Old Splendor in New Glory

Page 1

SCHLOESSERLAND SACHSEN. Old Splendor in New Glory.

Exhibition 300 Years of MEISSEN

All Nations Are Welcome

300 Years of MEISSEN as a Bridge between Cultures, Nations, and Religions

The world-famous MEISSEN trademark is celebrating its 300th anniversary. Three centuries of the connection of craftsmanship, aesthetics and passion are the occasion for presenting an intercultural anniversary exhibition:

In the year 2010 the Museum of MEISSEN Art in the City of Meißen is going to show how the manufactory has been interpreting international influences since its foundation in the year 1710 and how it made its contribution to art history.

Experience MEISSEN not only as table culture but also as MEISSEN Fine Living, as high-quality interior design and art de vivre, as artistic expression of the linkage between cultures, nations and religions of our world.

Museum of MEISSEN Art | Talstraße 9 | 01662 Meißen | Phone +49 (0) 3521 468 700 | Fax +49 (0) 3521 468 804 | museum@meissen.com | www.meissen.com

Old Splendor in New Glory.

Old Splendor in New Glory. How the nobility left their mark Palaces and mansions in Saxony

06 – 35

Albrechtsburg Castle Meissen / Augustusburg Castle 08/09 10/11 Burgk Castle / Colditz Castle 12/13 Delitzsch Castle / Dresden Castle 14/15 Little Pheasant Castle / Freudenstein Castle 16/17 Güldengossa Castle / Hartenfels Castle 18/19 Klaffenbach Castle / Klippenstein Castle 20/21 Krobnitz Castle / Lauenstein Castle 22/23 Lichtenstein Palace / Castle & Park Lichtenwalde 24/25 Lingner Palace / Moritzburg Castle 26/27 Nossen Castle / Castle & Park Pillnitz 28/29 Rammenau Castle / Rochlitz Castle 30/31 Schlettau Castle / Schwarzenberg Castle 32/33 Wackerbarth Castle / Weesenstein Castle 34/35 Wildeck Castle / Dresden Zwinger

A country in arms Castles and fortresses in Saxony

36 – 45

Dresden Fortress / Gnandstein Castle Königstein Fortress / Kriebstein Castle Mildenstein Castle / Ortenburg Castle Scharfenstein Castle / Stolpen Castle

38/39 40/41 42/43 44/45

Nature and art in harmony Gardens and parks in Saxony

46 – 51

Spa Park in Bad Elster / Count Pückler Park 48/49 The Great Garten of Dresden / The Grosssedlitz Baroque Garden


The triumphant march of knowledge Monasteries in Saxony

52 – 55

Altzella Monastery Park 53 Buch Monastery / Wechselburg Benedictine Monastery


The experience of grand joie de vivre Accommodation in Saxony

56 – 65

Althörnitz Castle Hotel / Colditz Castle European Youth Hostel 58/59 60/61 Dresden-Pillnitz Castle Hotel / Gaussig Castle Hotel 62/63 Hohnstein Castle / Schweinsburg Castle Hotel Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden / Boarding House »Zur Königlichen Ausspanne«

Four ways to Saxony’s history Theme routes

66 – 75

Map of Saxony Editorial details

The valley of the castles Palaces of the old and the new rich Between nature and culture Foreign rule and tolerance

68/69 70/71 72/73 74/75


Old splendor in new glory.

The medium for the spread of culture, however, was not nobility itself so much as the church. Significant libraries and art treasures were to be found behind thick monastery walls, in chapter houses and in hermitages where the classical languages were cultivated as well as in peaceful cloisters

For more than eight hundred years the Saxons lived under only one dy-

where the art of medicine, horticulture and handicrafts was cultivated. Af-

nasty. The art-loving margraves, dukes, prince electors and kings from the

ter the Reformation, which as we all know built its first »mighty fortress«

House of Wettin invited first-class architects and artists to stay permanent-

in Saxony, many monasteries passed over to a secular use.

ly at their court, especially during the Baroque era when the Saxon Sun King Augustus the Strong and his son Friedrich August II ruled the land so

Dresden as a royal seat developed into Germany’s most beautiful city,

sparkingly. They transformed their country into what it is today: the most

lavishly furnished with splendid architecture and unique art treasures.

popular destination in Germany for culture-loving tourists. The world of

A wealth of top-class cultural monuments also developed in many other

the Wettin dynasty is an absolute feast for the senses and attracts millions

places in Saxony. In the 19th century »new regents« appeared: mining

of visitors to the country along the banks of the Elbe river every year.

barons and industrial tycoons erected mansions that took second place to the splendor of the feudal residences only in age.

Saxony lies in the heart of Central Europe at the crossroads of great cultures where during the Middle Ages the trading route between the Baltic

The time is right for a journey to the land of palaces, castles and gardens

Sea and the Adriatic met many times with the one between Russia and

– especially after this world has once again come to life following the re-

Flanders. Anyone who wanted to assert his rights in the midst of this

unification of Germany. Now is therefore the moment to enjoy the grand

confused mixture of secular and religious interests had to have a firm base

savoir-vivre at the lovingly restored palaces where you can now cast a

which was able to withstand any onslaught. Later, when the former me-

glance over the battlements of formerly impregnable castles and fortresses

dieval robber barons where replaced by diplomacy, the law of succession

and peer into a great past and find mystic tranquillity among the peace

and marriage politics, many of these former fortified castles changed into

and quiet behind old monastery walls and even stand in awe at the beauty

prestigious palaces.

of the lavish historic gardens and parks.

How the nobility left their mark Palaces and mansions in Saxony The splendor of the grand architecture of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Baroque could only express itself during an age when wealth and a refined taste for art were able to come together as one. This was a time and a place where nature and culture, picturesque river valleys and magnificent palatial gardens, high cliffs and mighty fortresses, the depths of the forests and the romantic seats of nobility were able to come together and form an awe-inspiring tout ensemble. Where else can visitors find a room containing millions of artistically woven feathers next to the oldest castle in Germany which is not far from three splendid palaces situated like pearls strung on a chain or, for that matter, unexplainable stairway constructions which seem to defy the laws of physics?


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— The Meissen castle hill with the castle and the cathedral (top) — The spiral staircase (bottom)

— The Town of Augustusburg with the Castle



ere, where stallions once breathed heavily in front of grand

atmosphere but also because of its spaciousness which has been put to

barouches, horse-powered engines now roar. Augustusburg

good use. There is hardly another castle in Germany which offers such

Castle is one of the favorite places of motorcycle fans since

a large variety of cultural and educational programs inside its castle

this is the home of Europe’s largest motorbike museum. Numerous

walls. Here visitors will not only find the motorcycle museum but

former exhibits from the history of this fascinating means of travel are

also other worthwhile exhibitions and an observation tower. In ad-

on display here. During the »Winter Meeting« of the motorcycle con-

dition, falconry shows of eagles and hawks allow visitors to vividly

gregation, Augustusburg Castle attracts thousands of motorcycle fans.

experience these majestic birds of prey. The artistically minded will

The monumental Renaissance castle stands on a well-chosen site. Visible

love the sight of the altarpiece of the castle church which was painted

from afar, this old hunting lodge rises above the Zschopau valley on

by Lucas Cranach the Younger. This altarpiece is considered to be one

a porphyry cone. It is aptly called the »Crown of the Ore Mountains«

of the most remarkable works of art of its kind. It has never been removed

because of its roof shape. The imposing structure which in four centu-

from its original location since the church was consecrated. Furthermore,

ries has lost none of its former appeal was completed in the year 1572.

for those who wish to rest after having enjoyed all the sights, the castle

Augustusburg Castle, however, not only impresses through its historic

also contains a youth hostel where you can stay the night.


cradle of Saxony


beautifully mirrored in the waters of the Elbe,

a Gothic masterpiece, is just as inviting as the

castles stand alongside three wa-

a literal highlight of the panorama of the

once decrepit and now lovingly restored old

ters – thus goes an old German

valley. The tragedy of the place being that

town of Meissen with its red tiled roofs.

rhyme. The solution to the riddle is »Meis-

this precious jewel on a high cliff remained

sen« whose castle hill is surrounded by the

almost unused for centuries. It was not un-

here is the hill on which three

rivers Elbe, Triebisch and Meisa and where

til Augustus the Strong decreed that the first

in the days of old the margraves, bishops

European porcelain manufactory move into

and the burgrave would reside high above

the building that new life was breathed into

the town. The presence of these powers in a

the castle. With the »White Gold« produced

confined area aptly demonstrated the former

therein Meissen then began its triumphant

significance of the »cradle of Saxony«. With

march through Europe. On the three exhibi-

Albrechtsburg Castle the first German palace

tion floors we are reminded of this stroke of

and a masterly piece of architecture was cre-

occidental inventive genius. Below richly dec-

ated whose bold architectural solutions and

orated arches behind splendid curtain bow

design still impresses visitors today. Its high

windows visitors will find a real picture book

spires, bright facades and wide windows are

of Saxon history. The neighboring cathedral,

Albrechtsburg Castle

Augustusburg Castle

Albrechtsburg Meissen | Domplatz 1 | 01662 Meißen | Phone +49 (0) 35 21 4 70 70 | albrechtsburg@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Siebenlehn Exit, continue on Route B101 to Meissen Highway A13 Radeburg Exit, continue on Highway A14 Nossen-Ost Exit, continue on Route B6 from Dresden to Meissen or direct from Dresden with the Elbe steamer shuttleservice between the Porcelain Manufactory, the Old Town and Castle Hill — Free admission to the castle and the permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to the special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Schloss Augustusburg | 09573 Augustusburg | Phone +49 (0) 3 72 91 38 00 I augustusburg@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A72/A4 Frankenberg Exit, continue on Route 180 towards Flöha to Augustusburg. Train Line 517 Flöha – Bärenstein to Erdmannsdorf, continue with the historic funicular railway to Augustusburg — Free admission to the castle and the permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to the special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Palaces and mansions in Saxony

The crown of the Ore Mountains H


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— The manor (left) — The entrance to the yard (top right) — The Municipal Art Collection (bottom right)


— The castle grounds



uler’s seat, hunting lodge, widow’s residence – with its white gables Colditz Castle is one of the most beautiful and stylistically unadulterated architectural monuments of Central Germany in the 16th century. When nowadays groups of travelers from

around the world crowd around the castle and its grounds, then this is not only because of their interest in Renaissance architecture. The reason for the crowd has more to do with recent

history than with the past since the spacious castle was a significant internment camp for high ranking officers of the Western allies during the Second World War and it was to become world famous later through the book »The Colditz Story« and the film of the same name. Mainly British, Dutch and French military personnel were kept prisoner here including the nephew of Win-

Color and coal R


the colorful oil paintings on canvas is wait-

industrial history all in one place?

ing next door in the main building of the

Burgk Castle brings it all together!

castle where the 450-year history of the min-

The former knights’ estate which has been re-

ing industry in Freital has been richly docu-

nowned as a manor since the 14th century

mented. An authentic mining situation in

and which was an administrative center of the

a side building impressively reproduces the

»Baron von Burgk Hard Coal Works« today

infamous uranium mining of the SDAG

houses a museum complex with a large vari-

Wismut which provided the raw material for



ety of different exhibits. The municipal art

the Soviet atom bomb after 1945. The mu-

ston Churchill and the nephew of the then king of England, George VI. The prisoners of the

collection and the Pappermann Foundation

seum also contains the only demonstration

»Oflag (officer’s camp) IVc« were, however, only minimally impressed by the lovely atmosphere

display exceptional works of Saxon paint-

mine in Saxony which has dedicated itself to

of the castle – they were mainly interested in escaping. About 300 documents of escape attempts

ing of the 19th and 20th century including

documenting the early history of industrial

exist, some of them reveal an unbelievable creativity, including successful escape attempts which

paintings of the Romantic artist Carl Gustav

hard-coal mining. A special highlight of the

today are part of this legendary military history. Secret radio rooms kept the prisoners in con-

Carus and the Expressionist painter Conrad

collection in Burgk is the loan of Siemens

tact with their home country, tunnels were forced through the castle walls and even a glider was

Felixmueller on Burgk Castle. The highlight

Forum Munich of »Dorothea «: the world’s

made. The »Escape Museum« of course looks at this aspect of the castle’s history in great detail.

of the exhibition are the nine paintings by

first electrical pit locomotive. Here technique

But also the battlements with the mighty walls, the prince’s house, the Renaissance portal of the

Otto Dix who taught at the art academy in

freaks will be able to stand back in awe at this

Trinity Church, the castle tower with the Welsh dome and the old stone bridge still impress visi-

the neighboring city of Dresden from 1927

unique sight.

tors today. Also incorporated in the castle are the Saxon State Music Academy and the »Colditz

until 1933. The black contrast program to

Castle European Youth Hostel«.

Burgk Castle

Colditz Castle

Städtische Sammlung Freital auf Schloss Burgk I Altburgk 61 I 01705 Freital | Phone +49 (0) 3 51 6 49 15 62 I museum@freital.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Wilsdruff Exit, continue on Route B173 direction Kesselsdorf to Freital using Highway A17 Dresden-Gorbitz Exit, continue direction Freital Dresden – Chemnitz or Dresden – Tharandt to Freital-Postschappel regional bus traffic Dresden (RVD/ Regionalverkehr Dresden), stop Freital Bus Terminal, Hopfenblüte, Am Dathepark or Burgk-Zschiedge — Free admission to the castle and the permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to the special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Kultur/Museum - Gesellschaft Schloss Colditz e.V. I Schlossgasse 1 I 04680 Colditz | Phone +49 (0) 3 43 81 4 37 77 I kultur@gesellschaft-schloss-colditz.com — HOW TO FIND US Highway A14 Grimma Exit, continue on Route B107 direction Colditz, then use castle signposting via Highway A4 Glauchau Exit, via Rochlitz to Colditz rail/bus from Leipzig main station with regional railroad to Grossbothen, continue by bus to Colditz via Leipzig main station by regional bus to Colditz — Free admission to the castle and the permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to the special exhibitions, with the exception of events. — Colditz Castle European Youth Hostel (see page 59)

Palaces and mansions in Saxony

Great escapes


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— The dining hall on the bel-étage (left) — The castle with the Baroque garden (right)




lmost eight hundred years of history are reflected in the Saxon residential castle which was not only the

royal seat but also housed one of Europe’s

n the event that a princess should be-

elector, Augustus the Strong, who was pull-

great art collections, the Dresden State Art

get a child not with her infantile spouse

ing the strings of this tragic court plot in

Collections. The residential castle is part of

but rather with a secret lover, then the

the background, was that the rivaling side-

a museum complex of extraordinary Euro-

European higher nobility of former times

line Saxony-Merseburg died out with this sad

pean significance in which the famous Green

had no scruples. The illegitimate offspring of

royal couple. In stark contrast to such nasty

Vault Treasury Museum, the »Turkish Cham-

the duchess Henriette Charlotte von Saxo-

intrigues is the bright and cheerful Baroque

ber«, the Armory, the Mint Cabinet and the

ny-Merseburg is said to have been given to

character of Delitzsch Castle today. The

Copper Plate Engraving Cabinet – Germany’s

a nanny after birth and then to have been

pastel color of the castle, the once-popular

oldest museum of graphic art – have found

raised under another name. The child, how-

residence of traveling Saxon princes in the

a worthy home. The Great Castle Courtyard

ever, died soon after an emergency baptism.

middle of the Delitzsch lake district, attracts

shows in an exemplary manner the artistic

The pleasant side-effect for Saxon’s prince

artistically minded visitors with its museum

properties of the Sgraffito whose façades have

and Baroque garden, especially during the an-

been richly decorated using the ambitious

nual castle festival. Inside the castle visitors

scratchwork method. The visitor’s lobby of

can marvel at the prestigious interior which

the »Art Residence« is located in the Small

despite the temporary use of the castle as a

Castle Courtyard whose Renaissance architec-

women’s penitentiary has still retained a great

ture is overarched by a bold roof construction

deal of its original appeal.

which appears to be hovering above and is made of transparent plastic pillows. Close by another precious material protects a unique mural on an outer wall from the adverse effects of time. 25,000 painted tiles made of Meissen porcelain form the Procession of Princes, a 102 meter long procession which depicts the rulers of the House of Wettin. On the other side of Saxony’s most famous mural is where the stable courtyard, a building with a colonnade which was already a tourist attraction of the city in the 16th century and which forms the backdrop of a romantic medieval Christmas market in December is located. The size and beauty of the castle can be best seen from the 100 meter high Hausmannsturm tower with a platform affording visitors a fantastic panorama view of the Old Town and the Elbe valley below.

Delitzsch Castle

Dresden Castle

Barockschloss Delitzsch | Schlossstraße 31 I 04509 Delitzsch | Phone +49 (0) 3 42 02 6 72 37 I barockschloss@stadt-delitzsch.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A9 Wiedemar Exit, follow the signposting via Highway A14 Leipzig-Mitte/Delitzsch Exit Railroad line Leipzig-Dessau/Wittenberg to Delitzsch lower railroad station — Free admission to the castle and the permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to the special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden | Taschenberg 2 I 01067 Dresden | Phone +49 (0) 3 51 49 14 20 00 I besucherservice@skd.museum — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Dresden Altstadt Exit, follow signposting direction Stadtzentrum, tram to Theaterplatz or Altmarkt stop — With the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS free admission to the Hausmannsturm tower (April to October).

Palaces and mansions in Saxony

The residence of art

Family feud


— The corner cabinet of the Historic Green Vault (top) — The Small Castle Yard (bottom)


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— Little Pheasant Castle (top) — Lighthouse (bottom)


— The treasure chamber of Terra Mineralia (left) — The castle access (right)


of the Earth


lthough you will not find the

house the Freiberg Mining Academy’s collec-

famous philosopher’s stone here,

tion of artefacts and mining documents from

you will find everything which will

six centuries, thus rounding off the tour of

make the heart of geologists and mineral col-

these underground treasure chambers. The

lectors beat faster. Freudenstein (Rock of Joy)

focus on the treasures of the Earth’s crust in

is an appropriate name for this castle because

Freiberg is not without good reason because

it houses a treasure of worldwide reputation

the castle complex once protected the new

which not only enchants the scientifically-

silver mines from thieves and pillagers. Freu-

minded public. The exhibition »Terra Min-

denstein thus protected the natural wealth

eralia« of the Freiberg Mining Academy is

which was to turn Saxony into a booming

the world’s largest private mineralogical col-

country for centuries.

lection. About 5,000 of the total of 80,000 exhibits from the collection of the Wella heiress Dr. Erika Pohl-Stroeher who was born in Saxony can be seen in this permanent loan

Paradise nutshell

exhibition which bears spectacular and im-

in a

pressively beautiful witness to the history of the Earth on five continents. The splendor of the exponents has been increased as the »Terra Mineralia« is being shown in a part of the castle which has been specifically refurbished for this purpose. This is where the functional architecture of the third millennium merges with architectural structures

structed and is now open to the public in all of its former glory.

which have developed over 700 years provid-

Originally erected in a confined space in the formerly highly modern

ing a fitting stage for the crystals whose age

chinoiserie style, it now houses a complete royal household in a small

is measured in eons. The neighboring rooms

format. Furniture, stoves and murals restored to their original state and a collection of stuffed birds are eye-catchers inside the building. While strolling along the garden outside, visitors can go back in time


to the world of the courts of the 18th century. Even more picturesque nly a few people are allowed to enter because this soli-

and scurrile are the jetty and the red-and-white brick lighthouse close

taire amongst the German castles is simply too small for

by which give testimony to the playful and decadent spirit of the

crowds. A walk through Little Pheasant Castle therefore

times. This is where the noble people of landlocked Saxony dreamed

remains an exclusive pleasure just as it was in the past. Embedded, to

their dream of glorious sea battles which for want of a real fleet could

the east of Moritzburg Castle in a gentle cultivated landscape, the

only be carried out with extras and a great amount of imagination. At

prestigious castle built by the Dresden Court in 1770 is the only late

least Little Pheasant Castle offered its masters and mistresses a room

Rococo castle remaining in Saxony. Thanks to a generous donation

with a real »sea view« – this is also afforded to today’s visitors who are

of an anonymous benefactor, the castle has been extensively recon-

without royal blood in their veins.

Little Pheasant Castle

Freudenstein Castle

Schloss Moritzburg und Fasanenschlösschen | 01468 Moritzburg I Phone +49 (0) 3 52 07 87 30 I moritzburg@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Dresden-Wilder Mann Exit via Highway A13 Radeburg Exit Rail/Bus from Dresden-Neustadt railway station by Radeburg-Großenhain bus to Moritzburg, historic narrow-gauge railway Radebeul/Ost – Radeburg line to Moritzburg — Free admission to the permanent exhibition in Moritzburg Castle with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to Pheasant Castle and special exhibitions, with the exception of events. — Moritzburg Castle (see page 25)

Schloss Freudenstein | c/o Stadtmarketing Freiberg GmbH | Schlossplatz 6 I 09599 Freiberg | Phone +49 (0) 37 31 4 19 51 61 I tourist-info@freiberg-service.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4/A14 Siebenlehn/Nossen Ost Exit, continue via Route B101 direction Freiberg to downtown (Schlossplatz) via Route B173/B101 to downtown Freiberg railway route Dresden-Chemnitz-Hof to Freiberg railway station — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Palaces and mansions in Saxony



Palaces and mansions in Saxony


— The town of Torgau with the castle and town church (top) — The castle courtyard (lower left) — The large spiral staircase (lower right)



of the golden age

Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— The Parkfront of the Castle (left) — The Wedding Room (right)

The spirit of reform


ulldozed into oblivion – with these

used as a restaurant. A semantic highlight of


his town is a monument to Luther’s

This is also where Luther’s wife Katharina

sible staircase« of the great architect Konrad

reform spirit. In Torgau, the spiritual

von Bora died and was buried in St. Mary’s

Krebs supports itself without the aid of any

center of the German Reformation,

Church. The »Torgau Museum Route« leads

central pillar. In former times Hartenfels Cas-

Hartenfels Castle is the most significant build-

visitors up the hill to the castle and the castle

tle was considered to be a »modern residen-

last words the village of Güldengossa

this stroke of luck of the post-reunification

ing of the townscape, an outstanding mas-

church, the first Protestant church to be built

tial castle« to which an innovative elevator

and its manor-house would almost

era is the fact that a trader in precious met-

terpiece in one of Germany’s most beautiful

in Europe whose design was based on an idea

for lowering the drinks stored in the bottle

have disappeared into the maelstrom of his-

als has now opened his office in the castle

Renaissance towns. This is where the »Torgau

of Luther and which was personally conse-

tower pays tribute – this contraption would

tory. With many neighboring communities

called »Güldengossa« (gülden is German for

Articles« laid the foundation for the Augs-

crated by the great reformer. Today the castle

provide the nobles who were wining and din-

falling victim to the voracity of the open-pit

»golden«). But earlier German history too

burg Confession, where the first Protestant

courtyard is the central square where cultural

ing to the sound of clinking glasses with fresh

mines of the Leipzig lowland indentation, fate

had also foreseen a lasting place in the an-

songbook was published, and where the Prot-

events in Torgau are held. It is dominated by


however had something else in store for the

nals of history for the manor-house: In Octo-

estant rulers signed the »Alliance of Torgau«.

the Great Wendelstein Staircase: This »impos-

old knight’s estate. And although it had just

ber of the year 1813 Güldengossa was at the

been destined to a certain death, years after

center of European power politics when one

the reunification of Germany the castle ex-

of the bloodiest battles of all times left its

perienced a resurrection which sounds like a

mark here. In the Battle of the Nations near

fairy tale. The castle of Güldengossa was first

Leipzig more than half a million soldiers of

mentioned in the year 1285. Seven hundred

the Napoleonic army stood against the allied

years later it was given a second chance and it

enemy, who eventually defeated the French

found a buyer who was to lovingly restore the

emperor devastatingly. Güldengossa Castle

late-Baroque show-piece, the historic network

was then used as a military hospital – a sol-

of paths and the original condition of the gar-

diers’ grave serves as a reminder of the many

dens and thus give the exceptionally beautiful

soldiers who sacrificed their life for Germa-

park back its former charm. The old orang-

ny’s freedom during those three days of bitter

erie has also been restored and is now being


GÜldengossa Castle

Hartenfels Castle

Schloss Güldengossa | Schulstraße 11 I 04463 Güldengossa | Phone +49 (0) 3 42 97 9 86 90 I info@schloss-gueldengossa.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A38 Leipzig-Südost Exit, continue on Route S242 and K7923 to Güldengossa, railroad/bus from downtown Leipzig/Main station, hourly busservice to the castle — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Schloss Hartenfels | Schlossstraße 27 I 04860 Torgau | Phone +49 (0) 34 21 7 01 40 I info@tic-torgau.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A13 Duben Exit, continue via Route B87 to Torgau via A14 Mutzschen Exit, continue via Route S38 to Wermsdorf, then via Route S24 to Torgau via A14 Leipzig-Nordost Exit, continue via Route B87 to Torgau, railroad route Leipzig-Cottbus to Torgau — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— The castle with the moat and the side buildings


— The castle with outer bailey and castle pond (top) — The museum (bottom)


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

Love at

first sight


isitors cannot but fall in love with the charm of this castle to

Fräulein von Taube, who once refused to marry the ugly burgrave of

the south of Chemnitz which hardly anyone will want to call a

Rabenstein, watching over them. However, she had to pay the price as

»castle«. This white Renaissance jewel is poised almost weight-

she was immured alive in the castle tower by her own father. The other

lessly above the waters of Würschnitz river which fills the castle moat.

rooms which have been reconstructed according to old handcraft tra-

The unique sweeping ogee arch roof looks much too ornate and the

dition display regional and international artwork. The castle grounds

picturesque view too friendly to appear splendid or even well-fortified.

include a friendly hotel and numerous studios surrounded by a golf

The wedding room is especially popular among those who are in love

course and riding stables.

and who want to take their marriage vows with the good spirit of

A huntsman’s



teps for riders would provide their

cession here at the foot of castle hill – from

knightly users with a maximum

Classicism to Renaissance and back to the

amount of comfort. Especially im-

Gothic times. Today a museum dedicated

pressive is the winding stairway on Klip-

to the history of the castle and the town is

penstein Castle in Radeberg. With its flat

housed in Klippenstein Castle. In the year

wide steps it would allow the noble hunters

2012 the reconstructed castle located close

to comfortably reach their saddle and thus

to the Radeberg Export Brewery, which in

save them from having to carry their weap-

former times brewed the favorite drink of the

ons and armor by foot. This well-fortified

Saxon kings and is famous beyond the bor-

and romantic castle from the 13th century

ders of Saxony, will once again appear in its

was converted into a hunting lodge by the

former shining glory.

prince-elector Moritz in the middle of the 16th century. Since then the historical construction phases have merged in rapid suc-

Klaffenbach Castle

Klippenstein Castle

Wasserschloß Klaffenbach | Wasserschloßweg 6 | 09123 Chemnitz | Phone +49 (0) 3 71 26 63 50 | wasserschloss@stadthalle-chemnitz.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A72 Stollberg Exit to Neukirchen, from there follow castle signposting City-Railroad from Chemnitz main station to Klaffenbach/Neukrichen railroad station — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Museum Schloss Klippenstein | Schloßstraße 6 | 01454 Radeberg | Phone +49 (0) 35 28 44 26 00 | kontakt@schloss-klippenstein.de — HOW TO FIND US über A4 Highway A4 Ottendorf or Pulsnitz Exit, continue towards Radeberg via Route B6 from Dresden direction Bautzen to Radeberg — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.



— Krobnitz Castle (left page) — The gate house (left) — The castle with the Baroque garden (right)



lthough many a Saxon countryside has its own beauty, hard-

tle chapel remain a feast for visitor’s eyes even many centuries after

ly any would be able to sing its own praises because it had

their creation. Lauenstein Castle really comes to life whenever the

been marked so highly with the favor of a king. King Johann

falconry presents its birds of prey. We must not, however, forget the

of Saxony got carried away when he called the valley of the river

town’s greatest son, George Bähr. This exceptional architect who built

Müglitz, over which Lauenstein Castle rises, Saxony’s loveliest valley.

the world-famous Church of Our Lady in Dresden was born in the

Visitors may judge this for themselves. The fact of the matter is, how-

nearby village of Fürstenwalde in 1666, and he spent his childhood

ever, that this castle perched on a mighty cliff is worth a visit of its

and youth in Lauenstein. Perhaps it was the grand architecture of the

fabulous surroundings independently. Instead of a fortified medieval

local castle which profoundly affected the later career of this carpenter

castle, in the 16th century a spacious residential castle was erected

from the Ore Mountains. Or perhaps it was the famous sandstone

here with lavish furnishings which testify to the artistic-mindedness

altar and the Bünau epitaph of the town church? Filigree »architec-

of its owners and which today houses the Museum of the East Ore

ture« of a completely different kind can be found only a few kilo-

Mountains. The murals in the Bird Hall, the splendidly arched stuc-

meters away from Lauenstein – in Glashütte where Germany’s finest

coed ceiling of the Coat-of-Arms Hall, and the portraits in the cas-

watches are made.

Prussia in Saxony


robnitz Castle appears almost bi-

thereby carrying the contemporary stony

dilapidated despite the fact that it continued

zarre as it lies there in the fertile

spirit of the seat of power in Berlin to the

to be used. Then between 2002 and 2008 the

Lusatian hill country. The promi-

then Prussian province of Lower Silesia. At

castle, estate and park underwent extensive

nent castle appears somewhat too austere

a first glance the castle which is surrounded

reconstruction work. Today, 700 years after it

and sublime for the surrounding green idyll.

by a large landscape park reveals something

was first mentioned, Krobnitz has become a

The discrepancy between the angular archi-

of the rootedness of the count in his working

center of culture, art and education which is

tectural shape and the gentle countryside has

environment as many of its elements are a

renowned beyond the region and whose ex-

its reasons however. The originally Baroque

copy of the architecture of the Prussian Min-

hibitions and concerts fill the white walls of

manor-house which was built in the middle

istry of War. The estate remained the prop-

the former ministerial retirement home with

of the 18th century was purchased in 1873 by

erty of the family until the end of the Sec-

renewed life.

the Prussian Minister of War, Albrecht Emil

ond World War. After the noble family was

Theodor Count von Roon. The new owner

dispossessed in the year 1945, Krobnitz was

had the manor rebuilt in a neo-Classicist style,

used to house refugees whereupon it became

Krobnitz Castle

L auenstein Castle

Schloss Krobnitz | Am Friedenstal 5 | 02894 Reichenbach | Phone +49 (0) 3 58 28 8 87 00 | info@museumsverbund-ol.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Nieder-Seifersdorf Exit, direction Reichenbach/ OL, then follow castle signposting via Route B6 direction Reichenbach, continue direction Niesky, then follow castle signposting — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Osterzgebirgsmuseum Schloss Lauenstein I 01778 Lauenstein | Phone +49 (0) 3 50 54 2 54 02 I info@schloss-lauenstein.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A17 Bad Gottleuba Exit, direction Geising/ Lauenstein via Route S178 to Lauenstein, suburban fast train Dresden – Schöna to Heidenau, then continue with the »Müglitztalbahn« railroad to Lauenstein — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Palaces and mansions in Saxony

Inspiration for a master builder


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— The castle palace (top) — The lobby (bottom)


— The Castle with the central garden


The whole

of       fortune

world in wood


ichtenwalde is so very different from

Baroque to Rococo, the terraced park how-

other Saxon castles because it is sur-

ever never completely reveals itself to the visi-

rounded by a network of fountains.

tor’s eyes which are time and again directed

One hundred of these fountain complexes

to playful details such as antique amphoras,

are situated throughout the Baroque garden

statues and circular flower beds and from the

with more than 400 individual fountains con-

artificial garden itself to the real nature in the

nected by an intricate circulating system. Visi-

Zschopau valley below which is now a natu-

tors can experience a symphony of rustling

ral preserve. The castle itself houses several

leaves, splashing water and the sweet scent

ethnological collections which focus on the

of flowers in the spring. It was not without

topic of »Encounters of Cultures« featuring

good reason that Lichtenwalde was chosen as

the civilizations of Asia and Africa. There is

one of Germany’s most beautiful parks. Ap-

also a silhouette museum with filigree two-

proaching the castle from the park’s avenue,

dimensional valuables which visitors should

one is left almost speechless by the impres-

definitely not miss out on – it is one of only

sive layout of this peaceful green paradise.

a few of its kind in Germany.

While aptly illustrating the transition from


onor to whom honor is due. But

rently presents more than 550 exhibits from

objects and masterpieces of European wood

in this cultural center inspired by

around the world. Thanks to Daetz’s enthusi-

carving. On five floors which are completely

an artistic mind the actual castle

asm for the great variety of wood sculptures,

without barriers visitors can view works of art

only plays a secondary role. Of greater sig-

we are able to experience unique treasures of

from all continents. Continually alternating

nificance for Lichtenstein is the castle palace

the highest artistic and handcraft quality from

special exhibitions are additional reasons why

with its fascinating »inhabitants«. The »Center

around the world. Together with the town of

people should visit the »Daetz Center« which

for International Wood Sculpture« features

Lichtenstein, the Free State of Saxony and the

is only a half hour’s drive from Chemnitz.

the world’s largest private wood sculpture

Daetz Foundation, an exhibition has been

For those who would like to try and carve

collection. Its exponents are an enchanting

organized which represents a window to the

wood themselves, workshops with profession-

contrast to the architectural austerity of the

world and its myths. The gods of remote civi-

al wood carvers teach visitors the art of crea-

palace and its modern buildings. Thanks to

lizations come to life here – a carriage, made

tive wood carving.

the commitment of its founder, Peter Daetz,

of a hippopotamuses’ tooth, which is being

the »Masterpieces in Wood« exhibition cur-

pulled by dragons competes with African cult

Lichtenstein Palace

Lichtenwalde Castle and Park

Daetz-Centrum Lichtenstein GmbH | Schlossallee 2 | 09350 Lichtenstein | Phone +49 (0) 3 72 04 58 58 58 | kontakt@daetz-centrum.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Hohenstein-Ernstthal Exit, then follow signposting to Daetz-Centrum via Highway A72 Hartenstein Exit, then follow signposting to Daetz-Centrum via Route B173 from Chemnitz or Zwickau to Lichtenstein — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Schloss & Park Lichtenwalde | Schlossallee 1 | 09577 Niederwiesa | Phone +49 (0) 3 72 06 88 73 80 | lichtenwalde@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A72/A4 Frankenberg Exit, then follow Route B169 direction Chemnitz to Lichtenwalde — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Palaces and mansions in Saxony



Palaces and mansions in Saxony


— The palace (top) — The Elbe river palaces (bottom) — Moritzburg Castle (top right) — The Stone Hall (bottom right)

Palaces and mansions in Saxony

A mansion for everybody


lanked by the Albrechtsberg and

who was famous throughout Germany, was a

today, for Lingner bequeathed his possession

Eckberg palaces, the Lingner Pal-

first-class genius at marketing and even was

to the city of Dresden for all time under the

ace – which orignally was called Villa

able to get Giacomo Puccini to dedicate an

clear condition that it was never to be sold

»Stockhausen« – is the middle of the three

ode to his mouthwash. Presumably he earned

and that all citizens should have access to it.

Dresden castles by the Elbe. In 1906 it came

well from it, as Lingner was unbelievably rich.

Today it has one of the most beautiful beer

into the possession of somebody who was lit-

The king of Odol used his assets for his per-

gardens in Saxony, from which you have a

erally a legend in his own lifetime: Karl August

sonal building projects; his house had its own

breathtaking view of the Elbe Valley. There

Lingner, manufacturer of the internationally-

private funicular railway to the banks of the

you can drink the cheapest lemonade in the

renowned mouthwash »Odol«, initiator of the

Elbe and an expensive organ from which mu-

city, for Lingner who was always a perfection-

world’s first baby clinic, philanthropist, and

sic could be heard in all the rooms. But Ling-

ist, wrote in his will that on his property there

founder of the Dresden Hygiene Museum.

ner never forgot the welfare of the common

The manufacturer of the popular mouthwash,

man. His philanthropic legacy is still evident

Treasure island


he certainly most beautiful Saxon

ritzburg Castle today. The »Feather Room«

moated castle is named after Duke

won even a European Cultural Heritage

Moritz, who built a hunting lodge in

Award. Far more than one million colorful

1542 near to his residence in Dresden. In 1723

feathers were made into a unique piece of art,

should always be a drink available which eve-

Augustus the Strong commissioned Matthäus

the magnificent bed of Augustus the Strong.

rybody could afford.

Daniel Pöppelmann, architect of the Dresden

Just as unique is the lavishly painted gold

Zwinger, with the conversion of the build-

leather tapestry on the walls of the electoral

ing to provide an appropriate and magnifi-

refuge. And the visitor to Moritzburg must

cent setting for his glittering parties. This re-

by no means miss a look at the Little Pheas-

sulted in a Baroque jewel with four towers in

ant Castle that can be reached in just a few

ochre and white, whose splendor is mirrored

minutes on foot or by horse-drawn coach.

in the artificial lake surrounding the castle.

Even today, Moritzburg has not lost much of

The stately home was used as a magical back-

its cultural importance that can be felt every

drop in the legendary fairy-tale film »Three

year at the »Moritzburg Festival of Chamber

Wishes for Cinderella«. One of the most out-

Music« and the autumnal Stallions’ Parade

standing collections of hunting trophies in

in the former royal stud farm outside the

Europe is not the only big treasure of Mo-

castle gates.

Lingner Palace

Moritzburg Castle

Förderverein Lingnerschloss e.V. | Bautzner Straße 132 | 01099 Dresden | Phone +49 (0) 3 51 6 46 53 82 | info@lingnerschloss.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Dresden-Hellerau Exit direction city center, at Albertplatz square follow Route B6 direction Bautzen — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Schloss Moritzburg und Fasanenschlösschen | 01468 Moritzburg I Phone +49 (0) 3 52 07 87 30 I moritzburg@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Dresden-Wilder Mann Exit, Highway A13 Radeburg Exit, rail/bus from Dresden-Neustadt railway station by bus direction Radeburg-Grossenhain to Moritzburg, historical narrow-gauge train Radebeul/Ost – Radeburg to Moritzburg — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events. — Little Pheasant Castle (see page 14)


Schlösser in Sachsen


— Nossen Castle (left) — The Mountain Palace


E Chronicles of nobility


hanging fortunes create particu-

sentences. Also Countess Cosel, the famous

larly charming buildings. This is

mistress of excessive Saxon ruler Augustus

especially true for Nossen Castle.

the Strong, is part of Nossen Castle’s history.

The medieval knights’ castle that previously

In 1716, the critically sick mistress had been

stood on this site was first mentioned in

attended to at this place for a month before

1185 in connection with a legal dispute of

she was taken to Stolpen Castle where she was

the owners, the lords of Nuzzin. Elector Au-

to die in solitude only 49 years later. Today,

gustus started converting the old walls into

Nossen Castle accommodates a unique his-

a Renaissance hunting lodge in 1554. This

torical library of 6,000 volumes, whose leath-

gave the architecture of what used to be a

er-bound treasures attract researchers from

murky fortification a certain degree of ease.

far afield. Visitors who take an interest in the

The spirit of that European era of cultural

genealogy of Saxon nobility may visit the ex-

dawn can still be sensed today. Former pris-

hibition rooms to embark on an exciting trip

on cells and authentic replicas of medieval

back in time through the chronicles of the

torture instruments, however, are proof of

blue-blooded ancestry that ruled the coun-

the dark side of this place where, for quite

try between Vogtland and Lusatia for many

some time, a court pronounced its relentless


the architecture of the Far East amalgamate

ures as does the famous 250-year-old Japanese

with his voracious appetite for the

with the Baroque style. The best way to ap-

camellia. This remarkable ornamental tree is

female sex, once acquired the castle

proach the pleasure palace with its distinctive

so valuable that it has been given a home all

for his favorite Anna Constantia Countess

pagoda roofs is on an Elbe river steamboat,

on its own. In the castle itself, the Museum

von Cosel, who immediately began with its

since also the palace’s former inhabitants

for Crafts and Arts re-opens in spring after

Baroque conversion. When, for »various« rea-

prefered the waterway to travelling over land

the winter break, the Castle Musem shows

sons, Saxony’s best-known mistress fell out of

and often indulged in pleasure rides on the

a permanent exhibition telling of the details

favor, the Elector himself had the hillside and

Elbe river in fancifully designed gondolas.

in the eventful history of this former royal

waterside palaces erected according to plans

The English, Dutch and Chinese gardens on

Saxon summer residence that never wanted

of the famous architect of the Baroque, Mat-

the extensive garden grounds urge the visitor

to be anything other than a highly noble

thäus Daniel Pöppelmann. The grand castle

to take a stroll. The Orangery and the Palm-

»pleasure castle« far from all adversities of po-

and park grounds directly situated on the

tree Greenhouse that has been reconstructed

litical everyday life in the residential city of

banks of the Elbe river are considered a per-

in old splendor attract those who take a bo-


fect example of the chinoise style, that has

tanical interest to appraise their exotic treas-

lector Augustus the Strong, ruler

Nossen Castle

Pillnitz Castle & Park

Schloss Nossen | Am Schloss 3 | 01683 Nossen | Phone +49 (0) 3 52 42 5 04 30 | nossen@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A14 Nossen-Nord Exit Highway A4 Nossen-Ost Exit or Siebenlehn Exit, railway from Dresden, Meissen, Döbeln, Leipzig direction Nossen, bus from Meissen, Freiberg, Döbeln, Dresden direction — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Schlösser und Gärten Dresden | Geschäftsstelle Schloss & Park Pillnitz | August-Böckstiegel-Straße 2 | 01326 Dresden | Phone +49 (0) 3 51 2 61 32 60 | pillnitz@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Dresden-Hellerau Exit or Dresden-Altstadt Exit, Highway A17 Pirna Exit, continue direction Radeberg and follow signposting, Elbe river steamboats to Pillnitz — Free admission to the Castle Museum, Arts and Crafts Museum and Palmtree Greenhouse with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Palaces and mansions in Saxony

Exotic beauty


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— The Castle with Its Court of Honour (top) — The Mirror Room (bottom)


— The Large Court Kitchen (top) — The Castle on the Zwickauer Mulde River(bottom)




n the 10th century, this fortress was part of the defense of the hard-won German victory over the West Slavs.

Today, more than a millennium later, the Rochlitz towers »Light Jupe« and »Dark Jupe« still rise over the Zwickauer Mulde and have the castle appear like a fortified cathedral.

Whoever comes to visit this area can still feel the historic turbulence which was part of the German settlement drive to the east during the High Middle Ages. Later emperors, kings and electors held court here. Wars and sieges were also part of the history of the outpost above the Zwickauer Mulde – even today it

The world of the chambermaids

still bears the scars of shots from the Thirty Years’ War. However, there is also a brighter side to the history of Rochlitz Castle. Dedo von Groitzsch had the impenetrable forests cleared and encouraged the settlement of the lands around Rochlitz, while Margrave Wilhelm the One-eyed and later the Electors Ernst and Albrecht had the defense


castle rebuilt as a residential palace. Duchess is a sparkling treasure trove of late Baroque

master chef and the chambermaids try out

Elisabeth of Saxony dedicated herself to the

to an end, you can find the only

and early Classical room design. The Chinese

extraordinary dishes in the historic dining

Reformation and attempted to be a negotia-

manor house in Saxony which

Room, the Pompeii Room, Bird Room, Pea-

room, which themselves show how to com-

tor between the two sides in the Schmalkaldic

has remained intact. Having been compre-

cock Room, Hunting Room and the painted

bine original Lusatian delicacies with Medi-

War (1546-1547). Each generation of occupi-

hensively restored, Rammenau Castle stands

walls around the staircase all go to show the in-

terranean flair.

ers of the palace left their stamp on it, and

here the Lausitz mountains come

out as a masterpiece of Saxon country Ba-

genuity of the cultured country nobles. Even

inside there are numerous architectural gems

roque. After the building of the mansion had

today you can hear music in the imposing

waiting to be discovered. Anybody who likes

ruined the first owner, the von Hoffmann

Mirror Room. Perhaps the special genius,

to be transported back to long past times will

family obtained the grand estate by auction.

evident in all the corners of the palace, was

enjoy the Gothic windows, ornamented cru-

Their most famous scion was Johann Cen-

the encouragement which had set the greatest

ciform vaults, defensive passages, dungeons,

turius von Hoffmann, Imperial Count von

son on the locality on his path through life,

the large court kitchen and the torture cham-

Hoffmannsegg, botanist and highly-respected

for Johann Gottlieb Fichte, one of the lead-

ber. A special attraction of Rochlitz Castle is

connoisseur of insects; a stroke of luck for

ing philosophers of his age, was born in Ram-

the exhibition »Living Procession of Princes«,

Saxon science, as the new owner was to give a

menau in 1762. The visitor can find varied

which with its magnificent costumes brings

new home to intellectual creativity and educa-

and aesthetic abundance not only in the inte-

back to life those immortalised in the famous

tion in Rammenau. The interior of the palace

rior decoration, but also by the cuisine. The

wall picture in Dresden.

Rammenau Castle

Rochlitz Castle

Barockschloss Rammenau | Am Schloss 4 | 01877 Rammenau | Phone +49 (0) 35 94 70 35 59 | rammenau@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Burkau Exit direction Rammenau, Route B6 from Dresden to Bischofswerda, then continue direction Kamenz to Rammenau — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Schloss Rochlitz | Sörnziger Weg 1 | 09306 Rochlitz | Phone +49 (0) 37 37 49 23 10 | rochlitz@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A14 Döbeln-Nord Exit, continue via Routes B169 and B175, Highway A4 Chemnitz-Ost Exit, continue via Route B107, railway/bus from Geithain, Narsdorf, Mittweida, Erlau by bus to Rochlitz — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Palaces and mansions in Saxony




Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— The Castle with manor (top) — The Knights’ Hall (bottom)


— Ascent to the Castle


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

The short dream of freedom

Crooks and crannies


hoever loves the magic of life

the herbal liquor cellar, dark dungeons, the

should visit Schlettau Castle

Knight’s Hall, and come to see spinning


hen at dusk the moon rises be-

not be repaid, Johann Friedrich’s successor

it is not only the castle and the magnificent

hind the towers of the St. Geor-

August began to build the current hunting

»farmers’ Baroque« of its church which makes

gen Church and the castle, when

lodge in 1555. Later it functioned as a county

Schwarzenberg a worthwhile destination for a

with their children. This small

wheels in operation, or a gallery of paintings

torches and lanterns illuminate the path up

court, with its watchtower as a secure jail. The

day out. A hopeful but bitter episode in Ger-

14th century palace, which had to watch over

from the Ore Mountains in the forest room

to the castle and the cacophony of minstrels

visitor is attracted to the castle not only by

man history also makes the town especially

the historic salt road near Annaberg, has

with its animal trophies. Even the medieval

and traveling folk echo through the alleys of

the school of folk art but also by the mu-

interesting: Immediately after the Second

been a manor house, abbot’s residence, hunt-

corridors with their corners and bays offer

the old town, that is when Schwarzenberg re-

seum, which devotes as much space to the

World War the inhabitants waited in vain for

ing lodge, and cotton mill in its time. The

the visitor »intelligent« entertainment: ghost

veals its entire magic. The origins of the cas-

special Ore Mountains craft of lace-making

six weeks for the arrival of occupation forces,

interior of this curiosity is accordingly color-

nights take place often here, as do jousting

tle and its unusual wooden inner structures

as to metalworking which is so important

and dreamt of being able to decide their own

ful and full of crooks and crannies, with its

events and monks’ banquets. Because of the

have been lost during its 850-year history.

for the region. Children can enjoy a colorful

lives in the »Free Republic of Schwarzenberg.«

picturesque mixture of styles: Gothic, Renais-

careful redevelopment of the old walls it is

Founded in 1150, it was first documented

knight’s world in the creativity section and

An illusion, which would all too quickly disappear.

sance, Baroque and neo-Gothic – magical mo-

no surprise that the magical Schlettau Castle

in 1282. After the loan to the impoverished

can develop new ideas in the tower, while the

ments are normal in this ambitious fox’s den.

has, since 2005, been designated as especially

castle lords from the Saxon Elector Duke Jo-

wind carries the tunes from the music school

As if in a set of pictures you can pass through

suitable for family outings.

hann Friedrich had become due and could

over the walls and across the landscape. But

Schlettau Castle

Schwarzenberg Castle

Förderverein Schloß Schlettau e.V. | Schlossplatz 8 | 09487 Schlettau | Phone +49 (0) 37 33 6 60 19 | info@schloss-schlettau.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A72 Stollberg-West Exit, direction Annaberg-Buchholz via Zwönitz to Scheibenberg, then via Route B101 to Schlettau — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Schloss Schwarzenberg | Museum der Stadt Schwarzenberg | Obere Schlossstraße 36 | 08340 Schwarzenberg | Phone +49 (0) 37 74 2 33 89 | kultur.schloss@t-online.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A72 Stollberg-Süd Exit, then follow Route B169 to Aue, then Route B101 to Schwarzenberg, then follow signposting — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— The Belvedere (top) — The castle grounds (bottom) — Weesenstein Castle (right)


— Bildbeschreibung (oben) — Bildbeschreibung (unten)



ackerbarth sounds like the name

Castle, which experienced many a euphoric

from a fairy tale. And what

party of the Saxon court, has since then been

awaits the visitor at the foot of

a by-word for elegant wines and Saxon joie de

the vineyard in Radebeul truly seems legen-

vivre, and now presents the 800-year-old tra-

dary: the unique ensemble of a stately home

dition of wine-growing in Saxony in its most

and a belvedere, Baroque gardens and a mod-

beautiful form. A bubbly pleasure is the

ern factory for making wine and sparkling

sparkling wine from the Wackerbarth vint-

wine in the middle of the lovely landscape

ners and has been produced for almost 200

of Saxony’s Elbe valley. A real little jewel

years. This second-oldest sparkling wine pro-

built between 1727 and 1729 by Count Au-

ducer in Germany uses only its own grapes,

gust Christoph Count von Wackerbarth as

which ferment traditionally in the bottle to

his retirement residence called »Wackerbarths

produce a fine and fruity specialty. Visitors

Ruh«. With all this pomp, the Count was

can themselves try the quality of the Saxon

not alone for long: even Augustus the Strong

State Winery in the transparent factory, feast

treasured the charming atmosphere and the

on fine food and take home a drop of the

delicacy maturing in the barrels. Wackerbarth

fine stuff.

Palaces and mansions in Saxony

A bubbly pleasure



pearl in Saxony’s crown

ike a pearl, Weesenstein grew layer

with their wall coverings can be found one

by layer. The castle, which has stood

floor below the cellar. The »Monk’s Way«

over the Müglitz Valley for nearly

is said to be haunted by the lost ghost of

700 years, has been often partly demolished

a former palace resident. Perhaps it is the

and rebuilt according to prevailing contem-

illusion-filled façade paintings which pre-

porary tastes so that it has varied stylistic

vent him from finding peace in this confu-

elements from the Gothic to the Classical

sion – in this unusual palace even the win-

periods. Thus did a curiosity among Saxon

dows can often be only an illusion, for every

palaces arise, it grew downwards into the

third is only a painting. In short: Whoever

valley over the centuries, and occasionally

enjoys mazes and the unexpected will find

was too much for its owners. Here, in his

adventure enough in the peculiar residence

favourite residence, the gifted Prince Johann

of King Johann. Afterwards a walk in the pal-

worked on his translation of Dante’s Divine

ace park, a visit to the restaurant »Königliche

Comedy before he became king of Saxony.

Schlossküche« or a tankard of Weesenstein

Today visitors can discover his stairwell with

Schlossbräu – a traditional beer which origi-

its nooks and crannies; on the fifth floor they

nated in the 16th century – can guarantee the

come across a horse’s stable while the noble

chance to recover.

chambers from the 18th and 19th centuries

Wackerbarth Castle

Weesenstein Castle

Sächsisches Staatsweingut GmbH | Schloss Wackerbarth | Wackerbarthstraße 1 | 01445 Radebeul | Phone +49 (0) 3 51 8 95 50 | kontakt@schloss-wackerbarth.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Dresden-Neustadt Exit direction Radebeul suburban fast train direction Meissen to Radebeul West — Concession tickets to daily guided tours with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS.

Schloss Weesenstein | Am Schlossberg 1 | 01809 Müglitztal | Phone +49 (0) 3 50 27 62 60 | weesenstein@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A17 Pirna Exit, direction Glashütte along Route B172 to Heidenau or Pirna, the direction Altenberg, suburban fast train Dresden-Schöna to Heidenau, then continue on the »Müglitztalbahn« railroad to Weesenstein, bus Heidenau-Glashütte, get off in Weesenstein — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.


Palaces and mansions in Saxony

— The Town of Zschopau with its castle (left) — The Motorcycle Exhibition (right)


— The Wall Pavilion



he Bohemian Route used to link the

harbor for merchants from all directions. To-

Palaces and mansions in Saxony

A safe harbor especially devoted to the industrial history

trading centre of Leipzig with the roy-

day only »Fat Henry«, a more than 30-meter-

of the region. Mainly bikers will be thrilled

al residence of Prague. Goods from

high residential watchtower with meter-thick

by the many two-wheeled treasures from the

all corners of the continent were transported

walls, is a reminder of the once defiant for-

DKW and MZ motorbike works that can be

along this trading route including the silver

tification. In the middle of the 16th century

admired at Wildeck Castle today, for Zscho-

from the Ore Mountains which made its way

Wildeck was converted by order of Duke Mo-

pau used to be the center of Saxon motorcy-

from here to the European treasuries. No

ritz of Saxony into a far less martial hunting

cle manufacture in the 20th century. A book-

wonder that it needed protection. Therefore,

castle and from the 17th to the early 20th

printing museum, a collection of historical

Wildeck Castle, built on the foundations of

century the Higher Forestry and Game-keep-

foundry moulds and coin dies and a fasci-

12th-century fortifications watched over the

ing Authorities were accommodated there.

nating collection of minerals should be rea-

Zschopau river passage by night and by day

Today, the white Renaissance castle that can

son enough to pay respect to this dominant

and made the town of the same name a safe

be seen from afar, houses several museums



Zwinger, or outer ward, is actually

Playground of the nymphs

just the free space between the inner and outer ring of the city walls.

In Dresden, the capital of Saxony, the most splendid outer ward in the world was created for the prestigious festivities of the European aristocracy in the early 18th century. Pushed

on by the architectural passion of Augustus the Strong, the originally simple plans for a

planned site. In the Zwinger today, visitors

new orangery suddenly gained in extent and

find the museums of the Dresden State Art

size. These works of arts for the court were

Collections, including the Porcelain Collec-

created by architectural genius Matthäus Dan-

tion and the Old Masters Picture Gallery. In

iel Pöppelmann and master sculptor Balthasar

the summer, the Zwinger forms an atmos-

Permoser. Plans for the construction of an

pheric backdrop to a series of open-air events,

adjoining palace were never realized, but in

while the harder-to-find »Nymph Baths« with

the 19th century Gottfried Semper’s picture

its cheerful fountains satisfies the visitor’s

gallery and opera house were built on the

need for quiet.

Wildeck Castle

Dresdner Zwinger

Schloss Wildeck | Schloss Wildeck 1 | 09405 Zschopau | Phone +49 (0) 37 25 28 71 70 | kultur@zschopau.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Chemnitz-Nord Exit, follow Route B95 to Chemnitz and via B174 to Zschopau — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Schlösser und Gärten Dresden | Geschäftsstelle Zwinger, Brühlsche Terrasse, Stallhof, Theaterplatz | 01067 Dresden | Phone +49 (0) 3 51 4 38 37 03 12 | zwinger@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Dresden Altstadt Exit, following signposting towards the city center, tram to tramstops Theaterplatz or Postplatz

A land behind fortifications Castles and fortresses in Saxony Prosperity thrives behind thick walls: almost all the strategically important points of Saxony are crowned by solid fortifications. Laid out in deep valleys like a necklace of pearls or alone on a throne of a sandstone rock as the highest fortress in Germany, there are stories or legends about almost every one of them, which make Saxony’s history one of the most vivid in Europe.


Castles and fortresses in Saxony

— The Fortress with Brühl’s Terrace and Church of Our Lady

— The castle layout (top) — The castle chapel (bottom)



The balcony of Europe Castles and fortresses in Saxony


orn out of courtly glamor, witness to feuds and military campaigns, the remnants of the fortress of Dresden

lie hidden between the Albertinum and the

Art Academy. Strongly-built walls and the tiled gateway surround the visitor right where, in 1707, Johann Friedrich Böttger first produced European porcelain in his laboratory deep below the »Jungfernbastei« bastion. As the fortress by that time had become militarily insignificant, it could not prevent the Prussians pillaging and plundering the Saxon cap-


ital during the Seven Year War. When it came to pomp and splendor the rulers of Saxony showed themselves to be more capable than when it came to working with their troops or choosing military allies. Above the darkness of the fortress gun turrets is Brühl’s Terrace, which was created for the influential court favourite Heinrich von Brühl. This Dresden landmark, originally a defensive structure, was turned into a place where people could stroll and was named »The Balcony of Europe« because here people from all over the world


picturebook of the Middle Ages

he lords of Gnandstein castle came from an old Meissen family of nobles, the family von Einsiedel. The name was appropriate for their position for the family von Einsiedel (Einsiedel means »hermit«) occupied Gnandstein continually from the late 14th

century until the end of the Second World War, without once having had to hand the key over to someone else. Maybe that’s the reason why it is one of the German castles which can in-

met. The panoramic view of the Elbe and the

voke the spirit of long-gone ages, despite extensive reconstruction and extensions. Watchtower,

white steamboats is an essential part of any

outer courtyard, battlements and defensive walls: the fortress above the small river Wyhra is

visit to Dresden. The Dolphin Fountains take

a dream come true for all those who are fascinated by the Medieval period. Climbing the

us back to the time of the Imperial Count

watchtower, which was the place of last refuge for the mountain’s inhabitants in wartime, or

Brühl – the Albertinum with its Gallery of

when visiting the late Gothic chapel you can feel as if you have been whisked back to those

New Masters, the Saxon Art Academy with

unsettled times in which Saxony was in the hands of armoured warriors. Furthermore, there is

its distinctive domed-roof which can be seen

an old legend befitting the Medieval aura of Gnandstein, that there is hidden treasure waiting

from afar and the countless monuments and

to be found on on the grounds of the fortress. Visitors to the romantic defence structure are

statues. These are all evidence of the pride

still able to go home feeling enriched without having discovered gold or precious gems, as the

and the artistic taste of Dresden’s bourgeoi-

exhibition of the Gross Collection allows them and other visitors to the castle to admire the


400 precious exhibits collected over seven centuries.

Dresden Fortress Schlösser und Gärten Dresden | Geschäftsstelle Zwinger, Brühlsche Terrasse, Stallhof, Theaterplatz I 01067 Dresden I Phone +49 (0) 3 51 4 38 37 03 20 I zwinger@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Dresden Altstadt Exit, following signposting towards the city center, tram to tramstops Theaterplatz or the Synagogue — Free admission to the fortress and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Gnandstein Castle Burg Gnandstein | Burgstraße 3 | 04655 Kohren-Sahlis | Phone +49 (0) 3 43 44 6 13 09 | gnandstein@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 to Chemnitz Highway Junction, then follow Highway A72 direction Leipzig: Niederfrohna Exit, along route B95 direction Leipzig: follow signposting — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.


Castles and fortresses in Saxony

— Königstein hill with fortress (top) — Frederick’s Castle (bottom)


— The castle grounds

A dream


avelin, casemate or battery – those

arsenals, the cellar of Magdalena’s Castle and

wanting to study fortress con-

of course the spring house with the deepest

struction of the early modern era

well in Saxony (152.5 m) and then to enjoy

will find they have chosen well to visit the

a culinary journey through time in the res-

23.5-acre rocky plateau of Königstein, al-

taurant »In den Kasematten«. A panorama

though in this fortress shots were only ever

elevator carries visitors effortlessly to the top

fired as part of military exercises. The rock

of the plateau of the walled table mountain,

was also a notorious state prison, mostly for

allowing superb views over the Elbe Sand-

prominent members of society. Johann Frie-

stone Mountains and Saxon Switzerland

drich Böttger, the alchemist and one of the

National Park.

knight’s castle Castles and fortresses in Saxony


of a


from the


inventors of porcelain, served a sentence here »for his own safety«, or rather so that the other German rulers could not get hold of him and his abilities. Later famous prisoners in


aftsmen used to cross themselves

are the illusionist murals in the 15th-century

when they reached the steep rock

treasure vault, the scenes depicting Mary in

of the ochre castle of Kriebstein,

the 1410 chapel and of course the Alexius

from here on the Zschopau River was reason-

Altar. In 1986 a treasure was discovered in the

own will, including the anarchist Michael

ably tame and the countryside safe, at least in

chimney of the living room and the jewels

Bakunin, the Social Democrat August Bebel

times of peace. The steepest road in Saxony

are now displayed in the treasure vault. A var-

Königstein’s dungeons did not come of their

or the »scandalous novelist« Frank Wedekind.

now leads up the granulite rock, on the top

ied program of events and cultural highlights

It was as difficult to conquer Königstein For-

of which the late Gothic jewel was built. The

such as a medieval festival, a »fairy-tale cas-

tress as it was to escape from within its walls,

unique residential tower, 147 feet tall and with

tle« event, rock concerts, stylish knights’ ban-

which is why the Saxon court moved here

six dormer windows, was home to the first

quets and spine-chillingly mysterious tours

with all the state treasures whenever the situ-

owner Dietrich von Beerwalde over 600 years

of the ancient walls are held here on this

ation got difficult. Visitors should take the

ago. It contains the richly decorated Krieb-

steep rock.

time to see George’s Castle, the new and old

stein Room from about 1423. Just as unique

Königstein Fortress

Kriebstein Castle

Festung Königstein | 01824 Königstein I Phone +49 (0) 3 50 21 6 46 07 I info@festung-Königstein.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A17 Pirna Exit, follow signposting along Route B172 from Dresden to Bad Schandau to Königstein, suburban fast train Dresden-Schöna to Königstein River steamboats to Königstein — Free admission to the fortress, permanent exhibition and special exhibitions with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS, with the exception of events.

Burg Kriebstein | 09648 Kriebstein | Phone +49 (0) 3 43 27 95 20 I kriebstein@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Mittweida Exit, continue in the direction of Talsperre Kriebstein (river dam) and follow signposting to the castle, Highway A14 Döbeln-Nord Exit direction Waldheim, railway Berlin–Chemnitz to Waldheim station — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS, with the exception of events.


Castles and fortresses in Saxony

— The castle grounds on the Freiberger Mulde river


— The castle grounds with its “Alte Wasserkunst” and Michaelis Church


Symbol of power Castles and fortresses in Saxony


he mighty castle of Mildenstein is one of the oldest in Saxony; its name first appears in a document in 1046.

The Salier kings held court here, then the Staufer kings under Emperor Barbarossa who undertook a large-scale extension, and later still the Wettin margraves under whom Mildenstein became a court of law and a notorious prison. The instruments of torture and door bolts behind the meter-thick walls still send a shiver down the spines of visitors who just before had been amused to see the

12-foot giant boot of Döbeln. Architecturally, the barrel vaulting of the Gothic cornhouse,


the keep and the Romanesque castle chapel with its three-winged altar are outstanding, as are the medieval knights’ halls. The sheer size of the castle complex allows it to be used in many ways: exhibitions and concerts are




held throughout the year. Delicacies that were then served to the elector in festively

Mildenstein surrenders to those intending to


Age indicate the use to which this granite plateau on the edge of the

building accommodates the Superior Administration Court of Saxo-

enter into wedlock to rule the castle for one

Lusatian hills had been put since time immemorial. Later, the trade

ny. In the former »Salzhaus« (salt house), visitors can visit the Sorbic

lit halls are still served by stewards and pages on St Martin’s Day. The rustic knights’ halls can also be used for private functions. And

ong before Bishop Thietmar wrote in 1002 about a fortress on

river Spree and the »lower town«, but drawbridges and defensive walls

the cliffs of the Spree river, people used this place as a refuge.

have long since disappeared, and today the defensive structure is open,

Traces of a settlement which go back as far as the Bronze

hospitable and often the scene of cultural events. Today, the main

day. The permanent exhibition in the Front

and military road Via Regia – »Kings’ Road« – ran along here, bringing

Museum and discover the culture of the Sorbian, a Slavic people

Castle of Mildenstein is a comprehensive ac-

a prosperity which has lasted until the present day, evident from the

who have acquired the status of a recognised national minority. The

count of the almost 1000 years of history of

rich, varied architecture of Bautzen. From afar »The Town of Towers«

Burg Theater is one of the venues for the renowned German-Sorbian

the power symbol in rock and vividly dem-

greets travellers with its rooftops and tall landmarks such as those of

Volkstheater, and it is also possible to relax in the »Burghof« restaurant.

onstrates the times when the castle was a

the »Alte Wasserkunst« (old waterworks), St. Petri Cathedral, and the

Walking along the fortifications the visitor can enjoy a wonderful view

place of feudal judiciary that was not always

Michaelis Church. Ortenburg Castle with its Renaissance gables, for

of the winding streets of the old town which is well worth a visit and is


so long the centre of power in Upper Lusatia, towers high above the

teeming with bars, restaurants and cosy pubs.

Mildenstein Castle

Ortenburg Castle

Burg Mildenstein | Burglehn 6 | 04703 Leisnig | Phone +49 (0) 3 43 21 6 25 60 | mildenstein@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A14 Leisnig Exit direction of town center, railway from Leipzig, Chemnitz or Dresden to Leisnig — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Ortenburg Bautzen | Ortenburg 1-9 | 02625 Bautzen-Budyšin | Phone +49 (0) 35 91 4 20 16 | touristinfo@bautzen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4/B6 Bautzen West Exit, continue along Route B96 to the multistory carpark in the center — Free admission to the Sorbian Museum and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.


Castles and fortresses in Saxony

— The castle grounds

— The town of Stolpen with its castle (left) — »Siebenspitzenturm« – the tower with seven tops (right)




people’s art the Ore Mountains. Scharfenstein is widely known as the »Castle for

it its name – especially the silver mines, which made this pic-

Families« amongst the Saxon castles, for here you can best experience

turesque mountain range a prosperous region. But when the

and be astounded, play and discover, try out and join in! Fairy tale

face-workers in the sixteenth century started to bring even less white

weekends, carving, painting and assembling workshops for children are

ore out of the tunnels, the people of the Ore Mountains had to look

all part of the themed tours for younger visitors. But adults too can

for new sources of income. Therefore, what previously had been a

be entertained by the exhibitions on folk art traditions, castle history

way of passing the long winter nights became their way of earning

as well as by »the Robin Hood of the Ore Mountains«, Karl Stülpner,

their daily bread: the production of wooden figures and Christmas

and learn something about the region. So anybody who would like

decorations. It is possible to see the fruits of this rich craft tradition in

to come as near as possible to such items as the carved wooden ani-

Scharfenstein Castle, for this 800-year-old castle possesses the Martin

mal, the smoking man, the Christmas arch or the Christmas pyramid,

collection, a special treasure of folk art objects and toys from all over

should come to Burg Scharfenstein as soon as possible!

Castles and fortresses in Saxony


or centuries the Ore Mountains lived from that which gave



fateful years   of a mistress

fortress of »ruined wood« is said to

too. But the castle was not to achieve fame

affairs and eventually was to become a victim

have been already standing there

through war and catastrophes, but instead

of her princely bedmate. The stone on which

in the year 1100, where today the

through intrigues at the Saxon court due to

the castle is built is as hard as the fate suf-

castle of Stolpen shows itself to the visitor.

its most famous and lasting resident. For al-

fered by Countess Cosel. Basalt, which forms

The castle was first mentioned as having been

most half a century, until her death in 1765,

the base of the fortress, was first described by

secured in the year 1222. The following 800

Anna Constantia Countess von Cosel was to

scientists in Stolpen, for whom the character-

years saw much light but even more shad-

remain banished behind its walls. This cheer-

istic stone of the castle mountain, just as the

ow, for Stolpen was to suffer greatly in the

ful, beautiful and clever woman, long-time

deepest, unbuilt basalt fountains in the world,

storms of European feuds. Hussites, Swedes,

mistress of Augustus the Strong and mother

has achieved the status of a national geological

Prussians and the French were to leave scars

of three of his children, had made enemies


on the fortress, just as plague and fire were

due to her apparent interference in political

Scharfenstein Castle

Stolpen Castle

Burg Scharfenstein | Burgberg 1 | 09435 Scharfenstein | Phone +49 (0) 37 25 7 07 20 | scharfenstein@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Route B174 second exit in Zschopau, railway line Chemnitz-Bärenstein to Scharfenstein — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Burg Stolpen | Schlossstraße 10 | 01833 Stolpen | Phone +49 (0) 3 59 73 2 34 10 | stolpen@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Ottendorf-Okrilla Exit via Radeberg to Stolpen along Route B6 Dresden-Bischofswerda, then follow signposting, from Saxon Switzerland the walkway is signposted from the »Bastei« rock, bus from Dresden to busstop Stolpen, Schützenhausstraße — Free admission to the castle and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Nature and art in harmony Gardens and parks in Saxony Just as with life at court, nature had to obey the wishes of the rulers. In the Baroque garden the maze of boxtree hedges and trimmed hornbeams is as complex as an absolutist court intrigue. Even the landscape park of later centuries, which seems to have grown quite naturally, is in fact the result of careful planning. Either way, the result for Saxony was European masterpieces of landscape planning.


Gardens and parks in Saxony

— The Royal Convalescence House with historical decoration (left) — A rose petal bath in Albert Bad (right)


Artificial  nature

Gardens and parks in Saxony

The valley of    the kings T


— The New Palace

lescence bath of the Saxon royal family, the Wettins, who frequently and proudly invited the highest nobility of Europe to their picturesque health residence. Even today the elements of the historical convalescence parks proclaim this splendour, and you can saunter in the grounds, laid out in 1850 with over 50 hectares of attractive parks and themed

he water which flows from the Mo-

gardens. Wilhelminian and Art Nouveau spa

ritz springs in the Elster Valley has

architecture fit together in harmony with

been used since »time immemorial«

the green and flowery splendor of the park,

for health purposes, wrote Georg Leisner in

making Bad Elster a place rich in historical

1669. Leisner was personal physician to Duke

bathing culture, comparable to the great Bo-

Moritz of Saxony-Zeitz, and with this recom-

hemian spas. The King Albert Theater, the

mendation – as well as the first analysis of the

Royal Convalescence House, the so-named

health-giving waters – said something which

KunstWandelhalle, three music pavilions

landscape gardening of the Baroque court.

self-taught gardener combined plants and

the Second World War, has now been almost

still echoes to this day. A good hundred

and the Nature Theater today form a »fes-

Romanticism declared that nature should

landscape together into a »natural work of

completely rebuilt and on two floors of the

years later a certain Privy Councillor Goethe

tival of the shortest way« which perenially

first and foremost be »natural«, and the

art« that he even became an example and a

south wing you can see the spectacular ex-

deigned to relax here, by the middle of the

brings a rich cultural experience to the Moor

landscape gardeners helped to the best of

pioneer of the style as far away as the USA.

hibition »Pückler! Pückler? Simply Unbeliev-

nineteenth century Elster had been elevated

and Mineral Baths, located at the »Three

their ability. Ornamental gardening became

Today the spacious UNESCO world heritage

able!« From the 35-metre-high observation

to the status of »Royal Saxon State Spa«, and

Country Corner« where Saxony, Bavaria and

the art of scenic landscaping. The most out-

site is also a symbol of European integra-

platform on the South Tower you can enjoy

from then on it became the favoured conva-

Bohemia meet.

standing example in the world is the park

tion, since two thirds of it are on Polish soil

a panoramic view of the Pückler Park.


he park by the Neisse River in

of Prince Pückler-Muskau, who was known

and only one third in Germany. The New

Muskau is a symbol of the greatest

in the 19th century mainly as a travel writ-

Palace in the heart of Muskau Park, which

possible contrast to the geometrical

er. So rich in perspective was the way the

was completely burned down at the end of

Spa Park Bad Elster

Count Pückler Park

Sächsisches Staatsbad Bad Elster | Touristinformation | Königliches Kurhaus | 08645 Bad Elster | Phone +49 (0) 3 74 37 7 11 11 | touristinfo@bad-elster.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A72 PlauenSüd Exit, follow signposting to Bad Elster — Free admission to the park with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to the »Elsterado« swimming pool and spa area and to the Saxon Spa Museum, with the exception of events.

Tourismuszentrum Muskauer Park | Stiftung Fürst-Pückler-Park Bad Muskau | Neues Schloss | 02953 Bad Muskau | Phone +49 (0) 3 57 71 6 31 00 | info@muskauer-park.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A15 from Berlin and Cottbus, Roggosen Exit, then follow Route B115 to Bad Muskau, Highway A4 Dresden–Bautzen, Bautzen-Ost Exit, continue on Route B156 to Bad Muskau, Route B115 from Görlitz to Bad Muskau — Free admission to the park and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.


Gardens and parks in Saxony

— The Palace with Palace Pond


— The lower orangery


unfinished symphony      The

Gardens and parks in Saxony


green heart of Dresden


he capital of Saxony is a big garden landscape. Few large cities

for festive events in the middle of green surroundings. In the sum-


he gardens at Grosssedlitz are among

built, with plans drawn by his own hand.

The spacious terraced grounds are today a

the most notable in Germany, but this

There was to be nothing less than a Saxon

work of artistic garden architecture with two

symbol of determination to create is

Versailles here, but in the end Grosssedlitz

orangeries, fountains and around 60 sculp-

worth a visit for other reasons too. It is also

was never completed – an acute shortage of

tures. A walk around always opens new

are so close to nature or have such extensive gardens, spa-

mer, the open-air stages and the puppet theater are always popular.

of special significance because a prominent

funds at the court of Dresden, where other-

perspectives, which still today are evidence

cious parks and generous lawns for playing and sunbathing.

Other attractions include the Botanical Garden and the zoo, while

Saxon ruler left his imprint on how it looks.

wise they had so happily spent money, put

of the expertise of the planning. The visi-

The most impressive park in the Saxon metropolis is the 363-acre

Volkswagen’s manufacture of luxury cars in its Transparent Factory

Having constructed his residence for retire-

an end to the creative fantasy. Nevertheless,

tor can, especially in the summer months

Great Garden or Grosser Garten. Elector Johann Georg III started

on the edge of the park is a symbol of the modern. For the journey

ment here in 1719, the Imperial Count von

the 12 hectares which were finished are so

when exotic plants and orange trees fill

the Dresdeners’ favorite park with its absolutely straight avenues in

into the wide landscape of experience, visitors young and old like

Wackerbarth sold it – not entirely of his

full of splendour that it is hardly possible to

the park with scent and color, experience

1678, modeling it on the French parks. The Palace at the point where

to use the park railway, which is traditionally operated by Dresden

own volition – to Augustus the Strong. The

imagine how the park might have been had

the imagination of the highborn creator of

the avenues meet is a jewel of early Baroque. It is still used today


new owner had the gardens completely re-

all the planned 96 hectares been completed.


Great Garden of Dresden

Grosssedlitz Baroque Garden

Schlösser und Gärten Dresden | Geschäftsstelle Großer Garten/Kavaliershaus G | Hauptallee 5 | 01219 Dresden | Phone +49 (0) 3 51 4 45 66 00 | grosser.garten@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Dresden-Hellerau or Dresden-Altstadt Exits, then follow the signposting towards the city center/zoo/glass/VW’s transparent manufactory, use trams and get off at Comeniusplatz, Zoo or Großer Garten — 50% concession on all tickets for the Dresden Park Railway with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Barockgarten Großsedlitz | Parkstraße 85 | 01809 Heidenau | Phone +49 (0) 35 29 5 63 90 | grosssedlitz@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A17 Pirna Exit, there follow signposting via Route B172 from Dresden to Heidenau or Pirna, then follow signposting, suburban fast train from Dresden to trainstop Heidenau-Großsedlitz, from there the 20-minute walkway is signposted — Free admission to the park and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.


— The Mausoleum (left) — The Abbey (right)


The heritage of the Cistercians

The triumphant march of knowledge Monasteries in Saxony The majority of the pugnacious knights in their castles had scarcely heard of the

because Altzella was the cemetery for the

Reformation, the German princes

noble Wettin family, the royal court in Dres-

who had converted to the Lu-

den remained interested in the lands. Here,

theran faith drove the monks out of their

in 1787, Elector Augustus III erected a mau-

monasteries. There remained ruined monas-

soleum in an early classical style, while his

tery grounds, in which anyone interested in

garden architect Johann Friedrich Huebler

history could perceive only the echo of the

surrounded the white graves with a land-

monks and their activities. Such was the case

scaped park in Romantic style. The manmade

also in Altzella, after the Saxon sovereign

landscape, so natural in its appearance, with

Prince Henry the Pious had ordered the secu-

its old pointed arches, seemingly fixed gables

larisation of the Cistercian monastery there.

and broken arches quickly attracted famous

word education and could hardly read, let alone write. It was first and foremost the

The grounds where the monks had lived and

names of German art such as Casper David

worked since 1175 fell into ruin, the bricks of

Friedrich who found total inspiration here.

members of the clergy who cultivated Saxony with their knowledge and aptitude.

the monastery were removed to be used else-

Anybody who today wanders onto the soft

Outstanding monastery complexes in Saxony tell of that untouched time when the

where, while valuable books from the library,

splendor of the old monastery grounds is

numbering almost a thousand, were given

certain to find what at that time fascinated

future »motherland of the Reformation« first became Christian.

over to the University of Leipzig. However,

the Romantics.

Altzella Monastery Park Klosterpark Altzella | Zellaer Straße 10 | 01683 Nossen | Phone +49 (0) 3 52 42 5 04 30 | altzella@schloesserland-sachsen.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A14 Nossen-Nord Exit, Highway A4 NossenOst Exit or Siebenlehn Exit, railway from Dresden, Meißen, Döbeln, Leipzig to Nossen, bus from Meißen, Freiberg, Döbeln, Dresden to Nossen — Free admission to the monastery and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Monasteries in Saxony


t the beginning of the European


Monasteries in Saxony



— The Chapter House with facilities and herbal garden (left) — The manor’s chapel (right)


— The basilica (left) — The rood screen (right)


chapter in old walls

herever Cistercians built monas-

helped this area to blossom. The monks dis-

lands. Themed gardens which were laid out

teries, they changed forests and

appeared as a result of the Reformation of the

with care and hard work invite you to come

marshes into fertile land, and

early sixteenth century, but the cultural spirit

and see how the monks worked each day. A

brought civilisation and progress. That hap-

on the St. Marien Monastery has returned to

local chapel, a chapter house with a Neces-

pened at the end of the twelfth century at a

its ancient walls after nearly half a millenni-

sarium (a rare example of a monastery toilet

smooth bend of the Freiburger Mulde river,

um of exclusive agricultural use. The slogan

over running water), abbey and other parts,

when the hard-working monks of this con-

of the Cistercians »Porta patet cor magis« –

some still in perfect condition and evidence

gregation cultivated the land in that area. For

»The door is open, but the heart even more«

of Medieval architecture, justify St. Marien’s

more than three hundred years these monks

– has taken on a new significance, when to-

new function as the cultural-historical centre

had been actively involved in the develop-

day markets, festivals, concerts and training

ment of the region and, with their knowledge,

events take place in the imposing monastery

of the region.

The return


pirituality declined from the walls of the monastery over the centuries.

of spirituality

Today, however, Wechselburg is once

again full of rich spiritual activity due to the monastery which the Bendedictine monks the noble family von Schönburg. This led to

1993. It was a spectacular stroke of luck,

the monastery being dubbed »Wechselburg«

thanks to which the 850-year-old monastery

(Swap Castle) by the population – a title

offers not only a treasure trove from the past

which has today become official. The 800-

but also promise for the future. Founded in

year-old Wechselburg basilica, built of red

1168 under the name of Heilig Kreuz (Holy

porphyry, is recognised as being one of the

Cross), monks at first lived here by the prin-

best surviving relics of the Romanesque era

ciples of St. Augustus. The monastery was

in Germany, while the Baroque palace of the

transferred by Margrave Henry the Enlight-

von Schönburg family is a charming contrast.

ened, after a rewarding century, to the Ger-

The palace park with its variety of impressive

man Order, which in turn had to withdraw

trees is ideal for peaceful walks. Apart from

in favor of Duke Moritz of Saxony after the

their pastoral duties, the monks run a small

secularisation which followed the Reforma-

hostel which is open to anyone who wishes to

tion. Duke Moritz, in turn, exchanged Heilig

withdraw from the hectic of the world for a

Kreuz for three villages near Dresden from

few days.

Buch Monastery

Wechselburg Benedictine Monastery

Förderverein Kloster Buch e.V. | Klosterbuch Nr. 1 | 04703 Leisnig | Phone +49 (0) 3 43 21 5 03 52 | KlosterBuch@t-online.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A14 Döbeln-Nord Exit, follow Route B169 direction Döbeln, or Leisnig Exit into Leisnig, then follow respective signposting, railway from Leipzig or Dresden to railstop Klosterbuch — Free admission to the monastery and permanent exhibition with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Concession tickets to special exhibitions, with the exception of events.

Benediktinerkloster Wechselburg | Markt 10 | 09306 Wechselburg | Phone +49 (0) 3 73 84 8 08 13 | benediktiner@kloster-wechselburg.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A14 Döbeln-Nord Exit, follow Routes B169 and B175 direction Zwickau, Highway A72 Hartmannsdorf Exit, continue along S241 and S242 passing through Burgstädt via B95 Leipzig-Chemnitz, follow Route B176 direction Geithain — Free admission to guided tours of the church with the castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. Reduced rates for accommodation, not for events.

Monasteries in Saxony

from Ettal, in Bavaria, dared to establish in

The experience of grand joie de vivre Accommodation in Saxony Today some of the most beautiful and outstanding stately homes in Saxony are again in private hands, often transformed into stylish hotels, modern conference centers or culinary temples. Their guests do not even have to strain their imagination to transform themselves into the lord of the manor or the mistress of the castle. In the hospitable state of Saxony, many doors stand wide open to a grand existence, even if it is only temporary.


Accommodation in Saxony

— The Hoernitz Castle parlor (left) — The castle entrance (right)

— A room in the youth hostel (above) — The castle grounds (below)

From dark arts to noble hospitality


hristian Hartig, the son of the

the hotel charms its guests with the alchemy

builder of Althörnitz Castle, once

of hospitality. The easternmost castle hotel in

ran a little witches’ kitchen with

Germany with its 74 rooms, renovated con-

the alchemist Walter von Tschirnhaus in the

ference and event rooms and enjoyable deli-

great tower of the castle, melting together

cacies elevates its visitors to the peerage for

the four elements and all sorts of things

the duration of their stay.

besides. After a particularly dramatic explo-



Fortress of youth


t is almost a thousand years since the first reference was made to a castle at Colditz. The fortress on the Zwickauer

Mulde is one of the oldest in Saxony. Today,

sion, the villagers also blew their tops. The

one wing of the castle is occupied by the

local chronicle describes how »his subjects

Europa Hostel Schloss Colditz thereby filling

thereafter sent a deputation into the castle

one building with international life behind

telling him to have no truck with Tschirn-

walls which have not always been witness to

haus, that this man be known in the whole

joy and happiness. In 1404, after Colditz had

area as a master of the Dark Arts and that

changed hands several times, it started to be-

the people were fearful that the whole village

long to the Wettins who established an of-

was in danger of burning down«. The alche-

ficial residence here. One hundred years later

mist’s room in the great tower of this splen-

a fire wiped out both the town and the castle.

did building still exists, but Althörnitz Castle

The following three centuries saw extensive

now masters a completely different art: today

rebuilding and the blooming of Colditz, which came to an abrupt end at the end of the eighteenth century as the court at Dresden decided that the castle was no longer suitable for the times, sold off the contents and paved the way for it to be used in a more mundane way. The once noble building was used as a home for the poor, as a mental institution and a prison camp. It became world-famous during the Second World War, when high-ranking officers of the western allies were imprisoned here. Afterwards the castle was used as a hospital, driving out the spirit of its glorious past. This comprehenthe European Youth Hostel, cheerfulness and hospitality have returned to Colditz. That is why the modern hostel, which is almost as beautiful as a hotel, has become a popular place to stay for visitors from all over the world.

Althörnitz Castle Hotel

Colditz Castle European Youth Hostel

Schlosshotel Althörnitz | Zittauer Straße 9 | 02763 Bertsdorf-Hörnitz | Phone +49 (0) 35 83 55 00 | hotel@schlosshotel-Althörnitz.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Bautzen-Ost Exit, follow Route B6, in Löbau follow Route B178 direction Zittau center, follow signposting there — 10% discount on regular room rates for the holder of a castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS.

Europa-Jugendherberge Schloss Colditz | Schlossgasse 1 | 04680 Colditz | Phone +49 (0) 3 43 81 4 50 10 | jhcolditz@djh.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A14 Grimma Exit, continue along Route B107 direction Colditz, there follow signposting to castle, Highway A4 Glauchau Exit, via Rochlitz to Colditz, railway/bus from Leipzig mainstation by regional railway to Großbothen, change to bus to Colditz or from Leipzig mainstation by regional bus to Colditz — 10% discount on regular room rates for the holder of a castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS. — Colditz Castle (see page 11)

Accommodation in Saxony

sive reformation is now over as, thanks to


Accommodation in Saxony

— The wedding suite (above)— The restaurant terrace (below)


— The royal suite (above) — The park front (below)


King for


a day

n the edge of the wide parkland

small and large architectural and botanical

Valley of the natural treasures of the Saxon

of the Baroque summer palace is

attractions which make up the varied, special

Switzerland National Park are only an hour away by steamboat.

this hotel on the banks of the

palace grounds. Therefore hotel guests, after

Elbe. Its four-star ranking is thanks partly to

they have experienced Saxon cuisine par ex-

its special location in a peaceful suburb of the

cellence in the Schlossrestaurant, can wander

former royal residence city of Dresden. This

through the Pillnitz Park and let themselves

small, exclusive hotel with its three suites and

be whisked back to a time in which ladies in

42 rooms has acquired a first-class reputation

layered dresses and gentlemen in powdered

because visitors to Dresden, after a visit to

wigs engaged in courtly conversation on the

the Semper Opera House or walking by the

very same footpaths. Should anybody then

Church of Our Lady, do not want to miss the

wish to leave Pillnitz at all, they can plan tours

Baroque ambience. This private family hotel

for the following day, for from here sights

is only a few meters away from the many

such as the picturesque vineyards of the Elbe

A noble


James Ogilvy Earl of Findlater reformed the Baroque palace and the park in the style of Palladium Classicism. Today the glorious manor house with its 30 hectares of landscaped park, elegant halls, salons and historic visitors’ rooms is accommodation with an aristocratic atmosphere, guaranteeing a special kind of stay. Festivals with a noble


touch, meetings in relaxed surroundings or simply a weekend with nybody who wishes to spend some days relaxing and at the

exquisite food, relaxation in the spa area and a walk in the palace park

same time experience an aristocratic lifestyle will have found

– the Palace Hotel Gaussig, owned today by the family of the Count

their dream domicile here. Gaussig, one of the most promi-

von Brühl-Pohl, is open to all who wish for a stay which is anything

nent palaces in Upper Lusatia, is now a spacious hotel which com-

but usual.

bines the spirit of past times with today’s demands for comfort and luxury. First mentioned in 1245 as a residence for nobility, the essenden courtiers such as the von Neitschütz family, the Imperial Count Heinrich von Brühl or the Russian envoy Hermann Carl Count von Keyserlingk have left their artistic imprint on the grounds since the Baroque era. Gaussig experienced its last great reconstruction at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries, when the regional master of building works and the exiled Scottish nobleman

Dresden-Pillnitz Castle Hotel

Gaussig Castle Hotel

Schloss Hotel Dresden-Pillnitz | August-Böckstiegel-Straße 10 | 01326 Dresden | Phone +49 (0) 3 51 2 61 40 | reservierung@schlosshotel-pillnitz.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A17 Pirna Exit, continue along expressway direction Radeberg, turn off at Graupa/Pillnitz, Highway A4 Dresden-Hellerau Exit, then follow signposting to Pillnitz, Elbe river steamboats to Pillnitz — 10% discount on regular room rates for the holder of a castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS.

Schloss Gaußig | An der Kirche 2 | 02633 Gaußig | Phone +49 (0) 3 59 30 5 52 27 | info@schloss-gaussig.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Salzenforst Exit, direction Neukirch to junction to Gaußig town center — 10% discount on regular room rates for the holder of a castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS.

Accommodation in Saxony

tial features of a large castle built here in 1700 are still to be seen. Dres-


Accommodation in Saxony

— The town of Hohnstein with its castle (left) — The Upper Courtyard (right)

Nature in perfection


— The palace with its Baroque garden (above) — The Knights’ Hall (below)


verything here breathes historical aesthetic and produces an entire effect which has yet to find its match



in style

in historical perfection,« wrote a certain

Dr. Alfred Lindner enthusiastically in his »Chronicle of Schweinsburg Palace«. The 800-year-old moated castle, still West Saxo-

a walk through the Baroque garden, or try

ny, still has many enthusiastic visitors who

one of the many keep-fit facilities at the

today find a modern hotel – which is a fa-

hotel. Visitors who come on a day-trip to

vourite for holding meetings as well as for

this region, which until recently was known

tourist wishes – on the grounds of the old

as an industrial region, can book, in the

military stronghold. Where once the Count

hotel, a journey of a special kind. Start-

von Crimmitschau and later the Countess

ing from Schweinsburg, you can ride in an

von Schönburg lazed in front of the fire, you

original Trabant through the surrounding

can today enjoy a comprehensive sport and

area which includes the car-making town

leisure programme or celebrate weddings and

of Zwickau, where until 1990 the legendary

other family occasions in an aristocratic at-

East German »racing cardboard box« was

mosphere. Maybe you can simply relax with

produced in the original Audi factory.

ing. In 1924 the castle at the gateway to the Elbe Sandstone Mountains was judged »most beautiful youth hostel in Germany«. Today it is open to visitors of all ages and from near or far for staying overnight, since the hostel is situated on a plateau of rock at the heart of the most beautiful national park in Europe called Saxon Switzerland. Countless stories tell of Hohnstein’s eventful past — of Elector Christian II’s bear-pit, which was forced to close in 1756 by residents who were enraged that animals had escaped and caused »high


spirits« in the village; of the steep Warteno enemy ever managed to scale the

berg Road, which »in a way« cost Napoleon

walls of Hohnstein Castle, such is

victory at the 1813 Battle of the Nations,

the steepness of the jagged rocky

because artillery and horses under General

spur that it stands on, high above the Polenz

Dominique Vandamme had to surrender be-

Valley. There was also no hope of liberation,

fore managing to get up the wet road; from the sinister gallows hill, where the last public execution drew large curious crowds in

Ages. As the people said, »He who goes to

1795. Curiosity is today stilled by the »castle

Hohnstein seldom goes home«. Thank good-

tour for all the senses«, the many concerts,

ness, this saying does not apply any more,

the famous church designed by George Bähr

since the current owners of the castle hap-

and the annual puppet festival in front of

pily welcome patrons to their beautiful build-

the museum.

Hohnstein Castle Burg Hohnstein | Am Markt 1 | 01848 Hohnstein | Phone +49 (0) 3 59 75 8 12 02 | info@burg-hohnstein.info — HOW TO FIND US Route B172 to Pirna, from there direction Neustadt via Lohmen and Rathewalde to Hohnstein, suburban fast train from Dresden-Hauptbahnhof to Pirna, from there by bus to Hohnstein (busstop Markt) — 10% discount on regular room rates for the holder of a castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS.

Accommodation in Saxony

making the Black Hole of Hohnstein one of the most feared dungeons of the Middle

Schweinsburg Castle Hotel Hotel Schloss Schweinsburg | Hauptstraße 147-149 | 08459 Neukirchen/Pleiße | Phone +49 (0) 37 62 9 48 00 | kontakt@schloss-schweinsburg.de — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Schmölln Exit, continue direction Crimmitschau, Werdau and Lauterbach to Neukirchen/Pleiße, Highway A72 Reichenbach Exit, continue direction Werdau, Crimmitschau, pass through Langenhessen to Neukirchen/Pleiße — 10% discount on regular room rates for the holder of a castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS.


Accommodation in Saxony


— The hotel (left) — The Elector’s Suite (right)



A noble manner



— Boarding house with courtyard (left) — Breakfast room (right)


here there once was a manor house dedicated mainly to vineyards there is now a boarding house with a long history in one of the most beautiful areas of Dresden. In the year 1835 the Saxon King Friedrich August II personally acquired these

chambers and expanded them to become a brewery which, along with the court’s demand for

ituated at the heart of Dresden’s his-

only reminder of the former splendor of

toric Old Town, flanked on one side

the Baroque city residence. But in 1995 was

wine, was also to satisfy its thirst for beer. After Friedrich August’s death in 1854 the court

by the world-famous Zwinger and on

opened the Taschenbergpalais, which today is

disposed of this property and it functioned mainly as a residential property. Later it even be-

the other by the Dresden Castle, is an es-

considered one of the most beautiful luxury

tablishment about the resurrection of which

hotels in Germany, and is evidence of the

so many people had doubts. Originally built

ability to combine modern structures with

by Augustus the Strong in 1705 as a gift for

protected monuments. That work of the great

his mistress Anna Constantia Countess von

Saxon court builder Matthäus Daniel Pöp-

Cosel, and comprehensively extended after

pelmann built on a small hill - the Taschen-

she was exiled, Taschenbergpalais was almost

berg, by the banks of the Elbe, arose in its

completely destroyed in the inferno of the

old splendor, despite those who would have

bombing in February 1945. For almost 50

quite happily seen it disappear into history.

years afterwards, blackened walls were the

Today this grand hotel, which is close to the Church of Our Lady and the Semper Opera House, is once again a place where tourists from all over the world can make, for a short time, a »home away from home«, and at the right place to find the spirit of old Dresden. The people of Dresden themselves love to visit the hotel, especially in winter, when they can skate on an ice rink which is probably the most beautiful in Germany, in the inner courtyard.

came the location of a »people’s owned« factory for decorated candles. In the 1990s the old who can discover the city on the Elbe and its fascinating surroundings from here. The former property of the King of Saxony is only a few steps away from Pillnitz Castle, the picturesque buildings along the Elbe are directly in front of the door and the sights of Dresden city centre are only twenty minutes away by bus, tram or steamship. But surrounded by ivy-covered walls, vines and rose beds, it can sometimes be tempting just to stay at home and enjoy the almost Mediterranean flair of the »Königliche Ausspanne«.

Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden

Boarding House »Zur Königlichen Ausspanne«

Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden | Taschenberg 3 | 01067 Dresden | Phone +49 (0) 3 51 4 91 20 | reservations.taschenbergpalais@kempinski.com — HOW TO FIND US Highway A4 Dresden Altstadt Exit, follow signposting towards the city center, tram to tramstops Theaterplatz or Postplatz — 10% discount on regular room rates for the holder of a castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS.

Freudenberg GbR | Eugen-Dieterich-Str. 5 | 01326 Dresden | Phone +49 (0) 3 51 2 68 95 02 | info@koenigliche-ausspanne.de — HOW TO FIND US über A4 Highway A4 Dresden-Hellerau or DresdenAltstadt Exit, Highway A17 Pirna Exit, follow Route B172 direction Radeberg to Graupa/Pillnitz Exit — 10% discount on regular room rates for the holder of a castles TOUR PASS or castles ANNUAL PASS.

Accommodation in Saxony

depots and stalls were lovingly restored, and are now an insider’s tip for visitors to Dresden,

Four ways to Saxony’s history Theme routes The nobility, bourgeoisie and clergy living and working in Saxony left traces that are easy to resdiscover individually today. Better still is to visit them in a series, which gives visitors the chance to explore other sights on the way. And there is often no need for a car, for Saxony offers ideal conditions for everybody to follow the course of Saxon history, even on foot or by bicycle.


Theme routes

— The Zwickau Main Market (left) — The Mulde river valley near Lastau (right)

The valley of castles — Historical hiking

The fact that the Mulde river, the fastest-flowing river in central Europe, is not navigable, has to a large extent helped to keep its original character. The numerous sights along its banks are best viewed slowly, on foot on the Mulde Valley Hiking Path from Zwickau to Freiberg. — Masters of music

The house where Robert Schumann was born in Zwickau is well worth a visit. The so-called Priests’ Houses by the cathedral are also worth seeing, as they are among the oldest residential buildings in Germany. Osterstein Castle is now used as a senior citizens’ home. North of Zwickau is Glauchau with its double castle and the church of St George, for which the Saxon organ builder Gottfried Silbermann created one of his famous instruments.

— Rochsburg Castle (left) — The Little Swan Palace in Freiberg (right)

— Many-sided stone

Further to the north is Rochlitz, dominated by its castle with the prominent towers. The red porphyry from Rochlitz not only became known in its ground form on sports fields as »cinder track« but was also used in many places as »Saxon marble« for building, for instance in nearby Colditz Castle. — Reformation vigor

East of the confluence of the Mulde is Leisnig, dominated by Mildenstein Castle. After two long visits by Luther the Leisnig Order of Castes, a model of Protestant social teaching, appeared in 1523. The town church St. Matthai, with its interesting manneristic altar was in the care of the former Cistercian monastery in the present-day district of Klosterbuch until the Reformation. — Miracle of the Middle Ages

The High Altar in St. Nikolai, the town church of Döbeln, is one of the most valuable carved altars in Saxony. The most special feature of its realistic image of death is the Miracle Man, a life-sized, moving figure made in the Middle Ages, which recreates Christ’s last journey. The first sign of the Altzella Monastery Park which is near Nossen, is the Clothmaker’s House in Rosswein, which was once the abbot’s house for the monastery. Nossen is dominated by its palace, which developed out of a knight’s castle. — Source of wealth

Visitors to Freiberg today can still seek out the 750-year-old silver mine, which brought wealth to the Saxon rulers and made Saxony one of the technologically leading areas in Germany. Visitors to the city will find Freudenstein Castle interesting, as well as the cathedral with its numerous unusual artworks, and the large and small organs of Gottfried Silbermann who had his workshop in Freiberg. The medieval city townscape, including its defensive wall, is unspoilt.

— Secular and ecclesiastical pomp

Grünfeld Park, an English style landscape park, is the best-known attraction of Waldenburg. The Renaissance portal of the former Rear Castle serves as a stylish entrance. The Front Castle was remodeled in the 20th century as one of the last stately homes of the nobility in Germany. A valuable ceiling divided into sections with illusionist paintings is only one of the many works of art in the »Church of Our Lady on the Mountain« in Penig. The medieval-looking Rochsburg Castle sits enthroned above a bend in the river and the castle chapel is worth visiting. Wechselburg with its well-known monastery church is located behind the confluence of the Chemnitz and Mulde rivers.

Route 1 Distance 155 km | Detailed view of the tour on the map of Saxony on pages 76/77

— For more routes please go to www.schloesserland-sachsen.de




Theme routes

— The Oelsnitz Mining Museum (left) — The West Saxon Textile Museum (right)

— Textile

800 years of mining in Saxony. To the west is the castle of Wolkenstein

The cradle of the town of Crimmitschau, the Schweinsburg Castle, is

sitting majestically on its rock, and the former tin mine of Ehren-

today a hotel. In Blankenhain Castle in another part of the town, the

friedersdorf which is also worth visiting. Close by is the town of

German Agricultural Museum is well worth visiting. The West Saxon

Annaberg-Buchholz, whose mining regulations were for a long time

Textile Museum features a completely preserved historical material

the law in the whole of Germany. In the impressive St Anne’s Church,

factory. The magnificent villas of the mill owners are in Lindenstrasse.

the unique miners’ guild altar portrays the history of silver mining.

Textiles were also important for Glauchau, where there are two stately

17th-century technology is shown in the iron hammer mill in the

homes next to each other. Lovers of two or four wheels should visit

Frohnau district. Not far from Schlettau Castle visitors can still travel

the Sachsenring racetrack near Hohenstein-Ernstthal, and not only on

by steam every day between Cranzahl and Oberwiesenthal. There is a

event days. From there it is a stone’s throw back to Chemnitz.

— Black


To the north of the Silver Route is Hartenstein. As well as the ruins of the stately home and Stein Castle, the former villa of a »coal baron«, now Wolfsbrunn Castle Hotel, is also to be found. The history of Saxon coal mining is told in Oelsnitz’s mining museum. Lichtenstein Palace is today home to the Daetz-Center for International Wood — Traces

of Saxony’s industrial history


Until World War II, Saxony was the leading industrial region of Germany. Rich factory owners were able to build villas of such splendor

— Luxury

that they equaled the palaces of the nobility.

Further west, in Zwickau, August Horch built luxury cars of the

on wheels

brands »Horch« and later, after founding another company, »Audi«, — The center of Saxony’s industry

the Latin translation of his surname. The museum, which is named

The Industrial Museum of Chemnitz gives its visitors the chance to

after him, is located in the old Audi factory and shows a century of

experience Saxony’s industrial history first hand, with such inventions

auto manufacture in Saxony.

as the coffee filter, the single-lens-reflex camera and mild detergent, as well as an old and wheezing steam engine. In the former monastery and later castle on the castle hill there is now a museum. Of the villas belonging to Chemnitz factory owners, the most outstanding is that of Herbert Esche, which Henry van de Velde designed in the style of Art Nouveau. The moated castle of Klaffenbach on the southern outskirts of the city is also unconventional. — Fast


The most outstanding exhibition of motorcycles in Europe can be viewed in the hunting lodge of Augustusburg with its panoramic view over the Ore Mountains, whose natural resources made the industrialization of Saxony possible. The town of Zschopau is dominated by the castle of Wildeck, where »hot machines« have been built since 1922. In Lengefeld’s limestone museum there is an exhibition of the history of limestone quarrying, which goes back over 400 years. — Saxony’s

oldest holiday route

In Olbernhau visitors can admire the famous Ore Mountains art of woodcarving, as well as the Saigerhuette smelting hut with its old installations for copperworking. Also there is the Silver Route, which

Route 2 Distance 245 km | Detailed view of the tour on the map of Saxony on pages 76/77


extends between Dresden and Zwickau and commemorates more than

rail museum near the castle in Schwarzenberg.

Palaces of the old and new rich


— The Frohnau Hammer Mill (bottom) — Villa Esche (top)

— For more routes please go to www.schloesserland-sachsen.de



Theme routes

— Free climber above the Elbe valley (left) — Albrechtsberg Castle (right)

Between nature and culture

— Water Palace of Pillnitz Castle (left) — A Meissen porcelain ® painter (right)

Elbe Castles on the steep right bank of the river form a splendid ensemble. Elector Augustus the Strong built the Neustadt, the Baroque new town opposite the Old Town, and is commemorated there as the »Golden Rider«. Canaletto’s famous view of the Old Town silhouette can be seen from the Elbe banks at the Japanese Palace, with Brühl’s Terrace, Dresden Castle, the Court Church, the Zwinger and the Semper Opera House. Around the Church of Our Lady, the historical New Market is being rebuilt.

The northernmost winegrowing area in Germany

The State Winery at Wackerbarth Castle produces sparkling wine in a magnificent setting. Radebeul was also home to the writer Karl May, whose home Villa Shatterhand is now a museum. The Old Town of Meissen with 1,500 historical buildings is crowned with Albrechtsburg Castle on the castle hill. In the Meissen State Porcelain Manufactory, the production of the oldest porcelain in Europe can be experienced. The Hahnemann Center in the ruins of the former Cistercian Holy Cross Monastery is dedicated to the founder of homeopathy, who was born in Meissen. On the other side of the Elbe charming winegrowing villages provide a welcome back. The castle in Diesbar-Seusslitz was rebuilt by George Bähr in the Baroque style. It is here that the Saxon Wine Route ends, having started in Pirna as a holiday route through the Saxony winegrowing region along the Elbe river.

Historical testimony

In the church in Strehla there is a unique ceramic pulpit. Because the stately home is in private hands, only the park is accessible for the public. On the banks of the Elbe a memorial commemorates the meeting of US and Soviet troops at the end of World War II, which is often mistakenly said to have happened in the nearby town of Torgau. There, the castle of Hartenfels rises above the river. The Old Town, characterized by the Renaissance and well worth a visit, is home to important sites of Reformation. But the favorite drink of Martin Luther, the dark Torgisch beer, can also be enjoyed here. It is no surprise that Luther visited the town more —

Along the Elbe river by bicycle

than 40 times.

The Elbe Cycle Path is the most popular in Germany. It extends from the Czech border to the Elbe estuary at Cuxhaven. The Saxon part is particularly attractive, uniting dramatic landscapes with world-famous cultural sights.

The fascination of nature

The ideal starting point for an adventure on two wheels is Bad Schandau. A little further to the north, the fortress of Königstein sits majestically on a table mountain offering a magnificent panoramic view of the Saxon Switzerland National Park. There are many free climbers here, for this art of climbing without support was invented here back in the 19th century to protect the sensitive rocks from damage. But the sandstone has always been popular as a building material, whether for the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin or the Church of Our Lady in Dresden. Further down river is the open-air theater of Rathen, the most beautiful natural stage in Europe. Above it is the »Bastion« or Bastei, a rock rising steeply from the Elbe, which has inspired many, especially artists. Pirna is the gateway to Saxon Switzerland. The townscape portrayed in Canaletto’s Baroque paintings can still be easily recognized in the town today.

World heritage of the Saxon love of art

After reaching the city of Dresden, a visit to the stately home of Pillnitz is a must. After the famous Blue Wonder bridge, it is possible to bike on both sides of the Elbe. The three so-called

Route 3 Distance 190 km | Detailed view of the tour on the map of Saxony on pages 76/77

— For more routes please go to www.schloesserland-sachsen.de




Theme routes

— The lower Market in Goerlitz (left) — The Sun Organ in St Peter’s Church (right)


— The Upper Town of Bautzen (top left) — The Little Lenten Veil (bottom left) — The Bautzen Town Hall (right)

Catholic island in the motherland

of the Reformation


as Caspar David Friedrich. To the west of Zittau is the Althörnitz Castle Hotel.

The Cistercian monastery of St. Marienthal, halfway between Görlitz Successful missionaries

und Zittau, has existed since 1234. In the former service buildings

there is now an international meeting center.

Halfway to Löbau is Herrnhut. It was here that Ludwig Count von Zinzendorf founded the Moravian Church with religious refugees

The town between the three countries

from Moravia, who had already split from the Catholic Church be-

The impressive Old Town of Zittau on the borders of Saxony with

fore Luther. The »Moravian Stars« worked successfully as missionaries

both Poland and the Czech Republic is dominated today by Classicist

all over the world. The »Herrnhut Daily Watchwords« are the oldest

buildings. Zittau gained its wealth through the production and trade

Protestant prayer book, and the famous »Herrnhut Christmas Stars«

of textiles. It is no surprise that the town’s most outstanding works of

are popular in many countries during Advent.

art are also made of textiles – and they are unique in Germany. The The modern and the traditional

purpose of the lavishly decorated lenten veils was to separate off the

altar room during Lent. The Great Lenten Veil hangs in the former

The town of Löbau not only has an attractive Old Town but also an

Church of the Holy Cross, and the Little Lenten Veil in the former

outstanding building of the modern era: Villa Schminke. Further west

Franciscan monastery, now the town museum.

is Cunewalde, with the largest Protestant village church in Germany. The village is characterized by the Umgebinde houses, which are typi-

The smallest mountain range in Germany

cal of the region, a perfect synthesis of the German half-timbered and

South of the town, the Zittau Mountains can be reached daily by steam-

the Slavonic wooden block room styles. From Cunewalde, it is only a

driven narrow-gauge rail. On the rocks above Oybin are ruins of the

short distance back to Bautzen.

Foreign rule and tolerance —

castle and monastery grounds, which inspired such Romantic painter

The unique cultural landscape of Upper Lusatia

The rulers of Upper Lusatia often changed in the course of history. The region therefore has not only Saxon but also Silesian, Bohemian, Hungarian and Austrian characteristics. For centuries, Germans and Slavonic Sorbs have coexisted. Tolerance has always been important, as is shown by the many church buildings and works of art to be found on the »Via Sacra«.

Center of Sorbian culture

The Old Town of Bautzen has kept its medieval character. It lies picturesquely on a rock above the Spree river, dominated by the Ortenburg Castle, once the seat of the foreign governors. The Sorbian Museum in an adjacent building shows its visitors a rich and lively ethnic culture. St Peter’s Cathedral has been used by both Protestants and Catholics since 1524. Rich treasures can be found in the Baroque cathedral chapter.

One of the most beautiful towns in Germany

Further to the east and on the border with Poland is Görlitz with 3,500 architectural monuments from the Gothic to the Art Nouveau periods. Even the synagogue survived the trials of history. The façade of the Biblical House is decorated with scenes from the Old and New Testaments. St Peter’s Church captivates its listeners with the Baroque »Sun Organ«, which can even imitate the chirping of birds. From there a pilgrims’ path leads to the »Holy Sepulcher«, a 500-year-old replica of the original in Jerusalem.

Route 4 Distance 165 km | Detailed view of the tour on the map of Saxony on pages 76/77

— For more routes please go to www.schloesserland-sachsen.de


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castles PASSES as well as further information can be obtained from all participating properties, at www.schloesserland-sachsen.de and at our Visitor Service & Shop in the Schinkelwache guardhouse. Schloesserland Sachsen Visitor Service & Shop Theaterplatz | 01067 Dresden Phone +49 (0) 3 51 4 38 37 03 16 E-Mail shop@schloesserland-sachsen.de



for your visit. It is your support that makes culture a tangible experience and keeps history alive. Please come again!


Editorial details

PUBLISHED BY Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen Stauffenbergallee 2 a | 01099 Dresden Phone +49 (0) 3 51 5 63 9-13 11 Telefax +49 (0) 3 51 5 63 9-10 09 service@schloesserland-sachsen.de www.schloesserland-sachsen.de TMGS Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen mbH Bautzner Straße 45-47 | 01099 Dresden Phone +49 (0) 3 51 49 17 00 Telefax +49 (0) 3 51 4 96 93 06 info@sachsen-tour.de www.visitsaxony.com



CONCEPT AND DESIGN BY pingundpong Maternistraße 17 | 01067 Dresden box@pingundpong.de www.pingundpong.de

MAPS DESIGNED BY Dr. Harald Schubärth & Partner, pingundpong

AUTHORS Axel Nörkau, Dr. Klaus Jarchow, Wolfgang Gärtner

PRINTED BY Druckhaus Dresden

PHOTOS BY COURTESY OF Archiv Barockschloss Rammenau; BUR Marketingagentur; Barockschloss Delitzsch; Daetz-Centrum Lichtenstein (Photo: Heike Koslowski); Daniel Nötzoldt; Ernst Wrba; Photo Weigel, Schwarzenberg; Frank Höhler; Frank Richter; Gabriele Goers (Hanke); Gerhard Dörner; Gerhard Weber; Gregor Lorenz; Herbert Boswank, Dresden; Holger Stein; h+m kommunikation und werbung gmbh (Photo: Uwe Möckel); Jacqueline Freudenberg; Jens-Michael Bierke, Tourist-Information; Joachim Junge; Jörg Schöner; Karen Benndorf; Klaus Schieckel; Klosterpark Altzella; Lars Neumann; Lothar Sprenger; Manfred Lohse; Marco Klinger; P. Georg M. Roß OSB; Peter Hennig; Peter Leyendecker; Peter Mauksch; R. Grosser/FV Lingnerschloss e.V.; Rainer Meissle; Rost & Partner (Photo: René Pech); Sabine Wenzel; Schloss Wackerbarth; Schloss Weesenstein; Schlosshotel Pillnitz GmbH; Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen; Stadthalle Chemnitz GmbH; Steffi Schlosser; Stephan Floss; Sylvio Dittrich, Dresden; TMGS-Archiv; Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden; Thomas Gräbner; Uwe Tölle; Volker Kreidler; Werner Lieberknecht; Werner Unfug, 2000; Westsächsisches Textilmuseum Crimmitschau; Wolfgang Gärtner; Wolfgang Sens; © Peter Kulka Architektur Dresden GmbH (Photo: Jörg Schöner); © Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Photo: David Brandt)


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