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Why is Steve Irwin Important?

Steve Irwin is important not only for the many contributions he’s made to wildlife conservation but, also on the world as a whole. Steve’s attitude and love for wildlife inspired all that watched him work. The energy and authenticity that he brought to life infectious and made numerous people fall in love with him and, the mission he was trying to accomplish. Steve created different foundations and charities to help aid in wildlife conservation and to help teach others. One way he did this was through his TV show “The Crocodile Hunter.” It was a huge inspiration that made many love and appreciate the numerous creatures on this planet even if they weren’t considered “cute and cuddly” are still beautiful and need to be respected and preserved. Steve thought many to love and respect the many amazing, diverse animals that call the earth home just like us humans do. Steve inspired many through his show to learn and try to understand these animals that we think to be dangerous and scary. He showed us the beauty that the earth holds through these amazing creatures. Steve dedicated his life to wildlife conservation and, had made a great impact in others wanting to help him save the planet so, that we all can enjoy it for a multitude of years to come.


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