Old splendor in new glory

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S C H L O E S S E R L A N D S AC H S E N . O L D S P L E N D O R I N N E W G L O R Y.


Information and tickets T +49 351 49 11 705 bestellung@semperoper.de semperoper.de


Pillnitz Palace and Park / Wackerbarth Castle __________ 48 / 49

Solid walls and sturdy towers

The Grand Garden of Dresden / The Dresden Zwinger __ 50 / 51

Margrave Otto the Rich recounts __________________


Altzella Monastery Park / Mildenstein Castle __________


Stolpen Castle _________________________________ 10 / 11 Gnandstein Castle / Scharfenstein Castle _____________ 12 / 13

Weesenstein Castle ______________________________ 18 / 19 Meissen Albrechtsburg Castle / Schlettau Castle _______ 20 / 21 22

New thinking - new forms Elector Augustus presents ________________________


, D rama , Adv e

schloesserlandPASS ___________________


Grosssedlitz Baroque Garden / Wolkenburg Castle ______ 56 / 57

How to get to Saxony __________________


Moritzburg Castle / Moritzburg Little Pheasant Castle __ 58 / 59

Editorial details ______________________


Delitzsch Baroque Castle / Lichtenwalde Castle and Park __ 60 / 61

Map of Saxony _______________________


Prince Hermann Pueckler-Muskau remembers ________

Augustusburg Castle / Klaffenbach Castle _____________ 26 / 27 Dresden Royal Palace ____________________________ 28 / 29 Freudenstein Castle / Hartenfels Castle ______________ 30 / 31 Wildenfels Castle / Glauchau Castle _________________ 32 / 33



Prince Pueckler Park Bad Muskau / Frohburg Castle_____ 64 / 65 Voigtsberg Castle / Royal Grounds Bad Elster __________ 66 / 67

Accommodation App with Audio Guide Tour

Lodge royally Katharina Luther, née von Bora, invites _____________



Audio Guide Tour

Nimbschen Monastery Hotel / Hohnstein Castle _______ 70 / 71 Boarding House »Zur Koeniglichen Ausspanne« /

Benefits from the schloesserlandPASS

Dresden Pillnitz Palace Hotel ______________________ 72 / 73 Hotel Gaussig House ____________________________ 74 / 75 Proschwitz Castle / Purschenstein Castle Hotel ________ 76 / 77

Gastronomy Museum

Wildeck Castle / Dresden Fortress __________________ 34 / 35 Colditz Castle _________________________________ 36 / 37


Rammenau Baroque Castle / Zabeltitz Baroque Garden __ 54 / 55


Rochlitz Castle / Kriebstein Castle __________________ 16 / 17

Schoenfels Castle _______________________________

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Between Romanticism and industrialization

Castles become palaces Duchess Elisabeth von Rochlitz remembers __________

Matthaeus Daniel Poeppelmann presents ____________



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The splendor of Baroque and Rococo

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Augustus the Strong grants an audience _____________

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Old splendor in new glory


Lauenstein Castle / Klippenstein Castle ______________ 38 / 39 Koenigstein Fortress / Nossen Castle_________________ 42 / 43


»Come and get your

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Old splendor in new glory »Be warmly welcomed to Schloesserland Sachsen! For more than eight hundred years, the land which once had emerged from the March of Meissen was ruled by members of my dynasty. They left magnificent buildings everywhere – evidence of their power and wealth, but also testimony to joie de vivre and love of the arts. As margraves, dukes, electors and kings of the House of Wettin they once contributed to what Saxony represents today: the most popular destination in Germany for culture-loving tourists. Of course, it was not just them – everywhere in the country, Saxon nobles strived to emulate their idol, thus generating a density of gorgeous estates that is unique in the world. Many of them were designed by the best architects of their time. Master builders, such as Arnold von Westfalen, Matthaeus Daniel Poeppelmann and Johann Christoph Knoeffel, created buildings which met the highest standards of the time and which today continue to attract as much admiration as ever. They have been carefully restored and are now open to visitors from near and far as museums, cultural sites or hotels. With every step you take you will encounter outstanding testimonies to Saxon creativity: medieval castles and monasteries, proud Renaissance palaces, pompous Baroque residences, extensive gardens and parks and fantastic neo-style buildings of the 19th century. Indulge in the way of life of


the nobles of bygone times and allow yourself to be enchanted by an atmosphere of exclusivity. Listen to a wealth of anecdotes about our rich history, which are due in no small part to me.«

Elector Frederick Augustus I of Saxony, King Augustus II of Poland, also known as »Augustus the Strong« (1670 – 1733)









Moritzburg Castle

Altzella Monastery Park


walls and sturdy towers

»In my time, the March of Meissen started to blossom. I had forests chopped down, land turned into arable fields and counties founded. Towns, such as Leipzig and Freiberg, emerged. Proud, fortified castles secured the new settlements and trading routes. Some of them have been preserved so very well that still today one might expect the castle gates to open and the lord of the castle and his companions on their stallions to sweep over the drawbridge. Bowers and keeps, knights’ halls, castle chapels and gloomy dungeons invite you to embark on a fascinating trip into medieval times. The special atmosphere of those times continues to greet visitors to the castles of Mildenstein, Gnandstein and Scharfenstein even today. Apart from the castles, monasteries were set up as centers of spiritual life. They steadily developed into centers of culture and education, as for example, the Cistercian abbeys of Buch and Altzella. The latter did not only become famous as the burial site of Meissen margraves, but also for its extensive library which ranked among the most important ones in the Empire. However, the reason why the sobriquet »the Rich« was added to my name after my death has less to


do with gaining knowledge than with acquiring a hoard of silver treasures. Rich finds of this noble metal were first discovered in the densely wooded mountains nearby the monastery in 1168. It precipitated a »Berggeschrey« (mining frenzy), attracting scores of pitmen and miners, charcoal burners and traders to Saxony. I gave every man who was up to it the rights to mine in the »Ore Mountains«. Ambitions were spurred – and the »Bergzehnte« or mining duty that was owed to me filled my treasury thoroughly …«

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Margrave Otto the Rich (1125 – 1190)








The heritage of

the Cistercians


hen the waves of Reformation swept over

the echo of the monks and their activities. Such was

the bricks of the monastery were removed to be used

Saxony the German princes who had convert-

also the case at Altzella, after the Saxon sovereign, Prince

elsewhere, while valuable books from the library, numbe-

ed to the Lutheran faith drove the monks out of their

Henry the Pious, had ordered the secularization of the

ring well over a thousand, were passed on to the Uni-

monasteries. There remained ruined monastery grounds,

Cistercian monastery there. The grounds where the

versity of Leipzig. However, since Altzella was the

in which only those interested in history could perceive

monks had lived and worked since 1175 fell into ruin,

cemetery of the noble Wettin family, the royal court in Dresden never ceased to be interested in the site. Here, in 1787, Elector Frederick Augustus III erected a mausoleum in early neoclassicistic style, while his garden architect Johann Friedrich Huebler surrounded the white burial place with a landscape park in the style of the Romantic period. The manmade landscape, so natural in its appearance, with its old pointed arches, seemingly fixed gables and broken pillars quickly attracted famous names of the German art world of

Romanesque Refectorium

the time, including Caspar David Friedrich and Ludwig Richter, who found inspiration galore in Altzella. Anybody attracted to the soft splendor of the old monastery grounds is certain to find the same fascination that drew those Romantics before them.

Romanesque Stepped Portal





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Holiday apartments • 9 rooms • 25 beds


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Mausoleum of the Wettins

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Klosterpark Altzella | Zellaer Strasse 10 | 01683 Nossen | Phone +49 35242 50450 | altzella@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.kloster-altzella.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 14, exit Nossen-Nord or Nossen-Sued, via autobahn A 4, exit Siebenlehn | BY BUS No. 424 from Dresden to Altzella



symbol of power carved in stone The castle complex towering high above the Freiberger Mulde River

he mighty castle of Mildenstein is one of the


spines. Architecturally, the barrel vaulting of the Gothic

vate festivities. Furthermore, Mildenstein surrenders to

oldest in Saxony; its name first appeared in a

granary, the keep and the Romanesque castle chapel

those intending to enter into wedlock to rule the castle

document in 1046. The Salier kings held court here,

with its three-winged altar are outstanding, as are the

for one day. The exhibition provides sometimes drastic

followed by the Staufer kings under Emperor Barbarossa

medieval knights’ halls. The sheer size of the castle

insights into medieval judiciary and regulation.

who undertook a large-scale extension, and later the

complex allows it to be used in many ways: exhibitions

»Frieder Berg«, an unusual witness, has been revived

Wettin margraves under whom Mildenstein became a

and concerts are held throughout the year. Delicacies

especially for children: the keep, the longest serving

court of law and a notorious prison. The instruments of

that were then served to the elector in festively lit halls

building of the castle, chats about the events it wit-

torture and the many bolted and barred doors behind the

are still served by stewards and pages on St Martin’s

nessed during almost 1,000 years of history.

meter-thick walls still send a shiver down the visitors’

Day. The rustic knights’ halls can also be used for pri-

Attic of the Front Castle

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Burg Mildenstein | Burglehn 6 | 04703 Leisnig | Phone +49 34321 62560 | mildenstein@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.burg-mildenstein.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 14, exit Leisnig to town center | BY RAIL from Leipzig, Chemnitz or Dresden to Leisnig

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Stolpen Castle


Simply inescapable The castle and town of Stolpen

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Ann Constantia Countess Cosel

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»I m pris one

fortress of roughly cut timbers is said to have

fame by war and catastrophes, but instead by intrigues

was to become a victim of her princely bedmate. The

stood here since at least 1100, where today

at the Saxon court, to which Stolpen Castle ows its

stone on which the castle is built is as hard as the fate

Stolpen Castle greets its visitors. The castle was first

most famous and lasting resident. For almost half a

suffered by countess. Basalt, which forms the base of

mentioned in documents in the year 1222. The follo-

century, until her death in 1765, Anna Constantia

the fortress, was first described by scientists in Stolpen.

wing eight hundred years saw much light but even more

Countess von Cosel was to remain banished behind its

The characteristic stone of the castle mountain, as well

shadow, for Stolpen was to suffer greatly in the storms

walls. This cheerful, beautiful and clever woman, long-

as the deepest, unsupported basalt well in the world,

of European feuds. Hussites, Swedes, Prussians and

time mistress of Augustus the Strong and mother of

carry the status of a national geotope.

French were to leave scars on the fortress, just as plague

three of his children, had made enemies due to her

and fire did, too. But the castle was not to achieve

apparent interference in political affairs and eventually

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Burg Stolpen | Schlossstrasse 10 | 01833 Stolpen | Phone +49 35973 23410 | stolpen@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.burg-stolpen.de eo

the way is signposted from the »Bastei« | BY BUS from Dresden to Stolpen, bus stop Schützenhausstraße | BY RAIL from Pirna to Stolpen, followed by a 30-minute walk

Marketplace Stolpen

Vi d

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Ottendorf-Okrilla via Radeberg to Stolpen via federal road B 6 Dresden – Bischofswerda, then signposted; from Saxon Switzerland


o l pe n C astl e« www.schloesserland-sachsen.de



A picture


book castle

he best preserved Romanesque fortification in

seem to be »hermits« in the sense of being closely con-

castle to anyone else. This may be the reason why,

Saxony rises near the »potters’ town« of Kohren-

nected to this place far off the world’s hustle and bustle,

despite numerous conversions and extensions, it ranks

Sahlis. The lords of the castle came from old Meissen

since the family continually inhabited Gnandstein from

among the unique group of German knights’ castles

nobility, the Von Einsiedel family (the name literally

the late 14th century until the end of World War II,

still invoking the spirit of long-gone ages. The keep,

meaning »hermit«). Indeed did the lords of the castle

without ever having had to surrender the keys of the

the ward, the battlements, the curtain walls, the Palace Building: the fortress above the small Wyhra River is a dream come true for all those fascinated by the Middle Ages. Climb the keep, which was ultimate refuge for the castle’s inhabitants in times of war. Or visit the late-Gothic chapel with its splendid wood-carved altars and you will feel as if transported back to those unsettled times when Saxony was in the hands of armored warriors. Furthermore, befitting the medieval aura of Gnandstein, there is an old legend of a hidden treasure waiting to be found in the grounds of the fortress. Visitors to the Romanesque defense castle can still return home feeling enriched without having discovered gold or precious gems, as the exhibition of the

Castle chapel

»Gross Collection« allows them to admire about four hundred precious exhibits collected over seven centuries. Gnandstein Castle


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Burg Gnandstein | Burgstrasse 3 | 04655 Kohren-Sahlis | Phone +49 34344 61309 | gnandstein@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.burg-museum-gnandstein.de

o »G n d stein an

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4 to autobahn interchange Kreuz Chemnitz, continue along autobahn A 72 towards Leipzig, exit Penig, continue along federal road B 95 towards Leipzig, then signposted | BY RAIL from Leipzig, Chemnitz to Geithain; then continue by bus to Kohren-Sahlis



and Crafts At the Christmas and Toy Museum


or centuries the Ore Mountains had lived from

the precious stone for which they had once been

named – especially the silver mines had made this picturesque mountain range a prosperous region. But when the faceworkers in the sixteenth century started to bring

a special treasure of folk art objects and toys from all

Ore Mountains«. Adults, too, can learn a lot about the

even less white ore out of the mines, the people of the

over the Ore Mountains. Scharfenstein is widely known

region and be entertained by the exhibitions on folk

Ore Mountains had to look for new sources of income.

as the »Family and Adventure Castle« which offers a

art traditions, castle history as well as by Karl Stuelpn-

Therefore, what previously had been a way of passing

hands-on historical experience to live and learn by.

er’s history. So anybody wanting to come as near as

the long winter nights, became their way of earning

Fairy-tale weekends, carving, painting and crafting

possible to such items as carved wooden animals, the

their daily bread: the production of wooden figures and

workshops for children are among the castle attrac-

German incense smoker, the Christmas arch or the

Christmas decorations. It is possible to see the rich fruits

tions. Also popular with the youngsters are scavenger

Christmas pyramid, should conquer Scharfenstein

of this craft tradition at Scharfenstein Castle. This

hunts with Karl Stuelpner, »the Robin Hood of the

Castle as soon as possible!

Scharfenstein Castle

Vi deo

Burg Scharfenstein | Schlossberg 1 | 09430 Drehbach, OT Scharfenstein | Phone +49 3725 70720 | scharfenstein@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.die-sehenswerten-drei.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via federal road B 174, second exit in Zschopau | BY RAIL Chemnitz – Baerenstein, get off at Scharfenstein




800-year-old castle possesses the »Martin Collection«,

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Rochlitz Castle

Castles become palaces »As the widow of Duke John of Saxony, I resided in Rochlitz for ten years. Much to the dismay of my father-in-law, Duke George, who fiercely opposed Luther, I supported the Reformation in my dominion. But when the religious war started, in which even brothers and relatives fought each other, I tried to mediate. Nevertheless my heart beat for the Protestant side. Before my time in Rochlitz, the architecture in Central Germany was in full bloom already. This lent my residence special splendor, since it was here where renowned master builder Arnold von Westfalen tried out completely new forms and possibilities in building. High and wide windows ending in pointed arches and resembling gathered curtains became his trademark. This shape gave them their name: »arched curtain windows«. They are not only found at Rochlitz, but also at Kriebstein and Meissen Albrechtsburg Castle, which is deemed to be Arnold’s masterpiece. That is also where a second invention of his gained full recognition: the cellular vault, an


entirely new technique of ceiling design. It was capable of spanning most various groundplans in a wide range of forms. Slowly, along with these novelties and the changing requirements of the property owners, the frugal castles began to give way to a kind of architecture that turned away from the idea of defense in order to focus on representation: the palace.«

Elisabeth of Rochlitz (1502 –1557) Movie H











Fat, One-Eyed, Revolutionary n the 10th century, this fortress was part of the


appear like a fortified cathedral. Whoever comes to visit

history of the outpost above the Zwickauer Mulde

defense of the hard-won German victory over the

this area can still feel the historic turbulence which was

River – even today it still bears the scars of shots from the

West Slavs. Today, more than a millennium later, the

part of the German settlement drive to the east during the

Thirty Years’ War. However, there is also a brighter

Rochlitz towers »Lichte Jupe« and »Dunkle Jupe« still

High Middle Ages. Later emperors, kings and electors

side to the history of Rochlitz Castle, especially thanks

rise over the Zwickauer Mulde River and have the castle

held court here. Wars and sieges were also part of the

to three of the Wettins. Dedo von Groitzsch had the impenetrable forests cleared and encouraged the settlement of the lands around Rochlitz, while Margrave William the One-eyed and later the Electors Ernest and Albert had the defense castle rebuilt as a residential castle. Duchess Elisabeth of Saxony dedicated herself to the Reformation and attempted to be a negotiator between The castle at the Mulde River

the two sides in the Schmalkaldic War (1546-1547). Each generation of occupiers of the castle left their stamp on it, and inside there are numerous architectural

300-m2 Dining Hall, for example. After almost 20

gems waiting to be discovered. Anybody who likes to be

years of restoration, a newly opened interactive exhibi-

transported back into history will enjoy the Gothic win-

tion thrills visitors both young and old with the history

dows, ornamented cross vaults, defensive passages,

of the »long forgotten Wettins«. The castle has also

dungeons, the large court kitchen and the torture cham-

earned reputation by its exciting and highly entertaining

ber. A special attraction is the lovingly restored Princes’

guided tours during which one can experience at close

House with its impressive state rooms, such as the

range how people lived centuries ago.

The Renaissance Hall in the castle’s Princes’ House





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Schloss Rochlitz | Soernziger Weg 1 | 09306 Rochlitz | Phone +49 3737 492310 | rochlitz@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.schloss-rochlitz.de eo » Roc hlitz C

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 72, exit Rochlitz, continue along federal road B 175, and via autobahn A 14, exit Doebeln Nord, follow federal roads B 169 and B 175 | BY RAIL/BUS from Geithain, Narsdorf, Mittweida, Erlau by bus to Rochlitz


A dream of a

knight’s castle was built. The unique residential tower, 147 feet tall and with six dormer windows, was home to the first owner Dietrich von Beerwalde over 600 years ago. It contains the richly decorated Kriebstein Room from about 1423. Just as unique are the illusionist murals in the 15thcentury Treasure Vault, the scenes depicting the Virgin Mary in the 1410 chapel and, of course, the Alexius Inside the castle chapel


Altar. In 1986, a treasure was discovered in the chim-

aftsmen used to cross themselves when they

ney of the living room, the jewels of which are now

rea ched the steep rock of the ochre castle of

on display in the Treasure Vault. A varied program

Kriebstein, from here on the Zschopau River was rea-

of events and cultural highlights, such as a medieval

sonably tame and the countryside safe, at least in times

festival, a »fairy-tale castle« event, rock concerts, stylish

of peace. The steepest road in Saxony now leads up the

knights’ banquets and spine-chillingly mysterious tours

granulite rock, on top of which the late-Gothic jewel

of the ancient walls are held here on this steep rock.

Kriebstein Castle

Burg Kriebstein | Kriebsteiner Straße 7 | 09648 Kriebstein | Phone +49 34327 9520 I kriebstein@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.burg-kriebstein.eu Vid e

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Mittweida or Hainichen, follow the touristic signposting to Talsperre Kriebstein/Burg Kriebstein;



via autobahn A 14, exit Doebeln-Nord towards Waldheim | BY RAIL Berlin – Chemnitz, get off at Waldheim station


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Weesenstein Castle


pearl in crown

The Saxony’s

The castle chapel


ike a pearl, Weesenstein grew layer by layer. The

worked on his translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy

confusion – in this unusual palace where even the

castle, which has stood above the Mueglitz River

before he became king of Saxony. Today visitors can

windows are often nothing more than an illusion, for

valley for nearly seven hundred years, has often been

discover the nooks and crannies of this network of

every third is only a painting. In short: Whoever

partly demolished and rebuilt according to prevailing

staircases. On the fifth floor, they come across a horse

enjoys mazes and the unexpected will find adventure

contemporary tastes, which is why it shows varied sty-

stable while the noble chambers from the 18th and

enough in the peculiar residence of King John. After-

listic elements from the Gothic to the Classicist

19th century, with their precious wall coverings, can

wards, a walk in the castle park, a visit to the restaurant

period. Thus, a curiosity among Saxon castles arise: It

be found one floor below the cellar. The »Monk’s Way«

»Koenigliche Schlosskueche« or a tankard of good

grew downwards into the valley over the centuries

is said to be haunted by the lost ghost of a former castle

»Weesenstein Schlossbraeu« – a traditional beer which

and, occasionally, it was just too much for its owners.

resident. Perhaps it is the illusion-filled façade pain-

originates from the 16th century – guarantees a most

Here, in his favorite residence, the gifted Prince John

tings which prevent him from finding peace in this

enjoyable recovery.

The Leather Tapestry Hall

Vi de o

Schloss Weesenstein | Am Schlossberg 1 | 01809 Mueglitztal | Phone +49 35027 6260 | weesenstein@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.schloss-weesenstein.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 17, exit Pirna, further along towards Glashuette or via federal road B 172 to Heidenau or Pirna, then continue towards Altenberg





BY CITY RAIL Dresden – Schöna, get off at Heidenau, then by »Mueglitztalbahn« railway to Weesenstein | BY BUS Heidenau-Glashuette, get off at the Weesenstein bus stop

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Meissen with the castle hill at night: Albrechtsburg Castle with the Cathedral and the Local Court

is »Meissen«. Here, where the castle hill is surrounded





goes an old German rhyme. The solution to the riddle


along its side three waters flow?« – Thus


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here is the hill on which three castles grow,

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since 1471

View in the Boettger Room

above the Elbe River. With the »White Gold« produced in Meissen, its triumphant march through

by the Elbe, Triebisch and Meisa Rivers, a wooden

The fortification was soon replaced by a castle built of

seen from afar – a masterly piece of architecture whose

Europe began. Impressive exhibits in the castle rooms,

fortification was built in 929, high above the gloomy

stone that henceforth stood out as a solitary landmark

bold architectural solutions and design still impress

displayed in a modern interactive style, remind us of this

forests in the eastern-most parts of the then still young

of mundane power sending out impulses far beyond

visitors today. However, after centuries of blossoming,

stroke of occidental inventive genius. In every corner,

Holy Roman Empire. It was to become the cradle of

the borders of the Meissen Margraviate. So it was here

the place remained unused for a long time. It was not

visitors will find a real picture book of Saxon history,

Saxony – the place from where, for centuries to come,

that, supervised by master builder Arnold von West-

until Augustus the Strong decreed that the first Euro-

which time and again brings the fascination of architec-

the princes’ dynasty of the Wettins ruled the land in

falen, Germany’s first representative castle building was

pean porcelain manufactory move into the building

ture, power and porcelain in Germany’s oldest castle

the heart of Europe, which steadily gained in power.

erected by the Wettins as a symbol of their power to be

that new life was breathed into the castle situated

back to life.

Albrechtsburg Meissen | Domplatz 1 | 01662 Meissen | Phone +49 3521 47070 | albrechtsburg@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.albrechtsburg-meissen.de | DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Siebenlehn, further along federal road B 101 up to Meissen; via autobahn A 13, exit Radeburg; via autobahn A 14, exit Nossen-Ost; via federal road B 6 from Dresden to Meissen | BY BOAT by Elbe River steamboats up to the Meissen jetty | BY CITY RAIL S 1 to Meissen station | By sightseeing tour bus between the Meissen Porcelain Manufactory, the city center and the castle hill 20



An enchanting family castle The Knights’ Hall


hoever loves the magic of life, should visit

resque mixture of styles: Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque

Even the medieval corridors with their corners and

Schlettau Castle with their children. This

and neo-Gothic – magical moments are normal in this

bays offer the visitor »intelligent« entertainment: ghost

small 14th century palace, which had to watch over

ambitious fox’s den. As if in a set of pictures, you can

nights take place here quite often, as do jousting events

the historic salt road near Annaberg, has been a manor

pass through the herbal liquor cellar, dark dungeons,

and monks’ banquets. Because of the careful redeve-

house, abbot’s residence, hunting lodge, and cotton mill

the Knights' Hall, and come to see spinning wheels in

lopment of the old walls it is no surprise that magical

in its time. The interior of this curiosity is accordingly

operation, or a gallery of paintings from the Ore

Schlettau Castle has been designated as especially

colorful and full of nooks and crannies, with its pictu-

Mountains in the forest room with its animal trophies.

suitable for family outings since 2005.

Schlettau Castle

Förderverein Schloss Schlettau e. V. | Schlossplatz 8 | 09487 Schlettau | Phone +49 3733 66019 | info@schloss-schlettau.de | www.schloss-schlettau.de Vid e

DIRECTION | BY CAR autobahn A 72 exit Stollberg-West, then towards Annaberg-Buchholz via Zwoenitz to Scheibenberg, then via federal road B101 to Schlettau




t t a u C as t

WiFi: planned 2017

le« www.schloesserland-sachsen.de




knights, bailiffs and the Wettins

hose who would like to see an unspoilt


ably around 1200 when colonizers opened up new ter-

medieval fortification, will find it at Schoenfels

ritories for settlement in the later Pleissenland area. In

Castle. Seldom, the typical setup of a castle like this,

the 13th century, Schoenfels was under the rule of

with a wall and moat running all round, with an outer

bailiffs, noble families who, on behalf of the emperor,

bailey, a lower castle and the core castle, has been pre-

governed and held court in the Vogtland [Vogt lit.

served in such completeness and genuineness over the

bailiff ] region, which was named after them. But they

centuries. The defiant building was founded presum-

eventually lost their power to the Wettins in 1398, who then, in their turn, enfeoffed noble lords with the Schoenfels dominion. Today’s appearance of the castle interior was most strongly influenced by the Lords von Weissenbach, who resided at Schoenfels from 1459 to 1586. The gentry, in its time, claimed higher standards in modern conveniences and enhanced the old buildings. To the outside, the fortified character of the castle

Schoenfels Castle

was maintained; the interior, however, became more

could be heated and created a pleasant atmosphere,

enchanting little organ with its wooden pipework as

comfortable. Therefore, from about 1480, a new wing

even during winter time. At the same time, a castle

well as the lavishly decorated pulpit originate form the

was attached to the northwest of the castle. It also

chapel was set up, built of the remainder of a tower

time of the Baroque. A round tour of Schoenfels Cas-

included a bower that has largely been preserved in its

gate of the lower bailey. The winged altar in this late-

tle conveys fascinating impressions of the living condi-

original state. It was built of painted planks of timber,

Gothic sacred space shows Renaissance forms; the

tions of those who used to inhabit it.

Late-Gothic bower


id e




s tle


Museum Burg Schönfels | Burgstrasse 34 | 08115 Lichtentanne | Phone +49 37600 2327 | burg-schoenfels@gemeinde-lichtentanne.de | www.burg-schoenfels.de

o » S c h o e nf el s

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR along autobahn A 4 to exit Zwickau, then follow federal road B 93 to Zwickau, B 173 to Lichtentanne; along autobahn A 72 from Chemnitz-Hof to exit Zwickau West, then follow federal road B 173 towards Lichtentanne | BY RAIL/BUS from Chemnitz to Zwickau, then by bus No. 29 to Lichtentanne, then along the hiking path Russbuttensteig, or bus No. 181 to Schoenfels (Mon-Fri)

Schoenfels Castle

Augustusburg Castle


thinking – new forms

»In my time, in the 16th century that is, the spirit of Renaissance came to take hold of Saxony. The Dark Ages gave way to the dawn of discoveries and to newly gained knowledge. We, the princes, supported the arts and sciences and took care of the development of trade and crafts. We did not want to carry on living in the tight, uncomfortable castles of our forefathers. So we had residential palaces redesigned Torgau and Dresden. With their richly decorated façades, long rows of windows, artfully designed spiral staircases, new castle chapels and representative flights





M ov

of rooms, they raised admiration throughout Europe. In fact, I myself contributed to the latter with my Cabinet


of Artifacts and Curiosities, in which I collected anything precious or rare in the world that I could lay my hands on or that was given to me – from a unicorn to mineral specimens to precious items and paintings – and presented them to my awestruck visitors. Many of my successors became addicted to collecting, too, some even worse than me. I also had the old castles in Freiberg, Nossen and Colditz converted into representative castles with splendidly decorated portals, widely stepped gables and large halls. State-of-the-art fortifications in Italian and Dutch style with cannon-armed battlements and safe casemates were built in

RT A E H »T « T C I D AD

Dresden and Leipzig for the defense of the towns. The Koenigstein Mountain in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains was extended to become an unconquerable state fortress. And with Augustusburg Castle in the Ore Mountains, I left a truly impressive edifice.«

Elector Augustus (1526 –1586)




The crown of the Ore Mountains ere, where stallions once breathed heavily in


largest motorbike museum. Numerous unique exhibits

thousands of motorcycle fans. The monumental

front of grand barouches, horse-powered engines

from the history of this fascinating means of travel are

Renaissance castle stands on a well-chosen site. Visible

now roar. Augustusburg Castle is one of the favorite

on display here. During the »Winter Meeting« of the

from afar, this old hunting lodge rises above the

places of motorcycle fans since it is the home of Europe’s

motorcycle congregation, Augustusburg Castle attracts

Zschopau valley on a porphyry cone. It is aptly called the »Crown of the Ore Mountains« because of its roof shape. The imposing structure, which in four centuries has lost none of its former appeal, was completed in the year 1572. Augustusburg Castle, however, not only

View from the service yard to the castle

impresses through its historic atmosphere but also because of its spaciousness which has been put to good use. There is hardly another castle in Germany which






s tle «

At the Motorcycle Museum

Au gust usbu


offers such a large variety of cultural and educational

artistically minded will love the sight of the altarpiece

programs inside its castle walls. Here, visitors will not

of the castle church which was painted by Lucas Cranach

only find the motorcycle museum, but also other

the Younger. This altarpiece is considered to be one of

worthwhile exhibitions of game and birds, of coaches

the most remarkable works of art of the Protestant

and of the hunting and castle history, with impressive

faith. It has never been removed from its original location

murals in the Venus and Rabbit Hall. Visitors can have

since the church was consecrated. Furthermore, for

a magnificent view from its watchtower. In addition,

those who wish to rest after having enjoyed all the

falconry shows of eagles and hawks allow visitors to

sights, the castle also accommodates a youth hostel

vividly experience these majestic birds of prey. The

where you can stay the night.

Schloss Augustusburg | 09573 Augustusburg | Phone +49 37291 38018 I augustusburg@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.die-sehenswerten-drei.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 72/A 4, exit Frankenberg, further via federal road B180 towards Floeha up to Augustusburg BY RAIL Line 517 Floeha – Baerenstein to Erdmannsdorf, continue using the historical cable car to Augustusburg



isitors cannot but fall in love with the charm of

this castle to the south of Chemnitz which

hardly anyone will want to call a »castle«. This white Renaissance jewel is poised almost weightlessly above the waters of Wuerschnitz River which fills the castle moat. The unique sweeping ogee arch roof looks much too ornate and the picturesque view too friendly to appear splendid or even well-fortified. The wedding room is especially popular among those who are in love and who want to take their marriage vows with the good spirit of Fraeulein von Taube, who once refused to marry the ugly burgrave of Rabenstein, watching over them. However, she had to pay the price as she The castle with the moat and the side buildings

her. Other rooms which have been reconstructed according to old handcraft tradition display regional

Love at

and international artwork. The castle grounds include a friendly hotel and numerous studios surrounded by a golf course and riding stables.


DIRECTIONS | BY CAR autobahn A 72, exit Stollberg to Neukirchen, from there follow the signposting to the castle BY RAIL from Chemnitz main station to Klaffenbach/Neukrichen railroad station

Vi de

Wasserschloss Klaffenbach | Wasserschlossweg 6 | 09123 Chemnitz | Phone +49 371 266350 | wasserschloss@stadthalle-chemnitz.de

sight Kl a



was immured alive in the castle tower by her own fat-

ffe n

bac h Ca s



Dresden Royal Palace


Where the arts at Dresden Royal Palace which was not only

the Saxon capital. Severely damaged in World War II,

be hovering above and is made of transparent plastic

it has now been restored to its previous beauty and

pillows. Close by, another rather more precious material

houses one of Europe’s greatest art collections, the

protects a unique mural on an outer wall from the

Dresden State Art Collections. The Royal Palace is

adverse effects of time: 25,000 painted tiles made of

part of a museum complex of extraordinary European

Meissen porcelain© form the Procession of Princes, a

significance in which the famous Green Vault, the

102-meter-long parade which depicts the rulers of the

»Turkish Chamber« and the Giants' Hall accomodat-

House of Wettin. On the other side of Saxony’s most

ing the Armory, the Coin Cabinet and the Collection

famous mural is the Dresden Stable Yard, a building

of Prints, Drawings and Photographs – Germany’s

with arched collonades which was already an attrac-

oldest museum of graphic art – have found a worthy

tion of the city in the 16th century and which forms

home. The Great Castle Courtyard shows the artistic

the backdrop of a romantic medieval Christmas mar-

properties of the Sgraffito in an exemplary manner.

ket in December. The size and beauty of the palace can

The façades here have been richly decorated using this

be seen best from the 100-meter-high Hausmanns-

ambitious pebbledash method. The visitor’s lobby of

turm Tower with a platform affording visitors a fantastic

the »Art Residence« is located in the Small Castle

panoramic view of the old town of Dresden and the

Courtyard whose Renaissance architecture is over-

Elbe River valley below. Vi d eo »

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden | Taschenberg 2 I 01067 Dresden | Phone +49 351 49142000 I besucherservice@skd.museum | www.skd.museum



DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Dresden Altstadt, then follow the signposting to the city center | BY TRAM get off at tram stop Theaterplatz or Altmarkt

Small Castle Courtyard


arched by a bold roof construction which appears to

s tle

the royal seat but has also been the cultural center of

d en



lmost eight hundred years of history are reflected


R e sid enti a





Treasures of the earth from the collection of the Wella heiress Dr. Erika Pohl-

and impressively beautiful witness to the history of the

shown in a part of the castle which has been specifically

Stroeher, who was born in Saxony, can be seen in this

earth on five continents. The splendor of the exhibits

refurbished for this purpose. This is where the func-

permanent loan exhibition which bears spectacular

has been increased as the »terra mineralia« is being

tional architecture of the third millennium merges with architectural structures which have developed over 700 years providing a fitting stage for the crystals and precious stones whose age is measured in eons. The neighboring rooms house the Freiberg Mining Archive’s collection of artifacts and scientific mining

Access road to the castle

documents from six centuries.


lthough you will not find the famous philosopher’s stone here, you will find everything which

makes the heart of geologists and mineral collectors beat faster. Freudenstein (literally Rock of Joy) is an appropriate name for this castle because it houses a treasure of worldwide reputation not just limited to the scientifically-minded public. The exhibition »terra mineralia« of the Bergakademie Freiberg, University of Technology, is the world’s largest private mineralogical collection. About 3,500 of the total of 80,000 exhibits







The Treasure Chamber of the »terra mineralia«

o »F

r eude nste


Entrance to the museum from the inner yard

Schloss Freudenstein | terra mineralia | Schlossplatz 4 I 09599 Freiberg | Phone +49 3731 394654I fuehrungen@terra-mineralia.de | www.terra-mineralia.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4/A 14, exit Siebenlehn/Nossen Ost, continue along federal road B 101 towards Freiberg to the town center (Schlossplatz); via federal roads B 173/B 101 to the Freiberg town center | BY RAIL Dresden – Chemnitz – Hof; get off at Freiberg station


The spirit of reform beneath

the spiral staircase

Castle Courtyard


his town is a monument to Luther’s reform spir-

Princes«. This is also where Luther’s wife Katharina

»impossible staircase«, created by great master builder

it. In Torgau, the spiritual center of the Ger-

von Bora died and was buried in St. Mary’s Church.

Konrad Krebs, supports itself without the aid of any

man Reformation, Hartenfels Castle is the most sig-

The »Torgau Museum Route« leads visitors up the hill

central pillar. In its time, Hartenfels Castle was regard-

nificant building of the townscape, an outstanding

to the castle and the Castle Church, the first Protestant

ed as a »modern residential castle« to which an innova-

masterpiece in one of Germany’s most beautiful Ren-

church to be built in Europe, whose design was based

tive elevator for lowering the drinks stored in the bot-

aissance towns. This is where the »Torgau Articles« laid

on an idea of Luther and which was personally conse-

tle tower pays tribute – this contraption would provide

the foundation for the Augsburg Confession, where the

crated by the great reformer. Today the castle courtyard

the nobles who were wining and dining to the sound of

first Protestant songbook was published, and where

is the central place where cultural events in Torgau are

clinking glasses with fresh supplies.

the Protestant rulers signed the »Torgau League of

held. It is dominated by the Large Spiral Staircase: This

Castle courtyard with the Large Spiral Staircase

Schloss Hartenfels | Schlossstrasse 27 I 04860 Torgau | Phone +49 3421 70140 I info@schloss-hartenfels.de | www.schloss-hartenfels.de

Vi d e

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 13, exit Duben, further along federal road B 87 up to Torgau; via autobahn A 14, exit Mutzschen | BY RAIL from Leipzig to Torgau




n fels Cas t

WiFi: planned 2017

l e«





gloss of silk

of the main attractions of the venerable castle. Its

comital family’s parlors is dedicated mainly to the castle

the castle display pieces of contemporary fine arts, the

name goes back to the dynasty of those von Wildenfels

and town history as well as the nobles of the Counts zu

trade of making ginger-bread and natural-historical

who had set up a castle more than 800 years ago, which

Solms-Wildenfels. Further rooms in the north wing of

knowledge about the Wildenfels Intermountain Area.

is regarded as the predecessor to today’s intricate building complex. After the noble family became extinct in 1602, the Counts zu Solms inherited its estate and shaped its current appearance. They converted the old Blue Salon

castle palace into a granary, erected today’s castle tower

andy-beaked birds in pink and gold crowd richly


and redesigned the residential and representation

embroidered blue webs of silk, exotic plants

rooms in the area of the outer bailey in neoclassicist

blossom and oriental oil lamps gently swing. Still

style. It is mainly in the style of the late 18th century,

being in the heart of Saxony, you will feel enchanted

in which the interior of the castle presents itself to its

by the magic of »Arabian Nights« in the »Blue Salon«

visitors today. The castle hall, whose centerpiece is a

of Wildenfels Castle. The wall decoration, which is

high, round stove of Meissen porcelain tiles, is being

unique throughout Europe, is presumed to consist of

used for performing concerts and giving lectures now;

parts of a pompous tent for representation, originating

the former ancestors’ hall with its precious wall and

from the Persian-Turkish cultural area, which had come

ceiling murals provides for a perfect ambience for wed-

to Wildenfels as spoils of war in 1737. After their elab-

ding ceremonies. The permanent exhibition »Court of

orate restoration, the silk tapestry webs can be admired

Muses – Wildenfels Castle« in what used to be the

again for their previous splendor and are deemed one

Wildenfels Castle



eo »


Vid Schloss Hartenfels

s tle


Freundeskreis Schloss Wildenfels | Schlossstrasse 2 | 08134 Wildenfels | Phone +49 37603 58569 | schloss-wildenfels@gmx.de | www.schloss-wildenfels.de

W il de nfe


DIRECTIONS | BY CAR along autobahn A 72, exit Zwickau Ost, then follow road S 283 up to Wildenfels | BY RAIL from Chemnitz to Zwickau, then by bus No. 141 to Wildenfels


Glauchau Castle


benefactors and scholars

the end of the 12th century as a center of their new

emerged later, during early Renaissance. In that time

burg lands from the 16th to the 20th century as well as

Glauchau dominion. Three hundred years later, this

and in its immediate vicinity, only separated from

the history of the interior of stately residences from the

fortification was converted into a late-Gothic residential

Hinterglauchau by a duct, Forderglauchau Castle was

Renaissance to Historicism. Another exhibition complex

castle. Today, the beautiful ogival curtain windows in

newly built and motivated to slightly adjusting the

of fine arts (graphic art, painting, plastic arts) goes back

the east wing still catch the eye as evidence to the

older building to the current zeitgeist. The museum at

in large parts to a donation by Dresden medical professor

modernization during that time, adopting the archetypal

Hinterglauchau Castle belongs to the oldest of its kind

and art collector Professor Dr. Paul Geipel (1869–1956).

design developed by Arnold von Westfalen in the at

in Saxony. It was founded in 1884 and displays several

As the famous Renaissance scholar Georgius Agricola

embers of one of the oldest bloodlines of Saxon

Meissen Albrechtsburg Castle (see p. 20). The ogival

fields of collection, including paintings, sacral sculptures,

(1494–1555), who became known as the »Father of

nobility, the immediately imperial – i.e., solely

portals as well as rooms, such as the Banquet Hall

furniture and handicraft. The themes the exhibitions

Mineralogy«, was born in Glauchau, a topical cabinet

subordinate to the emperor and thus counting among

(»Knights’ Hall«) and the castle chapel go back to that

are dedicated to cover the town and castle history of

show is dedicated to his life and work. A small, but nice

the high nobility – Lords von Schoenburg erected a

time, too. Other forms of design, for example the

Glauchau, the everyday life of the weavers in the Schoen-

collection of minerals complements this area.

castle on the edge of the Mulde River valley towards

volute-ornamented stepped gable or the beautiful bay,

Corridor to the knight's hall with ancestral portrait gallery


Museum und Kunstsammlung Schloss Hinterglauchau | Schlossplatz 5 A | 08371 Glauchau | Phone +49 3763 2931 | www.glauchau.de, rubric culture/leisure Vid e

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR along autobahn A 4, exit Glauchau; alternatively: use federal road B 175 | BY RAIL from Dresden, Leipzig to Glauchau



lau c

ha u Ca st

l e« www.schloesserland-sachsen.de



Cold ore and red-hot motorbikes Inner castle courtyard

Wildeck Castle


he Bohemian Route used to link the trading

tury fortifications, watched over the Zschopau River

order of Duke Maurice of Saxony into a far less martial

treasures, since Zschopau used to be a centre of the

centre of Leipzig with the royal residence of

passage by night and by day and made the town of the

hunting castle. From the 17th to the early 20th century

Saxon automotive industry in the 20th century – noble

Prague. Initially, it was mainly used for transporting

same name a safe harbor for merchants from all direc-

the Higher Forestry and Gamekeeping Authorities

DKW bikes of the »Rassmussen Collection«, numerous

salt from the Halle region to Bohemia, hence its name

tions. Today only »Fat Henry«, a more than 30-meter-

were accommodated there. Today, the white Renaissance

MZ motorbikes as well as enduros and racing motorbikes

»Salzstrasse« (salt road), but later also by traders and

high residential watchtower with meter-thick walls, is

castle that can be seen from afar, houses several museums

wait to be admired. Especially the children will love the

carters – and they all needed protection. Therefore,

a reminder of the once defiant fortification. In the

especially devoted to the industrial history of the region.

coin-minting workshop, the mineral collection and

Wildeck Castle, built on the foundations of 12th-cen-

middle of the 16th century, Wildeck was converted by

Mainly bikers will be thrilled by the many two-wheeled

the giant slide.





tl e«

Schloss Wildeck | Schloss Wildeck 1 (satnav address: Altmarkt 2) | 09405 Zschopau | Phone +49 372528 7170 | kultur@zschopau.de | www.schloss-wildeck.eu WiFi: planned 2017

eo » Wild eck C

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Chemnitz-Nord, further along federal road B 95 to Chemnitz and via federal road B 174 to Zschopau BY RAIL from Chemnitz to Zschopau


SPLENDOR. TEARS. DISASTERS. CLOSER THAN EVER. Descend and get quite close to 450 years of Dresdens history on a fascinating adventure trip. Staged affectionately and spectacular in the earliest bastioned fortification of a German town.

Dresden Fortress closed since January 2017 www.festung-dresden.de/en /Festung.Dresden /Schloesser land

Colditz Castle


M o vie »E

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Vi de




Great escapes ol d

itz C as tl e« Second inner courtyard with a view of the castle chapel

uler’s seat, hunting lodge, widow’s residence –

French military personnel were kept prisoner here,

home country, tunnels were dug through the castle

with its white gables Colditz Castle is one of the

including the nephew of Winston Churchill and the

walls and even a glider was made. Of course, the

most beautiful and stylistically unadulterated architec-

nephew of the then King of England, George VI. The

»Escape Museum« looks at this aspect of the castle’s

tural monuments of Central Germany of the 16th cen-

prisoners of the »Oflag (officer’s camp) IV C« were,

history in great detail. But also the old battlement with

tury. When nowadays groups of travelers from around the

however, only minimally impressed by the lovely atmo-

its mighty walls, the Princes' House the Renaissance

world crowd around the castle and its grounds, it is not

sphere of the castle – their one and only goal was to

portal of the Trinity Church, the castle tower with its

only because of their interest in Renaissance architecture.

escape its walls. About 300 documents of escape

bulbous cupola and the old stone bridge impress visitors

attempts exist, some of them reveal an unbelievable

time and again. Visitors from all over the world can

creativity, including successful escape attempts which

reside here quite nobly when checking in at the castle’s

It has far more to do with recent history than with the past since the spacious castle was a significant internment

Scene from the Movie »Escape from Colditz« Enrico Paglialunga as captured Bristish soldier

camp for high ranking officers of the Western allies

famous later on by the book »The Colditz Story« and

today are part of this legendary military history. Secret

European Youth Hostel with its reasonably priced

during World War II and it was to become world

the film of the same name. Mainly British, Dutch and

radio rooms kept the prisoners in contact with their

modern rooms, friendly atmosphere and good cuisine.

BY RAIL/BUS by railway from Leipzig main station to Grimma, then by bus to Colditz or from Leipzig main station to Colditz by bus

« s tle




DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 14, exit Grimma, further along federal road B 107 towards Colditz; via autobahn A 4, exit Glauchau, via Rochlitz to Colditz

Vid eo

Kultur/Museum-Gesellschaft Schloss Colditz e. V. I Schlossgasse 1 I 04680 Colditz | Phone +49 34381 43777 I info@gesellschaft-schloss-colditz.com www.schloss-colditz.com | www.colditz.jugendherberge.de | Europa-Jugendherberge Schloss Colditz | Phone +49 34381 45010 | colditz@jugendherberge.de

Youth Hostel • 34 rooms • 161 beds

WiFi Youth Hostel

Ho s t e l C ol dit z




Inspiration for a master builder with calling the valley of the Mueglitz River, over which Lauenstein Castle rises, Saxony’s loveliest valley. Visitors may judge this for themselves. As a matter of fact, however, this castle perched on a mighty cliff is not only worth a visit because of its fabulous surroundings. Instead of a fortified medieval castle, in the 16th century, a spacious residential castle was erected here with lavish furnishings which testify to the artistic-mindedness of its

In the Museum of the East Ore Mountains

owners and which today houses the Museum of the

The castle with the Baroque garden


East Ore Mountains. The murals in the Bird Hall, the

village of Fuerstenwalde in 1666. He spent his child-

splendidly arched stuccoed ceiling of the Coat-of-Arms

hood and youth in Lauenstein. Perhaps it was the grand

Hall, and the portraits in the castle chapel remain a

architecture of the local castle which profoundly affected

feast for visitor’s eyes even many centuries after their

the later career of this carpenter from the Ore Mountains.

creation. Lauenstein Castle really comes to life whenever

Or maybe it was the famous sandstone altar and the

the falconry presents its birds of prey. We must not,

Buenau epitaph of the town church? Filigree »architec-

however, forget the town’s greatest son, George Baehr.

ture« of a completely different kind can be found only

lthough many a Saxon countryside has its own

praises because it had been marked so highly with the

This exceptional architect who built the world-famous

a few kilometers away from Lauenstein – in Glashuet-

beauty, hardly any would be able to sing its own

favor of a king. King John of Saxony got carried away

Church of Our Lady in Dresden was born in the nearby

te where Germany’s finest watches are made.






s tle


Osterzgebirgsmuseum Schloss Lauenstein I 01778 Lauenstein | Phone +49 35054 2 5402 I info@schloss-lauenstein.de | www.schloss-lauenstein.de

o » L a u e n s t ei n

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR autobahn A17, exit Bad Gottleuba then towards Geising/Lauenstein via road S178 to Lauenstein | BY CITY RAIL S1 Dresden – Schöna to Heidenau, then continue with the »Mueglitztalbahn« railroad to Lauenstein




fortune The castle with front castle and castle pond

questrian staircases would provide their knightly


the historical construction phases have merged in rapid

users with a maximum amount of comfort.

succession from the foot of castle hill – from Classicism

Especially impressive is the winding stairway on Klip-

to Renaissance and back to Gothic times. Today a

penstein Castle in Radeberg. With its flat wide steps it

museum dedicated to the history of the castle and the

would allow the noble hunters to reach the castle court

town is housed at Klippenstein Castle. Since 2012, the

comfortably on horseback and thus save them from

reconstructed castle – located near the Radeberg Export

having to carry their weapons and armor by foot. This

Brewery, which once as a supplier to the royal court

well-fortified and romantic castle from the 13th century

brewed the Saxon kings’ favorite drink and has hence

was converted into a hunting lodge by the prince-elector

been well-known far beyond Saxony’s borders – has

Maurice in the middle of the 16th century. Since then

reappeared in its old, new splendor.



pp e



www.schloss-klippenstein.de | DIRECTIONS | BY CAR autobahn A 4, exit Ottendorf or Pulsnitz, continue towards Radeberg via federal road B 6 from Dresden towards Bautzen to Radeberg | BY RAIL from Dresden to Radeberg


Schloss Klippenstein Radeberg | Museum Schloss Klippenstein | Schlossstrasse 6 | 01454 Radeberg | Phone +49 3528 442600 | kontakt@schloss-klippenstein.de

n st ei n Ca s



Koenigstein Fortress


Already conquered? our centuries of the art of fortifying are presented


spaces invite visitors to explore what everyday life at a

Augustus the Strong’s legendary giant wine barrel,

by this imposing fortification situated in the

fortress used to be like. Thereby, one will encounter

which could take 238,600 liters, can be marvelled at

Saxon Switzerland: On a rock plateau of that table

numerous superlatives, such as Germany’s oldest

again, presented in its original place in a modern way.

mountain, which takes the size of thirteen soccer

preserved barracks, Saxony’s deepest water well

For its unique location, the unconquerable mountain

grounds, more than fifty buildings and extensive green

(152.5 meters) and the first Saxon garrison church. Also,

fortress used to be a much favored destination for outings by the Saxon court; it was a place for celebrations to which high-ranking guests from abroad were invited to impress them. When the political situation got dicey,

Georgenbau and gate house

the Saxon state treasury was brought to safety behind its walls. Also, the alchemist and porcelain inventor Johann Friedrich Boettger was temporarily kept there in safe custody and protected from other rulers. Numerous prominent prisoners, including Saxon Chancellors Nikolaus Krell and Wolf Dietrich von Beichlingen, the anarchist Michael Bakunin, the social View of the Lilienstein mountain

democrat August Bebel and writer Frank Wedekind,





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Aerial view of Koenigstein Fortress

n o e ni g st ei


languished in the state prison dungeons of the fortress,

culinary experiences and a breathtaking panoramic

also known as the »Saxon Bastille«. Those who con-

view of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains and its vicinity.

quer the fortress today as visitors, which is possible

Allow for sufficient time! And if you like, you can cele-

without much effort thanks to a lift and a panoramic

brate there, get married or rent a holiday apartment to

elevator, will enjoy numerous exhibitions, themed

feel like the fortress commander himself ...

Festung Koenigstein | 01824 Koenigstein I Phone +49 35021 64607 I info@festung-koenigstein.de | www.festung-koenigstein.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR autobahn A 17, exit Pirna follow signposting along federal road B 172 from Dresden to Bad Schandau to Koenigstein BY CITY RAIL S1 Dresden-Schoena to Koenigstein | BY BOAT by Elbe River steamboats to Koenigstein


Elites. Myths. Misconceptions. C

hanging fortunes create particularly charming

pronounced its relentless sentences. Also, Countess

buildings. This is especially true for Nossen

von Cosel, the famous mistress of excessive Saxon ruler

Castle. The medieval knights’ castle that previously

Augustus the Strong, is part of Nossen Castle’s history.

stood on this site was first mentioned in 1185 in con-

In 1716, the critically sick mistress had been attended

nection with a legal dispute of the owners, the Lords of

to at this place for a month before she was taken to

Nuzzin. Elector Augustus started converting the old

Stolpen Castle where she was to die in solitude

walls into a Renaissance hunting lodge in 1554. This

49 years later. Today, Nossen Castle presents the

gave the architecture of what used to be a murky forti-

fascinating history of Saxon nobility in changing exhibi-

fication a certain degree of ease. The spirit of that

tions. Apart from the von Schoenberg and von Friesen

European era of cultural dawn can still be sensed today.

families, the exhibitions will present further chronicles

Former prison cells and authentic replicas of medieval

of other aristocratic ancestry that ruled the country

torture instruments, however, are proof of the dark

between the Vogtland and Lusatia regions for many

side of this place where, for quite some time, a court


Nossen Castle

The Fireplace Room

The historical library

Schloss Nossen | Am Schloss 3 | 01683 Nossen | Phone +49 35242 50435 | nossen@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.schloss-nossen.de eo

BY RAIL from Dresden, Meissen, Doebeln, Leipzig to Nossen | BY BUS from Meissen, Freiberg, Doebeln, Dresden to Nossen

Vi d

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 14, exit Nossen-Nord or Nossen-Ost, via autobahn A 4, exit Siebenlehn


o s s e n C astl e«



Grosssedlitz Baroque Garden


splendor of

Baroque and Rococo »Being the senior state master builder in the services of His Majesty, Augustus the Strong, was not always an easy job. It was not that I felt neglected by the »Saxon Roi Soleil« since he was always busy courting his ever-changing mistresses. No – it was rather for his perpetually new architectural ideas and for him being so hard to please. Time and again he contributed sketches of his own hand. He was a particular admirer of the art of the Far East. Asian rulers were legendary for their wealth and immense power which many European princes starved to copy. Porcelain from these far-off lands was regarded to be extraordinarily precious, which is why the Elector and King took extreme delight in his alchemist Boettger who, as the first in Europe, had succeeded in making a »white gold« »




M ov


architecture. But what I am especially proud of is the Dresden Zwinger. This is where I managed to merge the



of similar quality. My job, however, was building. Pillnitz Palace was the implementation of my idea of Asian

arts in the minutest detail: the well-dimensioned and diversely structured complex virtually amalgamates with the richly decorated sculptures that were contributed by sculptor Balthasar Permoser’s workshop. What had initially been thought to become an orangery and backdrop to a festive area turned into a feast for my own eyes. But, of course, I was not the only outstanding architect of my time. My colleagues and successors Johann Christoph Knoeffel, Zacharias Longuelune and Jean de Bodt contributed their shares to increasing the scores of magnificent buildings in the middle and late Baroque in Saxony – an era that later became known in this area as the »Augustan Age«.


Matthaeus Daniel Poeppelmann (1662 –1736)



Pillnitz Palace


Ease and magic of blossoms E

lector Augustus the Strong once acquired the

architect, Matthaeus Daniel Poeppelmann. The grand

the place served the noble family as a »pleasure castle«

castle for his favorite Anna Constantia Countess

castle and park grounds directly situated on the banks

and retreat to nature during the summer season. It is

von Cosel. When Saxony’s best-known mistress fell

of the Elbe River are considered a perfect example of

most impressive to approach the castle with its

out of his favor and the castle became his property

the chinoise style merging the architecture of the Far

distinctive pagoda roofs on an Elbe River steamboat.

again, Augustus had the Hillside as well as the River-

East with that of European Baroque. Away from the

The view from the river was a sight Augustus and his

side Palace erected according to plans by the famous

hustle and bustle of the residence town of Dresden,

entourage, who often indulged in pleasure rides on the Elbe River using fancifully designed gondolas, have already enjoyed in their time. One of them has been preserved and can still be admired in the park. The English, the Dutch and the Chinese Garden on the






Vi d

Holiday Apartments (2) • 2 rooms, 4 beds • 1 room, 2 beds



In the Lilac Courtyard of the New Palace

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Orangery and the Palm House, that has been recon-

» Pi

of exotic plants and gorgeous floral decoration. The


visitor to take a stroll and be enchanted by the wealth

Baroque chinoiseries

ta g

extensive grounds around the castle buildings urge the

Pa la

ce Hol ida y



structed, in old splendor, attract those who take a bota-

open during summer season. At the Castle Museum,

nical interest to appraise their exotic treasures, as does

one can see the Royal Kitchen, the classicist Domed

the famous 250-year-old Japanese camellia. It has

Hall and the Catholic Chapel and learn about its

meanwhile grown to the size of a tree and has been

eventful times as a summer residence. Most recently,

given a glass home all of its own to protect it in winter.

there is a guided tour offered for guests who suffer

Every spring it displays anew its stunning wealth of

from dementia at Pillnitz Park. These are beautiful

blossom. The Museum of Decorative Arts and the

moments for relatives and carers , if the sense of

Castle Museum accommodated in the castle itself are

memory awakes and a short, relaxing break is possible.

Schloss & Park Pillnitz | August-Boeckstiegel-Str. 2 | 01326 Dresden | Phone +49 351 2613260 | pillnitz@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.schlosspillnitz.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Dresden-Hellerau or Dresden-Altstadt; via autobahn A 17, exit Pirna, towards Radeberg and then follow the signposting BY BOAT by Elbe River steamboats to the Pillnitz jetty


A fizzy

pleasure W

ackerbarth Castle (valiant beard) sounds like

and Saxon joie de vivre, and now presents the 850-

the name from a fairy-tale. In fact, what

year-old tradition of wine-growing in Saxony in its

awaits the visitor at the foot of the vineyard in Rade-

most beautiful form. A bubbly pleasure is the sparkling

beul truly seems legendary: the unique ensemble of a

wine from the Wackerbarth vintners which has been

stately home and a belvedere, Baroque gardens and a

produced for almost 200 years now. This second-

modern factory for making wine and sparkling wine in the middle of the lovely landscape of Saxony’s Elbe River valley; a true jewel built between 1727 and 1729 The Belvedere amidst the vineyards

by Christoph August Imperial Count von Wackerbarth as his retirement residence. With all this pomp,

oldest sparkling wine producer in Germany allows the

transparent factory to see the production of the wines

the count was not alone for long: even Augustus the

grapes to mature traditionally in the bottle to become

and sparkling wines, feast on fine food, be entertained

Strong treasured the charming atmosphere and the

a fine and fizzy specialty. Visitors can try the quality of

in various events and, of course, take home a bottle of

delicacy maturing in the barrels. Wackerbarth Castle,

the Saxon State Winery themselves, take a tour in the

this noble drop.

which experienced many a euphoric party of the Saxon court, has since then been a by-word for elegant wines

Northern view of the castle

Vide o

Sächsisches Staatsweingut GmbH | Schloss Wackerbarth | Wackerbarthstrasse 1 | 01445 Radebeul | Phone +49 351 89550 kontakt@schloss-wackerbarth.de | www.schloss-wackerbarth.de | DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Dresden-Neustadt then towards Radebeul





BY CITY RAIL S1 towards Meissen up to Radebeul-Altkoetzschenbroda | BY TRAM No. 4 towards Weinböhla up to Schloss Wackerbarth


rbar t h Ca s





he Saxon capital itself is a big garden landscape.

lawns for playing and sunbathing. The most impressi-

Only few large cities are so close to nature or have

ve park in the Saxon metropolis is the 363-acre Grand

such extensive gardens, spacious parks and generous

Garden of Dresden. Elector John George III started


green heart of Dresden

the most favorite park of Dresden with its absolutely

cal Garden make the place a cultural oasis in the

straight avenues in 1678, modeling it after the French

middle of the city. To journey through the wide land-

parks. The Grand Garden Palace at the point where the

scape, visitors, young and old alike, prefer to take the

avenues meet is a jewel of early Baroque and is still

miniature park railway, which is traditionally operated

used today for festive events in the middle of green

by Dresden schoolchildren.

surroundings. Especially the Baroque part of the park around the Palace is regularly maintained and attended to. Otherwise, the park is dominantly landscaped in the English style of romantic labyrinthine paths, little forests, extensive meadows, bodies of water and topical gardens. Restaurants and cafés, open-air stages and facilities, such as the Dresden Zoo and the Botani-

Miniature Park Railway







WiFi: planned 2017 Restaurant Carolaschloesschen



The Grand Garden Palace

n d Ga r den


Grosser Garten Dresden | Kavaliershaus G | Hauptallee 5 | 01219 Dresden | Phone +49 351 4456600 | grosser.garten@schloesserland-sachsen.de www.grosser-garten-dresden.de | www.dresdner-parkeisenbahn.de | DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Dresden-Hellerau or Dresden-Altstadt, follow the signposting towards the center/Zoo/Glaeserne Manufaktur | BY TRAM get off at tram stops Comeniusplatz, Zoo or Grosser Garten


The Nymphs‘ Bath


A Garden of Eden on Earth

zwinger, or outer ward, is actually just the free space between the inner and outer ring of the

city walls. In Dresden, the capital of Saxony, the most splendid outer ward in the world was created for the

and size. This courtly synthesis of the arts was created

gallery and opera house were built on the planned site.

Zwinger. In summer, the Zwinger forms an atmosphe-

prestigious festivities of the European aristocracy in

by architectural genius Matthaeus Daniel Poeppelmann

Today, visitors find the museums of the Dresden State

ric backdrop to a series of open-air events. The rather

the early 18th century. Pushed on by the architectural

and master sculptor Balthasar Permoser. Plans for the

Art Collections, including the Porcelain Collection,

secluded »Nymphs’ Bath« counts among the most

passion of Augustus the Strong, the originally simple

construction of an adjoining palace were never realized,

the Old Masters Picture Gallery and the Royal Cabi-

beautiful fountains of Baroque – an artistic synthesis

plans for a new orangery suddenly gained in extent

but in the 19th century Gottfried Semper’s picture

net of Mathematical and Physical Instruments in the

of architecture, sculpture and water.

V i deo



DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Dresden Altstadt, follow the signposting to the city center | BY TRAM get off at tram stop Theaterplatz or Postplatz

WiFi: Old Masters Picture Gallery

Dresdner Zwinger | Museen der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden | Theaterplatz 1 | 01067 Dresden | Phone +49 351 49142000 besucherservice@skd.museum | www.der-dresdner-zwinger.de | www.skd.museum

D re s

d e n Zwi





The Dresden Zwinger


Invited by the


ere on the foothills of the Lusatian Mountains


restored, Rammenau Castle stands out as a masterpiece

family obtained the grand estate by auction. Their

you can find the only manor house in Saxony

of Saxon country Baroque. After the building of the

most famous scion was Johann Centurius von Hoff-

which has remained intact. Having been comprehensively

mansion had ruined the first owner, the Von Hoffmann

mann, Imperial Count von Hoffmannsegg, botanist and highly-respected entomologist; a stroke of luck for Saxon science, as the new owner was to give a new home to intellectual creativity and education in Rammenau. The interior of the castle is a sparkling treasure trove of late Baroque and early Classicist room design. The Chinese Room, the Pompeii Room, Bird Room, Peacock Room, Hunters' Room and the painted walls around the staircase all go to show the ingenuity of the cultured country nobles. Even today you can

The Golden Room

regularly listen to concerts in the imposing Mirror Hall. Perhaps it was this special flair one can feel throughout the palace that set the greatest son of the soil on his path: Johann Gottlieb Fichte, born in Rammenau

also in the cuisine. In the historic dining room, the

in 1762, was to become one of the leading philoso-

master chef and the chambermaids serve extraordinary

phers of his age. The visitor can find varied and aesthe-

dishes which combine original Lusatian delicacies with

tic abundance not only in the interior decoration, but

Mediterranean flair.





Barockschloss Rammenau | Am Schloss 4 | 01877 Rammenau | Phone +49 3594 703559 | rammenau@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.barockschloss-rammenau.com DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Burkau to Rammenau; via federal road B 6 from Dresden to Bischofswerda, then towards Kamenz up to Rammenau



Suite • 1 room • 2 beds


as tle«

View of the manor from the park

am m

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ar o

BY RAIL from Dresden, Goerlitz, Zittau to Bischofswerda, then continue with the bus to Rammenau



invitation to take a stroll The Palace


t Zabeltitz, magnificent alleyways lined by lin-

Imperial Count August Christoph von Wackerbarth.

tect the old salt road, he erected a neat Baroque palace.

married at Zabeltitz will find a Registry Office in the

den and chestnut trees, rows of hedges, groves

At the place where originally was a moated castle to pro-

This palace, and a second one close-by, jointly form a

adjacent palace with the adequate ambience for an

and rondels form a backdrop that inspires to take a

charming architectural ensemble. The oblong Renais-

unforgettable wedding ceremony. Apart from a café,

relaxed stroll. Ever new and surprising views and per-

sance building of the latter had already been built in

there are numerous rooms of various sizes available for

spectives open up again and again. Artistic sandstone

the late 16th century under Elector Christian I, who

cultural events and meetings. After taking a stroll

sculptures form highlights; large water surfaces reflect

favored Zabeltitz as a hunting lodge. It is called the

through the extensive park grounds, visitors who seek

all the splendor and additionally accentuate how nature

»Old Palace« today. Its ground floor used to serve as a

further encounters with the region and its cultural

was brought into strict symmetrical order by human

horse stable originally, whereas its upper floor provi-

history are recommended to visit the Zabeltitz Peasant

hand. No less a person than Johann Christoph Knoeffel,

ded electoral hunting parties with adequate accommo-

Museum. Apart from that they may also have a closer

Augustus the Strong’s court master builder, designed

dation. Still today, festive events take place in the

look at St George’s Church with its artistic epitaph

this Baroque garden around 1728 on behalf of the

magnificant palace hall. Those who would like to get

altar and the burial place of Count von Wackerbarth.

View of Zabeltitz Baroque Garden


e lt

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DIRECTIONS | BY CAR from Dresden via autobahn A 13 to federal road B 98 (exit Thiendorf) and then, in Grossenhain, along federal road B 101 up to Zabeltitz (which can optionally be reached along country roads, too) | BY RAIL up to rail stop Zabeltitz, then approx. 15 minutes to the village center

Vi d eo »

Zabeltitz-Information | Im Park 1 | 01561 Grossenhain/OT Zabeltitz | Phone +49 3522 5233-25 | zabeltitz@stadt.grossenhain.de | www.grossenhain.de

ar o q ue G





The unfinished

symphony The »Silent Music«


drawn by his own hand. It should have been nothing less

terraced grounds are a masterpiece of artistic garden

notable in Germany, but this jewel of absolutist

than a Saxon Versailles here, but in the end Grosssedlitz

architecture with two orangeries, fountains and

creative drive is worth a visit for other reasons, too. It is

was never completed – an acute shortage of funds at the

around 60 sculptures. Taking a walk around the garden,

also of special significance because a prominent Saxon

court of Dresden, where otherwise money was happily

new views and perspectives will open up to the visitor

ruler left his imprint on the park’s design. Having con-

and abundantly spent, put an end to the creative fantasy.

all the time, which still today testifies to the expertise

structed his residence for retirement here in 1719, the

Nevertheless, the 12 hectares which were finished in the

of garden planning at the time. Especially in summer,

Imperial Count von Wackerbarth sold it – not entirely

end are so full of splendor that it is hardly possible to

when orange trees and other exotic plants fill the park

of his own volition – to Augustus the Strong. The new

imagine how the park might have appeared had all the

with scent and colour, the visitor can experience the

owner had the garden and completely rebuilt, with plans

planned 96 hectares been completed. Today, the spacious

imagination of the highborn creator of Grosssedlitz.




Vi de

Ga r d en«

he garden at Grosssedlitz is among the most



r oß s

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The Upper Orangery

Barockgarten Grosssedlitz | Parkstrasse 85 | 01809 Heidenau | Phone +49 3529 56390 | grosssedlitz@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.barockgarten-grosssdelitz.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 17, exit Pirna, then follow the signposting; via federal road B 172 from Dresden up to Heidenau or Pirna, then follow the signposting BY CITY RAIL from Dresden to railway stop Heidenau-Großsedlitz, a 20-minute walk following the signposted walkway will take you there



count’s lovely cabinets

defiant building changed hands several times. It was

building around 1795. Neo-Gothic tracery, reminiscent

again. – Today some of what used to be the counts’

mainly the Von Einsiedel family that changed the

of the design in Venetian palazzi, decorates, for example,

residential rooms accommodate topical museum cham-

appearance of Wolkenburg, which was held by them

the cast-iron balustrades, the wall decorations and the

bers dedicated to the Counts von Einsiedel and to the

from 1635 for 310 years. The castle was then first

filigree grates of doors of the beautiful built-in cabinets.

Wolkenburg-born painter Fritz von Uhde. The court-

changed into a palace, giving it forms of the Renais-

The precious interior has undergone thorough restora-

yard and the terraced castle park lend open-air events

sance and the Baroque. Around 1790, Detlev Carl Count

tion and now appears in its vigor of 200 years ago

a romantic and atmospheric ambience.

von Einsiedel had the main building redesigned in the style of Classicism. The banquet hall, which is still in use today for events, has been preserved from that time. Stucco reliefs on the walls include depictions of allegories on the stages of a lifetime, of the times of day and the seasons as well as portrait medallions. Likewise, cast-iron figurines that can be admired in both the castle and park recall the lifetime of the count. As proprietors The count's library

of the art foundry in Lauchhammer, Detlev Carl Count von Einsiedel and his son had developed a process for

being in the clouds [Wolke lit. cloud] to those who

manufacturing large-size cast-iron sculptures. The

beheld it from the Mulde River valley. Still today, some

count’s library is an architectural gem of the special kind.

of its walls seem to grow directly from the steep rock spur

The two-storied, pavilion-like room of a circular floor

precipices straight into the sky. Over the centuries, the

plan was installed into the attic of the castle's main

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR along autobahn A 4 to exit Limbach-Oberfrohna, then along roads S 244 to Limbach-Oberfrohna and S 249 to Wolkenburg; along autobahn A 72 to exit Penig, then along federal roads B 95 and B 172 to Wolkenburg | BY RAIL from Chemnitz to Glauchau, then by bus to Wolkenburg


Schloss Wolkenburg | Schloss 3 | 09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna | Phone +49 37609 58170 | post@limbach-oberfrohna.de | www.schloss-wolkenburg.de

Wolkenburg Castle


tl e



n the Middle Ages, the estate may have appeared as

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A fairy-tale

u r g C a st l e I s


V i d e o » Mo



t zb

castle and its treasures towers in ochre and white, the splendor of which is mirrored in the artificial lake surrounding the castle. One of the most outstanding collections of hunting trophies in Europe is not the only big treasure of Moritzburg Castle. Just as unique is the lavishly painted gold leather tapestry on the walls of the electoral refuge. The »Feather Room« even won a European Cultural Heritage Award. Far more than one million colorful feathers were made into a unique piece of art: the magnificent bed of the castle lord for the purpose of representation – a bed as one cannot find another one in the world. And there was a good reason why the stately home was used as a magical backdrop in the legendary fairytale movie »Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella«. During the winter season, the Baroque castle

The castle island and the Baroque garden

The Hall of Monstrosities with leather tapestry walls

turns into a mekka for hundreds of thousands of fans M ovi


of the most beautiful fairytale movie of all time. In the

le is named after Duke Maurice, who built a

Zwinger, with the conversion of the building to provide

exhibition on the cult-movie, one can walk in the steps

hunting lodge in 1542 near his residence in Dresden.

an appropriate and magnificent setting for his glitte-

of the cheeky little fairy-tale princess. Also, the visitor

Castle that can be reached in just a few minutes on

In 1723 Augustus the Strong commissioned Mattha-

ring parties. This resulted in a Baroque jewel with four

should by no means miss a look at the Little Pheasant

foot or by horse and carriage.


n ci

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Schloss Moritzburg und Fasanenschlösschen | 01468 Moritzburg I Phone +49 35207 87318 I moritzburg@schloesserland-sachsen.de


eo »


V id

s t le


Holiday Apartments (5) • 2 rooms, 4 beds (1) • 1 room, 2 beds (4)



eus Daniel Poeppelmann, architect of the Dresden

he certainly most beautiful Saxon moated cast-

M or itz bur


www.schloss-moritzburg.de | DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Dresden-Wilder Mann; via autobahn A 13, exit Radeburg | BY BUS/RAIL from DresdenNeustadt station by bus towards Radeburg – Grossenhain, get off in Moritzburg | Historical narrow-gauge train Radebeul Ost – Radeburg, get off in Moritzburg


Paradise in a nutshell nly a few people are allowed to enter because


chers inside the building. While strolling through the

this solitaire amongst German castles is simply

garden outside, visitors can go back in time to the

too small for crowds. A walk through Little Pheasant

world of 18th century court society. Even more pictu-

Castle therefore remains an exclusive pleasure just as it

resque and unusual are the pier and the red-and-white

used to be in the past. Embedded in the gentle culti-

brick lighthouse close by, which give testimony to the

vated landscape east of Moritzburg Castle, the presti-

playful and decadent spirit of the times. This is where

gious castle built by the Dresden Court in 1770 is the

the nobles of landlocked Saxony dreamed their dream

only late Rococo castle remaining in Saxony. Funding by the Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, the Ostdeutsche Sparkassen Stiftung and by the World Monuments Fund allowed for it to be comprehensively Little Pheasant Castle

restored and it is now open to the public again with all its filigree glory. Originally erected in a confined space in chinoise style, it once housed a complete small-size

of glorious sea battles which for want of a real fleet

offered its masters and mistresses a room with a real

royal court. Furniture and murals restored to their ori-

could only be carried out with extras and a great

»sea view« – this is also afforded to today’s visitors be

amount of imagination. At least Little Pheasant Castle

they of royal blood or not.

ginal state and a collection of stuffed birds are eye-catLighthouse at Moritzburg Little Pheasant Castle

stl e« t Ca

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or i

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 4, exit Dresden-Wilder Mann; via autobahn A 13, exit Radeburg BY BUS/RAIL from Dresden-Neustadt station by bus towards Radeburg – Großenhain, get off in Moritzburg | Historical narrow-gauge train Radebeul Ost – Radeburg, get off in Moritzburg

Vi d eo » M

Schloss Moritzburg und Fasanenschlösschen | 01468 Moritzburg I Phone +49 35207 873610 I fasanenschloesschen@schloesserland-sachsen.de | www.schloss-moritzburg.de

L i t tl e P he





»Intrigue and Love« at court I

n the event that a princess should beget a child out

times had no scruples. The illegitimate offspring of

said to have been given to a nanny after birth and

of wedlock the European higher nobility of former

Duchess Henriette Charlotte of Saxony-Merseburg is

removed from court. The child, however, passed away soon after – it is assumed today that poison may have been involved. This put an end to the collateral line of Saxony-Merseburg that could have rivaled for succession to the Saxon Electoral throne. In stark contrast to such nasty intrigues appears the bright and cheerful Baroque character of Delitzsch Baroque Castle. The pastel color of the castle, the once-popular residence of traveling The dining room in the »beletage«

Saxon princes in the middle of the Delitzsch Lake District, attracts artistically minded visitors with its museum, Baroque garden and watchtower. Inside, the castle visitors can marvel at the prestigious interior which despite the temporary use of the castle as a women’s penitentiary has still retained a great deal of its original appeal.

Baroque castle and park



Barockschloss Delitzsch | Schlossstrasse 31 I 04509 Delitzsch | Phone +49 342 02 67237 I barockschloss@delitzsch.de | www.barockschloss-delitzsch.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 9, exit Wiedemar, then follow the signposting; via autobahn A 14, exit Leipzig-Mitte/Delitzsch




Vi d

WiFi: planned 2017

Cas t


The prayer room

t zs ch Bar


BY RAIL Leipzig – Dessau/Wittenberg, get off at Delitzsch Unterer Bahnhof


Gently caressed by the waters Lichtenwalde Castle and Park

eing surrounded by a network of fountains,


good reason. Approaching the castle from the park’s

valley below, which is now a nature preserve. The cast-

Lichtenwalde is very different from other Saxon

avenue, one is left almost speechless by the impressive

le itself houses the »Treasury« Museum which displays,

castles. One hundred of these fountain complexes are

layout of this peaceful green paradise. While aptly illus-

on three floors, exhibits of foreign or long gone cultures,

situated throughout the Baroque garden with more

trating the transition from Baroque to Rococo, the ter-

including art objects and ritual items from Nepal and

than 400 individual fountains connected by an intricate

raced park, however, never completely reveals itself to

Tibet, pieces of porcelain, lacquered items, furniture

the visitor’s eyes. Time and again the eye is attracted by

and silk embroidery from China and Japan as well as

of rustling leaves, splashing water and the sweet scent

playful details such as antique amphoras, statues and

burial objects and ghost masks from West Africa. Visi-

of flowers in spring. Lichtenwalde was chosen as one

circular flower beds or it is drawn from the artificial

tors should not miss the largest and most comprehensi-

of Germany’s most beautiful park ensembles with

garden itself to the real nature of the Zschopau River

ve silhouette collection in Germany.

circulating system. Visitors can experience a symphony The count's library


Park te n


ic h

BY RAIL/Bus Rail from Dresden/Chemnitz to Niederwiesa, then by city-rail to Braunsdorf, then bus No. 706 to Lichtenwalde

Vide o »L

Schloss und Park Lichtenwalde | Schlossallee 1 | 09577 Niederwiesa, OT Lichtenwalde | Phone +49 37206 8873812 | lichtenwalde@schloesserland-sachsen.de www.die-sehenswerten-drei.de | DIRECTIONS | BY CAR via autobahn A 72/A 4, exit Frankenberg, continue along federal road B 169 towards Chemnitz up to Lichtenwalde

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Prince Pueckler Park Bad Muskau

Between Romanticism and industrialization »If my name ever rings a bell in you, then the triple-layered icecream specialty will come to your mind first. The delicacy had once been dedicated to me, but, unfortunately, I didn’t invent it myself. Instead, I can be proud of


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my own will. I eventually sacrificed all my fortune to it. When my money came to an end, which, however,



other things – first of all, of my parks, of course. All my life, I was driven by the urge to design landscapes after

my plans and ideas never did, my wife even agreed to our formal divorce, so that, by re-marrying, I would have the opportunity to get hold of fresh money ... – It was in 18th century England where they first began to turn away from the geometric landscaping forms of the Baroque to start designing landscape gardens close to nature instead. Soon thereafter, the call »Back to nature!« had its effect in Germany, too – and my Muskau Park is certainly one of the most famous and beautiful among the newly designed grounds of that time. For building mansions and palaces in my time, architects borrowed shapes and forms from all styles of architectural


history. What used to be Baroque pomp was now answered by Classicist simplicity. Then the Romantic yearning for the Middle Ages was complemented by Gothic elements, such as little towers, pointed arches, vaults and buttresses. Towards the end of the century, even forms of the Renaissance, Romanticism and Baroque were »revived« and often merged with each other. In all new palaces, villas and manors, their builders were thereby striving for originality and high standards – noblesse oblige.

Prince Hermann von Pueckler-Muskau (1785 – 1871)




The New Palace


View of the park

At the Pueckler exhibition

Gardening art

he park by the Neisse River in Muskau is a symbol of greatest possible contrast to the geo-

of world renown

Romanticism declared that nature should first and

educated gardener combined plants and landscape

foremost be »natural«, and the landscape gardeners hel-

together into a »natural work of art« was so rich in per-

ped to the best of their ability. Ornamental gardening

spective that he even became an example and a pioneer

and only one third in Germany. The New Palace in the

see the spectacular exhibition »Pueckler! Pueckler?

became the art of scenic landscaping. The most outstan-

of the style as far away as the USA. Today the spacious

heart of Muskau Park, which burned down completely

Simply Unbelievable!« From the 35-meter-high obser-

ding example in the world is the park of Prince Her-

UNESCO world heritage site is also a symbol of Euro-

at the end of the World War II, has now been almost

vation platform on the South Tower you can enjoy the

mann von Pueckler-Muskau, who was mainly known

pean integration, since two thirds of it are on Polish soil

fully rebuilt. On two floors of the south wing you can

panorama of the park.


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Tourismuszentrum Muskauer Park | Stiftung Fuerst-Pueckler-Park Bad Muskau | Neues Schloss | 02953 Bad Muskau | Phone +49 35771 63100 info@muskauer-park.de | www.muskauer-park.de | DIRECTIONS | BY CAR autobahn A 15 from Berlin and Cottbus, exit Roggosen, then follow federal road B 115


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WiFi: Café Vorwerg

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as a travel writer in the 19th century. The way the self-

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metrical landscape gardening of the Baroque court.

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to Bad Muskau, autobahn A 4 Dresden–Bautzen, exit Bautzen-Ost, continue on federal road B 156 to Bad Muskau, federal road B 115 from Goerlitz to Bad Muskau BY RAIL from Goerlitz to Weisswasser (Oberlausitz), then continue with the bus to Bad Muskau



Ceramics, and childhood dreams Frohburg Castle

hen Kurt Feuerriegel founded the »Work-


enchants and surprises the beholder. A second exhibi-

ved to a large extent in today’s buildings, which have

shop of Saxon Handicraft Potteries« in Froh-

tion area at the castle museum will definitely light up

been »growing together« into the current castle building

burg in 1910, the little town developed into a center of

childrens’ eyes: historical toys from 100 years ago will

over the centuries. Individual building stages can still

ambitious ceramic production of great renown throug-

take visitors back to the time when their grandparents

be retraced by the shapes of window and door jambs,

hout Germany. The potter’s craft, with its deep roots

or great-grandparents were still children. Dolls and doll

gables, decorative elements and the like. The castle saw

in Middle Saxony for centuries, received a new impe-

houses, affectionately equipped toy kitchens, toys for

its heyday at the beginning of the 19th century. Its

tus – and the master himself earned numerous prizes

playing shops, steam engines, railways, puppet-on-a-

owner at the time, Baron Ernst von Bluemner, had the

and awards. With its precious collection of ceramics

string theaters and much more will rekindle the desire

interior of the building redesigned in Classicist style.

made by Feuerriegel, the museum at Frohburg Castle

to play, even in adults. Taking a first look at the four-

Two beautiful halls with allegoric decorations, the Sto-

possesses a truly special treasure. The variety of his

wing property of Frohburg Castle may not instantly

ne Hall with its monumental landscape fresco and the

works on display there – from faiences and terracotta

reveal its age, but it does go back to a Romanesque

Hall of Paintings with its arched, illusionistically pain-

castle from around 1200. Its masonry has been preser-

ted coffered ceiling, have survived time since then.

sculptures via stove tiles down to structural ceramics – Hall of Paintings

Museum Schloss Frohburg | Florian-Geyer-Strasse 1 | 04654 Frohburg | Phone + 49 34348 51563 | museum-schloss@frohburg.de | www.museum-schloss-frohburg.de BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT by rail from Leipzig or Chemnitz to Geithain, then by city rail to Frohburg


WiFi: planned 2017

Vi d

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR along autobahn A 72, exit Frohburg, then along federal road B 7 to Frohburg

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Snug as a bug in a rug T

he carpet – once a simple substitute for fur – is a

130-year history of local machine and industrial carpet

habitat may be spurred. However, the rooms in the

demanding and also comfortable piece of inte-

weaving, it provides information about the various car-

»older part« of Voigtsberg Castle will take visitors back

rior design nowadays. Carpets surround us, often unno-

pet manufacturing techniques and shows, among other

to times long ago. The defiant building compound

ticed, as part of our living culture every day. The Oels-

things, the variety of design on a »Road of the Best«.

cannot deny its origin as a medieval castle and stands

nitz Carpet Museum at Voigtsberg Castle is dedicated

No wonder that, when visiting this fascinating exhibi-

out decisively against the more recent buildings of the

to this frequently »trampled-on« textile. Tied to the

tion, the visitors’ desire to freshen up their own living

outer bailey, which accommodate the Carpet Museum. Initially in the possession of the bailiffs of Strassberg and Plauen, respectively, it was used as electoral office

Splendid carpets

by the Wettins for almost 500 years afterwards. Today, visitors are impressed by the Gothic St. George’s Chapel with its sacral pieces of art, by the Schoesserstube parlor with its splendid Baroque ceiling as well as by the Knights’ and the Princes’ Halls with their carefully preserved architectural elements; with the latter boasting of a special attraction since 2012: an invaluable painting by Tizian, which an honorary citizen donated to the Minerals collection

Town of Oelsnitz. By the way, you may even get married being very close to it if you dare … The castle’s actual

ring in the Saxon Vogtland region: barite from Zobes,

treasury, however, is to be found in the historical vaults.

wavellite from Schloditz, fluorite from Schoenbrunn

It is there where the »Oelsnitz Minerals Vault« displays

and many other most beautiful treasures from below

a gorgeous collection of 400 minerals typically occur-

the ground – a feast for the eye!

Voigtsberg Castle



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Schloss Voigtsberg | 08606 Oelsnitz/Vogtland | Phone +49 37421 729484 | museum@schloss-voigtsberg.de | www.schloss-voigtsberg.de WiFi: planned 2017

Vo i gt

g s ber

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR autobahn A 72, exit Plauen Sued then follow federal road B 92 and road S 312 towards Oelsnitz, from there follow castle signposting BY RAIL from Plauen to Oelsnitz/Vogtland


Touched by the muse Germany’s first open-air stage, the Bad Elster Natural Theater. The awesome stage on the Waldpark grounds is one of the trumps played by the town still today to The Albert Spa Bath

attract visitors. Awarded by the Saxon royals with the

The Royal Spa House

title of a ‘Royal Saxon State Spa’ in the middle of the t certainly takes no wonder that well traveled Goethe


19th century for its curative water wells, Bad Elster

invite people to take a stroll and to enjoy culture. The

KunstWandelhalle art forum, the King Albert Theater

had also been to Bad Elster. Nonetheless, the idyl-

quickly turned into a posh spa town. That is where

historical spa park laid out in 1850 in the style of an

and three music pavilions form a »Festive Mile of Short

lically located cultural and festival town in the Vogt-

Europe’s high society met: you did something for your

English landscape park, boasting of rare shrubs and

Ways«. The Bad Elster »Electoral Saxon Philharmonic

land border triangle is quite proud of that 1795 episo-

health, enjoyed the surroundings and culture and

trees, colorful flowerbeds and sap-green lawns, is a treat

Orchestra«, jointly with other top-notch ensembles

de, as his stay there is said to have inspired the prince of

maintained important social contacts. The Saxon kings,

for the eye and soul. Topical gardens, sculptures, trick

and artists, stage more than 1,000 cultural events a year.

poets to write the epic poem »Hermann and Doro-

who loved being frequent visitors themselves, had

fountains and Lake Louisa complement the designed

Those who – faced with such rich variety in a gorgeous

thea«. Therefore, a festive performance elaborating on

generous parks laid out and magnificent buildings set

landscape. Surrounding the historical Albert Spa Bath

ambience – are not touched by the muse, may well be

that piece of poetry was put on in 1911 to inaugurate

up. Still in our day, the well-tended historical grounds

in the heart of the town, the Royal Spa House, the

out of reach of it forever …

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Hof-Plauen Airport at a distance of approx. 40 km; pick-up service available on request

Vid e

Touristinformation Bad Elster | 08645 Bad Elster | Badstrasse 25 | Tel. +49 37437 53900 | touristinfo@badelster.de | www.badelster.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR autobahn A 72, exit Plauen Sued follow signposting to Bad Elster | BY RAIL Bad Elster railway station approx. 2.5 km off the town centre

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Nimbschen Monastery Hotel



»My husband loved good food in gay company. We used to have guests in our house at any time; many scholars and students, even noble lords wanted to have disputes with the famous Reformer Martin Luther. I attended to them and was proud when they felt at home. Back at Nimbschen Monastery, I had learned much which was of advantage to me now: housekeeping and cooking, washing and sewing, gardening, brewing and animal keeping, and I was also well versed in the art if healing. Martin appreciated this a lot and would let me run the household my way. He used to call me – sometimes teasingly, sometimes respectfully – his »dear Mr. Kaethe«. – I was sure to expect that even 500 years after our time hospitality would still be regarded one of the highest Saxon virtues. Places where exclusivity had always prevailed can often be experienced again today: some of the most beautiful palaces and manors that have returned into private ownership have reopened as hotels and restaurants inviting customers to relax and enjoy. So everyone may take the temporary role of a »castle lord« or the »noble damsel«. Experience the flair of a glamorous past in the historical atmosphere of residences of the Saxon nobility and allow yourself to be invited to a real treat!«

Katharina Luther, née von Bora (1499 – 1552)






Katharina used

to live as a nun

estled among old beech and oak trees, it is only


special emanating from those grounds, for it was

reformer, Kartharina, jointly with another eight nuns,

romantic ruins today that attest to the once

Katharina von Bora who used to stay there as a Cister-

escaped from the monastery in 1523 and subjected

lavishly equipped Marienthron Monastery in Nimbschen.

cian, before she eventually got married to Martin

herself to Luther’s protection. He married her some

However, there is still an exuberant flair of something

Luther. Influenced by the teachings of the renowned

time later, after she had refused other candidates who had proposed to her. It was a good choice. Six children were born from that wedlock, who founded the ancestry of the »Lutherides« still growing in our day. Those who come to Nimbschen today will find a modern hotel

Art on the monastery premises

compound on what used to be the stables and warehouses of the old monastery premises. The buildings have been developed with great effort and much care for detail. This combination of historical ambience and exclusive equipment has created a special atmosphere. The range of services is extensive: Nights can be spent comfortably both at the four-star hotel, with its altogether 49 rooms, suites and apartments, or in Monastery ruins

one of the 32 rooms of the three-star guesthouse. Exquisite catering and a multitude of leisure activities will perfect any stay. Those who are looking for history not only within the monastery’s sphere, will find a wide variety of palaces and castles along the Mulde River.



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Hotel ★★★★ Guesthouse ★★★ • 48 rooms • 32 rooms • 98 beds • 56 beds

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Comfort suite

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Hotel Kloster Nimbschen GmbH | Nimbschener Landstrasse 1 | 04668 Grimma | Phone +49 3437 9950 | info@kloster-nimbschen.de | www.kloster-nimbschen.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR along autobahn A 14, exit Grimma, head for Grimma Zentrum, then follow federal road B 107 towards Colditz; the hotel is at a distance of 2 km after leaving Grimma (from the city limits sign) | BY RAIL from Leipzig to Grimma | BY BUS No. 619 Rochlitz – Grimma (also from Grimma railway station)


Nature hostel in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains


o enemy ever managed to scale the walls of Hohnstein Castle, such is the steepness of the

jagged rocky spur that it stands on, high above the Polenz River valley. There was also no hope of liberation, making the Black Hole of Hohnstein one of the most feared dungeons of the Middle Ages. As the people said, »He who goes to Hohnstein seldom goes home«. Thank goodness, this saying does not apply any more, since the current owners of the castle happily welcome guests to their beautiful building. In 1924, the castle at the gateway to the Elbe Sandstone Mountains was judged »most beautiful youth hostel in Germany«. Today it is open to visitors of all ages and from near and far Hohnstein castle

for staying overnight, since the hostel is situated on a plateau of rock in the heart of the Saxon Switzerland,

in 1756 by residents who were enraged that animals

because artillery and horses under General Dominique

1795. Curiosity is today stilled by the »castle tour for

the most beautiful national park of Europe. Countless

had escaped and caused »high spirits« in the village; of

Vandamme had to surrender before managing to get

all the senses«, the many concerts, the famous church

stories tell of Hohnstein’s eventful past, of Elector

the steep Wartenberg Road, which »in a way« cost

up the wet road; from the sinister gallows hill, where

designed by George Baehr and the annual puppet festival

Christian II’s bear-pit, the closure of which was forced

Napoleon his victory at the 1813 Battle of the Nations,

the last public execution drew large curious crowds in

in front of the museum.

Burg Hohnstein | Am Markt 1 | 01848 Hohnstein | Phone +49 35975 81202 | info@burg-hohnstein.info | www.burg-hohnstein.info BY CITY RAIL S1 from Dresden-Hauptbahnhof to Pirna, from there by bus to Hohnstein (bus stop Markt)


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DIRECTIONS | BY CAR federal road B 172 to Pirna, from there towards Neustadt via Lohmen and Rathewalde to Hohnstein

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Guesthouse Youth Hostel • 16 romms • 40 rooms • 50 beds • 200 beds






here there once was a manor house dedicated


areas of Dresden. In 1835, the Saxon King Frederick

with the court’s demand for wine, was also to satisfy its

mainly to vineyards there is now a boarding

Augustus II personally acquired these chambers and

thirst for beer. After his death in 1854, the court dis-

house with a long history in one of the most beautiful

expanded them to become a brewery which, along

posed of this property and it functioned mainly as a residential property. Later it even became the location of a nationally-owned factory for decorated candles. In the 1990s, the old depots and stables were lovingly restored, and are now an insider’s tip for visitors to Dresden, who can discover the city on the Elbe and its fascinating surroundings from here. The former property of the King of Saxony is only a few steps away from Pillnitz Palace, the picturesque buildings along the Elbe are right on the doorstep and the sights of Dresden

Historical vault

city centre are only twenty minutes away by bus, tram or steamship. But surrounded by ivy-covered walls, vines and rose beds, it can sometimes be tempting just to stay at home and enjoy the almost Mediterranean flair of the »Koenigliche Ausspanne«.

Stylish interior

Entrance area

Pension »Zur Koeniglichen Ausspanne« | Eugen-Dieterich-Str. 5 | 01326 Dresden | Phone +49 351 2689502 | info@koenigliche-ausspanne.de | www.koenigliche-ausspanne.de

B&B • 9 rooms • 16 beds

DIRECTIONS | BY CAR autobahn A 4, exits Dresden Hellerau or Dresden Altstadt autobahn A 17, exit Pirna follow federal road B 172 towards Radeberg up to exit Graupa/ Pillnitz





royally exclusive hotel with its three suites and 42 rooms has acquired its first-class reputation especially because visitors to Dresden, after a visit to the Semper Opera Open-air terrace at the Lilac Court


House or walking by the Church of Our Lady, do not


n the edge of the wide parkland of the Baro-

want to miss the Baroque ambience. This private fami-

castle restaurant, hotel guests may wander through the

leave Pillnitz at all, they can plan tours for the follo-

que summer palace is this hotel on the banks

ly hotel is only a few meters away from the many small

Pillnitz Park and let themselves be whisked away to a

wing day, for from here sights such as the picturesque

of the Elbe. It received its four-star ranking only partly

and large architectural and botanical attractions which

time in which ladies in layered dresses and gentlemen

vineyards of the Elbe River valley or the natural treasu-

thanks to its special location in a peaceful suburb of the

make up the varied, special palace grounds. Therefore,

in powdered wigs engaged in courtly conversation on

res of the Saxon Switzerland National Park are only an

former royal residence city of Dresden. This small,

having experienced Saxon cuisine par excellence in the

the very same footpaths. Should anybody then wish to

hour away by steamboat.



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BY BOAT by Elbe River steamboats to Pillnitz

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Schloss Hotel Dresden Pillnitz | August-Boeckstiegel-Strasse 10 | 01326 Dresden | Phone +49 351 26140 | reservierung@schlosshotel-pillnitz.de | www.schlosshotel-pillnitz.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR autobahn A 17, exit Pirna, follow federal road towards Radeburg up to Graupa / Pillnitz, autobahn A 4, exit Dresden-Hellerau, then follow signposting to Pillnitz

Pil lnitz Pa


Hotel ★★★★ • 45 rooms • 89 beds




Quietness, enjoyment,



Palace and landscape park with lake


nybody who wishes to spend some days relaxing

Russian envoy Hermann Carl Count von Keyserlingk

and at the same time experience an aristocratic

have left their artistic imprint on the grounds since the

lifestyle will find their dream domicile here. Gaussig,

Baroque era. Gaussig experienced its last great recon-

one of the most prominent palaces in Upper Lusatia, is

struction at the turn from the 17th to the 18th century,

now a spacious hotel which combines the spirit of past

when senior state master builder Christian Friedrich

times with today’s demands for comfort and luxury.

Schuricht and the exiled Scottish nobleman James

First mentioned in 1245 as a residence for nobility, the

Double room on the bel étage

Terrace for relaxation

Ogilvy Earl of Findlater reformed the Baroque palace

visitors’ rooms provides accommodation in an aristo-

relaxation in the spa area and a walk in the palace

essential features of a large castle built here in 1700 are

and the park in the style of Palladium Classicism.

cratic atmosphere, guaranteeing a special kind of stay.

park – the Hotel Gaussig House, owned today by Von

still to be seen. Dresden courtiers such as the Von

Today, the glorious manor house with its 30 hectares

Festivals with a noble touch, meetings in relaxed sur-

Bruehl-Pohl family, is open to all who wish for a stay

Neitschuetz family, Heinrich Count von Bruehl or the

of landscape park, elegant halls, salons and historic

roundings or simply a weekend with exquisite food,

which is anything but usual.






Hotel Gaussig House


Name | Anschrift

Hotel ★★★★ • 16 rooms • 34 beds

Ho te l G a uss


Schloss Gaussig | An der Kirche 2 | 02633 Gaussig | Phone +49 35930 55227 | info@schloss-gaussig.de | www.schloss-gaussig.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR autobahn A 4, exit Salzenforst, then towards Neukirch up to junction to Gaußig town center


Saxon winery

at its best

Proschwitz Palace

mitment and widely accepted expertise, to controlled

Proschwitz win prestigious awards; they are delightful,

and environmentally friendly viniculture. Within

mainly for their fruitiness, minerality and authenticity.

only a few years, the brand name »Weingut Schloss

– The Winery of Proschwitz Castle, which has also

Proschwitz« acquired a superb reputation among wine

been restored, is located near the family’s home in

connoisseurs. Again and again, top wines from

Zadel. On the premises of the lovingly reconstructed

roschwitz Castle counts among Saxony’s most


been returned to serve as his family’s residence again,

traditional seats of nobility. In the early 18th

but also as a cultural center with effects reaching far

and listed four-sided farmstead, the restaurant

century, it was newly erected, and later extended, in

into the region. Jointly with the surrounding park area,

»Lippe’sches Gutshaus« invites guests to enjoy stylish

the place of a medieval manor. In 1914, it was

it provides a stylish ambience to concerts, corporate

wine tastings and to indulge in regional culinary

redesigned in baroque style for the Prince zur Lippe

events, business or private receptions. For that purpose,

specialties (to be booked in advance). In a boarding

families. In the 1990s, Dr. Georg Prince zur Lippe

a choice can be made from among ten function rooms

house, which is part of the manor and provides ten

reacquired the winery at first, then also the castle of his

to be rented and used, depending on size, equipment

double-rooms and two holiday apartments, guests

parents, who had been expropriated in 1945. With

and combination. It is with his greatest passion that

may thoroughly enjoy the magically rural flair of the

great efforts, he advanced both the winery and the

Dr. Georg Prince zur Lippe is devoted to continuing

vineyard landscape on the right Elbe river bank across

manor to a state that sets standards beyond Saxony.

what used to be the family-owned winery. Since 1990,

the town of Meissen; moreover, a converted hayloft is

Today, the estate of Proschwitz Castle has not only

the entrepreneur has been dedicated, with all his com-

available for conferences and conventions.




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Weingut Schloss Proschwitz in Zadel | Dorfanger 19 | 01665 Diera-Zehren OT Zadel | Telefon +49 3521 76760 | weingut@schloss-proschwitz.de | www.lippesches-gutshaus.de Schloss Proschwitz | Heiliger Grund 2 | 01662 Meißen OT Proschwitz | Telefon +49 3521 40600 | willkommen@schloss-proschwitz.de | www.schloss-proschwitz.de


DIRECTIONS | BY CAR Highway A14 exit Nossen Ost, follow Federal Road B101 towards Meißen/Großenhain, in Meißen towards Riesa, when leaving Meißen towards Winkwitz /


B&B Holiday appartement (2) • 10 rooms • 2 rooms, 4 beds • 22 beds • 1 room, 2 beds


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Proschwitz up to the castle





odge close to nature and enjoy noble ambience – a most pleasurable combination to be found in

Neuhausen. This is where the four-star hotel of Purschenstein Castle welcomes its visitors who, seeking Restaurant »Remise«

relaxation from the hustle and bustle of the city, will still be able to enjoy high-class cultural events. The

in the hands of that aristocratic family until 1945. It

its authentic ambience. A team of top gourmet chefs

Ore Mountains, which are rich in forest, provide a per-

was reconstructed and converted several times: around

offers superb gastronomy for the best of culinary

fect natural backdrop for hiking tours; fascinating

1550 into a Renaissance castle, more changes followed

delights. The menu is seasonal and offers both interna-

towns, such as Freiberg or Annaberg-Buchholz, but also

from the mid-18th century on, now in Baroque style.

tional cuisine and Saxon specialties. The light-flooded

larger cities, such as Dresden or Prague with all their

There are 35 double rooms and 15 suites available

and generous palace hall is available for breakfast, but

sights are not far away and offer themselves to be

today on the castle estate, consisting of the castle buil-

also as a venue for meetings and exclusive events. Other

explored. Purschenstein Castle goes back to a castle built

ding, the Bursary and the Coachman’s House. Their

rooms of different sizes like the ceremony room, the

800 years ago that protected a trading route and raised

elegant and individual interior equipped with antique

ancestor hall and the library provide an ideal location

toll. That castle later became property of the Meissen

furniture from various eras combines modern comfort

for events. And those who would like a special treat,

margraves and, towards the late 14th century, of the

with historical flair. The »Remise« restaurant in what

will find anything their hearts desire – from massages

nobles von Schoenberg. The noble seat then remained

used to be the Coachman’s House enchants guests by

to cosmetic attendance – in the castle’s wellness parlor.

Purschenstein Castle Hotel



then via Sayda to Neuhausen; along autobahn A 4 to Dresden, then via Dippoldiswalde, Rechenberg-Bienenmühle and Sayda to Neuhausen

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Vi d eo

Schloss Purschenstein | Hotel GmbH | Purschenstein 1, 09544 Neuhausen | Phone +49 37361 1408-0 | info@purschenstein.de | www.purschenstein.de DIRECTIONS | BY CAR along autobahn A 4 to Chemnitz, then towards Marienberg and Olbernhau up to Neuhausen; from Leipzig along autobahn A14 and A4 to Freiberg,

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Hotel ★★★★ • 50 rooms • 97 beds



Moritzburg Castle

Discover Your

Oh boy ... Do you have any idea for a gift for grandma? What do you think about a schloesserlandPASS? So we can just get in for free! Cool! There’s always something on! And we might even meet Cinderella


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• discounts for guided tours of the Moritzburg Little Pheasant Castle

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sserlandPASS « loe

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sc hlösserlan VALID



d K A RT E 1 year

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For points of sale and detailed information go to www.schloesserland-sachsen.de /schloesserland.sachsen |

40 €

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By car

By rail

Autobahns in Saxony A 4: Aachen – Cologne, interrupted once, continued in Bad Hersfeld via Erfurt – Weimar – Chemnitz – Dresden – Goerlitz A 13: Berlin – Dresden A 14: Magdeburg – Halle – Leipzig and from Nossen further along the A 4 to Dresden A 38: Goettingen – Leipzig A 72: Hof – Chemnitz

There is an ICE connection between Dresden and Leipzig. IC or ICE connections are available from many larger stations in Germany. EC trains go between Dresden and Vienna, and between Dresden and Zurich there is a CNL (CityNightLine) connection. www.bahn.de

Driving times in Saxony Dresden – Leipzig: Dresden – Berlin: Dresden – Prague: Dresden – Munich: Dresden – Hamburg: Dresden – Frankfurt (M): Dresden – Cologne: Dresden – Vienna: Dresden – Zurich: Dresden – Warsaw:

1 h 15 min 2h 2h 4 h 30 min 4 h 50 min 4 h 30 min 5 h 30 min 5h 7 h 15 min 8h

By plane The Dresden and Leipzig/Halle airports are wellconnected to the largest inner-German airports of Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich and Duesseldorf. There are regular connections to other inner-German airports, too. Flight times do not take longer than one hour in any case. There are also direct flights to Vienna and Zurich.


How to get to Saxony

vi e

»Fe rienspass«

By public transport Saxony has a well-developed local public transport network. All public transport providers offer day tickets for individuals or groups. Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (VVO) www.vvo-online.de: Dresden – Meissen – Saxon Switzerland – Eastern Ore Mountains

enspass. www.feri andrl schloesse e sachsen.d

Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund (MDV) www.mdv.de: Leipzig – Halle Verkehrsverbund Mittelsachsen (VMS) www.vms.de: Chemnitz – Central Ore Mountains Zweckverband Verkehrsverbund OberlausitzNiederschlesien (ZVON) www.zvon.de: Bautzen – Goerlitz Verkehrsverbund Vogtland (VVV) www.vogtlandauskunft.de: Plauen - Vogtland Traveling times by public transport in Saxony Dresden – Leipzig: 1 h 15 min Dresden – Chemnitz: 1h Dresden – Görlitz: 1 h 15 min Dresden – Meissen: 45 min Dresden – Saxon Switzerland: 30 – 45 min

For further information and current advice as well as ticket prices and opening hours please go to www.schloesserland-sachsen.de. /schloesserland.sachsen /Schloesserland

Moritzburg Castle



Editorial details PUBLISHER Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen gemeinnützige GmbH Stauffenbergallee 2 a | 01099 Dresden Phone +49 351 56391 1001 Fax +49 351 56391 1009 E-mail service@schloesserland-sachsen.de www.schloesserland-sachsen.de /Schloesserland.Sachsen

TMGS Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen mbH Bautzner Strasse 45-47 | 01099 Dresden Phone +49 351 491700 Fax +49 351 4969306 E-mail info@sachsen-tour.de www.sachsen-tourismus.de CONCEPT, DESIGN, MAPS Ö GRAFIK | agentur für marketing und design Wittenberger Strasse 114 A | 01277 Dresden | www.oe-grafik.de

PRINT EVERSFRANK BERLIN GmbH PHOTOS BY COURTESY OF Albrechtsburg Meissen, Alexander Schmidt, punctum, Angermann Luftbildservice - Holm Röhner, Anja Weiss, Burg Kriebstein, Burg Mildenstein, Burg Scharfenstein, Christian Leischner, Lutz Pfennig, Ernst Wrba, Festung Königstein, Foto-Walther-Heidenau, Frank Glabian, Frank Höhler, Fürst-Pückler-Park Bad Muskau, Gabriele Hanke, Gerhard Weber, Großer Garten Dresden, h. & d. zielske, Jörg Schöner, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Jürgen Major, Klaus Schieckel, Kloster Nimbschen, Königliche Anlagen Bad Elster, Lothar Sprenger, Lutz Zimmermann, Manfred Lohse, Michael Schultz, Oliver Killig, panthermedia, Pension »Königliche Ausspanne«, Peter Mauksch, Rainer Weisflog, Schloss Augustusburg, Schloss Colditz, ©Schloss Gaußig (Foto: Marco Klinger), Schloss Klaffenbach, Schloss Moritzburg, Schloss Nossen, Schloss Rammenau, Schloss Schlettau, Schloss Voigtsberg, Schloss Wackerbarth, Schloss Weesenstein, Schlosshotel Dresden-Pillnitz, Schlosshotel Gaußig, Stadt Delitzsch, Steffen Peschel, Stiftung Fürst-Pückler-Park Bad Muskau, Sylvio Dittrich, René Schleichardt - Picturewolrd, Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen, Volker Kreidler, www.DDpix.de

Produced with the help of promotional funds of the Free State of Saxony as a part of the »Tourismus« promotion plan. For information on the availability of free access for people with disabilities, go to www.sachsen-barrierefrei.de. There you can order your free copy of the brochure »Sachsen barrierefrei« (Saxony barrier-free travel) which provides comprehensive information on accommodation and places of interest especially for people with disabilities.



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online: sen

November 2016




Saxony-Anhalt Torgau

Delitzsch Baroque Castle


Halle (Saale)


Finsterwalde Hartenfels Castle

Senftenberg Prince Pueckler Park Bad Muskau








182 6




Zabeltitz Baroque Garden





Nimbschen Monastery Hotel Colditz Castle 95

Zeitz Altenburg

Frohburg Castle Gnandstein Castle

Proschwitz Castle Meissen Albrechtsburg Castle

Mildenstein Castle

Meissen Döbeln


Kriebstein Castle

Rochlitz Castle




Lichtenwalde 95 Castle & Park Wolkenburg Castle







Scharfenstein Castle 95

Wildenfels Castle 283








Hotel Gaussig House


Frýdlant ý Zittau

A 17 170

Czech Republik

Lauenstein Castle


Deˇcˇín Nový Bor

Purschenstein Castle Hotel

Ústí nad Labem

ˇ Ceská Lípa



500 km


400 km


Schlettau Castle



Rostock 300 km Hamburg 2 Berlin 00 km Hannover



Cologne Brussels


Frankfurt am Main


Ostrov Paris


Stuttgart Munich

Bratislava Vienna

Karlovy Vary Federal road


100 k



Voigtsberg Castle

Royal Grounds Bad Elster







Rammenau Baroque Castle

101 Stolpen Boarding House »Zur Koeniglichen Ausspanne« Castle Altzella Pillnitz Palace and Park, Monastery Park Dresden Royal Palace, Dresden Fortress, Dresden Pillnitz Palace Hotel Nossen Castle The Dresden Zwinger, The Grand Garden of Dresden Grosssedlitz Freudenstein The Dresden Park Railway Hohnstein Baroque Garden Castle Castle Weesenstein Koenigstein 172 Freiberg Castle Fortress 173

Wildeck Castle

Klaffenbach Castle 169


Wackerbarth Castle

Klippenstein Castle


A 72

Schoenfels Castle

A 13

Moritzburg Castle, Moritzburg Little Pheasant Castle

Augustusburg Castle

Glauchau Castle




A 14

Naumburg (Saale)


Proschwitz Castle Winery in Zadel

A 38

A 72


156 96


Motorway 1





15 20 km

Castle, Palace, Fortress, Garden, Park, Monastery, Castle Hotel

Ljubljana Zagreb

Hartenfels Castle Torgau

Old Splendor in New Glory.

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