Still the best books for building
fluency and confidence in maths
•Build automaticity through practice
•Perfect for class use and homework
•Over 25 million books sold
•Build automaticity through practice
•Perfect for class use and homework
•Over 25 million books sold
Mental Arithmetic is a unique resource providing varied and frequent practice of core mathematical processes and concepts.
A trusted favourite for homework and classroom use, each book contains over 1,500 carefully structured questions, combining numerical calculations, written problems, and one- and two-step challenges to strengthen core skills.
Six books covering KS2
“We have been using Mental Arithmetic for homework for a number of years. The books are a fantastic resource for maintaining the children’s mathematical knowledge and skills as they provide regular opportunities to revisit and practise concepts taught across the year.”
Sarah Hendry Headteacher Temple Grafton Primary School
Mental Arithmetic was developed by teachers who recognised that effective practice requires more than repetition. Using principles that follow variation theory and intelligent practice, they designed a unique ‘A, B, C’ format that encourages children to think mathematically and make connections between different question types. Each test is carefully graded to become more challenging as children progress through the book.
Part A
Questions where use of language is kept to a minimum.
Part B
Questions based on mathematical vocabulary and symbols.
Part C
Questions featuring one- and two-step word problems.
• Breadth: The wide range of topics covered means that pupils must apply their full knowledge and skills in answering each question, demonstrating what they know, as well as what they may have forgotten.
• Depth: The rich blend of question types in each book not only improves pupils’ vocabulary and mathematical reasoning skills, but also develops their conceptual understanding of number.
• Progress: Each test builds on the previous test, revising topics already covered, while at the same time challenging pupils to tackle more complex problems.
Mental Arithmetic offers a structured and effective approach to developing confidence and fluency. The series is organised by ability rather than age, so we recommend pupils undertake an assessment using the free Entry test to decide on the most suitable starting point before beginning regular practice.
Initial assessment – Assess what level pupils are working at using the Entry Tests or National Curriculum Charts that are available as a free digital download on the Schofield & Sims website.
Rigorous, daily maths practice –Schedule 10–20 minutes a day for pupils to work through part of a Mental Arithmetic book test. Many schools find that the easiest time to fit in Mental Arithmetic sessions is either at the beginning of the day, as an early morning starter, or as homework.
Visit to download free Entry Tests, Achievement Award certificates, Maths Facts copymasters and National Curriculum Charts.
Effective marking and feedback – Organise weekly group marking sessions to quickly and easily identify areas of difficulty and provide immediate feedback. Where further diagnostic assessment is required, use the Diagnostic Checks provided in the Teacher’s Guides to assess the exact nature of a pupil’s difficulties.
A positive maths culture – Encourage children to take pride in the development of their maths skills and monitor their own progress using the Progress Tests and Achievement Charts in each pupil book. Reward those whose achievements are especially significant with editable certificates available from the Schofield & Sims website.
The Mental Arithmetic series embodies the principles of intelligent practice and variation theory, providing meaningful, targeted questions that encourage pupils to think critically and apply their knowledge across varied contexts.
Rather than repetitive drills, the series offers carefully structured questions that explore concepts from different angles, gradually increasing in complexity. By varying only one aspect of a problem at a time, Mental Arithmetic promotes deeper understanding, helping pupils make connections and develop fluency without relying on mechanical repetition.
The Mental Arithmetic pupil books feature thousands of questions across 36 tests per book– one for each week of term. Key topics and number vocabulary are revisited again and again, giving pupils the opportunity to use and apply their maths skills in a wide variety of contexts, while also highlighting areas of weakness.
Throughout the series, additional 10-minute Progress Tests and topic-based Check-up Tests highlight any gaps in understanding, while Language of Maths glossaries help to develop pupils’ knowledge of key mathematical vocabulary.
Tailored to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum for primary mathematics, the books are structured according to ability rather than age, allowing pupils to work at their own pace.
Free Entry Tests enable teachers, parents and tutors to select the appropriate book for each child. Books 1 to 3 are aimed primarily at pupils in lower Key Stage 2, while Books 4 to 6 are intended for use with pupils in upper Key Stage 2.
The Mental Arithmetic pupil books are supported by digital and hard-copy resources to help with assessment, marking and learning.
A range of free downloads are available from the Schofield & Sims website, including:
• Entry Tests to help you choose the best book for each individual
• an editable Achievement Award certificate for each pupil book to help you celebrate the children’s success
• Maths Facts copymasters, providing a useful reference tool for teaching
• National Curriculum Charts to illustrate how the books align to the National Curriculum programmes of study.
A hard-copy Teacher’s Guide provides a full introduction to the Mental Arithmetic series, including advice and diagnostic tools for choosing the most appropriate book for each child.
Further general resources are provided in the form of Language of Maths glossaries from each of the pupil books and photocopiable classroom resources, such as number lines, numeral cards, fractions charts, examples of 2-D and 3-D shapes, imperial units of measurement, and counting and multiplication squares.
Corresponding Answer Books are available for each Pupil Book that contain answers to each question, as well as guidance on how to use the series and mark results.
Trusted by thousands of schools, Mental Arithmetic remains a favourite with teachers for building confidence and fluency in maths. The series helps every child succeed in maths by providing carefully differentiated questions in the volume necessary to build automaticity and confidence, delivering proven results for half a century.
To celebrate 50 years of fluency, we’re offering a special discounted price of just £2.50 per book until 2026.
To claim this offer, use discount code MA50 at checkout on the Schofield & Sims website. Alternatively, contact us by phone: 01484 601718 or email:
*Usual class set price (10 or more copies of the same title) is available for £3.50 per book.
A separate series for Key Stage 1 is also available in the form of First Mental Arithmetic. These pupil books use the same structured ‘A, B, C’ approach as the main Mental Arithmetic series but are presented in an accessible and engaging format to suit the age and attention span of younger children.