by Schmidt
LEICA M 連動對焦測距新里程 A new milestone for digital rangefinders
城市綠洲 朱家欣的品味生活空間
OASIS IN THE CITY John Chu’s tasteful living
意國佳釀新推介 Usiglian del Vescovo 及配酒食譜
Introducing Usiglian del Vescovo & pairing recipes
歡迎來到《S Style》創刊號!這本由興華拓展有限公司全 新出版的優質生活季刊雜誌中,讀者將可細閱一連串精彩內 容,務求讓大家獲得精緻優雅的生活靈感。 今期除了報道徠卡相機的最新消息外,徠卡產品顧問亦會 分享專業攝影知識。我們更率先到訪先濤數碼企劃有限公司 創辦人朱家欣的品味家居,展示這位攝影愛好者的生活品味 及對徠卡的熱愛,讓讀者有所啟發。 藝術、文化、美酒與佳餚,都是美好生活中不可或缺的核 心。今期我們帶來享譽國際的畫家 Sharie Hatchett-Bohlmann (又名 Roxy)創作「The Spirit of the Dragon」的精彩故事。另 外亦介紹三個來自意大利、德國及奧地利的酒莊,以及由名廚 Andrea Spagoni 精心設計的配酒食譜。 展望未來,我們將積極發展網上購物平台,讓顧客更方 便快捷地享用興華拓展所提供的眾多產品。只要密切留意 《S Style》,便可接收到最新動態及各種各樣的精彩內容。 希望你喜歡這本雜誌,與我們一起品味美好生活的真諦。
Leica M – 數碼連動測距新里程 Leica M – The new milestone
Leica M 試用分享 Specialist’s report on Leica M
南印度攝影之旅 Photography tour of South India
城市綠洲 – 朱家欣的品味家居 Oasis in the City – John Chu’s tasteful home
完美影音典範 – Metz TV Design Perfection – Metz TV
城市之窗 – Roxy A window on the World – Roxy
Palate 意大利明珠 – Usiglian del Vescovo Gems from Italy – Usiglian del Vescovo
意式盛宴 – 配酒食譜 Italian Flair – Wine pairing recipes
德意志佳釀 – Schloss Proschwitz German vintages – Schloss Proschwitz
美酒奧秘 – Stift Göttweig The secrets of Austrian wine – Stift Göttweig
訂酒表格 Wine order form
Happenings 焦點活動 Event highlights
Photo by: John Chu Camera: Lecia M (Type 240) Lens: Apo-Summicron-M 75mm f/2 ASPH Schmidt Marketing (Asia) Ltd 13/F, Chinachem Exchange Square No.1 Hoi Wan Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Editorial Advisor: Cherry Chung Tel: (852) 3650 0668 Website:
S Style is published quarterly for Schmidt Marketing (Asia) Ltd. by Insight Marketing & PR Limited. Tel: (852) 3460 2660 Printed in Hong Kong No part of this magazine may be reprinted or utilised in any form or by any means without written permission from the relevant copyright owners. All rights reserved. Copyright 2013 Schmidt Marketing (Asia) Ltd.
Welcome to the first issue of S Style , a brand new luxury lifestyle magazine published by Schmidt Marketing (Asia) Ltd. In this new quarterly magazine, you will be able to access a variety of exciting stories and be inspired to enjoy the refined lifestyle that has always been synonymous with Schmidt. With this magazine, we will bring you the latest news on Leica cameras; our Leica specialists will also share their professional views on photography. It is also our great honour to be the first media to feature the beautiful home of our Leica enthusiast John Chu, founder of Centro Digital Pictures Limited, and get inspiration through his ‟Leica” passion. Art, culture, wine and dining are also at the centre of a fulfilled life. In this issue, we have a wonderful story about world famous painter, Sharie Hatchett-Bohlmann, a.k.a. Roxy, on how she created ‟The Spirit of the Dragon”. We are also delighted to introduce to you three wineries from Italy, Germany and Austria, as well as wine-pairing recipes specially designed by renowned chef Andrea Spagoni. Moving forward, we are developing an online shopping platform in order to facilitate a more convenient way for you to enjoy the vast variety of Schmidt’s product portfolio. So stay tuned for our quarterly magazine where we will include new updates as well as various interesting articles for you to read. We hope that you enjoy reading this magazine and savour the true essence of a good life with Schmidt. Ulrich Buchholtz 興華集團主席 Chairman of Schmidt Group of Companies Jackie Chan 興華拓展有限公司總裁 President of Schmidt Marketing (Asia) Ltd S Style 03 ●
數碼連動測距 新里程
THE NEW MILESTONE 徠卡相機最新推出的 Leica M 型號,採用最新設計的全片幅 CMOS 感光元件,配備實時取景和對焦功能的 Live View 系統,以及 1080 全高清影片攝錄功能,更首次全面兼容徠卡 R 系列傳統鏡頭,為連動測距相機領域制定了全 新標準。 Leica Camera presents a groundbreaking milestone – the Leica M as the first camera to implement a newly designed CMOS image sensor and to feature additional focusing functions like Live View and Full HD video capability, and for the first time, offers compatibility with Leica R legacy lenses. The new Leica M sets entirely new standards in the history of Leica rangefinder cameras. 感光元件新技術
CMOS image sensor
Leica M 是眾多徠卡連動測距相機系 列中,第一款使 用全 新開發 的 Leica MAX CMOS 感光元件技術的型號。此 35mm 全片幅格式 2,400 萬像素感光 元件,特別為 Leica M 及其使用的 M 型和 R 型鏡頭所設計,能重現自然絢 麗的色彩和令人印像深刻的細節。此新 款全片幅感光元件,結合高性能 Leica Maestro® 影像處理器,保證最佳的成 像品質和處理速度。另外,其低耗電效 能及特大容量電池,確保系統的傑出電 力管理能力和續航力。
The Leica M is the first in a long line of Leica rangefinder cameras to feature a completely new development in sensor technology, the Leica Max CMOS image sensor. This 24 MP, full 35 mm format sensor was designed especially for the camera and its use with M- and R-Lenses, to enhance natural and brilliant colour rendition and impressive reproduction of details. In combination with the high-performance Leica Maestro processor, this new, full format sensor guarantees maximum imaging quality and speed. The low power consumption of the components in conjunction with the particularly high capacity of the battery, ensures outstanding system-autonomy.
實時取景 Leica M 的 Live View 實時取景功能, 能把鏡頭下的景物作即時影像處理, 讓影像的清晰度、曝光效果和色彩內 容,精確呈現在相機配備的 3 吋 92 萬 像素高解像顯示屏上。此新功能結合 M 系列和 R 系列鏡頭的優質效果,提 高微距攝影和長焦距攝影中的實用性, 也大大優化了微細和細緻的拍攝需要, 加上新增的 1080p 全高清影➤ 04 S Style ●
Live to view The Leica M offers a multitude of new features. The first of these are Live View and Live View Focus. Image
composition can now take place in real time with the view of the subject through the lens. The sharpness, exposure and colour content of images can now be precisely assessed on the camera’s large, 3-inch, high-resolution monitor screen with 920,000 pixels. Thanks to the Live View function, photographers now have access to entirely new opportunities that, in combination with the outstanding performance of Leica M- and R-Lenses, go far beyond the classical capabilities of rangefinder photography. This applies particularly to macro and telephoto photography, but also allows even more discreet shooting. The camera’s new, 1080p Full HD, video capability also opens up totally new horizons. The Leica M offers two additional fo c u s i n g m eth o d s th at c a n b e activated quickly and easily with the new focus button. The new ‟Live View
Leica News
片攝錄功能,為攝影師提供了無窮的拍 攝潛力。 Leica M 提供了兩種新增的對焦方 法,而新的對焦按鈕亦讓用戶更快速簡 易地啟動該功能。新增的「實時取景縮 放」(Live View Zoom)功能,可選擇最 高達 10 倍的放大效果,能精確掌握景 物細節的清晰度和打破微距拍攝的對焦 限制。另一個對焦功能是「實時取景對 焦峰值」(Live View Focus Peaking), 合焦景物的輪廓會自動以紅線作顯示, 用戶可以根據紅線的顯示強度來進行對 焦精確度評估。 Leica M 備有黑色與銀色,建議零 售價為 HK$65,100。 Zoom” option enables up to 10 x ➤ magnification for precise assessment of the sharpness of subject details or the close focusing limit. The second aid to focusing is ‟Live View Focus Peaking”. Here, contours in the subject are automatically displayed as red lines to enable simple and convenient focus assessment. Focusing precision can be assessed on the basis of the intensity of the lines displayed. The Leica M is available in a choice of black paint or silver chrome finish, with a suggested price of HK$65,100.
Leica M 全新配件 隨著 Leica M 的面世,專為 Leica M 而 設的多款配件也相繼推出。全新 Leica R-Adapter M 鏡頭轉接環可讓幾乎所有 徠卡 R 型鏡頭安裝於 Leica M 上使用。 而 Leica Visoflex EVF2 電子觀景器的解 像度高達140萬像素, 可作90°向上扭動。 如同時使用 R-Adapter M 配接 R 系列鏡 頭及 Visoflex EVF2,可令 Leica M 持機 感覺像數碼單鏡反光相機般穩定,不必 使用機背顯示器也能觀看 Live View 畫 面。 另外,內置 GPS 功能模組的多功能 手柄 Multifunctional Handgrip-M,讓 用 戶可在 EXIF 影像數據中保存拍攝位置 的 GPS 座標資料,於稍後在電腦軟件 中在地圖上顯示拍攝地點。Leica M 還 能通過手柄上多功能 USB 2.0 插座直 接連接個人電腦,再通過附送的 Leica Image Shuttle 軟件,遙控操作相機及即 時傳輸影像檔案至電腦硬碟作儲存。 為配合 Leica M 的 1080p 全高清 影片拍攝功能,更提供支援立體聲麥 克風的配接套裝,盡享高清影片的拍 攝樂趣。
Beyond capabilities A range of new accessories is also available to take the Leica M to the next level. The Leica R-Adapter M enables almost all Leica R-Lenses to be mounted on the Leica M. The highresolution electronic Visoflex viewfinder has a resolution of 1.4 megapixels and a 90 degree swivel action. In combination with the R-Adapter, R-Lenses and the viewfinder, the Leica M can be used independently from its monitor in the same way as an SLR camera. Also new is the multifunctional handgrip-M with an integrated GPS module that enables users to save exposure location information in the EXIF image data (geotagging). The Leica M can also be connected directly to a computer through the handgrip’s integrated USB socket. This allows full remote control of the camera with the Leica Image Shuttle software package and transfers image files directly to the computer by USB cable. Finally, as a special accessory for the 1080p Full HD video capability of the Leica M, the Leica Microphone A d a p te r S e t e n a b l e s u s e r s to fully enjoy the camera’s HD video function anytime, anywhere.
S Style 05 ●
NEW LEICA M 實時取景 LIVE TO VIEW New Leica M 的專家試用分享 Specialist’s report on the new Leica M
剛 過 去 的 四 月, 我 們 舉 行 在 了一次盛大的「New Leica M 巡迴展」,在各間徠卡專門店 與 精 品 店 內, 均 有 不 少 Leica M 相機的愛好者,來親身試用全城 熱 捧 的 New Leica M。 當 然, 此次體驗活動的重點是測試新 感光元件的影像效果,是否如網 上評價所說能提高像素和減低雜 訊。但在即場示範使用上,我會 推 介 New Leica M 新 增 的 Live View 功 能, 因 它 顛 覆 了 傳 統 M 相機的使用方法,把數碼制式完 美地發揮。 New Leica M 在 對 焦 功 能 上, 新 增 了 即 時 放 大 和 紅 線( 對 焦 峰 值)功能,因此不少用家為了一試 效 果, 都 自 備 私 人 珍 藏 鏡 頭, 例 如 NOCTILUX-M 50mm f/0.95、 SUMMILUX-M 70mm f/1.4、 APO-SUMMICRON-M 90 mm f/2 ,長短俱備,但大部分都是大光圈 和淺景深鏡頭。看著各位試用 New Leica M 的 LCD 和 EVF 對焦拍攝, 在盡開光圈下拍得不亦樂乎。➤ 06 S Style ●
o celebrate the launch of the new Leica M this April, we held a road show for fans looking for first-hand experience of this hotlyanticipated new model at the Leica store. The purpose of the event was to encourage participants to test-drive the features delivered by the new image sensor and find out if the images are as richly detailed and low-noise as the critics have asserted in their reviews. Among all the new features, I singled out Live View, which enables users to compose pictures using the actual image produced by the lens with complete control over depth of field, exposure, framing and focusing. This opens up new opportunities for M-photographers s u c h a s m a c r o a n d te l e p h o to exposures, or using the monitor as a viewfinder. The Leica M’s focusing function provides photographers wi th
Text by Sam Yau
instant magnif ication and ‟ Live V i e w F o c u s Pe a k i n g ” w h e r e a subject’s contours are automatically displayed as red lines to enable simple focus assessment. Some participants brought along their own lenses to road-test the effects, and all attendees experimented with the camera’s LCD and EVF focus technology. Since the event involved my whole team, we didn’t just play around with the focusing function but also highlighted the practical functions of the Leica M. Given my commercial photography background, I appreciate the intricacies of light exposure. To achieve the highest quality light exposure effect, one has to master the skills of bracket exposure and othe r mete r ing te chnique s and keep the exposure indicator moving c o n s t a n t l y. T h e m a n u a l m o d e exposure of the Leica M, however, makes light exposure mastery more straightforward, as by half pressing the shutter, it will turn dim or instantly turn light onto LCD and EVF. As the M-lenses can magnify or reduce aperture instantaneously, the Live View system’s analogue exposure effect is extraordinarily precise. With the addition of the Live View feature, I have virtually abandoned using the shutter for metering purposes and rely instead on the EVF and my own hands to create the desired effect. Another stand-out feature of the new Leica M is the inclusion of the digital filter in the JPEG black and white mode, which brought back ➤
今 次 我 和 我 的 團 隊 到 場, 當 然 不會只示範和介紹數款基本對焦功 能。其實只要耐心使用,便可以發現 New Leica M 的一些隱藏實用功能。 對於出身自商業影樓和傳媒工作者的 我,對曝光的要求都頗高。為了得到 最合心意又最高質素的曝光效果,往 往都要純熟運用包圍曝光和各式各樣 的測光方法,而曝光補償的指示燈號 更是像甩繩馬騮般,不停移動才行。 但 經 過 數 次 使 用 後, 我 發 現 New Leica M 的手動曝光模式非常易用, 只要半按快門便會在 LCD 和 EVF 上 即時變光變暗,呈現最全神的拍攝效 果,而且因為 M 鏡頭的光圈都是即 時放大縮小,所以 Live View 系統的 模擬曝光效果十分準確。自此,我再 也沒有使用 A 光圈先決(自動快門) 模式和任何測光系統,純粹利用 EVF 和一雙手,讓自己掌握眼前的效果。 另 一 個 極 好 玩 的 功 能, 莫 過 於 New Leica M 在黑白模式效果中, 加入數碼濾鏡功能,讓我回憶起昔 日使用黑白菲林時,紅橙黃綠藍濾 鏡的使用感覺。其實濾鏡除了提升 相同色的光度外,也會影響其他相 近顏色,因此舊型號只能猜測最終 效果。但在 New Leica M 的新黑白 數碼濾鏡和 Live Veiw 功能下,用哪 一種濾鏡便得到哪種效果,全都一 目了然。要黑得黑,要白得白!雖 然 質 素 未 及 使 用 M Monochrom 般 神奇,但已較 M9 容易使用及更為 方便,可玩性大增。
以紅色濾鏡 ( 上圖)及綠色濾鏡 ( 下圖)拍攝的相片。 Pictures taken using red color filler (above) and green color filter (below).
memories of using black and white film with different colour filters. While using the filters can improve the particular colour in question whether that’s red or yellow, the effect on other colours was largely overlooked previously. With the Leica M’s black and white digital filters and the Live View feature, using what sort of filters becomes crystal clear – black is black and white is white!
Although the effect is not quite as striking as M Monochrom, it is more user-friendly than the M9. The Leica M is one of the most innovative and versatile M-Cameras that the modern M-System has c r e a te d , a s i t u n i te s d e c a d e s of experience in rangefinder technology with groundbreaking digital technologies.
作者簡介 邱森現為興華拓展有限公司的徠卡產品顧問,過去五年曾是《DiGi 數碼雙 周》的叢書主編。他曾撰寫及製作了超過 40 本攝影書籍,擅長風景、人像、 紀實及 snapshot 等各種攝影技巧。
Contributor Sam Yau is the product specialist of Leica cameras at Schmidt Marketing(HK)Ltd. He was also chief editor at DiGi Bi-Weekly for five years. Yau has written and produced more than 40 photography books, and specialises in landscape, portrait and documentary.
S Style 07 ●
南印度 攝影之旅
印度的風土人情,在 Leica M9P 配 28mm f/2 asph、35mm f/2 asph 及 50mm f/2 鏡頭下,盡情躍現。 Life in Cochin through a M9P with Leica Summicron - 28mm f/2 asph, 35mm f/2 asph and M50mm f/2. Text and photography by Bobby Lee
德國人給我的印象是準確、意大 當利人是懂得打扮、芬蘭人是外冷 內熱時,印度人又是怎樣的一種民族 呢?要了解一個國家、地區或城市裡人 民的生活習慣及特性,最理想是到當 地生活一段時間。但對於繁忙的我來 說較為實際的方法卻是深度旅遊! 人 口 僅 次 於 中 國 的 印度 地 域 廣 闊,要在有限的時間內走遍它的國土 真是 天 方夜 譚。在 熱愛旅 遊攝 影的 好友楊先生的介紹下,我決定從一個 小城鎮C ochin出發,繼而認識印度 這個包涵多種宗教及語言的國家。同 行的當然 少不了一班相機不離手的 攝影同好。➤ 08 S Style ●
ver y countr y in the world i s i d e nti f i e d w i th a cu l tu ra l trait. I think of the Germans as passionate for rigour and precision, the Italians know how to primp and preen, and the Finns are very friendly people once their cool exterior melts. What about the Indians? The best way to find out the character of a city or even a n a t i o n i s o bv i o u s l y by l i v i n g among their people for a decent amount of time. But practically speaking, in-depth cultural travel is logically the way to go. ➤
Cochin 位於印度西南部沿海, 數百年前曾是外國商旅必經之路, 是一個富裕的古老港口城市。但是 很多古代名城都敵不過時代的變 遷,Cochin並沒有演化成現代大都 會,反而保留了昔日模樣,民生也 跟從前沒有多大變化。種香蕉、種 稻米、出海捕魚就是人民每天的生 活!正因為生活非常簡單,當地人 民一般都非常友善及好客。 今次攝影之旅其中一個特色便 是每天到不同地方,以不同的題材 讓同行的發燒友練習他們的攝影技 術。其中一處參觀及拍攝的地點為 Ernakulam 區內的街市。這個分為 乾貨及濕貨兩部分的街市,店舖之 間拉起了藍色尼龍布來遮擋陽光, 就像走進了一個藍色世界般! 在兩個小時的拍攝過程當中,各 商舖檔攤的東主或工友不但沒有抗 拒,相反都顯得非常雀躍。數間香 蕉店的老闆更親自選擇最好的貨品 相贈,各團友手上都多了一根蕉, 我們的鏡頭也真的成為變 「蕉」 鏡頭! 除了街市裡的驚喜外,街上的行 人、等待校車(其實是輛出租三輪 車) 的小 學生以至生活在岸邊的漁 民,都展露他們大方友善的一面! 每次看到相片中一張張誠懇又歡樂 的面孔,便感受到置身當地一樣的 喜悅!總括來說,南印度Cochin的 人民是友善、單純、好客的族群, 給了我們一個完美的回憶。
With the world’s second-largest population after China, the equally huge size of India means I need a ge ographical focus given my limited time. With a group of fellow photography enthusiasts, we began our journey in the small town of Cochin, in search of adventures in the colourfully religious, polyglot land of India. A coastal city in south-western India, Cochin used to be a ver y prosperous port in a vast global maritime trade network centuries ago. While many great old cities have been ‟moved on” with modernisation, charming Cochin hasn’ t turned into a 21st century metropolis and has by and large kept its old ways of life. A day in the life of a local revolves around banana tree care, rice paddies and fishing, and it is this simplicity that explains the warmth and hospitality of the Cochin residents. On this trip, we visited a different l o c a t i o n e a c h d a y, s o t h a t u s photography buffs could hone our skills by shooting different themes. The visit to the Ernakulam market was most memorable. Blue, sunshading canvas enveloped a maze of stalls selling goods both wet and dry. It was like entering a world of sheer
blue! As we aimed and shot nonstop for a good two hours, we were made very welcome by the market traders and workers who never once turned us away. In fact, they all got very excited about our contribution to the bazaar’s swirl of activity. Fro m th e a r r ay of m a r ket personalities, fisherfolk and children waiting for their school bus (rickshaws in fact) to people on the streets, everyone always wears a big smile in Cochin. Every time I look at the pictures I took of these joyful and down-to-earth people, I’m pleasurably transported back to Cochin, a friendly land of simple grace and perfect memories.
作者簡介 Bobby Lee 於 1976 年 開 展 他 的專業攝 影 事 業,他 更 是 80 年 代首位 加 入世 界最 大 型 攝 影 代 理 公 司 The Image Bank(現 為 Getty Images)的華籍攝影師。 現為企業攝影師的他,與亞洲各 大型企業及機構合作,炮製了不 少 獲 獎 作 品。歡 迎 瀏 覽 其 博 客。
Contributor Bobby Lee started his professional photography career in 1976. A decade later, he became the first Chinese photographer to partner with the world's largest stock photo agent The Image Bank (now Getty Images). In his current life as a corporate photographer, he has produced awardwinning proje cts for major corporate institutions in Asia. We l c o m e to r e a d h i s b l o g
S Style 09 ●
朱家欣與太太陳依齡,在喧鬧的市區 中打造了一個田園風格的品味家居。 A rustic style house created by John Chu and Irene Chu in the city Text by Laura Ho, photography by John Chu and Leo Tse
Home Deco
朱家欣的珍藏徠卡鏡頭。(朱家欣攝) Chu’s favourite Leica lenses. (Photo by John Chu)
一個人的生活品味,可從其家居 設計中略知一二。先濤數碼企 劃有限公司的創辦人朱家欣,從事創 意工業多年,其公司曾為多部著名電 影如《風雲 I 雄霸天下》、《少林足 球》、《功夫》製作視覺特技效果, 經典作品無數。身為創作人兼攝影發 燒友,對生活品味與美學的要求也一 絲不苟。難怪朱老闆的家,每一個角 落也採光度十足,處處流露出自然美 感,品味昭然若揭。 朱氏夫婦現居於一棟五層高的建 築物,不惜花上兩年時間來徹底裝 修,打造了一個約八千呎,充滿田園 風格的家,室內室外種滿花草樹木, 猶如置身於度假屋內,絲毫沒有身處 繁囂都市的感覺。對於家居生活品 味,朱老闆的見解是︰「工作之餘也 要尋找樂趣,我和太太都很注重家庭 生活,因此留在家中便成了我們的樂 趣。我不喜歡富麗堂皇的家居風格, 家最重要是舒服,家中每一個角落都 可讓我悠閒作息,例如聽古典樂、玩 相機,便是家居生活的重要一環。」
獨立空間下的生活情趣 五層的空間設計層次分明,佈局清 晰,每個區域也因應家人的需要而各 有功能。地下是飯廳及廚房,樓上各 層分別是家庭室及客廳、朱太的書房 及衣帽間、睡房樓層、朱老闆的書房 及衣帽間,而五樓則是茶室及圖書 室。夫婦兩人各有不同的嗜好及收藏 品,因此大家均有獨立的空間,同時 亦有享受天倫之樂及共同招呼親朋好 友的地方。 作為攝影愛好者的朱老闆,對相 機與鏡頭自然珍而重之。香港天氣潮 濕,所以他每天都要到書房檢查相機 櫃的濕度,以確保珍藏的徠卡相機及 鏡頭處於「舒適」的環境。而他的私 人衣帽間內也有一個收納櫃來放置徠 卡產品的舊包裝盒,他笑言︰「這些 舊包裝盒現在找不到了,是非常珍貴 的收藏。」➤
person’s lifestyle can easily be seen from his home decoration. John Chu, the founder of Centro Digital Pictures Limited, has been working in the creative business for years. His company has been responsible for the visual effects production of a number of popular films, some of which have attained classic status, such as Storm Riders , Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle . As an entrepreneur in a creative industry with a passion for photography, Chu has the same demand for lifestyle and estheticism. That’s why every part of his house enjoys natural daylight, a manifestation of natural beauty. The Chus live in a five-stor y high building. They spent two years completely renovating the abode into a 8,000 sq ft rustic home with indoor and outdoor plants, allowing one to feel like staying in a resort rather than in the heart of a hustling and bustling city. When asked about his living tastes, Chu expresses that he likes to discover the fun of life apart from working. Both he and his wife Irene have a devotion to family life. Therefore, staying home becomes their source of fun too. They do not like splendid décor style because comfort is the most important thing at home. They also want to indulge themselves in their favourite pastimes in every corner of their house,
such as listening to classical music and playing with their cameras, both of which form an integral part of family life.
Fun of life with individuality The five-story building has a very clear layout and each area has a specific function to suit the needs of family members. The ground floor accommodates the dining room and the kitchen. The floors above are the family room and living room, Irene’s study and closet, bedrooms, Chu’s study and closet, while the fifth floor is the tea room and the library. The couple enjoys their individuality by having their own collections and favourite pastimes. They have individual private zones as well as a room for family gatherings and visits from friends and relatives. With a passion for photography, Chu has to store his cameras and lenses carefully. Since humidity is high in Hong Kong, he has to check the humidity of his camera cabinets in his study daily to ensure that his Leica cameras and lenses are kept in a comfortable environment. Even in his private closet, he has kept the old packaging boxes for storing his Leica products. He says with a smile, ‟We can’t find these old packaging boxes anymore so they are precious collectibles now.” ➤ S Style 11 ●
一室明亮的圖書室。 The bright and airy library.
朱老闆從事創意工業,家中也需 要一個專屬的地方,讓他專注地與同 事們開「腦震盪」會議,於是五樓便 設計了一個別具特色的圖書室。基於 此層的樓底特別高,書櫃便建在一 列儲物櫃的上方,營造出有趣的空間 感。朱老闆除了會在圖書室內與同 事開會外,還會在這裡拍照。「我喜 歡這一排窗子,光線穿透進來時很 美。」於是便在窗前隨意放些裝飾 品,來拍攝背光效果,還沖曬成大型 照片,放在房內,相映成趣。➤ As Chu is engaged in the creative business, he also needs a special area at home for himself and his staff to have ‟brainstorming” sessions. The library on the fifth floor is particularly designed with this purpose in mind. With an especially high headroom, the book shelves are built on top of the cabinets to create a sense of space. Apart from having meetings with his staff in the library, Chu also takes pictures here. He says, ‟I like the row of windows. W h e n t h e l i g h t p e n e t r a te s t h e windows, it is so beautiful.” He has put some decorative items in front of the windows and taken pictures against the light. The pictures have been enlarged and placed in the room for decoration. ➤ 12 S Style ●
Home Deco
朱太的書房內裝置了浴室小木屋。 Irene’s study room is installed with a tea house-styled bathroom.
另一焦點之處是朱太的書房內竟 然裝置了一座小木屋,整座木屋經拆 卸後於室內重組,最後變身成她的私 人浴室。創意十足的她更找來了一艘 小木船,鑲上玻璃,改造成一張獨一 無二的書桌,躍現個人風格。➤
朱家欣於家中拍攝的作品。 Chu’s photography work using his home as subject.
It is the small wooden house i n s i d e Ire n e’s stu d y w h i c h h a s become a focal point. The whole wooden house has been dismantled a nd re bu il t i ns i d e th e stu d y to become her private bathroom. She is so creative that she has found a wooden boat and converted it into her desk, complementing the style of her room. ➤ S Style 13 ●
別具心思的朱太還為家居添置了 不少有趣的裝飾品,讓每一個角落 也都充滿驚喜,也順理成章地成為了 朱老闆鏡頭下的「攝獵」對象。不少 作品更沖曬出來掛在牆上,為家居添 上不少藝術氣息。➤ Irene has also put in a lot of interesting decorative items inside the house, bringing surprise to each corner. All of these have become the subjects of Chu’s photography. These works are being hung on the walls, adding an artistic flavour to the house. ➤
朱家欣於家中拍攝的作品。 Chu’s photography works using his home as subject.
Home Deco
位於五樓的茶室。(朱家欣攝) Tea room on the fifth floor. (Photo by John Chu)
The joy of family life
朱太喜歡品茶,朱老闆喜歡雪茄,於 是五樓也打造了一個茶室,還可以招 呼朋友喝咖啡。茶室以中式風格為 主,放置了木吊扇、仿古木床配茶几 與中式桌椅,配合從露台穿透進來的 光線,營造一空明亮的悠閒風格。坐 在這裡喝喝茶、與朋友聊聊天,邊品 嚐雪茄,實在是人生一大樂事。 愛烹飪的朱太每天也會親自下廚, 為家人炮製愛心晚餐。因此朱宅的廚 房空間感十足,設備非常齊全。朱太 亦在天台及花園內種滿香草及果樹, 讓她可隨時採摘自家種植的食材,大 顯身手。朱宅的露台也精心栽種了各 式花草植物,晚上與朋友促膝夜談, 品嚐美酒佳釀,一樂也。 對朱氏夫婦來說,讓家人及訪客待 得樂在其中,是這個家的設計重點。 其實,享受生活的方法就是做自己喜 歡的事,這個品味清雅的家,讓人足 不出戶也能享受生活,夫復何求?
Irene enjoys drinking Chinese tea while Chu loves to smoke cigars. The tea room on the fifth floor can, a p a r t f ro m s e r v i n g th e m b oth, entertain friends who love coffee. Decorated in Chinese style, the tea room has got a hanging wooden fan, vintage looking wooden bed with tea table, and matching Chinese tables and chairs. When light comes through the balcony, the room is brightly illuminated. Sitting there enjoying tea, chatting with friends and smoking cigars are all wonderful things in life. As Irene loves cooking, she likes to cook dinner for her family every day. The kitchen in the house is both spacious and fully equipped. She has planted herbs and fruit trees on the roof and in the garden. She
can easily pick up natural and fresh ingredients to prepare the meals. The balconies are also full of plants and flowers. The family and their friends alike all love to stay on the balconies to enjoy the wine and the feeling of being surrounded by the plants and flowers. To the couple, the main design theme of the house is to provide a comfortable environment for family and visiting friends. Indeed, the way to enjoy life is to pursue what one loves to do. Who will expect more if you can enjoy your way of life within the realms of your house with such elegant taste? S Style 15 ●
DESIGN PERFECTION 擁有超過 70 年歷史的德國電子產品品牌 Metz,以超卓的設計及工藝, 帶來一系列精雕細琢的電視機,為用家提供嶄新的家庭影音娛樂。 With more than 70 year s of histor y and a commitment to exceptional design and workmanship, German electronic brand Metz offers a new dimension in home entertainment with its range of exquisitely crafted televisions. Text by Helen Dalley
作為德國歷史最悠久的電子消 費產品公司之一,Metz 在過 去 70 多年來一直於德國研發及生 產電 視機與閃光 燈等產品。Metz 堅持以質素為先,不惜工本地採 用最優質上乘的物料來生產,確 保產品的高品質及耐用性。隨著 現 代 電 視 機 的「 塑 膠 化 」,Metz 仍然以 1950 年代生產的電視機為 靈感,無論是玻璃螢光幕及木製 的 電 視 機 身, 均 彰 顯 傳 統 美 學, 而且所有零件均一律於德國製造, 絕對是品質的保證。 大多數現今生產的電視機均採用 塑膠機身,然而 Metz 卻以匠心獨運 的工藝,利用木材與金屬打造出充滿 美感的電視機。 相比塑膠,木材是更優越的物料, Metz 電視的木製電視框比塑膠更➤
ne of the longest-established consumer electronics companies i n G e r m a n y, M e t z h a s b e e n
developing and manufacturing its products including TVs and flash units in Germany for more than seven decades. Continuing to draw inspiration from the robust design of its early TV models in the 1950s, the company prioritises quality over cost, insisting on the best quality materials to ensure excellence and durability. T h i s a p p ro a c h f avo u r s t h e aesthetic of traditional television over the often ‟plastic” feel of modern TVs, and all elements – from the glass screen to the wooden frame – are produced in Germany to guarantee the quality of every last component. ➤
Metz TV
能吸收雜音及震動,提供更佳音質。 另外,品牌也用上金屬來鑲嵌所有 零件,確保機身更堅固,可安全地 嵌上牆上,也更為耐用。 另外,有別於現今普遍使用的亞 加力膠單層隔層螢幕,Metz 電視機 堅持採用雙層防折射玻璃隔層,貫 徹品牌不惜工本及只選用最佳物料 的宗旨。由於 Metz 同時生產相機閃 光燈,因此能把專業相機原理運用 在電視機上。玻璃螢幕如同相機鏡 頭,可令影像質素更為上乘。 總括來說,Metz 電視不但是完 美畫質的信心保證,其精湛的工藝 及無與倫比的設計美學,更令電視 機化身成家居藝術品。
Most televisions produced today have plastic frames. Metz TVs, however, are expertly crafted compositions of wood and metal that aesthetically leaves nothing to be desired. Recognising the superiority of wood over plastic as a material, Metz’s TV wooden frame can absorb noise and vibrations to deliver better sound quality. Metz also uses metal to ensure the whole structure has the strength to hold all the components inside. The television can be securely mounted onto the wall for added durability.
Proving its commitment to the best materials regardless of cost, Metz TVs feature a glass screen with double-sided anti-reflective contrast filter instead of a commonly used acrylic screen with single coating. As Metz also produces camera flashes, it transfers this expert photographic knowledge to television. Just like camera lenses, TVs with glass screens ensure excellent picture quality. Choosing a Metz TV for your home not only guarantees maximum viewing quality: the exquisite craftsmanship and unrivalled design together create a work of art.
Primus 55 3D Primus 是 Metz 液 晶 電 視 的 旗 艦 級 系 列,其 最 新 Primus 55 3D 型 號 糅 合 尖 端 科 技,包 括 3D LED 技 術及 mecavisionHD 圖像處理器,為家庭影音娛樂開 創新里程。另外,景深十足的無閃爍全高清 3D 效果及 mecaSoundpro 數位訊號技術,配備 2 組獨立高低分音 的單元及低音導管,媲美影院的震撼效果。其全新多媒 體播放系統配合串流,讓用家以電視介面播放外置短片、 相片及音樂,帶來前所未有的視覺享受。 Metz 電視將於 8 月 9 日至 11 日參加於香港會議展 覽中心舉行的香港高級視聽展(F01 攤位),歡迎參觀。 The latest model from Metz, the Primus 55 3D from the brand’s flagship Primus range, is characterised with technical features that set new standards including 3D LED technology and mecavisionHD image processing technology. Its dazzling flicker-free HD 3D display with impressive spatial depth and mecaSoundpro sound system with an effective bass reflex system rounds out the home cinema experience. The Primus 55 offers modern networking options thanks to the new Metz Media System function, which enables viewers to run videos, photos or music through the television. See Metz TVs at the AV show at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (booth F01) from 9-11 August.
S Style 17 ●
A WINDOW 城市之窗 ON THE WORLD 曾 多 次 以 白 宮 為 創 作 主 題 的 藝 術 家 Sharie Hatchett Bohlmann(Roxy), 以「亞洲 8 Roxy 藝術系列」捕捉亞洲主要城市獨特的精神面貌。 White House-approved artist Sharie Hatchett Bohlmann (Roxy) aims to capture the unique spirit of Asia’s leading cities with her Asia 8 Roxy Art series. Text by Helen Dalley
The Spirit of the Dragon
18 S Style ●
Miami Beat
知 名 的 美 籍 藝 術 家 Sharie 國 際Hatchett Bohlmann (亦被稱 為 Roxy)除了在藝 術品市場上內無 人不曉,其作品亦備受名人明星的寵 愛。她以玩味十足的畫風、生動鮮明 的色彩與豐富的細節,捕捉每個城市 的重要時刻與景物,無論是紐約佈滿 霓虹燈的街道,或威尼斯浪漫滿溢的 運河及寧靜的橫街,均盡收畫布上。
窗外有藍天 在 她 的 得 獎 藝 術 書 籍《Rooms With a View》 中,Roxy 自 述 了 她 的年輕歲月。她曾是一名獲獎跳水 選 手, 後 來 成 為 Playboy 俱 樂 部 的兔女郎,招待法蘭.仙納杜拉等 一眾名人顧客。但熱愛藝術的她始 終不忘繪畫,在學校裡從不放過任 何與藝術有關的活動。於家鄉德州 初出道時便已受前總統喬治布殊及 詹森賞識而購入她的作品,其後於 全美國舉行藝術展,收納了不少愛 戴者。鍾情於佛羅里達州的蔚藍天 空 與 碧 綠 海 水,Roxy 於 1970 年 代搬至西礁島,並開設首家藝廊, 其 作 品 亦 於 Gingerbread Square Gallery 及 Martello Museum Gallery 展 出。 其 後,Roxy 在 法 蘭. 仙 納 杜 拉 於 Palm Springs 舉行的貴賓酒會遇上畢生摯愛 Dan Bohlmann, 兩 人 於 1990 年 結婚,恩愛至今。➤
Las Vegas
merican artist Sharie Hatchett Bohlmann (recognised worldwide as ‟Roxy”) is a veteran of the collectible art world, and has long been a favourite of the celebrity set. The artist’s whimsical style is typified by vibrant colours and rich detail that capture a moment in time, from the bustling, neon-clad streets of New York to the romantic canals and quiet, shady side streets of Venice.
Rooms with a View Her award-winning biographical art book, Rooms With a View traces the ar tist’s early days – first as an award-winning diver then as a Playboy bunny meeting the likes of Frank Sinatra – and showcases the different series of paintings from the artist. A keen painter from an early age – she was the ‟go-to girl” for all art projects at school – she sold work to former presidents George Bush and Lyndon Johnson as a fledgling artist in her home state of Texas, and she picked up more fans by holding art shows all over the US. Inspired by its cobalt-blue skies and ethereal turquoise waters, Roxy moved to Key West in the 1970s
to open her first art gallery, where she also exhibited at Gingerbread Square Gallery and Martello Museum Gallery. On a personal level, she met the love of her life, Dan Bohlmann, at a VIP Frank Sinatra reception in Palm Springs and they married soon after meeting in 1990.
Celebrity Collectors Roxy has continued her association with the White House by creating artworks for eight US presidential families including ‟Easter at the White House” for the permanent White House Collection commissioned by President Ronald and wife Nancy Reagan. The artist was also personally commissioned by President Bill and wife Hillary Clinton to paint ‟Holiday at the White House” in 1999, and he has called Roxy ‟a national treasure”. Some of her artworks were later turned into puzzles and Bill Clinton was among the collectors. With a career spanning more than 40 years, Roxy’s works have attracted the attention of many other A-listers from the worlds of business, politics and celebrity. Collectors of her work past and present have included Richard Branson, Frank Sinatra, ➤ S Style 19 ●
被前總統克林頓與夫人希拉里 委託創作的「在白宮度假」。 ‟Holiday at the White House” was commissioned by President Bill and Hillary Clinton.
名人收藏家 Roxy 延續與白宮的淵緣,曾為 8 位 前美國總統創作,包括被前總統朗 奴 • 列根與夫人南茜委託,為白宮永 久收藏系統創作「在白宮的復活節」 (Easter at the White House)。 她 更 被前總統克林頓與夫人希拉里私人委 託創作「在白宮度假」(Holiday at the White House)。克林頓不但稱 Roxy 為「國寶」,她的某些畫作更被製作 成拼圖,成為克林頓的收藏之一。 在超過 40 年的創作生涯中,Roxy 的作品吸引了眾多知名的商界、政 界人士與名流的青睞,收藏家計有 李察.布蘭森、法蘭.仙納杜拉、地 產大亨唐納德.特朗普、伊莉莎白. 泰萊、阿諾舒華.辛力加、米高積遜 與納爾遜.曼德拉。 才華橫溢的 Roxy 以獨特的簽名式 畫風,贏盡同儕與全球收藏家的尊敬, 亦為她贏得不少獎項。Roxy 的畫風多 變,除了天馬行空的趣味風格外,她 亦擅長印象派的創作風格,「威尼斯 人」 (Venetian)與「浪漫」 (Romantic) 作品系列便是其代表作。➤ 20 S Style ●
Donald Trump, Elizabeth Taylor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Jackson and Nelson Mandela. Roxy’s talent has earned her the respect of peers and collectors worldwide thanks to her unique copyrighted st yle, and she has garnered many ‟ Best of Show ” awards during her career. While known for her whimsical approach, sh e a lso has a strong maste r y of Impressionism, which is best showcased in her ‟Venetian” and ‟Romantic” series of paintings.
The Spirit of Hong Kong Roxy’s ‟Time Capsule” paintings celebrate all that is great about a particular metropolis. One of her latest creations in this series is The Spirit of the Dragon – a customdesigned piece that captures Hong Kong’s trademark sk yline and Victoria Harbour in rich, bright colours painted in her trademark
fanciful style. Framed by colourful dragons, the painting includes old and new Hong Kong attractions as the Cultural Centre, the Convention a n d E x hi b i ti o n C e ntre, th e B i g B u d d h a, th e Pe a k, D i s n ey l a n d and Wong Tai Sin Temple. Like her previous works in this series, it preserves the city’s major icons on canvas for future generations. ‟ My f irst visit to Hong Kong w a s 2 0 y e a r s a g o, a n d I w a s amazed by the changes to Hong Kong’s cityscape in recent years. However, Victoria Harbour is still as beautiful as before, as is the spirit of the Hong Kong people. The city deserves a painting to record its spirit”, says Roxy. ‟ The Spirit of the Dragon” is part of the Asia 8 Roxy Art series, which also pays tribute to seven other great Asian cities: Singapore, Shanghai, Sydney, Macau, Kuala L u m p u r, B e i j i n g a n d To k y o.➤
Reflections of Victoria Habour
Space Falls
彰顯香港精神 Roxy 的「 時 間 囊 」 系 列 表 揚 國 際 大 都 會 的 美 好 事 物, 最 新 作 品 「The Spirit of the Dragon」便以鮮 艷的色彩及夢幻風格,把香港著名 的天際線與維多利亞港呈現出來。 畫中以兩條彩色繽紛的巨龍作框架, 描繪了香港新舊交融的景點如文化 中心、會展、天壇大佛、山頂、迪 士尼與黃大仙廟,把香港的重要地 標紀錄在畫布上,為下一代留下美 好回憶。 Roxy 說︰「我 20 年前曾到訪香 港,近年重遊舊地,發現這城市經 歷了重大的改變,但唯獨維港仍然 美麗如昔,香港人的拚搏精神也同 樣沒變,因此值得以畫作把這些統 統紀錄下來。」 「The Spirit of the Dragon」是「亞 洲 8 Roxy 藝術系列」中的作品之一, 其他 7 個亞洲城市還有新加坡、上海、 悉尼、澳門、吉隆坡、北京與東京。 Roxy 的「時間囊」系列同樣以城市 風貌為題,計有倫敦、拉斯維加斯、 紐約、三藩市、芝加哥及邁阿密。
The artist has also created similar works that capture the inimitable spirit of London, Las Vegas, New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Miami.
「The Spirit of the Dragon」原版作品已投保,價值達 108,000 美元。親筆簽 署具編號的限量版原稿備有 seri-giclees 畫布版本及 3D 限量版本,連同證明 書及估值。有興趣的人士可致電 (852) 3650 0668 查詢。 The original artwork of The Spirit of the Dragon is insured and valued at US$108,000 with limited editions of the original available in hand signed and numbered seri-giclees on canvas and 3-D limited editions, with certificates of authenticity and estimated values included with all art sales. Interested parties can call (852) 3650 0668 for enquiry.
S Style 21 ●
GEMS FROM ITALY Usiglian del Vescovo 這個擁有千年歷史的酒莊,在一輪破舊立新的改革下,釀製出令人喜出望外的佳釀。 Thanks to a flow of innovations, exciting vintages from the millennium-old winery Usiglian del Vescovo will soon be hitting the market. Text by Thomas Chung Photos courtesy of Usiglian del Vescovo
馬可•波 羅的《馬可• 意大利人 波羅遊記》記錄了他在中國的所 見所聞,不少是關於葡萄園和葡萄酒 的記載。「過了北京的盧溝橋西行約 四十八公里,經過一個地方,那裏遍地 都是葡萄園。」可見葡萄酒在中國和意 大利結下不解之緣。明朝末年,意大利 籍神父利瑪竇來到中土,徐光啟得到 他的啟蒙而受洗,更成為科學家,所著 的《農政全書》也有葡萄種植與釀酒 的描述。
意義深遠 意大利是歐洲最早擁有葡萄酒的國 度,羅馬帝國期間的一段時期甚至禁 止在境外種植葡萄。說起意大利酒, 最具代表性的是姬雁蒂(Chianti),矮 矮胖胖的瓶子套在稻草包裡,憨狀可 掬。可惜近年這種包裝已不多見,原因 是成本高,存放也成問題,現在大都改 用波爾多型瓶子。➤ 22 S Style ●
n The Travels of Marco Polo , the Italian explorer frequently referred to vineyards and wines that he encountered in China. ‟After about 48 kilometres west of Beijing’s Lu Kou Bridge, I found myself in a rich land of vineyards.” With this discovery, a bond based on wine between China and Italy was born. During the late Ming dynasty, Italian Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci came to China and converted the historical figure Xu Guangqi to Catholicism. As a scientist, Xu wrote the Complete Tre ati s e o n Ag r i c u l tu re , w h i c h contains references to grape farming and winemaking.
Chianti legacy Italy was the first European country to be endowed with wine and the
Roman people were once banned from growing grapes outside the empire. Historically bottled in a squat ‟fiasco”, Chianti is the best known of all Italian wines. It is a shame that the cute straw basket look has now been largely replaced by the Bordeaux bottle due to cost and storage reasons.
Evolution of Tuscan wines I’ ve be e n v isiting Tosc a na, the home of Chianti, for the past two years. In this culturally rich land, it is the delightful wines that provide the biggest draw. Chianti used to be Toscana’s most iconic product before it fell out of favour with wine drinkers. Later, the region’s winemakers split into three sets: progressives, those who retained ➤
Usiglian del Vescovo
托斯卡納葡萄酒之變革 連續兩年,我拜訪了姬雁蒂的所 在地托斯卡納(Toscana),這裡的文 化藝術氣息濃得化不開,一磨上就捨 不得走,但滿街滿巷的雕像豈及美酒 吸引?姬雁蒂酒區覆蓋了托斯卡納的 心臟地帶,曾經是該地最有代表性的 產物,卻有過一段不很光輝的日子。 後來,這地區的業界大致分了三個派 別︰有積極求變的、有將傳統保留而 在技術上尋求改革的,當然也死守傳 統的一派。有目共睹的是,前兩派方 向正確,讓這酒區於近年再現光芒, 衍生出超級托斯卡和經過技術革命的 姬雁蒂。
千年酒莊的現代佳釀 面前的葡萄酒是來自區內一 個 上 千 年 歷 史 的 酒 莊 Usiglian del Vescovo, 這 地 區 只 有 約 200 名 居 民,都以務農為主。千百年來村民日 出而作,日入而息,在海拔 200 米的 山坡上,每天踏著遠古時代曾經是一 片汪洋的土壤,眺望著第勒尼安海的 美景,任何改變都是遙不可及的事, 直 到 2001 年 Luisa Angelini 的 出 現。 Luisa 來 自 意 大 利 顯 赫 的 Angelini 家 族,1997 年開創了自己的事業,其中
一項便是購入這個酒莊。她為這片遼 闊的土地披上超級托斯卡的新衣,也 將姬雁蒂的傳統改革。佔地 160 公 頃 的 莊 園 內, 有 15 公 頃 是 生 產 高 品質初榨橄欖油的橄欖園,另外還 花 了 8 年 重 新 栽 種 了 18 公 頃 的 葡 萄,包括赤霞珠、梅鹿、施赫、霞 多麗和維奧涅等品種,當然少不了 聖祖血 Sangiovese(原意是「萬神 之神宙斯的血」),既出產國際品 種的超級托斯卡,也有改革後的傳 統姬雁蒂。因應風土(Terroir)的差 異,各種葡萄分佈在不同特質的葡 萄園內,每公頃只栽 5,000 株及使 用人手採摘,以保持產品的質素。 這裡的風土條件得天獨厚,帶沙質 的土壤於遠古時本來是海床,因地 殼變動形成山嶺,所以裡面充滿了 海洋生物的化石;年中雨量均衡, 海風更調節了盛夏的炎熱,使日夜 溫差很大。莊園裡也大興土木,除 維修了有歷史價值的建築物外,更 建造了新的酒窖,將原來暮氣沉沉 的鄉郊農莊重新活化起來。值得一 提 的 是 Luisa 的 遠 見, 這 個 酒 莊 所 使用的器械,全部 都是無損生態環 境(eco-friendly) 的, 當然 要 有 環 保良心,成本便提高了。
their traditions but sought new techniques, and arch-traditionalists. The first two groups are now reaping the rewards of their boldness, as the Super Tuscans and modern Chiantis that they produce bring glory once again to the region.
Old winery with modern vintage One such success story is Usiglian del Vescovo, a millennium-old winery overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. For centuries, life had followed a very traditional pattern in this farming community of 200 inhabitants but change came, perhaps finally, in 2001 when the entrepreneur Luisa Angelini of the prominent Angelini family in Italy took over the winery, innovated Chianti wine making and brought Super Tuscans to the vast 160 hectare estate. The revamped vineyards have since yielded 18 hectares of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Chardonnay, Viognier and Sangiovese, after an eight-year growing period. To e nsure top qua lit y, the re are no more than 5,000 plants per hectare and the grapes are handharvested. The vineyard stands on what was once a prehistoric ocean, and it enjoys a fine terroir based on brackish sandy soil, even rainfall and sea breezes on summer evenings. Angelini also restored historical buildings in the vineyard, built a new cellar, and introduced eco-friendly machinery.
S Style 23 ●
Il Grullaio (IGT) 2011
24 S Style â—?
Chianti (DOCG) 2010
Il Cina (IGT) 2009
Usiglian del Vescovo
了解過酒莊的背景後,我開始品嚐旗下的三款紅酒。 That's the winery's past and present in a nutshell. Now let's introduce its three red wines:
Il Grullaio (IGT) 2011 以赤霞珠、聖祖血和梅鹿調兌,低溫短期浸漬,沒有木桶貯藏,保留了她的清 爽特性。 色: 閃爍的紅寶石至淡紫羅蘭 香: 馥郁而清新的甜漿果香 味: 入口先嚐到一絲鹹,緊接的酸使我想起「么鳳」的涼果,中度酒體不算 圓順,欲很爽口,口腔裡滿是未熟透的甜李子,餘韻頗短。 配: 略為冰鎮會是很好的餐前酒;意大利薄餅與拿破崙意大利粉是好配搭, 中菜則可配仁稔醬蒸花腩肉。 窖: 多放 1 年或會更好,但並不宜久藏。
Chianti (DOCG) 2010 葡萄以聖祖血為主,於 1,800 公升木桶中醞釀 6 個月,瓶內熟成 5 個月。 色: 深寶石紅 香: 幽幽的花香帶點玉桂和甘草氣味,櫻桃、李子等紅漿果的酸香緊接著刺 激我的嗅覺神經。 味: 使人迷戀的酸刺激了唾腺,酒體不算豐滿,不太張烈的丹寧在喉嚨間流 連,餘韻與食物融為一體。 配: 意大利紅燒牛膝 Osso Buco;酸筍紅燒鴨。 窖: 約 3 至 5 年會更佳
A blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Sangiovese. Short maceration at low temperatures. No oak barrels are involved, hence the wine’s refreshing character. Colour: Ruby, with violet nuance. Palate: An opening streak of brine followed by a sour tang recalls traditional Chinese pickled fruits. A medium body, not exactly round, but very smooth. The sensation is a mouthful of sweet plums that are yet to fully ripen. A rather short aftertaste. Match: An excellent aperitif when slightly chilled. Pizzas and spaghetti napolitana, pork belly steamed in Chinese goosebery sauce. Aging: Another year may enhance the wine though it's not intended for long storage.
Mainly Sangiovese, it is aged for six months in 18hl barrels, then five months in the bottle. Colour: Deep ruby red. Nose: Floral with hints of cinnamon and liquorice. Excitingly sour notes of cherries, plums and red berries. Palate: A captivating acidic kick. Not exactly full-bodied, and the not particularly hard tannins linger in the throat, with the aftertaste blending into the food. Match: Osso buco, stewed duck with pickled bamboo shoots. Aging: Even better after 3 –5 years.
Il Cina (IGT) 2009 是酒莊的旗艦,調兌每年不同,2009 是 60% 施赫、20% 赤霞珠和 20% 聖祖 血的組合,於 1,800 公升木桶中醞釀 10-12 個月,瓶內熟成 12 個月。 色: 帶光澤的深沉櫻桃紅 香: 甜椒,緊接而來的黑胡椒等辛香,稍作呼吸後,杯內飄蕩著煮水果的香 味。 味: 口感豐滿圓滑卻不濃重。辛香在口腔內延續,微微帶點乾棗甜香;果酸 清洌,使人有吃的衝動。丹寧柔和,咽後胡椒味再臨,餘韻頗堪玩味。 開瓶後 2 小時,質感越來越像天鵝絨般柔滑和厚重,顏色更趨沉鬱,口 感細膩中見澎湃。 配: 黑松露燒雞;百年陳皮蒸薄切金錢。 窖: 5 年後會是另一番景象
The blend of this flagship wine is variable. The 2009 vintage is 60 percent Syrah, 20 percent Cabernet Sauvignon and 20 percent Sangiovese. The wine ferments for 10 – 12 months in 18hl barrels before it ages for 12 months in bottle. Colour: A shiny, deep cherry red. Nose: Sweet pepper, chased by notes of black pepper and other spicy scents. A fruity fragrance after swirling. Palate: Rich but not heavy. Lingering spicy aromatics reveal the sweet hints of dry dates and a crisply acidic character. Soft tannins. Peppery flavours return after swallowing to produce an intriguing aftertaste. After two hours, the wine smoulders into a darker hue, tastes richer and more velvety, and develops a texture that is subtle yet expansive. Match: Roast chicken with black truffles, minced beef with aged tangerine peel. Aging: Expect new surprises in another five years.
S Style 25 ●
肉類︰ 500g 鴨胸肉、10g 迷迭香、15g 無鹽牛油、鹽及 胡椒 • 從有皮的一面開始,以中火煎鴨胸直至脆皮效果, 然後快速煎封另一面。離鑊後置於一旁待用。
櫻桃果醋︰ 200g 新鮮櫻桃、15g 糖、80g 白酒醋 • 先去除櫻桃核,混入糖及醋,煮至軟熟。置於一 旁待冷。
香煎鴨胸櫻桃果醋及乳酪 配飲Usiglian Del Vescovo的Il Grullaio Duck breast with cherry vinegar and yoghurt Pairs with Il Grullaio from Usiglian del Vescovo 總廚Andrea Spagoni︰ 「Grullaio味道簡單,容易 入口,是餐前酒之選。因 此我將之配以一道前菜。 乳酪及櫻桃果醋能把此酒 提升至另一層次。」 ‟ Perfect as an apertif, Il Grullaio is easy to drink and not too complex. So I paired it with an appetiser. Yo g h u r t a n d c h e r r y vinegar can bring the wine to a different level.” Chef Andrea Spagoni
乳酪︰ 60g 無糖原味乳酪、10g 糖、5g 檸檬汁、10g 特 級初榨橄欖油、鹽及胡椒 • 混合所有材料,避免出現塊狀。
Meat: 500g duck breast, 10g rosemary, 15g unsalted butter, salt and pepper • Pan-fry the duck breast starting from the skin side on medium heat to obtain a crispy skin, then quickly sear it on the other side. Let it rest and keep aside.
Cherry vinegar: 200g fresh cherries, 15g sugar, 80g white wine vinegar • Remove the seeds from the cherries, cook with sugar and vinegar until soft. Chill.
Yoghurt sauce: 60g unsweetened yoghurt, 10g sugar, 5g lemon juice, 10g extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper • Mix all ingredients until smooth. 最後步驟︰ 將鴨胸切成薄片,淋上櫻桃果醋,用匙舀起乳酪 置於旁邊。 Serving: Slice the breast thinly, drizzle with cherry vinegar and serve with a dollop of yoghurt on the side.
高級意大利餐廳Domani的行政總廚Andrea Spagoni,以意大利托斯卡納最常見的三種肉類設計三道菜食譜,來配搭 Usiglian Del Vescovo三款紅酒。 Andrea Spagoni, Executive Chef of Italian fine dinning restaurant Domani, creates a special three-course recipe using three popular meats in Tuscany, to pair with three distinguished red from Usiglian del Vescovo.
兔肉茴香粉釀意式雲吞配dolceforte 醬汁 配飲Usiglian Del Vescovo的Chianti Rabbit and fennel pollen filled ravioli with dolceforte sauce Pairs with Chianti from Usiglian del Vescovo 總廚 Andrea Spagoni ︰「茴香擁有強烈的香氣, 而 dolceforte 醬汁則是兔肉的絕配。兔肉是托斯卡 納區常見的肉食,但也可以雞肉代替。以此菜式配 搭 Chianti,相得益彰。」 ‟Fennel has a strong aroma, and dolceforte sauce is best to go with rabbit meat. Rabbit meat is very popular in Tuscany, but it can be substituted with chicken if you prefer. The combination complements and enhances the palate of the Chianti.” - Chef Andrea Spagoni ➤
26 S Style ●
麵糰︰ 雞蛋 2 隻、蛋黃 4 隻、300g 麵粉 • 所有材料攪拌成麵糰,置於雪櫃約 30 分鐘,然 後壓成薄薄的雲吞皮。
餡料︰ 300g 兔肉(可以雞肉代替)、40g 胡蘿蔔、50g 韭 葱、40g 芹 菜、5g 鼠 尾 草、5g 迷 迭 香、80ml 白酒、50g 忌廉、20g 茴香粉(可以茴香籽代替)、 鹽及胡椒 • 把蔬菜及兔肉分別以焗爐烤至金黃色,然後將兩 者混合,加入白酒,煮至軟身。離火後待冷,再 用絞肉機絞碎,加入忌廉、茴香粉、鹽及胡椒。
醬汁︰ 300g 豬碎肉(瘦肉)、80g 洋蔥、40g 胡蘿蔔、 40g 芹菜、80g 白酒、100g 紅酒醋、肉桂棒、月 桂 葉、20g 葡 萄 乾、10g 蜜 糖、10g 黑 朱 古 力、 蔬菜高湯 • 豬碎肉以高火烤熟,蔬菜輕烤,然後把兩者混 合,加入白酒及紅酒醋,蓋以蔬菜高湯。慢火 煮至杰身。拌入葡萄乾、蜜糖及黑朱古力。➤
Wine Pairing Recipes
烤豬腩肉配辣根芹菜根濃醬 配飲Usiglian Del Vescovo的Cina Roasted pork belly with horseradish and celeriac purèe Pairs with Il Cina from Usiglian del Vescovo
• Work the ingredients together until the dough is combined. Let it rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Then roll it down to obtain a thin sheet of pasta to make the ravioli.
Filling: 300g rabbit meat (can be substituted with chicken), 40g carrot, 50g leek, 40g celery, 5g sage, 5g rosemary, 80ml white wine, 50g cream, 20g fennel pollen (can be substituted with fennel seeds), salt and pepper • Roast the vegetables and the meat separately in the oven until golden brown, then combine the two and glaze with wine, cook it until very tender. Remove from heat and let it cool down. Put the whole mix into a mincer. Add cream, fennel pollen, salt and pepper to the mixture.
Sauce: 300g pork meat trimming (lean), 80g onion, 40g carrot, 40g celery, 80g white wine, 100g red
濃醬︰ 300g 芹菜根、60g 薯仔、80g 韭葱、80g 辣根、 200g 牛奶、100g 忌廉、60g 特級冷壓橄欖油 • 把所有蔬果清洗後切粒,略烤一下,再倒入牛 奶、忌廉及橄欖油,煮至蔬果軟熟。然後倒入 攪拌機,攪成順滑的濃醬。
600g trimmed pork belly, 10g orange zest, 10g sage, 6 black pepper corns, salt • Season the pork belly with all ingredients and roast in the oven at 140 degree Celsius until soft (cooking time is determined by the size of the meat).
Purèe: 300g celeriac, 60g potato, 80g leek, 80g horseradish, 200g milk, 100g cream, 60g extra virgin olive oil
‟The Cina is definitely the most complex wine among the three, so it is best to pair it with food which has a complex taste. Horseradish has a sharp and stimulating taste and the celeriac purèe has a rich flavour, making the pork belly a perfect match with the Cina.” - Chef Andrea Spagoni
• 豬腩肉以調味料調味,放入焗爐以攝氏 140 度 烤至軟熟。(時間以肉的大小而定)
總廚 Andrea Spagoni ︰ 「Cina 絕 對 是 三 瓶 酒 中最複雜的,配上同樣 口味複雜的食物便最適 合不過了。刺激的辣根 與濃郁的芹菜根濃醬, 配 上 肥 美 的 豬 腩 肉, 便 是 此 瓶 Cina 的 最 佳 伴侶。」
2 eggs, 4 egg yolks, 300g flour
肉類︰ 600g 豬腩肉塊、10g 橙皮碎、10g 鼠尾草、6 顆 黑胡椒粒、鹽
• Wash and dice the vegetables, then roast gently. Pour in milk, cream and olive oil, and cook the vegetables until very soft. Process the mix in a blender into a smooth purèe. 最後步驟︰ 於碟的中央放入一湯匙的濃醬,把豬腩肉置於 其上。 Serving: Pour a spoon of purèe in the centre of the plate and place a cube of pork belly on top of it.
wine vinegar, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 bay leaf, 20g raisins, 10g honey, 10g dark chocolate • Roast the meat in the oven on a high heat. Toast the vegetables and combine with the meat. Drizzle with wine and vinegar and cover with vegetable stock. Let it simmer until the reduction becomes thick. Add chopped raisins, honey and chocolate. 最後步驟︰ 兔肉餡料以雲吞皮包裹,用鹽水把意式雲吞煮約 兩分鐘。瀝乾水份後,加入醬汁來繼續煮約兩分 鐘,然後上碟。 Serving: Fold the rabbit filling into the pasta sheets, then cook the ravioli in salted water for about two minutes. Remove from the water and continue to cook the ravioli with the sauce for another two minutes before serving.
名廚 Andrea Spagoni 的星級履歷非常詳盡,曾效 力於多家米芝蓮星級餐廳,包括曾任意大利 Ristorante Pier Bussetti al Castello di Govone 的行政總廚,及於紐約的 NOBU 及佛羅倫斯的 Rossini 為名人明星烹調名菜。現時,他是香港 Domani 意大利餐廳的行政總廚。 Celebrated chef Andrea Spagoni bears a starstudded resume under his belt. Chef Andrea brings his extensive experience from Michelin Star-rated restaurants – among them are Ristorante Pier Bussetti al Castello di Govone of Italy, where he was a Partner and Executive Chef; the famous NOBU of New York, and Rossini of Florence, where he cooked for rock stars and celebrities. Currently, he is the Executive Chef of Domani in Hong Kong.
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German vintages 讓人對德國葡萄酒另眼相看的佳作 Germany exports fine wines once again
早導期香港人被一些廉價德國酒誤 ,以為德國只出產白酒,而且 都是糖漿一樣沒個性的酒精液體。其 實德國人愛把好東西留給自己而已。 時移世易,近年德國人不再單喝自己 的佳釀。根據「國際葡萄酒組織」的 數據,2010 年葡萄酒進口最大國是德 國,所以他們也願意把好酒賣到國外 去,我們才能在市面買到上佳的德國 酒,不單有白,也有紅。 早前喝了來自德國東部薩克森州 Schloss Proschwitz 的葡萄酒,Schloss Proschwitz 是該區最古老的堡壘酒坊, 柏林圍牆被推倒後,古堡於 1990 年重 投原主利柏王子家族所有。出品是傳統 智慧和現代思維的結晶,更摻進了保護 地球的使命,將「無損生態環境」的概 念融入生產中。據說酒莊的設備多元化, 且供應住宿,有機會一定要到那裡待幾 天,感受一下日耳曼風情。
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n Hong Kong, German wines have traditionally meant cheap white wines, but that’s only because the Germans have kept the best for themselves for a long time. In recent years, however, they’ve started embracing foreign wines, so much so that Germany was the world’s biggest wine importer in 2010 according to the International Organisation of Vine and W ine. With a more balanced consumption pattern, the country is now exporting their fine whites and reds once again. Recently, I sample some vintages by Schloss Proschwitz, the oldest castle winery in Saxony. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the castle returned to the family of Prinz zur Lippe in 1990. The estate’s wines artfully distill age-old wisdom with modern ideas, and they place great emphasis on an
Text by Thomas Chung
environmentally-friendly production process. The well-equipped winery also provides accommodation for visitors.
Schloss Proschwitz
以下是 Schloss Proschwitz 出 品 的 佳釀,值得和大家分享。 We r e comme nd the following Schloss Proschwitz vintages:
1. Schloss Proschwitz, Prinz zur Lippe, 2011 Rosé Qualitätswein Trocken 粉紅酒在香港市場的佔有率不大,但在 炎炎夏日,喝一杯高質素的冰涼粉紅酒 實在是賞心樂事。此粉紅酒晶瑩桃紅, 氣息清新,帶草莓和花香,搖杯後竟然 還有點烤果仁香。並不單薄的口感介乎 白酒和紅酒之間,酸甜頗為平衡,一絲 丹寧在喉間略作徘徊,與燈影牛肉匹配 得天衣無縫。 What better way to enjoy the summer than with a glass of chilled Rosé? Clear and cherry-red, this Rosé carries a crisp nose blend of strawberries and floral blossoms. Swirling produces a suprise aroma of roast almonds. It has a layered texture that lies between a red and a white, a pleasant sweet/ sour balance, and a trace of tannins that linger slightly in the throat. A perfect match with Sichuan Dengying beef.
3. Schloss Proschwitz, Prinz zur Lippe, 2008 Dornfelder Trocken Barrique 此黑葡萄是少有能在清涼氣候中造出濃 郁厚重質感的土生新品種。經 18 個月 木桶醞釀期熟成的紅酒,在杯內紅得不 透光,略為搖動,不同的香氣如藍莓、 黑莓及丁香等辛辣香味便奪杯而出。在 口腔裡她很豐滿,卻又有溫柔的一面, 輕輕的在舌頭和牙縫間流動,黑漿果味 襯托雲尼拿的甜香相得益彰,丹寧柔軟 但餘韻悠長。此酒完全改觀了我對德國 紅酒的印象,用來配四川名菜「夫妻肺 片」,簡直就是夫妻檔。
2. Schloss Proschwitz, Prinz zur Lippe, 2011 Weissburgunder Trocken Weissburgunder 就 是 白 比 諾 的 德 國 名 字,色澤金黃中泛出一點青,傳到鼻端 是誘人的榛子香,搖杯後出現了青蘋果 味,然後飄出似有若無的新出龍井。果 仁、青蘋果、燈籠果的味道在口腔內四 竄,酸味清新,質感溜滑,收結有明顯 的礦物鹹。此酒有點霞多麗的影子,卻 是樸素的小家碧玉,配上四川豆酥魚, 絲絲入扣。 A tint of green seeps through the golden hue of this Pinot Blanc. The aroma of hazelnut greets the nose, followed by green apple notes with swirling, before the tantalising scent of freshly brewed Longjing tea hits. Almond, green apple and dragon fruit flavours permeate the mouth. Zesty and smooth-bodied, it peaks with a salty mineral finish. This Pinot Blanc may bear a certain resemblance to Chardonnay but it’s best described as a modest little gem. A marvellous fit with Sichuan crispy soy bean fish.
2011 Rosé Qualitätswein Trocken 2011 Weissburgunder Trocken
2008 Dornfelder Trocken Barrique
This black grape is one of the few new native varieties that can produce a rich and full body in a cool climate. A very deep red glows in the glass after 18 months of oak aging. Gentle swirling releases blueberry and blackberry notes mixed with the aroma of cloves and other spicy tangs. Blessed with a supple yet soft body, the sweet fragrance of vanilla and blackberry flavours go very well together, and the soft tannins are crowned with a long finish. This wine has completely changed my idea of German reds. Best paired with the Sichuan classic dish of Fuqi Feipian, made from thinly sliced beef offal and seasoned with Sichuan spices.
S Style 29 ●
奧地利白酒與海鮮的完美配搭 Austrian whites make the perfect accompaniment to seafood
地利(當年的奧匈帝國)於第 奧一次世界大戰後,曾經是全球 葡萄酒產量第三的國家。其先進的 釀酒技術也影響了中國,中國葡萄 酒之父張弼士於 1891 年獲清朝政府 批准,在山東煙台創立張裕葡萄酒 莊,由奧匈帝國領事拔保男爵任釀 酒師,這位外交家兼釀酒專家的出 品於 1915 年美國三藩巿舉辦的「慶 祝巴拿馬運河開航太平洋萬國博覽 會」中,獲得多個獎項,大放異彩。 但我們對奧地利的產品有多少認 識? 2011 年我到訪奧地利十天,才 知道他們的人口只有八百多萬,每年 人均消耗葡萄酒量卻接近 30 公升, 產品更是鄰國飲家的心頭好。 來自奧地利的朋友最近來港,少 不了請他吃頓中國菜。朋友說從家鄉 攜來的美酒正好佐膳,可惜露了馬 腳,讓我在瓶身上找到香港代理的 小標籤。奧國以出產白酒為主,我們 便到西貢吃海鮮。當朋友看到餐廳➤ 30 S Style ●
Text by Thomas Chung Photos courtesy of Stift Göttweig
ustria was the world’s thirdbiggest wine producing country in the period after the First World War when it was still part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Their advanced winemaking knowledge had earlier reached China through the historic Changyu Pioneer Wine Co, which opened in Shandong’s Yantai in 1891. An Austro-Hungarian consul, Lord Paul Stubbs, served as the winer y’s vintner, and its products won multiple awards at the 1915 Panama–Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. H o w e v e r, h o w m u c h d o w e actually know about Austrian wines? Do we know, for instance, that an average Austrian consumes almost 30 litres of wine annually, and their wines are very popular in neighbouring countries? ➤
Stift Göttweig
前一列列的魚缸魚池時,這位歐陸國 民嘴巴張得老大,以為去了水族館! 我沒讓他在那些令人目眩的池畔桌旁 坐下,拐個彎到後街往老朋友的小店 去。那晚我們喝的三瓶都是 2011 年 Stift Göttweig 的白酒,來自多瑙河畔 的酒區 Kremstal 近千年歷史的修道院 酒莊。 第 一 瓶 先 喝 Grüner Veltliner, Göttweiger Berg, DAC。Grüner Veltliner 是該國產量最多的本土葡萄,佔了全國 近百分之四十,淡棕色的酒液揚起蘋果 清香,入口細緻有質感,帶點青蘋果的 酸香和果甜,其礦物味亦使收結十分綿 密,與海水焯九蝦在口腔內合作愉快。 接著是Grüner Veltliner, Göttschelle, Reserve DAC, 問 朋 友 此 酒 何 謂 Reserve,他說要考考我。我把杯子略 略傾斜,在白色的桌布上看,金黃中帶 些微稻草色,滿鼻子是既清新又成熟 的水果香。果的香、甜和酸味在味蕾上 跳躍,口感比剛才的一瓶來得複雜,餘 韻中的胡椒香和我們吃的椒鹽原隻九 孔鮑魚,絲絲入扣。朋友終於告訴我, Reserve的葡萄來自50至70年的老籐, 難怪如此精彩。 最 後 是 Riesling, Silberbichl, DAC Reserve。薏思琳在奧國的產量還不到 Grüner Veltliner 的十分之一,卻十分 出色。這瓶酒泛著淡金的顏色,散發 出桃李滿杯的香味,些須焦糖香後的 酸,引發唾液的分泌,蜂蜜和礦物味 在口腔內蕩漾,把潮州凍蟹鉗的肉味 盡情昇華。我倆沒空再談,一口蟹一 口酒,淋漓盡致。
Recently, I took a visiting Austrian friend for a seafood dinner in Sai Kung, and we sampled three 2011 whites by Stift Göttweig, a nearmillennium-old monastery vineyard in the country’s Kremstal wine region. We b e g a n w i t h a b ot t l e of Grüner Veltliner, Göttweiger Berg, DAC. Grüner Veltliner accounts for 40% of Austria’s grape production – the largest by a single variety. Light brown in colour, it has an apple fragrance, a delicate texture tinged with the tart notes and sweetness of green apple, and mineral flavours that give a compact finish. It matches well with blanched local prawns. Then we popped a Grüner Veltliner, Gottschelle, Reserve DAC. I like the hint of straw colour in the golden yellow, and the crisp yet mature fruit y fragrance. Sweet, zesty and aromatic all at once, it has a more complex body than the first wine, and a peppery finish that marries well with the spicy salt and pepper whole abalones on our plates. Eventually, I found out ‟Reserve” refers to the 50 to 70-yearold vines that source this exciting wine. Our last selection is a Riesling, Silberbichl, DAC Reserve. Although Austr ian Rie sling production is less than a tenth of the country’s Grüner Veltliner wines, they’re in
fact outstanding. This Riesling is suffused with a soft golden hue and the aromas of plum and pear. A faint yet mouth-wateringly sour undertone can be detected in the hidden smell of caramelised sugar. The climax came as the wine’s animated honey and mineral flavours brought out the essence of the delicious Chiu Chow-style cold crab claws that we hungrily devoured.
作者簡介 鍾鑑明是香港專業品酒師協會創 會主席,亦是一名酒業顧問,同 時亦為本港多份刊物撰寫專欄, 分享品酒知識。
Contributor Thomas Chung is the founding chairman of the Hong Kong Sommeliers Association and a wine business consultant. He’s also a columnist, writing about all things vinous, for several local publications.
Grüner Veltliner, Göttweiger Berg, DAC
Grüner Veltliner, Göttschelle, Reserve DAC
Riesling, Silberbichl, DAC Reserve
S Style 31 ●
編號 Item Code
產品 Item description
售價 Price
數量 Qty
Usiglian del Vescovo (U.D.V) USIG|2009 CINA
IL CINA, I.G.T. Toscana Rosso
IL GRULLAIO, I.G.T. Toscana Rosso
2011 Grüner Veltliner, Göttweiger Berg, Kremstal Dac
2011 Riesling, Silberbichl, Kremstal Dac Reserve
2011 Grüner Veltliner, Göttschelle Kremstal, Dac Reserve
2011 Rosé Qualitätswein Trocken
2011 Weissburgunder Trocken
2008 Dornfelder Trocken Barrique
Jean Buscher, Dornroschen Weiss (Sleeping Beauty white)
Skoff, 2010 Sauvignon Blanc "Obegg"
Reinhold Haart, 2011 Haart to Heart Riesling Feinherb
Volg Weinkellereien 2011 Dole Blanche Valais Aoc Fleur D'amour
Heger, 2010 Spatburgunder Trocken, Merdinger Buhl
Stift Göttweig
Schloss Proschwitz
Special promotion
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德 國 Domdechant Werner 酒 莊 的 釀 酒 師 Cathatina 德國葡萄酒公主 Miss Natalie Henninger 於 2013 年 5 Mauritz 女 士, 於 2013 年 5 月 9 日 在 Schmidt 月 13 日,到訪 Schmidt Vinothek 鰂魚涌店,與在場 Vinothek 鰂 魚 涌 店 帶 來 德 國 美 點 與 白 葡 萄 之 王 人士分享 Riesling 白酒及心得。 Riesling,與一眾品酒人士分享。 The Winemaker of Domdechant Werner Winery, The German Wine Princess, Miss Natalie Henninger, Cathatina Mauritz, shared German delicacies and visited the Schmidt Vinothek Quarry Bay store on premier Riesling at the Schmidt Vinothek Quarry 13 May 2013, and enjoyed Riesling with customers. Bay store on 9 May 2013.
More Events
Le Nez Du Vin 的代表於 2013 年 5 月 16 日,在 Schmidt Vinothek 鰂魚涌店舉行酒鼻子香味工作 坊,以四瓶精選葡萄酒配合香味訓練教材套裝, 示範鑑賞葡萄酒香氣之道。 The representative of Le Nez Du Vin held a presentation at the Schmidt Vinothek Quarry Bay store on 16 May 2013. Four bottles of selected wines were tasted along with the aroma kit.
7 月試酒會 品味瑞士酒 – 第二章 鰂魚涌店:2013 年 7 月 18 日 西貢店:2013 年 7 月 20 日
July wine tasting event Swiss wine Tasting Event – Episode II Quarry Bay store: 18 July 2013 Sai Kung store: 20 July 2013
Schmidt Vinothek 每月均會分別於鰂魚涌店及西貢店舉行試酒會,請留意 Facebook 專頁,了解各活動的最新消息。 Schmidt Vinothek is hosting wine tasting events every month at its Quarry Bay and Sai Kung stores. Stay tuned by visiting our Facebook page at www., and discover more exclusive events.
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34 S Style ●