Western Heights School
PR1ME has been an evolving journey for us at Western Heights, Auckland. It all began in 2019 when members of our senior management team learned about PR1ME and were eager to explore a programme that had demonstrated international success. After visiting other PR1ME schools and seeing its impact first-hand, we made the decision to fully embrace the programme as a whole school, embarking on the journey together.
WHS made a significant investment, purchasing coursebooks, practice books, teacher guides, problemsolving big books, and answer books. Teachers from Years 3 to 6 conducted placement tests to determine whether students would work from the A or B book of each level. Initially, the division of books into A and B posed some challenges, so when this structure was revised, it was a welcomed change. Our teaching practices have undergone a considerable transformation, evolving alongside the programme. We’ve had numerous visitors to our school who have observed the shifts in pedagogy and practice within our staff.
For those new to PR1ME, it’s important to recognise that it’s not just about students completing practice books. The programme is deeply rooted in the ‘Science of Learning’, drawing on cognitive research to align with how students think, learn, and acquire knowledge. PR1ME supports this perfectly. Our approach to teaching and learning now meets the diverse mathematical needs of our students while deepening pedagogical understanding.
One of the most significant outcomes has been the shared understanding and now common language of PR1ME across our entire school community. Parents, teachers, and students alike have embraced the programme. Our students, in particular, love working through their practice books, and their motivation to learn maths has never been higher.
Western Heights School
Primary School
Yr 0-6
Approx. 720 students
Western Heights School

Makaraka School
Makaraka School is a semi-rural school on the southern outskirts of Gisborne. The roll of 126 Years 1 to 6 students includes 42% who identify as Māori.
At Makaraka School, we have successfully implemented the PR1ME Maths program over the past seven years, and we take great pride in the results it has brought to our mathematics teaching. Our learners are confident mathematicians, consistently demonstrating enthusiasm for their learning, along with strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Our data clearly shows that PR1ME Maths works for our students. The 2023 end-of-year achievement results speak for themselves: 93% of our students are performing at or above the current expected curriculum level in mathematics.
We believe that PR1ME Maths offers a high-quality, structured approach to teaching mathematics. Our teachers no longer need to guess or make decisions about what to teach next; the clear sequence in the Course and Practice Books ensures a systematic and logical progression of concepts. Each lesson builds carefully on prior knowledge, reinforcing what has already been taught, without introducing concepts out of context.
Ultimately, our students thrive under the structure and challenge of PR1ME Maths. We are proud of the results we ' ve achieved and are excited to continue this success in the years to come.
Makaraka School
Primary School
Yr 0-6
126 students

OUR PR1ME STORY Knighton Normal School
We trialled the PR1ME programme in 2016 in a Year 1-2, a Year 3-4 and a Year 5-6 class as we had noticed that the children in our Te Hihiri Partial Immersion classes were not making any gains; there was no accelerated learning. We wanted to look for something that was not based around the Numeracy Project as we found that after so many years of using it, the same outcomes were happening and we weren’t fixing anything. We put together a proposal for the board to trial PR1ME in the three classes of the unit that spans from Years 1 to 6, so we would get all levels covered. We compared the end-of-year data to the other cohorts, and it was impressive enough to convince the board to trial the programme throughout the school the following year.
From these results our school decided that PR1ME, as a sequential resource, is something our school is committed to using.
This means that the ‘strands’ are not isolated topics ~ these are covered as PR1ME progresses through your programme, e.g. if you are working through Book 2, after Fractions (chapter 12), you then move on to Time (chapter 13) etc. This is an important part of the PR1ME resource as each chapter builds on the next (e.g.: students learn about ¼, ½ etc. in chapter 12, before then moving on to quarter past and half past the hour in chapter 13).
Each chapter fulfils a different purpose, but together form the complete learning and teaching programme.
Teachers are encouraged to use other resources, strategies that complement and enhance their current PR1ME teaching focus, therefore developing a rich, robust maths programme for their class.
Knighton Normal School
Contributing School
Yr 0-6
Approx. 670 students
Knighton Normal School
Acknowledging that PR1ME originates from Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea it has been easily adopted by our tamariki.
What they have found to be aligning with their way of learning is the collaborative opportunities to discuss, debate and learn from each other while using the course books.
Being able to adapt the problems to reflect mātauranga Māori is something that our kaiako appreciate.
The books align with manaakitanga, the learning progression allow tamariki support and encourage each other to work hard to move up the levels/books. PR1ME encourages group work and discussions that reflect the Māori emphasis on collective learning and community support.
The flow of materials, course book then practice book allow matauranga Māori way of learning to be developed.
The word problems in PR1ME are easily adaptable to te ao Māori, allowing students to connect mathematical concepts with their cultural context. This integration helps tamariki see the relevance of pāngarau in their everyday lives and enhances their engagement and understanding.
Using te reo Māori terms for numbers, shapes, and mathematical operations within the problems enhances language skills alongside pāngarau.
PR1ME allows easy opportunities to create problems that involve family and community activities, such as preparing for a hangi, sharing kai, or organising a community event.
Acknowledgements - Te Hirihi, Knighton Normal School
Knighton Normal School
Contributing School
Yr 0-6
Approx. 670 students

Knighton Normal School

OUR PR1ME STORY Te Ranga School
At Te Ranga School, our PR1ME Maths journey started after searching for various ways we could boost maths achievement within our school. Feedback from our students indicated a strong preference for structured programmes, small group lessons with teachers, and the use of manipulatives and visuals.
In our search for a suitable solution, PR1ME Maths stood out as it encompassed all these elements. We initially trialled it in a few classes and observed remarkable success. Encouraged by these results, we implemented PR1ME Maths school-wide.
Since then, we have seen continuous and significant improvement in our students’ maths achievement. Our progress has been nothing short of extraordinary, with exponential growth across the board.
Most notably, recent student voice surveys reveal that the overwhelming majority of our students now consider maths their favourite subject surpassing even lunchtime!
PR1ME Maths has truly transformed the way our students engage with and enjoy maths, making it an invaluable part of our curriculum at Te Ranga School.
Te Ranga School
Near Te Puke
Full Primary School
Yr 0-8
Approx. 150 students
Te Ranga School

Franz Josef Glacier School
We began our PR1ME journey at Franz Josef Glacier School in 2017, after numerous discussions with staff about how to better structure our maths programme to be more engaging for our students. We were in a maths rut at the time, working within the Numeracy Project, but finding that it wasn’t meeting the needs of all of our students.
One of the other schools in our cluster was using PR1ME and let us borrow some of the books to have a look at and we also spent a lot of time researching the PR1ME programme online, and read through the available readings. We were sold on the programme, especially how it follows a clear sequence and structure and is built upon as the students progress through the programme.
We started by simply having one group each to ease ourselves in and within a term, the entire school was working on a PR1ME book. We overhauled our entire maths programme to allow for 15-20 min sessions for each maths group. We added activities that students could complete independently, including a whole lot of STEAM activities and self-directed maths practice.
PR1ME Maths has been a huge success in our school and our data regularly shows that a majority of our students work at or above age. More importantly, our students are invested and fully engaged in the programme and clearly know where they are heading.
If we find students are not grasping a concept, we stop and provide them with more practice until they are confident to move on.
As teachers, we love how PR1ME makes planning maths so much easier and we would never want to go back to how we were planning and implementing mathematics before we made the informed choice to move to PR1ME.
Franz Josef Glacier School
Full Primary School
Yr 0-8
37 students
Franz Josef Glacier School

Freyberg Community School
Our PR1ME Maths journey officially began in 2024, following a successful trial at the end of 2023 in one of our classrooms. Since then, the programme has had a hugely positive impact on our school community.
One of the key benefits has been the growth in teachers’ knowledge and confidence in teaching maths. PR1ME’s structured approach has made planning lessons more streamlined, giving teachers clear direction and reducing the time spent preparing resources. The availability of visual aids, concrete materials, and student practice books has also been a standout feature, making the content more accessible and engaging for both teachers and students.
Students have responded enthusiastically to the programme. They particularly enjoy working with their own practice books, which give them a sense of ownership over their learning. The clear, easy-to-follow structure of PR1ME makes it simple for students to stay on track, while the blend of visuals and handson materials helps them grasp complex concepts more effectively.
Overall, PR1ME Maths has brought a renewed sense of excitement to our maths lessons. With increased engagement, better teacher preparation, and a highly organised programme, we are already seeing positive results in both student understanding and enthusiasm for maths.
Freyberg Community School
Te Atatū South
Primary School
Yr 0-6
Approx. 350 students
Freyberg Community School

OUR PR1ME STORY Mossburn School
At Mossburn School, we recognised the need for a new mathematics programme that would provide the structure we felt was lacking in our previous programme. During a very fortuitous visit from Mel, our Scholastic Rep, she introduced us to PR1ME. After some research, we decided to take the plunge and implement PR1ME.
After two terms of utilising PR1ME, I can confidently state that both the teachers and students have embraced PR1ME with enthusiasm. Key highlights of our experience include:
The programme offers a comprehensive, sequential curriculum, eliminating the need for the teachers to determine what and when to teach and assess.
Our students have demonstrated significant improvement, as evidenced by our end-of-term three PAT results. Notably, 4/28 students improved by FOUR stanines since the beginning of the year, and our average stanine score increased from 4.4 to 5.7 within just six months.
The students are highly engaged:
+ doing extra work voluntarily at lunch times and for homework
+ practising their new learning in the condensation on the bus windows in the mornings
+ giving each other equations to do in their own time
+ begging to have our maths sessions extended so they can do more equations
+ sharing their new learning at home every night (voluntarily)
The online component has also proven to be a significant motivator for our students
We are excited to see the continued growth and proficiency in mathematics that our students will achieve over the next six years with PR1ME.
Mossburn School
Primary School
Yr 0-6
Approx. 50 students
Mossburn School

OUR PR1ME STORY Edendale Primary School
In 2020, two teachers trialed Scholastic’s PR1ME Maths with their Year 2-3 and Year 3-4 classrooms. As a school, we had not been satisfied with our math results and the challenges our teachers (both experienced and new) faced in planning and teaching due to the lack of structure in the Numeracy Project.
In 2021, we committed to using PR1ME school-wide after our trial found that PR1ME guides teachers with a well-structured approach to teaching mathematics. The resources provide routines, processes, methods, and math language that build sequentially and cumulatively as students progress. Number knowledge and problem-solving strategies are continually applied to strand concepts right from the early stages.
PR1ME resources ensure consistent delivery in math lessons across the school. As a staff, we regularly discuss our delivery practices during meetings to ensure fidelity at all levels. Teachers use their professional judgment to spend more time on a concept if necessary or to move children forward more quickly if they are coping well. Our teachers are encouraged and expected to use materials and equipment to support learning and deliver a rich and robust math program.
Our release teachers and relievers can step into any classroom and continue the math lessons simply by checking where the groups are. Teacher aides can also easily work one-on-one or with small groups.
We use PR1ME five days a week. Our New Entrant class focuses on building a strong foundation of number knowledge. In our Year 1-2 classroom, math lessons follow the scope and sequence of Book One, though they do not always complete the practice book work if literacy is an issue.
And the students themselves? The majority will tell you that they love math and enjoy using the PR1ME books they (and their parents) can easily see the learning that has taken place and where they are headed next. As a school, we have not regretted our switch to PR1ME Maths.
Edendale Primary School
Primary School
Yr 0-6
130 to 140 students
Edendale Primary School

OUR PR1ME STORY Aoraki Mount Cook School
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At Aoraki Mount Cook School, PR1ME Maths has been an integral and well-loved part of the mathematics curriculum since before I arrived at the school in 2017. This comprehensive programme has proven to be a valuable asset, particularly for a small, multi-level school.
Key Benefits of PR1ME Maths
PR1ME Maths offers a well-structured curriculum that gradually progresses through mathematical concepts, providing students with a strong foundation. The programme emphasises deep learning and problem-solving skills, equipping students to apply their knowledge to real-world situations. To support teachers, PR1ME provides a variety of resources, including lesson plans and professional development materials. Additionally, the programme caters to the diverse needs of our students, allowing for individualised learning.
Student Feedback
Our students consistently give us positive feedback about PR1ME Maths. They find the programme engaging and interactive, and the clear explanations and visual aids have helped them grasp mathematical concepts effectively. The programme offers a balance of challenge and reward, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving. Many students report feeling more confident in their mathematical abilities after using PR1ME.
Going Forward
Reports from teachers and students at the high school level indicate that our students are performing well in mathematics. One high school mathematics teacher commended our approach, stating that our students are well-prepared for high school mathematics. This positive feedback suggests that PR1ME Maths is effectively preparing our students for future academic success.
Aoraki Mount Cook School
Full Primary School
Yr 0-8
6 to 18 students
Aoraki Mount Cook School

OUR PR1ME STORY Aoraki Mount Cook School
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Quotes from children and staff:
“I love the work. It gives me easy work I have done before to start with, and then gets harder as I learn new concepts.” Yr 7 boy
“There are lots of fun activities. I love it when we check each other's work because it is like we are the teachers.” Yr 2 girl
“It helps my brain to learn and it helps me with my next steps. I liked all the fun characters in the K books when I was little.” Yr 2 girl
“I like the step-by-step progressions for teachers and kids. The visuals are consistent through the levels too. In PR1ME Plus, I like the access to the teacher’s book and the course book. I use the course book on the Smartboard for teaching lessons and new concepts. I also like all the widgets that you can pull up anytime to help explain concepts and new learning.” Teacher
“I love how engaged the children are in their own learning with PR1ME Maths. They can clearly see what they are learning and are able to set goals for themselves around this. I also like that every year maths is named as a favourite subject for our kids. Our kids really love maths and are positive about their learning and progression even if they find concepts difficult. PR1ME is not a ‘work to the book’ programme but provides a solid base to launch from. Children are exposed to a variety of materials and we are able to pause and provide rich tasks and materials should students need extra support for concepts.” Teacher
PR1ME Maths has been a successful choice for Aoraki Mount Cook School, providing a structured, engaging, and supportive learning environment for students. The program ' s focus on understanding, problem-solving, and differentiation has contributed to the school's positive outcomes in mathematics education.
Aoraki Mount Cook School
Full Primary School
Yr 0-8
6 to 18 students
Aoraki Mount Cook School