Huron’s semifinal opponent was the 13-3 Brookside Cardinals. Definitely a step up in competition, the Cardinals hung tight with the Tigers at 11-10 during the opening game. Jesse Miedema came through for Huron with a couple of aces, leading her team on 9-4 run to take a 20-14 lead. Shortly after, her team would win 25-20. During game two, Brookside again held tight with the Tigers early on. At the 13-11 point, Huron went on a 5-0 run, forcing the Cardinals to call time to try and regain momentum. Unfortunately for Brookside, Jesse Miedema came out of the break firing with a trio of kills. At 24-13, Huron’s Katlyn Sommer served an ace for the second
match win. The Finals pitted the top seeded, Eastwood Eagles (16-1), who were ranked 15th in Division II, against the 15-3 Huron Tigers (ranked 17th in Division III). The Tigers came out of the gate quickly, 4-0, stunning the Eagles into taking an early time out. The break did nothing to slow down Huron momentum, which now looked as sharp as they had all year long. Miedema fired an ace to give the Lady Tigers a 10-2 lead. She followed that up with a kill, forcing Eastwood to call time at 15-6. Huron would then close out with a 10-4 run and a 25-10 win. The final game was almost a carbon copy of the first with the Eagles falling behind 10-3 and calling time. Taylor Slauterbeck came right out of the break with a kill and the Tigers rolled to a 22-8 lead. Two more spikes by Miedema allowed Huron to close out the tournament with a 25-13 win.
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Melissa is an important leader and senior on the Varsity volleyball team. While she isn’t that full ride college scholarship star athlete, coaches will tell you that it is student athletes like Melissa who really make the difference between getting beat at Sectionals and making it to Regionals. Most Huron teams will have that star athlete(s) but it’s the drive, intelligence, and desire of athletes like “Mo” who determine the true success of a team for its coach and school. Q: WHAT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES DO YOU PARTICIPATE IN? Melissa: I also play softball and basketball and I am the Senior Class President and a member of the National Honor Society. I also play travel softball and J.O. volleyball. Q: IF YOU HAVE A FREE DAY WITH NOTHING SCHEDULED, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
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Melissa: I would probably sleep in until noon, and then maybe hang out with friends or watch a movie. Q: WHAT ARE YOUR POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS? Melissa: I plan on attending college - I have already been accepted to several schools - but have not made a final decision yet. I plan to pursue degrees in secondary education and history. Q: WHO RUNS A TOUGHER PRACTICE - COACH
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RAY OR COACH WOOD? Melissa: I would have to say it is a tie, but they are two distinctly different practices. Because I still have many practices left with both teams, I will leave it at that! Q: HOW HAS PARTICIPATING IN HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS HELPED YOU GROW AS A PERSON? Melissa: It has most definitely made me stronger mentally and physically, along with improving my leadership skills, and helping me to become a better allaround person. Balancing three sports and academics has pushed my time management skills, too.
Huron Hometown News | Thursday, October 15, 2009
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Huron Hometown News | Thursday, October 15, 2009
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