The Beacon - December 3, 2009

Page 1

Open house at wildlife refuge, bird observatory Page 6A

Basketball spotlight Pages 1-5 B

THE FREE Since 1983


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Ottawa County’s Largest Circulated Newspaper Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.



Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid Port Clinton, Ohio Permit #80

Waterworks Park

TELLTALES City staying one step ahead BY JOHN SCHAFFNER

One of our favorite holiday traditions here at The Beacon is The Mitten Tree, where our readers bring us gloves, mittens, scarves, stocking caps and all sorts of clothing designed to help keep needy heads, hands and hearts warm this winter. The Mitten Tree is looking kind of bare right now, so let’s start bringing in some decorations for it … OK? ——— We had 107 correct entries in our Find Wylie contest last week. Rosalie Robson, of Oak Harbor, found Wylie in the ad for OE Meyer Co. in last week’s Beacon. She wins a $20 gift card from Friendship Food Stores. We’ll hide Wylie again this week. If you find him, drop us a note at our office or click on the Find Wylie icon online at Clarence Balduf, also of Oak Harbor, was selected from 66 entries in our “Win it on the Web” contest and he too won a $20 Friendship Food Stores Gas Card just by clicking on the “Win it on the Web” icon on our Web site. ——— Ottawa County Senior Resources will hold tits Holiday Open House and Resource Fair from noon to 3 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4, at 8200 W. Ohio 163 in Oak Harbor. Local seniors and the community are invited. They will have hors d’oeuvres and beverages and raffles and a silent auction to benefit the Senior Activity Committee are planned. For information, call Senior Resources at 419-898-6459. ——— The annual children’s Christmas party at the Marblehead Fire Department will be 2 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6. Santa will be there, along with games, crafts and snacks. Everybody is welcome! ——— I got wind of a Web site where you can write customized Christmas cards designed by kids, and have them sent overseas to our troops in Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world. The Web Site,, is sponsored by Xerox. I checked it out and it appears legit. Try it! ——— The Christmas gift wrap center opens today and will be in operation through Christmas Eve in Marblehead this year. It is located at 5681 E. Harbor Road next to the Marblehead Chamber of Commerce office. Hours are 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Wrappers are taking donations for ARC of Ohio — an advocacy agency for people with disabilities and their families. To donate boxes, ribbons, bows or tape, or for information, call Cathy at 419-260-3949. ——— The public is invited to the annual Holiday Benefit Brunch at the Nor’Easter Club from 9 a.m. to noon Sunday, Dec. 6. The event is a tradition that began back in the 1980s by the late Nate Buchantz when he managed Mon Ami. Nate carried on the tradition after he opened Nate’s Restaurant in the ’90s. The price is $8.95 for adults and $4.95 for kids 10 and under plus a non-perishable food item.

Site plan ready to be sent to developers Port Clinton city officials are making efforts to be one step ahead of the market when it comes to developing Waterworks Park. A new site plan has been created for the area and a company has been hired to clean up the Waterworks building. The six-page plan — prepared by Kinzelman Kline Gossman, of Columbus, and consultant John Alschusler, of New York City — includes guidelines for accessibility, use and infrastructure. According to Mayor Debbie HymoreTester, the plan will be sent out to developers in the first or second quarter of next year, depending on the market. The mayor said the plan calls for a mixed-use development which includes a hotel and convention center and retail and residential space with a focus on public access and connectivity to the downtown area. “A goal we all have is to stimulate our downtown,” she said. “I think (the plan) gives some guidelines and principles about what we want to see down there but we’re still open-minded enough to see what developers will bring to the table.” The plan also calls for all development


To view the six-page site plan in its entirety, visit proposals to support a marina on the northern portion of the site. Hymore-Tester said city officials continue to work with Coastal Management and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to

secure stimulus funds to help build the marina. Also in the works is the two-stage abatement of asbestos and lead from the Waterworks building which will begin Dec. 7.

Take a pet home for the holidays

Carlos Mincheff, Oak Harbor Athletic Boosters president; Kim Dusseau, B-C-S school board president; Keith Thorbahn, Oak Harbor High School principal; Diane S. Kershaw, B-C-S superintendent; Ron Overmyer, BC-S school board; Anne Arnold, B-C-S treasurer; and Gary P. Macko, president and CEO of The National Bank of Oak Harbor.

Digital sign up and running at OHHS OAK HARBOR — Representatives from The National Bank of Oak Harbor, Oak Harbor Athletic Boosters, BentonCarroll-Salem Board of Education and school administrators recently gathered on the front lawn of Oak Harbor High School to commemorate the completion of the installation of the new, state-ofthe-art digital sign. The full-color, high definition sign is fully programmable and features include high resolution animated graphics, built-in time and temperature, the ability to schedule messages up to one year in advance and adjustable power supplies which will extend the life of the sign. “I’m looking forward to utilizing the sign,” said Keith Thorbahn, Oak Harbor

Inside This Week… Sound Off .......................2A Good News Musings .....2A Beacon Bits ....................4A Records ...........................5A Around Ottawa Co ........6A Schools ...........................8A

Waterworks Site Guiding Urban Design Principles

Entertainment ................9A Basketball preview ........1B Classified ........................6B Business .........................7B Financial Focus ..............7B Real Estate Transfers .....8B

High School Principal, “it will provide an essential means of communication between the school and its community, parents and students.” Funding for the purchase of the sign was made possible through private donations as a collaborative effort between The National Bank of Oak Harbor and the Oak Harbor Athletic Boosters, as well as the Oak Harbor Music Boosters and the OHHS Student Council. “The bank made this donation in celebration of its 75th year serving the Oak Harbor community,” stated Gary P. Macko, president and CEO of The National Bank of Oak Harbor. “We are happy to end this special year with the installation of the school sign.”

The Humane Society of Ottawa County and have set a goal to place all pets in homes for the holidays. The Humane Society of Ottawa County is participating in the national “Foster a Lonely Pet for the Holidays” pet fostering program. Across the country, more than 13,000 pet rescue organizations are trying to empty their kennels for Christmas, encouraging members of the public to invite a pet home for the holidays. The Humane Society of Ottawa County is happy to answer questions about the program for people interested in making this Christmas a happy holiday for a pet in need. If you are interested in welcoming home a pet for the holidays, call 419-7345191. The Humane Society of Ottawa County will provide all needed supplies. There is an average population of 12 adoptable dogs and 150 adoptable cats. You can review all of the pets online at The goal is to have each of these pets into a home by noon Dec. 20. For information, contact Kim Saunders, vice president of at 908810-1976 or Megan Feicht, vice president/ shelter manager, at 419-734-5191. Visit www. Petfinder. com or stop into the Ottawa County Humane Society to find a pet for the holidays.

Women’s shooting clinic coming up The Oak Harbor Conservation Club is holding a Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinic Jan. 25. The Women On Target program helps create opportunities for women by encouraging, educating and mentoring women new to recreational shooting and hunting sports. Pre-registration for the event is required but there is no registration deadline for this event and it is free to participate. For information or to register, contact Ralph Burnstine at 419-734-3751 or The con-


servation club is located at 975 S. Gordon Road. Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics allow women to learn all about firearms, and to gain confidence in newly-acquired shooting skills. Clinic topics address instruction on the safest way to handle a firearm, proper storage of firearms, and how to shoot. Clinics typically feature instructions for novices, loaner guns, plenty of safety instruction

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Dear Editor: A note of thanks and appreciation to everyone who attended, provided baked goods, donations of items, time, money, talent and effort. Your contributions resulted in the success of the Stitak Family Musical Benefit. Special thanks to the following, listed in no particular order: Pat Adkins; Ralph Moore; Susan Cairns; Rod and Kathy Miller; Greg and Carol Fox; Touch of Class; the many student volunteers; Cambridge Band; Kathie Meek; Amy Kelly; Scott and Missy Cross; Kelley Baxter; Gloria Alvarado; Port Clinton Music Boosters; The Port Clinton Orchestra Family; The News Herald; The Beacon; Roy, Jill and Logan Martinez; Ron Nisch and the Trainwreckers; Frankie Bickel and Friends; The Crissinger Band; Bergman Farms; Center Stage; Randy Lipstraw; Coffee Express; Community Market; Drawbridge Marina; Cutting Edge; Jami Camp; Jen Rakocy; Judi Bermeister; Becky Fahey; Dupp’s; Beck Suppliers; Brian Beck; Gabriel Anthony’s; John and Hel-

en Jean Rofkar; Jolly Roger Seafood House; Kroger; Mary’s Blossom Shoppe; Mary Snyder; Otto and Urban; OurGuest Inn; Mike Sneider; Sassy Sal; Scramble Gram; Shore Side Pizza; Shore Nuf Charters; State Farm, Trish McCartney; Wal-Mart; Ala Carte; Arby’s; Mr. & Mrs. Pelz Marcey Helton; Small Beginnings; Lisa Dresser; Ashlee Mincer; Tim and Gayle Rink; Hot Air by Steve; Dr. Stephen Pero. Blessings and Gratitude, Chairwomen Jenny Caoleman, Sheree Quan

The Beacon


Sound Off

Dear Port Clinton Family and Friends: We wanted to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your outpouring of love and support on Nov. 15. This is an event that we will always remember. It was incredibly humbling to see all of the people who participated in various ways. Students and parents volunteered, musicians played, singers sang, silent auctions and bake sales took place, school officials and community members came. Some were not able

to come, but made a contribution to the event. We feel it appropriate to thank Jenny Coleman, Sheree Nisch-Quan and all the people who had a hand in organizing and working the event. To see a community come together to support us during this time was absolutely beautiful. It is still overwhelming to think about! I would also like to acknowledge all of the love and support we have received form the start of the school year, when the diagnosis was first made known. Many people have prepared meals for us (we really like to eat!!!), gave gift cards, wrote notes of encouragement nd offered up many many prayers. We covet your prayers as we know that our Lord is our only hope. In this season of giving thanks, we want to give thanks for all the people of Port Clinton for all that you have done for us. This is truly a wonderful community. We are eternally grateful for your support and give thanks to God for you. May you be blessed this holiday season. Brian, Nancy, Natalie and Nikki Stitak

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dear Editor: To call a person naive for believing that the richest nation on earth could provide health care coverage for all its citizens seems naive of that person. When 32 other countries do have universal health care, including countries such as Slovenia, Cyprus and South Korea, one would think that the United States could do as well. If we feel that our government is incapable of doing this, perhaps we should remember who elected these people. After all, we citizens hold the ultimate power — our vote. How can we justify huge tax cuts that mainly benefited the wealthy? How can we continue to fight two wars without raising taxes to cover the cost? I guess it’s a matter of priorities. For me, providing health care for all our people is a moral imperative. One can call me naive, but that’s not an answer to this health care dilemma that is on the way to bankrupting our country. I guess turning one’s back on it is one way. I call that heartless. Nancy Beadle, Marblehead

Good News Musings BY KURT BOROWS

Twenty years ago, on the 25th anniversary of my ordination into the ministry, my wife gave me a beautiful money clip with an inscription commemorating that occasion. I have treasured that gift through the last two decades. Then two weeks ago the clip turned up missing. It is irreplaceable because of the personal meaning it held for me. The feelings brought back memories of the time my wife Linda used her writing skills to win us a cruise to the Bahamas — a cruise that proved to be my favorite vacation. Late on Thursday evening, as our

plane landed in Cleveland, the excitement of the cruise was still with us and all was right with the world. Our joy was about to be altered moments later when we went to claim our luggage. Everything was so wonderful until we discovered one of our suitcases had not arrived with us at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. As luck would have it, the missing suitcase was the one with all our souvenirs — all the pictures we had purchased on the ship, all the pictures we had taken ourselves, and every other memento we had of our wonderful vacation. Perplexity. Frustration. Few experiences are more frustrating than losing something that has real intrinsic value to you — a money clip cherished for what it represents — the momentos of time spent together. Obviously, with the lost luggage, the sense of loss had very little to do with little pieces of paper worth a dollar or less — a lot to do with the memories cap-

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Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc.


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Publisher JOHN SCHAFFNER Editor

ANGELA ADAIR Accountant CINDY CONSTEIN Graphic Design JENNIFER DAUBEL Director of Advertising CONNIE ROBERTS Circulation Manager BRUCE DINSE

Account Executives RICH RIEDMAIER BERT FALL Display classified Ad Specialist DONNA BECKER Classified Ad Specialist CHARLENE DEYOE Editorial

VIRGINIA PARK CHRIS MCBAIN-BERRY Facility Manager MARY ALICE SCHAFFNER The Beacon is published every Thursday and is circulated free to the public, via US Postal Service under Permit #80, as well as by independent carriers. The Beacon serves, and is mailed to the communities of Port Clinton, Lakeside/Marblehead, and Oak Harbor, as well as Catawba, Danbury, Portage, Erie, Bay, Benton, Carroll and Salem Townships in Ottawa County. Letters to Sound Off, our readers’ opinion forum, news releases and your comments as to the operation of The Beacon are welcome. Please note: All Sound Off letters and/or letters to the editor, intended for publication, must be signed by the writer and include a phone number (for verification purposes only). Photos and materials submitted for publication are to be considered property of The Beacon, unless otherwise specified. Materials to be returned must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proper postage. The Beacon is owned and operated by Schaffner Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, president. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Beacon. The Beacon and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Real Estate, Class liners close Monday by 12pm and Retail ads close Monday by 4:00 PM.

tured in the pictures on those little pieces of paper — memories to be treasured and revisited each time we looked at those pictures ... memories to be shared with family and friends as we showed the pictures to loved ones. Irreplaceable pictures and mementos whose value could not possibly be measured in mere dollars and cents. Though the money clip was worth more, still its ultimate value lay in what it represents. In search of the money clip, I have revisited every place I went that Sunday morning. In search of the lost luggage, like the woman in Jesus’ Parable of the Lost Coin, we tried to shed light on every possible place the luggage could have been misplaced. We tried to make a clean sweep of every possibility, and to seek diligently until we found it. How many airline departments did we visit before leaving the airport? How many long distance calls did we make to various airline departments? A lot. I knew I had transferred all of our luggage from the cruise ship to the airport. Still I second-guessed myself and called the cruise line. No stone unturned.

TARGET, from 1A and positive reinforcement in a fun atmosphere. “This program is open to women who have little or no experience in pistol shooting. This event is based on basic pistol shooting where safety is our main goal,” said Michelle Woods. Women On Target was developed by the National Rifle Association in 1999

Our sense of loss deepened over the weekend as the luggage failed to show up and we felt the longer it was missing the slimmer the chances of finding it. We were running out of people to call and places to check. You know the feeling I’m talking about. We’ve all been there. Monday morning, the phone rang, and a cheery voice at the other end of the line said, “Hello, your suitcase has been found and will be delivered by an airline courier tomorrow.” We called the kids and Linda’s mom real quick to tell them everything was found. Later, distributing the gifts and sharing the pictures and videotapes with family and friends had an extra quality to it because all we shared and showed had been lost and was found. This year as we say our holiday prayers, let us be truly mindful of the irreplaceable things and the memories and feelings they represent. They too are blessings from God who loves us so truly and deeply — and bountifully.

with the idea that there are many women interested in leaning how to shoot but are made uncomfortable by the classic view of the shooting sports being dominated by men. Women On Target allows women to come together and learn to shoot, or improve their shooting, in the company of like-minded females. The program is appropriate for teenagers and up. Women On Tar-

get clinics have been held in 46 states and more than 200 are put on each year. Thousands of women have been introduced to shooting sports and hunting from the program. A list of additional Women On Target hunts and shooting clinics is maintained on the program Web site at wot.asp.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I The Beacon


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The Beacon


Thursday, December 3, 2009


Thanksgiving is over and right before the holiday the weather started to turn a bit colder. On Wednesday, Nov. 25, I didn’t wear a coat to work, but perhaps I should have because it was brisk. Still there were geraniums in great bloom and some other flowers (especially petunias) looking mighty good. At lunchtime that day I went to the Ida Rupp Library and got three Grace Kelly movies. Her first, “High Noon,� with Gary Cooper is a classic. I also got “Rear Window� and “Dial M for Murder.� It is a testimony to the enduring quality of these films that they are still on the shelves at our local library! In “High Noon,� the young and virginal-appearing Grace Kelly plays a Quaker bride, much younger than her husband as portrayed by Cooper. He is the marshal; she believes in non-violence, so at her insistence he is giving up the post and they are going to manage a store. In one of the opening scenes they are married and the drama of the entire movie takes place on their wedding day. Interestingly Kelly’s name takes only fourth or fifth place in the movie’s list of actors. But the moment she comes on screen there is a luminescent quality about her that captures attention. A sultry and beautiful Katy Jurado has better lines, and more depth of character. But it is definitely Grace Kelly who steals the show. Nearly everyone knows the basic plot: Five years ago the marshal had arrested a vicious murderer and the man had been sent to prison. Now his three henchmen are back in town waiting for his arrival on the noon train. When he arrives their intent is to seek vengeance and kill the marshal. The bride wants to get out of town fast; her husband decides he must face the gang, but no one except a 16 yearold boy will agree to be deputized to help him. Amy, the

bride, says that if her husband decides that he absolutely must fight, she must leave him. In the end, though, she decides to stay with her husband. In fact, she herself fires the shot that kills one of the gang’s men, and the marshal polishes off the other three. The townspeople gather round to congratulate the marshal. He throws his badge in the dirt at their feet and the newly married couple leave town. Finis. Good movie. I found the background music (which won an Academy Award) to be horribly distracting. Gary Cooper won the Academy Award for Best Actor. “Rear Window� was directed by the great Alfred Hitchcock. In it, Jimmy Stewart is a professional photographer who has a broken leg, is in a cast and is barely able to move. He spends nearly all his time watching neighbors through their windows in an adjoining apartment building. Thelma Ritter plays his nurse and Grace Kelly is his socialite girlfriend. The multiple stories going on in the various apartments are easy to follow even though the viewer actually hears very little dialogue from them. Across the way is a man (Raymond Burr) with a nagging, demanding invalid wife. The wife suddenly disappears mysteriously and the Jimmy Stewart’s photographer character suspects that the husband has killed her. At first the nurse and girlfriend dismiss this theory but eventually both become believers. The three of them work together to prove the other man’s guilt. Finally in a sinister ending (which is pure Hitchcock) the truth comes out and the murderer is satisfactorily disposed of. In a final scene, all the loose ends from the ongoing stories in the various apartments are tied up in a style that could happen only in a motion picture. My opinion: “Rear Window� moves a little too slowly and is just a little too predictable. Yet, for its time (decades ago) it was truly a gem and remains a classic today. “Rear Window� and “Dial M for Murder� are both Alfred Hitchcock works, again in the realm of truly classic movies. Vegging out and re-visiting these old-time goodies seemed like the thing to do on a long holiday weekend and I did enjoy them. I also chose to watch “The High and The Mighty,� a really good John Wayne flick. It was great. I’ll write more about them another time. ——— Here is one of my favorite tips for the holiday season. Choose one dish to take to every potluck and party to which you are invited. This may not sound like such a wonderful idea but I do assure you that it will save you both time and money. I already chose my selection for this year. It’s old-fashioned white beans fixed with bacon, onions, catsup and brown sugar. I’ve purchased all the ingredients (my recipe starts with canned beans) and, believe it or not, I’ve even fried 3 pounds of bacon, cooled it, divided it into bags and put them in the freezer. This makes the dish a breeze to put together when it comes time to go to a party. No muss, no fuss. Put it together, bake it and it’s ready to go. ———

The Toledo Museum of Art has extended the Chihuly Toledo! exhibit of glass art (by the famous glass artist, Paul Chihuly). The exhibit is proving immensely popular. It will be in through Feb. 7. It includes rare glass works and sketches and paintings by the artist. If you want to see some of the images, visit tsharpe@toledo Also, “Paris, City of Art� depicts Parisian art in the Hitchcock and Stevens galleries at the museum. So this is a great time to visit there. ——— Mark you calendar for “Christmas on Catawba� on Saturday, Dec. 12. It features the work of local artists, crafters, entertainers, and bakers. Cuisine items will also be offered. Thirty vendors will feature their work. The show is from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Community Hall, Northwest Catawba Road. Proceeds from the table rentals will benefit The Human Society. Admission is free but a donation to help the Human Society to take care of its stray animals is asked. And speaking of the Humane Society, I recently read a list of suggestions about nutrition for pets, at least for dogs and cats. It was in the “Life Line Screening� newsletter. Some of the tips were these (paraphrased here): s 9OUR VETERINARIAN CAN RECOMMEND A GOOD FEEDING schedule. s $ON T OVERFEED $OGS SHOULD BE FED TWICE A DAY #ONTROL the portions. s $OGGIE hTREATSv SHOULD COMPRISE NO MORE THAN PERcent of the daily food intake. s #HECK THE LABEL FOR INGREDIENTS AND TO MAKE SURE YOUR pets are getting balanced meals. s $ON T SWITCH PET FOODS ABRUPTLY )F YOU RE CHANGING TO a new brand, mix it in gradually to avoid giving your pet an upset tummy. ——— I saw a lot of Christmas decorations going up around and after the Thanksgiving holiday. My neighbors Dean, Yvonne and Dalton Anderson already had hundreds of yards of lights along the fences at their house when I went home after dark on Tuesday, Nov. 24. ——— Roseann Park Hickman has purchased the shop, “Perfect Color� on North Madison Street and renamed it Perfect Color Hair and Tan. She’s going to have regular hours and the business will be a hair and nail salon as well as a tanning establishment. She has four tanning beds and one stand-up tanning booth. And, oh yes, message therapy is also available. Perfect Color Hair and Tan has been open for business everyday. Times are Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Roseann and her family are doing some renovation and re-decoration. Stop in to see her. She would love to greet you.




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Thursday, December 3, 2009


The Beacon

OBITUARIES Marjorie Priesman Wiersma

Jan. 22, 1931 — Nov. 27, 2009 Marjorie A. Priesman Wiersma, 78, of Oak Harbor, died peacefully Friday, Nov. 27, surrounded by her loving family. She was born in Oak Harbor on Jan. 22, 1931, the daughter of Cyril and Dorothy (Jacobsen) Franck. A 1949 graduate of Oak Harbor High School, Marge also was a graduate of Bowling Green State University. She was a teacher for Port Clinton City Schools at Bataan Elementary School. Marge was an

active member of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Oak Harbor, where she sang in the Senior Choir for more than 60 years. She also served on many committees at the church and was the treasurer of Oakwood Manor in Oak Harbor. Marge was a volunteer at R.C. Waters Elementary School, Oak Harbor, through the Ohio Reads Program, and was a member of the Red Hat Society. She greatly enjoyed spending time with her family and attending their many activities. On June 29, 1956, she married William E. Priesman, and he preceded her in death on July 18, 2001. Marge married Vernon J. Wiersma on Oct. 5, 2008, and he survives. Also surviving are her sons, James W. (Sherry) Priesman and Thomas E. (Kathy Dusseau) Priesman, both of Oak Harbor; daughters, Margaret A. Huckaby, Fairfax, Va., and Dorothy M. Priesman, Oak Harbor; step-sons, Timothy K. (Sue) Wiersma, Fremont, and Matthew T. Wiersma, Greensboro, N.C.; step-daughter Jenelle M. (Jim) Sullivan, Toledo; grandchildren Nicholas, Zachary, Curtis and Paige Priesman; step-grandchildren Patrick, Thomas and Becky Wiersma, Joseph and Eva Sullivan, Adam Willer and Carly and Brie Wiersma. She was preceded in death by her parents; brother Robert W. Franck; and son-in-law William Huckaby. The family will receive friends from 2 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at Crosser Funeral Home, Oak Harbor. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Thursday at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Oak Harbor, with the Revs. Keith Hunsinger and David Tinker officiating. Interment will be in Union Cemetery, Oak Harbor. Memorial contributions may be made to the Senior

Lukac- Myers

Barbara Jean Ahrens and Eugene Hermes were married in the Immaculate Conception Church by the late Rev. Earl Schmidt on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26, 1959, following a family tradition of a Thanksgiving Day wedding. Eugene served in the U.S. Army from 195759. Their children are Kevin Hermes and Julie Hermes (Thomas) Fontana who both reside in Port Clinton. Their grandchildren are Nikolaus and Katherine Fontana. Step-grandchildren are Tiffany Fontana (Shawn) Jones, Amanda Fontana (Cory) Tucker and Ryan Fontana. Eugene retired from the Ohio Turnpike in 1999 and Barbara retired as the Clerk of Board of the Ottawa County Commissioners in 2000. Since retiring, they enjoy spending time with their grandchildren and buying and selling antiques. Barb and Eugene will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a family party in February 2010 as this will mark the anniversary of when they met to attend a Valentine’s Day dance.

Dole — 50 years

William L. and Patricia A. (Chaffin) Dole celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, Nov. 14, with a renewal of their wedding vows after the 5 p.m. Mass at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, with the Rev. John Missler officiating. They were married on Nov. 14, 1959, at Immaculate Conception by Rev. Karl A. Brand. This renewal ceremony was attended by the couple’s loving family: Stephen and Elaine (Dole) Muncey; James and Susan (Bauman) Dole; Dr. Kip and Carol (Dole) Bidwell; grandchildren Elizabeth and Amy Dole and Courtney, Kristin, Kaylee and Kyle Bidwell; and Patricia’s sister Jean (Tom) Bergman, who was her maid of honor. Grandchildren Jamie Dole, Adam Dole, Ray Muncey and Sarah Muncey were unable to attend. Immediately following the ceremony, the couple’s children hosted a dinner at Damon’s Restaurant in Sandusky. Afterwards they gathered at the Dole home on Catawba for a dessert party and an intimate evening of gift-giving and sharing of family memories. Bill and Pat would like to thank their many friends who sent congratulatory cards to commemorate their day. Their thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.

Choir or the Endowment Trust Fund of St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church. Online condolences may be shared with the family at

Jacquoline L. Ames

March 26, 1928 — Nov. 20, 2009 Jacquoline L. Ames, 81, of Geneva, and formerly of Port Clinton, passed away Friday, Nov. 20, 2009 at Austinburg Rehabilitation Center, Austinburg. Funeral services were Monday with interment in Riverview Cemetery, Port Clinton.

Ashley Wilson

Died Nov. 26, 2009 Ashley Nichole Wilson, 21, died Thursday evening at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center in Toledo as the result of injuries sustained in an auto accident. Funeral services were Wednesday with burial in Riverview Cemetery.



Hermes — 50 years


Amy Suzanne Lukac and Tyler Joseph Myers exchanged wedding vows on Saturday, Oct. 3, at St. John Lutheran Church, Port Clinton. The Rev. James N. Lehman officiated. Parents of the bride are James Lukac and Patricia Lukac, Danbury Township. Parents of the groom are Timothy and Sharon Myers, Ashland. Grandparents of the bride are Joan Lukac and Kenneth and Katherine Limestahl, Port Clinton. Grandparents of the groom are Kenneth and Arlene Myers, Nova, Ohio, and Delbert and Portia Gribben, Ashland. The bride was escorted down the aisle by her father James. The bride wore a white satin A-line gown with beaded embroidered metallic bodice and inverted V empire with a cathedral train. Amy’s veil was borrowed from her sister-in-law, Tiffany Young. The bride wore a pearl necklace that belonged to her great grandmother, Pauline Limestahl. Maid of honor was Melissa Lukac, twin sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Emily Blackburn, sister of the bride; Tana Myers, sister of the groom; Amanda Faretta, friend of the couple; and Ashley Henninger, friend of the

couple. Best man was Chad Riffel, friend of the couple. Groomsmen were Justin Blackburn, brother-in-law of the bride; David Gray, friend of the couple; Stephen Lukac, brother of the bride; and J.R. Keener, cousin of the groom. Flower girl was Raegan Blackburn, niece of the bride. Wedding guests attendants were: Tiffany Young, sister of the groom, and Marie Gluth, cousin of the bride. Bubble attendants were: Brooklyn White, cousin of the groom and Nathen Lukac, nephew of the bride. Readers in church included: Jan Gluth, aunt of the bride, Carol Mack, friend of the couple and Tiffany Young, sister of the groom. A reception was held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church Hall, Marblehead, for 300 guests. The wedding cake was made by the groom’s grandmother Arlene Myers. The bride had a surprise groom’s cake made by Linda’s Cake Decorating, which was a block “O,” since they are both graduates of The Ohio State University. The guests enjoyed BBQ chicken at the reception which was prepared by Barrett Zimmerman, Clyde FFA Advisor and the students. Amy completed her student teaching at Clyde High School with the Agriculture Program.

Amy is a 2005 Danbury High School graduate, 2007 graduate of The Ohio State University Agriculture Technical Institute, Wooster, and a 2009 graduate of The Ohio State University. She has a bachelor of science in agricultural education. Amy was employed at Lighthouse Antiques in Marblehead for the past seven years. Tyler is a 2004 graduate of Mapleton High School and a 2007 graduate of The OSU Agriculture Technical Institute, Wooster. Tyler is employed by The Brickman Group. The couple will be honeymooning at a later date and residing in Hilliard, Ohio.


The Beacon


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Around Ottawa County Senior Resources Open House and Health Fair Dec. 4


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Seniors and all county residents are invited to the second annual Senior Resources Open House & Health Fair from noon to 3 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4. The event will spotlight 24 senior service providers who are available to provide services to the seniors of Ottawa County. In addition, Senior Resources staff will be available to explain the services offered by Senior Resources. The event will be held at the main office

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Open house Sunday at wildlife refuge, bird observatory

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Visit Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and Black Swamp Bird Observatory and celebrate the “wild� holiday season from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6. Join Refuge and Observatory staff for family-friendly nature activities, discounted holiday shopping, book signings, and more. Visit both sites and be entered to win a Long-eared Owl print by Louise Zemaitis.

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Laurene Giesler, of Elmore, recently created a beautiful piece of artwork for the Ottawa Soil and Water Conservation District. The District took that artwork one step further and had full-color cotton throws created. Money raised from the sale of the throws will go support various district programs. The throws are available for anyone to purchase at the office for $50. Featured on the 60x70 colored cotton throw are: Artist Laurene Giesler (left) with Ottawa Soil & Ottawa National Wildlife Water Conservation District Board Chairman, Refuge, Marblehead Light- Rich Thorbahn. house, Ottawa County Bilocated at 240 W. Lake Street, Oak Harbor, Centennial Barn, Bald Eagle to view this beautiful creation. Limited and Agriculture. Call 419-898-1595 or stop in at our office throws are available.


Magruder Hospital auxiliary to host breakfast



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For information about this event, visit or call 419-898-0014. Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge is 16 miles west of Port Clinton on the north side of Ohio 2. Black Swamp Bird Observatory ( is located just east of Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge at the entrance to Magee Marsh Wildlife Area.

Ottawa SWCD throws available for Christmas

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location at 8200 W. Ohio 163 in Oak Harbor. Refreshments and beverages will be served. The event will also feature the famous “Chinese Auction� with proceeds benefiting the Ottawa County Seniors’ Activities Committee. Those interested in attending or who need information about Senior Resources can call 419-898-6459 or 877-8986459.

The Magruder Hospital Auxiliary will host a free breakfast program to welcome the newest Auxilians as well as guests and interested members at 9 a.m. Monday, Dec. 14, in the Magruder Conference Center. Currently the Auxiliary has more than 250 members and the volunteers donate more than 11,000 hours of service each year to the hospital. Come learn about the Auxiliary and what it does for the hospital and the community. Auxiliary members help with two major fundraisers for the hospital: the Charity Ball and the Auxiliary Golf Classic.

They also provide healthcare scholarships to local students and host A Day For Me, the annual women’s health seminar, as well as help with book fairs and uniform sales at the hospital. No matter the level of interest or experience, the Auxiliary has something to offer everyone. Anyone interested in attending the breakfast is asked to RSVP by Friday, Dec. 11, to Magruder’s Auxiliary/Volunteer Coordinator Linda Sprenger at 419-734-3131, ext. 3140.

Golden Key International Honour Society inducts Walter C. Wehenkel

Firelands Regional Medical Center Ranks

Walter C. Wehenkel III of Port Clinton has accepted membership in Golden Key International Honour Society and was honored during a recent induction ceremony at the University of Toledo. “It is only fitting that a top academic achiever like Walter to be recognized by Golden Key,� said John W. Mitchell, Golden Key’s Chief Executive Officer. “Our members are inspired and motivated not only to achieve exceptional academic accomplishments, but also to make a positive impact on our world through the society’s commitment to service.� Golden Key International Honour Society is the world’s premier collegiate honor society, with more than 1.7 million members and more than 360 chapters in the United Sates, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa and Dedicated exclusively to the the United Arab Emirates. practice of Vascular Surgery, the The global nonprofit orgaVascular Surgeons at Firelands nization provides academic have over 45 years of combined recognition to top-performexperience in vascular surgery, ing college and university offering a full breadth of students, as well as scholminimally invasive and surgical arships and awards, career treatments for: and internship opportunities, networking, service ! Peripheral Artery Disease and leadership development ! Leg Pain/Swelling Caused opportunities. Membership by Bad Circulation into the society is by invita! Varicose Veins and Chronic tion only, to students in all Venous Insufficiencies fields of study. Golden Key ! Treatment of Deep Vein was founded in 1977 in AtThrombosis lanta, Ga. The society is a ! Carotid Artery Disease member of the Association ! Aneurysms of College Honor Societ! Dialysis Access Procedures ies. For information about ! Chemotherapy Access Golden Key International Procedures Honour Society, visit www.

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The Beacon

Participants in an oral history workshop met at Ida Rupp Public Library in Port Clinton Nov. 17 to read and discuss results from their work this fall. The workshop consisted of three sessions that followed the interview process through recording, transcribing and assessing. Members of On Page and Stage, a project of the Ottawa County Historical Society accepted new interviews of John Fritz, by Bob Bredbeck; Thelma Hopfinger Thomas, by Jeanne Wonnell; Darrell Opfer, by Nancy Beadle; and Paul Rofkar, by Sally Williams. Jeanne Huskey is working on an interview with Nancy Harris, and will interview Violet Behrman with Jeanne Wonnell. Wonnell will then interview Huskey, a Port Clinton native and former mayor of Port Clinton. Kathy Leonard has planned an interview with Marian Stephens, a descendant of Benajah Wolcott, and widow of long-time Ottawa County Sheriff Clarence Stephens. On Page and Stage members commended the participants for the quality of their work. The interviews will ap-

First-graders invited to join Daisy troop

pear in a fifth volume of “The People of Ottawa County� scheduled for publication early next year. Proceeds from sales of books help fund the next publication. The holidays are coming, so consider these volumes for gift-giving. Volume III, “Across the Townships� ($15) and IV, “Threads and Textures of a Tapestry� ($18) are currently available in Oak Harbor, at Great Scot Community Market; Genoa, at Ivy’s Vine; Lakeside, at Lakeside Heritage Society Archives; Put-in-Bay, at Lake Erie Islands Historical Museum; and Port Clinton, at Green’s Pharmacy. They may also be ordered from Richard Taylor, 23685 W. Walbridge Rd., Curtice, OH 43412, 419- 836-7449, by adding $3 per book for shipping charges. On Page and Stage is a county-wide project which welcomes suggestions for new individuals to be interviewed or for volunteers to help with the oral history program. Contact Peggy Debien, Helen Frye, Catharine Pfeiffer, Janet Stephenson, Sally Williams or Nancy Dunham at 419797-2244 for information.

Miss Vacationland


~ Yankee Candles ~ Jody Coyote ~ Groovy Girl Dolls

Just in time for Christmas

~ Sweaters ~ Ahava ~ Jim Shore ~ Reef ~

Oral history project continues

Sweaters ~ Ohio State ~ Webkinz ~ T-Shirts

Thursday, December 3, 2009


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All first-grade girls in the Port Clinton School District are invited to join the Girl Scout Daisy first-grade troop. The group will meet Tuesday nights from 6 to 7 p.m. at St. John’s Church on Adams St. The next meeting is Dec. 8. For questions, call Troop Leader Heidy Blohm at 419797-3133.

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Danbury Township Trustees At the regular meeting of the Danbury Township Board of Trustees held Nov. 24, the following business was conducted: • Jim Dress reported his department is continuing with crack sealing and berming as weather permits. • Police Chief Mike Meisler reported 226 incidents month to date in November. • Dianne Rozak reported CPR and AED refresher training and first aid training was well attended by employees. • Zoning Inspector Rhonda Botti Sowers reported nine Jacquelyn Nichols, of Warren, won a $1,500 permits processed month to date November. She also scholarship and the title of Miss Vacationland reported the Zoning Commission will hold a hearing on 2009 along with a $250 scholarship for Lifestyle Dec. 2. & Fitness in the Miss Vacationland Scholarship • Trustees will send a letter to the prosecutor regarding Pageant held in Port Clinton Saturday. repairs needed on the Meadowbrook boardwalk. • Trustees agreed the recent propane delivery from Beck Suppliers will be paid at the same rate as the contract price with Myers-Des. Once the supply is exhausted, Dress will contact Beck to remove the tank and Myers to install the new tank. • Trustees approved updated employee and supervisor performance review forms. • Price quotes for a new road department truck were discussed again. Trustees will continue to review options available under the DAS State Purchasing program. • Further discussion was held regarding First Energy Solutions Powering Our Communities Program. Upon learning the County Commissioners are seeking further information, trustees agreed to wait until the commissioners reach a decision about the program. • A nuisance complaint was filed by Dawn Leahy and Sandy and Michael Barnhart regarding property owned by Robert Christiansen at 1802 Bayview Drive. Trustees and the Zoning Inspector will visit The Ottawa County Holiday Bureau will the property. • Trustees approved conbe collecting the mittens December 8th. tracting with and expenses for the services of a visiting fiscal officer at an amount not to exceed $1,000. • Trustees approved additional engineering expenses to BEC Associates in the amount of $1,648 for revising the location of the grant-funded Meadowbrook Phase 2 trail. • Trustees approved a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $15,000 from General Fund, Administrative, Trustee’s Staff to General Fund, Zoning, Other Salaries for the purpose of funding Board of Zoning Appeals and Zoning Commission members pay as employees. • Trustees approved an advance of $30,000 from the General Fund to the LWCF Grant Fund. The amount will be repaid to the General Fund upon reimbursement from the LCWF grant. Chuck DeVore Steve Gulas • Trustees reviewed the winter newsletter. • Bills in the amount of $113,882.93 were approved. • Department heads were asked to submit their 2010 budgets to the trustees by the end of the year. • Following the regular meeting, outgoing Fiscal Officer Rhonda Botti Sowers swore in newly elected officials Shelley Seamon, 134 East Second Street - Port Clinton Dave Hirt and Charles Scott.

Gold Silver Coins Currency

Highest Prices Paid in Area Catawba Sporting Goods 2268 N.W. Catawba Rd. Port Clinton, OH Wed.-Sat. 11am-5pm Call Bob 419-797-2412 or Dwight 937-302-6852

Warm Hands . . . Warm Hearts! rd 23 Annual Mitten Tree





The Beacon’s traditional Mitten Tree has been set up in the front office of The Beacon, 205 S.E. Catawba Road, Suite G. We are asking residents to bring in or send new pairs of mittens, of any size, to hang on our Mitten Tree. The Ottawa County Holiday Bureau will distribute these mittens to needy families in our area. (New gloves, scarves and socks are also accepted.)


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Member SIPC

Community Internet Links Auctioneers

Greg Peiffer -


Bumbera Design -

BBQ & Caterers

Bar-B-Que Bills Ribs & Chicken Shack Bar-B-Que Traveler, Inc. - Grandma’s Back Yard Barbeque

Boat Haulers

Dave’s Marine Transport

Chambers of Commerce

Marblehead - Oak Harbor - Port Clinton - Put-in-Bay -

The Beacon


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Schools School helping students abroad OAK HARBOR — There was a need to be filled. There was a call to service. There was a ¾-ton pickup. When Christian Resources International contacted the staff of St. Boniface School to ask if they had any educational materials they were no longer using, the school was very willing and able to help. Linda Hartigan talked to St. Boniface students about CRI’s mission to collect old school textbooks that are often thrown away when a school updates a teaching series. CRI then sends the old books to teachers and missionaries in developing countries where the availability of educational resources is almost nonexistent. Hartigan told the students of one pastor who was so desperate to have teaching material he traveled 800 miles in hopes of receiving one book for his teachers to use with their students. Having changed its reading series this year, St. Boniface had many materials they were happy to contribute. After the presentation, the students filled the pickup with 48 boxes of textbooks, workbooks, teacher’s manuals and bibles to be taken to the CRI transport spot in Genoa. Shipping costs are extremely expensive and CRI is appreciative of any donations to help defray this expense. Anyone wishing to donate to CRI should check the Web site St. Boniface Catholic School serves students in grades K-5 of all religions, racial, ethnic and income backgrounds. For information on the curriculum, admissions policies and registration, contact the school office at 419-8989-1340 or visit

Linda Hartigan and St. Boniface students with a full truckload of donated educational materials.

Celebrating Thanksgiving BY MICHAEL CEJER, SIXTH GRADE STUDENT The kindergarten students of Pat Seibert at Immaculate Conception School had a Thanksgiving Feast where teachers and the sixth grade students celebrated the meaning of Thanksgiving. The students began by welcoming the sixth-graders with the beating of a tune on their homemade drums and singing songs, reciting poems and using sign language to sing one of the special songs. Then it was off to the feast. Students and teachers alike feasted on cheese, crackers, vegetables, fruits, meats and homemade cornbread. As everyone sat down to eat, they were served delicious apple cider and fun turkey-shaped straws. After finishing the feast, students ran outside to play. Kindergarten students dressed for the occasion in Indian headdress, Emmett Gillman, Gabe Scott, Annabelle Barna, Mi- paper bag vests decorated with Indian symbols, and wore wampum beads. chael Garber, Robbie Perez, and Emma Schrader

PC City Schools Flagship Award winners

Commercial & Industrial Painting Contractors May Painting Inc. -

Community Action


Community Builder

United Way - 211 - Barb Drusbacky, Port Clinton Board of Education, with Flagship Award recipients Brenda Bagovich; Dale Trent and Craig Carr, Lake Fish Company; Troy Diels; and David Belden, board president.


Wrights General Contracting


The Giving Tree -


Wrights Electric -

Emergency Assistance

Red Cross - Salvation Army - Underwater Recovery Team -

Employment and Training Services

Northcoast Jobs Connection (The Job Store)


Firelands Mechanical -

Hair Salon

Hair Quarters -

Heating & Air Conditioning

Firelands Mechanical -

Local Government

City of Port Clinton - Ottawa County - Village of Oak Harbor -

Massage Therapy

The Kenny House -

Mental Health Addict. Svc.

Mental Heath Recovery Board -

Mental Retardation/Develop. Disabilities Ottawa County Board of Mental Retardation

Mentoring Big Brothers-Big Sisters -

Non-Profit Health Care

American Cancer Society - Stein Hospice - Ottawa County Health Dept. -

Painting Contractor

PaintNoMore, LLC -


Mike’s Taxidermy -



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The Flagship Awards are part of Port Clinton City School District’s recognition program to honor parents, community members, staff and students that help the district fulfill its motto of “Proudly Charting a Course for Success.” At the Oct. 26 meeting, the Port Clinton Board of Education recognized the following individuals with Flagship Awards. • Troy Diels, Captain Award — Diels is an integral part of the Port Clinton Middle School as well as the entire Port Clinton City School District. He always demonstrates professionalism, integrity, commitment and school spirit to teachers, students and parents. Whether he is serving in his role of dean of students, assistant athletic director or basketball coach, he is always an advocate for children. Diels works tirelessly for the betterment of the entire school and because of him Port Clinton Middle School is a safer and more structured environment for students. • Brenda Bagovich, First Mate Award — Brenda Bagavich QUALITY SERVICE AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE! is a parent volunteer at Bataan Memorial Elementary School. CLEANING CHIMNEY REBUILDS & RESTORTION Last school year, she spent the entire year helping teachers in INSPECTION CHIMNEY RELINING the computer lab. She was instrumental in establishing the Red CAPS CROWN REPAIR WATERPROOFING INSTALLATIONS Cross Pint TUCKPOINTING HEARTH ACCESSORIES Size blood drive last year as well. Eighty-five parents donated CALL FOR AN IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT blood and 55 percent were first time donors. Bagavich works during book fairs, picture day and has previously served as a member of the districts’ Citizens visory Committee. The students and staff of Bataan Memorial Elementary School are appreciative of all Brenda’s commitment to children and education. • Dale Trent & Craig Carr, Lake Fish Company, Crew Award On Aug. 21 there was a perch fry held at True Lay Stadium to benefit Redskin Rebuild to finance the cost of equipment !"#$%&'($%#$)(&"$&*$+,("-$./"0&1&/-$&2$3(*0",/20/",4,56$(2-$720/"2(4$ for the new weightroom at 8/-&.&2/#$$9/$:&44$;,&2$0</$)=8%$5/2/"(4$*>"5/"6$0/(?$,@$!"*#$9>0.<&*,2A$ True Lay Stadium. B4,,*$(2-$C<"&*0&(2$&2$+,0<$D/44/'>/$(2-$%(2->*E6# Dale Trent and Craig Carr, owners of Lake Fish Company, donated 400 pounds Dr. Nair specializes in the following gastroenterology of perch for the pre-game procedures: fish fry. These two men and !" Colonoscopy (procedure used to check for cancer or a group of volunteers cooked precancerous growths (polyps) in the colon or rectum). perch for the dinner raising !" Gastroscopy (procedure used d for the diagnosis of upper digestive thousands of dollars. What tract diseases) most don’t realize is they also ERCP!"(diagnostic test used to identify stones,, stayed all night in order to tumors, or narrowing in the bile ducts) feed the players on both Port PEG !"(surgical procedure for placing lacing a tube Clinton and Bellevue teams. for feeding) This not only showed support !" Liver Biopsy for our Port Clinton Student athletes, but the Bellevue coaches, players and parents Appointments: were also impressed and apNew NOMS Medical Facility, Sandusky (419) 419) 502-3520 41 preciative. We doubt they will forgot the hospitality shown Bellevue (419) 483-6655 5 to them in Port Clinton. Port Clinton student athSiva S. Nair, M.D. letes are very fortunate to !"#$%&'($)*+(%&,#-)$"(.)($"/"0*-)) have the support of the community Trent and Carr’s generous donation — plus the ef1112."3-%$-24"3 fort of standing by fish fryers for hours on a very hot eveGASTROENTEROLOGY ning — shows their commit5677&82&9)$:;&<%2=&9)(2&5>7&?&9#.%:-@A&&!"BC77&82&D#*.&9)$(()&?&!(//(E:(& ment to our students.



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Thursday, December 3, 2009


The Beacon




Christmas on Catawba Magruder earns to benefit Humane Society accreditation Imaging Services

Proceeds from this year’s “Christmas on Catawba� — a local art and high-end craft show — will benefit the Humane Society of Ottawa County. Christmas on Catawba will be 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Community Hall on Northwest Catawba Road in Catawba Island Township. Christmas on Catawba will feature local art and craft talent and provide the community with a unique holiday shopping opportunity. Available to purchase at the show will be paintings by Rosemary Schramm, oil paintings by Rick Dziak, Lake Erie-related watercolor prints by Jim Siemer, Catawba Island photography by George Krejci, watercolor Christmas cards by Pat Bristley, beach glass and driftwood artists, handmade jewelry, wood carvings, fish rubbings and more unique items offered by Catawba Island area artisans. There will also be holiday entertain-

ment, bake sales and food and beverages. The Humane Society of Ottawa County will be on hand with a few adoptable animals dressed for the holidays. Everyone is welcome and admission is free with a donation to the Humane Society. The Humane Society is in desperate need of cat food, litter, bleach and other items. Any of these are welcome as a donation for admission, including monetary gifts. Tables are still available for artists and vendors at a cost of $15/each plus a donation to the Humane Society of Ottawa County. Musicians and other entertainment also welcome. For information, contact Andrea J. Elliott at 440-7248382 or e-mail For information on the Humane Society of Ottawa County, visit

Magruder Hospital’s Imaging Services Department has again been awarded a three-year accreditation in mammography, as the result of a recent survey by the American College of Radiology. The survey was the result of Magruder purchasing its new digital mammography technology in July of this year. The ACR awarded Magruder its accreditation for the achievement of high practice standards after a peer-review evaluation of its practice. Board-certified physicians and medical physicist conducted the evaluation. They assessed the qualifications of the hospital’s personnel and the adequacy of Magruder’s equipment. The surveyors reported their findings to the ACR’s Committee on Accreditation, which provided Magruder with a comprehensive report, and notified the hospital of its accreditation achievement. The ACR is a national organization serving more than 32,000 diagnostic/interventional radiologists, radiation oncologists and medical physicists with programs for focusing on the practice of medical imaging and radiation oncology and the delivery of comprehensive health care services.

FIND WYLIE! Each week Wylie is hiding somewhere in The Beacon. Tell us where you find him. A winner will be chosen from the correct entries.

NAME:___________________________ PHONE:___________________________ DATE:____________________________ AD WYLIE FOUND IN:________________

Decorating for the holiday Residents and staff of The Vineyard gathered Nov. 20 to see the tree to which they had all contributed ornaments for Mon Ami’s annual Tree-a-Rama. The theme this year was “Santas� and the tree turned out as beautiful as ever. Pizza was served for lunch, and then everyone watched as the decorated tree was loaded onto a truck and driven around the corner to Mon Ami.

PAGE NUMBER:_____________________ EMAIL:___________________________


The actual Tree-a-Rama auction, which benefits the Salvation Army, is 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6, at Mon Ami. The annual Holiday Tour of Lights at The Vineyard on Catawba takes place at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4. The public is invited to this free event, featuring sleigh and carriage rides, Santa and Mrs. Claus, and homemade treats and beverages.



Choral Society holiday concert in PC The Sandusky Choral Society will be presenting its 73rd annual Christmas concerts Dec. 4 and 6. The Friday evening concert will take place at 7:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 135 Adams St., Port Clinton. The Sunday afternoon concert will take place at 3 p.m. at Grace Episcopal Church, 315 Wayne St., Sandusky. The chorus will be presenting “A Star to

Get Gold Cash Roadshow coming to FRMC The Firelands Regional Medical Center Auxiliary will sponsor Nusinov’s famous Get Gold Cash Roadshow for three days beginning Tuesday, Dec. 8 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Wednesday, Dec. 9 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Thursday, Dec. 10 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Get Gold Cash Roadshow will be held at Firelands Main Campus, 1111 Hayes Ave., Sandusky. Get instant payment for your unwanted, broken or scrap gold, silver and platinum. During the first day of the event, sell your items and be eligible to win a camcorder. Proceeds will benefit hospital projects and our patients.

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Follow,� by Douglas E. Wagner. Director for the society is William K. Kraus. Organist is James E. Gardner. A reception will follow each concert in the church fellowship hall. Tickets are $5 and may be purchased from any chorus member or at the door the

There’s a




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Thursday, December 3, 2009


The Beacon



2009-2010 SCHEDULES


Redskins look pretty good ... on paper BY JOHN SCHAFFNER Eight players on the team … eight lettermen return from a team that won 13 games a year ago. The media and Sandusky Bay Coaches all agree, the Port Clinton boys varsity basketball team should be the team to beat in 2009-2010. But, then again, they haven’t played any games as of yet. Troy Diels’ fifth season at the helm of the Redskin basketball program just might be his best. His teams have posted four consecutive winning campaigns. For the past two seasons, the Redskins went with a youth movement, and Diels is hoping this is the year it all pays off. “It wasn’t a complete shock to the kids or the staff that we would be picked to finish first,” said Coach Diels last week. “It doesn’t mean anything until you go out and perform and win games. We are not where we need to be yet with our play, so we have some work to get done before taking the floor on December 5.” The Redskins open against Tiffin Columbian at home Saturday. Leading returnees include 6’6” senior Ryan Hicks, who was First Team All SBC a year ago. He will be joined in the paint by 6’4” senior Josh Francis who was Sec-

ond Team All SBC last year. Two other seniors are on the team, 6’ guard Cory Brown and 6’2” swingman Allen Tigner. The juniors on the squad are 6’3” Derek Colston, 5’11” Josh Graves, 6’1” Robert Fravel and 6’2” Eric Reynolds. Colston and Brown were SBC Honorable Mention in 2009. About the veteran nature of his team this year, Diels says “it has been a while since we have had this many juniors and seniors playing. We are looking forward to our experiences over the last two seasons paying dividends for us.” With such a loaded squad, Diels knows that there will be a big red target on

PC’s backs this season. “I think we will be challenged every night we take the floor,” said Diels. “We will always get everyone’s best shot. We need to be ready for it and play a consistent brand of basketball every night we take the floor. Consistency and focus will be important keys for us.” The Redskins are hoping to get off to a faster start than they did last year, when they dropped three of their first four games. Following the Saturday night opener with Tiffin Columbian, the Redskins travel to Clyde to open the SBC season Dec. 11. They return home the following night to play Woodmore.

Ladies gear up for tight season BY JOHN SCHAFFNER It was an inauspicious beginning for Coach Toby Bickel and his team last Saturday, as they opened their 2009-2010 season with a heartbreaking 47-46 loss at Woodmore. PC carried a 31-28 lead into the fourth quarter after trailing by a point at the end of the first half. However, thanks to a bunch of free throws late in the game, Woodmore managed to outscore the Lady ’Skins by 4 in the final stanza to claim the victory. Last year, many thought that Bethany Buchanan had the potential to be a special player for Bickel’s team. She struggled at times, as did her team last

Dec. 5 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 17 Dec. 19 Dec. 23 Dec. 29 Jan. 4 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 26


6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m.

GIRLS VARSITY Nov. 28 Dec. 1 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 22 Dec. 30 Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 12 Jan. 15 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 28 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 20


1 p.m. 6 p.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 1 p.m. 6 p.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 6 p.m. 1 p.m. 1p.m.

HOME GAMES ~ Away games See REDSKINS, 5B

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Dec. 5 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 20 Feb. 23 Feb. 26

Old Fort EMMANUEL CHRIST. SSMCC Northwood Bettsville Gibsonburg Fremont St. Joe CARDINAL STRITCH Maumee Valley TOLEDO CHRISTIAN Ottawa Hills Emmanuel Christian SENECA EAST NORTHWOOD Cardinal Stritch MAUMEE VALLEY Toledo Christian OAK HARBOR MARGARETTA OTTAWA HILLS

7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

GIRLS VARSITY Nov. 27 Dec. 1 Dec. 5 Dec. 8 Dec. 10 Dec. 15 Dec. 19 Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 14 Jan. 16 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 13 Feb. 18


7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 1 p.m. 6 p.m.

HOME GAMES ~ Away games

BY J. PATRICK EAKEN Danbury boys basketball coach Joe Miller enters his eighth season with a 91-63 record, including Toledo Area Athletic Conference championships in 2003 and 2005. The Lakers under Miller have also won three sectional championships (2003, 2004, 2005) and one district title (2003). That district championship put Danbury into the state’s Division IV “Sweet 16.� Miller was named District 7 Coach of the Year in 2005 and TAAC Coach of the Year in 2003 and 2005. Last year’s team finished 12-10 overall, 6-6 in the TAAC and this year’s team has six returning letter winners and four returning starters. This year Danbury will miss graduated leading scorer Michael Hamann (18.1 points per game, 5.5 reb., 4.2 asst., 1.5 steals), but have plenty returning to help this year’s cause. Two-year letter winner and captain Vince Manuella returns at point guard, and other letter winners are captain


Paul went into the final quarter of the sectional tournament final tied at 22 points each, but St. Paul pulled out a squeaker, 33-32. Danbury lost two key players from that team — forward/ (OUR !4- s #ONVENIENT ,OCATIONS center Destiny Taylor (7.8 points per game) and guard Jackie Lammers (3.7 pts.). Taylor was the team’s leading rebounder and Lammers led the team in assists last season. “Taylor had some big games for us last season and is going to be hard to replace,â€? said new coach Drew Wicks. “Lammers’ value came from her experience and ability to run the floor. She had a knack to create open shots for her 7 -AIN 3TREET s 3 "RIDGE 2OAD s .ORTH 3HORE "OULEVARD teammates with her drives.â€? This year, Wicks is hoping to improve on those marks. Member FDIC “We were picked fourth but I believe we can battle the teams picked ahead of us,â€? Wicks said. “We could finish second or third depending on how we play and come together as a team in those competitions. “I think the league will be good this year,â€? Wicks continued. “(Cardinal) Stritch always finds ways to win and both Ottawa Hills and Toledo Christian return all of their BODY SHOP starters and some of their bench so they will be more experienced than we are, but don’t count us out of the mix.â€? TOWING AND RECOVERY SERVICE, LLC Ottawa Hills returns potential Player of the Year Katherine Jamison and fellow first team leaguer Laura Abendroth s (/52 &,!4"%$ 7(%%, ,)&4 4/7).' s back to help the Green Bears. s ,/#+/543 s #/,,)3)/. 2%0!)23 s Wicks said Danbury will counter with “team speed and 9900 E. HARBOR RD., P.O. BOX 153, LAKESIDE-MARBLEHEAD, OH an ability to push the ball up the floor in transition. Also, the girls are all well-rounded players with no one afraid to handle the ball if necessary. The team has depth at shooting well from behind the arc and ability to beat defenders with a dribble to keep them honest. This team is an intelligent group of students and learning and adjusting well to opponents, need to continue that high learning curve throughout the season. “With six returning letter winners and three returning starters from last season’s team the Lady Lakers look to return some experience to the floor. The Lakers will look for the leadership from the largest senior class in three seasons to keep us in games and hungry for wins. With some younger players gaining valuable playing time and gaining ™äĂ“ĂŠ7iĂƒĂŒĂŠ >ˆ˜U >ÂŽiĂƒÂˆ`iÉ >Ă€LÂ?iÂ…i>`]ĂŠ" ĂŠ{ĂŽ{{äUǙn‡xĂˆÂŁx experience to provide depth needed for a push late in the season,â€? Wicks said. “The Lakers lack a clear post on the floor which will make us more versatile and able to push the ball in transition from any spot on the floor. Also, we are a viable threat from the outside with some great shooters returning and a continual effort in practice to simulate game shots at game speed. We look to compete favorably in the league with the experience we are returning and hoping to make it past the sectional final this season.â€? Wicks has two key seniors returning to help him out, and both can play guard or forward, and both are three-year letter winners. Seniors Christine Longer and Heather Bahnsen are among six letter winners and three returning starters 3 Convenient Locations for the Coach Wicks. “Christine Longer could 615 Fulton Street, Port Clinton be big after leading the team (Main Location at Magruder Hospital) in scoring the last two sea419-732-4033 sons. Heather Bahnsen is up in a big way and 4058 E. Harbor Road, Port Clinton stepping could be bigger this season (Knollcrest Plaza) than in seasons past,â€? Wicks 419-732-9894 said. Longer (11.2 pts., 5 reb.) is Accredited by 7725 W. St. Rte. 163, Oak Harbor a 33 percent career shooter The Joint Commission





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Let's go Lakers! • Go, Fight, Win!

The 5-11 Johnson was a Second Team TAAC choice last season, and Honorable

BY J. PATRICK EAKEN The Danbury girls were in last year’s Toledo Area Athletic Conference championship hunt right down to the final week of the regular season. The Lakers did not get a title, but finished the season with a 14-7 overall record and 9-3 third place finish in the TAAC. Top-seeded Danbury and Norwalk St.



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Thursday, December 3, 2009

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2009-2010 SCHEDULES


The Beacon

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Thursday, December 3, 2009


The Beacon



BOYS VARSITY Dec. 4 Dec. 8 Dec. 11 Dec. 15 Dec. 19 Dec. 23 Dec. 29 Jan. 4 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 14 Jan. 16 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 26

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BY J. PATRICK EAKEN There is a lot of history in Oak Harbor boys basketball — Class AA state runner-up and regional champs in 1983, district champs in 1983, 87, and 91, and sectional champs 12 times (1976, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 91, 98, 99). There are also four Sandusky Bay Conference championships (1958, 87, 2000, 01) and three Suburban Lakes League titles (1982-84). First-year coach Rob Collier would like to bring back those days, especially after last year’s team went 2-19 overall and winless in 14 games in the SBC. Collier replaces Oak Harbor alum Don Christie, who was a player along with his brother Dan on that 1983 state qualifying team. Last year’s team rarely got blown out, and remained close in many contests until the final horn. But Christie was concerned that his 2008-09 team never really learned how to win. Collier says this year’s team has depth, experience and great shooting skills, but they are going to have to “rebound, handle pressure, (play) defense,� and especially,



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The Beacon


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rockets united, looking to improve BY J. PATRICK EAKEN Oak Harbor girls’ basketball returns five letter winners after a 7-14 season, 4-10 in the Sandusky Bay Conference. Senior guard Sara Lipstraw, senior post Rachel Hegemeier, junior post Kayla Diefenthaler, senior guard Erica Mauder and senior post Abby Zurvalec are back to play for Coach Dick Heller. “We have five experienced players returning that want to improve on last year’s performance,” Heller said. “We have good, quality young players stepping up to the varsity.” Other top contributors joining the ranks are sophomore guard Morgan Turnow, sophomore wing/post Allison Dunn, and senior post Lawren Adams. After that, Heller says “others will be determined as we go through our scrimmages.” Also getting varsity playing time will be

junior guard Tory Wood, junior post Caitlyn Harvey, junior post Emily Bast, freshman guard Makayla Carpenter, and junior post Emily Tice. Last year’s team averaged 44 points per game, had a 35 percent field goal percentage, 62 percent free throw percentage, and grabbed 24 rebounds per game. Heller would like to see those numbers improve. “Everyone is working extremely hard this year,” Heller said. “There is a strong feeling of team unity.” Heller says the team needs to also improve on “more consistent shooting, keep our turnover numbers low, controlling the boards, and sharpening our defense.” Coach Heller returns for his ninth season, and with him is varsity assistant Randy Carpenter, junior varsity coach Andy Ramsey, freshman coach John Lucas, and assistant Brad Hemminger.

Coach Lucas (back left), Coach Ramsey, Coach Hemminger, Caitlyn Harvey, Coach Heller, Coach Carpenter, Manager Rebecca Florio, Emily Tice (middle left), Kayla Diefenthaler, Abby Zurvalec, Allison Dunn, Lawren Adams, Rachel Hegemier, MaKayla Carpenter (front left), Erica Mauder, Sara Lipstraw, Tory Wood and Morgan Turnow.

Oak Harbor High School 2009-2010 schedules | Page 3B

ROCKETS, continued from 3B “learn to win.” Collier has nine returning lettermen to help him achieve that goal. They return from a team that was nearly senior-less last year, but there are three seniors to lead the Rockets this year. Seniors are 6-foot-3 wing Brandon Wasserman (9.3 points, 3.2 rebounds per game), 6-2 post Kevin Lipstraw (6.3 pts., 3.2 reb.), and 6-6 post Kevin Young. Junior letter winners returning are 6-3 guard Steve Young (8.6 pts., 3.8 reb.), 5-10 guard Andrew Karsten, 5-10 guard Jake Scott, and 6-2 post D.J. Everett, 6-1 wing Josh Warnke, 6-2 post Kyle Sarahman, and 5-11 wing Zack Priesman. Karsten, Young, and Wasserman led last year’s team in assists, and Coach Collier expects Wasserman and Young to return as the team’s top scorers this season. “Both have the ability to handle the ball, shoot the ball, and get to the rim, which should allow them to get to the free throw line,” Collier said. “Kevin Young has taken on a leadership role, has been a willing defender, very unselfish, and shoots it well for

his size.” On the boards, the coach sees Everett, Lipstraw, Wasserman, and Kevin Young crashing the glass. “D.J. and Kevin are strong aggressive kids that attack the ball. Brandon and Steve are good athletes with nice size,” Collier said. Karsten fits in with his defensive skills, and Warnke, Steve Young, and Everett will be key to pressuring the opposition’s offense as well. “Andrew Karsten at the guard spot is quick and pressures the ball well,” Collier said. “Josh Warnke at the wing is a tough nosed kid, strong, and does not back down, Steve Young at the wing is long, athletic, and has good hands. D.J. Everett in the post is tough, very physical, and communicates well.” Karsten will also be the man out front directing the offense because of his “understanding of our offense, he handles the ball well, and sees the court.” “Steve Young (will have the) ball will be in his hands a lot. (Young is) unselfish and used to distributing the ball,” said Collier, not-

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Coach Sweet (back left), Brandon Wasserman, Kevin Young, Kyle Sarahman, Coach Collier, Coach Hanely, DJ Everett (middle left), Kevin Lipstraw, Josh Warnke, Steve Young, Zack Priesman, Andrew Karsten (front left), Andrew Sharp, Philip Bryant and Jake Scott. Sophomore forward/center Philip Bryant (6-0) could see plenty of action on the varsity this season as well. Collier says for Oak Harbor to finish ahead of perennial SBC power Port Clinton could be a daunting task, but he feels confident the Rockets could get to at least to the middle of the pack or better. “The conference is very balanced after Port Clinton,” Collier said. “We have more returning letterman than most teams. If the kids can learn to win, we can work our way into the top half of the conference.” “Port Clinton is the favorite with many talented returning players. Outstanding coaches in the league — no easy games,” wrote Collier in an e-mail to The Beacon. The Rockets open with a non-league game hostNemecek Insurance & Financial Services ing Route 163 rival Genoa RICK NEMECEK 419-732-3624 this Friday night. Tuesday night, the Rockets travel for another non-league game against another Ottawa County rival and SLL opponent — this time the Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affilliated Companies. Nationwide Life Insurance Woodmore Wildcats. Company. Home office: Columbus, Ohio 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and

ing that Young’s athleticism has already been demonstrated as he was the quarterback on the football team. With the basketball, Collier adds that Wasserman has “good instincts” and is a “very good passer.” Collier says two other players will also contribute because of their unselfishness — Warnke, Priesman, and 6-0 junior guard Andrew Sharp. The coach says Warnke “will do anything you ask. (He has a) winning attitude, tough kid.” Priesman is a “good athlete” and “good shooter” and Sharp is not only “unselfish” but can defend at three or four positions.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009


DANBURY, continued from 2B from behind the 3-point line, and Bahnsen (6.6 pts., 4.4 reb.) is a “versatile player who can play both inside and out,� Wicks said. Wicks expects the 5-foot-10 Longer, 5-8 Bahnsen, and possibly 5-7 K.C. Oxendale and 5-8 Brittany Isom to be contributors on the rebounding side for the Lakers. “All are returning letter winners and could play post for us at different times throughout the year. They fight for position and the ball,� Wicks said. Isom (1 pt., 1.3 reb.) is a senior forward/ center who gained a letter after gaining “some valuable experience as a varsity player last season,� Wicks said. Wicks said Isom is a “quick post that has the ability to play bigger than she is.� Then there are the Oxendale girls — K.C., a junior guard/forward, and Kayla, a 5-6 sophomore guard. Both are returning letter winners. K.C. (3.7 pts., 3 reb.) has a “strong post presence but handles herself well if pressured, building on the success from last season,� Wicks said. Wicks said Kayla (3 pts., 1.3 reb., 1 asst.) “gained valuable experience as a varsity player last season� and is a “strong perimeter player who can drive and shoot.� On defense, the coach sees Kayla Oxen-

The Beacon

dale and junior guard Tori England leading the charge. “Depends on how you define top defender. I think Kayla Oxendale has been doing a nice job in the pre-season along with Tori England. Both play the ball well and may provide steal opportunities for other members of the team,� Coach Wicks said. Out front, England (7.8 pts. 4 reb., 2 asst., 2.1 steals), a two-year letter winner, will lead the charge. Wicks says the 5-3 England is a “good shooter and great ball handler� along with being a 30 percent career shooter from behind the 3-point line. “Tori England will be running the floor for us and therefore should get the other girls the ball,� Wicks said. “Kayla Oxendale may step up in the role during the season and provide help as well. But we are creating a team game so everyone should become a playmaker I hope.� Longer is 254 points from 1,000 for her career. England has 58 career 3-point shots in two years and one game this season and is on pace to have over 100 in her career. The guard had six in one game last season. Of course, Wicks sees some things on this year’s team that will need shoring up. “We lack a lot of experience at the varsity level,� Wicks said. “Six returning letter winners, yes, but

transition when necessary and some depth at the guard spot,� Wicks said. “Knighton is another speedy guard to offer us the ability to run the ball and provide depth for team. Kennedy is a tough young post player that has decent speed and a desire to get better. (Kennedy) may earn some time for the future of the program.� The Lakers had a good test to start out the season, facing the Genoa Comets at home last Friday night to open the season. Despite falling behind by six in the first quarter, Danbury played nearly even the last three quarters but fell to the Comets 53-45. K.C. Oxendale scored 19, Bahnsen and England had seven points each, Kayla Oxendale scored five points, Longer had four points, Isom two points, and Pollock one point. The Lakers had two 3-pointers — one each by Kayla Oxendale and England. The Lakers were to take on Tiffin Calvert Dec. 1, then travel to Old Fort for an afternoon game this Saturday (1 p.m. JV; 2:30 varsity). Next Tuesday evening, the Lakers visit Sandusky St. Mary Central Catholic (6, 7:30).


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LAKERS, continued from 2B Mention District 7 selection. Stephens was an HM TAAC choice. Hartman was injured all of last season, having an ACL injury from the 2008 football season, so Miller is encouraged to see him return to the lineup. Miller expects Johnson (9.9 pts., 2.7 reb., one blocked shot per game), Stephens (6.3 pts., 7.9 reb.), and Boring (7.8 pts., 7.4 reb.) to be his top scorers. He says they all are “experienced players who have nice size and good athleticism.� Stephens and Boring will be the team’s top rebounders because both are “big, experienced players who both averaged seven-plus rebounds last season.� Six players return at 6 feet or taller, including Boring — who will tower over many opponents standing at 6-foot-8. Stephens is 6-4, 250 pounds and can provide as much strength on the boards. Dakota Hruby and junior Seth Boring are 6-2, sophomore Lucas Kennedy stands 6-1, and Hartman stands 6-0. Junior Doug Petrella stands 5-11 and Feyedelem (3.4 pts.) stands 5-10. The 5-10 Manuella (5.3 pts., 3.0 reb., 4.6 asst., 1.2 steals) will be the playmaker out front because of his “experience and solid IQ,� said Miller. Expected to see significant minutes coming off the bench and contribute will be Kennedy (1.1 pts.) at guard and Hruby at post, where his 185 pound frame can help him gain position under the basket. The Lakers were picked in pre-season voting to finish fourth in the TAAC, but Coach Miller would like to see his team do better than that. He believes the teams’ experience and size can help the cause, but says this year’s team lacks perimeter shooting. Danbury opens its season this Saturday evening at Old Fort, then begins TAAC play on Friday, Dec. 11 hosting Emmanuel Christian.

REDSKINS, continued from 1B season, but she opened the 2009-2010 season with 22, including a pair of 3-pointers. Becca Day added 11 in the losing effort. Also hitting the score sheet for Port Clinton were Meigan Day, Mary Kirkpatrick Halle Weaver and Alex Stephenson. Bickel’s squad did not finish high in the coach’s and media vote for contention in the Sandusky Bay Conference. However, Margaretta, the team that has dominated in the Conference the past decade, is also not listed as the top team. That honor falls to the Clyde Lady Fliers. Bickel sees a very tight conference race that could well see a dark horse come through at season’s end.

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some of that experience came with limited minutes and not in pressure situations. We are going to be young off the bench and make some inexperienced mistakes early in our season. What we learn from those mistakes will either inspire confidence later in the season, or break us.� And, like always, there are younger players who could find their way into varsity action and show what they are made of. “Kelsey Clemons is a freshman will see time both on JV and varsity as we develop her skills and ability,� Wicks said. “She is quick and gaining confidence in the game and how soon she develops will provide us with the depth we may need late in the season.� Clemens, a guard/forward, “will provide depth at the guard position, offers team great speed, (and) just needs that game experience and toughness for the varsity level,� Wicks said. Other newcomers include senior guard Devin Pollock, freshman guard/forward Mollie Knighton, and forward Lilly Kennedy. “Pollock will serve as a back-up point guard, offers team speed to push the ball in




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The Beacon


Thursday, December 3, 2009

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Thursday, December 3, 2009


The Beacon


Business Local welcome centers win marketing awards The Lake Erie Shores & Islands Welcome Centers have been honored for their advertising and marketing efforts in 2009. The Ohio Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus awarded the local visitors and convention bureaus a second place Middy Award at the annual award luncheon. The bureaus were also awarded a Citation of Excellence from the Ohio Travel Association during their annual conference Oct. 22. Accepting the awards on behalf of the Lake Erie Shores & Islands was Erie County Executive Director Joan Van Offeren, Ottawa County Executive Director Larry Fletcher, Erie County Managing Director Dawn Weinhardt and Social Media Specialist Abby Yetter. “We are proud to have our creative marketing team recognized for their talents,” Van Offeren said. A second place Middy Award was awarded to Lake Erie Shores & Islands for a 30 second television advertisement which aired in three Ohio markets — Columbus, Cleveland and Akron/Canton. The commercial, produced by Melamed Riley Advertising of Cleveland, aired in heavy rotation four weeks in June, three weeks in July and three weeks in August. Its objective was to communicate that our area offers a nearby and more affordable alternative to out-of-state shore destinations. Using eye-catching visuals and a clever story-line the advertisement offered visitors cost savings with the Shore Savings Card and overnight lodging packages offered by area tourism part-

ners. The main call-to-action was to drive traffic to the Web site and encourage site visitors to order a travel planner. January to July Web site visits increased more than 40 percent from the previous year and travel planner distribution increased by nearly 30 percent. The Middy is the Ohio Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus’ award of excellence, given each year to deserving members of the organization. The award is named the “Middy” after our region of the country as well as the states contiguous to Ohio. Winners were announced at a ceremony during its annual educational conference in Mount Vernon. The industry awards, which include entries from convention and visitor bureaus throughout the state, are presented to bureaus for excellence in creativity, design and effectiveness of message. The OACVB is a membership organization representing the interests of convention and visitor bureaus throughout the state. Erie County Executive Director Joan Van Offeren is the 2009 President of the OACVB Board. Lake Erie Shores & Islands and Abby Yetter, Social Media Specialist, were also recognized with a Citation of Excellence from the Ohio Travel Association for a newlyestablished social networking campaign. Millions of visitors travel here each year and all have the opportunity to become “salespeople” for the area as they tell their family and friends about their experiences during their visit. An

Financial Focus WITH GARY COON

Changing “seasons” of life may require changes in investment Strategy As we make the transition from autumn to winter, you may be reminded that seasons don’t just change on the calendar — they also change in your life. And as you move from one season of your life to another, you’ll find that some of your goals may have changed. Consequently, as time goes by, you may need to adjust your financial strategies as well. To illustrate the “seasonal” nature of your investment strategies, let’s quickly go through a typical life cycle and look at the differing financial goals at each stage: • Starting out — When you are beginning your career, you may not have a lot of money with which to invest, but it’s important to try to put away something each month. If you have a 401(k) where you work, take advantage of it — your money is deducted, pretax, from your paychecks, so it’s an easy way to start investing. And at this stage of your life, consider investing primarily for growth. Of course, when you invest in growthoriented vehicles, you typically as-

sume an above-average degree of risk because the price of these investments can fluctuate greatly over time. However, if you buy quality investments and hold them for many years, you may be able to overcome the “blips” along the way and benefit from the growth prospects these vehicles can offer. • Middle years — During this season of your life, things have likely changed. Your kids may have already graduated from college or otherwise left home, so you may need to reevaluate your life insurance needs. You’re likely earning more money and have more available to invest — which means, among other things, that you should consider “maxing out” on your IRA and also putting as much as you afford into your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan. Because you may have a decade or more until you retire, you still may need considerable growth potential from your investments. At the same time, though, you might not want to invest quite as aggressively as you did when you started out, so you may want to increase the percentage of bonds and other fixedincome vehicles in your portfolio. • Retirement years — Many people assume their expenses will drop

ever-increasing number of these people are using social networking sites for these communications and LES&I’s goal was to harness the power of this method of spreading the message about the many destinations, activities and events in our area. The ultimate goal is to drive additional visits and overnight stays in the region. Beginning in early 2009, Yetter established accounts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and Wordpress. News of our presence on these sites was promoted through our tourism partner and consumer e-newsletters and on the home page of the Web site. A small group of welcome center employees are responsible for monitoring these sites and adding content on a regular basis. As of July we had 859 Facebook “fans,” 242 Twitter “followers,” 65 MySpace “friends,” 188 views on Flickr, 1,003 views on YouTube and 249 views on Wordpress. Lake Erie Shores & Islands social media efforts continue to be successful, with those numbers growing every day. The Citation of Excellence was awarded at the Ohio Travel Association’s annual Ruby Awards luncheon, held during their annual Conference on Tourism in Cincinnati. Now in its 12th year, the Ruby Awards, which “Recognize Uncommon Brilliance,” honor the most innovative examples of marketing by Ohio tourism entities each year. Entries were judged based on impact, relevance, clarity, creativity and overall communication of the organization’s message.

Steven Stearns joins The Marblehead Bank lending staff

The Marblehead Bank is pleased to announce the addition of Steven Stearns as Assistant Vice President of Loans. Steve began his banking career in 1986 with Mid Am Bank and continued to work with that organization though the merger with Sky Bank and the recent merger with Huntington National Bank in Toledo. He has held several positions throughout the past 23 years but has specialized in mortgage lending since 1996. Stearns will be assigned to the bank’s loan department headed by William Tuttamore, Vice President of Loans, and will focus on bank compliance and consumer lending with an emphasis on real estate loans. “We are fortunate to have found someone with Steve’s qualifications to add to our current loan staff,” stated David King, president of The Marblehead Bank. “His addition will help to position our bank to expand its real estate and consumer loan portfolios,” added King. Steve and his wife, Julie, currently live in the Toledo area. They have two sons who are in college and two sons in grade school. “I am very excited about joining The Marblehead Bank team” said Stearns. “My family and I are looking forward to moving to the peninsula in the near future and becoming actively involved in the community,” he added. Stearns is currently working out of the Main Street office of the bank. He is accepting loan applications and encourages area residents to stop in or call him to discuss their This article was written by Edward financial needs. The Marblehead Bank, a member of the local business Jones for use by your local Edward community since 1907, is an equal opportunity lender and Jones Financial Advisor. a member of FDIC. when they retire. And some will drop — but others, such as health care, will increase. Furthermore, it’s not at all unusual for people to spend two, or even three, decades in an active retirement — and during those years, inflation can be a factor. Consequently, even as a retiree, you’ll find that growth-oriented investments are important, balanced with others that provide income. Furthermore, you’ll want to manage the withdrawals you take from your IRA, 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan to help make sure you don’t outlive your resources. At the same time, you should consider exploring estate-planning techniques, such as life insurance trusts, that can help you leave the legacy you want without burdening your heirs with heavy estate taxes. To help you meet these needs, work with your tax advisor and estate-planning professional. The seasons of the year change every three months. The seasons of your life change much more slowly, but these changes can have a big impact on your financial situation.

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The Beacon

RealEstate Transfers


Thursday, December 3, 2009

“I Sell Views” -

Harris Township Benton Township • 11-18-09 Brent J. Havens to Ed• 11-18-09 BSC Farms of Ottawa County int Betty J. Millinger to ward J. Tristian, 1011 South LickJames R. and Mandie K. Rollheiser, ert-Harder Road, $95,000. • 11-16-09 Donald L. Netcher new split 1.304 acres, $105,000. trustee to Thomas F. and Irene L. Carroll Township Miller, .6244 acres, $10,500. • 11-25-09 Richard D. & Barbara Marblehead Corp. J. Truitt to HSBC Mortgage Servic• 11-23-09 Johnson’s Island Ines Inc., 6665 N. Crescent, $70,000. • 11-23-09 Jody D. Henry, et al vestment Group LLC to Edward to Federal Home Loan Mortgage J. and Mary C. Daniels, 3936 S. Corp., 11565 W. Salem Carroll Woodcliff, $50,000. • 11-24-09 Ronald A. Cepis, Road, $115,000. Nancy K. Cepis and John T. MaCatawba Township zur to Frank G. and Daniela V. De • 11-23-09 William R. and ShaNigris, Lot 431 Bay Haven Estates, ron S. Dittman to Robert L. and $80,000. Jackie J. Holbert, 1660 N. Compass • 11-20-09 John T. and Claudia Ave., $255,000. L. McDonald to Christopher N. • 11-17-09 Mark W. and Heather McDonald and Julie Ann LennerR. Kamann to Mark C. and Ginger McDonald, 11241 East Bayshore Timney, garage unit GA-16 Come Drive, $157,500. Sail Away, $15,000. Oak Harbor Corp. • 11-16-09 Mark W. and Heather • 11-25-09 Ryan Alan Pickut to R. Kamann to Mark C. and Ginger Timney, garage unit GA-16 Come Lori L. Clune, 255 S. Robinson, $160,000. Sail Away Condo. • 11-24-09 Debra L. Seeger to • 11-16-09 Daniel B. Schuldt to Russell R. and Margaret M. Knight, Emily M. Barry, 151 S. Brookside 1859 NE Catawba Road No. 134, Drive, $210,000. • 11-20-09 J & M Properties & In$65,000. vestments to Jayne M. Sandwisch, Danbury Township 143 Prospect Street, $95,000. • 11-24-09 John H. and Laura • 11-19-09 Ann Demeter DomoJ. Podsiadlo to Yvonne L. Hutchkos to Allen A. and Janet L. Domoson, 2231 Harborview Dr., Lot 30, kos, 121 Broad Street, $80,000. $127,900. • 11-18-09 Timothy A. Konieczny • 11-24-09 Richard Gregory to Richard F. and Mary Lou Meyer, MOG to Warren E. Champlin II, 345 Toussaint Street, $105,000. 329 N. Florence Drive, $80,000. Portage Township • 11-23-09 Thomas P. Cendroski, • 11-23-09 Charnell Shores, LLC Jr. and Joyce J. Cendroski to Raymond E. and Julia M. Frankart, to Mark J. Miller and Sheau-Ping HU, Lot 41 Tillotson’s Sub. Sand 2043 S. Tecumseh, $145,000. • 11-20-09 Kevin C. Stengle to Road, $215,000. • 11-24-09 Randall J. and Lisa M. Frank L. and Wendy L. Wright, 92 Beil to Terry Wilkinson, 2416 E. Sunnydale Lane, $45,000. • 11-16-09 Beverly A. Kratz Schiewe, $207,500. • 11-24-09 David Hepkins to trustee to Gregory N. and Susan E. Deerhake, 499 N. Rockport, JDM Structures, LTD, Ohio 163, $39,000. $310,000. • 11-25-09 Jancor Properties Erie Township LTD to Kenneth S. Spero, 680 Plas• 11-20-09 Gordon & Betty Sonterbed Road, $32,500. dergeld to SGI of Bowling Green , Port Clinton City 128 South Thomas Drive, $54,029. • 11-20-09 DJ’s Lounge to • 11-16-09 Gladys Honaker to Sharon K. Farrow, 2.6448 acres in Beer Thirty’s, 212 Maple Street, $200,000. section 29, $5,000.







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