Gov anti corruption tool survey sl10 0

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DRAFT 06/09/02; Sierra LeonePO.doc

Survey Of Public Officials – Sierra Leone Part 0. Pre-Interview Information This part should be filled out by the surveyor before the interview. Code number: _____________________________


Survey of: (1) (2)


1=Senior Budget Manager 1= 2=General official Organization Name: _____________________________


Organization code number: _____________________________


See next page for the list of government organization

Branch: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


1=Executive 2= Legislative 3=Judicial 4=Parastatal 5=other; specify _____________________________


Department Name: _____________________________


Location of organization: Province/Capital: _____________________________


Community (City/Village/District): _____________________________


Date of survey: Month: ________________


Day: ________________


Start Time: ________:________


Interviewer ID#: ________________


Survey of Public Officials Introduction for Respondents Good morning/afternoon. I am __________________ working with the Conflict Management and Development Associates (CMDA). We are conducting a survey under the Governance Reform Secretariat for the Sierra Leone Government. You have been selected and I would like to ask if you would work with us by answering a few questions. The purpose of this study is to identify the practices that have developed within the public institutions related to the distribution of public services. All information, which you offer, will be kept strictly confidential. It is extremely important for us to maintain the confidentiality of your answers. If you do not feel comfortable answering any of the questions, we would prefer that you not respond. Let me assure you again that your participation will not be revealed under any circumstances, nor will your name be printed or used in any documents. Each official interviewed will have a code assigned and the data gathered will be compared with other answers. The results from the data, which will be processed by CMDA, will be used by Government, the World Bank and Civil Society for design and integration of a national strategy to fight corruption and enhance good governance. We encourage you to be as candid as possible and to freely express your sincere opinions in answering the questions.

PART 1: PROFILE OF RESPONDENT 1.1 (a) Age 1. Under 20 years 4. 40 – 49 years

..................................................................................................................... 2. 20 – 29 years 3. 30 – 39 years 5. 50 – 59 6. 60 years and above

[Interviewer: just record the gender without asking it]. (b) Gender: (316) 1. Male 2. Female (c)Which district do you come from? ...................................................................................... (If foreigner state country)


(d)Which province do you come from? .................................................................................... (318) (If foreigner state country) 1.2 Education / Training (a) Which is the highest level of education you completed?(319) 1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. College/university 4. (b)In what year did you finish the education indicated above?

Post-graduate studies

19_____ (year) ................... (320)



1.3 (a) What is your current position? (321) 1. Head or deputy head of organization 2. Head/deputy head of department/office 3. Other senior management/professional/technical 4. Junior management 5. Supporting staffs/administration 6. Other; specify:____________________ ................................................................................... (b) What type of appointment do you currently have? 1. Patronage or political appointment 2. General appointment through exam 3. Elected 4. Appointment due to expertise 5. Contract services 6. Other; please specify ________________


1.4 How many persons do you supervise, if any?________ persons


1.5 How many years have you 1.Worked in the current organization?_______ years(326) 2. Worked in the government?_______ years (327) 3. Worked in the private sector (any non-government job)?_______ years(328) 1.6 (a) Typically how many hours do you work for your current main job a week?_____ hours a week(330) 1.7 What did you do before you began in your current position? Check only one 334) 1. Worked in some other government organization(s) 2. Worked in political party 3. Worked in educational or medical institution 4. Worked in state-owned enterprises 5. Worked in private business 6. Worked in mass media 7. Worked in NGO 8. Other; please specify ____________

PART 2: PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Overall 2.1 Please on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means never and 5 means always, evaluate to what extent the decisions of your institution related to administration /policies /regulations of personnel management: (17) Never = 1; Seldom = 2; Frequently = 3; Mostly = 4; Always = 5; DK/NS = 9 01. Are formally written/well communicated 02. Are simple, clear, easy to understand 03. Require an excessive number of administrative steps


04. Are well supervised (managers make sure that the rules are followed 05. Are strictly applied (non-compliance always leads to negative consequences for defaulters)

2.2. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means never and 5 means always, please evaluate to what extent during the last two years (2001-2002) personnel management decisions (hiring, assignments, changes, promotions, salary increases) were Never = 1: Seldom = 2 Frequently = 3; Mostly=4; always = 5; DK/NS=9

1. Made in a transparent manner (know who were assigned, promoted, transferred, or received wage increase and why), 2. Position vacancies announced within the institution as well as announced publicly outside the institution (when appropriate) 3. Useful for the improvement of institutional efficiency 4. Subjected to regular audits by the internal unit of control 5. Subject to a formal procedure of appeal 6. Based on specific criteria defined in writing (as opposed to tacit – not written and informal rules) 7. Based on professional experience/merit/performance 8. based on level of education 9. Based on seniority/age 10. Based on family ties or friendship 11. Influenced by business ties/associations 12. Based on political ties/political affiliation/political pressure 13. Based on influential connections within the institution 14. Influenced by illegal payments (purchase of positions or promotions)

2.3 Do you think working in the public sector is generally far worse, worse, the same, better or far better than working in the private sector? (34) 1. Far worse.

2. Worse

3. The same.

4. Better. 5. Far Better

9. DK/NS

2.4 (a) On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfactory is your salary? (35) 1. Completely unsatisfactory. 2. Unsatisfactory. 3. Fairly Satisfactory. 4. Satisfactory 5. Completely Satisfactory (b) On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfactory are your other benefits (pension, health etc.)? (36) 1. Completely unsatisfactory. 2. Unsatisfactory. 3. Fairly Satisfactory. 4. Satisfactory 5. Completely satisfactory


(c) On a scale from 1 to 5, how secure is your job or position? (37) 1. Quite insecure. 2. Insecure. 3. Fairly Secure. 4. Secure 5. Quite secure. 2.5 On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means never and 5 means always, how often does a public official such as yourself engage in other work activities (‘Mammy Coker’) in order to supplement his official earnings? 1. Never 2. Seldom 3. Frequently 4. Most times. 5. Always 9 DK/NS 2.6 (a) Do you know any of your colleagues who during the past twelve months has received compensation from working in a secondary job outside the public sector? 1 Yes 2. No [Skip to ……….] (331) (b) Do you know if those colleagues were you required to get official permission (for example, from a supervisor) to accept this secondary job? 1.Yes

2.No 8. NA

9. DK/NS (332)

(c) How many hours a week do these colleagues work on this secondary job? _____________ hours a week (333) 2.7 Recruitment: The following questions refer to your first position in the government. (a) How did you come to know about the vacancy? (39) 1. Advertisement of positions on media (newspaper, Radio, TV Gazette) 2. Posted on bulletin boards 3. Personal notification from someone in the organization 4. By chance 5. Other (please specify) __________________ (b) Were you provided with a written job description prior to accepting the position or soon after? (41) 1. Yes 2. No Compensation 2.8 (a)During the last twelve months, (i)Was salary ever paid later than due date? 1 Yes

2. No [Skip to ………..]


(ii) Approximately how many times did you receive your salary late? ____times. (43) (iii)When payment of salary was delayed in your organization, what was the average number of weeks of the delay? ______ week(s) 9. DK/NS (44) 2.9. What was your net monthly (take-home) salary, for the year 2001? (45) 1. Less than Le100,000 2. Le100,000 – 199,999 3. Le200,000 – 399,999 4. Le400,000 – 599,999 5. Le600,000 and above 6. Other (specify)_____________ Training 2.10 a) During the past two years did you participate in training activities? Yes


[if No, skip to ……….] 5

(b) Approximately how many total weeks were spent on training? _____ total weeks


Performance evaluation and promotion 2.11 (a) How often is your performance formally evaluated in writing? (53) 1. Never [Skip to ‌‌] 2. Once every three years 3. Once every two years 4. Once every year 5. More than once in a year 6. Other (specify) ________________ 8. NA (b) Was there a written description of the criteria on which your last performance evaluation was based? (55) 1.Yes 2. No 9DK/NS Disciplinary actions 2.12 (a) In the past year, has anyone in your organization been the subject of sanctions for i. poor performance? (58) 1. Yes 2. No 9.DK/NS ii.

unprofessional conduct? 1. Yes 2. No 9.DK/NS

(b) How often does your organization reward excellent professional achievement? (59) 1. Never 2.Seldom 3. Frequently 4. Mostly 5. Always 9. DK/NS 2.13. In your opinion, how effective have these sanctions been as a tool for monitoring public officials in your department/office? Please use a scale from 1 to 5 1. Quite ineffective 2. Ineffective 3. Fairly Effective 4. Effective 5. Very effective 9.DK/NS Micro-management 2.14 Evaluate the tendency of the public officials in your institution to change jobs and rotate from the public sector to the private. Please use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means never and 5 means always: Rotation of public officials of the institution 1. 2. 3. 4.

Never = 1; Seldom = 2; Frequently = 3 Most times = 4; always = 5; DK/NS = 9

Director Executive Professional/Technician Assistants


2.15 (a) In the past twelve months have elected officials, their appointees, or political party officials influenced any hiring decisions or promotions in your organization/department? (64) 1.Yes 2. No [Skip to 3.1] (b) [If yes] How often did it occur? (65) 1. Never 2.Seldom 3. Frequently 4. Mostly 5. Always 9. DK/NS 8. NA

PART 3. BUDGET MANAGEMENT 3.1 How much directly involved are you in issues of budget management, including budget preparation, implementation, and evaluation? Please use a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means not involved at all, and 5 means fully involved (67) 3.2 Please evaluate to what extent policies/guidelines and regulations of the administration of the budget: Never = 1; Seldom = 2; Frequently = 3 The budget administration decisions are

Most times = 4; always = 5; DK/NS = 9

1. Formally (written) 2. Simple, clear, easy to understand 3. Do not require an excessive number of administrative steps. 4. Well supervised (managers make sure that the rules are followed) 5. Strictly applied

3.4 During the last two years to what extent would you agree that decisions relating to the budget administration (amounts assigned to the budget, services, programs which they were carried out, groups that received budget allocations) have been:

The budget administration decisions were:

Never = 1; Seldom = 2; Frequently = 3 Most times = 4; always = 5; DK/NS = 9

1. Done transparently (we know who received what and why) 2. Announced/open to public knowledge through various legal means 3. Subjected to regular audits by the internal control unit 4. Subject to regular external audits performed by professionals qualified and experienced in conducting audits 5. Based on specific criteria defined in writing 6. Influenced by regional ties 7. Based on political pressure 8. Based on influential connections within the institutions 9. Influenced by illegal payments 10. Planned with consideration given to institutional fulfilment


3.5 In your organization is budget expenditure monitored? 1. Yes

2. No. 9. DK/NS (If No or DK, skip to…..)

(If yes) By whom?____________________________ How effectively is the budget expenditure monitored? 1. Quite ineffective 2. Ineffective 3. Fairly effective DK/NS

4. Effective 5. Quite Effective 9

3.6 To what extent if any is fraud and embezzlement responsible for the differential between actual spending and budgeted spending? (95) 1. Not at all 2. Negligible extent 3. Moderate extent 4. Reasonable extent 5. Great extent 9. DK/NS 8. NA 3.7 To what extent if any is incompetence responsible for the differential between actual spending and budgeted spending? (98) 1. Not at all 2. Negligible extent 3. Moderate extent 4. Reasonable extent 5. Great extent 9. DK/NS 8. NA PART 4. PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT 4.1

In your department/organization, to what extent are guidelines/policies/regulations of procurement management formalized in writing? Procurement here refers to, for example, procuring textbooks, public goods and services, medicines, agricultural inputs, and office supplies. (96) 1. Never 2. Up-to 25% of the time 3. Up to 50% of the time 4. Up to 75% of the times 5. All of the time 9. DK/NS

4.2 (a) According to official guidelines, what is the maximum value of a contract that can generally be procured by your department/organization? (i) Without approval from outside your organization? _______ Leones 9. DK/NS(97) (ii) Without competitive bidding? ________ Leones 9. Dk/NS (98) (b) How often are exceptions made to requirement for competitive bidding? (99) 1. 0% 2. Up to 25% 3. Up to 50% 4. Up to 75% 5. All the time 9. DK/NS 4.3 In many countries, it is common for enterprises to make additional gratification to win a procurement contract. (i) What proportion of public procurement contracts in your organization involves any gratification? (100) 1. ______% of procurement contracts 9. DK/NS [If zero or DK, skip to ……..]


(ii) When gratification is made for a procurement contract of your organization, typically what percentage of the value of the contract has to be paid in order to win the procurement contract? _______% of the value of contract.

4.4 Please on a scale from 1 to 5, how do you agree with the following expression? In your institution…

1 = Totally disagree Partially disagree = 2 Indifferent = 3 Partially agree = 4 Totally agree = 5 DK/NS = 9

1. There are too many levels in the decision making process 2. The decision making process is too centralized 3. there are very few levels in the decision making process 4. the decision making process is well centralised

PART 5. PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY 5.1 (a) Does your organization deal directly with the public? 1. Yes

2. No 9. DK/NS


(b) Using a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means never and 5 means always, to what extent are the services offered by your institution… Never = 1; Seldom = 2; Frequently = 3 Most times = 4; always = 5; DK/NS = 9

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

High quality? Performed according to informal (not written) rules? Offered at relatively low cost? Fully satisfactory to the user? Accessible by the poor?

(c) In relation to the implementation of the activities/delivery of services, to what extent at the institution where you work there exist… Never = 1; Seldom = 2; Frequently = 3 Most times = 4; always = 5; DK/NS = 9

1. clearly defined mechanisms that take into consideration the feedback and needs of the users? 2. clearly defined mechanisms that channel user’s complaints as well as their preferences? 3. receipts for the different transactions saved in hard copy for use during internal or external audits?


5.2. How often do complaints from the public lead to discipline of erring staff? (111) 1. None 2. Less than 25% of times 3. About 50% of the time 4. About 75% of the time 5. Always

PART 6. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION 6.1 As far as you know to what extent does good communication exists: (a) among department/organizations in the government? (113) 1. Never 2. Rarely 3.Occasionally 4.Often 5. Always 9.DK/NS (b) among departments (offices) within your organization (department) there exists good communication? (114) 1. Never 2. Rarely 3.Occasionally 4.Often 5. Always 9.DK/NS 6.2 On a scale from 1 to 5, how far are you in agreement with the following expressions? Totally disagree= 1; Partially disagree = 2 Indifferent = 3 Partially agree = 4; Totally agree = 5

1. People affected by broad public sector decisions are the last to know about them 2. when managers make decisions, they never take into consideration the opinions of their subordinates 3. The institution does not have an adequate system for recording managerial decisions 4. Executive decision do not take into consideration the financial requirements of the institution. 5. people affected by broad public sector decisions are the first to know about them 6. When managers make decisions, they always take into consideration the opinions of their subordinates 7. the institution does have an adequate system for recording managerial decisions 8. Executive decisions do take into consideration the financial requirements of the institution.

PART 7. WORKING ENVIRONMENT – POLICIES AND RESOURCES 7.1 On a scale from 1 to 5, how consistent are policies that your organization is asked to implement to each other? (120) 1. Very inconsistent 2. Inconsistent 3. Fairly consistent 4. Consistent 5.Very consistent 9.DK/NS


7.2 To what extent do the following resources fulfil your needs as well as the needs of your colleagues in carrying out your activities? Resources: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Never = 1: Seldom = 2: Frequently = 3 most times = 4: always = 5: DK/NS = 9

Amount of budgetary resources Properly qualified personnel Office equipment/computers Space/Offices/Physical plants

PART 8. THE ORGANIZATIONAL PURPOSE AND PERFOMANCE 8.1 Please indicate to what extent you an your colleagues would be in agreement with the following expressions: (Use the scale from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates that you strongly disagree, 3 means that you are indifferent and 5 means that you strongly agree)

In the Institution where I work:

All levels of public servants have a clear understanding of the Institution’s objectives and strategies 02. All levels of public servants consider the citizens and users of public services, without discrimination, as our clients 03. All levels of public servants identify with and are involved with the institutions’ objectives and strategies 04. For all levels of public servants, there are incentives to improve the quality of services rendered 05. I clearly understand my institutional roles and responsibilities and what duties comprise each role 06. The purchasing plan is considered an important planning exercise and takes into consideration the investment plans of the institution and its inventory requirements 07. The budget is an effective tool for planning and executing the plans and strategies of the institution 01.

Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree





































8.2 In your department/organization what proportion of staff members believe that battling against poverty is one of their functions as a public servant (124) 1. None 2. Very few 3. Many 4.Most 5. Everyone(all staff) 9.DK/NS 8.3 In your department/organization what proportion of staff members are qualified for their rank or position? (126) 1. None 2. Very few 3. Many 4.Most 5. Everyone(all staff) 9.DK/NS


8.4. Is there a formal written mission statement on the main purpose of your organization?(127) 1. Yes 2. No 9.DK/NS 8.5 (a) Are there written standards of performance for your organization? 1. Yes 2. No 9. DK/NS (b) (If yes) How far does your institution meet these standards? 1. Never 2.Up to 25% of the time 3. About 50% of the time 4. About 75% of the time

5. Always

8.6. (a) On a scale from 1 to 5, how important are the following measures in improving your agency’s performance?

Measure 1. More budgetary resources 2. More staff 3. Better trained competent staff 4. Higher salary 5. Greater managerial autonomy 6. Immunity from political influence 7. Tighter connection between performance and reward/discipline 8. More and better equipment 9. Better communication (this is not about technology or equipment.) 10. Better legal framework 11. Reduced operational mandate 12. Better capacity to detect and punish corruption 13. Other; specify ____________

(a) Rank the measure as follows: Very important= 1; Fairly important=2; Important=3 Not important= 4; Completely unimportant 9= DK/NS


9.1 It is a common practice that companies and people from the community pay “bribes” or make payments “under the table” to public servants. (a) In your opinion how widespread is this practice among public servants/in the public sector? Public Sector

Non-existent = 1: Negligible = 2: Fairly widespread = 3 Widespread = 4: Completely widespread = 5

1. Today 2. Three years ago (b) In your opinion how widespread is this practice among local businessmen? Local Businessmen Non-existent = 1: Negligible = 2: Fairly widespread = 3 Widespread = 4: Completely widespread = 5


1. Today 2. Three years ago (c) In your opinion how widespread is this practice among foreign investors? Foreign investors Non-existent = 1: Negligible = 2: Fairly widespread = 3 Widespread = 4: Completely widespread = 5 1. Today 2. Three years ago (d) In your opinion how widespread is this practice among international organisaitons? International organizations Non-existent = 1: Negligible = 2: Fairly widespread = 3 Widespread = 4: Completely widespread = 5 1. Today 2. Three years ago 9.2. From the corruption cases that you have knowledge of either directly or indirectly, evaluate how frequently these practices occur. Please use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means never and 5 means always

With an household The public official would insinuate that a bribe must be paid The user offers the bribe Normally, the groups know how the process works and how much money they need to pay

With a domestic firm The public official would insinuate that a bribe must be paid The user offers the bribe Normally, the groups know how the process works and how much money they need to pay

With a foreign firm The public official would insinuate that a bribe must be paid The user offers the bribe Normally, the groups know how the process works and how much money they need to pay

9.3 Imagine that a corrupt bureaucrat extracts gratification. Typically in your department/ organization, what proportion of the gratification does s/he share with the following types or groups of people. Please indicate the percentage of the gratification shared. (a) With superior? _____% 9. DK/NS (244) (b) With his colleagues? _____% 9. DK/NS (245) (c)With politician/political party? ______% 9. DK/NS (246)


9.4 (a) Please complete the following sentence in the way that best describes your feelings by ticking the most suitable alternative. The government regards low-level corruption as… (247) 1. “A corrupt practice which the government must eliminate” 2. “Unfortunate but unavoidable until it can pay better salaries” 3. “An informal way of charging for state services and paying officials” 9.5 How significant is the amount of income received from bribes when compared to total income for Completely insignificant = 1: Fairly insignificant = 2: Significant = 3: Fairly Significant = 4: Very Significant = 5

1. Your superiors (people with a higher rank than you) 2. co-workers (people at the same level as your, without including yourself) 3. subordinates of your colleagues (people at a lower level than you, not including your subordinates) 9.6 We know that in many countries, public officials pay to “buy” positions in the public sector. Based on your direct or indirect experience, how common is the practice of “purchasing jobs” in Sierra Leone…. Completely uncommon = 1: Uncommon = 2 Fairly Common = 3: Common = 4: Very Common = 5: DK/NS = 9

Among: 1. Your colleagues superiors (people at a higher level than you not including your superiors) 2. Co-workers (people at your same level not including yourself) 3. Your colleagues subordinates (people at a lower level than you, not including your subordinates)

9.7 Do you know what process to follow in reporting a case of corruption? 1.Yes

2.No (252)

9.8 During the past two years, have you observed any act of corruption by a public official? (253)

1. Yes

2. No

[If No, skip to……]

9.9 [If yes] Did you report the aforementioned corrupt act? (254) 1. Yes 2. No [If No, skip to …. ] 9.10 On a scale from 1 to 5, how effective would you say the process of reporting corruption cases is? (255)

1. Completely ineffective 2. Ineffective 3. Fairly effective 4. Effective 5. Completely effective 9. DK/NS 9.11 How simple/difficult would you say the process of reporting corruption cases is? (256)


1. Extremely difficult 2. difficult 3. Fairly simple 4. Simple 5. Extremely simple 9. DK/NS 9.12 As far as you know how protected is the reporter of corrupt practice from potential harassment? (257)

1. Totally Unprotected 2. Unprotected 3. Fairly protected 4. Protected 5. Totally protected 9. DK/NS [Skip 8.8(a)] 8. NA

9.13 On a scale from 1 to 5 how important are the following factors in explaining why people do not report corruption cases? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I don’t know where to report The case could not be proved The process is too complex and long Corruption is a custom Gratification can be justified under current economic situation Investigation would not be made about the report No enforcement even if the decision is made Concerned about potential harassment and reprisal Don’t want to betray my colleague

9.14 (a) In your department/organization to what extent would you say that there is a genuine and sincere concern to fight corruption currently? Please use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means no concern and 5 means extreme concern(261) 1 2 3 4 5 9. DK/NS (b) In the Government, to what extent would you say that there is a genuine and sincere concern to fight corruption currently? Please use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means no concern and 5 means extreme concern (262) 1 2 3 4 5 9. DK/NS 9.15 Please state how any of the following are important causes of corruption. Please use a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means not important at all and 5 means extremely important 1 2 3 4 5 9. DK/NS Causes of corruption Code 1. Cultural reason, i.e., bribes have been a custom for a long time 2. Lack of effective incentive mechanism for public officials, such as lack of meritocracy 3. Poor economic policies, such as privatisation. 4. Low salary of public officials 5. Lack of transparent and accountable political process 6. Lack of independent and effective Judiciary 7. Lack of independent and effective media 8. Lack of effective corruption reporting system

PART 10: STATE CAPTURE 10.1 How widely spread are the following practices in the institution in which you work? 15

(Use the scale from 1 to 5 where 1 indicates that it is non-existent practice , 3 means that it is present in half the cases and 5 means that this practice is widely spread)

Non-existence = 1; present in half cases = 3; Widely spread = 5

1.bribes to obtain public services 2. bribes to alter regulatory 3. Bribes to alter legal decisions 4.Bribes in the contracting process 10.2 In many of the countries in the world, there are known to be different actors and groups in the private sector that apply pressure on the government through the payment of bribes to further their own interests. Using a scale from 1 to 5, tell me to what extent the following forms of corruption have a significant impact on the business environment of this country: Forms of Corruption

No influence 1: Negligible influence = 2 Some influence = 3: Significant influence = 4: Very significant influence = 5 DK = 9

1. Bribes to employees of the Central Bank in order to ensure that their personal interests are favoured by bank decisions 2. Bribes to elected representatives to ensure that particular laws favour their interests 3.Bribes to public officials to ensure that presidential or ministerial decisions favour their interests 4. Bribes to regulatory commission officials or supervising agencies to ensure specific group interest 5. Bribes directed to the authorities to revert a ruling or decision and benefit particular interests 10.3 During the last two years (2000 – 2002) in the use of budget funds in your institution, how frequently were there irregularities such as misappropriation or any other type of abuse of budget resources? 1. Never 2 Seldom 3. Frequently 4. most times 5. Always 9 DK/NS 10.4 If government official acts against the rules or receives illegal payment how often can one usually go to another official or to his superior and get the correct treatment without fear of punishment? 1. Never 2 Seldom 3. Frequently 4. most times 5. Always 9 DK/NS

PART 11 : YOURVIEWS ON PUBLIC SERVICE REFORMS 11.1 Please indicate to what extent you would be in favour of the following types of reforms: Totally against = 1: Against = 2 Indifferent = 3 In favour = 4: Totally in favour = 5


1. establish a public service career structure based on defined job performance criteria 2. Decrease in the number of public officials if salary and benefits are increased 3. Decentralization of state administration 4. greater control given to the public and civil society over public sector activities 5. Privatization of public sector services 6. Establish effective mechanisms for allowing citizens free access to all information held by the state 7. a law that ensures that economic resources used by political parties will have their origin and final use clearly identified 8. A public servant statute regulating the application of penalties and rewards according to job completion 9. Strengthen the operational management 10. Simplifying administrative procedures 11. Establishing objectives and norms for fulfilment of services 12. Regular declaration of assets of public officials 11.2 (a) In your view, how much support of public officials does Government have in implementing public sector reforms? 1. no support at all 2. Negligible support 3. some support 4. Significant support 5. Full support (b) In your view, how much support of the general public does government have in implementing public sector reforms? 1. no support at all 2. Negligible support Full support

3. some support

4. Significant support 5.

PART 12: PERCEPTION OF THE NATIONAL SITUATION 12.1 How serious would you say each of the following problem is? (READ ONE PROBLEM AT A TIME AND ASK THE INTERVIEWEE TO RATE THE SERIOUSNESS OF EACH) Extremely Serious = 1: Serious = 2: Fairly PROBLEMS

serious = 3 Less serious = 4: Not a problem = 5; DK/NS = 9

1. 2. 3. 4.

cost of Living Consumption of Drugs Drug Trafficking Delinquency


5. violence 6. Corruption 7. Unemployment 8. Cost of education 9. Cost of health services 10. Lack of housing 11. Public Services (cost, quality, availability) 12. Poor quality of roads 13. Destruction of the environment 14. Lack of leaders 15. Any other problem? Please (specify) 12.2 . Integrity of Public Institutions (a) Please correct/check the numbering of the options of this question


How would you rate the integrity/honesty of the following public institutions [Rank] 1= “Very dishonest” 2= “Dishonest” 3= Fairly honest 4= “Honest” 5= “Very honest” 9= “DK/NS”

1. Cabinet 2. Parliament 3. Customs Department 4. Income Tax Department 5. Ministry of Finance (Treasury Department /Budget Office 6. Ministry of Trade and Industry 7. Ministry of Works and Public Maintenance 8. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security 9. Ministry of Gender Social Welfare & Children’s Affairs 10. Ministry of Transport & Communications 11 Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 12. Ministry of Health and Sanitation


13. Registrar General’s Office 15. Post office (SALPOST)


16. Police excluding traffic police 17. Traffic police 18. Road Transport Authority (License Office) 19. Anti-corruption Commission 18. Courts/ Office of Director of Public prosecutions 19. Municipal & District Councils 20. Sierra Leone Water Company (SALWACO)/Guma Valley 1. 21 SIERRATEL 2. 22 The armed forces/military 3. 23 SLBS 4. 24 NPA 5. 25 Pensions Department 6. 26 Births and Deaths 7. 27 Immigration Office 8. 28 Surveys and Lands Department 9. 29 NACSA (NCRRR) 10. 30 Law Officers Department


(397) (398) (399) (401) (402) (403) (404) (405) (406) (407) (410) (412) (413) (414) (415) (417) (418) (419) (420) (421) (424) (425) (426) (427) (430) (432) (436)


11. 31 Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA) 12. 32 Sierra Leone Ports Authority (SLPA) 13. 33 Bank of Sierra Leone 14. 34 University of Sierra Leone

(437) (438) (439) (440)

(b) Rate the contributions of the following institutions in combating corruption. Rate as follows: Not helped at all Have helped a little Have helped some Have helped a lot Have helped greatly Dk/NS


= 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 =5 = 9 (441)

1. Courts 2. Parliament 3. Anti-Corruption Commission 4. Police 5. Armed Forces/military 6. Media (Press and TV) 7. Non-Government Organizations 8. Academics and teachers 9. Churches/Religious bodies 10. Professional Associations (accountants, Lawyers ) 11. Director of Public Prosecutions 12. Auditor General 13. NCDHR 14. Civil Society Movement Sierra Leone

(442) (443) (444) (445) (446) (447) (448) (449) (450) (451) (452) (453) (454)

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS SURVEY. Part 0. Post-Interview Information This part should be filled out by the surveyor after the interview. Finish Time: ________:_________


Number of people present at the interview including interviewer: ________________________


Overall, how was the respondent’s reaction to the interview? 1. Very negative 2. Negative 3. Fairly positive 4. Positive 5. Very positive


Overall, how sincere did the respondent seem to be in his/her answers? 1. Very insincere 2. Insincere 3. Fairly sincere 4. Sincere

5. Very sincere



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