3 minute read
Child labour and human rights Respect and tolerance
from Fair Compliance - EN
by Scheuch
A fundamental element of modern societies is respect A fundamental element of modern societies is respect for human rights. The Scheuch Group respects these for human rights. The Scheuch Group respects these rights in connection with the conduct of its business rights in connection with the conduct of its business and does not tolerate any violations in this respect. and does not tolerate any violations in this respect. Our company rejects any form of forced or child laOur company rejects any form of forced or child labour. bour. The company may only employ persons who The company may only employ persons who have reahave reached the minimum age required by law in ched the minimum age required by law in the respecthe respective country. The business partners of the tive country. The business partners of the Scheuch Scheuch Group are obliged to check this age limit to Group are obliged to check this age limit to prevent the prevent the employment of younger staff members. employment of younger staff members. The minimum The minimum age for employment is based on the age age for employment is based on the age for compulfor compulsory schooling; no person may be employed sory schooling; no person may be employed until they until they have finished their compulsory schooling. have fi nished their compulsory schooling. The ETI Base Code applies in all cases. All national The ETI Base Code applies in all cases. All national standards for the protection of children and young standards for the protection of children and young workers must also be observed. Children must not be workers must also be observed. Children must not be exploited for economic gain. They must be prevented exploited for economic gain. They must be prevented from doing work which is dangerous, compromises from doing work which is dangerous, compromises their education or endangers their health. This also intheir education or endangers their health. This also includes work that can endanger their physical, mental, cludes work that can endanger their physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development. spiritual, moral or social development.
»Our tolerance ends where the rights of others are impinged upon. » Our tolerance ends where the rights of others are impinged upon.
The Scheuch Group treats all people respectfully and The Scheuch Group treats all people respectfully and does not discriminate against or harass them in any does not discriminate against or harass them in any way. We are proud of the diversity of our staff memway. We are proud of the diversity of our staff members, who contribute a great deal to our international bers, who contribute a great deal to our international success. success. We respect the dignity, privacy and personal rights We respect the dignity, privacy and personal rights of of all people. In accordance with our values and the all people. In accordance with our values and the laws laws of the respective countries, we do not tolerate of the respective countries, we do not tolerate any any form of discrimination on the basis of colour, sex, form of discrimination on the basis of colour, sex, rereligion, age, nationality, social and ethnic background, ligion, age, nationality, social and ethnic background, language, marital status, disability, worldview, sexual language, marital status, disability, worldview, sexual orientation or political or trade-union involvement. orientation or political or trade-union involvement.
»Scheuch does not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment or » Scheuch does not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying at work! bullying at work!
This rule refers mainly to offensive verbal, physical, This rule refers mainly to offensive verbal, physical, visual or sexual conduct or actions, regardless of visual or sexual conduct or actions, regardless of whether these are aimed at individuals or at groups whether these are aimed at individuals or at groups of of people. people.