ASB Falcon Card
The ASB Falcon Card is great way to save time and money when you attend socials and activities at St. Mary’s. Benefits of the Falcon Card include… o One permission slip for the school year. o No need for cash or check for each Social. o Get 6 Socials for the price of 5. o 2016-17 school year cost of $100. o Earn House points. Please discuss and observe all rules and dress codes. 1. All students must stay within the gym and courtyard boundaries. 2. There will be no inappropriate dancing. 3. All students must wear appropriate “free dress” clothing as stated in the Family Handbook. 4. Students need to arrive from 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. 5. Students needing to leave early or arrive late should notify the Middle School Office prior to the event. 6. All students must be picked up by 9:00 p.m. 7. Guest permission slips must be submitted for approval in the Middle School Office by Wednesday before the social. 8. Admission includes food and refreshments. 9. Student must adhere to expectations and behavior described in the Family Handbook. 10. The yearly fee will not be prorated or refunded. __________________________________________________________________________________________ FALCON CARD PERMISSION FORM All students are expected to conduct themselves in a positive and appropriate manner in order to create a fun and safe environment for themselves, their classmates, and invited guests. I have read the St. Mary’s School rules and agree to abide by them. I give my permission for my student to attend this St. Mary’s event and agree to support the policies. __________________________________ Student’s Name
__________________________________ House
__________________________________ Student’s Signature
__________________________________ Parent’s Signature
__________________________________ Emergency Phone Number