Area churches offer holiday events
Garden Club decorates library tree
Find out who’s playing this season
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uron Market
525 Cleveland Rd. 419-433-2499
December 3, 2009 VOL. 4 NUMBER 64
Huron Boat Basin Receives Recertification for “Ohio Clean Marina Award”
Around Town Page 2 —————— Church Chat Page 3 —————— Library, Parks & Rec & Gardening Page 4 —————— Sports Page 5-6 —————— Schools Page 6 —————— Classified
The Huron Boat Basin Marina has been recertified for the second time as an Ohio Clean Marina. The first ‘three year certification’ was issued on July 25, 2006 shortly after the statewide program was launched. Re-certification took place on November 2, 2009 for three additional years. The Clean Marina Award is an honor that is received when successfully completing the Ohio Clean Marina Program. “This is a voluntary program that certified marinas commit to environmental laws, rules and jurisdictions and take a more proactive approach to follow best management,” stated Colleen Wellington, Program Coordinator for the Ohio Clean Marinas Program. The program encourages a partnership between marinas and boaters to use innovative solutions to help keep the coastal and inland waterways in Ohio clean. Lake Erie is home to over 300 recreational marinas, of that 42 are currently certified as Clean Marinas, Wellington explained. “Huron City Council and our City Manager, Andy White have placed great emphasis on
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the 83 item checklist covering a variety management practices and environmental ethics. Other areas of the program include attending workshops, conducting self-assessments of marina property and scheduling site reviews with the Clean Marina Coordinator, Colleen Wellington. The Huron Boat Basin will be annually instructed by letter to voluntarily reaffirm their status by submitting a completed BMP Checklist to the Clean Marina Coordinator for review. Since “Clean Marina” sta-
tus has been achieved efforts are on-going to maintain the title. The Huron Boat Basin Marina was the first municipal marina in Ohio to achieve Clean Marina status. Three other Huron marinas, Harbor North, Holiday Harbor and Huron Lagoons have also obtained the Ohio Clean Marina Award. For a complete list or more information regarding the program log-on to: www. The Clean Marina Program is developed by The Ohio Sea Grant College Program. Ohio The partnership includes the Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Soil and Water Conservation (Ohio Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program), Office of Coastal Management (Ohio Coastal Management Program), and Division of Watercraft; Ohio Department of Health; Ohio Environmental Protection Agency; Ohio Department of Commerce, State Fire Marshall Division; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Lake Erie Marine Trades Association, Greater Cleveland Boating Association, local health departments, local fire marshals, and marina and yacht club owners and managers.
Fire Department Offers Holiday Safety Tips The City of Huron Fire Department is offering its citizens some safety tips for this holiday season: 1) When selecting a real tree for the holidays be sure to choose a live tree with fresh green needles that are soft and do not fall off if the tree is bounced on its trunk. Make sure to check the water level in the base of the stand daily and assure it is kept full. Remember that dry trees can burn rapidly in seconds (see video on the fire department Web site). 2) When selecting an artificial tree be sure
to look for a label stating “Fire Resistant” on the box. Although this does not mean it won’t catch fire, it does mean that it will resist burning. Remember to keep the tree a safe distance away from anything that produces a flame or heat. 3) When you hang decorative lights, remember to follow manufacturer’s recommendations for installing and proper use. Turn off all lights before going to bed or install an automatic timer switch. Replace any lights with frayed or damaged wires, as these can
start fires. Keep candles away from all decorations and never leave unattended. Check your smoke detectors to ensure that they are working properly and practice your home fire escape plan. For more information, safety tips, and a tree fire video be sure check the city of Huron’s Web site at Click on Departments, then select Fire & Rescue, then Public Education. The Huron Fire Department wishes you a safe and happy holiday.
“Christmas with Santa” One of Huron’s most popular events – Christmas with Santa – will be held from 3 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12 at the Huron Boat Basin. From 4 to 8 p.m., Santa and Mrs. Claus will be waiting to hear children’s Christmas lists. Once again, a coloring and craft area will be open where children can make and take a seasonal craft project home with them. The tradition of “Warm Hand from Young Hearts” will also be continued. Donations of gloves and mittens will be placed on a tree to be given to local families in need. There are several new additions this year to the “Christmas with Santa” event, which
is hosted by the Huron Parks and Rec Department: Be sure to bundle up for carriage rides around town from 3 to 8 p.m. and take the opportunity to get up close and personal with a real reindeer from 3 to 6 p.m. As the sun sets, the Boat Basin and City Hall will light up with luminaries. Community members are encouraged to help “Light up Huron” by displaying luminaries throughout their neighborhoods. Those who sponsored the event and are to be thanked are: Berardi’s Restaurant, Family Eye Care Center, Dairy Queen, Hartung and Associates, Arby’s and First Merit Bank.
Warm Coats for Winter Two Huron High School seniors – Brandon Poorman and Katie Thorne – are continuing a family community service their brothers started three years ago. “Warm Coats for Winter” is a community service program in cooperation with the Erie County United Way. The goal is to collect clean, gently used winter coats of all sizes to be distributed to neighbors in need
collected 250 coats in 2006. Brandon Poorman and Craig Thorne followed that up by collecting more than 440 coats in 2007; and Brandon Poorman and Katie Thorne collected more than 275 in 2008. Poorman and Thorne have placed collection boxes in several area businesses who have agreed to help with the program. These businesses are: Ace Hardware – 402 Cleveland Road East Chamber of Commerce- 509 Huron St. Huron Eagles Club – 2902 Cleveland Road West Latanick Equipment Inc. – 720 River Road Modern Dry Kleeners – 518 S. Main St. Other businesses who are helping to spread the word are Cameo Pizza, Domino’s Pizza and Huron Pizza House – by reminding their patrons with a flier attached to each of their orders. “Warm Coats for Winter” will run now through Dec. 20, when all coats will be collected and delivered to the Erie County United Way. within The United Way will then distribute the coats to the multitude of proErie County. grams within their care. With the help of the Brandon Poorman, Katie Thorne and the Erie County United Way community, Ryan Poor- are asking that everyone give generously this year as there seems to be man and Andrew Thorne an ever growing need within the community.
Page 7
prioritizing environmental practices throughout the city,” stated Doug Steinwart, Facility Manager of the Huron Boat Basin. “Their support has enabled us to commit the marina to the Ohio Clean Marina Program,” he continued. This accomplishment is possible by following the guidelines and completing
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 3, 2009
Around Town Youth Group Raises Money for Homeless
A Ban on Cellular Telephones, Texting, One, Both or Neither? BY JOHN T. MAJOY, ACTING CHIEF POLICE
On Tuesday, November 24, the Huron City Council had a public hearing on the topic of a proposed ban of driving while using cellular telephone and texting within the City of Huron. Specifically, the City of Huron is considering enacting a law that prohibits the use of a cellular telephone while driving, texting while driving, or both. The legislation was sent back to the Public Safety Committee for further review and will be presented to City Council again in the near future. As members of the public, your input is valuable and you have a voice. With that said, I am seeking input from the public on this matter. Do you think that the use of a cellular telephone while driving should be prohibited outright? Should the legislation enact a law that only bans texting while driving, or, should both be prohibited? The mission of the Huron Police Department includes creating a safe environment
for our c i t i ze n s a n d visitors. This includes enforcem e n t of traffic laws for the safety of motorists and pedestrians alike. We will diligently enforce any such legislation as passed by our governing authority to help maintain the safety of our community. Your opinion is indeed valued and we would like to hear from you. If you wish to voice your thoughts on this or any other matter, please feel to send an e-mail to the
On a recent cool November night, 54 kids spent the night outside in cardboard boxes to raise money for the homeless. The kids were members of eight area Lutheran church youth groups that raised $3,750 for Crossroads Homeless Shelter, with an additional matching donation from Thrivent Lutheran financial institute of $1,000. On Nov.14, the teens assembled a makeshift cardboard box city on the grounds of
Limited Edition Ornaments Benefit Bicentennial The “limited edition” ARTirondack Christmas Ornaments are now available for sale in celebration of Huron’s 200th Birthday. The ornaments are $8 a piece and proceeds will benefit a commemorative marker/plaque that will honor the bicentennial year. The Bicentennial logo is also the centerpiece of the Huron Chamber of Commerce’s 2009 commemorative ornament.
Top Scouts
The Invisalign system uses a series of clear, removable aligners to move your teeth over time to give you the smile you deserve.
The Captain Montague’s final tea luncheon of 2009 is at noon on Wednesday, Dec.16. As in the past, the Huron High School Troubadours – under the direction of Mr. Jeff Skaggs – will sing songs of the season. A portion of the cost of the luncheon is returned to the HHS Troubadours. Reservations are required due to limited seating, and can be made by calling 419-433-4756. Cost per person is $25.
call for your complimentary consultation
The top-selling scouts in the Cub Scout Pack 31, Huron, popcorn fund-raiser were recognized at the Nov. 23 pack meeting. The top sellers were: Nicholas Marksbury ($1205), Barrett LaVigne ($1010), and Marc Dieter ($925). Sixty Cub Scouts participated and sold a total of $21,200 in popcorn. Seventy percent of the sales dollars go to support Scouting. Cub Scout Pack 31 thanks the community for their support. Marc Dieter (left) and Nicholas Marksbury show off the prizes they earned as top-selling scouts in the Cub Scout Pack 31 popcorn fund-raiser. (Not shown, Barrett LaVigne)
Local Restaurant Helps Families Marconi’s Italian Restaurant in Huron raised a grand total of $7,943.33 for families in need by offering 50 percent of its food sales every Tuesday and Wednesday in November. Half of the money raised went to St. Vincent Depaul and the other half to the Huron Food Bank.
NOMS Healthcare welcomes
Gregory Gerber, M.D.
Published by Huron Press, LLC.
Huron Hometown News® SM TM 1992 P.O. Box 330 • Huron, Ohio 44839 Phone 419-433-1401 • Fax 419-734-5382 Published every Thursday
to their healthcare team.
Dr. Gregory Gerber is board certified in both physical medicine & rehabilitation and pain medicine. He will continue his practice as part of the NOMS Healthcare team and is currently scheduling September appointments at the new NOMS medical facility in Sandusky.
Editor & Publisher
General Manager/Editor
Assistant Editor
Dr. Gerber specializes in the treatment of:
Account Executive
Sports Editor
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Business Manager
Graphic Design
Contributing Editorial
Letters to the Editor, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Huron Hometown News are welcome. Please note: All letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Huron Hometown News, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage.
Cost of these frosted blue ornaments is $8.95. The ornaments will be on sale at the Huron Chamber office, Barnes Nursery and the Huron Boat Basin office, beginning Friday, Dec. 4. The popular Adirondack chair has been selected as the icon representing comfort and relaxation for many Huron residents. Don’t let your Christmas tree be without a little sign of summer!
Christmas Tea Luncheon Scheduled
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St. Paul Lutheran Church on Perkins Ave. They spent the night in their boxes and attended a soup kitchen inside the church during their stay. They were educated on the plight of the homeless by the coordinator for Crossroads, who came and spoke with the group. The group was able to experience a small taste of homelessness, as well as to share their Christian faith with the less fortunate through awareness, prayer and financial donations.
Delayed recovery and occupationally injured patients Musculoskeletal disorders Rehabilitation from neurological disorders Acute and chronic pain
Dr. Gerber will also perform EMG’s, trigger point injections, tatio on. IDD Therapy and physical rehabilitation.
Accepting New Patients. Call today for an appointment!
Gregory Gerber, M.D.
Physical Medicine & Pain Medicine ne
The Huron Hometown News is owned and operated by Huron Press, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Huron Hometown News and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Class liners and Retail ads closing @ Monday by 4:00 PM.
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Bradley P. Smith, MBA, FACHE, FHFMA, CMPE, Chief Executive Officer of Northern Ohio Medical Specialists (NOMS) Healthcare, has been recognized with a service award for his commitment to healthcare. The recognition was issued by the American College of Healthcare Executives and the Healthcare Executive Association of Northeast Ohio at their annual meeting on Nov. 12, held at the Cleveland Clinic Beachwood. The award was presented to Smith to acknowledge commitment to the healthcare management profession through the performance of activities and services that further professional excellence. He was one of four individuals in the chapter of nearly 500 members to receive this award for 2009. Smith was also recognized for having successfully recertified as a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives. Smith was notified recently that he had successfully achieved recertification as a Fellow in the Healthcare Financial Management Association and for recertifying as a Board Certified member of American College of Medical Practice Executives.
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 3, 2009
Church Chat Christmas Walking Tours New Life Church invites everyone to become a part of ancient history by traveling to Bethlehem as part of the church’s Search for the Christ Child walking tours. Travel back in time to a year when the Roman Empire ruled and the Prince of Peace was born in a small town called Bethlehem. New Life Church, 6511 Milan Road, just south of Bogart Road on Route 250, will be presenting the Search for the Chris Child through continuous walking tours from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5, and from 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6. Come and be a part of
the Christmas story during a 20-minute interactive walk, experiencing what it was like more than 2000 years ago when Jesus 2nd annual event will be at Lighthouse AsChrist was born. sembly of God Church 820 Cleveland Road Everyone will enjoy this journey as shep- east on Huron’s east side. herds guide you through Bethlehem. You The time and date is Sunday Dec. 6th at 3 pm. will encounter angels, innkeepers, King The concert will include 2 songs from each Herod, Wise men and more. Walk through participating church and 2 songs with all the the busy marketplace, where the atmosphere of the time comes alive with Roman soldiers, dancers and vendors. Encounter the serenity and peace of the Holy Family surrounded by angels and music. Please join the Huron United Methodist Church for A Ladies’ Christmas Coffee at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 5 (Doors open at 9:30 a.m.). The event will be in the Huron vited to join in the good German tradition, United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, which includes cabbage rolls and mashed and will include an Advent Devotion from potatoes along with green beans, salad, din- Rev. Roger. Christmas Cookies, Coffee, Tea ner rolls and desserts. There is a suggested and Mulled Cider will be served. donation of $5 per person. The meal is eatin or carryout.
Services Directory Christ Episcopal Church 120 Ohio St., Huron 419-433-4701 Sunday—9 a.m. and Adult Sunday School 10:30 a.m. First Presbyterian Church 225 Williams St., Huron 419-433-5018 8:30 Early Service 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Late Service Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church Kalahari Resort, Nia Convention Center Rt. 250, Huron 419-271-3934 Worship—Sunday 4:00 p.m. Holy Trinity Anglican Church 1608 St. Rt. 113, Milan; 419-499-3683 Rev. Dr. John C. Jordan Worship and Holy Communion—Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Huron United Methodist Church 338 Williams St., Huron 419-433-3984 On Sundays: 8 a.m. - Praise Service/Soul Anchors Praise Band 9 a.m. - Sunday School -Kindergarten thru Adult 10 a.m. - Celebration Service/pipe organ and choir 6:30 p.m. - Junior High Confirmation Class 6:30 p.m. - Senior High HYM Refreshments and Nursery are available all Sunday morning. Lifepoint 539 Cleveland Rd. W., Huron 419-433-4156 Sunday—10 a.m., and nursery available. Sunday school—10 a.m. for K-6th grade. “Grounded� youth group for grades 6-12—Sundays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. 3-5 grade Boys Youth Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. 3-5 grade Girls Youth Group—Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. “The Biggest Loser� campaign drive focuses on weight loss, new visitors and faith-
fulness in attendance. Call Pastor Brenton for more information. Lighthouse Assembly of God Church 820 Cleveland Rd. E., Huron 419-433-8889 Sunday service—10:30 a.m. Sunday school—9:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study--6 p.m. Sunday. Youth Group—6 p.m. Sunday Food Pantry—9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesdays; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursdays. Salvation Army Service Unit—10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursdays, by appointment only. St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church 15617 Mason Rd., Vermilion Rev. Dr. Karl Fry, Pastor 440-967-9886 stmattvermlcms Sunday School/ Bible Study 9:30 Ladies Bible Fellowship 9:15 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. St. Peter’s Catholic Church 430 Main St., Huron
churches together. The following churches are confirmed at this time are Huron United Methodist Church, Lighthouse AG Church, St. Peter’s Catholic Church and Christ Episcopal Church.
Ladies Christmas Coffee Event
Zion Hosts German Feast
Zion Lutheran Church, Huron is hosting a German Feast on Sunday, Dec. 6, following the 10:30 a.m. service. The feast will be served in the Fellowship Hall of the church located at 930 Main St., Huron, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The entire community is in-
Combined Huron Church Christmas Concert
Easy Christmas gift items will be for sale, including: Riverside Ringers Cookbooks, 145th Anniversary Cat’s Meow, God’s Creation Calendars, Card Sets and Notepads. The event is free and Open to the Public — Bring a Friend. Attendees are also encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item for the Golden Shopping Cart.
419-433-5725 Saturday—5 p.m. Sunday—8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The Chapel 4444 Galloway Rd., Sandusky 419-627-0208 Saturday service--5:00 p.m. Sunday service—9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group— Sundays 5-6:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group— Sundays 7-9:00 p.m. Latitude group ages 1829—Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 4511 Galloway Rd., Huron 419-626-9860 Bishop: Bill Reel Sacrament service—9:30 a.m. Sundays Family History Center Wed. 10 am-2pm, Thur. 9am-9pm, 1st & 3rd Sat. 9am-5pm Zion Lutheran Church 930 Main St., Huron 419-433-4711 Sunday–Traditional 8:00 & 10:30 am Contemporary 9:15am
The Vineyard on Catawba Holiday Tour of Lights December 4, 2009 5:30 - ??
Groff Funeral Homes Huron Chapel "OGART 2OAD s (URON s
NOMS Healthcare welcomes
Siva S. Nair, M.D.
to their healthcare team.
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HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 3, 2009
Library Huron Public Library Hours Mon. & Tue. 10 AM - 6 PM Wed. & Thur. 10 AM - 8 PM Fri. 10 AM - 5 PM; Sat. 10 AM - 1 PM Sun. Closed
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Did you know the Huron Garden Club decorates the Huron Public Library’s Christmas tree? Come in and enjoy their wonderful gift to the community! Need a holiday gift idea? Shop at the Friends book sale display for gently used best sellers in hard cover and “wrap” them in an environmentally friendly Huron Public Library book bag. Family Story Hour will be at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 9 at 6 P.M.. No registration required. The Second Thursday Seminar will be at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 10 at the Huron Public Library and will feature the viewing of the DVD Huron: My Hometown, Volume 2, an oral history project of the Huron Historical Society and the Huron Public Library. The interviews include Steve Bowen (Spending the Summer in Chaska); Marlene Gadd (Living in Rye Beach); Harry Kentus (Downtown Recollections); and Donna Klepper (Living Downtown and Old Homestead). The Teen Library Council (TLC) of the Huron Public Library will meet from 3 to 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 11. We will be putting on the final decorating touches for the holidays at the library and enjoying punch and cookies. Any member who would like to bring a snack may drop it off the night before the meeting. Call 419-433-5009 or email for more details. The Book Exchange will meet at the Huron Public Library at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 10. The Book Exchange
members will meet to plan next year’s reading list. Bring your title suggestions and a treat to share as this will also be a holiday party. Questions? Email huron@huronlibrary. org or call 419-433-5009. Open Play Chess for all ages at the Huron Public Library from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Chess boards are available. Bring a friend and play. Chess Instruction at the Huron Public Library from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Dec. 12. Drop in or call ahead so we know you plan to attend at 419-433-5009. Beginning Knitting at the Huron Public Library will be from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12. This class is for anyone fourth-grade age and older who is interested in starting or improving their knitting skills. Newcomers need to bring a pair of size 8 needles. Call 419-433-5009 or email to register. The Huron Public Library’s “Holiday Open House” will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 16. Stevens Puppets will present “Beauty & the Beast” at two shows: 5 to 6 p.m. and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for families with children 3 years & older. Registration is required and has already begun. Call 419-433-5009 to register. The Holiday Open House will feature Santa and His Elves, the Prize Wheel, Face Painting, and Refreshments served by the Board of Trustees.
Mary Ann Bevington (left) and Cindy Carruthers pack up donations from the Huron Public Library’s recent Food for Fines Week. The grocery cart was overflowing, thanks to the generosity of the Huron community. The donations are to be distributed by the Huron Food Pantry.
Parks & Rec Huron Parks and Recreation Office location: 110 Wall Street Mailing address: 417 Main St. Phone: 419-433-8487 Fax: 419-433-0470 Email: Website:
All Huron Parks and Recreation Programs require PreRegistration unless otherwise noted. Registration forms are available on the website or at our office. Please sign up early to avoid cancellation of programs due to low enrollment! Call our office for information or visit our website for details on programs. Indoor Soccer The Huron Parks and Recreation Department and the Huron High School soccer programs have teamed up to bring an exciting new soccer program “indoors” this year. The program will offer kids the opportunity to work on their skills, play small sided games and most importantly, have fun. Sign up now – sessions are filling fast. For additional information, call the office at 419-433-8487. Location: Shawnee Elementary Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays Time: 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Grades: K-6th grades K - 2nd grades – 5 p.m.-5:45 p.m. 3rd - 4th grades – 6 p.m.-
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• Star Trac® Fitness Equipment • Indoor Track (Ask About NEW Walking Membership) • Free Weight Area • Spinning • Pilates • Yoga • Cardio Body Sculpt • Total Body Sculpt Call • BootCamp to schedule your tour today! • Senior Strength Located in the new NOMS Building • Senior Aqua • Personal Training • Sport-Specific Training
6:50 p.m. 5th - 6th grades – 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Cost: $40/per session. Session I - Nov. 10 – Dec. 17 **K-2nd – Session I is full** Session II – Jan. 12 – Feb. 11 Session III – Feb. 23 – April 1 Winter Aerobics - Tuesdays & Thursdays 6 p.m.-7 p.m. at Woodlands Elementary. Cost: Residents $45 / non-Residents $50 per session. ($10 discount if you sign up for more than one session) Pre-registration required using the general Program Registration form. Session I- January 12-Feb 11 Session II- Feb 23- March 25 Spring Session- April 13-May 13 Summer planning begins now … Although the weather outside tells us winter is around the corner, Huron Parks and Recreation is thinking summer. In fact, the summer 2010 Boat Basin Brochure planning is well under way. As you may know, these brochures contain all the summer events at the Amphitheater: Boppin’ on the Basin, Movies by the River, and Arts at the Amphitheater. Many business sponsors have already confirmed their return for 2010 and at this time we are looking to add a few. The Boat Basin Brochure is a great way for you to advertise your business, as these brochures are mailed to residents, distributed at boat shows, and are available at local tourist destinations. If you are looking for ways to market your business or are just interested in supporting these events within your community, don’t delay as these brochures go to print in the near future. If this is something you are interested in, contact Doug Steinwart, facility manager of the Huron Boat Basin at 419-433-4848 as soon as possible.
Gardening Warm Winter Weather Problems? MARY STRAYER, MASTER GARDENER
Since the last six weeks have been unseasonably warm, it was time to do some investigation to find out if there really is going to be any problems in spring with our bulbs and other landscape materials. Research information was given to me from Zachary Rinkes, Extension and MORE! Educator for Erie County OSU Extension. Basically, the conclusion of this information is that it is very hard to really tell how much damage Northern Ohio Medical Fitness Center members are medically will be done to anything until winter finally supervised and trained by licensed professionals. does come – and spring reappears at it regular time. S o m e thoughts are first: If plants dorSubstantial evidence supports the belief that aren’t mant, the tiscenters owned by licensed physical thera- sues of the pists deliver better quality of care, and are plants are ADVANCED HEALTH OTHER LOCAL PROVIDERS absorbmore cost-effective, than therapy provided in still ing water, and Electrical Stimulation Therapy when they do clinics owned by others. ADVANCED $ $ 9.05 19.80 ➜ $39.75 HEALTH is the only local center owned & this, they will freeze and Ultrasound Therapy operated by licensed physical therapists. split come $ $ 8.96 19.80 ➜ $39.75 Our costs are up to 55% LESS than our cold weather. will efExercise Therapy Castalia, Huron & Sandusky Competition This fectively cut $ $ 18.36 23.40 ➜ $29.49 and up to 77% LESS than our Norwalk off the water the plant, Aquatic Therapy Competition. We provide a wide range of to and the plant $ $ 21.96 27.60 ➜ $35.79 Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy will die. S e c o n d l y, Manual (Mobilization) Therapy Services at 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS the buds that $ $ $ 17.72 22.20 ➜ 46.38 are being forced out Self Pay (Cash) Per Visit now will not $ 50.00 ? open at the *Costs for therapy procedures are estimated for private insurance carriers and what CASTALIA 419-684-5868 NORWALK 419-660-0876 correct time you & your insurance company could expect to pay. You should shop around for the spring. SANDUSKY 419-626-4162 in the best option reagarding cost and quality. The plant or
Therapy Centers Are Not The Same
shrub will have to produce a second set to have blossoms then. Sometimes this does not happen and you will see less blooms and less leaves this year, but if all is normal next winter, the following spring will be back to normal again. Check your gardens – the forsythia bushes are blooming in my gardens, dill seed is up, and parsley has begun to send up next year’s crop. Some things to consider are: Prune off the dead from the plants, but do not over prune this year. Give the plant space to grow. If you were planning to transplant it, don’t. Wait a year and do it then if at all possible, or do it early spring. Also, pay attention to the plants, especially ones that rabbits, deer or moles etc. care to munch on. If possible put a wire cage around these special plants, because the warm weather has awakened the ‘critters,’ and when awake they have to eat. Have you noticed the mole and ground squirrel mounds appearing in the yards again? Alas, they are awake and will start to do damage. There are also traps available to snare the critters, and it would be a good idea to use them if the weather continues to be above freezing. Lastly, there are concerns coming to me in emails about spring bulbs in gardens. Some of us have seen the foliage up out of the ground already, some as high as 4-6 inches. When this happens and then a freeze comes along, the flower stem will not emerge until later. It is when the flower stem is visible; there is concern about loss of not only blossom, but the bulb as well. You can mulch over any bulb that is barely showing by adding 2-3 inches of mulch and hoping it freezes fast enough to stop the flowering process. Here’s hoping all of this will pass quickly, and old man winter will come to us in Northern Ohio very soon. Happy Gardening. Special Note: Thinking about becoming a Master Gardener? Call OSU extension at 419627-7631 and sign up – classes begin later this month. Thanks.
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 3, 2009
Varsity Basketball Seated L-R: Jason Clevenger, Joe Ramey, Zach Grieves, Brian Bollenbacher, Eric Volz, Brandon Kreuger. Standing L-R: Coach Tom Kowaleski, Derek Dowell, Brandon Poorman, Max Jenkins, Steve Bowers, Jonathan Hicks, Head Coach Bobby James.
JV Basketball Seated L-R: Mitchell Hagstrom, Sam Hemker, Nick Butler, Drew Enderle. Standing L-R Cody Crandall, Kyle Pisano, Coach Darius Schaeffer, Eric Mentis, Brandon Johnson.
Freshman Basketball Front Row L-R: Sam Danillo, Zach Claus, Dan Stelzer, Nick Ruf. Middle Row L-R: Greg Baker, Derek Daigle, Trae Graham, Zach Hanley, Nick Stelzer. Back Row L-R: Coach Lucas Bauer, Colin McCready, Jake Justus, Aaron Diftmyer, Taylor Grove. Girls Basketball Seated L-R Coach Joe Anthony, Elle Justus, Devon Grendow, Sierra Ward, Head Coach Ty Ray. Standing L-R Alexis Lemar, Justine Butler, Lauren Volz, Gina Munafo.
Good Luck tigers! from
Varsity Cheerleaders Mackenzie Davis, Taylor Thatcher, Colleen Machovina, Nicole Luzader, Jennifer Fialka, Carissa Wright, Burgundy Bickley. 7KH 3ODFH :KHUH )UHVK 70 LV WKH 7DVWH
As your State Farm Agent, I am proud to support your dedication and commitment. Make this a season to remember. Go HURON! Bruce Miller, Agent 533 Cleveland Road West Huron, Ohio 44839-1539 Bus: 419-433-2711
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Foster Funeral Home * 2 & Crematory :D\QH 6DQG\ )RVWHU 2ZQHUV 'LUHFWRUV 410 Main Street, Huron, Ohio 44839 (419) 433-5225 â&#x20AC;˘ Fax (419) 433-3394
7 , * ( 5
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 3, 2009
at Sawmill Creek Resort Huron, Ohio Casual Dinner Menu 5:30 - 9:30pm All Entertainment 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Thur. Dec. 3 - Bear Lady's Night 5:30-9:00~DJ~Special Apps. & Drinks~Win Prizes Sat. Dec. 5 - Cruisin ~Black Bear Saloon Thur. Dec. 10 - Bear Lady's Night (same as above) Sat. Dec. 12 - Heart & Soul - Rock, Rhythm & Blues ~Black Bear Saloon Thur. Dec. 17 - Bear Lady's Night (same as above)
Three Huron High School Band members had the JV Cheerleaders Kneeling: Kathleen Fialka, Abby opportunity to play with the Ohio State Marching Storer, Emily King. Standing L-R: Rhilea Lombar- Band on Friday, Nov. 20. With OSU Alumni and dy, Kayla Koehler, Allison Scheid, Danni Czekaj, Huron High School Band Director Adam Ladd is Bryce Haase, Thomas Kyer and Ben Washburn. May Parrel.
Casual Bar Menu • Drinks • Dancing! 400 Sawmill • Huron, Ohio 44839 419-433-3800 •
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Wrestling Front Row L-R: Taylor Wysocki, Corey Lowery, Will Sams, Nathaniel Enderby. Row 2 L-R Zach DeVerna, Tre Bell, Dylan Corwin, Dominic Maschari, Josh Russo, Thomas Kyer, Mauricio Vasquez, Colton Roth. Row 3 L-R: Coach DeLamatre, Brady Freeman, Troy DeLamatre, Jordan Romick, Ryan McNulty, Zach Blodgett, Matt King, Michael Post, Coach Hamrock. Row 4 L-R: Coach Swanbeck, Head Coach Rob Majoy, Dakota Jones, Jeff Lyster, Austin Nosaluk, Ian McCready, Dillon Sampson, Coach Needham. Row 5 L-R: Nino Majoy, Austin Maddox, Kyle Miller, Rory Kaip, Jerod Blakely.
2012 Cleveland Rd. 3104 Milan Rd. Huron Sandusky 419-502-4348 419-609-9262
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PICTURES AND STORIES! Drop them in the Huron Hometown News mailbox at the Huron Chamber of Commerce office
Swim Team Front Row L-R: Megan McNulty, Allison Slocum, Kayla Hamilton, Brianna Franklin, Emily Ineson, Keily Balduff, Courtney Hart, Brynn Baaske. Row 2 L-R: Stephen Tomczyk, Rachel Stelzer, Cheyenne Kehr, Tyler Watson, Kerri Rogers, Sean Brady, Ben Wilson, Mason Prosser. Row 3 L-R: Head Coach Nick Douglass, Brooke white, Ryan Brownell, Rika Izumi, Elyssa Sherer, Devon Dickirson, Ikki Tanaka, Asst Coach Marylin Douglass. Stairs L-R: Alex Wisehart, Matt Rivera, Mason Mjoy, Matthew Buckingham, Jake Ramey, Josh Battiste, Morgan Mize, Lynsie Schwere.
School Lunch Menus
Huron St. Peter
Monday, Dec. 7 Chicken nuggets Whole wheat roll/margarine Curly fries Mixed fruit Milk Tuesday, Dec. 8 Walking taco salad Shredded lettuce Cheddar cheese Roll/margarine Salsa Mandarin oranges Chocolate G-force bar Milk Wednesday, Dec. 9 Pancakes Sausage links Potato wedges Applesauce Peanut butter and jelly graham crackers Milk Thursday, Dec. 10 Hamburger on bun Cheese/pickles (optional) French fries Bunches of grapes Apple G-force bar Milk Friday, Dec. 11 Domino pepperoni pizza Corn Bunches of grapes Popcorn milk
Huron Public Shawnee Elementary & Woodlands Intermediate Blue Week Monday, Dec.7 Chicken nuggets Whipped potatoes/gravy Buttered dinner roll
Hawaiian pineapple chunks Ice cold milk Tuesday, Dec. 8 Walking taco Beef/cheese/fritoes Hot kernel corn Frozen sherbet cup Ice cold milk Wednesday, Dec. 9 Mini corn dogs Sizzling French fries Animal crackers Seasonal fresh fruit Ice cold milk Thursday, Dec. 10 Cheeseburger on bun Assorted fresh veggies Ranch dip Pears and cherries Ice cold milk Friday, Dec. 11 Pepperoni pizza Garden salad Choice of dressings Applesauce Ice cold milk
McCormick Jr. High & Huron High School Blue Week Monday, Dec. 7 Assorted sandwiches Sizzling tater tots Fruit cocktail Chilled milk Tuesday, Dec. 8 General Tso chicken Fluffy rice Fresh green beans Buttered roll Mandarin oranges Chilled milk Wednesday, Dec. 9 Bosco bread sticks
Marinara sauce Garden salad Juicy pineapple Chilled milk
Thursday, Dec. 10 Fiesta sticks/salsa Fresh veggies/dip Baked chips Seasonal fresh fruit Chilled milk Friday, Dec. 11 Mini corn dogs French fries Sugar cookie Cinnamon applesauce Chilled milk
Ehove Career Center Monday, Dec. 7 Italian sausage sandwich Corn Assorted fruits Assorted milks Tuesday, Dec. 8 Johnny Marzetti Breadstick Side salad Assorted fruits Assorted milks Wednesday, Dec. 9 Bosco sticks Corn Assorted fruits Assorted milks Thursday, Dec. 10 Turkey over mashed potatoes Biscuit Assorted fruits Assorted milks Friday, Dec. 11 Bob Evans beef vegetable soup Soft pretzel Assorted fruits Assorted milks
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 3, 2009
Classifieds HOME SERVICES Painting ECT. Interior specialist, exterior, dry wall repair, wallpaper removal, 20 years experience, pressure washing 419-624-0383 Chuck Knight Painting tile-repair, home maintenance. Small jobs welcome Call 419-433-3162 WANTED TO BUY BUYING JUNK CARS 419-577-6405 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES A Cut Above Limousine 4 passenger Cadillac Escalade, heated Lazy Boy recliners. 13 passenger Ford Excursion. Reservations: 419-202-6446 **legally licensed and properly insured** Affordable Transportation Airport- Cleveland or Toledo$60. Akron- $85, Detroit- $99. City to city, $1.00/mile, $50 minimum. Up to 6 people. No smoking. Call 419-3591054 Available 24/7 FOR RENT Office suite for rent in Huron Includes utilities and other amenities. Convenient and pleasant location. 419-357-3435 Vermillion Lake Front Cottage 2 bedroom furnished. Short term, possibly longer. Includes cable and water. No pets or smoking $795.00/mo. 1st month and deposit required 419-706-8005 SERVICES CLOCK REPAIR: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We Come to Youâ&#x20AC;?- Factory Authorized service. All types- Antique and Modern. JIMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Mobile Clock Repair. 440-865-2808â&#x20AC;? House Cleaning Affordable and reliable house cleaning. References available. Call Gina for more information 419-433-0415 Piano Tuning and Repair. Same low prices. 419-691-0524 FURNITURE FOR SALE GIRLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BEDROOM FURNITURE Full/Queen Headboard with Frame, Nightstand, Dresser with Mirror, Chest of Drawers, Desk with Hutch & Chair, Very Good Condition, Best Offer, 419.433.2804 before 9:00 PM. Title top round oak dinning table with four chairs. 60â&#x20AC;? oval with leaf. Excellent condition, must see. Call Jim 419357-8052 MISC FOR SALE For Sale 7 1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; revolving, prelit Christmas tree. Used twice $75 419-439-3217 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Work from home No inventory or selling products 100% risk free ADOPTION PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? You choose from families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6292.
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Tying the knot?
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Huron Hometown News, P.O. Box 330, Huron, Ohio 44839. !Engagement !Wedding !Graduation Photo Submitted? !Yes !No
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Are the parents announcing the event? !Yes !No
Name (Bride or Graduate)_____________________________ Daytime Phone_______________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Names & Address(es)_____________________________________________________ Schools Attended (indicate if graduated)_____________________________________________ Degrees Earned, Military Service___________________________________________________ Place of Employment (include city & state)___________________________________________ Name (Bridegroom)_________________________________ Daytime Phone_______________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Names & Address(es)_____________________________________________________ Schools Attended (indicate if graduated)_____________________________________________ Degrees Earned, Military Service___________________________________________________ Place of Employment (include city & state)___________________________________________
HURON HOMETOWN NEWS | Thursday, December 3, 2009
2900 Windsor Bridge Circle Huron, Ohio 44839