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Governance Survey Conducted by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS)

Presented to Workshop on Governance Assessments for Accountable Politics

2-5 November, 2009 Windhoek, Namibia Mustafa Khawaja

Outline        

Background Participatory Process..why At the level of creating consensus Main Themes Survey Methodology Primary Users Communication Tools Conclusions and Lessons learned

Background (1) 

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Governance survey in Palestine which steered by PCBS is considered as a result of the accumulative efforts been done in this field; The statistical programs (Gender, child, monitoring system, socio-economic indicators..)-since 1996. Working on the MDGs Montruex international conference in 2000 (to enhance the role of official statistics on Development and human rights). Followed by InWEnt –EC Munich conference Metagora project in 2004-2008 (on developing tools and methodologies for measuring HRDG

Background (2) 

Istanbul international conference on progress societies in 2007 Updating statistical work to meet the national and international needs and standards Capacity building (InWEnt training courses 3 members) Establishing Governance Statistics Unit in PCBS

Background (3) ď Ž

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The scope of the governance survey within this process was initially within the framework of upgrading the users statistical capacity in the analysis related to governance. The project includes also specific emphasis on the issue of creating a consensus about the main stream in addition to the set of indicators to be used for planning as well as a monitoring tool. Based on that PCBS worked at different levels to comply with the agreement and take the user contributions into account.

Participatory Process...Why? 

To address stakeholders needs and expectations To identify stakeholders’ policy assumptions To set-up bases for a close partnership

Partnership Technical committee PCBS


Steering Committee

/ NGO,s CSOs

, National Workshops: Gov. Bodies, NGO’s CSO’s, Private Sector in addition to PCBS

At the level of creating consensus 1. 

2. 

3. 

Workshops Three national workshops, 30-50 key stakeholders for each workshop. Steering Committee The main body of the project, 13 members (four meetings) Technical committee Eight experts in the fields of: statistical indicators, sampling, database design, and GIS.

Main Themes          

Rule of law Procurement in Public sector Election Performance of the parliament Performance of the government Performance of the CSO’s Access to information Political parties Women rights Education, Health, Labor and Housing

Survey Methodology ď Ž Questionnaire: developed in cooperation with the steering committee and Palestinian stakeholders needs. In addition to the main questions, it contains identification questions, quality control questions ď Ž Sample design: 212 numeration areas (statistical units) over the whole territories with 12 households from each ď Ž Sample size: 2544 households, with the same number of individuals (equal males and females opportunities).

Primary Users The main users of the governance survey are:  Government  The parliament  The presidential office  Security forces  NGO’s and other CSOs  Researchers and Academia  International agencies including UN  In addition to the public awareness

Communication Tools 

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Widely circulated press release (radio, TV, newspapers, emails, fax) mass media National workshop Printed materials (statistical report) which had been provided to all actors Website of PCBS Providing the results upon request Joint TV interviews (steering committee members including PCBS)

Conclusions and Lessons Learned 

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The ability to conduct such survey without any sensitivity The importance of the fieldwork training The importance of the pilot exercise The participatory process one of the main success stories (inputs-ownership) The need for a national based indicators Using regional/international experience circulation of the results

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