David Schleindl Portfolio 2015
david@imhome.co 403-922-2887
Client: Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
Concept Development, Art Direction and Design
Concept Development, Art Direction and Design
Client: Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
Concept Development, Art Direction and Design
Images: Leblond Partnership
Client: Palaeontological Society of the Peace
Concept Development, Art Direction and Design
Client: Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited
Design & Project Management
Image: City of Calgary
Client: City of Calgary
Design & Project Management
Image: everydaytourist.ca Image: evexperience.com
Client: Stantec / Calgary Municipal Land Corporation
Design & Project Management
Image: thelastdrop.ca
Client: Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited
Client: Myfanwy MacLeod
Design & Project Management
Image: christianmoeller.com
Client: Christian Moeller
Design & Project Management
Client: Global Experience Systems
Design & Project Management
Client: Global Experience Systems
Design & Project Management
Image: melineaj.wordpress.com
Image: melineaj.wordpress.com
Client: Global Experience Systems
Design & Project Management
Images: Leblond Partnership
Client: Canadian Pacific Railway
Urban Planning, Design & Rendering
Images: Leblond Partnership
Client: Diamond Crystal Properties Development
Resort Design
Images: Civitas
Client: Wuhu Government
Urban Planning, Design & Rendering
Images: Civitas
Client: City of Vancouver
Client: Bovis Lend Lease
Urban Planning, Design & Rendering
Client: City of Calgary
Public Art Design
Public Art Design
Landscape History
The University s history culture and natural setting combine to give the campus meaning and a ense of permanence for students facu ty staff residents and visitors Physical change will celebrate these attributes and respect their wor h (A Legacy & A Promise Physical Planning at UBC 1999)
Pre colonial Landscape Ocean Forested promontory Musqueum land use
Late 19th century Landscape Logging clears land for property development Physical separation from City of Vancouver
Early 20th century Landscape Remnant forest emains Ordered University City plan (1914) applied to cleared land Agriculture and Forestry practiced as University Faculty activ ties
1912 Sharp & Thompson Plan
Mid 20th century Landscape Regenerat ng forest from Forestry activity and natural processes University developing Sense of o dered plan break ng down due to rapid development following WWII
UEL Community
City of Vancouver
Late 20th century Landscape Protected regenerated fo est (Pacific Spirit Regional Park Greater Vancouver Regional D strict) created from University endowment lands re nforces eparat on of Un vers ty and Vancouver Disintegrated University development and maintenance Significant cliff face erosion Unified landscape acknowledged to be crit cal to UBC’s sen e of place
Landscape Plan
University Golf Course
The University of Br tish Columbia
Early 21st century Landscape Pacific Spirit Reg onal Park maintains and reinforces separation of University and Vancouver Cliff stabiliza ion begins New development esponds to renewed commitment to landscape as Un versity trives to become a more comple e sustainable commun ty
September 2001
Pac fic Spir t Regional Park
Land and Building Services, UBC 1999 Aerial Photo UBC Land Area 405 hectares / 1000 acres 2
Client: University of British Columbia
Report Design
Modeling & Rendering
Plain of Six Glaciers Trail Length: 13.6 km round trip Time: 5 hours Elevation Gain: 415 m Conditions: A steady climb; winter travel is for the experienced and well-equipped mountaineer. The Plain of Six Glaciers Trail is aptly named – it takes you into the heart of glacier country. The trail follows along the shore of Lake Louise and then climbs through forest and across avalanche slopes until it reaches a rustic teahouse, built by the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1927. Look for mountain goats high up on the slopes and marmots sunning themselves on boulders. The trail continues for another 1.3 kilometres beyond the teahouse to a viewpoint of Abbot Pass between Mounts Victoria and Lefroy. From this trail you can see how Lake Louise was formed. As glaciers advanced down the valley in the last Ice Age, they gouged out a great depression and created a valley. When the glaciers began to recede, glacial debris formed a dam that held the meltwater from the Lake Louise valley glacier. Reference Image Gemtrek Image Above Glenbow Archives NC-53-415
Client: Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
Design & Rendering
Client: Danziger Designer Glass
Retail Design
Residential Design & Construction
Residential Design & Construction
Courses: Digital Lab 1 & 2 (dlab1.weebly.com) Introductory and advanced instruction of the Adobe CS6 suite of applications including Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. The class web site provides students with the course documents as well a supplemental information. Offered at the Alberta College of Art and Design since 2009.
Course: Cellphone Cinema An introduction to the world of cinema and it’s production. The purpose of the course is to learn both the language film and the mechanics of putting a film together. Offered at the Alberta College of Art and Design since 2014.
Project Cost Management o m
D u nt ion f h bas o th sti Add nal de ils Add onal deta s Docum ntation f ll assumpt ons d esc
y Outputs u t g 1 Co tarendepic g ened l in cess
Process Group
Process Group
7 3-Determine Budge 7.1 Plan Cost Management plannfO toang plan t the a p ces m
p o ss
1 Cos m n gem nt p an 7.2 Estimate Costs - workestab packag s zed & 7act ties ish an author ost el ne The u bal n
proces are depicted -6. Fi ure Pro t ncF gure dul 5 7 depict r e p int ths 7.3 Determine Budget - bring together all the estimates 5
1 o oupdate e nth 2 Pro ect funding prrequirements ides the 3 Pr ec documents nputs, tools and t upda es
Process Group
Monitoring & Controlling
Process Group
ENT Act vity cost es imates thatsit determine f s s t 3s Ptoo ojec n s andumtechn updates
P ojec managemen plan 7.4 Control Costs - earned value management i
Process Group
Outputs 1 Work performance information 2 Cost forecasts 3 Change requests 4 Project management plan updates 5 Project documents updates 6 Organ zat onal process assets updates
Course: Project Management This program uses the globally recognized standards of the Project Management Institute (PMI) including methodologies and best practices for project management. Offered at the Calgary Immigrant Educational Society in 2014. This is one of over 1,600 slides generated for the program.
Thank you! David Schleindl Portfolio 2015
david@imhome.co 403-922-2887