Northeast Lakeview College offers associate degrees, certificates, core classes, transfer areas of
and specialized programs in:
• Construction Management
• Cyber Defense

• Social Media & Digital Marketing
• Logistics & Supply Chain Management
• Network Administration Technology
• Pre-Nursing
• Texas A&M Engineering Academy
• Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)*
*Offered through San Antonio College at NLC campus.

In our July issue, we showcase our Parks and Recreation Department and the amazing parks and trails that make Schertz truly "Where You Belong." Join us in honoring the spaces that bring our community together and promote well-being.

Schertz Magazine is a monthly popular lifestyle/entertainment/ community events publication wholly owned and operated by the City of Schertz and produced internally by the Schertz Public Affairs Department. It serves as the primary dissemination source for government information for a growing city of over 43,000 residents. The magazine is mailed to 15,000+ local households and over 1,000 businesses.
Our mailing address is 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas 78154. The editorial office of Schertz Magazine is located at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex, Bldg. 2. Call (210) 619-1630 or go to Schertz.com/schertzmagazine.

Ralph Gutierrez Mayor
Mark Davis Councilmember
Michelle Watson Councilmember
Paul Macaluso Councilmember
Tiffany Gibson Councilmember
Robert Westbrook Councilmember
Allison Heyward Councilmember
Tim Brown Councilmember
Steve Williams City Manager
Brian James Deputy City Manager
Sarah Gonzalez Assistant City Manager
Greg Rodgers Fire Chief
James Lowery Police Chief
Jason Mabbitt EMS Chief
Linda Klepper Public Affairs Director Devan Christensen Communications Manager
Jenna Kock Marketing and Communications Specialist
Linda Klepper, Devan Christensen, Jenna Kock, Sarah Gonzalez, Cassie Paddock, Stephanie Barbosa, Ashley Ritchey, Maggie Titterington
Linda Klepper, Devan Christensen, Jenna Kock, Stacey Lovett, Joel Calvin, Cassie Paddock, Ben Boney, Adriana Rutledge
Schertz Magazine encourages submission of news and event announcement items. Publication is not guaranteed. If you would like to submit an item to Schertz Magazine, email magazine@schertz.com or call (210) 619-1630.
The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the City of Schertz. Articles that appear in Schertz Magazine do not necessarily reflect the official position of the City of Schertz and does not constitute an endorsement therein. Any publication of Schertz Magazine is sole property of the City of Schertz and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way without the permission and written consent of the City of Schertz.

Election Filing
Filing for Schertz City Council in the November 5, 2024, General Election begins July 20, 2024.
The City of Schertz will be holding its General Election on November 5, 2024, for the purpose of electing Council Members in Place 6, and Place 7 for a three-year term, November 2024 to November 2027.
Any City of Schertz resident desiring to have his or her name on the Official Ballot shall file with the City Secretary an application in writing in the form prescribed by the Texas Election Code declaring themselves a candidate. The filing date is no sooner than Saturday, July 20, 2024, and no later than 5 p.m. Monday, August 19, 2024. Since July 20, 2024 is a Saturday, the first day to file in person will be Monday, July 22, 2024. Completed applications with filing fee will be accepted by the City Secretary’s Office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, July 22, 2024 – August 19, 2024.
Qualifications for candidacy include the following: must have attained the age of eighteen or older on the first day of the term of office for which elected, be a registered voter of the City of Schertz, and have been a resident of the City of Schertz for at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the deadline for filing for an application for a place on the ballot.
The Candidate packet is available in the City Secretary’s Office at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Building 2, or online at Schertz.com. Should you have any questions, please contact the City Secretary’s Office at (210) 619-1030.

Schertz EMS 50th Anniversary Awards Banquet
Schertz Emergency Medical Services (EMS) recently celebrated their 50th anniversary with a celebratory awards banquet held on May 23 at the Schertz Civic Center. The event brought together EMS staff, their families, and community members to honor the dedicated service of the individuals who have significantly contributed to the organization and the community.
The Awards Banquet highlighted the achievements of individuals who exemplify this spirit of dedication and excellence.
The banquet not only celebrated these individual achievements but also recognized the remarkable legacy of Schertz EMS. For the past five decades, Schertz EMS has gone
above and beyond in providing exceptional care to residents and visitors in the area. Their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts have created a lasting legacy of great care and service.

The following individuals were recognized for their outstanding contributions: AWARDS WINNERS
Award of Clinical Practice
Operations Award of Excellence
Amber Espronceda
David Graham Officer of the Year
Employee of the Year
Amy Anderson
Levi Flickinger Rookie of the Year
Ryan Moore
Local Students Receive Hal Baldwin Scholarship Award
On May 21, 2024, City Council approved Resolution 24-R-56 awarding the 2024 Hal Baldwin Scholarship to Connor Gobin, Javon Toliver, and Carlee Hoffmann. The Hal Baldwin Scholarship Committee, a committee that assists the City Council with the scholarship process, reviewed the applications and recommended the three students receive a scholarship.
The Committee selected Mr. Gobin to receive the top scholarship at $5,000. Connor is a graduate from Samuel Clemens High School and will attend Texas State University in the fall. Mr. Toliver and Ms. Hoffmann each received a scholarship at $2,500. Javon is a graduate from Steele High School and will attend
Trinity University in the fall. Carlee is a graduate from Samuel Clemens High School and will attend Texas A&M University in the fall.
The Hal Baldwin Scholarship was established in 2009 to encourage high school seniors who are residents of Schertz to consider public service as a career path in education, local, state and/or federal government. The scholarship honors Hal Baldwin, who served the City for more than 30 years as a civic volunteer, an employee, a Councilmember, and Mayor.
Funds for the Hal Baldwin Scholarship come from donations and profits from the Hal Baldwin Golf Tournament which is held annually in the fall. To date, over $70,000 has been awarded in scholarship money.

SSLGC Dedicates Gonzales County Wellfield
On Thursday, May 30, the SSLGC Board of Directors dedicated the Gonzales County Wellfield as the Crockett Camp Gonzales County Wellfield in honor of the late Crockett Camp for his many years of service to the City of Schertz and the City of Seguin.
Camp served as one of the original members for SSLGC. As an attorney with expertise in laws related to Texas water rights, he was able to successfully negotiate water lease agreements and property purchase on behalf of SSLCG. He represented SSLGC with the Gonzales Groundwater District, property owners, and other professionals related to the SSLGC project.
Mr. Crockett's wife, along with several members of his family, attended the dedication ceremony.
City of Schertz & Great Springs Project Announce New Park

Directly abutting this new park is historic St. Joseph’s cemetery, and across the street is the St. Joseph’s German Chapel–designated as a historic site by the Schertz Historic Preservation Committee in 2011. This parcel, the church, the cemetery, and several surrounding parcels are part of the Historic Comal township.
This park provides trail connectivity for the Great Springs Trail and is along the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail. Given the remarkable historical and heritage value of the area with the trail connectivity, this will be a valuable park and recreational commodity for local residents.
"Schertz residents have been asking for more trails across the city, and we’ve made a lot of headway with the addition of the first segment of the Great Northern Trail that opened to the public in June 2022. The new trailhead at Dry Comal Creek will have a future connection to the Great Northern Trail via Schwab Road and provide access
to additional recreational green space for our northern residents. Combining the recreational amenities with the rich history of this Comal Township area is a win-win,” said Lauren Shrum, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Community Services for the City of Schertz.
This new park was made possible in part by Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation, which partnered with Great Springs Project to provide a lowinterest bridge loan to purchase the land along Dry Comal Creek in the City of Schertz to serve as a park and key connector for the trail network. The Schertz City Council committed to purchase the tract from the Great Springs Project, with the goal of operating it as a public park. Elizabeth Love, CEO of the Foundation, said “We are pleased to support conservation and trail building work in one of the fastest growing regions in the U.S. where opportunities to conserve the most ecologically important lands over the aquifer are becoming fewer and

farther between, particularly in the rapidly urbanizing corridor between Austin and San Antonio.”
Garry Merritt, CEO of the Great Springs Project: “Real estate transactions move quickly, and the bridge loan provided by the Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation was pivotal to Great Springs Project’s capacity to complete this land deal efficiently while affording the City of Schertz time and flexibility to do its due diligence. The Foundation’s support has been transformational in our ability to successfully complete this land conservation transaction and trail connection with the City of Schertz.”
About Great Springs Project – Founded in 2019 to conserve 50,000 acres of high conservation value land between Austin and San Antonio over the Edwards Aquifer recharge and contributing zones for conservation and a 100+ mile trail network linking four of Texas’ iconic springs – Barton Springs, San Marcos Springs, Comal Springs and San Antonio Springs.
Visit www.greatspringsproject.org to learn more.
Dry Comal Creek Park Trail and Historic Sites
Schertz Youth Fire Academies Ignite Passion for Firefighting!

This summer, Schertz Fire Rescue's 8th Annual Jr. Fire Academy and 5th Annual High School Fire Academy provided an immersive experience for local youth from June 3 to June 7, 2024. Open to 5th-6th graders and 9th – 12th graders, these academies offer hands-on training in essential firefighting skills. These academies aim to build teamwork, leadership, and confidence while sparking interest in potential firefighting careers.
FM 1518 Expansion Begins Construction

The Texas Department of Transportation announced construction has begun on the FM 1518 Expansion Project between FM 78 and I-10 through Schertz. By transforming the existing 5-mile section of roadway to a four-lane corridor with a raised center median, the $73 million project will increase mobility and enhance safety. The FM 1518 Expansion also includes the addition of a 10-foot-wide shareduse path along the east side of the roadway and a 6-foot-wide sidewalk on the west side to improve bicycle and pedestrian access.
Improving infrastructure in southern Schertz has long been a focus for the city. The voters showed their
support for this in the 2015 bond election by approving a $5 million bond for the widening of FM 1518. Following the local bond election, additional funds were committed by the Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization for FY 2021. These combined funds brought TXDOT to the table and accelerated the roadways consideration for project funding at the state level.
This project will be completed by contractor SER Construction.
Anticipated for completion in 2028, construction activity will be completed in phases:
■ Phase I: Utility upgrades and intersection improvements at FM 1518 and FM 78;
■ Phase II: Roadwork between Lisa Meadows and I-10 and bridge
The week kicked off with a breakfast served by Schertz firefighters, followed by a series of interactive sessions. Participants learned about fire streams, vehicle extrication, thermal imaging, pumping operations, and fire extinguisher use. They also explored fire chemistry, fire prevention, and hazardous materials response. Activities included trying on hazmat suits, navigating the fire safety house, and participating in search and rescue drills. Students also tested their skills in physical agility, ladder exercises, and rope rescue training. Firefighters from each shift assisted with the daily activities. The week concluded with a graduation party on June 7 to congratulate the youth firefighters on a job well done.
For more information on future academies and registration details, visit Schertz.com/jrfireacademy or call (210) 619-1300.
widening over Woman Hollering Creek;
■ Phase III: Roadway work between Lisa Meadows and Aztec Lane; and
■ Phase IV: Installation of sidewalks, median, and final pavement.
Throughout construction, residents, businesses and the traveling public interested in staying connected to the project may do so by:
■ Visiting the project website at www.txdot.gov, keywords “FM 1518 Expansion”
■ Signing up on our website to receive project updates and construction alerts
■ Connecting with the project team directly by phone (210) 321-2021 or email at FM1518@TxDOTSA.com
Scan the QR code to learn more about the project
Schertz Public Affairs Earns Six Awards at TAMIO Conference
The Schertz Public Affairs Department recently attended the annual Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers Conference in San Antonio and was honored with six awards for projects and initiatives from the past year. The TAMI awards, founded in 2001, distinguish the efforts of municipal communications and marketing professionals from around the state. In 2024, the organization saw a recordbreaking number of entries totaling 688, an impressive 141 more entries than the previous year.
Schertz Public Affairs staff took home awards for the following projects and categories:
■ TAMI Award (1st Place) Best External Magazine for Schertz Magazine
■ TAMI Award (1st Place) Best Educational PSA for State of the City Video
■ Award of Excellence (2nd Place) Best Marketing Plan or Campaign for Join our team Recruitment campaign
■ Award of Honor (3rd Place) Best Use of Humor for State of the City Video
■ Award of Honor (3rd Place) Best Marketing PSA for Recruitment Video
■ Award of Honor (3rd Place) Best Use of Short Form Video for City Reels

The Public Affairs Office consists of a Director, Communications Manager, and Marketing & Communications Specialist responsible for managing various communication tools and platforms designed to keep Schertz residents informed on city activities.

To stay up to date on current news and information, be sure to visit Schertz.com and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, NextDoor and LinkedIn.
Scan the QR code to subscribe to the City Headlines email newsletter!

The Schertz Fire Department reminds residents that fireworks are prohibited inside the city limits of Schertz. City Code of Ordinances 30.64 prohibits the sale, use, or possession of fireworks in the City. If you are unsure whether you reside within the city limits of Schertz you can go to the Interactive Map on Schertz.com and type in your address. For more information, call the Fire Department at (210) 619-1300.
New Streaming Tool Enhances Transparency
The City recently launched the new Swagit platform for public meeting video streaming and recording. The Swagit platform allows users to view official city meeting videos and the meeting agenda side by side. It also offers indexing and time stamping for users to jump to meeting topics of interest quickly and easily. Swagit access is currently available for City Council Meetings and Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings.

View all city agendas and the new Swagit features at Schertz.com/agendas.

2023 Drinking Water Quality Report Now Available
The City of Schertz Water Department is pleased to report that testing in accordance with EPA and TCEQ guidelines has shown that our drinking water is safe and meets or exceeds all federal and state requirements.
The City of Schertz will no longer mail printed copies of the report to all of our customers. If, however, you would like a hard copy of the report, please email us at customercare@schertz.com. Please provide your name and address and a copy of the report will be sent to you. If you prefer, you may complete the form below and mail it in to receive a copy of the report.

Schertz Parks & Trails are Where You Belong
This year's theme, "Where You Belong," shines a spotlight on the vital role parks and recreation professionals play in fostering a sense of belonging within their communities. Through a wide array of welcoming and inclusive programs, essential services for all ages and abilities, and the creation of safe, accessible spaces, these dedicated professionals ensure that everyone has a place to connect, grow, and thrive.
In honor of Park and Recreation Month, we turn our focus to the inspiring efforts of the Schertz Parks and Recreation Department and their partner organizations. By cultivating environments that invite participation and engagement, the Schertz team, along with their supporting organizations and partners, exemplifies what it means to belong. There are many individuals who help bring this vision to life, illustrating how Schertz parks and trails have become a beloved cornerstone of the community. Join us as we explore the many ways these spaces embody the essence of belonging, demonstrating why local parks and recreation are truly "Where You Belong."

Johnie McDow – Parks Advisory Board Chair
"Since retiring from BVYA, I've traded in my lawnmower for a fishing pole, eagerly embracing new park developments like the Homestead fishing pond. Serving on the Parks Advisory Board, I've witnessed Schertz's transformation from limited recreational offerings to a thriving department. We collaborate closely with the Parks & Rec Department, ensuring our park amenities and programs are inclusive. Parents seek safe outdoor spaces for their families, emphasizing the importance of parks for both youth and adult activities in this digital age. Schertz Parks & Trails are more than just exercise spots; nowhere else in our community can you exercise, get some Vitamin D, get healthier, see wild animals, and meet new people. I encourage residents to get up, get out, and explore our beautiful parks and trails!”

Jared Montney – Schertz Parks Manager
"Schertz Parks & Trails could be 'where you belong' for a multitude of reasons. We offer a natural escape from everyday life with serene environments for relaxation and recreation, including aquatics playgrounds, pavilions, and more. Whether you're into hiking, biking, or leisurely strolls, our parks and trails cater to everyone. These spaces foster a sense of community and belonging, serving as gathering places for people to enjoy the outdoors, connect with nature, and build relationships. Additionally, spending time in nature offers numerous health benefits, reducing stress and improving overall wellbeing. We work hard to maintain and make these amenities accessible for all, ensuring Schertz Parks & Trails are perfect for individuals and families looking to embrace the outdoors and become part of a vibrant community."

Sydney Paredes – Schertz Recreation Coordinator
“Parks and Recreation creates a sense of belonging by providing opportunities for all ages to engage and socialize with one another. We’ve worked hard over the last year to ensure we are offering beyond just traditional youth sports, hosting programs like Archery for multiple age groups and adding over 40 new programs to cover a wide range of interests. Whether you are younger or older, artsy or more sports-minded, outdoorsy or aircondition-loving, there is something for you! Parks & Recreation is so important to a community because, through all the programs and events, it promotes engagement, health, well-being, and FUN. Schertz Parks & Recreation is 'Where you Belong' because we are truly invested in creating an engaged, supportive, and FUN environment for you and everyone within the community.”

Yashica Warrior – Schertz Area Senior Center Director
"My role as the Schertz Area Senior Center (SASC) Director extends beyond overseeing the daily operations of the facility, and implementation of programs and activities. In fact, the most important thing I do is interact with members and the community. I strive daily to build meaningful relationships, create memories, and ensure our members feel welcome at the SASC. Working hard alongside the Senior Center's Advisory Board, our goal is to ensure that the center is someplace that all Seniors can feel they belong.”
Christopher Castoro – Senior Center Advisory Board President
"As President of the Schertz Senior Center Advisory Board, I am proud to contribute to the community by ensuring the Senior Center offers a welcoming space for seniors to gather, socialize, and stay active. The Center, which operates under the Parks and Recreation Department and the YMCA, embraces all members regardless of their background. The Advisory Board works closely with the director to enhance programs and resolve any issues, ensuring inclusivity and community engagement.”

Barton Bowers – Buffalo Valley Youth Association (BVYA) Board Vice President
"In the Buffalo Valley Youth Association, belonging is not just a concept; it's a reality nurtured through generations of community engagement. From the tireless dedication of board members to the commitment of coaches and parents, BVYA embodies the essence of belonging. Our parks, particularly BVYA and its ballfields, serve as the focal point of this inclusive environment. Every child, regardless of skill level, finds a place on the team, ensuring that everyone feels valued and included. BVYA emphasizes participation and teamwork, fostering a sense of belonging for all. As one former mayor eloquently put it, 'If someone didn't step up to do all the things that need to be done... all the things wouldn't get done.' Belonging here means rolling up your sleeves, breaking a sweat, and knowing that your efforts contribute to something meaningful. Whether it's coaching a T-ball team or maintaining the playing fields, every volunteer plays a vital part in creating a space where over a thousand kids can thrive, learn, and belong."
Whether you are younger or older, artsy or more sportsminded, outdoorsy or air-condition loving, there is something for you! – SYDNEY PAREDES

Doug Hammen – Schertz Stingrays Swim Team Coach
"All three of our children grew up with the Stingrays, and my wife Karla and I have been coaching since 2007, with our youngest daughter, Kylie, coaching for the last two seasons. Our Monday night meets bring the community together, hosting neighboring teams and mobilizing a small army of volunteers. Swimming, a sport for all ages, helps our athletes become confident, with some advancing to compete at higher levels. Parents get involved as volunteers, and some even become USA Swimming officials. Schertz Parks truly feels like ‘where we belong’, giving my family lifelong friends and memories centered around our times at Pickrell Park Pool."

Sabrina Sheridan - Schertz Youth Soccer Alliance (SYSA)
"I am the President of Schertz Youth Soccer Alliance (SYSA), an alliance between GRAYSA, Lions FC, and Schertz Family YMCA. The Schertz Soccer Complex provides opportunities for athletes to develop their skills, build character, and foster a sense of teamwork and camaraderie. We support all ages up to adults with 12 regulationsized fields, an onsite building for various amenities, and over 600 parking places. Parks and Recreation is the backbone of every community, providing facilities, funding, structured programs, and accessibility to sports. Volunteers, like the SYSA Board and all of our coaches, ensure the park has the necessary resources and community connections to promote soccer and create a sense of belonging.”

Kimberly Lewis, Texas Master Naturalist –Guadalupe Chapter
"I have been a member of the Texas Master Naturalist - Guadalupe Chapter since 2017. Preserving a healthy local habitat and building citizen awareness of local resources is a core value of our mission — enticing me to become active in the Schertz community. Our monthly Nature Discovery Series is conducted at Crescent Bend Nature Park, which helps increase awareness of some of the natural beauty and wildlife of our area! We tailor the program to address different ages of children and their parents and have partnered with different community groups to ensure we reach the entire community. Crescent Bend Nature Park, which our Master Naturalist group was part of the coalition instrumental in establishing, is a treasure. Watching families see deer, find stick insects, watch bees pollinating, and view birds through a viewing blind is so rewarding. Crescent Bend Nature Park is truly 'where you belong,' providing a viable natural habitat that can be respectfully enjoyed by our local residents."

Brad Snow, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Member
“Being involved in Scouting and living in Schertz, we have had the opportunity to utilize the extensive trail systems available to us to train up crews for high adventure activities like Philmont. I’d like to give thanks to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and our supportive Schertz City Council for bringing such a great trail system to the Schertz community. I want to encourage everyone to go out and check out the super trail systems that we have available to us here in Schertz.”

Each of these individuals highlights a unique aspect of Schertz Parks and Recreation, showing how these spaces serve as vital hubs for connection, activity, and growth. From seniors finding companionship and fitness at the Schertz Senior Center to children developing lifelong friendships and skills with the Schertz Stingrays Swim Team, the Parks and Recreation Department ensures that everyone has a place to belong.
Schertz Parks and Trails offer more than just physical spaces; they provide opportunities for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to engage, learn, and thrive. Whether it's through competitive sports, leisurely walks, cultural events, or volunteer efforts, these parks and trails are where people come together to create a vibrant, inclusive community.
We invite everyone to join us and experience the myriad benefits of Schertz Parks and Recreation. Embrace the chance to connect with others, explore nature, and enjoy the numerous programs and activities designed with you in mind. Schertz Parks and Trails are not just places to visit; they are where you belong. Scan the QR code to learn more Schertz Parks & Recreation.
Join us for an activity-packed month and follow along on Schertz Parks and Recreation social media outlets for more details.

Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders Today: The Schertz Young Leaders Program
In its second impactful year, the Schertz Young Leaders Program continues to inspire and equip the next generation of community leaders among high school students.
This unique initiative, spearheaded by the Schertz Parks & Recreation Department offers an amazing opportunity for young people to sharpen their leadership skills and develop a deep understanding of their community.
This free program is open to any high school student residing in Schertz or attending schools within the SchertzCibolo Universal City Independent School District (SCUCISD) and runs from October to May. It includes monthly full-day sessions and ends with a special graduation ceremony each May. The program also requires students to attend one Schertz City Council meeting, one School Board meeting, and volunteer at a community event.
This past year, twelve students from various schools, including Samuel Clemens High School, Steele High School, St. Mary’s Hall, and Founders Classical Academy of Schertz,
embarked on this leadership journey. It began with a leadership retreat and team-building session at Natural Bridge Caverns, where they tackled ropes courses and mazes, laying the foundation for their development.
Subsequent monthly sessions, or "blocks," focused on various aspects of leadership and community engagement. The blocks began with leadership training in the morning by Operation Total Leadership, a consulting firm providing expertise on various aspects of leadership. In the afternoon, the students would

Pictured L to R: Eleanor Forsberg, Sarah Johnson, Jacob Ha, Anela Clark, Hadrian Edwards, Jaycee McElroy, Connor Gobin, Keira Bearce, Micah Guice, Laila Burcham, Jaclynn Whatley, and Mattison Mays
The Young Leadership Class is more than just a training program—it's a launchpad for future leaders.

hear from various community leaders who serve as guest speakers for the session, visit facilities such as the Randolph Air Force Base and City Hall, and participate in hands-on leadership activities.
Key sessions included:
■ Leadership and Personality Styles: City Manager Steve Williams and Assistant City Manager Sarah Gonzalez shared insights into leadership and personality styles, helping students understand different approaches.
■ Education and Peak Performance: Former SCUCISD Superintendent Dr. Clarke Ealy and Alamo College Academic Dean Dr. Tammy Perez emphasized the value of education and strategies for peak performance.
■ Emotional Intelligence at JBSA Randolph: A visit to Randolph Air Force Base involved flight simulations, highlighting the role of emotional intelligence in highstakes environments.
■ Community Businesses and Delivering Results: Summer Robledo from First United Bank and Steven Garza from State Farm provided resume tips and stressed community involvement.
■ Local Government and Communicating with Impact: Interactions with Schertz City Council and leaders from EMS, Fire, and Police Departments illustrated local government operations and effective communication.
The program concluded with a graduation dinner on May 8th, where each student presented their biggest takeaways to family, city management, and council members. Jacob Ha, a participant, reflected on his experience: “I loved meeting other young leaders who shared their ideas and experiences in leadership in their everyday life,” Jacob said. “It was awesome seeing younger people like us both having fun while also talking about more mature things like leadership.”
Leadership Consultant Julio Serrano Jr. highlights the program's significance: “There’s a gap between employees and employers. The Schertz Young Leaders Program bridges that gap, preparing students for current and future challenges. These students focus on skills that employers want at all levels. Each month, they engage in discussions and hands-on exercises, creating action plans to apply what they've learned. The curriculum is on par with global workforce development initiatives, giving our students a head start in their prime development years.”
Mayor Ralph Gutierrez echoes this sentiment: "The Young Leadership Class is more than just a training program—it's a launchpad for future leaders. The importance of cultivating young leaders who reside in Schertz, who can navigate complex challenges and drive positive change, cannot be overstated."
Looking ahead, the Schertz Young Leaders Program will open applications for the 2024-2025 class on August 1st. Students who are interested in participating will need to go through the application process which includes filling out an application form, writing an essay, and providing their GPA and resume of extracurricular activities. More details and application forms will be available at Schertz.com/youngleaders.
For additional information, contact Schertz Parks, Recreation, and Community Services at (210) 619-1850.
The Schertz Young Leaders Program is more than an educational initiative; it’s a cornerstone for cultivating tomorrow’s leaders. By immersing young minds in real-world leadership scenarios, the program fosters a stronger, more engaged community. These young leaders, carrying forward the lessons learned, are ready to make a meaningful impact in Schertz and beyond.

Caterpillar's $90 Million Investment in Schertz and Seguin Facilities

This investment underscores Caterpillar's commitment to innovation and growth while fostering job creation and economic development within the region.
The focal point of this investment is the production of the groundbreaking Cat C13D industrial engine, representing a cutting-edge addition to Caterpillar's renowned lineup of heavy-duty equipment. This new engine platform is designed to deliver best-in-class power, density, and fuel efficiency, catering to a wide array of heavy-duty off-highway applications, including material handling, construction, mining, and aircraft ground support.
The investment is expected to create approximately 25 new jobs at the
Schertz facility by 2026, offering valuable employment opportunities to the local workforce. With $70 million allocated to Schertz for the manufacturing of C13D engine components and an additional $20 million earmarked for Seguin's facility to assemble the engines, this initiative will not only enhance production capabilities but also solidify the region's position as a hub for advanced manufacturing.
Mark Stratton, Vice President and General Manager of Caterpillar's Industrial Power Systems - Large Engines, expressed gratitude for the support from the local community as the company prepares its facilities for the production of the C13D engine. He emphasized Caterpillar's commitment to delivering quality
products that contribute to building a better, more sustainable world.
This investment not only reinforces Caterpillar's leadership in the global market for construction and mining equipment but also highlights its dedication to driving innovation and fostering economic prosperity in the communities where it operates. As Caterpillar continues to pave the way for a reduced-carbon future through its innovative products and services, the Schertz and Seguin facilities are poised to play a pivotal role in Caterpillar's mission of helping customers succeed worldwide.
About Caterpillar: With sales and revenues of $67.1 billion in 2023, Caterpillar Inc. stands as the world's foremost manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, off-highway diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines, and diesel-electric locomotives.
For nearly a century, Caterpillar has been at the forefront of innovation, empowering customers to build a better, more sustainable world. Through its global dealer network and comprehensive range of products and services, Caterpillar continues to provide exceptional value while driving progress towards a greener, more prosperous future. Operating across every continent, Caterpillar operates through three primary segments – Construction Industries, Resource Industries, and Energy & Transportation – alongside providing financing and related services through its Financial Products segment.
Pickleball Camp Jul. 3 – 7 @ 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Schertz Area Genealogists Meeting Jul. 4 @ 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Paws to Read Jul. 3 @ 1 – 2 p.m.
Lego Lab (Ages 5+) July 6 @ 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Monster’s Vale: Collegium Jul. 6 @ 12 – 6 p.m.
YouTube Creator (iCode) Jul. 8 – 12 @ 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Nature Senses Jul. 8-12 @ 9 – 11 a.m.
Pickleball Open Play Tuesdays, Jul. 9-30 @ 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Field Day Jul. 9 @ 7 p.m.
Paws to Read Jul. 10 @ 1 – 2 p.m.
Poem in Your Pocket Poetry Workshop Jul. 11 @ 7 – 8 p.m.
Trivia Night Jul. 11 @ 7 p.m.
Chemistry in the Kitchen (Ages 8 – 16) Jul. 12 @ 4 – 5 p.m.
Game On! (Ages 5+) Jul. 13 @ 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Nature Discovery Series Jul. 13 @ 9:30 a.m.
Austin Reptile Show (Ages 5+) Jul. 13 @ 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Music & Movies in the Park: Moana Jul. 13 @ 7 p.m.
Sunday Afternoon Mindful Meditation for Adults (18+) Jul. 14 @ 1 – 2 p.m.
Archery Camp Jul. 15 – 19 @ 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Multi-Sport Camp (Skyhawks) Jul. 15 – 19 @ 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Nerf War Jul. 16 @ 7 p.m.
Geocaching 101 (Ages 7 – Adult) Jul. 17 @ 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Glow Party (all ages) Jul. 18 @ 8:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Chemistry in the Kitchen (Ages 8 – 16) Jul. 19 @ 4 – 5 p.m.
Family Storytime (all ages) Jul. 20 @ 10:15 – 11 a.m.

Wendy Swan Memorial Park
Library Meeting Room 1
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Schertz North Center
Schertz Community Center
Crescent Bend Nature Park
Pickrell Park Large Pavilion
The Park at Woodland Oak
Library Program Room
Library Meeting Room 1
Pickrell Park Large Pavilion
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Crescent Bend Nature Park
Library Program Room
Pickrell Park Pool
Library Program Room
Schertz Community Center
Schertz Soccer Complex
Heritage Oaks Park
Library Program Room
Wendy Swan Memorial Park Splashpad
Library Program Room
Library Program Room

Jul. 18 @ 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. | Wendy Swan Memorial Park Splashpad
Mark your calendars and prepare for an unforgettable evening of luminous excitement at our Glow Party. Join Schertz Parks and Recreation and the Schertz Public Library on Thursday, July 18.

Aug. 23 and 24. @ 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. | Library Program Room
It's time for a Book Sale! Fill a bag for just $5.00 (bags will be provided)! The Book Sale will be held in the Library Program Room located in the children's library. For more details, visit Schertz.com/Bookstore Save the Date
Empower Your Reader: A Workshop for Grown-Ups Jul. 20 @ 1 – 3 p.m.
South Texas Blood & Tissue Blood Drive Jul. 20 @ 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Star Party
Cheer Camp (Skyhawks)
Flag Football Camp (Skyhawks)
Jul. 20 @ 8 p.m.
Jul. 22-26 @ 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Jul. 22-26 @ 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Nailed It! Jul. 22 – 26 @ 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Aquarium to You (All Ages)
Jul. 23 @ 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Foam Party Jul. 23 @ 7 p.m.
Paws to Read (Independent Readers)
Jul. 24 @ 5 – 6 p.m.
Medicare 101 Information Session Jul. 25 @ 6 – 8 p.m.
Color Fight Jul. 25 @ 7 p.m.
Music & Movies in the Park: Minions: The Rise of Gru Jul. 26 @ 8 p.m.
Pupsicles in the Park Jul. 27 @ 9 a.m.
Library Mini Golf (All Ages)
Paper Crafting Crop (Adults 18+)
Jul. 27 @ 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Jul. 28 @ 12 – 5 p.m.
Owl Prowl Jul. 28 @ 8:30 p.m.
Ultimate Sports Camp (Skyhawks) Jul. 29 – Aug. 2 @ 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
STEM-ulate Your Mind Jul. 29 – Aug. 2 @ 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Day Camp Express
Water Games
Jul. 29 – Aug. 2 @ 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Jul. 30 @ 7 p.m.
Paws to Read (Independent Readers) Jul. 31 @ 5 – 6 p.m.
Monster’s Vale: LARP Saturdays @ 12 – 4 p.m.
Monster’s Vale: Junior Warrior Camp Sundays @ 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Unlimited Horizons Writing Workshop
Senior Center Tech Help**
Monster’s Vale: Fighter Practice
Library Quilt Bee (Time varies, check online)
Walk-in Wednesday Tech Help
Toddler Storytime (Ages 20 months – 3 yrs.)***
Preschool Storytime (Ages 3 – 6 yrs.)
Teen Tuesdays (Ages 13 – 18 yrs.)
Discovery! (Ages 6 – 9 yrs.)
Baby & Me Storytime (Ages Birth – 24 months)
Second Sundays @ 3 – 5 p.m.
Second Mondays @ 10 – 11 a.m.
Mondays @ 6 p.m.
Second and Fourth Tuesday and Third Saturday
Wednesdays @ 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays @ 10:15 – 10:45 a.m.
Thursdays @ 11 – 11:30 a.m.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays @ 11 – 11:45 a.m.
Tuesdays @ 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays @ 4 – 4:45 p.m.
Thursdays @ 10:15 – 10:45 a.m.
Crafternoon (Ages 5+) Thursdays @ 2 – 3 p.m.
InbeTween (Ages 8 – 12 yrs.)
Jugando y Aprendiendo En La Bibliotecha (20 meses a 3 años)
Thursdays @ 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Viernes @ 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
* Library spice kits for adults will be available the first week of July featuring crushed red pepper.
** A membership to the Schertz Senior Center is required to attend tech help at the Senior Center.
Library Program Room
Library Parking Lot
Crescent Bend Nature Park
Schertz Soccer Complex
Schertz Soccer Complex
Schertz North Center
Library Parking Lot
Rhine Valley Park
Library Program Room
Library Meeting Room 1
Cypress Point Park
Cypress Point Park
Schertz Dog Park
Schertz Public Library
Library Program Room
Crescent Bend Nature Park
Schertz North Center
Schertz Community Center
Schertz Community Center
Ashley Park
Library Program Room
Pickrell Park
Pickrell Park Poplar Pavilion
Library Meeting Room 2
Schertz Senior Center
Pickrell Park Large Pavilion
Library Meeting Room 1
Library Meeting Room 1
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
*** Weekly youth programs are offered on a rotating schedule of 6 weeks, then paused for 3 weeks. These programs will be paused starting the week of July 29.

Social Leagues
Congratulations to our Spring 2024 Kickball Champions, Sons of Pitches, and inaugural Pickleball Champions, Feazel Force, on taking home the gold. Registration for Fall 2024 Kickball and Cornhole Social leagues open on July 17th. Kickball games will be played on Sunday nights from 6 – 10 p.m.; September 8 – October 20. Cornhole games will be played on Tuesday nights from 6 – 10 p.m.; September 10 –October 15.
STEM-ulate Your Mind
With a focus on creativity and innovation, kids can explore the world of STEM projects through hands-on making and tinkering. From designing and building cardboard phone projectors to marble roller coaster challenges, STEM-ulate Your Mind encourages kids to think outside the box and turn their ideas into reality through the power of making. Join us from July 29 – August 2 between 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at Schertz Community Center.

Nailed It!
Creativity meets craftsmanship in the exciting world of string art. In this hands-on program for ages 10 – 14, participants will explore the captivating technique of string art (sometimes called “nail and thread art”). Participants will start by hammering nails onto a base to form outlines of figures, shapes, or designs. Then, with careful precision and imagination, they'll weave colorful threads, wire, or string around the nails to bring their creations to life. Participants will unleash their creativity, learn new skills, and take home stunning masterpieces to proudly display. Program rus July 22 – 26 from 1:30 –3:30 p.m. at Schertz North Center. Cost is $60 per child.

Star Party
Join us on July 20 at Crescent Bend Nature Park for an evening under the stars, hosted in conjunction with the San Antonio Astronomical Association. Members of SAAA will provide telescopes for viewing the constellations, stars, and wonder of the night sky. Chairs and blankets welcome. Event will begin at 8 p.m.

National Watermelon Day
Grab your sunscreen and bring your appetite! Join us on August 3 at Pickrell Park Pool to celebrate National Watermelon Day; with floating watermelons in the pool and watermelon-themed games, contests, and more. Regular pool admission applies. Event will be held between 12 –2 p.m. and admission is $3 per person.
Connect with us on social media
CityofSchertz or cityofschertzparksandrecreation
Post a pic @SchertzParksandRec Use #SchertzParksandRec

Austin Reptile Show
Join us for an exciting and educational close encounter with various reptiles, presented by Austin Reptile Shows. The same show will be presented at both scheduled times providing a unique opportunity to learn about these fascinating creatures up close. Bring your curiosity and get ready to meet some amazing reptiles! Join us on Saturday, July 13 at 1:30 p.m. or 3 p.m. in the Library Program Room.

Geocaching 101
Geocaching is all about looking for hidden treasure—or caches—in the great outdoors. Join a Texas Parks and Wildlife Park Interpreter to learn what it is and how you can take part in the fun. Schertz Public Library has a hidden geocache that you will learn how to access. This program is designed for adults and children (ages 7 and up with an accompanying adult). Space is limited and registration is required. Join us Wednesday, July 17 at 12:30 p.m. in the Library Program Room.

Aquarium to You
The Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean are dynamic and diverse ecosystems that support a wide range of life. Learners of all ages will discover some of the many plants and animals that live here, and how human impact affects these organisms, as we bring the Aquarium to you! This booth-style setup will be in the Library Parking Lot on Tuesday, July 23 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Library Mini Golf
The Schertz Public Library will be transformed into a mini golf course on Saturday, July 27. The public is invited to play a round of golf anytime between 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The course, which will be set up by a professional mini golf company and library volunteers, will wind through the stacks of the library. We hope everyone will take advantage of this opportunity to see the library in a new way as they play the course and help us celebrate a successful Summer Reading Experience. This fun, free event is open to the public. The library will be closed for regular business all day.
Resource Feature: CloudLibrary

Reach all your summer reading goals with CloudLibrary! CloudLibrary is a free service you can use with your library card to read e-books and e-audiobooks—anywhere, anytime. ust download the app (available in the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or Amazon Appstore), log in with your library barcode and pin, and start checking out e-books and e-audiobooks right on your own devices. You can check out up to 8 items at a time for a loan period of 14 days each. With digital books there are no worries about late fees because items automatically "return" at the end of their loan periods. For more information on getting started, contact the library, or visit Schertz.com/ebooks.

10 minutes to preparedness
Unintentional actions are the leading cause of outside fires. Community residents need to keep fire safety in mind when enjoying summer vacations, camping, family reunions, grilling and the Fourth of July.
Never leave campfires, grills, or fire pits unattended.
Use only designated fire pits or rings for campfires.
Keep fires and fireworks at least 10 feet from structures and flammable materials.
Clear dry leaves and twigs from the fire area.
Report issues or concerns, request services, and seek information/referrals
If you are calling from outside Guadalupe County, call (210) 619-1000. Residents can also report issues and concerns online at Schertz.com/KeepItNice or email CustomerCare@schertz.com.
Keep water, sand, or a hose nearby to douse flames.
Follow City firework laws and have water or a fire extinguisher ready.
Grill on flat surfaces away from branches and never add lighter fluid to lit fires.
Dispose of cooled charcoal and ashes in a metal container.
Avoid burning or grilling on windy days.
Teach children about fire safety and keep them away from flames and hot surfaces.
scan qr code to sign up for alerts

Looking Back

There were many reasons for Schertz’s survival – the economic foundations that were established by Schertz settlers were crucial. Another reason for Schertz’s economic growth was the arrival of the railroad and its placement with its depot. And the arrival of Randolph Field brought an economic stimulus to Schertz
The times were harsh, but the people were strong and committed to seeing their community survive and prosper. The 1920s saw the introduction of prohibition, the development of the automobile, and the beginning of the Great Depression – an unbelievable time of despair. This time brought demise to many small communities, but Schertz survived. The first six decades were crucial to Schertz’s survive as a community, but the next six decades would depend on the community as to whether the city would expand and prosper.

Share your memories of living in Schertz to Rozwise@aol.com. Information presented by the Schertz Historical Preservation Committee (SHPC) is in the interest of historical perspective and community awareness of local historical legacies.

Upcoming Events

Join us for pre-show Trivia Night at Movies in the Park at 7pm on July 26th at Cypress Point Park5526 Cypress Point. Prizes awarded each round with the grand prize winner receiving a gift basket valued at over $250, courtesy of Whataburger @3009!

Samuel Clemens History Club for helping us with the trivia questions and all the prizes donated from Whataburger @3009.
We appreciate your support!

The Schertz Historical Preservation Committee is an all-volunteer committee whose goal is to preserve Schertz past through stories, photos and landmarks. To join our committee, go to schertz.com and search “Boards and Commissions” or call 210-619-1030

promptly repair faucet leaks
use low flow showerheads
when hand-washing, don’t run water continuously
Regularly empty and clean containers that collect water, such as flower pots, birdbaths, and gutters.
Install or repair window and door screens to keep mosquitoes out
Keep your lawn mowed, trim back shrubs, and remove leaf litter and debris to reduce mosquito habitats.
Use fans in outdoor seating areas to keep mosquitoes at bay, as they are weak fliers.

water plants & grass wisely

If possible, stay inside during early morning and evening when mosquitoes are most active. Apply diluted essential oils to your skin or clothing, or use them in diffusers.
Scented lotions and perfumes can attract mosquitos, avoid wearing these outdoors. During peak mosquito hours (dusk and dawn), wear long sleeves, long pants, and socks to minimize exposed skin.

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Around the Community
RACAP Back-To-School Supply Program
The Randolph Area Christian Assistance Program (RACAP) will begin accepting applications for the Back-To-School Program on July 15, 2024. Applications will be accepted from families in need of help with school supplies because of limited or no income, who are at or below the Federal Poverty Guidelines. The deadline to apply for the Back-ToSchool Program is August 9, 2024.
RACAP welcomes organizations, businesses, groups, or individuals who would like to participate by donating school supplies or money. If you would like to donate school supplies, contact RACAP at racap@att.net to receive a
list of the supplies needed. This help is greatly needed and much appreciated. Donations may be dropped by the RACAP office or mailed to 307 Pfeil St, Schertz TX 78154.
Applicants for assistance must live in the following zip codes: 78108, 78109, 78132, 78148, 78154, 78247, Live Oak 78233, or 78266.
Those interested in helping or are in need of help may contact RACAP at 307 Pfeil, Schertz, Monday thru Friday, 1 – 3 p.m. or call (210) 658-1613 between those times.

The Moreno family traveled to Colorado with their Schertz Magazine.
Bring your Schertz Magazine along during your travels and send us a high resolution photo of you and your magazine to magazine@schertz.com. You may see your photo in an upcoming issue of Schertz Magazine!

Curtis Jenkins, Jan Jenkins, Cindy Fossum and Mike (Taco) Ontko brought their Schertz Magazine to Puerto Rico.

Billy & Caryn Musick celebrated their 30th anniversary in London, England and brought their Schertz Magazine.

Tara Foley visited Buckingham Palace in London, England with her Schertz Magazine.


Tiffany Gibson Councilmember (210) 612-6137 tiffanygibson@schertz.com
Robert Westbrook Councilmember (210) 846-8768
Allison Heyward Councilmember (210) 608-9543 allisonheyward@schertz.com
Tim Brown Councilmember (210) 608-2381 timbrown@schertz.com
City of Schertz/311 (210) 619-1000
Animal Services (210) 619-1550
City Manager (210) 619-1000
City Secretary (210) 619-1030
Civic Center (210) 619-1600
Economic Development (210) 619-1070
EMS (non-emergency) (210) 619-1400
Fire (non-emergency) (210) 619-1300
Inspections (210) 619-1750
Library (210) 619-1700
Municipal Court (210) 619-1500
Neighborhood Services (210) 619-1650
Parks & Recreation (210) 619-1850
Planning & Comm Dev (210) 619-1780
Police (non-emergency) (210) 619-1200
Police Records (210) 619-1200
Public Affairs (210) 619-1630
Public Works (210) 619-1800
Trash & Recycling (210) 619-1100
Utility Billing (210) 619-1100