Huron Swim Team Competes in the Blue Streak Classic
News Flash!!
Page 8
Santa Has Been Spotted‌
VOL. 3 NUMBER 17 December 24, 2008
Welcome Home Staff Sergeant John Rowen! BY MARY ANN BENCIVENGO
—————— Around Town Page 2 —————— Senior Lifestyles Page 3 —————— Milestones Church Chat Page 5 —————— Parks & Rec Huron Library Page 6 —————— Schools Page 7 —————— Sports Page 8
John Rowen, of Huron, of Delta Company 1-48th Infantry Regiment in the National Guard, returned home Friday afternoon from Kuwait to the delight of his wife Sherry and daughters Brittany and Kelly. He was gone on duty for 358 days. While in Kuwait, his body armor and equipment weighed 92 lbs., which he carried on missions through temperatures of 130 degrees. He returned home to our freezing cold weather and the warm hugs of his family. He left in January ’08 after the holidays and returned in ’08 for the holidays. His wife Sherry, an eighth grade language arts teacher at McCormack Middle School, daughter Brittany, 10, in 4th grade at Woodlands and daughter Kelly, 7, in 1st grade at Shawnee couldn’t think of a better way to spend their school break and Christmas vacation. They hung Christmas lights together Saturday morning and went Christmas shopping Saturday night. Their son Michael will be visiting from California this week. “When he comes home he likes the food,� Sherry said. John added, “Just eating out today was great! Staff Sergeant John Rowen and his wife Sherry, their daughters Kelly and Brittany and family The milk wasn’t in a box!� He added it felt odd buy- friend Heather Noftz. PHOTO BY MICHAEL A. FOSTER ing bottled water, since in Kuwait, he said, “Water was everywhere. It was free. Also provided was free their mother.� The girls smiled wide as he said this. “We were counting Gatorade—in the back end of trucks.� the days,� Sherry said. John spent 9 months in Kuwait where he conducted over 600 missions John Rowen said that his unit “kept everything wired tight,� resulting including Convoy Escorts as far North as his unit could get into Iraq, past in the safe return of his entire unit. �It is testimony to the hard work of Baghdad, Iraq’s capital. He worked with the Tactical Operation Center everyone in my unit that everyone in the unit came home safe—104 came that tracked everything being moved and did reports and analysis. Equip- home—that is a very difficult thing to do.� ment, food, water, ice and fuel were moved only at night, through heavy He and his family are very thankful, and we in Huron are very glad for dust storms and blackouts. “Someone was always trying to stop you,� he them. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes to the Rowens and Merry Christsaid. mas to all in Huron! It makes us all think of the things for which we are John has spent 17 years now with the National Guard and will continue thankful. to be active for a couple more years. Then he will retire from the National While their dad was away, John’s girls and the other children in their Guard. Now at home, and also when he retires, he will continue to work at classrooms sent their dad emails and letters. John and his family would his job at Customs and Border Protection in Sandusky. When first in the like to express a thank you for all the nice correspondence from the chilHis family is very proud of him, they say. And he is proud of his family. dren of Huron City Schools. “The girls really pulled through for their mother,� John said. “They helped
Thanks to the Community for all your donations of mittens, hats, scarves and food. Your support is greatly appreciated! -The Huron Hometown News
Check out www.huronhometownnews for a complete photo gallery
Happy Holidays from the Huron Hometown News!
—————— Classifieds Page 9 —————— Real Estate Page10 —————— Huron Hometown News staff: (L-R) Jennifer Daubel, Connie Roberts, Mary Ann Bencivengo, Cherry Stacey, and Heidi Rife. Not pictured: Michael A. Foster and Chris Mischler. PHOTO BY MICHAEL A. FOSTER Carol's
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 25, 2008
Around Town
New Year's Resolution: Check Out • Flexible Rates • Classes open to the public • Pilates • Martial Arts (kids & adults) • Kick Boxing • Body Sculpting • Boot Camp
Erie County Economic Development Corporation Elects 2009 Officers
511 W. Cleveland Rd. • Huron, Ohio 44839 • 419-433-2090
At its annual organization meeting, the Erie County Economic Development Corporation (ECEDC) Board elected John Hoty, Hoty Enterprises President, as the new ECEDC President for 2009. “It is an honor and a challenge to be selected by this Board to lead the organization. In these difficult economic times, ECEDC is re-doubling its efforts to retain businesses and industries in Erie County, while attempting to attract new businesses at the same time,” explained Hoty. Also elected were: Vice President, James Smith, Bowling Green State University; Treasurer, Andy White, Huron City Manager and Secretary Doug Phares, Publisher of the Sandusky Register. Elected to three-year terms were: Jim Miller, Citizens Banking Company; Mary Jane Hill, Flynn, Py and Kruse; James Springer, Industrial Nut Corporation and James Smith. According to Mark Litten, Executive Director of ECEDC, “After completing the Strategic Planning Process in 2008, Erie County businesses and residents will see an emphasis on communication of the plan’s details in the coming year. The Board Planning Committee has developed a power point presentation to support that effort.”
Any groups that are interested in having the presentation made at one of their meetings should contact: Ron Parthemore at or 419-202-0307.
John Hoty
Doug Phares
The Sewing Lady Ready for Sergery? BY MARJ GIROWSKI
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Do you have a serger in your sewing room? Do you really know how to use it? These machines are like the microwaves of the sewing world. They make many dewing projects fast and easy but using them is just a little different than using a conventional sewing machine. All sergers have loopers instead of bobbins so they can enclose the edges of your seams. They also have two cutting blades to trim off the seam allowance. Sergers must be threaded correctly or they will not sew! Always thread
Hello again Huron Hometown News readers, this is tech talk and in this article we will talk about disaster protection and disaster recovery. I think that maybe I better put that another way. This installment I will talk about backing up your valuable data stored on your hard drive. One of the most discouraging thing I have to do is to tell a customer that everything that was saved on there computer is now gone forever. Then after telling them that and hearing how devastating this is to them I mention the only solution that in most cases is left for them: Lab restoration! A very costly process. Although the costs of preparing for this event is small 617 Main St., Huron 419-433-4161 compared to the costs of recovering your data from a damaged hard drive most people either make the decision not to spend the money for prevention or don’t think it will happen to them. Unfortunately the odds Las Vegas Style Charity Casino with Jackpot Festival and Gaming Services. are against us. Hard drives at some point will fail. • Dancing with Dave C & the Sharptones and DJ Artie There are many options available to us to protect or • Caricatures by Sean Carroll valuable data. Most of us can suffice with just an onsite back• Hats, Horns & Ball Drop at Midnight up solution that can run daily, weekly, or even monthly. The • Cash Bar costs of doing this can range from around $100 for a small • $20.00 per person (does not include gaming) storage and manual backup on up too $400+ for large storage Raffle Prizes: 4 day, 3 night stay at Treasure Island Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. Including 2 and automated or scheduled Round-trip Tickets on Continental Airlines, round-trip transportation to airport courtesy of Tom's
New Year’s Eve Party
Cruz Limousine Service. Other Prizes include: 19" & 32" flat screen TVs, iPod, GPS, Golf Getaway for two, Couple Bed & Breakfast Package, Resort Gift Certificates and much, much more. Casino Proceeds to benefit non-profit organizations in the Festival of Lights
• NYE Dinner in Salmon Run Restaurant Reservations Required
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 8:30PM - 1:00AM Sawmill Creek Wilderness Hall Reservations: 419-433-3800
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The Difference is Clear New Digital Mammography now available at Firelands Women’s Health & Wellness Center! Now offering the area’s only full field Digital Mammography, the latest diagnostic imaging technology available in the region. Digital Mammography: 䡲 Allows the radiologist to magnify, adjust contrast, rotate or pinpoint areas of concern on the digital image for clearer readings 䡲 Provides incredibly sharp images immediately available to the radiologist 䡲 Reduces the need for repeat exams due to under or over developed films 䡲 Shortens the procedure time for the patient 䡲 Better visualization of the breast tissue,particularly for younger women or women using hormone replacement therapy, who may have dense breasts Firelands is proud to bring you the highest quality of care for prevention and early detection of breast cancer. To schedule an appointment for Digital Mammography, please call 419-557-5239.
the upper looper first, then thread the lower looper next, and then thread the needles. Because the serger has blades you can NEVER sew over pins or you will damage the blades. These machines sew about three times as fast as a sewing machine, so your project will be done in no time! In addition to normal seaming sergers can make wonderful decorative edges for clothing and home decorating projects. If you have never tried this, get out your instruction book or take a class from your local dealer to see all the great things you can do with a serger. The variety of decorative threads is expanding all the time, so explore the possibilities and use that serger! Questions? Email Marj at sewing
backups. Then there is offsite backup, which in some cases can be a monthly charge and a relatively small amount of storage. Uploading files to an offsite storage solution especially a large amount of files can take a long time since upload speeds are much slower than download speeds. For those of us that run a small office network or home network there are devices called NAS (Network Attached Storage). These are much faster then the conventional Usb 1.1 and 2.0 drives that are out there. This can be connected directly to the network and can be accessed by all computers on the network. This type of device requires either a router that it can be plugged into or a network switch that all computers that will use this are attached to. Recently I have noticed some companies that offer hard drive crash insurance. This is sold like virus protection with a 1, 2, or 3-year license. The license is sold at the same time the hard drive is purchased so that the company providing the insurance for the crash is assured the drive was new at the time of purchase. The way this works is if your drive crashes by any means water, shock, fire, etc., the company will retrieve the contents of the drive. This covers all types of hard drives internal, external, i-pods, phones, NAS drives etc…. This is a good deal for the money considering the starting cost of having lab restoration done is around $900 and that’s just starting. Accurate Computer Technicians just partnered with Rad Media Corp and now provides the licensing for sale. These crash protection licenses are very inexpensive starting at $15 for a one-year license but must be sold at the time of the hard drive purchase. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of backing up your data whether it’s email contacts and financial info or videos, music, and family photos. When your hard drive crashes, and it eventually will, you cannot replace the lost memories, unless you are protected. Feel free to call us if you have any questions or would like to know more about protecting yourself from the inevitable. Thanks for reading and have a Merry Christmas!
Insurance Leave a Legacy Through Charitable Giving BY: BRUCE MILLER STATE FARM® AGENT
Schools, hospitals, museums, zoos, arts organizations, recreational facilities and places of worship all strive to make the world a better place and to improve the quality of our everyday lives. Many, if not most, of these organizations are non-profit, which means they are supported primarily by public and private contributions. Contributing money to a charitable organization is not only a generous act, but also one that is extremely rewarding. You may want to make a larger contribution to a local organization or cause but feel it would put a strain on your budget. However, with a little advance planning, you can contribute a much larger gift than you ever thought possible in your lifetime. And you can do so with life insurance. Other options include remainder trusts, gift annuities or wealth replacement trusts. Depending on the product you select, you can determine the amount of your yearly charitable contribution and use your yearly contribution to purchase and pay for a life insurance policy. The charitable organization owns the policy and is the beneficiary of its proceeds. The organization may use dividends, borrow or withdraw cash values during the life of the policy to meet their organization’s goals. Participating in a charitable life insurance program not only offers opportunity to make a difference, it is also a resourceful way to meet your charitable giving goals without putting a strain on your budget. Meet with your financial and legal advisors to discuss what options are available to you to accomplish your charitable objectives.
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 25, 2008
Senior Lifestyles
Strengthening the Quality of life in a Home like setting
Seniors Age 60 and older Surveys of Jake’s customers indicate that their evaluation of Jake’s Quality, Service, Courtesy, Reliability and Facility Cleanliness has averaged 99.7% over the last three years. Jake’s has received an Exceptional Rating in each of the last 50 quarters.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released a new nursing home quality rating report. Nursing Home Compare provides quality ratings for each of the nation’s 16,000 Medicare and/or Medicaid-certified nursing homes. Each facility is rated from a low of one star to a high of five stars based on three critical areas: health inspection results, quality measures, and staffing levels. CMS rated Parkvue Health Care Center, 5 out of 5 stars for overall quality. “We know that we excel in areas of inspections, quality and staffing. But being recognized for all of our hard work means a lot,” says Ken Keller, Administrator for The Community at Parkvue. Mr. Keller added, “this rating lets families and residents know that they can receive the very best care when they choose Parkvue Health Care Center.” Parkvue Health Care Center offers Skilled Nursing care, Short or Long term nursing home placement as well as a newly renovated Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit for short or long term therapy after a hospital stay or surgery. Parkvue Place of The Community at Parkview offers independent living apartments for seniors. Parkvue Health Care Center offers skilled and intermediate nursing care and has a specialized unit for people with Alzheimer’s. The Community at Parkvue is a not-for-profit facility accredited by JCAHO, owned by United Church Homes Inc., based in Marion, Ohio and is related to the United Church of Christ.
Assisted Living Community
Jake’s NAPA AutoCare Center 6 Simpson Avenue Norwalk,OH 44857
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Parkvue Health Care Center: Light Therapy to Improve Quality Of Life It’s not the first time that Parkvue Health Care Center has utilized new therapies in order to bring more opportunities for better health for residents. Currently, residents are benefiting from VitalStim Therapy used to treat swallowing disorders after strokes or long-term illnesses. Additionally, Anodyne Therapy is used to treat medical conditions and pain caused by circulatory problems. Last year The Community at Parkvue opened up its new Fast Track Rehab Unit at Parkvue Health Care Center. The newly renovated unit is designed specifically for comprehensive rehabilitation for short-term therapy after an illness or surgery. All the Fast Track Rehab Unit rooms have flat screen televisions, private phone lines and internet access. “It’s a misconception that patients must be in the hospital to receive this type of treatment,” says Ken Keller, Administrator. “In fact, being less institutional, the environment is more conducive to a faster recovery,” Mr. Keller continued. Now Parkvue Health Care Center residents can benefit from the advantages of Light Therapy Treatment. Marilyn Dorsey RN, WCC, BSN, CDP, the Director of Nursing, researched this type of therapy and has initiated the treatment with the residents. “I’m always interested in the use of innovative treatments for our residents”, says Marilyn. Through Ruth Parker’s generous donation, Parkvue purchased 5 light units. Light therapy can be used to treat anxiety, depression, and generally improve your mood. Marilyn explains that “while we are in the beginning stages of using this treatment, we have seen progress already.” Treatment is individualized for each resident and is physician ordered. All staff is currently going through training for the use of Light Therapy. Nursing staff will document treatment, behaviors and outcomes over the next year while using Light Therapy Treatment. Ken Keller says, “I am confident that this therapy is going to result in an overall improvement for our residents. Marilyn has always put that goal first.” Meanwhile optimism for the treatment grows as improvements are already being witnessed in several residents. Next on The Community at Parkvue’s agenda to improve the lives of residents – an interdisciplinary team approach to pain management along with the use of Therapeutic Touch Therapy.
Serving Our Community Since 1902
FTMC Nuclear Medicine Department Passes State Inspection With No Deficiencies
Fisher-Titus Medical Center’s nuclear medicine department recently completed an Ohio State Department of Health inspection and was found to have no deficiencies. This unannounced inspection occurs at least once every three years and lasts about 6 hours. This inspection measures a facility’s radiation safety, radiation exposure, quality control and operating procedures. “We were given a 100 percent with no violations during this inspection,” said Dr. Matthew G. Gutowicz, Jr., chief of the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. “This achievement is an honor and demonstrates the level of quality that our technologists and radiologists take to provide the best possible care to our patients.” In addition to this inspection, FTMC’s Nuclear Medicine Department has been accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR) since 2001.
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FTMC’s nuclear medicine department includes a staff of four nuclear medicine technologists. Another important part of the team is FTMC board certified radiologists, Dr. Matthew F. Gutowicz and Dr. William L. Ferber, who combine their training, expertise and experience to read and interpret the nuclear medicine tests. Dr. Gutowicz is the only board certified physician in nuclear medicine in the area. Nuclear Medicine utilizes small amounts of radioactive drugs to look at internal organs, bones or soft tissues. Radioactive materials are introduced into the bloodstream by injection, orally or by inhalation. A special camera records the travel of the material as it travels through the body to help diagnose diseases and disorders such as cancer, blocked arteries and thyroid disease. In 2007, 3,522 tests were performed at FTMC and included bone scans, lung scans and thyroid tests.
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 25, 2008
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Fill out the form below and mail to or drop off at the Huron Hometown News, 304 Williams Street Suite L, Huron, Ohio 44839. Forms are also available at the Huron Hometown News office. UEngagement UWedding UGraduation
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 25, 2008
Church Chat
You are invited to Christmas Eve services at the Huron United Methodist Church, 338 Williams Street, Huron, Ohio. Wednesday, December 24 at 7:00 PM will present our children’s pageant – any child is welcome to participate. Children’s Choir will sing, and the “Soul Anchors” Praise Band will play. In between services refreshments will be
Obituaries Catherine Nickoloff, Oct. 16, 1923-Dec. 19, 2008
Dear Christ Church Family,
Catherine is survived by her husband, Nick; sons, Alan (Deborah) of Garfield Heights, Ohio, and Brian (Debra) of Huron; grandchildren, Jennifer, Jilian, Shoshana and Johnathon; and great-grandchildren, Lillian and William. She was preceded in death by her parents; and brothers, Nick and Pete. A memorial Mass of Christian Burial will be held on a date to yet be announced. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial donations be made to St. Anthony’s Chapel Fund, 804 Idaho St., Sharon, Pa, 16146 or Veggie U, Ohio 13 Milan, OH 44846. Arrangements are being handled for the family by Groff Funeral Homes and condolences may be expressed at
Catherine Nickoloff, 85, of Huron, passed away Friday, Dec. 19, 2008, after an extended illness, in Admiral’s Point Nursing Center. She was born Oct. 16, 1923, in Farrell, Pa., to Ferko and Kata (Yazvac) Yurcich. Catherine was a 1941 graduate of Farrell High School and a former employee of the Sharon Westinghouse Credit Union. Catherine was a lifelong member of St. Anthony Croation Catholic Church, Sharon, Pa., where she married her husband, Nickolas, Aug. 9, 1952. Along with being a member of the church, Catherine was active working at bake sales, Lenten fish dinners and other fundraising events for the congregation. Catherine was also a member of the Croation Catholic Union and the Croation Fraternal Union.
Elva Irene (Dickson) Hovey Coy, Nov. 11, 1914-Dec. 16, 2008 Elva Irene (Dickson) Hovey Coy, 94, passed away Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2008, in Erie County Care Facility in Huron after a long and cherished life. She was born in Trenton, Nova Scotia, Nov. 11, 1914. She moved to Maine with her parents and three sisters when she was six and attended school there, graduating from Milo High School with the class of 1932. She went on to graduate from Beals Business College in Bangor, Maine. She moved to Massachusetts with her first husband, and was employed by First National Packing Co. in the Boston area, and was a member of the Teamsters Union for a number of years prior to moving to Vermilion in 1958. She worked at the Vermilion City Police Department for more than a decade as one of the first female emergency dispatchers in Northern Ohio, retiring in 1972. Elva was a member of Congregational Church. She moved back to the Penaquid Point area of New Harbor, Maine with her second husband, where she was a member of the Willing Workers, volunteered with Meals on Wheels and
opened cottages for the summer residence. She spent the last 10 years in Huron to be close to her family. She is survived by her son, George Dickson Hovey and his wife, Sally, of Huron; six grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death were her loving daughter, Anna Lee Grove Parker in 1991; first husband, Earl Varney (Pete) Hovey in 1968; second husband Ronald A Coy in 1993; parents, Oswald Lawson and Elizabeth (Crooks) Dickson; three sisters, Georgia Hoxie, Margaret Coy and Vera Robinson-Neff. There will be no visitation. A private graveside service will be at a later date in Rugby Cemetery, Mason Road, Brownhelm Township. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in her name to Erie County Care Facility, 3916 E. Perkins Ave., Huron, OH 44839 or Stein Hospice, 1200 Sycamore Line, Sandusky, OH 44870. Arrangements are being handled by Groff Funeral Home, Sandusky,
Linda J. Pennell Dec. 18, 2008 She was preceded in death by her husband, Barney; her parents, William T. and Jennie M. (McKim) King; and sister, Joy C. Meighen. Friends called from noon, Tuesday until services which were at 2 p.m. at MormanHinman-Tanner Funeral Home, 38 South St., Berlin Heights. Pastor Robert Hudberg officiated. Burial followed in Oak Bluff Cemetery, near Huron. Memorial contributions may be made to New Life Hospice, 5255 North Abbe Road, Elyria, OH 44035. Condolences may be shared at mormanfh. com
Linda J. Pennell, 68, of Huron, died Thursday, Dec. 18, 2008, in New Life Hospice in Lorain. She was a graduate of Cambridge High School. She was a very good painter and enjoyed doing crafts and spending time with her family. She also enjoyed spending time at the lake. She is survived by her daughter, June (Mike) Winck, of Lexington, Ohio; five sons, Chuck (Beth) Pennell of Berlin Heights, Barry (Wendy) Pennell of Elmore, Barney (Sarah) Pennell of Greenwich, Robert (Lora) Pennell of Huron and Jim (Brandy) Pennell of Huron; sister, Jeannine M. Anker of Cambridge; 15 grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
The season of Christmas is almost upon us. Advent is here and the time seems to be flying by each day. It has been a strange time for the world itself in all that has gone on throughout the world with the financial crisis and the fears of those that do not understand that there will be good times, as well as, bad times. However, let us think about what the season could mean to all of us. If we would look at simplicity in the season of the Christ Child we might find there is more than just what the world can bring to us in wealth and things. We are so caught up in the lifestyle of things and money we have forgotten what it was like in the past in the richness of what is good. If you would just stop and think about your best Christmas, it probably would not be tied with money. If we stop and think for a moment, family is so important. We are family here at Christ Church. If one hurts, the rest of us should also hurt or at least feel compassion for the one that is hurting. I know we can find fault with each other easily, but if we stop and think for just one moment what God sees in each of us and how He loves us so much and He takes us like an ugly lump of clay and molds us into a wonderful,
served in Fellowship Hall – all are welcome. 9:00 PM Worship will feature Chancel Choir, “Riverside Ringers” bell choir, and special music. “Silent Night” sung by congregational candlelight at both services. Sunday, December 28 there will be ONE worship service at 9:00 AM.
beautiful handy work of art, then maybe we might see the beauty that lies beneath the rubble of our lives. This to me is what Christmas is about in loving each other as family, loving as Christ loved us. My hope during this Advent Season is that during our meetings with NCD we might discover more about ourselves and what we can contribute to bring ourselves alive in the Lord to do more in raising up the church to celebrate the goodness of our lives. Each of you are so beautiful and your talents are in numbers and we must tap what God wants to use in us. Let us remember that we live in the best country in the world and let us pray for our troops that preserve this wonderful nation for us. My hope this year for us all is that we stop and inventory our lives and see how we might bring hope to others around us in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. To all of you, I truly wish you a Blessed Advent and a Merry Christmas and a safe holiday. May your families be blessed and may God give us all a way to live in this wonderful country. My best wishes to you and yours, Rev. Wanda Ray, Rector
Zion Lutheran Church Happenings Three services are planned for December 24, Christmas Eve. The 5:00 p.m. service is designed for families with young children and will engage the children in the service. The 7:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. candlelight services are traditional Lutheran worship with special music. All services are open to the community and welcome visitors. On Sunday, December 28 there will be only
one service at 9:30 a.m. There is no Sunday school that day but there will be a children’s sermon, and the children will be involved in the worship. January 4, Zion returns to its regular worship schedule with 8:15 a.m. adult Bible study, the 9:00 a.m. contemporary family service with Sunday school and the 10:15 a.m. traditional worship service.
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Lisa A. (Corso) Fantozzi, April 24, 1961-Dec. 19, 2008
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Published by Huron Press, LLC. HEIDI M. RIFE
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Cindy, also all of Huron; paternal grandmother, Grace Corso of Sandusky; and two aunts, an uncle, nieces, nephews, and friends. She was preceded in death by her brothers, John and David; maternal grandparents, Ervin J. and Viva (Pooch) Butche; and paternal grandfather, August Corso. Visitation was from 2-8 p.m. Sunday in Foster Funeral Home, 410 Main St., Huron, where funeral services were held 11 a.m. Monday. The Rev. Dave Brown, of the Chapel, officiated. Memorial contributions may be made in care of Lisa’s parents, Charles and Marian Corso, for a fund for Lisa’s daughters, Elizabeth and Samantha. Condolences may be shared at
Lisa A. (Corso) Fantozzi, 47, of Huron, passed away early Friday morning, Dec. 19, 2008, surrounded by her family. She succumbed to a 12-year battle with cancer. She was born April 24, 1961, in Sandusky, and was a lifelong area resident. She was a 1979 graduate of Huron High School. Lisa was a florist for many years, owning her own shop, the Enchanted Florist of Huron, and enjoyed spending time with her children and granddaughters. She is survived by four children, Peter (Julie) Adam, Elizabeth and Samantha, and two grandchildren, Tori and Leah, all of Huron; parents, Charles D. and Marian B. (Butche) Corso; brother, Charles (Lesley), and sister,
Sports Editor
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Account Executive
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Letters to the Editor, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Huron Hometown News are welcome. Please note: All letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Huron Hometown News, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage.
Huron Hometown News® SM TM 1992 304 Williams Street • Huron, Ohio 44839 Phone 419-433-1401 • Fax 419-433-4487 Published every Thursday The Huron Hometown News is owned and operated by Huron Press, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Huron Hometown News and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Class liners and Retail ads closing @ Monday by 4:00 PM.
Nemecek Insurance & Financial Services DAWN BAUMAN, LICENSED OFFICE MANAGER 2012 Cleveland Rd W Suite D Huron, OH 44839 419-433-5887
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Library Library News‌
Huron Public Library - Winter Hours
Holiday Closing
Monday - Thursday 10 AM - 8:30 PM The Huron Public Library will be CLOSED on Friday & Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM Wednesday, December 24 and Thursday, DecemSunday 1 – 4 PM ber 25 as well as Wednesday, December 31 and Thursday, January 1 for the holidays. No library materials will be due on these dates and the book drops will remain open
Holiday Gaming Days Holiday Gaming Days at the Huron Public Library will be held on Friday, December 26 and Friday, January 2 from 1- 4 p.m. Bring family and friends and have fun playing games like Wii Sports, Wii Carnival, and Dance, Dance Revolution, or rediscover traditional favorites like Connect Four and Scrabble. Take this opportunity to get out of the house and play! Open to all ages and experience levels.
American Red Cross Babysitting Class The Huron Public Library will host the American Red Cross Babysitting Class on Monday, December 29. The class will run from 9:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Participants must be 11 years or older. Class size is limited to 12 participants. Please bring a sack lunch, drink and a snack, lifesized doll, a receiving blanket and diaper (if available). Payment may be made by check made payable to the American Red Cross for $35. To register or for more informacall the Red Cross at 419 ! $# 365 '" & *24 !" '+ tion, 626-1641 or 1-800-589-2286.
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The History of Huron Railroads Dennis Brandal from the Mad River & NKP Railroad Society in Bellevue joins us on Wednesday, January 7 at 7 p.m. for a program on the History of Huron railroads. Mr. Brandal will relate historical accounts of area railroads and the employees who operated them. He will also bring an exhibit of railroad memorabilia. This program for adults and teens (5th grade and up) is free but space is limited so call the library at 419-433-5009 to reserve your place.
Parks & Rec Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all! From all of us at Huron Parks & Recreation, we send our holiday greetings to you, our community members, who support us throughout the year by participating in our programs, attending our events, and volunteering when needed with special events. We hope you have enjoyed our programming this year. It is the goal of our department to offer the residents of Huron quality of life programs, entertainment, and events that enhance the experience of living in our “Great Lake Placeâ€?. And to all our business sponsors who give generously throughout the year making it possible to offer these amenties to our community‌our sincere thanks. We certainly appreciate your continued support. Thank You!
Winter Fitness Programs 2009 Start the New Year with a healthy lifestyle change! Register today for our fitness programs beginning in January‌
Walking at Woodlands begins January 5th Thanks to our community partner, Huron City Schools, we are able to once again give our community members a place to walk during the winter months. Woodlands Elementary School will be open Monday through Thursday from 5pm-7pm~January 5 through April 9. While this program is Free, and does not require a registration form, we do ask that you call our office to register. Please remember to bring a change of shoes to keep the hallways clean. Winter Yoga ~ Mondays, 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Huron Public Library Cost: $40 Residents / $45 Non-residents. Session I- January 12- March 2nd (no class Jan 19 or Feb 16) Session II- March 16th- April 27 (no class April 13) Pre-registration required using the general Program Registration form. Winter Aerobics ~ Tuesdays & Thursdays 6pm-7pm at Woodlands Elementary. Cost: Residents $45 / non-Residents $50 per session. ($5 discount if you sign up for more than one session) Pre-registration required using the general Program Registration form. Session I- January 13-Feb 12th Session II- March 3rd- April 2 Spring Session- April 21-May 21 Line Dancing will be back in February! February 4–March 11, Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm at Woodlands Elementary. Cost: $40 Residents / $45 Non Residents. This class will require pre-registration using the general program registration form.
Learn to sell eBay class--Registration deadline Jan. 9th! Have you thought about selling something on eBay, but don’t know where to begin? You’ve purchased items before, but you really want to enjoy selling some of your own things now. If so, we finally have the answers you’ve been looking for. The Parks and Recreation department is offering an “in-depth� beginners class, for potential eBay sellers. This class is designed to teach you everything you need to know to sell items on eBay! The class will be at The Huron Library Saturday, January 17th from 10:00 am – 2:00pm. The cost is $35.00 per person. The cost includes 4 hours of training and a 100 page instruction manual. The class is limited to the first 20 pre-registered individuals. *Please register by Friday, January 9th to avoid cancellation due to low enrollment. We must have a minimum of 5 registered participants by Friday, January 9th to offer this class!
% '# ! ! "# ", # !# # " % )
NOMS Healthcare Welcomes
Christopher Emery, D.O. to their Primary Care Team Dr. Christopher Emery D.O. is a board certified doctor of family medicine. He joins Dr. Andrew Bejarano, D.O. and Dr. Kari Ketvertis, M.D. in the NOMS Healthcare Primary Care office located in Huron, Ohio. He is accepting new patients ages newborn through geriatric.
Announcement‌ Our “Cards at the Boat Basinâ€? program will be cancelled for the week of Christmas and New Year’s. Cards will resume on Tuesday, January 6th.
Rev. Roger’s Reflections CHRISTMAS EVE
Dr. Emery is a native of western Pennsylvania and has served twice in the U.S. Army, enlisted as an army medic/laboratory technician and then as a captain/physician as part of the Health Professions Scholarship Program. Dr. Emery received his B.S. degree in Biology from Clarion University of Pennsylvania, and a Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine from the Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Athens, OH. His wife, Sandra Weaver-Emery, D.O. is also part of the NOMS Healthcare Primary Care team and practices at the Internal Medicine office in Sandusky. They have three children.
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christopher Emery, D.O. Chriist stop tophher her Emer E meryy D O Board Certified in Osteopathic Family Medicine
Please call 419-433-6117 to schedule an appointment.
FA M I LY P R A C T I C E 808 S. Main Street, Huron, OH 419-433-6117
Where do you do your best creative work? In your office or at school? In the car or reflecting during a walk at Sheldon’s Marsh? At home with your feet up or lying on your back talking on the phone with friends? In the shower or during a nap? Most of the time, I do my reading, note-taking, pondering and even REV. ROGER praying while sitting in a blue easy chair in the church hallway across SKELLEY-WATTS from the office. That way, I can be accessible and answer the phone if needed. But on a regular basis somebody will ask, “Aren’t you distracted? Doesn’t it bother you to sit out here amid all this activity? Why don’t you just find a quiet room somewhere and close the door?â€? On the contrary, it feeds my spirit. I ran a youth center for four years, and learned to block out video games, foosballs, air hockey pucks, darts and all kinds of language when necessary. And especially this time of year, people give me plenty of material, in a good way. Our secretary cordially answers long strings of questions -–she gets interrupted many more times than I, and manages to stay on task, somehow by the grace of God. Children’s and youth directors blitz around organizing youth and Sunday school events joined by an army of volunteers. Teen-agers gather to bake cookies and take them along with Christmas caroling for our homebound members. Music leaders talk about worship and how the Holy Spirit miraculously glues it all of together each week. Choir members wander in, voices warm up, bells ring-a-ling and trustees take care of building projects to make the place presentable for guests. Our LOGOS after-school leader directs the kids in Christmas songs that waft through the hallways. Then they parade past me with, “Hey, Rev. Roger!â€? and give me high (or low) fives. Individuals walk in quietly and reverently place a beautifully wrapped Christmas present under the Fellowship Hall Christmas tree for a needy child. Or gently hang a mitten, scarf, stocking hat, or pair of socks on the “Mitten Treeâ€? for Helping Hands. Bags of food magically appear in Huron Food Pantry grocery cart. Somebody will sidle up to me and whisper, “Here’s an anonymous gift for someone you know needs some encouragement.â€? No, it’s no bother at all to sit in that blue easy chair in the hallway of the church, amid all of the activity. That’s how I keep my religion through the busyness to celebrate and worship the baby Jesus’ birth along with you–-because of the hope, peace, joy, love, and grace that you witness to me. These are just a few of the acts of generosity that this holy season inspires–-multiplied by every church body in Huron. Just a few in a long line of witnesses‌â€?And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace, good will among people.’â€? (Luke 2: 13-14NRSV)
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 25, 2008
Schools 2008 Rotary Students Selected Kate Bickley
Alexandra Osterling Alexandra Osterling, the daughter of Jeff and Gail Osterling, 830 Strowbridge Dr., Huron, attends Huron High School. Major Accomplishments: French Club Member (3 years), Art Club Member (2 years), SADD Vice President (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and Vice President (2 years), Student Council Member (1 year), Athletic Aid (3 years), Track Stats (1 year), CARD ( Character, Academics, Respect and Discipline) Member (1 year) and Swimming (1 year). Future Plans and Career Goals: Alexandra plans to attend BGSU Firelands and major in the Nursing program. She says she is very determined to graduate with her RN degree and be very successful.
Abagail Strbjak Abagail Strbjak, daughter of James and Sheryll Strbjak, of 413 Gateway Blvd., Huron, attends Huron High School. Major Accomplishments: Senior Class President, Captain of Cheerleading, TEAM Member of Youth Group of St. Peter Church, Track (4 years), SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and Great Books Forum Treasurer. Future Plans and Career Goals: Abagail plans to attend college and is yet undecided as to where. She would like to receive her degree in Communications.
Jesselyn VanBarg Jesselyn VanBarg, the daughter of Donald and Patricia Van Barg, of 6610 Parker Rd., Castalia, attends Huron High School. Major Accomplishments: Honor Roll Student, Student Council Member, Yearbook Head Editor, Art Club Technical Coordinator, Office Aid, Winning Photographer in Erie Co. Fair, host of Japanese Exchange, Safety Town Counselor, Varsity Golf and Elks Student of the Month. Future Plans and Career Goals: Once Jesselyn graduates she will attend BGSU Firelands to study Secondary Education. While at BGSU, she hopes to also study abroad.
Kate Bickley, daughter of Craig Bickley and Libbi Marsinick, resides at 305 Orangewood Dr., Huron and attends Huron High School. Major Accomplishments: Student Council, French Club, Choir and Bell Choir, Art Club Treasurer, SADD President (Students Against Destructive Decisions), CARD Member (Character, Academics, Respect and Discipline), Regional Equestrian Championships and Honor Roll. Future Plans and Career Goals: Next year Kate will be attending Youngstown State University where she will major in Journalism. She plans to work for a large newspaper or magazine after college.
Kori Hammond Kori Hammond, the daughter of Jude Hammond and Lisa Freitas, resides at 828 Salem Dr., Huron and attends Huron High School. Major Accomplishments: Captain of Girls Soccer Team on the first Girls soccer team in Huron, SBC Honorable Mention, SBC All Academic and Teacher Academy. Future Plans and Career Goals: After graduation, Kori plans to attend BGSU Firelands for two years to complete her core coursework. She plans to then transfer to Bowling Green State University Main Campus to get her degree in Primary Education and Special Education. After college she would like to pursue a job as a teacher somewhere in this area.
Sarah Phinney Sarah Phinney, daughter of Pete and Debbie Phinney, resides in Huron and attends Huron High School. Major Accomplishments: SBC Honorable Mention in Basketball, All-District Honorable Mention in Basketball and Varsity Basketball Captain. Lettered in Te n n i s and Basketball. Cro s s Country. Athletic Aid, Model United Nations, Spanish Club, Art Club, studied at Columbia College in Chicago for five weeks last summer, CARD (Character, Academics, Respect, Discipline). Future Plans and Career Goals: Sarah would like to attend a college that has a strong broadcast/ journalism program. She would like to work for a major news station after college.
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sports Sports…As I See It I would like to start out this week by taking care of some unfinished business. Two Huron volleyball players received high honors from the OHSAA after having very successful years. Congratulations to Kelly Lehrer who was selected to the OHSAA Division III All-State first team, and to junior Jesse Miedema on being chosen for Honorable Mention honors. It has been 21 quarters now since the Browns scored an ofCHRIS MISCHLER fensive touchdown. Words like ‘impressive’ were used to describe THE BENGALS of all teams. Cedric Benson, given up for dead by the Chicago Bears had 171 yards rushing. One thing that we
did learn today for sure is that the only way Ken Dorsey should remain in the NFL is as a coach. You can’t tell me Josh Cribbs couldn’t have done what we all saw today. That isn’t to say I think he should QB in the NFL either, just pointing out how poor Dorsey played. Won’t this season ever end! This is a call out to Jr. High and Freshman team coaches. PLEASE send me your team scores and stats of interest so we can recognize the kids involved. They can be sent to cmischler@ “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.” This famous quote from the poem by Emma Lazarus titled “The New Colossus” seems to be the mantra of Indians general manager, Mark Shapiro. I am not blaming him. He is just making due with the resources at his ready. With a small budget to work with, he is again forced to hope an injury prone free agent, this time former Cub Kerry Wood, will be able to hold it together to help the tribe make a run at post season. And yes, it will always be this way until Major League Baseball imposes some sort of salary cap to level the playing field for all instead of allowing the wealthy, big market teams to swoop in and snatch up all the talent developed by these small market teams. You can point out all the Tampa Bays, Oaklands, and Minnesota teams you want, but they will never be able to compete consistently in this system. And yes I do understand that the Yankees didn’t make the playoffs this season, but I say that is more a testament to their mismanagement than that this League’s system actually works. Senior guard Mike Mielke makes a strong move to the hole. PHOTO BY CHRIS MISCHLER
Tigers Outrun Panthers to Victory, 70 – 54 Serving Lunch & Dinner Mon. - Thurs. 11am-9pm Fri., Sat. 11am-10pm Bar Open Late
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On Saturday night, the Huron men’s basketball team traveled to “The Den” to take on the St. Mary’s Panthers. The Tigers expected to come out and run, but the real question posed by Coach Jeff Winslow was how his team would shoot. Thirty-two minutes later, he had his answer. Quite well, thanks to Collin Scheid, Matt Lehrer, and Brian Bollenbacher. Both teams, being small in stature, wanted to come out running and that’s exactly what they did. St. Mary’s opened the game in a 1-2-1-1 full court press then dropping to a 1-3-1 zone defense. Huron opened well offensively by hitting their first three pointer. But things could have gone badly for the Tigers as Panther’s Chad Schlett’s strong inside play led to three early inside baskets that Huron had no defensive answer for. Hu-
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ron starter Zach Grieves got into early foul trouble and played little through out the evening. All this helped St. Mary’s build an early 13–8 lead. Fortunately, Collin Scheid kept the Tigers in the game with some early scoring. At the end of the first quarter, Huron only trailed by one, 20–19. Guard Anthony Camella opened the second period with a steal and a breakaway lay-up to give Huron its first lead, 21-20. But it was short lived as the Panthers made a run to retake the lead, 26-23. The remainder of the first half can be summed up by an abundance of turnovers and poor shooting. Huron trailed at the half, 31–29. The second half saw Huron pick up its defensive intensity (playing a 2-3 zone at the outset of the 2nd quarter) that forced St. Mary’s into several turnovers. The Panther’s Schlett continued to play well to keep his team close, but halfway through the third period, the Tigers began to pull away. Huron outscored the home team by a 21-12 margin and at the end of the quarter, Huron led by seven, 50 – 43. The final stanza saw the Tiger’s defensive intensity continue to grow. Senior Matt Lehrer’s athletic ability helped stretch the visitor’s lead by scoring the bulk of his 16 points in the second half. With about a minute and a half left, Lehrer and Steve Bowers hit consecutive lay-ups to finally put the game out of reach. The final was 70–54. Statistically, Collin Scheid led the Tiger scorers with 19 points. Matt Lehrer had an outstanding all around game with 16 points and 12 rebounds, while sophomore guard, Brian Bollenbacher chipped in with 14 points of his own. Senior guard Anthony Camella led the Tigers with seven assists. Coach Winslow commented after the game that, “One of the majors keys to our victory was that we outrebounded them, especially on the offensive glass, by a 38–29 margin.” The Huron junior varsity also won this evening by the score of 54–40. Tigers Eric Volz and Joe Ramey led their team with a dozen points each.
Spotlight on Huron Swimming at the Blue Streak Classic Rt. 250 South - Go east on East Main St. 1st street on the right is Mill St. (on the corner is Bauer Heating)
21 Mill St. Norwalk 419-663-FOOD (3663)
Senior Colin Scheid makes an athletic move to the hole on his way to scoring a team high 19 points in Huron’s upset of the Panthers. PHOTO BY CHRIS MISCHLER
Blue Streak Classic Results The Huron girls swim team finished 3rd out of 8 and the boys finished 4th out of 8. Great job Huron Tiger Swimming!!! See all swim stats online at
Michael Fischer “flying” in his race to finish with a time of 1:14.23. PHOTO BY MICHAEL A. FOSTER
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 25, 2008
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 25, 2008
REAL ESTATE ES TATE Word to the Wise Prospective Homebuyer: Hold Off On Major Purchases Until After You Close On Your Home
By Scott Biechele, President, Firelands Board/Association of Realtors
Time and time again, it happens. A young couple will find the house of their dreams. The perfect three-bedroom, two-bath bungalow, with hardwood floors, a shiny updated kitchen and room for a workbench in the garage. The couple makes an offer, the offer is accepted and a closing date is set. They talk to a loan officer, who assures them they’ll be approved for a mortgage on their dream home. Then all common sense flies out the window. Two weeks before they’re scheduled to close on the house, the couple buys a new Jeep, a new riding lawn mower and new leather sofa and loveseat. As if all that weren’t enough, the husband quits his job and begins REALTY, INC working for another company, The couple seems surprised when the loan officer calls to tell them a final credit check performed three days before closing has uncovered the tracks of the $17,000 spending spree. And because of it, the loan officer tells, them, they no longer qualify for the home loan. (419) 627-1111 A sad story, and one that happens all too frequently.
Scott Biechele “A house SOLD name!”
STRAYER GROUP Bus: 419-433-3250 Cell: 419-357-0010 Toll Free: 866-433-3250 Email: 1805 E. Perkins Ave. Sandusky, OH 44870
If there’s one piece of advice I’d give to prospective buyers, it’s to HOLD OFF ON ANY UNNECESSARY PURCHASES UNTIL AFTER YOU CLOSE ON YOUR HOME. Most mortgage lenders use strict ratios of debt to gross income when they decide whether to award a mortgage loan. So, if you’re thinking of buying a home anytime in the next year or so, try to pay off your credit cards and stay out of the car, furniture, appliance and decorating showrooms, at least for now. And save your money. Trust me; you’ll still be able to find ways to spend it, AFTER you’re inside your new home. For more information about qualifying for a home loan, call the Firelands Association of REALTORS office or call a local REALTOR. They’ll be happy to help you budget for your new home, and when you’re ready, happy to help you find it.
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419-621-7225 4 419-433-5154, ext. 225 337 Ohio St., Huron Cozy with Updates $69,900. NNew carpet, fresh paint throughout. Large kkitchen with ceramic tile floor. Formal dining room. Two bedrooms plus loft upstairs. in GGreat location near schools, library, parks, ddowntown. 324 Wexford Dr., Huron A Home for All Seasons $257,900. 4-5 BR, 4 BA. Cape Cod. 3-season room, 2-tiered deck, brick patio, large back yard. BONUS ROOM over garage. First floor master. Basement w/full bath & SAUNA. 919 Strowbridge Dr., Huron Move in Ready$144,900. UUpdated 3BR, 2BA split level in Village GGreen. Bright kitchen with newer oak ccabinets. Original hardwood floors in bbedrooms. Lower level family room, bbath, spacious laundry, great storage. RReplaced windows, Large patio and ya yard. 115 Williams Street, Huron CHARMING COTTAGE! $149,900. Only steps to the park and beach! Completely renovated. 1st floor MBR w/2 BR’s up. Deck, sunroom, French doors. Quality throughout. 719 Tracht Meadows Dr., 7 Huron This One’s for You $279,900. 4 BR, 2 1/2 BA. Cathedral ceiling & fifireplace in great room. Lovely formal dining room. First floor masm ter. Large kitchen w/all appliances. te Huge rec/play area in basement. H
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Your Virtual Connection to Ohio’s North Coast HURON - 1361 CLEVELAND RD. UNIT B A Unique Personality. Wonderful and roomy 3-bedroom condo near the lake. Some of the treasures of this beautiful unit are 2 car garage and central air. Here is the very picture of ideal comfort! Now $159,706. Call Linda DeMarco (330) 819-8885. PERKINS - 4311 WALNUT CREEK Brick Beauty. Attractive game/media room in finished basement. Immaculate brick 4BR home with 1st floor master suite. 3 Car garage with workshop and an irrigation system are just a few of the amenities. Centrally located, close to Mall, schools and golf course. $524,700. Call Mary Anne Jeffrey (419) 625-4840. VERMILION - 100 GRAND HARBOR Lakefront Condo with Beach Access and Great Lake Views. Large rooms with 2 story foyer and living rm. Central air. Garage. Heated partial bsmt w/ workshop & bathroom facilities. Stunning landscaping. $249,900. Call Linda DeMarco (330) 8198885. HURON - 1206 LAGUNA DR. Waterfront – the Best of the Best. No Need to Look Any Further For Your Waterfront Home. This home has been completely remodeled from the kitchen to the family room. The neutral decor will match any of your furniture. After a fun filled day of boating tie your boat up at your private dock and then relax with friends and family on your deck complete with a pergola. $294,900. Call Rob Routh (419) 656-4000. HURON - 1623 W. CLEVELAND RD. You’re Just Gonna Love It! Lovely 2BR with 1-1/2 baths and 1-1/2 car garage. Hardwood floors and central air come with this good quality home. Priced better than many condos at $105,000. See it today; Call Gary Harmon, (419) 626-9313.
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Linda Armstrong REALTOR® /The A Team 1919 Sandusky Mall Blvd. Sandusky, OH 44870 Office: (419) 627-1996 ext 233 Toll Free: (888) 888-7362 ext 233
Linda Armstrong
1126 LAGUNA DR. BOAT DOCK AT YOUR BACK DOOR - HURON Fantastic waterfront setting, sweeping terraced lawn with mature trees. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room & dining room with cathedral ceiling, large open porch with sky lights plus sunroom. New roof, some new flooring, 2 fireplaces. Special offering $389,000
197 S. Main St. LARGE COUNTRY HOME.. MILAN On 2 acres in town with opportunity to purchase additional lots. 3400 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, many updates. Vinyl siding in 2006, all windows replaced. Roof 8 years old, screened sun porch. Kitchen remodeled 2008, ceramic tile floor. Master bedroom has 2 walk-in closets. Great storage throughout. 2nd floor bath connects to master, has newer Jacuzzi tub, separate shower. Large deck. 30’x21’ detached garage, office, family room plus twin parlors. Well maintained, many amenities. Just the one you’ve been waiting for. $299,900
79 Marina Dr. HHARBOR WATERFRONT CONDO SANDUSKY 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, lovely porch, fifireplace, appliances stay. Pool, tennis courts, exercise room. A great buy! co $$154,900
316 Orangewood Rd. SOMETHING SPECIAL - HURON Classic Colonial. 4 large bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Newer siding windows, exterior doors including garage doors. Great deck, some newer carpeting, sunroom, lovely yard. Charming family room with brick gas log fireplace with remote, bookcases. Basement. Many other updates. $194,500
1703 Paige Court TREAT YOURSELF TO A NEW HHOME WITH NO YARD WORK HURON TWP. Wonderful Pine Lake Condo, overlooks W pond. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, open floor p plan. Patio has pergola cover. Very nicely landscaped. Neighborhood pool. n Convenient location. $219,900
Please call Linda Armstrong 419-627-1996 ext. 233.