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Schmidty Says

Richardson, United States

I promote, do interviews, and reviews of parties and underground events in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. If you want me to attend your event than please shoot me an e-mail at Free tickets will buy you serious points with me! :) SchmidtySays tells things from an eccentric, aggressive, and hardcore party girl forum. Schmidty is my alter ego that takes over in a crowd. She is the girl everyone wants to party with because whether your laughing at me or with me, a good time is had by all! I’m a sarcastic bitch who tells it like it is, I rarely hold back for fear of pissing someone off. If you don’t like me, I don’t care. I don’t have time for your drama or bullshit… go sell crazy somewhere else. I always thought I should write a book, to be honest I have 3 book ideas. So read my blog and give me a book deal dammit!!
