Forest Policies & Governance in Cross River State (CRS), Nigeria Presented at Oslo Governance Forum, Norway By Odigha odigha Chairman CRS Forestry Commission 3-5 October. 2011
Nigeria: our forest , our biodiversity • Nigeria has unique forests with endemic species found nowhere else on earth • One of the 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world
Cross River State The “Gulf of Guinea” forests which start east of CR are a global biodiversity hotspot 50% of Nigeria’s remaining forest over 1100 butterfly species in CR National Park 75% of Nigeria’s endangered tree species
Community forestry in CRS • 34,000 hectare of community forest conserved in Ekuri • ODA/DFID - the formation of Forest Management Committees
How we have responded Our political Will: CRS:- Bold Reforms & climate change policy •Stakeholders Summit for the Environment in June 2008 •Two year logging moratorium in place •Established and supported the anti-logging task force 2009- Engagement in REDD+ community engagement and enhancement of local livelihoods key REDD drivers.
PolicyPolcy reform to manage for carbon concession reform to manage for carbon concession
Forest nursery, Ranch Resort sub-charge, Obanliku
2008-katoomba: Follow-up • Made contact with UN-REDD, WB-FCPF and Governor’s Climate and Forest Task Force (GCF) 2009 Governor of CRS Formal admission into GCF
Challenges •
Low REDD/PES awareness at federal, state and site levels
Low institutional capacity at all levels
No federal or state level REDD carbon framework/legislation
Uncertainty around land tenure and carbon rights
Low budgets to environment at federal and state levels • Significant gaps in sustainable NTFP harvesting and marketing plans • Combating major drivers of deforestation
Our strengths
• high degree of political support and leadership
remain remainclean cleanand andgreen greenas asaa biodiversity biodiversityhotspot hotspot
• Significant high carbon habitat and rich biodiversity
increased increasedlevel levelof offorest forestconservation conservation and andprotection protection
• Valuable community forestry examples
address addressrural ruralpoverty povertyand and unemployment unemploymentby by promoting promoting micromicroenterprise enterprise
• Significant NTFP potential and tree crop farming
extend extendthe thestate state forest forestcovercover-55m m seedling seedlingannually annually
• Ecotourism potential
convert converttimber timberdealers dealersand andother other forest forestexploiters exploitersinto intoforest forestgrowers growers
• Large potential client base for purchase of future credits
promote promoterural ruralelectrification electrificationbased based on onrenewable renewableenergy energy
CROSS RIVERprogram: STATE’S VISION LAC forest FCPF • Within 10 years, Cross River State will have 1 million hectares of forest lands managed for climate change friendly activities • These will include carbon credits, non-timber forest products, sustainable tree crops and ecotourism • This could potentially generate new economic value into the state.
Thank you!!! • We would like to ask for partnership with you on this journey that we are committed to travelling. • You will have all the political support you require to help us achieve our vision for a carbon friendly future.