The majority of schools get through one book in 18 months, especially when implementing the PR1ME programme. Additional supplementary chapters are being created to align with the NZ Curriculum, which will be available via MATH PRO.
It is not expected that students will get through two books within a year. However, to meet the needs of the NZ Curriculum, students are expected to be exposed to concepts within the two books. This can be achieved by using MATH PRO.
Conceptual understanding is assisted by moving through these stages. There are opportunities to use a range of concrete materials and digital manipulatives in MATH PRO to support learning. How does Prime cater for our high needs/neurodivergent students? (Part 1)
Based on research, it uses the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (C-P-A) approach.
MATH PRO allows teachers to differentiate practice tasks at a level to suit the needs of the learners. This enables students to gain confidence and build their knowledge.
MATH PRO has an audio button for students who have high needs with literacy to help them better access the learning. Most concepts have a video attached that students can watch at their own pace and this also assists Teacher Aides. Access to Teacher’s Guide allows all staff to better understand the knowledge behind the learning, so the students are getting the same message no matter who is teaching them.
Are the books meant to be used for whole class or small group instruction?
This is a conversation that needs to happen within the school.
PR1ME can be used in a variety of pedagogical approaches, whole class, grouping, cross-grouping.
It is all about meeting the needs of your students.
Are these NEW EDITION PR1ME resource books based on the current or the refreshed curriculum?
PR1ME New Edition was released in NZ 2023 prior to the release of the refreshed curriculum.
We have aligned PR1ME to the refreshed curriculum and this will be available when the new curriculum is released. Concepts not covered in the PR1ME books will be supplementary chapters in MATH PRO. Download PR1ME Developmental Continuum alignment with the NZ Curriculum
As a company, Scholastic is committed to supporting our schools, teachers and students, across Aotearoa with the many quality educational products we supply. We will continue to provide affordable, effective and authentic resources, however predicting what costs will be in 2027 has many variables.
As a school you will only need to replace Student Practice Books and Digital licences annually with the generous set-up cost covered by the Ministry of Education. An indication of our current prices can be found on the PR1ME website under the Ordering PR1ME link.
We are in the process of developing a new series of webinars to prepare schools for a successful start with PR1ME. We want to make this accessible for all; management, teachers, teacher aides, CRT teachers and relievers. Currently, free online webinars are being held regularly to upskill teachers. We also have a PR1ME Professional Learning Now platform on our MATH PRO digital hub to enable teachers to upskill at their own pace and in their own time. We will soon have product consultants who are trained to be available for schools around the country in 2025. In the meantime, we have Scholastic Territory Managers who can help schools start their journey with PR1ME.
Do you have anything to support planning with PR1ME in a NZ classroom?
You will find documents and planning templates on our website that have been specifically created and aligned to the refreshed curriculum, for the purpose of ease of planning.
Will there be an App for the Digital MATH PRO Hub?
We have been advised that an app is in development.
These are decisions each kura/school should discuss with their staff - how often, what is essential and what needs to be recorded.
There are plenty of opportunities for assessment throughout PR1ME.
Diagnostic assessment is undertaken by using a Placement Test.
Formative assessment is ongoing and easily monitored within lessons as well as with the assigned MATH PRO activities.
Summative assessment is carried out with review chapters that are printed in the PR1ME Practice Books 1–6 — there are four of these.
End of Chapter assessments are available in MATH PRO, as well as mid-year and end of year assessments.
Work will be undertaken to show the correlation between PR1ME and both of the recommended standardised assessments — e-asTTle and PAT. These will be ready in 2025. We previously had these aligned in the first edition of PR1ME.
Are MOE allocating levels or do we get the resources we need as per placement tests?
We understand that in the MOE ordering process, PR1ME books will be allocated to Year levels. We are offering an exchange programme for resources, i.e. the ability to swap resources (like for like) to ensure you get the best fit for your students.