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Go with the flow
Most modern businesses have to deal with global competition and evolving business processes.
To meet the ever-increasing demand, making technology a part of your organisation’s operational workflows is crucial.
Workflow management aims to optimise the steps in any type of workflow. This ensures that the task is completed correctly, efficiently, and consistently. With the right workflow management in place, it can help streamline and automate repeatable business tasks. It can further minimise room for errors and increase overall efficiency.
With workflow management in place, it can dramatically improve how your business operates. In addition, managers can make smarter and quicker decisions and workers can easily collaborate in a more productive and agile way.
Technology and workflow management
Any innovative business knows that reliable technology, effective strategy, and a digitalised workflow system will ultimately help employees reduce cycle times, reduce errors, improve compliance and streamline repetitive tasks.
Benefits of workflow management
Consistency on tasks - With the creation and documentation of workflows, your teams can easily distinguish when tasks should get started and completed. This means completing tasks will not rely on one person but rather be taught and repeated by others. With workflow management, you can expect a more resilient organisation.
Improved visibility - Workflow management means managers can easily spot and change where bottlenecks, barriers, redundancies or efficiencies dwell within the workflow.
Savings - An optimised workflow means your business will ultimately save time and money.
Productive employees - An efficient workflow helps employees be more productive and satisfied. Gone are the repetitive and mundane parts of their jobs and each task produces better results.
Identify areas for improvementThrough workflow management, managers will be able to identify areas and skills that your staff or business may lack. This will help put the right individuals into the best roles where they can thrive.
Identified tech for better workflow management
Mobility solutions - With workflows becoming more mobile, rugged devices can play a major role in ensuring activities are monitored anytime and anywhere. Activities and deliverables can be put in a single centralised area through the help of rugged tablets, rugged handhelds or wearables.
Workflow automation software - Good and reliable software will help your team better manage workflow, documentation, frameworks and other tasks. ■
Conker www.weareconker.com
Conker was founded in 2008 and offers a wide range of rugged devices for mobile workforces built on both Android and Windows platforms. UK-based, Conker devices are shipped from and serviced in the UK. The company was recognised as one of the FT 1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies (2018) and is a Winner Deloitte Technology Fast 500 (2017).