ERSU Report 2020

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The Educational Research & Scholarship Unit was officially launched October 13, 2016. Currently, the Unit Committee consists of Dr. Sharon Compton as the Director, Dr. Arnaldo Perez as the lead Educational Researcher, Dr. Hollis Lai as a part-time Quantitative Researcher, Dr. Gisele Gaudet-Amigo as the Curriculum Coordinator, and Jacqueline Green as the research assistant. Highlights Since the launch of the Unit, the ERSU has: ● Oversight for the School of Dentistry Educational Research Fund (SDERF) and have supported the administrative processes aligned to this activity. We currently have supported 16 projects through the SDERF process with 17 of the School of Dentistry’s faculty members and 3 of the School of Dentistry’s graduate and undergraduate students engaged in these activities. ● ERSU Terms of Reference were developed and approved by the Executive Committee (December 6th, 2016) and ratified by Department Council (December 9, 2016). These Terms of Reference have been updated September 2019 and are awaiting approval. ● Website designed and developed for the Unit that includes links to the SDERF, monthly seminars, and resources for faculty. ● Launched a monthly seminar session starting in January of 2017 that focuses on topics related to the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and educational research. ● Worked with multiple faculty and associated research projects to support and actively engage in the research being undertaken. ● Communicated to the School of Dentistry current and upcoming possibilities for presenting, publishing or being recognized for academic innovation and research.

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Our Vision Be a leader in oral health education through conducting high-quality research that positively contributes to knowledge dissemination, policy, and practice.

17 SDERF Funded Projects 8 Manuscripts Published

23 Internal Presentations

Supporting Research Endeavours with CRC

29 Research Projects 18 External Presentations

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SDERF Awards Given Award Round July-2020





Applicants Nazlee Sharmin, Ava Chow, Nathanial Maeda

Arnaldo Perez, Seema Ganatra, Tania Doblanko, Silvia Gianoni-Capenakas, Maryam Kebbe Seema Ganatra, Arnaldo Perez, Maryam Amin, Tania Doblanko, Maryam Kebbe, Nick Holt Silvia Ortiz, Hollis Lai, Monica Gibson, Minn Yoon Maryam SharifzadehAmin, Tasha Hou, Hollis Lai, Steven Patterson, Gisele Gaudet-Amigo, Hollis Lai Samantha Hausler, Sharon Compton, Ava Chow, Sally Lockwood

Ida Kornerup, Monica Gibson, Liran Levin


Wendy Male, Kari Rasmussen


Monica Gibson, Liran Levin, Kari Rasmussen

Project Title Augmented Reality application to develop learning tools for students: Transforming cellphones into flashcards Active Learning in Classroom Dental Education: A Scoping Review

Amount Awarded $2083.08


Dental Student Experiences with Think-Pair-Share that includes storytelling and wildcards to improve clinical learning Children’s Perspectives of Dental Care


Examining the Cultural Competency of Current and Incoming Dental Students at the University of Alberta


Assessing learning outcomes and student learning experience following use of videos to promote self-directed learning in a periodontal instrumentation skills laboratory


Students’ approach to the formulation of a periodontal diagnosis and treatment plan of pediatric patients: examining the effect of didactic and clinical experiences from a mixed methods perspective Examining the impact of gamified learning activities in Oral Health Sciences II: Retention of key concepts and students’ conceptions Students’ approach to the formulation of a diagnosis and treatment plan during their periodontal training: Examining the effect of didactic and clinical experiences from a mixed methods perspective





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Camila Pacheco Pereira; Anthea Senior; Kari Rasmussen; Ellen Watson; Anita Parker

The utilization of a blended learning environment to increase alignment between learning and practice: Student’s perceptions of confidence in interpreting dental x-rays – a qualitative approach


Sally Lockwood, Sharon Compton

Using Video Clips to Support Learning in Pre-clinical Dental Hygiene Education E4D Compare Educational Software usage in Preclinical Dental School Integrating an image classification teaching tool to enhance student learning Evaluation of the Online Educational Experience in a Dental Hygiene Program


Surgical Training Videos Using an e-book model to assess the efficacy and Effectiveness of virtual training for pre-clinical dental students Development of an Online Diagnostic Score Report for the Dental Hygiene OSCE Use of an iBook Course Text to Teach Removable Prosthodontics to Undergraduate Dental Students


Ysidora Torrealba; Sheila Passos; Alan Kilistoff Hollis Lai; Minn Yoon

Ava Chow, Sharon Compton; Samantha Dalpe Reena Talwar-Provoledo; Mark Karstad; Patrick Von-Hauff


Alix Clarke; Minn Yoon; Hollis Lai Tyler Verhaeghe; Steven Patterson; Aidan Rowe






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Project List of Past and Current Projects The following list presents an overview of projects that have engaged with the ERSU.

Students’ approach to the formulation of a diagnosis and treatment plan during their periodontal training: Examining the effect of didactic and clinical experiences from a mixed methods perspective. Primary Investigator(s): Monica Gibson, Liran Levin, Salar Mofidi (graduate student) ERSU Contact: Arnaldo Perez, Jacqueline Green Funding: SDERF - $2,960 Status of the project: ongoing

Understanding the student experience when completing a medical history OSCE using a virtual platform Primary Investigator(s): Sally Lockwood, Sharon Compton, Meghan Rannells ERSU Contact: Jacqueline Green Funding: None Status of the project: ongoing

Transforming a Dental Hygiene course from face-to-face to online: Assessing the impact on students Primary Investigator(s): Nazlee Sharmin, Ava Chow ERSU Contact: Jacqueline Green Funding: None Status of the project: ongoing

Active Case-Based learning in Oral Pathology: The Confluence of Multiple Teaching and Learning Techniques Primary Investigator(s): Seema Ganatra, Tania Doblanko, Jacqueline Green, Kari Rasmussen, Patrick Von Hauff, Maryam Kebbe, Maryam Sharifzadeh-Amin, Arnaldo Perez ERSU Contact: Arnaldo Perez, Jacqueline Green Funding: SDERF - $2887.20 Status of the project: Stage 1 Complete. Stage two underway that includes qualitative interviews with students

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Publication: Perceived Effectiveness and Applicability of a Modified Think-Pair-Share Strategy [Accepted by Teaching and Learning in Medicine] Presentations: • Perceived Effectiveness and Applicability of a Modified Version of Think-Pair-Share in Dental Education. ADEA 2020 (Poster) [Accepted] • Active Case-Based learning in Oral Pathology: The Confluence of Multiple Teaching and Learning Techniques, UofA Festival of Teaching and Learning (Poster) • Active Case-Based learning in Oral Pathology: The Confluence of Multiple Teaching and Learning Techniques. ADEA 2019 (Poster) • Using stories to engage third and fourth-year dental students in oral pathology cases: Beyond diagnosis and treatment. UofA festival of teaching and learning 2018 (Poster)

Pre-liminal Study of Dental Hygiene students moving to degree Primary Investigator(s): Kari Rasmussen, Samantha Dalpe, Sharon Compton ERSU Contact: Sharon Compton, Kari Rasmussen, Jacqueline Green Funding: 2018 HPE Summer Studentship - $3000.00 Status of project: Nearing completion Presentation: • Pre-liminal Study of Dental Hygiene students moving to degree (CDHA 2018) (Poster)

Evaluation of an e-Textbook Platform for Dental Hygiene Programs - usability and effectiveness for the Dental Hygiene program Primary Investigator(s): Sharon Compton, Kari Rasmussen, Rachelle Pratt ERSU Contact: Kari Rasmussen, Jacqueline Green Funding: None Status of the project: Complete Presentations: • E-Textbooks in Dental Hygiene Education: Utilization and Attitudes of Students and Faculty of a Single Source Electronic Textbook Platform (CDHA 2017) (Poster) Publication: Pratt, R. S., Green, J. L., Rasmussen, K., Lai, H., & Compton, S. M. (2019). Dental hygiene students and faculty attitudes and utilization of a single source electronic textbook platform. International journal of dental hygiene. 2019;17: 268-279.

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Demonstrating Learning Potential Using Objective Structured Clinical Examinations Primary Investigator(s): Minn Yoon, Sharon Compton, Barbara Gitzel, Alexandra Sheppard ERSU Contact: Jacqueline Green Funding: None Status of the project: Manuscript review A draft manuscript has been created and is awaiting edits for submission.

Active Learning Systematic Review Primary Investigator(s): Seema Ganatra, Tanushi Ambekar, Kari Rasmussen, Jacqueline Green, Maryam Kebbe, Tania Doblanko, Arnaldo Perez ERSU Contact: Arnaldo Perez, Jacqueline Green Funding: SDERF - $2898.04 Status of project: Data Collection and analysis phase Presentations: • Active learning in Dental Education: A Systematic Review (FoMD celebration of teaching and learning, 2017)

Student’s approach to the formulation of a periodontal diagnosis and treatment plan of pediatric patients: Examining the effect of didactic and clinical experiences from a mixed methods perspective. Primary Investigators: Ida Kornerup, Monica Gibson, Liran Levin, Disha Nagpal (graduate student) ERSU Contact: Jacqueline Green Funding: SDERF - $3000.00 Status of Project: Data collection

Assessing learning outcomes and student learning experience following use of videos to promote self-directed learning in a periodontal instrumentation skills laboratory Primary Investigators: Samantha Hausler, Sharon Compton, Ava Chow, Sally Lockwood ERSU Contact: Jacqueline Green Funding: SDERF - $3000.00 Status of Project: DNF (Graduate student withdrew form program due to ongoing medical problems)

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Children’s Perspectives of Dental Care Primary Investigators: Silvia Ortiz, Hollis Lai, Monica Gibson, Minn Yoon ERSU Contact: Jacqueline Green Funding: SDERF - $2,970 Status of Project: Data analysis phase

CRC Needs Assessment Research Primary Investigators: Arnaldo Perez, Sharon Compton, Steven Patterson, Hollis Lai, Bernard Linke, Gisele Gaudet-Amigo ERSU Contact: Arnaldo Perez, Jacqueline Green Funding: None Status of Project: Ongoing Projects include: • Manuscript (accepted to the EJDE) on student and faculty perspectives of assessment • Manuscript (upcoming) on student and faculty perspectives of teaching and learning Publication: Perez A, Green JL, Starchuk C, Senior A, Compton S, Gaudet-Amigo G, Lai H, Linke B, Patterson S. Dental faculty and student views of didactic and clinical assessment. A qualitative description study. European Journal of Dental Education [Accepted] March 2020.

Students’ Strategies to Address Challenges Related to their Dental Education Primary Investigators: Arnaldo Perez, Sharon Compton, Steven Patterson ERSU Contact: Arnaldo Perez, Jacqueline Green Funding: None Status of Project: Ongoing Presentations: • Students’ Strategies to Overcome Dental Education Challenges (IADR 2019) (Poster) • A Conceptual Framework of Dental Student Coping with Academic Challenges. ADEA 2020.

Identifying New Stressors Based on Student Experiences While Treating Uncooperative Children at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic in the University of Alberta Primary Investigators: Ida Kornerup, Sharon Compton, Hollis Lai ERSU Contact: Jacqueline Green Funding: None [Updated August 12, 2020] Page 8

Status of Project: project design phase

Scoping review on program evaluation [working title] Primary Investigators: Arnaldo Perez, Jacqueline Green, Mohammad Moharrami (graduate student) ERSU Contact: Jacqueline Green, Arnaldo Perez Funding: 2020 HPE Summer Studentship - $3000.00 Status of Project: project design phase

Teaching students otherwise: Exploring an arts-based approach to dental hygiene education. Primary Investigators: Minn Yoon, Sharon Compton, Pamela Brett-McLean, Brad Necyk ERSU Contact: Sharon Compton Funding: None Status of Project: project design phase

Thinking Ecologically about Clinical Dental Education: An Ecological View of Clinical Dental Education Primary Investigators: Anthea Senior, Arnaldo Perez, Sharon Compton, Steven Patterson ERSU Contact: Arnaldo Perez, Jacqueline Green Funding: None Status of Project: Ongoing Publication: Perez A, Senior A, Green JL, Compton SM, Patterson S. Thinking Ecologically about Clinical Education in Dentistry. European Journal of Dental Education [Accepted] January 2020. Presentations: • Clinical Dental Education: A New Approach (ADEE 2019) (Poster) • Clinical Dental Education: A New Approach (School of Dentistry Research Day 2019) (Poster) • The need for a new approach to clinical education. The eco-centered approach. ADEA 2020. [submitted]

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Examining the impact of gamified learning activities in course name: Retention of key concepts and students' conceptions. Primary Investigators: Wendy Male ERSU Contact: Jacqueline Green Funding: SDERF - $2,740.00 Status of Project: Nearing completion Presentations: • A preliminary analysis of students’ perceptions of using gamified learning activities to improve retention of oral health science concepts (ADEA 2019) (Poster)

Examining the Cultural Competency of Current and Incoming Dental Students at the University of Alberta Primary Investigators: Maryam Sharifzadeh-Amin, Tasha Hou, Hollis Lai, Steven Patterson, Gisele Gaudet-Amigo ERSU Contact: Jacqueline Green Funding: SDERF - $2,998.86 Status of Project: Phase 1 Complete, a qualitative phase may be completed in the future.

Beyond clinic boundaries: enhancing students’ learning with online instructional videos Primary Investigator(s): Sally Lockwood, Sharon Compton ERSU Contact: Kari Rasmussen, Jacqueline Green Funding: SDERF - $1,000 Status of Project: Complete Publication: Lockwood, S., Compton, S., Green, J., Rasmussen, K. (2018) Dental hygiene students' clinical skill acquisition: Activity theory and the use of videos. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 92(2):15-21. Presentations: • Beyond Clinic Boundaries: Enhancing Students’ Learning with Online Instructional Videos (ADEA 2017) (Poster) • The utilization of videos to demonstrate psychomotor skills in small class sizes. (Sally Lockwood, Dr. Sharon Compton, Dr. Kari Rasmussen) (CNIE Annual Conference, Banff May 2017)

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The utilization of a blended learning environment to increase alignment between learning and practice: Students’ perceptions of confidence in interpreting dental x-rays – a qualitative approach Primary Investigator(s): Camila Pacheco-Pereira, Anthea Senior ERSU Contact: Kari Rasmussen (Investigator), Jacqueline Green Funding: SDERF - $2,975 Status of Project: Complete Presentations: • The utilization of a blended learning laboratory environment to increase alignment between learning and practice: Students' perceptions of confidence in interpreting dental x-rays (AAOMR 2017) (Poster) • Pacheco-Pereira, C., Senior, A., Watson, E., Green, J., Compton, S. A Blended Learning Radiology Model: A Qualitative Evaluation. 2018 Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Conference (Poster). Publication: Pacheco‐Pereira C; Senior A; Green J, Watson E, Rasmussen K, Compton SM. (2019) Assessing students’ confidence in interpreting dental radiographs following a blended learning module. International Journal of Dental Hygiene. 2019;17: 280-287.

Use of an iBook Course Text to Teach Removable Prosthodontics to undergraduate Dental Students Primary Investigator(s): Tyler Verhaeghe, Steven Patterson ERSU Contact: Kari Rasmussen Funding: SDERF - $2,800, TLEF Funding - $57,921 Status of project: Complete

Instructor Conceptions of Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge in a dentistry program: A Phenomenographic Study Primary Investigators: Kari Rasmussen, Jacqueline Green ERSU contact: Jacqueline Green Funding: none Status of Project: Complete Publication: Green, J., Rasmussen, K. (2018) Becoming a Dentist: faculty perceptions of student experiences with threshold concepts in a Canadian dental program. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 9(4):e102-e110. [Updated August 12, 2020] Page 11

Effectiveness and perception of performing three techniques for posterior restoration in novice dental students Primary Investigator(s): Bernard Linke, Bernard Kula ERSU Contact: Hollis Lai, Jacqueline Green Funding: None Status of project: Complete

Other Projects in SoD but no request for support from ERSU Light curing of composite restoration

Dwight Harley

Alan Kilistoff


Ergonomics and Magnification in Dental Schools

Dwight Harley

Alan Kilistoff


Effects of Previous Psychomotor Skills on a Novel Wax Carving Training Exercise

Dwight Harley

Alan Kilistoff


Implant Engineering Paper

Hollis Lai

Ysidora Torrealba

Integrating an image classification teaching tool to enhance student learning

Hollis Lai

Minn Yoon

IPE Elevator Pitch and Student Perceptions

Gisele Marianne Howell, Gaudet-Amigo Minn Yoon



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Manuscripts Published or In-Press to Date: 1. Ganatra S, Doblanko T, Rasmussen K, Green JL, Kebbe M, Amin M, Perez A. Perceived Effectiveness and Applicability of Think-Pair-Share including Storytelling (TPS-S) to Enhance Clinical Learning. Teaching and Learning in Medicine (accepted July 31, 2020) 2. Perez A, Green JL, Starchuk C, Senior A, Compton S, Gaudet-Amigo G, Lai H, Linke B, Patterson S. Dental faculty and student views of didactic and clinical assessment. A qualitative description study. European Journal of Dental Education (accepted March 23, 2020) 3. Perez A, Senior A, Green JL, Compton SM, Patterson S. (2020) Thinking Ecologically about Clinical Education in Dentistry. European Journal of Dental Education (accepted January 17, 2020) 4. Perez A, Compton SM, Green JL, Amin M (2020) Recommendations for approaching the introduction section of manuscripts and grant applications, Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene. 2020:54(1):42-44. 5. Pacheco-Pereira C; Senior A; Green J; Watson E; Rasmussen K; Compton SM. (2019) Assessing students’ confidence in interpreting dental radiographs following a blended learning module. International Journal of Dental Hygiene. 2019;17: 280-287. 6. Pratt RS, Green JL, Rasmussen K, Lai H, & Compton SM (2019). Dental hygiene students and faculty attitudes and utilization of a single source electronic textbook platform. International Journal of Dental Hygiene. 2019;17: 268-279. 7. Green JL, Rasmussen K. (2018) Becoming a Dentist: faculty perceptions of student experiences with threshold concepts in a Canadian dental program. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 9(4):e102-e110. 8. Lockwood S, Compton SM, Green JL, Rasmussen K. (2018) Dental hygiene students' clinical skill acquisition: Activity theory and the use of videos. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 92(2):15-21.

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SoTL Seminar Series In the fall of 2016 members of the ERSU began to present at the Discover Dentistry Seminars starting in 2017 the Unit now hosts its own monthly seminar as well as brainstorming session to provide support and insight into Educational Research and to provide a home for the SDERF project teams to present their findings. Schedule of past and current seminars: Year



2016 Jan 6 Steven Patterson


Topic Getting started in teaching scholarship

Oct 26

Sharon Compton

Introduction to the ERSC

Jan 25

Tyler Verhaeghe, Steven Patterson, Aidan Rowe

Use of an iBook Course Text to Teach Removable Prosthodontics to Undergraduate Dental Students

Mar 2 Kari Rasmussen

Applying for the Educational Research and Scholarship Fund (ERSF)

Mar 23

Aleksandra Developing just-in-time-learning videos for undergraduate Popowich, analytical chemistry laboratories Michael Reid, Yanwen Lin, and Dr. Charles Lucy

April 27

Kari Rasmussen

How to get started in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) practices

May 25

Tyler Verhaeghe and Michael Cenkner

iBook as a Medley of Educational Theory and Practice: Cognitive Apprenticeship Meets Instructional Design

June 22

Kari Rasmussen, M Koole, J Costello

Introduction to phenomenography

Sept 21

Kari Rasmussen

Threshold Concepts: Investigating the transformation experiences of our students, faculty and clients

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Oct 19

Hollis Lai

Electronic Portfolios

Nov 15

Kari Rasmussen

Blended Learning: the integration of technology in your class and the multiple strategies at your fingertips

Dec 14

Dwight Harley

Diogenes and the search for minimal competence

Jan 18

Cheryl Poth

Guest Speaker: Exploring the possibilities and challenges of mixed methods research

Feb 15

Kim Kordov

Ethics 101

Apr 19

Camila Pereira

Blended Learning (SDERF)

Sept 27

Arnaldo Perez, Sharon Compton, Jacqueline Green

School of Dentistry Education Research Fund (SDERF)

Nov 22

Hollis Lai, Arnaldo Perez

Methodological rigor in quantitative and qualitative research. What it is and why it matters

Jan 17

Arnaldo Perez

Qualitative Research

Feb 14

Hollis Lai Arnaldo Perez

Methodological rigor in quantitative and qualitative research. What it is and why it matters

April 25

Hollis Lai Minn Yoon

Development of an image classification learning tool

June 8

Hollis Lai Gisele GaudetAmigo Colleen Starchuk

A strategic approach to Active Learning : A hands on lunchand-learn

Sept 26

Hollis Lai

Artificial Intelligence in Automatic Item Generation

Oct 24

Silvia GianoniCapenakas

Effectiveness and perceptions of flipped learning model in dental education: A systematic review

Nov 20

Arnaldo Perez Anthea Senior

Approaches to Clinical Dental Education

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Jan 21

Feb 27

Arnaldo Perez

How to analyze qualitative data: A few things you need to know

Steve Patterson David Kelnar

Reflection in the Dental Curriculum- the beginnings in Course 1 &2

Seema Ganatra Arnaldo Perez

Think-Pair-Share with Storytelling to Improve Clinical Learning in Dentistry and Medicine

Other Scholarly Work Within the Unit, other scholarly work is being undertaken including peer reviews of presentation submissions and manuscript submissions for national and international associations, placement on educational association boards, engaging in journal editorial activities, etc.

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