5 minute read
The main ‘focus’ or learning point is introduced at the start, with relevant examples provided.
Activities draw on a large bank of question types, ensuring variety.
AGES 5–11
RRP £4.95
Spelling 1 978 07217 1212 3 Spelling 2 978 07217 1213 0 Spelling 3 978 07217 1214 7 Spelling 4 978 07217 1215 4 Spelling 5 978 07217 1216 1 Spelling 6 978 07217 1217 8
Spelling Pupil Books
Carol Matchett
Schofield & Sims Spelling is a structured spelling programme for Years 1 to 6, fully matched to the National Curriculum� Ideal for whole-school use, the series gives pupils intensive practice in using their phonic knowledge to spell words, preparing them for the national tests and encouraging them towards effective spelling for life� The series comprises six pupil books, a teacher’s guide and a teacher’s resource book, as well as a range of free downloads available from the Schofield & Sims website� Based on the model ‘teach, practise, apply and assess’, the series builds pupils’ knowledge of spellings by: • systematically introducing spelling rules, patterns, guidelines and conventions • exploring word structure and the relationship between words of shared origin • suggesting strategies for remembering common ‘tricky’ or ‘exception’ words • providing regular transcription practice through tailored dictation activities • encouraging pupils to monitor and correct their own spelling�
Illustrations kept to a minimum to keep pages clean and uncluttered.
Each Spelling pupil book is divided into six sections containing five main pages that introduce new spelling conventions, followed by a Tricky words or Topic words page that focuses on particular words� Books 2 to 6 also feature regular Revision sections that use crossword-style clues, cloze and proofreading activities to elicit spellings that pupils should have mastered�
The main pages in the pupil books have a simple and consistent structure comprising three parts: 1� Remember – a description of the spelling pattern, strategy, rule or guideline that is the ‘focus’ for the session and an example 2� Try it – practice in spelling words using the pattern, strategy, rule or guideline 3� Read–cover–write – practice in using the spelling focus in whole sentences� ‘I can’ statements at the foot of all but the Tricky words and Topic words pages encourage pupils to take pride in their achievements and apply their learning in their own writing� Correct answers at the back of each book enable pupils to mark their own work, laying solid foundations for independent study�
Words listed on the Topic words pages support cross-curricular learning.
Free downloads
Further Spelling resources are available as free downloads from the Schofield & Sims website� These include: • National Curriculum correlation charts, showing you exactly where each requirement for spelling is covered in the series • Supplementary spelling logs, reinforcing the statutory word lists in the curriculum • Tricky words extra (for Years 1 and 2), listing common words that are exceptions in some accents but not others • a blank My tricky words sheet, allowing pupils to make tricky words lists of their own • an Alternative spellings document, giving examples of words that have more than one correct spelling�
A simple methodology helps pupils to learn spellings that do not follow expected patterns.
Transcribing words in complete sentences builds vocabulary and consolidates learning.
See pages 38–41 for Grammar and Punctuation, a complete grammar and punctuation programme for use alongside Spelling.
Spelling Teacher’s Guide
Carol Matchett
The Spelling Teacher’s Guide gives you all the support that you need as you teach pupils to spell� The main part of the book comprises detailed Teaching notes – one set for every page of the six pupil books� Clearly laid out and in a format that is easy to refer to in the classroom, each set of Teaching notes: • suggests how best to introduce each learning point or ‘focus’ • clarifies the detail of the focus and exactly what should be covered • recommends ways of modelling, explaining and exploring the focus • includes a dictation sentence, specially tailored to the learning point� The book also describes the process of learning to spell and shows how the teaching model may be implemented� Guidance is given on issues such as differentiation and spelling in the context of writing, and a Scope and sequence section summarises the content of each pupil book� Other topics covered include the spelling of tricky words, ways in which you can support less able learners and the practicalities of assessment and record-keeping�
Concise teaching notes make lesson planning easy.
Free downloads available
Clear references are provided to the pupil books and additional photocopiable practice materials.
Weekly dictation sentences allow you to check pupils’ learning.
AGES 5–11
RRP £30.00
Spelling Teacher’s Guide 978 07217 1218 5
Spelling Teacher’s Resource Book
Carol Matchett
The Spelling Teacher’s Resource Book is an invaluable collection of photocopy masters that support teaching, learning and assessment� Full guidelines for use are given in the concise and practical notes that open each of the book’s two parts� Part 1 provides resources to support teaching and learning, including: • alternative methods for introducing learning points • activities that explore further the content of a specific pupil book page (for example,
Spelling log, Word sort and Word collector photocopy masters) • reminders and prompts, which encourage pupils to apply spelling strategies in their own writing (for example, Target reminder and Words to practise photocopy masters)� Part 2 provides assessment and record-keeping resources, including: • a bank of dictation tests that assess cumulative learning • materials for analysing independent writing�
Photocopiable Response sheets are provided for termly cloze dictation tests. Error analysis sheets help you identify problem areas.
AGES 5–11
RRP £30.00
Spelling Teacher’s Resource Book 978 07217 1219 2