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Session Session 2: 2: Methods Methods Tools Tools Strategies Strategies

Measuring MeasuringCorruption: Corruption:Dynamics Dynamicsand andDilemmas Dilemmas Some SomeLessons Lessonsfrom fromLatin LatinAmerica America Gerardo GerardoBerthin, Berthin, Governance GovernancePolicy PolicyAdvisor, Advisor, UNDP UNDPRSC-LAC RSC-LAC Panama Panama 3-5 October, 2011 Oslo, Norway

Progress & Dilemmas •

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Progress A number of instruments & approaches available (more data). Progress in terms of DH and Economic growth. More actors, tools and legal frameworks (national, regional and international) to prevent and sanction corrupt practices. Some institutional gains (GCs, AGs)

Dilemmas • Still difficult to ascertain, particularly substantive gains. • Inequality remains high. • Very small progress in CPI and other indicators. • Weak judicial and enforcement institutions.

Potential New Drivers of A/C and Transparency and Accountability Looking at a number of other factors that may not be clearly reflected in any of the current measurements

•Gini Index •Inequality Adjusted Human Development Index •Mobility •Inter-personal trust and in democratic institutions •Centralization •Budget process •Government performance • Citizen participation •Media

Social Audit •Approach and process to build accountability and transparency in the use and management of public resources. •It relies on engagement from citizens and/or Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). •It rests on the premise that when government officials are watched and monitored, they feel greater pressure to respond to their constituents’ demands and have fewer incentives to abuse their power. •Critical questions and premise are whether citizens have the skills, capacity and tools to effectively monitor and evaluate their governments and decision-makers.

Why Social Audit? Mechanism of Accountability and External oversight

• Mechanism of Social Oversight • Objective: monitor, track, analyze and evaluate • Role: denounce, inform, measure, verify • Potential impact: - Enhances governance  Increases public policy effectiveness  Increases citizen participation Increase transparency and accountability Some lessons learned • Dialogue and collaboration • Enhance performance, accountability and legitimacy • Sustainability

Scope of Social Audit Activities •Assess the physical and financial gaps between needs and resources available for public policies. •Analyze various human development policy decisions, keeping in view stakeholder needs and priorities. •Identify areas for institutional and bureaucratic reforms of institutions. •Promote dialogue and deliberation to promote effective public-private partnerships. •Increase public participation at all stages of the public policy and budget cycle. •Increasing accountability and transparency. •Identify, control and report irregularities and prevent abuse of funds and power. •Measure the impact of policies/programs. •Enable citizens to exercise their rights.

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